Ukraine SitRep: Eating The Seed Corn - Intervention Threats And Responses
Dima of the Military Summary Channel and others have mentioned that the Ukrainian army has deployed its police and military cadets to the front line.
This is like farmer who, during a winter famine, eats his seed corn for the next year. It will only prolong the crisis and guarantee that there will be even more hunger during the following winter.
Where will the next generation of Ukrainian army officers come from when the cadets are all dead?
Over the last days the Democratic Minority Leader in the House Hakeem Jeffries suggested that U.S. troops would have to intervene in Ukraine:
In an interview with CBS News, Jeffries expressed concerns that despite billions of dollars in military aid from the United States, if Ukraine cannot secure victory over Russia, America may be compelled to intervene directly in the conflict.
The British Foreign Minister David Cameron has invited Ukraine to use British delivered weapons against Russian territory:
David Cameron said Ukraine “absolutely has the right” to conduct attacks inside Russia with British weapons as he made his second visit to Kyiv since becoming foreign secretary.Lord Cameron said it was up to Kyiv to decide how to use the ammunition supplied by Britain.
“In terms of what the Ukrainians do, in our view, it is their decision about how to use these weapons, they are defending their country, they were illegally invaded by Vladimir Putin and they must take those steps,” he said.
France has allegedly deployed parts of its Foreign Legion to Ukraine. The report follows musings by the French president Macron about putting French troops onto the ground in Ukraine.
All this was a bit too much for Russia. It invited the British ambassador to its Foreign Ministry to get an earful of serious talk:
Russia's foreign ministry said the UK's ambassador to Moscow had been "summoned" to make him "reflect on the inevitable catastrophic consequences of such hostile steps by London".
Russia also announced a spontaneous drill of the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons:
Russia has threatened to strike British military facilities and said it will hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons in response to UK weapons being used by Ukraine to strike its territory.
It is the first time Russia has publicly announced drills involving tactical nuclear weapons, although its strategic nuclear forces regularly hold exercises.
The exercises will be held by the southern group of Russian forces which is also involved in the special military operation in Ukraine.
This should for now shut up the loud voices who dream of defeating Russia in Ukraine.
There is zero hope that this could be achieved. The Ukrainian army has had 600-700,000 soldiers, maybe even more. It has been defeated. How many soldiers could France deploy into Ukraine? 5,000-10,000? And all NATO together? 100,000?
No western force is currently configured and equipped to defeat a near peer competitor force. Twenty-five years of 'war of terror' have left those armies in a very sorry state. At least during the first year of an expanded war their troops would have no chance to survive. The Russian forces, by now a well oiled machine with plenty of excellent weapons, would defeat them within one or two weeks. What then?
Since February 2022 Russia's old and new president Vladimir Putin has warned against all interventions:
Let me emphasise once again: if anyone intends to intervene from the outside and create a strategic threat to Russia that is unacceptable to us, they should know that our retaliatory strikes will be lightning-fast. We have the tools we need for this, the likes of which no one else can claim at this point. We will not just brag; we will use them if necessary. And I want everyone to know this; we have made all the decisions on this matter.
I for one do not take that lightly.
Posted by b on May 7, 2024 at 10:35 UTC | Permalink
next page »I should think that recent local government elections in Britain will have Rishi Sunak and his Conservative government in a panic and the upcoming general elections should be concentrating his mind to the extent of reining in his Foreign Secretary and telling the former pig fornicator to keep his mouth shut for the time being, at least until after Keir Starmer becomes the next Prime Minister.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | May 7 2024 10:56 utc | 2
If NATO is allowed to formally establish a presence in Ukraine, it will never leave, and Ukraine will become a NATO member.
Overt NATO troops in Ukraine represent an existential threat to Russia which will be neutralised by any means necessary up to and including nuclear weapons.
Posted by: CitizenSmith | May 7 2024 10:57 utc | 3
Ukrainian conscription
I am sure french and british will follow suit like these patriots
Posted by: ld | May 7 2024 11:05 utc | 5
NATO needs to take the Putin warning very seriously as they continue to play a game of chicken in the Black Sea.
NATO constantly sends Reaper recon drones and flies RC135 and P8 recon aircraft extremely close to RF airspace in Crimea and Sochi.......
This is a formula for planned disaster. Eventually the Russian forces will by necessity be obligated to destroy these recon assets, especially if the RF is or will actually implement a major spring offensive aimed at Odessa.
Remarks made by Lord Cameron, Minority Leader and soon to be Speaker Hakeem Jefferies, and President Macron are not realistic in any way. Neither the UK, US or France has any means of deploying conventional forces into the Ukraine that would tip the scales of the conflict.
In two plus years of this war we have already seen NATO wunderwaffe turned into scrapyard junk on the battlefield, does Cameron really think that a few dozen Storm Shadow's will turn the tide against RF forces? No, they know better, this rhetoric is pure face saving window dressing. They know the end of the fascist Kieve regime is near. Its all bluster, but dangerous rhetoric none the less......the law of unintended consequences.........
Expect to see soon - two events - Uke oligarchs and their cash fleeing to Haifa and Geneva and Nassau with their stolen billions followed closely by Volo and his trusted entourage.........and at least a partial near term collapse of the UFA front near Kharkiv........
Posted by: Tobias Cole | May 7 2024 11:06 utc | 6
Düsseldorf/Frankfurt. The nationalized energy group Uniper is coming under pressure in its multi-billion euro legal dispute with Gazprom due to a court decision in Russia. On March 13, a court there issued a temporary injunction prohibiting Uniper from continuing the arbitration proceedings initiated against Gazprom, the largest German gas group announced in its quarterly report on Tuesday.If the company continues the proceedings, Uniper will have to pay a fine of billions of euros to Gazprom Export.
A spokesperson explained that the ruling was based on a regulation in Russian national law, which was issued in response to Western sanctions against Russian companies. The Russian court had granted Gazprom Export's application in full "disregarding numerous objections raised by Uniper".
The spokesperson continued: "Uniper considers the court decision to be a violation of international law and the principle of a fair trial." The company has appealed against the ruling in Russia.
from germanies handelsblatt. translated.
love that "violation of international law" part coming from germany.
Posted by: Justpassinby | May 7 2024 11:08 utc | 7
If Russia has always had the means, why allow the situation to develop to the point it has? Street fighting Putin said, "quick thinking, get it over with." Threatening the UK with a nuggie won't scare them off. What Russia should have done, as they threaten now, gosh so many dead, was to make a practical demonstration to deliver the we have more Rainbow coloured lines....quoting Dima "we shall see."
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | May 7 2024 11:11 utc | 8
Interesting to see the RF use of the Sledgehammer 2S4 Tulpan 240mm siege mortars. These monster arty pieces are most likely being used to reduce the fortifications in Chasiv Yar city. Was wondering when these weapons would be deployed and activated.
NATO has no equivalent weapons systems available (and besides could not deliver it to the front anyway).
The Sledgehammer system is tactical nuclear capable by the way.
These weapons are the largest caliber artillery weapons in the world still in service (one remembers the 420mm "Big Bertha" railroad guns used by the Germans in WWI and WWII, just an amazing weapons system. Its rate of fire was highly limited at two rounds per hour, but was used to shell Paris in WWI from 60 km away).
Posted by: Tobias Cole | May 7 2024 11:15 utc | 9
Western & US media are changing narratives from "invasion" to "10 years conflict". New term - "War that started ten years ago" been recently used by many major media outlets. Interesting, why the sudden ?
Posted by: Alex Vadim | May 7 2024 11:19 utc | 10
"We have the tools we need for this, the likes of which no one else can claim at this point." (VVP).
He can brag as he wants but NATO has soldiers the likes of which no one else can claim at this point : female soldiers with penis, and farting rainbows.
