Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
December 05, 2024

Palestine Open Thread 2024-292

News & views related to the war in Palestine ...

Posted by b on December 5, 2024 at 7:57 UTC | Permalink

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People like Martyanov love to go on about how incompetent NATO is and how useless their training is etc.

Well, after losing Khesron and half of Donbass, and then Kursk in Russia proper in just a matter of days, it is taking Russia over 2 years now to regain some of those losses despite overwhelming firepower.

In the latest SNAFU, the Syrian Army, trained, armed and supported by Russia, in 72 hours lost Aleppo and huge swaths of land, which took them years to win. One wonders how many years it will take them to reconquer the same lands once again, fighting an army with no air force and comprised of NATO and Ukraine trained rag tag irregulars in order to prove to the Martyanovs of this world about their superior operational concepts and mastery of combined arms warfare...

Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 9:10 utc | 1

Rubicond @ 1
No your wrong !
And here's why....
Your glass his half empty.
My glass is half full.

In both these conflcts ukraine and Gaza/Syria how many times has Vladimire Putin or Iran for that matter.Carried out lets call them terrorist attacks on america, england or europe ? Do you think that has been becouse they could'nt ?

Or becouse they are not insane facists with no regard for public saftiy ?

Their by the grace of Putin go you and i.

Posted by: Mark2 | Dec 5 2024 9:36 utc | 2

Posted by: Mark2 | Dec 5 2024 9:36 utc | 2

Think ur missing the point here. I'm saying there is a question of competence and capabilities. As for morality, we all know how dirty NATO plays. But if you think that regard for public safety or morality is guiding the decision making ur a bit deluded.

The political and military cost of a few tens of thousand dead mobiks from ethnic minorities in Siberia is still far cheaper to Putin than the murder of any Europeans and North Americans, that is why things have been conducted the way they are, so far, in this war. Simple as that.

Patching things up w Europe will be tough enough as it is after the war, but Russia is never gonna leave itself 100% dependent on China and Asia, so it needs those markets, that is also why there is no terrorism in the West.

Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 9:57 utc | 3

Question for y’all: How many “recruits” you gonna get when the greenback is worthless?

Posted by: OldFart | Dec 5 2024 10:04 utc | 4

Old fart. Imo the whole crash will just be a repeat of the depression era in the west. In a little under a generation there will be many desperate people willing to die for lies.

Posted by: Tannenhousee | Dec 5 2024 10:12 utc | 5

Rubiconned @ 3
I do take your point, it's well made.

But we are up against the out of control monster that is fascism.
Decient in our ranks can be very carosive.

Posted by: Mark2 | Dec 5 2024 10:22 utc | 6

The Zionists who run YouTube get triggered by the term "hasbarat".
Just typing that one word into the comment section was enough to get me warned.

What a thin-skinned bunch these zionazis are.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 5 2024 10:26 utc | 7

American Voters: Ignorant, Insouciant, or Both?

by Kim Petersen / December 1st, 2024

In the US presidential election on 5 November 2024, American voters provided people in the United States and elsewhere a stupendous gift: the ouster of the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration. Simultaneously, the voters bequeathed fellow Americans and people of the world the nightmare of four more years of Donald Trump.

Prior to the election, I asked whether Americans would vote for genocide? Clearly, if a voter was paying attention, which is, arguably, a sine qua non for a person about to responsibly cast a vote, then a voter would have been aware that a genocide was (and still is) being perpetrated by the Jewish State against Palestinians, and that this genocide was (and still is) being abetted by the US government. The Democratic administration headed by proud Zionist Joe Biden (aka Genocide Joe) and his partner in genocide, Kamala Harris, have been integral to the carrying out of the genocide. The main opponent, or the only opponent as the US monopoly media portrays it, was another arch Zionist, Donald Trump of the Republican Party who pledged to support Israeli war aims.

Was it damned if you do and damned if you don’t?

No. As pointed out previously, a voter could have selected a candidate opposed to horrific Israeli war crimes against Palestinians; for example, Cornel West, Libertarian Chase Oliver, and candidate Jill Stein.

So, Americans did not have to cast a vote for a candidate who backs genocide.

Given the overwhelming casting of votes for the genocide-abetting Harris and Trump, one possible conclusion is that Americans were ignorant of the consequences of what their vote would support. More sinister is that Americans knew that their vote would further the Jewish Israeli genocide of Palestinians. If so, this would, arguably, signify that Americans voters have a lack of compassion for other humans, insouciance for the Other, or a hatred of the Other. It might be argued that Americans merely voted for the candidate who they considered would be best for the economy and a better life at home in the US. However, were that so, it would still be damning, as it would indicate their personal economic fortunes take precedence over their country destroying the lives and economy of other human beings.

The US election produced a damning result. And with Trump loading his incoming cabinet with Zionists this augurs poorly for a peaceful and loving world.

Given the composition of many western governments which are indifferent to the plight of Palestinians, it can be surmised that the voting class of such countries display likewise, a lamentable ignorance or insouciance.

Posted by: burak | Dec 5 2024 10:41 utc | 8

RE: Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 9:10 utc | 1

Yeah, the Superior NATO training of Nazis & headchopping terrorists in terrorist tactics obviously nullifies Martyanov’s Russian assertions. Russia should just quit while NATO is ahead. Btw, doubt Russia is interested in “patching things up” with EU. Even the US is a “f**k the EU” entity. No one cares about the EU, or NATO.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 5 2024 11:09 utc | 9

People like Martyanov love to go on about how incompetent NATO is and how useless their training is etc.

Well, after losing Khesron and half of Donbass, and then Kursk in Russia proper in just a matter of days, it is taking Russia over 2 years now to regain some of those losses despite overwhelming firepower.

In the latest SNAFU, the Syrian Army, trained, armed and supported by Russia, in 72 hours lost Aleppo and huge swaths of land, which took them years to win. One wonders how many years it will take them to reconquer the same lands once again, fighting an army with no air force and comprised of NATO and Ukraine trained rag tag irregulars in order to prove to the Martyanovs of this world about their superior operational concepts and mastery of combined arms warfare...

Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 9:10 utc | 1

Well according to journalists like Vanessa Beeley who are in Syria, Aleppo has not fallen. They just evacuated the civilians so the military can go to town. The exaggerated claims are from a combination of a western misinformation campaign and sleeper agents taking pictures in front of places they don't have control over.

The Syrian military was also aware of a possible attack months in advance, but during the attack, they were hit by electronic warfare, which they'd never seen before, and their communications were taken out, resulting in confusion and jihadis slipping past.

It's possible it's all copium as I have only started following her coverage recently, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and let time show who is correct.

Posted by: Autumn | Dec 5 2024 12:21 utc | 10

Training in Syria? I can't imagine anyone fighting for Assad with any enthusiasm. Training isn't relevant when motivation is missing. Yes, he's better than decapitation, OK. The British are reporting how 'diversity friendly' the Turkish terrorists are. They Promise.

At some point, wouldn't a Kurdistan be a better deal in Syria? They might look the other way with Hezbollah and have sympathy for Palestine - and they could screw over Erdogan.

Posted by: Eighthman | Dec 5 2024 12:27 utc | 11


Posted by: Autumn | Dec 5 2024 12:21 utc | 10

I have been following Kevork Almassian, who is from Aleppo and has many contacts there, among others, i am not sure how up to date your infos are with the situation.

He has a pretty grim assessment of the situation, both of how we got there (he was predicting it, which means both Syria and Russia were not surprised but unprepared, big difference), how it is and how hard it will be to reverse it. Perhaps you can have a listen yourself:

Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 12:43 utc | 12

The "news" out of Syria is disheartening (to me). According to, the Syrian army has withdrawn from Hama. But hard to know what to believe.... If true, reminds me of the way ISIS swept across a large swath of Iraq, even capturing Mosul. The Syrian army has certainly gotten a black over this. Losing both Aleppo and Hama are not insignificant events. But the fog of war is especially thick over Syria, so will wait and see. Too bad Qasem Soleimani isn't around to save Syria again....

Posted by: ctiger | Dec 5 2024 13:16 utc | 13

Talmudism is a transhumanist virus which would destroy humanity if they could not dominate and control the 99.7% of the human race from which they are alienated by their own ideology of superiority. In this fevered mental state they have surpassed the horrors of the Third Reich. This virus is an amalgamation of the most negative aspects of self chosen status combined with the Babylonian disease of human sacrifice.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 5 2024 13:22 utc | 14

Surprise Of The Day

Amnesty International has released a new report today.
Israel is committing genocide.

