Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
October 02, 2024

Iran Attacked Israel Only After U.S. Rejected Its Moderate Stance

Yesterday a massive barrage of Iranian ballistic missiles hit Israel. It came after months of serious Iranian efforts (vid) to achieve better relations with the U.S. had failed. Israel had managed to sabotage those efforts to the detriment of its U.S. ally.

To understand what has happened - and, more importantly, why this attack was launched today - we need to look back.

On May 20 2024 then President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, died in a helicopter accident.

New elections were held in Iran and, to the astonishment of many, Masoud Pezeshkian, a moderate, won with a decent majority. Pezeshkian is a specialist in cardiac surgery with no experience in foreign policy. He had campaigned on reconnecting with the 'West', the lifting of sanctions on Iran and a generally more liberal policy.

On July 30:

Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, was assassinated along with his personal bodyguard in the Iranian capital Tehran by an apparent Israeli attack. Haniyeh was killed in his accommodation in a military-run guesthouse after attending the inauguration ceremony for Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian.

The assassination of Haniyeh was a major offense against the sovereignty of the the Islamic Republic of Iran. It also was a personal offense against Masoud Pezeshkian's presidency.

The Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini and the leadership of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) wooed to retaliate for the strike. But the new president still argued to not retaliate but to seek accommodation through negotiations. He, at that time, still hoped that the U.S. would arrange for a ceasefire in Gaza and wanted to avoid that Iran would be blamed for a failure of those negotiations.

President Pezeshkian continued his moderate course. On September 23, during a his participation in the UN General Assembly in New York, he again put out feelers towards a new accommodation with the U.S. over Iran's nuclear program:

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian on Monday emphasized his openness to a new international agreement over his country’s nuclear program — a subject that has fueled global tensions for years, risking potentially catastrophic warfare between Iran and the U.S.
Asked about restoring nuclear negotiations, Pezeshkian said through a translator: “I do hope we can ... reach an agreement.”
He said Iran upheld its end of the nuclear deal unlike the U.S. — an assessment most outside experts share, though there are some long-standing concerns about Iranian compliance — and pointed to American diplomats saying time and again that a cease-fire deal in Gaza that can boost stability across the Middle East is just a week away.

Within Iran the moderated course was seen with suspicion:

The lack of trust specifically affects the calculus of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, he continued, in a tacit acknowledgment that the unelected Khamenei has the final say on Iran’s policies.

“His Eminence says, ’They say one thing, do another,” Pezeshkian said. The president promoted engagement with the outside world as he sought votes from Iranians, noting that easing sanctions could boost the economy amid popular unrest in the country, and in August, Khamenei gave him a cautious green light to bargain with the U.S. Another power center in the country — the elite Revolutionary Guard — is extremely leery of such talks.

Four days later Israeli air-strikes killed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hizbullah and a major architect of the Iran led Axis of Resistance. Several other Hizbullah leaders as well as the deputy commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), General Abbas Nilforoushan, were also killed in the strike.

Pezeshkian noted rather bitterly that the order by the Israeli Prime Minister Natanyahoo to kill Nasrallah had been given from New York:

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian says the international community will not forget that the order for Israel’s terrorist act to assassinate Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was issued from New York.
In a message of condolences on Saturday, Pezeshkian said the United States cannot absolve itself of complicity with the Zionists in the terror attack against the Hezbollah chief.

The assassination of Nasrallah demonstrated that Pezeshkian's politics of moderation had failed.

After arriving back in Tehran Pezeshkian's tone had changed:

President Masoud Pezeshkian of Iran says the world should know that the blood of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and his companions will continue to boil and turn into a bulwark against tyranny and oppression.
Addressing a cabinet session on Sunday, Pezeshkian said it is imperative for Tehran to give a “decisive” response to the criminal Israeli regime.

Iran's plans for retaliating against Israel required coordination with its allies. On Monday, September 30, Russia's Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin happened to be in Tehran for long planned talks about economic cooperation:

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian says the implementation of critical projects between Iran and Russia will produce a huge capacity to counter cruel Western sanctions against the two countries.
in his remarks, the Iranian president warned that Israel is intensifying tensions with the direct support of the United States in order to prepare the ground for increasing the presence of the United States in the region.

This poses a “common threat to the interests of the regional countries and nations," he said.
The Russian premier expressed concern over the escalation of tensions in the region and said the US supports mounting conflicts in different parts of the world with the purpose of securing its own interests.

Therefore, he emphasized, independent countries like Iran and Russia, should accelerate cooperation to counter such measures.

Moscow was thereby likely informed of upcoming strikes against Israel. China was likewise assured and informed:

President Masoud Pezeshkian of Iran says the traditional friendship between the Iranian and Chinese nations has evolved into “deep, stable, and strategic” relations.

“I express my desire to work alongside Your Excellency to further develop comprehensive relations between Iran and China,” President Pezeshkian stated in his message to President Xi Jinping, written on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

A few hours later, after Mishustin had left, Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps launched a volley of some 250 ballistic missiles towards Israel:

Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces:

Among our targets were Israel’s 3 main airbases, Mossad’s terror HQ, Radar sites, and gathering sites of armoured vehicles around the Gaza Strip, responsible for the genocide in Gaza.

Israel's 'Iron Dome' missile defense was unable to interdict a significant number of Iran's missiles.

Elijah J. Magnier 🇪🇺 @ejmalrai - 17:06 UTC · Oct 1, 2024

Over 250 Iranian ballistic hit #Israel. Many buildings in Israel are damaged. The possibility of a regional war is growing. Israelis expected to retaliate and Iran will retaliate to the retaliation. ...

Verified videos show dozens of impacts of Iranian missiles against targets in Israel. Several strikes hit near the Mossad headquarter in Tel Aviv. Allegedly a gas platform of the coast of Ashkelon was also hit. Video shows that it is engulfed in fire.

Other targets were likewise destroyed:

A massive Iranian ballistic missile strike on targets in Israel launched on October 1 has targeted Nevatim Air Base, among other key targets in the country. The facility hosts both of the Israeli Air Force’s F-35 fifth generation fighter squadrons, and was previously intended to host a third squadron of the fighters after they were delivered. Iranian media sources have reported that the facility was “completely destroyed” in the attack. Footage from Israel has confirmed the impact of dozens of ballistic missiles which Israel’s air defence network failed to shoot down, with targets impacted including the headquarters of the intelligence agency Mossad, located in Tel Aviv which was levelled by the attack.

Remarkably there are no reports of any civilian casualties.

Israel and Iran have now issued threats and counter-threats of further escalation.

But most importantly will be the stand the U.S. government is going to take.

Joining Israel an open war against Iran, which Netanyahoo has wanted to achieve for some time, would bog down the U.S. in another unwinnable war in the Middle East that would hurt its interests for years to come.

It would give time to China and Russia to expand their multilateral coalition to the further detriment of U.S. supremacy.

