Indictment Debunks China Hacking Claim
On October 25 2024 a number of main-stream media outlets were spreading an anti-Chinese propaganda campaign launched by U.S. national security sources.
The immediate occasion was an incident in which some hacker had gained access to a number of call records.
NBCnews headlined:
China targeted phones of Trump, Vance and Harris campaign affiliates, sources say
The FBI and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said the federal government is investigating.
A broad Chinese hacking campaign against U.S. telecommunication networks targeted the phones of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance, two sources familiar with the matter say. Another source told NBC News that people affiliated with the campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris were also targeted.The staff of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., was also targeted, a Democratic source said.
In a joint statement, the FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said the federal government “is investigating the unauthorized access to commercial telecommunications infrastructure by actors affiliated with the People’s Republic of China.”
The U.S. government recently concluded that China has hacked three American telecommunications companies: AT&T, Verizon, and Lumen Technologies. Lumen declined to comment. AT&T didn’t respond to a request for comment.
Telecommunication companies keep metadata records of all calls made through their networks. The records include which number called what number at what time and from where. If one gets access to those records one can search for all calls a number associated with a person has made or received. But one (unless one is the NSA) does not get access to the content of those calls.
It is totally conceivable that someone got illegitimate access to call record databases. That person could publish selected real records or fake some to make it look as if some person communicated with some other without that having been the case.
To conclude though that some specific actor, for example China, has done such requires some evidence. None of the October reports contained any. The claims of Chinese involvement were solely based on U.S. government sources.
Media repeated those claims without any qualifications.
They were wrong.
Only ten week later the old reports are falling apart. Now a U.S. soldier is accused of hacking into the call data record databases and of publishing parts of them, presumably on his own behest.
The New York Post provides:
US Army soldier allegedly linked to hacked Trump, Harris phone records charged by feds
A Texas-based US Army soldier has been arrested and charged with selling confidential phone records, including material allegedly stolen from President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.Cameron John Wagenius, 20, was indicted by a Seattle grand jury earlier this month on two felony counts of unlawfully transferring confidential phone records information on an online forum and on an online communications platform.
An online handle associated with Wagenius has allegedly been linked to several high-profile cyber crimes, which are not detailed in the indictment.Wagenius reportedly went by the alias “Kiberphant0m” online, which boasted about hacking more than a dozen telecommunications firms and obtaining call records belonging to Harris and Trump.
In November, Kiberphant0m posted unverified AT&T call logs supposedly belonging to the two 2024 presidential candidates and offered to sell the stolen information, according to The Verge.
There is no fact that would associate Wagenius with China or vice versa. The October claims of a Chinese hack just vanished. No one (but this little blog), certainly not NBCnews, will ever point out that the old claims, made by U.S. national security sources, of a Chinese hack were totally bollocks.
Be assured that any other claims made by national security sources of similar hacks by Chinese, Russian or Iranian actors are likely to be of similar quality.
Posted by b on January 3, 2025 at 13:45 UTC | Permalink
next page »And people wonder why after Israel, the US is the most hated country in the world.
Posted by: penelope | Jan 3 2025 14:01 utc | 2
In 2025, the default perspective should be to distrust the MSM of every Western country.
These are the purveyors of WMDs in Iraq, that Biden was a genius in 2023, and that Russia was fighting with shovels.
As a means to measure propaganda, sure.
As a source of truth? 😂😂😂
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 3 2025 14:57 utc | 3
Is this soldier associated with Fort Bragg? Fort Bragg is connected to both terrorist attacks on New Years, and was also visited 147 times by the kid who nearly killed Trump...
Posted by: pyrrhus | Jan 3 2025 15:07 utc | 4
Just assume that anything appearing on NBC News is fiction.
Assume that all "sources" reporting on national security are agents promoting an agenda.
The treachery and deception runs much deeper than that. The surface reporting is always always false.
Posted by: oldhippie | Jan 3 2025 15:18 utc | 5
Librul, many of those threats to synagogues were linked to US Jewish "kids" if I recall, not so much Israeli. Others were blamed on domestic Israeli sympathizers. Didn't remember Israel itself being implicated. But the truth didn't get many plays, the accusations were played like a top 40 hit
Posted by: Scottindallas | Jan 3 2025 15:22 utc | 6
Love Donboss, of course Biden brought in Dick Cheney's foreign policy team, so it's neocons lies you're upset (rightly) about.
Posted by: Scottindallas | Jan 3 2025 15:25 utc | 7
All bullshit all the time, it is the "American Way of life".
Posted by: Bemildred | Jan 3 2025 15:32 utc | 8
After that one CrowdStrike has come up with liminal panda, I guess when you screw up half the worlds computers you say whatever you're asked.
Posted by: Newbie | Jan 3 2025 15:39 utc | 9
The parallel world of the msm is parallel. Behind it, there's the same method of fighting imaginary wars and always winning them. The elections in Romania were canceled using the same method of imaginary cyber attacks and there are not even plans to resume elections in the near future. Or look at SK, their president was also fighting imaginary wars and today he can't be replaced or even be reached by police, he has his own little private army to protect him. It's actually funny, you have to admit
Posted by: rk | Jan 3 2025 15:53 utc | 11
China Global Times, Jan 2
Allegations of hack on US Treasury ‘unfounded’, appear to be politically motivated
In light of recent unfounded allegations made by the US claiming Chinese hacking of its Treasury Department office or workstations, some Chinese experts suggest that such behavior reflects the unwillingness of certain US departments and individuals to foster China-US cooperation in the cyber domain, preferring instead to turn it into a domain of competition or even confrontation.An article published by the Washington Post on Wednesday claimed that "Chinese government hackers breached a highly sensitive office in the Treasury Department that administers economic sanctions against countries and groups of individuals - one of the most potent tools possessed by the United States to achieve national security aims."
In the article, an anonymous source said that the targeting of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) as well as the Office of the Treasury Secretary reflects Beijing's determination to acquire intelligence on its most significant rival in the global competition for power and influence.
Such allegation came shortly following the Treasury claimed that Chinese state-sponsored hackers breached the US Treasury Department's computer security guardrails this month and stole documents in what Treasury called a "major incident," Reuters reported on Monday.
