Syria - New York Times Claims Mysterious Coalition Installed Dictatorship
Here is how the New York times announced the installation of a fundamentalist Sunni-Islamic dictatorship in Syria:
Rebel Leader Who Overthrew al-Assad Is Declared Syria’s President (archived) - New York Times, Jan 29 2025
The new leadership of the country said the rebel coalition leader, Ahmed al-Shara, would serve as president during a transitional period.
The rebel coalition that seized control of Syria last month appointed its leader, Ahmed al-Shara, as president of the country to preside over a transitional period, Syrian state media reported on Wednesday.A spokesman for the coalition, Col. Hassan Abdel Ghani, also declared that the Constitution had been nullified and the legislature and army formed under the country’s deposed dictator, Bashar al-Assad, were dissolved, according to the state news agency, SANA.
The declarations amounted to the country’s first official steps toward establishing a new government after the rebel coalition led by the group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, or H.T.S., swept into the capital, Damascus, last month in a lightning offensive that toppled Mr. al-Assad. Mr. al-Shara, who led that coalition, has since been serving as the country’s de facto leader.
This is the first time that I have read of a "coalition" in Syria. Who but the al-Qaida aligned Hayat Tahrir al Sham (HTS) under its brutal mass murderer Ahmed al-Shara (formerly known as Abu Mohammad al-Julani) is part of it?
Contrast the NY Times take with the one by the Washington Post:
Syria’s de facto leader declares himself president, abolishes constitution - Washington Post, Jan 29 2025
Syria’s de facto leader, Ahmed al-Sharaa, on Wednesday abolished the country’s constitution and declared himself president during a meeting of armed factions in Damascus.The former rebel leader will “assume the duties of the Presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic and represent it in international forums,” commander Hassan Abdelghani said, according to the Syrian state news agency SANA.
No mysterious 'coalition' in this one.
Posted by b on January 30, 2025 at 10:23 UTC | Permalink
Found on Sputnik--
"Prof. Michael Hudson is adamant: in an absolutely must read essay, he concisely explains that 'when Trump promised his voters that the United States must be the ‘winner’ in any international trade or financial agreement, he is declaring economic war on the rest of the world.'”
Hudson's essay--
Posted by: elmagnostic | Jan 30 2025 11:40 utc | 4
> de facto leader declares himself president, abolishes constitution - Washington Post, Jan 29 2025
"abolishes constitution".
Envy provoking.
Posted by: too scents | Jan 30 2025 11:54 utc | 5
stick to palestine, your syria coverage is abysmal. there were multiple opposition groups simultaneously pushing simultaneously; al-tamf reached damascus before hts did. no mystery about it.
Posted by: dontatme | Jan 30 2025 12:03 utc | 6
Italian Gulfstream 550 spyplane doing today's Black Sea patrol.
alongside a US Navy Poseidon
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Jan 30 2025 12:12 utc | 7
USAF Rivet Joint off Kaliningrad
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Jan 30 2025 12:16 utc | 8
Not related to the question of a possible coalition of western proxies, but related to Syria:
I have read Pepe for decades, he was always fully convinced of the imminent downfall of the US empire and the rise of the multipolar world. His tone is much more somber and sober now. There really is nothing positive for the resistance in the failure of Assad.
Posted by: Hamburger | Jan 30 2025 12:25 utc | 9
elmagnostic | Jan 30 2025 11:40 utc
So what is new??
In the mid sixties I was taught in college it wasn’t about dogma democracy v. communism … it is about an economic war. Otherwise the past sixty years would hardly make sense.
The coalition was established in 2011-13 … the Benghazi CIA annex coordinating munitions, arms, heavy weapons through partnership with Turkey and Qatar … the Muslim Brotherhood allies … Mursi was installed in Cairo after he was busted out of prison by Islamists and Hamas fighters of Northern Sinai. Washington wasn’t too happy … General Sisi was supported by KSA-UAE where the MB is banned terror organization.
Wonderful challenge for HRC and later John Kerry to get all allies on a common goal … gross miscalculation. The Sunni jihadists supported by KSA in Anbar province made a sweeping conquest to Mosul and along the Euphrates into Syria to Raqqa before crossing to Aleppo threatening the gains from Turkey, Washington DC and NATO allies. The attempt to overthrow Erdogan was a brief setback …
As Russia was called in to support Assad in September 2015, the death toll already stood at 400k. Major mistake by Russia was to transport the worst of the worse into Idlib district in NW Syria. Similar to Ukraine, these cut-throats receive major support in funds and arms from the all but “secret” coalition. To prove their heroism for NATO, the Idlib rebels got support from drone experts from Kyiv … after over a decade of sanctions, the “conquest” of Damascus by the rebels led by Jolani was written in the stars.
Instead of the Assad regime, Israel got Al Qaeda as its new neighbours … let it all pan our … get more popcorn please.
Unknown German Air Force off Kaliningrad
Busy little bees today, what's going on? Training Europeans?
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Jan 30 2025 12:38 utc | 11
@9 | Hamburger
Pepe Escobar has always been a bit too enthusiastic for his own good. It's probably genuine, but it also fits a mold of freelance media to hype events up.
The fundamental shift against the empire will most probably continue slowly. And those "weeks where decades happen" are notoriously difficult to predict.
Posted by: Roland | Jan 30 2025 12:50 utc | 12
I have long wondered where Pepe Escobar gets the money for his extensive world travels?