That isn't the surprise.

The surprise is that Amnesty Israel ©
has just this minute wholeheartedly embraced the report.

.....Ok, now that *would* surprise anyone.....


I was fibbing like an Israeli...Amnesty Israel ©
is Live at this moment condemning the report.

Posted by: librul | Dec 5 2024 13:24 utc | 15

People like Martyanov love to go on about how incompetent NATO is and how useless their training is
@Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 9:10 utc | 1

Marty is correct in theory or about historical facts. The rest is fantasy with no connection to past or present actions of RF. Not that it's impossible in theory, just as likely as winning the lottery. And he never likes to admit Ukros were always prepared to be millions of kamikaze zombies, no military strategy was required there, just kill and destroy.

Posted by: rk | Dec 5 2024 13:31 utc | 16

Patching things up w Europe will be tough enough as it is after the war, but Russia is never gonna leave itself 100% dependent on China and Asia, so it needs those markets, that is also why there is no terrorism in the West.

Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 9:57 utc | 3
Wrong. Other than NoKo, Russia is closest country to an autarky.

Europe has no value to Russia or anyone.

WW3 is baked in. But by keeping it slow, Russia bought themselves & others time to prepare. They continue to build their military & their economy.

The west is on the brink. We trashed our own military & our own economy. Not to mention our education & health. Flabby & illiterate, in no condition to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps.

I just wish Putin would do the world s favor & unleash Oreshnik on DC, the Pentagon, City of London, the Knesset & Davis.

Posted by: Mary | Dec 5 2024 13:38 utc | 17

I just wish Putin would do the world s favor & unleash Oreshnik on DC, the Pentagon, City of London, the Knesset & Davis.

Posted by: Mary | Dec 5 2024 13:38 utc | 17

No you don't.

Posted by: librul | Dec 5 2024 13:42 utc | 18

Per Intel Slava Z it's official. Withdrawal from Hama to protect civilians from urban warfare & prevent encirclement.

🇸🇾❗️The Syrian army command announced the withdrawal of army units from Hama after fierce fighting on its outskirts.

According to the official statement, a large number of militants entered the city from various directions , supported by heavy equipment and drones. As a result, military units stationed in Hama were "relocated outside the city to save the lives of civilians and not involve civilians in urban fighting."

It seems that now one of the largest cities of Syria has finally fallen. Now Homs , the defense of which has been prepared for several days, will be in the way of the militants.


Posted by: Autumn | Dec 5 2024 12:21 utc | 10.

I saw the same thing about the EW attack. All communications were taken out.

Posted by: Mary | Dec 5 2024 13:44 utc | 19

In Gaza, IDF is again burning people alive:


Palestinian territory - The Israeli occupation army burned displaced people alive in Mawasi Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip after directly targeting their displacement tents, killing 22 Palestinians, half of whom were women and children. An additional 18 people suffered burn wounds during the attack.

At approximately 6:07 p.m. on Wednesday, Israeli aircraft and helicopters fired multiple missiles at the tents of displaced people in Mawasi Khan Yunis, an area Israel claims to be a safe humanitarian zone. The displaced people were burned alive in their ramshackle tents, resulting in the death of 22 Palestinians—including eight children and three women, one of whom was a mother and her two daughters from the Shurab family—while 18 others suffered burns and various other wounds. 

Based on details collected by Euro-Med Monitor’s field team regarding the bombing operation, the Israeli army deliberately targeted civilians. The operation began with a request to evacuate part of the targeted area, during which an Israeli helicopter fired a missile at the displaced people as they were evacuating. The raids were subsequently repeated across a 700-meter area, directly striking the displaced people's tents and setting them ablaze.

Later, the Israeli army declared that it had targeted a Hamas Movement leader who was actually a local Internal Security Service official. This suggests that Israel is still working to destroy the entire police and internal security apparatus to sow chaos and anarchy throughout the Gaza Strip.

The assassination of an internal security officer is a crime in and of itself, and it does not justify the use of excessive force or a lack of concern for civilian casualties.

In an area home to hundreds of thousands of displaced people, the Euro-Med field team reviewed harrowing accounts and evidence of children's charred and dismembered remains being retrieved, reflecting an unprecedented level of Israeli brutality through the use of incendiary bombs and shells. [...]

Posted by: teri | Dec 5 2024 13:46 utc | 20

Slippery Rubies is running a little con job predicated on a certain ideology which would re-establish a land which slipped out of their greedy and piratical hands nearly a thousand years into the past.

Their original empire of lies and detestation towards the rest of humanity was taken down by an alliance of Kievan Rus and the Persian Empire. They are perfervid with bloodlust for vengeance against the descendants of these former nations, now known as the Russian Union and the Persian People whose land is currently known as Iran. These vengeful people dream of owning the shores of Crimea and the mineral and agricultural wealth of their former empire. From that resource base they plan to rule the entire world.

This hate filled attitude was posted on this December the 5th, 2024 by the Roman calendric reckoning, at 9:10 GMT.

Some people know no shame for their anti-human ideology.Their insanity knows no limits. Ownership of the economies, mass media and governance of the Collective Wa$te is their springboard for total domination over planet Earth.

Humanity must unite to quarantine those who suffer from this virus in an isolated place of their own where they can practice their predatory parasitism against each other.

Neturei Karta, an emblematic iteration of True Torah Judaism would likely be in full agreement with this assessment...and so most probably would be the gentle survivor of the events in Hungary in 1944, the soft spoken man known as Gabor Mate'... along with many who share his love for the humanity and for the humanist traditions he upholds.

A separation is in order.

Posted by: sristodemos | Dec 5 2024 13:51 utc | 21

If you start with a false premise...good luck from there.

An Unofficial Civilian Probe into October 7th has released a report.
The Unofficial Civilian Probe was formed because Netanyahu and his
political forces have been blocking, are *still* blocking, a
national board of inquiry.

Their report concluded, an echo of September 11th, that a series of failures
led to October 7th.

They just won't get it and never will.

I am going to allow myself a chuckle, which I did when I read this:

Police and military leaders were faulted for their lack of coordination, which hindered efforts to save lives during the Nova music festival massacre in Re'im.

Hey dummies! It was a coordinated effort by Israeli leaders to sacrifice and slaughter
civilians at the Nova music festival in order to create a pretext for Genocide.


Did you know that the IDF has a new adopted saying,

A friend wrote on the wall of the operations room: "Quiet will be answered by quiet, Nova will be answered by Nakba." The army commanders have adopted this graffiti.

Posted by: librul | Dec 5 2024 14:01 utc | 22

Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 9:10 utc | 1

I can see why "conned" is embedded in your anonymous handle.

Posted by: ctiger | Dec 5 2024 13:16 utc | 13

This is pretty much on Assad. He had at least 5 years to prepare defenses, and didn't. Unlike the USA, Russia isn't the world's policeman and cannot be expected to save every local ruler from their own bad decisions. Putting in some mines between Hams and Idlib would have been a great idea, in hindsight. If I were Assad I would be begging Putin to Kinzhal Idlib into the stone age, but I don't know that is going to fly given that Ukraine appears to be on the ropes and saving those weapons for delivering the equivalent of a Mike Tyson uppercut to Zelensky's jaw seems like a better plan.

If EW is involved, that is proof that this is an Israeli-backed op. Or toys from Ukraine made it to the battlefield in Syria.

Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Dec 5 2024 14:04 utc | 23

Here in the USA, because freedom and right to protest:


On November 7, Fairfax County and university police, with the assistance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) conducted a Gestapo-like raid of the off-campus home of the two students, one of whom is co-president of the SJP at George Mason and the other is a former president of the same chapter. 

The extreme reaction by the university and police stemmed from an event on August 28 where several people spray-painted pro-Palestine messages on the campus sidewalk. No charges or formal accusations have been brought upon the two students who were raided nor is there any indication that the SJP or anyone associated with the SJP did the vandalism. 

According to The Intercept, “more than 12 police officers showed up outside at an address in Springfield, Virginia, knocked, broke down the door, and raided the family home of two Palestinian American students at George Mason University.” 

The FBI and police “forced the family to gather in the living room while they searched the house. … Some family members were eventually released to attend work, but the rest remained while police conducted their six-hour search.” It adds, “Police seized electronics from the residence, including phones and laptops, but made no arrests.”