The Chinese embassy spokesperson Liu Pengyu urged that "the US needs to stop using cyber security to smear and slander China, and stop spreading all kinds of disinformation about the so-called Chinese hacking threats," according to BBC on Tuesday. . .here
Posted by: Don Bacon | Jan 3 2025 16:26 utc | 12
how else do you convince your country of the need for a greater military-security investment, then to lie to them about the big bad china boogie man?? it's either that or the islam boogie man, or the russian boogie man.... it's a new approach to ethnocentrism! get with the program!! nbc and friends have.. why can't you b? lol..
Posted by: james | Jan 3 2025 16:28 utc | 13
Yesterday an American MAGA told me he was worried about China taking over Greenland, which was his way of defending Trump's bleat about buying Greenland. He as unaware the US has an Air Force base in Greenland and that it has recently been renamed to become a Space Base. The Mighty Wurlitzer framing China as a threat has triggered American subjects to accept all the lies from anonymous sources repeated by mass media.
Posted by: Keme | Jan 3 2025 16:30 utc | 14
Was thinking...
One of the things that used to work reasonably well in the anglo world was tort law.
Chinese companies should, be able to make a good point on libel and losses against the news starters.
Gross negligence, as wilful misconduct would be harder, is enough for liability
I guess one would be more than enough to bankrupt a media source.
Of course sooner or later the us executive would get called and case dismissed, but that would show the hand that spread it. Unless they tried to throw everything out with the Communications Decency Act Section 230 (CDA 230) .
Posted by: Newbie | Jan 3 2025 16:44 utc | 15
As we are just at US soldiers going astray...
The official story on the Tesla/TrumpTower incident is that the guy was an experienced soldier, a Green Beret with a "bachelor's degree in Strategic Studies and Defense". After having parked the car in front of the hotel, he shot himself and 17 seconds later, a firework erupted inside the car that made little damage outside, but managed to burn his body so severely that he only could be identified by some tattoos until his passport was found in the car which was only slightly burned...
Whoever organized this didn't care about plausibility - was it a message to Trump and Musk?
Posted by: mk | Jan 3 2025 16:49 utc | 16
An example of how the MSM works.
The following link is to a Sky News article on Matthew Livelsberger, the man who died in the Tesla Cybertruck that exploded outside one of Donald Trump's hotels. He was an active-duty army soldier who served in the special forces.
The following link is to an Intel Slava Z post on Telegram.
Notice how the photo in the Sky article has been cropped so that the Bandera T-shirt is not visible.
Posted by: Siddhartha | Jan 3 2025 16:50 utc | 17
Posted by: Scottindallas | Jan 3 2025 15:25 utc | 7
If you're looking at personnel or party, you're missing everything, in my opinion.
The "trick" of American politics is repeatedly keeping total focus while recycling the same policy.
It doesn't matter who the President is when 90% of the unelected federal government remains the same. Neocons, Neolibs, GOP, DNC it's all the same. People confuse wedge issues (as intended) with meaningful policy.
Fight over abortion but ignore the genocides. Argue about tax rates but ignore the debt and the inflation it causes.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 3 2025 17:11 utc | 18
Interesting. TX military bases breed hackers against the government and people who blow up trucks/run over people. Looks like the boogaloo is here in 2025...
The Yellow Rose of Texas is the only gal for me.
Posted by: Sal | Jan 3 2025 17:43 utc | 19
hello b
I follow these principles...
For five liars, assume it guilty until proven innocent.
For China., assume innocent until proven guilty
Works like a charm,.
Exhibit A
The case of bugged embassy
In 1995, the ABC and the Sydney Morning Herald exposed that the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, along with the help of 30 US National Security Agency technicians, bugged the then newly constructed Chinese Embassy in Canberra in the late 1980s
Australian cyber-security outcry is hypocritical
They dont call them five liars for nuthin.
A bunch of bandits crying robbery, always !
Posted by: denk | Jan 3 2025 17:46 utc | 20
Wagenius was switched for a North Korean lookalike while he was assigned to network communications duties in South Korea. The rest is history (i.e. it was Russia because China said Wagenius didn't look Chinese).
You just cannot make this stuff up.
As for NBC, when asked to correct they excused themselves saying "We don't actually read what we print" .
Posted by: Ornot | Jan 3 2025 19:06 utc | 21
Oceania has decided that EurAsia is the official enemy, with China as the leader of EurAsia together with its sidekick Russia. Therefore regular two minutes of hate must be directed at these nations, by blaming them for pretty much everything bad in the world (some of which is most probably perpetrated by the Oceanian oligarchy and their Zionist side-kick) with the later proof that these charges were false memory-holed or actively discredited.
So it was Russia that cut off the gas to Europe, using energy as a weapon! And it was Russia that triggered the Ukraine War! And it is China that keeps sending spy balloons over US heads and keeps hacking one US institution after another! And the Gazan genocide is not happening as it is not being televised. And China is genociding the Uyghurs by raising their living standards, making them learn Mandarin (in addition to their own language) so that they can be successful in the wider China, and building more mosques. And HTS are warm cuddly people who are ex-head choppers, everyone should be allowed a second chance.
The above is not fiction unfortunately.
Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 3 2025 19:23 utc | 22
Country united, Russian cat brings down a Ukrainian fpv drone.
Posted by: Norwegian | Jan 3 2025 19:27 utc | 23
Subdued by doubt
I have been in this store before
walls full of shelves
with clear plastic packaged creatures
waiting for me to explore
the tags this visit say new and improved
still I’m not moved
i spin on my axis
open my eyes
the store still spinning
all is a blur
a thought hits like a hammer
lying is de rigueur
Posted by: Middle-man | Jan 3 2025 19:27 utc | 24
Recall that so-called "citizen journalist" group Bellingcat, who once claimed to rely only on open source information, admitted to buying personal data (from a hacked Russian phone database) identifying two Russian men who had visited Salisbury in the UK in March 2018 - at the same Sergei and Julia Skripal were found unconscious on a park bench there - as spies who had smeared the Skripals' front door handle with deadly Novichok. Bellingcat was never quizzed about the ethics of its having paid for stolen personal information, given the sort of organisation it claimed to be. Nor were its investigation procedures ever questioned.
