Palestine Open Thread 2024-238
News & views related to the war in Palestine ...
Posted by b on October 6, 2024 at 14:30 UTC | Permalink
next page »More than 48 hours ago, at 1:01 AM Israel Daylight Time (UTC +3) on 4 Oct 2024 the Times Of Israel reported that Nasrallah's successor, Hashem Safieddine, had been killed by an Israeli airstrike in Beirut, along with several more Iranian aides and other Hezbollah commanders.
Iran recently said that if Israel retaliated against Iran's previous strike (on 1 Oct) Iran "would not hesitate" to strike again.
Well, two entire days have already passed with no response (AFAIK) to these latest assassinations, so has Iran's apparent hesitation in striking again now turned into a delay? If so, why is Iran delaying again this time?
Posted by: Mark Mosby | Oct 6 2024 14:49 utc | 2
I had to search for it under ‘local stories’ 🤡 but the arselicking ziofascist Beeb, is having to do some reporting about the ever growing disinclination of the majority of the British People to be led by the nose by the ziofascists at the top of the establishment and all their hand maidens throughout the echelons of their Power. It is hidden away on the website away from the main pages.
Yesterday’s mass Anti Illegal Apartheid Entity Protests against the Collective West geographically increasing spiral of genocide and war in The Levant and West Asia.
“The Metropolitan Police said it was hard to accurately estimate turnout but the protest "appears to be greater than other recent protests".
The crowd stretched from Downing Street to Trafalgar Square while speakers, including ex-Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, were addressing demonstrators.
People could be seen carrying Palestinian flags and placards with messages such as "ceasefire now" and "hands off Lebanon", and chanting "stop the bombing now". “
Hard to estimate? Greater than other recent protests?
Well the last one I went to a month ago was around 100 thousand from my personal observation.
So we are now heading towards 200-300 thousand regularly and growing.
Not just London btw other cities too including :
‘Separately, pro-Palestinian supporters walked through the centre of Edinburgh during a silent march on Saturday afternoon.’
It’s at an inflexion point. Good. Maybe just in time. Not in Our Name. Maybe… too late?
Did the whole Russian Embassy and all its main staff leave the US?
Did the US send CentoCom general to Occupied Palestine to be the sanitised ziofascist face of direct war?
Shoigu resurfaced after his Iranian visit just before the Pagers and Walkie Talkies exploded and after the unstopped Iranian barrage avoiding all civilian casualties or civilian infrastructure destruction.
All as the world can see on their media what we aren’t allowed the desperate Terrorism now aginst Lebanon and promise of more arose the whole region …
Kazan appears to be the gathering that is being targeted. The New Bretton Woods?
Xi will speak soon. I dread the current InterestingTimes becoming more Interesting.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Oct 6 2024 14:50 utc | 3
Israeli Soldier Killed, Dozens Injured in Beersheba Operation – Criticism Mounts against Ben-Gvir
Posted by: Exile | Oct 6 2024 15:01 utc | 4
Posted by: Exile | Oct 6 2024 14:42 utc | 2
...the IDF has withdrawn the Merkavas after losing 7 since Tuesday in fruitless attacks against the underground fortress.
Shades of Russian withdrawal and retrenchment during the summer of 2022? I think we've seen this movie before, with Lebanon standing in for Ukraine this time around.
And just like the SMO was recast as an attrition process, taking advantage of shortened Russian supply lines while forcing NATO/Ukraine to sustain a long logistics tail, what do we see here?
US/UK can run sorties from Israel/Cyprus all day, everyday with essentially zero risk, all the while easily supporting and supplying these bases vía both sea and air.
Compare this to Iran, which probably doesn't even have the ability to support Hez in any meaningful fashion, at least nowhere near the level of rhe USA, and two, Iraq/Jordan don't have the same abilities to act as buffers like Poland/Romania.
Now, please don't construe these observations as support, and of course there are endless possibilities if we begin to consider Russia/China involvement.
Rather, it's just an honest appraisal that as Russia settled on a strategy that worked, clearly the US/Israel have discovered an approach that is paying dividends.
Posted by: Markw | Oct 6 2024 15:04 utc | 5
DunGroanin @ 4
Did the whole Russian Embassy and all its main staff leave the US?
I have heard that rumor for a month but all I can find is that their envoys term ended yesterday. Mostly the US had been ordering diplomats out over the last few years and they ordered the SF consulate closed. They had their incinerator going full blast for a few days back then.
All in all I think its an internet rumor.
Posted by: circumspect | Oct 6 2024 15:07 utc | 6
[email protected] technicians manning Russian equipment in 404 are targeted on a regular basis, how would Iran be different and why would the Apartheid State care? They just bombed the Russian base in Syria, what makes Iran different?
The article quoted mentions "limited" ground operations for a specific target....hubris at best, but they have weapons that can reach out and touch whatever they want. See: addendums to Russian nuclear doctrine.
To Iranian AD, they gave none to Syria this past 5/6 years, and have to borrow from Russia, that does not look good by any stretch.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Oct 6 2024 15:15 utc | 7
Posted by: Markw | Oct 6 2024 15:04 utc | 7
There is no such thing as shortening the supply lines because israel didn't enter Lebanon in any significant way.
Maybe 1km of shortening, and I'm being good.
Posted by: Mario | Oct 6 2024 15:19 utc | 8
what makes Iran different?
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Oct 6 2024 15:15 utc | 9
Mountains. You must be unfamiliar with them.
As aristodemos says "Any quick scan of a topographical map would prove that such an invasion of that land would be a total disaster."
Posted by: too scents | Oct 6 2024 15:25 utc | 9
DunGroanin: "the ever growing disinclination of the majority of the British People to be led by the nose by the ziofascists"
Why is it that for perhaps for the first time in 60 years - since Viet Nam - populations in both US and UK are opposed to their nation's current imperial adventures?
I mean, at least from a USA perspective, the majority of people are absolutely on board with kicking 'terrorist' butt. So, why the recent change in sentiment?
Well, your comment highlights the reason: people feel zionists are also attacking their domestic tranquility and general economic well being.
OK, pop question: if you were in a leadership position, how do you change/rectify that sentiment? Do you continue to oppress and vilify? Or do get smart and co-opt?
If actual troops are not being put at at risk - as Hudson/Wolff noted, an essential component of the military outsourcing strategy was to employ fanatics, either nationalist (Ukraine/Israel) or religious (Isis/AQ), why does anyone care if they are *on board the grave train*?