Just who are his sponsors?
Posted by: qparker | Jan 30 2025 13:10 utc | 13
HTS itself was already a merger of various groups and it seems like Turkish intelligence or a coalition of agencies cleaned this organization of any "too radical" jihadist as to prepare this group for some "acceptable" entity to do the bulk of interim governing.
However, the broader coalition consisted of HTS, SFA, SOR (in itself a mini-coalition), then we also have Tahrir al-Sham and SNA. Most news articles do not list them all but it's not hard to find this information. Leaving aside the question of funding, steering etc.
Posted by: John Dowser | Jan 30 2025 13:22 utc | 14
Israel wanted a terrorist state in Syria. Best DJT can do is Libya 2.0 and bringing the boyz home.
On a totally different topic ; that news made my day :
I wonder : why did the Danes suddenly changed their mind ? ;p
Posted by: Savonarole | Jan 30 2025 13:41 utc | 15
Pepe Escobar has always been a bit too enthusiastic for his own good.
Posted by: Roland | Jan 30 2025 12:50 utc | 12
have long wondered where Pepe Escobar gets the money for his extensive world travels?
Just who are his sponsors?
Posted by: qparker | Jan 30 2025 13:10 utc | 13
I have liked Pepe and the Duran boys , ritter, Col McGregor, the judge for a very long time. When it comes to geopolitics.
When it comes to economics they can ALL be totally ignored. They are a complete farce and every one of them do what their GROUPTHINK always does.
Each to man ALWAYS view fully sovereign nation states with a free floating fiat currency through a gold standard , fixed exchange rate lens.
The Duran boys video today - Trump tariff weapon.
Is a complete comedy double act with the foundations of their thinking being from a different century.
The HUGE problem of course, is all of their followers who watch their geopolitical content because it is so good. Get caught up in their bullshit gold standard, fixed exchange rate economic analysis. Start to believe their false framing and narratives from a century ago.
Their economic analysis is no different than the mainstream neocon and neolib outlets. They get sucked into the financial Times and the economist magazine outlook. Their gold standard , fixed exchange rate lens.
Posted by: Sun Of Alabama | Jan 30 2025 14:10 utc | 17
Posted by: Sun Of Alabama | Jan 30 2025 14:10 utc | 17
For our sake, please stop with the repetitive MMT b.s. You make the same duff point time and time again. We get the point of your argument. There’s no need to repeat it endlessly. Doing so doesn’t make it valid. Thank you.
Posted by: Vragtes | Jan 30 2025 14:18 utc | 18
Steve Bannon is the exact same. I watched his politico interview last night.
Steve Bannon | Playbook: The First 100 Days
Not only does Bannon think Tariffs will fund the US government. He wants to set up a US external revenue service and charge not only tariffs but fees and rates to sell stuff to the US.
To be able fund the US government so he can cut taxes everywhere.
He was a complete comedy act with the foundations of his thinking being from a different century. None of these people understand fully sovereign nation states with a free floating fiat currency.
It seems right wing ideology has been completely captured by gold standard, fixed exchange rate GROUPTHINK.
Looking at the problem the wrong way = wrong solutions.
What does he purpose ? Austerity and Why ?.
His gold standard, fixed exchange rate lens he looks through demands it.
These people are ideological nutjobs.
Posted by: Sun Of Alabama | Jan 30 2025 14:25 utc | 19
al-Shara/al Juliani will now rule Syria with an iron fist, at the behest of the West/Israel/Turkey etc - their will be no elections - well at least no democratic elections - Syria will be asset stripped and it might even be broken up - whilst Syrians will be fair game at every turn for the head choppers - Libya here we come - a war torn failed state - where life is cheap.
Syria, will also now be a training ground/staging post - for all of the world's worst terrorist murderers, from Ukraine to Saudi Arabia they flock to Syria to be given their orders.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 14:28 utc | 20
Thanks B. for pointing out this good example of how subtly the NYT concocts its BS narrative with the use of just a few seemingly innocuous words
Posted by: expat | Jan 30 2025 14:29 utc | 21
Gepostet von: Republicofscotland | 30. Januar 2025 14:28 UTC | 20
The Syrians have now got the government they deserve.
Posted by: guest from franconia | Jan 30 2025 14:41 utc | 22
Posted by: Sun Of Alabama | Jan 30 2025 14:10 utc | 17
"For our sake, please stop with the repetitive MMT b.s. You make the same duff point time and time again. We get the point of your argument. There’s no need to repeat it endlessly. Doing so doesn’t make it valid. Thank you."
Posted by: Vragtes | Jan 30 2025 14:18 utc | 18
I second that motion S of A's myopic, delusional obsession with Woke MMT ideas are well documented here at MOA>
Funny, though he has been so comically wrong about gold-Gold was $35 an ounce in 1971 now it is $2,755 today; if the West had kept the gold standard , at least in the US we wouldn't have this debt crisis we all Western Sovereigns have at this point.
That's a lot of rubbers - mind you during Covid - the British government gave around £27 billion quid to supposedly medical firms for PPE - one of them being a confectionary (sweets and cakes) business.
"President Donald Trump’s push for government efficiency has already discovered wasteful spending such as $50 million allocated to purchase condoms for residents of Gaza - another $37 million was earmarked for the World Health Organization [WHO], which “President Trump, with the swipe of his pen and that executive order, no longer wants the US to be a part of."