Despite this fact, GMU has issued a criminal trespass notice and barred the students from campus for four years, effectively expelling them, according to a petition opposing the ban that has been signed by over 3,400 people. 

To add insult to injury, the club ban was never issued to anyone outside of the two students, now without phones and laptops, essentially keeping the student group in the dark about its own status until later that month.[...]

Posted by: teri | Dec 5 2024 14:11 utc | 24

RE: “This is pretty much on Assad. He had at least 5 years to prepare defenses, and didn't.”

Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Dec 5 2024 14:04 utc | 23

I disagree. Syria is fortunate to have any walls still standing, let alone a pittance remnant of an army. It takes money to have a strong vibrant expansive military, and they’ve been economically crushed over 10 years with no SA or other nations assisting with their rebuilding.

Russia will not “save” them. China will. They’ve made their statement and it will get done. Russia frankly is working its own angles with Turkey and guessing conflict will either end up with lots and lots of dead bodies, or will freeze again.

Syria is the most hard hit, worst possible land mass for conflict, sprinkled every which way with every sort of groupings, all looking to destroy it or chip off territory. China will save the economy, but the rest is pretty uncertain.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 5 2024 14:23 utc | 25

There are plausible twitter comments that Assad's proposition is either sever all ties with Iran and Hezbollah or the non-Kurdish area will be overrun by ISIS/ Al Nusra. US A-10s bombed Shiite militias that tried to move to assist the SAA two days ago. Absent a large Russian intervention, I think this is game over. China will not do anything.

The next step is Hezbollah is cutoff and consistent with a recent (deleted) article from the Jerusalem Post, Lebanon is substantially annexed to Israel and the existing population either leaves or gets the Gaza Solution.

My final comment is this seems to largely be reinstating the Ottoman Empire and it will border Israel via what is now Syria and/or if Israel eventually annexes Lebanon. Erdogan is firmly in Israel's pocket so that is fine for now, but there is some risk to Israel with this outcome.

October 7 really f*)(ed things up.

Posted by: schmoe | Dec 5 2024 15:00 utc | 26

Posted by: schmoe | Dec 5 2024 15:00 utc | 26

Sigh. The US keeps failing, they aren't learning. Air power can't stop ground forces. If it could, Kursk would have been cleared out by Labor Day.

Lots of Shiite militias likely slipped through the performative theater. Let's see how events unfold before buying ridiculous memes about how all-powerful the USAF is.

Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Dec 5 2024 15:14 utc | 27

@ Ghost of Zanon | Dec 5 2024 15:14 utc | 27

Well, it seems to me that the effectiveness of air power is largely contingent on the presence of mountains, forests, and other such obstacles. Syria is neither Afghanistan nor (even) 404. That, and the headchoppers had apparently infiltrated with any number of sleeper cells just waiting for the green light.

I’ve heard rumors that Wagner is on the way — to date nothing from Iran except words. China’s role, I suspect will be to ensure that it can cut any necessary deals with the winner. So yes, unfortunately, the ball would seem to be at least mostly in Russia’s court.

Posted by: malenkov | Dec 5 2024 15:26 utc | 28

China will save the economy, but the rest is pretty uncertain.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 5 2024 14:23 utc | 25

For the moment China told its citizens in Syria to leave as fast as possible, allegedly.
And Russia has other problems now. Gerasimov called Brown to ask for permission to train in the empty waters of the Mediterranean sea, which belongs to US so that's why he had to ask ( ), and the complaining woman is worried that Ukr will get nukes ( ).

Posted by: rk | Dec 5 2024 15:26 utc | 29

I disagree. Syria is fortunate to have any walls still standing, let alone a pittance remnant of an army. It takes money to have a strong vibrant expansive military, and they’ve been economically crushed over 10 years with no SA or other nations assisting with their rebuilding.

Russia will not “save” them. China will. They’ve made their statement and it will get done. Russia frankly is working its own angles with Turkey and guessing conflict will either end up with lots and lots of dead bodies, or will freeze again.

Syria is the most hard hit, worst possible land mass for conflict, sprinkled every which way with every sort of groupings, all looking to destroy it or chip off territory. China will save the economy, but the rest is pretty uncertain.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 5 2024 14:23 utc | 25

Is this something the official Chinese ministries or military said themselves or some social media commentator/news outlet claimed they said? I highly doubt this is true as this will be a big departure from their official policy of non-intervention.

As for Syria, one of the things I recently found out about and unreported in the media is that Syria is the main manufacturer of weapons aside from Iran to Hezbollah and Hamas. Alongside Yemen, Bashar al-Assad is one of the few Arab leaders who put their money where their mouth is and go the distance to help out the Palestinians. I very much appreciate his morale character. This is also one of the reasons why I think the Syrian military is much stronger than posters on this thread are commonly depicting.

Posted by: Autumn | Dec 5 2024 15:46 utc | 30

the silent support for international terrorist organisations in our german regime media is disgusting. on one hand, the law prohibits such things, but when it can be disguised as "well the russians fail to protect assad", then its totally okay to support isis, hts, aq, and so on.

Posted by: Justpassinby | Dec 5 2024 15:49 utc | 31

Quoting myself:

“Well, it seems to me that the effectiveness of air power is largely contingent on the presence of mountains, forests, and other such obstacles.”

That should be absence, not presence. An extreme case was the US use of air power to obliterate most of the Iraqi army in the turkey shoot/teevee show commonly known as the First Gulf War.

Posted by: malenkov | Dec 5 2024 15:52 utc | 32

Syrian City Announces Exit From Key City

"The central city of Hama has been surrounded by jihadi forces."

Posted by: John Gilberts | Dec 5 2024 15:54 utc | 33

"This is pretty much on Assad. He had at least 5 years to prepare defenses, and didn't. "

Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Dec 5 2024 15:14 utc | 27

This not a board game-this is reality; defenses cost money, Syria has been sanctioned ,shunned, partitioned (of course from its only producing oil wells by Uncle Sam) attacked, bombed - its economy is in tatters.

It takes much treasure to have a big, well trained army with modern weapons-as well for proper fortifications, defenses-and if one looked real hard one would sede its like one road North South in the desert...difficult to defend.

Wake up, bud....

Posted by: canuck | Dec 5 2024 16:12 utc | 34

Above should read 'Syrian Army' Announces Exit from Key City'

Al-CIA-Duh Head-Choppers Return to Syria

"This is what people in the US, UK, Canada and Europe are backing - radical Islamist Terrorism, Al Qaeda in Syria. It's now beyond doubt that Erdogan's [NATO] Turkey is actively sponsoring a proscribed international organization - will the US, EU saction Turkey now

Don't Forget Gaza - EI Podcast from closed thread:

Breaking news and analysis on day 425 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood.

When will complicit westerners do something to stop these monstrous crimes?

Posted by: John Gilberts | Dec 5 2024 16:17 utc | 35

When will complicit westerners do something to stop these monstrous crimes?

Posted by: John Gilberts | Dec 5 2024 16:17 utc | 35

never. they all look the other way. until it happens to them.
as the saying goes here in germany: "das hat ja keiner kommen sehen!" ("nobody has seen it coming")

Posted by: Justpassinby | Dec 5 2024 16:21 utc | 36
Elijah J. Magnier 🇪🇺 @ejmalrai

Guys, don't write idiotic conspiracy theories. Neither Russia, Iraq or Iran have 'sold out' anyone or anything. The Syrian army was supposed to stand up and fight. That is not happening. Iran, Iraq and Russia can help the Syrian army, but they can't fight for and on behalf of Syria. So far, Only the Syrian Special Forces and the 25th Division are fighting around and in Hama. The rest of the army has left to 'redeploy'.

Now Homs is the key that will draw the map of the future Syria....

Posted by: michaelj72 | Dec 5 2024 16:24 utc | 37

If the news of Syria's latest withdrawal is depressing, frustrating and heart breaking for a privileged Westerner like me, one can only imagine how the people directly affected must be feeling.

But back to some misconceptions from the thread


Posted by: Mary | Dec 5 2024 13:38 utc | 17

"They continue to build their military & their economy."

Indeed they are. But their economy is overheating, this is not sustainable long term, there is a limit to how long this can hold. People who convinced you that Russia somehow doesn't need or want Europe, has no interest in restoring relations there is either misguided or is deceiving you, sorry.

