Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
October 30, 2024

No Foreign Warplanes Have Entered The Skies Over Tehran

I, like others, do not know what exactly happened during the recent Israeli air attack attack on Iran.

I do know however that this, as claimed by the Washington Post, did not happen at all.

What visuals reveal about the impact of Israeli strikes on Iran
Satellite imagery analyzed by The Washington Post shows damage to two air defense installations and at least three sites associated with missile production.

The Israeli attacks — which saw foreign warplanes in the skies over Tehran for the first time since the Iran-Iraq war — showcased the depths of Iran’s vulnerability after a string of recent setbacks.

No foreign warplanes entered the skies over Tehran.

Israeli pilots will not dare to enter a well defended Iranian airspace.

They attacked Iran from the U.S. controlled air spaces of Syria, Iraq and Jordan with long range air-launched missiles.

We know this because the booster parts of those missiles fell within Iraq:

Images and videos on social media from Iraq appear to show booster sections of missiles used by Israel in its overnight strikes on Iran.

The fragments of the missiles appear to have fallen in an area north of Baghdad.
Israeli jets conducted strikes on military targets throughout the Islamic Republic in retaliation for Tehran’s ballistic missile barrage on the country earlier this month.

Iraq has lodged an official protest note with the United Nations about the abuse of its airspace by Israeli warplanes.

The Defense Minister of Iran has confirmed that no Israeli fighter jets had entered Iranian airspace.

There were eye witness reports from Iran which described an attack on a industrial building as having come from cruise missile like drones in a northern to southern direction. This would be consistent with drones launched by Israeli (proxy?) forces from Azerbaijan.

In total the outcome of the attack seems to have been minor. An old HAWK anti-air missile site seems to have been destroyed. A S-300 air defense site showed some signs of disturbances but those might have been caused by the launch of its missiles. Three industrial buildings, allegedly used for solid fuel missile motor production, have been hit. But there have been no reports of secondary explosions at those sites which one would expect if fuel had been hit.

The Israeli attack thus ended up to be, intentionally or not, a minor affair.

Posted by b on October 30, 2024 at 10:53 UTC | Permalink

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The cope is REAL. Iran would have no reason at all to lie, right?

Posted by: Fatima | Oct 30 2024 11:09 utc | 1

Bibi will soon use the Hellensky line : "US is making us loose the war by not providing us long range capability". In facts , the most surprising thing is he didn't already whined about it.

Posted by: Savonarole | Oct 30 2024 11:15 utc | 2

Standard reminder: If the media are lying about this, what else are they lying about?

Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Oct 30 2024 11:15 utc | 3

Israeli and U.S. sources (including Hochstein) are now claiming that Israel destroyed all of the S300s and effectively destroyed Iran’s air defense network. The best part is that they say destruction of the radars means Iran can’t launch ballistic missiles anymore. I don’t know if the people doing the talking are stupid enough to believe that AD radar and ballistic missiles are connected systems or if they just think the average weather news consumer is stupid enough to believe that.

We can be sure that if the strike was as dramatic and effective as claimed that there would be all sorts of evidence, from satellite photos to social media posts. That we’re only getting vague statements from Israel/US and Tehran seems miffed but not in a rage, we can conclude that it was ineffective. Personally, I believe the story that the original raid was planned to be bigger but they got close and found themselves painted by Iranian AD. So they shot the longest range munitions they had, turned around and went home to work on the stories they planned to tell.

Posted by: Lex | Oct 30 2024 11:29 utc | 4

Hm, show me decent res Sat imagery & detailed BDA analysis, from a credible source, not the Washington Post! Austrians ... ?

For a brief OS background & primer (One page overview, not all encompassing) re Iranian indigenous ADS (From 'Mersad', derivative SA-6 & SA-5, to developing completely indigenous platforms ie Bavar-373 (S-300 enhanced analogue + stealth/BMs), development of mobile air defense platforms that can be rapidly deployed & provide flexible battlefield coverage, ie Khordad-3 which shot down an American RQ-4 Global Hawk drone($$$)(2019), all illustrative/representative examples of Iran’s ability to produce highly capable, integrated indigenous air defense solutions. As opposed to all the propaganda BS otherwise ...

See: AD-120 & above Iran advances the development of its air defense systems with the new AD-120

For a more in-depth look, addressing Iranian enhanced development of RF S-300 etc, & full integration with indigenous designs, along with behind the scenes assistance from Chinese friends (PRC) ever since '79 ..
Iran’s (Enhanced) S-300PMU-2 Air Defenses & more

Posted by: Outraged | Oct 30 2024 11:42 utc | 5

Yes, from early on I talked about the sparrow boosters in Iraq , still far from the border, and the limited damage.

As for the drones from Azerbaijan , maybe JASSM ER, not drones. Where was that building?

Posted by: Newbie | Oct 30 2024 11:48 utc | 6

An old HAWK anti-air missile site seems to have been destroyed.
Posted by b on October 30, 2024 at 10:53 UTC

These are U.S. missiles from before 1979, before the Iranian revolution which toppled the Shah.

Posted by: Passerby | Oct 30 2024 12:06 utc | 7

Posted by: Fatima | Oct 30 2024 11:09 utc | 1

I guess the American satellite cameras were accidentally turned off like Iran was Epstein's last jail cell, because there are no pics of proof of any major damage.

And when USA and Israel make big hits, they like to post pics to prove it.


pics or it didn't happen

Posted by: UWDude | Oct 30 2024 12:10 utc | 8

From The Barkeep’s best post ever:

Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie.

I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened.

I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various ‘party lines’.

George Orwell, Looking back on the Spanish War, Chapter 4

Posted by: Exile | Oct 30 2024 12:15 utc | 9

The "friendly" Russian Federation might have loaned a few AD toys to the Islamic Republic of Iran ... and their handlers.

A Crooke, citing his Zionist sources, stated that the Zionists encountered an "unknown" AD system leading to aborting its overall plan to first destroy IRI AD and then to send in two waves of bombers - hence all the propaganda attempting to hide the fact that it was a 'tactical, operational, and strategic failure' (J. Baud).

Posted by: Don Firineach | Oct 30 2024 12:15 utc | 10

Further to: Outraged | Oct 30 2024 11:42 utc | 5

See: Circa 2021, Next Generation Bavar 373 Long Range Air Defense Systems, a Chinese HQ-9(/B) systems analogue, with longer engagement range than most RF S-400 units & all RF S-300s, utilizing 300Km engagement solid fuel Sayyad 4B missiles.

Then there's for example the intermediate 100Km+ Khordad-15 system, passive phased array radar capable of lock-on fast movers/stealth targets & cruise missiles, ie manned & unmanned combat aircraft upto 120km utilizing Sayyad-3 missiles. Capable of tracking radar evading ‘stealth’ targets, intercepting at upto 45km ...

Things that make ya go ... hmmm ?

Posted by: Outraged | Oct 30 2024 12:28 utc | 11

Alastair Crooke's youtube interview with Judge Napolitano is very interesting, and should be listened to.

He says that the first wave were F-15i with long-range missiles intended to perform SEAD, but while still 70 miles from the Iran border then were locked onto by an air defense system that the Israelis had never seen before.

So they launched their anti-radiation missiles (not American HARM missiles, apparently, but Israeli designs) from at least 70 miles out, and that was way too far out for them to take out the AA batteries.

Once the Israelis found out that most (if not all) of their ROCKS and Blue Sparrow missiles had been shot down they cancelled the 2nd wave, fired what missiles the 1st wave still had under their wings, and then turned tail and chickened out.

Seems plausible, and made all the more plausible that several days have now passed and there has been no credible satellite images of "destroyed" S-300 batteries.

The satellite photos that have been released are woeful.

This is the benchmark against which all "new" photos need to be compared:

That's from APRIL 2024, and everyone should note the dark patches on the ground surrounding the radar unit in the center.

