Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
November 30, 2024

U.S., Allies Reignite War On Syria

It seems that this earlier assessment of mine of the situation in Syria was wrong:

As the conflict in Lebanon subsides Israel and the U.S. have reignited the war in Syria. There have been signs for a while that this was going to happen. Yesterday Al-Qaeda affiliated HTS fighters, which has been rebuild and sponsored with CIA money, have relaunched their attacks on Syrian government forces west of Aleppo. Syrian and Russian air force attacks have for now stopped their progress. Hizbullah's Rudwan forces have yet to intervene but are deployed to defend Aleppo.

I do not expect the situation to Syria to escalate further.

As of now the situation continues to escalate. I had underestimated the role of Turkey in this.

President Erdogan seems to have taken control of HTS and is using it to pursue his aims. These include to widen Turkish control over Syrian land, to further damage the anti-Turkish resistance movement within the Kurdish population of Syria and to impress on president-elect Donald Trump that he can be a reliable ally in a fight against Iranian influence.

Jihadists under Turkish control have attacked Syrian government position on the western side of Aleppo city and diversion commandos seem to have infiltrated the city itself. A large part of this operation is the (fake) news onslaught accompanying it. Current information from the area is way too confused to state with some certainty what exactly is under who's control.

There are several forces fighting in Syria. The Turkish 'rebel' side, supported by Israel, Turkey and the U.S., includes two distinct groups. The former al-Qaeda Jihadists in Hayat Tarhir al-Sham [HTS] under Abu Muhammed al-Jolani were, and likely still are, financed and armed by the CIA through proxy actors in Qatar. HTS includes a significant number of Turkmen and Uighur jihadists from Central Asia. The second group is the so called Syrian National Army which is a group of Sunni Syria mercenaries paid for and controlled by Turkey.

These 'rebels' immediately distinguished themselves through their depraved behavior:

Hala Jaber @HalaJaber - 17:40 UTC · Nov 29, 2024

I have just watched a most gruesome footage of the so called Erdogan-backed “freedom fighters,” beheading a Syrian soldier they captured. A POW in western military terms.
I thought those days of ISIS evilness were over, but here we are again as history repeats itself while we are again being told that these are the good “liberators.”
The footage shows a Syrian soldier surrounded by ‘rebels.’
He pleads with them & pleads to their Islamic faith.
They pull his hand away from his neck & one guy with a huge jaggered knife proceeds to slice his throat. When it gets stuck, he pounds the knife into the neck a few times, then proceeds to continue with the slaughter to the cries of “Allahahu Akbar.”
Whoever in the western world is supporting these NATO-Israeli backed extremists should really think again. ...

On the other side of the conflict are the Syrian Arab Army (which seem to have forgotten all the lessons it had to learn during the previous phase of the conflict). It is supported by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps which has trained and is financing several groups of Shia fighters in Syria. This is done in strong coordination with Hizbullah in Lebanon which has some units of its Rudwan special forces stationed in Syria. Russia is backing the Syrian government in Syria and is currently using its air power to interrupt  further attacks from the 'rebel' side.

The Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) is an anti-Turkish movement. It forms a major part of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) which has been supported, on and off, by the Pentagon in east-Syria. It is currently fighting on the side of the Syrian government but has in own interest in securing areas with significant Kurdish populations.

While it was known that the conflict in Syria was soon to be revived the immediacy seems to have come as an surprise:

Sharmine Narwani @snarwani - 9:10 UTC · Nov 30, 2024

Russian newspaper Izvestia: The major terrorist attack on #Aleppo was coordinated between Turkish, Ukrainian and French intelligence with Israeli support and American approval. The planning was two months ago and the attack was supposed to be next March, but the events in Lebanon contributed to the urgency.

As said above there is no information yet that lets one make an unbiased assessment which side is really in control of what part of Aleppo or areas surrounding it. My impression is that many of the claims of Jihadist control here or there are only media operations without military significance.

But what can be said so far is that the Syrian government has obviously failed to secure its lines in the field and to prepare its army for a renewal of the conflict. The Syrian Arab Army seems to have given up many positions without a significant fight.

It will cost a lot of blood and treasure (again!) to regain control of them.

Posted by b on November 30, 2024 at 14:53 UTC | Permalink

next page »

Its worth keeping an eye on to see where this leads. Perhaps an attemp by the Americans to get the Russians off their home turf - their chosen battlefield in Ukraine and make them fight at the end of a long logistic line and off home ground.

Erdogan though appears to have the attributes of an opportunistic pathogen or parasite.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 30 2024 15:01 utc | 1

latest update from Aleppo, the center of the city has fallen and the SAA has retreated to the outskirts and will probably continue to fall back south to mid-way to Safira. The Terrorists have established supply lines back to Iblib province. Lots of talk that the local command of the Syrian Arab Army had been bribed to abandon their posts. What is absolutely confirmed is that terrorist sleeper agents had infiltrated the city before the invasion from Iblib and they launch their attack on the city simultaneous with a sudden return of radio explosions, injuring SAA soldiers and disrupting communications and contributing to a panic among the soldiers who then fled largely without a fight. A handful of elite Tiger units who were on the outskirts of Aleppo appear to be the only units that stood their ground and fought. a few conclusions can be inferred from this

1. Israeli, Turkey & the US worked together on this project; US proxies, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are confirmed among the Terrorist forces. meaning these troops would have to have been routed through Turkish controlled territory in order to take part in the attack. Additionally, the Terrorists wasted no time in publicly destroying Palestinian flags and monuments, affirming their loyal to their Israeli and American masters

2. this project was planned over at least a year. The sleeper units, the exploding radios, all of it must have been moved into the city over several months meaning this was planned at least a year prior. So all of Turkey's actions (visiting Assad, talks on normalization, etc...) over the past 12 months must been seen in this light.

3. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continues to be plagued by poor morale, leadership, training, organization and corruption. All accounts of the fall of Aleppo agree that that the SAA massively outnumbered the attackers, but there was no willingness to fight. Its very likely that the local commanders & authorities had been bought off by the Turks (a reminder many of these local forces had previously been terrorist who accepted an amnesty from the government). It is highly likely the local commanders were bribed to distribute the sabotaged radios among their own troops.

4. further to point 3, the Syrian government's policy of amnesty for prior terrorists and rebels will need to be reconsidered. It appears that the rehabilitated terrorists were just paying lip service to the government while collecting a check as there was no oversight to ensure either loyalty or minimum standards were maintained in local forces.

5. From the Russian point of view this should harden their hearts to any talk of freezing the Ukrianian conflict as it has just been dramatically shown that the US will reactivate a frozen conflict at any point in the future in order to apply additional pressure to the Russian government. No one was talking of the Syrian conflict until a week ago when the US gave the go ahead for this attack.

