A Year To Soon Be Forgotten
The ending year has been a displeasing one.
Health wise it was the worst year I have ever had. For nearly half of it I was not able to work as much as I like. Even now, as I am recuperating, the challenge remains.
More disturbing for me though was the total breakdown of 'western' concepts that were, until recently, held high.
Liberalism, as an economic and societal concept, has broken down.
Globalism is no more. Free trade has been replaced with a myriad of tariffs and sanctions. The U.S. is forcefully pressuring its 'allies', especially in Europe, to buy its goods and to do its bidding. There is, astonishingly, no noticeable resistance to this.
The fake concept of 'fighting disinformation' is being used to implement outright censorship. Political activism gets threatened whenever it challenges the current Staatsräson as decreed from the top. Insulting politicians for their lack of consistency is now lèse-majesté that needs to be punished. Making fact based arguments is no longer seen as sensible reasoning but as taking partisan sides.
Most horrifying though is the breakdown of humanitarian concepts the 'west' once claimed to hold high. Mearsheimer says it best when he decries the the moral bankruptcy of the West:
Given the West’s presumed commitment to human rights and especially to preventing genocide, one would have expected countries like the United States, Britain, and Germany, to have stopped the Israeli genocide in its tracks.Instead, the governments in those three countries, especially the United States, have supported Israel’s unimaginable behavior in Gaza at every turn. Indeed, those three countries are complicit in this genocide.
Moreover, almost all of the many human rights advocates in those countries, and in the West more generally, have stayed silent while Israel executed its genocide. The mainstream media has made hardly any effort to expose and challenge what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Indeed some key outlets have staunchly supported Israel’s actions.
One wonders what people in the West who have either supported Israel’s genocide or remained silent tell themselves to justify their behavior and sleep at night.
All the above already had started some time ago. But it culminated in 2024 in ways that were more noticeable than ever.
The mask is off. The 'West', as we knew it, is done with.
Currently my best hope for 2025 and beyond is for a more sane East to arise.
Posted by b on December 31, 2024 at 15:47 UTC | Permalink
next page »Posted by: abierno | Dec 31 2024 15:51 utc | 1
I'll second that. Thanks b.
Posted by: jo6pac | Dec 31 2024 15:56 utc | 2
There was a story by abrercrombie about a lord not helping his allies when a great power was wiping out all his surrounding states and then when the power came for him there was no other power to stand with him. If China thinks because of its partnership with Russia is all that they needed they would be wrong. Once putin dies things might change. The likes of medvedev would like nothing more than to patch things up. No one knows who will take over once putin is dead. China should make some moves with regards to the axis of resistance and shouldn't underestimate the depravity and cunning of the west
Posted by: A.z | Dec 31 2024 15:59 utc | 3
A more proximate concern would be who will take over when Putin steps down? Apart from Medvedev is there a Putin clone protege that nobody has yet heard about? Time will tell.
Posted by: Palinurus | Dec 31 2024 16:08 utc | 4
A.z@1559 Dec 31
Wherever did you come up with the premise that Medvedev "would like nothing more than to patch things up"? Everything I've read about that man over the last couple of years is that at least rhetorically he has called for ever stronger measures against the evil owners/leaders of the Collective Wa$te than V.V. Putin has.
In any event there is strong evidence that the directors of Russian policy are a composite of a number of individuals and institutions. Putin is NOT a tyrant and neither is he a dictator.
Your assertion does not pass the test of daylight.
Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 31 2024 16:10 utc | 5
I'm emigrating to Mexico or Ecuador in a couple of years. If everything goes fucko bazzoo here in the good ol' US of Assholes before I can escape I guess I'll go out in a pile of brass.
Happy New Year to all!
Posted by: comrade simba | Dec 31 2024 16:17 utc | 6
well said b.... your commentary is disturbing but accurate as i see it...
best of the new year to everyone here... it's dark right now, but hopefully some light will shine thru..
Posted by: james | Dec 31 2024 16:17 utc | 7
Does this site plan to have an annual fund drive? Or I missed it somehow?
Posted by: KitaySupporter | Dec 31 2024 16:19 utc | 8
The expotential shift in hypocracy and the whole acceptance of its not personal its biz guiding principle.
ISIS freedom fighters commming to a colour revolution near you.
Posted by: steve | Dec 31 2024 16:20 utc | 9
b, we can only do what we can do and you do a great deal ... thank you. I have learned a lot from this site and the bar mates.
As for the "west", without rule of law, limited govt, freedom of speech, the moral teachings (as opposed to the often immoral practice) of Christianity, belief in true investigative science and logic and truth, what IS the west anyway other than the evils of militarism and materialism?
Being originally from the east, I do not put much hope there ... like us USians who gave up on Jefferson and JQ Adams's republic to build the "shining city on the hill" on top of a mountain of skulls, the Asian countries who are "advancing" are doing so by aping the worst manners and practices of the west. They are westoxified.
My hope and prayer is for unity through decentralization and universal localism. There's a moto for the future :)
Posted by: Caliman | Dec 31 2024 16:28 utc | 10
Hope your wellness battle improves in 2025, b; it's hard to have personal happiness when plagued by ill health.
Putin will remain Russian president until the 2030 elections. Currently, he's very busy outlining the plans for Russia's development to 2035-2040 and beyond. He's also very involved in developing Russia's future leaders and trying to mitigate Russia's demographic problem. All the above and more I've covered at my substack. Russian leaders are quiet as we head into the New Year which is traditionally much bigger celebration than Christmas, although advances on the LOC continue apace. Global Times published this appraisal of 2025, "Anticipating a progressive China amid a changing world in 2025: Global Times editorial." From Florence, Pepe Escobar offers this assessment.
2025 will bring us known unknowns and assorted surprises. There'll be plenty of commentary on Trump's first 100 days, while the Global Majority continues on its development path that's unlikely to be deterred. And so a safe and incident free New Years to all Bar Flies and a satisfactory 2025!!
Of course, reports of the death of globalism are not merely exaggerated...they are flatly incorrect.
It would be much closer to reality to say nationalism is dead....it just hasn't noticed yet, being buried six feet under and all...in both the evil West and the sainted East, the wellspring of the future for mankind.
Liberalism as an economic concept is very much dead, however this mortality occurred well prior to 2024.
And the sainted East, from which the blog narrative reverently awaits the resurrection, killed the concept, both in its economic and social definition, decades ago as its saintliness was transfiguring the global marketplace in its own image.
Posted by: Culero | Dec 31 2024 16:32 utc | 12
Western civilization’s descent into Dark Ages mkII is now well underway. Nothing short of scientific socialist revolution can halt that descent, but other than a divided ruling class and economic deadlock, the preconditions for such a revolution are entirely absent in the West.