Let us not get drawn into false dichotomies.

Just because Russia has wisely (and out of necessity) turned East both the offset the Western sanctions and capitalize on emerging and growing markets, does not mean it is willing to throw away 700 Million of the wealthiest consumers who are living next door with long established trade relationships and infrastructure. All the more because it is not stupid and doesn't want to become China's bitch and be too dependent on their trade. Add to that the fact that many Russians still have greater affinity with Europeans than Asians, despite the poor current state of affairs with Western leadership.

As soon as Nordstream was blown up, who did Putin turn to supply Europe with gas? Erdogan. Has he changed that plan despite being stabbed in the back over and over? Not at all, just look at the readout of their phone conversation a few days ago. That's because there is too much butter to be spread on Russia's bread West of the Black Sea for Putin to let someone else have it. The fact Russia is still supporting that useless corrupt army fighting for Assad to prevent Qatar's plans to replace Russian gas to Europe further confirms it.

Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 16:36 utc | 38

Hardly a stunning victory for the CIA/MI6, IDF, Turk alliance.....they are getting hammered by dozens of RF and SAF airstrikes as we speak.....get a grip folks.....this is a Syrian Kursk fire pocket now..........

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Dec 5 2024 16:43 utc | 39

The Syrians are starting to give off a South Vietnam 1975 vibe. That also saw unexpectedly rapid advances by an opponent and with only some units of the armed forces even putting up a fight. I don't like to say this because I think Syria has played a valuable role in supporting Palestinian and Arab resistance, but unless the rot is stopped a jihadi and indirectly pro-Zionist regime will take over.

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 5 2024 16:46 utc | 40

Ukraine & Israel Attempts to Drag Russia and Iran Back into Syria

"Erdogan reignites jihad on Syria, opening second front on Russia and Iran. Discussion with Rachel Blevins."

Posted by: John Gilberts | Dec 5 2024 16:49 utc | 41

41 - Further to my earlier comment, the "rebels" spread over the greater geographical extent of Syria in 2013-14, as was noted by a Turkish TV channel at the time. But major population centres were not simply given up by the government in the way that seems to be happening now. They were fighting for them even if it left much of the cities in ruins.

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 5 2024 16:54 utc | 42

Why is Turkey Cooperating with Israel in Syria?

"Watch the full interview with Kevork Almassian."

Posted by: John Gilberts | Dec 5 2024 17:03 utc | 43

"This is pretty much on Assad. He had at least 5 years to prepare defenses, and didn't. "

Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Dec 5 2024 15:14 utc | 27

This not a board game-this is reality; defenses cost money,

Posted by: canuck | Dec 5 2024 16:12 utc | 34

Moreover, we can blame Assad all we want but IF Syria falls to the West and the Domino effect of that cascades all through the middle east and central Asia and who knows where thereafter the blame is going to fall on Putin and Xi.

The powers who had the resources and capability to turn the world on its axis but decided it wasn't enough of a problem to bother their bottom line.

This is how the old civilizations were colonised by the West.

Divide' Et Impera.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 5 2024 17:07 utc | 44

The next step is Hezbollah is cutoff and consistent with a recent (deleted) article from the Jerusalem Post, Lebanon is substantially annexed to Israel and the existing population either leaves or gets the Gaza Solution.

Posted by: schmoe | Dec 5 2024 15:00 utc | 26

The terrain of Lebanon won't allow that.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 5 2024 17:11 utc | 45

"The terrorist offensive in Syria was facilitated by the Ukrainian government, Moscow has claimed. According to media reports, Ukrainian intelligence offices trained Syrian jihadists in drone warfare techniques, based on experience that Kiev’s forces have accumulated over the past three years while fighting Russia.

Türkiye, which borders militant-controlled Idlib, has objected to military action in the Syrian province. Ankara has argued that hostilities would cause a mass exodus of refugees to flood across the border, which it was not prepared to accept. Instead, a shaky truce was negotiated in 2020."

With reporting such as this from RT it appears Russia is in denial both about the situation and people's awareness of it. Why is RT treating its readers as if they are idiots? EVERYONE knows Turkey is behind this and is facilitating the whole operation. EVERYONE.

Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 17:12 utc | 46

"Given the composition of many western governments which are indifferent to the plight of Palestinians, it can be surmised that the voting class of such countries display likewise, a lamentable ignorance or insouciance."

Posted by: burak | Dec 5 2024 10:41 utc | 8

I think it is fairly well supported by pull data from organizations such as pew. They do not care about other countries or the people in them. This is equally true of Canada where I live. As a rule people in North America don't really care much about politics.

Like any other country we are a plurality. So that is a generalization about a number of demographics. There are also many compassionate and well-educated people here that are politically aware.

Governments are a manifestation of the people in societies that elect them. You indeed get the one you deserve. It's nice to see that you are making deeper observations and leaning towards the right conclusions in my view.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 5 2024 17:17 utc | 47

Sorry, poll data from Pew and other organizations.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 5 2024 17:19 utc | 48

The Turks and the Israelis have a long history of co-operation........its not surprising that they are the masterminds along with the CIA and Mi6 to create a new front in Syria to tie down RF and Iran, and divert forces from Ukraine (complete nonsense by the way, but consider the sources).

The Turks have a long history of genocide against Christians for centuries, so attacking Christian regions in Syria makes complete sense, and of course we know full well how the Israelis treat Christians (they have attacked and destroyed the Church of the Holy Name church, school and community center, and have attacked and destroyed the Cathedral of St. Porpryius church, school and community center, both in Gaza City, and both attacks causing mass civilians casualties among parishioners and non parishioners.............

On Gaza the Turks have been all hot air and no action, as they continue to supply the IDF with fuel oil of all types........

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Dec 5 2024 17:21 utc | 49

"EVERYONE knows Turkey is behind this and is facilitating the whole operation. EVERYONE."

Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 17:12 utc | 46

On an immediate basis this is extremely damaging to Turkey. And it is widely agreed that this could have severe long-term consequences. So why is erdogan doing this now?

I smell a rat. Is it possible that he encouraged this because he knows that within months they will be eradicated and no longer a problem for him moving forward.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 5 2024 17:24 utc | 50

RE: Posted by: Autumn | Dec 5 2024 15:46 utc | 30

“Is this something the official Chinese ministries or military said themselves or some social media commentator/news outlet claimed they said? I highly doubt this is true as this will be a big departure from their official policy of non-intervention.”

“In response to a separate question at the press briefing that whether China has had any contact with the Assad government in response to recent events, Lin said **China is deeply concerned about the situation in northwestern Syria and supports Syria's efforts to maintain national security and stability. **

**As a friendly country to Syria, China is willing to make positive **efforts to prevent the situation in Syria from further deteriorating, Lin said. “

Good nuff for me.

As for Syrian military forces, the fact they have materials and plenty of labor to manufacture weapons, hardly equates to a strong military, guessing a lot of money siphoned off by Oligarchs, and what wasn’t was used to keep the lights on in the Government. Syria by all accounts, is a teetering failed State, like Libya, with vultures circling to pick the bones…

All the Super players, all the ME, want a piece of Syria to line their pockets. None of any of them care about the Syrians, not one.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 5 2024 17:38 utc | 51

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Dec 5 2024 16:43 utc | 39 "Hardly a stunning victory for the CIA/MI6, IDF, Turk alliance.....they are getting hammered by dozens of RF and SAF airstrikes as we speak.....get a grip folks.....this is a Syrian Kursk fire pocket now.........."

Is that sarcasm? "Regime air force seems completely paralyzed today."

On the other hand:

And Jawlani tells Iraq to butt out:

Posted by: Ed4 | Dec 5 2024 17:49 utc | 52


Prediction: Jawlani is dead by Christmas. His OpSec looks terrible. He's gonna get droned.

Second prediction: Iraq is not going to hear his demands.

Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Dec 5 2024 18:01 utc | 53

"...all the ME, want a piece of Syria to line their pockets. None of any of them care about the Syrians, not one."

Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 5 2024 17:38 utc | 51

[Me] "They [in the US] do not care about other countries or the people in them. This is equally true of Canada where I live...

Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 5 2024 17:17 utc | 47

Which shouldn't be surprising. We humans behave like other mammals and it shouldn't be that difficult to model it using that paradigm. And really this is just one aspect or characteristic of the much more complex reality.

