On Biden, Blinken, Etc. - Matt Taibbi On Tucker Carlson's Show
This talk (video) with Matt Taibbi and Tucker Carlson is very interesting.
One question that's come up (chapter 4) is who was running the White House during the last year. Biden obviously didn't.
Tucker thinks it was Antony Blinken. Blinken is also said to be the one who pressed for a more aggressive war against Russia. The release of ATACMS missiles against Russian proper was on of the nonsensical measures.
Another one, Tucker says (44:12), was an attempt to kill Vladimir Putin.
I had not heard that one so far.
Posted by b on January 28, 2025 at 17:49 UTC | Permalink
next page »Although Blinken did run most of the show, just like a hotel manger does he follows instructions of "the people with briefcases, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people explain how things are done." kudos to MoA 23/01/2025.
Posted by: xor | Jan 28 2025 18:04 utc | 2
Posted by: pepe | Jan 28 2025 18:13 utc | 3
Blinken is a thug.
Thugs have more personality.
Posted by: Johan Kaspar | Jan 28 2025 18:21 utc | 4
Similar to Mrs Woodrow Wilson who took over most of her multiply disabled husband's responsibilities in 1919; Blinken assumed the powers of the presidency. He over-rode the Vice President...understandably but not properly...and thus became an unelected dictator...an act of High Treason.
Blinken did succeed in exacerbating the war in Ukraine; thus initiating the deaths of maybe 200,000 Ukrainian soldiers and perhaps one-tenth that number of Russians.
Thus Antony Blinken is identified as a WAR CRIMINAL.
Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 28 2025 18:22 utc | 5
There's something particularly soulless about that individual.
An avatar without any empathy or ability to reflect on the damage done.
Posted by: jpc | Jan 28 2025 18:32 utc | 6
Nowaday U.S. are more driven by inertia than by anybody anyway. If it was a car, it still have an engine with fuel in the tank , but no breaks , no reverse gear and it doesn't turn.
Yeah , you can still change the radio station ; great !
Posted by: Savonarole | Jan 28 2025 18:35 utc | 7
The New Federal Chair-Sitters will do nothing to punish these excesses in Central authority. Indeed, to do so would be an act of double-cross, an unobserving of proper decorum for those in the club.
Fauci, Clinton, Blinken, Nuland, Trump. All in the elite club. An obscure Honky-Tonk Yacht Club Bar where the only requirement for admission is to fuck over as many Plebs as possible. Rich Republicans, Tech-Bros, flip-flop LaLa Land dwellers, Old Money: all getting together, their identities purely ironic.
Sorry if I am channeling George Carlin here, or that I am black-pilled, but the Federal Government is only about to get bigger. I need something momentous to happen to wash the poor taste from my mouth from DJT 1.0, him literally abandoning well-behaved insurrectionists to getting manhandled in Federal Jail for years. In my view, Trump worship is just a big honeypot operation for when the Dems come back in to ream us even harder.
We need to rip the Fed's fangs out, Marathon Man-style.
"Is it safe, Don?"
You have a little more time.
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Jan 28 2025 18:43 utc | 8
Thus Antony Blinken is identified as a WAR CRIMINAL.
Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 28 2025 18:22 utc | 5
So---what motivates Blinken to these ends?
Is it a psychopathology? Is it a backstory/Hx that I am missing?
Is it just for the payout (here's your cash) or is it more?
Is the assassination plan of the leader of a nuclear power - his baby? With no thought of the consequences?
Possible ramifications have me in thrall.
Posted by: Original Newbie | Jan 28 2025 18:44 utc | 9
Well, no one attains the heights of an organization of that kind by being a person of morals and principle. Blinken is just the usual sociopath in charge. The first trail of bodies would be the one left behind by his career ascent. The rest are all collateral damage. In the end though he has the same petty ambition as any manager, to try to secure the next promotion by filling the CV with 'goals achieved'. "So, Antony, where do you see yourself in 5 years...?"
"Well, Bob, I hope to be making mega-bucks consulting for contractors looting public money and plundering other people".
His kind, and the world that support it, are cancer. We must exceed them in brutality if we're to root them out.
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 28 2025 18:48 utc | 10
"during the last year"
Maybe should be "during the last years"
Posted by: Call it what u will | Jan 28 2025 18:49 utc | 11
A paint by numbers interview, carefully orchestrated to remain within the lines.
Round up a fresh bunch of scapegoats.
Regardless of Blinken's involvement leave Zionist control of Capital unexplored.
Posted by: too scents | Jan 28 2025 18:53 utc | 12
In the Oliver Stone interview with Putin, Putin said there had been 23 assassination attempts against him.
Posted by: Edward | Jan 28 2025 18:55 utc | 13
With respect to the "assassination plot" of Putin, back in 2023 when the US was accusing the Russians of planning to use nukes in Ukraine, there were some stories about the Pentagon considering a decapitation strike on the Russian. Perhaps these talks were more advanced then we previously understood
Posted by: Kadath | Jan 28 2025 19:05 utc | 14
Original Newbie@1844 Jan 28
Blinken's full status should be highly evident, even obvious. That creep is a dedicated Talmudist/Zionist/"Chosen" by the Sanhedrin Babylonian Rabbinate to be in charge of puppet regime affairs in the Di$trict of Corruption. Blinken is an excellent waiter, likely even Maitre de. He follows orders well and most assiduously on behalf of the cause of total Talmudist supremacy.
Any further questions?
Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 28 2025 19:10 utc | 15
Posted by: Savonarole | Jan 28 2025 18:35 utc | 7
Yeah , you can still change the radio station ; great !
You can change the radio station but you will hear the same:
Threat, threat, threat
Racketeer, racketeer, racketeer
Blackmail, blackmail, blackmail
Sanction, sanction, sanction
Invade, invade, invade
And above all:
kill, kill, kill.
Posted by: scc | Jan 28 2025 19:11 utc | 16
If so, Blinken is an idiot...If they assassinated Putin, they would get Medvedev and the hardliners...Kiev would be gone quite soon thereafter....That would NOT lead to WW3, since the Europeans don't want to die for the scum in the Ukraine...
Posted by: pyrrhus | Jan 28 2025 19:12 utc | 17
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I suspect that this is a bigger story than we realize (the cutoff of foreign aid by Trump)
I have always suspected that USAID was intermingling economic aid to Ukraine with military or logistical help. Not weapons per se, but spies and other dirty tricks. Perhaps some of the money that got cut off was being used to pay for fuel for generators, or direct subsidies to keep inflation down.
Now that its all being yanked, I think life is going to get much harder for the Kiev kids who have been dancing the night away while the Donbass burned.
Starve, bitches!
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Jan 28 2025 19:12 utc | 18
It’s been a while that I’ve called it the Biden regency.
As for who ruled , when wsj raised the issue, the two names mentioned were not blinken
As for the interview isn’t it the same where he mentions is responsibility on nordstream?
Posted by: Newbie | Jan 28 2025 19:21 utc | 19
Carlson asks: why did they do the whole covid psychosis.
Answer is simple, see Mattias de Smet. Add the bankruptcy and complete take over of Europe (willingly for the EU oligarchy since the agreements making EU laws similar to US laws were already signed).
Posted by: Tom | Jan 28 2025 19:25 utc | 20
Well Nemesis, if the FedGov is about to get bigger, it will have to wait until its funding gets turned back on. At this point there are more than a few agencies that have been cut off. Apparently they are to submit their expense so that they can be entered in to a consolidated data base and audited. Dunno the “deep underlying reality” of it all, but this is what appears to be happening.