MoA and other sites seem to place a lot of emphasis on their particular orientation ie ethics and morality, but the vast majority simply desire are what Butz observed: "I'll tell you what the coloreds want. It's three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit."
Now, he had to resign because of the racist angle, but replace coloreds with normies and it works the same way. Don't you think the elites don't understand this?
Posted by: Markw | Oct 6 2024 15:31 utc | 10
Posted by: DunGroanin | Oct 6 2024 14:50 utc | 4
They are slaughtering civilians in the open. Peaceful protests won't do shit. The slaughter of civilians is a message to the public in our own countries. Like when prison guards kill an inmate without cause. They do it to send a message.
Posted by: badjoke | Oct 6 2024 15:32 utc | 11
New forced displacements.
Journalist Youssef Fares
"Journalist from northern Gaza, Yousef Fares, told Alam:
• The occupation's aggression on Jabalia led to a large wave of displacement of citizens from their destroyed homes.
• The occupation's publications called on residents today to leave the areas of northern Gaza towards the south, but what happened - until this moment - is that residents moved from the most tense areas to the least tense areas in the same northern areas.
• The northern hospitals contacted international organizations to find out their fate with the renewed invasion in the northern areas, but they did not inform them of the occupation's intention to evacuate them.
• There are more than 100,000 displaced people from Jabalia camp, Jabalia al-Balad, and nearby neighborhoods, all of which were subjected to artillery shelling, fire belts, and violent aerial bombardment.
• The size of the ground forces penetrating all areas of the north is not qualified to carry out a large military operation, but rather a limited operation that may last for days or a few weeks."
Posted by: Ornot | Oct 6 2024 15:40 utc | 12
Shades of Russian withdrawal and retrenchment during the summer of 2022? I think we've seen this movie before, with Lebanon standing in for Ukraine this time around.
And just like the SMO was recast as an attrition process, taking advantage of shortened Russian supply lines while forcing NATO/Ukraine to sustain a long logistics tail, what do we see here?
US/UK can run sorties from Israel/Cyprus all day, everyday with essentially zero risk, all the while easily supporting and supplying these bases vía both sea and air.
Compare this to Iran, which probably doesn't even have the ability to support Hez in any meaningful fashion, at least nowhere near the level of rhe USA, and two, Iraq/Jordan don't have the same abilities to act as buffers like Poland/Romania.
Now, please don't construe these observations as support, and of course there are endless possibilities if we begin to consider Russia/China involvement.
Rather, it's just an honest appraisal that as Russia settled on a strategy that worked, clearly the US/Israel have discovered an approach that is paying dividends.
Posted by: Markw | Oct 6 2024 15:04 utc | 7
Sorry, but this all nonsense.
The withdrawal of Russian forces in the early weeks of the SMO DID begin an attrition process, and due to that process, the entire defensive capability of Ukraine, even with western support, is approaching collapse.
Israel/US/UK/NATO will always have the longest logistics tail in the ME. Look a map.
The idea that the pro-zionist powers can run sorties from Israel with zero risk has already been proven false by Iran. Cyprus is even more vulnerable, being well with the range of saturation attacks by the multitude of Hezbollah rockets and missiles.
A relatively small further 'support' of Hezbollah by Iran in the form of destroying Israeli air power will free both Iran and Iraq to support Hezbollah with massive resupply and ground troops if desired. It is not at all clear that Hezbollah cannot do this on its own- in fact, it's pretty clear that it could, the cost being, potentially, losing the ability to conduct saturation attacks on Cyprus, which would mean relying on Iran fully entering the war vs the US/UK.
Jordan is a buffer for Israel, not Iran. It is part of Israel's extended defense envelope. Note that Saud no longer is. US bases in Iraq are also part of Israel's extended defense envelope, but if once employed aggressively, they will cease to exist. Iraq will then become an excellent 'buffer' for Iran.
The 'dividends' of US/Israel 'strategy' have been disastrous for the Israeli economy, and allowed tiny Yemen to demonstrate the vulnerability of the entirely of Europe to strangulation and the inability of US/NATO/Israel to do anything about it. One can only imagine the 'dividends' of directly attacking Iran.
Really, Markw, you should save your nonsense for the sites where the readers have not been following the real events, from many sources, for a long time.
Posted by: Honzo | Oct 6 2024 15:46 utc | 13
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Oct 6 2024 15:15 utc | 9
Russian forces in 404 are targeted by western equipment nominally in the hands of 404. This level of implausible deniability would vanish instantly with an attack on Iran.
Iran, btw, has no such reluctance to strike the body that controls the hand, and those who believe that Putin's announcement of a new nuclear weapons policy is empty posturing are treading a dangerous path. Perhaps you should re-evaluate your convictions regarding Russian lack of resolve in light of where you are physically located and the consequences for you should you be wrong.
Posted by: Honzo | Oct 6 2024 15:52 utc | 14
Posted by: Honzo | Oct 6 2024 15:46 utc
Well said, sir.
Posted by: Hunsdon | Oct 6 2024 16:16 utc | 15
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 15:27 utc | 12
100 Delta Force guys failed. But SEAL teams have a lot more experience. How many SEAL guys are needed to destroy Natanz? Rangers would also be sent.
Posted by: quackery | Oct 6 2024 16:19 utc | 16
Quckery @ 19
How many Kinzals would it take to distroy washington and new york ?
Posted by: Mark2 | Oct 6 2024 16:23 utc | 17
How many SEAL guys are needed to destroy Natanz?
Posted by: quackery | Oct 6 2024 16:19 utc | 19
Natanz is know for its granite.
The Natanz site is deep inside solid granite rock.
Natanz quarry ==>
Posted by: too scents | Oct 6 2024 16:26 utc | 18
to karlof1 (breaking radio silence). thanks for the link to Michael Hudson and Richard Wolff. Much appreciated. I will never sign on the Gargle Spyware so do not subscribe. Does this make me a coward? smart? a hypocrite? Don't know. To those who would like to make some ugly comments: Don't bother. I won't read them.
Posted by: Formerly Miss Lacy | Oct 6 2024 16:31 utc | 19
Posted by: quackery | Oct 6 2024 16:19 utc | 19
What would it take to selectively close the Strait of Hormuz?
Posted by: Mary | Oct 6 2024 16:36 utc | 20
Posted by: Markw | Oct 6 2024 15:04 utc | 7
Describe then your assessment of Russia-China involvement if ever comes to fruition.