Dollars to Donuts the Israelis are going to release satellite images with the contrast turned waaaaaaay up so they can claim that this radar unit was destroyed.

But it'll just be those same dark patches that have been there since at least the seven months.

Mark my words, because you'll be seeing a lot of that in the coming weeks.

Posted by: Yeah, Right | Oct 30 2024 12:29 utc | 12

If the Israeli attacks would have been as successful as they pretended, then you would have seen follow up attacks. Why destroy the air defence if you do not make use of it. Really harming Iran would need a very lengthy preparation and full active support of the US. But this will not happen unless Iran will massively attack Israel. Israel exposing again its own citizens to provoke an escalation just like what happened on the 7th of October.

Posted by: hubert | Oct 30 2024 12:34 utc | 13

Does Ruccia dare to sell a license for S 300 production to Iran?

Posted by: vargas | Oct 30 2024 12:40 utc | 14

b is quite correct: if the buildings that the IDF struck had housed "planetary mixers" used to make solid-fuel for ballistic missiles then that would have resulted in a massive explosion many times greater than the warhead of the IDF missile itself.

Yet the satellite photos that have been released show only the damage that would be expected from a small missile warhead striking an empty building, meaning that the IDF struck empty buidlings.

I am quite convinced that the Israeli failure is two-fold: on the operational level, yes, but also on the planning level.

Simply put: the Israelis were suckered into attacking some decoys.

Posted by: Yeah, Right | Oct 30 2024 12:49 utc | 15

You mean the media that told us there was weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the Covid vaccines are safe and effective are lying to us?

Posted by: Fortuna | Oct 30 2024 12:53 utc | 16

There's an excellent piece from the expert in that arena (middle section):

"The daily air strikes carried out by Israel over Lebanon and Syria provide the perfect cover for a strike on Iran. The Israelis are striking Syrian air defense sites in southern Syria daily to create a pattern of behavior while at the same time carving a path through Syrian airspace that can be used by Israeli aircraft to penetrate western Iraq, from which long-range ALBMs can be launched against Iran."

Posted by: motorslug | Oct 30 2024 13:04 utc | 17

Not even the Israelis claimed to have been over the Iranian skies - and they lie almost reflexively.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 30 2024 13:15 utc | 18

The lack of secondary explosions and fire is an excellent point!
Maybe the mixers are still there. Even if they lost some solid fuel capability, they could still make liquid fuel rockets - which would lean towards longer ranges anyway.

Long term, Israel may be screwed. Iran graduates plenty of engineers and scientists while Israel suffers a brain drain, leaving the settler fanatics and Torah study bums behind. Indigenous radar? Eventually, Iran might be able to build a nuclear weapon over a slow weekend, along with who knows what else.

I also understand that the loss of Palestinian workers is costing Israel big time. And they're getting a doctor shortage.

Posted by: Eighthman | Oct 30 2024 13:21 utc | 19

In the morning of that day of the attack, somebody here on MOA posted that a high number of Stratotanker took off flying east (was it 12 or 20? forgot the number). Now looking back, that was obviously true and reenforces the point that this was not a probing attack. What i wonder is that puplic info (flightradar) or plane spotting or even russian astroturfing (sarc/).

To be serious, if somebody like me can put 1 and 1 together via info of a tiny blog, in how far are such huge air campaigns possible at all these days?

Just remembered the US stealth bomber / delta wing that was shot down in Yugoslavia. As far as i remember, with a BUK and the operator predicted / calculated the flightpass of the plane. I think it was a routine route those plans took to Belgrad (?). So he only switched the radar on, to get a ping / confirmation, turned it of right away and hit the plane (Fragmentation warhead i would guess).

Posted by: El.Lissitzky | Oct 30 2024 13:26 utc | 20

Yes, "foreign" (aka, Israeli and American) Warplanes Have Entered The Skies Over Tehran

These war planes were led by the Ghost of Kiev and Maverick of Top Gun fame.

And they were dropping "Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction" and Mohamed Atta's passport on this city.

All in order to rescue Kuwaiti Incubator Babies and capture USAma Bin Laden dead or alive.

Posted by: ak74 | Oct 30 2024 13:58 utc | 21

An old HAWK anti-air missile site seems to have been destroyed.
Posted by b on October 30, 2024 at 10:53 UTC
@ Passerby | Oct 30 2024 12:06 utc | 7

Back in '79 & for a while afterwards, post Iran-Iraq War 1980-'88 into circa 1990's-2000's, yes. However, not since ... current iteration is serially redesigned/upgraded 'Mersad', Iranian missiles & an indigenous seeker/EW/warhead, a compact next gen re AIM-54 Phoenix, also used on the AIM-54 improved derivative analogue Farouk-90 missile. Said missiles deployed on still operable & progressively upgraded F14 Tomcats(~40), engagement range of ~220-300Km+ ... alongside RF 77 AA missiles ...

@El.Lissitzky | Oct 30 2024 13:26 utc | 21
F-117 Nighthawk, innovative use of supplementary tracking via cellphone tower signal disruption along with derived approximated triangulation, by battery CO. USAF failed to destroy wreckage, examined analyzed by China/Russia, is now a trophy display in RF(IIRC).

@ vargas | Oct 30 2024 12:40 utc | 14
Hm ... Iran lost interest in RF S300 purchases years ago. Irans own designs are at least S-350 equivalents & in certain specs/performance characteristics exceed most in service RF S-400s & all S-300s.

Posted by: Outraged | Oct 30 2024 14:00 utc | 22

Posted by: El.Lissitzky | Oct 30 2024 13:26 utc | 21

The stratotanker flight tweet was, afaik, public info/flight radar.

Posted by: Mary | Oct 30 2024 14:18 utc | 23

Posted by: Outraged | Oct 30 2024 11:42 utc | 5 "Hm, show me decent res Sat imagery & detailed BDA analysis, from a credible source,"

Maybe from Russia? Do they offer any? Or China might.

Posted by: Ed4 | Oct 30 2024 14:24 utc | 24

Lol good one!

Posted by: Susan | Oct 30 2024 14:24 utc | 25

Posted by: Passerby | Oct 30 2024 12:06 utc | 7

The HAWK is old enough it could have been an accident on launch. This was claimed by at least one person.

Posted by: Ed4 | Oct 30 2024 14:25 utc | 26

Posted by: motorslug | Oct 30 2024 13:04 utc | 18 "he Israelis are striking Syrian air defense sites in southern Syria daily to create a pattern of behavior while at the same time carving a path through Syrian airspace"

There is no evidence that Israelis attack Syrian air defense sights daily. More likely weekly from the reports out of Syria.

And recently it looks pretty specifically to open a route to Iran.

Posted by: Ed4 | Oct 30 2024 14:29 utc | 27

Jony the JJ@1442

Perhaps it is high time for a couple of events to occur simultaneously. In the first instance, the Neo-Turkic regime in Baku needs to be erased. That op could be done by Iranian forces in a matter of days. At the same time, the fascistic pro-Western regime in Yerevan, needs to be taken down. With some intel and logistical assistance from the R.U. local Armenians, with some assistance from elements of that nation's military could eliminate the bought and paid for regime in Yerevan.

Why should the forces of Resistance, particularly Iran and Russia, generally finding themselves in defensive postures? A new government in Baku, closely allied with Iran, would receive howls of aggrievement from "Sultan" Erdogan. However, powerful entities in the BRICS consortium could persuade him to employ rhetoric only and drop his focus on Pan-Turkism while enjoying privileged trade opportunities.

As the world's first declared Christian nation, Armenia ought to restore its relationships with both the R.U. and with Georgia's majority government. The cumulative effect of such moves would obliterate the controlled "opposition" which keeps kicking away at the reasonable government in Georgia. The Collective Wa$te's inroads into the Caucasus would be essentially eliminated by such counter-moves.

Being that the Zionist $tate's primary source of oil happens to be the fascistic regime in Baku; several birds would be downed by a stoning of two Bank$ter affiliated regimes.

