Ukraine - The Story Of The 155th Brigade
The well regarded Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov has published the background story (in Ukrainian) of the newly crated 155th brigade which had recently failed when it was hastily deployed to fill some holes in the Ukrainian positions on the eastern front near the city of Pokrovsk.
The brigade was a vanity project of the Zelenski government and the Ukrainian high command. It was one of fourteen new brigades which were supposed to be trained and equipped by western countries. The 155th was designated to be trained by and in France.
Systemic disorganization by the high command led to its failure. Many of its assigned troops deserted even before reaching the frontline. A criminal case has been opened. But it is unlikely that anyone responsible for the mess will ever be held to account.
The brigade was stood up in March 2024. In September 2024 its core was sent for training to France while a large number of other recruits to the brigade were (more or less) trained in Ukraine. In late November, while the brigade command staff was still in France, a large share of the brigades infantry was sent to Pokrovsk where it immediately faltered.
As Butusov writes (edited machine translation):
The 155th brigade began forming in March 2024. Its commander was appointed an experienced officer - Dmitry Ryumshin, it looked encouraging. "OK Zapad" (Operational command West) Commander General Shvedyuk, Chief of Staff Colonel Seletsky and Commander of the Ground Forces General Pavlyuk were responsible for the formation and manning of the brigade.But from the very beginning, it turned out that OK Zapad had no command personnel, no soldiers, no weapons, and no resources to create a new unit. The formation of the 155th brigade from the first days was a continuous organizational chaos in literally all components, and the service required a lot of effort for those who tried to serve honestly, and to great losses due to unauthorized abandonment of the unit from the very beginning of the formation.
Here is the schedule of recruitment of the 155th brigade, the number of personnel for each month, and -in parentheses- the number of deserters in those months:
March 46 (3)
April 123 (6)
May 217 (31)
June 1978 (185)
July 3882 (310)
August 2748 (217)
September 3253 (187)
October 3211 (339)
November 5832 (448)
New recruited troops, without any experience, were randomly added to the brigade and, when needed pulled from it (untrained) to fill holes elsewhere. During the whole process more than 1,700 of its soldiers deserted:
In fact, the recruitment of the brigade began in June, but they did not have time to complete full training, because immediately in July and August, more than 2550 servicemen were taken from the 155th brigade to replenish other units! That is, they took away from the brigade almost all those who were quite suitable, whom the brigade commander and battalion commanders had just placed in positions, in fact, they nullified all the previous four months of work, in March-June, that is, this brigade composition was organized in August in a new way, and then ... we issued an order to prepare all those who stayed until the trip to France at the end of September.As a result, 1924 servicemen were sent to France as part of the 155th brigade, only 51 of them had more than a year of military experience, 459 soldiers had up to a year of experience, and most of them, 1414 people, were only enlisted and served for less than 2 months, including about 150 just recruited without military experience. Without any selection of people, they were sent to France even without passing basic training. It was among them that France had the largest number of fugitives. In total, about 50 soldiers fled in France.
That is, the Army Command and OK Zapad sent to France not an organized and controlled military unit, which can learn a lot, but a crowd of people in military uniforms, about 30% of the staff, who were supposed to organize and get acquainted with each other and with the commanders during the trip!
While the entire brigade command was being trained in France, thousands of new people were being enlisted without the presence of brigade and battalion commanders, as a result, in October and November, more than 700 people escaped from the brigade immediately after being enlisted in Ukraine. Those who deserted had never seen their commanders.
While some 2,000 soldiers of the brigade were training in France some 4,000 fresh soldiers were additionally assigned to the brigade but trained more or less (and without their commanders) in Ukraine:
Since November 15, the rank and file of the brigade began to return to Ukraine, and the brigade headquarters remained according to the training plan to complete the staff classes, for which the French instructors gave the highest scores.
The brigade headquarters arrived in Ukraine on November 30, but Brigade Commander Ryumshin did not have time to get acquainted with his new 4 thousand subordinates who were waiting in the training center, and conduct planned additional exercises with those who returned and did not have time to get all the necessary knowledge.
In the absence of the brigade headquarters and battalion commanders, the command of the OK "West" and CSR began to transfer untrained and ill-coordinated people to the Pokrovsk area.
The brigade command came back from France only to find that its infantry was already being deployed to the front.
Nominally the brigade had been fully equipped by France. It had artillery and armored vehicles. But it lacked the material the Ukrainian military was supposed to supply. The brigade had no drones and no electronic warfare equipment. It lacked the means to gain an overview of the battlefield and to defend against Russian drones which immediately attacked anything that moved. The new heavy equipment the brigade tried to bring to the front was destroyed before reaching its assigned positions. Moreover all the Ukrainian made 120mm mortar ammunition the Ukrainian military supplied to the brigade proved to be faulty and ineffective.
Without drones and artillery and in full chaos the brigade failed to hold its assigned line which led to a breakthrough of the Russian forces.
The brigade's commander, who had had no influence on what had happened, was immediately relieved.
Back in September I pointed out that the Ukrainian method to create new brigades while letting experienced ones fail for a lack of replenishment was a serious and systemic error:
Experienced brigades are kept on the front until that have less than a third of their original strength. They are not replenished while still in the fight. Newly mobilized men are instead put into newly constituted brigades which zero frontline experience.A better system would rotate out units that have lost a third of their men and fill them up with new recruits before pushing them back into the fight. The result would be the same number of soldiers but with experience mixed into all of the army's units.
Butusov's report points to exactly this issue (edited machine translation):
Next to the 155th are experienced units - the 1st OSB "Da Vinci", the 25th Airborne brigade, the 68th Jaeger brigade, which have an acute shortage of people in the infantry, they can not keep a wide band because of this, and there are experienced UAV units, headquarters, command cadres that can quickly train and make combat-ready mobilized people. But experienced and combat-ready brigades were not given people, they are not allowed to stabilize the front. Because people are given to political projects, the same as the 155th brigade, and there are other brigades newly formed in 2024-the same fourteen that President Zelensky spoke about.
Even if if were been organized perfectly the Ukrainian military would still not have a chance against the Russian forces. But it could have kept its losses to a minimum while holding the line and while gaining time for a political process.
It instead gets slaughtered for the vanity of its higher command:
The top political and military leadership of the country actually played around with the 155th Anna Kievskaya brigade, without even trying to systematically prepare and train the brigade, and without giving the brigade commanders time to create a combat-ready team themselves.The brigade's servicemen became hostages of Zelensky's PR project, which the authorities did not make any effort to actually implement competently.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the military command, which is now trying to hide the truth and use the case of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) to remove responsibility from itself.
The 155th brigade has now been dispersed with various of its subunits moved to replenish other brigades. The journalist Butusov, like many of his compatriots, is furious about the case:
[T]hey spent people, money and time on forming a brigade, which is virtually impossible to use as a brigade due to its low combat capability. ... Why did you create it if you can't use it for its intended purpose? For your own PR and reports? For a meeting with Macron?
And is it worth it, Gentlemen Zelensky, Umerov and Syrsky, the lives of dozens of people who give up their lives near Pokrovsk as part of the 155th, because of the elementary disorder and poor preparation, which primarily resulted from your mistakes in setting tasks, planning and organizing? Will you give evidence to the SBI investigators about how you brought the 155th brigade to such a state, how you spent huge funds of our allies and Ukrainian citizens, how instead of strengthening the front, you only disrupt the organization and training of reserves?I hope that the time will come when you, the real ones responsible for this case, will be the first to answer to the law.