Posted by b on October 2, 2024 at 7:43 UTC | Permalink

next page »

This will not end well.

Posted by: Gerry Bell | Oct 2 2024 7:57 utc | 1

Iran better make sure it has effective nuclear weapons and delivery systems capable of reaching USA.
Funny how countries that have had close relations with the USA find the need for serious weapons. Look at north Korea and Iran.
OR they bend over backwards to please the USA, like most of the rest of the world.
Ready to be ruled according to Agenda 2030?
That will be their fate.
I think it is high time to resist, refuse and revolt.

Posted by: g wiltek | Oct 2 2024 8:14 utc | 2

I think it's a concerted Kabuki theater for the discontented masses. The Iranians have set off a nice firework display over Israel and everyone is happy and can return to the negotiating table. We know what real ballistic missile strikes look like from the current war in Ukraine at the latest. This was nothing like that. Apparently the warheads of the Iranian missiles were deactivated.

My humble opinion.

Posted by: guest from franconia | Oct 2 2024 8:15 utc | 3

Martynov has some very relevant posts on what is occurring.
I was not aware of this. Dated Oct 1
"Russia-Iran ties in spotlight as Russian PM visits Iran - analysis
Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin's visit to Iran highlights growing ties between the two nations, as they deepen economic cooperation and strengthen their anti-Western alliance."

The Iran strike come immediately after Mishustin's visit to Iran. Mishustin's visit closely follows Shoigu's recent visits.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 8:20 utc | 4

🇮🇷🇮🇱An Iranian missile exploded near the Mossad headquarters, located on the northern outskirts of Tel Aviv. (

🇮🇱🇮🇷 The Mossad headquarters, located in Tel Aviv, which was struck by Iranian missiles, was leveled.
Ronen Bergman, New York Times correspondent: I felt a series of massive explosions near my home in northern Tel Aviv, close to the Mossad headquarters, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, and Unit 8200, the electronic intelligence agency. The whole house was shaking (

Posted by: Exile | Oct 2 2024 8:22 utc | 5

As annoying and conceited, not to mention inaccurate humble opinions are…

We might find out who is running the USA, the demented cadaver or the cackling drunkard.

Strangely I have never felt so close to justice and world peace in a long time. The offer is there from the coalition of 57 Arab / Muslim countries. The only thing in the way is the stubborn humble opinions of the Empire of Lies leaders.

Footnote: BBC and western propaganda media still have not acknowledged the depth and scope of the latest Iranian strikes.

Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Oct 2 2024 8:26 utc | 6

In the previous thread was a number of comments on the speed of the Iranian missiles. SAM interceptors need to be fast but US interceptors from what I have read are only around mach 4.5. Slightly below or verging on hypersonic.

In one of the last videos, linked I think by Down South, the video showed a solitary interceptor launched. Compared to the speed of the incoming missiles, that interceptor just made it way lazily into the sky. Half the speed or less of the incoming Iranian missiles.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 8:27 utc | 7

... and so it goes.

So, this is what "ineffective" really looks like.

Now close eyes - imagine what "effective" might really look like.

Open eyes.

Posted by: Don Firineach | Oct 2 2024 8:32 utc | 8

From live feed:

11:58 Israeli media: Medical teams tried to resuscitate an Israeli soldier who was critically wounded at the border with Lebanon, but their efforts failed…..

Comment - yet another IDF probing me thrashed. The Likud needs to sue for peace PDQ.

Posted by: Exile | Oct 2 2024 8:35 utc | 9

The gloves were still on though. It is noteworthy that Iran hits only military targets. What better way to degrade Israel's capacity to strike civilian targets? If Israel should strike Iranian nuclear facilities Tehran may double the number. Either way though it is very different game when you see something as unprecedented as missiles pounding Tel Aviv. Everyone around the world watches with baited breath...

Posted by: Patroklos | Oct 2 2024 8:35 utc | 10

On Iranian strikes 10/01/2024

1. The operation was called "True Promise 2". The strike was carried out from Iranian territory through Iraq, Syria and Jordan.
2. 200 missiles of various types were launched, including the hypersonic Fattah-1 and Fattah-2 missiles, which easily passed through the Israeli air defense umbrella.
3. Videos filmed by Israeli residents recorded multiple hits (the Nevatim and Tel Nof bases were especially hard hit).
4. The "Iron Dome" was demonstratively and demonstratively penetrated, it's not like shooting down "Qassams" wholesale. Moreover, Iran claims that the strikes hit the Arrow-2 and Arrow-3 air defense systems.
5. The United States and Jordan helped Israel repel the strike, shooting down several missiles. The United States said that air defense systems from ships in the Mediterranean were at work.
6. A missile strike killed one civilian in Jericho (a fragment of an Iranian missile fell on him). It is unknown what losses the Israeli military suffered. We are waiting for satellite images.
7. Iran reported that the strike was deliberately carried out only on military targets, but specified that if it wanted, it could strike infrastructure and civilians, and that it had the capabilities to do so.
8. Iran warned Russia shortly before the strike, and the United States after the strike began. Netanyahu tried to call the Kremlin, but the call did not take place.
9. Following the strike, Iran announced the destruction of 20 F-35 fighters at the Nevatim airbase, the defeat of the Mossad headquarters, a concentration of armored vehicles in Gaza, a platform near Ashkelon, and air defense missile systems.
10. Israel said it did not suffer significant damage. Biden called the attack "ineffective." The United States is also threatening Iran with tougher sanctions.
11. Israel threatens to strike Iran. Iran threatens to strike Israel even more powerfully in this case. The UN Security Council will meet tonight. They won't agree on anything.
12. In general, Iran proved yesterday that it is not a paper tiger and can strike seriously. Israel, on the other hand, is taking a "weak as f...k" position and bombed Lebanon.

Posted by: Down South | Oct 2 2024 8:37 utc | 11

Israel will show Iran what an effective strike should look like, not this feeble attempt at saving face.

Posted by: Sonar | Oct 2 2024 8:40 utc | 12

It certainly feels like it could veer into an August 1914 moment. Do others feel the same way? The age of sober diplomacy—still represented in figures like Lavrov—when the West could field the Freemans and even Kissingers opposite intelligent negotiators seems to have vanished for ever. In the words of a good friend, the leadership of western nations are now "a throng of untested, flimsy-minded halfwits who ape the mannerisms and pretensions of statesmen while shamelessly whoring themselves for tablescraps."

Posted by: Patroklos | Oct 2 2024 8:42 utc | 13

IL Libanese
🇮🇱🇨🇾⚡️⚡️ - The Israeli ambassador to Cyprus, and his companions, were kidnapped!

According to Reuters, the Israeli ambassador to Cyprus and two of his companions were kidnapped on the coast and taken to an unknown location, and that contact with them has been lost for several hours now.

Cypriot security confirmed the kidnapping, indicating that the search and investigation for them is ongoing.