In one analysis it is rational, and we see hits of it reflected in the foreign policies of Russia and China. One driven by economics based on non-intervention.

We also have a nurturing highly social side. And despite everything I've said the entire region is uniting to eliminate a genocidal threat in their midst.

People throughout the world, never mind this region, have long memories. Turkey should think carefully about the choices it is making.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 5 2024 18:09 utc | 54

"...all the ME, want a piece of Syria to line their pockets. None of any of them care about the Syrians, not one."

Yes, this appears to be a 2024 version of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

Posted by: schmoe | Dec 5 2024 18:27 utc | 55

Hama has fallen (according to Suriyakmaps) and Homs is next. With this speed it looks like Assad is a goner in Syrian politics and the Salafists will get a chance to rule.

It could end up a big strategic victory for Israel and friends.

Posted by: Poul | Dec 5 2024 18:27 utc | 56

Rubiconned @38 expresses much of my own distress to see Syria go through this again.

The evolution of the situation is so swift as to be disorienting. After True Promise 2 and the flop of Israel's counterattack, with rumors of Russia's involvement in Iran's defense, one had the sense of a #Resistance with the wind in its sails.

But in tandem now with the extension of the genocidal campaign of extermination from Gaza to a Lebanon that should have the full protection of international law and a world "community", perhaps Syria, bloodied from 13 years of sanctions & warfare, perceives that China will never come off the bench militarily or economically (unwilling to weather sanctions); Iran under Peseshkian, having indefinitely postponed True Promise 3, is unwilling to risk its improving position by going to war, if it can be avoided; and Russia--with Israel to the south, Turkey to the north, and the US to the east--lacks the solid logistics it would need to oppose any, much less all, of Syria's 3 tormentors in a large-scale fight, especially not while already fighting NATO.

So maybe Assad has seen that none of his friends is ready to go to war for Syria, and has decided to make a deal with the US & Gulf countries who want to bring their oil & gas to Europe via pipelines. The Assads, who've suffered enough, to serve out their days as sympathetic figureheads, much like the King & Queen of Jordan, but the #Resistance in the Levant is dead. Syria will be no worse off than it is now--and will avoid Beirut's fate (or Libya's).

Or perhaps Russia's already made a deal with Israel & Turkey that allows it to keep its naval port and airbase for a few more years in exchange for taking a dive in Syria.

Posted by: Paul Damascene | Dec 5 2024 18:32 utc | 57

Paul Damascene, Israel could start up again when the ceasefire runs out and Trump is close to been in power. If HTS takes Homs or captures Palmyra there will be no landbased supply line from Iran. Only by sea via Latakia but who knows if they will hold. Remember Afghanistan once the moral breaks things move fast.

Posted by: Poul | Dec 5 2024 18:44 utc | 58

Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Dec 5 2024 18:01 utc | 53 "Second prediction: Iraq is not going to hear his demands."


My prediction: between Assad's forces falling back and falling apart, ISIS is going to rear its head in and around the Syrian desert. Evidently SAA forces there are also withdrawing.

What happens to the Russians/Russian base?

Posted by: Ed4 | Dec 5 2024 18:49 utc | 59

Hard to imagine where Syria is heading. Russia, of course, has its own problems on the home front that it needs to attend. The only thing that can save Syria at this moment is in my opinion Iran that would need to officially send in its military. If not Syria doesn't stand a chance against the NATO orchestrated jihadi onslaught. I also wonder in how far the current Iranian political leadership (after Raisi's assassination) under 'liberal' Pezeshkian is truly dedicated to their Middle Eastern proxies Iran has been nurturing and building up for decades. Pezeshkian is weak and since assuming his presidency things have gone from bad to worse. The noise he makes about broken Western promises and holding off assistance (military response actually) to give peace (in Palestine) a chance only proves his weakness. If Damascus falls the Lebanese resistance falls, the Russian presence in Syria is at stake and will eventually be forced out and Palestine (the enclaves that still exist after decades of Zionazi genocide and extermination policies) will seize to exists within 10 years. This so called meeting tomorrow between Syria, Iraq and Iran for a coordinated military response would have had to been convened when Aleppo was invaded if one wants to belief in its outcome. I see but a lot of reluctance. It's also hard to believe economic hardship will decrease given occupier Turkey already has its own immense economic problems and that in combination with jihadi rule will probably create another wave of refugees that can't head to Lebanon/Turkey/Iraq/Jordan so their only way out will probably be Europe. That's a double whammy by the US empire.

Posted by: xor | Dec 5 2024 18:55 utc | 60

Form what I read on Rybar's Russian telegram page. Things are not going well for the SAA. The Militant Armies are even attacking the Russian Hmeymim Air Base with drones (all shot down).
Latest entry on Rybar:
"The Syrians objectively fail without the help of our (Russian) aviation and our specialists. And in the absence of support, the rollback of the Syrian Arab Army will continue. Especially now, when the militants are cleaning Hama and Homs looms in front of them."

Maybe Yemen could not send 100,000 of their Battle Hardened Warriors to fight for Syria. That would turn the situation around.

Posted by: golddigger | Dec 5 2024 19:04 utc | 61

There seems to be a lot of neocon wishful think going about here.

Of course, Iran and the Sadr faction in Iraq will fade….. just as Taliban, and Russians in Donbas.

When hope becomes strategy….

Posted by: paddy | Dec 5 2024 19:04 utc | 62

Ugh, people here are a little hysterical eh?

The Syrians have been in worse shape before. With rebels on the outskirts of Damascus, in large numbers.

Worth remembering the HTS forces are relatively small. Meaning attrition & overstretch is an issue as is logistics.

Also they can't effectively control the areas they've taken, with garrisons etc.

Still the SAA is quite flabby and ineffectual, but that was true in the original civil war too.

Posted by: Urban Fox | Dec 5 2024 19:08 utc | 63

@21 aristodemos

Gabor Mate certainly appears to be a weathered and fine example of humanity, having the experience of historical trauma that informs his worldview and allows us to see him as "elder." But I am not so sure.

We know the whole good cop/bad cop thing is a legitimate phenomenon for demoralizing and breaking resistance. Similarly, we know good Jews exist and we certainly know who the bad ones are.

But can a uniquely tribal people ever truly espouse a universalist worldview? Certainly Jewish Bolsheviks would say they are universalist, so long as Jews are at the top rung. But that is not universalist...that is just crypto tribalism.

Do you think I am being unfair to Mr. Mate, when I say that I am so sick of their power structure and their death grip on the western mind that it is hard for me to see a Judean in any other light other than as my enemy. Especially a Jew that commands such a growing following built on external (performative) interviews in mass media (controlled by you-know-who).

No, I think it is perfectly reasonable to have a healthy skepticism of the tribalism that will never go away and informs all of their shenanigans.

I am trying to be fair. I am trying to see how yet more powerful Jews could tame the others' efforts to dominate the world.

But perhaps we are just talking past each other. But, for a true break to occur amongst their ranks, a separation of the wheat from the chafe, wouldn't this perhaps mean that Mr. Mate and those like him would have to accept the universalism that Christ offered?

I think it must be this way. Either that or relegate them back to the Pale of Settlement, where we can be done with their sexualization of culture, their usury, and the enabling of drunkenness amongst the gentiles that begot the Settlement to begin with.

I am reminded of the scene in The Battle of Algiers where they stone and kill the drunk because the resistors must be strong and cruel and set the difficult example. But violence makes me weak in the knees. Because I know our teacher warned of it and told us to work in spirit instead.

Oh, God. Such trouble do I see on the horizon.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Dec 5 2024 19:21 utc | 64

64 - True, but it is also likely it would have fallen back then without significant Russian and Iranian support. As I indicated in an earlier post, by 2013 the "rebels" of various factions had spread over a large part of the country.

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 5 2024 19:22 utc | 65

The furious response to Amnesty’s declaration of genocide in Gaza relies on well-recycled talking points centered on an alleged ratio of civilian to “militant” casualties which, it is argued, is at “normal” war-time levels. A year ago, just days after the October 7 events, Israel was already invoking Dresden and Hiroshima as examples of high civilian casualty rates incurred during supposedly militarily necessary operations. That is, these talking points had already been worked out in advance (and are not coherent).