6. The US probably hopes that reactivating the Syrian conflict will help Israeli fight Hezbollah and will weaken Iran. I doubt the US expects Assad to fall in a month or two. But since Trump has announced a return to the maximum pressure campaign on Iran, I fully expect the US to start funding this war again in earnest. 4-5 billon dollars in annual US aid for Terrorists in Syria will probably produce more bang for the buck than 4-5 billon dollars in Ukrainian. prepare for a long conflict.

7. China was barely involved in the first Syrian war, If the US is serious about a return of the maximum pressure campaign against Iran by overthrowing Assad. China will probably feel compelled to involve itself more this time around, both to support Iran, their major oil supplier and to punish the Americans over their increasing hostility over Taiwan. I think we'll see more public contacts between Syria and China over the next month or so as a show of support.

Posted by: Kadath | Nov 30 2024 15:02 utc | 2

Aftermath of Russian Aerospace Forces strike on the terrorist in Aleppo:


Posted by: Apollyon | Nov 30 2024 15:10 utc | 3

" The major terrorist attack on Aleppo was coordinated between Turkish, Ukrainian and French intelligence with Israeli support and American approval. The planning was two months ago...."

And neither Syrian nor Russian Intelligence had a clue on what was coming?

Posted by: venice12 | Nov 30 2024 15:11 utc | 4

Thanks B!
And also thanks to Kadath for these informations, from which No. 5 is the most important one imo.

Having followed the globalist´s war against Syria I´m really sick, sad and enraged now: So many lives already lost before...And now these psychopathic monsters are using their headchopper-puppets again to destroy anything which had been reached in the meantime. - I hope they will burn in hell asap together with their masters!

Posted by: Blue Angel (original | Nov 30 2024 15:14 utc | 5

the exploding radios, all of it must have been moved into the city over several months meaning this was planned at least a year prior.

Posted by: Kadath | Nov 30 2024 15:02 utc | 2


Be careful with spreading a false message.

Data about the mass explosion of pagers and walkie-talkies with phones among the fighters of the Syrian army, as well as its leaders, do not correspond to reality. This is a throw-in. Many "experts on everything" supported and spread this misinformation.

The level and quality of disinformation correspond to the mental development of its "sources". What can we say about those who rushed with this story as with an information bomb.

Posted by: too scents | Nov 30 2024 15:14 utc | 6

Fog of war is strong so to be taken with a grain of salt:

Aleppo International Airport has been captured by HTS terrorists, after the Kurdish SDF did not put up any resistance

I think the real tragedy here will be that the majority of the Aleppo residents were taken off guard and unable to flee. A huge massacre will ensue and the Western MSM will simply pretend it didn't happen. Or worse as has happened in the past victim blaming, report that it were Assad's forces.

Posted by: xor | Nov 30 2024 15:18 utc | 7

Well, really, whose fault is it that those god loving head choppers still exist. Who bussed them to a safe zone, who kissed Erdo's ass to put them up? How fucking convient. And it really doesn't matter how spectacular Russian bombs are at killing, it should never have been left to fester in the first place.
Another Russian partner at work, that's Turkey, right?
Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Nov 30 2024 15:18 utc | 8

Posted by: venice12 | Nov 30 2024 15:11 utc | 4 "The major terrorist attack on Aleppo was coordinated between Turkish, Ukrainian and French intelligence with Israeli support and American approval."

Pretty much the Turks. Highly doubtful anyone else is much more than a bystander, at least until this point. Though some point to an airstrike on an HTS convoy near Kurds and claim it was US instead of Russian.

Russia bombing one side of the advance and the US the other?

Posted by: Ed4 | Nov 30 2024 15:23 utc | 9

Another Headfake move.
Erdogan enlisted by the D.C. Powerbroker to stir up Syria, get Hezbollah to move troops into Syria, weaken the south of Lebanon for Israel to get back to the killing zone.
The U.S. deal with Lebanon? Another D.C. move to get oxygen to the Israeli patient in the ICU.

Posted by: kupkee | Nov 30 2024 15:31 utc | 10

Has Gary Johnson weighed in?

Posted by: TimS | Nov 30 2024 15:31 utc | 11

A question arises spontaneously, how can Putin have respect and do business with a devious and treacherous bastard like Erdogan and the Turks.
Either Putin is a bit naive or he suffers from the same disease as Sleppy Biden

Posted by: Cagliostro | Nov 30 2024 15:33 utc | 12

The exploding pager/walkie talkie denial posts are done by pro-Israeli accounts and are similar to American diplomatic remarks after they had bombed an important SAA position in Deir Ezzor 8 years ago during a Daesh offensive which the latter then successfully overran. There's plenty of evidence that the exploding pager/walkie talkie did occur but as usual Israel tries to hide and obscure its involvement with these sort of rabid nihilists as much as possible. I'm curious if again there was a flyover by an American EW AC130 to make them explode as had occurred when Hezbollah was targeted 2 months ago.

BREAKING: Dozens of wireless communications devices including pagers and walkie-talkies have exploded among the Syrian Arab Army!

BREAKING: Dozens of explosions of walkie-talkies and pagers now comfirmed among the Syrian Army, Mossad is directly aiding the terrorist advance

Posted by: xor | Nov 30 2024 15:36 utc | 13

The long game is to finish off the dollar,drive the hegemon from the overseas bases and take dominion in Indian ocean,Pacific and Eurasia
by Russia,China,India,Iran and the rest. NATO will be confined to Atlantic. Even there they will have to contend with Russia. This could be achieved by 2030-32. Till then these types of lashing out by a desperate hegemon. These tactical victories can be easily reversed after winning the grand strategic battle against the hegemon. These little puddles will be in Moscow and Beijing on their knees begging forgiveness

Posted by: Michael J | Nov 30 2024 15:36 utc | 14

Vive la France!

Yesterday I asked:

Who ordered Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (ex al-Nusra Front, ex al-Qaeda) to attack Aleppo?
  • 🇮🇱 Israel
  • 🇺🇸 USA
  • 🇹🇷 Turkey
  • 🇺🇦 Ukraine

Seeing France on the list is a surprise. Ukrainians on the other hand are involved everywhere. Ukrainian drone operators are claimed to be training the Syrian terrorists. The wars in Sudan and Sahel are turning into a global war between Ukraine and Russia.

Posted by: Petri Krohn | Nov 30 2024 15:41 utc | 15

The glee that I saw on liberal websites was very upsetting to me when they posted about the attack on Aleppo. They were Crowing how Assad was going to be punished, not caring that the "rebels" are going to be brutal towards Syrian soldiers and civilians just because Syrian is allied with Russia. It is just a sporting match to these posters.