I had a look at world news, US edition of Reuters but did not find it there. Possibly in the UK Reuters.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 8:47 utc | 14

I seem to recall some movement towards an Iran-Russia mutual defense pact. In which case, assuming that it has eventuated and is not just one of these vapourware treaties, then an attack on I would involve R. Barflies may be able to elucidate.

Posted by: Waymad | Oct 2 2024 8:50 utc | 15

Jordan says air force, aerial defenses intercepted projectiles during Iranian attack on Israel

Quite informative article from April this year when Jordan already intercepted drones and missiles intended for Israel.

"Jordan will not be a battlefield for any party, and the protection of Jordanians comes above all else” King Abdullah told local leaders in a visit to the northern governorate of Mafraq on Tuesday."t

Posted by: Jo-Oh | Oct 2 2024 8:51 utc | 16

This will not end well.

Posted by: Gerry Bell | Oct 2 2024 7:57 utc | 1

It didn't begin well. It hasn't been going particularly well either.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 2 2024 8:53 utc | 17

This is not yet a show-down. Just a rehearsal. It has been reported that Iran informed, not only its allies of the attack beforehand but also, the US. In my opinion that is just a theater. Did Netanyahoo inform Iran's allies before carrying out its terrorist attacks on Lebanon? The answer is, no. So, while this attack would give some satisfaction to some, I think Iran has not demonstrated its willingness to stand firmly for itself.

Posted by: Steve | Oct 2 2024 8:58 utc | 18

If the US should attack Iran on behalf of Israel we may reach a point where Russia intervenes on behalf of Iran - which has us straight on our way into WW3. As if that wasn't enough, it is also the case that we - Germany - will once again be fighting on the wrong side of history - this time, with the USUKIS block. Grim prospects.

Posted by: grunzt | Oct 2 2024 8:58 utc | 19

Steve | Oct 2 2024 8:58 utc | 19

Allies informed just prior, US informed after strike commenced.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 9:02 utc | 20

That tweet has vanished

Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Oct 2 2024 9:07 utc | 21

Posted by: Patroklos | Oct 2 2024 8:42 utc | 14

It certainly feels like it could veer into an August 1914 moment. Do others feel the same way?

Yes, of course, and for a while. I don't think it has much to do with the (abysmal) quality of Western diplomats. IMO, WW1 didn't come about by accident but by necessity: the crisis of capitalism couldn't be addressed by lesser means. And that's why I feel like you. To me, Covid (that is, the "measures") was an attempt to fix the problem with less than a war. That didn't work out.

OTOH, I don't think the course is set. It is one thing to aim for a global war for its destructive potential but the other to prevent a global, nuclear catastrophe. In this sense, capitalists had an easier time in 1913.

re: this forum: interesting to see how the concern trolls ("Iran so weak", "US puppet Pezeshkian") adapt to reality ("it was just fireworks"). That, or the inevitable nuclear doomers. I notice a lot of regulars stopped answering the intentionally inane/naive questions. Thanks everyone for that.

Posted by: Konami | Oct 2 2024 9:13 utc | 22

Japan now seems to be coming into the spotlight in the Reuters world news page. US officially deciding against long range weapons into Russia and essentially grounding the F16s has ended the Ukraine party and I think the abyss will now turn its full attention on China and Asia pacific region. The Pacific Nato.... Japan a big part of that. Japan, South Korea?, Marcos Philippines, Australia.
Iran I believe is a preparatory step to the move on China.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 9:14 utc | 23

If the US should attack Iran on behalf of Israel we may reach a point where Russia intervenes on behalf of Iran
Posted by: grunzt | Oct 2 2024 8:58 utc | 20

Never. Russia hasn't even sold weapons to Iran and you think they're going to fight for them against Bibis and Bidens? They're not even selling old Soviet stuff, nothing. Russia and China are in the butt kissing mode now. One is still occupied and was "surprised" to discover +10k soldiers and hundreds of armored vehicles inside the country and is trying really hard to get into a Minsk 3 deal, and the other doesn't want to end like the first.

Posted by: rk | Oct 2 2024 9:14 utc | 24

Never. Russia hasn't even sold weapons to Iran ...

Posted by: rk | Oct 2 2024 9:14 utc | 25

So you're saying Iran managed to reach this level of technological sophistication all by itself?

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 2 2024 9:20 utc | 25

Didn't watch it yet, but Brian Berletic seems to imply that US is actually seeking war with Iran despite any pretenses otherwise.

Posted by: unimperator | Oct 2 2024 9:22 utc | 26

thanks b.
as always a candle light in a dark.
Just to add there, as nobody is mentioning China there and they have not spoken yet.
China promised to take Iran under its protective shield some time ago. Putin mentioned that if he feels the destruction of Iran might happen, he will arm them sufficiently for a deterrent.
China sees Iran as crucial to the completion of the Belt and Road and will protect it from any attempt to degrade it. China also needs an ally except Russia that is closer to India in case India gets its geopolitical swaying too much. The Eu-Israeli trade corridor through Saudi Arabia is a pipe dream, and it will stay so.

Posted by: whirlX | Oct 2 2024 9:26 utc | 27

The West is incapable of agreement and should not be trusted, as the Russians learned with the Minsk agreements. It seems that the Iranian moderates are learning this lesson too.

Posted by: DG | Oct 2 2024 9:30 utc | 28

Brian Berletic seems to imply that US is actually seeking war with Iran despite any pretenses otherwise.
Posted by: unimperator | Oct 2 2024 9:22 utc | 27

That has been my thought. Will have a look at Berletic's take on it.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 9:31 utc | 29

Iran cannot be accused of not trying to defuse the situation.

And it cannot be accused under jus ad bellum, nor under jus in bello.

All forms were kept, after the olive branch was refused in the most uncivilized way.

Posted by: Newbie | Oct 2 2024 9:47 utc | 30

The US Israel relationship. From what I see, it is neither a proxy nor the tail wagging the dog.
It's the dogs tail working in the interests of the dog and the dog is trying to say it not attached to me.
The zionist connection between US and Israel. Israel cannot survive if the US falls yet due to Zionism, Israel is far more than an expendable proxy for the US.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 9:49 utc | 31

Posted by: Sonar | Oct 2 2024 8:40 utc | 13

"Israel will show Iran what an effective strike should look like, not this feeble attempt at saving face."

No doubt that strikes on air fields tend to look feeble. High-value assets are spread out, movable, or secured in hardened bunkers. Pure luck if a dozen ballistic missiles with CEP of probably no better then 50m manage to cause so much damage that it can't be swept under the carpet. The fact that they got through though - that's the message. The same dozen missiles hitting a refinery or a desalination plant - that's not a feeble attampt at saving face at all. Praise to the Iranians for doing everything they can to back Israel off before resorting to such measures and jumping straight to WWIII.