PS: NOT gang affiliated.
PPS: If you think graft and corruption are extreme on a corporate level, the FedGov feeding trough is ten times that.
PPP(etc): If the pentagon can get audited to the tune of 2.3 trillion and then blow up its own accounting offices anything is possible. As far as Anthony goes? Filed under ‘EverySingleTime’.
Posted by: Chevrus | Jan 28 2025 19:29 utc | 21
House Speaker Mike Johnson is from Louisiana, the site of several LNG export terminals. Last week, he recounted trying to schedule a meeting with Biden, to discuss Biden's presidential ban on new LNG export terminals. It took months.
When the meeting finally occurred, Biden was unaware of having taken the action. Biden thought he had authorized a study. A staff member had to print out the executive order and show it to Biden, to confirm what he had done.
Point being, Blinken knows nothing about energy, or a hundred other topics. Small-bore bureaucrat Blinken could not possibly have orchestrated all of the many presidential actions attributed to Biden. It had to be a cabal with many members. Probably in coming months, investigators will unearth documents showing who actually was running Biden's chaotic clown show behind the scenes.
Then I expect to be enabled to post the following reaction: Every. Single. Time.
Posted by: Jim H | Jan 28 2025 19:30 utc | 22
Blinken is a died in the wool Zionist extremist, his step-father was Mossad-agent Robert Maxwell's attorney and consigliere. He was a childhood close friend with Maxwell's daughter Ghislaine Maxwell, the madame for Mossad-agent Jeffrey Epstein. Doesn't surprise me that he was the de facto president given the full-on support for the Zionist genocide. When he visited Israel he said that he came first as a Jew (he meant Zionist). He owed his whole career to Biden, raised from a mere speech writer to Secretary of State.
Given his utter lack of any real diplomatic experience it was no surprise that he fucked up everything he touched. The US reputation around the world was shredded by this incompetent, ideologically-blinded mediocrity. Of course, Marco Rubio is not exactly an upgrade ...
Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 28 2025 19:30 utc | 23
Blinken, like Nuland, is a malevolent midwit, but very unlikely to be the acting POTUS.
FWIW, the rumour I found most credible was that Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor, held the nuclear launch authority.
Posted by: Drifter | Jan 28 2025 19:35 utc | 27
Blinken ran foreign policy.
Yellen ran domestic policy.
Sullivan ran Intel agency policy ranging from the usual CIA fuckery to law fare against Trump.
The problem was not that Blinken or Yellen or Sullivan had agendas; all people have agendas.
The issue is that Biden is supposed to set overarching policies and supervise execution of same. Instead we got a witch’s brew of nonsense.
Posted by: c1ue | Jan 28 2025 19:49 utc | 28
Blinken is an intermediary between the European, Zionist, and American elite, the three are in effect three sides of the Western imperialist triangle of ostensibly disguised hegemonic power. Naturally Europe and the US have not always seen eye to eye, but the very survival of the US before, during the civil war and for sometime after attests to a common decision among European elites to fight out disagreements if indeed need be in old Europe, but to never molest the US, if for no other reason that no power in Europe would ever let another great power conquer the fledgling US for itself, but also because the US, since the end of the Civil War, seen as the undisputed future of Western capitalism, eventually even primus inter pares.
Posted by: Ludovic | Jan 28 2025 19:50 utc | 29
To carry the out-of-control car metaphor a bit further- the occupants spend their time arguing with each other about whether the station should be rock or rap music but the direction of the car, and what forces put it into motion are never questioned.
Posted by: Billb | Jan 28 2025 20:00 utc | 30
Addendum to #18 - Apparently USAID money was used to directly fund the salaries of Ukrainian civil servants. Looks like a pay cut is coming, unless EU retards foot the bill.
As for Blinken, until that filthy PoS is rotting in a prison on war crimes charges, the world is not safe.
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Jan 28 2025 20:02 utc | 31
Roger Boyd @ 23
Nail on head.
Also note that Maxwells besides Robert and Ghislaine have achieved prominence. Of course only fools believe the Sam Pisar tale of Maxwell's very timely death.
Donald Blinken, the birth father, was a co-founder of Warburg Pincus. From there assume familial ties to all banking families.
Pisar's other unbelievable tall tale was how he himself escaped six death camps. Right. We will not know how that was arranged. After the war he rose as a black marketeer. Which is to say as an amoral cutthroat, and a protected amoral cutthroat.
Posted by: oldhippie | Jan 28 2025 20:20 utc | 33
Taibbi is nothing any more than a hireling, even if he once was more. Tucker Carlson is an ideologue and MSM entrepreneur. What they think is determined by what they calculate the profit to be. Neither of these creatures genuinely knows anything about the Blinken White House and we have even less reason to think they would be honest about what little they did know. Pushing BS like this seems to be about continuing to campaign against Biden. Trumper toadies who've been earning contempt for their services seem to find a need to keep on campaigning. It's not like they can be honest about why they're Trumpers, I fear.
Posted by: Jim H | Jan 28 2025 19:30 utc | 22 The main point, that only some person or persons actually on hand to do real work, could have operated the White House, is correct. It also shows Taibbi, Carlson and our host to be indulging in nonsense (to put it charitably.) One point though, I don't believe you can rely on Mike Johnson to give an honest and candid account of anything. Everything I know about his origins suggests he is one of those cranks whose so-called careers were sponsored by people with real money and power, first locally, then nationally. He's one of those weirdos ordinary people would run screaming from if they weren't endorsed by their higher-ups, not someone who is actually capable of reaching out to the people at large and earning their trust. A Marjorie Taylor Green except without any redeeming promiscuity.
Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 28 2025 19:30 utc | 23 It is incompetent enough for a geopolitical academic fraud to take the OP seriously. But to support this twaddle by insinuating the Mossad is a hereditary barony? Pulp fiction is much easier than the truth, obviously. I don't know whether this sort of behavior is the liberating effect of tenure, or have finally giving up hopes of tenure and going for Patreon-age instead...but it is a disservice to the human mind.
Posted by: steven t johnson | Jan 28 2025 20:32 utc | 34
Whoever was running things for Biden they did know the polling on Kamala and they knew she had no chance of winning. Trump is the Zionists best friend and they wanted him in as the lobby has a powerful hand in things behind the scenes.
We may see a massive relaese of documents on the three letter government intervention into stopping Trump for 8 or 10 years. Much embarassing material is going to come out. Pardons backdated to 2014? Isn't that when the color revolutuion happened in Ukraine?
All in all it was a good interview and this may be the year of dreams for independant journalists. The lamestream will ignore everything.
Posted by: circumspect | Jan 28 2025 20:42 utc | 35
Who will leak the story about Biden coverup?
Must be hundreds or more who have info on what was going on inside the White House: janitors, caterers, boyfriends, girlfriends, kids of VIPs, “friends “ of hunter. Someone will spill the beans
Posted by: Migueljose | Jan 28 2025 20:46 utc | 36
Pisar was far worse than just a post war smuggler. He was a brutal Pimp as well as a drug dealer. All proudly told in his auto biography. He shamelessly lied about his war time experiences. One suspects he was one of those Jews who sent fellow Jews to death camps.
there is no doubt that Blinken learned a whole lot from his gangster step father.
finally note - its is very likely that both Blinken and Ghislaine Maxwell were childhood friends.
