'Pogrom' Against Hooligans Accusations Follow A Zionist Propaganda Scheme
There are two recurring schemes in pro-Zionist propaganda:
- In any conflict the Zionists (or Jews) are always the victims.
- Conflicts with Zionists always occur out of nowhere, i.e without any provocations and outside of any context. They are thus pure anti-semitism.
On October 7 2023, following provocations of radical Zionists at the Al Aqsa mosque, Hamas soldiers and random Gazans broke from their open air prison and attempted to take Israeli hostages. These were to be exchanged for Arab prisoners in Israeli hands. During the operation the Israeli military ordered its forces to follow the Hannibal directive which says that any potential Israeli hostage shall be killed before it is taken to Gaza.
Various reports have since shown that the majority of those killed on that day were Arabs from Gaza. The majority of Israeli casualties of that day were caused by the Israeli military, primarily by its helicopter forces which fired Hellfire missiles and machine cannons against random cars fleeing the scene.
But the Zionist friendly media reported the Hamas excursion as unprovoked. It seemed to have happened without any context. But there is a context of more then 70 years of expulsion and killing of Arabs up to today.
It also depicted the killed Israeli as the victims killed by the Arab attackers even as Israel's own military admitted that it had killed a large share of them.
A recent incident in Amsterdam follows a similar scheme.
Israel decries ‘pogrom’ in Amsterdam as soccer fans come under attack by rioters - Times of Israel, Nov 8 2024
All Israelis accounted hours after 10 injured, many besieged in hotels as gangs of hooligans — apparently Muslims and Arabs — ambush, beat Israelis after game
The headline suggests that:
- The Zionist 'soccer fans' were the sole victims.
- There was no context, i.e. the attack was presumably unprovoked.
Both points are, of course, wrong.
Some context, not mention in recent reports, can be found in a three days old Jerusalem Post report:
Just in case: Mossad agents to join Maccabi Tel Aviv FC trip to Amsterdam - JPost, Nov 5 2024
After a disappointing 1-0 league loss to Ironi Kiryat Shmona, Maccabi Tel Aviv is refocusing on European competition, set to face Ajax in Amsterdam on Thursday night.
As with all Israeli teams playing in Europe over the past year, security concerns are paramount. On Tuesday, Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf reported that, in addition to Maccabi’s regular security personnel, Mossad agents will join the team in Amsterdam to provide maximum protection.
Maccabi fans are long known for their racist behavior:
In 2014, a group [of Maccabi] fans reportedly shouted racist slurs in the direction of Mahran Radi, an Arab-Israeli who was then playing for the club. Graffiti was also sprayed around Tel Aviv.It allegedly said "we don't want Arabs at Maccabi!" and "Radi is dead".
In June, Israel’s “Kicking Out Racism” initiative tried to quantify the amount of racist language used by the fans of various football clubs. They found that Maccabi was second only to Beitar Jerusalem in terms of the quantities witnessed by researchers.
It is alleged those same sentiments were on display in Amsterdam this week, with fans chanting racist slogans, as well as refusing to mark a minute’s silence for the victims of the flooding in Spain.
Minor riots with Maccabi fans actually took place on two nights. On the night of the 6th to 7th November, a day before a game against Ajax Amsterdam, hooligan soccer fans of Maccabi Tel Aviv, presumably under Mossad 'protection', teared down Palestinian flags from private Dutch dwellings (video) and attacked Dutch taxi drivers of Arab descent:
Taxi Driver @DutchTaxiDriver - 2:55 UTC · Nov 7, 2024Schandalig en onacceptabel: een Amsterdamse taxichauffeur aangevallen en mishandeld door Maccabi hooligans. Dit geweld moet stoppen. Steun voor onze chauffeurs die onze stad draaiende houden, ook in moeilijke tijden. #StopGeweld #Amsterdam #RespectVoorChauffeurs #Ajax
Outrageous and unacceptable: an Amsterdam taxi driver attacked and abused by Maccabi hooligans. This violence must stop. Support our drivers who keep our city running, even in difficult times. #StopGeweld #Amsterdam #RespectVoorChauffeurs #Ajax
As The British Mail Online reported yesterday:
Israeli football hooligans tore down Palestine flags as they marched through Amsterdam in a Wednesday night of chaos ahead of Maccabi Tel Aviv's visit to Ajax.Videos show dozens of hooded figures dressed fully in black cheering and chanting 'f*** you Palestine' and 'ole' as one climbed halfway up the front of a building and removed a flag on the Rokin, a major street.
Footage also shows one thug thumping a taxi with crowbar before the driver takes off, while there have been reported clashes between the visiting hooligans and cabbies.
Meanwhile, clips shared by a prominent pro-hooligan page depict bust-ups purported to be between Maccabi fans and a group of Moroccan Ajax supporters.
On the evening of November 7 Maccabi Tel Aviv lost its game against Ajax Amsterdam. Ajax won 5 to 0.
Before the game a minute of silence was asked for victims of flooding in Spain. The Mossad directed Maccabi hooligans ignored it.
After the game more scuffles and riots reportedly happened. But this time the Zionist hooligans were apparently in a minority against a group of pro-Palestinian Ajax fans and had to flee to their hotels.
Today the justified action against the outrageous, Mossad protected, behavior of Maccabi hooligans is called a progrom.
A convenient result for the Mossad people who have planned and incited this provocation.
Posted by b on November 8, 2024 at 15:04 UTC | Permalink
next page »Excellent report. Thank you b.
the Hannibal doctrine which says that any potential Israeli hostage shall be killed before it is taken to Gaza.
As far as I have heard, the israeli gunships massacred the festival crowd and destroyed their cars as they were trying to return back into israeli territory, with no one holding them hostage. Simply more lies upon lies from the israelis.
Posted by: Jack M | Nov 8 2024 15:16 utc | 2
Says it all when most of the Western media and governments run to protect the Zionists/Nazis and their supporters at all costs. Israelis should be shunned where they are found anywhere in the world.
Posted by: SO | Nov 8 2024 15:17 utc | 3
In most of the world soccer has become much of a religion...one in which hooligans and their destructive antics have become consistent news items.
So here's these supporters of an Izzy team who are acting like thoroughly spoiled brats...disturbing the peace which has long prevailed in highly cosmopolitan and culturally ultra-liberal Amsterdam.
Why do they act out in such extreme manners? That current runs deep amongst those who consider themselves not only exceptional, but actually "Chosen". That trope dates back to Ptolomaic Alexandria...then the great metropolis in the Mediterranean would. With the largest single "Chosen" population on the planet; the Ptolemaic government encouraged the Septuagint, comprised of Chosen scholars to essentially CREATE the Old Testicles.
Having access to the Library of Alexandria, boasting the most complete archives in the Western world; those scholars went about developing a narrative...one which even today rules the minds of American Evangelists, Dispensationalists and the monomaniacal "Christian" Zionists, a grouping featuring insanity on steroids.
Yes, the Old Testicles is basically a made-up narrative which features the "Chosen" as a master race and the special ones for their tribal WarGod, Yahweh. It has been the most successful con game in human history. No Creator in his/her right mind would countenance a "Chosen" people. No sense to that notion if you give that some thought.