Posted by: QuietRebel | Nov 30 2024 15:42 utc | 16

The US is behaving completely irrationally now, The came to power in the post world war 2 world by offering stability to Europe and Asia. Now, the US throws fuel on every fire all around the world hoping that if the fire gets big enough and grows out of control the other side will eventually surrender and ..... what exactly, meekly allow the fire to burn them to ash? I can understanding the MIC wanting war and the elites that control the MIC make all of their money through warfare and gangsterism. But have these elites never met a real person in their lives, if you keep abusing people, eventually they will hate you so much they will be willing to die just to make you suffer, not to "win", the goal is to make you feel pain and remember it. The US elite maybe too stupid to realize it, but they are doing everything to start a war.

Posted by: Kadath | Nov 30 2024 15:45 utc | 17

@ 11


Heh, what's Aleppo?


@ 9


Wouldn't surprise me, given the fractal nature of Syria bombing one rebel group whilst backing others. Happened all the time.

Posted by: Urban Fox | Nov 30 2024 15:48 utc | 18

A timely reminder that a "long game" may not actually be a smart game, boys and girls. Just as likely, "long game" is just a cope that you didn't finish the job when you had the chance--and will pay for that failure later. Now I get that in Syria, the Russians are/were operating under severe constraints: a tiny intervention force, Turkish control over the Bosphorus, and an iffy SAA ally are the first things that occur to me.

Others have noted that point 5 by Kadath above (post #2) sounds particularly germane. Knowing Putin, he'll probably go into overdrive appeasing Erdogan once more.

Posted by: Ma Laoshi | Nov 30 2024 15:50 utc | 19

"It is just a sporting match to these posters."
you left out quite a few adjectives that could be applied to those abject cowards.

Posted by: Not Ewe | Nov 30 2024 15:50 utc | 20

we must also recognize the total disorganization and corruption as well as the absolute fanaticism of the Syrian army,
they can always be found with their pants down and trying to sell brooms and socks

Posted by: Cagliostro | Nov 30 2024 15:50 utc | 21

Americans are igniting fires all over the world. And no one aside from Russia is putting up any serious resistance. Like another poster said, nothing short of Divine Intervention is going to put an end to America's evil and I don't see that happening any time soon.

Posted by: bored | Nov 30 2024 15:56 utc | 22

Thank you Bernhard for this article.

The Russian mistakes of the past are now taking revenge.

Posted by: guest from franconia | Nov 30 2024 15:58 utc | 23

Flag of Palestine?

@Kadath | Nov 30 2024 15:02 utc | 2

Additionally, the Terrorists wasted no time in publicly destroying Palestinian flags and monuments, affirming their loyal to their Israeli and American masters

The flag of the Ba'ath Party in both Syria and Iraq is almost identical to the flag of Palestine. It would be impossible from videos to tell which flag was attacked. Not that is matters, as the Syrian terrorist would hardly know the difference.

The sad irony is that at the start of the Syrian civil war, Hamas was a major supporter of the Syrian "rebels", sharing their expertece in tunnel-building.

Posted by: Petri Krohn | Nov 30 2024 16:02 utc | 24

If the situation deteriorates further, for RU it will be crucial to have the proper time to actually retreat all their military assets in time in order to not get captured by the Wahabis. It's already a disaster that the SAA is a complete joke after so many years of fighting. If the current Syrian regime expects that RU/Iran/Kurds/Shia will do the fighting again for them, they might be for a rude awakening.
While it's also really bad for RU to lose Syria, it will be really catastrophic to lose all their equipment in those RU bases of which most of it will end in UKR hands.

Posted by: JamesBond | Nov 30 2024 16:03 utc | 25

thanks b...

sickening... the usa is sickening and this is another fine example of it... with support from france and ukraine?? more sickening stuff from folks who don't have a clue over their own future..

Posted by: jamee | Nov 30 2024 16:05 utc | 26

Terrorism and atrocity and now the signature of the fourth Reich west.

This is the destination of a
America’s “wrrrrrrrrrr on trrrrrrrrrrr”

They are now the terrorists.

Goethe and abyss staring etc…

Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Nov 30 2024 16:08 utc | 27

Nietzsche, not Goethe

Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Nov 30 2024 16:13 utc | 28

Nietzsche, not Goethe

Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Nov 30 2024 16:13 utc | 28

Yes, or Kafka.

Posted by: Bemildred | Nov 30 2024 16:16 utc | 29

There were high-level talks recently between Egypt and Qatar and between Egypt and Turkey. I guess they explained that they have no intention to let a US-sponsored occupation of Sinai evolve into a new destabilization of their country, after they have managed to put an end to the Qatar-sponsored Muslim Bro government of Morsi.
Then came this new offensive, after it was clear that the MB were still on the MB side.

Posted by: Tom | Nov 30 2024 16:20 utc | 30

Russian mistakes of the past

@guest from franconia | Nov 30 2024 15:58 utc | 23

The Russian mistakes of the past are now taking revenge.

Russia's greatest mistake was voting for UN Security Council Resolution 1970 on February 26, 2011, freezing all of Libya's foreign assets.

Russia's second greatest mistake was allowing UN Security Council Resolution 1973 to pass on March 17, 2011, approving NATO's war on Libya.

Six months later, Libya's terrorist stated moving to Syria.

13 years later, Russia is fighting the same terrorist in Syria, with all of its foreign assets frozen.

Posted by: Petri Krohn | Nov 30 2024 16:22 utc | 31

Another possibility, though, is that Erdo has dealt with others a way to get rid of the djihadists by sending them into a trap. This is the only way for all the women and children in the buffer zone around al Bab to actually be able at some point to return to their remnant families in Syria and elsewhere.

Posted by: Tom | Nov 30 2024 16:23 utc | 32

As we witnessed in the Azerbaijan conflict the Turkish war technology is decent kit. War technology is changing very fast. Any force that is outfitted with modern war technology and trained in it will be effective. Any force who has not implemented the lessons of Ukraine will have a very hard time of it against a force that has. The extent to which Turkiye outfitted and trained HTS is unknown but it is probably significant. Amazing that combatants of the Syrian war who certainly might be considered experienced could be considered not competent just a decade later.

This is the path humanity is on. Increasing effectiveness in new war technologies. Increasing allotment of resources on war technologies. Mid level players dominating lower tier players. A larger risk that micro war technology gaming gets applied to the macro by the big players forcasting blitzkrieg "victories".

It takes resources to keep up to speed in military technology. Syria has not had a lot of resources and certainly never fully recovered from the war. Russia can not come to the aid of Syria to the degree they did before. from a certain viewpoint this means there is little desire to end the Ukraine conflict as another front in which Russia is a participant has been opened.