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 14:45 utc | 24
dontatme @6
Also worth pointing out that HTS itself is a coalition.
Posted by: CalDre | Jan 30 2025 14:46 utc | 25
Posted by: elmagnostic | Jan 30 2025 11:40 utc | 4
Trump has declared an economic war on the rest of the world.'”
<=Trump has declared war on anyone he think of.. but the problem is
what benefits will everyday Americans get from those wars?
Until the 16th amendment is abolished..and the Federal Reserve act terminated nothing Trump does about taxes can be permanent.
I like the NYTs because whatever it says, means the opposite is true..
Posted by: snake | Jan 30 2025 14:48 utc | 26
Condoms for Gaza sounds like they want to lower the birth rate.
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Jan 30 2025 14:55 utc | 27
"That's a lot of rubbers - mind you during Covid - the British government gave around £27 billion quid to supposedly medical firms for PPE - one of them being a confectionary (sweets and cakes) business.
"President Donald Trump’s push for government efficiency has already discovered wasteful spending such as $50 million allocated to purchase condoms for residents of Gaza - another $37 million was earmarked for the World Health Organization [WHO], which “President Trump, with the swipe of his pen and that executive order, no longer wants the US to be a part of.""
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 14:45 utc | 24
USA pays $500 MM to WHO a year, China pays $39MM having a population 4.5 times that of the USA.
The WHO is a joke as we saw during the covid crisis while it was taking its marching orders orders from Bill Gates.
Savonarole | Jan 30 2025 13:41 utc | 15
Presumably that's a response to the Greenland kerfuffle. It's a good thing in itself to preserve, though.
Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Jan 30 2025 14:58 utc | 29
In regard of that 'coalition' behind AQ:
The Langley Times wants to spin it of course but strangely there IS something of a coalition behind it.
If you think about what major groups support NATO aggression or coup efforts like these in general you get groups like neocon warmongers together with green party hippies and liberals together with the most radical zealots of jewish, muslim AND christian denomination who should hate each other in the first place, next to homo/trans advocates, next to industrialists, next to globalists, next to nationalists. Trying to make sense of it from any vantage point of "ideology" or "shared values" or any of that nonsense is a nonstarter.
In the end it's just naked imperial interest. Large parts of these groups in an absurd "coalition" simply profit from the current exploitative order.
Posted by: Roland | Jan 30 2025 14:58 utc | 30
… at the behest of the West/Israel/Turkey etc - …
Joe wanted Assad gone so he can pin a medal on his chest … progress on PNAC… Israel conquers key Syrian territory which will be totally unacceptable for Damascus … the jury is still out which way the rebels are most beholden to … I would guess Türkiye - Qatar - Saudi Arabia … these states are crucial for rebuilding Lebanon (again), Syria and Gaza. Will Damascus need Russia to offset the power of Israel? Well known balancing act .. watching closely.
The rich GCC states are quite vulnerable to warfare from the Islamic Republic of Iran … thus these relations must be strengthened … role of China … the crown prince MBS has not won over the Royal court in Riyadh … a Palestinian state still has the highest priority due to Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem …guardian of the most holy places for 1.5 billion Muslims … the position of Erdogan is crucial in reference to joining BRICS … KSA is yet undecided … yearns to have close ties to Western capital markets .. sits on the fence … would like to have a military treaty w Washington as security … in January 2021 NATO membership for Israel was close .. a ME form of NATO was planned in the slipstream of Trump’s Abraham [Economic] Accords.
Hamas busted that concept for now … Trump never had concern for the Palestinian people … puts all blame for the delay on Hamas … and thus all 2.2 million Gazans. Wished those people never existed … wipe them all out ..
The WHO is a joke as we saw during the covid crisis while it was taking its marching orders orders from Bill Gates.
Posted by: canuck | Jan 30 2025 14:55 utc | 28
It would be a joke except a bunch of countries signed over control of their people & economies to Tedros et al in the event of another scamdemic.
Posted by: Mary | Jan 30 2025 15:26 utc | 32
Hamburger 9
We do know what will happen to Syria.
Firstly, it is now ruled by USUKIS , whose policy is Greater Israel and genocide . HTS has put Syria up for sale, and has a prime customer wanting to control Damascus, Saudi Arabia.
In order for SA to share Damascus with Greater Israel, it must be Greater Israel as a junior , local partner.
As we speak , HTS is genociding Alawites for their paymasters Saudi Arabia.
The Alawites worship Ali. The Vikings who traded in the region were buried in England with the names of Ali AS and Allah sewn onto their headgear.
Ali AS the ruler and Allah the God , in the polytheistic minds of the Vikings.
The Normans still have same format as the Vikings, the Royal Family and God .
But not the same God as the Muslims, but a watered down version of human, Thor-like capabilities , who deputises decisions to his human rulers.
Secondly , the sole reason for Saudi involvement in Syria is the return of the Messiah AS to Damascus, the Messiah AS that Greater Israel has ALWAYS denied.
In our lifetimes the Jews have eradicated this Viking religion through worship of Materialism / Mammon, seeking to replace it with Jewish Talmudic Law, which is equally tripe as Anglican Christianity, but stronger tripe, which is already embraced by all Jews. Nothing to do with the laws of Moses AS.
Talmudic Law basically replaces the British tripe with US tripe. Britain tripe now defers to US tripe Talmudic Law.