Posted by: AI | Oct 6 2024 16:37 utc | 21
Posted by: circumspect | Oct 6 2024 15:07 utc | 8
They are still there under some strict restrictions like not being able to travel beyond a 20-miles radius, [last time I read] etc but I think a replacement in October is overdue, and the current ambassador had enough.
Posted by: AI | Oct 6 2024 16:42 utc | 22
Israel/US will not attack Iran directly, they don’t have any military experience to back up that scenario. What they are extremely good (decades of proof to back it up) at though is full on “terrorists” so expect more cowardly acts.
Posted by: Mr.Ass | Oct 6 2024 16:48 utc | 23
Inquiring minds would wonder about the impact on global energy - access, pricing, etc, with both the Babal al Mandab and Straits of Hormuz closed?
The latter is both narrow and relatively shallow. Never discussed as a Iranian response - but definitly a strategic potential. Unfortunately, the alternative, the East West pipline terminates in a Red Sea port.
The Axis of Genocide has many levels of vulnerability which need to be clearly spelled out and are rarely taken into consideration by the myopic in Netanyahu's cabinet as well as US/UK. Mass slaughter of civilians is like bringing a sledge hammer to a laser surgery - ill advised on all levels.
Posted by: abierno | Oct 6 2024 16:50 utc | 24
Mary @ 23
Closing the Straits is extremely simple. There is a northbound shipping channel and a southbound shipping channel. Narrow. Both need to be periodically dredged. Outside the shipping channel only small craft. Scuttle any old hulk in the channel and it is closed.
East side of strait is mountainous with hundreds of concealed anti-ship launch points. FAFO. Commercial shipping does not play in such circumstance.
This is is an ongoing internet meme. The trolls will be here in 3-2-1 to tell you Iran lacks the wherewithal to close the straits.
Posted by: oldhippie | Oct 6 2024 16:53 utc | 25
Tony Greenstein has a crowdfunder, he's not sound on Syria but entirely reliable on the occupation of Palestine and the vileness of zionist antisemitism.
Posted by: Squeeth | Oct 6 2024 16:54 utc | 26
US/UK can run sorties from Israel/Cyprus all day, everyday with essentially zero risk, all the while easily supporting and supplying these bases vía both sea and air.
Posted by: Markw | Oct 6 2024 15:04 utc | 7
There are no US MSC supply ships near Souda Bay in Crete nor anywhere near RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus.
USAF Cargo planes have delivered tons of military hardware directly to Israeli air fields in the recent past.
Posted by: Acco Hengst | Oct 6 2024 16:54 utc | 27
Posted by: JAB | Oct 6 2024 16:57 utc | 28
Thanks for your analysis. The contrary argument is:,
Slow burn attrition favors the resistance, Israel is falling apart economically. A military made up of hastily trained conscripts and weekend warriors isn’t built for multi year warfare. The underground fortress in Gaza remains fully intact and produces plenty of weapons after 1 year of carpet bombing. The Lebanese underground fortress is better equipped,
Posted by: Exile | Oct 6 2024 16:58 utc | 29
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 15:27 utc | 12
100 Delta Force guys failed. But SEAL teams have a lot more experience. How many SEAL guys are needed to destroy Natanz? Rangers would also be sent.
Posted by: quackery | Oct 6 2024 16:19 utc | 19
You are just dropping them (HALO?) and not provide air support during the op on a nuclear reinforced underground bunker complex?
Check in with Jimmy Carter, he is still alive, but barely.
Posted by: Acco Hengst | Oct 6 2024 16:59 utc | 30
Posted by: JAB | Oct 6 2024 17:00 utc | 31
A few tweets. Unconfirmed directly, but probably true.
1) The IDF are using uranium tipped Bunker Bombs in Beirut. Damn the after effects. (American?)
2) The "generals Plan" is now to completely empty the North of Gaza. (Oil and territorial lines to be redrawn for future Zionist control of the Gas fields).
3) Blinken is said to have OK'd attacks on aid lorries going into Gaza -
4) Bombs have been photographed with Baalbek nearby. 11'000 years old or possibly more, as against a "land" that is only 80 years old..
100 Delta Force guys failed. But SEAL teams have a lot more experience. How many SEAL guys are needed to destroy Natanz? Rangers would also be sent.
Posted by: quackery | Oct 6 2024 16:19 utc | 19
More experience at WHAT exactly? Kicking in the doors of Afghan villagers?
This is real life, not CoD, you know.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 17:04 utc | 33
MoA and other sites seem to place a lot of emphasis on their particular orientation ie ethics and morality, but the vast majority simply desire are what Butz observed: "I'll tell you what the coloreds want. It's three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit."
Now, he had to resign because of the racist angle, but replace coloreds with normies and it works the same way. Don't you think the elites don't understand this?
Posted by: Markw | Oct 6 2024 15:31 utc | 10
Great example here of the total misanthropy promoted by the Imperialist ruling class in the west. They ban any effective non Imperialist news sources, make it impossible for an anti war party to gain ballot access, cancel the most effective voices against their WW3 drive, etc, etc. Once there is nothing but their media in place, they tell you what you and other wage slaves really are and really think.
Just go to any college campus in the west. Stand in front of the library and say "no more US support for Ukraine" or "end the genocide in Gaza". Do this for 2-3 hours. You'll see your fellow wage slaves in a very different way than what "Mark" suggests here.
Obviously, the RC wants us to hate ourselves, hate each other and see them as the only "adults in the room". MSM, tech, Hollywood and all levels of government are nothing but a RC psyop in the west at this stage.
That's why people come to the bar, Mark to escape the Imperialist lie, which you promote, that wage slaves are just a bunch of callous, individualist assholes. As they do so often with Russia, this is the RC projecting its own character on to its enemy, which in this case is the anti war working class American.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Oct 6 2024 17:09 utc | 34
What a joke. As Arch pointed out, those guys were very good at nighttime raids on sleeping women and children and not much else. SEALs are not members of the noble profession of arms, they proved themselves to be low class criminal bandits.
Posted by: Exile | Oct 6 2024 17:10 utc | 35
A video showcasing Iran's indigenous tunnel boring machines.
Iran Tunnel Saz Machine co. made TBM heavy machine manufacturer ==>
Iran is dug in.
Posted by: too scents | Oct 6 2024 17:12 utc | 36
Posted by: quackery | Oct 6 2024 14:39 utc | 1
warning folklore:
Posted by: MAKK | Oct 6 2024 17:13 utc | 37
Posted by: Exile | Oct 6 2024 16:58 utc | 29
IMO, a good way to spot NAFO/Hasbara is that they have no conception of time, which is an essential element of attrition.
