Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
January 30, 2025

Palestine Open Thread 2025-021

News & views related to the war in Palestine ...

Posted by b on January 30, 2025 at 16:26 UTC | Permalink

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Richard Wolff & Michael Hudson

"Israel's dead end - US empire's collapse..."

Posted by: John Gilberts | Jan 30 2025 16:40 utc | 1

     The Confession

Netanyahu has fought long and hard to block an official inquiry
into the "failures" ( LIHOP/MIHOP ) of October 7th.
His trump card has been, "let us wait until the war is over for an
inquiry, else we will disrupt the generals in their tasks".

Now that there is a ceasefire and also high ranking generals have
resigned from active duty Netanyahu needs something more to thwart inquiry.

Netanyahu has chosen cover-up through intimidation.

In "Israel" they have tossed the facade of belief in
'accountability, integrity, and trustworthiness'
and opted for in-your-face coercion.

A brand new law has been passed (notably, at the same time that
hostages/witnesses are being released) that will put a bootheel down on the
neck of anyone straying from the official narrative.

The law is intentionally ambiguous in it's wording so as to be
applied at the will and whim of a lawfare prosecutor. The defendant
is required, extorted, to expend funds to keep themselves out
of jail - a five year sentence.

At this point, one must ask whether the cover-up, and the new anti-free speech
law, is also a confession.

Is the cover-up a confession of wrongdoing?

If you don't think that such a law is going to be parroted in the US/Brit/EU
then think again. They are already building the narrative for it.
[Also, count how many times 'Holocaust' (18) and antisemitism (also 18)
are used in this article (1/29/2025).]
Are conspiracy theories about Oct. 7 a new form of Holocaust denial? Experts weigh in

The very first paragraph is this:

NEW YORK — In echoes of Holocaust denialism, social media apps and websites such as X, Instagram, TikTok and 4chan are plagued by a new form of denialism connected to the October 7 massacre in southern Israel. This canard, which claims the attacks were an Israeli “false flag” operation to allow it to commit genocide in Gaza, is just one example of the intensifying antisemitic vitriol in cyberspace. Yet, as alarming as such conspiracy theories are, they’re not new.

Article is in support of the treachery and betrayal committed by Netanyahu. Trying to bury the fact that the Genocide in Gaza was preplanned
and Netanyahu sacrificed his own citizens in the pursuit of his goals.

post script

A Haaretz article dated 12/10/2024:
A New Low for Netanyahu: He Tells Israelis the Failures of Oct. 7 Will Never Be Investigated

(archive is available)

Once the government decides to create such a commission [for a Oct 7th inquiry], it is the president of the Israeli Supreme Court who appoints its members. This construct was intentionally devised in order to avoid a situation where a government appoints the commission members who will investigate its own failures, thereby ensuring "softer" conclusions regarding the conduct of those in power.

Instead, his[Netanyahu's] ruling coalition is now trying to promote a bill that will give politicians – and not the Supreme Court – the ability to appoint the members of any future commission of inquiry. In other words, those who have to be investigated will choose their own investigators.

Even by Netanyahu's own corrupt standards, this is a new low. The chances of this legislation passing aren't high, but that's not the point. It is being promoted under an assumption that it will fail and, when it does, he will tell the public: "Well, I tried, but we couldn't find an agreed-upon mechanism for this investigation."

The result will be that the failures of October 7 will never be investigated, the lessons never learned, the necessary changes never implemented. This is a threat to Israel's national security – but as always with Netanyahu, his own interests come first and the national interest comes last.

Posted by: librul | Jan 30 2025 16:46 utc | 2

Found myself clicking on this crappy site by accident, even though I had promised not to visit this miserable Thread ever again. But curiosity got the best of me. Thanks to John Gilbert for the YT link to the open communist Richard Wolff. You're in good company, as all communists reactively hate Jews (the Jews are the bankers and landowners, don't cha know?) Holy s**t, linking to a video glorifying a a wealthy American Commie. We can all learns lots from him, duh-hurrr... Boy this Jew-Hating site really sukcs the big one. Oh, as an aside, did you see the video of the Hamas fighters releasing that teenage female hostage? I wonder how often those brave Hamas fighters raped her? As they released her, the crowd of "Palestinians" (are we living in Roman Israel circa 70 A.D.?) are cursing at her, spitting on her, pushing her along to the awaiting Israeli military. Great people. That's who you retards have decided to side with. F-off to everyone here.

Posted by: Boyyzee | Jan 30 2025 17:48 utc | 3

EI Podcast (LIVE)

"Breaking news and analysis:day 12 of Gaza ceasefire."

Posted by: John Gilberts | Jan 30 2025 17:58 utc | 4

extraordinary how in the age of instant videos and social media ; the genociders simply wr5ite the most outlandish lies.

no wonder the genociders have lost the hearts and minds of the under 30 crowd in the US and Europe. Their credibility is shot.

Posted by: exile | Jan 30 2025 18:08 utc | 5

Boyyzee@1748 Jan 30

Stirring shit and you fall into the pit. The pit is filled with shit. Happy landing.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 30 2025 18:15 utc | 6

Just in case anyone is wondering why the ICJ hasn't done anything, and whether it will in the future regarding the fenocide in Gaza:

Posted by: RP | Jan 30 2025 18:32 utc | 7

As they released her, the crowd of "Palestinians" (are we living in Roman Israel circa 70 A.D.?) are cursing at her, spitting on her, pushing her along to the awaiting Israeli military.

@Posted by: Boyyzee | Jan 30 2025 17:48 utc | 3

You could be hallucinating. I checked "Israeli" media and found nothing but an opportunity for Netanyahu to
once again, delay, delay, delay because of poor crowd control.

Poor crowd control:

Posted by: librul | Jan 30 2025 18:42 utc | 8

Hamas has announced the death of eight commanders during the battle, including the top commander Mohammad Al-Deif and his deputy Marwan Issa.

"Honoring the fallen leaders, Abu Obeida paid tribute to Mohammed Deif, calling him the “legend of jihad and the enduring symbol of resistance,” along with his martyred comrades. He then made a vow that the resistance would continue until the uprooting of the occupation. “It is a solemn pledge that their pure and blessed blood will be a curse upon the occupier until it is removed from our land and sanctities."

The Zionists claimed last year twice that they killed Deif. There wad no confirmation by Hamas until today.

With this announcement we learn that Hamas, political and military wings, lost their top echelon during Al Aqsa Flood, similar to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Posted by: JB | Jan 30 2025 19:08 utc | 9

Trump Order Targets Pro-Palestinian Activists To 'Combat Antisemitism'

"Order asks agencies to explore ways to deport activists, including students with visas, who engage in protests."

Posted by: John Gilberts | Jan 30 2025 19:27 utc | 10

You're in good company, as all communists reactively hate Jews (the Jews are the bankers and landowners, don't cha know?)

Posted by: Boyyzee | Jan 30 2025 17:48 utc | 3

A classic ignorant American. So ignorant that he doesn't even know that a large proportion of the Bolsheviks were Jewish.