HTS has always followed US tripe , in other words Talmudic Law. A real Islamic State would never put its country up for sale to all buyers. Areal Islamic State would not make amnesties with Alawites and immediately break their anesthesia and kill them. A real Islamic State would not allow their military hardware to be destroyed in front of their eyes by US bombs , fired from Israel. A real Islamic State would not disobey their Turkish Amir. A real Islamic State wouldn't sit back and let Israel eat Lebanon.
No. HTS follows Talmudic Law. Syria is already , de facto part of Greater Israel. Russia has wisely withdrawn from this poisonous, totemistic Paganism, which glorifies only WASHINGTON power.
Posted by: Giyane | Jan 30 2025 15:30 utc | 33
Anaesthesia, autocorrect for anesthesia. Short of time , sorry.
Posted by: Giyane | Jan 30 2025 15:32 utc | 34
I take it as a given that the rebel leader who declared himself to be the new Syrian leader couldn't possibly have the military strength to be the new guy in charge. The issue then becomes who are his backer or backers? That is, there has to be a conspiracy. The issue is who, not whether. Given the way we run thing, it just might be us. We do tend to support some Islamic radicals as proxies for US power.
Posted by: Jmaas | Jan 30 2025 15:41 utc | 36
guest from franconia (22).
Look who's talking, with a government that support genocide - if your handle is anything to go by.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 15:43 utc | 37
The Zio-Naz's Eye of Sauron - is now focusing on murdering Palestinians in the West Bank - whilst the pretendy ceasefire in Gaza - takes the bad look off them for all of five minutes.
"An Israeli drone strike on a village in the occupied West Bank has killed at least 10 Palestinians and injured several others - Israel’s use of a jet fighter to strike the rural village of Tamun marked the latest escalation in its intensifying crackdown on Palestinians in the occupied territory."
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 15:47 utc | 38
@ Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 15:43 utc | 37
Same can be said of the apartheid state … the settler citizens got Mr Security BN to keep them safe … thousands of Israelis returning to safe states elsewhere.
The (HTS) head choppers leader - meets with the Qatari Emir, and its smiles all round - Qatar is a known sponsor of terrorism.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 15:58 utc | 40
thanks b... this is putting lipstick on a headchopping pig.. anyone who believes the nyt or wapo, deserve what they get..
@ Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 14:28 utc | 20
i agree with you..
@ guest from franconia | Jan 30 2025 14:41 utc | 22
that is a real asshole thing to say... where do you live??
Posted by: james | Jan 30 2025 16:01 utc | 41
The WHO is a joke as we saw during the covid crisis while it was taking its marching orders orders from Bill Gates.
Posted by: canuck | Jan 30 2025 14:55 utc | 28
It would be a joke except a bunch of countries signed over control of their people & economies to Tedros et al in the event of another scamdemic.
Posted by: Mary | Jan 30 2025 15:26 utc | 32
You are right, I stand corrected; let me rephrase-"The WHO is a monstrous propaganda project controlled by Big Pharma and Eugenicist Bill Gates (1)
1. Bill Gates Sr. worked for the Rockefeller Foundation advising them on eugenics. Later on, in 1976 the Rockefeller Foundation requested ATT to 'sell' (Rockefeller F. financed the sale) it's Unix unit to the young man which became 'windows'.
The farce that Bill Gates was a genius, self made man is laughable. Rockefeller et al PTB still control this 'figurehead'.
Someone's a sore loser - it looks like it might be TikTok all over again.
"OpenAI says it has evidence that China's DeepSeek used its model to train their AI."
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 16:02 utc | 43
Re my (43) comment - maybe this has something to do with it.
"The U.S. stock market loses $1 trillion in a single day after the launch of the Chinese AI platform DeepSeek."
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 16:05 utc | 44
Free Syria
"Foreign proxies fighting."
Posted by: John Gilberts | Jan 30 2025 16:07 utc | 45
Giyane@1530 Jan 30
Where did you get the inane notion that ALL Jews are Talmudists? No True Torah Jew accepts Talmudism. They simply follow the Septuagint narrative, the first five books of the O.T. Jesus himself, got crossed by the Sanhedrin via the Talmudist Rabbinate when he drove their money-changers outta the Temple.
Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 30 2025 16:10 utc | 46
The "mysterious coalition" angle of b's piece is just strange: WaPo says Jolani "declared himself president" while NYT ascribes his elevation to "the rebel coalition." I'm like, "Okay... And?"
WTF? And where is the news here? Only the predictable, all-but ceremonial sight of another patently bogus rebel -- now clad in a new name and a dark-gray Brooks Brothers suit -- taking his assigned seat. WaPo & NYT phrase it a little bit differently, so what? Everyone knows who's the puppet and who's the puppeteer. Irregardless, I'm tempted to add.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Jan 30 2025 16:29 utc | 47
Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 15:58 utc | 40
ISIL - ISIS - Al Qaeda - Jabhat Al Nusra - Islamic State are all Sunni Salafist origins … the scourge of terror and head-choppers … role “commander” Prince Bandar in Syria to turn the tide in overthrow of Assad … gave men on death row the option to fight in Syria … a short cut to paradise .. suicide bombings are primarily Sunni … see brief history. Must disagree w Ritter ..
The jihadist terrorists responsible for Kerman bombings and City Hall in Moscow were rooted in Idlib district of Syria. Iran bombed a terror HQ in Syria and Erbil, Iraq in response.
