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December 08, 2024

Palestine Open Thread 2024-295

News & views related to the war in Palestine ...

Posted by b on December 8, 2024 at 12:52 UTC | Permalink

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About the Syrian tragedy. I think the most unnecessary thing now is the repetition of the same things in different formulations, sad, alarming and instructive. And at the same time, in conditions of total information and knowledge war, it is important to break out of what is in its lens. Behind things that are too obvious to everyone, a professional lie is often hidden, beneficial to someone. The chance for truth lies in uncomfortable questions to generally accepted truths.

Assad is no longer interesting; what is interesting are the psychological mechanisms that lead to the government (any government) completely losing touch with reality. And how much can the authorities understand this? And also - why does the government so easily lose the main instinct of all living things - the instinct of self-preservation? Does it perceive itself during its lifetime as an eternal granite monument to itself?

It is not a fact that the obvious winners Türkiye and Israel will not nostalgically look back to the good old Assad days in the near future, when nothing serious threatened them from Syria. Now they have created a new gigantic source of a major war in the region. The Syria adventure could economically exhaust the Turkish state, which has enough of its own problems in this area, and for Israel the emergence of new unpredictable military realities on the border could be fatal.

Whoever comes to power in Syria today will become a mortal enemy for everyone. It is only a matter of time. We know how skillfully the system has learned to turn corrupt scumbags and bloodthirsty fanatics into romantic freedom fighters for its glossy magazines and screens, but the makeup on the cannibal mugs will fall off faster than the cameras are turned off in the studio.

Once again, the system has chosen barbarism as the driving force of history. Neoliberalism has no other tools and no time to look for new ones.

Today's tragedy in Syria is a guarantee of millions of new refugees and the growth of religious fanaticism, terrorism and fear in countries that were considered safe until recently.

The goal? To create an atmosphere of chaos and general despair so that the average person, full of fear, can democratically demand that the authorities establish a world dictatorship that would destroy the last of our rights.

Posted by: ossi | Dec 8 2024 12:56 utc | 1

Looks like the Zios have won again.

Hezbollah has lost its main supplier of weaponry, so I anticipate the Israelis will resume flattening them while the "Lebanese" Army - basically an Anglo-American proxy - turns a blind eye.

I imagine the coming Sunni caliphate will eventually expunge Israel, but that's probably generations away now.

Posted by: observer | Dec 8 2024 13:03 utc | 2

Is it possible Assad was ”pagered” days ago?

It could explain why:
- Assad did not appear when it mattered
- erdogan spoke curious statements such as “Our wish is that this march in Syria continues without accidents or disasters”
- Russia and Iran spoke without apparent urgency — perhaps resignation.

Posted by: I forgot | Dec 8 2024 13:22 utc | 3

Like a bandaid, it hurts to remove it, so just rip it off quickly. One less player in Syria.

I think Russia should be OK, if they can play it right. Israel looks like the biggest winner but the situation isn't clear. The jihadists will find, as they've already discovered, that they must play nice to a degree to get by. If they learned that, at least superficially with Syrian factions, then all the more so when dealing with their neighbors. Proclaiming revolution can be much easier than running a real government.

I feel positive about one thing and that is the refusal of both Russia and the US to intervene. That's a solid example the world needs to imitate. Escobar and Orlov will feel a bit embarrassed. Mercouris pretty much called this, to his credit (which surprised me at the time).

Posted by: Eighthman | Dec 8 2024 13:22 utc | 4

I imagine the coming Sunni caliphate will eventually expunge Israel, but that's probably generations away now.

Posted by: observer | Dec 8 2024 13:03 utc | 2

The Sunnis couldn't "expunge" their way out of a wet paper bag.
They are a civilization created for life under the Anglo boot.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 8 2024 13:25 utc | 5

@Eightmann - Escobar's bluster about "the first BRICS war" look comically inept, with hindsight.

Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Dec 8 2024 13:27 utc | 6

Lavrov said everything in Doha: a deal was made. Assad for Dombass. Z instantly started talking about an end to the war. At least Assad did not betray his people and he refused to meet Erdogan and allow the Neo-Ottoman sultan to claim a victory after his own betrayal of Libya and his looting of northern Syria. Not to mention sponsoring Daesh and the slave market of Yazidi women on Facebook.

Posted by: Tom | Dec 8 2024 13:28 utc | 7

reply to 6

Yes, while I appreciate the many commentators opinions, I think this collapse should embarrass several. OTOH, I think Berletic and Mercouris have done well.

As for the Sunnis, they remind me of the "San Ti" in the 3 Body Problem. A force for social and scientific stagnation only contradicted by those who discreetly get away from its tendency towards extremism. The Shia build missiles....

Posted by: Eighthman | Dec 8 2024 13:51 utc | 8

Lavrov said everything in Doha: a deal was made. Assad for Dombass.

Posted by: Tom | Dec 8 2024 13:28 utc | 7

If that was indeed the deal then the Russians are much dumber than I thought even possible.
If this is the trade needed just to retain your own sovereignty then all is already lost.

In any case, I don't think this is the deal that went down.

In fact, I don't think any deal went down.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 8 2024 13:54 utc | 9

I have up on Escobar long ago. The guy is a buffoon, a total fantasist that gets carried away with his own over-the-top hyperbole.

Posted by: Facekicker | Dec 8 2024 14:03 utc | 10

Lavrov and Putin previously insisted that global security be a primary part of any Ukrainian peace deal.

Well, no wonder. Even people who greatly dislike Zionism can admit to being surprised. If the resistance folds this quickly, that feeds any number of Israel's self-proclaimed justifications.

Posted by: They Call Me Mister | Dec 8 2024 14:09 utc | 11

“I feel positive about one thing and that is the refusal of both Russia and the US to intervene. That's a solid example the world needs to imitate. Escobar and Orlov will feel a bit embarrassed. Mercouris pretty much called this, to his credit (which surprised me at the time)”.

Posted by: Eighthman | Dec 8 2024 13:22 utc |

Sure, no “interference” whatsoever. Let’s all imitate that.