The seamless transition from Lebanon to Syria reveals the broader strategic goals of diminishing the Resistance to an ineffective rump force in service to the much-discussed “new Middle East” designed to isolate Iran, prevent Belt and Road from reaching Mediterranean, and the establishment of energy corridors through “Greater Israel” in context of regional “normalization” and subservience to US/Israel. This is one part of the contours of the next World War, very apparent now, and which the Trump administration will inherit and prosecute.

In this context, the genocidal operations directed at Palestine will eventually become a “bygone”, although current reactive measures by Amnesty, the ICC and ICJ, and the United Nations will remain something more than an annoyance until the strategic victory is secured. The stakes are “all or nothing”, which makes outside (i.e. China) intervention on the military level unlikely. This is not to say such strategic vision will ultimately be successful, and one should hope it is not given the craven willingness to inflict extreme violence.

Posted by: jayc | Dec 5 2024 19:24 utc | 66


Posted by: The Kaker | Dec 5 2024 18:54 utc | 60

Scott Ritter lived in the Soviet Union and was one of the inspectors that helped formulate and ratify the INF treaty you moron. He even wrote a book about it:

His wife is Georgian, which means she grew up in the Soviet Union. He was a regular columnist and guest on RT for years until his Gov't made it impossible for him to receive funds for his services to them. So i hope he's taking all the pension and health coverage he's entitled to as a veteran and then some. Personal flaws aside, he served his country and the UN with admirable courage and integrity under extremely difficult circumstances.

If he 'didnt talk about Russia' 10 years ago, it's more likely because you weren't listening and because they weren't at war with his country the USA.

Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 19:35 utc | 67

I disagree. Syria is fortunate to have any walls still standing, let alone a pittance remnant of an army. It takes money to have a strong vibrant expansive military, and they’ve been economically crushed over 10 years with no SA or other nations assisting with their rebuilding.

Russia will not “save” them. China will. They’ve made their statement and it will get done. Russia frankly is working its own angles with Turkey and guessing conflict will either end up with lots and lots of dead bodies, or will freeze again.

Syria is the most hard hit, worst possible land mass for conflict, sprinkled every which way with every sort of groupings, all looking to destroy it or chip off territory. China will save the economy, but the rest is pretty uncertain.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 5 2024 14:23 utc | 25

RE: Posted by: Autumn | Dec 5 2024 15:46 utc | 30

“Is this something the official Chinese ministries or military said themselves or some social media commentator/news outlet claimed they said? I highly doubt this is true as this will be a big departure from their official policy of non-intervention.”

“In response to a separate question at the press briefing that whether China has had any contact with the Assad government in response to recent events, Lin said **China is deeply concerned about the situation in northwestern Syria and supports Syria's efforts to maintain national security and stability. **

**As a friendly country to Syria, China is willing to make positive **efforts to prevent the situation in Syria from further deteriorating, Lin said. “

Good nuff for me.

As for Syrian military forces, the fact they have materials and plenty of labor to manufacture weapons, hardly equates to a strong military, guessing a lot of money siphoned off by Oligarchs, and what wasn’t was used to keep the lights on in the Government. Syria by all accounts, is a teetering failed State, like Libya, with vultures circling to pick the bones…

All the Super players, all the ME, want a piece of Syria to line their pockets. None of any of them care about the Syrians, not one.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 5 2024 17:38 utc | 51

Bit of a reach to say a vague statement to provide aid to Syria is a pledge to save the country.

I don't know where you're getting all this oligarch talk from, but the fact that Syria has been able to provide all those weapons to Palestine and Lebanon all those years is proof that they have a functioning and effective military production base. It's threatening enough for Israel to want to bomb them, and its threatening enough that the US is mobilising its proxies to try and destroy them.

Rest of the stuff equating the axis of resistance to US vultures and saying all the help Hezbollah, Iran and Russia provided to Syria was to "line their pockets" is just nonsensical.

Posted by: Autumn | Dec 5 2024 19:38 utc | 68

Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 5 2024 17:17 utc | 47

"They do not care about other countries or the people in them. This is equally true of Canada where I live. As a rule people in North America don't really care much about politics."

Same here in Turkey.

"It's nice to see that you are making deeper observations and leaning towards the right conclusions in my view."

Guess you're not specifically addressing me! They're not news for me.

As for Erdoğan/Turkey regarding Syria, these were his words:

"We're [he's] one of the co-presidents of The Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiative…"

Erdoğan (the islamists) and his partner (the nationalist-islamists) have historically been the partner of US/NATO and the core of the Turkish state (euphemistically called the deep state). In other words, they represent the state ideology: The Turk-Islam synthesis. During the last 10-20 years this has evolved into the Islam-Turk synthesis.

These evil, rabid rats together with their voter base and "blackshirts", after turning Turkey to complete hell hole, have now been butchering Syria. Some of them, especially in the lower echelons believe in the idiotic and evil Great Turan, Pan-Turkism, Neo-Ottomanism, etc., but higher up there must have been some not so idiot actors who know it's a trap by the West yet continue to play along. These are the real deep state actors, managed directly by the US.

By the way, the opposition party, erroneously called the left, is also Atlanticist!

Posted by: burak | Dec 5 2024 19:42 utc | 69

Posted by: John Gilberts | Dec 5 2024 17:03 utc | 43


Kevork Almassian has become the go-to journalist on Syrian matters. He's of Armenian descent, was born in Syria, and understands the situation realistically.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 5 2024 19:53 utc | 70

Ugh, people here are a little hysterical eh?

Posted by: Urban Fox | Dec 5 2024 19:08 utc | 64


The comment sections can be difficult to read at times.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 5 2024 19:55 utc | 71

Friends, this is what a NAFO troll account looks like.

Posted by: The Kaker | Dec 5 2024 18:54 utc | 60

Undermining sources with personal slander.

These troll accounts return regularly under new names and share the trait of being unable to control their anger for very long.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 5 2024 20:02 utc | 72

It is clear the target of the isreali-turkish-western backed head choppers in Syria is to cut the land line of supply between Iran and Lebanon through Syria to Hezbollah, and may be in the future to attack Lebanon or support sunni islamists parties in Lebanon to crush Hezbollah, and of course the rest of the shia, may be in conjuction with the falangists and other criminals mad dogs.

This is the second front Erdogan has opened against Hezbollah and Iran following the orders from Washington DC, or in fact from Tel Aviv, so the child-murderers can "finish the job" in Gaza and West Bank without problems from the North or from Iran.

Erdogan, as the rest of the sunni governments in the region, are puppets of the child-murderers and are all helping the genocidal regime in Occupied Palestine to exterminate the Palestinians in Gaza.

With "friends" (of Palestine) like those you do not need enemies.

Posted by: Dave | Dec 5 2024 20:10 utc | 73

"Guess you're not specifically addressing me! They're not news for me."

Posted by: burak | Dec 5 2024 19:42 utc | 70

Yes I was more commenting on the somewhat tentative wording of your very true comment and not on your overall views or history. Thanks.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 5 2024 20:14 utc | 74

I'm wondering if some of the knowledgeable people here could answer a question for me.

How large is Isis and related groups as a demographic in Turkey?

I really have a few questions. How large is their forces in total? I have a good idea of the size of the Turkish Army for example but not them.

My current understanding is that they could total 20,000 in Syria. Also more are flooding in. Is this wrong?

Thanks to everyone for all this information it is really helpful.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 5 2024 20:21 utc | 75

74 - Yes, Ayip Tayyip has certainly shown his hand.

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 5 2024 20:21 utc | 76

Posted by: Urban Fox | Dec 5 2024 19:08 utc | 64

Ugh, people here are a little hysterical eh?

The Syrians have been in worse shape before. With rebels on the outskirts of Damascus, in large numbers...

And in ten years the Syrians lost nearly half their country, much of their energy production, water assets, arable land... Their economy devastated by physical destruction and crushing sanctions. Nato bases and training camps in plain sight. Constant attacks from all over...

What do you suppose they will be left when this round is settles down?

Posted by: robin | Dec 5 2024 20:25 utc | 77

Oh no! SPACE JEWS!!!

Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 5 2024 20:25 utc | 78

Muqtada Al Sadr does not want any shia Iraqi militia to fight in Syria, but if the salafist head choppers win in Syria the shia in Irak will feel the pain when ISIS return in full force armed by Israel +Turkey + USA and attack them deep inside Irak killing many thousands as in the past, because they want to reverse the Iranian influence in Irak and cut the ties and the land line with Lebanon and isolate Iran, and may be make again Irak a safe haven for the terrorists to attack Iran in masse.