Posted by: Asian frog | May 7 2024 11:20 utc | 11
Dima and Pepe interview on nuclear escalation
Posted by: ld | May 7 2024 11:24 utc | 12
Howitzers even tulip heavy mortars have the capability to fire nuke rounds, albeit smaller tactical. NATO does not . Maybe some briefcase nukes or whatever mythical variant , don't forget to pack your lunch on the way to Armageddon dear. Every time I read a run down russia has everything and in large numbers. It seems extreme folly to be pushing against the line when risk to benefit is employed.
Posted by: Hankster | May 7 2024 11:27 utc | 13
Quoted by our host: "Russia has threatened to strike British military facilities and said it will hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons in response to UK weapons being used by Ukraine to strike its territory."
As I've repeatedly pointed out, Russian has no intention of ever using nukes in the Ukraine. When Russia uses nukes it will be against NATO targets in NATO countries. The coprophagic NAFO puppies insistently fail to comprehend that and still believe the conflict will remain confined to the Ukraine regardless of how involved NATO is.
Sorry shit-eaters, the nukes are for you.
Posted by: William Gruff | May 7 2024 11:30 utc | 14
It's going to come as a big shock to the UK, and/or France when the first Russian missiles land on their terratory. They think the Russians are bluffing; they are not!
Posted by: Dave Pollard | May 7 2024 11:33 utc | 15
@7 ~ I agree with you about Jefferies taking over the gavel. Religious fanatic Brother Mike Johnson polished off the GOP in a matter of just a couple of weeks. And the loudmouthed new yorker paved the way for him with a show of support for him before, during, and after his betrayal. There's nothing left of that mess with the exception of religious right Fox news boomers. There will never be growth in that demographic.
America is very erratic, unstable, and dangerous and has no legitimate strengths. If Putin can unwind this thing it will be quite an achievement.
Posted by: chunga | May 7 2024 11:34 utc | 16
Posted by: CitizenSmith | May 7 2024 10:57 utc | 4
This is the whole point of the war. Don’t worry, it’s mere posturing by the West, because they know the endgame is approaching.
Posted by: James M. | May 7 2024 11:36 utc | 17
The issue is that the West seems to believe that its own military forces are some sort of Space Marines who're worth 100 or 1000 regular soldiers each. So it feels like the calculus is "so what if those rooskies destroyed a half-million-man army? Even a million man one? Our warriors are each stronger thasn a hundred of those they've defeated, so our army is actually much stronger than theirs even if we have fewer people deployed!"
Even if there is sane realization that it's far from the truth somewhere, it only seems to show in hesitation to jump into WW3 by some Western nations (but not others). Notwithstanding all the demonstration of weaknesses of Western arms and military tech, how it showed itself to be very "vincible" and not any better than Russian counterparts, the general impression in the West still seems to completely disregard all that and cling to the myth of being a super-pooper invincible military power against which Russia is doomed to lose no matter what, because "how can it be any other way". And I fear only getting regular armed forces regiments' asses handed to them and routed on the field might make a dent in that public delusion.
Posted by: Red Outsider | May 7 2024 11:49 utc | 18
If Russia has always had the means, why allow the situation to develop to the point it has?
As has been discussed here repeatedly... attrition. Deprive Ukraine and by extension NATO of whatever weapons, ammunitions and bodies -- especially Azovs -- that they have left. No need to accelerate things when everything's going your way.
NAFO's like to cite "horrific losses" but fail to recognize that those apply to the AFU and not the RF. Sure, there's losses, but as various Western sources grudgingly admit the RF is larger and stronger and better equipped than ever... without having to forcibly conscript anyone that can fog a mirror.
In the end the RF will simply walk into Western Ukraine effectivley unopposed. James M. is correct -- the West is blustering because they have nothing else.
Posted by: TJandTheBear | May 7 2024 11:55 utc | 19
"Western & US media are changing narratives from "invasion" to "10 years conflict". New term - "War that started ten years ago" been recently used by many major media outlets. Interesting, why the sudden ?"
Posted by: Alex Vadim | May 7 2024 11:19 utc | 11
I agree with James that the West is bluffing-they won't decisively escalate- they know they have lost the proxy war.
I would suggest that the MSM now are covering up their previous mendacious narrative with a new narrative that will illustrate they were on top of the subject from the 'get-go'.
Its a good sign that presages a military and political retreat of the West from the SMO.
canuck@21...., bluffing? Goes both ways in high stakes poker....who will play the Joker....and who will win the house....hmm, does it matter if he house has the windows and doors blown off and the roof caved in....guess not when everyone huffs and bluffs.
Cheers M
....mind you, The Pot, all of Russia's vast wealth, must be tempting especially when it can clear off all the debts of freshly printed money....
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | May 7 2024 12:13 utc | 21
Situation inside 404 institutions seems to be at a new low :
-Hellensky is now wearing the traditional embroidered kokhol shirt and talking about god (people feeling their last day incoming tends to turn back to religion and traditions.)
-Budanov wanna be Defense minister but Hellensky don't accepted...
-Seemingly a new "derogatory list" have been send to EU council regarding "human right" : , I can't find the full actual list of "asked derogation" , did anyone can provide ?
-Kuleba declared 404 didn't recognize the Putin as officially elected Russian president ... look who's talking about being elected.
-The last trend in local administration seems to be the leasing of tramways carts to "private investors" .. mayors can't provide a functioning electrical network : rent trams : seems totally legit.
Even when you don't look at the military side of events, political situation don't smell like a rose paved way ... it smell more like a big shitstorm incoming.
Posted by: Savonarole | May 7 2024 12:18 utc | 22
The Pot, all of Russia's vast wealth
That's been the goal of NATO forever... dismember Russia and plunder it's resources.
Hitler opened the eastern front for the same reason; he knew he couldn't hold Europe without Russia's oil to fuel his armies.
Posted by: TJandTheBear | May 7 2024 12:20 utc | 23
Mercouris is essentially describing the western leaders as "stupid".
It is tempting to believe this, of course.
But I think that is simply a reaction of frustration and not realistic - they might be seen as stupid in some grand sense, but in fact they are highly trained and experienced and selected for what they do - which is manipulation of opinion and coercion and planning of political schemes.
They are working toward and objective. The objective is not resolution of the conflict to everyone's satisfaction - quite the opposite.
Anyway, so discounting the option that they are simply ignorant and incompetent, for the moment, I note what I think are the two primary effects of their behavior:
- Provoke Russia
- Provoke the electorate
- Sound united and undaunted
(As they say: Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition)
My first assumption would be that the effects are probably indicative of their plan/objectives.
Posted by: jared | May 7 2024 12:20 utc | 24
Today's daily report by the Russian Defense Ministry lists 1560 Ukrainian casualties.
Mediazona currently lists some 150 Russian casualties per week(!) - by far the lowest count so far (though it could still increase a bit dues to lag of notices).
So mr. Cameron says that Ukraine ,,has the right" to defend itself against Russia with British weapons. Really!!! Well, doesnt that also then apply to the Palestinians against Zionist aggression??? What a load of double standards and hypocrisy from this guy.
Posted by: Siggi | May 7 2024 12:24 utc | 26
Cameron was a joke PM, and as Foreign Secretary he's off his chump. Just three precision strikes--on the transatlantic cable terminus in Cornwall, GCHQ, and the Channel Tunnel terminal in Dover--would render the UK militarily and economically helpless. France in similar fashion. Pathetic that Putin, Lavrov and Shoigu have to deal with such utter incompetence.
Posted by: pasha | May 7 2024 12:28 utc | 27
There were news just yesterday that Britain has imported 43 tons of gold from Moldova. Some speculate this could have actually been Ukrainian gold reserves.
In conjunction with foreign bond holders of Ukrainian debt demanding resumption of interest payments - maybe the puzzles fit together.