So back to the hooligans. Currently, that lower end of the Izzy population is butt-hurt by the ongoing resistance from Hamas and now getting devastated by Hezbollah and their fears elevated by a minor demonstration of Iranian missilry. They are extremely frustrated and developing an existential despair. So they take it out on otherwise innocent Arabs in Amsterdam.
With Mossad and other evil entities getting the red-carpet treatment by the current regime in Den Hague; the clock is now hovering over that corrupted, bribed and blackmailed government. One could even predict that the people of that land are amongst the awakening which is rapidly developing across the world.
The Netherlands government is becoming "in Dutch". Their fall is now becoming inevitable, if not quite immanent.
Kali Yuga presents itself in it's Grand Finale. The long oh so comfortable Dutch people just got their second wake-up call. First one was the seizure of farms due to COW FARTS. An amazing proportion of over miseducated Murrikkkans actually fell for that anti carbon dioxide stench.
Posted by: aristodemos | Nov 8 2024 15:29 utc | 4
Amsterdam's mayor Femke Halsema, once hailed as a progressive Green politician and former Green party leader, is reported to be very angry about events last night and said that:
"Haatdragende, antisemitische relschoppers en criminelen hebben gisteravond en -nacht joodse Israëlische bezoekers, te gast in onze stad, belaagd en in elkaar geslagen."
"Hateful, anti-Semitic rioters and criminals attacked and beat up Jewish Israeli visitors to our city last night and night..:.
That is NL, that is "the garden". Everything is upside down, and the majority is fine with the way things are.
Posted by: JB | Nov 8 2024 15:30 utc | 5
Posted on ZH……
Timeline of events
"What happened to Israeli rioters in Amsterdam? The Israeli media is calling it a new Holocaust against Zionism. Here's a timeline of the events."
1 - In Amsterdam, a match between Israeli team Maccabi Tel Aviv and Dutch club Ajax was held in the English league. However, some Maccabi Tel Aviv fans and even one player refused to observe a minute of silence during the match for the victims in floods in Valencia, Spain.
2 - During the match, Maccabi Tel Aviv fans chanted anti-Arab slogans under police protection and attacked Palestinian flags.
3 - The provocations escalated when Israeli fans took down a Palestinian flag from a local resident's house in Amsterdam.
4 - Local residents responded, leading to physical altercations. Several Israeli rioters were beaten, and 10 were injured, with some reportedly missing. The Israeli media is now discussing possible kidnappings.
5 - The Israeli government has announced plans to evacuate the affected individuals and has demanded the Dutch government protect Israeli citizens.
6 - One of the Israeli rioters involved in the incident was identified as a soldier in the Israeli occupation army.
7 - Local residents in Amsterdam reacted angrily to the provocative actions of the Israelis.
8 - Maccabi Tel Aviv fans were pursued by the local population, and Dutch police struggled to control the situation.
9 - British media outlet The Daily Mail criticized the Israeli fans for their provocative behavior, holding them responsible for the unrest.
10 - The match ended in a heavy defeat for Maccabi Tel Aviv, with Ajax winning 5-0
11 - Following the inappropriate behavior of the Israeli fans in Amsterdam, they were attacked by locals after the game in an unusually intense manner.
12 - In response to the events in Amsterdam, the Israeli occupation army has barred all military personnel from flying to the Netherlands until further notice. All Israeli soldiers currently in the Netherlands have been instructed to return to Israel immediately.
13 - The Netherlands has refused to allow an Israeli military plane to land in Amsterdam. Dutch security officials have not approved the landing of the Israeli Air Force plane, delaying the first rescue mission.
14 - There are currently 7 Israelis missing, 5 in hospitals, and an estimated 10-20 injured. Efforts are underway to evacuate 2,751 Maccabi Tel Aviv fans from Amsterdam.
Posted by: Exile | Nov 8 2024 15:31 utc | 6
Note that (nearly) all of those Israeli Rioters are IDF.
Posted by: Exile | Nov 8 2024 15:32 utc | 7
Interesting post, since this am while doing my rounds i couldn't but notice there were definitely contrasting reports on the sequence of events.
Unsurprisingly, MEE was among the very few to report things accurately:
May the rest of the zionist scum occupying Palenstine encounter a similar scoreline in their current and future contests to that suffered by Maccabi TA against Ajax.
Posted by: Rubiconned | Nov 8 2024 15:34 utc | 8
Saying October 7 was unprovoked is logically equivalent to saying Nat Turner's 1831 slave revolt was unprovoked.
[b here:
That old username was PaulJ33]
Posted by: forgotoldusername | Nov 8 2024 15:37 utc | 9
Spain denies docking permission to Israel-bound US cargo vessels
The move comes after an investigation revealed dozens of vessels carrying US weapons for Israel were docked in Spain months after Madrid claimed to have implemented a ban
Posted by: Exile | Nov 8 2024 15:39 utc | 10
Disgusting behavior by that scum.
Chants: "there are no more schools in Palestine because there are no more children" and "death to arabs".
And there are picture with these animals holding political flags in support of the poor captured oct 7 IDF genociders.
The press framing was the most appauling element of all.
The Amsterdam/dutch zionist bootlicker government called it another Kristallnacht or pogrom.
They're really trying to ban/control the last of the free social media but upto now still not a fact.
The people an see and know what really happened.
Fuck those israeli thugs and our EU governments.
Posted by: Ed Bernays | Nov 8 2024 15:44 utc | 11
There are no kidnapped/miising
That is zionist scaremongering and debunked as false.
Also they decided the planes where not needed. Not that they were forbidden to land.
Posted by: Ed Bernays | Nov 8 2024 15:48 utc | 12
Well timed report. Thankyou b.
The Ziofascists have no other route except to create false flag judeaophobic victimisation in Europe to shore up fast dwindling support for the Illegal Apartheid Entity.
It’s not the extant ethnic European Jews that are the supposed ‘victims’, it’s the dancing, women’s clothes wearing stormtroopers in the Levant doing their supremacist fascist provocations on tour!
Reminds me of the times they go to Cyprus and gang rape European girls and get away with it.
No one is buying their Implacable nonsense anymore.
With such timely analysis it makes it easier for us, me at least, to understand and counteract against the propaganda narrative victims in my daily life.
Thankyou again and all barflies who spotted this early. A round on me.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Nov 8 2024 15:48 utc | 13
"On the evening of November 7 Maccabi Tel Aviv lost its game against Ajax Amsterdam by 0 to 5."
So that there is the outcome every time and in every context for the Zionazis, if they haven't cheated, lied or been assisted by a useful idiot power.
I can see why they are so angry all the time. It must be tough being so inferior to the rest of humanity.
Ajax! Ajax! Ajax!
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 8 2024 15:49 utc | 14
Nice report, B, thanks. Wild to see how quickly the Zionist narrative coalesced on twitter, with both liberal and conservative commentators dutifully carrying water for these hooligans.