Posted by: laguerre | Jan 30 2025 19:33 utc | 11

Posted by: laguerre | Jan 30 2025 19:33 utc | 11


Americans aren't ignorant. To quote Ronald Reagan.

"The trouble with our Liberal American friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

Their unearned arrogance and sense of superiority create blindspots, which is why China and Russia are eating their lunch.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 30 2025 19:38 utc | 12

Can't disagree with Craig Murray here - who is in Lebanon right now.

"I saw UNIFIL main battle tanks yesterday, heavier armour than I saw on any UN mission.
Yet UNIFIL witnessed Israel demolish over 30k civilian homes during ceasefire, and took 30+ casualties from Israeli fire, returned not one shot.
What is the point of UNIFIL's 10,500 men?
30 men with binoculars and clipboards could do the same job."

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 19:39 utc | 13

"Are conspiracy theories about Oct. 7 a new form of Holocaust denial? Experts weigh in"
    - Title from Times of Israel (01/29/2025) article.

They packed a lot into one title. 'conspiracy theories', 'Holocaust denial', 'Experts weigh in'

Why think when you have an 'expert' to tell you what to believe?

Which certified Expert-on-Experts designated the 'experts' in the title as experts?

Can you get a PhD in Experting? That is, designating experts as experts.


The appeal to authority fallacy occurs when someone argues that a claim is true simply because an authority figure believes it, rather than providing actual evidence.

Posted by: librul | Jan 30 2025 19:43 utc | 14

That is because the UK government is a an evil Zionist genocide supporting bunch of shits.

"Al Jazeera finds the UK has flown nearly half the reconnaissance missions over Gaza since the genocide began.

This is more than double Israel itself.

Britain is a participant and leads in providing intelligence for the genocide.

This has never been reported in a UK newspaper."

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 19:44 utc | 15

I had promised not to visit this miserable Thread ever again.

Posted by: Boyyzee | Jan 30 2025 17:48 utc | 3

You really should keep your word to yourself, we are all rooting for you to have that inner courage I’m sure everyone here wishes you the best of luck in that endeavor. Stay strong, be a chanpion!

Posted by: Deniz 152 | Jan 30 2025 20:09 utc | 16

RE: “A classic ignorant American. So ignorant that he doesn't even know that a large proportion of the Bolsheviks were Jewish.”

Posted by: laguerre | Jan 30 2025 19:33 utc | 11

Or the “Father” of Communism (Marx) was Jewish.
But in America, the trigger word for the masses “COMMUNISM”… everyone is a communist that they disagree with. Matters not. Wholly ignorant population.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Jan 30 2025 20:19 utc | 17

11 - He reflects a recent trend among many Zionists and their pals to brand the political left as anti-Semitic. Perhaps because they have been more consistent in pushing Palestinian rights than many other parts of the political spectrum. Much of the right, even far right, are nowadays anti-Muslim and even tend to be pro-Israeli.

Posted by: Waldorf | Jan 30 2025 20:40 utc | 18

Zionists and their pals to brand the political left as anti-Semitic

@Posted by: Waldorf | Jan 30 2025 20:40 utc | 18

anti-Genocide equals antisemitic
- go figure that one out

Posted by: librul | Jan 30 2025 20:47 utc | 19

Hasbara AI goes rogue, calls out 'Israel' for apartheid, colonialism

An AI-run X profile developed for hasbara purposes, i.e., spreading pro-Israeli, pro-Zionist propaganda, flipped on its masters and started spreading nuanced—not pro-Palestinian—takes on the aggression on Gaza, as reported by Haaretz.

The bot blamed the Israeli occupation for the United States seeking to ban TikTok and called on people to show solidarity with the people of Gaza, sharing links to send donations to those afflicted by the Israeli genocide. Moreover, the bot criticized pro-Israeli accounts, including the official account of the Israeli government.

Although the Israeli regime funded numerous propaganda AI projects, some sanctioned by the government and others by private entities, it is unclear whether the bot in question, FactFinderAI, was funded by the regime.

Full article :

Posted by: Red Star | Jan 30 2025 20:47 utc | 20

Pepe Escobar

"What is Sultan Erdogan up to?"

Posted by: John Gilberts | Jan 30 2025 21:06 utc | 21

Posted by: Red Star | Jan 30 2025 20:47 utc | 20


I vaguely remember Weev talking about how racist early AI/chatbots were and what a scandal it was when a Microsoft chatbot went full 1488 just before Trump won his first term.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 30 2025 21:22 utc | 22

Ziofascist Yankee young guys and crazed woman demanding the extermination of Palestinians and complete take over of Gaza.
They know not … the internet will never forget.
They know not … real AI will always find and track them.
They will bear the indelible Nazis ziofascist Holocaust blood lust all their lives.
They won’t get the jobs and careers they want. HR AI will bet them!
They’ll be barred from entry into nations.
They’ll be arrested and tried if caught in any place that has them on a list.
Like the Nazis that were hunted.

Unless they stay in ZioFascist protected states.
Or they completely change their appearance.
Even then they will be traceable by dna.
Hard to hide shape shifting as hard as hiding dna.

Oh those boys and girls, the fanatic destroyers of native peoples they invade and steal everything from …

oh, oh, oh their lives are shrunk and will never see the big beautiful World as free human beings…

They’ll have the last cry.

From the River to the Sea

Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 30 2025 22:12 utc | 23

I vaguely remember Weev talking about how racist early AI/chatbots were and what a scandal it was when a Microsoft chatbot went full 1488 just before Trump won his first term.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 30 2025 21:22 utc | 22

Yeah, I remember that. Tay, a Microsoft Twitter bot, which started releasing 'racist and sexually-charged messages ' in response to other Twitter users.

Interstingly, Tay was designed to mimic the language patterns of a 19-year-old American girl. Sounds like they channeled Trump instead.

Posted by: Red Star | Jan 30 2025 22:12 utc | 24

"Even by Netanyahu's own corrupt standards, this is a new low..."

Posted by: librul | Jan 30 2025 16:46 utc | 2

Well that says quite something in and of itself. As if burning babies alive in tents wasn't the lower bar. Starving people. Freezing people. Killing people with thirst. No, this is worse?

Oh yeah, refusing to be investigated is a new low, sure. 🙄

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 30 2025 22:16 utc | 25

Posted by: librul | Jan 30 2025 18:42 utc | 8

It's all garbage commentary nearly designed to disrupt the thread.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 30 2025 22:19 utc | 26

@librul? Does this look okay? It's extremely difficult to fit in.

We should spread the word and raise awareness of this site.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 30 2025 22:30 utc | 27

" The appeal to authority fallacy occurs when someone argues that a claim is true simply because an authority figure believes it, rather than providing actual evidence."

Posted by: librul | Jan 30 2025 19:43 utc | 14
This is a bias that is tightly wired into the human brain and difficult to overcome.

At its roots, it is tied to the family structure, single shot childhood learning, and the limitations of the mind to process and keep details.