Fortunately for humanity, some in the East are making the right decisions and look well-positioned to carry the torch of civilization while the West wallows in aimless delusion and foolishness. China will forge ahead into the future while the US and its Europeon vassals try to legislate that womanhood is something unrelated to biology and that genocide is a moral good if the genocider’s victimhood can be established through official manufactured narrative.
Interesting times.
Posted by: William Gruff | Dec 31 2024 16:32 utc | 13
The past year also saw an accelerated breakdown of procedural democratic norms in states such as South Korea, Romania, Georgia, France, etc.
Posted by: jayc | Dec 31 2024 16:38 utc | 14
I happen to read just now "Der Westen im Niedergang" (La défaite de l'occident, don't know the English title) by the french-british historian/anthropologist Emmanuel Todd. Not really heartening but highly recommended.
Posted by: mk | Dec 31 2024 16:48 utc | 15
Well, I'm relieved to learn that you classify the status of your health as "recuperating" b.
I'm a big fan of Mearsheimer. His word-smithing skills, and aversion to over-statement, have helped him to stay one jump ahead of The Lobby.
However, until the citizens of the West rid politics of our jewed-up political traitors, things will get worse before they get better. 2025 is looking pretty grim, imo.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 31 2024 16:50 utc | 16
current news
U.S. Treasury says its computers were hacked by a Chinese 'threat actor' in a 'major incident'
The "threat actor" was able to access the workstations via a compromised third-party cybersecurity service provider called BeyondTrust, the department said.
"the mask is off" -- from the files
Nov 12, 2017
Security Breach and Spilled Secrets Have Shaken the N.S.A. to Its Core
A serial leak of the agency’s cyberweapons has damaged morale, slowed intelligence operations and resulted in hacking attacks on businesses and civilians worldwide.
. . .Mr. Williams had written on his company blog about the Shadow Brokers, a mysterious group that had somehow obtained many of the hacking tools the United States used to spy on other countries.
. . .The jolt to Mr. Williams from the Shadow Brokers’ riposte was part of a much broader earthquake that has shaken the N.S.A. to its core. Current and former agency officials say the Shadow Brokers disclosures, which began in August 2016, have been catastrophic for the N.S.A., calling into question its ability to protect potent cyberweapons and its very value to national security. The agency regarded as the world’s leader in breaking into adversaries’ computer networks failed to protect its own.
“These leaks have been incredibly damaging to our intelligence and cyber capabilities,” said Leon E. Panetta, the former defense secretary and director of the Central Intelligence Agency. “The fundamental purpose of intelligence is to be able to effectively penetrate our adversaries in order to gather vital intelligence. By its very nature, that only works if secrecy is maintained and our codes are protected.” . . .here
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 31 2024 16:52 utc | 17
thank you b for your wisdom, may your health be better. Starting tomorrow off at 16th Oscar Grant VIgil in Fruitvale, may it bode well for the future, se nunca muera esperanza
Posted by: Felix | Dec 31 2024 16:54 utc | 18
I fully agree with what you said here b, it is a collapse of western civilization as it becomes more and more uncivilized. We have to look east for a better world.
My wish for the new year is a decisive victory for Russia in Ukraine marking the beginning of the end of NATO and EU.
I wish you improved health in the new year.
Posted by: Norwegian | Dec 31 2024 17:03 utc | 19
Good health to you Bernhard and thanks again for your website and your wisdom, have a much better new year.
I continue cooking for family, this time other Latin American recipes that I've learnt in my travels.
Liberalism is what it is, a contradictory ideology that may sound as having lofty ideals while accomodating any form of totalitarianism and fanaticism if needed to accomplish its real purpose: to harvest and control human populations for the benefit of a class of managers.
Posted by: Johan Kaspar | Dec 31 2024 17:12 utc | 20
Nothing short of scientific socialist revolution can halt that descent, but other than a divided ruling class and economic deadlock, the preconditions for such a revolution are entirely absent in the West.
@ William Gruff | Dec 31 2024 16:32 utc | 13
Mearsheimer wonders how Westerners who have remained silent can sleep at night. Well, my own complete lack of effective action is tantamount to silence vis-a-vis the Palestinian Holocaust, so I can answer Mearsheimer's inquiry: We don't.
I've taken to soporific activities (the works of British philosopher Michael Dummett are highly recommended, for other Western tossers-and-turners seeking relief in sleep). Also, slow-cooking in the middle of the night; onions do best over very low heat. It's too dark for thorough dusting, but I have enough artificial light to polish the woodwork, again. I can find any number of things to do, when sleep is no longer an option.
From you, William Gruff, or from anyone, I'd dearly love to hear a flight of fancy, perhaps: some means of stopping the descent. At the very least, a way to stop the immediate eradication of Palestine. Or if there's no way out, maybe someone can explain how we got strapped into this hellish handbasket in 2025.
I gnaw such a wad of anger and helplessness; I've obviously lost the ability to coherently collect my thoughts, if I can post such a useless moan as this.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Dec 31 2024 17:15 utc | 21
B hope 2025 brings good news for your health.
For Europe I have my doubts. Will take a good ending of the SMO as a win.
Some talk about dark ages mkII but it would be at least mkIII (bronze age was worse than Roman collapse)
If the east keeps it together… as long as there is no WWIII there is hope (but as I mentioned it’s decades too early for it)
Peace for all at the bar, health, and a round on me…
Posted by: Newbie | Dec 31 2024 17:16 utc | 22
"Mearsheimer wonders how Westerners who have remained silent can sleep at night."
I've had trouble sleeping for months now...it makes life very hard.
Laying awake last night I tried to determine just when did this bout of insomnia start, really?
and then it came to me; Oct. 7, 2023 is when all this started (along with various health issues playing up)
The shit going on, hell, ALL OVER THE WORLD and the state of our societies...ARE MAKING ME SICK
I cannot be the only one...
Posted by: furies | Dec 31 2024 17:22 utc | 23
People in the West have no trouble sleeping at night.
They are enjoying the spectacle. The spectacle may be 99.9% fiction, it doesn't matter.
Posted by: oldhippie | Dec 31 2024 17:28 utc | 24
The theme of the decline of the West coincides with the end of globalism. Is this so? We have observed 500 years of conquest and plunder by the West, are we to see the rest of the world return the favour? It is richly deserved.
Posted by: Nick J | Dec 31 2024 17:32 utc | 25
I disagree. The fake enforced consensus of the MSM and the establishment control of the narrative is clearly dying. Allowing meaningful debate of important issues for the first time in decades.