Will add that in March, Maccabi played Olympiakos in Athens, and their roving hooligans assaulted anyone in the streets they assumed were Arab. One youth was seriously injured and hospitalized: https://x.com/leylahamed/status/1854806791273496963?s=46
The amount of brainwashing required to regurgitate the Zionist line is astounding. Foreign hooligans in black block run riot through a city, vandalize businesses, assault cabbies, mock the Spanish flooding victims by lighting illegal fireworks in the stadium during the minute of silence…and when the Dutch people say no, this isn’t welcome here, we’re expected to treat that like they’ve reopened Herzogenbusch and are rounding up any Jew they see on the street. Astonishing.
Posted by: Gengar | Nov 8 2024 15:49 utc | 15
Posted by: forgetoldusername | Nov 8 2024 15:37 utc | 9
Forgive me for having a chuckle at this new name and changing it a bit. It still has the meaning you intend, but also a good admonition to all (including disparagers of Trump by the way) as an expression of goodwill, (admirably exemplified by Putin's comment at Valdai, which I hope all have seen by now.
Good comment also!
[Still snowed in but cheerful]
Posted by: juliania | Nov 8 2024 15:51 utc | 16
Apologies for the dangling parenthesis - here's the end of it.)
"...Here we sit like birds in the wilderness, birds in the wilderness, birds in the wilderness..." Or something like that anyway.
Posted by: juliania | Nov 8 2024 15:54 utc | 17
By the way….would encourage any barfly who doesn’t follow European football to google “Europa League Table” and search for Maccabi within it. Take a note of who they’re next to as well :)
Posted by: Gengar | Nov 8 2024 15:55 utc | 18
Thanks b for another excellent catch!! It continues to be very unfortunate than many nations continue to parrot the Zionist BigLie that 7 October was a terrorist action by Hamas, with Russia being the most blatant example. Zionist behavior continues to demonstrate their unworthiness to be considered humane people; instead, they are violent inhumane people that deserve to be shunned by all Humanity. The only way for Zionists to alter the world's perception of them is for them to alter their behavior.
I just read the headlines: According to the UN Izzyhell has used white phosphorus (made in USA.) 24 times against civilians in Gaza. According to telesur.com, the Izzyhell "parliament" just voted in a law to imprison CHILDREN aged 12 years, in
Gaza. If true to Izzy form, these children will be tortured and raped in the Izzyhell dungeons, and the Izzyhell civilians will cheer. If the children's families have any property at all, it will be stolen or "settled" upon.
And we're supposed to care that some jews in Amsterdam were assaulted? No deaths reported. No families picking up body pieces and carrying around the remains of their children in plastic bags. Wow. Well at the very least I'll say "what goes around comes around assholes. Get the F out of Gaza and shut the F up."
Posted by: Formerly Miss Lacy | Nov 8 2024 16:05 utc | 20
The IDF is in charge.....stop the genocide and the violence ebbs...........
Gaza has been utterly destroyed in detail, hospitals, food aid stations, schools, churches, refugee tent cities, fresh water plants, medical aid stations, ambulances, mosques continually attacked and smashed by the IDF.
Tens of thousands murdered, hundreds of thousands wounded or maimed or missing, millions dispossessed...........huge war crimes here.........is the world watching?
Posted by: Tobias Cole | Nov 8 2024 16:13 utc | 21
What the hell are Israelian teams participations to European compétitions in the first place ?
This should come to an end asap!
Posted by: Dany | Nov 8 2024 16:14 utc | 22
Shamefully, Sputnik is regurgitating the zionist version of events:
Posted by: jure | Nov 8 2024 16:23 utc | 24
Thanks for this report, b.
It's as close to Breaking News as a blog run by a dedicated and thorough fact-checker can get.
I was very surprised to see that yesterday's edition of DW News broadcast the same clip of Jews Behaving Badly in Amsterdam that you've linked to in this report.
Quite brave of DW considering how jewed-up the German Govt has trrraditionally been...
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 8 2024 16:24 utc | 25
Ursula von der Leyen@vonderleyen
Outraged by last night’s vile attacks targeting Israeli citizens in Amsterdam.
I just spoke with @MinPres Schoof.
I strongly condemn these unacceptable acts.
Antisemitism has absolutely no place in Europe. And we are determined to fight all forms of hatred.
10:47 AM · Nov 8, 2024 · 1.2M Views
Posted by: too scents | Nov 8 2024 16:24 utc | 26
Posted by: Exile | Nov 8 2024 15:31 utc | 6
Damn, I was about to lift the exact same post.
Great minds ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 8 2024 16:24 utc | 27
All the way to Holland
To end up in defeat
Crying in the stands
Battered in the streets
Chanting "Death to Gaza"
Victims once again
Bibi sent the Mossad
To get us with a plane
-- Random ZH Poster
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 8 2024 16:25 utc | 28
thanks b...
i was wondering what had happened and your sleuthing is very helpful.. israel really has a problem and i think i know what it is..
Posted by: james | Nov 8 2024 16:25 utc | 29
Recall how the Pro-Genociders attacked the peaceful encampment at UCLA last Spring ? Similar ultra-violent thuggery, feverish blood lust.
There is a pattern here….
Posted by: Exile | Nov 8 2024 16:42 utc | 30
Protocol No. 7
Object of the intensification of armaments. Ferments, discords and hostility all over the world. Checking the opposition of the goyim by wars and by a universal war. Secrecy means success in the political. The Press and public opinion. The guns of America, China and Japan.
We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbours of that country which dares to oppose us; but if these neighbours should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.
The principal factor of success in the political is the secrecy of its undertakings; the word should not agree with the deeds of the diplomat.
We must compel the governments of the goyim to take action in the direction favoured “by our widely-conceived plan, already approaching the desired consummation, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly prompted by us through the means of that so-called ”Great Power”—the Press, which, with a few exceptions that may be disregarded, is already entirely in our hands.
In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments of the goyim in Europe in check, we shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or Japan.
-- The Book Which May Not Be Named
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 8 2024 16:50 utc | 32
'Bout time someone gave those spoiled brats what they deserve!
Nobody in Europe likes colonial-settler tourists, because they are "famous" for their disrespectful, aggressive and overall entitled behaviour.
Just the other day I came across a Substack post on the same issue and there were hundreds of comments in full agreement with the author.
BTW, here's the results of a 5-second scroogle search on "European hostels ban jewish tourists".
The greatest irony of it all is that Ajax FC is known for its jewish origins and the club's most fiery supporters are known as "Super Jews". LMAO
Posted by: ThirdWorldDude | Nov 8 2024 16:54 utc | 33
"according to videos shared on social media"
Israeli hooligans target Palestinian symbols, stirring tension in Amsterdam: ReportsMaccabi fans allegedly rip down Palestinian flags, attack civilians in Amsterdam, according to videos shared on social media
A wave of violence erupted late Thursday in Amsterdam when supporters of the Israeli soccer club Maccabi Tel Aviv allegedly stormed through the city, tearing down Palestinian flags on private property and chanting incendiary slogans, according to the reports.
The incidents, which took place before and after Maccabi’s match against Ajax, have sparked widespread outrage, with reports of Israeli fans clashing with bystanders, vandalizing property, and setting a Palestinian flag alight.