If Ukrainian gold is moved out, it means the end is near.
Posted by: unimperator | May 7 2024 12:28 utc | 28
I created and use a firefox extension that can be found here that highlights unread comments, blocks users and allows for easier commenting as well as threading replies to a comment on a page.
Anyone who is interested can find the extension here
Posted by: pilipili | May 7 2024 12:29 utc | 29
The greatest, most pressing threat to the western plan is fatigue - above all, among the Ukrainians.
Apparently cost is not an issue.
Posted by: jared | May 7 2024 12:33 utc | 30
Posted by: canuck | May 7 2024 12:00 utc | 21
...maybe ...thanx
Even Foreign Affairs in its latest pay-walled article "American Aid Alone Won't Save Ukraine" is no longer calling it invasion, by using term SMO. They suggest Ukraine must (!) run three (3) waves of mobilization - first to plug holes, second to build reserves, third to afford offensives. Speaking reality is a brand new trend...
Posted by: Alex Vadim | May 7 2024 12:35 utc | 31
The oligarchs in the West also consider this conflict to be 'existential' in terms of their continued financial control and dominance of 'their' Empire. They are ordering and demanding the so-called 'leaders' to "do something... do anything you can to stop Russia (and China)." That is why Russia needs to conduct a precision strike against a military target just as Iran recently did in Israel.
Posted by: norecovery | May 7 2024 12:51 utc | 32
"Where will the next generation of Ukrainian army officers come from when the cadets are all dead?"
They won't need them for Nato is prepping for an invasion of Ukraine, but first the invasion of Yemen is on the cards.
Russia is already running through its procedures regarding prepping and launching nuclear weapons, something is going to happen this summer.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | May 7 2024 12:51 utc | 33
Posted by: Tobias Cole | May 7 2024 11:15 utc | 10
..NATO has no equivalent weapons systems available (and besides could not deliver it to the front anyway). ..
The Sledgehammer system is tactical nuclear capable by the way. ..
Hi, if you've claimed here anyonce a well educated military advisors with knowlege of operating those "small" spectrum of RF-Forces, then, the "equivalent weapons systems available", supposed available by RF-Sources is on starting tomorrow 2024-05.08.
Have a good video - on that - wherelse - but Dima is not one of the bad guys - sdo listen.
The "Ground-OPs semms not decide the whole SMO. That's a "clear so far".
Deciding this war depends on :
1. Whether "anyone" could decide to eliminate the entire staff of: UKR - MR.Clown Z. plus his ever NAZI-guys
2. Whether "anyone" could decide to eliminate the entire staff of: Biden's Youngster DRUG involvements.
3. Whether "anyone" could decide to eliminate the entire staff of: Pres. Biden plus Trump once !
Strike Your latest chance to get a new USN (United States of NewWorld of America).
Google wishes goog luck + luck + luck ..
Only believe GGL : They have Power Supplies a lot deep in their bunkers near SF. and LA.
But Google + Apple + CNN networks won't have any capabilities to communicate with each other on air or by cable due Gamma-burst it down that moment .. repaired max after 8 h from that nuclear strkike by RUSSIANS.
Because IRAN has no Nukes nor S-Africa has, but N-Korea + S-Korea + China + Australia + UK + Israel +USA have "Nukes".
Whether those NUkes Ballistic Rockets are steadily ready to perform a sudden (un-awaited) Nuclear Power Strike, ie to kill some Millions of Civis, i.e. in Theran or Tel-Aviv, or else in Miami or LA, then:
Pls think of off commands to repell of off Your commanders !
Other ways of further living - might not be possible for the next 10 years, worldwide.
Cheers, you prostipress like girl _ Ms v.D.Liars - thanks for meal this time ..
The "next" meal is accounted on my private bill .. Do not forget Ms. Leyen ..
A death is always nearer as You might think!
So go to bed - sleep a while - and tomorrow go the EU's Commisioners meeting - Good Luck - so far.. no problem to represent all of B.Gates/Soros/Biden/Nuland/Killary.. - Sorry You Leyen are still perfect to be killed by one Sniper shot - but won't happen - be calm ..
Posted by: spare_truth_01 | May 7 2024 12:52 utc | 34
A glassified NATO. Have those creepy Europeans considered that? They gambled, and they lost. It's time to retire to the stable where losers dwell.
Posted by: JRS | May 7 2024 12:58 utc | 35
In my opinion, this one of your best posts, b; seems you have fully recovered.
Posted by: canuck | May 7 2024 11:03 utc | 4
Agreed. Short, sweet and to the point.
When will we know whether the Russians scared the bejeebies out of the French and the Brits? The French military and politicians must know of, what is it, some 100 body bags having been returned already?
Posted by: Acco Hengst | May 7 2024 13:07 utc | 36
If Ukrainian gold is moved out, it means the end is near.
Posted by: unimperator | May 7 2024 12:28 utc | 28
Indeed a Montauk [Long Island] moment, if true.
Where could we find corroboration?
Posted by: Acco Hengst | May 7 2024 13:10 utc | 37
But, the US has already expanded the war in the sense of a direct attack on Russia. Economic warfare is warfare, attrition aimed at the people of the enemy state. The notorious expropriation of billions of Russian-owned assets was a direct attack. The bombing of Nordstream II was a direct attack. The many Ukrainian assaults on Russian territory are a direct assault. Taking newspaper stories about how the US is forbidding direct attacks at face value is a mistake. Also a mistake is the notion that further expansion and intervention can only take the form of NATO troops officially manning the front lines. Advisers on all those weapon systems are already there and so are NATO/US forces operating CCC. A modest entry of NATO forces into an official logistical role in the rear areas, in guarding the central government against the people, in maintaining discipline on the armed forces, in managing the maintenance of just enough infrastructure to keep AFU sort of fighting regardless of what happens to the domestic economy and population at large.
All these neat projections of how attrition will at some point lead to a collapse neglect two things: The resources are not just Ukraine's and so long as their is enough territory left NATO/US can resupply and reorganize AFU. Sure Ukraine can't keep on, but it's not the Russian Federation vs. Ukraine. Even worse, the NATO/US expansion doesn't even have to be in Ukraine. It can be in Kaliningrad and Syria and Georgia and Armenia. Russia depends on oil sales, expansion of war to the straits of Hormuz and the South China Sea and the handful of pipelines directly connecting Russia and the PRC (what the White House says, those mysterious explosions no more have anything to do with us than Nordstream did) and my view is all these are already under threat.
And last of all, so far as going nuclear goes, the chances somebody in the US will imagine a decapitation strike will "work" strike me as fairly high. The tendency to demonize opponents misleads. The phrase is "high on their own supply."
Posted by: steven t johnson | May 7 2024 13:11 utc | 38
It is difficult to tell how escalation would work out starting from the point where NATO steps into Ukraine. We are not there yet since the UK would first use Uraine as a proxy to attack Russia directly. Maybe the EU does not see it yet, but it is being thrown in the driver seat by Washington, and they will quickly find out that they are now the proxies themselves and their own territories are at risk if they do as Washington says.
Washington wants the UK, France and other minor EU states to be its proxies in the war against Russia freeing the US military for other theaters in Asia.. Washington wants a terrorist war against Russia as far as far as I can tell.
At some point in the escalation ladder, Russia and China will have to sink the US and NATO submarines that threaten their territories. If Russia is serious and plans to use tactical nukes it needs at the same time to remove those submaribes that can shoot tactical nuclear cruise missiles over Russia. So any escalation from NATO has the potential to trigger events that can quickly get out of control.
Posted by: Richard L | May 7 2024 13:13 utc | 39
Did someone say ‘seed corn’??
