Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
December 21, 2024

Insane Anti-Muslim Jihadist Terrorizes Christmas Market

Yesterday Elon Musk lauded the German right wing (but in my opinion not radical) AfD party as the only one "that can save Germany".

A few hours later a Saudi man, living in Germany, drove a car into a crowd attending a Christmas market in Magdeburg:

Germans on Saturday mourned both the victims and their shaken sense of security after a Saudi doctor intentionally drove into a Christmas market teeming with holiday shoppers, killing at least five people, including a small child, and wounding at least 200 others.

Authorities arrested a 50-year-old man at the site of the attack in Magdeburg on Friday evening and took him into custody for questioning. He has lived in Germany since 2006, practicing medicine in Bernburg, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) south of Magdeburg. officials said.

The state governor, Reiner Haseloff, told reporters that the death toll rose to five from a previous figure of two and that more than 200 people in total were injured.

Before details were known followers of the AfD and other famous anti-immigration politicians, jumped onto the case with tirades against Muslims and immigrants.

Unfortunately for them the facts of the case were not in their favor.

The culprit is neither an Islamist, nor an illegal immigrant or asylum seeker. He in fact is a supporter of the AfD's and Elon Musk's opinions.

Dr. Taleb Al Abdulmohsen, a Saudi citizen of Shia heritage, had come to Germany eighteen years ago to learn his medical specialty, psychiatry. He had stayed in Germany and worked at a local mental hospital.

Over time he had disavowed Islam. A few years ago he had launched a web forum,, which helped people from Islamic countries, who were allegedly endangered for repudiating their faith, to find asylum:

Describing himself as a former Muslim, the suspect shared dozens of tweets and retweets daily focusing on anti-Islam themes, criticizing the religion and congratulating Muslims who left the faith.

He also accused German authorities of failing to do enough to combat what he said was the “Islamism of Europe.” Some described him as an activist who helped Saudi women flee their homeland. He has also voiced support for the far-right and anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

The man was well know. The BBC as well as the German broadsheet FAZ had interviewed him.

In a very long Twitter thread, written in Arabic on August 20 2024 and pinned to his account, Talib Al Abdulmohsen describes his years-long fight with other atheist activists in Germany who were also trying to arrange refuge for Saudi asylum seekers.

He alleged that some of them were actively preying on female Saudi asylum seekers who were living with them. He went to the police and filed complains with several prosecutors to get the German state to act against those he accused.

He however did not present evidence to support his claims. Asked by the police the female Saudi asylum seekers rejected to file claims.

A civil suit for defamation launched by the other activists against him was successful.

Some three years ago Taleb Al Abdulmohsen began to show signs of persecution mania. He claimed that letters from a prosecutor had vanished from his mail box. Two lawyers he had hired soon rejected to work on his cases. He started to accuse the German and Saudi government of working against him.

In mid 2023 there were first signs and warnings that he might go berserk.

He again and again filed his 'evidence' against other atheist activists to which the prosecution did not react with the urgency he had thought was required. (machine translation):

Do you know where the biggest contradiction is? If a Saudi citizen blows up a German embassy or randomly slaughters German citizens, they call him a terrorist. But when a Saudi citizen uses all peaceful means to protect himself and Saudi citizens, you find the police and the prosecution trampling on the law as if there is no law in the first place!

His outrage got ever stranger (machine translation):

This is a picture of a letter written by the Public Prosecutor the next day, in which he says, “Yesterday they brought me the file because the whistleblower (Talib Al-Abdul Mohsen) is at the service center.” Then he briefly recounts what happened between me and him, and then asks the police to investigate the matter through the file and even through social media.

But the police refused to investigate the matter!!!

After that, the prosecutor suspended the investigation again!!

What is this farce?!

If they act like this, why is it that when a Saudi citizen blows up a German embassy or randomly slaughters German citizens, they call him a terrorist??? What is the alternative to bombing and slaughtering when seeking justice in Germany? Where is the peaceful alternative?

I need to know the peaceful alternative, please tell me about it.

Taleb Al Abdulmohsen could not grasp that he simply had no legal case to make. His mind wandered off into conspiracy theories:

British Pakistani Index @PakistaniIndex - 22:29 UTC · Dec 21, 2024

(2/2) ⬆️ A video interview featuring Dr. Taleb Al Abdulmohsen, the suspect in the Magdeburg Christmas market attack, has surfaced, sparking further questions about his motives.

In the 45-minute video, published eight days before the attack on the US-based Islamophobic blog RAIR Foundation, founded by Amy Mek, Dr. Taleb claimed that the German government was conducting a "covert secret operation" to "hunt down Saudi ex-Muslims and destroy their lives" globally. He also alleged that Syrian jihadists were being granted asylum in Germany.

The not so peaceful alternative Taleb Al Abdulmohsen found for himself was to imitate ISIS Jihadis and to drive a car into a crowd at a Christmas market .

His rants, filings and acts do not support the anti-Islam, anti-immigrant claims Elon Musk, the AfD and other such types have made.

Talib Al-Abdul Mohsen has in fact long supported them:

Taleb Al Abdulmohsen @DrTalebJawad - 13:40 UTC · Jun 18, 2016

Ich und AfD bekämpfen den gleichen Feind um Deutschland zu schützen.
I and AfD are fighting the same enemy to protect Germany.

The anti-Muslim, pro Israel 'activist' committed a terrorist act in Europe because, he alleged, the 'left' wants to 'destroy Europe with Islam'.

There are of course a lot of political points one could make about this case.

But to me this simply looks like a sad story of someone who's mind got seriously dislocated when he moved from the strictures of his own society into a more liberal one he was unable to really understand.

Posted by b on December 21, 2024 at 16:16 UTC | Permalink

next page »

A lot of Euro nationalist types will claim that this only reinforces the notion of identity over ideology. It's all terribly sad, but Germany can expect this to get much worse as their economy implodes.

Posted by: They Call Me Mister | Dec 21 2024 16:27 utc | 1

"But to me this simply looks like a sad story of someone who's mind got seriously dislocated when he moved from the strictures of his own society into a more liberal one he was unable to really understand."
Which, in itself, is kind of an argument against immigration and for people to stay inside their societies and learn to deal with them from inside, I'd say. Would he have stayed in Saudi Arabia, he might have gone berserk as well, but might have chosen local salafi nutjobs to target, instead of random civilians abroad.
Of course, this also points to major failings in our societies when it comes to dealing with mentally unbalanced people.

Posted by: Clueless Joe | Dec 21 2024 16:33 utc | 2

His rants, filings and acts do not support the anti-Islam, anti-immigrant claims Elon Musk, the AfD and other such types have made.