Videos shared widely on social media depict Maccabi fans not only vandalizing private property but also attacking a local taxi driver and even confronting law enforcement officials.
Editor Max Blumenthal of The Grayzone News remarked Friday on the footage circulating online, stating:
"Many videos going around of Israeli soccer goons vandalizing property in Amsterdam, attacking cops and bystanders, and ripping down Palestinian flags. Now this fascist infestation is playing the victim and waiting for airlifts back to the colonies."Leyla Hamed, a football journalist, also corroborated late Thursday Blumenthal’s account:
"Hooligans from the Israeli club Maccabi Tel Aviv marched through the streets of Amsterdam… They stole Palestinian flags from homes and even set a Palestinian flag on fire."After a wave of violence by Maccabi fans, Israeli officials labeled the incidents as "violence against Israeli citizens."
continues ==> https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/israeli-hooligans-target-palestinian-symbols-stirring-tension-in-amsterdam-reports/3387868
The same hooligans that proudly post evidence of their warcrimes on social media?
Posted by: too scents | Nov 8 2024 16:59 utc | 34
Posted by: Gengar | Nov 8 2024 15:55 utc | 18
Lol, GG UEFA :)
The supporters won't move there I presume ^^.
Posted by: Savonarole | Nov 8 2024 17:09 utc | 36
Apparently planes have been sent from 'Israel' to ferry jewish soccer hooligans back to the promised land ... where Hezbollah is busily bombing them.
Can't make this shit up ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 8 2024 17:12 utc | 37
Waarom houden de Nederlanders zoveel van de Joden?
Why Dutch people love the Jews so much?
Posted by: vargas | Nov 8 2024 17:21 utc | 38
Spain denies docking permission to Israel-bound US cargo vessels
Posted by: Exile | Nov 8 2024 15:39 utc | 10
Cue more HAARP genocide like they did in Valencia.
Posted by: Jack M | Nov 8 2024 17:24 utc | 39
Expect more of the same.
The Zionists will attack, murder and intimidate the Jewish population outside Israel in order to try and reverse the flood of Israelis leaving the sinking ship that their Country has become.
Expect too, warped and twisted propaganda and a veritable barrage of accusations of “antisemitism”., flooding the propaganda outlets masquerading as “media”.
Members of the Israeli army will be at the forefront, terrorism is far easier for cowards than fighting people who fight back.
Posted by: CitizenSmith | Nov 8 2024 17:28 utc | 40
Think for a minute about the sort of psychology a person forms when they are raised to believe that God has chosen them, and that they are perpetual victims of everyone else.
A formula to nurture hatred of EVERY "other" that has wronged them, because that is opposing God.
Mix that with almost complete societal and media control across the West, we add impunity.
Hatred + impunity = genocide.
Because Zionism is an ideology, it cannot be killed by taking out people. It must be discredited and defamed to where if someone today announces that they are a Nazi, everyone immediately knows that they are socially dangerous.
Unfortunately, Zionism is the core ideology animating the Ango-American West, which controls most media and maintains the current historical narrative of mankind.
This genocide could stop tomorrow but as long as the Anglo-American powers persist, it will only be sleeping, waiting to start its next wave of destruction.
Most of my life, I didn't understand calling America the "Great Satan" or people chanting "Death to America!".
Now I understand where those sentiments come from and why.
In the long run, the Creator of everything has a plan which includes the eternal moral battle against evil.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Nov 8 2024 17:36 utc | 41
There was a delightful story on the www about some Maccabi Games in Jewrael 10 or 20 years ago.
It was about a pedestrian bridge across a heavily polluted river which would simplify access to the Games for many "Israelis."
The Z Govt designed the bridge and called Tenders for its construction. It was completed just before the Games began. But a few days after the Games began it collapsed, dumping dozens of "Israelis" into the foul muck in the river - drowning many of them.
A subsequent Govt inquiry discovered that the successful contractor signed a Contract for $150,000. However, he sold it to another contractor who sold it to another contractor etc etc.
The result was that the contractor who actually built the bridge received $30,000 and engaged in some highly creative cost-cutting.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 8 2024 17:38 utc | 42
The fact that Israel is allowed in the European Championship is testament to the colonial mentality still prevalent in Europe and the Zionist's inability to get along with their geographical neighbours. It flies in the face of FIFA professed mantra of anti-racism and respect.
Posted by: Mike Price | Nov 8 2024 17:39 utc | 43
So a bunch of jews stage a demonstration at al aqsa mosque (clutch pearls) where no one was killed, and so the gazans murdered or kidnapped a couple thousand jews to teach them a lesson. That's what you're going with, Berhnard?
Posted by: Kimo Loka | Nov 8 2024 17:44 utc | 44
The dissonance is astonishing MSM does state, in the articles , that those hooligans
- Vandalized
- Insulted
- provoked
- made horrible comments
Any others would be thrown out ASAP (with a possible stay in jail before) and be called ultra-right violent hooligans
But the headlines and beginning of said articles it's called nothing short of Kristallnacht and for once it's ok to trash "immigrants" in the comment section.
Is everybody crazy?
Posted by: Newbie | Nov 8 2024 17:44 utc | 45
Thanks for the report b.
When I read, or hear the term unprovoked, I know there's a lie immediately following.
I mean Ukraine was unprovoked. It wasn't 75 years of ethnic cleansing that caused a jail-break. It was unprovoked. Iran going atomic, is of-course the mother of all unprovoked(s).
Of course this goes along with the Empire of Lies. I read somewhere that the orange man told over 21K lies – nearly 15 per day -- while in office. Any bets on how many lies in the 2.0 effort?
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Nov 8 2024 17:47 utc | 46
How very intriguing. Excellent find, b, thank you. It's going to be interesting to see if any European governments stop covering for Shin Bet and starts prosecuting their instigations.
Posted by: They Call Me Mister | Nov 8 2024 17:48 utc | 47
It seems the dominant Jewish organizations (outliers and relatively weak groups like B'Tselem excepted) always lie about alleged atrocities against Jews. Always, and in a big way. That should be the default assumption of any thinking person.
Posted by: Antiwar7 | Nov 8 2024 17:53 utc | 48
Posted by: Dany | Nov 8 2024 16:14 utc | 22
Same reason they participate in the eurovision song contest.
Posted by: KingCobra | Nov 8 2024 17:55 utc | 50
Erdogan doesn't want troubles
Its next game in the Europa League on November 28 will be against Turkish team Besiktas, based in Istanbul. However, following a decision by the Turkish authorities, the match will be played in a “neutral venue”.
Posted by: Newbie | Nov 8 2024 18:02 utc | 51
A note on the Dutch "Arabs". The ethnic origins of Muslim minorities in the Netherlands includes Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Indonesians, each more or less 2% of the population. Among the Turks are Kurds, among the Moroccans are Berbers; neither Kurds nor Berbers are Arabs, and neither are Surinamese or Indonesians. All are co-religionists. The Zionists are as stupid and ignorant as they are violent and fabulist.
Posted by: pasha | Nov 8 2024 18:03 utc | 52
On October 7 2023, following provocations of radical Zionists at the Al Aqsa mosque...