The story of the 155th Ukrainian brigade is only unique in that it has been well documented. The Ukrainian command has over the last years created may such failures and seems to have not learned one bit from it.
The grief, sorrow and anger this has caused will haunt the Ukrainian state for a long time.
Posted by b on January 2, 2025 at 18:13 UTC | Permalink
next page »"An extract from "In silico in search of my soul." Such innovative prose. All it needs is a "thrombing member" to complete it.
Posted by: mookie | Jan 2 2025 18:33 utc | 2
Philadelphia is artificial intelligence.
When you respond to it, you are responding
to a machine, designed to bring discord.
The ghost in the machine.
Bernhard, I hope you don’t mind this thought,
having no connection to your above writing.
Posted by: Middle-man | Jan 2 2025 18:35 utc | 3
Still, the Russian military advance might be done if NATO manages to deliever a huge number of AI assisted combat drones, in the range of 20-30k per Month. Then it's a stalemate again. IF they manage to do that.
And if the Russians are slow in developing counter-measures which can only be AI assisted Hunter-drones.
Cost wise it's effizient for the west,30k drones = around 300 Million Euro / Month, this even the EU alone could handle easily.
Putin behaves as if time is on his side. Sadly this ain't the case.
Posted by: Rudi Ruessel | Jan 2 2025 18:48 utc | 4
Each month U.S. units assigned to a war plan, and there are many plans for diverse parts of the empire, rate themselves on readiness categories for which data is collected and reported. Rating include weapon/equipment status, state of unit equipment and parts to take that sustain the unit, soldier training and conditioning status, etc.
To build a brigade should take 18 months, shorter is planning to fail.
So much good the empire’s money does.
Mercy would be skimming it off in Kiev.
Posted by: paddy | Jan 2 2025 18:51 utc | 5
Thanks for more of Ukrainian demise b
It is numbing to read about all the humans killed because of desperation management of a lost cause.
How many more will have to die in this proxy war?
Are we just getting started?
Down to the last European next?
A curse on their houses! (God Of Mammon cult)
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 2 2025 18:55 utc | 6
mookie @3
And a happy ending: Volga Volga Volga, get me out of here!
Posted by: Charlie | Jan 2 2025 18:58 utc | 7
The grief, sorrow and anger this has caused will haunt the Ukrainian state for a long time.
Still unsure that, at the end of the war, there will still be an Ukrainian state to be haunted by it.
Posted by: Jean Meslier | Jan 2 2025 18:58 utc | 8
Still, the Russian military advance might be done if NATO manages to deliever a huge number of AI assisted combat drones, in the range of 20-30k per Month. Then it's a stalemate again. IF they manage to do that.
And if the Russians are slow in developing counter-measures which can only be AI assisted Hunter-drones.
Cost wise it's effizient for the west,30k drones = around 300 Million Euro / Month, this even the EU alone could handle easily.
Putin behaves as if time is on his side. Sadly this ain't the case.
Posted by: Rudi Ruessel | Jan 2 2025 18:48 utc | 5
Ah yes, of course. The wunderwaffen!
Those wunderwaffen that doomed any hope of Russia holding back the Ukr tide in late 2022, the wunderwaffen that doomed them in the Ukr offensive in summer 2023, the wunderwaffen that doomed them to a stalemate, the wunderwaffen that dooms the current advance as too slow.
If the EU could handle this all alone. What took them so long? Maybe the fact that their military build up consists of hot air.
Brass tacks drones will be no more game-changing now, than they already have been.
Plus you skipped neatly over the fact, that the RF is now drastically outproducing the UKkrs/NATO in drones. Which wasn't the case at the start of the SMO.
Posted by: Urban Fox | Jan 2 2025 18:59 utc | 9
B, maybe two weeks ago, when the 155th surrendered, I posted an ukranian video that was most enlightening, I can't find it but you might be able to.
Thank you
Posted by: Newbie | Jan 2 2025 19:02 utc | 10
Those who compare Ukraine to Germany in 1945 are contradicted by this important account (a better analogy might be the Italian military c.1943). My guess, to be brief, is that the story of the 155th is the whole story of the Ukrainian military in nuce since 2014, that is, a US/UK/NATO vanity project without any real commitment locally. Since Ukraine was more or less designated a black zone from 1991 on the only logic that could be expected to hold was the logic of corruption and graft. Everything about Ukraine is fake (its nationalism, for example, is a hyped-up Galician rump left over from the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian empire mixed in with some anti-communism and football hooligan-brand Nazism), and its state was never allowed to become strong for the very reason that it was meant to be a festering sore on Russia's left buttock. Any movement toward real statehood was in fact sponsored and encouraged by Russia and memories of the USSR. The same goes for its 'military'. Often I see Zelensky speaking against a backdrop consisting of a banner containing the insignia of around 100 Ukrainian units (you know the one); when you look at the unit insignia you can tell they've all been designed elsewhere and mean nothing really to those who wear them (exception: Azov paramilitaries—an exception which proves the rule!). This is in contrast to those for whom the colours of a unit are holy objects like Roman standards, and provide the relics around which true esprit de corps can form. In all fairness I would concede that for the rank-and-file Ukrainian soldier the insignia and unit esprit probably did mean something at the level of comradeship and purpose. But this was never shared by a cynical leadership from day one and never given the support precisely because no-one at the managerial level gave a rat's ass. It was all about getting a slice of the western money, and still is. When the history is written the scale and tragedy of the sheer corruption denoted by the word 'Ukraine' will become apparent, a post-Cold-War US/UK zombie experiment that wrecked Europe and the lives of millions of those who once at least dreamed and tried for a better future under the Soviet Union. One can only guess how many billionaires were made through the Ukrainian laundry pump redirecting public funds into private accounts. Yes, genocide Joe, I'm looking at you.
[ps. wtf Posted by: Assistants | Jan 2 2025 18:26 utc | 1???]
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 2 2025 19:02 utc | 11
On January 1, 40-year-old Yevhen Kryvodub was buried in Sumy after being beaten to death by a Ukrainian recruitment officer.He sustained fatal head injuries on December 29 at the Sumy Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support.
And yet, according to US assets like Lady Pfizer we are supposed to believe Maidan in 2014 was organic.
Posted by: xor | Jan 2 2025 19:03 utc | 12
@Posted by: Assistants | Jan 2 2025 18:26 utc | 1
Soldiers (some) that have experienced *real* combat speak of having
bullshit narratives cleansed raw from themselves forever.
Posted by: librul | Jan 2 2025 19:03 utc | 13
A news source called "novynarnia" (New Narnia?) sounds fun ut it actually translates as NewsRoom.
Apparently the then chief Editor was appointed spokesperson of the UAF General Staff 12 months ago.
So presumably a loyal Kiev source.
Posted by: Mickey Droy | Jan 2 2025 19:09 utc | 14
On the positive side, 1700 souls managed to desert from the doomed 155th. This is progress and to be celebrated. Also we should celebrate that many 'elite' units formerly used as anti-retreat forces were sent to Kursk and are no longer around to do their old jobs. Abandoned positions around Pokrovsk are a sign of progress.
Posted by: Drifter | Jan 2 2025 19:13 utc | 15
What motivates them in battle? The corruption of Ukrainian politicians and the willingness of the US to fight for them does not motivate Ukrainians.