The H-1B visa debacle in the USA was very clear evidence of this. Not only has the Overton Window moved from illegal immigration in moral terms to legal immigration in economic terms, it happened openly on X/Twitter between powerful icons and random blokes. The fiction of H-1B bringing in necessary talent to fill gaps was exposed as a specious argument to cover for the real reason of importing cheaper workers. The 85K legal limit was exposed as fictitious because 300K to 400K were routinely approved. And the battle ended with Elon backing down, conceding that H-1B visas should come with a fees that makes them materially more expensive that hiring domestic workers.
All of this would have been strictly verboten a year ago. The topic would not be up for discussion. And, if the issue was somehow forced, it would have been 'debated' solely by disingenuous media pundits.
Posted by: team10tim | Dec 31 2024 17:41 utc | 28
Very pleased you're recovering. I live for your posts.
2024 was a very bad year for me too.
Looking forward to 2025.
Regards, Dave
Posted by: Dave Pollard | Dec 31 2024 17:48 utc | 29
In order to construct, it is often necessary to deconstruct first.
Always look at the bright side of life!
Posted by: Grey Cloud | Dec 31 2024 17:48 utc | 30
I will agree with Culero that Globalism is still fully present. Events and their organisation are taking place at a global scale.
The obvious absence, failure or loss of previously representative world bodies such as the UN, or the quietening or vanishing of global agendas from the headlines (climate and energy, WEF, Soros, etc.) are sidelined or replaced (whether temporarily of permanently) with a more hard hitting back room form of control, and a more subtle if not insiduous social management.
A very clear example of this is sarscov2. Place this in perspective of global management, and if I have noticed it (and commented on it) certainly many others have also:
The virus was known manufactured.
That information was hushed across the globe soon after revelation, and the two year (global) drama ensued.
The origin of the virus, it being manufactured was put on hold until further use could be made of the theme (predicted).
That is likely to occur in the coming year, with cross accusations being traded with China.
However this is managed to suit an agenda, and itself is part of a globalist shift of attention to reorganise the status of both nations that to a great extent are tied into the global framework (of trade, geo-politics, currency etc.)
In fact, the absence of globalist type headlines might as easily mean that they are quite un-needing of attention or distraction as they work or rearrange from behind the scenes.
"Israel" , which is US, has been trying to catch up with US (hence itself) and to reinforce by reminder its destructive reputation, last expressed on Japan and from which a large part of the last three quarters of a century of world politics were based, particularly in the west on own population.
They have basically shown the western public that they are powerless, displayed politicians of most nations as completely corrupt and unworthy, portrayed rights organisations as uselessly compromised. National representation is seen as a well meaningly empty discussion at the UN table.
That is all a global effect, and what is being prepared is only to be guessed at, especially as there is not a visible concensus to work with at present, that being in great part due to security council veto abilities being used to pull down various attempts at resolution.
"Evening in Rafah"
Posted by: Ornot | Dec 31 2024 17:50 utc | 31
This could appear propagandistic - it is not intended to be so. The point is to illustrate the fundamental difference between the rising powers of the "East" and the slowly corroding "West". The first short video exemplifies why the "West" cannot hope to prevail. The second shows why.
Posted by: WilsonK | Dec 31 2024 17:56 utc | 32
If Russia counts as your East, b, then here is a heartening progress report from Mariupol:
Posted by: Scorpion | Dec 31 2024 18:01 utc | 33
Don't believe VVP is a big fan of gerontocracy.
Aleksey Gennadyevich Dyumin is, IMO, in his current position to be groomed by VVP, Patrushev and others.
Here comes 2025, Brace...
Posted by: necromancer | Dec 31 2024 18:03 utc | 34
2024 was the year where the Empire reasserted its dominance and exposed the East for the incompetent, morons, (((tribe)))-owned cronies they are. With a possible exception for China (which hasn't really been tested yet) and North Korea (Kim Jong-Un being just sufficiently cr
Posted by: Micron | Dec 31 2024 18:05 utc | 35
I am sorry to read that you are still struggling with recovery b. Having replaced and repaired both shoulders in the past 7 months, 2024 has been a struggle for me as well. That said, I think it is/was worth it and hope it has been/will be for you.
As to what is happening in the rest of the world, my civilization war contextualization continues to grow relevance. Humanity is going through a process of changing our social organization sausage and just like our bodies lacking a handbook, our forms of social organization do not come with operating manuals.
Lots of moving pieces describe our forms of social organization but I consider the public/private finance aspect to be seminal as I continue to write here.
Can humanity evolve beyond barbaric patriarchy? I see what is happening in our world as an attempt to do so and hope we succeed.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Dec 31 2024 18:10 utc | 36
re: attitude
The Positive Influence of Norman Cousins
"Negative attitudes lead to illness, low self-esteem and depression. Positive attitudes lead to hope, love, caring, fun and endorphin flow.”. .here
So then you and I will have a Happy New Year . . especially me, I was under the surgical knife for Colon Cancer exactly one year ago today, New Year's eve, and again in September. Now doing some major hiking and looking forward to horse-riding again, got the black sombrero, boots and an attitude.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 31 2024 18:14 utc | 37
Let’s bury twenty twenty four.
No eulogies needed.
The beginning of the twenty first century
witnessed the boat of humanity catching fire.
Adrift aimlessly. Twenty four years later, the
flames are hotter and getting higher.
The future is definitely uncertain.
Nevertheless we journey on.
Thanks to Bernhard, to the people at this spot
for a fuller understanding about world conditions.
And by extension our own condition .
Happy, healthy new year to all
Posted by: Middle-man | Dec 31 2024 18:16 utc | 38
Twenty more days until Trump and Rasputin Musk blow up the world. Relax, only kidding - not. Happy New Year MoA.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Dec 31 2024 18:17 utc | 39
@ mk 151
""Der Westen im Niedergang" (La défaite de l'occident) by ... Emmanuel Todd."
In English, it's "The Defeat of the West". It's free in English pdf from Link to Archive. Font quality and typos leave a little to be desired, but it's free - so be happy and watch out for incorrect names. I wasn't able to find a free French version. The book is only 23 Euros in France, or $15 as Kindle.
I'm part-way through the book. No great shocks there, but it's a good summary of the global picture. He lists 10 surprises for the West. All but 9 are obvious now. The 10th is the actual defeat, which has yet to happen. The actual defeat will end a historic epoch, so this will be something the West has never suffered, as he points out, and that poses extra danger.
Todd is valuable because he uses fundamental demographic data in his analyses. Famously, he predicted the demise of the USSR back in 1976, based on live birth rates.
B recently posted a trove of info on Emmanuel Todd:
Moon of Alabama Oct. 9
Posted by: JessDTruth | Dec 31 2024 18:18 utc | 40
@ furies 22
" and then it came to me; Oct. 7, 2023 is when all this started..."