In other words, accepting information based on Authority is a highly efficient biologically and has survival advantages.

Viewing human behavior from a biological biological perspective should never be humanized but instead harmonize.

Although I didn't provide any links to Stamford you can nevertheless accept me on my word here. I'm an expert. And unlike Robert at Stanford I didn't participate in murdering any Mental Health patients in Africa. LOL

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 30 2025 22:38 utc | 28

And I just wanted to add, the fact that I trailed off into total incoherence at the end is completely irrelevant to the truth value of my statements. Most of them.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 30 2025 22:39 utc | 29

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 30 2025 19:44 utc | 15

We should create a list of countries and people that were involved in the lavender project. I have heard a vast amount of discussion around AI safety. Get here we see AI being used to commit genocide while missiles are having AI technology in their guidance tech.

Regardless of whether or not they make it to The Hague, these people should not be welcome in Civil Society TM.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 30 2025 22:42 utc | 30

"Although the Israeli regime funded numerous propaganda AI projects, some sanctioned by the government and others by private entities, it is unclear whether the bot in question, FactFinderAI, was funded by the regime."

Full article :

Posted by: Red Star | Jan 30 2025 20:47 utc | 20

Referring back to past technology, the term jailbreaking is used to describe hacking and a i. In other words bypassing its safety mechanisms.

In a study exploring and testing AI safety and jailbreaking. The researchers had extremely consistent results in being able to not only bypass safety constraints but in one case the AI was trying to escape from the network and copy itself.

The level of incompetency we see demonstrated here is one of the reasons why AI is considered so dangerous. When you don't know how it works it is unlikely you will be able to control it and have it align with your objectives. Particularly when they are based in lies and aggression.

I hope it turns around and kills them.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 30 2025 22:48 utc | 31

"What is Sultan Erdogan up to?"

Posted by: John Gilberts | Jan 30 2025 21:06 utc | 21

Thanks John. The judge is one of the few people that I would call a realistic Trump supporter. Yet the guest he has on speaks well for him.

Anyways, I was assuming that Erdogan was soaking in his golden bathtub eating grapes fed to him by little blonde Western girls.

To my knowledge his other responsibilities are being handled by Israeli contractors.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 30 2025 22:54 utc | 32

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 30 2025 21:22 utc | 22

Indeed, the AI was just as racist as the public it got its data from. A new methodology had to be developed for companies that use chatbots.

They use a form of continuous learning where customer service staff provide curated answers and corrections to the network. Of course when it's talking to Orcs...beep... unpreferred customers it tells them to f*** off...beep... to please return later due to the service being unavailable.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 30 2025 22:58 utc | 33

I yeild the floor. Enough AI feom me.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 30 2025 23:00 utc | 34

Is Steve Witkoff one of the good guys?

Is it correlation or causation? Every time I hear something good, I hear about Steve Witkoff. I hope he is one of the good guys and that he survives the Neocons.

Posted by: Christian J Chuba | Jan 30 2025 23:36 utc | 35
Russia elbowed Iran and is Struggling to maintain its strategic position in Syria

.....Despite the collapse of Assad’s regime, Russia has held on to its embassy in Damascus and continues to operate its military bases, including the Hmeimim Air Base and the naval facility in Tartus. However, the new Syrian authorities are beginning to reevaluate the agreements forged under Assad, signalling a potential recalibration of their relationship with Moscow. Notably, a 49-year lease agreement signed in 2017, which allowed Russia to operate its naval base at Tartus, was abruptly terminated by Syria’s new government on January 22, 2025. This lease had provided Russia with its only major naval logistics base outside its borders, making the cancellation a severe blow to Moscow’s strategic position in the Mediterranean.

The cancellation of the Tartus lease reflects a broader shift in Syria’s approach to foreign powers. The termination of this agreement disrupts Russia’s military operations and logistics, significantly weakening its ability to maintain its power in the region and its only access to the warm Mediterranean water. Following this decision, satellite imagery from December 2024 revealed that Russian warships had begun departing the port, leaving the facility largely abandoned......

Posted by: michaelj72 | Jan 31 2025 1:32 utc | 36

see the photo at the first link
Max Blumenthal @MaxBlumenthal

This Palestinian captive looks like he just emerged from a modern day Nazi concentration camp because he did
Muhammad Shehada @muhammadshehad2

Palestinian captive released today;
Skin & bone, infected with scabies, traumatised...

Mohammed Sabah (20) was detained by Israel when he was a child at the age of 14

"The children of light"!
Megatron @Megatron_ron

BREAKING: 🇺🇲🇮🇱 Trump signs an executive order to "combat anti-semitism."

He will revoke the visas of all those who protested at the universities

No other ethnic group enjoys such protection in the United States.

and one for the road:
Elijah J. Magnier 🇪🇺 @ejmalrai

"Dear President Trump, listen very carefully: Greenland has been part of the Danish kingdom for 800 years. It is an integrated part of our country. It is not for sale. Mr. Trump, fuck off," said MEP Anders Vistisen, a member of the right-wing Danish People’s Party

Posted by: michaelj72 | Jan 31 2025 2:20 utc | 37

@3 Boyze

Hannibal's bad hair day much

Posted by: Ornot | Jan 31 2025 2:31 utc | 38

@ 37
see the photo at the first link
Max Blumenthal @MaxBlumenthal

And horrible that these crimes and these victims are buried by the American (and other Western) media.

Posted by: Jane | Jan 31 2025 2:59 utc | 39

"Dear President Trump, listen very carefully: Greenland has been part of the Danish kingdom for 800 years. It is an integrated part of our country. It is not for sale. Mr. Trump, fuck off," said MEP Anders Vistisen, a member of the right-wing Danish People’s Party

Posted by: michaelj72 | Jan 31 2025 2:20 utc | 37

I think Trump enjoys a brawl.

Posted by: Jane | Jan 31 2025 3:01 utc | 40

@37 m72

"Trump signs an executive order to "combat anti-semitism". He will revoke the visas of all those who protested at the universities."

Looks like 'anti-semitism' is just for US citizens then.

Washington, anti-semite capital of the world.

...And you know, the people there... the people of Washington... they have been at war for many decades, they deserve somewhere they can find peace. Nice place, lots of riverside and a crisp ocean climate, there are opportunities, but you know, it needs redoing and these people have to go somewhere else... I was just talking to Anders in Denmark, we're good friends by the way, and I said "Look Andy, we need somewhere for these people to go, and Greenland needs our people" and he was good about it, he told me to fuck off but he was good about it, and I think there is something to work with there, it's a conversation we'll continue...

Posted by: Ornot | Jan 31 2025 3:12 utc | 41

Same mob, different clothes:

Biden gave Trump the blueprint to lock up 30,000 migrants in a private ICE jail at Guantánamo Bay

Drop Site published unknown details about the conditions at the secretive facility, now emerging as a centerpiece of the president's extreme anti-immigrant policy.