As for the analytics & commentators being “embarrassed”, doubtful, more stunned & disappointed as everyone else on the planet is. As for Mercouris, still refuses to call a genocide a genocide, ranking his podcast and analysis as irrelevant. It’s a “business” for him and Alex. Nothing more.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 8 2024 14:13 utc | 12

1. Without a supply line, can Hezbollah still fight at high intensity?

2. What will happen to Alawites and Christians in Damascus?

3. Will Alawites hold on to the coastal enclave as their kingdom?

4. Has Iran lost deterrence without the supply line enabling Israel to use nuclear weapons to stop the Iranian nuclear weapons program? Without the Hezbollah supply line, what's the worst Iran could do if it gets nuked?

Posted by: quackquack | Dec 8 2024 14:16 utc | 13

Looks like the Zios have won again.

Hezbollah has lost its main supplier of weaponry, so I anticipate the Israelis will resume flattening them while the "Lebanese" Army - basically an Anglo-American proxy - turns a blind eye.

I imagine the coming Sunni caliphate will eventually expunge Israel, but that's probably generations away now.

Posted by: observer | Dec 8 2024 13:03 utc | 2


Beaches, docks and ports, old chap.

Lebanon is one big ole stretch of coastline, the sea carries more cargo, quicker and just as safely as the roads.

They Iranians sure weren't trucking everything in to Hezbollah. If you doubt this, consider Yeman they got resupplied under port bombing & blockade via sea routes.


Lavrov said everything in Doha: a deal was made. Assad for Dombass. Z instantly started talking about an end to the war. At least Assad did not betray his people and he refused to meet Erdogan and allow the Neo-Ottoman sultan to claim a victory after his own betrayal of Libya and his looting of northern Syria. Not to mention sponsoring Daesh and the slave market of Yazidi women on Facebook.

Posted by: Tom | Dec 8 2024 13:28 utc | 7


Well, If you'd said Odessa etc and such could implemented. Then sure in cynical way such a deal wouldn't strictly be bad.

However cynically speaking you don't buy what you're already about receive. Donbass steadily gains the look of a "done deal". Zelensky babbles a bunch of ever changeable lies & bullshit.

As for Erdogan, he's a pig one might occasionally profit from dealing with but still a pig.

If course now Turkey has the possible joy of an officially independent Rojava and the "you break you bought it" need to subside thier pet Ali G Hadi regime far beyond Idlib.

Of course the pseudo-Sultan and court. Will cream off, thier cut of this "generosity" they dispensed on the Turkish people's behalf.

All whilst the Turkish economy, isn't exactly flourishing...

Posted by: Urban Fox | Dec 8 2024 14:17 utc | 14

"Lavrov said everything in Doha: a deal was made. Assad for Donbass."

Posted by: Tom | Dec 8 2024 13:28 utc | 7

I think that is fairly obvious.

Many posters, like Arch, whom is no one's fool, unfortunately, let their emotional biases overrule their reason and their own eyes..

There is no way in Hell that an army marches/fights 312 kilometers (the distance between Idlib and Damascus)in 11 days and takes out the capital without an understanding/agreement between Russia, Iran, Turkey and , possibly, the US.

Further, Russia, China, Iran do understand that giving the US a seemingly 'win' will allow the US/Empire to gracefully give up on the Ukrainian debacle. However, armies that are bought/bribed will not be loyal to their Imperial paymasters in the fullness of time.

This deal is realpolitic; it has absolutely nothing to do with morality whatsoever.

Posted by: canuck | Dec 8 2024 14:25 utc | 15

@Aleph_Null | Dec 8 2024 7:32 utc | 560 (from old thread)

>>Caitlin exemplifies honesty, as usual:
I agree, integrity is open to new information and developments. And so should we be. All through the past year, there has been this narrative that the US is horribly overstretched by its commitments in Red Sea, Israel/Gaza, Ukraine, and Taiwan at a minimum. Then in their lame-duck days Team Biden is apparently able to, foolishly or not, raise hell all over the globe by pressing all turbo buttons at once. And poor Russia is just powerless to do anything in Syria because it is busy ... clearing the Donetsk suburbs?

We keep being told that Russia has been recruiting/training/equipping 1000 good Russian boys a day for the past two years, backed up by a Russian MIC firing on all cylinders, employing millions of skilled workers to outproduce the entire West. And explicitly, our betters told us "Russia is prepared for the worst." So, where is all that strength? Where is the cavalry?

For the love of me, I can't imagine that the Empire would just allow Moscow to keep its Latakia bases out of kindness. That canard only flies if you truly believe the Dark Throne became top dog without ever thinking strategically. It may take a while, it won't go in a straight line, but this is their moment to kick Russia out of the Med.

Posted by: Ma Laoshi | Dec 8 2024 14:31 utc | 16

reply to 12

You and others will never achieve much predictive insight if you obsess with extremism, binary thinking and rejection of diplomacy mated with advocacy of war. I appreciate that Mercouris does not react with a great deal of emotion. Avoiding the term genocide may simply be an ex-barrister habit. The world isn't going to do much of anything useful about Israel's "Final Solution". His word use means nothing important.

I am rather surprised by the contrast of triumphal opinions expressed on MOA only months ago about Palestine - in contrast to present gloom. Time for humility and reflection, not name calling.

Posted by: Eighthman | Dec 8 2024 14:36 utc | 17

God has bestowed upon his chosen people a divine spirit of cruelty and malice that unbinds them from all standards of decency. Their ability and willingness to deceive and abuse is indeed otherworldly and at this very moment tens of millions of americans are at their place or worship, on their knees, praying for their tormenters. From them stems the power of the chosen ones.

If I were a student of religion I might be considering the possibility that humans have been forsaken.

Posted by: chunga | Dec 8 2024 14:49 utc | 18

@Trubind1 | Dec 8 2024 14:13 utc | 12

>>As for Mercouris, still refuses to call a genocide a genocide, ranking his podcast and analysis as irrelevant.
That's the world in which both him and us live. You can't say that on the JewTube without an immediate ban. Geez, you can't even call the Azov Nazis Nazis any more--you guessed it, "hate speech."

>>It’s a “business” for him and Alex. Nothing more.
Lord Cavendish was independently wealthy. As was Donald Trump once he'd inherited daddy's money--not that that ever stopped him from pursuing the grift. :-) If you try to do independent media, you have to beg your audience for money. Don't always agree with them, but I think the Alexes' passion for the topic is real; they still have to pay the bills.

Posted by: Ma Laoshi | Dec 8 2024 14:50 utc | 19

The Kremlin has carefully examined remarks by US President-elect Donald Trump on Ukraine’s readiness for a peace agreement with Russia, the spokesman added.