Posted by: OnceWere | Oct 2 2024 9:53 utc | 32

Al Mansar live feed:

13:57 Sirens sound in Western Galilee over suspected drone infiltration: Israeli media
13:56 Israeli media: The incident which took place this morning at the northern border is very difficult
13:35 Israeli media: Sirens sound in Yir’on in the Western Galilee
13:17 Hezbollah’s Islamic Resistance fighters bomb a group of settlements (Kiryat) north of Haifa with a large salvo of rockets: statement

Posted by: Exile | Oct 2 2024 9:54 utc | 33

Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Oct 2 2024 8:26 utc | 7

"Strangely I have never felt so close to justice and world peace in a long time."

I had a similar feeling today, like we'd passed a critical juncture, and justice had finally arrived on the scene.
I shall remain in hope that it lasts.

Posted by: Jon_in_AU | Oct 2 2024 9:59 utc | 34

— 🇮🇷/🇮🇱 Iran's attack in April was a message and a show of force. The attack was extensively telegraphed for over 2 weeks, and Iran gave advance warning to the US in order to avoid an all-out war.

This time, Iran did not inform anyone. US intelligence only detected the attack about 2 hours before it happened. There were also no NOTAMs issued in Iranian airspace, which usually signals an imminent attack. Iran also decided to carry out the attack with ballistic missiles only, which arrive in Israel within ~15 minutes, giving Israel virtually no time to respond. Most US aircraft carriers recently left, something Iran was waiting for. Everything shows that Iran really aimed to re-establish deterrence this time, while still not going 'all-out'.

All in all, it seems that today was for real. We'll have to wait to assess the damage, and Israel will try to cover up as much as possible, as usual. From the videos that are available, I would estimate at least 60-70 impacts in total, and that's a conservative estimate. We won't know for sure until the satellite images get released in a few days.

Until then, we wait for a potential Israeli response. Last time, there was virtually none, but this time seems different. In any case, this was only the first wave, and the IRGC has prepared for an unprecedented exchange that could last multiple months.


Posted by: JulianH | Oct 2 2024 10:03 utc | 35

The phantasms of the wanabee strategists are sometimes boring, sometimes simply shocking and unbearable.
Here's an excerpt from a report on a program on Belgium's national French-language radio station, pitting a hysterical Israeli army representative against a university professor (the man was so aggressive that the host ended up cutting him off...).

“Iran has taken the bait”.

For her part, however, Elena Aoun, a Lebanese-born researcher and professor of international relations at UCLouvain, moderates, asserting that this scenario of missiles and destruction “is what the Palestinian populations in Gaza have been enduring for a year and the Lebanese for at least two weeks, with one small nuance: the absence of sirens, shelters and an iron dome to protect these populations.”

That said, in her analysis, the researcher believes that these recent attacks take the conflict into another dimension, “because Iran has taken the bait that Netanyahu's government has been constantly dangling in front of it since at least last April”. She refers in particular to the “crescendo of strikes targeting both Iranian interests and the two big latest attacks, namely the assassination of Hamas leader Haniyeh in Teheran and the attacks in Lebanon over the past two weeks.”

What is the role of the international community?

To this must also be added, according to Elena Aoun, the lack of condemnation of these acts against Lebanese civilians on the part of the international community. “I think the Western world has been living in a parallel world on the same wavelength as the Israelis since October 7, but totally out of touch with the realities on the ground and the suffering of local populations,” she explains.

“Moreover, within the community of researchers and analysts in the region, there has been a great deal of concern since day one, given the severity of the Israeli reaction to the Hamas attack, which was no doubt justified at first, but insofar as we saw that it was a headlong rush with the only register being the destructive military mode, we saw all the risks that are crystallizing today.”

However, the researcher qualifies the question of “total war”: “I don't know what a total war would be. I'm firmly convinced that Israel is the only regional superpower. What's more, all the major powers, starting with the United States, are behind it.

According to Elena Aoun, Israel has all the capabilities it needs to “wipe out Iran the way they did Gaza. Today, they're in the process of wiping out Lebanon. But the problem is that structurally, it's very easy to destroy, but who's going to rebuild?”

In this sense, the researcher believes that the Israeli Prime Minister's project for a new Middle East “takes us back to 2003 and US President Bush's dreams of the ‘Greater Middle East’. And we can see 20 years later where this is leading.”

>> wake up, mobilize, act, without international mobilization the fascists triumph ...

Posted by: Tak-Tik | Oct 2 2024 10:05 utc | 36

The Lebanese Ambassador is said to have said: Within minutes after Nassallah agreed to a cease fire he was assassinated.

Apparently Jake Sullivan, US National Security advisor, promises consequences for the Iranian attack on Israel.

Things are heating up.. Will China support Iran? Will Russia support Iran? Will the eastern world support Iran? Will the African nations support Iran? Will South America support Iran? Or will Iran stand alone?

Posted by: snake | Oct 2 2024 10:08 utc | 37

@ Posted by: Waymad | Oct 2 2024 8:50 utc | 16

And for doubters about STRATEGIC treaties between Iran and RF (and in effect SCO members) I have pointed to it many times.

Here’s a little time line from less than two weeks ago - that dim distant past when exploding pagers were some fictional possibility not even worthy of a conspiracy theory.

‘Sept 19 2024
🇮🇷 Vladimir Putin accepts the Russian Foreign Ministry's proposal to sign the Partnership Treaty with Iran: a decree

📄 "To accept the proposal of the Russian Foreign Ministry, agreed with the interested federal government agencies and organizations, on signing the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran," the document said, adding that it was advisable to realize the signing of the treaty "at the highest level."

Putin authorized the Russian Foreign Ministry to make changes to the draft during the negotiations that do not alter general points, the document also said.

The decree came one day after Russia's Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu's visit to Iran. He met with the Islamic republic's President Masoud Pezeshkian and handed him a message from Vladimir Putin, an Iranian media reported.’

Shoigu appears to be missing in action since then… probably a medical thing… the pagers exploded shortly after.
Then a couple days ago the RF PM was in Tehran discussing something or other and shortly after he left the fireworks began.

Just before they launched NuttyYahoo went into meltdown, running like a toddler girl to his plane to leave Israel, after trying to get a phone call to VVP to get Iran not to fire!
Maybe he got through and Pootler told him it was too late.
A bit like Macron used to try to pretend he could always get a meet or call with the great man - until he couldn’t ; not even to save his French mercenary natzios being minced alongside the proxy Ukrops.

There are treaties which the Collective Waste seems to believe are as worthless as their usual such promises to non Anglo’s. Especially the article 5 ‘Santa Claus’ impossible belief. Which is the usp of MIC gangsters offer to all their marks. The ‘fire insurance’ in return for 2% of their GNI. Soon pumping up to 3%. It’s what Chicago gangsters perfected through their Monetarism gobbledygook and still ‘sell’ to gullible placemen/women around the globe.