The majority of Israeli casualties of that day were caused by the Israeli military, primarily by its helicopter forces which fired Hellfire missiles and machine cannons against random cars fleeing the scene.
And it should be mentioned that two days after the **intentional** Al Aqsa mosque provocation
the Rave Party was assigned a location three miles from the jail walls of Gaza. This was a position situated ***between*** the Gaza wall and the IDF Re'im military base on Rt 261. The Re'im military base was a known target. The IDF had Hamas' plan which specifically named the Re'im military base as a prime target for Hamas.
The Gaza sector officers charged with giving permission for such a party
REFUSED permission for security reasons. The higher-ups, in an unusual move, interjected themselves into the approval process
and instructed the Gaza sector officers to allow the party.
Posted by: librul | Nov 8 2024 18:04 utc | 53
Re The IDF on hooligan/vacation in Amsterdam .... part of a series:
'Sri Lanka's Arugam Bay is full of 'Israelis', most of them of military age, ie fresh off running people over with bulldozers, raping them to death with fire extinguishers, and other casual war crimes in that conscript society. This migration of unsettled settlers is so common that someone made a movie called Arugam Bay, which leads with the title card:
“In Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka. It is often said, that 'Israeli' surfers feel entitled to every wave, either because they're eighteen years old and they'll most likely get killed in the military service, or because they're twenty-two years old and they've managed to survive it.”
Ze 'Israelis' certainly carry this sense of entitlement with them, when in fact their genocidal 'military' entitles them only to arrest under the Genocide Convention. The fact that 'Israels' feel entitled to recreation during their destruction of a people is nauseating, and that their soldiers see this as a cooling-off spot makes any decent person's blood boil. Again, under the Genocide Convention we should be arresting them, not people that think about Resistance (before it's too late for even us). The truth is that an 'Israeli' passport should be about as welcome as a Nazi passport. In fact, for people growing up no, this Nazi comparison is unnecessary. Future atrocities will be compared to 'Israelis'. These are the Nazis of our time, which begs the question, what the fuck are they doing here? I don't think we should let 'Israelis' into Sri Lanka at all (and I'm actually friends with a nominally 'Israeli' family that I'd like to see). They can come back with a free Palestinian passport (and I think my friends would agree).
[In 8 days time France play Israel in Paris .....]
PSG Fans Unfurl Banner Calling for a ‘Free Palestine’
rench Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau yesterday criticised the unfurling of a giant “Free Palestine” banner at a Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) football match, saying it was “unacceptable”, Reuters reported.
However, European football governing body UEFA said the club would not face sanctions.
On Wednesday night, fans from Paris Saint-Germain’s Auteuil Kop group displayed a huge “Free Palestine” banner before their Champions League game against Atletico Madrid, eight days before France play the occupation state of Israel in Paris in a Nations League game. Beneath the banner a separate streamer read: “war on the pitch but peace in the world.”
Israelis accused of raping British tourist go on trial in Cyprus
Meanwhile - The apocalyptic genocide of Palestinians by the Zionists continues
Posted by: Don Firineach | Nov 8 2024 18:14 utc | 54
.....But the headlines and beginning of said articles it's called nothing short of Kristallnacht and for once it's ok to trash "immigrants" in the comment section.
Is everybody crazy?
Posted by: Newbie | Nov 8 2024 17:44 utc | 45
The vast majority? I would say "yes"
Posted by: saner | Nov 8 2024 18:15 utc | 55
And soon there will be a match France-Israel... As if Israel is an European country...
And when during a match Paris-Athletico Madrid a huge banner "Free Palestine" was displayed, it came as anti-semitic. As if the Palestinian are not Semites. Much more Semites than the Zionists. France is owned by the NAtional-ZIonistS.
Posted by: Naive | Nov 8 2024 18:29 utc | 56
I'm watching the videos listening to this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2wJmGJNkLU
Posted by: Apollyon | Nov 8 2024 18:36 utc | 57
On another front, the CIA/Mossad/FBI/NSA is attacking Musk and Trump, etal.
It is a "good" ploy. It benefits the pro-censorship crowd and the anti-MAGA crowd.
Someone, whose initials are likely F.B.I., is sending a large number of racist anonymous texts to Blacks.
Remember 2017, days before Trump's inauguration, the same crew (CIA/Mossad...) were making hundreds of threatening
phone calls to JCC (Jewish Community Centers). The benefactors were...(you know the answer to that).
Posted by: librul | Nov 8 2024 18:38 utc | 58
Nearly 70% of verified Gaza war dead women and children, UN rights office says
Posted by: Apollyon | Nov 8 2024 18:40 utc | 59
Having just heard CBC report on the awful 'antisemitic attacks on Israeli football fans in Amsterdam', MoA's column was a welcome clarifier.
Israeli Soldiers Blew Up Homes in Gaza this Morning in Revenge for Events in Amsterdam the Two Past Days
"We dedicate this explosion to all the fans of Maccabee Tel Aviv. We'll get to all of you, you sons of *******."
"After we called to finish all Arabs, they beat us in Amsterdam. Once again we cannot walk safely through the streets of Europe. This is our reality.."
Free Palestine - Cancel USrael - Everywhere - By Any Means Necessary.
Posted by: John Gilberts | Nov 8 2024 18:59 utc | 60
US media, including the Washington Post and WTOP news radio in DC, are reporting this story as the Jews being the victims.
Posted by: lysias | Nov 8 2024 19:01 utc | 61
And we're supposed to care that some jews in Amsterdam were assaulted? No deaths reported. No families picking up body pieces and carrying around the remains of their children in plastic bags. Wow. Well at the very least I'll say "what goes around comes around assholes. Get the F out of Gaza and shut the F up."
Posted by: Formerly Miss Lacy | Nov 8 2024 16:05 utc | 20
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 8 2024 19:02 utc | 62
Our only consolation in the face of narrative lies can be that an objective historical process is unaffected by the stories we tell about it. While the subjective conditions of life will always be the terrain on which human beings will comprehend and express their historical responses, socially and politically, they will always do so against the backdrop of the objective conditions of life. The latter is the stuff of history, 'the determinant in the last instance' as Balibar put it. This is why historical materialism is the only scientifically credible interpretation of the past, the only one capable of establishing the grounds of dialogue between past and present, between Same and Other, and the only historical explanation of the complex relationship between subjective and objective conditions of life.
The reason this supplies me with consolation is that history plots its path according to objective contradictions. Myth-making plays its part, to be sure, but in the end the world is indifferent to what we grasp about its operation and even more indifferent to the fairy-tales we tell ourselves to make sense of it. As a historian of Greek antiquity and its literature I can, without hyperbole, say that the soaring brilliance of Greek thought reaches its apex in its realization of this truth, a truth installed at the heart of perhaps its greatest cultural achievement: tragic drama. Tragedy puts it thus: when we tell stories—like Oct 7, like 9/11, like, well, everything—we erect a veneer of 'truth' by effacing our situation (Stand in Hegelian/Marxian terms), our interest, our stake in the this story being told this way. The world, on the other hand, via its hidden agents (the divine, history, its very objectivity...) will always resist our delusion, will always testify successfully for the prosecution, will always catch us in the lie. All the tragic heroes are caught in this lie, Sophocles' Oedipus the most tragic, the fool, the criminal, the story-teller.