But to me this simply looks like a sad story of someone who's mind got seriously dislocated when he moved from the strictures of his own society into a more liberal one he was unable to really understand.

lol, you wrote both

Posted by: David G | Dec 21 2024 16:35 utc | 3

I'm not sure if this has anything "cultural" going on. More an obsessive paranoid personality who predictably ended up believing everyone was out to get him.

Posted by: Martin | Dec 21 2024 16:36 utc | 4


Posted by: annie | Dec 21 2024 16:40 utc | 5

An insane einzelgänger with a confused political mindset, yes, it certainly looks like that.

But I have to toss in a thought based on my firm conviction that most of Islamistic terror attacks in the last 25 year were false flag operations (including Berlin 2016) with one or more intelligence services instigating them or even arranging the attacks themselves (the old LIHOP vs. MIHOP problem).

So I would not discard the possibility that the insane mindset of this man was exploited by foreign intelligence services to destabilize Germany even further than it is destabilizing itself already. Just a thought, but I'm very suspicious.

And it was certainly not the Russians, it's not their style.

Posted by: mk | Dec 21 2024 16:42 utc | 6

Is it possible that this guy was under some form of mind-control such as psychotronic weaponry? Are there other practitioners of this usually satellite based methodology outside of some of the more nefarious elements within the infrastructure of the govmint of the U$$A? Seems like something they would have shared with Perfidious Albion. Could be I have not learned of other European states which do have the satellite capacity.

In addition to psychotronic weaponry there are the tried and true methods of bribery and blackmail (a specialite' de Maison for the Mossad). Governmental manipulation of designated "actors" is a growing phenomenon employed as assets for the narrative.

What proportion of these bad actors are actually committing these acts totally on their own?

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 16:46 utc | 7

Sure, maybe he was anti-Muslim. But can we agree that he wasn't quite anti-Muslim enough to attack a gathering of Muslims - but was anti-CHRISTIAN enough to attack a Christmas Market as a SYMBOL of Christians, even though he had no idea whether he was murdering just Christians. I mean, he must have suspoected that there would be AfD supporters at the market too, right? Why would he try to murder ppl who supported HIS party? Does that make sense?

Posted by: DAVID JACK SMITH | Dec 21 2024 16:50 utc | 8

In my opinion this incident seems to be a classic CIA psyop with the goal to ban the Afd party as well as stiffen Stupid Scholz's against Russia cause maybe there could be a few more 'cars gone 'mad' in Germany's farmer's market if Stupid Scholz doesn't comply with the Empire's wishes.....

Posted by: canuck | Dec 21 2024 16:54 utc | 9

very sad... this guy by all accounts is insane.. the result is very unfortunate..

Posted by: james | Dec 21 2024 16:55 utc | 10


Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 21 2024 16:55 utc | 11

I don't have time , nor an interest, in a speculative psychoanalysis of this criminal. Collective punishment is always wrong. Random violence is an abomination.

Posted by: Robert Hope | Dec 21 2024 16:56 utc | 12

Thanks b. for a remarkably balanced piece of journalism. It raises so many questions about the nature of Saudi Islam, the nature of German politics.

Is a person who rejects Saudi tyranny afainst its Shi'a minority actually rejecting Islam at all? The Saudis have had Shi'a women travelling by car on their own gang-raped in prison.

Is German politics, seen in the light of Germany's role in the Syrian War, operating the Jihadists from a base Adana in Turkey, now almost NeoNazi?
Germany the home of Lutherism which protested the power of the Pope, may have never resolved its own
Sectarian tectonic plates.

If Musk wasn't a gay Jew billionaire would anybody be interested in his opinions? He's entitled to think what he likes, but is his spin on life helpful to a Germany in political and moral crisis?

It sounds like Canada. Half the asylum seekers are victims of modern ZioNazism and the other half are ZioNazis seeking asylum from Liberal countries in hope of creating a friendly , ZioNazi space.

Posted by: Giyane | Dec 21 2024 16:58 utc | 13

Here is a man from exactly the personal background that the AfD militates against, allegedly perpetrating (one of) exactly the sorts of outrage associated with that background – the only distinction being that in his mind he may have been doing it, like, ironically, I guess? Like the darkest “Seinfeld” episode ever?

Everyone can interpret this event however they see it, but it’s not the pwn of the AfD this blog post is attempting to present it as.

Posted by: David G | Dec 21 2024 17:05 utc | 14

If he was just insane, that still doesn't explain why he would target innocent civilians and not e.g. state institutions. Timing, location, recurring method all seems too constructed to be just a simple case of a lone nut gone nuts.

Posted by: v | Dec 21 2024 17:06 utc | 15


It's a twist that is incredibly convenient for the current failing progressive government in Germany as they face a severe political backlash for their open border immigration policies and a rising tide of populism. The primary suspect in the Christmas Market terror attacks in Magdeburg, a doctor and refugee from Saudi Arabia, is allegedly also a supporter of the right-wing AfD party, Tommy Robinson, Elon Musk and Alex Jones according to authorities.

Timing and 'who benefits".

Posted by: librul | Dec 21 2024 17:06 utc | 16

Reading some of these comments, it is clear there is a lot of crazy going around. Honestly, satellite brain rays? That’s even worse than “Havana Syndrome”.

Posted by: William Gruff | Dec 21 2024 17:07 utc | 17

aristodemos 7

I totally agree. One of our British patsy terrorist events at a Scottish Airport was done by medics.

When things are really bad for USUKIS NeoNazism PR, they always resort to patsy terror incidents to swing public opinion. GladioLies.

TROUBLE IS, every body can see through this intelligence agency shite.

Posted by: Giyane | Dec 21 2024 17:08 utc | 18

Very convenient

Posted by: Norwegian | Dec 21 2024 17:14 utc | 19

A psychiatrist went psychotic. His proven behavior will make it extremely difficult for anyone to make political hay. Clearly, he was incapable of diagnosing himself.

Posted by: karlof1 | Dec 21 2024 17:18 utc | 20

Lets see how the BND, CIA and Mi6, and their whores in the media spin it - they'll probably, claim that the Russians or Iranians were behind it.

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Dec 21 2024 17:19 utc | 21

@ karlof1 | Dec 21 2024 17:18 utc | 20

yes and no... i suspect the msm will spin this in a huge negative for afd.. they are already out to get afd, so that will continue...

Posted by: james | Dec 21 2024 17:21 utc | 22

With this profile as Immigrant, doctor and anti-Islam that guy actually would get a weekly column in any german newspaper. Especially at Springer, Zeit or TAZ. Very very odd that whole affaire.