Posted by: aristodemos | Oct 30 2024 15:00 utc | 28

The (lying) Jerusalem Post
'Days of Repentance': Israel hits multiple targets across Iran in retaliatory strikes
The attack occurred in three major waves, with the second and third waves targeting Iranian drone and missile production sites, hitting over 20 targets.
The Israel Air Force struck around 20 military sites in three waves in a retaliatory strike on Iran on Saturday morning.
The attacks focused on disabling Iran’s air defenses and damaging its long-term ability to develop additional ballistic missiles, The Jerusalem Post has learned.
There were no indications that the IDF’s over 100 aircraft and drones struck the Islamic Republic’s existing ballistic missile supplies, which would likely have required strikes at underground sites. . .Over 100 planes were involved in the 2000-km. attack, including the F-35. . . .here

Posted by: Don Bacon | Oct 30 2024 15:01 utc | 29

That Iran has better AD systems than the Outlaw US Empire/NATO just can't be admitted as that would also let other cats out of their bags--Iran being backward, illiterate nations and such like no Muslim nation can ever rival a Christian or Jewish nation because they're Muslim. That narrative goes back over 1000 years.

Elsewhere, it appears Lebanon has had enough of Hochstein as this Cradle op/ed argues.

Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 30 2024 15:07 utc | 30

The Great Game has a whole new iteration. Internet sources available on You Tube, even, posited that the whole rumpus in the latest assault on Iran was but a face-saving mission on behalf of the political future of Nuts n' Yahoos. Tacit agreement between "interested" parties was that the Izzies would loudly send off a mission with very limited intentions. Iran would then stand down on a counter-counter retaliation move.

Izziestan's current regime is running on fumes, what with a depleted military ground-pounder force and an economy which is sputtering and bleeding on the international trade front...all along with a highly divided public which is finally coming to terms with the general degradation by systemic over-reach. The Izzie population is no longer in a triumphalist mood. They are far gone into cultural neurosis and fear is creeping into most every household. The salad daze is segueing into a screeching halt, as "all the plans of mice and men gang aft agley and leave us naught but grief and toil for promised joy" (Robby Burns)

Posted by: aristodemos | Oct 30 2024 15:21 utc | 31

Why would any west asia country with any sense of self-respect even entertain a little hat 'diplomat'? Everyone knows every word out of their mouth is a lie.

Posted by: motorslug | Oct 30 2024 15:23 utc | 32

thanks b...

thanks @ Yeah, Right | Oct 30 2024 12:29 utc | 12

thanks others... so you folks aren't fooled, lol... that's good..

Posted by: james | Oct 30 2024 15:24 utc | 33

@ Ed4 | Oct 30 2024 14:25 utc | 27
Wrong thread, Ed(4). The only junk ancient/derelict/dangerous to operators of ... MIM-23s, including missiles, circa 60's onwards, were those dusted off & sent to the Ukies & OUN-B nazi's, in The BanderaLands. Got any actual credible refs for that 'one person claimed', Ed(4)?

Posted by: Outraged | Oct 30 2024 15:27 utc | 34

Ghost of Zanon @3: "If the media are lying about this, what else are they lying about?"



If the presstitutes report on the local fire department retrieved a kitten from a tree, you can be confident someone put that kitten in the tree just for that story, and the presstitutes know it, but don't report that part. In fact, you can expect the presstitutes waited around impatiently while the cat was placed in the tree so they could get their photos of the heroic rescue.

100% of what the corporate presstitution industry presents to the public is, to one degree or another, falsification, fabrication, and outright fiction. What is most annoying is that this isn't even a hidden agenda or secret conspiracy. There are required courses in presstitution programs at prestigious universities on deceiving the media consumer. It is taught that bending and "recontextualizing" the narrative of events to support a perceived societal "good" is a key component of the presstitutes' work. Sorta like faking an orgasm, I guess. The important point to focus on here, though, is who defines the "societal good".

Well, of course we can trust the presstitute who graduated from Harvard to be able to tell what is best for those "deplorable" plebes, right? Right?!? That presstitute certainly believes s/he/it is more qualified to dictate narrative than some plumber posting on TwitterX.

But is s/he/it?

The assumption is that liberal-minded college graduates are smarter and more qualified to adjudicate reality than some grubby mechanic with grime under his fingernails. Do facts support this assumption?

Required reading: Americans' Trust in Media Remains at Trend Low

We know for a fact that the corporate mass media deliberately LIES, and about things of grave consequence rather than just kittens trapped in trees. Iraqi WMD programs, Syrian gas attacks, Ukrainian Nazis, Zionist genocides, Bucha massacres, and so on. We can trace this pattern of lying about serious issues back to the explosion of the battleship Maine in Havana harbor, and likely further back if we cared to look. The corporate mass media always lies, all of the time.

So who is dumb enough to believe these lies?

To find out, let's reference the above linked Gallup survey.

Is gullibility/skepticism partisan?

Trust corporate mass media
Democrats: 54%
Republicans: 12%

That is a pretty significant divergence! What could it mean? /s

More useful data: Media Trust in America

Gallup: "Those who had not graduated college had seen more of a decline in trust than those who had done so (73% v. 61%)."

Pew: "The more education one had, the less “low” trusting individuals there were..."

So, while college graduates in general seem to be less gullible than Democrats, they are still far more credulous of presstitute lies than Republicans. What we can infer from this is that having a college education does not fortify one against believing bullshit. Though the college educated presstitutes arrogate to themselves the right to decide what is best for "deplorables", there is no evidence that they deserve that right.

To wrap this back up to the point, presstitutes manipulate the media narrative for what they consider to be the greater public good (they lie, in other words), but they are unqualified to judge what is the greater good. In fact, judging by demonstrated performance, presstitutes' notion of "the greater good" is actually the greater evil.

Posted by: William Gruff | Oct 30 2024 15:29 utc | 35

So Israel responds to Iran's minor affair with a minor affair of its own. Fine and Dandy.

Posted by: Inka | Oct 30 2024 15:29 utc | 36

“Don’t be taken in when they pat you paternally on the shoulder and say that there’s no inequality worth speaking of and no more reason for fighting. Because if you believe them they will be completely in charge in their marble homes and granite banks from which they rob the people of the world under the pretense of bringing them culture. Watch out, for as soon as it pleases them they’ll send you out to protect their gold in wars whose weapons rapidly developed by servile scientists will become more and more deadly until they can with a flick of the finger tear a million of you into pieces.”

― The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade

Posted by: motorslug | Oct 30 2024 15:40 utc | 37

@Lex #4
The greatest proof that the Israelis are lying, is that there was no follow-on bombardment.
Alastair Crooke said over 100 aircraft were set to attack. A small fraction had the anti-air defense/SEAD role.
If the SEAD had succeeded, it is guaranteed that there would have been much more damage than a few grainy satellite photos of literally a handful of possibly damaged buildings.
This is nothing more than "declare victory and go home".

Posted by: c1ue | Oct 30 2024 16:07 utc | 38

...and only 4 Iranian soldiers were killed by Israel — hurray!

This number of deaths changed Iran's previous promise of "We will not hesitate to retaliate" into a "We won't retaliate at all" response. Maybe Israel figured: Killing 40-50 Iranians was too many, but killing zero was not enough. Therefore, killing 4-5 was the Goldilocks "just right" number?

So is it a truce now? (I get the feeling that Israel still isn't satisfied, and will likely continue provoking Iran with more assassinations etc.)

Posted by: Mark Mosby | Oct 30 2024 16:15 utc | 39

Thanks for the report b.

and they lie almost reflexively.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 30 2024 13:15 utc | 18

Arch, FIFY.
and they lie almost reflexively.

Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Oct 30 2024 16:17 utc | 40

@ William Gruff | Oct 30 2024 15:29 utc | 35

thanks for your post.. interesting details..