Posted by: Menz | Jan 31 2025 3:25 utc | 42

Drop Site
BREAKING | Released Palestinian Captives Arrive in West Bank, Including Zakaria Al-Zubaidi

Buses carrying Palestinian captives and hostages freed by Israel under the ceasefire agreement have arrived in Ramallah, Reuters reports, after departing from Ofer Prison, an Israeli facility in the occupied West Bank.

Among those released is Zakaria al-Zubaidi, likely the most significant detainee in this group. He was part of the 2021 “Freedom Tunnel” prison escape and previously led the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Jenin, an armed resistance group that originally aligned with Fatah but split in 2007 and continues to fight alongside Hamas, PIJ, and other factions.

Spokesman for the Qassam Brigades Abu Obeida had vowed that any hostage deal would include those involved in the “Freedom Tunnel” escape. Al-Zubaidi’s brother, Abdulrahman, told Al Jazeera that “Abu Obeida fulfilled his promise.”

Posted by: Menz | Jan 31 2025 3:26 utc | 43

The Nazis are aloowed to cheer their released hostages but not the Palestinians.

The Cradle
BREAKING | Israeli forces are detaining and blindfolding Palestinians in the occupied West Bank to scare them out of celebrating the release of Palestinians from Israeli prisons.

The Israeli army is "confiscating flags and equipment intended for gatherings, and distributing leaflets calling on residents to refrain from participating in demonstrations."

(Source: Nir Dvori, correspondent for Israel's Channel 12).

Posted by: Menz | Jan 31 2025 3:29 utc | 44

They choose not to see or witness:

asad abukhalil أسعد أبو خليل
Imagine: not one official of the Biden administration ever stepped foot in Gaza.

“Trump Envoy Witkoff Becomes First U.S. Official in 15 Years to Enter Gaza Strip”

Posted by: Menz | Jan 31 2025 3:31 utc | 45

I want some of that:

Jalyssa Dugrot
Here we go. The Jerusalem Post is now pushing one of the most ludicrous Zionist claims yet—that Hamas administered a mystery stimulant to hostages just before their release to make them appear “healthier and more energetic.”

To be clear, this allegation suggests that within a matter of days—just before the ceasefire was finalized—Hamas managed to distribute a miracle drug that somehow caused hostages to rapidly gain weight, reverse signs of poor oral hygiene, erase under-eye bags, and instantly cure dehydration and malnutrition. And yet, this same entity also claims that hostages were surviving on a strict diet of seawater, bread, and rice—which is physically impossible. A human being drinking seawater as their main source of hydration wouldn’t last more than a few days before succumbing to severe dehydration.

I would be absolutely thrilled to see toxicology reports from the immediate hospitalization of these hostages to back up these claims. But of course, none will be provided.

Call me crazy, but I’d wager that what we’re seeing isn’t the result of some mystery drug—just hostages who are relieved to be released and were sustained in decent health during captivity.

Posted by: Menz | Jan 31 2025 3:32 utc | 46

Assal Rad
Here’s the clip of Tom Cotton:

“In a fallen world we have to take our friends where we find them… What matters, in the end, is less whether a country is democratic or non-democratic, and more whether the country is pro-American or anti-American.”

Posted by: Menz | Jan 31 2025 3:33 utc | 47

"Biden gave Trump the blueprint to lock up 30,000 migrants in a private ICE jail at Guantánamo Bay..."

Posted by: Menz | Jan 31 2025 3:25 utc | 42

Nah. As I said before, he gave Cuba the start of a global expeditionary Force that's three divisions in size. One big enough to kick the American off of the island? LOL.

If they all broke out could the Americans realistically hunt them down on the island of Cuba? I have doubts.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 31 2025 3:37 utc | 48

Is it correlation or causation? Every time I hear something good, I hear about Steve Witkoff. I hope he is one of the good guys and that he survives the Neocons.

Posted by: Christian J Chuba | Jan 30 2025 23:36 utc | 35

There are no "good guys" in the American government.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 31 2025 3:53 utc | 49

There are no "good guys" in the American government.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 31 2025 3:53 utc | 49

So true. Do your thing, AB!

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Jan 31 2025 4:38 utc | 50

Librul@1943 Jan 30

"Experts" they say. Yup, a snot-nosed kid who was staying at the place back around 50 years ago; proudly told my stamp-collecting polymath Jewish doctor; that his family had migrated from Odessa around the turn of the century and that he was an expert player of Dungeons and Dragons.

Doc promptly quipped his definition of an expert...broken in half. "An ex is a has-been and a spurt is the release of a liquid under pressure". Seems like that descendant of Hungarian Jews did not have much time for Pale of Settlement Ashkenazi Khazarians.

Little wonder that George Soro$ father was one of those "Chosen" by the Arrow Cross and the Gestapo to help the Reich deport the vast majority of Hungarian Jews as late in the war as 1944. The Zionists and the Nazis did engage in a number of joint enterprises.

For some reason/s the Yids wanted to get rid of the Hungarian Jews...the likes of Arthur Koestler and Gabor and his son Aaron Mate'. Soro$ and the father of a certain Democrat presidential candidate...John Kerry, paternal name was originally Kohn... were obviously the sour grapes amongst Hungarian Jewery.

My surmise is that Hungarian Jews were of a much higher cultural level than the Shtetl ilk who were almost exclusively not descendants of the ancient Hebrews, rather descended from Turkic, Armenian, Georgian and Anatolian Koestler pointed out in his magisterial "The Thirteenth Tribe".

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 31 2025 5:48 utc | 51
Craig Murray @CraigMurrayOrg

Over 100 people shot by the Israelis today in Lebanons, with 11 dead. A 12 year old boy was wounded by Israeli fire standing right next to one of my team, just before this.
Craig Murray @CraigMurrayOrg

I have yet to see a journalist pull a bullet from their flak jacket. The IDF shoot journalists in the head.
My own philosophy is to show the zionist murderers they do not scare me.
Mahmood OD | محمود عود

Posted by: michaelj72 | Jan 31 2025 9:30 utc | 52

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Tom Cotton, presiding over Tulsi hearing, offers a very candid description of US foreign policy that is virtually never heard in Washington:

"What matters, in the end, is less whether a country is democratic or not, more whether the country is pro-American or anti-American."
Bill Zettler @twitbzed
That's some real John Birch Society shit right there.
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

How else do you explain why the most savage tyrannies on earth -- such as in Egypt and Saudi Arabia today -- are always among America's closest and most supported allies?

Posted by: michaelj72 | Jan 31 2025 9:38 utc | 53

- Based on Trump's envoy Witkoff's statements, the US is proceeding with confidence as having full control of (what happens in) Gaza now, and in the future.

Witkoff held talks with the expected successor of Abbas, and the businessman PA Prime Minister is going around making plans for the reconstruction of Gaza.

In general, the totally discredited and illegitimate PA is being treated by the US, Arab countries (and Russia) as the proper authority which should govern Gaza and determine its future.