Every day that Israel stays this course is a victory for the future state of Palestine.
Forget the reputational damage, the economic losses are enormous. As long as someone can fire rockets, the North will remain fallow.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 6 2024 17:20 utc | 38
@ Ahenobarbus | Oct 6 2024 17:09 utc | 34
Exactly right.
Posted by: Cabe | Oct 6 2024 17:20 utc | 39
And you did not answer my question. Why did Nutty say that? Why did the Israel media say that? Or did Intel Slava invent the "reports?" If so, why?Otherwise, you're just trolling.
Posted by: Mary | Oct 6 2024 13:14 utc | 477
Sorry I missed the question, what was your question that I didn't answer?
About me being a troll, ... well I don't have time to track back those few comments I have written in this forum during many years under this and one other nickname but I can list couple of them for you to judge:
- one of the first commentators who insisted that when a US carrier enter Persian Golf, it's a sign of peace and not war.
- the first commentator to inform about the rising regional conflict in connection with BRI Zangzoor corridor.
- the first commentator who informed the audience here about BTC pipeline and it's immense importance to supply Zionist Apartheid regime with energy.
- the first commentator here who dismissed Tierry Meyssan's analysis about Al-Aqsa Flood operation as a false flag.
- the first commentator here who dismissed Pepe Escobars fairy tale about Russian interception of a Zionist nuke-armed fighter heading for Iran.
- the first commentator who informed you that right now, secret negotiations for a ceasefire going on between US and Iran while everyone else waiting for that "imminent", "devastating" Zionist attack on Iran.
You are welcome to reexamine the above list by reviewing MoA archive. Good reading.
Once again, the name of the game is Psychological warfare against Iran. Do not promote it!
Posted by: Framarz | Oct 6 2024 17:21 utc | 40
Posted by: Acco Hengst | Oct 6 2024 16:59 utc | 30
If McMaster brought it up there probably is some kind of plan so it's not complete foolishness to discuss even if the details are not clear.
Posted by: quackery | Oct 6 2024 17:23 utc | 41
Intel Slava Z
🇮🇷🇮🇱⚡️In about 2 hours no planes will be allowed to take off from Iranian airports until tomorrow morning.
Mehr News Agency says the flights are cancelled due to "operational limitations"
Intel Slava Z
🇱🇧🇮🇷🇮🇱⚡️Lebanon's Beirut airport also canceled all flights from 9 p.m. Sunday to 6 a.m. Monday.
As a reminder, the Middle East is awaiting Israel's response to this week's Iranian missile attack
Intel Slava Z
🇮🇷🇮🇱⚡️Iran has prepared a plan to respond to a possible Israeli attack, local media reported Sunday, quoting a military source. - AFP
Posted by: Mary | Oct 6 2024 17:26 utc | 42
This is is an ongoing internet meme. The trolls will be here in 3-2-1 to tell you Iran lacks the wherewithal to close the straits.
Posted by: oldhippie | Oct 6 2024 16:53 utc | 25
Iow, pretty easy, as I expected.
Still awaiting the trolls, tho. Maybe they can explain how Yemen is managing to do it.
Posted by: Mary | Oct 6 2024 17:29 utc | 43
Re: Iran‘s TBMs
That little promo video ( h/t Too scents) showed hard rock machines along with a soft ground/slurry/ pressure machine. The diameters appeared to be for 2 track rail tunnels.
Note - the supply chain for such large TBMs requires some super qualified shops - high strength steels, insanely large diameter gears, plus transformers , and some slick variable frequency HV drives.
Posted by: Exile | Oct 6 2024 17:38 utc | 44
@JAB | Oct 6 2024 17:00 utc | 31
Now you've done it - you've gone and mentioned The Guardian. The paper that talks of:
a "fire" in Lebanon = white phosphorus raining down on a village
a "woman" killed in southern 'isreal' = a soldier
Villages and cities in Lebanon being "evacuated" = expulsions
The "secular" scum will be back if the zionist entity is allowed to carry out it's dirty work.
Posted by: Eudaimonia | Oct 6 2024 17:42 utc | 45
Iran is dug in.
Posted by: too scents | Oct 6 2024 17:12 utc | 36
Don't worry, a team of SEALS can dig them out of their granite tunnels with bare hands faster than all Iran's boring machines daisy-chained end to end!
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 17:42 utc | 46
What would it take to selectively close the Strait of Hormuz?
Posted by: Mary | Oct 6 2024 16:36 utc | 20
Posted by: Don Firineach | Oct 6 2024 17:46 utc | 47
Re: Iran‘s TBMs
Posted by: Exile | Oct 6 2024 17:38 utc | 44
Its comical to think that Israel (and friends) who can't defeat Hamas' hand dug tunnels in sandy soil will make much progress against Iran in far far more challenging geographical conditions.
Posted by: too scents | Oct 6 2024 17:46 utc | 48
can't defeat Hamas' hand dug tunnels in sandy soil will make much progress against Iran in far far more challenging geographical conditions.
Posted by: too scents | Oct 6 2024 17:46 utc | 48
And they still have Hezbollah's tunnels to work through.
Check back again this time in 2030 ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 17:48 utc | 49
challenging geographical conditions.
Posted by: too scents | Oct 6 2024 17:46 utc | 48
and geological too.
Natanz is a city in Isfahan Province, Iran. It is located Its bracing climate and locally produced fruit are well known in Iran. The Karkas mountain chain (Kuh-e Karkas) (meaning mountain of vultures), at an elevation of 3.899 meters, rises above the town.
Mountain of vultures. LOL.
Posted by: too scents | Oct 6 2024 17:50 utc | 50
Posted by: Eudaimonia | Oct 6 2024 17:42 utc | 45
Yeah, The Guardian is shite. But this particular article is about Israel's professional class leaving the country in droves.
This is important/interesting first because they're reporting it, and second because a country cannot do without doctors, engineers,and programmers in the 21st century.
Posted by: JAB | Oct 6 2024 17:55 utc | 51
IDF has no hope of winning in Lebanon, its land incursions have been an utter failure with very heavy infantry and armor losses, so what to do?
Of course the answer is to, in a fit of pure blood rage revenge, destroy in detail the entire south side of Beruit. They dont care if they murder thousands of innocent civilians, after all they have already murdered or maimed or caused to be missing over 200,000 civilians in Gaza, without sanctions from the EU or US, so why would they be concerned.
The US pipeline of block buster 2K bombs continues uninterrupted - expect more Beruit war crimes - and a rain of Iranian flaming arrows soon!!