Posted by: surena | Jan 2 2025 19:23 utc | 16
Ok. What do we learn in reading this item?
1: AFU Brigades are no more 2000 or even 1000 soldiers but 5000. Interesting.
14 brigades? 70000 new soldiers. Ok.
2: AFU are bad, bad tools, bad chiefs. Ok. So, why the mighty russian army, after 3 years of total superiority, is not able to win for good?
Posted by: Darras | Jan 2 2025 19:32 utc | 17
And yet despite the utter corruption and ineptness described, Ukie forces have yet to be routed, a fact I find quite remarkable. Yes, they had years to dig in and make fortified positions. Once Russia clears the line of fortified cities and hits the somewhat open terrain, we'll see if that lack of training and organization finally makes a big difference.
As an aside, I highly suggest today's podcasts by Nima, beginning with Alex Krainer, then Michael Hudson.
Excellent. These types of actions will create a massive nucleus of ever-perpetuating anger within the Ukrainians, and they're certainly not going to direct that anger toward the Russian Federation. No, no; the anger will be justly and righteously directed toward the Judeonazi West. I look forward to the day when these angry Ukrainians lash out with unmitigated violence.
Posted by: Matthew | Jan 2 2025 19:48 utc | 19
Posted by: Matthew | Jan 2 2025 19:48 utc | 20
They're likely to do it via organized crime. That's an ugly scenario for everyone.
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 2 2025 19:51 utc | 20
Indeed, AI controlled drones are Wunderwaffen in the original sense = a real game changer.
The NATO might have a hard time producing tons of steel = grenades, but what they can do is using some cardboard planes, drop some mortar grenade in it and let it fly controlled by advanced AI algorithms.
You can say what you want, but where the West is still good / hard to beat is software and AI.
If they can leverage this advantage, the Russians are done. No electric countermeasure can help them then.
You need to see the whole picture. If AI is controlling, there is no need for easy controllability anymore. Means that you can use a much more efficient plane instead of a quadcopter. Which in turn means 100km reach instead of 20km. You can flood the whole back area with autonomous killer drones, not only the actual Frontline. And if they find no target, they just return.
Explain a countermeasure, apart from AI hunter drones or half of the Russian military playing Shorad.
Posted by: Rudi Ruessel | Jan 2 2025 19:53 utc | 21
The “Ukraine War” is merely the latest chapter of the Great Game, the great powers competition between England and Russia beginning in the 19th century… and continuing to today. Pharisee-controlled Anglo-Saxons are still working on the destruction of anything that threatens — in their minds — their commercial interests. Yesterday, the British Empite, as it was busy impoverishing and dei-industrializing India, felt threatened by Russia. Today, the American Empire feels threatened by a resurgent Russia that is economically and financially independent of the Pharisee financial institutions.
Perhaps not coincidentally, this war constitutes the third attempt to take control of Russia by Pharisees. The first attempt was The Bolchevik Revolution, which failed when Stalin engaged in purges against perceived competitors, mostly Pharisees, and earned Stalin a bad reputation. The second attempt was during the Yeltsin era when young Russian Pharisees were given funding to buy up as much of Russia’s wealth — for a song — during the privatization of formerly Soviet state companies. THAT failed when Putin gained power and incarcerated a few Rothschild agents…
Pharisees seem to have come to the conclusion that their paths to power over Russia’s wealth is by way of killing as many of Russia’s population as possible… HENCE, get Ukrainians to kill Russians under the banner of democracy and western values… the very same democratic western values that Pharisees have destroyed…
Posted by: Liberator | Jan 2 2025 19:57 utc | 22
That entire load of guff @ 1 was surely written by a ChatBOT program fed by all the entries thrown out by the organisers of the annual Bulwer-Lytton writing contest at the University of San Jose in California (the one in whuch contestants submit opening lines to crappy novels, in honour of Thomas "It was a dark and stormy night ..." Bulwer-Lytton).
Come to think of it, Bulwer-Lytton is a sinister historical figure in English or British politics in his own right.
It seems fitting then that B's post about a fake brigade created to satisfy the vanity of one of the most inauthentic politicians in an age of superficiality, posturing and lack of self-reflection - and which resulted in real and unnecessary deaths - should have a comments thread starting with a garbage piece that flattens and renders lifeless real people's experiences of war and life generally, and their dreans and hopes.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Jan 2 2025 20:05 utc | 23
The story of the 155th Ukrainian brigade is only unique in that it has been well documented. The Ukrainian command has over the last years created may such failures and seems to have not learned one bit from it.
The funding is Western treasure and it continues so these PR moves leading to military failures are economic successes.
In simple business terms, ukrop political, business and military elites are currently consuming Ukrainian lower-class male population in exchange for Western treasure.
The West demands ukrop elites start consuming university students and middle-class male population to continue the funding.
Ukrop leadership fears the prospective consumed males of the middle-classes might become too angry before being consumed.
Russian leadership remains aloof and contributes to the consumption of Ukrainian male population by going slow and careful thus incentivizing the West to keep hope and continue spending treasure.
Western leadership is about to experience a change of top dog and the new boss may not like to play this silly losing game.
Posted by: Johan Kaspar | Jan 2 2025 20:07 utc | 24
It actually sounds like some of the complaints were about partially doing the right thing. Sure, the brigade as an entity was screwed by the transferring of recruits. But this was partially doing what most analysts want anyways--not to have new brigades and just send recruits to backfill old ones that have had attrition.
Similarly, when they finally scrapped the 155 and parcelled out its subunits, troops, and gear to existing brigades, that's what everyone wanted anyways. Sure, they wasted some time with the whole ne brigade silliness, but at least they moved during and at end to just backfilling old units. Hopefully (for them) they learned their lesson and will stop the silliness in future.
What they really need is recruit training in western Ukraine at a base optimized for recruit training and with troops that are full time trainers. Like Parris Island for U.S. Marines. There should be no expectation of training full units. Just train new enlisted troops on the basics. More detailed training and combined arms and the like will happen at existing units in OJT.
A small facility for new officers makes sense as well. But even here, don't train full staffs. Just 2LTs who will learn the rest in OJT.
In theory some ability to do full unit refresher/upgrade training would make sense for units that are on break back in the rear. But this is not a priority, especially while most units are more or less fully committed to the various fronts.
Posted by: Anonymous | Jan 2 2025 20:19 utc | 25
Re my mention of Edward Bulwer-Lytton @ 24: apologies to all barflies, EB-L was not one of Britain's more sinister politicians - he just wasn't a particularly outstanding one.
He was Secretary to the Colonies in the 1860s: during that time, the colonies of Queensland and British Columbia were formed. There are towns in Queensland (Australia) and BC (Canada) named after him.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Jan 2 2025 20:29 utc | 26
Anonymous at #26:
"what is really needed is recruit training in western Ukraine at a base optimized...."
And, when the base becomes staffed by trainers and their student recruits, the Russians will Kalibrate them. Any facility set up within the Ukraine will be blasted by missiles.
Sorry, but I don't think that this will work.
Antoinetta III
Posted by: Antoinetta III | Jan 2 2025 20:40 utc | 27
@20 Matthew
The entrenched belief in the validity of one's side and its mission is such a crucial aspect of what seems to be happening in today's world.