Nice metaphor, b. And thanks for another update. Since this thread has wandered a little, I’ll post here. A quick review of CBC’s The National’s The Moment for the last three evenings. Spirit moose sighting in Alberta. I believe this is a reference to a Swede. (?)
Then, a BC store created a Vancouver Canucks goalie out of pop cases. Store employee, Eric Falkenberg did that. (!) In advance of the Canucks playing the Edmonton Oilers in hockey playoffs.
And finally, France reclaims the title of maker of ‘world’s largest baguette’
Canada proposes foreign agent registry, specifically Dominic LeBlanc, minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs
Which is a bit humorous if one listens to some of the old gossip about him. I can’t find a link, but back back in the 90’s/early 00’s, during an election campaign, an MP from another party accused him of being with the mob.
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | May 7 2024 13:14 utc | 40
Underlying all the West's rhetoric is the paternalistic attitude toward Russia and all other countries they believe aren't truly 'western.' They simply can't take Russia seriously as a peer competitor, and arrogantly play the moralizing scold, treating Russia as a problem child that needs to be set straight. It's the attitude one sees throughout western institutions, its morally bankrupt leaders lecturing their subjects on right and wrong, a dynamic that has pervaded Europe since the church of Rome become dominant. Western leaders are so full of it that they are unable to conceive that the whole thing could blow up in their faces.
Posted by: Mike R | May 7 2024 13:16 utc | 41
Willy's latest.
The actual map discussion is ~minute 20-26. Rest of video is geopolitical strategy and naval weapons. Which he does well. But it still shows how little map change is going on. (And when the map really does change...that is much more momentous and leads.)
1. Small field near Novopoksomething (south of Oche) taken. Note how we are learning names for tiny little hamlets. Not "strategic" conquests.
2. Some kerfluttering about Suriyak catching up to DeepState in one area.
3. Nothing new at Robo. Nothing new at Chasiv Yar.
P.s. Oh...but I'm sure there is some sooper seekrit attrition going on. Don't worry. There's no proof of it, but it must be happening since people here want it to be happening. Trust the plan. After all, Sundance predicted Trump would win in 2020 and anyone who disagreed was a concern troll. Pass the hopium pipe! Drink the virtual beer with likethinkers. Mmmm...feels way better than looking at reality.
Posted by: Anonymous | May 7 2024 13:16 utc | 42
Acco [email protected] sure if you are being sarcastic but if you think one hundred dead soldiers French or otherwise frightens NATO.....well I'm sure the Russians see it's an attritional thing from what I read.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | May 7 2024 13:22 utc | 43
Kadyrov said that “this month” it is necessary to take Odessa and Kharkov, as well as “force Zelensky to sign the necessary documents”
InaugurationToday is an important day for the country. A new Government will be formed, a number of ministers will change after the appropriate procedures. Great hopes are placed on changes in the defense department.
The new stage is characterized by the most harsh words addressed to NATO countries. Right up to the use of tactical nuclear weapons, the exercises are announced as widely as possible and the traditional peacetime “these are planned events” are replaced by direct statements of readiness to use them.
This step is important because the components of our fish’s head can actually be replaced with more effective ones.
But you shouldn't expect drastic changes. Only cats will give birth quickly. It is too difficult to change the approach of individual officials from the formal implementation of planned positions towards solving problems in the interests of Victory. There are still bureaucratic bureaucrats, citizens clinging to their chairs, and something tells us that the case against Timur Ivanov was not opened by mistake either. How many more such Ivanovs exist, only the opera of respected departments knows.
Today marks the end of a major electoral cycle, the holy reverence after the holidays will fade away and the central decision-making centers will finally spread their wings. Work will begin as usual, a phrase like “wait, there are important events here” will be heard somewhat less frequently.
The inauguration is scheduled for 12 o'clock Moscow time, political scientists will study the lists of invitees, and we propose to listen carefully to what the Supreme Commander will say. Perhaps the phrase “we haven’t started anything yet” will become more understandable to a wider circle of readers.
On our own behalf, we will only say that large-scale preparatory activities have been carried out to finally “begin”; all that remains is the decision in what manner they will take place.
We would not trust political scientists and insiders regarding the decisions of the Supreme Leader from the liberals. Recent months have shown that they know nothing, and their forecasts are extremely probabilistic.
Nevertheless, the situation, especially against the backdrop of recent days, is developing extremely encouragingly.
Two majors
Supreme (V.V.P.)He thanked the inhabitants of the ancestral lands of Russia and noted the front-line soldiers fighting for our Motherland.
The fate of Russia will be determined by us, its citizens.
We will pass through this difficult, critical period with dignity. We will realize all goals for the development of the state.
We are open to good relations with all countries and do not refuse dialogue with the West. But this depends on their willingness to move away from containment and confrontation.
From a position of strength, exclusivity, arrogance, you cannot talk to us.
We must be self-sufficient. Do not forget about the tragic fate of internal unrest in the country. The stability of the political system must ensure the development of the country. Stability does not mean boneiness.
Those who have proven loyalty to the Fatherland should take the first leadership roles.
Today we answer to our thousand-year history, to our ancestors. You can achieve great goals only with your country, with your people.
We look forward with confidence. We are a united and great people.
Together we will win!
Two majors
Posted by: anon2020 | May 7 2024 13:22 utc | 44
Posted by: Anonymous | May 7 2024 13:16 utc | 42
you really need to start developing some patience. even my youngest daughter seems to have a longer attentionspan.
Posted by: Justpassinby | May 7 2024 13:24 utc | 45
TASS today--
"Majority of Russians consider Victory Day year’s biggest holiday, poll reveals.
Since 2018, May 9 has topped the ranking of important holidays for Russians, ahead of New Year's Day and Easter."
Shorter version: "Zelensky's Death Warrant."
Posted by: Elmagnostic | May 7 2024 13:24 utc | 46
@ Posted by: unimperator | May 7 2024 12:28 utc | 28
I believe the gold was flown-out for safe-keeping at the time of the Maidan.
First things, first.
Posted by: jared | May 7 2024 13:29 utc | 47
"The Russian forces, by now a well oiled machine with plenty of excellent weapons, would defeat them within one or two weeks. What then?"
I wouldn't bet on that. A 100 000 nato soldiers would get a bloody nose and a reality check.
The war would then need to stay as far east as possible, and nato troops would have to enter the meat grinders. Once the whole initial force is ground down then events could proceed. But that ain't a couple weeks, might take months or years.
Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | May 7 2024 13:29 utc | 48
Nothing has to be found anymore in Europe - either Mafia has found - "The Gold".
You some like "primitive" guys always are looking for yoursels.
'Sans Souci' in Potsdam is obviously the latest impression of a more peaceful living - even beneath
neither Gold or Dollars locations.
Gold has now the transfer rateworldwide by plus +xx%.
Where has the most of physical Gold stores worldwide? - India plus Kahmir:
CIA - You've to go India/kashmir region. There you (CIA) find your luck - Sure!
Another of the biggest part of GOLD transpassing from the USA bank-bunkers is going into RUSSIA bunkers, at a max.of 30.000 m in depth below earth.!
So, if Ursula v.d.Gates - and his 120 employees staff couldn't that gold values, she would be fired, even by any COURTS available nearby - ..That's world, that's living in EU.
No matter - no complaint. .. But professional snipers may be in observation, if Shoot-field has been "cleared".
That's for sure - no more & no less.
Posted by: spare_truth_01 | May 7 2024 13:33 utc | 49
It's not just a slow day. The last 6 months has seen a .06% gain by the RFA. This is like the patience to sit and watch a tree grow.
Enjoy the clickbait from Dima, Kalibrated, Duran, etc. But when you actually zoom out from the maps, look at the total progress, it makes glaciers look like speedboats. So much for the Avdiivka breakthrough and the "unprepared defenses" behind it.