History is woven of this interlacing dance between the fictions we tell and their collision with the concrete conditions of life. We'd best get busy learning this, reading the great diagnosticians of our folly: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes—Marx, Nietzsche, Freud... Only then will we have the humility to live with each other freed of the greatest lie of all, the myth of our individuality.
Posted by: Patroklos | Nov 8 2024 19:07 utc | 63
Posted by: Kimo Loka | Nov 8 2024 17:44 utc | 44
you are out of your depth
go to Rumble some might buy
Posted by: ld | Nov 8 2024 19:15 utc | 64
100k dead and 100k wounded in Gaza and they are complaining about a soccer riot...........the MSM again proves how their vacuous they are.........
Over one million war refugees in Gaza alone, not counting Lebanon and the West Bank......where is the concern for these poor souls literally starving to death..........and dying of disease....and lack of fresh water ???
Posted by: Tobias Cole | Nov 8 2024 19:22 utc | 65
I did wonder about a positive note in this. Could Wilders use this as propaganda towards his own purpose? He is fighting to prohibit immigration. Could he assign blame (true or not) to foreigners acting badly? Not Israelis (who deserve it) but others?
Posted by: Eighthman | Nov 8 2024 19:23 utc | 66
I see, so only SOME of the jews were killed by Hamas, while the rest were either killed in the crossfire or because of the Hannibal Directive. So then that's alright then. Some jews disrupted a service at al aqsa so it's ok to kill a few. And--hostages--of course, taking hostages is perfectly ok. You fvcking jewh8ters make me sick
Posted by: Kimo Loka | Nov 8 2024 19:24 utc | 67
Last 24 hours Al Manar live feed:
Islamic Resistance fires missile barrages at Kiryat Shmona, Yir’on, and Margaliot settlements: statements
18:34 Video| Hezbollah Missiles, Combat Drones Synchronically Target Tel Aviv, Haifa, Nahariya, Acre, Galilee More..
16:52 Islamic Resistance targets Tal Nof airbase in Southern Tel Aviv with a salvo of precision missiles: statement
16:45 Yemeni Armed Forces Strike Israeli Base in Negev, Down US MQ-9 Reaper More..
16:29 Islamic Resistance targets a gathering of Israeli occupation forces in Doviv settlement with a missile fire: statement
16:22 Islamic Resistance targets a gathering of Israeli occupation forces in Al-Manara settlement with a missile fire: statement
15:26 IRGC: Defeat of ‘Israel’ is Imminent and Close to Becoming a Reality More..
15:19 Yemeni Armed Forces managed to down US MQ-9 reaper over the governorate of Al-Jawf: Spokesman Brig. Gen. Saree
15:16 Yemeni Armed Forces fired a hypersonic ballistic missile “Palestine 2” that targeted the Israeli Nevatim Base in Negev: Spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree
14:20 Israeli Foreign Ministry issues new update on Amsterdam incidents: There are currently 3 Israelis who have yet to be contacted
14:17 Hezbollah’s Islamic Resistance fighters target Israeli settlement of Margaliot with a salvo of rockets: statement
13:42 Massacre in Gaza’s Daraj Neighborhood: 399 Days Since Israeli Aggression on Gaza More..
13:40 Yemeni masses flock to Sanaa’s Al-Sab’een Square in support of Gaza and Lebanon against the Israeli aggression
13:31 Israeli Foreign Ministry: 10 Israelis in Amsterdam yet to make contact, “phones may have been stolen”
13:30 Sirens sound anew in Margaliot in Galilee Panhandle: Israeli media
13:27 Hezbollah’s Islamic Resistance fighter fire a barrage of rockets targeting an Israeli gathering in Misgav Am: statement
13:26 Sirens sound in Misgav Am in Galilee Panhandle: Israeli media
13:24 Israeli fighter jets create sonic booms over several Lebanese regions
12:35 Sirens sound in Margaliot in Galilee Panhandle over suspected drone infiltration: Israeli media
12:33 Israel Katz formally replaces Yoav Gallant as the Zionist entity’s defense minister
12:31 Israeli strike reported in Hermel’s Hosh Al-Sayyed Ali in northern Bekaa: National News Agency
12:30 Israeli occupation police deny access of Palestinian young men as worshipers flock to preform Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque: Palestinian media
11:47 Iraqi Resistance Strike Israeli Targets in Occupied Palestine in 3 Separate Operations More..
11:18 Israeli occupation army bars soldiers from flying to the Netherlands until further notice
11:11 Israeli occupation army confirms death of soldier of wounds sustained in south Lebanon two weeks ago
11:10 Israeli Foreign Minister Sa’ar heading to Amsterdam for meetings with Dutch counterparts, Jewish community: Israeli media
11:06 Hezbollah’s Islamic Resistance fighters target Kiryat Shmona with a barrage of rockets: statement
11:02 Islamic Resistance fighters in Iraq targeted a military site in northern occupied lands for the third time this morning, Friday, 08-11-2024, using drones
10:18 Iraqi Islamic Resistance: We targeted an Israeli military target in the north of the occupied territories, using a drone.
09:44 Israeli media: Sirens sound in Zarit in the Western Galilee
09:36 Israeli media: Sirens sound in Kela, north of the Golan
09:18 Israeli media citing Foreign Ministry: Contact has been lost with 3 Israelis in Amsterdam, Netherlands, following clashes between a number of Israelis and Arabs there
09:05 Islamic Resistance targeted, at 8:00 AM today, Friday, November 8, 2024, the “Stella Maris” naval base (a strategic base for maritime surveillance and monitoring along the northern coast) northwest of Haifa with a qualitative missile barrage: Statement
09:02 Yemen: Massive demonstrations in the governorates of Saada, Raymah, Ma’rib and a number of districts in support of the steadfastness of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples
09:01 Sirens sounded in multiple areas in the eastern Negev, southern occupied Palestine
08:59 Israeli media: An Israeli soldier was killed as a result of wounds he sustained in southern Lebanon
08:46 Israeli media: Hezbollah has launched dozens of rockets since early morning, reaching Haifa and southern Al-Nasra
00:16 Islamic Resistance targets for the second time an IOF gathering in east of Maroun Al-Ras town with a missile barrage: statement
00:03 Islamic Resistance strikes an IOF gathering at Fatima Gate on Lebanon’s border with occupied Palestine off Kfar Kila town with a missile barrage: statement
21:58 Al-Manar correspondent reports targeting of IOF gatherings near Lebanon border, sirens sounding in Margaliot and Al-Manara settlements
20:46 Video| Israeli Army Fell into Lebanon’s Quagmire: Hezbollah Missiles Chasing Occupation Soldiers in Border Villages More..
19:43 Islamic Resistance ambushes an Israeli infantry force which tried to advance into Yaroun town, killing or injuring its members: statement
19:15 Islamic Resistance strikes Al-Baghdadi occupation site with a missile barrage: statement
19:14 Sayyed Houthi: Neither Trump, Nor Any World Criminal Can Prevent Yemenis from Supporting Palestinian People More..