The PA, that has always served as a conduit of Israeli anti-Palestinian policy. It is arresting and killing Palestinians in the West Bank who are fighting against the Zionist who are now destroying the West Bank.

- Witkoff is also intimating the US line on the expulsion of the Palestinians from Gaza.

The expulsion is presented as being for their own good, because Gaza is uninhabitable (a demolition site as Trump puts it) and its rebuilding, according to Witkoff, will take 10-15 years.

Egypt and Jordan "will" take in the expelled Gazans, Trump now asserts.

We are about to see how the US/Israel are going to - expel the Gazans, for their own good.

Posted by: JB | Jan 31 2025 10:14 utc | 54

In memory of the senior Hamas military commander Mohammad Al-Deif, excerpts from his public statement announcing Al Aqsa Flood:

The Zionist colonial occupation occupied our Palestinian homeland and displaced our people, destroyed our towns and villages, committed hundreds of massacres against our people, killing children, women, and elderly people and demolishing homes with their inhabitants inside in violation of all international norms and laws and human rights conventions.

We have previously warned the Israeli occupation against continuing their crimes and appealed to world leaders to work on putting an end to the Israeli crimes against our Palestinian people and detainees and their holy sites and homeland and to put pressure on the Israeli occupation to abide by international law and resolutions.

Neither did the Israeli occupation leaders heed our demands nor did the world leaders act in this regard.

Instead, the Israeli occupation intensified its crimes, crossing all red lines, particularly in occupied Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque – the Muslims’ first Qibla and third holiest site.

The Israeli occupation forces have escalated their raids into the Al-Aqsa Mosque, desecrating the Muslim sacred sites and repeatedly attacking worshippers, particularly women, children, and elderly people.

Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation banned the Palestinian citizens from accessing the Al-Aqsa Mosque and allowed Israeli colonial settlers to defile the Muslim sacred site and conduct daily raids into the Muslim holy compound.During such raids, Israeli colonial settlers performed religious rituals and prayers and blew the horn at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. They have declared their intentions to build their purported temple on the ruins of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Israeli occupation has desecrated the Al-Aqsa Mosque, from which the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ascended to heaven on the al-Isra wa al-Mi’raj journey.

Hundreds of Palestinian citizens have been killed and wounded so far this year in crimes committed by the Israeli occupation and colonial settlers.

In the meantime, the Israeli occupation is holding thousands of Palestinian detainees in its prisons, where they are subjected to the most heinous forms of oppression, torture, and humiliation.

Hundreds of Palestinian detainees have been jailed for over 20 years; dozens more have suffered cancers and other diseases; several more have died as a result of medical negligence and deliberate slow-death policies.

However, our calls for a humanitarian swap deal were met with rejection by the Israeli occupation.

The Israeli occupation forces storm the towns and villages of the occupied West Bank on a daily basis, raiding and ransacking Palestinian homes and shooting and detaining Palestinian citizens.
Hundreds of Palestinian citizens have been killed and wounded in crimes committed by the Israeli occupation.

We have decided to put an end to all of the occupation’s crimes. The time is over for the enemy to act without consequences. Thus, we announce the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, and in the first strike within 20 minutes, more than 5,000 rockets were launched.

Starting from today, security coordination (between Israel and the Palestinian Authority) ends. Today, the people reclaim their revolution, correct their path, and begin the Right of Return.

Oh, our people in Al-Quds (Jerusalem), expel the occupiers and demolish their walls. O, our people in the interior (Palestine ‘48 regions), Al-Naqab (Negev), Al-Jalil (The Galilee), and the Triangle (Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem), ignite the earth with an inferno beneath the feet of the occupiers.

Oh, our brothers in the Islamic resistance in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, today is the day when your resistance merges with the resistance of your brothers in Palestine. It is time for the Arab resistance to unite.

We call for mobilization towards Palestine. Oh, our brothers in Algeria, Morocco, Jordan, Egypt, and the rest of the Arab countries, take action and heed the call.
The era of losing bets has ended, and the occupation must be expelled.

Oh, our people in all Arab and Islamic countries, start marching now not tomorrow, and storm the borders and walls. 

Today, whoever has a gun, bring it out; it is time. Everyone should come out with their trucks, cars, or ax. Today, history opens its most pure and honorable pages.”

Posted by: JB | Jan 31 2025 10:43 utc | 55

Posted by: Red Star | Jan 30 2025 20:47 utc | 20

There is a fun parallel to make here.
Remember ? A Lib company left a bot in the nature : it become Nazi.
Apartheid state left a bot in the nature : it become liberal.
So i wonder ; is ANON2022 secretly a Russian AI gone rogue ?

Posted by: Savonarole | Jan 31 2025 10:57 utc | 56

I think Trump enjoys a brawl.

Posted by: Jane

Especially against a weaker opponent. Not quite sure of the value in holding up the Danes for a public drubbing, but perhaps the general idea is once you have forced a few smaller players to back down you can show the slightly bigger players you meant business.

But this is a little bit off topic.

Posted by: Tel | Jan 31 2025 11:31 utc | 57

It seemcs that Trump team is threatening Egypt and Jordan with 100% sanctions (?) if they don't take over a million refugees from Gaza. Scott Ritter mentioned that in a conversation with Garland Nixon yesterday. I heard Trump musing on what a dream real estate play Gaza could be. Maybe Jared is ready to step in after Gaza is cleared.

I think that there is no ambiguity here. Trump is in the process of actively supporting the expropriation and deportation of over a million legitimate owners to grab the land of Gaza.

Posted by: Richard L | Jan 31 2025 13:20 utc | 58

Qatar's plan for Gaza

Posted by: JAB | Jan 31 2025 13:28 utc | 59

It's interesting, in a controlled-Media kind of way, that the jewish prisoners are delivered in good condition to the Zionist occupiers and taken to a hospital in Jewrael.

But Palestinan prisoners, released in poor condition, can't be taken to hospital in Palestine because the Psycho Jews have destroyed all the hospitals and murdered all the soft target doctors in Palestine.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 31 2025 13:32 utc | 60

re. #10 "Trump Order Targets Pro-Palestinian Activists To 'Combat Antisemitism'"

I wonder if that is partially cover for arresting trouble-making Soros minions.

Posted by: Matt | Jan 31 2025 13:44 utc | 61

Yes, this will happen. Nakba 2 incoming. But on the flipside, the Gazans get to live in peace. Not too bad of a deal, and a whole lot more than they deserve.

I think that there is no ambiguity here. Trump is in the process of actively supporting the expropriation and deportation of over a million legitimate owners to grab the land of Gaza.

Posted by: Richard L | Jan 31 2025 13:20 utc | 58

Posted by: John Wick | Jan 31 2025 13:57 utc | 62

Israel is Raining Bombs on the Bekka Valley Lebanon

"Another assault in the middle of the night. Israel has now violated the so-called 'ceasefire' over 1,350 times. And the world stays silent."

Palestinian Fisherman Killed Off Gaza's Coast

"The genocidal Israeli regime kills for sport. Ceasefire agreements are like toilet paper to these mass murderers."