Posted by: Tobias Cole | Oct 6 2024 18:00 utc | 52
We can but hope. My point is, the privileged will let the grunts forge a greater Israel and then come back for the good times.
Posted by: Eudaimonia | Oct 6 2024 18:01 utc | 53
Hezbollah has yet to escalate to full attack mode. No attack yet on the port and oil refinery in Haifa although it appears they could do so any time. What are they waiting for?
I wish Hezbollah would issue a "forced evacuation notice" for Beirut and its suburbs. Get 100,000 Jewish refugees on the road and moving. Looks like Israel may wait until the Oct. 7 anniversary tomorrow for an attack on Iran.
Posted by: Chas | Oct 6 2024 18:05 utc | 54
My point is, the privileged will let the grunts forge a greater Israel and then come back for the good times.
Posted by: Eudaimonia | Oct 6 2024 18:01 utc | 53
This didn't work out in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Algeria, Afghanistan. It's not going to work much better in Palestine.
Especially in the era of affordable drones and missiles ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 18:05 utc | 55
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 17:42 utc | 46
If hundreds of SEALs and Rangers seize Natanz could they go down the elevator shaft and then do damage?
Posted by: quackery | Oct 6 2024 18:06 utc | 56
could they go down the elevator shaft and then do damage?
Posted by: quackery | Oct 6 2024 18:06 utc | 56
Oh they certainly could. The question is: Can they get up again?
Or, will they end up crying on t.v like the last time:
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 18:09 utc | 57
As per Don Firineach, 'selectively' is the problem word when it comes to closing the Persian Gulf.
Some comment about 'seals'. The weak point there is the heavy lift helicopters required to move the American door kicking beefcake from point A to point B.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 6 2024 18:10 utc | 58
President Blinken encouraged Israeal proportionate response to Iran
Posted by: ld | Oct 6 2024 18:11 utc | 59
This is interesting. Report of a nuclear test explosion in Iran.
I can't possibly evaluate the credibility of the report.
Posted by: oldhippie | Oct 6 2024 18:14 utc | 60
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 6 2024 18:15 utc | 61
JAB | Oct 6 2024 17:55 utc | 51
a country cannot do without doctors, engineers,and programmers in the 21st century.
Israel = Ukraine, Lebanon = Donbas, Iran = Russia, USA = USA
Proceed to game play outcomes. How much of the population of Ukraine has left, yet the animated corpse still dances? 50% 70%?
Look guys, all this actual kinetic activity taking place in various theaters is in reality merely a side show.
The real action is $USD v BRICS. Think it through: dollar survives, we can maintain the MIC, NATO, Israel, Taiwan and the 800 foreign bases until the cows come home.
But, if BRICS prevails, it wouldn't matter how strong our positions were, because not only would our global footprint collapse, the domestic situation itself will literally devolve into civil war.
No MIC, no cheap gas, no social safety net (EBT, SS, Mcare), nothing except an angry population that hates various factions and has stored/repressed resentments going back generations.
Posted by: Markw | Oct 6 2024 18:15 utc | 62
@Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 18:09 utc | 57
I'd pay good money to see more tears.
Posted by: Eudaimonia | Oct 6 2024 18:16 utc | 63
Palestine protests continue
they don't care about arrests
Posted by: ld | Oct 6 2024 18:22 utc | 64
Markw | Oct 6 2024 18:15 utc | 62
As sacrificial states, they can last a few years without necessary professions. Ukraine - its lost half its population in just two and a half years. Would have lost a lot more except the borders are guarded. It can in no way be considered a functional state. Israel now will require large western financial inputs for its economy on top of war funding. Another bleeding wound for the US.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 6 2024 18:23 utc | 66
If hundreds of SEALs and Rangers seize Natanz could they go down the elevator shaft and then do damage?
Posted by: quackery | Oct 6 2024 18:06 utc | 56
If, in some parallel dimension, a battalion of the finest U.S special forces managed to seize Natanz, they'll be disappointed to find that only the night staff are there and the real action is happening over at Parchin:
2011 reports of nuclear development
In late 2011, the IAEA said it had observed extensive landscaping, demolition and new construction at the site.[9] In November 2011, the IAEA announced that it had credible information that Parchin was the site of activities aimed at developing a nuclear weapon.[10] In February 2012 the IAEA then sought renewed access to Parchin, which was refused by Iran.[11][9
They might not find anything there though, I suspect the Persians were playing a game of hide and seek with Parchin as a decoy.
If they're really intent on finding Waldo, they're going to have to Uber all through the following list of possible locations:
- Anarak, near Yazd, has a nuclear waste storage site.[1]
- Ardakan
- Arak's IR-40 Heavy water reactor
- Main article: Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant
- Chalus
- Darkovin
- Fordow
- Isfahan
- Karaj
- Lashkar Abad is a pilot plant for isotope separation.
- Lavizan
- Lavizan-3
- Natanz Nuclear Facility
- Saghand
- Saghand is Iran's first uranium ore mine that became operational in March 2005.
- Tehran Research Reactor
... While the mullahs laugh themselves silly.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 18:23 utc | 67
The population of The Ukraine started dropping after 2014, when the civi war started. Roughly 1/2 went to RF.
Posted by: Exile | Oct 6 2024 18:33 utc | 68
I wish Hezbollah would issue a "forced evacuation notice" for Beirut and its suburbs. Get 100,000 Jewish refugees on the road and moving. Looks like Israel may wait until the Oct. 7 anniversary tomorrow for an attack on Iran.
Posted by: Chas | Oct 6 2024 18:05 utc | 54
Presuming you meant Tel Aviv, I also wonder why Hezbollah does not give Occupied Palestine an "eye for an eye".
Posted by: Snowleopard | Oct 6 2024 18:34 utc | 69
I can't possibly evaluate the credibility of the report.
Posted by: oldhippie | Oct 6 2024 18:14 utc | 60
They speak of seismic signatures, but no electromagnetic signatures of atmospheric particle detection (thanks @corto).
But who knows, perhaps they've found a way to test underground with no atmospheric pollution.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 18:35 utc | 70
Posted by: oldhippie | Oct 6 2024 16:53 utc | 25
Or maybe the Iranians realize that damaging the economic interests of the countries they are trying to enlist to support their cause is shortsighted. Remember they are trying to bury the hatchet with the Saudis et al. It would also negatively impact China. Iran also exports through there. I would argue that it isn't in their interests to physically block the straits.