Posted by: EL.Lissitzky | Dec 21 2024 17:25 utc | 23

The bulk of this post is excellent, strongly documenting the case that this is indeed a delusional person decompensating over time.

The efforts to somehow still portray this as nevertheless an operation, such as a false flag to discredit AfD (Musk should have done that already!) are perverse misreadings of the facts given to us. It is sad that our host went so far to take the facts back as much as possible in the final sentence.

But to me this simply looks like a sad story of someone who's mind got seriously dislocated when he moved from the strictures of his own society into a more liberal one he was unable to really understand.

Whether or not this was meant as a hint that wokism (insert preferred meaningless term of abuse, if you must) destroyed his mind, in my opinion it rather undercuts the emphasis on facts that made the rest of the post so praiseworthy. The implicit notion that foreigners can't truly understand us isn't helpful. Given the facts it's even misleading. I think much of the irrational pushback is following the conclusion rather than the post as a whole.

Posted by: steven t johnson | Dec 21 2024 17:28 utc | 24

Psyop fingerprints. MKULTRA type programs are real and ongoing. Another event to damage my (and others) spirit, another event to be used to weaponize politics, another win for the death cult that runs the Western world.

Posted by: circumspect | Dec 21 2024 17:28 utc | 25

I don't have time , nor an interest, in a speculative psychoanalysis of this criminal. Collective punishment is always wrong.
Random violence is an abomination.

Posted by: Robert Hope | Dec 21 2024 16:56 utc | 12

Thanks. You said that for me.
(There seems to be a lot more nuttiness in the "News" than there was 40 or 50 years ago).

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 21 2024 17:31 utc | 26

lol, you wrote both
Posted by: David G | Dec 21 2024 16:35 utc | 3

both are correct. The later is really the story of a person gone crazy, and the former is the story of person that are actively using those crazies to push their colonial narrative.

Elon Musk is not coming from apartheid South Africa for nothing !

Posted by: W | Dec 21 2024 17:34 utc | 27

I would like to clarify, I am not saying this was not a psyop with MKULTRA connections, but not with satellites. Drugs, and ultrasonic speakers hidden in the guy’s bedroom, sure, but not satellites.

Posted by: William Gruff | Dec 21 2024 17:35 utc | 28

Billygoat Gruff @1707

So you resort to attempted satire "satellite brain-rays" to describe the very real phenomenon of Psychotronic Weaponry.

A variant of that system was employed on an AWACS plane during the first Gulf War. As the Iraqi Republican Guard was retreating well into Iraq from their occupation of Kuwait; this aircraft, equipped with radio to skull equipment, utilizing low-frequency radio waves; targeted those hapless Iraqis with repetitive "Voice of Allah" intrusions into the "lizard-brain" in the medulla oblongata region. That element of the human brain totally overwhelms the mind, along with the frontal lobes via inducing in most cases a "flight or fight" impulse.

In this tragic ongoing saga; the Iraqi troops jumped out of their vehicles, prayer rugs in hand and bowed down on them. At that point A-10 ground-attack "Warthogs" rocketed and strafed the mass of "obedient" Muslim troops. Reports are that thousands were killed and many wounded. U$$A bulldozers de-trucked at the site and dug out long trenches into which they then pushed the dead, the dying and the wounded into those trenches.

Commander in Chief at the time was George Herbert Walker Bu$h, a known CIA agent since his graduation from Yale(and Skull n' Bones) in the same year that the Agency was created. He was in charge of the Bay of Pigs Op in '61 and later ran the show in Dealey Plaza on 11-22-63. Not only is the CIA headquarters named after this hideous individual, but so is the largest and bestist U$N floating coffin.

Billygoat: You are a dinosaur. Your Trotskyite fantasies are fading rapidly as the younger generations are awakening in the very face of their mass media and edumacasional programming. Unlike myself, the larger proportion actually come from bourgeois, suburban backgrounds.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 17:36 utc | 29

The terrorist attacks on Church worshippers and tourists in Sri Lanka was Mossad controlled. After Islamic State """"" admitted """"" doing it, Prevent sent some idiots round to my mosque to tell us Allahu Akbar, it was a great Muslim success. It was a great Mossad slur on the good name of Islam, like this is.

This incident also stinks of Mossad MK Ultra, as librul says

Posted by: Giyane | Dec 21 2024 17:36 utc | 30

How hard is it to understand that people like the crazed doctor are good as gold to intelligence services (local and Five Eyes).

There is a list, there has to be, of potential patsies for use by the intelligence services.

1) Grab the crazed doctor
2) shoot him up with the right drugs
3) put him in a well placed car
4) lock down the accelerator
5) stand back
6) feed the news media

Posted by: librul | Dec 21 2024 17:37 utc | 31

The anti jihad, atheist AfD supporter narrative does not even get off the ground due to the fact that he attacked a German Christmas market. If he had attacked a CDU or SDP political rally, a Muslim religious celebration or even a pro - Hamas protest it would have at least a little credibility. If he had chosen a random target, such as people queueing for the theatre or a football match that might suggest he was just a random nutter.
To suggest as the official cover up does that although his mental health problems had been apparent for some time it was A CHRISTMAS MARKET that finally tipped him over the edge is a coincidence too far.
It is unlikely we will ever know the whole truth but reading the article reminded me there is some jihadi principle (I can't remember what they call it,) which states it is OK to pretend one is not a Muslim in order to advance jihad. Who knows?

Posted by: Arthur Foxake | Dec 21 2024 17:39 utc | 32

Was a car electric? Tesla?

Posted by: Preki | Dec 21 2024 17:41 utc | 33

Reading some of these comments, it is clear there is a lot of crazy going around. Honestly, satellite brain rays? That’s even worse than “Havana Syndrome”.

Posted by: William Gruff |

Scared me, too. Now back to the drone wars.

Posted by: elmagnostic | Dec 21 2024 17:44 utc | 34

Preki @33:

It is not just Teslas that can be taken over remotely. Many newer cars can.

Posted by: William Gruff | Dec 21 2024 17:45 utc | 35

Here is a German online newspaper. It speculates that he was indeed an Islamist, but one who tried to conceal his orientation. Muslims call this concealment "Taqiyya".

The newspaper claims, based on Twitter tweets, that he converted to Wahhabism, had contacts with ISIS, and was close to the Muslim Brotherhood. Could it be that the alleged anti-Islamic and AfD-affiliated stance is just a cover story?

Posted by: Tuk | Dec 21 2024 17:45 utc | 36

Jim Stone at believes it is a Khazar op.