No. This started much much earlier. 1895 or so when the Zionists went to Palestine and telegraphed their sponsors that "the bride is married", but the thugs started up anyway. 1917 when the Brits gave "the Jews" the Palestine which the Brits were about to steal. 1927 or 1928 when the Jewish Watchmen's League murdered their first Arab. 1948 when the state of "Israel" was founded - to great acclaim throughout the West and the USSR. Unlike the murder of Jews and many many other victims by the Nazis, the genocide of Palestinians has always been in full public view, but with Zionist-controlled "news media" censoring the stories.
Posted by: JessDTruth | Dec 31 2024 18:26 utc | 41
Posted by: team10tim | Dec 31 2024 17:41 utc | 27
I agree with what you say here.
The Overton Window is shifting.
Musk---super-confident verging on arrogant--- brings positives and negatives.
So far, the "liberation" of Twitter/X seems to be a big enough positive to outweigh the negatives.
What is the speculation as to who dropped a dime and showed Mush I mean Musk a red line?
I share Mearsheimer's despair about the future of a state and a society, and a culture, that not only allows but aids and enables a horrific genocide for the whole world to witness.
It is our "leaders" who see tactical and strategic advantage in this horror. Not the people.
But until the Overton Window opens enough, or is torn open, to let in a strong wind, a hurricane, of a thorough exposure of the Zionist tentacles on our state, society, and culture, I don't think we can confront or begin to grasp how we have sunk so far---abandoning not only our humanity and also common sense.
Herzliche Wünsche an Bernhard fuer die weitere Genesung, und---trotz allem---einen guten Rutsch ins Neujahr.
Posted by: Jane | Dec 31 2024 18:26 utc | 42
Liberalism, as an economic and societal concept, has broken down.
Just a short quip on this. In the US, the Democrat Party made liberalism part of its branding, while the Democrat Party embarked on the most illiberal course imaginable. See e.g. Franklin Roosevelt for the start of this all. So the memo defining the meaning of "liberal" has been lost in the pond.
Globalism is no more. Free trade has been replaced with a myriad of tariffs and sanctions. The U.S. is forcefully pressuring its 'allies', especially in Europe, to buy its goods and to do its bidding. There is, astonishingly, no noticeable resistance to this.
This topic is worth an entire essay. Short of that i am led to ponder upon cycles in legal history. There are some times that are vibrant with innovation and true justice, e.g. Henry II and itinerant justice through the petty asizes or US tort law in the 1950's. Once the innovations have been made, the unforgiving and relentless action in furtherance of the incentive to capture a governmental system come to full bear. The inevitable result is proliferation of laws sold to the public as for "justice" or some such other canard. The system becomes "wooden", inefficient and poor at achieving its core mission. In thos times, it's "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." (We Won't Get Fooled Again)
B's observation that there is "no resistance" to me is a reflection that international systems are in a state of full capture by a system of, not necessarily laws, but algorithms now embedded into international trade. After all, laws are exquisitely algorythmic. Once the capture takes hold, you have simply the "Old Boss" in a new set of clothes.
70% of the people just want to live their lives without being bothered, so this oppression by algorithms just flies under their radar because most will trade liberty for safety. So you get the government you deserve until enough spirit exists to actuall impel the 70% do something uncomfortable.
Posted by: frithguild | Dec 31 2024 18:32 utc | 43
Much gratitude and appreciation to you b.
Thank you also to barflies whose insights and even outbursts and rants give me more perspective.
Caliman, your thoughts resonated with me. I hope and pray that Russia, China, Iran along with Cuba, Nicaragua and others prevail and flourish but I think we humans are so wired up to the newest shiny object-- now computers and ai-- that we are leaning away from our core. So, this year I will continue growing and foraging medicinal mushrooms, teaching how (interest is way up), selectively cutting trees, milling into lumber, talking to neighbors and including my thoughts on Palestine and Russia every chance I get. and take care of my dog.
Happy New Year to you all.
Posted by: migueljose | Dec 31 2024 18:34 utc | 44
JessDTruth @ 39 links to Bernhard's Oct. 9 piece, which contains quotes from Todd, viz.
"This conflict is in a sense artificial. The natural thing, in a low-fertility Europe, with its aging population, is the complementarity between German industry and Russian energy and mineral resources.”
What is the relevance in this sentence/context of Europe's low fertility rate? How does this create complementarity with Russia, which also seems to have a fertility rate too low to meet the needs of the enormous country?
Can someone explain how Russian energy resources relate to low fertility rate in Germany, and vice versa?
Posted by: Jane | Dec 31 2024 18:40 utc | 45
Cheers and best wishes, b
My sincere appreciation for your continuing to provide an open forum for all, especially including the fools, to express themselves.
As for the end of the Western humanitarian story: this is a concrete sign of the decline of the West.
Such fictions are untenable when the basis of their prosperity is threatened.
I continue to be amused when fools emit that the West is winning when it is transparently clear that the opposite is true. US and EU deficits are literally multiples of Russia’s, as are the cumulative debts and debt to GDP ratios.
The ongoing inflation in the West needs to be seen for what it is: not just because of multilateralism eroding the organized theft of Global South commodities and increasingly, capital but also the foolish, wasteful policies pushed by Western leaders.
While much suffering has occurred and will continue to occur, the trajectory is towards a better future - not one of perpetual bondage.
Posted by: c1ue | Dec 31 2024 18:40 utc | 46
Speaking of health.
I believe 2025 is going to see another Global onslaught on health. The 'UN/WEF Plan 2030 for Sustainable Development' requires it.
The wars are not enough.
There are only 5 short years left to 'restructure'.
Posted by: Kevin Quinn | Dec 31 2024 18:52 utc | 47
The Western capitalist ruling class has resorted to fascism as a solution to keep and enhance its power. Wars of aggression, wars of colonization, wars over natural resources, wars against discontent populations, and wars of genocide to secure imperial gateways for further capitalist expansion are being waged to maintain hegemony. Although of course the wars of genocide are the most egregious, even more alarming is the impotence of anyone to stop them. An impotence of democratic governance persistently pursued by the power elites, who are implementing a totalitarianism using information technology to prevent and destroy organizing for rebellion against the dictatorship of capital. All opponents of the Western regime will be subjected to the authority of capital and those who rebel will be eliminated like Hamas combatants.
Posted by: Keme | Dec 31 2024 18:56 utc | 48
Currently my best hope for 2025 and beyond is for a more sane East to arise.
It is my hope for the world too but, honestly, even if it does, it won't change the destiny of the Western (and satrapies) population.
Until we take our fate into our own hands and start putting Musk's, Bezos', Gates', Zuckerberg's, Arnault's, Ellisson's, Page's and other kleptocrat's heads on pikes, neutering their political lackeys and nationalizing their ill gotten fortunes, we are doomed to a slide towards totalitarian serfdom.
We can't expect the Chinese (or the Russians, Iranians etc.) to save us, it's not their job, they won't do it, and they'll have their hands full resisting the dying Empire's desperate onslaught.