"We have carefully studied the statement by US President-elect Donald Trump which he made after a meeting in Paris with [French President Emmanuel] Macron and [Vladimir] Zelensky," the Kremlin official said.

Trump announces Ukraine’s readiness for talks with Russia
"If it [conflict] keeps going, it can turn into something much bigger, and far worse," Trump noted
US President-elect Donald Trump Rebecca Noble/Getty Images
US President-elect Donald Trump
© Rebecca Noble/Getty Images

WASHINGTON, December 8. /TASS/. US President-elect Donald Trump has said that Ukraine would like to conclude an agreement on settlement of the conflict with Russia and urged an immediate ceasefire and the beginning of peace negotiations, Trump wrote on his Truth Social page.

"Zelensky and Ukraine would like to make a deal [with Russia] and stop the madness. <…> There should be an immediate ceasefire and negotiations should begin," he said, adding that "China can help" in the negotiations process.

"If it [conflict] keeps going, it can turn into something much bigger, and far worse," Trump noted.

And as I mentioned earlier

Weeks ago I mentioned trump might trade Ukraine (and Romania ) for the ME (when I saw the appointments)

Now… as I mentioned earlier in this thread, 12th/13th if we see an effective counter attack then the deal is off, otherwise… no bets

Posted by: Newbie | Dec 8 2024 2:45 utc | 452

and finally

Russian position on Syria fully reflected in Foreign Ministry’s statement — Kremlin
"As for Syria, our position has been fully reflected in the relevant statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry," Dmitry Peskov said

so enough said

Posted by: Newbie | Dec 8 2024 14:55 utc | 20

If the resistance folds this quickly, that feeds any number of Israel's self-proclaimed justifications.

Posted by: They Call Me Mister | Dec 8 2024 14:09 utc | 11

Don't confuse The Resistance with the Syrian State.

The "Resistance" did not "fold" at all.
The Syrian Army folded and Assad folded.
The Syrian Army is not the "Resistance".

Iran didn't fold. They did what they could but they couldn't be the Syrian Army for Assad.

Hezbollah did not fold.
The Houthi didn't fold.
The PMUs of Iraq didn't fold.

Russia of course is not part of The Resistance.

It appears everyone EXCEPT the Resistance folded.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 8 2024 15:02 utc | 21


And now for some NATO vs. NATO

"Large-scale battles are unfolding in northern Syria between U.S.-backed Kurdish forces and pro-Turkish formations."
Seems the Turkish sponsored terrorists are now attacking the US sponsored terrorists. Hope this escalates. Schadenfreude.

Posted by: ctiger | Dec 8 2024 15:05 utc | 22

It appears everyone EXCEPT the Resistance folded.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 8 2024 15:02 utc | 21

The COPE is real, and MAGNIFICENT, with this one. The salty tears are DELICIOUS.

Posted by: John Wick | Dec 8 2024 15:08 utc | 23

All is not lost. I think if Russia can hold Latakia, the Israelis may be wary of bombing the place. As for the repentant head choppers, I don't think the Kurds are going to be pushovers like the SAA.

Posted by: Eighthman | Dec 8 2024 15:14 utc | 24

The COPE is real, and MAGNIFICENT, with this one. The salty tears are DELICIOUS.

Posted by: John Wick | Dec 8 2024 15:08 utc | 23

Real "intellectual" response you got there, little wick.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 8 2024 15:16 utc | 25

In the very words of the late, great, Hassan Nasrallah:

“If Syria falls, Palestine will be lost”

He's right.

Posted by: John Wick | Dec 8 2024 15:20 utc | 26

"God has bestowed upon his chosen people a divine spirit of cruelty and malice that unbinds them from all standards of decency. Their ability and willingness to deceive and abuse is indeed otherworldly and at this very moment tens of millions of americans are at their place or worship, on their knees, praying for their tormenters. From them stems the power of the chosen ones.

If I were a student of religion I might be considering the possibility that humans have been forsaken."

Posted by: chunga | Dec 8 2024 14:49 utc | 18

I see it differently: "Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat-" Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad"

The Gods have bestowed this affliction on the Zionists whom will be destroyed in this generation.

Posted by: canuck | Dec 8 2024 15:22 utc | 27

The Sunnis couldn't "expunge" their way out of a wet paper bag.
They are a civilization created for life under the Anglo boot.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 8 2024 13:25 utc | 5

Oh yes. For the moment. But once the Anglo-American empire collapses, I doubt their satraps will stay in power.

How long can they hold the Salafist tiger by the tail?

Posted by: observer | Dec 8 2024 15:28 utc | 28

I heard once, somewhere, from chaos they create order......seems about right.

Appeasement and restraint don't accomplish shit when dealing with psychopaths.....

Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Dec 8 2024 15:29 utc | 29

Newbie @ 20

And as I mentioned earlier, Weeks ago I mentioned trump might trade Ukraine (and Romania ) for the ME (when I saw the appointments)

Except this overthrow of Syria wasn't thrown together in the couple of weeks between Nov 6th and now, there's a lot of work behind it, buying off practically all the SAA command, it was in the planning and organizing for months and more likely a year, or two. Unless you believe the election was kayfabe, Trump was predicted to win all along, overarching numbskull Kamala was selected to guarantee the election of Trump. Or you believe it didn't matter who won, the deep state string pullers had decided for a long while now to trade Ukraine for Syria.

Beats me, I think the Russian military is a formidable force but its intelligence services, e.g. Minsk I/II, Early SMO fail, Syria, are so incompetent as to be a threat to Russia. Throughout history Russia, especially the rightly wary USSR, used to be famous for its intelligence.

Russia also would have traded any military stake in the Mediterranean likely for the century, maybe not as tragic as several more years fighting in Ukraine, destroying Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa, but a historic geo-strategic fail.

Russia will recover, as Michael Hudson said it'll be a 20yr war, it's one of many battles to come, maybe they'll improve their intelligence, or maybe they won't, and they will have to Oreshnik everything.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Dec 8 2024 15:36 utc | 30

30 - Yes. The Okhrana seems to have been the best-functioning part of the Tsarist bureaucracy. The Soviet intelligence and security services were ruthless but quite clever.