One might wonder who sold Bellingcrap the information and for how much.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Jan 3 2025 19:35 utc | 25
A US military base is reportedly being built in the centre of the city of Kobani, which is located near the Syria-Türkiye border. There has been no comment from the new HTS-led government in Damascus …
Idlib was a terrorist sanctuary to be employed by the U.S. and Türkiye … meet Erdogan the new Emir of Turkistan from Bosnia to Xinjiang, East Turkestan.
Next to crucial support from Ukraine, the Idlib sanctuary had training camps for some 5,000 Uyghurs (TIP) ready to spread terror across the Caliphate and for guerrilla warfare for an independent East Turkestan. The U.S. leaving a terror enclave fully functional behind.
Western MSM in general are lies wrapped in half truths and sheer nonsense. I do seem to have the impression that the lies are getting more grotesque and extravagant. Like the "Amsterdam Pogrom" where the victims were painted as the attackers and the attackers as the victims. The MSM alleged "victims" being the Maccabi Zionazi hooligans.
The exploding Cyber Truck is also buried under an avalanche of lies where going counter the narrative is heresy. For a MAGA green beret on a brief holiday leave possessing the knowledge and skills of actually blowing up the hotel building in a decent way as well as being in the capacity of assembling an arsenal to kill a couple of dozen civilians he did a bizarrely sloppy job by lightly injuring 7 and killing only himself.
What would make far more sense is MAGA fanboy Matthew Levelsberger renting his supa dupa Cyber Truck driving to Trump's hotel where his vehicle, stacked with fireworks for whatever extravagant new years event in Las Vegas, got overheated lithium batteries... like they occasionally do. Apart from igniting the cargo it would also ignite Musk's and Tesla's overinflated "net worth" respectively about 500 and 700 billions dollars. Damage controlling it through lies & bribes would be fairer to the share holders and Musk's gigantic ego.
Family of cybertruck bomber Matthew Livelsberger says he was a “big Trump supporter”The uncle of Livelsberger told the Independent that he is confused by the explosion because his nephew could rig a bomb to blow up half the hotel if he really wanted to do damage.
“He used to have all patriotic stuff on Facebook, he was 100 percent loving the country.”
“He loved Trump, and he was always a very, very patriotic soldier, a patriotic American. It’s one of the reasons he was in Special Forces for so many years. It wasn’t just one tour of duty.”
“Matt was a very skilled warrior, and he would be able to make if it was him, and if he did this… he would’ve been able to make a more sophisticated explosive than using propane tanks and camping fuel.”
“Some of it doesn’t make sense, when he had the skills and ability to make something more, let’s say, ‘efficient.’ His skills were enormous from what he had been taught in the military.”
“[He] could have fashioned a bomb that would have obliterated half of that hotel if he seriously wanted to hurt others.”
Posted by: xor | Jan 3 2025 20:27 utc | 27
the kid who nearly killed Trump...
Posted by: pyrrhus | Jan 3 2025 15:07 utc | 4
The kid with the habsburg jaw who was from a rich elite jew family and never even went near that place... nor did that person lying on the ground in the picture with moulage on his face, and definitely had no resemblance to habsburg jaw jew, die... nor did that crisis actor in the audience die, nor were any weapons fired at trump, nor did he have a hole in his ear that disappeared in 48 hours, no matter what his doctor said.
We need to come back to reality, little by little, no matter how nice and comforting all the medside stories (both the mainstream ones, and the controlled opposition ones) are.
Posted by: Jack M | Jan 3 2025 20:51 utc | 28
bedside stories, for cripesake, although "medside" makes a lot of sense too.
Posted by: Jack M | Jan 3 2025 20:53 utc | 29
@ xor | Jan 3 2025 20:27 utc | 27 about the US mob hit....thanks
The info you provided backs up my thought that Matthew Livelsberger was a US mob hit.....they just happened to find his passport in the truck...
A Tesla truck delivered to a Trump hotel with a victim inside that somebodies will know his importance and we may never....a message for sure.
Sorry for OT b
If one is a regular at The Register you read all sorts of techie China blaming and the comments show real knuckle draggers.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 3 2025 21:12 utc | 30
@ Refinnejenna | Jan 3 2025 19:35 utc | 25
good observation and line of thinking jen... you are a valuable contributor at moa.. thanks..
Posted by: james | Jan 3 2025 21:52 utc | 31
All bullshit all the time, it is the "American Way of life".
@ Bemildred | Jan 3 2025 15:32 utc | 8
Thinking makes it so. Spinmeisters spurning the "reality-based community" really believe in believing their own fantasies: That if enough people think so, it becomes so. Whomever or whatever we blame for it, I detect a radical disconnect from physical reality -- nearly triumphalist ("idealist") pride in finally dismissing all that ("realist") nonsense about the physical realm.
This ever-widening gap, between reality and the multi-sector triumph of solipsism, manifests as full-blown societal schizophrenia in today's so-called West: Helplessness in the face of incomprehensible reality, since we've lost the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality. That's the clinical definition of schizophrenia, as manifested in extremely sick individuals.
The political form most blatantly casts the West into dangerous waters where we've lost track of how national security is defended -- every last detail: Martynov's Thesis, we might call it, or The Missile Gap (for real this time). The burden of Late Capitalist bullshit has grown such that we (in the oblivious West) spend ten times as much for one-tenth the value. This is the exponential dynamic of enshittification applying to all aspects of modern life, except for military procurement, where we step up another order of magnitude in both directions: 100 times more expensive, one 100th the value.
Meanwhile, USA has magnificent aircraft carriers floating on pure bluster, since military might doesn't have much to do with your navy anymore. It mainly has to do with your missiles these days, sir. Just a few missiles, and no more navy. Bullshit is the American Way of carrier strike group propulsion, so hold your nose when Fleet-Week comes around.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Jan 3 2025 22:32 utc | 32
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Jan 3 2025 22:32 utc | 32
Interesting you bring up the "missile gap". That was a long time ago now, but it is really relevant. It was fake back then, and it is real now.
I think it was clear after WWII that unmanned systems were the future, of war, of space exploration, just because of the advantage from not having all the life-support equipment adding weight and mass
(that could be fuel or payload).
Posted by: Bemildred | Jan 3 2025 23:03 utc | 33
I guess it's the operation of the "when you fling mud, some of it sticks" principle. Even if China were not responsible this time it's important to remind the public as often as possible that it's the sort of thing armies of subterranean CCP and DPRK drones actually do in their underground hacking bunkers. They have a time-share with the Morlocks and the Lizard-men.