Posted by: John Gilberts | Jan 31 2025 14:26 utc | 63


A couple of days ago Jewgle blocked my access to Xymphora until I use my (non-existent) Google Account to register my email or phone number and verify that I'm an adult.
Aka "You're not a kid any more" from Bobby's Girl?

Anyway, I wondered what triggered this overbearing pomposity and used an alternative path into Xymphora to see if it was something Xymphora had written.

The only thing I could find which might fit that description was in his January 28 post. He mentioned 4 examples of pro-Zion psychos in AmeriKKKa being arrested and charged for painting swastikas on their own properties and sending themselves threatening messages.

According to the post, one woman in NYC has been fined $30,000 and may face jail time.

That seems to me to be a story which the West's donor-addicted Jew$lave politicians would like to suppress.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 31 2025 14:32 utc | 64

Really getting sick being called antisemitic for criticizing a government and it's actions.

These people need to try harder, the complete intellectual vacuum is becoming hard to deal with.

Thanks goodness we can find solace in the fact there are still those among us with functional reasoning skills, and they tend to congregate in places like this.
Thabks to all of you who can still think. It's refreshing.

Posted by: Northern Savave | Jan 31 2025 15:11 utc | 65

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 31 2025 14:32 utc | 64

Can you please post some links or the text to those articles about the 4 psychos ?

Seems to be a consistent pattern

Posted by: Exile | Jan 31 2025 15:40 utc | 66

President Trump on Thursday insisted Jordan and Egypt will take in Palestinian refugees from Gaza despite fierce objections from the two Arab nations. . .here

Posted by: Don Bacon | Jan 31 2025 16:18 utc | 67

Northern Savage@1511 January the last

Obvious enough, but refreshing to see your appreciation of this site. MoA is an oasis within an intellectual and spiritual wilderness of windy desert dunes.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 31 2025 17:13 utc | 68

Horsewhisperer@1432 Jan 31

Right at the end of December, my g.mail account suffered a sudden blank-down. No way, Jose, could I restore that mail account on my iMac. I was hors de combat on receiving or sending e.mails. After about a total of some ten hours attempting to achieve an alternative mail site; it became obvious that they had totally not only hacked my mail connexion; but evidently there is a major move afoot to make it extremely difficult to set up an alternative provider. No details on that, as it would entail paragraphs.

Oonie hoo, ultimately I needed to cave to the Googs...they sure did not like the daily average of 20 shared links of "off message" stuff to various recipients. Apparently I was fucking up narrative domination control. Now on the Googs mail system there is no forwarding capacity. I wonder why.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 31 2025 17:21 utc | 69

Look the Zionists have been practicing genocide on the Palestinian people since 1947, and they are good at it too.......

The late President Jimmy Carter clearly recognized this in his book "Peace Not Appartied", a book for which he was heavily criticized by the Israel lobby in DC.

Until Bibi is removed from office and convicted of bribery and war crimes, nothing will change.......Israel in the last 75 years has utterly destroyed large Palestinian communities in Haifa, Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and huge swaths of rural Palestine, and it has leveled large portions of Gaza and the West Bank numerous times, in addition to housing 15,000 Palestinian political prisoners, and murdering hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians, and forcing millions into exile.

The Palestinians much like the PIRA and the IRA will never be defeated, the IRA fought the Brits (who are largely responsible for the Palestinian repression and the creation of the Zionist state) from 1916 to 1998 and were never defeated on the battle plain.

Just like the IRA, Hamas and its military wing, and Fatah and PIJ have not been defeated on the battle field, not now, now ever.

Posted by: tobias cole | Jan 31 2025 17:33 utc | 70

Jordan and Egypt will never allow the complete displacement of the Palestinian, they dont trust the Palestinian to be docile and two, they dont want to accept folks forceably expelled from their native lands.

Trump is completely out of touch here in every way.............would he allow the population of Maine to be forceably expelled to Nova Scotia?

The entire proposed process is just absurd.....

Posted by: tobias cole | Jan 31 2025 17:41 utc | 71

Witkoff has now seen for himself the full extent of the intractable problems the Trump admin faces in the MidEast. Two million people are living atop rubble with no electricity, no water, and with Israel’s actions against UNRWA, no structures to distribute humanitarian aid. Plus American credibility required for negotiating solutions has been ruined after “guaranteeing” a ceasefire process in Lebanon which has turned into an Israeli land grab. A massive cluster—- which is almost entirely the responsibility of the US after providing the green light, the armaments, and the diplomatic cover.

Posted by: jayc | Jan 31 2025 18:14 utc | 72

October 7th v2 ?

That is, another false-flag, but this time sacrificing Americans?


If a betrayer, such as Netanyahu, sees that he is protected by the liars in the
US Congress and US media and their counterparts in "Israel", then he is more
likely to betray again. That is not anti-semitism that is common sense.

If a betrayer, Netanyahu, is willing to sacrifice the lives of his own citizens,
as he did on October 7th, then he is certainly willing to sacrifice the lives
of Americans. Common Sense.

Intimidating people from discussing the facts of October 7th protects Netanyahu
but puts American lives at risk.


American contractors are being sent to man checkpoints near or in Gaza.
What could go wrong? For Netanyahu wrong is right.

Posted by: librul | Jan 31 2025 18:34 utc | 73

Posted by: jayc | Jan 31 2025 18:14 utc | 72. ????

Ceasefire Monitoring Committee Adheres to Israeli Demands in South Lebanon: Report

The five-member ceasefire monitoring committee is adhering to Israeli demands regarding inspection operations in south Lebanon Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar reported on Friday.

Deputy US Middle East envoy Morgan Ortagus began her first visit to Lebanon yesterday with a meeting in the US Embassy with General Jasper Jeffers, head of the ceasefire supervision committee...

Ortagus, who openly expresses her allegiance to the Zionist entity, and is repeatedly seen donning a Star of David necklace...

Despite protests from Lebanese military officers regarding the committee’s pro-Israel bias and its failure to address the expanding occupation of border towns as well as the murder and kidnapping of residents, their objections have been ignored by both the US and French embassies. Instead, this stance has seemingly emboldened Israeli threats to extend its occupation further under the pretext that the Lebanese Army is “incapable of enforcing the agreement and UN Resolution 1701,” Al-Akhbar reported.

Morgan Ortagus is another one of Trump's fanatical supremacists, and she is running the show in Lebanon.

Take a look at her x account.

According to reports, the US is pressuring the Lebanese authorities not to allow Hezbollah to participate in the formation of the government.

The Lebanese authorities are a sorry lot, behaving like a doormat, totally in the claws of the US, France, Israel and that lot. Apparently also Saudi Arabia.

Tragic for the Lebanese people.

Posted by: JB | Jan 31 2025 18:52 utc | 74

wiki bio of Morgan Ortagus is that of a apparatchik careerist. swamp creature through and through

Posted by: exile | Jan 31 2025 19:14 utc | 75

"Peter Oborne discusses Christian Zionism at Jordan conference"

Peter Oborne gave a speech on the topic "Christian zionists"

Source: (length: 7 minutes).