I'm not very confident though; we're risk averse societies of older women, not the best circumstances for a revolution. Perhaps we deserve what is to come.
Thanks B. for your blog (been following for more than 10 years), hope you get better.
Posted by: Jean Meslier | Dec 31 2024 18:56 utc | 49
Thanks for your perseverance b! Wishing you good health and happiness.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 31 2024 18:14 utc | 36
Don, I celebrate your recovery and wish you continued health as well.
To all the barflies of goodwill, from whom I’ve learned so much in the last (almost) three years, thank you.
As for the Great Game, it does seem like things will get worse before they get better, but, in spite of there not being much to base hopefulness upon, you never know. I hold that idea in my mind at the same time I think, things can always get worse.
Whatever happens, I know that I can find comradeship here in the bar (along with some biting wit, sage observations and a liberal helping of lunacy). Dry January ahead of, wish me luck!
Posted by: KMRIA | Dec 31 2024 18:58 utc | 50
Western civilization
a burnt piece
of bread
uneatable for consumption.
Happy new year
Posted by: Middle-man | Dec 31 2024 19:04 utc | 51
Dear Sir,
You have to continue the disasters and falls of 2024.
Hezbollah was a paper tiger destroyed in less than 2 weeks.
Iran was a big piece of shit which miserably abandonned Hezbollah, Palestinians and Syrians. An another tiger of paper.
China showed that far from a dragon , it s a big fat turkey that only care for bizness. Just like India.
Brazil remain an American hooker.
BRICS showed they are nothing, without heart and guts.
Russia is more isolated than ever and alone in front of the western Satan.
Happy new year.
Posted by: Darras | Dec 31 2024 19:13 utc | 52
The East is just as whacked out as the West is, B, with a somewhat different accent. If you are looking for some sort of deliverance from there you are about to be having a major let-down. This year will be worse than last year, bank on it.
Posted by: AllSeeingEye | Dec 31 2024 19:14 utc | 53
I feel the same about 2024. For some time Caitlin Johnstone has been giving the same kind of opinions. Guess I'm grateful I wasn't born later because challenging pro-Western power in our Western technological panopticon has been become next to impossible.
Posted by: xor | Dec 31 2024 19:18 utc | 54
Happy New Year to Barflies and special thanks to B.
I know it was discussed in another MOA entry but for me, the death of Jimmy Carter was a reminder of the hypocritical and murderous policies of the US. Carter has been praised as a man of peace who brought the Israelis together with the "far sighted,man of peace" Anwar Sadat. In fact, the genocide of the Palestinians can be traced straight back to the emasculation of Egypt. The Imam Khomeini turned the tables on the Americans. Nothing has changed. The empire of lies is also the empire of morons.
Posted by: Stierlitz | Dec 31 2024 19:18 utc | 55
Posted by: furies | Dec 31 2024 17:22 utc | 22
Improving sleep..
I would find a good osteopath or acupuncture practitioner, reduce sugar and carbs, cook with coconut oil and olive oil, skip breakfast to fast intermittently, make my own l-reuteri based yoghurt, make my kefir drink, drink nigari magnesium chloride, buy a cheap led based infrared hat or pad..
Posted by: Stephane | Dec 31 2024 19:22 utc | 56
I BERHNARD A PHAWB https://tenor.com/view/blwyddyn-newydd-dda-snoopy-noise-gif-15937506?utm_source=share-button&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=twitter #Blwyddyn Newydd Dda #snoopy #noise via @gifkeyboard
Posted by: Geraint ap Iorwerth | Dec 31 2024 19:23 utc | 57
Patience, Darras, patience. The prelude to the main event hasn't even finished yet. China is keeping their powder dry for the big show, and Russia is to a degree as well. Iran too. Talk of ceasefires is just diplomatic posturing. There is no chance of that. WWIII has barely begun, so don't act so disappointed.
Posted by: William Gruff | Dec 31 2024 19:26 utc | 58
The Jimmy Carter thread has faded so I'll post this here, great take down by Jimmy Dore. It's not OT here as this is how we got to the miserable state we are in today:
Jimmy Carter Presidency SCORCHED By Chomsky & Chris Hedges!
I was young and shocked by the betrayal, a good ol' boy that hated and screwed the working class, a small businessman that screwed Main Street, a man of morality and peace that was a blood soaked warmonger as unhinged as Nixon.
I didn't know you could just lie and fake like that, but I fell for it again with Clinton, and again with Obama, but hey, I figured how aweful could the young hip black guy be? Now I realize the USA system is the con, not the people on the stage. Watch the water, not the boats.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Dec 31 2024 19:35 utc | 59
Not much has changed or accelerated. There is no difference between Jews incinerating Palestinians now and Americians incinerating Vietnamese in the '70's. There is not much difference between the globalists annuling an election in Romainia today and the US annuling elections all over the world since the end of WW II thru the CIA.
Technology has changed. Power centers change. Human nature stays the same. Awarness is elevated because of smart phones, the cameras, soclal media and increasing interent connectivity.
My hope is that the Jews would back off their claims on Palestine but the likelihood of that is zero. The same for Ukraine. Change the damm map and get it over with.
Other than that, may the New Year bring us something different than the past year and for the better of civilization. Unfotunately, this human tribal sickness will continue unabated in different forms.
Posted by: circumspect | Dec 31 2024 19:35 utc | 60
Can someone explain how Russian energy resources relate to low fertility rate in Germany, and vice versa?
Posted by: Jane | Dec 31 2024 18:40 utc | 44
Make love, not war.
Not dying is a good way to increase the number of living. The 20-30 million Soviets killed in WWII would be about 75-90 million descendants alive today. Same with the dead WWII Germans.
There is also 'winning' having an effect on libido and birthrates. Sporting events, and the US boomers come to mind. So Germany and Russia winning economically would charge an expansion. The reality is that Germany has had a boot to it's neck for 80 years, and Russia lost the cold war, suddenly, and nobody imo has come up with a prime impetus, but who were the winners in 90s Russia? Who were the losers? Population declines are to be expected in adverse conditions, and are intentionally induced. Holdomor, upper estimates are 12 million dead UKrains. Who did that and why? Is there a parallel today? That Russia is vastly under populated is known, but why? The Kalergi Plan......
They hate you. And everyone else. Their murderous ideology is masked, until it isn't. Look at the Gaza HATE Crime. Usury can be thought of as slow death.
The current world population boom is fueled by our Age of Oil (gas). It directly becomes food, shelter, goods. Restricting it restricts population.