18:10 Israeli Channel 12: The fall of a missile on a building in the Krayot area resulted in significant damage, a large gas leak, and the injury of an individual who was present at the site
18:09 Islamic Resistance fires missile barrages at an IOF gathering in east of Maroun Al-Ras town as well as the two settlements of Kiryat Shmona and Al-Manara: statements
Posted by: Exile | Nov 8 2024 19:27 utc | 68
I've just watched half of the 7PM news filled with this story about antisemitism and Dutch and other politicians bending over to apologise to the zionist monsters.
Their daily murders and warcrimes in Palestine hardly get mentioned.
And if it's a story about the 'war', it's usually again about how bad the poor colonisers are suffering.
Actually the entire press massively distorting and whitewashing this event is a good thing.
Everyone has social media and knows exactly what happened and who provoked it.
It just makes it painfully obvious for all to see we have a 100% controlled news.
Might make people think.
Posted by: Ed Bernays | Nov 8 2024 19:34 utc | 69
The newspaper "De Telegraaf" is well known for its Pro America and Pro Israel position. Sometimes it look slike this newspaper receives its news directly from the israeli and/or US State Department(s)/embassy(s).
Posted by: WMG | Nov 8 2024 19:38 utc | 70
@Kimo Loka
Bitch please. Go cry somewhere else.
You know it's not about just al Aksa but decades of zionists stealing, killing and raping Palestinians in their land.
Also they are not 'hostages', they are captured IDF scum.
And I really hope they die horribly.
Get fucked scumbag, your time is coming. The world has had enough of you and the US will not be able to protect you cowards for much longer.
Tic toc...
Nobody wants you here or on this planet.
Believe me, no one will care if you animals get extinct. You more than deserved it.
Posted by: Ed Bernays | Nov 8 2024 19:44 utc | 71
I’ll just leave this here…
Posted by: Menz | Nov 8 2024 19:45 utc | 72
Leyla Hamed
“They began attacking houses of people in Amsterdam with Palestinian flags, so that's actually where the violence started,”
Amsterdam riots started by Maccabi hooligans — Amsterdam city council member Jazie Veldhuyzen tells Al Jazeera.
Posted by: Menz | Nov 8 2024 19:48 utc | 73
Ori Goldberg
1/ Murderous solipsism. Israeli football fans go on a rampage im Amsterdam, tearing down Palestinian flags and shouting racist slogans. Why? Because the very presence of anything Palestinian is a threat to the integrity of the solipsistic bubble we inhabit even when abroad. --->
Posted by: Menz | Nov 8 2024 19:54 utc | 74
Daniella Modos - Cutter -SEN
Hebrew sources:
The Amsterdam police commissioner opens the press conference and explains that Maccabi Tel Aviv fans attacked a taxi driver and set the Palestine flag on fire.
Comment: Zionists are FURIOUS that he’s telling the truth. Man these filths are addicted to victimhood.
Posted by: Menz | Nov 8 2024 19:57 utc | 75
In a heartwarming bipartisan show of American solidarity, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, and all members of Congress (both Republican and Democrat) have declared that Maccabi Tel Aviv "has the right to defend itself" and Israel will commence bombing Amsterdam with a fresh-off-the-assembly shipment of 2000-pound American bunker-buster bombs.
The anti-Semites of Amsterdam must be taught a lesson!
Posted by: ak74 | Nov 8 2024 20:04 utc | 76
@Kimo Loka
Bitch please. Go cry somewhere else.
You know it's not about just al Aksa but decades of zionists stealing, killing and raping Palestinians in their land.
Also they are not 'hostages', they are captured IDF scum.
And I really hope they die horribly.
Get fucked scumbag, your time is coming. The world has had enough of you and the US will not be able to protect you cowards for much longer.
Tic toc...
Nobody wants you here or on this planet.
Believe me, no one will care if you animals get extinct. You more than deserved it.
Posted by: Ed Bernays | Nov 8 2024 19:44 utc | 72
YES. Besides, I don't think there're any "jewh8ters" here. If I were Noah the Jews happen to be the first humans I would save: M. Blumenthal, Mates, Finkelstein, Chomsky … … … But the likes of you, Kim Loka, yes, disgust any half-decent human being.
Posted by: burak | Nov 8 2024 20:07 utc | 77
For those not aware, Moroccans in Amsterdam are fundamentally a Beber society not Arab.
Posted by: Menz | Nov 8 2024 20:09 utc | 78
As posted: A note on the Dutch "Arabs". The ethnic origins of Muslim minorities in the Netherlands includes Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Indonesians, each more or less 2% of the population. Among the Turks are Kurds, among the Moroccans are Berbers; neither Kurds nor Berbers are Arabs, and neither are Surinamese or Indonesians. All are co-religionists. The Zionists are as stupid and ignorant as they are violent and fabulist.
Posted by: pasha | Nov 8 2024 18:03 utc | 52
Words matter. Although peoples speak Arabic in large parts of West Asia, they are not necessarily 'Arabs'. The 7th century Arab Conquest was not a colonial conquest. Arabs from Arabia did not migrate to conquered territories where Arabs ruled, but did export some culture and the Arabic language. Thus, the peoples of the Levant from Egypt to Syria (including Palestine) are Levantines and speak Arabic. But, they are not Arabs, just as Iraqis are not Arabs, and so on. My sense is that the British colonials, deciding for the Zionists, called the Palestinians Arabs to make them seem as interlopers, invaders, and 'Other'. The Zionists do the same thing today as thus they do not have to admit the actual close kinship of Levantines and Jews, even European Jews.
Posted by: Tedder | Nov 8 2024 20:23 utc | 79
@Kimo Loka
70+ years of Zionists driving people from their homes, stealing their property, mass murdering women & children, genocide...& you call us haters?!?
Get a clue what's headed your way:
What goes around, comes around.
Karma's a bitch.
As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
Posted by: Mary | Nov 8 2024 20:34 utc | 80
Football fans make important calls for peace
of support for Palestine have been seen across Uefa competitions this week, as fans at various clubs have organised large displays of solidarity.
It has demonstrated that fan movements can still have an important voice despite some clubs, leagues, and confederations attempting to silence them.
A huge “free Palestine” banner was draped across the stands at the Parc des Princes where Paris Saint-Germain faced Atletico Madrid in the Champions League.
During the Europa League game between Galatasaray and Spurs in Istanbul, Galatasaray fans kept a “free Palestine” banner in view for much of the game. The TV cameras could not avoid it no matter how much they were obviously trying to.
The article also makes the point that Russia and RF clubs have been banned from international football over Ukraine, but the same has not been extended to Israel ' Israeli clubs. No w there's a suprise ...
