What Has Israel Achieved In The Last Year? - by Arch Bungle
A recent comment by Arch Bungle has been lauded by several commentators. It deserves, slightly edited, its own thread.
Exile | Oct 25 2024 7:49 utc | 145
Arch - can you repost your recap summary list of the last year of failures ( strategic, etc) ?
Arch Bungle | Oct 25 2024 8:28 utc | 148
Posted by: Exile | Oct 25 2024 7:49 utc | 145
Gladly (with some recent additions):
What has Israel achieved in the last year?
Let's take a stone cold sober recap, I've compiled a list of the top 29 accomplishments of Israel in 2024:
1. Israel has essentially lost territory in the north of Occupied Palestine. Hezbollah's rocket barrages over the last eleven months has driven the settler population out of the North. This is likely permanent. Israel's settler population in the Gaza envelope has also been thinned out since the 7 October attacks.Moreover, current ongoing attacks from Yemen, Iraq, Iran and Lebanon are depopulating Israel.2. The Houthi have put an unbreakable chokehold on the Red Sea and all Red Sea shipping. There is no way to break this chokehold. The USN and all other Western navies have tried for almost 12 months and failed utterly.Attempts to conduct strikes on the Houthi, including massive strikes on core infrastructure in Hodeida have yielded ZERO results over a period of almost a year. The Israelis are to thank for this achievement.3. The cementing of Hezbollah as the primary military force in Lebanon: Hezbollah's Radwan forces have proven capable of protecting Lebanon's southern borders with Palestine. All attempts by the IDF and their supporting American Special Forces to take control of this area and drive the Radwan forces back have failed.
4. The ensured survival of Hamas: Hamas in the Gaza strip persists after almost a year. For months they've demonstrated ability to strike IDF forces daily, destroying IDF ground equipment and troops. This is true, even if incremental in nature. Hamas is still able to launch rockets on the Gaza envelope.This means their rocket manufacturing facilities are still functional. Hamas has demonstrated staying power and resilience. Compared to Fatah in the West Bank, Hamas has demonstrated an ability and willingness to actualize the Palestinian desire for self determination.Due to Israel's excessive response to 7 October, Fatah has been permanently sidelined. Hamas will forever be known as the true face of Palestinian resistance.5. The validation of Hezbollah's resilience: Despite eliminating one (1) component of the Hezbollah leadership, Hezbollah has reconstituted its leadership structure. It's most senior leadership council, the Shura is still intact.Despite a technically brilliant infiltration of the communications infrastructure supply chain by Israel and after a massive air strike involving rarely used bunker buster missiles, Israel has failed to dent the combat capability or even morale of Hezbollah.6. Hezbollah has established, for the first time in history, a buffer zone cleared of Israelis within the held territory of 'Israel' (Occupied Palestine).7. Recent and previous strikes carried out by the IRGC on Tel Aviv showed the failure of the Iron Dome and the failure of ALL Israel's air defense systems. David's Sling. Arrow. Patriot. Moreover, the air defense systems of Israel's satraps (Jordan) were also proven to fail. Further, the interception systems of the USN were proven to be inadequate.This has massive implications for war-gaming a conflict between the US and Iran. It means that the US will have to consider the fact that regardless of what it may inflict on Iran, it will not be able to shield anyone and itself against a concurrent Iranian retaliation.Moreover, the US must now acknowledge that Iran has the ability to destroy it's carrier groups.Marine power projection is therefore no longer of any use in the Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Gulf of Oman ... It must now recalculate all it's previous attack plans.8. The hardening of Hezbollah positions in the South of Lebanon: Despite the spectacular and tragic strikes Israel has carried out on Beirut the essential damage is limited to civilian blocks and civilian villages in the south. It appears that very little of Israel's considerable air firepower has harmed Hezbollah itself. Hezbollah not only remains lodged there but the creation of rubble and destruction has provided them future cover and shelter.The net effect of these strikes has been to galvanize Hezbollah's fighters, drive Hezbollah recruitment, set world opinion firmly against Israel. The global environment for Israelis, Zionists and sadly, even non-Zionist Jews has been polluted on account of Netanyahu's actions in Beirut.On the other side of the equation, the IDF has wasted substantial amounts of materiel on killing civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure. Infrastructure which has nothing to do with the threat posed by Hezbollah.While the US has put its entire arsenal at Israel's disposal these materials are far from infinite and will run out soon - or become so expensive that it begins place further pressures on the U.S economy and logistics chains.9. The US' ongoing Iraq Occupation is coming apart at the seams: Despite the US presence in Iraq, it is demonstrably unable to exert any influence on the Iraqi resistance movements there, who launch increasingly sophisticated missile and drone attacks from Iraqi territory under the noses of US garrisons.In addition, the behavior of Israel has stimulated anti-US activity in Iraq and will shortly result in a violent ejection of U.S forces from that country regardless of the current puppet government's attempts to retain the U.S presence. It may take years to complete but the ejection of American forces from Iraq is all but assured now that the Hashds have demonstrated the ability to use substantial lethal force.10. The Syrian occupation is coming apart at the seams: Strikes against U.S bases in Syria have become a weekly occurrence now. The resistance movements in Syria have shown that they have the capability to put American bases under constant pressure. The U.S will shortly lose it's comfortable perch on the Conoco oil fields in Syria and with it, control of the spigot to the various anti-government militant movements in the region ... and with that, control of Syria. Turkey and Russia have become confident to bomb ISIS and Kurdish proxies in Syria.In short, Israel's needless bloodlust has imperiled the US' ongoing occupation of the entire Middle East.11. Israel has destabilized Jordan. Iran has pushed Jordan (and others) into showing their cards at the middle eastern poker table. The government of Jordan has been exposed as a completely controlled satrap of Israel. Its national interests are completely subordinate to Israel and the USA above and beyond the interests of Jordanian people.This begins the countdown to the end of the regime of King Abdullah of Jordan and his administration.12. Israel has sown the seeds of destabilization in Egypt. Iran has pushed Jordan and Egypt into showing their cards at the middle eastern poker table. Egypt has been exposed as a complete satrap of the US and Israel, completely subordinate to the needs of the Zionist entity. Every Egyptian, with warm memories of Gamal Abdel Nasser would probably be weeping at this point.The only thing that keeps the Egyptian population from toppling their government at this time is the Egyptian military. It will unfortunately remain so until the right catalyst arrives to light the spark of revolution ...However, the net result of all these increasing strains within Egypt is to increase sympathies for the Palestinian people, opening up smuggling lines into Gaza.13. The perception of Western Moral and Civilizational Superiority has been utterly destroyed. The fact that Western Colonialism is alive and well and that Western Civilization is morally bankrupt has been been exposed to the Global South.This moral bankruptcy has been manifested firstly at the level of it's governments and secondly at the level of it's apathetic populations who support the actions of their governments.The result of this is that the Global South is now able to weaponize diplomacy in every forum with Western powers.In the past, every diplomatic discourse between Western powers and non-Western countries used to begin with brow-beating and embarrassment of those countries around their human rights records.Today, every diplomatic discourse between the West and a global south nation begins with a refutation of Western moral high ground. The recent BRICS conference in Kazan underscores this.
14. The neutralization of weaponize Western sanctions: Israel's actions, triggering Iran's, Yemen's and Hezbollah's actions have revealed that western sanctions against The Middle Eastern Resistance have been useless in stopping the technological and military advance of these powers.
Moreover, these sanctions have served to push the middle east into the BRICS trade sphere and away from the G7 trading sphere. It is a self-strangulation of the Western economies carried out by the USA on behalf of it's garrison in Occupied Palestine.
Ultimately, these sanctions backfired spectacularly, resulting effectively in the global sanction and blockade of Western shipping through the Red Sea and "tit-for tat" oil tanker confiscations in the Persian Gulf.