It is far more likely they will shoot anything going by without permission with missiles or drones like Yemen. That would damage their enemies without annoying nonaligned nations that could help them.
Besides traffic separation zones are quite large. They exist for the safety of large vessels in congested areas not because ships cannot go outside of them. The lanes themselves are a couple miles wide. You would need quite a few ships. And while it might be possible it is nowhere as easy as you present.
To get the idea at how hard it would be take look at the area's unsafe for tankers chart:
The area's that are unsafe, less than 25m, are colored in red.
Posted by: anonymous | Oct 6 2024 18:35 utc | 71
could they go down the elevator shaft and then do damage?Posted by: quackery | Oct 6 2024 18:06 utc | 56
Oh they certainly could. The question is: Can they get up again?
Or, will they end up crying on t.v like the last time:
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 18:09 utc | 57
Hey mate, congrats again, you managed to go viral, this time with your 25 points essay.
Posted by: Framarz | Oct 6 2024 18:38 utc | 72
From the Jerusalem Post:
"The US has reportedly offered Israel a "compensation package" if it refrains from attacking certain targets in Iran, according to a report in Kan11 on Sunday.
Amichai Stein told them that he had received reports from US officials that the US had offered Israel a "compensation package" if it refrained from hitting specific targets in Iran.
This package was offered during negotiations between officials of the two countries on the type of response to the attack from Iran.
The package would include a total guarantee of comprehensive diplomatic protection as well as a weapons package and was offered directly in return for holding off on striking certain targets in Iran."
Posted by: NoName | Oct 6 2024 18:43 utc | 73
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 18:35 utc | 70
Testing underground solves the fallout problem. That being said they have a distinct signature that is easy to recognize. Everyone will know.
Posted by: anonymous | Oct 6 2024 18:43 utc | 74
Hey mate, congrats again, you managed to go viral, this time with your 25 points essay.
Posted by: Framarz | Oct 6 2024 18:38 utc | 72
Woops. Time to go to ground again :-(
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 6 2024 18:44 utc | 75
Exile | Oct 6 2024 18:33 utc | 68
Ethnic Russians in the east. 2022 brought a mass exodus to the west plus more territory and ethnic Russians to the east.
I guess since the coup and Crimea returning to Russia, Ukraine would have lost well over half its population.
Whatever was left of Nato controlled Ukraine pre 2022 seems to have close to halved. At the stage Donbass was still officially Ukrainian though most residents I assume had Russian passports by that time.
Post 2022, 10 million to the west plus whatever have escaped since the borders were locked down, plus the territories and the people in them that have gone to Russia. Remaining population in Nato territories under 20 million.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 6 2024 18:52 utc | 76
A combined US/IDF Seal/Ranger raid on Natanz would end the same way at the ill fated Desert One raid on Tehran ended in 1979..........only the terrain is actually worse this time and the Iranians better prepared.
Any US commando force would be cut to ribbons by the IRGC units which guard the nuke sites.....who actually comes up with these asinine ideas any way?
Posted by: Tobias Cole | Oct 6 2024 18:56 utc | 77
NoName 73 - It does not matter at this point, any IDF attack on Iran will be met with a counterstrike from Iran which will look massive in comparison with the last one.........
President Blinken-skyy is living in a neo con dream world, the genie is out of the bottle now, and Israel will have to pay the price in blood and treasure for one year of genocide in Gaza and Lebanon and the West Bank..........
Posted by: Tobias Cole | Oct 6 2024 19:01 utc | 78
Posted by: Snowleopard | Oct 6 2024 18:34 utc | 69
Thanks. Actually, I meant Haifa. I hope Hezbollah issues a "forced evacuation order" for Haifa and suburbs. But Tel Aviv would be good too. I guess I shouldn't be watching football and reading MOA and trying to post.
Posted by: Chas | Oct 6 2024 19:08 utc | 79
NoName 73 - It does not matter at this point, any IDF attack on Iran will be met with a counterstrike from Iran which will look massive in comparison with the last one.........
Posted by: Tobias Cole | Oct 6 2024 19:01 utc | 78
Well, I personally think you shouldn't play a "game" of strikes and counter-strikes with a country which has nuclear weapons and is run by complete psychopaths and madmen. But that is just my humble opinion...
Below are some alleged news items from the country in question in recent days (all from "DD Geopolitics").
"Urgent | Israel Hayom, according to a senior Israeli source: Israel does not want a long war of attrition with #Iran. Our response to #Iran will make it rethink its desire to enter into a long confrontation"
"Urgent | Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant: Whoever believes that an attempt to target us will deter us from working should look at Gaza and Beirut."
Posted by: NoName | Oct 6 2024 19:24 utc | 80
Posted by: NoName | Oct 6 2024 19:24 utc | 80
If one is going to be intimidated by nuclear threats, they may as just surrender their entire country now.
Israel claims to have nukes.
So what?
Will they use them?
And can America protect them diplomatically if they do?
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 6 2024 19:29 utc | 81
It looks to me that israels retaliation against Iran for Irans recent missile attack is in fact already happening. But we did'nt notice.
The intesety of bombing in Lebanan 'is' the retaliation.
While Iran waites for israel to attack Iran before responding. Could be days weeks or months who knows.
While israel carrys out another genicide and land grab.
Iran needs to demolish tehran and no half measures. Now.
Posted by: Mark2 | Oct 6 2024 19:32 utc | 82
Reading the top headlines today in the NYTimes is revolting. It's all about Israel's trauma, and nothing else. It's so gross.
Posted by: CrazyTrain | Oct 6 2024 19:34 utc | 83
In an earlier comment I mentioned that US was supplied with a map of next operation targets in Occupied Palestine, there is now an info-graphic available for general public, these are targets that Iran is going to hit, one after the other:
Posted by: Framarz | Oct 6 2024 19:40 utc | 85
In less than 90 minutes it will be the anniversary of Oct 7th in the Psychopathic Entity.
How will it mark the event?
Will it re-re-retaliate against Iran in a major way?
Are there any more hospitals remaining in Gaza for them to blow up?
There are few crimes that they have not committed.
How will it mark the event?
Posted by: librul | Oct 6 2024 19:40 utc | 86
Talk by Moshe Machover: What. Is really behind the war in the Middle East?
Discuses the colonial settler project’s long term strategic objectives and how it sets about achieving these. Machover compares the ongoing Zionist project in Palestine with European colonial projects in South Africa, Australia and North America.