Posted by: exile | Jan 28 2025 21:00 utc | 37
So why did the Zionists allow the Biden presidency?
Posted by: Lysias | Jan 28 2025 21:02 utc | 38
So---what motivates Blinken to these ends?
Posted by: Original Newbie | Jan 28 2025 18:44 utc | 9
You must be new to the world! the motivation is the allegiance to the 'tribe' - just like the Nulands, Kagans, Perle's, Wolfowitzes, Albright's, (list goes on), - as Prof. Finkelstein said in one of his talks on you tube, "they have a ethnic loyalty which is stronger than others" (I am paraphrazing). The tribe has of course some people in control, who are not well known, as the former Malyasian President Mahatir observed IMO (sorry, don't have a link to his observation.
Posted by: fanto | Jan 28 2025 21:02 utc | 39
They made sure the aid to Israel was not cut off. (Also the aid to Egypt, which is also for the purpose of protecting Israel.)
Posted by: Lysias | Jan 28 2025 21:04 utc | 40
The film "The Third Man" about post war Vienna thieves, including shysters selling poisonous drugs along with poisoning the water supply ..... seems to me a thinly hidden story about Pisar#s post war gangster life
Posted by: exile | Jan 28 2025 21:04 utc | 41
I want to say I recall hearing something about a potential plan to assassinate Putin and Shoigu during Naval Day celebrations, I think last year (could have been 2023), which occasioned a call from Gerasimov to Austin. No mention of what was said during the call, but it was supposed that Gerasimov was warning Austin off.
Posted by: robjira | Jan 28 2025 21:12 utc | 42
Thugs have more personality.
Posted by: Johan Kaspar | Jan 28 2025 18:21 utc | 4
Thugs have better characters & bigger balls.
Posted by: Mary | Jan 28 2025 21:18 utc | 43
This is back to looking at individuals who come and go, rather than the systems and interrelationships that drive these coordinated attacks on humanity.
Blinken is nothing. Trump is nothing. Biden was nothing.
The people they represent and the tactics they employ can enhance our knowledge of the world and help us navigate it.
The system is based on giving people avatars to hate, which is an unproductive and emotional reaction. While those people are emotionally charged, it is easier to lead them astray and rob them blind.
Recognize the paradigm which seeks to enslave you.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 28 2025 21:19 utc | 44
I don't believe the Wuhan "Them Chinks made me sick!!!" theory. Epidemics are part of Nature. My prejudices incline me to the "The US did it to kill us Chinese people , like they did the Native Americans! Look at all those books about exterminating us with germ warfare!" In reality,Jack London, eg, wrote quite a bit about how White Americans needed to wipe out the Chinese with germ warfare.
But I don't believe that either "Time and chiance come to them all" my Bible says.
Posted by: lester | Jan 28 2025 21:21 utc | 45
"it might have backfired, in leaving a void in a nation with multiple nukes.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 28 2025 18:02 utc | 1"
There wouldn't have been a void. Russia is not a dictatorship & Russians are not stupid. They doubtless have backup plans.
Posted by: Mary | Jan 28 2025 21:21 utc | 46
This is back to looking at individuals who come and go, rather than the systems and interrelationships that drive these coordinated attacks on humanity.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 28 2025 21:19 utc | 44
Bingo! In a fancy package with a ribbon and a bow.
Posted by: too scents | Jan 28 2025 21:24 utc | 47
This afternoon TruNews reported on riots in Democratic Congo. Fires were set in US embassy & other similar sites.
Further/related, RedCross urgently advised that biolabs containing ebola virus were nearby ....
TruNews went further, reporting that Austrailian health ministry reported that "100 vials" of (something really dangerous, I forget what) went missing.
AND finally,
Kansas City, MO reports an outbreak of TB. Four have died, many others ill. Worst outbreak in 30 years +-.
(No mention whether those infected with TB are migrants.)
I recall from my childhood my Mother had a routine X-ray. She was told it showed "spots on her lung." She worried for days & days until further testing resolved the matter. It was a scary time. She still remembered passing thru Ellis Island and having to pass health screening to be admitted to USA. Many were turned back on the spot.
Posted by: Errata | Jan 28 2025 21:25 utc | 48
That Blinken or someone might have tried to assassinate V. Putin is plausible. But it would have been a big stupid mistake. Putin's successors would NOT have suddenly become submissive. Probably any successor would have been MORE stubborn and belligerant, but less cool and unemotopma, less intelligent and rational.
Posted by: lester | Jan 28 2025 21:29 utc | 49
One more thing TruNews reported:
A photo of Hegseth stepping out of limo at Pentagon, the door opened by his bodyguard, a beefy (fleshy-beefy not muscle-beefy) guy wearing a yarmulke.
No visible IDF insignia.
Posted by: Errata | Jan 28 2025 21:32 utc | 50
From its early days, it was clearly Team Biden as all the players were Biden underlings for at least a decade each, some much longer. The criminal Team Biden was replaced by the not yet as criminal Team Trump. All of Trump's policy proposals have extensive downsides and very questionable upsides. The Global Majority already stands together in a loose solidarity which could easily become a very tight solidarity if Trump makes good on his threats. In many key positions, Trump has installed rookies who lack good staffs because most were fired with good reason. Many mistakes can and will be made because of that greenness. Trump's infamous for his many bankruptcies, but he now inherits a federal government that has approximately $1 in assets for every $10 it owes in debt, and that gap is widening. And the banking system is just as dysfunctional as the crash in commercial realty awaits. And of course, there's much more.
Suggest not to read too much into this "revelation". Actually identified as a "planning" exercise. They plan to attack Mother Terresa too... Still, stupidity in the starkest terms. Might cause one to suspect "them there real idiots" driving the boat. Further. Believe the "chestnuts" (skewed perivought ot oreshnik) have been "roasted" a bit as a wakeup call. Seems enthusiasm wanes. OT. Thanks to all who post "honestly" here, and to B for covering this discussion. Few places that might allow a comment so easily. Cheers m'on!
Posted by: Ledovik1 | Jan 28 2025 21:42 utc | 52
the fastest way to end the war with a US victory is to Kill Pootin.
Just plain common sense.
Posted by: Surferket | Jan 28 2025 21:43 utc | 53
Daily Mail is now reporting that Medicaid payments are now down all across the U.S.
Posted by: Lysias | Jan 28 2025 21:50 utc | 54
karlof1@2137 Jan 28
So you are inferring that the imposed normalcy still holds and that even with the new administration there are once again no adults in the room.
Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 28 2025 22:06 utc | 55
Blinken is a died in the wool Zionist extremist, his step-father was Mossad-agent Robert Maxwell's attorney and consigliere. He was a childhood close friend with Maxwell's daughter Ghislaine Maxwell, the madame for Mossad-agent Jeffrey Epstein. Doesn't surprise me that he was the de facto president given the full-on support for the Zionist genocide. When he visited Israel he said that he came first as a Jew (he meant Zionist). He owed his whole career to Biden, raised from a mere speech writer to Secretary of State.
Given his utter lack of any real diplomatic experience it was no surprise that he fucked up everything he touched. The US reputation around the world was shredded by this incompetent, ideologically-blinded mediocrity. Of course, Marco Rubio is not exactly an upgrade ...
Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 28 2025 19:30 utc | 23
From 1 to 23, this is the best comment. Thank you for mentioning his undoubted role in perpetrating and continuing the genocide. He not only came to Israel as a Jew (read Zionazi,) first, that's how he does everything, including usurping the power of the US president from a dementia patient to carry out a genocide and take humanity to the brink of nuclear war. Biden probably would have done all this anyway, but that is speculation based on his obvious mental deficiency. In a sane world Biden wouldn't be allowed to go shopping alone.
This guy isn't just one of a cast of characters, he's uniquely dismissive of nearly all of humanity beyond his twisted little inbred set. This is one of the primary defendants in any war crimes tribunal against the Zionazis for the crime of genocide. He's so twisted, amidst his work to incinerate the world in a global nuclear holocaust, he visits his monkeys in Kiev to play guitar on stage! After this guy, I won't hear another negative word about Nero. If there were an antichrist, this soft spoken twisted little fruit is it.
Never forget his name, face or deeds!
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Jan 28 2025 22:09 utc | 56
This is back to looking at individuals who come and go, rather than the systems and interrelationships that drive these coordinated attacks on humanity.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 28 2025 21:19 utc | 44
Bingo! In a fancy package with a ribbon and a bow.
Posted by: too scents | Jan 28 2025 21:24 utc | 47
I typically agree, but this mutherfucker is uniquely culpable. This is the Zionazi Goebbells. He deserves a special recognition.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Jan 28 2025 22:15 utc | 57
And the banking system is just as dysfunctional as the crash in commercial realty awaits. And of course, there's much more.
Posted by: karlof1 | Jan 28 2025 21:37 utc | 51
Agreed with the 'greening' so to speak of the new Trump administration. Scary.
CRE comes in about twenty subsections. The office REITs are still poorly off but some are doing well enough. In the SunBelt, of course. I am not seeing a crash between the BDCs and REITs. If we pretend that inflation is running at 2% (HaHa) the Fed will keep a lid on interest rates. Yield on 10-year treasuries is hovering around 4.5% down from close to 5% which might have caused a stroke, or at least talk of it.
Posted by: Acco Hengst | Jan 28 2025 22:25 utc | 58
I typically agree, but this mutherfucker is uniquely culpable.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Jan 28 2025 22:15 utc | 57
Zionism always metastasizes into an infinitude of Blinkens. He is just a fungible placeholder. Don't imagine that he is bigger than a common man.
The proble that people like Blinken make aren't solved by bringing such individuals to justice. It is solved by eliminating the system that empowers them.
Posted by: too scents | Jan 28 2025 22:36 utc | 59
All I saw in that interview if that's what we wanna call it, is a kazillion rabbit holes.
Sure many of them deserve further investigation but if people don't wanna go the way of Jimmy Dore, an ignoramus who regularly sacrifices current and maybe alterable events in order to blather incessantly about the past in general & covid in particular, it is vital to not allow what happened to distract from what is happening now.
eg I dunno when it happened, I suspect shortly after the assassination attempts, I reckon the donald train's engine was co-opted by the gang.
That is what needs to be examined, or maybe even that is too long ago, putting together links between things such as the new administration's climbdown on ukraine & continuation of full bore zionism would be a good place to begin.
However there will be many others and maybe the netanyahu underlings will allow the so-called ceasefire to continue on longer than we expect, in which case someone else is screwed, probably closer at hand, Venezuela perhaps?
I dunno, I don't have a crystal ball, but I do know that too much attention on the past rather than the here and know could be fatal for all us normal humans.
What's done is done, while it would be great to unearth that stuff, allowing yourself to be distracted by journalists replaying their greatest hits over & over again is damn foolish.
Posted by: Debsisdead | Jan 28 2025 22:36 utc | 60
The problem that people like Blinken make
This keyboard ...
Posted by: too scents | Jan 28 2025 22:37 utc | 61
aristodemos | Jan 28 2025 22:06 utc | 55--
Thanks for your query. Yes, and I'm not alone in that estimation. As Hudson reiterates constantly, genuine international finance isn't taught at universities, so the only people who understand how it functions are those who've worked within the system for years. And the same can be said about economic generally since most Ivy League schools and their close affiliates only teach Junk Economics to ensure Neoliberal dogma isn't refuted or overturned. One glaring disconnect is Trump saying he's going to lower taxes and raise tariffs--but a tariff is a tax. And there are many more examples. It's only been 8 days, so most of Trump's policy proposals have yet to surface. I expect most to be visible by Mach first.
Acco Hengst | Jan 28 2025 22:25 utc | 58--
Thanks for your reply. I rarely get to a big city to see how depopulated the business districts have become, so I take Hudson's descriptions of what's happening in New York City that are seconded by Richard Wolff, both of whom are very long-term residents there. How much are eggs per dozen where you live? Here in Oregon they're $5.50/dozen where last year they were $1.95. I was at a food service supply store today and noted that Beaver brand condiments--also made in Oregon--are close to $7 each in some instances where I recall buying them 3-4 years ago at $3.99. I use olive oil almost exclusively, and it's at $35/gallon where I bought it at $8.99 liter just 18 moths ago. My 2% SS COLA raise was a slap in my face--a huge lie as to what the actual rate of inflation is. So, one of the major weaknesses of the entire financial system is all the reported numbers are lies; to get to the truth, you must know where to dig to find something accurate. My whipping horse is the very false Outlaw US Empire GDP where the $1 asset: $10 debt ratio indicates just how much fudge exists.
Meanwhile, Putin visited the Samara region today and inspected some booming factories within his "failed economy" which I'll report on soon. Here's the Kremlin's intro report about one:
"AvtoVAZ is Russia's largest manufacturer of passenger cars with the highest level of localization. The AvtoVAZ Group unites four production sites - in Togliatti, St. Petersburg, Izhevsk and Argun, connects more than 1.6 thousand suppliers of components and 338 dealerships throughout Russia. In 2024, more than 525 thousand cars rolled off the assembly line of AvtoVAZ. In April 2025, AvtoVAZ will celebrate the 55th anniversary of the release of the first car - VAZ-2101 Zhiguli."
Some barflies will recall the Lada; it still exists but looks very different today. I must note that one of the models is named "T-134".
I think its Blinken, Jake Sullivan, and Chief of Staff that was running the show. That's just crazy. They'll all be welcomed with open arms by all of their victims in hell. Just like Rumsfield, Albright, Powell, etc.
Posted by: Toxik | Jan 28 2025 23:28 utc | 63
b !
Top Cat and twatter files Taibbi?
The wide running sheepdogs right and left??
I’m speechless. When did we agree to take those kind of connected guys, who huff and puff and never blow down any house they are near or even in???
Why do I feel like I am being sold a pup in a pocket???
Some great disturbance feel in the force, do I …..
b ???
Maybe am too drunk - will come back to it in the morning. G’dnight all.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 28 2025 23:50 utc | 64
Saw that part about the Putin assassination and have no clue what Tucker was talking about. I searched Yandex and the only thing I came up with were the attempts we all already knew about, involving Ukrainians.