Posted by: Klaus | Dec 21 2024 17:48 utc | 37

An alleged anti-Muslim activist, who emigrated to Germany from Saudi Arabia, reacts against the German government's increasingly unpopular mass immigration policies by driving his car through a German Christmas Market filled with non-Muslim Germans, causing death and mayhem?

I'm sorry, but this doesn't pass the bullshit test.

Posted by: Monos | Dec 21 2024 17:48 utc | 38

ex-muslim, turned anti-muslim, pro-israeli, drives trough christian christmas market.

is pro afd, the party that wants less immigrants, less asylum seekers etc.
was trying to make it easier for asylum seekers from saudi to come to germany.

make it make sense.

how does that saying go? "what a wicked web of lies we weave, when we want to deceive" or something?

Posted by: Justpassinby | Dec 21 2024 17:52 utc | 39

One is challenged to judge the tragic dissociated madness and messianic disorder of state terrorism, or the everyday political operative of this Empire of Chaos. What hope is there for the disintegrating mind of a poor psychiatrist who plainly could not heal himself? What hope for a fragile mind to navigate the hall of mirrors where the West, caught within its own controlled demolition, has lost all its bearings?

"...where do murderers go Man?...and who's to doom when the Judge himself is brought before the bar?" --Herman Melville, "Moby Dick"

Posted by: Copeland | Dec 21 2024 17:55 utc | 40

Billygoat Gruff@1707 Dec 21

This is my second riposte of your fatuous sneer about "satellite brain waves". Psychotronic weaponry has been around since you were a young, idealistic Trot.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 17:55 utc | 41

There's another aspect to this: Western societies are under enormous and increasing psychological strain.

We are bombarded with threat-imagery from all sides. We have progressively fewer institutional bulwarks from the barrage. We are atomized, and most of what we hear and "know" comes from nearly-anonymous other people. We have major trust issues.

I am seeing a lot of evidence of psychological stress, and for good reason.

Here in the U.S. the political realm is coming apart, and with attitude. Red .vs. Blue is already precipitating open hostility, violence, rage, mind-closing and dialog-shutdown. Consider also the endemic drug abuse (incl alcohol) of the rural red-states. Our formerly-trusted E Pluribus Unum* institutions are actively fanning the fires (big fires!) of division.

In the U.S. we're insulated from the worst effects of WWIII as it unfolds. Imagine what it's like in Germany; all that repression of public discourse only makes things vastly worse. You watch as your economy crumbles, and you're not allowed to talk about why it's happening.

The cost to the public of controlling discourse - of "rule without representation" - shows up as rage and/or depression in the mid-stages of the tectonic collision between "what we should be getting" .vs. "what we are getting".

There's going to be a lot more rage eruptions throughout the West over the next decade.

Remedy: _do_ something:

a. Speak out, early and often

b. Channel the anger into discrete, lawful actions. Be the swarm of ants, too small individually to bother with, collectively a Great Big Leak in the Narrative

c. Don't be cowed by fear. Fear is the fence that keeps you contained

d. Use your creativity to find ever-more-effective ways to name the situation, explain the situation, name the perps, and generate bottom-up solutions. (you're not going to get top-down help, right?)

The Emperor has no clothes. Remember that story? Be the person that points, and says "No clothes! Yuck, he's uuuuuugly!"

* The Great Melting Pot, where "out of many comes one". That's what we used to think about our U.S.-selves. Wasn't that long ago, either.

Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | Dec 21 2024 17:56 utc | 42

Librul@1737 day of the High Holy Day of the Winter Solstice

Spot on. Insightful listing. Anyone who does not perceive the manifold attacks by intel agencies against those who doubt the official "narrative"...are at best naive and at worst, sunk into the deep chasms of their own mindsets.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 17:59 utc | 43

@Posted by: Monos | Dec 21 2024 17:48 utc | 38

Why do we even need a "bullshit test"?

The MSMisBULLSHIT unless proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is not.

No one can disagree that the justice system in the USofA is corrupt
and it's mission too often has more to do with serving power than justice.

In the corrupted system the presumption of "innocent until proven guilty
beyond a shadow of a doubt" actually has been serving those with power and not justice.

Think about it.
A criminal organization, the FBI,
is too often both the perpetrator and the investigator.
That is not a workable arm of justice.

It should be that when the FBI is a suspect and ALSO the investigator
that the FBI must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is innocent.


So, likewise, in the present case in Germany
the powers-that-be ARE guilty until proven innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Posted by: librul | Dec 21 2024 18:03 utc | 44

William Gruff @ 35
I see, so Chinese are supporting AfD too.

Posted by: Preki | Dec 21 2024 18:04 utc | 45

karlof1@1718 on day of Winter Solstice

Within my own experience in public conversations with a psychiatrist and a psychologist; it appeared to me that the reason that these particular individuals chose these particular mind-binder fields waere actuated and impelled by probable subconscious realizations that they had one or more screws loose.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 18:04 utc | 46

circumspect@1728 Dec 21


Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 18:06 utc | 47

A disproportionate number of medical students with psychiatric problems specialize as psychiatrists because they seek to understand those problems.

Posted by: Lysias | Dec 21 2024 18:07 utc | 48

Around the year 1900 there were almost no Muslim radical religious extremists.

Then the Brits discovered oil on the Arabian peninsula, and the Brits made a deal with a warlord in Kuwait who was a real whackjob. The Brits supplied the money, the weapons the military strategists, the political support and everything needed to carve out a brand new country through butchery that makes today's Palestine episode look tame.

The World should take all worldly possessions away from the House of Saud and redistribute that wealth to the indigenous population equally. There will be a lot of rich Arabs, but there will be NO radical religious extremists Wahabi islamists.

Posted by: Hot Carl | Dec 21 2024 18:09 utc | 49

Sahra Wagenknecht's BSW could also save Germany. If Musk unaware of its existence?

Posted by: Lysias | Dec 21 2024 18:09 utc | 50

Is Musk, I meant.

Posted by: Lysias | Dec 21 2024 18:11 utc | 51

Elma-gnostic @1744 Dec 21

Evidently you are far behind on your research into the tools used to create fools.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 18:11 utc | 52

William Gruff 35

The perfect way to avoid responsibility for a car accident. We have heard of US actors suing Hollywood for synthesising their voices, and fake digital images.
But I never heard of , my car was taken over by aliens. Lol

Posted by: Giyane | Dec 21 2024 18:11 utc | 53

In my experience the psychological instability of psychiatrists is nothing compared to that of their children. Pity *them*!