Time will tell but certainly the Russian air force will be helpful but this is a different equation than before.

Does HST have AD? Doubtful.

The defacto agreement to give Turkiye Idlib and cease hostilities seems unlikly to be repeated. Is not changing of border territory "brutal aggression"?

Syrian conflict was and is always about cutting supply lines from Iran. The paper cease fire in Lebanon seems to philosophically erase Hizbollah. The restarting of the Syrian war demonstrates will to do that in the real not paper world. The ceasefire was not viewed as a legitimate means to end the regional conflict but as weakness by Iran. Immediately this operation was started signalling that nothing but a total cessation of Iranian influence in the vicinity of Israel was acceptable.

In the prior war whether Russia was in direct conflict with Israel was vague. It was a "Syrian" war. With the conflict in Israel and Ukraine that vagueness disappears as proxy war becomes the status quo and the Syrian front becomes active once again. Russias commitment to Syria is tested understanding that Putin always puts the Russian people first. Is this a response to "hazlenuts"?

Posted by: Fred | Nov 30 2024 16:31 utc | 33

Why is Erdogan playing so dirty dirty game?
Is it not so that the US had tried to kill him once?

Posted by: Salmon | Nov 30 2024 16:33 utc | 34

@Cagliostro | Nov 30 2024 15:50 utc | 21

>>the absolute fanaticism of the Syrian army
I have no idea what you are trying to say with these words; it's not borne out by the rest of your post. Please clarify.

@Kadath | Nov 30 2024 15:45 utc | 17

>>The US is behaving completely irrationally now
But are they, as long as the fires are being lit overseas while the profits are being booked Stateside? The US is still top dog: everyone is still waiting with bated breath what Trump is going to do, and trying to get on his good side. Washington only has to press a few buttons and poof, there goes the Ruble; even the RoTW combined would not be able to strike back symmetrically. The protestors in Tbilisi still want more; the EU still wants more; too many Taiwanese still want more. As long as the suckers are still queuing up to serve, why shouldn't Uncle Shlomo oblige them for fun and profit. And as long as there is still a US$, queue up they will.

Posted by: Ma Laoshi | Nov 30 2024 16:33 utc | 35

I was in Aleppo in 2010. Close to my hotel was a small catholic Church financed and built by Theodosius the Great in 380. The young priest who showed us around the church explained to me that there have been 85,000 Sunday straight masses .

In 2012 0r 13 I was watching CNN and I saw that the Church had been destroyed.

1700 years of earthquakes, revolutions, countless wars but only the neo con Ugly American had got it this atrocity done.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2024 16:34 utc | 36

The rebels having this much ability to retake territory might be an indication of how much Israel has weakened Hezbollah.

These 'rebels' immediately distinguished themselves through their depraved behavior:

This website was perfectly fine with "depraved behavior" when it was committed by the Taliban, or Hamas, or Putin's soldiers.

Posted by: Peru1969 | Nov 30 2024 16:38 utc | 37

"Russia set up their navy base in Syria somewhere around the time of Putin's & Soleimani's meeting (my memory fails).."

Posted by: emersonreturn | Nov 30 2024 16:17 utc | 30

"The Russian naval facility in Tartus is a leased military installation of the Russian Navy located on the northern edge of the sea port of the Syrian city of Tartus. Up until 2017, Russian official usage classified the installation as a Material-Technical Support Point (Russian: Пункт Mатериально-Tехнического Oбеспечения, ПМТО) and not as a base. Tartus is the Russian Navy's only Mediterranean repair and replenishment point, sparing Russia’s warships the trip back to their Black Sea bases through the Turkish Straits.[3]

The Tartus facility currently can accommodate four medium-sized vessels but only if both of its 100 m (330 ft) floating piers, inside the northern breakwater, are operational. It is not (yet) capable of hosting any of the Russian Navy's current major warships which range in length from the 129 m (423 ft) Neustrashimy-class frigate through to the 163 m (535 ft) Udaloy-class destroyer, much less cruisers such as the 186.4 m (612 ft) Slava class and the 252 m (827 ft) Kirov class, or the 305 m (1,001 ft) Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier and the 156 m (512 ft) Sovremennyy-class destroyer. It is however, in theory at least, presently able to support limited vertical replenishment operations for those larger warships." (1)

1. Wiki

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2024 16:39 utc | 38

There are some channels that the Syrian Government has asked Iran to intervene militarily. If there is any truth in this, then it's highly likely that the war is lost for the current regime.

Posted by: JamesBond | Nov 30 2024 16:40 utc | 39

Iran, Russia FMs discuss Syrian developments by phone

[...] Recalling the duty of the international community in confronting the terrorism, the Iranian foreign minister considered the recent movements of terrorist groups in Syria as part of the Zionist regime's and the US's plot to destabilize the West Asian region, emphasizing the need for greater vigilance and coordination between Iran, Russia, and regional countries, especially Syria's neighbors, to neutralize the dangerous conspiracy and confront the actions of terrorists in Syria and the region.

FM Araghchi to go to Turkey amid Syria developments

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said Saturday that Abbas Araghchi will travel to Ankara on Monday December 2.

All talking "Astana" - yet Turkey has broken it!

I'm still waiting for the mutual defense pact between RF and IRI. How else can the war for West Asia be won?

Posted by: Don Firineach | Nov 30 2024 16:42 utc | 40

President Erdogan of Turkey is an evil snake. He could cripple the genocidal Zionists in Israel by cutting off their oil, flowing through Turkey's pipelines, but he doesn't. And now he helps the Zionists by attacking Syria, now.

Is Erdogan a crypto Jew, a Dolmen or whatever? If not, what are his motivations for his two acts described above? Not cutting off oil to Israel, and attacking Syria now?

Posted by: Antiwar7 | Nov 30 2024 16:47 utc | 41

Looks like everyone’s favorite brony is back! Knock me over with a feather…

Posted by: malenkov | Nov 30 2024 16:48 utc | 42

so this is usa/israels proxy war with iran... make it happen in syria, as opposed to israel or iran?? the usa becomes more depraved by the day.. israel was always depraved, supporting isis since day one... in fact isis - a usa/israel creation..

Posted by: james | Nov 30 2024 16:50 utc | 43

@emersonreturn | Nov 30 2024 16:17 utc | 30

>>russia is committed & prepared, she has seen this confrontation coming
If so, then I'm reminded of Gandalf's words in Return of the King when being told that steward Denethor had always foreseen the doom of Minas Tirith: "Foreseen, yes; and done nothing!"