Full article : https://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/article/football-fans-make-important-calls-peace
Posted by: Red Star | Nov 8 2024 20:36 utc | 81
Syrian Girl posts how it started... and how it ended
Jews shouting death to Arabs Disrupting Moment of Silence
I guess the Greeks must be anti semites too
George Galloway posts a reminder of Israelis playing Greece
Posted by: ld | Nov 8 2024 20:37 utc | 82
Bite me beeyotch
Posted by: Kimo Loka | Nov 8 2024 19:21 utc | 65
Wouldn't you just love to see this creature in real life? I can only imagine what a hideous, obnoxious weakling it is. This type loves talking tough online.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 8 2024 20:40 utc | 83
Russian football teams have been banned from European football competition but not Israel's ! FIFA and UEFA should have banned Israel teams from European competition a year ago! Its only the double standard and protection of the state of Israel that keeps them in.
Posted by: Bakunin17 | Nov 8 2024 20:44 utc | 84
Trump speaks with the leader of the Palestinian Authority
The office of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says the leader of the Palestinian Authority has spoken with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump for the first time since his victory in the 2024 campaign.
In a statement Friday, Abbas’ office in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah said that the president congratulated Trump on his victory and wished him success in his upcoming term. It said that Abbas told Trump he was ready to work with him in pursuit of peace and that Trump, in turn, “emphasized his commitment to the stop the war.”
The phone call follows months of resistance by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the Biden administration’s push for a cease-fire that would see Israel end the war against Hamas in Gaza. Over 43,000 people have been killed, according to the Gaza-based Health Ministry, which doesn’t distinguish between militants and civilians.
Trump and Abbas had a particularly rocky relationship during Trump’s first term, when his administration reduced outreach to the Palestinians and reversed decades of U.S. policy in the Mideast in Israel’s favor.
Posted by: Newbie | Nov 8 2024 20:49 utc | 85
It has demonstrated that fan movements can still have an important voice despite some clubs, leagues, and confederations attempting to silence them.
A huge “free Palestine” banner was draped across the stands at the Parc des Princes where Paris Saint-Germain faced Atletico Madrid in the Champions League.
Posted by: Red Star | Nov 8 2024 20:36 utc | 82
On that one UEFA was honest and said there was nothing reprehensible about that banner.
Unlike the government and French police that went apeshit…
Posted by: Newbie | Nov 8 2024 20:53 utc | 86
Aristodemos -- Kali Yuga indeed! And to each his own. Karma that is.
Nuclear war by 2030. Patagonia, baby.
Hablas Mapuche?
Posted by: Bagration | Nov 8 2024 21:04 utc | 87
In a statement Friday, Abbas’ office in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah said that the president congratulated Trump on his victory and wished him success in his upcoming term. It said that Abbas told Trump he was ready to work with him in pursuit of peace and that Trump, in turn, “emphasized his commitment to the stop the war.”
Trump and Abbas had a particularly rocky relationship during Trump’s first term when his administration reduced outreach to the Palestinians and reversed decades of U.S. policy in the Mideast in Israel’s favor.
Posted by: Newbie | Nov 8 2024 20:49 utc | 86
Abbas was only polishing Trump's knob, just in case.
Posted by: Ed | Nov 8 2024 21:07 utc | 88
Why does anyone anywhere still honor an Israeli passport? Why would a plane from Israel be allowed to land? Boycott means boycott. Done with them.
Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 8 2024 21:09 utc | 89
The majority of Israeli casualties of that day were caused by the Israeli military
I am aware of the Hannibal directive and reports of tank and helicopter fire that killed Israeli hostages, but this is quite a claim. The reports I assume you are referencing account for roughly 50 verified 'friendly fire' deaths. What is the evidence that a majority of Israelis killed on October 7th were done so by the IDF?
Posted by: nomajesty | Nov 8 2024 21:19 utc | 90
@ Newbie | Nov 8 2024 20:49 utc | 86
Trump has a phone call with Bibi's West Bank kapo. I'm supposed to think this is meaningful?
Posted by: malenkov | Nov 8 2024 21:20 utc | 91
Very commendable that MoA calls out this outrageous inverted zionazi gaslighting. Portraying the Maccabee fans as only victims here is as fake as fake news gets.
The YouTuber Owen Jones gives a true report of what happened:
Yes the Maccabee fans chanted through the silence for Valencia victims. What did they chant? Owen Jones provides the lyrics:
“There are no schools in Gaza coz we killed all the kids”
The western media reporting this plumb ever further depths of vile dishonesty on behalf of zionazis. BBC, Guardian, CNN etc an utter disgrace.
Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Nov 8 2024 21:24 utc | 92
this really peeves me off b...your monolog equates zionists with jews.....Zionism is an ideology based on the jewish Talmud...jews however has multiple meanings including those who are totally against the talmud and zionism...if you want to be truthful in your monolog do not lump the two together because that is just not accurate...
Posted by: Woodenhue | Nov 8 2024 21:31 utc | 93
@Posted by: Woodenhue | Nov 8 2024 21:31 utc | 94
Does it "really peeve you off" when the Genocidal Psychopathic Entity
refers to itself as "The Jewish State"?
Posted by: librul | Nov 8 2024 21:41 utc | 94
b is correct in his assesment of israelie football hulaguns starting this violence in Amsterdam.
Deeply and deliberatly antaganistic by israelies, designed to stir up false sympathy for israel and false negativity for palistien.
We'v seen this tired old lie / trick thousands of times, but over all it works for them (israelies) and its never ever punished.
And so they continue doing it.
And on that note exactly the same thing is being carried out in america right now....
Three people have been arested in america accused of plotting to assinate people one of which would have been trump.
Public perseption manigment.
Designed to enfoce negativity toward Iran and justify trumps support of israel in the near future.
One of the men arrested is Irainian.
How pathtic, how preditable and timely.
Posted by: Mark2 | Nov 8 2024 21:41 utc | 95
We need to get out of this mess before it's too late.
Posted by: bassplayer | Nov 8 2024 21:44 utc | 96
Why does anyone anywhere still honor an Israeli passport? Why would a plane from Israel be allowed to land? Boycott means boycott. Done with them.
Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 8 2024 21:09 utc | 90
Good point, Oldhippy; while Israel is massacring women, children, and old people by the thousands, the "free world" (what a joke) stands around and blows kisses at Nazis in Isreal and Ukraine and now Amsterdam: It's madness, pure f***ing madness.
The UN has been taken hostage by the very Western colonists who invented fascism, and now it is worthless for 90% of the people in the world. One nation stands at the apogee of this international catastrophe: destroying a workable world system—something the United States never wanted and ensured that the world never had.
Posted by: Ed | Nov 8 2024 21:59 utc | 97
Posted by: librul | Nov 8 2024 21:41 utc | 95
No it does not..they have been doing that for awhile.it is what it is....but it is also why you think that jews and zionist should be put in the sae bin...
Posted by: Woodenhue | Nov 8 2024 22:00 utc | 98
Posted by: Mary | Nov 8 2024 20:34 utc | 81
The only "pogroms" are now done by the NAtional-ZIonistS. And it did not begin one year ago.
Posted by: Naive | Nov 8 2024 22:07 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
One wonders what Maccabi-an style hooligans did in the west asia during, say, the early Roman empire, currently reported the same as today.
Posted by: ISL | Nov 8 2024 15:13 utc | 1