Was actually quite disappointed in the interview. Taibbi needs to do some reading on the history of the 3LAs and government censorship - and worse. "Strength of the Wolf", "Strength of the Pack" and "Operation Phoenix" by Valentine are good starts. His optimism with all the alleged coming declassification is misplaced, IMHO. I'll believe the JFK and RFK stuff when I see it with my own two eyes. All that we're really set to learn about MLK Jr. is the tawdry phone call tapes.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 28 2025 23:58 utc | 65
Posted by: Debsisdead | Jan 28 2025 22:36 utc | 60
Agree with this, and it doesn't contradict my own comment about how Taibbi needs to learn about how the 3LAs have ALWAYS functioned as political police and censors (or worse). He's just recycling his greatest hits and using the Tucker appearance to drive subscribers to his already very lucrative Substack on the vague promises of a new Golden Age of declassifications and journalism respective to such things. Again, I'll believe any of it when I see it.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 29 2025 0:00 utc | 66
Posted by: steven t johnson | Jan 28 2025 20:32 utc | 34
Re: the whole sordid Mossad mess, you really should do some "academic" reading on the subject yourself prior to opining in terms so forceful that they evoke a factual basis upon which they are uttered. The rabbit hole goes deep, as discomforting as that reality may be to those who choose to purposely and reflexively mis-apply Occam's razor.
I'm in agreement with you on Taibbi's general trajectory, however. It's all about the $$.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 29 2025 0:07 utc | 67
Probably in coming months, investigators will unearth documents showing who actually was running Biden's chaotic clown show behind the scenes.
Then I expect to be enabled to post the following reaction: Every. Single. Time.
Posted by: Jim H | Jan 28 2025 19:30 utc | 22
This touches on another issue I had with the Taibbi Carlson interview. How different is what is being described here with Biden from any previous presidential administration? It's always a cabal, and I agree that attributing all that happened to that idiot Blinken is naive at best. There were other people running the show, as there were with Reagan and Bush II - and I'd argue during Trump's first term in office. Nothing new to see here. And no expectation that we're due for some revelatory epiphanic exposure of how the "system" really works.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 29 2025 0:13 utc | 68
Is this the thread where we pretend the most powerful empire in the history of the world is a "bus with no driver" or a "boulder rolling down the hill" ?
I guess everything just happens by pure cohencidence.
Posted by: ryanggg | Jan 29 2025 0:13 utc | 69
Can someone explain to me why the West is allowed to try to kill Putin, but Zelensky is untouchable, let alone Western elites?
Or why the nuclear doctrine was changed to cover "mass drone attacks" as a trigger, and just as we speak there is an ongoing mass drone attacks going as deep as Leningrad, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan, and a drone even landed on Smolensk NPP a couple hours ago. And there is no reaction, move along, nothing to see here, new normal, every other night.
What kind of a government is that in Moscow that will not lift a finger to protect the country from attack, despite sitting on the most powerful arsenal in the world? What are the true loyalties of that government?
Posted by: ANON2022 | Jan 29 2025 0:22 utc | 70
Blinken talked and acted like he was in charge of foreign affairs, of course, and also the military actions taken regarding those affairs. He was aided in this regard by the lack of a strong secretary of defense, which Genaral Austin wasn't. Now Antony Blinken has a deal for a ‘candid’ book about his years as secretary of state.
Former Secretary of State Antony Blinken has a book deal, billed by his publisher as a “rare glimpse” into the “challenging and often controversial” responses.
Penguin Random House:
“In this candid work, he will offer the first inside story from within the administration on what really transpired in the run up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the difficult choices that shaped American diplomatic and military support in the months that followed in a war that would bring the world as close to nuclear conflict as it had come in more than half a century,” Crown’s statement reads in part.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Jan 29 2025 0:22 utc | 71
I watched the first 40 minutes of the video and was underwhelmed so didn't watch it to the end.
Posted by: Siddhartha | Jan 29 2025 0:24 utc | 72
I'll believe the JFK and RFK stuff when I see it with my own two eyes. All that we're really set to learn about MLK Jr. is the tawdry phone call tapes.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 28 2025 23:58 utc | 65
I’m almost certain, based on previous similar cases, that we’ll be told that “some of the files were accidentally discarded and destroyed” or “we were unable to locate some of the files in question” — or else they’ll be so heavily “redacted” as to be meaningless.
Posted by: malenkov | Jan 29 2025 0:28 utc | 73
Saw that part about the Putin assassination and have no clue what Tucker was talking about. I searched Yandex and the only thing I came up with were the attempts we all already knew about, involving Ukrainians.Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 28 2025 23:58 utc | 65
You haven't paid close attention.
There are at least two attempts we know of publicly. First, a drone attack in April 2023 or so when he was on the outskirts of Moscow visiting at some event, which you might chalk off as "Ukrainian", but the targeting on these things is done by NATO. Those drone were actually launched, but intercepted. Then there was another plot to launch drones from Finland during the Navy parade in St. Petersburg in August 2024. Yes, from Finland. Russian intelligence got wind of it, and the West was told in no uncertain terms to forget about it, so it was aborted.
But keep in mind that these are the ones that we know about, and even they were not very strongly publicized. The Kremlin tends to try to keep a lid on events that make them look weak (while actively working 24/7 to the best of their abilities to make themselves look as weak and pathetic as possible), so it is quite unlikely this is all.
Posted by: ANON2022 | Jan 29 2025 0:28 utc | 74
@ Debsisdead | Jan 28 2025 22:36 utc | 60
thanks deb... always worthwhile and generally incisive commentary from you.. thanks..
Posted by: james | Jan 29 2025 0:34 utc | 75
This is back to looking at individuals who come and go, rather than the systems and interrelationships that drive these coordinated attacks on humanity.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 28 2025 21:19 utc | 44
Bingo! In a fancy package with a ribbon and a bow.
Posted by: too scents | Jan 28 2025 21:24 utc | 47
Lovedonbass and too Scents get it.
"A federal government that has approximately $1 in assets for every $10 it owes in debt"
Posted by: karlof1 | Jan 28 2025 21:37 utc | 51
Is a complete misunderstanding of balance sheets and how money works. Balance sheets balance. $10 of assets on one side and $10 of liabilities on the other.
$ Assets are held by the public as (cash or bonds.) Which are liabilities to the government ( deficit or debt )
Where did the public get their $'s from ?
Read both sides of a bank note.
The government gives the public the $'s to buy the bonds.
In short a government liability is a public asset either cash
or bonds . They balance to zero each and every time.
Learn it. It is chapter 13 you want. However, you should start from the beginning and learn all of it.
Posted by: Sun Of Alabama | Jan 29 2025 0:39 utc | 76
We are entering a period of mass distraction as this posting is an example of
Another example is shown in a current Reuters posting title/sub-title
Trump aid freeze stirs chaos before it is blocked in courtThe Trump administration said programs delivering benefits directly to Americans would not be affected. But Democratic Senator Ron Wyden said his office had confirmed that doctors in all 50 states were not able to secure payments from Medicaid.
The Trump strategy we are watching is mass chaos so that the stuff they want is slid in under cover.....8 days and counting....is everyone sufficiently "entertained"?
I have seen the video of Trump talking about Gaza enough times now in the past few days to catch the Hollywood projection experience he has.....too bad it is so poorly/personally intentioned.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 29 2025 0:58 utc | 77
Money and banking is a lot more complex. Than double entry accounting .
A loan in effect creates notes aka fiat currency, why the federal reserve printed digital cash to hold $6 trillion in new U.S. govt debt bc COVID.
Acting and money and banking are hard for modern monetary theory economists
Sean the leper conn, meh
Posted by: paddy | Jan 29 2025 1:01 utc | 78
I’ve recently come across the term “death camps” a few times, and I’m guessing it’s another word for the WW2 concentration camps, and not some weird kind of death camping.