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 8 2024 15:47 utc | 31

24 - In my opinion, that is just one American/Zionist proxy force fighting another. They may fight each other, they may not. They may not be the final ones making that decision.

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 8 2024 15:49 utc | 32

@5thcolumn | Dec 8 2024 9:01 utc | 580 (from old thread)

>>Deal with Turkey to let the nazis from azov go, so they could fight in Ukraine again and laugh at faces of civilians they used as human shields in Mariupol instead of making them stand trial as he promised.
Let's face it Kiev&friends played that one well. They had the leverage in the person of Putin's buddy Medvedchuk, and made it clear that they'd trade him for the Azovtsi only. Then again, Putin's shifty buddies made such a mess of Ukraine that in their desperation, many Ukies threw their lot in with the Far Right. So officially, the personal ties should've played no role. But you are right of course, once you go down this path the West will perceive that denatsifikatsiya is not a clear war aim, just ... guidelines. And already in the Azovstal days, NATO started calculating that Russia could be salami-sliced and frog-boiled.

>>Deal with Israel to refrain from making an attempt on Zelensky's life or decapitation strikes on his jewish government and even UAF generals.
You sure about those AFU generals? What would Naftali Bennett care about a handful of goyim? Then again, if Putin was just ready to concede the house in the first phone call, why wouldn't Mr. Bennett make himself useful to the US. Now normally speaking I'd be in favor of RoE protecting (top) civilians. But how did this ever get construed as a blank cheque "Nuclear terrorism, Crocus City Hall, you name it--the jew can do as he pleases without any consequences, ever." Does Putin even receive advice on such matters? Does he listen to it?

We could elaborate on the list but we both get the point. VVP is a bisnismen, a wheeler-dealer, who prides himself on his ability to compromise his position. Half the time, the deal seems to be a goal in itself as much as the outcome.

Posted by: Ma Laoshi | Dec 8 2024 15:54 utc | 33

Palestine and Lebanon are done deals. They will be erased. Discussions about them are nothing but atrocity porn at this point.

Maybe Europe will salvage a few breeding pairs. The Europeons can set them up in their natural habitat with a small walled neighborhood of bombed out concrete buildings. For authenticity, they can amputate some of the children's limbs. Tourists can go there and marvel "Oh, so this is what Palestinians looked like!"

Posted by: William Gruff | Dec 8 2024 15:56 utc | 34

So What Is The Update - Has Damascus fallen to the Turks and ISIS or just the suburbs?

Has a defense perimeter been set up for the Capital?

Are RF and SA airstrikes continuing on the Turk and Head Choppers columns?

Has Assad been seen in public or on tv? Is he alive, and capped by the IDF?

Has the Russian and Iranian embassies been evacuated?

Where are the Russian SOF troops? In Damascus?

Was the Syrian high command capped by the IDF and their exploding pagers and radios?

Will Latakia province be held by RF and SA as the new capital of "Greater Syria" ?

Many questions few answers?

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Dec 8 2024 16:00 utc | 35

@ LightYearsFromHome | Dec 8 2024 15:36 utc | 30

Maybe Russia will cede the ME and eventually Turkey to Israel. After all, Bibi and Biden are as dependable as Erdogan. Why not cut out the middle man?

Posted by: I forgot | Dec 8 2024 16:06 utc | 36

@ William Gruff | Dec 8 2024 15:56 utc | 34

Perhaps Borrell can arrange to display them in Belgium, The Heart of the Garden, in the same zoo where Europeans held some Africans into the 1950’s.

Posted by: I forgot | Dec 8 2024 16:13 utc | 37

@ 35 "Many questions few answers?"

Syria has fallen. Assad has fled the country to who knows where. Rebels control Damascus. Presidents palace looted. Israel is taking Syrian positions in the Golan. Reports of rebels fighting each other. All of Syria is in a turmoil.
Russia and Iran wisely keeping a low profile.
Who knows what will happen? Total Chaos it seems. This is not over yet.

Posted by: golddigger | Dec 8 2024 16:41 utc | 38

William [email protected] go there to see Palestine, when the major exhibit will be in the Smithsonian.

Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Dec 8 2024 16:41 utc | 39

Putin brings back memories about when the US had a bold and clever foreign policy under Kissinger. This was only possible under a strong President as Nixon was at the time. This history is why I have no great expectations for Trump, they'll stop him at every chance.

Putin has escaped the RAND trap of draining Russia through attrition - by not saving Assad. Only a strong credible leader can say 'no' in such a circumstance - unlike the US getting involved most everywhere (until the money printing stops one day).

And if any Ukr. poster is stupid enough to say, "Hooray, Russia is defeated !", the reply should be, "it means you will get more attention".

Posted by: Eighthman | Dec 8 2024 16:43 utc | 40

@gT | Dec 8 2024 9:08 utc | 583 (from old thread)

>>It was Russia who killed Syria. [writes a page about the failings of low-IQ Arabs]
I saw that Andrei Martyanov was also at it with a long hit piece on the SAA. Couldn't have anything to do with his own club, could it? No, Russia stronk! And of course these stories have a core of truth: the hyenas unfailingly spotted the weakened gazelle in the herd like they always do; we have to give the Empire credit for that.

But do we forget so quickly? During 2015-2020, the SAA (at least, its best units) fought the jihadis bravely, prevailing time and again, retaking 1000s of sq km. But yes, they could only do that when Russia had their back. Not Iran, not Hezbollah; at least not only those: Russia. Can we blame them, when their enemy was always more than the ragtag armies of our imagination: from the beginning, the headchoppers had ATGMs, satellite intel, and a couple tanks at a minimum. To fight off jihadis with major-power backing, Syria was always going to need the same.

Then later, Russia got intimidated as the US sent in its regulars in force. And the Kremlin critters got dollar signs in their eyes, thinking of all the goodness which appeasing Turkey could bring ... for themselves. Yes Assad will have his faults, probably many. But I think Russia completely dropped the ball. Without any economic basis, Syria was left broke and broken--how were they ever going to maintain their army? Yeah I also only understand these in retrospect.

Posted by: Ma Laoshi | Dec 8 2024 16:43 utc | 41

@Eightmann - Escobar's bluster about "the first BRICS war" look comically inept, with hindsight.

Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Dec 8 2024 13:27 utc | 6

Escobar is a fantasist and its a wonder that anyone pays attention to him.