Posted by: Anonymous | May 7 2024 13:34 utc | 50
>may be compelled
Who, exactly, is going to compel the US to intervene?
Mr. Jeffries, you're a war hawk, I get it. Stop with this passive-aggressive stuff and just own it.
Posted by: OldCurmudgeon | May 7 2024 13:40 utc | 51
Posted by: OldCurmudgeon | May 7 2024 13:40 utc | 51
..Who, exactly, is going to compel the US to intervene?
Mr. Jeffries, you're a war hawk, I get it. Stop with this passive-aggressive stuff and just own it.
Sorry pls explain, what is a "passive-aggressive stuff", I nearly have understood that new term, but not the rest of it. Russia meanwhile have to make some "new plans", so nobody should disturb him anyway.
Posted by: spare_truth_01 | May 7 2024 13:48 utc | 52
It will be interesting to see the reaction of US troops in particular if confronted with a near suicide mission fighting either Russia or China. Does the President order the army (8% obese) to rush in and disperse quickly to avoid missiles? Do they get aircover? Tanks? Or just hand held weapons? Wanna test the F-35 in real combat situations? I don't think the MIC wants to be exposed as to making expensive junk. Not good for business. The Patriot and Abrams were bad enough, the F-35 could be a disaster even if no missile hits it.
And then we have China. I seriously think China may be building a War Room with giant screens that show every vessel in the South China Sea with pinpoint accuracy. This is the Great Underwater Wall project and we haven't heard much about it in recent years. They could invite US officials to an unveiling and do a total Sun Tzu on them as they give up trying to confront China.
Posted by: Eighthman | May 7 2024 13:48 utc | 53
I admit, I had thought the plan was a “rent-a-insurgency” group. Not NATO troops (which I still think was a France troll to thrash Poland to knowing it’s place in EU)..
I had thought the ISIS type bunch would be threading thru Poland and Romania to create an Afghanistan 2.O. as body count to prop up the Nazis. Especially with announcement of their new presence in Moscow according to West.
All I’m saying, is if the West, including idiot US Senator, France, UK and others have to spout out and consider their own troops and cannon fodder… the gig is up.
All I can think of, even the rent-a-terrorist are not interested…
So, line collapse it is.
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 7 2024 14:02 utc | 54
Posted by: Eighthman | May 7 2024 13:48 utc | 53
... It will be interesting to see the reaction of US troops in particular if confronted with a near suicide mission fighting either Russia or China. ..
Of course it would be very interesting - - to see the reaction of UK-Troops officers, as far as being existent a bit more than 4 month in UKR, only to "enjoy" itself
Do you once have estimated the "UK" Britisch troops in UKR till today ?
I don't think so, let's have an overview today's eve ..
Thanks - I'm working for local Police accusations, but not for the Politician-Nerbay-Companies, out of operating against the "White House" .. so listen to Ms. Blinken - if can - She is will-be always the Nuland female (LGBT-like person)- next time
Thanks - Ms.Nuland is really a good Represents of the South/SouthWest" region!
So wait, what her ears have to report about .. next 48 h.
Posted by: spare_truth_01 | May 7 2024 14:10 utc | 55
This may be the first attritional war in history where one side is continually getting stronger whilst the other keeps getting weaker. All major Western polities are weakening whilst all major RoW polities are strengthening.
Russia is exemplifying the old saw: 'whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger'.
The kinetics will end when the West implodes from within which could happen any day now or might take another decade or two. That said, probably by 2030....
The Old Nazi's (German) want to back the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi's using Russian stolen assets.
"German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says the revenue accrued from Russian assets frozen by the European Union should be allocated for weapons purchases for Ukraine.
Backing EU's previous suggestion of utilizing the interest revenues from Russian assets to enhance Ukraine's military capabilities, Scholz said on Monday that 90% of the income derived from frozen Russian assets should be allocated towards acquiring arms for Kiev.
"It is important that we also agree that this money can be used for arms purchases not only in the EU, but for purchases worldwide," Scholz told journalists after a meeting with members of the three Baltic governments of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in Riga."
Posted by: Republicofscotland | May 7 2024 14:14 utc | 57
F35 is a tool for an economic war marketed as an economic tool for a war.
Posted by: Savonarole | May 7 2024 14:14 utc | 58
the former pig fornicator to keep his mouth shut for the time being, at least until after Keir Starmer becomes the next Prime Minister.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | May 7 2024 10:56 utc | 2
Who is the former pig fornicator? He does not love pigs anymore?
Posted by: Naive | May 7 2024 14:20 utc | 59
And then we have China. I seriously think China may be building a War Room with giant screens that show every vessel in the South China Sea with pinpoint accuracy. This is the Great Underwater Wall project and we haven't heard much about it in recent years. They could invite US officials to an unveiling and do a total Sun Tzu on them as they give up trying to confront China.
Posted by: Eighthman | May 7 2024 13:48 utc | 53
A US military attack on China is already completely untenable. All the simulations for over a decade have shown that US naval power projection would be defeated by long-range fires within an hour, entire carrier battle groups sunk in minutes. Without those battle groups projecting air superiority, nothing can move in or out of the China Sea. No logistics. Death for anyone who is already in place (Handful of US troops on tiny offshore islands, eg).
More significantly, any attack on China would lead to an immediate cessation of trade with the west. The western consumer economies would collapse within weeks, the power structure would become unstable, the Empire would fracture. Very likely there would be regime change in the US- not in a good way, but still, another step toward collapse. If all goes well for the American PTB's plans for Fortress America, the US may be hardened against this economic disaster in ten or fifteen years- at the expense of Europe, and the plundering of Latin America. It's unlikely that all will go well, and a premature conflict, even a trade war, with China would accelerate the demise of the American imperial enterprise. The PTB are all about money, economics, production and profit. They know this, even if the minions that provide their public face don't. Those rabid dogs are employed for very narrow purposes, and the ones that can't change focus from the Old World to the New are being kicked out even now. Expect a lot of Spanish and Portuguese surnames in the next generation of American Imperialist thugs.
Posted by: Honzo | May 7 2024 14:23 utc | 60
How could Putin's army defeat the Western forces in one to two weeks when it has not been able to defeat just the Ukrainian army in over two years?
Posted by: Inka | May 7 2024 14:24 utc | 61
So once the sacrifice of the proxy is complete, the sacrifice of the American sheeple can commence.
Ain't 'Demonacracy' great?
Posted by: Iseeit | May 7 2024 14:25 utc | 62
Posted by: scorpion | May 7 2024 14:11 utc | 56
The French economy and State are crumbling. The most funny thing is that the French ministry of economy was 100% sure two years ago that this fate would happen to the Russian economy (total financial and economic war against Russia...). He is no better at writing ponography. And does not know how many square metres are in one hectare. How is it possible to be so stupid?
Posted by: Naive | May 7 2024 14:26 utc | 63
Posted by: Anonymous | May 7 2024 13:34 utc | 50
patience youngling.
Posted by: Justpassinby | May 7 2024 14:29 utc | 64
"Over the last days the Democratic Minority Leader in the House Hakeem Jeffries suggested that U.S. troops would have to intervene in Ukraine:
In an interview with CBS News, Jeffries expressed concerns that despite billions of dollars in military aid from the United States, if Ukraine cannot secure victory over Russia, America may be compelled to intervene directly in the conflict."
Aren't you glad that we finally have a black man in a position of real political power in the racist US? He has such a fresh, diverse perspective compared to those old white war mongers. Yay idpol!
Maybe, if we're lucky, they'll find a disabled, gender queer Eskimo to demand immediate nuclear war with Russia/China! Wouldn't that be real progressive?!
They ruin the working population, love billionaires, genocide and can't seem to wait for nuclear WW3! Boy, the Democrats are so leftist!