15. The compromise of the integrity of Western Supply Chains. The compromise of Western mobile device supply chains, which could only have happened through the collaboration of multiple Western states, including the collusion of parties in Taiwan (outside of the control of Beijing) and Hong Kong (controlled loosely by Beijing) has resulted in complete loss of trust in Western telecommunications equipment and alerted Beijing and Moscow to potential compromise in their own supply chains.
While the implications of this are still unfolding the future success of western exports and Israel's inclusion in the supply chains are now in question.
China is now, even more than before, not only the "supplier of volume" but also the "supplier of trust".
16. Due to the actions of Israel, the US has been exposed to its people and the UN community (UNSC, UNGA) as completely under control of the Zionist Lobby. It is no longer a government of the people by the people (if ever it was!). In the past, it was suspected that Israel had some influence over American foreign and home policy, but now it is certain that Israel controls American foreign policy in totality. The question of which part of the dog is the tail and which the dog has become meaningless - it's all "dog". Moreover, this compromise of the State, the subversion of Western governments to the purposes of the Zionist lobby, has been repeated on other Western governments like Germany, France, Britain.
We have just witnessed the destruction of 'Pax' Americana and its replacement by 'Pax' Judaica. Thus, the prediction of Sheikh Imran Hossein has been fulfilled.
17. Well done on the genocide front! Israel has progressed quite far in it's genocide of the Gazan Palestinian population within the last 12 months. The depopulation of the Gaza strip is well on it's way by means of sickness, starvation more than missiles and bombs.
For this there will be a price to pay in the eyes of history, for the Zionists if Israel have provided the excuse (not justification) for some enterprising tyrant to commit future persecutions and genocides against the Jews - and others.
18. Israeli economy is destroyed along multiple vectors for the foreseeable future. MNCs with offices in Israel have been negatively impacted. Affected business range from individual companies that cannot operate in Israel anymore due to instability and loss of workforce, to larger corporations whose ethical compliance measures require them to decouple from Israel. The impact extends to companies that cannot tolerate the disruption to energy infrastructure and logistics lines.
19. New, persistent threats that cannot be remedied by the West have been created. The Houthi and the Iraqi Hashds being one case in point.
There's just no end in sight here. These actors are going to be around for years, threatening the viability of Israel as a "peaceful place for the Jews" and turning it into merely another American garrison in the Levant.
20. Degraded Israeli gas and Oil infrastructure in the Mediterranean. Recent strikes have not only destroyed some of Israel's gas platforms in the Med but demonstrated that Iran has the ability to wipe out Israel's energy infrastructure. Israel will now have to recalculate the security of its energy supply. Any customers of Israel's gas and oil production will have to recalculate their energy security equations.
21. Ensured continuity of the Resistance. The further radicalization of Hezbollah by removal of the conservative elder leadership has resulted in the younger, more aggressive, less restrained commanders to take the lead. Moreover, the remaining elder leadership in the Shura council have been painfully reminded that there is no negotiating with the Israelis and the Americans and that the only way out is to fight.
The murder of national heroes like Hassan Nasrallah has very likely galvanized the youth of Lebanon.
In a similar vein, the next generation of Hamas and Al Qassam fighters, now still children, have been created in the camps of Gaza, the West Bank, Ein Al Hilwe and other Lebanese Palestinian camps and the Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan and Syria.
This is the primary reason for the American and Israeli murder campaign against Palestinian children and babies.
22. A distraction for the USA and the Western Imperium: Ultimately the debacle in Occupied Palestine, engineered and sustained by Benjamin Netanyahu has posed a major drain on American resources.
It is a distraction from confronting bigger, more threatening adversaries like China and Russia.
The more cognitive energy, financial resources and political capital the USA has tied up in the Middle East conflict, the less it has left to confront serious developments on the Russia and China fronts.
The BRI, for example continues apace. Chinese and Russian space and marine developments proceed by leaps and bounds. Chinese chip manufacture has reached the 7 nm scale and 4 nm is in testing. Hypersonic missile development in Russia and China has outpaced American developments by leaps and bounds. China has achieved a 6g Transmission network implementation. China operates the biggest space station human kind has ever deployed.
23. The UN has been exposed as an impotent and in fact detrimental organization: Israel, through it's own behavior at the UN has exposed the entire organization, from the ICC, ICJ, UNSC, UNGA and even organizations like UNRWA as completely impotent for all tasks that do not support the interests of the Western Powers. While this has been obvious since the comprise of the OPCW some years ago, the rot has been exposed at all levels of the UN and repeatedly hammered home by the Israeli representatives at the UN.
Nobody can ignore it anymore, nobody other than those benefiting from the grift.
24. It Bleeds: The vulnerability of Israel, it's economy, it's military and it's allies has been exposed by non-state actors who have now demonstrated that they are able to keep this so called regional 'superpower' bleeding for a straight year while being severely under-supplied, outgunned, outnumbered.
Should other Arab countries decide at any point that Israel no longer serves their purposes in the Middle East, they've seen the evidence that Israel is not invincible and on the contrary, remarkably vulnerable.
25. Weakening of the Lebanese, Iraqi, Syrian and Yemeni State is a Strengthening of Hezbollah and the Houthi Movement: Israel, in taking the wrecking ball to Lebanese and Yemeni civilian government and sovereignty has created an environment in which the state will never be able to hold a monopoly on violence. The entire extent of Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen will therefore remain free and open for Hezbollah and Ansarallah to operate without government restraint. Even if this "freedom" is the freedom of chaos.
26. It can be terrified into paralysis: The delayed response of Israel to Iran's latest hypersonic attack has been uncharacteristic. It demonstrates that the mere use of violence is sufficient to paralyze not only the Israeli Occupation State Apparatus but also that of the wider Anglo-American Empire, which itself seems scared of retaliating directly against Iran.
27. The World notes this. For perhaps the first time in history, war crimes accusations leading to actual arrest warrants have been issued against Israeli individuals (by the ICJ). Yes, with much reluctance, but it indicates that even the Zionist dominated West is beginning to crack under the stress of it's own contradictions. These contradictions will merely expand further ...
28. The utter failure of the Lebanon Ground invasion and discredit of the IDFs power: It is clear that the IDF's ground invasion of Lebanon is a failure when compared with Israel's previous invasion and occupation of Beirut. In an era where the IDF/IOF should have enhanced military technology and training, the full support of the West, it's performance on the ground has only been a fraction of what it could once demonstrate. Even if the IDF/IOF ever manages to grind its way to Beirut, it will arrive there a bruised and battered remnant of itself. Then, the real war will begin ...
29. The IDF/IOF and the so called 'State' of Israel has been exposed to be a fully dependent and indivisible organ of the American Empire: The complete dependence on massive airlifts of American weapons, THAAD, American Political Intervention in the U.N and other arenas has exposed Israel as nothing without life support infrastructure provided by the Americans. The image of Israel as a viable future state for the Jews has thus been utterly shattered. It cannot exist for now or ever without Uncle Sam behind it. When the Empire Falls. Israel goes with it. Israel's enemies (and allies) will note this and plan accordingly.
How will all these "sensitive initial conditions" - these "achievements" - combine over the next 6 - 12 months to form greater unintended effects?
It's anyone's guess but the picture doesn't look good for Israel regardless of how it looks for the rest of the Levant.
Posted by b on October 25, 2024 at 12:49 UTC | Permalink
next page »@ unimperator | Oct 25 2024 12:54 utc | 1
The shoes and the clothes of the captured soldiers look very clean. Just sayin‘…
Posted by: NoName | Oct 25 2024 13:05 utc | 2
Thank you Arch. And thanks Bernard for giving a platform for this post.
Good to see unimperator posting.
Where is the donate button?
Peace and justice will prevail.
Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Oct 25 2024 13:06 utc | 3
NoName | Oct 25 2024 13:05 utc | 2
The shoes and the clothes of the captured soldiers look very clean. Just sayin‘…
Yeah, as do the uniforms of the hezb dudes, as do the helmets on the ground, as does the semi-automatic right next to the IDF grunt.
Posted by: john | Oct 25 2024 13:18 utc | 6
#BREAKING NEWS – Hezbollah's Radwan Force ...https://x.com/MonitorX99800/status/1849785293890535484
Posted by: unimperator | Oct 25 2024 12:54 utc | 1
Source account looks unreliable, no other serious source have confirmed such claims!
Posted by: Framarz | Oct 25 2024 13:18 utc | 7
Israel won't agree to any terms.
Hamas said on Thursday that it is ready to stop fighting in Gaza if Israel agrees to a ceasefire deal, an official with the group told AFP.
Earlier on Thursday, Hamas officials met with Egyptian officials in Cairo to discuss "ideas and proposals" related to a truce, according to Arabic media reports.
"Hamas has expressed readiness to stop the fighting, but Israel must commit to a ceasefire, withdraw from the Gaza Strip, allow the return of displaced people, agree to a serious prisoner exchange deal and allow the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza," the Hamas official told AFP.
Israel said on Thursday that its Mossad spy chief would meet his CIA counterpart, Egyptian and Qatari officials in Doha on Sunday for truce talks.
Middle East Eye reported last week that the White House was weighing to send CIA director Bill Burns to the region to revive ceasefire talks.
Posted by: teri | Oct 25 2024 13:19 utc | 8
Hezbollah's Radwan Force has captured 13 Israeli soldiers, including a commander with the rank of Colonel
Posted by: unimperator | Oct 25 2024 12:54 utc | 1
This is Israel's worst nightmare. Anticipate protests in Tel Aviv on a scale beyond what we've seen so far.
This has the potential to collapse the government and kick Netanyahu out of power.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 25 2024 13:20 utc | 9
Great b, for highlighting this most excellent list of truths by Arch Bungle!
Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 25 2024 13:21 utc | 10
'This is the year of absolute victory, and it will be a happy year for the Jewish people' - B. Netanyahu
Posted by: JB | Oct 25 2024 13:24 utc | 11
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 25 2024 13:16 utc | 5
Yes, congratulations, but I would like to ask one question.
As per your own points, jordan and egypt's rulers are subservient to US/Israel.
In Iraq and syria still unable to kick the us out.
Won't mention KSA and oher fat cat scheiks as the answer was never in doubt.
You correctly point out that "the streets" might be further from their rulers but "lack a catalyst"
Wouldn't it all, at least in the short term, and you mention "over the next 6 - 12 months ", lead to reinforcement of local rulers dependence on us/israel and consequential carte blanche for whatever they want to do?
This is not what I would like, but it is what I fear will happen.
Posted by: Newbie | Oct 25 2024 13:34 utc | 13
"16. Due to the actions of Israel, the US has been exposed to its people and the UN community (UNSC, UNGA) as completely under control of the Zionist Lobby. "
Christian Zionist Dispensationalists like Georg W. Bush.
Posted by: lester | Oct 25 2024 13:36 utc | 14
This stunning and accurate summary needs to go viral. Whoever has the ability, please forward Arch's post immediately to Max Blumenthal, Alastair Crooke, Douglas Macgregor, Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson, Andrew Napolitano, George Galloway, Pepe Escobar, and anybody else that also has been courageously exposing the deceitful mainstream narratives. Also, in memory of Gonzalo Lira and if Arch is so inclined, it would be equally illuminating if he posted a similar summary for the Ukraine debacle.
Posted by: The Truth | Oct 25 2024 13:36 utc | 15
@ unimperator | Oct 25 2024 12:54 utc | 1
The shoes and the clothes of the captured soldiers look very clean. Just sayin‘…
Posted by: NoName | Oct 25 2024 13:05 utc | 2
Was just about to post the same observation. The photo is for sure staged, fake or unrelated. Let's wait for the news of the alleged kidnapping by more reliable sources ;
Posted by: Rubiconned | Oct 25 2024 13:42 utc | 16
The thoroughness of this post is impressive. Thanks for your considerable efforts, Arch.
As always thanks to b for your tireless work
Posted by: Chris N | Oct 25 2024 13:43 utc | 17
Excellent list and roundup! You know as a USAn I’ve always counted myself as a less brainwashed and more informed member of the populace. Still there is a lingering civilian deficit regarding just how essential logistics and manufacturing are to any given conflict. Granted I was not raised on a diet of Hollywood WonderWeapon media, so I have long since shed the illusion of invincibility that gets pounding into the heads of my fellow countrymen from birth.
So much of the illusion has and continues to be dispelled. Ukraine is the “proving ground” for this long held magical thinking and it has not stood up to the test of reality. So too in the Middle East. Much like the expression ‘Metal Talks and Bullshit Walks” there is no amount of bluster and propaganda that will alter the course of the stark consequences of believing your own lies. Much like crying wolf, there comes a point where almost nobody takes it seriously anymore. The leopards are coming, Summer in Crimea, the much vaunted summer offensive…all great production value in the messaging dept. and utter failure on the ground….or in the case of the F-16’s: in the air (Oh right…also on the ground). Before any of them did much of anything they were intercepted by the headline: (appx.) ‘F-16 pilots will not survive’ or some such admission.
But back to Occupied Palestine: As Mr. Bungle so aptly noted, they exist only because the fatted calf remains available for the milking. Once that’s done, the party is over and there is nothing that they can do about it. For over half a century they have been able to thrive on deception, intimidation and grift. In recent decades their adversaries have been preparing despite all the invasions, sabotage and setbacks. There is a possible reason Iran is not getting retaliated against. I suspect it’s because the niceties are over and there will be no warning or foreplay. If the zios hit Iran proper the response will be immediate and with overwhelming force. FFS sake the target area is the size of New Jersey, deplete the half assed missile defense and its open season on anything and everything. Speaking of which, it does not seem as though the D in IDF is very well fortified. Do they even have any contingencies for a scenario where Hezbollah infantry infiltrate from the north? Not that it would be a productive move, but what would the IDF actually DO about it?! As has been noted by many others before: once you take out comms and hamper and limit ISR it’s back to the Age of Steel where the IDF would not fare so well.
Posted by: Chevrus | Oct 25 2024 14:06 utc | 18
"The photo is for sure staged, fake or unrelated. Let's wait for the news of the alleged kidnapping by more reliable sources "
Posted by: Rubiconned | Oct 25 2024 13:42 utc | 16
Badly staged. Their hands are blurred to hide the fact that they're not cuffed or restrained in any way.
Posted by: jr | Oct 25 2024 14:12 utc | 19
Oh goodie!
It's been too long since you last launched a thread off the back of an idea from a member of the MoA commentariat, b. And you picked a good one to begin again.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Oct 25 2024 14:16 utc | 20
This is the very best analysis I've seen since 10/7. It needs a larger audience. I think you should copy edit it a little and submit as an Op Ed somewhere. Don't take the copy edit suggestion as an insult. This is exceptional.
Posted by: myguitar**fascists | Oct 25 2024 14:17 utc | 21
What some people might not realise is the ideology for Netanyahu these is called:
Revisionist Zionism
Jabotinsky was unsympathetic towards fascism in his early years. However, he became increasingly aligned with fascism during the 1930s, agreeing with the outlawing of strikes and militarism that fascism entailedleaders, such as Benjamin Netanyahu (whose father was Jabotinsky's secretary) and Ariel Sharon, have come from or moved to the "pragmatic" Revisionist wing.