Posted by: Lengai | Oct 6 2024 19:44 utc | 87
@87 The correct title of the talk by Moshe Machover:
What is really behind the war in the Middle East?
Posted by: Lengai | Oct 6 2024 19:50 utc | 88
Sorry I missed the question, what was your question that I didn't answer?
Posted by: Framarz | Oct 6 2024 17:21 utc | 40
We are at a waypoint where continuing the game of deterrence is meaningless and not constructive.
Posted by: Framarz | Oct 6 2024 7:53 utc | 386"
Is Nutty continuing deterrence by bluster? Trying to forestall military coup?
Note: I make no attempt to analyze. I have no background & lack sufficient data even if I did.
Posted by: Mary | Oct 6 2024 9:26 utc | 408
Posted by: Mary | Oct 6 2024 19:51 utc | 89
Posted by: Mark2 | Oct 6 2024 19:32 utc | 82 "It looks to me that israels retaliation against Iran for Irans recent missile attack is in fact already happening. But we did'nt notice."
Iran said they attacked Israel primarily because Israel killed the leader of Hezbollah. Israel then appears to have killed the next leader of Hezbollah. Is the ball really in Iran's court?
I tend to agree with your summary. And as you say, that seems to be happening. It looks like the IDF is going to go into one of last large places in Gaza they have not yet been in, and does as you mention, continue to attack Hezbollah.
Posted by: Ed4 | Oct 6 2024 19:51 utc | 90
This is very good. Interview with professor Makdisi in Beirut:
Owen Jones
Israel's Lebanon MASSACRE Could Be STOPPED By US In Moments - w/. Beirut Professor Karim Makdisi
25 minutes
Posted by: teri | Oct 6 2024 19:55 utc | 91
Interesting development, reported by Al Mayadeen in their round-up of pro-Palestine demos this weekend.
"Soldiers of the Greek Army took part in demonstrations opposing imperialist wars, calling for Greece's complete disengagement from the violent actions of "Israel", the US, and the EU in West Asia.
The protests were marked by strong sentiments of solidarity with Palestine and Lebanon, as participants expressed their condemnation of the ongoing violence and oppression faced by these nations. The soldiers joined civilian activists in a united front, advocating for peace and justice in the region, and emphasizing the need for Greece to distance itself from international wars that perpetuate suffering and destabilization."
Posted by: Red Star | Oct 6 2024 19:59 utc | 92 by: Framarz | Oct 6 2024 19:40 utc | 85
sorry ignore my last comment, the map IRGC handed US officials is not what I mentioned there, it's here:
However it's not possible to do machine translation of the second map, so you can machine translate the list in the first map to get at least an idea about further development if the ongoing cease fire negotiations end without a constructive outcome.
Posted by: Framarz | Oct 6 2024 20:03 utc | 93
How successful would a Seal or Ranger attack be upon Iran?
Imagine if the Pentagon started to believe its own bullshit.
They hailed the "success" of the Navy Seals (2011) in Abbottabad, Pakistan
so many times that they may have forgotten it was fakery.
Not only was it a fraudulent goal -- capturing killing Bin Laden --
they lost a stealth helicopter in the bargain. A secret technology which was
subsequently transferred to --- (fill in the blanks; China, Iran, Russia, etc?).
Radio Free Europe (CIA) claims Pakistan returned the helicopter to the US.
Not only did they lose the stealth helicopter, they were unsuccessful in
demolishing the craft with explosives, though they tried.
The book No Easy Day, "written by a Navy Seal", documented the demolition, and the book claimed it
was a successful demolition. All the author had to do was look on the internet to learn
Layer upon layer of fakery and screw ups.
Posted by: librul | Oct 6 2024 20:04 utc | 94
"Iran needs to demolish tehran and no half measures. Now."
Posted by: Mark2 | Oct 6 2024 19:32 utc | 82
Time to stop smoking the meth, Mark2
@Posted by: librul | Oct 6 2024 20:04 utc | 94
The fakery of 'killing Bin Laden' was an act like the
murder of Lee Harvey Oswald - trial by death. That is, no
trial, and thus, real trial-worthy evidence would became redundant.
It was a key chapter in the telling of September 11th.
After the Navy Seal raid at Abbottabad, Pakistan:
The body of so-called "Bin Laden" was immediately thrown overboard mafia-style to the bottom of the ocean.
Before we got to even see it.
Photos taken by the Navy Seals of the body were ordered destroyed or turned over to the CIA, out of reach of FOIA requests.
The helmet cameras worn by the Navy Seals were at first heralded! "Hurrah !!", everyone said. But then we were told, "they never existed".
The witnesses, the Seals, were ordered silent forever. No witnesses. Forever.
The DNA was handled by the CIA itself.
At the same time the CIA is claiming, "We got Bin Laden", they are eliminating all evidence.
Who trusts the CIA?
The public didn't notice the lack of evidence? - No! The destruction of evidence - No!, again.
They had their eyes fixed on celebration -- dancing like clownish fools in the streets -- and a media blitz.
The evidence said cover up. The evidence said something else was actually taking place.
It was a year and a half before the book "No Easy Day" was published by one of the Seals.
The Seal that got the best look at the body, took pictures of the body, collected bodily fluid samples and compared the body
to pictures he had brought on the raid, said in his book that he had refused to identify the body as Bin Laden.
That Seal said on 60 Minutes that when he got back to base one CIA agent --! one !-- came in and told him and General McRaven,
"you got him, it was Bin Laden".
The CIA - one agent, one. The CIA told the Seals and General McRaven it was bin Laden.
And that one agent was the pebble that began an avalanche of media blitz.
Three years after the book release another Seal broke ranks and came out into the lime light.
His version and the first Seal's version do not match up. But the second Seal explained it away as, "fog of war".
The second Seal, who credited himself with shooting "Bin Laden", said he did seven things in less than one second.
That is the total time he had to look at "bin Laden".
Less than one second and doing multiple things. And while wearing night vision goggles.
For this he set in motion another wave of media blitz.
He said, while wearing night vision goggles, that he:
1) jumped into the doorway.
2) id'ed the figure as bin Laden
3) made sure he wasn't going to shoot any women or children
4) raised his weapon because the figure was taller than he expected
5) noticed a weapon on a nearby shelf
6) saw that the figure appeared to be reaching for the weapon
7) put several shots into the skull of the figure
He said that all took place in less than one second and then he continued into the room and the next in his sweep.
Never stopped to look at "the mess" (his words) he had made.
There is no evidence, but there are two witnesses. One which refused to id the body as bin Laden
and the other that had less than a second to make his id while wearing night vision goggles
and dealing with the fog of war.