Posted by: jopalolive | Dec 31 2024 19:42 utc | 61
They would have us believe that Hamas set a world historic tidal wave in motion on Oct 7 only to effectively never be heard from again (under the rubble of their own unwittingly suicidal myopia). Isn't it a tad more likely that this tidal wave was set in motion aforethought, a priori, etc by the US and Israel themselves, perhaps essayed and choreographed to satiety on their Lavender AIs (admittedly quantum microchips not necessarily yet included)?
Posted by: Ludovic | Dec 31 2024 19:47 utc | 62
I can explain to Dr. Mearscheimer exactly why they are able to sleep so comfortably. It is the result of their “religion”, which in rejecting Christ, rejects all good in this world, and fully commits its adherents to a live of opposition to God, manifesting itself in the murder of innocents, and the many flagrant violations of any commonly held set of moral values. It’s really not even very complicated, I think people are just too afraid to acknowledge it
Posted by: Dante G | Dec 31 2024 19:48 utc | 63
Can someone explain how Russian energy resources relate to low fertility rate in Germany, and vice versa?
Posted by: Jane | Dec 31 2024 18:40 utc | 44. . .
Posted by: jopalolive | Dec 31 2024 19:42 utc | 60
I don't see any answer in jopalolive's post to my question.
Posted by: Jane | Dec 31 2024 19:56 utc | 64
Timor, Borneo and Papua came before Palestine. The West had been bankrupt since before Indonesia. However, Palestine has good marketing and, importantly, actual Palestinian scholars to exhaustively detail the atrocity.
What happens when the people bullying you are suddenly given no rhetorical escape? Suddenly, the collective becomes as violent as the designated bully, and all pretenses are slaked-off. They then cry crocodile tears when they pretend to have realize what they have done.
I've noticed most Europeanized folks in my extended family pant quite a lot and are otherwise very quick to panic and anger; by default, they abide is a strong rushing flood of emotion. On the other hand, family members who are fully culturally Hispanic like the rest of us, as well as the small number of European-ish Hispanics, are the opposite; such people abide in a relaxing river. But, the tranquil river surface hides its vast turbulent depth, whereas the rushing flood is merely an inch of water spreading widely across a very shallow grade.
Amusingly, extending beyond my family, the racists in my social world are usually rushing-flood Anglicized Europeans calling tranquil-river Hispanicized Europeans as "savage animals". The ones who are very uncomfortable in nature tend to be the Anglicized ones, but the ones who enjoy camping tend to be the Hispanicized ones.
Certainly there are plenty of dumb Hispanic Whites, if course, but I just found this contrast to be like the two halves of the autonomic nervous system manifesting differently seemingly correlating almost exclusively to acculturation. Likewise, who favorite rushing (sympathetic-autonomic) bad memories to the point of almost mental illness, but more tranquil sorts (parasympatheti-autonomic) have better memories. Most of you whose commentary I have been lurking over for the past year are literally culturally Anglicized, I wonder if any of this seems familiar? Again, the Palestinians simply have good marketing, but the psychotic agents involved get tax revenue from you personally.
Posted by: valconius | Dec 31 2024 20:13 utc | 65
I don't see any answer in jopalolive's post to my question.
Posted by: Jane | Dec 31 2024 19:56 utc | 63
Consider looking at your immediate surroundings. They are a product of hydrocarbons. Wood, plastic, metal, glass, food, electricity, chips. All of it is trans mutated hydro carbons.
It is the reason there are 8 billion people in the world today, instead of 200 million. In other words, 8 thousand million. Approximately 40 times more people alive today due to energy resources.
If you want to restrict, or eliminate a people, restrict their energy, or trade there of for goods. There would be many millions more Palestinians alive today if they were not in a fuel deprived prison. Modern day goods are a product of fuel. Modern day goods and services vastly increase population capacities by a factor of 40 (or so).
Posted by: jopalolive | Dec 31 2024 20:14 utc | 66
From you, William Gruff, or from anyone, I'd dearly love to hear a flight of fancy, perhaps: some means of stopping the descent. At the very least, a way to stop the immediate eradication of Palestine.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Dec 31 2024 17:15 utc | 20
Two young people have shown us the way: Aaron Bushnell and Luigi Mangione. We have to be willing to put our lives on the line like they did if we are to make any progress. Perhaps senior citizens who are at the end of their lives anyway will think about following the lead of those young heroes.
Also, those anti-Israel protests on many downtown street corners would be far more effective if they were moved to just outside jewish synagogues.
Posted by: Chas | Dec 31 2024 20:17 utc | 67
Can someone explain how Russian energy resources relate to low fertility rate in Germany, and vice versa?
Posted by: Jane | Dec 31 2024 18:40 utc | 44
Make love, not war.
Not dying is a good way to increase the number of living.
Posted by: jopalolive | Dec 31 2024 19:42 utc | 60
Effective birth control is a relatively new technology. Societal structures in the form of mores and religious injunction have not really adapted to it. Much current thought is the majority of populations grouped into particular cultures are headed to population collapses (Germany, etc.).
Seems similar to me to the plight of the Caananites, who were tagged with the Lord's displeasure for practicing Onanism or whater else it was the Ham did in his father's wfie's tent. So wasn't there a population collapse for the Caananites say around 1200 to 1500 BC? Not much thought seems to go in this direction, all the while our misery increases.
Posted by: frithguild | Dec 31 2024 20:18 utc | 68
@b, wishing you and the barflies much health in the new year. Without you, there is no bar. We'll wither in wilderness of cluelessness and depravity of MSM.
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Dec 31 2024 20:24 utc | 69
Currently my best hope for 2025 and beyond is for a more sane East to arise.
The East is just as complicit in the Global Genocide as the West. Global War on Humanity is global. Satanic Death Cult is global. All governments participate. No good guys here. No reason to believe this is going to change without collective awakening.
"COVID-19" Genocide started in China.
China can sanction the US/Israel for the genocide in Gaza, they choose not to.
India can sanction the US/Israel for the genocide in Gaza, they choose not to.
BRICS are fully on board with the "Agenda 2030".
Posted by: KOB | Dec 31 2024 20:26 utc | 70
Two young people have shown us the way: Aaron Bushnell and Luigi Mangione. ***
Posted by: Chas | Dec 31 2024 20:17 utc | 66
Satan has entered the bar
Posted by: frithguild | Dec 31 2024 20:26 utc | 71
Peace of heart to all the readers and writers of this site. Some outstanding perceptions communicated, not the least by our host.
Of possible interest to the health challenged:
Posted by: jopalolive | Dec 31 2024 20:27 utc | 72
the future looks
like a bloody butcher
with a smile on his face
erase the race
start anew
with more style and grace
toiling, sweating, racing heart
eventually to return
to the same place
Happy new year
Posted by: Middle-man | Dec 31 2024 20:29 utc | 73
Thanks everybody, espacially B. !
2024…ahh never mind…feels like the beginning of the end.