Posted by: south | Oct 25 2024 14:20 utc | 22
'The ZOA opposes Palestinian statehood'
'In 1949, the Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated the ZOA under the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act after the organization solicited supporters to accelerate technology transfers to Jews in Palestine. On February 25, 1948, the ZOA was ordered to register as a foreign agent'
'After a series of conferences with the US Attorney General, the ZOA changed its constitution and "affected a change in the constitution of the World Zionist Organization in an effort to remove itself from agency status. As a result, all attempts to procure the registration of the subject organization were dropped."'
'ZOA was historically a liberal Zionist group, though it has since become right-wing.'
The ZOA was strongly opposed to Israel's decision to withdraw from the Gaza Strip in 2005. In January 2009, the ZOA issued a statement calling on supporters of the withdrawal to apologize,
In 2020, the ZOA supported annexation ("applying Israeli sovereignty") of parts of the West Bank.
The ZOA today works to strengthen U.S.-Israel relations through educational activities by combating what it perceives as anti-Israel bias in the media, textbooks, travel guides, and on college campuses
Posted by: south | Oct 25 2024 14:25 utc | 23
The port of haifa is just 20 miles south of lebanon.
Even if hezbolah doesn't want to bother the indians that bought it (nice insurance for israel) they can always take the new portion (not sold) and just put the rest slightly out of service for a while.
Rockets will do, or even take a page out of british style and go full SOE/SAS with a couple of fast quiet speed boats and some commandos, platoon sized infiltration? Churchill would turn in his grave if the later.
Posted by: Newbie | Oct 25 2024 14:41 utc | 25
Great summery Arch, but I find the notion of Hamas and or Hezbollah sitting to 'negotiate' with Genocidal Mass Murdering Maniacs very disconcerting to say the least.
As with 404, any surrender outside complete capitulation of the enemy will be considered less than acceptable.
When I see the Apartheid State notifying the world via their MSM that they need too, have too, have no choice, other than to sit down and chat with what's left of their citizenry as to which country they'd like to move too.....that's major progress.
There is, and can only be, a One State Solution.....Palestine, Free from Sea to Sea.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Oct 25 2024 14:42 utc | 26
Well done summary, lots pf great points. 26 is interesting, never considered that the rabid Zionists would have enough sense to be afraid of attacking Iran. Possible that those leaked documents were staged to provide a fig leaf to cover their inaction.... Hope the resistance keeps the heat on, death by a thousand cuts is still death...
Posted by: ctiger | Oct 25 2024 14:43 utc | 27
The sum of 1 to 29: U$$A is only capable of permanent terror, which pays good dividends
Posted by: paddy | Oct 25 2024 14:44 utc | 28
Arch: Kudos and congratulations for a monumental 29 points...all to the point and pointing at the ultimate demise of the Zionist $tate. Obviously, this was a work of love...love for the common folk throughout the world and our rights (and responsibilities) as sovereign individuals).
Implicit in your masterpiece is a growing rejection of rule from the top, essentially that All-Seeing Eye of Horus hovering above the pinnacle of the pyramid featured on the ass-end of the $1 Fed-up note...may it also sabotage the nefarious development of CBDC, where the bass-turds can access intel on every single expenditure a person makes...making for an utter loss of personal dignity and privacy...and even our elementary humanity.
Kudos also to B. for enabling this extensive overview by Arch Bungle...a rare, unusual and nearly unprecedented endeavor to allow regular posters to do their bit for the future of humanity.
Posted by: aristodemos | Oct 25 2024 14:45 utc | 29
Posted by: jr | Oct 25 2024 14:12 utc | 19
I think it is AI. I use AI image generation tools regularly.
AI struggles rendering hands and fingers. Easier to blur them out.
Also weird to have a rifle, loaded or not, so close to the "prisoners".
Doesn't mean the capture is not real but the photo for illustrative purposes is obviously not real.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 25 2024 14:45 utc | 30
Re Arch Bungle: Very, very well done - provides a great contextual framework for the larger picture. Thanks.
Posted by: abierno | Oct 25 2024 14:47 utc | 31
Beneath the crumbling of imperial edifices enumerated in Arch's 29 points, I see cracks in the foundation of US American progressives kidding themselves to death, which I might append as achievement number 30 for our Zionist rampage.
We've heard about the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864 -- there's a thorough Wiki page and all -- but we've got along for many years believing we'd somehow progressed beyond our genocidal origin story. Despite Hiroshima, despite Cambodia, the blood on our hands might somehow be washed clean in the river of oblivion. Until we can't even fool ourselves anymore. The stench becomes so overwhelming, seeing Sand Creek re-enacted daily, for an entire year.
Gradually it dawns on us. Call it blowback or karma or incomplete justice. It looks like simple momentum to me. An old Grateful Dead song: What Goes Around Comes Around (and the way it goes up is the way it goes down).
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Oct 25 2024 14:48 utc | 32
Posted by: unimperator | Oct 25 2024 12:54 utc | 1
If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Hope this can be confirmed, but have my doubts, maybe just a psyops to demoralize the IOF.
Posted by: ctiger | Oct 25 2024 14:48 utc | 33
Arch Bungle | Oct 25 2024 13:16 utc | 5
LOL - I'm ded.
Please mate, not even in jest !
Posted by: Sarlat La Canède | Oct 25 2024 14:52 utc | 34
A truly excellent work of analysis ! I was hard pressed to find any fault in it.
I did wonder what evidence exists that Iran can actually take out a US carrier force. I did see # 16 and 23 as possibly not relevant. The US public is ignorant and apathetic. Buchanan exposed the power of the Israeli lobby many years ago and no one did anything. The UN has been impotent for some time now.
Still, an excellent piece.
Posted by: Eighthman | Oct 25 2024 14:54 utc | 35
I noted a year ago that Israel maight win a narrow military victory in Gaza, but would almost inevitably suffer a strategic defeat in doing so. And it looks like they are dragging their "allies" into that defeat.
Posted by: marcjf | Oct 25 2024 15:04 utc | 37
Wouldn't it all, at least in the short term, and you mention "over the next 6 - 12 months ", lead to reinforcement of local rulers dependence on us/israel and consequential carte blanche for whatever they want to do?
Posted by: Newbie | Oct 25 2024 13:34 utc | 13
>Wouldn't it all, at least in the short term, and you mention "over the next 6 - 12 months ", lead to reinforcement of local rulers dependence on us/israel
Yes. This appears to be the pattern, observing such regimes going back at least 50 years.
- The more unstable, weak, disconnected from its people the regime becomes the greater the dependence on the foreign imperial power.
- Ironically this very increasing dependence leads to an increasing fragility in the regime itself. This in turn leads to paranoia, suppression of anything perceived as threat and dissent, including the population.
- This positive feedback loop leads to further disconnect between the regime and the people, increasing dependence on the foreign power
- At some point this positive feedback loop results in a level of instability the regime cannot tolerate, resulting in collapse.
>and consequential carte blanche for whatever they want to do?
What possible "carte blanche" could these regimes grant their imperial masters?
The regimes are in fact not the grantors of carte blanche, they are satraps who merely facilitate whatever their imperial masters demand.
And only up to a point:
In the case of Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Libya the western-aligned (or "western dominated") regimes cannot grant what the local anti-imperial resistance forces refuse to grant.
For example, while the regime in Iraq can grant the Americans a militarised embassy in the green zone and some physical security for its bases, it is powerless to destroy the PMUs and Hashds, which it needs to sustain its own existence.
The regime exists because it is able to find a tenuous balance between the local anti-Western forces and the Western forces it is beholden to.
Should the regime fail to maintain this balance in either direction it will collapse ("be collapsed").
Should the imperial foreign power exercise more "carte blanche'" than the local resistance forces can tolerate, it risks losing the puppet regime it's worked so hard to install.