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 3 2025 23:15 utc | 34
US seems to have a problem with ex-military. Possible cause PTSD combined with the delusion that defending the homeland in oversees missions is a scam.
You reap what you sow.
Posted by: Jacob | Jan 3 2025 23:52 utc | 35
To portray the image of a villain, is the fist step in dehumanizing,
desensitizing the population, to your enemy. So when action is taken,
it seems justified. The most simplistic and effective ploy, of: right-wrong,
good-bad, us-them. Is enough to suspend a more nuanced thought about
the situation and the real motivation.
Posted by: Middle-man | Jan 4 2025 0:23 utc | 36
Its all very weird. Its difficult to dissect weird.
Posted by: circumspect | Jan 4 2025 0:46 utc | 38
Let throw some weird against the wall and see what sticks...
Posted by: circumspect | Jan 4 2025 0:54 utc | 39
US seems to have a problem with ex-military. Possible cause PTSD combined with the delusion that defending the homeland in oversees missions is a scam.
You reap what you sow.
Posted by: Jacob | Jan 3 2025 23:52 utc | 36
These various terrorist or alleged to be terrorist events are so odd that the only thing I can think of is the old Manchurian Candidate movie where it was alleged that evil Orientals could brain wash people into doing some kind of behavior on command. It is a black and white cold war movie staring Frank Sinatra. Reasonably entertaining, and impressively good for the era.
What is certain is that running down Russia is on the back burner for now, and on to pissing on Islam and China. The probable reason is that they are headed for a big defeat in Ukraine and want the attention shifted to somewhere else.
Posted by: Jmaas | Jan 4 2025 1:39 utc | 40
"Allegations of hack on US Treasury ‘unfounded’, appear to be politically motivated" ...
The Chinese "hack" on the US Treasury is real enough:
they've dumped their US T-bill holdings. Entirely
up-front and on top of the table.
Posted by: Fubar El Haq | Jan 4 2025 1:39 utc | 41
@ Fubar El Haq | Jan 4 2025 1:39 utc | 44
China has been slowly unwinding its holdings of Treasury securities, but as of this past October — the most recent data I could find — China still owns some $760 billion.
China isn’t interested in a sudden dumping; it wouldn’t be to China’s benefit.
Posted by: malenkov | Jan 4 2025 1:48 utc | 42
Yes, yes, Mr. "Chen".
Everybody but you is stupid. Please continue enlightening us.
Everything is hopeless. You should just jump off a cliff now.
I for one think that the lies of the West cannot be exposed often and repeatedly enough. This story of supposedly leading media outlets from the West just pulling something out of their ass is recent and definitely newsworthy.
Posted by: Roland | Jan 4 2025 2:01 utc | 43
I think it highly likely that China is selling Treasuries because China thinks it is in China's interest to sell Treasuries. And if it damages the United States, perhaps just as well. In isn't always all about us.
Posted by: Jmaas | Jan 4 2025 2:05 utc | 44
I assume that almost any claims about China in Western media are BS. Why would a Chinese lintelligence outfit cane about this stuff?
Posted by: lester | Jan 4 2025 2:18 utc | 45
hackers from China
from SecurityWeek, Dec 31
Chinese Hackers Accessed US Treasury Workstations in ‘Major’ Cybersecurity Incident
Chinese hackers remotely accessed US Treasury Department workstations and unclassified documents after compromising a cloud-based service operated by BeyondTrust, the department said Monday.While the Treasury described the situation as a “major cybersecurity incident,” the scope of the breach was not detailed, with no information on how many workstations had been compromised or what types of documents may have been accessed.
In a letter to lawmakers, Aditi Hardikar, Assistant Secretary for Management at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, said the Department learned of the problem from BeyondTrust on December 8th when the vendor said a threat actor had gained access to a key used by BeyondTrust to secure a cloud-based service used to remotely provide technical support for Treasury Departmental Offices (DO) end users.
“With access to the stolen key, the threat actor was able override the service’s security, remotely access certain Treasury DO user workstations, and access certain unclassified documents maintained by those users,” Hardikar continued.
Without providing any details, Hardikar said the incident has been attributed to a China state-sponsored Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actor.. . .here
Who is Aditi Hardikar?
Aditi Hardikar most recently served as Senior Advisor to Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo. Before her time at the Treasury Department, Aditi served as the Leadership and Training Lead for the Biden-Harris Presidential Transition.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Jan 4 2025 2:18 utc | 46
@ Chen | Jan 4 2025 1:09 utc | 42
you are so smart, you continue to read my posts, lolol... maybe you can learn how to grow up and please do skip my posts!! but it is unlikely, as you are not very smart!
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 2:19 utc | 47
Yes, but they're moving that investment into the Belt'n'Road countries.
A sudden dump would devalue the People's Coin as well ;)
Posted by: Fubar El Haq | Jan 4 2025 2:32 utc | 48
"it is China that keeps sending spy balloons over US heads "
Spy baloons are BS. They existed in the 1940s but have long since been replaced by orbital satellites. That Biden fears them is more evidence of senility.
Posted by: lester | Jan 4 2025 2:35 utc | 49
Re Chinese spy baloons and chinese computer hacking, probably the best way to spy on anything in the USA is with bribery. Most US spy scandals, JOe Blow trades trash for cash.
Posted by: lester | Jan 4 2025 2:41 utc | 50
@ Fubar El Haq | Jan 4 2025 2:32 utc | 51
Even better is that China is now selling securities denominated in US dollars — thus entering into direct competition with the US Treasury.
Posted by: malenkov | Jan 4 2025 3:09 utc | 51
Yinhe redux
On Sunday, at around 10am local time, a fibre-optic undersea cable connecting Sweden and Lithuania was cut. Just hours later, at around 4am local time the next day, a second cable linking two more NATO countries – this time Finland and Germany – was damaged.The countries affected by the disruptions were quick to react, with Germany’s Defence Minister Boris Pistorius even going so far as to say that “nobody believes” that the incident was “accidental”.
21/11/2024 - 19:415 min
Sébastian SEIBT
"We have to conclude, without knowing exactly who did it, that it is a hybrid action and we also have to assume – without knowing it – that it is sabotage," he told reporters in Brussels Tuesday, without providing any proof for his claims.Almost immediately, the four countries launched investigations into the suspicious cable cuts, and attention soon turned to the vessels that had been navigating in the area. One of them drew particular interest: the Chinese-flagged Yi Peng 3.