But TPTB although able to rely on this entenchment on the side of its proxies, whether Salafists or Ukrainians, can not seem to Resurrect enmity between proper western citizens and the barbarians at the gates of Europe. It seems to be a tougher nut to Crack.
Amongst my fellows in the U.S., the only hard-core Russiaphobes seem to be within my fellow-Catholic ranks, amongst the eastern Europeans and Poles whose religious tradition seems to also involve historical nationalism that are a part of the cultural fabric in these areas.
Right now, the tension is merely simmering. I have to watch my step and what I say amongst my fellow Catholics as I have made comments before ignorant of my surroundings but now feel seething rage directed at me when present in the wrong company.
The point is is that TPTB need something to increase the temperature to resurrect the spectre of the Russian menace amongst the majority. Failing to do this, the Russians can continue this game of wearing the enemy at the border down.
Indeed, as I have mentioned before, the U.S. needs an "evil twin" to excite the stupefied Masses. Putin will not bite.
And so expect all kinds of dastardly deeds in the coming months to goad the Bear.
But b and co. here are correct that Russia is keeping them guessing, stating their intentions to retaliate in a certain fashion and then changing their mind a second later. Many here are confusing this for weakness. But if the trap is, as I have said, twin-brinkmanship to excite the masses, we will all continue to experience this "phantom war" perplexed. Battlefield warfare may have changed on the lines of Nagarno-Karabakh, but Ukraine is ushering something more momentous. Just don't ask me what this is.
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Jan 2 2025 20:48 utc | 28
"Mercy would be skimming it off in Kiev."
I think thats a damn good idea. Skim it all not 70%. Kiev is happy. Conscripts trained in a month dont have to get meat grinded. Everyone happy. Win Win
Cmon kiev you know the uncle sugar bucks are ending soon. You need to maximize the opportunity while it lasts.
It will be hard for Z to exit with that UK security detail. Kind of like the "trainees" in the French "training facility".
One thing is not in doubt. The bravery of Ukraine soldiers. When the money that got stole from Russia gets distributed as part of the deal where Russia gets everthing else it would be nice if those soldiers saw to it that it actually goes to rebuild infrastructure in Ukraine.
No laboratories. no money spent on weapon systems just things that are good for life. Just a nobody nation. No longer a piece on the big chessboard. No Black rock. No Burisma. No more meat grinder hell.
Sounds like paradise to me if they can have enough infrastructure to make a go of it. That would do my heart good to see Ukraine pick up the pieces. Vietnam did it. Its not impossible. The graft system has to go. Thats always been known. How bout it AFU? Not for uncle sammy. Not for the Kremlin. For Ukraine.
404 is not a terrible fate.
Ukraine will do ok without the funny money. It will be the USA that has a bit of a learning curve.
I yearn for that. I yearn for the weapon systems to rust in their silos. I yearn for my nation to be a nobody. I yearn for 404 where people live their lives.
Thats how all nations should be. Productive. Resources going to things that are good for life. Not creating bombs for genocide. Why would you give that up Finland? Being a nobody is the best. 404 is the best.
Posted by: Mookie | Jan 2 2025 20:49 utc | 29
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 2 2025 19:02 utc | 12
Similar to Honzo's belief that emasculating the EU was the core objective, it appears you're attempting to rationalize and re-position yet another side effect (corruption) as the primary goal.
I think these kinds of explanations suggest a certain lack of understanding how the private global banking system actually operates.
If you did, you would intuitively know the war is entirely about securing Russia's natural resources, which are an absolutely necessary component to preserving the existing dollar system.
Those who hold the incidental view usually also happen to discount the existentional nature of the war with regard to the West, seemingly only focused on the Russian side.
Because of this dual loss dilemma - NATO + $US dollar - Trump will need a dunk shot win as a pivot, acting quickly to saving the dollar.
For that he needs comparable propects of sufficient natural resources to both re-shore and incorporate existing production capacity within a USA political union.
Light bulbs going on anywhere?
PS You can follow Honzo at Sonar21.
Posted by: Markw | Jan 2 2025 20:52 utc | 30
"If they can leverage this advantage, the Russians are done. No electric countermeasure can help them then.
"you need to see the whole picture. If AI is controlling, there is no need for easy controllability anymore. Means that you can use a much more efficient plane instead of a quadcopter. Which in turn means 100km reach instead of 20km. You can flood the whole back area with autonomous killer drones, not only the actual Frontline. And if they find no target, they just return.
Explain a countermeasure, apart from AI hunter drones or half of the Russian military playing Shorad.
Posted by: Rudi Ruessel"
Yah. As long as China trades you the parts for trade beads. They are soooooooooo stupid. They will do that forever. China will never to develop their own autonomous AI drones displaying their own creativity in development. After all what do they engineer nowadays? Cheaply made hand tools right?
Thank you for explaining the whole picture.
Posted by: mookie | Jan 2 2025 20:56 utc | 31
Posted by: Rudi Ruessel | Jan 2 2025 19:53 utc | 22
Here's three countermeasures:
1) The f*cking things don't exist.
2) Even if they did, what happens when the Russia outproduces *those* too?
3) Finally go scorched earth on Ukr infrastructure. Rendering it neigh uninhabitable.
Fact is there are no war-winning "game-changers" to be had noe. No amount NATO fart huffing, changes that.
It used to be that Ukr daring-do would win the day, now the propaganda line is fictional killer robots. Also why cardboard shitplanes (that've already been tried mind you)?
Go balls-out and say they'll field terminators. At least that'd be funny.
Posted by: Urban Fox | Jan 2 2025 21:05 utc | 32
The training of the 155th brigade reportedly cost 900 million Euros.
Posted by: unimperator | Jan 2 2025 21:09 utc | 33
Go balls-out and say they'll field terminators. At least that'd be funny.@ Urban Fox | Jan 2 2025 21:05 utc | 33t
Wasn't that something former commander of all AFU (now "ambassador to UK") was reported to literally have asked of NATO? Something about autonomous combat robots with lasers.
Posted by: boneless | Jan 2 2025 21:10 utc | 34
Technology exists
it can be used to create great quality of life
it can be used to create war devices
Shenzhen must be bombed
Thats obviously preferable for humanity to agree to have a good quality of life
Yes cling to individual pockets of war technology and destroy all other technology capability.
Its the way.
Luckily China is so stupid they cant innovate war technology and doubly stupid not to create it manufacture it in quantity and stash it. Bombing Shenzhen will turn out wonderful.
Posted by: mookie | Jan 2 2025 21:15 utc | 35
Posted by: Mookie | Jan 2 2025 20:49 utc | 30
Sounds like Ukraine before 1990. Not perfect, hell nowhere near perfect, but a long way from perfect is a hell of lot closer to perfect than the dystopian shithole it's been since 1991. Except now it's going to be full of resentful demobbed soldiers with PTSD after payback. Can it get more dystopian? You betcha. Exhibit 1: Syria; Exhibit 2: Lybia; Exhibit 3...
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 2 2025 21:19 utc | 36
Posted by: Markw | Jan 2 2025 20:52 utc | 31
Well obviously I wasn't offering a totalizing explanation but thanks for assuming I'm an idiot. Nothing I like more on a Friday morning than a patronizing know-all telling me "silly billy, you're missing the larger picture". Is there anyone at the bar who doesn't know that the war is simply part of a century-old project to balkanize Russia and initiate Conquista 2.0?