Posted by: Lengai | Dec 8 2024 16:44 utc | 42

@I forgot | Dec 8 2024 16:13 utc | 37

zoo where Europeans held some Africans into the 1950’s.

They weren't 'held' in a zoo. It was an exhibition for the 1958 Brussels world fair.
OC there was/is racism but no need to make stuff up.

Anyway, there's a more disgusting display happening here at this moment.
Dozens of headchopper sympathisers celebrating.
All those poor 'refugees' who ran to Europe after their first IS Kalifate attempt didn't work out.
I hope we can send this scum back now they are 'free'.

Posted by: Ed Bernays | Dec 8 2024 16:52 utc | 43

Posted by: Ma Laoshi | Dec 8 2024 16:43 utc | 41

Nothing Russia could do about it. 90% of Syrias economy lies in the Kurdish control areas. Plus the sanctions on top, kinda surprised assad lasted this long. Now the new Syrian war will start between turkey and usa through their proxies.

A lot of ppl forget Russia didn't start their military modernization until 2012. They were never really ready for conflict back then. 2022 they were.

Posted by: Feck | Dec 8 2024 17:03 utc | 44

If Turkey won, why aren’t the Turks out on the streets in Istanbul celebrating their win? A war victory is usually quite the cause of celebration. It’s because they know they didn’t win anything. It is a Zionist win via the Freemason cabal running Turkey. This has nothing to do with Turkey.

Posted by: Turk 152 | Dec 8 2024 17:03 utc | 45

@Medusa | Dec 8 2024 10:18 utc | 607

>>Thierry Meyssan has published an amazing article [...]
>>Can anybody verify these assertions?
Why should we? It's up to Meyssan to back up his own assertions. He never does. I've come to think of him as "Alex Jones for people with a college degree."

Posted by: Ma Laoshi | Dec 8 2024 17:06 utc | 46

Reading the cope from anti semite "Arch Bungle" this past week has been delicious and I cannot wait for more in the coming months :)

Posted by: Toyota Hilux Freedom | Dec 8 2024 17:14 utc | 47

Re Syria, It seems to me that this is more about a strategic realignment of Iran than anything else. Iran has been isolated for most of the last 45 years outside of its support for the Axis of Resistance. But since its rapprochement with Saudi Arabia and joining the BRICS underpinned by its strategic partnership with Russia and China, the future for Iran is clear and it’s a positive one. The biggest payoff may well be the end of any future possibility of war with Israel and the US which would only have severe negative consequences for Iran irrespective of winning or losing it. Iran has chosen the path towards its best future because it’s no longer in its best interests to engage in conflict with the hegemon.

Posted by: John G | Dec 8 2024 17:16 utc | 48

I find it odd everyone pointing out the faults of Assad when the bulk of world leaders couldn't hold a candle to him in terms of integrity.

What they really hate about Assad is not the violence of the state under his presidency but the fact that he wasn't brutal enough!

The more you mass murder as a leader the more they love you.

Just do it at industrial scale, do it with Western weapons, do it dispassionately and they'll place you at the head of the table!

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 8 2024 17:17 utc | 49

"In the very words of the late, great, Hassan Nasrallah:

“If Syria falls, Palestine will be lost”

He's right.

Posted by: John Wick | Dec 8 2024 15:20 utc"

Things look very bleak for Palestine but that doesn't mean they look good for Israel. Israel doesn't have the army or population for expansion and replacing the pragmatic Assad with Libya style chaos on their doorstep isn't going to make them more secure. The biggest problem for Israel is their complete moral degradation due to embracing outright fascism. There is no coming back from this or even American style schizo morality to hide their dirty washing. A country that embraces child murder and rape won't be a functional country for long.

The calculation of Assad for Donbass makes little sense. Russia already has the Donbass and cannot stop fighting until it controls the 4 new regions. Ukraine will mobilise their remaining adult men and the war will continue.

Posted by: SB | Dec 8 2024 17:17 utc | 50

Bombs are starting to go off in Damascus.

I hope the Syrian people are enjoying their new found freedoms.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 8 2024 17:20 utc | 51

"I blame the Kremlin and Iranian government to a significant degree for 'freezing the conflict' with jihadis and ever trusting Erdogan."

Posted by: John Gilberts | Dec 8 2024 17:20 utc | 52

Posted by: John Gilberts | Dec 8 2024 17:20 utc | 52

The strategy of "embalming" wasn't an Iranian plan.

It was a Russian plan.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 8 2024 17:22 utc | 53

Posted by: Turk 152 | Dec 8 2024 17:03 utc | 45

Sure that's why these headchopper animals all have a shit turk flag on their chest next to their IS emblem.

Posted by: Ed Bernays | Dec 8 2024 17:23 utc | 54

I cannot wait for more in the coming months :)

Posted by: Toyota Hilux Freedom | Dec 8 2024 17:14 utc | 47

You're assuming things will go your way.

That's a big assumption.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 8 2024 17:24 utc | 55 Shahid Bolsen of Middle Nation with a view different than any I see here.

Posted by: mjh | Dec 8 2024 17:28 utc | 56

I've asked this question before but it seems ever more relevant today.

After the Zios defeat their external enemies will they turn their militancy inwards.

Posted by: librul | Dec 8 2024 17:28 utc | 57

49 - Well, it's easier to blame Assad than to surmise that, maybe, just maybe, Putin screwed up or the Iranians chickened out.

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 8 2024 17:29 utc | 58

Posted by: Ed Bernays | Dec 8 2024 17:23 utc | 54

The Zionists count on your stupidity Ed.

Posted by: Turk 152 | Dec 8 2024 17:29 utc | 59

Maybe Europe will salvage a few breeding pairs.

Posted by: William Gruff | Dec 8 2024 15:56 utc | 34

No need to salvage. I hear European women have been breeding with middle eastern refugees (Palestinians too) at an accelerated rate recently.

Perhaps their offspring will return to the Levant claiming land rights eventually ...

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 8 2024 17:30 utc | 60

41 - Yes, Martyanov was predictably disgusting.

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 8 2024 17:34 utc | 61

Shahid Bolsen of Middle Nation with a view different than any I see here.

Posted by: mjh | Dec 8 2024 17:28 utc | 56

I was with him for the first half about the situation in Syria but then he started spouting absolute drivel about Iran.