A real insurance policy that relies on mutual assistance based on STRATEGIC alliance and military training, over thousands of miles and multiple languages is what exists now in the SCO. So it won’t be just the RF that guarantees that mutual assistance but the even bigger industrial giant … panda. Which if anyone has not noticed has been pretty SILENT for a month or so after being very clear prior to that in laying out the new Law to the gangsters of the dodgy West.

Who is going to be the dumb dumb that believes they are bluffing? Drumpff? Starmztrooper? Natzio ? That Gay Euro club the WEF and it’s stable of bum boys and fag hag ladies? Or the deluded USAsians who have always lived in cloud cuckoo libertarian entitlement mindset?

Ps: I am in no way homophobic as most of my gay friends would attest - obv not all , some are real catty and always insist on being the most offended person in the room especially when I pull them up on some dumbness they utter or believe.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Oct 2 2024 10:09 utc | 38

"In the words of a good friend, the leadership of western nations are now "a throng of untested, flimsy-minded halfwits who ape the mannerisms and pretensions of statesmen while shamelessly whoring themselves for tablescraps.""

Posted by: Patroklos | Oct 2 2024 8:42 utc | 14

Your friend sure has a way with words.

Posted by: canuck | Oct 2 2024 10:11 utc | 39

B. one interesting hint is given in the opinion of Evstafiev who suggests that this massive rocket attack was coordinated, may be, even initiated by Russia.

The dust has not yet settled, but the contours are already emerging. Another interesting thing is that nothing needs to be changed or adjusted with yesterday's post. The post was cautious, completely perpendicular to the opinion of most experts, but I was right.
So, what can be said in the open channel: the "Eastern Mediterranean package" that I wrote about is practically destroyed. In it, in its framework conditions, there is one interested party left - let's call them "Kamala Harris's puppeteers". Only they are trying to prevent the Middle East meat grinder from turning so that "complete mincemeat" finally comes out of it. And I will tell you, colleagues, they would have succeeded if they had managed to involve China in this story. But Beijing has withdrawn itself. The shock from the understanding that for the last 5-7 years Beijing, playing at trying to restore "Chimerica" on new, more favorable terms for itself, including at the expense of Russia, has been playing not even with swindlers, but with people who do not have the ability to fulfill obligations (and, even more so, promises), is probably colossal for the Chinese.

By the way, I am seriously reworking the post about the "East Asian package" now. Unlike what I wrote but have not yet published about the "Middle Eastern" one. All the framework is in place there. Only there may be either much more blood, or a little less.

Spoiler about what will be written in the closed channel:
Iran is sacrificing the "Shiite wedge", but demonstrating to it that it is not on the sidelines, that it is also ready to make sacrifices. Saving the "Shiite wedge" from demoralization and disorganization. Saving it for the future.

Moreover, the decision not to “merge” was made yesterday afternoon, not at night. It was then that rumors began to circulate quietly from Israeli sources about the growing organized resistance in the south of Lebanon. And yet, the first hours were presented as an easy walk through the positions of the scattered Hezbollah. Which the Lebanese army was about to disarm. The latter, of course, was a good, kind joke. But it reflected the mood.

And, yes, all evidence suggests that the Israeli leadership was confident that they would quietly defeat Hezbollah while pro-Western forces in Iran overthrew Rahbar and the IRGC. And Israel would simply have to finish off Iran's missile and nuclear infrastructure.

But something went wrong. Or someone. There was an interesting mise-en-scène yesterday when the decision was made to launch the missiles. Someone was missing, right? I wasn't the first to notice it. But it was really striking.

Now, of course, we need to call Moscow. Well, after such a show-off as Israel had, it will be extremely difficult to talk. Well, and our Supreme, I will try to guess, will be extremely polite, delicate, but more and more – silent. At funerals, intelligent people try to speak quietly or remain silent in the presence of the deceased.

In general, a strange observation (more details in a private channel): Iran has not played a single trump card yet. Not a single one. But it has made a move. And, my hypothesis, it is unlikely that the Iranians came up with this themselves. It is not their style. Not theirs at all. It is, rather, in the spirit of a completely different political culture and a different person.

And I think we all know his name, right?

Posted by: Boo | Oct 2 2024 10:12 utc | 40

"Never. Russia hasn't even sold weapons to Iran ..."

Posted by: rk | Oct 2 2024 9:14 utc | 25

Your idea is laughable-a month or so ago Russia delivered S-400's to Iran inter alia.

Posted by: canuck | Oct 2 2024 10:15 utc | 41

snake | Oct 2 2024 10:08 utc | 38

Iran has called this a retaliation strike for the assassination of the Hamas negotiator when in Iran. Iran have hit hard by the sounds, but at the moment, likely to be a one of warning to Israel rather than the start of something larger on Iran's part. Iran is in close contact with Russia so I assume this is in coordination with Russia and China.

Its now up to the US for the next move.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 10:16 utc | 42

I am happy to relax and wait. It is only one volley of 200+ missiles. The only one since April from Iran. Houthis have only fired one hypersonic missile. Hizballah have a lot but mainly rockets not long distant accurate missiles afaik. My instincts tell me Israel will respond against Iran and continue going hard on missiles bombing raids against Hizballah in Lebanon.

Then what? So I will wait and see.

Someone shared a great TG video of Palestinian children excited watching the missiles rain down followed by explosions in the distance. Maybe they were west bank, not sure. It's only something small but wonderful to see the light in their eyes. And some hope in a lost world of misery.

Posted by: JulianH | Oct 2 2024 10:19 utc | 43

Looks like the Russian S -400 A Ds will be on line in Iran and ready for some F-35 action. Hope we get some decent reports about the results.

Posted by: GMC | Oct 2 2024 10:29 utc | 44

I'm sure the US does want a war against Iran but at a time of its own choice - preferably after the November Presidential elections - and after various other nations and terrorist groups in the region (not to mention its own allies) have exhausted their own manpower. Question is whether Israel and Satanyahu can wait long enough for the US to commit troops as well as more weapons, ammunition and other materiel.

Posted by: Refinnejenna | Oct 2 2024 10:30 utc | 45

@unimperator Oct 2 2024 9:22 and Peter AU1 Oct 2 2024 9:31 utc

I hope there's no remaining doubt that all these endless wars, sponsored by and instigated by the "West" have a common root, a common theme: "We few control the world, all others will obey. We will remain at the top of the socio-economic order, and all challengers will be destroyed".

It's not the "West" that's doing this. That muddles the issue. It's the rulers of the West that are the motive power and the helmsman.


The Israel war went into high gear as the Ukraine adventure failed. The West picked Israel as the next battleground because that's where the Russians are weaker, in comparison to Ukraine. This "new" battleground favors the West more; Russia and China will have to deal with longer supply lines and more personalities and politics to deal with, etc.

And of course the Zionists - who are certainly a, and lately maybe "the" central figure in the West's behavior - the Zionists are delighted for the chance to prosecute their interests in Palestine, and the Middle East in general. The Zionists have been steering the U.S. toward war with Iran since the emergence of the NeoCon movement and its high-jacking of U.S. foreign policy that was finally accomplished during the Bush-Junior administration.