Kidding aside, why build huge facilities with the accompanying infrastructure and staff, putting thousands of people on trains and having to - presumably - feed and lodge and guard them, if it was only to exterminate them ? Was there a shortage of bullets ? No place to put the bodies, why not just shoot them once and leave them where they were ? Were the nazi soldiers too squeamish about killing millions of civilians, and needed to find a convoluted way to do it ? It seems like a lot of wasted energy and resources when you’re “trying to take over the world.”
What did all these people DO at these camps ? Sew nazi uniforms ? Make bullets ? Crazy science experiments ?
Posted by: Featherless | Jan 29 2025 1:06 utc | 79
ZH has a posting up related and has this quote
On Tuesday, the Kremlin responded to what was said in the Carlson interview, and the statements were cryptic and vague, neither confirming nor denying the claim of an assassination plot.Below is a Russian media summary of the Kremlin response:
Russian President Vladimir Putin is well protected from any potential threats, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday. He was responding to a claim by American journalist Tucker Carlson that the administration of former US President Joe Biden planned to assassinate the Russian leader....The conservative journalist did not provide any details of the alleged plot. However, he denounced the purported plan as “insane,” considering the power vacuum it would create in Russia and the potential for Moscow’s vast nuclear arsenal to end up in the wrong hands.
Asked to comment on Carlson’s remarks on Tuesday, Peskov would neither confirm nor deny US attempts to target Putin, nor reveal any knowledge of such plans by officials in Washington in the past. “Russian security services continuously take all necessary measures to ensure public safety and the safety of those under state protection. First and foremost, the head of state,” he told reporters.
Is this another negotiation ploy? We knows Tucker is totally compromised.....
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 29 2025 1:07 utc | 80
Posted by: Featherless | Jan 29 2025 1:06 utc | 79
Nazi uniforms were designed and produced by Hugo Boss.
Posted by: Siddhartha | Jan 29 2025 1:13 utc | 81
One’s surplus is someone else’s deficit
One’s saving is someone else’s dissaving
One’s export is someone else’s import
One’s spending is someone else’s income
One’s financial asset is someone else’s debt
One’s credit is someone else’s debit
The $36 trillion are held by the public as treasuries.
The $36 trillion is a liability of the government but an asset to the public that holds them. It balances or somebody has to stay behind and fix their mistake.
In short - the national debt is a total of all the $'s ever issued by the government. That haven't been taxed back yet and destroyed.
That currently stands at just over $36 trillion held by the public. Matches to the cent the just over $36 trillion liability of the government.
Let's say the US government issued $136 trillion. But only collected back in taxes and destroyed $100 trillion.
The government is said to have a liability of $36 trillion.
Well where is it ?
Mars? Venus ? Outer space. ?
Nope when they put 136 in and only took 100 out. The 36 is still in the economy. Held as people's savings.
The 36 matches exactly on the government balance sheet.
When they either issue more or people start spending their savings and their savings get taxed back out of existence as they spend. As their spending is someone else's income and income is taxed. The numbers change.
But the liability of the government and the asset of the public always balances to the cent. Regardless the number.
Problem is 99.9% have been trained like a little puppy to only look at the government liability side of the balance sheet. Completely ignore the asset side of the balance sheet held by the public. Held as cash or treasuries as families love nothing more than to " SAVE".
Here's how to fix it
Euthanise the Bond Market: Why It's Time to End the Reign of the Money Changers.
Posted by: Sun Of Alabama | Jan 29 2025 1:13 utc | 82
Coco Chanel was an anti-semite and a collaborator with the Nazis.
Posted by: Siddhartha | Jan 29 2025 1:36 utc | 83
Sun Of Alabama | Jan 29 2025 0:39 utc | 76--
I've linked to the official documents that display what I exhibited and those or the numbers for 2023; 2024 numbers will be out in a few months and will be worse. Here's the latest: Total Liabilities for 2023, 42,898.3; Total Assets, 5,419.1; Net Equity; (37,479.2)--all in Trillion of Dollars. So 1$ in assets for every $7 in debt, not as bad as I recalled but still very painful.
The seemingly ever-present Pavel Zarubin must have hitched a ride with Putin's entourage to Togliatti in Samara region today and posed another question to Putin that RT reports as nothing is noted at the Kremlin site yet:
The Ukraine conflict could end in two months of Kiev is deprived of the money and ammunition it depends on to continue fighting, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.Speaking to reporter Pavel Zarubin on Tuesday, Putin was asked about the possibility of a negotiated end to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
“They can’t exist without their Western sponsors. They won’t last a month if the money and ammunition run out,” Putin told Zarubin.
“Everything can be over in a month and a half to two months. Ukraine practically has no sovereignty, in that sense,” the Russian president added.
According to Putin, if Kiev’s western backers truly want peace, “this is very easy to do,” adding that Moscow has already spelled out its terms very clearly.
Kiev can signal its willingness to talk by canceling the decree banning all negotiations with Russia, Putin said. He explained that without such a step, any proposed negotiations would be as illegitimate as Vladimir Zelensky, whose presidential mandate expired last spring.
The US and other backers of Ukraine have channeled more than $200 billion in aid to Kiev, ranging from weapons, equipment, and ammunition, to cash payments for the salaries of government employees and pensions. The Kremlin has pointed to this support as making the West “de facto a party to the conflict,” which both Washington and Brussels have officially denied.
Adolf Dassler, the founder of Adidas, and his brother Rudolf, the founder of Puma were members of the Nazi Party.
Posted by: Siddhartha | Jan 29 2025 1:46 utc | 85
Russian soft power on display:
Kyrgyz nationalism has awakened A tragic event has occurredin Kant , where a Russian airbase is located . A crowd of Kyrgyz schoolchildren and athletes beat Dmitry Chernyavsky , who studied at a local school, to death. A horrific event that the local Ministry of Internal Affairs is trying to hush up. The Kyrgyz media do not name the Russian boy, but write him as "Ch.D." They call the incident "a fight after a verbal altercation," but locals say that the Kyrgyz simply attacked the deceased because of his nationality. Unfortunately, nationalism in Central Asia is becoming more and more radical. We have previously seen similar attacks in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and now a murder has occurred in Kyrgyzstan. We write a lot about the growth of such sentiments and Russophobia in Kyrgyzstan, but what can we expect from the Kyrgyz population if their politicians preach intolerance towards everything Russian from the rostrum of parliament? And now it is extremely important that the Kyrgyz schoolchildren who beat Dmitry to death receive the punishment they deserve. Of course, if the local security forces do not let it slide. Two majors
Posted by: ANON2022 | Jan 29 2025 1:51 utc | 86
re: Siddhartha | Jan 29 2025 1:46 utc | 85 & Siddhartha | Jan 29 2025 1:36 utc | 83
What's with your refusal to stick to the topic? You inform no-one & piss off everyone.
Posted by: Debsisdead | Jan 29 2025 1:54 utc | 87
The Ukraine conflict could end in two months of Kiev is deprived of the money and ammunition it depends on to continue fighting, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. Speaking to reporter Pavel Zarubin on Tuesday, Putin was asked about the possibility of a negotiated end to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.“They can’t exist without their Western sponsors. They won’t last a month if the money and ammunition run out,” Putin told Zarubin.
“Everything can be over in a month and a half to two months. Ukraine practically has no sovereignty, in that sense,” the Russian president added.