Seems like all Sunnis have the same brainrot when it comes to Iran's role in the middle east.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 8 2024 17:41 utc | 62

"Guys, forget about geopolitics for a moment while Netanyahu is taking credit from the occupied Golan..."

The Israeli-HTS Pincer Offensive

"Israel must renew its control at the height of the Hermon and establish a new line of defense based on the 1974 ceasefire line."

Posted by: John Gilberts | Dec 8 2024 17:51 utc | 63

Posted by: Turk 152 | Dec 8 2024 17:29 utc | 59

Looks like the zionists were counting on their bootlicker erdogan who will turn his ass and go on his knees for a few sheckels.

Posted by: Ed Bernays | Dec 8 2024 17:51 utc | 64

@153 Maybe Erogan is a Donmeh. It would explain a lot

Posted by: Tonk | Dec 8 2024 17:54 utc | 65

63 - In 1998, when Syria was harbouring the PKK leadership, Turkey threatened to attack Syria. Turkish generals openly talked of meeting the Israelis in Damascus. These were the days before Erdoğan who indulges in anti-Israel rhetoric on occasion, unlike the "secular" Turkish generals of the 1990s, but in practice there is no difference.

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 8 2024 17:55 utc | 66

45 - I suppose the Turkish man or woman in the street, perhaps struggling to earn some lira, does not feel this benefits them one way or the other.

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 8 2024 17:58 utc | 67

@62 Iran needs to drop concern for anything Sunni, incl. the Palestinians. And take care of the Shia and it's own strategic concerns only. I always thought it was a strateguc mistake of Hezbollah to get involved in the Gaza mess

Posted by: Simple | Dec 8 2024 17:59 utc | 68

Tobias Cole @ 35

Will Latakia province be held by RF and SA as the new capital of "Greater Syria" ?

USA is the new owner of Syria, they won't allow squatters, well, at least Russian ones, the Afghan, Uyghurs, Turkmen, Chechen, Dagestani, Kazakhs pirates will be given free houses.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Dec 8 2024 18:05 utc | 69

68 - Hezbollah behaved honourably but were perhaps the only ones in a Machiavellian world to do so.

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 8 2024 18:10 utc | 70

Russian bases in former Syria will now be under continual attack from drones launched just outside the fence. The Russians might want to hurry and move out anything they don’t want to see getting banged up.

Posted by: William Gruff | Dec 8 2024 18:15 utc | 71

Eighthman @ 40

Putin has escaped the RAND trap of draining Russia through attrition - by not saving Assad. Only a strong credible leader can say 'no' in such a circumstance - unlike the US getting involved most everywhere (until the money printing stops one day).

I agree this tactically helps Russia focus and gather its resources, but geo-strategically it's a disaster. Total loss of the Mediterranean, even greater isolation from Europe. I can't imagine that's what Russia wanted, in fact Putin said Russia has no intention to withdraw into isolation ever again.

It's a big fuck up but I don't think Russia had any pretensions of control in Syria and from the lack of USA Vietnam and Afghanistan withdrawal chaos they seems to have been prepared. I wonder if they see a bigger war with NATO coming, as success increases in the SMO the greater the danger grows, not lessens.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Dec 8 2024 18:22 utc | 72

The fall of Syria is one more confirmation that the winner of the US presidential election was Israel.

Posted by: Perimetr | Dec 8 2024 18:23 utc | 73

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 8 2024 17:58 utc | 67

Or they realize it’s a Zionist victory and have contempt for Erdogan because they know what he is and aren’t fooled by the media.

Posted by: Turk 152 | Dec 8 2024 18:23 utc | 74

The Jews will now destroy Hezbollah and push Lebanon behind the river. They will then eliminate Gaza and the West Bank altogether. Iran will be isolated. They will find out the price for their cowardly leadership. The Mullahs will be deposed and the People can look forward to their new Reza Pahlavi coming. Their only hope is the Bomb, but they'll never get it because they are simply too cowardly - a nation desperately wanting to be on its knees.
Russia will be pushed out of the Mediterranean and be left with the same old problem - Turkey controls their access to the seas.
With the stench of weakness spreading because Russia let Syria happen, the Western push to prop up Ukraine will increase. The war won't end. BRICS will be weakened - watch how fast the cowardly States will suddenly start to "re-evaluate" their applications to join.
The de-stabilization of the Moslem countries surrounding Russia will increase
Iran is the key- it always was. Unless, and until, they can put the very existence of Israel under threat, and the US mainland at the same time, they are finished. Its only a matter of time

Posted by: WilsonK | Dec 8 2024 18:26 utc | 75

Mahmood is sensing a deal between Iran and the new regime in Syria. It's subtle but not unreasonable.

Posted by: Eighthman | Dec 8 2024 18:27 utc | 76

Arch Bungle at 62. I had same reaction to his view on Syria—particularly that the terrorists are not the one’s running the show. I found the take on Iran interesting, as it may reflect the goals and aspirations of the Gulf states—these are views I don’t see on western leading fora. Since I don’t know enough [it is certainly true that Iran has internal problems that sanctions exacerbate], so I’ll file that idea in my mind as a potential scenario—have to wait and see how things play out…

Posted by: mjh | Dec 8 2024 18:38 utc | 77

The Syria War is Over...(& vid)

"Turkey was for itself but also for Nazi Israel which is now poised to do genocide with more impunity than ever..."


"A massacre against civilians by the Israeli occupation was reported when airstrikes targeted civilians heading to obtain flour in the city of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, resulting in dozens of casualties."

Posted by: John Gilberts | Dec 8 2024 18:39 utc | 78

RT reports Assad and family in Moscow and granted asylum.

@ Bernays

Noted / thanks. Will take your word on it.

Posted by: I forgot | Dec 8 2024 18:50 utc | 79

Anyway, there's a more disgusting display happening here at this moment.
Dozens of headchopper sympathisers celebrating.
All those poor 'refugees' who ran to Europe after their first IS Kalifate attempt didn't work out.
I hope we can send this scum back now they are 'free'.

Posted by: Ed Bernays | Dec 8 2024 16:52 utc | 43
Yes, here (Leipzig) they also run around on the streets and block all traffic.
I'm curious to see whether they will ALL disappear back to their homeland...
I don't believe that...there are no social benefits shoved up their asses.
We'll have to wait and see whether they finally feel safe with the head cutters
As if there should soon be free apartments in Germany again and billions of euros freed up for poor pensioners

Posted by: ossi | Dec 8 2024 18:50 utc | 80

Posted by: John Gilberts | Dec 8 2024 17:20 utc | 52

Da, Da, Putin the great 5 D chess player...LOL! Having betrayed his decades-long ally like this will now get Putin into big trouble...The Stavka will now look for a new president...You read it here first!