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 2 2025 21:23 utc | 37
They can put in air defense. Large parts of Kiev are relatively safe. Sure, some strikes may get called in, but you can just do the training in small groups (most training should be platoon sized anyways), with few/no large parades or the like. Yeah, maybe some facilities get damaged, but so be it. Get practice at moving into trenches. Ukraine is a large country with a lot of open land. Would not be hard to set up a spread out base like Camp Pendleton.
Note: Even if it were impossible to train in UKR (I disagree, they do it now, but even if so), you could just put the base across the border. Sure, you might have a little more of a desertion problem, but the basic point of doing new recruit training optimized for recruits, not for brigades would remain.
Posted by: Anonymous | Jan 2 2025 21:26 utc | 38
This war is brutal, the Russians posted a video from the camera of a dead Ukrainian soldier. It shows a hand-to-hand fight with knives during the assault. In the end, the Russian wins, and the Ukrainian said that the Russian fought him well and acknowledged his victory and said goodbye to him, then he blew up a grenade. Damn, war is shit.
Posted by: Max | Jan 2 2025 21:42 utc | 39
The big problem, I see on the horizon, is going to be Transnistria. The cutting of the gas transit through that region means it is now open to seige by both Moldova and Ukraine. Ive heard a figure that Transnistria only has stocks of coal for 50 days. After that, it becomes a crisis.
What do the Russians do? The region is landlocked 230 km from Russian lines. It presents a humanitarian crisis. My own feeling is that the people there probably want out. In which case they could all be evacuated?
Posted by: HERMIUS | Jan 2 2025 21:42 utc | 40
Posted by: Rudi Ruessel | Jan 2 2025 19:53 utc | 22
One more fucking troll joined the pack of wolves. (Sorry for the real wolves!)
If... if... if... Go on dreaming. In the meantime China is far more in advance on drones and AI.
Imagine, if China will conclude a military alliance with Russia. You and your like (the nazis) are done. Once and for all. Crapule!
Posted by: Naive | Jan 2 2025 21:47 utc | 41
I posted something over in the other thread with some translated quotes from:
What is notable is the fingers pointing at Zelensky and, in turn, the use of the investigative authorities to try and deflect the blame.
Posted by: Jeremy Rhymings-Lang | Jan 2 2025 21:54 utc | 42
I've heard a figure that Transnistria only has stocks of coal for 50 days. After that, it becomes a crisis.What do the Russians do? The region is landlocked 230 km from Russian lines. It presents a humanitarian crisis. My own feeling is that the people there probably want out. In which case they could all be evacuated?
Posted by: HERMIUS | Jan 2 2025 21:42 utc | 41
Transnistria is external to the primary SMO territory and of little potential value to the RF. It is more like another Armenia or Syria rather than another Donbas. The idea that the Russian armed forces could or would do a military rescue of this marginal territory is pure fantasy.
Whatever happens there will have to be dealt with through diplomacy. People who wanted to emigrate to Russia have had 33 years in which to do so. If there is a humanitarian crisis there, the best Russia could do is offer humanitarian aid and perhaps some air evacuation. A deal would have to be done with Ukraine and Moldova so the cargo planes doing the humanitarian airlift don't get shot down.
(Yes, there is a large old Soviet ammo dump there full of munitions from the 1980s and earlier. Some artillery shells might be usable. This is of little importance as Ukraine has lost most of their Soviet caliber barrel artillery pieces. In any case, the whole installation could be remotely detonated with missiles, Ukraine gets nothing.)
Posted by: Drifter | Jan 2 2025 22:04 utc | 43
The 155th seems to have followed its French threat level response matrix training exactly:
Level I - Run
Level II - Hide
Level III - Surrender
Level IV - Collaborate
Posted by: frithguild | Jan 2 2025 22:18 utc | 45
Your kaleidoscopic imagery is eye catching.
A metaphor:
You copulate, get up, turn on the lights,
look back at the bed. To discover a Japanese robot
looking back at you though her wig.
Artificial intelligence is a drag on consciousness.
Posted by: Middle-man | Jan 2 2025 22:23 utc | 46
The hero of that knife fight.
Thanks b, the 155th is just the tip of the iceberg. The disabled veterans are starving and freezing on the streets. Won't be much longer before the bough breaks.
Posted by: Suresh | Jan 2 2025 22:37 utc | 47
Rotating units would lead to even more deserters wouldn't it? You would have to be pretty stupid to go back.
I can be quite stupid and still I got myself out of a NATO member military during "peacetime" since I recognized it was nothing at all like what I had thought it would be and having little regard for the abilities of most I had met (there were exceptions —essentially special forces or similar— but they are few). Not that I was in any way impressed with myself either, maybe such a basic level of honesty is what allowed me to realize the rest at different conscious and subconscious levels.
Never met anyone above the level of company commander that didn't give the impression of being a moron and even at that level they usually did (let's say 50%).
Basic infantry training is very basic, as someone who once provided such basic training (boot camp instructor) it is interesting to see that removing basic training makes hardly any difference as seems to be the case in ex-Ukraine.
An artillery shell, a UAV grenade, a bullet, or sickness doesn't care how good you are, how smart you are, or how much you trained, if it gets you you're done. People love to deny this.
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jan 2 2025 22:41 utc | 48
Posted by: Naive | Jan 2 2025 21:47 utc | 42
as easy as it sounds for your brain
as easy I can explain
it isnt about the numbers but the spirits, 1 can kill a million easy if he desires to
so be careful with such wishes :p
Posted by: Macpott | Jan 2 2025 22:49 utc | 49
What the “muh slow territory gain” crowd miss is that it is not only sq km that matter, but resources grabbed and fortified positions captured.
Russia now has lots of new coal, lithium, and other mines to supply the liberated Donbas with heat and power.
Taking “the rich network of the fortifications “ as Dima pits it makes any future UAF counteroffensive about as likely as Macron missing an opportunity to strut and peacock!
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Jan 2 2025 22:58 utc | 50
HERMIUS | Jan 2 2025 21:42 utc | 41--
Yes, that does constitute a problem given what the Russian constitution says about protecting Russians outside of Russia, which is Transnistria to a Tee. Fortunately, the Transnistrians can produce electricity, so they have a power source capable of producing heat. They were selling their excess generation to Moldova, but that's halted. Its degree of isolation is variable according to what I was able to quickly research. It's fortunate geographically to not get as frosty as Mother Russia. Tomorrow's high for Tiraspol is forecast at 47F.
Haven't seen it but the "knife fight" stuff sounds completely retarded and contrived.
It's been an artillery war... (drones are used as artillery) ...yet people manage to mess up so badly they end up doing knife fights?
Let me guess: they were rolling around on the ground as well? Because that's the lowest and crudest form of fighting possible (sorry to any fans of wrestling).
So please tell me who filmed this nonsense and explain their passive presence.
(Do I really have to watch such shit to debunk it?).
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jan 2 2025 23:01 utc | 52
Frithguild @ 46:
Now have to find a way to insert jokes about French tanks with 13 gears into the comments thread.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Jan 2 2025 23:05 utc | 53
It's probably not done just as a "vanity project" for Zelensky and his ilk.
Standing up new brigades rather than using new recruits to fill out existing ones probably provides greater opportunities for skimming off foreign aid money to line their own pockets.
So, yeah, let's do that instead...