So we can expect a great deal more war. This latest war-theater is another chapter in a book we're only half-way through. But the next several chapters will move a lot faster than the previous ones. The pace has markedly accelerated.

The other point is that West* must disrupt and otherwise derail the upcoming BRICS meeting. The timing is significant, as BRICS is rapidly gaining momentum, and BRICS represents the long-term, fundamental threat to the West's primacy. The whole world - north and south, east and west - understands that very, very well.

It will be interesting to note how much disruption the West can muster prior to the BRICS meeting in Kazan, and how much additional momentum the West's disruption efforts confer upon the next round of BRICS applicants.

* Remember, it's not the "West": It's the current rulers of the West, and not the people of the West. Not the same thing at all.

The people of the West would actually benefit from a smooth, gradual economic and political accommodation with the rest of the world.

Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | Oct 2 2024 10:30 utc | 46

“Iran has taken the bait”.

Posted by: Tak-Tik | Oct 2 2024 10:05 utc | 37

It's Jack Palance in the movie "Shane" all over again:

"Pick up the gun ..."

Bill Hicks - Pick up the Gun

Wether Iran takes the bait or not, it's going to face the bullet eventually.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 2 2024 10:35 utc | 47

Tom Pfotzer | Oct 2 2024 10:30 utc | 47

I had not thought connected the BRICS meeting to this but it will no doubt play a part.

Also US choosing a battleground where Russia/China are weaker is certainly part of it. Iran.... a bit of an unknown as yet. No doubt a hard nut to crack, but just how hard, I guess we will soon find out. Hopefully it too is too hard for the US to crack.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 10:39 utc | 48

Conversation with Turkish friend.
Me: "Iran hit Israel with missiles last night."
He: "Good."

Posted by: Waldorf | Oct 2 2024 10:40 utc | 49

Posted by: Tak-Tik | Oct 2 2024 10:05 utc | 37

Another dumb woman yapping about things she is paid to ignore and obfuscate. Iran can not be wiped off the face of the earth, not by US, much less israhell.

Posted by: Boo | Oct 2 2024 10:42 utc | 50

I can see this going on for a while - in tit-for-tat attacks against each other- until it finally blows up into a larger conflict.

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Oct 2 2024 10:45 utc | 51

Perhaps it's just hapening to me but so far this morning YT is screwing around with any site that has broadcast anythig dealing with Iran's successful retaliation strikes into occupied Palestine. Nothing to do with signal strength. Just elongated pauses. Anyone else experiencing similar?

Posted by: Lantern Dude | Oct 2 2024 10:49 utc | 52

Fan boys seem to think Iran along with China and Russia pose as a team. Simply wrong. The Persians along with the Zionists are the same people. Can't trust a word either says.

As for Chinese and Russian military support; the only weapons Iran has access to are ones reverse engineered that were sold to them by Ukrainians or captured Israeli ones given to them by Shiite allies.

Both Russia and China would benefit from dragging of the Anglo-Saxon a resources in another Afghanistan scenario.

The Persians have sold all their neighbors out. They provided assistance to the Soviets and Americans in Afghanistan.

Posted by: Saag | Oct 2 2024 10:49 utc | 53

Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | Oct 2 2024 10:30 utc | 47

If the west tries to mess with BRICS meeting anyway, Russia should hit the next Davos WEF meeting.

Posted by: unimperator | Oct 2 2024 10:55 utc | 54

Lantern Dude | Oct 2 2024 10:49 utc | 53

I have been hit with that both on twitter an YT, also MOA at times, for some weeks now. It seems more an issue with general internet speed here, yet mainstream news sites always open quickly.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 10:56 utc | 55

The only good thing ever to come out of Israel is the warning app so we can follow and enjoy its destruction from the convenience of our phones.

Posted by: unimperator | Oct 2 2024 10:58 utc | 56

So far it seems the limited Iran strike is a severe blow to the Zionist Entity and its extreme Likudnik Regime.

From now on ZE could try to strike back at Iran oil facilities, nuclear facilities or do business as usual, i.e indiscriminate civilian massacre.

All three would be met by simultaneous much stronger strikes upon tiny ZE infrastructure.
Never forget that Zionist Entity, has been, is and will remain some mean barking dwarf.

Posted by: Greg Galloway | Oct 2 2024 10:58 utc | 57

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 10:56 utc | 56

Slow loading has been an issue, but I'd assumed it was a consequence of my refusal to let Firefox up-date my connection in much the same way I don't voluntarily let Microsoft to do the same.

Posted by: Lantern Dude | Oct 2 2024 11:01 utc | 58

Remarkably there are no reports of any civilian casualties.

The practice in Ukraine is to report all missiles intercepted and no or very small casualties, especially where large numbers of military casualties have occurred.
Pretty sure CIA/Kiev/Tel Aviv share their best practice PR guidance.

Posted by: Mickey Droy | Oct 2 2024 11:02 utc | 59

Don't usually bother with the Globalist Guardian, but this is interesting

In April, a former financial adviser to the IDF chief of staff said that an Arrow missile typically costs $3.5m (£2.8m) a time, and David’s Sling interceptors $1m (£800,000). Eliminating 100 or more missiles would easily run into hundreds of millions of dollars – though the missiles themselves will have cost Iran £80,000 each or more...warnings that an attack was going to take place on Tuesday began circulating from US sources a couple of hours or so before the missiles were launched. It is unclear how the information would have been obtained but it may have come from satellite imagery, communications intercepts or a diplomatic notification.

Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Oct 2 2024 11:03 utc | 60

Posted by: Saag | Oct 2 2024 10:49 utc | 54

What a remarkably ignorant comment. The Persians are an Indo European people, not Semitic like Jewish people.

The Persians once had the greatest empire in the world and possibly the wisest ruler.

The Persians were extremely competent engineering wise and could build superb structures especially for the preservation and management of water

Who did you think actually built the Taj Mahal - it was Persians

Very little of their stuff is reverse engineering, because they have been given so little.

Posted by: watcher | Oct 2 2024 11:04 utc | 61

Lantern Dude | Oct 2 2024 11:01 utc | 59

I too block auto updates so that could be the issue. I use both Firefox and Opera then Yandex for all things Russian. Yandex I haven't been able to block auto update.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 11:04 utc | 62

Posted by: Saag | Oct 2 2024 10:49 utc | 54

To add to the idiocy

Er exactly who are Iran's Shiite allies? I guess Assad of Syria but he did not have technology to give Iran- other way around.

While there are Shia minorities in other countries only Iran and Syria have Shia leadership.

Posted by: watcher | Oct 2 2024 11:07 utc | 63

There is a very strong Anglo-American Supremicist theme running through most of the comments posted here.