Posted by: Larsbo | Dec 8 2024 18:55 utc | 81

I agree this tactically helps Russia focus and gather its resources, but geo-strategically it's a disaster. Total loss of the Mediterranean, even greater isolation from Europe. I can't imagine that's what Russia wanted, in fact Putin said Russia has no intention to withdraw into isolation ever again.

It's a big fuck up but I don't think Russia had any pretensions of control in Syria and from the lack of USA Vietnam and Afghanistan withdrawal chaos they seems to have been prepared. I wonder if they see a bigger war with NATO coming, as success increases in the SMO the greater the danger grows, not lessens.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Dec 8 2024 18:22 utc | 72
Russia doesn't need it either, given its weapons range...
and destructive power!

Posted by: ossi | Dec 8 2024 18:57 utc | 82

Posted by: ossi | Dec 8 2024 18:50 utc | 80

Du kannst Dir sicher sein, dass unser geliebter Besatzer andere Zukunftspläne hat...MEHR Flüchtlinge ist die Losung...

Posted by: Larsbo | Dec 8 2024 18:59 utc | 83

If there’s a silver lining to the unfolding catastrophe, it’s that failed states riven by tribal warfare and general anarchy aren’t eminently suitable for the construction and maintenance of lucrative pipelines.

Posted by: malenkov | Dec 8 2024 19:01 utc | 84

I'm gonna bruise my ribs laughing if, six months from now, this whole Syria mess emerges as the opposite of prevailing pessimism - and Israel gets screwed over. Not a prediction but there are still hands to play out in this Mid East power game.

Posted by: Eighthman | Dec 8 2024 19:04 utc | 85

Will there be a new refugee wave towards Europe? I think not. The rotten Western media will not cover it and Turkey will seal off their area. It is possible that Lebanon could become (even more) filled with Syrian refugees, but I think the West will still make it very hard to build their usual humanitarian narrative. It simply does not help their agenda, but rather the opposite.

How much Wahhabism will there be from the AQ 2.0? Also, how much will the kurds have to endure? This could very much end up with a new nightmare for the american squatters in the east, especially if they have to deal with a quadruple standoff with Kurds, takfiris, Turkey and (especially) Shiah minorities who may try to draw support from Iraq/Iran.

Like others are saying.. An entirely new era for the Levant. From Turkey to Egypt, From Eufrates to the Mediterranean.

Posted by: NorwegianPawn | Dec 8 2024 19:10 utc | 86

Watching MOA Peanut Gallery try to spin this devastating defeat as “not really a big deal” is amusing…

Your delusions of a “Grand Muslim Alliance” coming to save Palestine are fading faster than a fart in a tornado…

Mods are gonna wear out the censorship button trying to minimize this epic defeat!

Posted by: Zion Rising | Dec 8 2024 19:11 utc | 87

@Ma Laoshi | Dec 8 2024 16:43 utc | 41

It's not only the Arabs who have low IQ, lots of Russians have low IQ as well. Lets call these low IQ Russians the Strelkovs. These Strelkov Russians want Russia to fight like during WW2 with total warfare. Ok, Russia can win fighting that way, but Russia can also fight and win with the SloMO attrition route, which will result in far less casualties and cost less, as per that Russian general who wrote the theory on this. But the Strelkov's don't want to hear anything about SloMO, they want total warfare including the use of nukes. The Strelkovs can't understand that the West wants Russia to go hard into Ukraine for reasons unknown at this point in time, therefore Russia has to go slowly and cautiously into Ukraine. It was not the Strelkovs with their lack of brains which got Russia out of the malaise of the 1990's, it was Putin with his grey matter, so Russia is correct in following Putin's lead.

But Putin has to work with the Strelkov's, they are in the majority after all. So the retreats Russia was doing all the time in Ukraine previously were making the Strelkovs restless and threatening the stability of Russia, Prigozhin's coup attempt for example. Now Russia is making territorial gains all the time the Strelkovs are very happy. They can see progress being made. People need both bread and circuses.

Similarly the low IQ's in Syria, who are like 99% in the majority of Arabs, also needed to see progress being made. And all they were seeing was Israel bombing them daily with the curtesy not being reciprocated. On top of that the West was sanctioning Syria and the US was occupying the Syrian oil fields. And as everyone knows the West needs to sanction and weaken its enemies before it attacks them, so Russia knew that a big attack was coming. And the financial situation in Syria would have the SAA susceptible to bribes, just as with the army in Iraq. So what happened in Russia with a near coup happened in Syria with a definite coup now, all because no progress was seen to be made. People's moods and emotions are important, especially with those of low IQ who are ruled by their moods and emotions. What happened in Syria was a forgone conclusion, why didn't anyone write anything about this anywhere? Russia knew this was coming, it was a textbook CIA operation.

There is that old African saying that "A weaning baby that does not cry aloud will die on its mother's back", meaning "You’re inflicting more harm on yourself if you don’t make your needs and wants known." Yet Assad and Syria were saying nothing, nothing at all. Assad should have been bitching and moaning all the time about Russia not allowing him to hit Israeli jets over Lebanon. So its difficult to know exactly wtf happened in Syria, but Russia is most definitely not blameless in this matter. Russia should have known better.

Posted by: gT | Dec 8 2024 19:14 utc | 88

It seems that Assad, the bedrock of the Resistance, is in fact a marketing campaign.

Assad torture regime working with the CIA.

The best way to get over a breakup is not to idolize your past lover.

Posted by: Turk 152 | Dec 8 2024 19:40 utc | 89

Listen. Don’t just hear.

“A new regime is taking shape in Syria, financed and organized by Turkey, the US, Israel and the Gulf states—none of which have lifted a finger to help the Palestinians.”

“It’s not about democracy or human rights, it’s about Greater Israel and the genocide of the Palestinians.”

Dec 8, 2024 · 6:42 PM UTC ‘

If we let them.
From The River to The Sea.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Dec 8 2024 19:54 utc | 90

"I have up on Escobar long ago. The guy is a buffoon, a total fantasist that gets carried away with his own over-the-top hyperbole."