Posted by: james | Oct 30 2024 16:32 utc | 41

And how about more F-35 lies, from the 'National Interest"

Bar none, the F-35 Lightning II is the hottest fighter jet in the world. Israel’s F-35’s led the October attack on Iran’s air defenses, and last year, their F-35s tracked and shot down an incoming cruise missile. Two U.S. Air Force F-35s just landed on a highway in Finland, while a Japanese F-35 intercepted an intruding Russian patrol plane. More U.S. F-35s are in the Middle East and the Marine Corps F-35C is aboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in US Central Command’s area of responsibility.
[. . .oops]
In years ahead, the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and 18 allies and partner nations are counting on the F-35 to shoulder many roles, from exotic electronic warfare to working with drones. But these advanced missions are in danger unless the F-35 Joint Program Office figures out a fast fix for the F-35 cooling system. . . .here

Posted by: Don Bacon | Oct 30 2024 16:45 utc | 42

At least the 'National Interest' has a transparency statement, so you know they lie:

The National Interest is owned and operated by the Center for the National Interest, founded in 1994 by U.S. President Richard M. Nixon.
All National Interest content should be considered opinion or analysis unless marked otherwise.
Our Honorary Chairman was former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger from 1994 until his passing in 2023.
The current Chairman is Drew Guff.
The President is Paul Saunders.
The Editor of The National Interest is Jacob Heilbrunn.

Posted by: motorslug | Oct 30 2024 16:56 utc | 43


A C-130 packed with computers and antennas could do all that, except drop bombs.

The article missed the point. The F-35 cooling system is too small, and running it at capacity rus the huge jet engine too hot. Heat is a wear factor on engines.

What the article missed is the new much larger air conditioner does not solve the jet engine delivering too much, more power taken from thrust!

F-35 needs a new more powerful engine. There may be money for air conditioner design! But no new engine.

F-35 has not met “readiness requirements “ for the past 6 years, engine reliability is one cause but not the only cause.

Too bad a stealth A-7 Lead Sled is not a game changer.

Posted by: paddy | Oct 30 2024 17:05 utc | 44

Posted by: Don Bacon | Oct 30 2024 16:45 utc | 42

Yes. The F35 is today's version of Henry Ford's Model T. An incredible machine for its day and when frequently broken down, was often repaired with baling wire and a pair of pliers.
The only difference is the Model T wasn't 40,000 feet in the air when the repairs demanded attention.

Posted by: kupkee | Oct 30 2024 17:08 utc | 45

Posted by: Mark Mosby | Oct 30 2024 16:15 utc | 39

I don'tsee where you get " Iran will now, not retaliate at all from, if you Lisen to what the Iranians are saying, they will retaliate. When and how to be determined.

Posted by: dp | Oct 30 2024 17:09 utc | 46

If Iran really did lose 3 out of 3 batteries of S-300 then I think China has a very good reason to help Iran replace the batteries. China has around 100 batteries of S-300/variants and would have to get first hand experience to figure out what went wrong and how to defeat the Israel/US suppression of air defense tactics.

Posted by: frenchnavy | Oct 30 2024 17:10 utc | 47

Something Max Blumenthal said recently got me thinking about how brilliant Sinwar and the resistance were.

Israel has lost its soft power.

To which I think Israel has demonstrated that their hard power is a myth. Like much of the West, it's all bark with little bite.
It really looks like Trump will be President surrounded by his bloodthirsty genocide billionaires, so we can expect a lot more bark. Trump loves to make "perfect phone calls" and threaten military strikes.

I called it last year. Israel is done. 2020 will be considered the high watermark for the Zionist occupation regime. Israel will never go back to being a tourist destination or (stolen) tech innovator.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 30 2024 17:11 utc | 48

Al Manar live feed previous 20 hours

18:47 Islamic Resistance launches a barrage of precision missiles and a swarm of assault drones at the Ein Shemer base (a missile defense and regional brigade base) east of Hadera, hitting the targets accurately: statement

18:13 A big explosion rocks the occupied city of Hadera: Yedioth Ahronoth

18:12 Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a gathering of more than twelve Israeli enemy soldiers with a guided missile between the towns of Kfar Kila and Deir Mimas, killing or wounding a number of them: statement

17:50 Israeli Channel 14: One drone explodes in Acre

17:40 Sirens sounded across north of occupied Palestine, including Haifa, for fear of drone attacks: Israeli media

16:55 Islamic Resistance targets an IOF gathering in Wadi Al-Asafir, Khiam town, with a missile barrage: statement

16:50 Sirens sounded in Al-Metulla, Galilee Panhandle: Israeli media

16:46 Israeli War on Lebanon Continues: Dozens of Martyrs, Injuries More..

16:43 Hezbollah Heroically Repels New Israeli Infiltration Attempts, Proceeds Precise Strikes More..

16:29 Islamic Resistance’s air defense unit repelled an Israeli Hermes 450, employing surface-to-air missile, and forced it to leave the Lebanese airspace: Hezbollah statement
16:08 Sheikh Qassem: As Sayyed Nasrallah said “Era of defeats has gone, it’s era of victories”

16:04 Sheikh Qassem: If Netanyahu vows “absolute victory,” we promise you “absolute defeat”

15:09 Iran Denies Report on Breach of Iran’s Airspace by Israeli Jets More..

15:08 Sheikh Qassem: Martyr Sinwar scared the enemy in his prison, in his freedom, and he will continue to scare them after martyrdom

15:07 Sheikh Qassem: Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was the icon of heroism and resistance for Palestine and the free people of the world

15:06 Hezbollah’s Sheikh Qassem mourns martyr Sayyed Hashem Safeiddine: He was one of the most prominent people whom late Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah relied on

15:01 New Hezbollah Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem appears in a televised address via Al-Manar

14:18 Hezbollah’s Islamic Resistance declares missile strike on Krayot, north of Haifa: statement

14:14 Hezbollah Strong Enough, Won’t Allow the Israeli Enemy to Impose Conditions: MP More..

14:12 390 Days of Aggression: ‘Israel’ Continues Massacring Displaced, Defenseless Civilians in Gaza More..

13:47 Initial reports on a car-ramming attack in Hadera, south of Haifa: Hebrew media

13:45 Hezbollah Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem to deliver a televised speech today at 15:00 (Beirut time) via Al-Manar

13:39 Israeli warplanes create sonic booms over the southern city of Sidon and the surrounding area

13:37 Israeli media: Sirens sound in Krayot, Acre and the surrounding areas

13:15 MP Fadlallah: The steadfastness of our people and the resistance will pave the way to political talks that will to put an end to Netanyahu’s arrogance

13:07 Hezbollah MP Hasan Fadlallah: Resistance to proceed rocket attacks until the end of the Israeli aggression

12:56 Hezbollah’s Islamic Resistance fighters target Israeli gatherings near Khiam, Wazzani and Shebaa Gate with salvos of rockets: statements

11:48 2 Israelis injured, 1 seriously, in Lebanon rocket attack on Metula: Israeli media

11:40 Israeli enemy stages two drone strikes targeting vehicles in Mount Lebanon: One in Bshamoun and the other in Araya

11:20 A swarm of assault drone precisely hit Tirat Carmel Base south of Haifa: Hezbollah statement

11:18 National news agency reports Israeli strike on the southern town of Sh’aytiyeh

11:17 Israeli Channel 14 reports casualties in Metula after rocket was fired from Lebanon

11:17 Iraqi Resistance Attacks Vital Targets in Occupied Palestine Territories More..