Posted by: Yeah, Right | Jan 2 2025 23:07 utc | 54
@ Sunny Runny Burger | Jan 2 2025 23:01 utc | 54
People supposedly follow this war for three years yet still have absolutely no idea about what is actually going on there. Also, "didn't watch, but let me complain". The two classics in one.
Posted by: boneless | Jan 2 2025 23:16 utc | 55
Posted by: frithguild | Jan 2 2025 22:18 utc | 46
Level V - French tactics
Posted by: Macpott | Jan 2 2025 23:18 utc | 56
SRB @ 54
yes you do need to view it; no you won't be able to debunk it and; war is hell.
Posted by: AleaJactaEst | Jan 2 2025 23:24 utc | 57
U.S. and USSR/Russian arms sales from 1950 through 2017
Video timeline visualising quantity
Posted by: Ornot | Jan 2 2025 23:28 utc | 58
Now have to find a way to insert jokes about French tanks with 13 gears into the comments thread.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Jan 2 2025 23:05 utc | 55
3 forward, 9 reverse on 1 that does nothing just to make the lucky 13!
Posted by: frithguild | Jan 2 2025 23:29 utc | 59
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jan 2 2025 23:01 utc | 54
The footage was from the dead Ukrainian's body cam. You can view it at the link posted above by Max @40.
Good luck trying to debunk it.
Posted by: Siddhartha | Jan 2 2025 23:30 utc | 60
France bombed Syria Daesh just before new year.
Daesh attacked New Orleans US.
France facilitated "Israel" nuclear program.
"Israel" bombed Aleppo registering Mag.2.5 quake.
Posted by: Ornot | Jan 2 2025 23:56 utc | 61
Apology, wrong link above
Posted by: Ornot | Jan 2 2025 23:58 utc | 62
Knife fight. No you do not have to view it. It is not debunkable. Sorry I did view it. It is extremely violent and primal, preceded by an automatic weapons fire fight. You have seen countless such fights in the movies but this was a dozen times more real. Think Leonardo DiCaprio fighting hand to hand with the grizzly in The Revenant, only more real and more equal. Probably worse if you can understand the shouting, which I could not
Posted by: mjh | Jan 3 2025 0:16 utc | 63
Posted by: Macpott | Jan 2 2025 22:49 utc | 51
Strawman fallacy. What do you know about my wishes? Nothing.
Posted by: Naive | Jan 3 2025 0:22 utc | 64
Its very obvious that one of the reasons for the slow advance is the Russian policy of limiting losses while keeping Ukie losses as high as possible with drones, artillery, FABs etc. This makes for a slow grind, especially through the layers of emplacements put in place since 2014. Ukie losses are off their high of 90,000 a month, but still running at 60,000 per month.
With Kuarkhove now fallen, and nearly all of Toretsk, the only part left is to take Pokrovsk (as a major supply hub) before the Russians can drive west along more flat and little fortified areas, and also north behind the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk-Konstyantynivka remaining major defensive line. Then we will see what the Ukrainian army is capable of without the protection of heavily fortified areas.
Another surprising area may be Sumy, as the closing of the Sudzha pocket may present the Russians with a lightly defended area (the defenders trapped/liquidated in the Sudzha pocket) where a large area may be captured quickly just 140km west of Kiev. Sumy is the supply hub for the region, so taking it would give the Russians a good base of operations while making things very difficult for the Ukrainians. The latter would have to rush to defend the area, pulling troops from other parts of the front. The final tragedy of the strategic error that was the Kursk offensive.
Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 3 2025 0:25 utc | 65
Thank you, thank you, karlof1 | Jan 2 2025 19:43 utc | 19!!
I have just enjoyed the Alex Krainer bit -- I love how he juxtaposed Tchaikovski in Italy with 'polite guest at the dinnertable' --- yes, yes, yes!!
When Alex described the Croatian election I was remembering how it poured with rain as Croatia accepted from Putin the genuine accolade at the World Cup, which that team had so rightly deserved. Russia, you had Croatia then, you had them!
This morning I came across a slogan I had saved:
Not everything that counts can be counted.
Not everything that can be counted counts...
[A. Einstein]
Posted by: juliania | Jan 3 2025 0:32 utc | 66
@Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 3 2025 0:25 utc | 67
I do wonder how much the Ukies have already thinned out the lines around Zaporizhzhia to feed the Kursk offensive and to fill in for the losses further east. Perhaps the Russians are waiting for a critical relative manpower advantage before they make a move toward Odessa and Transnistria, perhaps a closing of the Sudzha pocket will strip away yet more troops from this area.
Same for the area just west of Kiev.
Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 3 2025 0:40 utc | 67
Liberator#23 ..Thanks for excellent comment..yes Stalin went for head of Pharisee/snake Lew Davidovich Bronstein/Trotsky to kill him in the Mexico...he knew troublemaker.
It's an interesting read, but if this story is true it does not say much about the Russian military. They are fighting poorly trained, ill equipped troops and they are barely able to move a few inches per day.
No, I am not a troll I am simply being realistic. I have been following on here from the beginning and lots of predictions about Russian victory have come and gone and the Russians are still the only ones open to peace negotiations.
Posted by: Cagey | Jan 3 2025 0:49 utc | 69
@ Cagey | Jan 3 2025 0:49 utc | 71
You are lying. Also you are still a troll. What did you expect would happen by saying you're not one?
Posted by: boneless | Jan 3 2025 0:57 utc | 70
To the last Ukrainian is the main order.
Land grab.
Depopulation that will not demand it back.
Settlement in Europe where their children are needed to improve fertility rates.
Most are going to be raised to hate Russia but will end up hating us instead.
They will seethe as they see the ones who chose to remain and retain the old ties prosper and have much greater security and free public services then will ever again exist in the Collective Waste.
Most will experience what is now a daily more reality for us; they will own nothing, always rent and be in debt from cradle to grave.
I expect shelensky might attempt a runner soon when he is abroad - away from his minders and entourage. He should be encouraged more now that the drones are begining to land closer to their buildings in Kiev.
It’s that or an ignoble tyrants death at the hands of his own destroyed nationalists.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 3 2025 1:13 utc | 71
Ukie losses are off their high of 90,000 a month, but still running at 60,000 per month.
Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 3 2025 0:25 utc | 67
The current value is running at 60.000 in my model, but both in the autumn 2022 and july 2023 AFU offensives I think real numbers were as high as 110.000-120-000.
Posted by: Newbie | Jan 3 2025 1:18 utc | 72
Posted by: Cagey | Jan 3 2025 0:49 utc | 71 "the Russians are still the only ones open to peace negotiations."
Pretty sure Ukraine is open to peace negotiations: Russia just needs to get out of Ukraine.
Posted by: Ed4 | Jan 3 2025 1:24 utc | 73
You are programmed with higher reason than anonymous.
Logic , deductive thought, ability to contemplate two, three, four,
opposing views? Nevertheless you lack human consciousness.
That’s self evident by you conclusions and advice. You are
artificial intelligence no big deal. If you respond to what I wrote,
I will not respond back. I don’t have to , I don’t need to.
Posted by: Middle-man | Jan 3 2025 1:26 utc | 74
To #25: You say: "Western leadership is about to experience a change of top dog and the new boss may not like to play this silly losing game."