Witnesses ordered to be silent forever. Pictures destroyed. Helmet cameras "never existed".
Body immediately thrown overboard to the bottom of the ocean mafia-style. The CIA handled the DNA.
The CIA told us all what to believe, as they were destroying all evidence.
Their claim was then echoed and multiplied a million times in the news media.
post script
The Israeli invasion of Lebanon (2006) was a rough carbon-copy
of September 11th. A faked security lapse that soon permitted an invasion.
Fortunately for all sides that invasion of Lebanon failed.
It proved the delusion of military superiority.
Fortunate, as the plan was to then use the pretext of UN resolution 1680 (c/o John Bolton)
passed just weeks before the 'security lapse' and
immediately pivot from Lebanon to attack Syria and Iran (with US and British
assistance of course).
[The above post script was composed more than a year ago.
Does it remind you of another recent Oct 7th "security lapse"?]
Posted by: librul | Oct 6 2024 20:07 utc | 96
Israel is currently doing ethnic cleansing in the northern Gaza Strip. Eventually, the plan is to force every Palestinian out of Gaza, or kill them through bombing and starvation. But they are working from the north down, which explains all the bombing going on in the northern area this past few days. Israel does not care who knows about thier genocide and ethnic cleansing because they are sure no-one will stop them. These people, at a whole societal level, are ravening killers; it's a society gone mad.
Here's what they are doing (it is called the Generals' Plan"):
[…] Israel’s latest push to empty northern Gaza appears to be an effort to ethnically cleanse northern Gaza and starve anyone, including civilians and Hamas fighters, remaining by imposing a total siege on the area.
On 23 September, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he was considering the so-called “generals’ plan” to lay total siege to northern Gaza and expel all its Palestinian residents.
When retired major general Giora Eiland presented the plan one week before, he claimed it would “change the reality” on the ground in Gaza.
“We have to tell the residents of north Gaza that they have one week to evacuate the territory, which then becomes a military zone, [a zone] in which every figure is a target and, most importantly, no supplies enter this territory.”
The remaining civilians and Hamas fighters would then be forced to surrender or starve, according to the plan.
[…] Israel’s religious settler movement seeks to empty northern Gaza of its residents and destroy their homes so that Jewish Israelis can establish settlements in their place.
In May, a coalition of Israeli settler groups enjoying government funding held a conference to discuss a “practical” plan to build the first Jewish settlements in Gaza.
Harey Zahav, an Israeli real estate firm notorious for constructing illegal settlements in the Occupied West Bank, unveiled a plan for building homes for Jewish settlers in Gaza. “A house on the beach is not a dream!” the firm’s advertisement stated.
Israel's genocide on Palestinians in Gaza since 7 October last year has killed 41,870 people, the majority women and children, according to the health ministry. Other estimates are much higher.
Here's how they have begun the implementation of that plan:
The Israeli army has issued new evacuation orders for almost the entirety of northern Gaza, as its forces launched deadly new incursions on Jabalia and Beit Lahia overnight.
In Jabalia, Israeli tanks have encircled the camp, trapping families in their homes and shelters. This followed a night of deadly strikes targeting residential homes, which killed several Palestinians, including journalist Hassan Hamad, according to Wafa news agency.
“The troops of the 401st Brigade and the 460th Brigade have successfully encircled the area and are currently continuing to operate in the area,” the Israeli military said in a statement.
It added that the new incursion is aimed at targeting "terrorists and terror infrastructure", though no evidence was presented for these claims.
The Israeli army has instructed Palestinians in northern Gaza to flee to the already overcrowded al-Mawasi "humanitarian zone". The Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (Cogat) subsequently announced the "expansion" of the zone.
Posted by: teri | Oct 6 2024 20:07 utc | 97
43 minutes until it is October 7th in the Psychopathic Entity (404, if you prefer).
Posted by: librul | Oct 6 2024 20:17 utc | 98
The situation and how to solve it, by mark2.
Israel is showing it's 'preditory' nature.
Gaza, Lebanan and Iran are its 'prey'
Israel is part of a strong 'pack'... US,UK ect ect.
Now nature's my thing so....
For any preditor you have the...
Reward to risk eqaution.
A hungry lion wants a meal, it will get that meal.
But if the risk of serous injury is too bigh it will look for a weaker prey. Rather than get broken ribs or leg. Stopping its abilty to hunt.
So there it is....
Israel needs to be sereously wounded right now. As a natral deterant and example to the 'pac'.
Perhaps hyena's would be more apt.
Tel aviv would be the injury that makes them think twice.
Sorry but its a jungle out there. and i know it.
Posted by: Mark2 | Oct 6 2024 20:19 utc | 99
Posted by: Mark2 | Oct 6 2024 19:32 utc | 82 "It looks to me that israels retaliation against Iran for Irans recent missile attack is in fact already happening. But we did'nt notice."
I tend to agree with your summary. And as you say, that seems to be happening. It looks like the IDF is going to go into one of last large places in Gaza they have not yet been in, and does as you mention, continue to attack Hezbollah.
Posted by: Ed4 | Oct 6 2024 19:51 utc | 90
I also agree. The intensity of the bombing in Gaza and Lebanon has increased, they are bombing Syria, bombed Libya and the US/UK are bombing Yemen.
N. said after the Iranian retaliation that Israel will bomb everywhere in West Asia - which they are doing.
They will certainly also attack Iran.
After one year of bombing, the US (and in total around 40 countries some say) are obviously capable of supplying (so not running out of weapons and other forms of support) the US/Israel have achieved nothing of what they planned and hoped to achieve.
The Resistance Front has spoiled all their schemes, albeit at an enormous price.
They will be the victors for sure, but after their victory in the battle, they should be very wary of friends and foe alike, or they will ultimately be the losers.
When this is over, if the world is not blown up, the Palestinians, the Lebanese, the Syrians the Yemenis, the Iraqis and the Iranians should never forget who did what, and who was on which side.
We all, also, should never forget, and we should not allow the anti-human murderous lunatics to write this history.
Posted by: JB | Oct 6 2024 20:23 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Sunday SITREP from Lebanese Soldiers:
Hezbollah Thwarts Any Israeli Infiltration Attempts at Lebanon Border, Delivers Precise Retaliation
Comment - seems the IDF has withdrawn the Merkavas after losing 7 since Tuesday in fruitless attacks against the underground fortress.
Posted by: Exile | Oct 6 2024 14:42 utc | 1