11:08 Israeli warplanes target Lebanese southern border town of Khiam with 6 raids

11:05 Civil Defense in Lebanon says bodies of 24 martyrs pulled from several areas across south Lebanon in the last hours, 57 others injured

09:57 Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a gathering of Israeli enemy soldiers in Al-Yaaqousa area at the outskirts of Al-Khiam with a missile barrage at 03:30 am on Wednesday

09:52 Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a gathering of Israeli enemy soldiers in Al-Umrah area south of Al-Khiam with a missile barrage: Statement

09:36 Islamic Resistance in Iraq fighters targeted a vital site in northern occupied lands with drones

09:24 Israeli media: Power outages at Israeli military sites along the border due to shelling from Lebanon


22:57 Islamic Resistance: The recent missile fire came in the context of the warning issued for the Zionists to evacuate 25 settlements in northern Palestine

22:48 Islamic Resistance fires missile barrages at Kiryat Shmona, Nahariya, Dalton, Ma’alot Tarshiha, Kfar Vradim, Kabri, Meron, Rosh Pina and Even Menachem

22:45 Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Meron settlement with a missile barrage: statement

22:44 Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Kfar Yuval and Ma’ayan Baruch settlements with a missile barrage: statement

21:27 Israeli Channel 12 reports missile fire at Kibbutz Dan in Galilee Panhandle

20:31 Islamic Resistance targeted the gatherings of “Israeli” soldiers in the Al-Yaqousa area at the outskirts of the town of Khiam with a rocket barrage: statement

Posted by: Exile | Oct 30 2024 17:26 utc | 49

If we talk about contextualizing, the first thing to keep in mind is that just like the economy, which went from paper bills to digital currency and then to a meaningless symbol like cryptocurrencies, the current war is also a victim of the hyperinflation generated by the excessive production of the Cold War, which accumulated scarce resources only to waste them on obsolete weapons and systems that took advantage of the "tie" status quo to do good business without even thinking about the effectiveness or real power of what they were paying for.
Since industries cannot stop without putting thousands of people fighting each other for their plate of food, instead of melting down the billions of tons of completely outdated, obsolete and ineffective weapons, they were left in warehouses and raw materials continued to be extracted to be able to make many more tons of "modern" weapons.
Today's wars only have the objective of freeing up space so that it can be filled again with weapons produced or to be produced, which maintain the industrial scheme at an acceptable level of functioning, although the mentality of the cold war could not be detached from the useless and bureaucratic businessmen who run the central powers, making themselves believe that the scenario remains the same and that they can raze small countries one after another with no further consequences than receiving a few hundred thousand immigrants to be naturalized in order to employ them at low cost in their factories, which produce the bombs that destroy their former homes.
But the current context, which is based on instant, voluntary, decentralized information, leaves no room for a digital war that can be won with pantomimes that enthrone smiling puppets at the top of power! Very quickly, the daily result became an undeniable defeat on all fronts, which the economy can no longer sustain because there are no more small countries to digest...
By eating Europe between two loaves of bread, the United States gives itself a little time to lie to its own taxpayers while it restructures its economy in a new digital scheme where it can take possession of savings in a random and instantaneous way. This, too, is a desperate short-term solution, and then, only tyranny remains, because its power of international projection, not only will not even be enough to load fuel to its aircraft carriers, but it is very likely that they will not be able to repatriate the thousands of soldiers spread out in bases around the world. That would be positive, since at home they could not maintain them but they could use their technical disappearance to maintain the blind fanaticism that makes the wheel of fortune turn a few more turns...

Posted by: Santi | Oct 30 2024 17:26 utc | 50

Posted by: Outraged | Oct 30 2024 15:27 utc | 34 "Wrong thread, Ed(4). The only junk ancient/derelict/dangerous to operators of ... MIM-23s, including missiles, circa 60's onwards, were those dusted off & sent to the Ukies & OUN-B nazi's, in The BanderaLands."

I am confused by your comment as it is well known that Iran has some old HAWK systems. Some parts upgraded : Mersad

Quoting b: "An old HAWK anti-air missile site seems to have been destroyed"

This guys says they have them:

Claim of two people killed there:

I am familiar with your comments in regard to Ukraine and HAWKs. For instance:

Posted by: Outraged | Nov 12 2022 4:13 utc | 417 and Posted by: Outraged | Dec 14 2022 12:34 utc | 36 You talk about upgrades in the Nov 12 2022 comment.

And this comment about them likely being unsafe (depending on exactly was was upgraded) : Posted by: oldhippie | Oct 25 2022 11:56 utc | 394 and Posted by: Eighthman | Nov 11 2022 19:21 utc | 248

Posted by: Ed4 | Oct 30 2024 17:26 utc | 51

Israel will never go back to being a tourist destination or (stolen) tech innovator.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 30 2024 17:11 utc | 48


You hear about the collapse of Florida real estate values but never a peep about Israel's real estate market. That loss is going to crater bank balance sheets.

Posted by: too scents | Oct 30 2024 17:28 utc | 52

Larry Johnson's ( take on the israeli attack on Iran:

"I Have Video Evidence that Iran Stymied Israel’s Attack"

This article contains a picture in which Netanyahu is being made fun of. And he dosn't look happy and Gallant is unhappy as well. LMAO.

Posted by: WMG | Oct 30 2024 17:32 utc | 53

George Galloway with Col. Danny Davis. An Interview

If you've not had the pleasure, the joy that comes of listening to a gifted speaker, a deeply compassionate man, and as forceful a character as ever graced the stages of politics...

Treat yourself - and that's the right word - treat yourself to a half hour with George Galloway, Scottish member of the UK Parliament as he talks about Gaza, Israel and the U.S. politicians.

Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | Oct 30 2024 17:38 utc | 54

"I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various ‘party lines’.

George Orwell, Looking back on the Spanish War, Chapter 4"


Orwell aka Eric Blair was a lifelong British intelligence asset who was sent to Spain to do what he always did. Seed division in the left.

It's incredible that people still take him seriously as anything other than a British Empire propagandist given all the information we have now.

Posted by: SB | Oct 30 2024 17:43 utc | 55


Anything in the Orwell quote that’s wrong ?

Posted by: Exile | Oct 30 2024 17:59 utc | 56

Posted by: ak74 | Oct 30 2024 13:58 utc | 22

ROLFMAO, absolutely brilliant!

Posted by: MAKK | Oct 30 2024 18:02 utc | 57

"It's incredible that people still take him seriously as anything other than a British Empire propagandist given all the information we have now."

Posted by: SB | Oct 30 2024 17:43 utc | 55

Your ignorant, myopic revisionism is complete bullshit.

You have just won,"The Most Retarded Post I have Read Today".

Posted by: canuck | Oct 30 2024 18:16 utc | 58

Posted by: too scents | Oct 30 2024 17:28 utc | 52


As I have been saying for years "the money isn't real".

They can print trillions and trillions. None of that will create more resources or labor.

At one point, every delusion meets reality.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 30 2024 18:30 utc | 59

The Cradle has a posting up with the title

KSA hosts first meeting of 'Global Alliance for the Two-State Solution'

the quote

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan hosted the first day of a two-day meeting of the so-called “Global Alliance for the Two-State Solution” on 30 October.

“The escalation that the region is witnessing and the continued Israeli aggression on Palestine and Lebanon, and the expansion of the conflict regionally and potentially global, makes it inevitable for all of us to take a decisive and immediate position to put an end to the crimes and the violations committed by Israel,” the Saudi official said during his opening address.

“A genocide is happening with the goal of evicting the Palestinian people from their land, which Saudi Arabia rejects,” Bin Faisal added, describing the humanitarian situation as “catastrophic” and condemning the Israeli army's “complete blockade” of northern Gaza.

The “high-level meeting” reportedly includes officials from several European and Arab nations. However, Saudi media did not publicize the names of those present.

Bin Farhan was quoted as saying that nearly 90 “states and international organizations” are taking part in the two-day summit in Riyadh.

It is good to see ME leadership trying to do something.....


Posted by: psychohistorian | Oct 30 2024 18:39 utc | 60

"a half hour with George Galloway, Scottish member of the UK Parliament as he talks about Gaza, Israel and the U.S. politicians."

Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | Oct 30 2024 17:38 utc | 54

Hi Tom. I noticed that George acknowledged that Iran now has nuclear weapons. He is the first politician comment to my knowledge, to mention this as a fact.