Russia's commitment to Syria is real but limited, as is only to be expected from the perspective of national interest. Famously, it doesn't extend to getting the Izzies to knock it off with bombing Russia's treaty ally.

Posted by: Ma Laoshi | Nov 30 2024 16:50 utc | 44

@ Ma Laoshi | Nov 30 2024 16:50 utc | 45

whereas usa/israels commitment to isis is unlimited... not sure how you fit into this picture based on your posts.. are you married to one of these isis freaks?? be careful what you support.. it might come back to bite you in the ass..

Posted by: james | Nov 30 2024 16:52 utc | 45


Considering the main focus on UKR, it's hardly justified by Russia to do anything to Israel anyway which is backed by some very powerful US vassals from the region including that snake Erdogan.
If Iran/Iraq militias want to intervene, they should do it because Syria is much more important for them than Russia at the moment. However Syrian Army at least needs to put a half-decent fight to even matter at this point.

Posted by: JamesBond | Nov 30 2024 16:54 utc | 46

Ripe time for China to swoop Taiwan

Posted by: Michael J | Nov 30 2024 16:59 utc | 47

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is a bastard back-stabber. I hope both Russia and China are taking note. Iran knows his duplicity very well.

Posted by: Steve | Nov 30 2024 17:00 utc | 48

On February 27, a squadron of Russian and Syrian fighters hit a position occupied by the Turkish army in the Idlib region, killing 33 Turkish soldiers.

The Russians later explained that the Turks, who had come as reinforcements to resist the Assad regime’s offensive targeting the last rebel-held enclave, had not reported their presence. Their location would have also been indistinguishable from positions held by jihadist groups.


In the days that followed, the Turks responded with violent attacks, including drone attacks, on Syrian air defense systems and units of the Syrian army and Hezbollah. At least two Syrian aircraft were shot down. The Damascus offensive against Idlib was halted and the regime suffered heavy casualties – with no Russian intervention nor, naturally, Russian forces being targeted by the Turks. In other words, Russia had indeed stopped the Turkish intervention in the Idlib area, while allowing Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to save face through his army teaching a "lesson" to the Damascus regime. Neither Moscow nor Ankara had any interest in prolonging the arm wrestling: the conditions were ripe for a compromise between the two players that would freeze the situation.

Erdoğan and Putin therefore agreed on a ceasefire, in Moscow on March 5, seemingly endorsing the advances of the regime's forces in the province, particularly control of the motorway linking Aleppo to Damascus, and replacing the Sochi agreement of September 2018.

Erdogan is far from pleased with the situation of Tatars and their Crimea “homeland”.

Posted by: Oui | Nov 30 2024 17:04 utc | 49

I remember painfully sifting through ATGM videos from the Jihadi side eight years ago. The SAA always looked undisciplined and bunched up. I kept waiting for them to learn. I guess they still haven't. Easy for me to say, though. The Middle East is a complicat(e) place.

Hamas supporting SDF and the Jihadis? I remember that.

What are we to make of this? As westerners, we want people to accept conditions, as fair as possible for all, that lead to peace.

But the Middle East has known war forever.

What a complicat(e) time. The weak will suffer what they must. Thucydides never left. The west is a sham.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Nov 30 2024 17:05 utc | 50

The givaway on Erdopawn was when he wanted back in the F35 lalapaloosa. Im disapointed. I had faith in his machivellian ability to play both sides. Thats over now. Discarding the agreements made with Russia about Syria means he is all in with NATO. The dog saw a unattended turkey on the table and couldnt resist. Its a sad day. Whatever you feel about Erdopawns character his playing both sides deescalated the NATO Russia conflict. It provide a perspective that there was middle ground countering polarization. These events are significant.

Posted by: Fred | Nov 30 2024 17:06 utc | 51

Let’s not forget the US troops still occupying Northeastern Syria:

Posted by: doim | Nov 30 2024 17:08 utc | 52

Well Christmas is canceled in Aleppo, Thanks you genocidal zionist scum. iran better send both its own soldiers as well as some houthi soldiers on the ground. Full armies. 100,000 foot soldiers from each.
first retake all of Aleppo, then all of idlib, and from there, finally the occupied golan heights! then, you flood another 500000 houthi and irgc through, and the problem will finally be solved.Ŏ

Posted by: BurnEye | Nov 30 2024 17:11 utc | 53

Bemildred 29

“Yes, or Kafka.”

Like, the USA woke up one morning and found it had turned into a democracy

Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Nov 30 2024 17:11 utc | 54

@Peter AU1 #1
I am sure US/Western intel agencies and NGOs are involved, but I am even more sure that this is Israel reverting to its post 2006 strategy against Hezbollah.
To recap: Hezbollah beat Israel's ass in 2006, so Israel shifted to trying to take down Assad in order to cut Hezbollah off from Iranian support. It wasn't just Israel, of course, since Muslim Brotherhood/Qatar/other Gulf states were also interested in this,
Hezbollah withdrawing troops back to Lebanon certainly was a factor as well.

Posted by: c1ue | Nov 30 2024 17:16 utc | 55

Bemildred 29

“Yes, or Kafka.”

Like, the USA woke up one morning and found it had turned into a democracy

Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Nov 30 2024 17:11 utc | 55


The USA would be much better served by Dorian Gray’s mirror.

Posted by: malenkov | Nov 30 2024 17:16 utc | 56

The attack in Syria is proof that the appalling weak cowardice of Pezeshkian will draw the wolves every time. He does Iran no favours with his weak eyes. Get the damned bomb or lead your country to suffer the fate of the weak throughout History.

Posted by: WilsonK | Nov 30 2024 17:18 utc | 57


Sending 100.000 soldiers might take months. The logistical work would be immense, so it's not going to happen. Of course, Iran/Houthis/Iraq militias could help with some soldiers, but the grunt work needs to be done mainly by the Syrian Army which is absent at best at the moment.

Posted by: JamesBond | Nov 30 2024 17:18 utc | 58

Kadath | 30 novembre 2024 15:45 UTC | 17

not fanaticism, but indolence and indifference,
translator misrepresented the term I used,

Posted by: Cagliostro | Nov 30 2024 17:25 utc | 59

@ WilsonK | Nov 30 2024 17:18 utc | 58

You don’t know that “getting the damned bomb” is not Pezeshkian’s decision to make?

Posted by: malenkov | Nov 30 2024 17:25 utc | 60

This isn't looking good for the Syrian government. This could be the end of Assad's rule and the coming massacre of Alawites, Christians, and other minorities.

Posted by: bored | Nov 30 2024 17:26 utc | 61

While it's also really bad for RU to lose Syria, it will be really catastrophic to lose all their equipment in those RU bases of which most of it will end in UKR hands.