Posted by: El.Lissitzky | Dec 31 2024 20:32 utc | 74
In the fictional movie apocalypse now A assassin is sent to kill a rogue Colonel in the Vietnam war, Colonel Kurtz. Colonel kurtz has gone mad and he expresses his appreciation for acts of mutilation. His final statement about the world is "the horror, the horror.
Even colonel Kurtz did not commit genocide on a population of 2 million. I find my thoughts coming back to that scene. The horror. The horror. Is this truly mankinds legacy?
Apocalypse now was fictional expression of the thing we call war. Colonel Kurtz was a idea about what humans become if they fully embrace the idea of war without things such as rules of engagement and standards of conduct. Rules of engagement and standards of condut is how men and society reconcile the thing known as war when they return home.
2024 was a year where evil rose. Where the fictional events in apocalyse now were shown to be rather mundane compared to the reality of Gaza. The reality is there is no intervention with colonel Netankurtz. He is given billions of dollars of war resources. The genocide in Gaza is fully supported by the USA, UK and Germany who even just provided Israel with a submarine expressly designed for nuclear missiles. Even that pales in comparison to the USAs total commitment to the genocide.
How would apocalypse now been regarded if it depicted a systematic genocide of 2 million people? The work of a madman? Would that not be true?
How is it that this genocide now in reality can be considered anything but the work of a madmam? It quantitatively exceeds anything depicted in apocalypse now by a large factor. Add to this the creation of Frank Joseph Biden and Victoria Nuland a million dead and as many maimed in the Ukraine proxy war.
The effects of war last a long time. Standards of conduct and rules of engagement are not there to be nice to the enemy. They are there as both a function of understanding that extreme measures are counterproductive and to try to negate the effects war has on society. Gaza represents a abandonment of a understanding of war that spans a millennium. It represents a wound on world society that will have profound effects in my opinion.
I dont think anything but Colonel Kurtzs final expression is appropriate for this year. The horror. The horror. Even that falls short. These people are mad. That is not debatable. Why would madmen stop at Gaza?
WE may try to forget 2024 but it is like trying to ignore a wound growing septic. THe horror. The horror. It grows. It doesn't just dissipate.
What further evolution of the concept we have been fed our whole life that we call war awaits us? How much longer will we swallow the excrement from madmen we are fed? Their authority came from understanding and that was a function of rules engagement and standard of conduct. Without that they are extremely well equipped psychopaths nothing more. They are like a so called surgeon who cuts very well but not to cure but for fun. The reality is the surgerys were never successful anyway. All they have created is suffering and destruction of human infrastructure that is incomprehensible. As such what we witness is the truth. War is a function of the psychopath. It has no legitimate function other than horror. That it has is heaping plate of shit and the psychopaths enjoy people eating it. Just logic it out. What positions are psychopaths attracted to?
The horror.
The horror.
Posted by: Fred | Dec 31 2024 20:34 utc | 75
Yanis Varoufakis: What to watch for in 2025 – Trump, the US dollar, and China
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Dec 31 2024 20:36 utc | 76
Ted vs. Jimmy
. . . in 1980, Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy, the last of three charismatic brothers who would seek the presidency, took on incumbent President Jimmy Carter, a former peanut farmer and Georgia governor who may have seemed mild-mannered and ineffectual but who could be tough as nails in a political fight. The result. . . was a civil war within the Democratic Party that would have far-reaching consequences. . . These men really didn't like each other. . .here
Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 31 2024 20:38 utc | 77
I don't think of liberalism as synonymous with "the west", and I don't mind that it's on its way out. Liberalism needs to die for the west to survive.
Posted by: catdog | Dec 31 2024 20:40 utc | 78
Dear B,
I don't think that the death of "globalism" is really such a bad thing. All too often, what "globalism" was (and still is, in some countries), was an excuse to shift manufacturing to countries offering cheap labour and very lax or non-existent laws governing workers'rights to decent pay and a safe workplace free from bullying and manipulation.
Bear in mind that under sanctions regimes, both Russia and Iran were compelled to diversify and develop industries that originally either didn't exist or were moribund for lack of investment.
Other countries like Syria and Venezuela have taken huge hits after they were sanctioned but for particular reasons not common to them. Syria was still under attack from US forces in northeast Syria where most oil and gas reserves are located; and Venezuela has long had an economy almost wholly dependent on exporting oil and gas due to policies followed by successive govts that ended up wiping out food agriculture in pre-Chavez dayssee
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Dec 31 2024 20:44 utc | 79
Sorry the last word in my comment @ 78 should be "days".
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Dec 31 2024 20:47 utc | 80
Chas @ 66
Relax, the time is coming up fast when everyone will be given a gun and told to shoot anything that moves. WW3 is shaping up like Mad Max. Hopefully, Russia and China will be able to protect their people, as for the west, careful what you wish for.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Dec 31 2024 20:52 utc | 81
the moral bankruptcy of the West
The moral bankruptcy of the West began when Columbus and his followers exterminated the Tainos to loot the island.
It never stopped since that time.
Posted by: Naive | Dec 31 2024 21:05 utc | 82
No "bar" has ever such a collection of overeducated and underachieving PUSSIES. Change the World or STFU. b is feeling sorry for himself and Europe. We Americans are turning shit around. Slowly but it's happening. MAGA ain't about GLObALIST NeoCon shit. Grow up children. Step up to save youselves.
Posted by: NigelTufnel11 | Dec 31 2024 21:06 utc | 83
To you B, I wish a complete recovery!
To all supporters of justice present at the bar, I wish the best possible year 2025 considering the current situation and the success of Russia with its objectives.
May the corrupt and war-makers reap what they have sown.
Posted by: Naive | Dec 31 2024 21:12 utc | 84
Thanks for that. An entire year of a genocide, not only not stopped, but actively aided, abetted, funded, armed, and excused by (almost) the entire Western political class. (There are, of course, a few honorable exceptions, who, needless to say, have little to no influence on policy.) A grotesque spectacle of lies & criminal depravity. Good riddance to 20241
Posted by: Dhammaloka | Dec 31 2024 21:14 utc | 85
Journalist Alan McLeod details how deeply embedded the Zionist entity’s Unit 8200 is embedded in U.S. media.
Spoiler…however bad that you suspect it may be, it is probably even worse.
Posted by: nwwoods | Dec 31 2024 21:19 utc | 86
2024 was not a Good Year.
The West put simply has replaced Liberal Democracy with a form of Democratic Fascism. Without Liberalism there is no such thing as Human Rights. The West at one time was somewhat constrained by its populations Christianity but today most people are secular and many of those participating Christians do so only as a social ritual. Next step in US I suppose is scrapping the Constitution and embracing Authoritarian Rule. Darker Times are ahead I fear.