I would caution y’all that the first thing you need to do is face Reality: Both UK & US are broke, both of them have a nearly non-existent heavy industrial capacity which is required to successfully wage modern war, populations that are both mentally and physically unfit for military service, education systems that produce imbeciles, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, they focus on Nihilist Nonsense such as LGBTQIA+ and “Diversity”.

I offer for your consideration the USN’s “Airedale Obsession”, which has wasted billions of USD on a century old weapons platform, the aircraft carrier, which is now obsolete and a death trap for those unfortunate to serve aboard them. The carrier is NOT a means of power projection against a peer adversary.

My advice to you Anglophiles is to learn Russian. And learn some Humility.

Posted by: OldFart | Oct 2 2024 11:07 utc | 64

Brian Berletic seems to imply that US is actually seeking war with Iran despite any pretenses otherwise.
Posted by: unimperator | Oct 2 2024 9:22 utc | 27

Some in the US. Mainly the bunch of usual neocons sect sickos.

We might find out who is running the USA, the demented cadaver or the cackling drunkard.
Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Oct 2 2024 8:26 utc | 7

Just look who's married with the cackling drunkard. Also don't forget about the Warburg heading the State Dept.
Not so sure the Pentagon will be happy with it's assets in the region now becoming liabilities : an "Hypersonic Bikini Bottom" with a third of the USN sunk won't help.
Also I'm not sure "diversified assets managers" will be happy with Raytheon and General Dynamics being the only profitable stocks left on the US market.
It won't help US hegemony in anyway. But we've seen them doing crazy things before, so we can't await for any form of logic from them. Plus there's another sicko in US asylum : Bibi the one-way escalator (also this one's days maybe numbered).

Posted by: Savonarole | Oct 2 2024 11:15 utc | 65

The Guardian claims 180 missiles fired of which only nine got through and caused minor damage. They pronounced it a failure and Drudge put up a big red headline that way.

I am wondering about the lack of casualties. I fear that 'somebody's lying' and hope that we get solid evidence in coming days of what really happened. I will say it looks like Israel isn't quick on the draw in response. And they do have a 'street cred' to maintain. There are calls to bomb Kharg island.

Posted by: Eighthman | Oct 2 2024 11:15 utc | 66

unimperator | Oct 2 2024 10:58 utc | 57

I advise people who see interesting Twitter comments to screenprint them, or record the text and/or video. Musk has to operate within constraints so at a time like this censorship will be heavy on many platforms.

Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Oct 2 2024 11:16 utc | 67

There is a very strong Anglo-American Supremicist theme running through most of the comments posted here.

Posted by: OldFart | Oct 2 2024 11:07 utc | 65


Welcome to the internet. It is working as intended.

Posted by: too scents | Oct 2 2024 11:17 utc | 68

thanks b.. this is a solid and helpful report.

so is the usa still being run by neocons and israel firsters? i guess we’ll find out soon enough..

@ 47 tom pfotzer

solid post. thanks. and i like wat you are emphasizing too..

thanks to the many other posters too.

Posted by: james | Oct 2 2024 11:17 utc | 69

unimperator | Oct 2 2024 10:58 utc | 57

To put it another way, that tweet's gone so I have no idea what it said. That's twice today people have posted tweets which have then been deleted.

Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Oct 2 2024 11:18 utc | 70

@ 67 eighthman

it seems iran goes for hitting military installations as opposed to murdering innocent people.. that ought to be the main take away here..

Posted by: james | Oct 2 2024 11:21 utc | 71

@ 67 eighthman

it seems iran goes for hitting military installations as opposed to murdering innocent people.. that ought to be the main take away here..

Posted by: james | Oct 2 2024 11:21 utc | 72

the main take away here..

Posted by: james | Oct 2 2024 11:21 utc | 72


The main takeaways should be Iran's capability and Israel's vulnerability.

The Zionist fairytale is over.

Posted by: too scents | Oct 2 2024 11:24 utc | 73

Didn't watch it yet, but Brian Berletic seems to imply that US is actually seeking war with Iran despite any pretenses otherwise.

Posted by: unimperator | Oct 2 2024 9:22 utc | 27


In other news, water is wet. Has been since 1979.

Posted by: malenkov | Oct 2 2024 11:25 utc | 74

Will Schryver
‼️ Telling Fact

Two US destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean launched TWELVE SM-3 ballistic missile interceptors today in a futile bid to stem the tide of a huge Iranian ballistic missile salvo.

You know how many SM-3 missiles the US produces each year?


Posted by: Menz | Oct 2 2024 11:28 utc | 75

water is wet.

Posted by: malenkov | Oct 2 2024 11:25 utc | 75


So is the orange hamburger forming in the Gulf of Mexico.

Posted by: too scents | Oct 2 2024 11:29 utc | 76

Amina Mohamed
This is wonderful, @s_m_marandi
. Tell them as it is.
Lee Harris
This interview is so horrific I had to post the whole thing.

This vile 'professor' spewed the most disgusting, uninterrupted antisemitism I've ever heard on national TV, and the BBC barely challenged any of it.

Posted by: Menz | Oct 2 2024 11:29 utc | 77

Posted by: Lantern Dude | Oct 2 2024 10:49 utc | 53
Re: YT.
It probably has more to do with 5 billion people jumping online to see if there's more info available than whatever the local fish-wrapper or idiot box news has shown.

Posted by: Jon_in_AU | Oct 2 2024 11:30 utc | 78

then, an occational gem from the BBC:

Abubaker Abed
Listen to this, pinch yourself, and then listen to it again.

I can't believe that this is the BBC. That's a top, top analysis.

That's journalism. That's how media outlets should work.

Well-done, @BBCWorld

Posted by: Menz | Oct 2 2024 11:31 utc | 79

Peter Cronau
Iranian aerospace journalist counts 30 Iranian supersonic ballistic missiles hitting the Israeli Airforce base at #Nevatim -- others report unconfirmed that as many as 20 of Israel's fleet of 36 F-35 jets were destroyed in the missile attack.

The journalist also observed some of Iran's hypersonic #Fattah ballistic missiles also were used in last night's attack, that targeted military infrastructure and bases.

These new Iranian hypersonic missiles can reportedly travel at speeds up to 18,000 km/h -- and are unstoppable by present US and Israeli counter missile technology.

A 'new generation' of US spy satellites have been rapidly-developed to better detect and track the infrared heat signatures of new hypersonics -- but they are only due to be launched into geostationary orbit next year.

Australia's #PineGap satellite surveillance base has already been updated and expanded to use these new OPIR satellites -- with the intelligence gathered, almost certainly to be provided by US's NSA to Israel.
(More here -

Posted by: Menz | Oct 2 2024 11:32 utc | 80

Love that Norman Finkelstein never minces his words. Because we all know that 1sraelis love to kill Ar@bs. It's fun for them, you see.