If by so-called "new boss" you mean Trump, apparently you're unaware that he was already pres. for 4 yrs, was totally ignored by the Pentagon et al, just followed their orders such as sending 2 shipments of lethal weapons to Ukraine to kill Russians--something even Obama wouldn't do--along with spouting vicious neocon propaganda-the opposite of what Don's 2016 voters thought they were getting. In Aug. 2017 congress removed all Russia matters from him and assigned them to the Senate. The whole world saw that Don was powerless, his election effectively nullified.
Per Alastair Crooke, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev noticed and responded:
“Any hope of improving our relations with the new U.S. administration is over...The Trump administration demonstrated it is utterly powerless, and in the most humiliating manner, transferred executive powers to Congress...The American establishment completely outplayed Trump.”…
As to "the West" urging Ukr. to send younger men to die, Trump's mass murdering pal Lindsey Graham traveled to Kiev and told Ukr. gov. that they had to add troops by sending in many more younger men. It was also Lindsey Graham who in Jan. 2017 initiated the congressional movement that in Aug. succeeded in removing Trump from all Russia matters. If Trump wanted politics to be his new family business, he knew he had to follow Lindsey Graham's wishes, in effect becoming the new McCain, keeping US taxpayers enslaved to the endless war machine. Trump should've resigned. When you don't keep promises you made to get a job--for whatever reason--you resign and move on.
Posted by: susan mullen | Jan 3 2025 1:26 utc | 75
The truth is Russia is not anywhere to be seen. Try some real facts for a change. They cannot defend Syria. They cannot take Ukraine. They cannot defend themselves either.
Posted by: Chen | Jan 3 2025 1:37 utc | 79
Posted by: TJandTheBear | Jan 3 2025 1:48 utc | 76
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 2 2025 19:02 utc | 12
Sounds just like the ad-hoc Paratrooper Divisions (in name only) that the Germans were forced to create and deploy in ‘45. The real telling part, re the 155th, is that a combat ineffective unit was put into the line at a vital location. This suggests that the Ukrainians are using meat shield tactics to try to buy time, for what is unclear, but time is their main enemy now.
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jan 2 2025 22:41 utc | 50
Seems you are contradicting thousands of years of warfare, regarding training, so I’d love to know how basic the basic training you administered was.
I’d also like to which army you served, because I’ve met lots of squaddie philosophers and platoon commanders who are far from morons.
Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 3 2025 0:25 utc | 67
I don’t think you can also rule out that the Russian Army, in particular, is not only battling the enemy but decades of under-funding, stagnation and cut-backs. Three years of combat experience and mass mobilisations help, but the WW2 Red Army was in a similar situation and it took 2-3 years for these issues to be addressed. The Russian Army now is a far more effective fighting force than when it rolled over the border, but it had a lot of ground to make up.
Going back to my comment about the similarity of the ad-hoc Ukrainian brigades to their German ‘45 counterparts, the obvious question is, if they are so bad, why aren’t the Russians exploiting this situation better? The answer might be, in historical terms, that the two sides now occupy split chronologies, with Ukraine operationally equivalent to the late war Germans, whilst the Russians are entering ‘44, but unable to absorb the losses of that period. This then means a slow, protracted slog, already hampered by the devolved nature of the ISR environment and the tactical strike capabilities it affords both sides.
Posted by: Milites | Jan 3 2025 1:50 utc | 77
Hmm, there's a failure of communication here.
I've never been in a war but I've been lucky enough to walk away unhurt from a full on close quarter/close combat fight. Not training or pretending or sport or movie nonsense. Maybe some of you can comprehend that.
You are not going to be able to "watch" a real knife fight from a body cam; you're not actually seeing anything.
Does 99% of it consist of "empty" pictures of the sky, the ground, the surroundings, or clothes? No? XD
"Found footage" is a genre.
You don't have to see a turd to smell it.
Believe whatever you want to :)
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jan 3 2025 1:59 utc | 78
Ed4 | Jan 3 2025 1:24 utc | 76
"...Russia just needs to get out of Ukraine."
Somehow you seem to have missed the reality: Russia isn't in Ukraine. Russia is in the once Independent Eastern Regions of a failed State - those eastern regions refused to accept the US and NATO installed NAZIs in Kiev... The Eastern Oblasts legally - by all International standards - declared their own independence and when the illegal junta government in Kiev continued genocidal and ethnic cleansing acts against them they asked Russia to assist in protecting themselves from the NATO installed NAZIs...
They also held referenda and elected to petition Russia to become part of Russia which Russia Voted to accept.
Russia is not in Ukraine.
Posted by: DoesItReallyMatter | Jan 3 2025 1:59 utc | 79
So ... b ...
WTF are YOU doing to save Germany? If Germany falls ... all of the EU goes down like Dominos.
Quit worrying about what Trump might do in Syria or Gaza or Taiwan. Yeah, I get that you give a forum to a bunch of anonymous Marxists and message board Eeyores who hate the USA and West. Big deal.
What are YOU DOING for Germany? What? Seriously. You're an old man with obvious health issues. Write something that's going to think of a POSITIVE geopolitical outcome. Won't hold my breath.
Posted by: NigelTufnel11 | Jan 3 2025 2:01 utc | 80
Found this somewhere else, might be worth a laugh
Posted by: Newbie | Dec 16 2024 2:05 utc | 130
Posted by: Newbie | Jan 3 2025 2:04 utc | 81
War is insanity.
My old man got his jaw shot out on a French beach. After he got better from that, he fought again in Europe, and was awarded a Silver Star for taking out a sniper that was holding down his unit. I recall him telling the story, and my asking him how he managed to do it.
“I just got fed up and went out there and shot the son of a bitch.”
I spent most of my childhood and indeed much of my life wondering how a man could find himself in a war battle. If my father had known how much the USA had been screwing with Japan, and if he ever had any inkling that Pearl Harbor was not a complete surprise he might not have gotten involved voluntarily. It’s one thing to fight for what you perceive as a just cause, and quite another to have a gun to your head forcing you to fight for dishonorable entities that just happen to rule the spaces under your feet. There can be no greater realization for a soldier than their status as government property. How difficult it must be to continue on the path that leads to brutal combat when your soul is not valued by the elite beings you’re representing, and you are aware of this fact.
I did a few years in the military voluntarily during peacetime. I never got my finger out, but I did get a good feel for the massive power in the hands of American leadership. I imagine that I would have walked into combat if required, but back then the average person was limited in what they could know. A young person today quite possibly understands much more about the war they are participating in, since the internet provides information from sources on all sides. If I understood then what I understand now, I’m not sure that I would even have considered entering the military. Ukrainian conscripts are likely fully aware of the evil doings they are being forced to participate in. That has to be a psychological burden.
It reminds me of a long discussion I had with some fellows a long time ago. If killing a human being is fundamentally immoral, what’s up with war? How is this ever justified? If a soldier has to pick between killing a human being or be shot for desertion, which is the moral choice? Which looks better on the cosmic resume?
The elite are utilizing the will to survive innate in their human livestock to get their war on. It’s kill or be killed, and don’t try to run.
Madness, but reality. Situation normal.
A must to avoid.
I probably have no business taking up space here, but this article really got to me. I appreciate the author and this site, which has taken me to new places. There’s much to learn here, so I’ll shut up now and get back to it.
Posted by: A rope leash | Jan 3 2025 2:12 utc | 82
1. It would take you a month to get to know it; normal initial boot camp training that every NATO soldier goes through (or went through many decades ago —I am no longer young :P).