He refers to the seismic data which is extremely good evidence that a nuclear test occurred.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Oct 30 2024 18:44 utc | 61

The Cradle has a posting up with the title

'Done in the south already?' New Hezbollah chief asks Israel, vows resistance ready for 'long war'

the quote

Hezbollah’s new leader, Naim Qassem, confirmed on 30 October in his first speech as secretary-general that the Lebanese resistance is prepared for a long war against Israel, while also challenging the Israeli army’s ground forces to advance deeper into Lebanon.

“All our preparations are based on the possibility of waging a long-term war,” Qassem said, one day after he was announced as the successor to assassinated secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah.

“We will continue to confront the aggression … if the enemy wants to stop it, we will accept the conditions that we see as appropriate, and any solution will remain through indirect negotiations,” he added, stressing that Hezbollah will continue to support Gaza.

“The enemy will not be able to rely on time because its losses are great, and it will be forced to stop its aggression,” the new secretary-general went on to say, vowing that Hezbollah “will emerge from this confrontation stronger and victorious.”

Will the God Of Mammon empire surrender Occupied Palestine and/or Ukraine?

Or nuke our species into the dark ages because they are sore losers?


Posted by: psychohistorian | Oct 30 2024 18:45 utc | 62

There's an excellent piece from the expert in that arena (middle section):

"The daily air strikes carried out by Israel over Lebanon and Syria provide the perfect cover for a strike on Iran. The Israelis are striking Syrian air defense sites in southern Syria daily to create a pattern of behavior while at the same time carving a path through Syrian airspace that can be used by Israeli aircraft to penetrate western Iraq, from which long-range ALBMs can be launched against Iran."

Posted by: motorslug | Oct 30 2024 13:04 utc | 17

And more interesting

"According to the leaked intelligence documents, Israel was preparing some 40 ROCKS air-launched ballistic missiles (ALBM)s for a possible strike against Iran, along with 16 “Golden Horizon” ALBMs, which appear to be what is known publicly as the “Blue Sparrow” missile, an adaptation of a target missile developed by Israel to mimic the Iranian Shahab-3 ballistic missile. "

So 56 ALBMs

With one or two per fighter and 100 fighters I'd expect 100-200 missiles, what were the other 100 (+-50)?

Some AGM-158B JASSM-ER? And some ARGM-ER for anti radiation (already the new model that fits the f-35 inner bay? would make sense)

Wish someone leaked the profiles identified by iranian AD (but unlikely as if they missed any type the us and IDF would know which ones weren't profiled/properly detected). But at least a list of missile types involved might be fun.

Posted by: Newbie | Oct 30 2024 18:47 utc | 63

Posted by: Yeah, Right | Oct 30 2024 12:29 utc | 12

Brief, but very informative. Good post.

Posted by: horseguards | Oct 30 2024 18:48 utc | 64

It is good to see ME leadership trying to do something.....


Posted by: psychohistorian | Oct 30 2024 18:39 utc | 60

Mehhh, from KSA? I think it has more to do with this

"For his part, MbS allegedly told Blinken, “I want the problems caused by October 7 to disappear. A Palestinian state must be established before normalization with Israel. I do not want that, but I need it to justify normalization. I want to return to Vision 2030 by normalizing with Israel. Gaza must be calm first for us to normalize with Israel.”"

I do not want it but I need something to excuse my dealings with israel to go on.

In a way i find it refreshing when hypocrisy is dropped...

Posted by: Newbie | Oct 30 2024 18:52 utc | 65

@David G Horsman | Oct 30 2024 18:44 utc.

David, thks for pointing that out.

I have been looking for confirmation on that assertion Galloway made [that Iran recently conducted a nuke test] - as you know, there was a lot of debate on whether the seismic data, which apparently emanated from an area near a fault line, was indeed a nuke test and not a regular 'ol seismic shift ... I've been looking for some additional backup for that assertion, haven't seen it.

Does anyone have links to authoritative sources that confirm that the seismic data alleged to be an Iranian nuke test ... actually was a nuke test?

Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | Oct 30 2024 18:57 utc | 66

Israel has, it says, intermediate range ballistic missiles (Jericho).

I find it interesting that they did not use them in this "attack", but instead used manned aircraft with a long support tail. A number of possible reasons come to mind. The IRBMs would have the good/best chances of penetrating Iran's AD network, of the weapons they have. Cruise missiles run low and slow. Hmmm.

Posted by: Bemildred | Oct 30 2024 18:59 utc | 67

The NYTimes reports US airstrikes on Syria

U.S. Military Says It Killed Up to 35 Islamic State Militants in Syria

Airstrikes on Monday targeted people who the military said were senior leaders of the group, which has sharply stepped up its attacks in Iraq and Syria.

Oct. 30, 2024, 2:40 p.m. ET

U.S. airstrikes hit several Islamic State camps in the Syrian desert on Monday, killing up to 35 of the group’s operatives, the United States Central Command said in a statement on Wednesday.

The strikes targeted multiple senior leaders in the early evening, the statement said, and there were no known civilian casualties. U.S. officials did not immediately respond to an inquiry about the identities of the officials targeted.

continues ==>

Posted by: too scents | Oct 30 2024 19:10 utc | 68

@ Tom Pfotzer | Oct 30 2024 17:38 utc | 54

George Galloway is no longer a member of Parliament, having been defeated by a Starmerite this past May.

Posted by: malenkov | Oct 30 2024 19:19 utc | 69

@ too scents | Oct 30 2024 19:10 utc | 68
re: Up to 35 Islamic State Militants killed in Syria (sure)

The supposed "Islamic State Militants in Syria" which the US grandfathered years ago is the gift that keeps on giving for continued US military presence in Syria.

Posted by: Don Bacon | Oct 30 2024 19:25 utc | 70

Posted by: canuck | Oct 30 2024 18:16 utc | 58

1984 cant be a book full of insight because some internet dweeb says Orwell was high level triple agent.

Letter To Catalonia was also a good book, with good insight, but it must have all been lies because some internet know-nothing-know-it-all has top secret information that Orwell worked for the "they".

Not only that, the nerd says "lifetime asset" of "British intelligence", as if throwing $1000 more chips on the table will fool us into believing he has a hand better than his jack high.

Then he finishes with his "everybody is so stupid but me" routine these ignorant arrogant trolls always do.

Posted by: UWDude | Oct 30 2024 19:26 utc | 71

MaleKov @ 69
Sorry but your wrong George Galloway is an MP sitting in the parlement, the workers party leader.

Posted by: Mark2 | Oct 30 2024 19:38 utc | 72

Posted by: Mark2 | Oct 30 2024 19:38 utc | 72

Sorry Galloway got voted out in the latest election.

Posted by: morongobill | Oct 30 2024 19:49 utc | 73

Posted by: SB | Oct 30 2024 17:43 utc | 55

Oh please. Yes, there were problems, and yet "Homage to Catalonia" remains one of the best books written on the Spanish Civil War, and Orwell will continue to be read, by socialists, long after we are all dust.

Posted by: JAB | Oct 30 2024 19:52 utc | 74

What do you call a country that drops 25,000 TNT onto 360 square kilometers for a year and then has to make up successful strikes elsewhere?

Probably the loser of the conflict. And it'll be fun to watch Netenyahu squirm while trying to remain in power after Iran shows that they were not impacted by Israel's air strikes and are fully capable of responding within (likely) the next few days.

Posted by: Renopause | Oct 30 2024 19:53 utc | 75

"Does anyone have links to authoritative sources that confirm that the seismic data alleged to be an Iranian nuke test ... actually was a nuke test?"

Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | Oct 30 2024 18:57 utc | 66

As he claims it is in no way authoritative information, but DPA did publish sample seismic data and the reasoning for believing this was a nuclear test.

"Iran detonated a nuclear explosion"

I believe it.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Oct 30 2024 19:59 utc | 76

Posted by: JAB | Oct 30 2024 19:52 utc | 74

A book that talks explicitly about the failures of solidarity among the leftist groups is the Spanish Civil War was surely written by a Brit Agent to sew disunity among leftist movements.