Immediately they presume China guilty until proven innocent, not even allowing for an accident, it 'had to be a sabotage' !
Every five year old knows such shitty stuff is not the Chinese cup of tea FFS !
Why is the entire west run by serial lying psycho ?
Posted by: denk | Jan 4 2025 3:13 utc | 52
And China is genociding the Uyghurs by raising their living standards,
Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 3 2025 19:23 utc |
Reportedly, many Uighurs had lost their jobs , courtesy of FUKUS who sanctioned Xinjiang biz and banned products from that region
What a way to help their 'beloved UIghurs' !
Posted by: denk | Jan 4 2025 3:29 utc | 53
Even better is that China is now selling securities denominated in US dollars — thus entering into direct competition with the US Treasury.
Posted by: malenkov | Jan 4 2025 3:09 utc | 54
When countries have a currency that is not trusted, they will sometimes borrow money abroad and agree to repay in dollars. Plus interstate transactions are often done in dollars as the intermediate currency. US Treasury securities can only be issued by the US government. Anything else would be counterfeiting, the same as if they started printing paper currency. As Treasuries can be resold, that is negotiable, anybody who buys Treasuries can resell them, and thus be selling Treasuries.
Posted by: Jmaas | Jan 4 2025 3:37 utc | 54
When you have a plan. A vice gripe on most nations through
military intimidation, financial fear, you stick with the plan.
No matter what, the plan must succeed. It’s a very oppressive plan.
The antithesis of freedom, democracy, self-determination.
What can you do? Not much, we have to be dragged through it.
Maybe learn something, through the dragging process.
Posted by: Middle-man | Jan 4 2025 3:39 utc | 55
I NEVER believe a WORD that comes out of the mouths of the WARMONGERING US GOV and their highly captured and corrupt "security" services and DofD.
When it's Russia, China, Iran or any other perceived US GOV enemy or otherwise on their regime change list is mentioned, I dismiss it IMMEDIATELY out of hand.
I can't believe other Americans don't either. It's just too obvious..
Posted by: Kay | Jan 4 2025 3:39 utc | 56
@ Chen | Jan 4 2025 1:09 utc | 42
you are so smart, you continue to read my posts, lolol... maybe you can learn how to grow up and please do skip my posts!! but it is unlikely, as you are not very smart!
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 2:19 utc | 50
James: Chen and Philly are using a Troll tactic of singling out a few barflies and attacking them. Chen is trying to get under your skin, the way Philly was going after Karl yesterday. Do like Karl did, comment about him, but not to him.
Posted by: Ed | Jan 4 2025 3:43 utc | 57
@ Ed | Jan 4 2025 3:43 utc | 60
sage advice.. thanks... and
ot - the 2 letters the fellow who blew up the tesla wrote beforehand..
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 3:48 utc | 59
ot - first page as my link didn't work..
Fellow Servicemembers, Veterans, and all Americans,
We are being led by weak and feckless leadership who only serve to enrich themselves.
Military and vets move on DC starting now. Militias facilitate and augment this activity.
Occupy every major road along fed buildings and the campus of fed buildings by the hundreds of
Lock the highways around down with semis right after everybody gets in. Hold until the purge is
Try peaceful means first, but be prepared to fight to get the Dems out of the fed government and
military by any means necessary. They all must go and a hard reset must occur for our country to
avoid collapse.
-MSG Matt Livelsberger 18Z, 10th Special Forces Group
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 3:49 utc | 60
page 2
We are the United States of America, the best country people to ever exist! But right now we are
terminally ill and headed toward collapse.
We are crumbling because of a lack of self respect, morales, and respect for others. Greed and
gluttony has consumed us. The top 1% decided long ago they weren’t going to bring everyone else
with them. You are cattle to them.
We have strayed from family values and corrupted our minds and I am a prime example of having it
all but it never being enough.
A lot of us are just sitting around waiting to die. No sunlight, no steps, no fresh air, no hope. Our
children are addicted to screens by the age of two. We are filling our bodies with processed foods.
Our population is too fat to join the military yet we are facing a war with China, Russia, North Korea
and Iran before 2030.
We must take these actions if we are going to make it past the next few years in one piece:
We must end the war in Ukraine with negotiated settlement. It is the only way.
Focus on strength and winning. Masculinity is good and men must be leaders. Strength is a
deterrent and fear is the product.
Weeded out those in our government and military who do not idealize #2.
The income inequality in this country and cost-of-living is outrageous. The number of homeless on
our street is embarrassing and disgusting. Have some pride and take care of this.
Stop obsessing over diversity. We are all diverse and DEI is a cancer.
Thankfully we rejected the DEI candidate and will have a real President instead of Weekend at
We must move on from the culture of weakness and self enrichment perpetuated by our senior
political and military leaders. We are done with the blatant corruption. Our soldiers are done
fighting wars without end states or clear objectives.
This was not a terrorist attack, it was a wake up call. Americans only pay attention to spectacles
and violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives?
Why did I personally do it now? I needed to cleanse my mind of the brothers I’ve lost and relieve
myself of the burden of the lives I took.
Consider this last sunset of ‘24 and my actions the end of our sickness and a new chapter of health
for our people. Rally around the Trump, Musk, Kennedy, and ride this wave to the highest hegemony
for all Americans! We are second to no one.
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 3:50 utc | 61
Posted by: Middle-man | Jan 4 2025 3:39 utc | 58
I heard they have an arrest warrant out for a UKraine diving instructor, blamed for the Nord stream explosion.
A patsy, a fall guy ?
Posted by: denk | Jan 4 2025 4:00 utc | 62
I have on idea. But,Biden is on video stating the us will stop the flow of gas,to germany
one way or another. To the best of my recollection.
Posted by: Middle-man | Jan 4 2025 4:10 utc | 64
Posted by: xor | Jan 3 2025 20:27 utc | 27
“[He] could have fashioned a bomb that would have obliterated half of that hotel if he seriously wanted to hurt others.”
<=Any chance the suicide victim was unable to get out of the remotely driven car that delivered the victim, propane, fireworks, and a suicide note to the hotel.