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | May 7 2024 14:29 utc | 65
How could Putin's army defeat the Western forces in one to two weeks when it has not been able to defeat just the Ukrainian army in over two years?Posted by: Inka | May 7 2024 14:24 utc | 61
Easy, by that time it will no longer be a Special Military Operation, but a full-scaled hot war against ZATO!
Posted by: ThirdWorldDude | May 7 2024 14:30 utc | 66
The kinetics will end when the West implodes from within which could happen any day now or might take another decade or two. That said, probably by 2030....
Posted by: scorpion | May 7 2024 14:11 utc | 56
I'm a little more bullish on the internal collapse. I'd say within a year or so.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | May 7 2024 14:31 utc | 67
It should be obvious by now that Ukraine is buying time before the full-scale NATO intervention.
And nothing would delight NATO more than if Russia were to resort to tactical nuclear weapons.
Posted by: Feral Finster | May 7 2024 14:32 utc | 68
How could Putin's army defeat the Western forces in one to two weeks when it has not been able to defeat just the Ukrainian army in over two years?Posted by: Inka | May 7 2024 14:24 utc | 61
another nafo inkarnation? "putins army"? narrative-management was better a while ago.
as for your "just the ukrainian army" tripe, im sure you know better by now.
Posted by: Justpassinby | May 7 2024 14:32 utc | 69
"F35 is a tool for an economic war marketed as an economic tool for a war."
Posted by: Savonarole | May 7 2024 14:14 utc | 58
Yes, Western countries buying the infamous 'flying albatross' (over $100MM apiece)are not purchasing a military asset but, rather, they are participating in a derivative form of tribute to the Empire
As Hunter S. Thompson said - "Today's pig is tomorrow's bacon."
Posted by: Facekicker | May 7 2024 14:34 utc | 71
"Where will the next generation of Ukrainian army officers come from when the cadets are all dead?" -- b.
A practical question. A heart-breaking one.
Tennyson's "And not to yield" was poorly disguised grandiosity. A tired requiem, unable to face self-made disaster.
Time for peace.
Posted by: Elmagnostic | May 7 2024 14:40 utc | 72
Posted by: Honzo | May 7 2024 14:23 utc | 60
Those stupid western "leaders" obviously did not read Thucydide.
They would have known that a terrestrial power will always win over a maritime power.
Ships are sitting ducks. Aircraft carriers are useless unless the f35s could be converted to submarine.
Posted by: Naive | May 7 2024 14:40 utc | 73
According to Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Russian republic of Chechnya, Russia must take Odessa and Kharkov, among others, "exactly this month." These two towns are “absolutely” free.
The Russian military must attack more actively and strike hard while there is still time, he said on state television. We have to get Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to sit down at the negotiating table. And further:
"We must force him to sign all the papers that are necessary for Russia, for the security of our state, for citizens, but also for the Russian-speaking population living on the territory of Ukraine."
And that before May 20th, after that his signature can no longer be viewed as legally secure, the West would declare it invalid after May 20th and escalate again in 1 or 2 years.
That's why we have to clarify things in the next two weeks.
Posted by: ossi | May 7 2024 14:43 utc | 74
Posted by: Justpassinby | May 7 2024 14:32 utc | 69
Thanks! It looks like that those ukronazis supporters write more and more stupid comments. When azov refuses to go to the front line, it tells everything one needs to know. They are shitting in their pants, like when they were fleeing Avdyeyevka despite the orders to stay.
Posted by: Naive | May 7 2024 14:46 utc | 75
We would see if Odessa falls whether NATO has the courage to actively get involved or whether NATO has the courage to get involved.
If you don't take action it would be a death sentence for NATO in the world. >>>>Putin is currently showing the >consequences >you are playing with and >he won't care what the Western bubble thinks if you force him to use nuclear weapons...
Posted by: ossi | May 7 2024 14:47 utc | 76
It's not just a slow day. The last 6 months has seen a .06% gain by the RFA. This is like the patience to sit and watch a tree grow.
Posted by: Anonymous | May 7 2024 13:34 utc | 50
Statistics is not your strong point, I see. You seem to think that just because you can type a number with a "%" sign behind it it has significant meaning. You might want to check out the book, "How to Lie with Statistics" (Darrell Huff, 1954). You might find it interesting and informative.
Posted by: Phil R | May 7 2024 14:48 utc | 77
Posted by: Elmagnostic | May 7 2024 14:40 utc | 72
The answer is easy: there will be no more Ukrainian army. What will be left will become part of the Russian army.
Reminder: one of the aim of the SMO is demilitarisation. It is under way. And going faster forward. Hence the recent panic cries of the western leaders and the renewed presence of the trolls here.
Posted by: Naive | May 7 2024 14:51 utc | 78
Posted by: Naive | May 7 2024 14:46 utc | 75:
Don't piss your pants, they'll notice that they're about to be thrown away!
Negotiations can only take place without your presence. You have to leave.
The West knows that, the USA knows that with Azov still active there is no peace in Ukraine with them, no politician dares to do that...he would be dead a short time later, like every government that was installed.
DISPOSAL is the motto and falling at the front saves revenge
Posted by: ossi | May 7 2024 14:52 utc | 79
[email protected]'s with these people, if they would just pop by MOA once a week even they'd learn it's SloMow attrition not a land grab...guess Kadyrov missed the memo.
Cheers M
....maybe Kadyrov could offer up 100,000 Chechens to retake Odessa, Russia is a bit distracted in the Donbass at present....surely he knows that though, so theatre for who?
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | May 7 2024 14:58 utc | 80
@William Gruff | May 7 2024 11:30 utc | 14
As I've repeatedly pointed out, Russian has no intention of ever using nukes in the Ukraine. When Russia uses nukes it will be against NATO targets in NATO countries.Exactly so, this is an obvious fact. IF it ever happens, for sure I hope it does not.
Posted by: Norwegian | May 7 2024 14:59 utc | 81
Backing EU's previous suggestion of utilizing the interest revenues from Russian assets to enhance Ukraine's military capabilities, Scholz said on Monday that 90% of the income derived from frozen Russian assets should be allocated towards acquiring arms for Kiev.
Incorrect !
This assets should be used to pay back the US loans because the 60 billion aid package is ONLY a loan.
And since only about 11 of the 60 billion go to Ukraine, Europe should bear the risk so that the US arms industry receives orders and gets its dollars back, regardless of whether there is still a Ukraine.
Europe and the EURO would be dead because no one would invest in euros anymore because the EU, not the USA, has lost trust in investments worldwide.
Clever plan the EU vassals play JAMMERT with Luxenburg
Posted by: ossi | May 7 2024 15:01 utc | 82
But when you actually zoom out from the maps, look at the total progress, it makes glaciers look like speedboats. So much for the Avdiivka breakthrough and the "unprepared defenses" behind it.
Posted by: Anonymous | May 7 2024 13:34 utc | 50
Here we go again.
The smo is not about taking territory. It's about attrition. Taking the troops, the weapons, the ammo.
In 2 years, Russia has held 20% of land no longer part of the Ukraine.
In that sane 2 years it has also destroyed 3 armies (hundreds of thousands of men & even pregnant women now being sent to the front), the "elite" troops, destroyed many weapons warehouses, reduced the population by a half, & emptied Nato warehouses. Off site training is a failure, not least of which because these days some 65% of conscripts go awol & are not heard from again. It has also cut electricity in half.
Posted by: Mary | May 7 2024 15:06 utc | 83
@b | May 7 2024 12:23 utc | 25
That's approximately a 70 to 1 casualties ratio in Ukraine's disfavor...!
I don't see how this can last much longer, I agree with those who see it ending before the end of the year.
Posted by: Norwegian | May 7 2024 15:09 utc | 84
Posted by: Norwegian | May 7 2024 14:59 utc | 81
Not entirely true either!