Posted by: JamesBond | Nov 30 2024 16:03 utc | 25

You're moving a little faster than events there, Bond. Slow down. There is nothing to suggest that is even possible at this stage. Wishful thinking on your part? Perhaps.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 30 2024 17:29 utc | 62

If one assumes that the Genocide Jews have needed puzzling conflicts outside Palestine to divert attention from their Homeland Cleansing operations, then a brawl in Syria makes perfect sense. It was obvious that Bibi had no intention of observing the fake ceasefire with Lebanon.

The CIA is just another Mossad tool besides being Al-CIA-duh. Imo, Sudan and Haiti are also CIA/Mossad ops. There could be others but Syria, Haiti and Sudan are the ones the jew-controlled MSM wants the pompous gullible West to focus on.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 30 2024 17:29 utc | 63

Like, the USA woke up one morning and found it had turned into a democracy

Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Nov 30 2024 17:11 utc | 55

Your Nietzsche is maybe a better quote for this time, but it is very Kafkaesque right now, I was thinking of "The Trial".

However, I was born a few weeks before Hiroshima, and I remember quite well crawling under my desk at school to hide from the A-bombs, so I have been staring into the abyss for quite some time.

Thank you for your comment.

Posted by: Bemildred | Nov 30 2024 17:30 utc | 64

Russia knows it now. One cannot bargain with such sadistic animals. They do not understand mercy. The only way to defeat this pure evil is with the sword of destruction.

Posted by: Áobh ó'Sheachnasaigh | Nov 30 2024 17:33 utc | 65

@guest from franconia | Nov 30 2024 15:58 utc | 23

The Russian mistakes of the past are now taking revenge.
Russia's greatest mistake was voting for UN Security Council Resolution 1970 on February 26, 2011, freezing all of Libya's foreign assets.

Russia's second greatest mistake was allowing UN Security Council Resolution 1973 to pass on March 17, 2011, approving NATO's war on Libya.

Six months later, Libya's terrorist stated moving to Syria.

13 years later, Russia is fighting the same terrorist in Syria, with all of its foreign assets frozen.

Posted by: Petri Krohn | Nov 30 2024 16:22 utc | 32
Yes two mistakes that could cost many lives the main mistake was allowing thousands of head hackers to evacuate to Idlib with their weapons and fester, now it could be a fatal mistake.

Posted by: Englishman | Nov 30 2024 17:33 utc | 66

Looks like a total disaster.

The terrorists are close to Hama according to Middle East Spectator (Telegram):

The same Telegram channel: Gunfire is heard in Damascus

Posted by: NoName | Nov 30 2024 17:37 utc | 67

The givaway on Erdopawn was when he wanted back in the F35 lalapaloosa. Im disapointed. I had faith in his machivellian ability to play both sides. Thats over now. Discarding the agreements made with Russia about Syria means he is all in with NATO. The dog saw a unattended turkey on the table and couldnt resist. Its a sad day. Whatever you feel about Erdopawns character his playing both sides deescalated the NATO Russia conflict. It provide a perspective that there was middle ground countering polarization. These events are significant.

Posted by: Fred | Nov 30 2024 17:06 utc | 52

Erdogan is a snake in the grass, but I don't think Russia is blind to that. Putin does diplomacy with Erdogan solely because Turkey remains an historic regional rival and a serious military threat, not because he has blind faith in the man.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 30 2024 17:37 utc | 68

SAA has now retreated to Homs in disarray and are on the verge of a complete rout. Russia and Iran have issued a joint statement calling on the Syrians to hold the city or at least fight for it to bug time for Iranian reinforcements to arrive. Russian and Syrian Air Forces are working around the clock to bomb the advancing terrorists

Posted by: Kadath | Nov 30 2024 17:39 utc | 69

" Americans are igniting fires all over the world. And no one aside from Russia is putting up any serious resistance. Like another poster said, nothing short of Divine Intervention is going to put an end to America's evil and I don't see that happening any time soon.

Posted by: bored | Nov 30 2024 15:56 utc | 22 "

You must be new here as that is not the popular opinion in these parts. Basically, the US is done financially, its military is impotent and full of "woke" warriors. Its military equipment is overpriced and outdated and its running out of ammunition. Plus the US population has no will to fight left. All in all, Russia will steam roll through NATO in Ukraine, Iran will destroy Israel easily, and China will take back Taiwan with massive US casualties, at which point the US will fade away into the annals of history.

Trust the plan.

Posted by: Amon Ra | Nov 30 2024 17:43 utc | 70

The Syrian government could lose all of Aleppo province unless they stabilize the front. The next 48 hours will decide how long it takes to liberate Aleppo, 3-4 months or more than a year

Posted by: Kadath | Nov 30 2024 17:44 utc | 71

thank you, canuck & ma laoshi,

i'm travelling with iffy wifi, so, thank you, canuck, for wiki. after listening to jean pierre petit on russian small subs & other small yet wily vessels the size mightn't matter as much as simply enjoying the strategic position.

ma laoshi, bless you for inviting gandalf, always a pleasure, perhaps, china & russia will do nothing, in spite of both having suffered empire's plague of head chopping terrorists. or, perhaps, the pot is nearing a boil?

mother has been sitting tight on her peerless arsenal since 2017, paying scant regard to the urgent pleas for action & reprisal; esp. during the early morning of kursk. orlov has cited the number of russian troops involved in 404, it's surprisingly modest, orlov also suggests russia has wisely measured, distributed, trained & kept a store of troops which isn't a surprise so much as expected. perhaps in readiness?

belousov's visit to kim @ this stage is also curious. erdogan finally choosing sides is equally curious &, now? coming out of the closet over headchoppers & syria? timing being crucial, we wonder, has the point been reached when more is lost by not taking action than by continuing to bide one's time. personally, my hunch, losing syria to empire is not to be allowed. even given the head choppers & the zionazis could not hold it for long, but to see it burn like moscow & then return to reclaim seems counter indicated.

(i shall be on the road, the destination isn't likely to have wifi, i will check & read responses when i am connected, but i expect my replies will be a $late & a pound short. apologies)

Posted by: emersonreturn | Nov 30 2024 17:44 utc | 72

Telegram channel Middle East Spectator posts:

"HTS terrorists are now inside Hama, it looks like the city was mostly abandoned by the SAA, despite the Syrian Ministry of Defense denying this"

"Pro SNA / opposition protests have erupted in Daraa, Southwestern Syria, with gunfire reported

Posted by: NoName | Nov 30 2024 17:48 utc | 73

Boy howdy, the blackpill brigade is out in full force lately. ASSAD IS DOOMED! We'll see, won't we?