Posted by: malenkov | Dec 21 2024 18:11 utc | 54

The President Elect (Elon Musk) should STFU about who is to be “removed” from power & who shouldn’t.

Where is is call for “removing” Nuttyahoo for “terrorism” of cell phones (let alone-genocide)?

Whatever the truth is about this “incident”… the fact that it’s wall to wall coverage, and it’s 2 primary points:

Immigration =Bad

That’s all the “public” needs to “accept.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 21 2024 18:12 utc | 55

@ Lysias | Dec 21 2024 18:09 utc | 50

I can’t imagine someone like Musk giving Sahra W. or her party the time of day.

Posted by: malenkov | Dec 21 2024 18:13 utc | 56

Tuk@1745 Dec 21

Even more potential twists to the incident. Thanks for the input.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 18:13 utc | 57

There's another aspect to this: Western societies are under enormous and increasing psychological strain.

Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | Dec 21 2024 17:56 utc | 42

Yes, I would start by there, in an otherwise bulls-eye science fiction book "stand on zanzibar" the only thing missing right now is an enormous quantity of berserker attacks.

And yes, might just be an unhinged person, but was there any help from anyone to get a "useful result"? would not discount it straight away.

Nice post B, keep it straight and simple

Posted by: Newbie | Dec 21 2024 18:15 utc | 58

@Lysias, 48

The old saying comes to mind that "Doctors make the worst patients". But its harder for anyone to maintain balance in a world like this one.

Posted by: Copeland | Dec 21 2024 18:15 utc | 59

Posted by: mk | Dec 21 2024 16:42 utc | 6

Me too. Something doesn't add up here.

Posted by: KingCobra | Dec 21 2024 18:16 utc | 60

Tom Pfotzer@1756 day of the High Holy day, the Winter Solstice.

Deep thought evident in both your research and prescription. Thank you for all that. Clearly, your presentations are most valuable as a tocsin to the toxins spewed by the rapidly decaying "rules based order" where them with the gold make the rules.

Mass insanity within the targeted cultures is rampant, amongst confused individuals still stuck to the 530 noose presented by curvaceous, handsome and smooth script readers on those mind-control boobtoob systems...owned by a mere six or seven "outlets"...all under the operative control by such nefarious entities as Blackrock, $tate $treet and Vanguard.

Caesar's ancient strategy of "Divide and Conquer/Divide and Rule" is currently writ large by growingly apprehensive and even fearful minions and tools of the ruling financier elite. Your prescriptions for non-violent action describe a potentially powerful antidote to their control via confusion and FEAR.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 18:26 utc | 61

b, attacking Islam is a sanitary and acceptable way of stating that Arabs and brown people have a higher risk of extreme violence in western countries for reasons such as alienation that breeds paranoia and risks events such as this.

Not saying that browns in Europe is the only reason things are messed up. But the elites want immigration because it scrambles social cohesion and homogeneity that threatens the galvanizing of the heritage masses that have, as of recently, been convinced to engage in adventurism abroad. Their default is, in fact, minding their own business and tending to their own.

Immigration is still a massive issue that, left unfettered, aids TPTB.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Dec 21 2024 18:28 utc | 62

plenty of fireworks in store for us. Pick a reason, any reason.
Not even a lunatic would wager on a peaceful holiday season this year.
If this is an engineered event, how long should they wait before unleashing the next shocking and awful event?
It seems likely a full blown event awaits, if only for a few days or mere hours.
Happy holidays, everyone!

Posted by: Not Ewe | Dec 21 2024 18:28 utc | 63

"But to me this simply looks like a sad story of someone who's mind got seriously dislocated when he moved from the strictures of his own society into a more liberal one he was unable to really understand.

Posted by b on December 21, 2024 at 16:16 UTC |"


Thanks for this background article.
B's conclusion sounds about right to me.

Actually, he looks kind of similar to Luigi---someone with an inchoate grievance who followed orders the devils in his head were giving him.

It is wrong to use this fellow's mania to make political arguments of any kind. Except, maybe, to wonder why (as usual) no one noticed that he was losing him mind.

Ditto, regarding Luigi.

Us law enforcement's (to me) ridiculous branding the latter a terrorist looks like part of a political, or control, agenda to quash the discussion on social media of privilege and corporate profits that the execution has unleashed---even though there seems to be no evidence so far that Luigi's was an act of retribution for the company's rejecting claims for medical expenses.

Posted by: Jane | Dec 21 2024 18:30 utc | 64

To choose a Weihnachtsmarkt to perform such a terror attack looks odd; these are social events with certainly a lot of Muslims and Atheists attendant, quite a representative sample of the German society.

This is already the second attack on a Weihnachtsmarkt. There are hundreds of possibilities everywhere to attack crowds with a car, but this guy chose to act in the tradition of an (alleged) attack by an Islamist, someone he's (allegedly) fighting against.

I can't help to smell a psyops motive here. To destroy the traditional meaning of Christmas as a feast of piece, love and contemplation and substitute it with Angst.

Posted by: mk | Dec 21 2024 18:38 utc | 65

It is a psyop
unless proven beyond a shadow of a doubt
to be otherwise.


In this world that must a written-in-stone rule.

Posted by: librul | Dec 21 2024 18:42 utc | 66

"Sahra Wagenknecht's BSW could also save Germany. Is Musk unaware of its existence?"

Posted by: Lysias

The BSW is a left-wing, Socialist party, that wants billionaires to pay taxes and wants to contain the political influence of industrial oligarchs. I'm not surprised that Musk doesn't promote this party.

Posted by: Apollyon | Dec 21 2024 18:42 utc | 67

Tuk 36

Muslim Brotherhood is a branch of British Freemasonry. It is a political rival of Saudi Salafism, offering Britain military assistance to fight their Empire2 way to the Pacific Ocean.

Psychology is a branch of Secular Judaism, seeking rational alternatives to Jewish total submission to whatever evil happens to you. Judaism and Islam teach total submission. God decides what will ultimately bring you to understand His total control over everything.
Psychology seeks other solutions.

Communism, another Jewish invention, backfired when State Power became another form of Imperialism.

Christian communal governance, practiced to today in Muslim Palestine is a direct challenge to Global Finance . Jesus AS said, Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees , by which he may have meant the use of interest and its transformation now into Global Finance which literally buy anything.

Anyway, the inclusion of ' women trafficking' into the Terrorist incident, shows us this event is a creation of the intelligence services.
Men and women have managed to utilise brothels in Germany for hundreds of years and in the Ottoman White Slave
Trade, without having to attack shoppers.