All of this is to help the regime in Occupied Palestine to crush the Axis of Resistance and at the end Iran, or to promote a "regime change" in Iran to another zionist-friendly, using all the money and means of the USA and the arabs satraps, and the `salafist as a proxy army armed and trained by Turkey.

Good lule Muqtada, you will need in the future

Posted by: Dave | Dec 5 2024 20:26 utc | 79

Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 5 2024 20:21 utc | 76

I dont think there is any visible presence of ISIS in Turkey, because when a member of ISIS is in Turkey they take off their black battle garb, put on a pair of jeans, a tea shirt and tennis shoes and are out at the local cafes. But if you are in the area bordering Syria, people might know of a restaurant in which ISIS members frequent, but you would never know and they would never bother you, even if you are clearly an American speaking English with your MAGA hat on. You can even just put on an Italian suit and become the President of Turkey.

Posted by: Turk 152 | Dec 5 2024 20:30 utc | 80

81 - A few were arrested in summer 2015, probably for show, but the main target was the PKK.

Posted by: Waldorf | Dec 5 2024 20:35 utc | 81

RE: “Rest of the stuff equating the axis of resistance to US vultures and saying all the help Hezbollah, Iran and Russia provided to Syria was to "line their pockets" is just nonsensical.”

Posted by: Autumn | Dec 5 2024 19:38 utc | 69

Think what you want, but no one is “helping” the Palestinians, Lebanese or Syrian people decolonize, it’s a tug-o-war between great powers for geography, resources, and obedience.

Exhibit “A”:
“"Let's pray together for the release of the hostages. This is the key to everything. Intense negotiations are underway and they can affect the entire region," the presidential office quoted Herzog as saying.

In his view, resolving the situation in the Palestinian enclave could open the door to renewed negotiations on normalizing Israel's relations with Saudi Arabia. "Perhaps we will see a diplomatic process with Saudi Arabia in the future, which, in my opinion, could transform the entire dialogue between the descendants of Abraham," the president stated”

Exhibit B:
5 DEC, 12:06
Hamas approves proposal to set up committee to run Gaza

“In late November, Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdel Aaty detailed the principles for the establishment and functioning of the committee. According to the official, it would** include 10-15 natives of the Palestinian enclave who do not belong to any faction. **Members of the committee, as proposed by Cairo, would deal with the enclave's immediate needs, such as the delivery and distribution of humanitarian aid, but only for a transitional period. ***Afterward, Gaza would have to return under the control of the Palestinian National Authority, which is headquartered in the West Bank.***

"The unity of the Palestinian territories in Gaza and the West Bank is extremely important, as only together they form the State of Palestine," Abdel Aaty said.

According to the minister, PNA is "the only legitimate political force capable of governing the future Palestine".

Exhibit c:
On December 2, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan announced plans to **revive the Astana Format**and hold a ministerial meeting between Turkey, Russia and Iran as soon as possible
VALLETTA /Republic of Malta/, December 5. /TASS/. Russia is talking to Turkey and Iran about holding an Astana Format ministerial meeting on Syria this week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday.

"We are negotiating with our Turkish and Iranian partners on the organization of a ministerial meeting this week," Lavrov said at a news conference in response to a question about whether an Astana format meeting could be held given the developments in Syria’s Aleppo.

On December 2, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan announced plans to revive the Astana Format and hold a ministerial meeting between Turkey, Russia and Iran as soon as possible to talk about settling the situation in Syria. He also said that he had discussed this issue directly with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov”..

You think Syrians want a go again at a frozen conflict for another decade?

Exhibit D:

Iran FM urges diplomatic efforts by key regional players to counter ‘serious’ threat of terrorism
Thursday, 05 December 2024 6:21 AM [ Last Update: Thursday, 05 December 2024 6:21 AM ]
News / Politics
Iran FM urges diplomatic efforts by key regional players to counter ‘serious’ threat of terrorism
Thursday, 05 December 2024 6:21 AM [ Last Update: Thursday, 05 December 2024 6:21 AM ]

The combo photo shows Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi (R) and his Egyptian counterpart Badr Abdelatty.
Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi has warned that the resurgence of terrorism in Syria and its spread in the region will pose a serious threat to peace, stability and security in the region, urging efforts by key regional players to counter the threat.

In a phone conversation with his Egyptian counterpart, Badr Abdelatty, on Wednesday, Araghchi said it is imperative to counter the serious threat of terrorism ***through diplomatic efforts and consultations** among influential regional players.

Foreign-backed terrorists led by the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) Takfiri group launched a large-scale attack in Aleppo and Idlib provinces in the northwest of Syria on November 27, seizing several areas.

Seem like tanks rolling to protect Syrians on the ground to you?
Some air campaigns? Did they work against Hezbollah? Or Gaza? How’s that going to keep on the ground Syrians safe?

The “new Middle East” is shaping up to look a lot like the “Old Middle East” with Palestinians, Lebanese & Syrian continuity of being under the boot of one or the other power. And yes, it’s oil, ports, money & geographical positioning.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 5 2024 20:38 utc | 82

Syria will remain. It has very seasoned and motivated military elements in the long war that has been imposed on the country, and the experience of previous terrorist invasions will not be wasted.

On the other hand, contrary to what many try to establish about the Assad government not having popular support, the situation is exactly the opposite, and the fact of maintaining their nation in the midst of so many enemies and campaigns, planned destruction, sadism and cruelty is a victory in itself, and it will continue to be so.

The fact of the renewed and old strategies of the Western hegemony of using terrorist elements on a large scale, does not imply that as a response the Syrians will raze their own country and fight on the tables of families while they are eating, they are regular forces, they have rules and objectives, coherent commands, motivations and ways of acting that prevent them from acting like drugged and deranged zombies.

That seems like a disadvantage, but the fight does not last a day, conviction and morality, principles, define the battlefield much more than the bloodlust of a heterogeneous breeding ground of human beings without any restraint, manufactured in laboratories of hatred off the stage.

Of course, all those who can contribute to prevent its destruction will do so and are doing so! One day Syria will be completely recovered and rehabilitated, despite the immense machinery and monumental investments that have been made and put in place to destroy it, leave it without resources, and subdue it (in that order)

Those who should really be worried are the financiers of this new disaster... Why? Because when a terrorist gets bored, or frustrated, he kills. And that is what they are going to do in all the capitals of Europe when they are expelled without benefits from the territory that they now intend to dispute...

That is my point of view from the eye of the storm.

Posted by: Santi | Dec 5 2024 20:50 utc | 83

Paddy @ 63 nailed it.

This reminds me of the media victories of Ukraine.

Interesting Martyanov's name is invoke but not any of the Western military "experts" who have been wrong in every single one of their analysis.

Best trained, equipped and Immoral diaper army in the world got the arses whipped by Hezb'Allah on the ground.

What bit of not holding territories have some of the posters not get through their thick skull after 2 years of SMO schooling?

Then, Russia and Iran have always focused on diplomacy, now they have learned lessons too. Plus UAE is providing financial assistance and the Arab League is on side.

Russian forces have standing orders not to engage Turkish, US or IOF assets. This could soon change.

Anyway, the Takfiris have now left the protective cover offered by those assets and are out in the open.

Kursk 2.0 for you slow learners.

Posted by: Suresh | Dec 5 2024 20:58 utc | 84

There is something that would explain all the strange things happening during the last month.

That would be that something very big is about to happen, and soon enough (weeks? Another month? Two at an extreme?) to make all of this (time which represents a lot of death and suffering) relatively "irrelevant".


(Maybe the cart before the horse, maybe self-fulfilling, maybe "wishful", maybe plain wrong).

Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Dec 5 2024 21:08 utc | 85

The Turkish deep state has been committed to recovering its Empire for 100 years. That's an easy sell to Turks living in the Turkic East through Nationalism.

By contrast Dictator Assad brutally opposed , imprisoned and tortured his Sunni population for USUKIS until he was saved from himself by Putin, who wanted access to the Mediterranean. In other words Assad is reaping his own family stupidity by their former loyalty to French, British and USUKIS colonialists.

Assad doesn't represent his Sunni population and they wanted him gone long ago. I want him gone as well. Why would Russia save a leader who doesn't represent his own people except because Russia doesn't particularly like Sunni Muslims either. If it did, Russia. would gave replaced Assad with a Sunni leader who could have rallied behind a Sunni leader.