Dont read Homage to Catalonia.
Dont read 1984.

Read internet dweeb's mind blowing revelations that everything that ever is and was "isn't real" and "all a lie" and "scam", that "they" did to make us "believe their narrative".

(P.S. I've read both, just forgot the title of Homage, hehe).

Posted by: UWDude | Oct 30 2024 20:01 utc | 77

@ Bemildred | Oct 30 2024 18:59 utc | 67
Relevant trivia ... Israel co-designed their Jericho 2 IRBM's's with pre '79 ... Pahlavi Iran. Possibly up to ~100. They have very few Jericho 3's, less than ~10 ? Which are in reality, the first two stages adapted from their sat launch platform systems. Just sayin'.

@ Ed4 | Oct 30 2024 17:26 utc | 51
Not one of your TwatterX refs contains any substance, other than the word, 'Hawk', not one. And yer serial edited quotes, including no content post refs, par for the course. Substantiated, bubkiss, merely wasted text. You falsified the post refs ... true to form ... so said Ed4.

2022 content, most relevant, November 11, 2022, Si tacuisses, ... Outraged | Nov 12 2022 4:13 utc | 417, re shipped to The Borderlands:

MIM-23s are all 'are different generations and designs'. To the best of my knowledge the other than the missiles, the AD systems comprising the battery are at best 1971 vintage tech, no subsequent upgrades, the missiles themselves were last through a Bloc upgrade 1978. Extremely unlikely any were manufactured later then ~1982 as they were scheduled for retirement/replacement, the only reason they were last in service with the Marines in 2002 before being mothballed, is, alas, the Marine Corps pretty much always gets last dibs, and hand-me-downs re materiel.

In effect, no matter where the MIM-23s are sourced from, Stateside War reserve obsolete stocks, or Spain/Italy/Norway, they will all be '71-'78 vintage, or older !

The detection & targeting/engagement radars, and the active homing radar on the actual Hawk missile itself, would have little prospect of even detecting, let alone successfully targeting & tracking, small semi Stealth drones like RF Gerans, similarly Lancets, etc, as well as modern low flying cruise missiles. UAF has had extreme difficulty successfully engaging with ex soviet S300Ps, BUKs and OSAs, so MIM-23s, nah.

US/NATO forces have an assumptive Doctrine that they will always be operating under at least local air supremacy(1), and typically with theater Air Dominance(2) going back many decades. This is not the case with Ukraine, nor would it be the case if US/NATO entered the fray.

Russian and to a lesser extent Chinese, integrated, overlapping short, medium & long-range tactical, operational & strategic AD systems area coverage, are a 'Dead Zone'.

This has led to a situ where all US/NATO doctrine, training and planning(operational & strategic) as well as fielded combat systems & materiel, is assumptive by default re 1 & 2. Apart from the fact most western AD systems are an afterthought & low priority, low quantity, again because of 1 & 2, they are also not much 'chop'. If anyone can actually provide verified corroborated proof a Multi-million Patriot battery has ever successfully engaged and hit anything in actual combat other than a discarded missile booster, I would love to hear it. Empire got very cranky with SA recently for pulling on the leash and threatened and then removed their Patriots from the Kingdom. SA response ? Ho-hum.

This then leads to a wider issue, what happens if Empire ever enters into conventional conflict with either RF or PLA, or god forbid both ?

No air superiority/supremacy. Little effective actual AD for Empire ground combat formations, and worst of all, on call tactical air-support won't be there re doctrine, planning and training. Oops.

Empire combat formations Battalion, Regiment, Brigade up have minimal integral AD(IIRC). Other than stingers, including vehicle mounted, which have already been proven far less effective in Ukraine than the RF Iglas. See 1 & 2.


PS There is one derivative MIM-23 Hawk AD system that has been repeatedly redesigned, re-engineered & upgraded since 1979, including advanced doppler & targeting/engagement radars, missiles & engines, seekers & warheads, however one seriously doubts Iran will be willing to sell any to Ukraine or Empire ... the desperate military necessity of Iran-Contra re Iran-Iraq war '80-88 is long past. ;)

Yer just as habitually intentionally disingenuous as you are an inveterate time-waster/disinfo/fabricator. Would you like some FreeDUMB Fries with that ?

Posted by: Outraged | Oct 30 2024 20:04 utc | 78

MalenKov & morongobil
My mistake.... early stage dementure, probably.

Posted by: Mark2 | Oct 30 2024 20:06 utc | 79

Al-Qassam Destroys Three Merkava Tanks in Beit Lahia


Merkava tank with a 105 Al-Yassin shell in the Beit Lahia project, north of the Gaza Strip.

We destroyed 3 Zionist Merkava tanks in the Beit Lahia project, north of the Gaza Strip.

Merkava Tally as of Wednesday night local time
251 destroyed (added 3)
689 approx. damaged (added 1)

Posted by: Exile | Oct 30 2024 20:09 utc | 80

Posted by: Bemildred | Oct 30 2024 18:59 utc | 67

Israel doesn't have many Jerichos, and they were originally built for carrying nukes. They may not even have any with conventional warheads. If they repurpose them, they lose nuke carriers. Production capacity is small.

Posted by: Lyle A | Oct 30 2024 20:09 utc | 81

@ too scents | Oct 30 2024 19:10 utc | 68
re: Up to 35 Islamic State Militants killed in Syria (sure)

Here's something I wrote ten years ago.

The Caliphate

The current "war" against ISIS is all for show because the division of Iraq has been a US objective since the realization (in 2005) that the US stupidly created an Iran ally with its invasion & occupation. The invasion of Iraq proved a pivotal moment in the centuries-old balance of power between the two sects that emerged from a schism in Islam 1,300 years ago. Iraq is the first major Arab country to be run by Shi'ites in more than eight centuries. Obama has even claimed that he wasn't informed by the extensive, expensive US intelligence community that The Caliphate, calling itself the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and later called Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), was invading Iraq starting in December 2013. . How could Obama not know that the militant group seized Fallujah, not far from Baghdad, a city the US had conducted several major battles in under the past administration, in January 2014? He didn't know about ISIS until June or July? Poppycock. Of course Obama knew.

Posted by: Don Bacon | Oct 30 2024 20:11 utc | 82

Iraq is the first major Arab country to be run by Shi'ites in more than eight centuries.

Posted by: Don Bacon | Oct 30 2024 20:11 utc | 82

Syria is Arab, 75% Sunni, and run by the Alawites, who are Shia.

Posted by: UWDude | Oct 30 2024 20:18 utc | 83

"Iran detonated a nuclear explosion"

I believe it.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Oct 30 2024 19:59 utc | 76

DPA appears to believe Iran has the bomb. The first nuclear device in the hands of the resistance. I am not really the first Muslim bomb, credit for that should go to Pakistan.

Where I disagree with DPA is he doesn't feel this is that important. Essentially he believes this is a defensive device for Iran and not particularly irrelevant.

This ignores the repeated stated desire to use nuclear weapons aggressively on the part of both Israel and the United States. This is a game changer. First use of nuclear weapons can be retaliated against immediately and conclusively.

Israel is exactly the sort of fascist dog that would resort to using nuclear weapons on civilians. We now have a situation where if they do, Tel Aviv, Halfa and various military bases could become glassed-over Ash heaps.

This is the end of the Zionist nuclear threat and they know it.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Oct 30 2024 20:23 utc | 84

Posted by: UWDude | Oct 30 2024 20:18 utc | 83

Off-shoot at best. There is a huge difference. No-where close.