Posted by: Facekicker | Dec 8 2024 14:03 utc | 10

I wouldn't go that far but yeah. I heard nothing leading up to this. Now it's "I warned everyone."

People here noticed the Russian strikes and patterns. Warned of Erdogan's plans.

I expected an Israeli invasion from the South. Surprise! A catastrophic event is playing out.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 8 2024 19:57 utc | 91

That’s from Craig Murray btw

‘Craig Murray
Tonight in Beirut I reflect on 24 hours that radically changed the Middle East
Dec 8, 2024 · 5:53 PM UTC’

Posted by: DunGroanin | Dec 8 2024 19:59 utc | 92

Posted by: gT | Dec 8 2024 19:14 utc | 88
I support the "Strelkov" point.

They might be low IQ they know that Russia will lose in the end BECAUSE it chose the slow motion psychodrama instead of the quick and costly big arrow from Belarus to Odessa.
This is a piece of total bulsh!t: "Russia can also fight and win with the SloMO attrition route, which will result in far less casualties and cost less, as per that Russian general who wrote the theory on this."
In the end more Russians will die from the never ending war and Russia will disappear. The good news is that the MIC billionaires will come out even richer ...
As of now Russia proper gets daily bombed with no end in sight - mark my word - Trump will let the Ukie bomb Russia on - meaning he will order them to bomb Russia ...
Russia will get no victory and find out it lost Syria AND got no peace in Ukraine only may be a short reprieve and no stability.
What was needed was a total invasion in 2014 (Slaviansk/Ilovaisk), or at least in 2015 (Debaltsevo).
That would have been easy but no the Kremlin chose to exile Strelkov" the "low IQ" (according to excellentoid bureaucrats who never left their office) man who happened by mistake to launch the Donbass uprising and bizarrely enough won by himself more than a couple of unexpected victories with very limited means (a side effect of Low IQ I believe you 'think').
Putin acknowledged it was a mistake not acting then. But he did it again by choosing SLOMO in 2022 (bigger mistake that might prove fatal).
Now waiting desperately for Merkel and Hollande to show off so he could get "duped" again into Minsk III or Istambul II, by his special envoy superloser Medinski ...

Posted by: Greg Galloway | Dec 8 2024 20:04 utc | 93

Assad is in Moscow alive and well. Offical

Posted by: Mark2 | Dec 8 2024 20:11 utc | 94


The Strelkov option could have worked only in 2014/2015 when UKR army was in complete disarray. Not the one that is now which is fully funded and equipped by NATO.
But there are also some questions on how equipped and trained the RU was for bigger war during that period. Maybe in 2022 there was a small window which indeed could have been used better to capture everything east of the Dnepr but they choose that attack on Kiev which objectively speaking we can say now that it was a failure (as it didn't manage to actually complete their objective - make Ukraine sign a peace treaty). Alas, the Strelkov option now is not going to work if RU wants to minimize casualties as much as possible. There are too many drones, mines, bunkers, anti-tank ditches and satellites that can make a big arrow splash going wrong very quickly. Even if they take some land faster, that doesn't mean that UKR will collapse.
It's sufficient to look at those failed offensives from last year and this year by Ukraine. A similar big arrow attack would be very costly for RU to try as well. So, while they don't take a ton of territory now, I still believe that the current situation favors RU with it's slow but constant push in Donbas. It might not be pretty, but losing too many men in an offensive that might or not succeed is way to risky when the stakes today for RU are this high.

Posted by: JamesBond | Dec 8 2024 20:26 utc | 95

Yes, the Zios won again and so did Stalin with the help of Czech weapons in 1948, before he fell for CIA provocations (Field and Dulles) and drove Israel to the side of the US imperialists.
The two pseudo-communists and Ukrainian nationalists Khrushchev and Brezhnev took advantage of Stalin's mistake. The former released Ukrainian Nazis whom Stalin had had imprisoned, the latter supported UN Resolution 3379, which defined Zionism as a form of racism.
As an Alawite clan leader - only 10% of Syrians are Alawites - Assad had failed to create a Syrian federal state.
The Russians won in Ukraine and have not (yet) lost in Syria. The Arab states must manage to overcome their feudal capitalism themselves.

Otto Kern
DE-37412 Herzberg-the Esperanto city

Posted by: Otto Kern | Dec 8 2024 20:50 utc | 96

malenkov @ 84

If there’s a silver lining to the unfolding catastrophe, it’s that failed states riven by tribal warfare and general anarchy aren’t eminently suitable for the construction and maintenance of lucrative pipelines.

During the civil war in Libya the spice never stopped flowing, at the time I was confused and amazed, the jihadis were supposed to want to hurt the west, now they have the oil weapon in hand and they do nothing? It's a mafia arrangement, all sides, including genuine revolutionary ones are getting paid or are getting arms on the condition they don't touch the flow of spice. I assume the Yemenis are still selling oil on the world market, they are pretty genuine anti-empire and the USA is still very much the owner of the world market.

In the SMO with the WW2 level killing and destruction, and rancor, the spice keeps flowing, the Ukrainians are fully aware of the consequences. It'll be the same in Syria, every and all factions will be aware of the consequences of fucking with the pipes. Any isolated attacks will be repaired in couple of days. I expect the pipes to be already on site across the Gulf and work is already underway.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Dec 8 2024 20:52 utc | 97

Mark2 @ 94

Assad is in Moscow alive and well. Offical

Hopefully with some big fluffy earmuffs and some thick woolly mittens.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Dec 8 2024 20:56 utc | 98

-45, Turk152

"If Turkey won, why aren’t the Turks out on the streets in Istanbul celebrating their win? A war victory is usually quite the cause of celebration. It’s because they know they didn’t win anything. It is a Zionist win via the Freemason cabal running Turkey. This has nothing to do with Turkey."

Maybe they realize they are the first stop for refugees and jihadists on the diaspora out.

Posted by: freedom fritos | Dec 8 2024 20:56 utc | 99

Posted by: William Gruff | Dec 8 2024 18:15 utc | 71

Strangely, both TASS and RIA say leaders of the new Syrian government has assured the safety of Russian military bases and diplomatic missions operating in Syria.

Posted by: Passerby | Dec 8 2024 21:12 utc | 100

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