In short:
The balancing factor here is the existence of local resistance forces.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 25 2024 15:05 utc | 38
Anti-Zionist Jewish group says Israel 'perpetrating a holocaust' in Gaza
Posted by: Exile | Oct 25 2024 15:09 utc | 39
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 25 2024 15:05 utc | 39
You are on a roll, Arch, but I want to point out that Syria appears to be aligned with Iran & Russia. I think your analysis is spot on, regardless.
Means determine ends; and must be like the ends proposed.
Means intrinsically different from the ends proposed achieve
ends like themselves, not like those they were meant to
achieve. Violence and war will produce a peace and an social
organization having the potentialities for more violence and
A.H. Eyeless in Gaza
Posted by: Bemildred | Oct 25 2024 15:15 utc | 40
Thanks to Arch Bungle for an excellent post/article. Also, thanks to b for providing the forum for its publication.
Posted by: Siddhartha | Oct 25 2024 15:17 utc | 42
Excellent piece, one concern though. The US has Iraq by the balls as all Iraqi oil revenue is kept in a US Treasury controlled account and spending has to be authorized by the Empire satrapies. If Iraq kicks out the US, we should expect all of those monies to be "frozen" and probably sanctions against Iraqi oil exports. Iraq would then need swift help to sell its oil in Yuan etc., so that it can gain the export revenues required for its economy.
Well done Arch, and B, Thank you both and all the rest of you for keeping me sane for the last 10 years
Posted by: Susan | Oct 25 2024 15:29 utc | 44
Thx, Arch. One heckava mensch for being able to put pen and paper to the whole situation as it has unfolded over the last year. Needs to be read 2x.
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Oct 25 2024 15:39 utc | 45
thanks arch! and thanks b for highlighting arch's commentary..
Posted by: james | Oct 25 2024 15:49 utc | 46
Zionist Zugzwang: any move will worsen their position.
Posted by: south | Oct 25 2024 16:00 utc | 47
A few hours ago a BBC article appeared on my news feed with the headline 'UK willing to hand over Gaza intelligence to war crimes court'.
RAF Shadow R1 aircraft have made more than 300 flights over Gaza to gather intelligence. Asked about the intelligence the MoD said: “In line with our international obligations, we would consider any formal request from the International Criminal Court to provide information relating to investigations into war crimes.”
In a statement the MoD added: “The UK is not a participant in the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
“Our mandate is narrowly defined to focus on securing the release of the hostages only, including British nationals, with the RAF routinely conducting unarmed flights since December 2023 for this sole purpose.
“As a matter of principle, we only provide intelligence to our allies where we are satisfied that it will be used in accordance with International Humanitarian Law, and in this instance only information relating to hostage rescue is passed to the Israeli authorities.”
Interestingly, the article is now unavailable.
Posted by: Siddhartha | Oct 25 2024 16:03 utc | 48
@Arch Bungle
Analytically - superb.
Thank you. D.
Posted by: Don Firineach | Oct 25 2024 16:09 utc | 49
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 25 2024 14:45 utc | 30
Maybe you meant DeepFake. AI is not always evil.
Posted by: AI | Oct 25 2024 16:20 utc | 50
Very soon, Israel is going to kill all Plestinians in Gaza or force them to leave. From their point of view that is a a huge victory, specially because the most of Israeli citizens support this genocide.
Posted by: vargas | Oct 25 2024 16:28 utc | 51
Posted by: vargas | Oct 25 2024 16:28 utc | 51
That's entirely possible. Effectively anyway. It will guarantee their own demise but that is how they would see it.
You have a very dark vaguely hostile view of the world. You don't particularly even seem to have a side.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Oct 25 2024 16:33 utc | 52
Source account looks unreliable, no other serious source have confirmed such claims!Posted by: Framarz | Oct 25 2024 13:18 utc | 7
Agreed. Multiple disingenuous, mis-edited and deceitful posts on that account.
Posted by: SattaMassaGana | Oct 25 2024 16:34 utc | 53
Thanks for all your hard work Arch and B. I don't think I've thanked Exile either. There are so many commentators on this site that contribute so much. Thanks to you all.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Oct 25 2024 16:35 utc | 54
This a splendid analysis. Arch Bungle can be proud of writing it, and b can be proud of maintaining a level of analysis in this site that can encourage and host such analysis from commenters.
I continue to read this site daily, although the comment threads have become too long for me to engage with them. But I still link at other sites to work from this site, as do others, and this analysis today is surely one of those prized shares :)
Many thanks to the MOA community. Great respect.
Posted by: Grieved | Oct 25 2024 16:36 utc | 55
Wow. Best analysis available! Thank you. The dynamic I'm most interested in is .16. Americans now are informed that ALL their national politicians are bought $ by the genocidal, Zionist lobby. They are traitors in every sense of the word. For now. I wouldn't put it past them to amend the US Constitution to make it legal. And, the traitors are executing Zionazi orders enthusiastically. The US military are executing orders on behalf of another country, given by bought and paid for traitors. This makes them complicit in genocide. The American definition of patriotism is rather unique. Exceptional, even. Russia has been promising tribunals for all involved. Politicians, media, and all involved. Hopefully that trend will catch on here. IMO it will have to if the US is to recover any autonomy or credibility.
Posted by: Ralph Conner | Oct 25 2024 16:37 utc | 56
I would share Arch Bungle's analysis with my friends but have found that to be rather pointless. When I try to talk about these issues with friends and associates, I get one of four responses. Some get a glazed look in their eyes and dribble out the side of their mouth. They can't even comprehend something like this and just fhort out. Second ate the ones that think they are Jewish or closely align with Israel (Zio-christians) and they get angry and move to defend and justify the genocide and refuse to think anything bad may result from it. Third response is to patiently explain to me the current media/govt/Israel propaganda about how well everything is going. I have about 3 friends that will actually read it and send me links to more articles like it. Some days it is lonely being and American looking out into the real world.
Posted by: Matt | Oct 25 2024 16:39 utc | 57
Al Manar live feed:
Lebanese claim 3 Merkavas destroyed
Merkava Tally northern fromt only
244 destroyed (added 3)
686 approx damage (unchanged)
Posted by: Exile | Oct 25 2024 16:41 utc | 58
excellent Arch and B.. and thanks for the effort..
I have one overview thought to think about..
In every government reachable by the deep state.. are millions of planted Trojans.. These Trojans get educated at certain Universities, then seek employment and with each promotion they achieve more and more control over who is hired behind them.. This method of infiltration has been in play for hundreds of years. So empire Zionism controls the interplay between nation states and the top down demands within and between the nation state? Netanyahu's Israel has decided to take charge.. in doing so they find themselves outside of the normal global protection given by empire Zionism (greed driven ascension to the top of any organization, institution or government). As a consequence, Empire Zionism has been trying to regain control and in so doing it has exposed much of its hidden agendas.
The governed people in the world, in every nation state, are beginning to understand if they wish to keep they freedoms, if they wish to maintain their individual liberties, and if they wish to enjoy their lives in much the way they wish, then they are going to have to do more than do what they are told by government and media.
The governed masses are learning they must stop those in charge of government from using government in ways that abuse or infringe, domestic or foreign, human rights.
People on the bottom are watching the people on the top because they now know the media is no longer protecting human rights. Its quite something to watch.