Posted by: Menz | Oct 2 2024 11:33 utc | 81

Quds News Network
BREAKING: Israeli media reports that four Israeli soldiers have been killed and 20 others wounded in a Hezbollah ambush near the town of Adaisseh in southern Lebanon.

Posted by: Menz | Oct 2 2024 11:36 utc | 82

"We might find out who is running the USA, the demented cadaver or the cackling drunkard."

Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Oct 2 2024 8:26 utc | 7


USA is run out of the City of London; you are a clever fellow I thought you would have figured that out by now

Posted by: canuck | Oct 2 2024 11:37 utc | 83

Yes it's definitely YT censorship - nothing dealing with the Iranian bombardment of occupied Palestine allowed to play. X posts and Rokfin seem to play without any interference as a contrast.

Posted by: Lantern Dude | Oct 2 2024 11:40 utc | 84

Posted by: Menz | Oct 2 2024 11:32 utc | 81

And when you detect the launch of a missile that allegedly travel 18000 kmh what do you do?

Maybe start praying?

Posted by: Mario | Oct 2 2024 11:40 utc | 85

Echoes of some of the discussions here at MOA, worth reading the tread:

Amal Saad
THREAD: Some preliminary thoughts on this new phase in the war focusing on key developments: 1) Israel’s act of state terrorism which killed Seyyid Hasan Nasrallah and its impact on Hizbullah, 2) The impact of Israel’s elimination of Hizbullah’s military command, 3) The current transition phase and Hizbullah’s strategic recalibration 1/

Posted by: Menz | Oct 2 2024 11:42 utc | 86

And when you detect the launch of a missile that allegedly travel 18000 kmh what do you do?

Maybe start praying?

Posted by: Mario | Oct 2 2024 11:40 utc | 86

Depends on how fast you can run, if on foot or where you are. You may have up to 8 minutes to react.

Posted by: Menz | Oct 2 2024 11:44 utc | 87

OldFart | Oct 2 2024 11:07 utc | 65

There is such a thing as under estimating the enemy. WWII Germany was defeated at the battle of Kursk. From there on it was a fighting retreat all the way back to Berlin in which they managed to inflict a good deal of death and destruction.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 11:44 utc | 88

Posted by: Jon_in_AU | Oct 2 2024 11:30 utc | 79

I had considered that possibility. Although it doesn't seem to effect the music and other catagories that YT offer. It's not really an important issue because YT's reputation is tarnished already.

Posted by: Lantern Dude | Oct 2 2024 11:45 utc | 89

What a brilliantly laid trap for the rug merchants. To be fair they were damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Germany and other countries just told their citizens to get out of Iran. The end of that regime is near. They played Bibi's game to a tee.

Posted by: Frank Baylor | Oct 2 2024 11:56 utc | 90

Posted by: Menz | Oct 2 2024 11:44 utc | 88

Unfortunately those missiles are aiming to static targets.

So, you can run, but the electric pp or whatever will be hit.

Posted by: Mario | Oct 2 2024 11:56 utc | 91

Posted by: Frank Baylor | Oct 2 2024 11:56 utc | 91

It seems to remind me something, what was it? 🤔🤔🤔

Damn, I remembered, it was about Putin and RF going down south in days...

Posted by: Mario | Oct 2 2024 11:59 utc | 92

We figure that all this effort, all sufferings, all past attempts towards rationality and the message of the attack will make NO or little sense IF the Teheran top guys do not engage in further defense, in much further weapon development, including tactical nukes. Bcs carrying rockets they already have.
That effort was precisely what russia did from the 2007 Munich conference and the Dec 2021 announcement, proposal for a new defense architechture in europe

Posted by: augusto | Oct 2 2024 12:00 utc | 93

This vile 'professor' spewed the most disgusting, uninterrupted antisemitism I've ever heard on national TV, and the BBC barely challenged any of it.
Posted by: Menz | Oct 2 2024 11:29 utc | 78

I love Mirandi. He's simply the best.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 2 2024 12:06 utc | 94

Damn, I remembered, it was about Putin and RF going down south in days...
Posted by: Mario | Oct 2 2024 11:59 utc | 93

Russia's and China's collapse is always two weeks away in every natoddler's mind.

Posted by: 2TonCat | Oct 2 2024 12:07 utc | 95

Elijah J. Magnier 🇪🇺
A Middle Eastern war will profoundly affect the world economy. Brace yourself for the price of oil and Gold.
@Netanyahu has his wider war, and the Axis of the Resistance will join the war from different fronts.

-- GEROMAN -- time will tell - 👀 --
The Israel Air Force is currently preparing a response to Iran, following directives from the political leadership.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 2 2024 12:14 utc | 96

Posted by: Frank Baylor | Oct 2 2024 11:56 utc | 91

"Rug merchants"??? Dumbass, do you know that the first ever woman to win Fields medal was Iranian and not jewish. Do you really think that if israhell decides to use the nuclear bomb, they will be allowed to live it up? it will be a full war against the USUKIS on all fronts, and mainly israhell will be leveled up to the ground

Posted by: Boo | Oct 2 2024 12:19 utc | 97

Likud: "Nicht Kapitulieren" moment.

Yet another boring one liner.
Concision is best anyway.

Posted by: Greg Galloway | Oct 2 2024 12:21 utc | 98

Suggestions for keeping with proper perspective (and abandoning the illogical and counter-factual cliché that Israel drives US policy when it has always been, and is a tool of US policy):

- 'Imperialism is afraid of China and of the Arabs. Israel and Formosa [Taiwan] are bases of imperialism in Asia. You are the gate of the great continent, and we are the rear. They created Israel for you, and Formosa for us. Their goal is the same.' Mao in 1965 to a PLO delegation

- The current actions of the United States in the Middle East are part of a strategy presented for years to dominate the large space on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, which includes Syria, Iraq and whose main objective is Iran.
To achieve this goal, the United States needs a secure and absolutely dedicated base and that base is Israel. The actions that the United States is developing through the Israelis in Palestine and Lebanon — the genocide of the Palestinians and the destruction of what remains of Lebanon — are intended to create a situation in which Israel does not have to share means and forces to ensure its internal domain with disruptors such as the Palestinian resistance movements and can focus on the main objective, that of serving as a base of attack — or bridgehead — in the attack on Iran. The elimination of the Palestinians — under any pretext, be it Hamas or the quality of the water in the Jordan — as well as the absolute control of Lebanon have the purpose of preparing the attack on Iran and this attack must be carried out before it has access to nuclear capability and an effective anti-aircraft protection shield.
Carlos Matos Gomes
retired military, historian

- For those who haven’t, I highy recommend again the superb extensive analysis of Fadi Lama: Showdown at Sunset, on his substack.

Posted by: JB | Oct 2 2024 12:23 utc | 99

@ Boo | Oct 2 2024 12:19 utc | 98

Look at it this way: It’s better to be a rug merchant than a birthright swindler.

Posted by: malenkov | Oct 2 2024 12:24 utc | 100

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