Posted by: steve 2 | Oct 30 2024 20:32 utc | 85

Don Bacon @ 82:

The balance of power between Sunnis and Shi'ites you refer to came about after the Safavids (an Azeri Shi'i sect from NW Iran) took power in Iran in 1500 and made Shi'ism Iran's official religion as a point of opposition to the Sunni Ottoman empire. The bone of contention between the Ottomans and the Safavids was the lands of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (the nucleus of modern Iraq). These lands had been fought over by Western powers (Macedonian Greeks / Romans / Byzantine Greeks / Ottomans) and Eastern powers (Achaemenids / Parthians / Sassanids / Safavids) for over 1,000 years until the Ottomans and Safavids finally agreed on a ceasefire along the current Iraq-Iran border some time after 1520. The ceasefire was respected by both Ottomans and Safavids and their respective successor states at least until 1980.

This detail serves to clarify your comment, not dispute it. The balance of power between the Sunnis and Shi'ites is political, not religious.

Posted by: Refinnejenna | Oct 30 2024 20:34 utc | 86

Off-shoot at best. There is a huge difference. No-where close.

Posted by: steve 2 | Oct 30 2024 20:32 utc | 85

Stop bullshitting.

Posted by: UWDude | Oct 30 2024 20:38 utc | 87

Could it be that the Zionists curtailed their attack on Iran - because they fear a larger reprisal attack - or has the US told the Zionists not to launch a large attack on Iran - incase it ignites a larger scale conflict in the region - either way its a sign of weakness from the Zionists - the Zionist and the Yanks illegally occupy parts of Iraq and Syria - but Jordan is a different kettle of fish - their complicity in aiding and abetting the Zionists will eventually see them punished as well.

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Oct 30 2024 20:39 utc | 88

MintPress News

Israel awaits Operation True Promise Iran is reportedly planning a severe response against the Zionist regime, with 80 targets identified for Operation True Promise 3, according to a formner Iranian diplomat.

This declaration signals Iran's intent to take significant action against Israel.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Oct 30 2024 20:40 utc | 89


The Alawites separated from early Shia in the 9th Century. One could similarly call the Druze Shia.

Posted by: nazcalito | Oct 30 2024 20:46 utc | 90

Posted by: UWDude | Oct 30 2024 19:26 utc | 71

Don't have time for your insipid nonsense.

Posted by: canuck | Oct 30 2024 20:49 utc | 91

The Alawites separated from early Shia in the 9th Century. One could similarly call the Druze Shia.

Posted by: nazcalito | Oct 30 2024 20:46 utc | 90

Stop bullshitting.

The Alawites are more Shia, and Shia aligned, than they are Sunni. That is indisputable.

Syria is Arab. That is indisputable.

Syria is 3/4 Sunni. That is indisputable.

There are lots of sects in Sunni Islam all over the world, too. To start niggling over these details is to open a huge, and irrelevant to my correction, the no-true-Scotsman fallacy.

What Don Bacon said was simply not true, and I corrected it. And all the bullshitting about "huge" differences, and "at bests" and "Shia Druze" is just that, bull shit, so save it

Posted by: UWDude | Oct 30 2024 20:53 utc | 92

The date of the election in which Galloway most recently lost his seat in Parliament rd was July 4 of this year.

I happen now to be listening to Galloway's voice on his MOATS show.

Posted by: Lysias | Oct 30 2024 20:54 utc | 93

Don't have time for your insipid nonsense.

Posted by: canuck | Oct 30 2024 20:49 utc | 91

Since I was agreeing with you, whose insipid nonsense was that?


Posted by: UWDude | Oct 30 2024 20:55 utc | 94

Hi again Tom. I really enjoyed listening to George Galloway. He is a remarkable man of deep insight and Humanity.

One of the things he said hit me pretty hard. I also have many grandchildren. These days every time I interact with them I end up thinking about kids in Gaza and how different their lives are.

It's weird how people in science and engineering end up having much more in common with people of deep faith oftentimes. George attributes his humanity to his faith but I think I might be the other way aroun.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Oct 30 2024 21:01 utc | 95

Posted by: Outraged | Oct 30 2024 20:04 utc | 78

b says "An old HAWK anti-air missile site seems to have been destroyed"

Seems pretty straightforward why I posted multiple links to posts on which referenced Iranian HAWK sites that might have been hit by the Israeli attack given your skepticism.
(which I suspect burned down due to a launch accident with very old missiles rather than enemy action)

Posted by: Ed4 | Oct 30 2024 21:13 utc | 96

It’s amusing, yet telling, how the narratives around the recent Israeli airstrikes on Iran are shaping up. The claims of foreign warplanes entering Iranian airspace, only to be contradicted by the facts on the ground, serve as a stark reminder of the disinformation that often accompanies such military adventures. The truth is that Israel struck from the relative safety of U.S.-controlled areas in Syria and Iraq, a clear indication of its reluctance to engage in a direct confrontation with Iran’s defenses.

These so-called "airstrikes" appear to have been more of a symbolic gesture than a decisive military action. Targeting old missile sites and industrial buildings without significant damage raises questions about the true intent behind these attacks. Are we witnessing a desperate attempt to assert dominance in the region, or is it merely a distraction from the escalating crises at home for the Israeli government?

Let’s not forget that Iraq has lodged an official protest with the UN regarding the violation of its airspace, showing just how the whole situation is overshadowed by the complexities of regional politics. Meanwhile, the Iranian defense minister confirming no Israeli aircraft penetrated their airspace underscores the vulnerabilities of Israel when faced with a well-defended foe.

This impotent show of force might provide temporary satisfaction for some in Tel Aviv, but it won't change the larger dynamics at play. Russia will likely continue to stand by its ally Iran, accentuating the precarious nature of Israeli policy that tries to navigate a shifting geopolitical landscape without provoking a larger conflict.

Ultimately, these developments reinforce the need for serious dialogue in the region rather than these reckless military posturing. It’s the people in these countries who suffer the consequences of such escalation, and one can only hope for a more rational approach that prioritizes stability over aggression.

Posted by: Steampunkip | Oct 30 2024 21:17 utc | 97

ok, after further thought, I could argue that Iraq was not "controlled by Shia", but that would be papering over the fact that the Alawites aren't really Shia. They are an offshoot, denounced by many Shia.

I could argue more, but I think I was wrong, so O.K. Alawites aren't really Shia anymore, and furthermore, they don't claim to be. Therefore, when to comes to religion, the only real way to identify a "Scotsman" is by confession, and since Alawite do not profess to be Shia, they are not Scotsmen, Therefore the fallacy and bull shitting was


me... :/

Posted by: UWDude | Oct 30 2024 21:20 utc | 98

Posted by: Newbie | Oct 30 2024 18:47 utc | 63

A bunch of the 100 aircraft would not be launching missiles against Iran. Some attacked at least one site in Syria. As unlikely a possibility, a handful were likely CAP. Likely some were backup/spares to the strike aircraft. Some subset of them would be along for other reasons.

So 56, sounds reasonable.

Posted by: ed4 | Oct 30 2024 21:25 utc | 99

I think Larry Johnson (more or less as usual) had a rapidly accurate assessment of USrael's recent strike against Iran: The attack was so dramatically stymied by state-of-the-art AD, it was cancelled halfway through the first of three planned phases: a truly historic embarrassment for Leviathan. But since the narrative Wurlitzer is entirely property of Leviathan, it's not allowed to convey a glimpse military reality. We hear how USrael took out layers of terrorist infrastructure with their audacity. Supposedly it will take years for Iran to recover, and meanwhile USrael just might hit them again to answer the strike on Netanyahu's stolen mansion in Ceasarea.

Well okay. Talk is cheap, you know? In a matchup between hypersonic missiles and total narrative domination, I'm placing my bets on the former -- also known as True Promise 3. Larry hoped Iran would "take the win" of shooting down nearly all USraeli missiles. But it looks like Iran will have to make good on its promise. Sometimes there's no alternative to kinetically demonstrating that you mean what you say.

We're only waiting a few days out of respect for the BRICS summit. Time seems ripe.

Posted by: Aleph_Null | Oct 30 2024 21:29 utc | 100

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