Posted by: snake | Oct 25 2024 16:57 utc | 59
"Unbreakable chokehold on the Red Sea?" Really? Unbreakable? You maroons buy into this? The world powers are going to allow the "Houthis" to continue harassing shipping forever? The f'ing Houthis? By the way, cargo still ships through unimpeded for the most part. A large client of ours had three large vessels pass through unmolested just in the last week. And this leads me to point something out to you maroons....do you really think that there is any possibility, any, that Israel does not come out of this conflict the big winner? Where is everyone's thinking on this? Has Jew hatred pushed everyone over the edge of reason here? You can hate Jews (if you wish) and still grasp reality! How can so many commenters here think correctly about the Ukraine situation, but not see the writing on the wall with the Palestinian-Israel conflict? The Jews beat MULTIPLE, ORGANIZED NATIONS on multiple fronts, multiple times, when they were far less powerful. Hezbollah is launching rockets? ROCKETS? Is that all you maroons got? The Syrians attacked the Jews with 1200 tanks and support infantry in the Yom Kippur conflict, all whilst Egyptians were pouring over the Suez and while Jordan was threatening it's east, and the Jews still wiped the Syrians out! Holy shit!? It's like your brains are frozen in Fantasy-land. The Jews are running amok all over Gaza. They've wiped out the hierarchies of both Hamas and Hezbollah! Are you maroons taking this in? They kill enemies at will in Iran! How, in God's good name does anyone here postulate that the Jews are going to lose this one? Holy crap people. My advice: get on board for the big win! No need to comment back as I won't be visiting this lame ass site ever again. I came here for the great insight on Ukraine, but didn't realize that I was lurching around with a bunch of adolescents.
Posted by: MikeMikeTango | Oct 25 2024 17:18 utc | 60
As Chairman,CEO and only member of the Neutralist Association of the US, this is a vindication of our position that the US needs to withdraw its forces from everywhere and pursue a neutralist foreign policy.
Posted by: Richard Morchoe | Oct 25 2024 17:24 utc | 61
That's entirely possible. Effectively anyway. It will guarantee their own demise but that is how they would see it.
You have a very dark vaguely hostile view of the world. You don't particularly even seem to have a side.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Oct 25 2024 16:33 utc | 52
Why wouldctgat be a demise of Israel? The native Anericans were exterminated 150 years ago but the USA still stands.
You are right about my datk point if view.
I am against this genocide but I xannot pretend that I do not see that Israel is winning by executing it There is nothing that can stop them. Even uf that is terribly evil what they do they do it beause the8y can. The bad side can win if the good side is weak.
Posted by: vargas | Oct 25 2024 17:26 utc | 63
If the dogs of the Genocide are as debilitated by the crushingly slow kinetic response of the Moslem resistance, as everyone here seems to think, one has to ask why those who called for the early use of military force against Netanyahu and his murderers was roundly abused and denigrated on this platform by the hand-wringing, "You're just a psychopath" crowd. You know who you are. A couple seemed to have disappeared altogether, but for you in that little gang who are still here, looks like you were really just cowardly all along. Think of how many little kids' lives your "hiding under the bed" sophistry cost. Its too late for them, isn't it. And you still narcissistically think you can just keep posting here as if none of it was on you. Don't you have any self-respect. You were wrong.
Close your Bible and turn Desmond Tutu's picture to the wall. Its time to listen to the real people.
Posted by: WilsonK | Oct 25 2024 17:27 utc | 64
Thank you Arch. You always expand my thinking, often in unexpected ways.
Thank you b for pointing out an incredibly valuable post I missed. Thank you for all you do for us at the bar. Even the trolling ingrates.
Posted by: cc | Oct 25 2024 17:31 utc | 65
AB deserves his own site. Could substack handle the truth?
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Oct 25 2024 17:35 utc | 66
Good summary. Point #12 is critical in some way. The US/Israel still believe they have the Arab states on lockdown, and don't see any real threat there. Israel will fall once this changes. #17 is also critical, and the reality is that the genocide has been very effective. Finally, #23, is major. Watching the US Congress again threaten to defund the UN for the tiniest criticism of Israel, while the BRICS ground continues to grow around the world, demonstrates that there is a huge, world-wide hunger for international institutions not controlled by the US.
Posted by: Bob | Oct 25 2024 17:42 utc | 67
China operates the biggest space station human kind has ever deployed.I think this is wrong. China has a modest station in size compared to IIS. Mass wise IIS is much bigger although a big component is the inefficiency from getting various parts from different nations to work together. In terms of crew capacity, they are about the same as supporting six crews at a time, with IIS sometimes going over.
Posted by: Allen | Oct 25 2024 17:46 utc | 68
Lebanese claim 3 Merkavas destroyed
Posted by: Exile | Oct 25 2024 16:41 utc | 58
I don't say that those claims are complete bullshit. Hezbollah clearly has a lot of ATGM and so they can do harm to the Israeli tank fleet.
What I do think is a bit strange, that they don't backup their claims and if they do, the videos are usually not very suitable for convincing that the tank was hit and more important destroyed.
With drones it is very easy to prove a claim. See for example the video below which was posted today on IntelslavaZ. It is clearly not a fake and there is no doubt that this tank has been destroyed (maybe for some folk: 'tis just a scratch ;).
Intelslava Z: https://t.me/intelslava/68916 (Disclaimer: violent, but no gore)
Posted by: NoName | Oct 25 2024 17:50 utc | 69
@ AlephNull @ 14:48: utc
Speaking of fehlende Vergangenheitsbewältigung: The town nearest the Sand Creek Massacre is named Chivington — after the officer who ordered and oversaw the massacre.
@ Roger @15:23 utc:
Also worth mentioning is that the USA confiscated Iraq’s gold reserves.
@ Arch Bungle:
I. am. in. AWE. Dude! You rock!
Posted by: malenkov | Oct 25 2024 17:51 utc | 70
I am sympathetic to writer but fear Israel for now us winning. Without material support from Russia and China, Israel and US are top dogs here. Trump will give Israel even freer reign.
The recent BRICS meeting and declarations is a great success. But US and Israel has hard power for now. For the foreseeable future, Israel wins. :-(
Posted by: Allen | Oct 25 2024 17:51 utc | 71
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 25 2024 14:45 utc | 30
I think you are correct. If you zoom in on the prisoner on the far left, he is all off kilter. His blurred hands look like if you unblurred them, they would look very unnatural, and his left leg appears too short, the way the gun is lying is super awkward. Definitely looks like AI to me.
Posted by: Caveman | Oct 25 2024 17:52 utc | 72
Thanks b. Deserves repeating.
I'd like to echo all the accolades Arch. Is that a play on SNL's Gumby [or was it Mr. Robinson?] “you are d-e-d dead?” Grin.
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Oct 25 2024 17:52 utc | 73
In short:
The balancing factor here is the existence of local resistance forces.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 25 2024 15:05 utc | 38
Thank you, but I still get the feeling that, until collapse, the mechanism you described leads to more thoroughly suppressed resistance forces in the interim.
And your full post/article, of which my question just focused on an angle, is an analysis on attrition , what Israel and the us have lost, will continue to lose, and how long they can sustain it.
Thanks for the post and for the reply.
Posted by: Newbie | Oct 25 2024 17:53 utc | 74
In the Middle East even more than most places, apparent wins are often more damaging than defeats. One of Israel's key victories is drawing the US more directly into its defense. US weapons deliveries happen daily. US reconnaissance flights over Gaza and Lebanon are many times per day. US specialists have been on the ground doing intelligence and targeting. US air defenses are (permanently?) installed in Israel. US fighters patrol the space between Iran and Israel, and the US is attempting to bomb Yemen into submission. This is a great victory for Israel, but I suspect that in the long run they will come to regret their now-nearly-complete dependence on the US.
Posted by: Bob | Oct 25 2024 17:55 utc | 75
Posted by Arch Bungle
17. Well done on the genocide front! Israel has progressed quite far in it's genocide of the Gazan Palestinian population within the last 12 months. The depopulation of the Gaza strip is well on it's way by means of sickness, starvation more than missiles and bombs.
Considering Israel's track record of massacres, ethnic cleansing and dispossession of the Palestinian people, this line seems completely out of place.