Posted by: Hunsdon | Nov 30 2024 17:48 utc | 74

Posted by: Cagliostro | Nov 30 2024 15:50 utc | 21
---------------------------------------------------------------- |

People got to make a living.

Posted by: Ed | Nov 30 2024 17:49 utc | 75

They can change the fatwah at the drop of a religious hat. Khamenei needs persuading. Pezeshkian is not the man to do it. Iran won't fight, despite many on this blog simply making continual apologies and coping for that. He may be a tool of the West, but even Zelenski at least puts up a fight. Maybe "God" will save the Iranians from Erdogan and the Jews.

Posted by: WilsonK | Nov 30 2024 17:51 utc | 76

So the Evil Ones pulled yet another snake outta their bag. There is a Medusa matrix which is involved in the planning and logistics support for the now once again proven headchopper mercenaries. So "Sultan" Erdogan has finally showed his cards. He needs to receive his due punishment, but that will take time. The puppet regime in the Di$trict of Corruption is deeply involved. The leading dark-lights amongst the Collective Wa$te is playing "follow the leader"

Indeed, we are looking at a further iteration of WWIII. At this juncture it is evident that neither of the majors, the U$$A and the R.U. are likely to use nukes in these manifold developments. Russian doctrine is that they will not INITIATE Pandora's Box. Thus, we are looking at a novel type of in many aspects, yet intense in the chosen arenas. The R.U. is highly unlikely to employ ground forces in this assault on Syria. The Murrikkkan$ likely realize that their tripwire forces are extremely exposed in the Muddle East. Bases in the Persian Gulf, stretching from Oman in the furthest east to oil and wheat stealing "guardians" in eastern Syria.

This time Iran is sitting on the hot seat. They should realize that Syria is vital to the forces of Resistance. Right now it is probable that their general staff people are gaming out the situation and deciding whether or not they should send in elite ground forces, most likely their Republican Guard types. Iraq would be amenable to forces of 20,000 or thereabouts Iranians to transit their lands and into the fray. Logistics will be the potential stumbling-block. Transport aircraft are relatively few, so the infantry, with minor armor and artillery units would need to be done with truck convoys, closely protected by their huge force of drones.

In Yemen, the Ansar Allah Houti stalwarts have long desired to join the fray against the Izzies and now that Turkey's Snake "Sultan" has showed his hand; his ongoing interference in Syrian forces...their potential enemies have doubled. Shia Iraquis would also likely join the fray. Possibly, their moves would commence with the elimination of U$$A intruders, both within their own land and also those tripwire units in eastern Syria. Lacking significant transport or logistical power; their contributions would largely center on removing the predatorial parasites from their own territory as well as in that of their western neighbor.

Wild card in the eastern Mediterranean would be a take-out of the British controlled base in Cyprus by means of their already revealed Hazel Wand hypersonic IRBM. As Perfidious Albion, particularly due to their Talmudist control matrix centered in City of London; their airbase being instantly dissolved would send a powerful message to the central core of the Collective Wa$te. Make no mistake, the Talmudist control over the U$$A is directed from the Rottenchild bank in The City. Erasing that Cyprus control point would up the ante to the point where the string-pullers would become a bit more tentative in their proxy assaults via Ukraine and Occupied Palestine.

It is essential to consider this attack on Aleppo by the headchoppers as yet another move on the global chessboard. This latest slap in the face of the Axis of Resistance closely resembles an incursion by their Black Knight.

Posted by: aristodemos | Nov 30 2024 17:52 utc | 77

Boy howdy, the blackpill brigade is out in full force lately. ASSAD IS DOOMED! We'll see, won't we?
Posted by: Hunsdon | Nov 30 2024 17:48 utc | 75

English is not my first language, so I do apologize that I ask: what is blackpill?

Nobody said, that Assad is doomed, but at the moment it looks very bad, if you deny that, you cope imho.

From Middle East Spectator (they are Iranian, by the way or at least they claim to be from Iran):
"CONFIRMED: Gunfire in Damascus, the capital of Syria, near the building of the General Staff of the Armed Forces"

Posted by: NoName | Nov 30 2024 17:54 utc | 78

Look at the map, the capture of Hama and Homs surrounds Latakia and Tartous, that's the real goal, and the full court press by the USA jihadis, force the Russians to bug out of Syria, USA out of Vietnam and Afghanistan style, hurried, in a panic, shredding documents, abandoning weapons and systems, people hanging off the landing gear.

Iran, Syria and the Russians have a bad tendency to get caught on the crapper with their pants down, they now have very little time to turn it around, all the fighter bombers and fabs in the world world won't save it, just as it has never saved any collapse for the USA, Russia and Syria need professional, seasoned infantry, lot's of it to cover a lot of ground, lots of spread out highly mobile jihadi squads to chase down, whack a mole, not unlike Kursk.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 30 2024 17:54 utc | 79

Thanks for that b. In comparison, the Ukraine war is less complex in terms of the forces involved. It is as if someone 'up there' is orchestrating global wars: turning one up and another down - just like those who controlled the hazards in the 'Hunger Games'.

Posted by: The Busker | Nov 30 2024 17:57 utc | 80

The struggle for power is global, all entities that have some coherence will have to pick sides. The positive end is that a grey zone is being created, what shifts opportunistic takes to mid-level players. Within local societies this empowers the outliers not in the intimacy of power.

New technology is cheap, LLMs can be made bigger, too many variables to tinker with, complexity can turn now into chaos and cycle into many a scenario that is outside of historical concepts. All actors only have partial knowledge of the forces involved.

This "thing" will draw out into the end of the century. Comfort is to be found in participating, having some kind of agency, since bystanders are out of the comfort zone soon. That is a game-changer and multiplicator. It takes little to rally even Western Europeans when they are squeezed out of their comfort zone, to rouse opportunistic strive, to shatter elite consensuses. The streets will speak, even in locations as Western Europe and the North Americas.

The dollar as a commenter pointed out is key. Another one is the choice of Russia and China to play defense and loose the window of opportunity in a possible exchange. Inertia and explosive agression are all on the chess-board. There is no sense to be made yet of any decisive strategic shift to any side, the stability of the relation-ships of allies. For certain, there is no way out of this, this "thing" has to be consumed.

Posted by: PetrOldSack | Nov 30 2024 17:57 utc | 81

From Middle East Spectator (they are Iranian, by the way or at least they claim to be from Iran):
"CONFIRMED: Gunfire in Damascus, the capital of Syria, near the building of the General Staff of the Armed Forces"

Could this video be fake? Gunfire heard and at the same time people walking casually along the road?