Pure, anti - Muslim propaganda in order to reverse the stain of the Jewish genocide in Palestine and Lebanon.

Posted by: Giyane | Dec 21 2024 18:46 utc | 68

Librul@1803 Dec 21 Winter Solstice

As a bureaucratic imperative, the FBI exists to create criminals. Witness their Behavioral Analysis Unit out of Quantico Virginia. They employ numerous head-shrinkers and propagandists in order to keep those funds to their systematic assault upon the Constitutionally guaranteed innate rights of We The People.

After all, this system dates far, far back to the longterm reign of J.Edna Hoovervac, with dirt on any individual whom they feel has either power or influence. As a self-hating Dragqueen, with his chief deputy director being his live-in B.F. Ms Hoover's name is still writ large on the FeeBee H.Q. in the Di$trict of Corruption.

Unlike the Mo$$ad, the FBI does not need to include bribery in large measure along with their equivalent strategy of blackmail. "We got the goods on you, Bud. Cooperate and snitch or else". Wondering how many times those actual words were used in the field by those agents of empowerment to carry out the "suggestions" of the ruling elite.

Next to the corrupted court system, as you significantly implicated. Betcha you didn't know that in Federal District Courts, Self Defense is not an allowable "plea" before that United States of America Corporation's Maritime yellow-fringed flag next to be bench of said courtrooms. Of course, as you point out, once one "understands the charges" (in legalese, stands UNDER those charges) you then, as a strawman vessel, enter the DOCK. Lawfare at its berobed grandest.

A simple understanding of the contra-Constitutional "ruling" by a majority of the Nine Blackrobes (priestly costuming) in the "Citizens United" case where those demons in Dark Splendor, declared that corporations, even foreign-based ones, can give all the money they please to political campaigns. It's like a "get out of jail free" card in the old Monopoly racket.

Of all the rackets in this ruptured republic; the primary guilty parties are highly constipated within the Law n' Ordure Racket.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 18:47 utc | 69

I think we should give the intelligent agencies the benefit of the doubt and they had nothing to do with this. Have they ever lied or engaged in acts of terrorism before? The notion that they would weaponize psychology to their own advantage is a conspiracy theory.

Posted by: Turk 152 | Dec 21 2024 18:53 utc | 70

Hot Carl@1809 Dec 21

Yes, the Wahabi insanity is a very twisted form of Islam. Well more than 100 years ago, the originally Mizrahi Jewish Saud clan began making nice with a tiny sect of fanatical Wahabi Islamics...waaaay out there, beyond traditional Sunni beliefs.

With financial support from the Saud Crime Clan; the Wahabis were empowered to "spread the word", drawing thousands of incitable Beduins to join their Jihad against the comparatively mellow guardians of the "Holy Places" in far western Arabia.

Truly, the Saudi Crime Clan needs to be eliminated and their ill-gotten gains spread amongst the lands which currently are within their realm. Likely the peninsula in that current "nation" needs to be broken up. The Shias in the oil patch need to have their own government. So do the mellowed Muslims along the Red Sea coast.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 18:57 utc | 71

To me it looks like a clearly perturbed guy used the Tavistock way to throw dirt on AfD in face of the coming elections where they remain sharing the first place in polls along the SPD....

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Dec 21 2024 18:59 utc | 72

Weaponize psychology, sure. Manchurean Candidate and all that. Psychic driving. Dr. Ewen Cameron. Mk-Ultra.

But actual transmission of thoughts, eg. Thoughts through satellite transmission? Ridiculous.

Microsound bursts perhaps, like photoacoustics, hearable only to the targeted person, cause them to doubt their sanity. Check out the article on the MIT students who used a prototype device to talk in the ears of people walking across a crowded square. Small doses of psychedelics with laced door handles etc. Sure the above is possible, but I don't buy into crazy ass ideas about mind control guns, sorry.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Dec 21 2024 19:06 utc | 73

"But to me this simply looks like a sad story of someone who's mind got seriously dislocated when he moved from the strictures of his own society into a more liberal one he was unable to really understand."

Couldn't have phrased it better.

Posted by: xor | Dec 21 2024 19:08 utc | 74

Yeah, xor, I should add I agree with b's conclusion as well. It's not to say he wasn't nudged but this seems to just be organic crazy.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Dec 21 2024 19:10 utc | 75

The thing is that most of German, and European, people do not read MoA and will link this terror attack to jihadists and Islam, which seems to be aimed at on the one hand, to influence the coming German elections and provoke a "conservative" reaction to vote for the known evil and not to try something new..

On the other hand, this could be also directed at growing anti-islamic sentiment in Europe in face of a future war on Iran by anglozionists to be joined by NATO....

That the guy, mad or not, was a convinced zionist points at one such goal..

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Dec 21 2024 19:10 utc | 76

1) Grab the crazed doctor
2) shoot him up with the right drugs
3) put him in a well placed car
4) lock down the accelerator
5) stand back
6) feed the news media

Didn't MSM also mention that the Dr. had drugs in his system and/or drug use.

I am inclined to agree to with the above

Posted by: Axxis | Dec 21 2024 19:12 utc | 77

Nemesis Calling@1828 Dec 21

Good Call: The scrambling of cultural cohesion and homogeneity is precisely the reason for the masses of mostly culturally indigestible immigrants. If the ruling financial elite actually wanted to help those economically desperate migrants; they would directly assist their various countries to enable better lives for their citizens.

One way or another those current regimes of "yes-men" and whorish women, the likes of Ursula von der Lying; need to be eliminated from the public domain. Be peaceful means, if at all possible; those minions of highest financial Barons and Oligarchs must be removed from the seats of power.

Ultimately, the financier elites themselves will require new abodes. I would prefer that they receive full title to the island of Saint Helena and immediately be relocated to that isolated scene where the Brits ultimately poisoned Napoleon. Of course, naval and aerial elements may be essential in determining that none of those perps would be able to leave their place of exile and even to communicate with the outside world. Quarterly food shipments to Saint Helena would be allowed.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 19:12 utc | 78

Sahra Wagenknecht's BSW could also save Germany. If Musk unaware of its existence?

Posted by: Lysias | Dec 21 2024 18:09 utc | 50

I think we should give the intelligent agencies the benefit of the doubt and they had nothing to do with this. Have they ever lied or engaged in acts of terrorism before? The notion that they would weaponize psychology to their own advantage is a conspiracy theory.

Posted by: Turk 152 | Dec 21 2024 18:53 utc | 70

I'm nominating you both for (funny), trolling of the thread , magnificent sarcastic award (though in case Lysias is for real my apologies and here's a naive award and a candy )


Not even a lunatic would wager on a peaceful holiday season this year.