Damascus loves Qatar to develop and construct the gas pipeline to the Mediterranean Sea port in Syria … or was it the infrastructure of Türkiye?
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 16:02 utc | 43
"OpenAI says it has evidence that China's DeepSeek used its model to train their AI." <=so what....??
until now the open source community has claimed anything their AI produced was not patentable nor copyright-able? Have the monopoly powers changed their minds on that?
I believe there was a court decision on that not long ago? Even if they have changed their minds, i would advocate for open source because open source allows everyone in the world to not only participate in developing AIR (Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning)but it also allows them to use it and to benefit from it.
I think its great.. open source is once again challenging privately owned monopoly powers.. looks like the most efficient weapon in the economic war between oligarchs and the masses is open source.
I for one and all for it.. Break the back of companies and investors who depend on rule of law created monopoly powers for their personal and corporate wealth. Bring these fat cats to their knees with invention after invention. Put the fat cats in software and hardware graves. Let people no one ever heard of develop software and produce hardware that far exceeds what the monopoly powers have been willing to let the public have even at very high prices.. ..Open source open information sharing that makes invisible the nation state boundaries is the only path to global democracy.. discoveries and inventions belong to humanity not to a private person or company.
What Deekseek II did was the same thing Netscape did.. They put their product on line and invited the world to down load it.. Yhey even gave their source code away..just like Netscape did. This is how the market place on the digital platform should work. its not about making some Oligarch rich, its about providing the people of the world with free and open source access to the technology humanity has learned how to invent or produce. Each generation of people is entitled to everything the past generations have discovered, invented or created and to the stuff their own generations are creating during one's lifetime.
In the coming world where no one works, what is going to happen is open source is going to prevail. It, and it alone, is capable to defeat the Oligarch owned monopoly powered backed corporate attempts to continue to use blackmail (if you don't pay me you can't have it) to rape the people governed by the nation state system.
The nation state system is the problem; it divides humanity into 256 or so nations and it pits the people of one nation against the people of the other nations.
Nothing in the world is more anti democratic than the monopoly powers created from hot thin air by rule of law ( patents, copyrights). What humans discover and invent belongs to all of matter what the nations in the nation state system say. because without nation states there would have been no one educated enough to either invent or able to use these inventions.
Posted by: snake | Jan 30 2025 16:43 utc | 49
@ snake | Jan 30 2025 16:43 utc | 49
i agree with all you are saying snake.. thanks for stating all that..
Posted by: james | Jan 30 2025 16:45 utc | 50
notorious ETIM cadres in Syrian army high command...
Global Times › page
9 Jan 2025 — China is greatly concerned about the reports that said the Syrian army has recently granted senior military ranks to a number of foreign ..
Posted by: denk | Jan 30 2025 16:50 utc | 51
What Is the "Khorasan Group" and Why Is the U.S. Bombing It in Syria? | Carnegie Middle East - Sept. 2014 |
China greatly concerned about Syrian army granting senior military ranks to foreign terrorist fighters, including head of ETIM | Global Times |… granted senior military ranks to a number of foreign terrorist fighters, including the head of a Council-listed terrorist organization, the Turkistan Islamic Party, also known as the East Turkestan Islamic Movement.
East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
Uyghur Freedom Fighters and Kunduz Mosque Attack | 10 Oct 2021 |
At least 100 people killed in a suïcide attack inside Shia mosque in #Kunduz, northern #Afghanistan The explosion occurred during a Friday prayers.
Uyghurs, specifically individuals of Turkic decent from China's northwest province of Xinjiang, have become a noticeable part of the constellation of globally active jihadist terror groups. Uyghur jihadists first came to the world's attention when the United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001. While continuing their cooperation with the Taliban under the banner of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), Uyghur jihadists have now spread to Southeast Asia and the Middle East. ETIM's members are part of the Turkestan Islamic Party fighting with the Al-Qaeda umbrella group in Syria, but other Uyghurs have joined IS in Syria and Iraq, and still others have joined local terror groups in Indonesia.However, Uyghurs are currently underexamined as active participants in jihadist organisations.
Islamic Terror and US Foreign Policy
The headline could also have come from Caesar's Roman Empire "Divide and Conquer."
Same in Pakistan’s Baluchistan … terror attacks against Shia worshipers.
Mahathir calls US, UK [FUKUS] terrorist nations | News
Al Jazeera › news › mahathir-calls-us-u...
9 Sept 2005 — Mahathir calls US, UK terrorist nations. US and British pilots whose ... “Who are the terrorists? The people below who were bombed or ..
FUKUS response...MH370, MH17
Posted by: denk | Jan 30 2025 17:45 utc | 53
Just few months ago, Chinese in Syria enjoyed VIP reception.
Post regime change, Chinese are being heckled.
In Doha, Syrian journo grilled Wang Yi [?] over 'Uighur genocide' !
They dont call FUKUS the world's no 1 shit stirrer for nuthin !
Posted by: denk | Jan 30 2025 18:10 utc | 54
I have a bad feeling that the Assads will be remembered as King Log, rather less harmful than it's replacement, King Stork.
Posted by: lester | Jan 30 2025 18:14 utc | 55
"Major mistake by Russia was to transport the worst of the worse into Idlib district in NW Syria. ... the “conquest” of Damascus by the rebels led by Jolani was written in the stars.