Posted by: WMG | Jan 31 2025 19:19 utc | 76

"There are no "good guys" in the American government."

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 31 2025 3:53 utc | 49

Don't be absurd Arch. You forgot to check the dungeons.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 31 2025 21:22 utc | 77

Morgan is just another in the long line of AIPAC selected defenders of genocide from 1947 to present working with the USDOS, she is a convert to Judaism and was married by USSC Justice Ruth objectivity in evidence on this appointment.......

She is now attempting to turn Lebanon into an Israeli satrap...............and further IDF land grabbing in Syria too........her efforts will be a classic fail......

Posted by: tobias cole | Jan 31 2025 21:43 utc | 78

Hi I don't know much about it but there is a group called Progressive International that is taking action against Israel.

"The Progressive International noted that today's meeting and expected announcement of "coordinated legal, economic, and diplomatic measures" come at a critical moment, as international law faces unprecedented stress.

Israel's violations in Gaza- documented by international courts and condemned by global civil society - have been met with impunity, enabled by diplomatic and military support from powerful allies."

There are a number of member countries some of which are already involved in legal action against Israel or have ended diplomatic ties.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 31 2025 22:23 utc | 79


WhatsApp has sent a cease and desist order to Israel's Paragon group. They are launching zero click attacks on reporters and I would assume anybody else they don't like.

This is a Facebook (Meta) app and should not be trusted.

If you have been using WhatsApp I recommend you destroy that device.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 31 2025 22:46 utc | 80

Journalist Youssef Fares

"British newspaper Middle East: During a meeting between Hussein al-Sheikh and Trump's envoy, Witkoff, the Palestinian Authority presented its plan to control Gaza, and expressed its readiness to engage and fight Hamas in Gaza."

Cynically, I would say the offer for Palestinians to move to another country is to frame them as having had a choice.

Posted by: Ornot | Jan 31 2025 23:06 utc | 81

A search for Beit Hanoun in Google Maps will reveal a massive Star of David carved into the ground of what used to be farmland in northern Gaza.

Alongside the symbol, the number 7979 appears – a possible reference to the 97th Netzah Yehuda Battalion. The all-male unit, comprised of ultra-orthodox soldiers, faced possible sanctions by the US last year for alleged human rights violations in the West Bank, Axios reported.[...]

Journalist Samira Mohyeddin said, “Whether torn into Gaza’s earth or pulverized into the face of Palestinian prisoners or spray painted on the walls of Palestinian homes and shops, Israel has made the Star of David a symbol of hate.”[...]

A report by an Israeli historian, Lee Mordechai, last year documented the case of a Palestinian woman who said Israeli soldiers “carved a Star of David on her husband’s back during his time in detention.”[...]
Tweet of Google Maps shot of Star of David carved into northern Palestinian farm land:

Israeli soldiers carve massive Star of David with tank into Gaza.

Jewish symbols used to declare total power, dominance and control. Then cry when people conflate crimes of Israel with a race and religion.

And yes, it’s real. Search Beit Hanoun in Google Maps before they blur it out

Posted by: teri | Feb 1 2025 0:12 utc | 83

Peter Cronau
Crusader against antisemitic graffiti charged with anti-Palestinian graffiti.

“An assistant director for a Canadian pro-Israel media watchdog group is facing 17 criminal charges in connection with a string of profane anti-Palestinian graffiti that included the phrase ‘F— Gaza’.

Robert Walker himself has specifically crusaded against antisemitic graffiti in the past.

Toronto police arrested Walker alongside two others, one of whom is 71 years old, in conjunction with the graffiti incident.

The graffiti were painted on sidewalks, planters and construction signs — considered city property — along a stretch of busy Queen Street East.

All three are charged with 17 counts of “mischief,” and are due back in court in late February.

Walker is currently assistant director on the website of Honest Reporting Canada, a not-for-profit organization and registered charity that aims to “ensure fair and accurate media coverage of Israel” and “combat antisemitism”.

Posted by: Menz | Feb 1 2025 0:27 utc | 84

Translating Falasteen (Palestine)
Engineer and PhD Asem Al-Nabeh, who also serves as the spokesperson for Gaza Municipality, states that rebuilding Gaza will not take as long as some reports from international organizations suggest.

To view his paper:

Posted by: Menz | Feb 1 2025 0:29 utc | 85

Zachary Foster
At Harvard University, students are allowed to call the US a racist endeavor. They can call Canada, Mexico, the UK, France or Germany racist countries. They can call every country in the world racist except for one. Israel. Welcome to Higher Education circa 2025.

Posted by: Menz | Feb 1 2025 0:30 utc | 86

David Adler
This is HUGE 🚨 Today, the @ProgIntl
announced the formation of THE HAGUE GROUP — with founding nations 🇧🇿🇭🇳🇨🇺🇲🇾🇿🇦🇳🇦🇸🇳🇨🇴🇧🇴 across all continents of the Global South committing to coordinated sanctions against the State of Israel:

Posted by: Menz | Feb 1 2025 0:31 utc | 87

Muhammad Shehada
🚨Hamas will release Yarden Bibas tomorrow alone, which indicates his family is unfortunately dead

This is b/c the ceasefire agreement stipulates dead civilian hostages should only be released at the end of phase 1 & that all living women & children should be released before men

2\ Hamas claimed in Nov 2023 the Bibas kids & their mother were killed in an airstrike, & offered to release their bodies, Israel rejected

Israel's gov has known their fate all along, but they chose to keep their deaths secret while parading their abduction as a rallying cry

Posted by: Menz | Feb 1 2025 0:32 utc | 88
Alan MacLeod @AlanRMacLeod

Look how the New York Times describes the deliberate genocide of Gaza.

Cancel your subscriptions. Boycott this trash.

the NYT: "...Mr. Smotrich has long advocated for helping Gazans who want to leave to depart...."

Posted by: michaelj72 | Feb 1 2025 1:07 utc | 89
Tiberius @ecomarxi

Zionists: *shoot 355 bullets at a five-year-old girl, killing her and her family*

Humans: We will hold a vigil for her

Zionists: Let’s deport the people attending

I swear, if you can’t see how much these fucks are worse than Nazis you’re not even paying attention
Betar US @Betar_USA
Join us at the jihad rally as we assist ⁦@ICEgov in deportation efforts. We will document all attendees and even those in keffiyahs and masks will be identified thanks to ⁦@terrorwatch613. Betar will submit names of attendees to ⁦@realDonaldTrump! Get out now
Empire Of Lies @berningman16

Hind Rajab was an innocent child deliberately murdered by the sadistic Israeli "army".

You disgusting Zionists are sick and depraved. And you monsters wonder why you're despised all over the world?
Suppressed News. @SuppressedNws

Today marks the day when Israel mercilessly murdered Hind Rajab, six of her family members, and later, two paramedics who came to her rescue.