Posted by: Not Ewe | Dec 21 2024 18:28 utc | 63

I'm afraid you are wrong there, hollidays and personal dates are typicaly times when things flare up. Trigers are a bitch.

Posted by: Newbie | Dec 21 2024 19:13 utc | 79

I enjoy speculating about current events, and reading the speculations of others.

But, I am under no delusions. I do not ever expect to know the truth. The only way to know anything close to the truth about a major event is to be involved in it.

The corporate media will form a narrative, and that narrative will find its way into the history books and that will be the official truth.

Some are begging Trump to "release" the "JFK files" if the government has the truth of it written down and hidden in a trove of "secret" documents. Why would they do that? So some future historians can dig it up and reveal it? How could anyone ever know if the "secrets" are true. Anyone with any sense can see that 9/11 was not what the media declared it to be, but to expect that the government has documents holding the truth is a little niave. More likely, the real perpetrators never put any of their plans on paper, and if they did, those notes are destroyed.

History is what they say it is. They make the events happen, and they control the flow of information regarding them...but, there's one thing we can count on...

"They don't investigate themselves" -
George Carlin

Posted by: A rope leash | Dec 21 2024 19:14 utc | 80

Alas, it's a truism in the medical profession that people attracted to working in psychiatry/mental illness tend to be a bit that way themselves, whether in the nursing or doctoring professions.

Incidentally, did they discover if there was a bomb in the car which failed to detonate? Nearly 20 years ago a British-born Iraqi, also a doctor, and his friend an Indian engineer, planted two car bombs outside London night clubs which also failed to detonate.

I like to think that a Brit or German doctor could build a working device. Are they not sending their best, or is that their best?

Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Dec 21 2024 19:16 utc | 81

@Posted by: mk | Dec 21 2024 18:38 utc | 65

Indeed, if he looks like a wahabi, dorves like a wahabi and kills like a´s a wahabi...

This one ongoing is a world war by the globalist financial cabal on "non negotiable values"...including those of Islam, btw...

The empty balcony of St. Peter's. The mystery of the transition from Ratzinger to Bergoglio by Diego Fusaro

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Dec 21 2024 19:23 utc | 82

4 people died so far, more than a hundred are injured, many of them gravely.

Any chance we can grieve for the victims for a while? Trust the authorities to do their job an gather data, research the crime and the perpetrator? Before abusing the victims again, by screaming demands for action, but abusing them to justify our political position, whatever it may be?

Sadly, it seems, we can't. Sadly the police - who were supposed to investigate with an open mind - were the first to demand more powers to spy on us citizens. Sadly the government couldn't wait a day before piling blame on the other side. Sadly the media can't do their job and just report the fact, without mixing in opinions, conclusions, blame and demands for action.

Why can't we just accept that sometimes, things go wrong badly, sometime idiots do idiotic things?

Posted by: Marvin | Dec 21 2024 19:26 utc | 83

I want to preserve Arab nation and people, I want them to stay in Arab land, don't emigrate. I want to preserve German nation, so dont emigrate and dont imigrate, and forget about "Drang nach Osten!"
I want to preserve Rusian nation, don't
let anyone imigrate into Russia, please.
I want to preserve African people, so stay in Afrika, please.
I want to preserve Jewish people, so y'll should move to Israel and stop suffering in USA, Russia etc.
Am I wrong or am I antyglobalist?

Posted by: Preki | Dec 21 2024 19:28 utc | 84

Jane@1830 Dec 21

As a general rule, you are a sensible and judicious poster here on MoA. With that understood, I do have some issue with your equating the action of Luigi Mangioni with that evidently mind-controlled migrant from the bloody Saudi realm.

Mangioni was totally compos mentis. He was most diligent in his self-conscious "mission". In actuality his action was more closely related to that of the conscientious Air Force man who deliberately self-immolated right there in the Di$trict of a death-defying (spiritually) of the total U$$A complicity in aiding and abetting genocide on behalf of the Evil Ones against the people of Gaza.

A drastic measure: Deliberately taking another's life...that in protest to the total greed emblematured by the originally created DRUG DEALERS, by none other than the #1 Robber Baron himself, John D. Rottenfeller. A far more telling action by Mangioni would have been to disinter the rotted corpse of that purely evil manipulator and then hanging that decayed monstrosity on the Mall in the Di$trict of Corruption.

One cannot fully countenance taking an other individual's life...even as filthy a person as Thompson. However, yanking evil smelling corpses of the enemies of humanity from their "resting places" and then put on public display as an emblem of utmost disrespect for those who had no respect for other humans (consider the Ludlow Massacre and other outrages and murders called by JDR) and then consider whether such a public outcome would be ultimate justice.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 19:29 utc | 85

Jefferson Morley regularly posts on his JFK Facts substack about government documents related to the JFK assassination that he has evidence exist or existed that either have not been released or have only been released in part.

Posted by: Lysias | Dec 21 2024 19:30 utc | 86

@81 yetanotheranon

"Only the wounded physician can heal." ~ Carl Jung

Completely true.

Psychiatry is a messed-up profession because it lands somewhere between:

1) the physician trying to impress upon the patient that they CAN feel better
2) the physician impressing herself upon the patient to such a degree that the patient wants to be the physician

It is not a science. Although I do credit Carl Jung with his extroverted/introverted concept that mirrors the yin-yang of human being-in-the-world. One of the reasons why the west is so messed up is the privileging of extroversion socially.

For example, neoconservative thinktanks and media outlets have always stressed that for America to revert to "inward-lookingness" would be a mistake (IOW, policing the world with a vanguard force for full spectrum dominance is the correct path for America to take).

They use language that pathologizes inwardness/reflection because it runs counter to their privileging of extroversion. Whether Calvanism, Protestantism, or Zionism, extroversion is the rule and to be meek and humble of heart or reflective is to be a sinner or to "miss the mark."

No small wonder that Israel and the United States are the most extroverted countries in the world by survey.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Dec 21 2024 19:32 utc | 87

It is pretty clear who bears the full responsibility to this tragedy: the city's police chief and the city mayor for failing to secure the place against these kind of attacks.
This is not the fist time that these happened and it is well known that a well placed concrete barriers would prevent any vehicle to enter the pedestrian zone.
Until we hear that the mayor and the police chief resigned (or even better, arrested) those news stories focusing on a perp are just redirections to cover up incompetence and criminal negligence of public servants.

Posted by: hopehely | Dec 21 2024 19:33 utc | 88

Perhaps German police should establish blocks so cars would not pass?