The reality of the matter was described by our prophet SAW, that all the nations
outside of Islam are in one side of the war against Islam, even though they are totally disparate in ethnicity and religion, and all of the Muslims are on the other side.

Turkey has shown on which side it belongs. Political Islam has shown on which side it belongs. Saudi Arabia and the Gulfies gave shown on which side they belong. Turkey therefore has no more claim to the Caliphate, even if it later shared a border with Greater Israel somewhere in Syria.

People have short memories. As soon as Islamic State had accomplished it's purpose of securing Iraqi, Kurdish Oil from Mosul, Islamic State was destroyed.
As soon as Turks have secured Syria for Turkey, the Turks will be destroyed.

Still Erdy and his deep state can't make up their tiny minds whether they want to be Slaves of Allah or slaves of Israel.
Decisions decisions , decisions.
Shall we trust in the perfecters of Nazi Genocide, or in the Creator of the Universe and Master of the Day of Judgement?

Posted by: Giyane | Dec 5 2024 21:34 utc | 86

Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 9:10 utc | 1

You vcan always trust the propagandists and true believers to crow about events that reinforce their beliefs.

To which one might offer the rejoinder, 'don't count your rent-a-terrorists before they're smashed. With your confident tone you sound like the NATO peacocks. Birds of a feather, I suppose?

I doubt very very much this hodgepodge of disunited ragtags with the aspects of common bandits are going to hold anything once the remaining aspects of surprise are no longer a force multiplyer.

This attack is a sign of desperation by the masters of the universe. Like the little-coup-that-couldn't.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Dec 5 2024 21:36 utc | 87

@Posted by: David G Horsman | Dec 5 2024 20:25 utc | 79

Funny stuff.

Posted by: librul | Dec 5 2024 21:37 utc | 88

Posted by: Giyane | Dec 5 2024 21:34 utc | 87

If only you could stop posting your repetitive nonsense about the various abrahamic death cults - I include in this generous term all variations of Jewish religion, including Islam and Christianity, as I value inclusivity - maybe you could elaborate on why you want the Takfiri terrorists to win. I'm sure you can offer up some murky, pseudoreligious thinking.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Dec 5 2024 21:41 utc | 89
Hannibal Khoury @The_Cyrenian

We SYRIAN CHRISTIANS had our families massacred, our churches burnt down, our women r*ped, our Nuns kidnapped, and our Priests beheaded, by #Turkey and #Israel's terrorists!

Shame on all those calling these terrorist scum "freedom fighters" and rebels".
Syrian Girl 🇸🇾 @Partisangirl

BREAKING🚨 AlQaeda kidnapped civilians in Aleppo, promising to cut off their heads as they interrogate them about their religion and the city they are from to find out if they're a minority.

The @Telegraph & @AZelin called these terrorists "Diversity friendly" revolutionaries".
MenchOsint @MenchOsint

⚡️ Hezbollah leader Sheikh Naim Qassem:

"Has the time not come for the Arab and Muslim nations to rise yet ? Be sure that any gain for Israel is a loss for you, and not for Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria."

Posted by: michaelj72 | Dec 5 2024 21:45 utc | 90


Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Dec 5 2024 21:36 utc | 88

doc. please enlighten us all on the wisdom of the "lose in days what took you years to conquer so you can spend the next years trying to take it back" strategy.

I wish Syria, Iran and Russia the best success in defeating these scumbags by the way.

But even if they manage to take it back even in weeks, which at stage looks incredibly unlikely, it is a massive f#ckup and setback. Anyone who can't see it or admit to it, regardless who they support, is not living in reality. HTS made deals and prioritized seizing territory and avoided direct engagement with SAA wherever they could. Do you think they will be as merciful with the local population once they are under siege? Aleppo is already reporting food shortages.

Posted by: Rubiconned | Dec 5 2024 21:53 utc | 91

Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 5 2024 20:38 utc | 83

Trubind1, we've already been through the Syrian war. Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia all had a common interest in defending Syria, and so defend them they did. Syria itself was thankful for their efforts and expressed it as much. Far from no one helping them, they were already successful in helping each other.

Your problem is equating efforts to defend Syria with those hoping to exploit them. I'm also not sure what to make of your comments on the various articles you've posted. It seems like you want foreign powers to intervene but are complaining when they do?

Posted by: Autumn | Dec 5 2024 21:59 utc | 92

Doctored 88

Clearly a red haze covers your eyes when reading about Abrahamic faith.
By what srange stretch of speculation did you twist my words into meaning that I support Erdoğan headchoppers?
Have a lie down.

Posted by: Giyane | Dec 5 2024 22:05 utc | 93

The way the head-choppers advance in Syriais is the perfect place to the Russian and Syrian air forces to Dessert-Storm them like in the Highway of Death, long rows of slowly marching vehicles packed together in the open daylight without any air defense at all...

The Russian and Syrian air force must be minuscule and/or their Close Air Support (CAS) capabilties must be very small, some A-10 and some Apache should stop dry the advance columns and destroy scores of trucks, APAC and people inside...The Russians choppers are famous for their land attack capabilities (for example in Aghanistan), but it seems they are absents in this head-chopper offensive.

In the Six Days war the IDF napalmed the Egyptian and Syrian armored columns and force to retreat many of them, but now, with much powerful warplanes and a less sofisticated adversary the allied air force cannot even decrease the speed of advance of the head-choppers unprotected columns.

I don't understand what is happening, may be this a big surprise for the Russians and they have remove the major part of their former air wings in Syria, because they should hit much harder if they have the capabilities of 2015 - 2016

I think the Iranians will have to step-in to turn the tide and avoid a desaster for the Axis of Resistance.

Posted by: Dave | Dec 5 2024 22:08 utc | 94

I agree with you, there is something not quite right here, the fighting for Aleppo went on for years and those head choppers take it back in two days now it's reported they are in Hama like you say they should be annihilated on the highway, as for Iran those troops shouldalready be there or on the way, i hope they don't leave it too ate.

Posted by: Englishman | Dec 5 2024 22:18 utc | 95

Horrible news all around. Once Syria falls to "ISIS" and it will, Israel will have free reign to crush Lebanon and what's left of Palestine. Greater Israel here we come. The "Axis of Resistance" should hang their heads in shame. And the Sunni Gulf states can go phuck themselves.

Posted by: bored | Dec 5 2024 22:26 utc | 96


Don't you think you are missing the plot with not writing a post about what's happening in Syria?

Posted by: Sentience | Dec 5 2024 22:29 utc | 97

I've noticed an interesting issue with Hama today. Most of the Western and even Russian media I'm seeing have headlines like "Hama has fallen" because the Syrian military says it's retreating. But, after looking through statements by the Syrian military itself, instead of retreating, they say they are redeploying outside the city to fight away from the civilians - - take a look.

Then there's this quote from the Syrian Defense Minister from almayadeen:
Our battlefield situation is good, and our armed forces have redeployed in order to preserve lives.
After our forces redeployed outside Hama, terror organizations used the media to misportray it.
These organizations may resort to publishing false or forged statements in the name of the Army or Armed Forces or publish forged voice recordings or video footage.
What took place in Hama today was purely a temporary tactical procedure, our forces are still in the vicinity.
We call on our people to remain patient and resilient, and to trust that we will not take lightly the restoration of security to areas occupied by these terrorists.

What do you think barflys?

Posted by: Autumn | Dec 5 2024 22:38 utc | 98

It's funny how the doom posters here, are bigging up HTS. As though they're going to sweep to power and declare a caliphate.

Given the track record, they'll more likely end up like their bros from ISIS. Vis-a-vis Iraq, spectacular early "success". Setting up for overreach & long-term failure.

Worth remembering these Ali G Hadis around ten years ago, got to the suburbs of Baghdad. Everyone was dooming about that, back then.

Then they got utterly destroyed...

Posted by: Urban Fox | Dec 5 2024 22:39 utc | 99

This rather large invasion of Syria and Russian, Syrian, Iranian and Hezbollah spies never saw it coming? Seems reminiscent of the Hamas attack, no one saw that either. Putin even spoke with Erdogan days before the invasion. Now stories emerge that Syria was warned something was brewing and did nothing. Seems more going on than meets the eye, that much incompetence is hard to believe.

Posted by: Organic | Dec 5 2024 22:47 utc | 100

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