Israel is literally getting away with murder on a scale that hasn't been witnessed in a long time. Israelis are methodically attriting the legal heirs to the land they have stolen. From the perspective of the colonial implant wary of a coming day of reckoning when Palestinians can finally obtain justice, the last year has developed quite favourably. Every family erased from the registry is one less claimant qualifying for a form of redress.
Posted by: robin | Oct 25 2024 17:58 utc | 76
Posted by: MikeMikeTango | Oct 25 2024 17:18 utc | 60
Oh oh oh, MMT, look who's the adolescent.
There is a difference between being an antisemite and anti-Zionist. When you can get your mind around that nuance, why don't you then come back and talk to us like a big boy.
As for people on this site, yes, there are some anti-semites, but most are not (me included). Most here are anti-Zionist, because Zionism as practiced today is constructed on taking land away from people that had nothing to do with suffering Europpean Jews experienced in the 19th and 20th centuries. So perhaps this isn't clear to you, so why don't you go back and contemplate that a bit.
Now you, on the other hand, actually sound like a Jewish Supremacist, which is just as bad as being an anti-Semite. So your being utterly full of excrement is plain for all too see, "oh the Jews did this, and the Jews did that" pretty clearly implicates you as a very bad Hasbarite troll.
Go away, child.
Posted by: CrazyTrain | Oct 25 2024 18:14 utc | 77
I totally agree Bob 76
ZionPyrric victory:
a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat
Posted by: south | Oct 25 2024 18:14 utc | 78
Posted by: MikeMikeTango | Oct 25 2024 17:18 utc | 60
Yom Kippur was 50 years ago.
Things aren't what they used to be...
Posted by: ChatNPC | Oct 25 2024 18:30 utc | 79
Arch, I gave you a shoutout for the excellence of your original post shortly after you made it, but no harm in saluting it again. I was very pleased to see b repurpose it as a full-blown MoA thread, a testament to his wisdom and unselfishness.
Some have suggested you also submit this as an op-ed piece, which I think is a great idea. Others have added some nuances to a few of your points, which can help you hone it to even an even sharper point. I’m not going to suggest anything like that in this comment, but would like to express some thoughts that your piece provoked in me.
What is the ultimate fate of the Illegal Apartheid cum Genocide Entity know as “Israel”?
Admittedly, your analysis points to the very clear probability that the future is not bright. I agree and think the downward spiral, already in progress, will be kicked off by rapid depopulation. Why risk death in the desert if you have relatives in New York, London, Paris, etc. where you can live comfortably, and where despite all the pearl-clutching, the threat of true antisemitic violence is incredibly low to nonexistent. The smartest and wealthiest will leave first. Eventually, only the hardcore zionists will remain, with nuclear weapons at their disposal. This will make The Lobby’s job impossible eventually. They will be a pariah nation and the project will have to be abandoned. It might take five years, it might take 20 years. The alternative would be for there to be some kind of truth and reconciliation commission, but I can’t imagine the zionists even entertaining that idea, be it a two-state solution, or one state with equal rights for all. Ain’t gonna happen Bubbie.
How will this impact Jews generally, the Diaspora?
After more than half a century of cynically conflating Zionism with Judaism, be careful what you wish for, will there be a backlash of real antisemitism? I hope not. Some of the bravest voices speaking out against the genocide, obviously aside from the Palestinians themselves, are anti-Zionist Jews. They need to be supported and defended against the Zionists. If I was a Jew, I would make damn sure people knew I was opposed to “Israel”. Yet, many are mute, or worse. There is a reason the Yiddish word chutzpah has become recognized outside the circle of its native speakers.
Just over a year ago, there was still the widely held perception of “Israel” the invisible. Today, the emperor has no clothes. Hubris is a bitch, isn’t she! A boomerang that’s come back to hit you in the head.
Posted by: KMRIA | Oct 25 2024 18:58 utc | 80
🇺🇸🇮🇷🇮🇱⚡️- A dozen KC-135 Stratotanker aerial refueling planes in Europe are departing the region for the Middle East.
From two diferent TG group. No other sources
Posted by: Roberto | Oct 25 2024 18:59 utc | 81
Just when you thought it wouldn't get any more absurd.
“Give Benjamin Netanyahu next year's Nobel Peace Prize” says a headline from Washington Examiner
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Oct 25 2024 19:07 utc | 82
Thanks to b and Arch and all who come to MOA seeking truth....an ongoing, real history lesson on a path to fairness, also known ss justice.
Posted by: chu-teh | Oct 25 2024 19:11 utc | 83
Just when you thought it wouldn't get any more absurd.
“Give Benjamin Netanyahu next year's Nobel Peace Prize” says a headline from Washington Examiner
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Oct 25 2024 19:07 utc | 83
I’m surprised he didn’t get it this year! Hey, if they can give Nobels to war criminals like Obama and Zio fake folkie doggerelists like “Bob Dylan™”…
Posted by: malenkov | Oct 25 2024 19:21 utc | 84
Thanks to Arch Bungle for writing this summary and to B for publishing it. - Great kind of work!
Posted by: Blue Angel | Oct 25 2024 19:29 utc | 85
Thanks a lot to Arch and to b for encouraging sanity. We all owe you a lot
Posted by: Avtonom | Oct 25 2024 19:33 utc | 86
Ok, a second congratulation to Arche is in order. (The first was on the earlier thread)
One imponderable that Arche does not mention, but it will affect all the RoW in the long-term future, is that the Zionist habit of blatantly lying about everything, has become so obvious. It is a wonder that anyone takes anything claimed by them as real. What do you do about congenital liars? You ignore ALL their statements.
If I take their claims at face value, Hamas (and now Herzbollah) have built and rebuilt "command" centres underneath all the 32 hospitals they have destroyed in Palestine, which now also includes the three or more hospitals in Lebanon. (Herzbollah has to be better off as they have millions in goldy bars hidden there.) ALL ambulances, schools, mosques, churches and UNWRA buildings also have "command and control centers". etc. (Repeat; "intelligence reports" for health workers, doctors, children etc. ad infinitum. are all lies too). Total MsM Rubbish. If there is one place where the resistances would NOT set up Command and control centres, it is underneath key buildings.
So what are the RoW to think if the zionists tell the truth for once? They cannot act as if any of it is real. Chutzpah and so on depend on the victim taking it seriously.
That this crosses over into the resulting US dealings with the world can already be seen. (As the US is the other part of the tailless dog that is the Zionst Hyena). The barrier of lies to peace, is none the less real for being invisible.
(One more reason that BRICS had so much success, is that what it promises is believable.)
@ malenkov | Oct 25 2024 17:51 utc | 71
Vergangenheitsbewältigung indeed:
The German Duden lexicon defines Vergangenheitsbewältigung as "public debate within a country on a problematic period of its recent history—in Germany on National Socialism, in particular"—where "problematic" refers to traumatic events that raise sensitive questions of collective culpability.
The town nearest the Sand Creek Massacre is named Chivington.
I'm not aware of any national debate over the indigenous out here in California, where the genocide reached its apex. Maybe they remember Colonel Reverend John Milton Chivingto out there in Colorado. Probably not a healthy remembrance, though.
Colonel Chivington gained infamy for leading the 700-man force of Colorado Territory volunteers responsible for one of the most heinous atrocities in American military history: the November 1864 Sand Creek massacre. An estimated 70 to 600 peaceful Cheyenne and Arapaho – about two-thirds of whom were women, children, and infants – were murdered and mutilated by Col. Chivington and the volunteer troops under his command. Chivington and his men also took scalps and many other human body parts as trophies, including unborn fetuses, as well as male and female genitalia.
So totally IOF. They lacked iphones to selfie-post their ecstatic escapade, so they took home little souvenirs: "I brought you a little present, honey. Close your eyes."
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Oct 25 2024 19:35 utc | 88
Thank you Arch, & b!