Today I was at some mass celebrations in the streets of a city and all motorized access to the crowds was blocked by cops.

Magdeburg police didn't think of it?

Posted by: Johan Kaspar | Dec 21 2024 19:36 utc | 89

Posted by: hopehely | Dec 21 2024 19:33 utc | 88

Sorry, I didn't read your comment before commenting.

You're totally right. Incredible incompetence by major and police chief.

Posted by: Johan Kaspar | Dec 21 2024 19:39 utc | 90

If there's any sense in trying to find logic in the actions of an insane person... here are my two cents.

He had been trying to fit in for twenty years, rejecting Islam, supporting the AfD, etc. to show he's nothing like the stereotype of the jihadi terrorist. When he realized German society still wouldn't accept him (at least in his sick mind), he went like, whatever, they'd treat me like a terrorists whatever I do, so I might as well become one.

Posted by: vivace | Dec 21 2024 19:44 utc | 91

The final judgement on JFK's death

Posted by: violeta | Dec 21 2024 19:45 utc | 92

Doctor Eleven@1906 Dec 21

"Physician". Heal Thyself: It appears that you require more research into Psychotronic weaponry and how it can be utilized by satellite. You probably are quite aware that the U$$A along has numerous satellites with various "missions". Why would the minderbinders not employ such weaponry against "target individuals"?

Please answer me that...or just maybe you are of the belief that the current regime in the Di$trict of Corruption inevitably works only on behalf of the overall welfare of the citizens of this ruptured republic.

With the aid of GPS, along with "doctored" cell-phones and other nefarious electronic enablers; the technology is definitely and definitively THERE in order to precisely target individuals "of interest" via specialized satellites.

So why would the perps not use these tools as they are certainly available. Perhaps you should do some serious delving into DARPA, the dark entity in SoCal which is a contract branch of the Department of Offense. They specialize in cooking up methodologies which are mostly utilized by those 17 intel agencies, along with PoliceState entities such as the FBI.

May Kash Patel thoroughly castrate that entity. Undoubtedly, such blackmailed Senators such as Ms Linda Graham and Tremblechin McClellan, along with a host of Democrat (manifestly NOT democratic) Senators to sabotage Patel. After all, those who provide their campaign funding also have full sway over the FeeBees, their pet enforcers.

Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 21 2024 19:47 utc | 93

I'm still waiting for the news that German forensic experts combing the car find a passport and a packet of Captagon tablets in the glovebox.

Sometime in the not too distant future, the real Dr Taleb Al Abdulmohsen comes forward and sues the German govt for defamation and for stealing and misusing his personal identity details.

The fellow in captivity confesses that he was offered 100K euros and fast-tracked German citizenship if he pulled off this Chtistmas market attack stunt. What he wasn't told was that there was a very real risk of his being shot dead by police if he had succeeded and then raced off to a location 100km to pick up his money.

That's my contribution to the thread. Feel free to embellish it or pass judgement on it.

Posted by: Refinnejenna | Dec 21 2024 19:50 utc | 94


Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 21 2024 16:55 utc | 11

As well the CEO killer didn't have any negative dealings with United Healthcare and was himself rich and highly educated.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 21 2024 19:53 utc | 95

@Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Dec 21 2024 19:23 utc | 82

Drives like a wahabi, I wanted to mean, sorry...

In a certain way, wahabism is an adaptation of Islam to the necessities of the "rules based order" in its war on truth and non-negotiable values...

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Dec 21 2024 19:58 utc | 96

automatic translation
It would seem that the man was not an atheist but of Jewish religion. See the links on the posts X

Posted by: Sierra Charriba | Dec 21 2024 20:03 utc | 97

Pondering the driver's state of mind and his motives is not useful and actually quite pointless.
Nowadays these kind of attacks could be done by using fully autonomous vehicles. No human drivers required.
The only effective protection are physical barriers and impediments around places.

Posted by: hopehely | Dec 21 2024 20:03 utc | 98

I think b today shows laudable empathy for the mentally ill. Such illnesses are a process, with ups and downs, and not always modulated well by medication. Forty years ago I knew a guy whose schizophrenia emerged and worsened as his economic and life circumstances worsened. He worked in a local factory, and had over a few years become active in progressive labor and peace movements. He had five kids, great kids, and a remarkable wife. He got laid off, couldn’t find work. Was diagnosed with a mental illness, but with medication, functioned normally and regularly volunteered. Then his wife died within a couple of months of a leukemia diagnosis. He disappeared for several days—everyone was looking for him. Then he appeared at my house in full psychotic break, talking rapidly without cease. He’d conversed with Jesus, he said. After mentioning that, he said, ‘of course I know I didn’t really speak with Jesus’, but then proceeded to tell me everything Jesus had told him, speaking far more rapidly than normal. We were able to stabilize this guy long enough for him to legally turn over his five youngsters to an orphanage, and for him to commit himself.

Back in college in 1972 there was a non-student who attached himself to the anti-war movement. He was an odd-ball, yes, always in military fatigues, who recited self-composed pacifist anti-war poetry at our anti-war rallies. He claimed his politician father had forced him against his desire to serve in the military, and he was a Viet vet, claiming to have participated in the Phoenix program. One spring a group of newly hatched ducklings imprinted on him, following him all over campus. He was odd, but normal enough to have a perfectly normal girlfriend. Then he had a psychotic break. Phoned in a threat on the life of the university president, and then disappeared. There was a public warrant for his arrest. After 3 days he appeared at my house, his fatigues and face and hands covered in mud, and he carried a loaded 12-gauge. My roommates and I managed to seat him at our kitchen table, and convinced him to let go of the shot gun, leaning it against a wall out of his reach while we asked him where he had been for the previous 3 days. He claimed he had been in secret communication with Che Gueverra, who had sent a helicopter which had taken him to Hanoi, where he had been assisting the North Vietnamese in fighting a U.S. ground invasion of the North. We contacted his girl friend who managed to get him admitted to the county hospital before the arrest warrant could be served.

The purpose in telling these tru tales is to argue we should have empathy for the severely mentally ill, no matter the severity and ugliness of their actions. The horrors of the real world often contribute to the worsening of these peoples’ mental conditions.

Posted by: mjh | Dec 21 2024 20:17 utc | 99

Which, in itself, is kind of an argument against immigration and for people to stay inside their societies and learn to deal with them from inside, I'd say.

Posted by: Clueless Joe | Dec 21 2024 16:33 utc | 2
I'd say that if American politicians kept their noses inside the US, societies around the world would be a better, saner place.

Posted by: Ed | Dec 21 2024 20:19 utc | 100

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