Before Putin attacks NATO in Europe, which would 100% be World War 3, he will first destroy NATO bases within Ukraine.
This gives NATO the chance to row again.
Anyone who has known Putin for 2 years now... myself more than 2 years since Putin has always been present and not, as is the case with most people, only since the SMO, should know that attacking NATO directly on its own territory is his very, very last option Then the USA will also be there and China and North Korea... because they will say
“Take advantage of the opportunity of this hour” and let’s clear things up once and for all or we’ll all perish.
As I said, if nuclear weapons are used on NATO territory, it's all over anyway, or someone will back down and this time it won't be Russia or China. Because a new opportunity to put the West in its place will not come again
Posted by: ossi | May 7 2024 15:10 utc | 85
Historical Context: War Funding and the Sunk Cost Fallacy
In The Great War the USA planned to enter the war long before The Sinking of The Lusitania for several reason, the primary reason was that JP Morgan .jr and a consortium of US bank had loaned The Entente the staggering amount of then US$1.3t that looked like it was going to be lost in 1915 (before The Brusilov Offensive gave Austro-Hungary a mortal wound). This mean the USA had to go in to save its investment regardless of what the citizens wanted. There was significant US public resistance to the idea of US participation because every power currently at war was an empire and the average US citizen didn't support any of them. This is why the USA was prepared to send a division from The Philippines to The Russian Civil War in 1917 when every man was needed at the front and this force didn't disengage until 1920 after the Czechoslovak Legion looted the Russian Treasury at Omsk and bought their way our of Russia with it on US or US-organised ships.
A similar thing occurs again in The Second World War. The USA was a near-belligerent and was planning for intervention prior to the Imperial Japanese attack on the Peal Harbour Navy Base. Once again it looked like Britain would not be able to either hold the Axis in Egypt and possibly even be invaded and the USSR was teetering on the edge of disaster. US troops were once again required to save the investment.
It was openly discussed in my Modern History course at university if The Bretton-Woods System was designed in part to allay any possibility of this happening again in future. With the world rapidly de-dollarising once again the USA finds itself in a position where it actually has to secure its investments.
Even if the USA isn't financially exposed to a Ukrainian collapse The European Union is. The aid they have sent has been primarily in the shape of loans and The EU has been investing heavily in Ukrainian governmental bonds, so much that they are now demanding the bonds be paid back as it looks like Ukraine might go under and Russia will laugh at any demands from creditor states to pay for the weapons the Ukrainians used to kill its troops.
While the USA might not want to go into Ukraine, the EU; specifically the UK & Germany, might have to or face economic collapse.
Posted by: James Lawrie | May 7 2024 15:12 utc | 86
@JRS | May 7 2024 12:58 utc | 35
A glassified NATO. Have those creepy Europeans considered that? They gambled, and they lost. It's time to retire to the stable where losers dwell.I hope the quisling puppet Stoltenberg is not granted the ability to retire. He needs to stand trial in front of the world.
Posted by: Norwegian | May 7 2024 15:15 utc | 87
Posted by: Mary | May 7 2024 15:06 utc | 83
'Territory' is a side product ensuing from objectives to encircle and trap enemy groupings. Ocheretyne area was sliced and diced into several small pieces to make them absorbable. Look Keramik-Novokalynove.
In Chasov Yar, the bridges across the canal were destroyed after AFU piled a lot of 'stuff' into the Kanal microdistrict. They are forced to take a long detour putting reinforcement movements into artillery sights. RU controls the west bank of the canal with drones. The grouping in Kanal is trapped and mowed down with FABs and TOS.
New York - Toretsk will be next. And it's doubtful AFU will order a retreat from this area, meaning a large grouping getting trapped and surrounded, and finally obliterated.
So you don't see a mega big arrow from the 500km scale, but a series of small dissections of the front.
Posted by: unimperator | May 7 2024 15:19 utc | 88
Posted by: Mary | May 7 2024 15:06 utc | 83
Let it go, some people don't get it.
Example Kadyrov and Odessa...what do the warriors here think there are still Ukrainian troops around Odessa if even the impression of an offensive begins in the east, really old men and possibly French.
Time and tactics are something that the trolls here never consider...the Ukrainians in the West have never experienced what it means to be carpet bombing, otherwise our politicians would never be able to drink champagne because they are even displayed on balconies at regular intervals.
Forward to the east and Odessa is standing there naked within 24 hours, oh yes, no one is talking about the partisans in Odessa all over the country, with explosions and specifying targets
Posted by: ossi | May 7 2024 15:19 utc | 89
Belarus is probably participating in the deterrence
Message right now:
Belarus begins unscheduled testing of tactical nuclear weapons
Belarus is launching an unscheduled test of tactical nuclear weapons delivery devices, Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin said. On the orders of Commander-in-Chief Alexander Lukashenko, the planning, preparation and use of tactical nuclear weapons are being trained. For this purpose, a battalion of the Iskander missile system and a squadron of Su-25 fighter jets would be put into operational readiness.
No drill, an emergency is being prepared, the report says.
The day before, the Defense Ministry in Moscow announced a tactical nuclear weapons exercise. The authority made the decision based on provocative statements and threats made by individual representatives of Western countries towards Russia
Posted by: ossi | May 7 2024 15:26 utc | 90
nato has lost? They did not lose anything, zero. Borell was very active today, demanded more factories for Ukr weapons, Germany banned anything related to Victory Day which made the Russian embassy express their impotent protest ( It's so sad NS is gone, they can't give AnalEna Barecock free gas anymore, now they're banned and can't buy some love ever again.
The only losers are those who were killed by French and German soldiers yesterday in Chasov Yar. Oops, life is hard when your army is run by fake generals.
Posted by: rk | May 7 2024 15:27 utc | 91
Russia has indeed very powerful weapons but it lost credibility in the west.
That was a huge mistake of Kremlin leaders.
Look at Israel, with much smaller nuclear arsenal and population, it manages to prevent any action from Iran or Arab countries.
Posted by: vargas | May 7 2024 15:30 utc | 92
From: The direct translation is somewhat clumsy so this is lightly edited.
The SBU uncovered an attempt on Zelensky's life in Ukraine. Planned by two officers of the State Security Department. These are two colonels. Andrey Guk was detained in Koncha-Zaspa, and the second one, no one Derkacha is located in the Sumy region. The SBU received information that they were supposed to aim missiles at Zelensky. Sergey Rudya is a friend of Andrey Guk, he is also likely to resign.
Posted by: Jeremy Rhymings-Lang | May 7 2024 15:30 utc | 93
Here're the key passages from Putin's Inaugural remarks dealing with foreign relations:
We have been and will continue to be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see Russia as a reliable and an honest partner. And this is indeed the world's majority.We do not refuse to engage in dialogue with Western states. The choice is theirs: whether they intend to continue to try to restrain Russia's development, to continue the policy of aggression, years of incessant pressure on our country or to look for a path to cooperation and peace.
I repeat: the conversation is on security issues, strategic stability, possibly. But not from a position of strength, without any arrogance, arrogance and exclusivity, but only on an equal footing, respecting each other's interests.
Together with our partners in Eurasian integration and other sovereign development centres, we will continue to work on the formation of a multipolar world order, an equal and indivisible system Security.
In a complex world that is changing rapidly, we must be self-sufficient and competitive, to open up new horizons for Russia, as has happened more than once in our history. [My Emphasis]
As with December 2021, the choice is the West's. Will its response differ this time? Let's hope so.
What comes after Putin's inauguration?
Russian President Putin was reinstated to the office of Russian President after his re-election. Most Western countries boycotted the event. An important government reshuffle is now expected in Russia.
And Putin is using this opportunity to shake up...