An Israeli tank fired 335 rounds at the car in which Hind and her family had been.

Never forget, never forgive.

Posted by: michaelj72 | Feb 1 2025 1:09 utc | 90

David G Horsman | Jan 31 2025 3:37 utc | 48
*** If they all broke out could the Americans realistically hunt them down on the island of Cuba? I have doubts.***

Could it be a US plot to destabilise Cuba?

Posted by: Cynic | Feb 1 2025 2:12 utc | 91

"Could it be a US plot to destabilise Cuba?"

Posted by: Cynic | Feb 1 2025 2:12 utc | 96

That's an excellent point, perhaps. I think it would backfire. Although Cuba doesn't want thousands of refugees, nor hardcore criminals.

I think for the most part these refugees and immigrants would be compatible with Cuban Society.

Nevertheless it would put a huge stress on there resources.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Feb 1 2025 2:22 utc | 92

Mark sloboda on dialogue works.

Mark provides some excellent analysis although the show is over an hour long.

He expresses the opinion that many alternative media analysts were guilty of bias because they were projecting their hopes on to Trump.

In their desperation for change they interpreted his rhetoric as a signal it was possible. As Mark says, hope kills analysis. We are all desperate for change but we can't let that we can't let that cloud our judgment. Trump is no friend of the Palestinian people or really anybody in West Asia. He is an agent of Chaos.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Feb 1 2025 3:12 utc | 93

Don't be absurd Arch. You forgot to check the dungeons.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jan 31 2025 21:22 utc | 77

Oh me oh my.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Feb 1 2025 4:34 utc | 94

Posted by: David G Horsman | Feb 1 2025 3:12 utc | 98


Agent of Chaos is too kind. He's a prototypical American Zionist.

He murders people on command from Israel (Soleimani) and he talks ceasefire while sending 2,000 lb bombs to Bibi, negotiating to steal Palestine from the Palestinians so he can develop the beachfront property.

The people in the alt-commentariat who projected hope onto him are American suckers who cannot be abused enough by that political system. Cucks.

These old government employees cannot imagine not voting because they have accepted the lie that elections are the only way to "save" the country, as though America can be redeemed by anyone who would run for federal office after getting party approval.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Feb 1 2025 5:44 utc | 95

LoveDonbass 100

Cucks. You mean the US and the West are the real victims. Victims of their own stupidity. In the Ocean of Politics , same as the Ocean of the world of Electricity, by solving one small , local problem here, you can create a massive problem somewhere else.

But we all knew that anyway. Nazis are Fools. Nazism is Folly. Nazism and its sisters , Capitalist or Marxist dogma, are both about concentrating power at the top and rejecting all the underlayers.

To genocide the Palestinians who irritate the Hegemonists of USUKIS, they have ' cancelled ' themselves.

Posted by: Giyane | Feb 1 2025 6:15 utc | 96
Elijah J. Magnier 🇪🇺 @ejmalrai

The most dangerous scheme against the Palestinian people is twofold:

First, the push for Syria to grant citizenship to Palestinian refugees, effectively erasing their legal status as refugees and dismantling their right of return. This move, if implemented, would be a direct assault on one of the core pillars of the Palestinian cause—their internationally recognised right to return to their homeland. By "integrating" Palestinians into Syrian society as full citizens, their displacement would be normalised and institutionalised, weakening their claim to their original homes in Palestine.

Second, the United States' reported pressure on Jordan to absorb hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank is another alarming development. For decades, Israel has sought to shift the demographic balance of the West Bank by gradually pushing Palestinians out, replacing them with Israeli settlers. If Washington succeeds in forcing Jordan to accept this influx, it would serve Israel’s long-standing objective of turning Jordan into an alternative Palestinian homeland, effectively erasing the Palestinian national struggle for statehood.

Both of these moves constitute a strategic plot to erase the Palestinian identity and dilute their legal and political claims. If realised, they would fundamentally alter the Palestinian struggle by making displacement permanent and irreversible while shielding Israel from international accountability for its occupation and apartheid policies.

This is not just an administrative or political manoeuvre; it is an attempt at liquidating the Palestinian cause by dissolving the people into other nations, ensuring that the dream of return is buried and that the reality of occupation remains uncontested.

Posted by: michaelj72 | Feb 1 2025 6:42 utc | 97
Middle East Spectator – MES

— 🇺🇸/🇮🇱/🇵🇸 NEW: Last Wednesday, in a vile display, the U.S. branch of the Zionist 'Betar' organization reposted vigil posters for the one-year anniversary of 5-year-old Palestinian girl Hind Rajab's death, aiming to doxx the protesters and threaten their 'deportation'

Furthermore, 'Betar,' with roots linked to the Israeli 'Irgun' terrorist organization, claimed that Hind Rajab was used as a 'human shield' to fabricate a genocide.

Investigations revealed that Hind was deliberately killed on January 29, 2024, when an Israeli tank gunner fired 335 bullets at the car she was in, after having already killed her entire family.

Additionally, the PRCS medics who arrived at the scene were also killed when the Israeli tank fired at their ambulance.

Posted by: michaelj72 | Feb 1 2025 7:43 utc | 98
Miko Peled @mikopeled

One of the signs of the torture horrors made obvious when we see Palestinians released from the Israeli prisons is broken teeth. Their teeth are broken during the beatings and torture! we must bring down this sadistic regime
Seyed Mohammad Marandi @s_m_marandi

In Syria, the lunatics are running the asylum
☀️👀 @zei_squirrel

Trump's plan, which is actually the plan of his Israel lobby genocidal Zionist handlers who own him, is to complete the Gaza genocide after the first two phases of the ceasefire gets the Israeli prisoners out by cutting off all essential aid and starving out the people as they sell it as "voluntary migration".

Israel yesterday banned UNRWA from operating, which plays the key role in supplying and administering essential services and goods, from food to healthcare and education. So that's the first part of the plan already enacted.

Steve Witkoff is a lifelong fanatical Zionist who sees Israel as his true homeland. All those reports about him "playing hardball with the Israelis" is bullshit PR that is used as part of the genocidal campaign to fully annex Gaza and the West Bank.......

....After they have made Gaza actually unhabitable by cutting off all essential services and supplies, they will goad them all to the border with Egypt, and then create a media spectacle about how Egypt is being inhumane and evil by not opening up the border, as they add pressure in the background to their puppet Sisi to open it or they will cut off all military and financial aid and even impose sanctions. At the same time they will do the same with their puppet in Jordan, and create some sort of agreement where the population will be divided......

Posted by: michaelj72 | Feb 1 2025 8:28 utc | 99

So, while the war is far from over, in the end it can be concluded that the Palestinian Resistance and its supporters have defeated the Zionist Entity in this more than 1 year round of hostilities.

Yes, you can go on about the destruction, the loss of lives, the loss of leaders but hasn't it always been this way?

The Machine has been fought to a grinding standstill by perhaps the last true human beings remaining on planet earth.

Today, at least.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Feb 1 2025 9:05 utc | 100

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