No shit.
Now guess who has the power to deprive Kiev of money and ammunition within half an hour of deciding to do so? But refuses to do it entering a fourth year now...
Posted by: ANON2022 | Jan 29 2025 1:54 utc | 88
Now guess who has the power to deprive Kiev of money and ammunition within half an hour of deciding to do so? But refuses to do it entering a fourth year now...
Posted by: ANON2022 | Jan 29 2025 1:54 utc | 88
And every "half an hour" he doesnt stop the cash, Russia takes some more land....and more....and more....and more....
Posted by: HERMIUS | Jan 29 2025 2:01 utc | 89
Trumps biggest mistake could turn out to be turning on Canada. The US has effectively moved its achilles heal from it being OPEC to it being Canada.
In the 1970s, the US achilles heel was it had to import oil to satisfy its needs. The Nixon policies were the original reason for gas stations running dry well before the oil embargos.
But it was the oil embargoes that made the US absolutley paranoid about energy. To combat embargoes, US built the SPR. It could provide oil to refineries in Padd's 2,3 and 4. it was the defence against its achilles heel.
It never could send crude to Padd 1 + 5 because of the Jones act. And because it never built enough pipelines when they could.
Now move ahead 50 years and Shale Oil was the saviour of the US.It made the US energy independent, dominant and a net-importer. All of which is a load of boll*cks.
What really saved the US was the oil sands in the north.
Here's why : The history of what changed.
1. Why Trumps “drill Baby Drill” is actually not great for US crude oil producers.
2. why you cannot run the same amount of light crude in a refinery that is designed to run medium or heavy crude.
3. Canadian Oil sand that have actually had a much more pronounced effect and have allowed the US to use oil as a weapon.
Canadian oil sands in the north provided the heavy crude oil the US's refiners needed.The combination of the oil sands and shale made the US change its infrastructure to flow north to south rather than south to North.
What it also did was make Canada its SPR but it also made Canada its achilles Heel.Why a Canadian embargo on the US is incredibly powerful.
Padd 2 and 4 would run out of gasoline within 1 to 2 months. And with no way to replace it.Pipelines operate North to South, it would take 30,000 trucks per day to move 1.8mbpd of crude to padd 2/4 refineries, with no train loading facilities in south.
Without Oil sands you would effectively have to find 4mbpd of heavy production from elsewhere. Saudi may have only 2mbpd to cover it becaus eof quality, UAE may have 1mbpd. where is the other 1mbpd from?
Treat the Canadians well and oil sands becomes a North American SPR. Treated it badly and it could become a bigger achilles heel than OPEC ever has been.
Posted by: Sun Of Alabama | Jan 29 2025 2:16 utc | 90
Sun Of Alabama | Jan 29 2025 2:16 utc | 90
*** Treat the Canadians well and oil sands becomes a North American SPR. Treated it badly and it could become a bigger achilles heel than OPEC ever has been.***
So that makes it a US "security" issue ....
How will they fit two more stars (Greenland + Canada) into the US flag?
Posted by: Cynic | Jan 29 2025 2:25 utc | 91
Daily DS map update:
Overall: Another poor day for the RFA, with only 4.3 kmsq taken. This is much less than NOV pace (23/d) or DEC pace (14/d) and also less than the average JAN pace.
Gains at:
1. Velyka Novasilka, conceding the town.
2. Couple small areas on the "far west Pokrovsk front". (not strategic)
3. A very small gain on the W side of Pokrovsk and one on the E side.
Posted by: Anonymous | Jan 29 2025 2:26 utc | 92
Thank you Siddhartha
Sorry Debsisdead, it was my question that was off topic.
Posted by: Featherless | Jan 29 2025 2:33 utc | 93
Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 28 2025 / various
…optimism with all the alleged coming declassification is misplaced
Indeed. As if anything of real revelatory value hasn’t already been scrubbed. If it ever even made it into the “archives” at the time.
Re: the whole sordid Mossad mess, you really should do some "academic" reading on the subject yourself prior to opining in terms so forceful that they evoke a factual basis upon which they are uttered.
thanks for reply to that pompous ignoramus. I don’t read his time-wasting posts, but inadvertently caught the last paragraph as I scrolled. Appreciate you made the effort to rebut his logorrheic naive nonsense.
The rabbit hole goes deep, as discomforting as that reality may be to those who choose to purposely and reflexively mis-apply Occam's razor.
attributing all that happened to that idiot Blinken is naive at best. / …It's always a cabal…
And Lady McBiden must be given her due. She, more than anyone, could control access, backed by Biden’s modern day “physicians and priests”. Imagine a medieval Royal Court.
The pics of her behind the Oval Office desk, and in the presidential chair aboard Airforce One were no accident, and distributed to send a message.
Those that need to know can read the intent behind such images.
Jill, and her cabal, were in charge, …… right up to the afternoon when they weren’t… A palace coup, without the messy poisoning or bodkin in back.
Dethroned via media.
Why the obvious hostility between Jill and Kamala?
Jill’s last act, as her power was cut away, was to anoint Kamala. To spite Pelosi and Obama and HRC.
Jill believes Kamala “owes” her. But Kamala thinks she got the nomination as her right, and on merit.
That late Sunday evening in Delaware as Joe was being overthrown, Jill played her last card, but it wasn’t the ace she thought.
Posted by: Melaleuca | Jan 29 2025 2:41 utc | 94
Jim H @22:
Blinken knows nothing about energy, or a hundred other topics. Small-bore bureaucrat Blinken could not possibly have orchestrated all of the many presidential actions attributed to Biden. It had to be a cabal with many members.The Deep State is essentially a parallel, secret government, run by oligarchs in a hierarchical manner and exercising control through their virtually limitless assets (freemasonry and other secret societies, such as the Jesuits, corporations, think tanks, foundations, the mass media, social media, universities, publishers, including primary - university textbooks, government officials and bureaucrats, judges, etc., etc., etc.). Blinken doesn't need to know everything to be the acting President, just like Trump doesn't need to know everything to be the designated President - their handler tells them what to do, and that handler is loyal to and informed by the Deep State.
But as a matter of fact the Deep State appointed Biden's entire cabinet, and, I predict it will turn out, Trump 47's too (they certainly did for Trump 45). As Shakespeare wrote, "All the world's a stage". Nothing about Western "democracy" is real, it's a facade to protect the Deep State - the true rulers - from scrutiny and accountability. They've spent centuries since the alleged fall of the Western monarchies to perfect their means and methods. It's brilliant, so brilliant that only a tiny percent of people notice the President wears no clothes.
Posted by: CalDre | Jan 29 2025 2:42 utc | 95
I know it’s bar best practice to just ignore this monotonous moron but…
i) … Another poor day for the RFA…
ii) Gains at: Velyka Novasilka, conceding the town.
There’s stupid posts. And then there’s this lunkhead.
Posted by: Melaleuca | Jan 29 2025 2:52 utc | 96
Hey there sport. Got any updates Zee Clown’s on national electric grid performance? And what about the latest Ukrainian refugee outflow trends? (Oh, and not the millions who have already fled.) And how’s Zee Clown’s Bandera economy performing? Got any updates for us on that?
Perhaps all just another poor day so sport has nuttin to say.
Posted by: skull | Jan 29 2025 3:02 utc | 97
I've been saying this for a time. The office of the Secretary of State is of the utmost importance in any US administration. But in this one where the imperial figurehead - that is, the POTUS - was handpicked specifically for his senility, Blinken's position was even more critical.