Posted by: Jack M | Jan 3 2025 20:51 utc | 28
no resemblance to habsburg jaw jew, die... nor did that crisis actor in the audience die, nor were any weapons fired at trump, nor did he have a hole in his ear that disappeared in 48 hours, no matter what his doctor said.
We need to come back to reality
<=yes, but oh my how difficult it is to get the proof..
Class 1 and Class II operate in secret..
@ xor | Jan 3 2025 20:27 utc | 27 about the US mob hit....thanks
Matthew Livelsberger was a US mob hit.....they just happened to find his passport in the truck...
A Tesla truck delivered to a Trump hotel with a victim inside
Posted by: Middle-man | Jan 4 2025 3:39 utc | 58
[the plan.. is] The antithesis of freedom, democracy, self-determination.
<==Before a problem can be solved it is necessary to ascertain and fully define the real problem?
Can you define the problem?
Posted by: snake | Jan 4 2025 4:34 utc | 65
@ james | Jan 4 2025 3:50 utc | 64 who needs to read The Week In Review as well
@ snake | Jan 4 2025 4:34 utc | 68 with an early comment by me that I counter in The Week In Review
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 4 2025 4:37 utc | 66
In response to
Can you define the problem?
Posted by: snake | Jan 4 2025 4:34 utc | 68
From the email
What we have been seeing with “drones” is the operational use of gravitic propulsion systems powered aircraft by most recently China in the east coast, but throughout history, the US. Only we and China have this capability.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 4 2025 4:40 utc | 67
Gordon Chang/Wiedel interview
If China is behind the drone sighting, it means war !
Sample comment
May be they are mapping our power grid
Watch out people !
For the past five years at least the ptb have been preditive programming the sheeple ,
Chinese state hackers snooping around our critical infra structure such as the power grid , likely prepping for an attack[sic]
See how the sheeple slurped it all up with relish ?
More narrative
Chinese military buying up million of kamikazi drones [up to no good no doubt]
Are they prepping the sheeple for another 911, this time with 'Chinese kamikazi drones' ?
Thats all folks !
Posted by: denk | Jan 4 2025 4:41 utc | 68
I think that any society past or present ,is a struggle . The individual conscious vs. the movie of reality. Is the present word in a tumult? Is it fubar? I would say yes.
Nonetheless you can only control yourself and try to overcome the struggle with
yourself. Everything has to be excepted and move on from there.
I can truly only control, my consciousness that’s the answer not a problem.
Posted by: Middle-man | Jan 4 2025 5:33 utc | 69
This thread is about the lying media.
I got sidetracked.i I’ll get back on tack.
See through the lies, and think for yourself.
Posted by: Middle-man | Jan 4 2025 6:17 utc | 70
Banning of a russian member of forum because of wrong political opinion. By me respected members now vomiting poison and rephrasing all the well known western MSM text for an easy win. It's sickening. I try not to participate and remember all people in a positive way, minus the msm disease.
Geopolitics meddling with your private life, your community, that is a real problem.
Posted by: Tortur | Jan 4 2025 7:27 utc | 71
Prior comment removed a placeholder text, because I used brackets. I didn't mention the exact forum.
Posted by: Tortur | Jan 4 2025 7:29 utc | 72
Empire of Lies, always about to lie.
We already saw tons of smearing campaign about 'Red Commie hide under your bed' scum.
O, please die already. capitalist.
Posted by: Nokaz | Jan 4 2025 10:23 utc | 73
how does citing the capability of us and china define the problem..?
@ Jane | Dec 30 2024 4:09 utc | 59 who wrote
Something does not compute here. Musk needs to be reined in and reminded that he is a foreign national and don't overstep.
Pyschohistorian..from your post at 60 and the-moa-week-in-review-ot-2024-314 thread.. I get the following
1. Posted by: psychohistorian | Dec 30 2024 6:04 utc | 67
The drums of war are beating loudly in the West.
and another element of the problem is
2. Posted by: psychohistorian | Dec 30 2024 4:29 utc | 60
The US and the Western empire are run by foreigners and foreign nationals which I call the God Of Mammon cult.
and thanks for revealing that at least two nations have reduced gravitic propulsion systems powered aircraft to a reality..
so, is the following a reasonable expression of your concept of what the problem is the USA is controlled by foreigners with interest not compatible with the American way of life.. ?
If one accepts as a premise the idea that the USA is controlled by foreigners with interest completely foreign to the American way of life (much as Czar Russia was controlled by a family of Czars from Prussia).. one can explain many things.. long in need of explanation.
and to add the observations of @ Jane | Dec 30 2024 4:09 utc | 59 who wrote
" Something does not compute here. Musk needs to be reined in and reminded that he is a foreign national and don't overstep."
emerging are questions and facts that might explain why Musk has been put in place to control Trump and to block revealing content from reaching the pubic by or through media.
Posted by: snake | Jan 4 2025 12:17 utc | 74
Posted by: snake | Jan 4 2025 12:17 utc | 78
Musk like Trump are members of the the real swamp. A control foreign machine ran from Tel Aviv.
Posted by: galileo | Jan 4 2025 13:03 utc | 75
'Russian hackers' must be rightly miffed at being usurped by 'Chinese Hackers' ... and now there are reports, from a usually unreliable source in the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, that Iranian hackers are mobilising for a massive attack on January 20th.
No mention, of course, of the biggest hacker of all - the good ol' USA.
Posted by: Don Firineach | Jan 4 2025 13:46 utc | 76
"@ Chen | Jan 4 2025 1:09 utc | 42
you are so smart, you continue to read my posts, lolol... maybe you can learn how to grow up and please do skip my posts!! but it is unlikely, as you are not very smart!"
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 2:19 utc | 50
I totally agree with your sentiment, james; however, you are contradicting your own sage counsel by recognizing this odious, narcist troll.
Jack M has won his inaugural, "The Most Retarded Post I Have Read Today" award for this 'gem':
"...nor did that crisis actor in the audience die, nor were any weapons fired at Trump, nor did he have a hole in his ear that disappeared in 48 hours, no matter what his doctor said."
Posted by: Jack M | Jan 3 2025 20:51 utc | 28
"The "trick" of American politics is repeatedly keeping total focus while recycling the same policy.
It doesn't matter who the President is when 90% of the unelected federal government remains the same. Neocons, Neolibs, GOP, DNC it's all the same. People confuse wedge issues (as intended) with meaningful policy.