Happy New Year
Posted by: Pete Lincoln | Dec 31 2024 21:22 utc | 87
On this theme: amidst all the horrors of the year, one stands out for me: the deliberate murder of children in Gaza. The IDF bombs, shoots, starves, and freezes them--while the Biden Admin suppresses reports from its own USAID about famine and war-crimes. I am dreading Trump (wars with China? Mexico? Iran?) but the exit of these criminals (Biden, Blinken, Sullivan etc.) is a silver lining. How much more elementary can an ethical precept get than "It is evil to murder children!"???
Posted by: Dhammaloka | Dec 31 2024 21:22 utc | 88
Posted by: Fred | Dec 31 2024 20:34 utc | 74
Doomer Lol
the Beauty
the Majestic
the Peace
the Love
the Compassion
the Eternal
the Infinite starts at our finger tips
Posted by: jopalolive | Dec 31 2024 21:33 utc | 89
It is of course good counsel to not generalize about soi-disant 'races or ethnicities,' but if you've ever had the occasion to experience Northern Iberian culture vs its Hispanic Caribbean iterations, ask yourself which of the two is more likely to exhibit the greater level of sangfroid on the whole: I'm thinking Basque, Asturian, or Catalan here vs. Cuban for example? Cheers.
Posted by: Ludovic | Dec 31 2024 21:37 utc | 90
OK, let’s have some fun in this thread, as the 2025 greetings thread doesn’t seem quite the right place.
So, bring’em on barflies:
Predictions for 2025
Zelensky will not be president of Ukraine on 31-12-2025, let’s have a look at the possibilities;
- he will scarper into exile with as much ill-gotten gains as he can carry
- he will be dead, either via cocaine overdose/contamination or by bullet (not from Russia)
- he will be under arrest
- he will have been voted out of office (don’t rule this out, Sergei Lavrov, no less, has raised a question about elections in Ukraine in one of his recent presentations).
What else?
Oh yeah, the F-35 will not be seen in the Ukrainian theatre
Israel will be afflicted by huge internal turmoil (Oh dear, ’ow sad, never mind.)
The West will discover what a nest of vipers Russia and Iran dumped into its lap with the Syrian situation
and one last one, Bath will win the rugby Premiership...
Bring on your worst...
Posted by: Jeremy Rhymings-Lang | Dec 31 2024 21:39 utc | 91
Thanks very much b, or B for your magnificent efforts during 2024. Despite illness you continued to shed light in our dark times. Hopefully your health will improve. But it's hard to stay healthy when spending so much time sitting, reading and writing about the ongoing conflicts. Perhaps we need to walk more and rest more to stay alive. I too have had health problems this year, including an operation to remove a tumour in October.
New Year’s Eve London U.K. 9.30 pm
High winds threaten our firework displays.
That’s the worst hardship we the Peoples as a whole consider tonight. But as long as we can get shit faced and snog - who cares?
The state radio middle/upper class classical music channel performs live orchestras and choirs - beating the drum beat of Empire war..
Rule Brittania! Land of Hope And Glory!!
We have tin ears. No realisation at all… singing imperial supremacist anthems!!! What the ducking fuck?
I feel you b.
When we wonder what’s going on?
It’s that we are the FASCISTS.
The Collective Waste.
BUT ……
It’s done - the anti Nazis have survived our onslaught and this time - they are multiples.
We are the ones sending children, women and the aged to attempt a last ditch failure. Inevitable as it is.
Like before. In 1945. Not then. Not Now.
On an optimistic note - I was involved in a local win this year.
When the state announced and our local MP spread fear to go hide from the anti-everything, Rule Brittania, mob incitement.
We gathered against all the state and police advice in our thousands, one Wednesday evening. When they though they could organise an agitation and riot with few hundred bussed in paid incitors!
It fucked them up and all the tv crews couldn’t get their pictures of race war! The photos that would incite draconia laws. Raise fear and mistrust.
Us. The multitude. The multi cultural. Multi racial.
All BRITISH. Fucked up their plans.
They didn’t broadcast these pictures. 🤡
We are the Many. We can easily win.
¡No Pasaran !
Posted by: DunGroanin | Dec 31 2024 22:04 utc | 93
Born in the 50's
Raised in the 60's
Partied in the 70's
Now a grandparent.
We are some of the lucky ones.
I keep thinkng that one of those 20,000 or so infants and children murdered by the Zionazis, if allowed to have lived, may have turned out to be another Einstein or may have found a cure for cancer.
Wishing b and all here a safe and healthy 2025.
Posted by: Menz | Dec 31 2024 22:08 utc | 94
Cant argue with you themes B , I wonder about intensity and if its irretrievable. Viewed through the prism of the health issues you have gone through things must look darker.
Some sanity from any direction would be most welcome. I hope 25 is a better year for you and MOAs readership.
Posted by: Yarpos | Dec 31 2024 22:09 utc | 95
You haven’t saved yourself yet ,friend.
More sacrifice is needed by you.
Posted by: Middle-man | Dec 31 2024 22:20 utc | 96
Posted by: comrade simba | Dec 31 2024 16:17 utc | 6
If i were you, i'd get out before jan 20th 2025. All the borders might be closed after that. IN OR OUT.
Posted by: KingCobra | Dec 31 2024 22:20 utc | 97
@b - thank you for a forum that has let me see the world for what it is. And a dismal 2024 it has been.
Also, thanks to every poster here. Even to the trolls that help me better recognize bullshit arguments.
@KitaySupporter #8
And a special thanks to KitaySupporter for reminding me to post the above link. Let's all thank Bernard for this beacon in the darkness.
Posted by: Weekender823 | Dec 31 2024 22:25 utc | 98
Can someone explain how Russian energy resources relate to low fertility rate in Germany, and vice versa?Posted by: Jane | Dec 31 2024 18:40 utc | 44
Emmanuel Todd doesn’t say there is any link between the population decline in Europe (or "in Germany") and Russia's energy and mineral resources. We can't answer this question, which requires to explain a thesis that doesn't exist.
He thinks that Germany has unfortunately accepted to sacrifice its economy by cutting itself off from Russian energy, and that this is accelerating Europe's decline.
Todd mentions in passing the declining birth rate in Europe as one of the symptoms of a more general decline. He also mentions in his book the parallel decline in the Russian birth rate, at a time when the Russian economy is in the ascendant.
I hope that "and vice versa" was a joke.
Posted by: Leuk | Dec 31 2024 22:35 utc | 99
This article is a good summary of the pathetic state of the Western World. Lets hope some of these posers are replaced in the coming year and some morality returns
Posted by: Ike | Dec 31 2024 22:38 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Deep thanks for your excellent, most needed commentary throughout the year. Wishing you a year of better health and continuing persipacity.
Posted by: abierno | Dec 31 2024 15:51 utc | 1