Posted by: NoName | Nov 30 2024 17:57 utc | 82

Posted by: emersonreturn | Nov 30 2024 17:44 utc | 73
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Your apologies are accepted. I read the whole thing and learned nothing.

Posted by: Ed | Nov 30 2024 18:01 utc | 83

Bemildred 57

“The USA would be much better served by Dorian Gray’s mirror.”

The mirror or the picture?
Anyway the face would be George Soros

Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Nov 30 2024 18:02 utc | 84


Do I scent the presence of a concern troll? I'll be closely monitoring your future postings.

Posted by: aristodemos | Nov 30 2024 18:03 utc | 85

I have never understood why terrorists were allowed to use the Idlib province as a refuge. It would seem that they would have been vulnerable to a Syrian government offensive. Perhaps the Syrian military had become too exhausted to continue fighting.

Posted by: Rob | Nov 30 2024 18:04 utc | 86

Posted by: Kadath | Nov 30 2024 17:44 utc | 72

The Syrian government could lose all of Aleppo province unless they stabilize the front. The next 48 hours will decide how long it takes to liberate Aleppo, 3-4 months or more than a year
I can't believe what I'm reading. The surprise and speed of the attacks, the lack of resistance, the walkie talkie strike! Again!

At this rate, Syria could be cut off from the coast.

Posted by: robin | Nov 30 2024 18:04 utc | 87

I think it's worth commenting on that we have another week and another genocide started.

These ISIS (etc) folks are genocidal. Not only in terms of the slaughter that they impose but in their complete commitment to the erasure of existing cultures and religions in their area of control.

You know I often look at human behavior to be explained in terms of mammalian behavior. This evil tendency runs deeper and can best be explained in terms of animals. Insects do things like this.

How many genocides are occurring right now? How many since World War II? The complexity or sophistication might be different but it is otherwise the same thing in action.

I think that people of Syria need to learn a lesson from Hezbollah or Ansar Allah. They are surrounded by enemies and have had 10 years to train and prepare for more war. As a rule I find victim blaming really pathetic but they have to take some accountability here.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Nov 30 2024 18:05 utc | 88

Posted by: Ed4 | Nov 30 2024 15:23 utc | 9

No simping here for the Anglo-American regime, you low-life puke. The US intelligence agencies are up yo yhe neck in this. And you have some nerve, jihadist-loving cunt, to suggest that the US is bombing the terrorists as they are on the path to attack the very people your beloved Zionazi regime has been bombing all along.

It's surreal how many regular barflies have been treating this slimebag troll (Ed4) as some sort of regular poster.

Posted by: Constantine | Nov 30 2024 18:08 utc | 89


Please do consider the SIZE of the Headchopper "army". Though well paid by cut-outs on behalf of the Agency and other nasty iterations for the WEF and the controllers who own that nefarious entity...and highly motivated by assiduous indoctrination by psywar is quite doubtful that their total effectives are not far less than 20,000 fanatics.

So no need to be overly concerned about Homs and other major Syrian cities. By assaulting Aleppo, the evil entities are heavily overextended.

Posted by: aristodemos | Nov 30 2024 18:09 utc | 90

The mirror or the picture?
Anyway the face would be George Soros

Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Nov 30 2024 18:02 utc | 85


Yes, the picture of course. Apologies for the brain fart!

Posted by: malenkov | Nov 30 2024 18:10 utc | 91

Posted by: Constantine | Nov 30 2024 18:08 utc | 90

Homs... and what is happening in Damascus?

Posted by: Ed4 | Nov 30 2024 18:11 utc | 92

It's surreal how many regular barflies have been treating this slimebag troll (Ed4) as some sort of regular poster.

Posted by: Constantine | Nov 30 2024 18:08 utc | 90


Well said.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Nov 30 2024 18:12 utc | 93

" I have never understood why terrorists were allowed to use the Idlib province as a refuge. It would seem that they would have been vulnerable to a Syrian government offensive. Perhaps the Syrian military had become too exhausted to continue fighting.

Posted by: Rob | Nov 30 2024 18:04 utc | 87 "

Not true, the SAA was on a roll and ready to take back Idlib but were stopped by Putin to appease backstabbing Erdo.

Posted by: Amon Ra | Nov 30 2024 18:13 utc | 94

TG channels since yesterday showing planes from Russia and Iran landing in Syria, bringing reinforcements or bugging out? We will know very soon.

It's too easy to underestimate ClownWorld, maybe that's why the Clown part seems so outlandish and over done, maybe that's kayfabe too, not that they are not Clowns but they've learned to leverage their weak points to catch everyone off guard. Anyway, Killer Clowns can't be that stupid or humanity would have killed them all already.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 30 2024 18:13 utc | 95

Posted by: Peru1969 | Nov 30 2024 16:38 utc | 38

Another Zionazi slimebag infesting the bar, probably a Latin American fascist as it were (thry are known for their grovelling attitude to wards Washington and the Zionazis in general).

Posted by: Constantine | Nov 30 2024 18:16 utc | 96

" Iran, Syria and the Russians have a bad tendency to get caught on the crapper with their pants down

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 30 2024 17:54 utc | 80 "

Getting caught the first time is a mistake, getting caught a second time is negligence, getting caught a third time is ..........

Posted by: Amon Ra | Nov 30 2024 18:17 utc | 97

Posted by: Ed4 | Nov 30 2024 18:11 utc | 93

By expressing your sadistic glee with the advance of Islamist terrorists who wage war against the people of the Syrian Republic, you validated my point, Zionist excrement.

Posted by: Constantine | Nov 30 2024 18:19 utc | 98

Won’t repeat that this is a Kursk replay (but this time they reached Kursk)
Won’t repeat SBU is and will remain the west’s main handler of terror mercs.

Will detail some details on France’s role.

France has an axe or to to grind with RF for the Sahel and other of their previous vassals .

France is provably being offered rump Syria and Lebanon as consolation .

France hopes RF will remove 50k Wagner or other PMC from Africa to save Assad.

What they didn’t count on is that at this time, probably taking a month or two, RF can spare, discharge and organize a second block of 50k SMO veterans for , let’s call it Tchaikovsky, and thoroughly dismember a force 10 times the one the west sent to Syria.

I will not repeat that erdogan is an ungrateful SOB, may the tiger he chose to ride, byte his balls off.

Posted by: Newbie | Nov 30 2024 18:20 utc | 99

Posted by: aristodemos | Nov 30 2024 18:09 utc | 91

...So no need to be overly concerned about Homs and other major Syrian cities. By assaulting Aleppo, the evil entities are heavily overextended.
You seem pretty confident about this. I suppose we shall know in a few weeks?

Posted by: robin | Nov 30 2024 18:21 utc | 100

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