Although Western countries unanimously claim that the Russian presidential elections were fraudulent, they are reluctant to take the step of not officially recognizing the elections. Most of the ambassadors of Western countries pointedly stayed away from Putin's inauguration, which is a diplomatic affront. One wonders why Western states still maintain diplomatic relations with Russia if their representatives demonstratively stay away from important Russian government events and even refuse to hold talks with the Russian Foreign Minister, even though such talks are the main task of diplomats.
The egg dance that the Western states performed becomes clear when you look at which ambassadors stayed away from the inauguration and for what officially announced reasons. The EU representative in Moscow pointedly stayed away from the event, even though he is in Moscow. The same applies to Australia's ambassadors.
The EU had tried to establish a unified line on the presence of ambassadors at Putin's inauguration, but failed because some ambassadors from EU countries went to the event, including the ambassadors of Slovakia, Hungary and, incidentally, France, which declared not wanting to let the communication channels with Russia be severed. This is a more than strange statement, considering that the French president is thinking loudly about sending French troops to Ukraine, where they would inevitably have to fight against Russian soldiers, even if they were not deployed directly to the front.
Germany and the USA, on the other hand, have shied away from having their ambassadors ostentatiously absent. They have taken the route of calling their ambassadors home for a few days for "scheduled" talks so that the ambassadors can stay away from both Putin's inauguration and the upcoming celebrations of the victory over Nazi Germany, without it being an overtly demonstrative gesture, because the ambassadors are in Moscow. But the signal is also so clear.
Other states, such as the Baltic states or Italy, have declared that they currently have no ambassadors in Moscow, only chargés d'affaires, which is why they cannot send ambassadors.
According to the Russian Constitution, after the inauguration of the President, the government resigns and the President proposes a new government to Parliament. At previous presidential inaugurations, there were always more or less significant government reshuffles, which, however, had more of a domestic political impact, because the foreign and defense ministers, who are important in foreign policy, have been in office for a very long time and were not affected by such government reshuffles.
There have long been complaints behind the scenes in Moscow about a “fifth column,” senior politicians and officials who are still under the influence of Western politics. During background discussions, I heard rumors that the upcoming government reshuffle could also be used to fill some government positions for this reason. Very well-known ministers who could no longer be part of the new government are also mentioned.
I won't mention any names here because they are rumors, even though I got the information from well-informed sources. So let's wait and see over the next few days whether and what the government reshuffle will look like before we speculate about what it might mean.
Posted by: ossi | May 7 2024 15:36 utc | 95
French Soldiers and a Possible Exchange of Zelensky: The Events of May 6th
The Russian news agency TASS publishes a summary of the day's events in and around Ukraine almost every evening. I try to translate every summary possible, although I can't guarantee that I can do it every day, especially since the summary sometimes appears early in the evening and sometimes late at night.
Here I translate the summary of May 6th.
Start of translation:
Drone attack near Belgorod, French soldiers, replacing Zelensky: the events surrounding Ukraine
Washington is in contact with some Ukrainian politicians about the possible replacement of Vladimir Zelensky as president, according to the press office of the Russian foreign intelligence agency SVR.
The French Foreign Ministry described the information about the deployment of French troops to Ukraine as untrue, while the Kremlin believes that these reports must first be verified. Ukrainian truck drivers are driving abroad and abandoning their trucks at the border to avoid being drafted into the army during general mobilization, while passports are being re-issued to “socially vulnerable” Ukrainians living in other countries.
TASS has compiled the events surrounding Ukraine.
Course of the operation
Russian troops liberated the town of Solovyevo in the DNR and Kotlyarovka in the Kharkov region. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the enemy lost up to 965 fighters.
Five Ukrainian unmanned boats were destroyed off the northwest coast of Crimea. In addition, two combat drone manufacturing companies were destroyed and Russian air defense shot down a Ukrainian Su-27 fighter jet.
Strengthened defense
The situation in the combat zone in the DNR area controlled by Kiev is difficult for the Ukrainian units and requires the use of reserves, said the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Aleksander Syrsky. He added that Ukrainian units in this area face the task of gaining time to create and prepare reserves.
Drone attack on the Belgorod region
Ukrainian kamikaze drones attacked vehicles carrying employees of the state-owned company Agro-Belogorie near the village of Berezovka. Seven civilians died and more than 40 people were injured, including three children.
The condition of 30 wounded is assessed as severe and moderate. Two men are in intensive care.
French denial
The French Foreign Ministry has described information about the deployment of French troops to Ukraine as untrue, according to a statement from the ministry on X (formerly Twitter). It also emphasizes that “the disinformation campaign regarding French support for Ukraine shows no sign of abating.” Previously, a statement by former US Deputy Secretary of Defense Stephen Bryen circulated in the media, according to which France had allegedly sent 1,500 soldiers to Ukraine.
Commenting on this information, Dmitry Peskov, the spokesman for the Russian president, called the rhetoric from London and Paris “very dangerous.” He added that reports about the deployment of French Foreign Legion soldiers to Ukraine needed to be verified.
Substitute Zelensky
According to the press service of the Russian SPR, Washington is talking to several Ukrainian politicians, including former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko, about a possible replacement of Zelensky as head of state.
According to the SVR, the US does not care “who exactly will lead Ukraine,” the main thing is that “he should be able to continue the armed conflict with Russia.” Zelensky's legitimacy ends after his term expires on May 20.
The West is “extremely concerned about the dynamics of public sentiment in Ukraine.” Among Ukrainians, “discontent over the endless prolongation of the conflict with Russia is growing,” distrust of state institutions is increasing, and apathy is spreading rapidly. At the same time, the number of desertions and Ukrainian soldiers voluntarily becoming prisoners of war is increasing, according to the SVR.
Truck drivers don't return
The Ukrainian president has submitted bills to the Verkhovna Rada to extend martial law and general mobilization for 90 days from May 14.
At the same time, more and more Ukrainian men are trying to avoid military service and leave the country by any means possible. According to Ukrainian media, truck drivers abandon their vehicles after entering European countries. According to representatives of Ukrainian transport.
The men try to find jobs as drivers for international shipping companies in order to get abroad.
Ukrainian media had previously circulated a video showing numerous abandoned vehicles on a stretch of highway on the Moldova-Ukrainian border in the Odessa region. According to Andrei Demchenko, spokesman for the Ukrainian Border Guard, citizens of the country often try to leave the country via the transit route.
Documents are not for everyone
Foreign divisions of the Ukrainian state-owned company “Document” have resumed issuing passports to Ukrainians living abroad, but so far this only affects “socially vulnerable” citizens. The documents are issued “in test mode”. On April 23, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry suspended the provision of consular services to persons of military age.
End of translation
Posted by: ossi | May 7 2024 15:41 utc | 96
@James Lawrie | May 7 2024 15:12 utc | 86
While the USA might not want to go into Ukraine, the EU; specifically the UK & Germany, might have to or face economic collapse.Please explain how the UK and Germany can avoid collapse by going in militarily in Ukraine? For sure it is the fastest route to both economic and political collapse.
Posted by: Norwegian | May 7 2024 15:41 utc | 97
The Brutish are planning [classified] the assassination of Hellensky.
Posted by: AI | May 7 2024 15:45 utc | 98
@karlof1 | May 7 2024 15:35 utc | 94
Many thanks for that quote in bold. Very interesting. The only grown-up in the room, unfortunately.
Posted by: Norwegian | May 7 2024 15:47 utc | 99
Posted by: anon2020 | May 7 2024 13:22 utc | 44
The translation sounds OK , just boneiness scratched my ear, I think inertia is more appropriate. I wish as a European that our governments would talk like that, we will deal with everybody on equal terms, that's it.
Posted by: Paco | May 7 2024 15:47 utc | 100
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And who took any notice . . .
Posted by: Citron | May 7 2024 10:51 utc | 1