I'm certainly not saying it's useless but I am saying that it clearly, and based on the data/information we're given, makes extremely little difference in ex-Ukraine.
Likely has something do with incoming artillery...
2. Thank you for the praise when you say:
"I’ve met lots of squaddie philosophers and platoon commanders who are far from morons."Because you would be talking about me and mine :) (while usually second or third in command I was sometimes in charge of a platoon of roughly 50 people, some of that time with a second in command below me and on a few slow days entirely on my own).
If you go back and read what I wrote you would notice that I am talking about company commanders and above (a company consists of several platoons) and not platoon commanders and below.
· · · · · · · · · · ·
A last comment on the "knife fight".
I noticed someone mentioning shouting during the alleged knife fight.
You don't shout during a knife fight. You don't swear or hold speeches either.
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jan 3 2025 2:26 utc | 83
Pretty sure Ukraine is open to peace negotiations: Russia just needs to get out of Ukraine.
Posted by: Ed4 | Jan 3 2025 1:24 utc | 76
The "Ukraine" you fantasize about in your Stepan Bandera Neo-Nazi "Action figure" masturbation sessions doesn't exist without Russian tolerance and discipline. The Russians are on the absolute right side of History here. Putin told Burns in 2008 that NATO membership for Ukraine is always a "Nyet." Of course Obama and the usual Globalist/Zionists ignored it by staging their Maidan Coup. Then lying about Minsk agreements. And now??? The same William Burns is RUNNING the CIA. Just absolute evil. They're GONE!
Russia holds THE winning hand militarily. There's NO MORE UKRAINE dummy! Quit shooting long range missiles and Russia won't have to TAKE the place you're shooting them from. Pretty simple! SURRENDER and know that the Galician Nazis in Lvol need to go if you're gonna keep Odessa. Send those Banderites up to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania where they belong.
Posted by: NigelTufnel11 | Jan 3 2025 2:26 utc | 84
@ Sunny Runny Burger | Jan 3 2025 2:26 utc | 90
What is with Americans and outright refusing to actually learn something at the cost of a few minutes of their life, down to actually being proud of their ignorance?
You have thoroughly embarrassed yourself already. For which I am grateful, it does get boring here.
Posted by: boneless | Jan 3 2025 2:47 utc | 86
“Pretty sure Ukraine is open to peace negotiations: Russia just needs to get out of Ukraine.”
Too late for that.
Posted by: Fred777 | Jan 3 2025 2:57 utc | 87
That prose read like AI, especially towards the faux deep end of the chapter. Or maybe it's a case of AI influencing your writing by making you think that's how good fictional prose is suppose to 'undulate,' emotively and thematically.
Posted by: Ludovic | Jan 3 2025 2:59 utc | 88
What is with Americans and outright refusing to actually learn something at the cost of a few minutes of their life, down to actually being proud of their ignorance?
You have thoroughly embarrassed yourself already. For which I am grateful, it does get boring here.
Posted by: boneless | Jan 3 2025 2:47 utc | 93
Oh .. really? Who the FOCK are you? What country are YOU from? LMAO
Posted by: NigelTufnel11 | Jan 3 2025 3:12 utc | 89
Olay. So. Be careful of Islamists.
Not Muslims. Islamists. London is full of them and we Americans have just waved 12 million unknowns of "Who effing knows" origin.
I believe we're fighting out of this.
Posted by: NigelTufnel11 | Jan 3 2025 3:20 utc | 90
mookie2@ 32
oops, Chinese drone swarm info
Posted by: krollchem | Jan 3 2025 3:29 utc | 91
I do not understand why the Ukrainian people are putting up with this and not overthrowing ZioJew boy?
"...the command of the OK "West" and CSR began to transfer untrained and ill-coordinated people to the Pokrovsk area.."
Why does this seem to be a GENOCIDE?
Posted by: Kay | Jan 3 2025 3:39 utc | 92
Why does this seem to be a GENOCIDE?
Posted by: Kay | Jan 3 2025 3:39 utc | 99
You cannot be serious.
"Every MISS belongs to Kay ..."
Posted by: NigelTufnel11 | Jan 3 2025 3:55 utc | 93
I am not sure what you believe i am lying about?? I have read this blog very frequently since the beginning, I watched numerous hours of The Duran, Colon McGregor, Scott Ridder and a whole lot more.
I remember all the talk in the early weeks that the Ukraine army is about to collapse. I believed it and still would like to believe that Russia has this great military but looking at it objectively, it's performance is very poor. B post about the 155 brigade being poorly trained, poorly equipped and this was supposed to be one of the better ones. All I am saying is if the 155 is as poorly trained and equipped, how are the Russians not rolling over them?? The truth is because the Russian army is only slightly better.
The 155 brigade sounds about on par with the Iraq Army and everyone saw what the American military did to them .
Posted by: Cagey | Jan 3 2025 3:58 utc | 94
Why does this seem to be a GENOCIDE?
Posted by: Kay | Jan 3 2025 3:39 utc | 99
Sorry, you might be right. This War certainly seems like a genocide against white Slavic 46 year old male Orthodox Christians- stolen off the media-villaged street - against EVERYTHING that is going to render his wife and children a widow and his kids fatherless.
What else would a demon like Obama do? The Zionists need the resources of Ukraine for their "Greater Israel" and "Master Race" Talmud stuff.
Ukraine is run by a despot with Neo-Nazi handlers. And ... not every kiss begins with Kay.
Posted by: NigelTufnel11 | Jan 3 2025 4:21 utc | 95
Posted by: Max | Jan 2 2025 21:42 utc | 40
Looks like the Ukie found a NK!
Posted by: Surferket | Jan 3 2025 4:24 utc | 96
@Antoinetta III #28 Commenting on @Anonymous #26
Thanx girl . . . ya beat me to it !!
As I read AnonyMouses comment on his plan for training camp(s) in deepest darkest Galicia my initial thought(s) was/were WTAF are you thinking? Where has AnonyMouse been hiding/asleep for the last 12 plus months? Has he not been following 'The Adventures of the Kay Twins - Kinzhal & Kalibr & their trusty sidekick Iskander' ?? Training camps, especially the ones containing nato/mercenaries (there's a difference???) seem to have recently had a bad habit of suddenly vanishing, leaving behind large holes in the ground. It's a mystery, that's for sure.
Posted by: Chris in Ch-Ch | Jan 3 2025 4:34 utc | 97
Looks like the Ukie found a NK!
Posted by: Surferket | Jan 3 2025 4:24 utc | 103
You're such an idiot if you think that soldier was North Korean. He speaks perfect Russian and the RF has many states where somewhat Asian (smaller eyes, higher cheekbones) are native. The OFAN NAFO bros are so fuckin' stupid.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 3 2025 4:53 utc | 98
Nigel-just in-philly-chen- anonymous -fred 777-sun of 27-assistant
Are artificial intelligence. When you respond to them, you are responding
to a non-entity.
Posted by: Middle-man | Jan 3 2025 5:08 utc | 99
Kiev's Military is commanded, trained, organized, and equipped by NATO. It is a NATO military.
The tragic tale of the 155th is therefore a tale of NATO militaries.
Posted by: Exile | Jan 3 2025 5:27 utc | 100
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I wonder how hard it is to escape the training facilities in France. Thinking no R&R passes.
Posted by: mookie | Jan 2 2025 18:29 utc | 1