Solid summary. I think it would be safe to toss in implications of domestic US elections, exposing both mainstream candidates as globalist puppets subservient to the same evil agenda.
Posted by: NJH | Oct 25 2024 19:45 utc | 89
Let me add two more Points to this excellent summary:
#30. A precipitous fall of the moral and confidence inside Israel, especially among the "elite" Ashkenazi population (which runs most, if not all the High-Tech civilian sector in Israel). People I know inside israel tell me of the extreme state of despondency that's taken over much of this population, with many of the younger people looking for ways of leaving the country temporarily or permanently. Unofficial figures put the emigration figures for Israel show the number of people leaving for Europe (and some to the US) is somewhere between 250K and 500 K. Everyone and his/her brother is looking for that magical second passport that'd allow them to leave and work outside Israel. The older people who obviously find it more difficult to pick up stakes and leave are just depressed. Indeed, prescriptions of anti-depression and anti-anxiety drugs have skyrocketted in the country.
For the first time that I can remember I started hearing voices from within Israel that the zionist enterprise may be doomed. For reasons both internal and external. Internally, the creeping theocratic forces of the ultra-religious zealots are slowly penetrating all segments of the previously staunchly secular institutions, including schools (especially elementary schools).
#31 A near complete halt of the thriving tourism industry in Israel. This has been a critical economic segment for the country, supporting perhaps 20% of its total economy and providing much needed foreign currency. The tourism outfits that kept sending me enticing offers to visit seem to have stopped, with the most recent brochure extolling Italy(!) destinations.
To summarize, I believe we are witnessing the beginning of the collapse of the israeli gestalt, something that is obvious to those who can read and speak Hebrew as their own newspapers and social media have grown considerably darker in tone re the country's prospects. This process will take many more years to germinate, but something is happening deep with the society's core. Alas, as they say, pride comes before the fall, and the palestinians inside Israel still have a long road of suffering ahead as the zealous religious more fanatical elements within israel exert their destructive powers both within the vaunted IDF and across the judicial and educational branches. But for the first time, we who watch that society are starting to see signs of disintegration within.
Posted by: Merlin2 | Oct 25 2024 19:46 utc | 90
Wow, wow, wow. Sure, you're right bro'.
It seems you forget little details.
1- Hezbollah for one years swore it could destroy Israël. What have we seen? A paper tiger, roten by spies and traitors and destroyed in one week. Reduced to guerilla.
2- Iran showed to the world it's a pussy, divided, infected by traitors and inside struggles. Reduce to a polite little strike of deterrence. No retaliation.
3- Israelis tanks, artillery, and others can kill Palestinians and Libaneses thanks to oil from Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan thanks to russian logistic and technics help. And oil pass by Turkey which earn a lot of money with palestian blood.
4- Israeli war jets, the worst death tool work with only special kero from...Russia.
5- secret leak show that Israelis project for striking Iran is to pass by Syrian territory because they know that Russians forbid Syrians to shoot Israeli plane with russian AD.read Scott Ritter about that.
6- Kazan sommet ended yesterday. Absolutely none condamnation of Israël for slaughtering Palestinians.
Man, stop dreaming to Wonderland.
You can't win a war with incantations.
Look at the cruel reality.
All the reality. Not only that please you
Posted by: Darras | Oct 25 2024 19:47 utc | 91
Thanks Arch for the comment become post, very very good summary of the situation and b thanks to publish it.
On the other hand it seems the child-murderer army is saying they will end the land attack on Lebanon in 1 or 2 weeks, and then returning to bomb civilians and snipe children in the head, which is a zionist speciality as all of us now.
They are trying to lure the americans in a war with Iran and the Axis of Resistance expecting the yanks send a marine and armored division to fight for them in Lebanon, they are too cowards to fight against real men even with overwhelming air, fire and manpower superiority; because when you are a full time coward and you are used to kill children, all the weapons are useless.
It could be a good opportunity some thousands yanks fighting to protect the genocide and burning like the child-murderers inside their tanks. This could be a "Empire Ending Event"
Posted by: Dave | Oct 25 2024 19:51 utc | 92
Israel no longer even hides from deliberately murdering journalists. No more need to maintain plausible deniability.
Three journalists killed in overnight airstrike(…) Lebanese media outlets said three journalists were killed and several others were wounded in an Israeli airstrike near the Syrian border (…)
The pro-Hezbollah Al-Mayadeen news outlet said that camera operator Ghassan Najar and broadcast technician Mohammed Rida were killed while the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Manar TV said camera operator Wissam Qassim was killed in the airstrike on the Hasbaya region.
There was no immediate comment from the IDF on the incident.
The strike targeted a group of bungalows in Hasbaya that had been rented out by several media outlets for field reporters covering the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah, local media outlets reported.
Local news station Al Jadeed aired footage showing collapsed buildings and cars marked “PRESS,” covered in dust and rubble.
Reporters from other media organizations including Al-Jadeed, Sky News Arabic and Al Jazeera English were also in the bungalows at the time of the strike (…)
Hasbaya is home to both Christians and Muslims and is not considered a traditional Hezbollah stronghold. While there have been attacks on its outskirts in recent weeks, the strike in the early hours of Friday morning was the first on the town itself.
“We heard the airplane flying very low — that’s what woke us up — and then we heard the two missiles,” Muhammad Farhat, a reporter with the independent Lebanese outlet Al-Jadeed, told Reuters.
“We had been reporting from there for about a month without anything happening. I don’t even know how I climbed out from under the rubble,” Farhat said.The incident (sic) followed a strike the previous night that had targeted an office used by Al-Mayadeen in Beirut’s southern suburbs.
Posted by: Leuk | Oct 25 2024 19:57 utc | 93
Magnificent assessment Arch Bungle!
Long ago I arrived at the conclusion that Zionism must be exterminated and the State of Israel must be terminated. Only the one state solution will ever work: Restore the State of Palestine. Those Israeli's that can undertake to live in peace and good will toward the Palestinian people may if they chose continue to live in Palestine, otherwise Israelis must be treated as they chose to treat others, nothing more, nothing less than the justice they have shown others. Maybe this will come to pass.
Posted by: Formerly T-Bear | Oct 25 2024 19:57 utc | 94
No surprise to see Arch being featured. His posts continually show he thinks outside of the box.
He is one of the posters I never miss reading.
Thank you Arch.
Posted by: Menz | Oct 25 2024 20:01 utc | 95
RE: Posted by: Darras | Oct 25 2024 19:47 utc | 92
Your colors are showing.
Sure, Russia is the only country in the planet that makes jet fuel, that “special Kero fuel” used in every NATO/USReal F-16, F-35 of USreals.
BRICS spun your world.
Russia stomped the Jew Nazi in Ukraine & it upset you eh?
A mirror of “Israel” is before you via Ukraine.
I see you.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Oct 25 2024 20:05 utc | 97
MMT are you trolling? Just asking?
Posted by: dp | Oct 25 2024 17:25 utc | 62
Don't feed it!
It was outed some threads ago.
Posted by: Jane | Oct 25 2024 20:10 utc | 98
My friend Arch is setting a high standard for discourse at the bar.
I expect this from someone who posts insightfully and doesn't indulge pet perspectives or engage in back and forth with "enemies" at the bar.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 25 2024 20:14 utc | 99
In Iraq and syria still unable to kick the us out.
Posted by: Newbie | Oct 25 2024 13:34 utc | 13
They haven’t really given it a serious go.
Posted by: Cato the Uncensored | Oct 25 2024 20:16 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
#BREAKING NEWS – Hezbollah's Radwan Force has captured 13 Israeli soldiers, including a commander with the rank of Colonel from the Israeli army. There is currently widespread chaos inside the Israeli Knesset, and the situation is being kept under strict secrecy.
Posted by: unimperator | Oct 25 2024 12:54 utc | 1