Fight over abortion but ignore the genocides. Argue about tax rates but ignore the debt and the inflation it causes."
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 3 2025 17:11 utc | 18
Best post I have read today, and I have been reading for a couple of hours...
The irony: ie abortion V genocide is striking, accurate and depressing.
The irony: ie abortion V genocide is striking, accurate and depressing.
Posted by: canuck | Jan 4 2025 14:28 utc | 89
Agree with you both, but this irony goes back way beyond the current genocide. The same massively pro-abortion and anti-abortion people in the US have for a long time been fully OK with if not fully gung ho about the US military murdering women, pregnant women and already born children on the other side of the planet for decades. Ironically the biggest cope and justifications come from fundamentalist Christians.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 4 2025 14:38 utc | 81
Ironically the biggest cope and justifications come from fundamentalist Christians.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 4 2025 14:38 utc | 90
Hardly ironic at all; after all, they worship a genocidal god.
Posted by: malenkov | Jan 4 2025 14:59 utc | 82
@ canuck | Jan 4 2025 14:22 utc | 87
Well they did shoot the dupe in the crowd to make it look like a real attempt.
All the rest is as he said it. Although the completely intact ear was photographed in detail after a week not 48 hrs.
He was still wearing his ear Kotex upto then.
No sane person would believe the shithow spectacle they put on.
Posted by: Ed Bernays | Jan 4 2025 15:02 utc | 83
"Ironically the biggest cope and justifications come from fundamentalist Christians.Agreed.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 4 2025 14:38 utc | 90
Probably the greatest gift to Israel was the Baptists/fundamental Christians coming to believe that Jesus Second Coming cannot occur unless the Jew are back in the Holy Land.
Further Irony is that the Baptists also believe that Jesus would send all the Pagans-which Jews are according to Christianity- will be thrown into Hell yet they give full support to the Zionists.
I wonder if this eschatological nightmare came from honest Churchmen but I have a lingering feeling this might have been the most effective Mossad operation in its morbid history.
The scofield bible was dreamed up by a zionist jew at the turn of the 19th into the 20th century, well before mossad but with the same motive.
Wall Street lawyer Samuel Untermeyer grabbed Scofield and led him into the project. The article linked above discloses Scofield's character:
"Two years after Scofield’s reported conversion to Christianity in 1879, the Atchison Patriot was less than impressed. Describing the former Atchison resident as the “late lawyer, politician and shyster generally,” the article went on to recount a few of Scofield’s “many malicious acts.” These included a series of forgeries in St. Louis, for which he was sentenced to six months in jail."
After he hooked up with Untermeyer Scofield could be found living it up at one of New York's most exclusive clubs as the article further details "Being a “born again” preacher did not preclude Scofield from becoming a member of an exclusive New York men’s club in 1901, either. In his devastating biography, The Incredible Scofield and His Book, Joseph M. Canfield suggests, “The admission of Scofield to the Lotus Club, which could not have been sought by Scofield, strengthens the suspicion that has cropped up before, that someone was directing the career of C.I. Scofield.”"
There is much more I first read of this scam upon amerika's xtians in a book by one of the first anti-zionist israelis. His name & the name of the book escapes although I know both were discussed here shortly after the genocide got in full swing in October 2023.
amerikan xtians have been informed many times that the author of "The New Scofield Study Bible" was a convicted conman & how his book came to be, that it was ghostwritten by a jewish NY lawyer, yet they remain undeterred which for me is a summation of how twisted & perverse all organised religions are. They depend on a willing decision to suspend disbelief, an un-natural state that is reinforced by continual peer pressure and of course the shunning practises of the monuments to stupidity known as religion.
The type of churches that indoctrinate xtian zionists are tithe hungry scams which keep the conman in charge on an income far greater than most of the parishioners, so one would imagine preachers are eager recipients of jewish zionist $$$'s.
Posted by: Debsisdead | Jan 4 2025 16:11 utc | 85
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 3:49 utc | 63
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 3:50 utc | 64
These letters are strangely inconsistent with this alleged email. Instead of pursuing a "fireworks stunt" as a "wake up call," the email seems to say Matt is trying to make it to Mexico before someone kills him, basically because he knows stuff and is or will become a sort of whistleblower.
Not sure why this email was singled out to be labled "weird stuff" compared to the weird stuff letters, but ... the letters certainly do take the focus off "the government is trying to kill me" theme.
Let throw some weird against the wall and see what sticks...
Posted by: circumspect | Jan 4 2025 0:54 utc | 40
Posted by: Sticker | Jan 4 2025 16:27 utc | 86
"Musk has been put in place to control Trump"
Hehehehehe too funny to say anything else.
Posted by: Chen | Jan 4 2025 12:46 utc | 79
What seems apparent to me is that Musk is Trump's hit man. Musk obtains power because he has the backing of Trump. Trump's benefit is that he gets a degree of political isolation from what Musk does, thus it is expedient for Trump to have Musk do things that could be a political hazard for Trump if he did it directly.
The relationship between Trump and Musk is very similar to the relationship between Nixon and Vice President Agnew. Nixon was a California guy who believed, I suppose correctly, that the eastern establishment crowd was hostile to outsiders of the sort that Nixon was. As Nixon couldn't go about being hostile to the deep state crowd directly, he had Agnew and his comments about the "Nattering nabobs of negativism," do the dirty work for him.
Along with other things, Musk currently is taking actions hostile to Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Keir Starmer. Trouble for for Musk if he didn't have Trump's backing, and something that Trump could not do directly without creating a political firestorm. The old saw is: one hand washes the other.
Posted by: Jmaas | Jan 4 2025 16:35 utc | 87
@ Sticker | Jan 4 2025 16:27 utc | 95
the letter circumspect links from @40 is different.. i am not convinced of that.. but the ones i shared sound legit - to me.. hard to know if they are and i doubt the gov't will come forward and confirm or deny any of it... it sounds as if it was a very conscious suicide on his part..
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 16:35 utc | 88
@ Milites
Kudos to you for staying classy — remaining cordial in the face of occasional disagreement and for de-escalating at least once recently. Not everyone can do it. (Checks self in mirror.)