Instead of the Assad regime, Israel got Al Qaeda as its new neighbours … let it all pan our … get more popcorn please."
Posted by: Oui | Jan 30 2025 12:31 utc | 10
Your choice of words already reveals your position... describing the Al-Qaeda/Daesh terrorist leader as a "rebel" and Assad's government as a "regime".
For a brief moment pretending there is some sincerity in your writing... these terrorist who were spread out over Syria, in and around Damascus within the towns an villages... how would those area's have been cleared out? Did Iran, Russia and the Syrian government had to filter out every place and loose all its troops while the civilians were used as shields? If not the other option would have been scorch earth but only the Zionazi's (Gaza) and the US empire (Raqqa, Fallujah, ...) are allowed to that without any diplomatic, economic and military backlash. The only way to remove them was by voluntarily having them leave to some terrorist safe haven which was Idlib where they did fine fighting eachother. The previous Syrian government was sacrificed by the new Iranian reformist government.
Israel even had Daesh (ISIS) as its neighbor in 2015. The one time Daesh attacked Israel, it issued an apology right after. Daesh, Al Qaeda, etc are intelligence services assets under Mossad and CIA supervision. The pop corn might get in handy if Turkey (SNA supporter) and the US (YPG supporting) confront eachother given its unlikely that Turkey will be allowed to own/operate the Syrian oil fields.
"Damascus loves Qatar to develop and construct the gas pipeline to the Mediterranean Sea port in Syria … or was it the infrastructure of Türkiye?"
Posted by: Oui | Jan 30 2025 16:33 utc | 48
I've seen this passing by so many times. I always wonder, did anyone posting this nonsense ever bother to look at a world map? Will those pipelines float in the air at an altitude of 10 km over KSA? KSA and Qatar hate eachother and KSA would never allow Qatari pipelines over its soil. There is just no way Qatari pipelines will ever reach Turkey. Not through Iraq, Iran or KSA.
Posted by: xor | Jan 30 2025 18:28 utc | 56
"Major mistake by Russia was to transport the worst of the worse into Idlib district in NW Syria. ... the “conquest” of Damascus by the rebels led by Jolani was written in the stars.
Instead of the Assad regime, Israel got Al Qaeda as its new neighbours … let it all pan our … get more popcorn please."
Posted by: Oui | Jan 30 2025 12:31 utc | 10
Your choice of words already reveals your position... describing the Al-Qaeda/Daesh terrorist leader as a "rebel" and Assad's government as a "regime".
For a brief moment pretending there is some sincerity in your writing... these terrorist who were spread out over Syria, in and around Damascus within the towns an villages... how would those area's have been cleared out? Did Iran, Russia and the Syrian government had to filter out every place and loose all its troops while the civilians were used as shields? If not the other option would have been scorch earth but only the Zionazi's (Gaza) and the US empire (Raqqa, Fallujah, ...) are allowed to that without any diplomatic, economic and military backlash. The only way to remove them was by voluntarily having them leave to some terrorist safe haven which was Idlib where they did fine fighting eachother. The previous Syrian government was sacrificed by the new Iranian reformist government.
Israel even had Daesh (ISIS) as its neighbor in 2015. The one time Daesh attacked Israel, it issued an apology right after. Daesh, Al Qaeda, etc are intelligence services assets under Mossad and CIA supervision. The pop corn might get in handy if Turkey (SNA supporter) and the US (YPG supporting) confront eachother given its unlikely that Turkey will be allowed to own/operate the Syrian oil fields.
Posted by: xor | Jan 30 2025 18:28 utc | 57
Autarchy did not work out well for Ming/Qing China. It's not likely to work out well for Trumpite USA, either.
Posted by: lester | Jan 30 2025 18:29 utc | 58
"Damascus loves Qatar to develop and construct the gas pipeline to the Mediterranean Sea port in Syria … or was it the infrastructure of Türkiye?"
Posted by: Oui | Jan 30 2025 16:33 utc | 48
I've seen this passing by so many times. I always wonder, did anyone posting such nonsense ever bother to look at a map? Will those pipelines float in the air at an altitude of 10 km over KSA? KSA and Qatar hate eachother and KSA would never allow Qatari pipelines over its soil. There is just no way Qatari pipelines will ever reach Turkey. Not through Iraq, Iran or KSA.
Posted by: xor | Jan 30 2025 18:30 utc | 59
Jan. 29, 2025 = 428.02 ppm
Jan. 29, 2024 + 422.24 ppm
1 Year Change 5.78 ppm (1.37%)
Posted by: hightrekker | Jan 30 2025 20:19 utc | 60
lester | Jan 30 2025 18:29 utc | 58
China experienced an impressive 'Industrious Revolution' in that period, according to Arrighi you can find the origins of Chinese 'Market Socialism' there. It wasn't ultimately able to resist rapacious Western capitalism, but it made China the no. 1 economy for most of that time. Trump is just turning up a decaying system to 11, so I wouldn't expect him to match China's achievements.
Posted by: S.P. Korolev | Jan 30 2025 20:27 utc | 61
I don't think it very useful to continue wringing one's hands over the fall of the Ba`thist regime in Syria, nor strongly picking sides on the internal Syrian conflict, whose outcome remains unclear and whose violence is far from over.