This scumbag is an unrepentant Iraq War champion, a genocidal Zionazi and a neo-Hitlerite Russophobe. It is through vermin like him that the establishment would direct the "Biden" administration that was prompted to power after the rigged elections of 2020. Very similar to what they did with Dick Chenney in the Bush era after also rigged elections.
Posted by: Constantine | Jan 29 2025 3:24 utc | 98
Exile // 37
Featherless // 79
When I see a Jew - Zelensky - preside over a NAZI regime, it makes me scratch my head and say, "Hmmmmmm."
When I see European politicians with NAZI grandparents at Auschwitz while the Russians who liberated the camp are banned from attending, I makes me scratch my head and ask myself, "Are they mourning or are they celebrating their grandparents acts?"
Then I look at the Biden administration and its reliance on Blinken, Yellen, and Victoria Nullen with their pathological hatred towards Russia - which freed the Jews of Auschwitz - and I can't figure it out. Shouldn't they be supporting the Russians, and not the NAZI Ukrainians?
The only way any of this makes sense is if the story we were taught was fake.
Featherless, you are not the first person to wonder about those camps, and the way the numbers don't add up given the German efficiency. I mean, a bunch of Africans in Rwanda in 1994 slaughtered up to a million people in about three months by running around hacking people with machetes. How is it the highly efficient Germans never came near that. Because I'm with you. You don't need death camps. You need a backhoe and a bunch of cheap bullets. Seems more efficient. And I have never understood why the Germans didn't do THAT. Unless the whole death camp story is a big psyop, and that's why we get Jews (Zelensky, Blinken, et al.) fighting their ostensible liberators - the Russians. Unless something else happened and we have never been let in on the big secret. Even Pol Pot can't understand it.
Posted by: Nobody Special | Jan 29 2025 3:54 utc | 99
What I posted below I also posted on Matt Tiabbi's Racket news site under comments for the video and my belief for what it was all about.
"Will We Ever Truly Know the Purpose of the COVID Regime?" Quoting Matt Tiabbi, or whomever from the video above.
This has mostly, already been answered in all places, the local news for anyone paying attention. What I’m about to divulge can easily be googled and then follow the covid trail verbatim, but not including Dr. David Martin’s important discoveries, concerning. his documentation of all the patents for covid related corona viruses going back to 1999. However, the covid19 saga began in the Washington DC suburbs during the late Spring of 2019, when senior residents were dying from a mysterious pneumonia like respiratory disease at Greensprings, which is an upscale retirement community in Springfield, Va.. The disease spread rather quickly to several other upscale retirement communities in both northern Va. and suburban Md. At least those facilities were capturing the news back then. The plot thickens when the CDC in conjunction with Maryland’s health department close down the bio lab at Ft. Detrick during July 2019, in nearby Fredrick, Md. They were shut down for pathogens escaping their bio lab’s s waste systems and various other serious violations. Maryland wanted them closed permanently, because of all the various and frequent violations spanning decades, however the army citing national security concerns, quietly reopened it during the Spring of 2020. Again all of this can be found in mainstream media news during the Spring and Summer of 2019. Nobody's attempted to cover this up.
By the following autumn the respiratory news had faded to the backseat, but a deadly vaping disease, which was later attributed to people vaping substances that had been tainted with liquid vitamin E, which can be toxic, if trying to smoke the stuff. Yet again those deaths also faded to oblivion, for other tales of Bill Gates holding exercises in NYC in late Oct. 2019 to practice for a pandemic for whenever one ‘might’ occur? During this time the army used some of their most gifted athletes to train on the grounds of Ft. Detrick to train for upcoming games to be held in November of that year. The event is Olympic like, since it’s held ever four years in different locals, but is meant for military personnel only. These particular games were held during November 2019, in Wuhan, China. The American team not only performed uncharacteristically poorly, but some also needed to fly home early, because of serious illness. All the above can be confirmed with minimum investigative endeavor. Unconfirmed though, for want of better sources would be whether that U.S. ’team’ stayed in a Wuhan hotel aptly named the American hotel, which is still across the street from the wet market where China reportedly recognized their first covid case in December 2019?
Only then did Trump accuse China of causing this pandemic and the true fact, but ultimately red herring of who caused this world plannedemic. His lockdown in March was kind of late since the disease had been killing folks for nine months previously. I believe Trump oughta be answering that question, with ignorance not being an option, especially with his futile attempt at locking down the economy more than nine months after the fact.
However, none of that answers the above question, which is why plan all this malarkey and kill as many “useless eaters” as possible? That was a sideshow, but an added bonus to shed some of the most elderly deplorables. The manufactured disease, which can cause a wide spectrum of differences amongst the population had to be made particularly scary, by sending patients to nursing homes of all places and putting folks on ventilators, which was proven early to not be the way to treat the disease, but continued here, because it was done to make the disease “scarier”. The disease was a setup to get the populaces worldwide (as much as possible), to voluntarily thru outright coercion, to take the experimental gene therapies masquerading as a ‘vaccine’. The above is pretty accurate, from just the events that occurred leading up to the clot shots that came to us not only at ‘warp speed’ but with the ‘speed of science’, also. The setup of the medical community was facilitated by folks like Bill Gates who was very much involved with this plannedemic’s initial planning phases, no doubt helping to get hospital administrators on the same page as our feds needed them to be.
Below is purely speculation of why this elaborate scheme to fool everyone into an experimental shot? I believe the nanobots, (sp?) in conjunction with the graphene they injected into everyone in various amounts was to see how well people would tolerate the concoctions, at various levels, with meticulously kept records, to later evaluate how much the average person at whatever particular ages could survive and continue to live a relatively normal life thereafter and after later boosters? Imho, mankind urgently needs this information, so they can bring on transhumanism, when and only when, they’ve perfected a perfect artificial intelligence, because between the two emerging technologies folks can purportedly live forever, disease free and zero aging! Science fiction come to life and I believe we’ve got enough crazy oligarchs to set this whole thing in motion a little early, but perhaps early enough they too can all hitch a ride on this technology?
Hopefully this reaches Matt Tiabbi and he chooses to do some snooping, that desperately needs snooping, by a reputable journalist, which Matt has proven to be.
Posted by: aye, myself & me | Jan 29 2025 4:00 utc | 100
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Blinken would've probably liked to assassinate Putin - it might have backfired, in leaving a void in a nation with multiple nukes. Carlson doesn't provide any evidence of a possible assassination - however:
"US officials have never acknowledged having plans to assassinate any Russian or Soviet leaders. However, Newsweek reported in September 2022 that US officials had considered the option of a “decapitation strike” if Russia used nuclear weapons in Ukraine, something Moscow has said it has no plans to do.
The Russian president has reportedly been the target of multiple assassination plots dating back to the early 2000s.
In 2012, the Russian and Ukrainian security services arrested a group of extremists in Odessa for allegedly preparing a bomb attack on Putin, who then served as prime minister. The incident came at a time when Moscow and Kiev enjoyed relatively friendly ties, prior to the Western-backed coup in Kiev.
The most recent known incident occurred in May 2023, after the start of the Ukraine conflict, when Moscow accused Kiev of launching a drone attack on the Kremlin in an attempt to assassinate Putin. According to Russian officials, the president was not in the Kremlin at the time of the attack."
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jan 28 2025 18:02 utc | 1