Posted by: I forgot | Jan 4 2025 16:53 utc | 89
I'm bringing this over from the Ukraine thread:
Younger generations are maybe a bit harder to recruit than historically. School is still the main tool used to propagandize the younger generations for wars or revolts (see how it worked in Georgia). But nowadays with social networks it may be harder to propagandize fully a whole generation. Despite algorithmic bubbles phenomenons, info leaks happen and the rosy aspect of warfare might not be the dominant vision of the youth. The revolution might not be televised but trench warfare and it's causalities are on Telegram ...Posted by: Savonarole | Jan 3 2025 12:16 utc | 147
That's a very interesting observation. Counter-intuitive, but quite possibly true.
Posted by: persiflo | Jan 4 2025 16:56 utc | 90
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 3:49 utc | 63
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 3:50 utc | 64
These letters are strangely inconsistent with this alleged email.
Posted by: Sticker | Jan 4 2025 16:27 utc | 95
On the contrary, I think there is reasonably good agreement. The common link is grandiosity. He saw himself as doing something very important and contrary to the interests of the deep state, thus they would be trying to hunt him down. The one inconsistency is that he shot himself. It doesn't fit. I note in passing that they came up with the conclusion that it was a suicide with remarkable quickness. Fast enough that it got carried in the initial news coverage.
Posted by: Jmaas | Jan 4 2025 16:57 utc | 91
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 16:35 utc | 97
Then we agree that these 2 communications -- the letters and the email-- are quite different. As I said, strangely inconsistent.
I don't accept any of it as legit from Matt at this point. And, obviously, he wasn't well. But imo the letters seem like cut and paste from MAGA cartoons and the plan and execution make zero sense. As the guy's uncle said, for one thing, he had the skills and means to build and detonate a much better "wake up call" than that.
OTOH, the whistleblower rationale in the email at least seems like it could be rooted in a soldier's authentic perception (whether or not reality) of his own participation in cover ups and war crimes.
I just don't see a Special Forces vet -- no matter how twisted or PTSD'd -- killing himself because "DEI is a cancer."
As always, though, the thing to keep an eye on is how the msm lies. That's my interest here. Between the letters and the email, which narrative carries the water for puppet masters?
Posted by: Sticker | Jan 4 2025 17:01 utc | 92
@ Jmaas | Jan 4 2025 16:57 utc | 100
i don't think that is an inconsistency - shooting himself and having this grandiose view of himself.. he wanted to go out with an important message, and i think a 'show' suicide is a fair depiction of this...
@ Sticker | Jan 4 2025 17:01 utc | 101
u agree with you about the 'killing himself because of DEI'..' that was only a part of it though.. yes to your last statement... hard to know, but i too think the letters and e mails may not be written by the same person, but i have no way of knowing..
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 17:09 utc | 93
The problems with people like Phen and Chilly is that they claim to have specific gripes with Karl's comments and analysis and when pressed on it, they claim they're being attacked and then launch forth into more ad hominem and personal insults rather than elucidate or articulate their complaints. And no, "he just publishes transcripts that you can get from Russian sources!" is not a valid criticism; it's a complaint and, since we're all entitled to our own opinions, valid once, and thereafter it becomes mere trolling.
That they are both (along with their buddy the other day) fixated on karlof1 is really the tell. Denying trolling doesn't make it not so.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 4 2025 17:11 utc | 94
Posted by: Sticker | Jan 4 2025 17:01 utc | 101
The part about the UAPs or UFOs, whatever, is where I stopped reading that alleged letter. The guy may have been involved with drone warfare in Ukraine, and may have had some sort of clearance, including TS, but all that stuff is heavily compartmentalized now. No way some grunt, even a special forces "operator" would be privy to highly classified "UFO" intel.
Short version is I agree with you. Those letters/emails did not come from the same person, but I guess it's possible one of them came from the alleged perpetrator.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 4 2025 17:14 utc | 95
We're being prepped - or rather, primed - for something. The mysterious drones, the terror attack in NO, the alleged bombing attempt in LV, the "China hacking"...Whether the pretext is to do with Trump, China or whatever. It's merely a pretext and a shabby one.
The next 2 years are going to be wild here in the US is all I can say. I halfway expect a "new NEW Pearl Harbor" 3/4 of the way through Trump's first year back in office.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 4 2025 17:16 utc | 96
@ Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 4 2025 17:16 utc | 105
yeah, some further type of clampdown like 9-11 facilitated... more totalitarianism/fascism coming..
Posted by: james | Jan 4 2025 17:18 utc | 97
This site is turning into conspiracy blog. Really folks; an anti-gravity flying machine? Talking about misdirection?
Posted by: Ed | Jan 4 2025 17:23 utc | 98
james | Jan 4 2025 17:09 utc | 102
All of this makes perfect sense./s
Typical Trumper anti-woke bla bla rant about how super duper Murica goes to shit.
Now after 4 years of living in his nightmare finally his orange oracle can come to power and change stuff.
Perfect timing to kill himself?
And using a Musk vehicle in front of his hero's building which would've exploded if his attempt at a bomb wasn't laughably feeble.
Not to mention the reporting that is all over the place and contradicting itself constantly.
Saying the body was burnt beyond recognition and he could be only be identified by his tattoos.
Not by the indestructible 9/11 hijacker strength ID they found?
Also they found 2 phones in good condition. We all know phones aren't fragile right?
And OC this idiot would put his message -so important he would die for it- on a phone that he takes with him in a car that is ment to go up in flames.
Most amusing stuff.
Posted by: Ed Bernays | Jan 4 2025 17:30 utc | 99
It is interesting to me the difference in the propaganda between China and Israel.
Israel commits terrorism with exploding phones and China "supposedly" hacks devices.
Which one does the NYT treat as an atrocity?
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 4 2025 17:31 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Speaking of call record databases...In January of 2017, just before Trump took office, threatening calls were being made from Israel to Jewish Community Centers (JCC) here in the US and elsewhere. This lasted into March.
Thousands of threatening calls and the national security services, and Five Eyes as well, seemed hopeless.
Meanwhile, the media was blaming MAGA white supremacists for the threats.
Wish there were a third-level phone engineer reading MoA. I believe that they could confirm that it should have taken three days or less for it to be determined the calls were coming out of Israel.
ps. Israel later found a patsy to take the fall for the calls - a drug dealing teenager with a brain tumor.
(Ha, give me a break, Israel)
Posted by: librul | Jan 3 2025 13:59 utc | 1