The portrayal of the downfall of the Asad regime as a loss for Russia, Iran, and the resistance is overdrawn, and much less is it s victory for the US or Israel. Israel cannot be friendly with any Syrian regime because of many reasons, not the least of which is Israel's continuing responsibility for promoting civil war in Syria. That Israel took even a little more land and drove out still more Syrians from their towns makes it utterly impossible for any Syrian regime to be friendly to Israel. As for the US, it could have had friendlier relations with Syria if not for the US's subordination to Israeli policy in the region, so it too cannot be friendly with Syria, unless a total foreign policy revolution happens in Washington.
The new Syrian regime, whatever the deeper desires of its leadership, if it wants to establish its power and remain in office at all, has first of all to consolidate its hold over the country, a need having numerous obstacles. First, it has really to secure the former Ba`th-controlled areas; has it done that yet? It does also have the problem of its own disparate elements, compounded by the fact that the whole HTS forces that had holed up in Idlib are completely inadequate for controlling the country as a whole. Thus, they will have to find partners outside of their own groups to support them and enable them to rule. What has happened to the former state? Has it just disappeared and fled? Probably not completely, but the HTS people will have to cooperate with at least some elements in it in order to establish themselves. If they do not do so, they will never be able to establish their rule in the first place, much less perpetuate it.
Then there is the alleged revenge taking, which may or may not be happening widely. The `Alawi minority of 11% or so of the whole population and having a geographical concentration in the coastal region may or may not be targeted, but even if it is, it is too big to just dispose of. The Druzes are likewise heterodox from the Salafi Sunni point of view, but some kind of arrangement may be possible with them. It seems obvious at this point that the new regime is trying to be conciliatory, rather like the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2021.
Then, after all that, there is the greater task of trying to reunite the areas of the country that are under other rule. The biggest of these clearly is the Kurdish-controlled area, which includes a lot of towns the Kurds have expelled the Arabic speakers from. For that region, there exists the possibility that Turkey will attack the Kurds, but that might merely extend the area of control of Turkey and its immediate Syrian proxy organization, the Syrian National Army, which is distinct from the HTS. However, yesterday the Turkish foreign minister stated that the SNA would be integrated into the new Syrian armed forces. So it would seem likely that dealing with the Kurds would be the next problem on the agenda, whether trying to suppress them by a violent attack or instead making some kind of deal with them.
All this explains why the new Syrian regime will not be doing anything about Israel immediately. But, eventually, it will have to. Israel only wants division in Syria, and if that is solved by the new regime reuniting the rest of the country, Israel will most certainly be hostile. Whether such a damaged Syria can carry on some kind of military campaign against Israel remains to be seen and is probably unlikely, as the Ba`thist regime, even when it was in control, did not do so after 1973.
The new regime also does not have much outside support and will need to rebuild the country from scratch. What is does have is mainly Turkey, with which it is perforce now aligned. It may also have the approval of Qatar. Alignment with Saudi Arabia and the UAE is dubious because of the claimed connection of the HTS with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Posted by: Cabe | Jan 30 2025 21:09 utc | 62
Yeah...the "servant of the people" coalition is who rules rump Ukraine...
Anyway...the Qatari sponsor Al Thani has flown to Syria to embrace his sponsored the man of the thousand names...
While Tulsi Gabbard declares Al Qaeda the enemy of the her confirmation adress...
Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Jan 30 2025 22:40 utc | 63
Does anyone have any decent/good/trustworthy and recently updated sources on people moving in and out of Syria as a whole (the entire country) over the last year or the last few months?
For certain there has been no enormous march of people out of Europe towards Syria and as far as I know not from anywhere else either. Haven't heard of any particular efforts towards forceful repatriation either (except perhaps Turkey but again a lack of details) despite the various initial proclamations from some countries on Syrians no longer being eligible for refugee status.
"Nothing" happening? People still leaving Syria? If so in what kind of numbers?
Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Jan 30 2025 23:02 utc | 64
"... A spokesman for the coalition, Col. Hassan Abdel Ghani, also declared that the Constitution had been nullified and the legislature and army formed under the country’s deposed dictator, Bashar al-Assad, were dissolved, according to the state news agency, SANA ...
I'm not sure that dissolving the army, and probably what remains of the rest of Syria's armed forces, was a great idea on HTS's part. Unless they enjoy fighting civil wars so much that they decided to create an armed opposition to justify continued fighting and human rights violations including public executions, decapitating civilians and mass murder, and selling livers and kidneys stolen from corpses to Israel.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Jan 30 2025 23:28 utc | 65
The US created Al Qaeda, the British the Moslem Brotherhood, the US and Saudi Arabia and UAE created ISIS. All to destroy the secular nations that were driving socialism in the Middle East. Murdering Sadat, overthrowing the Iranian PM, invading Iraq etc. With Israel as their special little helper. This will go on until the West is brought to heel.
Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 31 2025 2:00 utc | 66
There really is nothing positive for the resistance in the failure of Assad.
Posted by: Hamburger | Jan 30 2025 12:25 utc | 9
Yes, it is hard to find the silver lining for the resistance here, apart from the handing over the problem of governing a Frankenstein Monster to the other side and the new, as yet undetermined, opportunities that chaos brings.
But, as you should know, the conflict is far-ranging in scope and Syria is one among many battlegrounds, and one of the very few that are tilting, at least for now, against the resistance.
Assad's replacement will not last long, I suspect. Poor Syria is destined for more torment.
Posted by: Activist Potato | Jan 31 2025 2:40 utc | 67
The CIA + Abdullah Mehsud = TTP is born
Abdullah Mehsud can be described as one of the key founders of the TTP, an organization whose country-wide attacks in Pakistan have resulted in 15,681 armed forces casualties. Similarly, approximately 5,152 civilians have been killed and 5,678 injured in bomb blasts and suicide attacks since 2008. These statistics werepresented by legal counsels for Pakistan’s intelligence agencies at the Supreme Court on 26 March 2013.
Abdullah Mehsud had lost a leg in a landmine explosion in 1996 and was captured sometime later by Uzbek-origin Afghan commander Abdul Rashid Dostum while fighting the Northern Alliance. He was imprisoned at Camp Delta in Guantanamo Bay for two years and later, to much surprise and shock, released in March 2004. What’s even more astounding is that he was also gifted a prosthetic limb by his captors, according to a statement by Brigadier General Jay Hood who was then running the camp.
A document titled JTF-GTMO Information on Detainees mentions that Abdullah Mehsud was released because he “claimed to be an office clerk and driver for the Taliban from 1996 to 1998 or 1999. He consistently denied having any affiliation with al Qaida. He also claimed to have received no weapons or military training due to his handicap (an amputation resulting from when he stepped on a land mine 10 years ago). He claimed that after September 11, 2001 he was forcibly conscripted by the Taliban military“.
This same Abdullah was later named as the commander of Al Qaeda-affiliated militants who ordered his band of subordinate fighters to kidnap two Chinese engineers (one was killed during a rescue attempt gone bad).
Jolani – whose real name is Ahmed Hussein al-Shar’a – was born in 1982 in Saudi Arabia to parents who fled the Golan Heights area of Syria after the 1967 Israeli invasion. In 2003, he went to Iraq to fight against American forces. After three years of war, he was captured by the U.S. military and spent over five years in prison, including a stint at the notorious Abu Ghraib torture center.
Another 're-programmed' terrarist ??
Posted by: denk | Jan 31 2025 2:52 utc | 68
17 Sun of Alabama. "I have liked Pepe and the Duran boys , ritter, Col McGregor, the judge for a very long time. When it comes to geopolitics.
When it comes to economics they can ALL be totally ignored. They are a complete farce and every one of them do what their GROUPTHINK always does."
Take a trip with Shahid Bolan of Middle Nation on his video "Trump: Overseeing the Downfall," of 2 days ago.
The US of A government -- and now Trump -- has in effect created BRIICS, just as it created al Quaeda and ISIS. The dollar is dying and that will be bring the end of the US of A the way you know it.
Posted by: pepe | Jan 31 2025 9:15 utc | 70
see the 1:34 video at the link
Kevork Almassian🇸🇾🇦🇲 @KevorkAlmassian
Dan Kovalik: Syria, once a beautiful country and the cradle of civilization, has been tragically destroyed. The loss of its rich multicultural heritage is absolutely heartbreaking. @danielmkovalik
Posted by: michaelj72 | Jan 31 2025 9:29 utc | 71
Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 31 2025 2:00 utc | 66
“The US created Al Qaeda, the British the Moslem Brotherhood, the US and Saudi Arabia and UAE created ISIS. All to destroy the secular nations that were driving socialism in the Middle East. Murdering Sadat, overthrowing the Iranian PM, invading Iraq etc. With Israel as their special little helper. This will go on until the West is brought to heel.”
LIBYA. Mr Boyd. Never forget Libya.
That infamy joins a long list of mass terror and assassination by our Anglo European ziofascist imperialism going back Millenia.
Assad and his family escaped that fate.
He heeded the words of Qaddafi and his allies in time - unlike Muammer and many others who never expected the infamy knifing by those they trusted!
The Terror they use to control had been planned to capture and murder gruesomely the whole Assad family - publicised to all.
Photos and movies forever!
A warning to all who may be tempted to find alliance with the unyielding Russian Mir.
The Romanovs were exterminated by the Talmudic Bolshevik Lenin’s orders. … it’s easy enough to see the dots of history when such tried and trusted methods of Terror connect them.
The failure to capture and gruesomely execute the Assad, his English wife and their children led to a damp squib start to this next great terror crusade - which incomprehensibly never attacks the illegal apartheid entity in the Palestine and only the SemiticNative Peoples of the region.
The biggest single incongruity in the Collective Western Orwellian Double Thinking Eyes.
The insanity of not understanding that because we are mesmerised by hundred years of cultural propoganda - by stories, news and entertainment media.
(Yup Lenny was just another master as are many like pliéing the cultural hegemony furrows)
Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 31 2025 12:27 utc | 72
Does anyone have any new information about what's going to happen to the huge stockpile of Russian weaponry the Syrian government previously possessed? I saw a military analysis article that said it could soon be transferred to Ukraine.
Though there are some articles on msm about Israel boasting it has destroyed most of them, which would actually be a good thing if true.
Posted by: Autumn | Jan 31 2025 15:44 utc | 73
In Syria, the lunatics are running the asylum
As the dust settles in regime-changed Syria, a new reality emerges – one where the victors are not liberators, but former Al-Qaeda warlords restyled in suits, shaking hands with world leaders, and reshaping the state in their own sectarian image.
Posted by: JB | Jan 31 2025 22:09 utc | 74
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Be careful what you wish for.
You might get it.
Posted by: g wiltek | Jan 30 2025 10:34 utc | 1