Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
September 23, 2024

The War About Palestine Has Reached Its Next Stage

Last week Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahoo decided to escalate the tit for tat missile exchange with Hizbullah in Lebanon into a full fledged war.

There were several reasons for him to do so:

  • 60,000 settlers from north Israel have left their homes and will only return if the government can provide for their safety.
  • The radicals in his government want to eliminate Hizbullah and threaten to end the government should it not do so. (The realists know that this is an impossible aim.)
  • There may be some delusion that Hizbullah will falter under pressure and agree to a ceasefire that does not include Gaza.
  • There is a chance for Israel to drag the U.S. into a fight that would end up with a war on Iran. Netanyahoo has for decades tried to arrange for this.

Last week Israel launched a terror attack on Hizbullah operatives who were using pagers to receive alarms and orders. These people were part of the civil administration side of Hizbullah and not its armed fighters.

The following attack on a leading Hizbullah commander who was meeting with Hizbullah special force officers was more serious. But it will not damage Hizbullah's operation. Every higher officer does have a designated successor who will immediately step in. Continuity of command within Hizbullah is guaranteed under almost any circumstances.

Both of those Israel attacks required a response from Hizbullah. The 'strategic patience' it had previously adhered to had reached its limits.

Its response to the Israel strikes are be part of a larger war that has now started.

The response was given in the form of missile strikes within a limited range from the Lebanon-Israel border. Some of these hit the city of Haifa. A harbor and industrial center some 40 kilometer south of the border.

Since October 8 2023 the conflict between Israel and Hizbullah has been uneven. There were eight times more strikes by Israeli on Lebanon than on Israel by Hizbullah. Israel is now publicly justifying its strikes as a 'de-escalation through escalation' policy which, it claims, will lead to a separate peace with Hizbullah.

But the real aims of the Zionists are voiced by radical members of Netanyahoo's cabinet:

Yanis Varoufakis @yanisvaroufakis - 19:16 UTC · Sep 22, 2024

"Lebanon will be annihilated". How an Israeli official's slip of the tongue reveals that Israel's genocidal intentions extend beyond Palestine. A direct result of US and EU backing of any war crime Israel chooses to commit whenever, wherever...
Embedded video

It is a scorched earth policy which is supposed to eventually lead to the occupation of south Lebanon and the restart of Israel settlements therein:

Sam Heller | سام هيلر @AbuJamajem - 7:03 UTC · Sep 23, 2024

Official Israeli claim that nearly every building in southern Lebanon conceals several missiles 🤨 pre-excuses massive destruction of civilian infrastructure, attempts to sow division between Hizbullah and popular base.

Israel Defense Forces @IDF · 10h

IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari exposing Hezbollah’s way of firing missiles from civilian homes, and how the IDF plans on dismantling it:
Embedded video

Since yesterday Israel launched a myriad of air strikes targeting alleged Hizbullah firing positions in civilian areas of mostly south Lebanon. Over the day some 400 people in Lebanon have been killed and nearly 2,000 have been wounded. Hundreds of thousands people living in south-Lebanon have fled or are fleeing northwards.

Hizbullah responded by targeting military installations and industrial installations for militarily relevant production. It is expected to soon use more sophisticated weapons to hit targets in Tel Aviv, 120 km from the border, and beyond.

While there will be many pictures of damage and casualties from Lebanon there will only be few reports of Hizbullah hits in Israel.

The Israeli government has (again) issued a general directive to all media to refrain from picturing and reporting of any damage. The military censors, which sit in every news room, will make sure that these orders are followed.

The war in the north will continue like this for days, weeks and months.

It is a war of moral attrition.

Which population will be first to call for an end of the fight?

How long will the pampered population of Tel Aviv sit for days and nights in bunkers without asking for change?

Will the Shia of Lebanon, who's religion is endorsing suffering and the will to die as a martyr, be the first to cry for an end?

I for one will never bet against Shia religiosity or Hizbullah's ability to sustain a fight.

While the war in the north is filling international news programming the Zionist genocidal war in Gaza continues.

Israel has plans to liquidate northern Gaza, which includes four big cities, by ethnically cleansing and starving the 1.3 million people living there.

Netanyahoo has officially considered these plans and is expected to follow them.

Gaza is at the core of the conflict. Should Israel agree to a ceasefire in Gaza the war in the north will also immediately come to an end. It is only Netanyahoo, and the Biden administration covering for him, who are blocking the way to a peaceful solution.

Posted by b on September 23, 2024 at 16:13 UTC | Permalink

next page »

I've long feared that Hizbullah was making a strategic mistake in trying to keep the conflict at a low boil, and so letting Israel control the dial on raising the intensity. It's an understandable mistake, since I don't think anyone early on expected this war to last over a year. But this allowed Israel to control the timing, and to escalate in Lebanon only after it had substantially reduced Hamas' offensive potential in the near term. It also allowed Israel to time its strike with the supporting elements like the pager strike. Hizbullah will be on the back foot for a week or two.

Some interesting questions are: (1) Will this war expand to include ground operations by either side? Hizbullah really needs to bring in ground operations to raise the cost on Israel. (2) Will Iraqis, Yemenis (beyond the blockade) and others be able to contribute meaningfully? and (3) How long can Israel's economy sustain this?

Posted by: Bob | Sep 23 2024 16:30 utc | 1

Hizbullah flag goes from yellow to red ... Shaeds are gonna BRRRR !

Posted by: Savonarole | Sep 23 2024 16:31 utc | 2

I was recently subjected to ABC-7 Los Angeles news for a couple days each morning. Lots and lots re: election, and lots re: Isr/Pal/Leb war. Nothing did I hear about 'the war in the north.'

Posted by: Dr Wellington Yueh | Sep 23 2024 16:36 utc | 3

Sometime, this war (&404 too) looks like a slowmotion crash of western world as we knows.
It looks like "someone" is lunatic for a big war, may be covering the crash of finance ponzi fiat money. That's the only factual reason beside dumbness and religious madness.

Posted by: ableman | Sep 23 2024 16:36 utc | 4

Thanks for the update b

When does the escalation on the axis of resistance come together instead of looking like disparate efforts?

I am not saying that they are not effective in the long run but, like lots of others, I have lost patience with partial efforts that then incite stupidity like Israel is now publicly justifying its strikes as a 'de-escalation through escalation' policy which, it claims, will lead to a separate peace with Hizbullah.

Barbarism is ugly and stopping the global bully w/o kicking off nuclear war is just as ugly but a necessary step if humanity is going to evolve beyond barbarism.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 23 2024 16:40 utc | 5

it is time (maybe past time) for Hezbullah to put up or shut up.

Posted by: c | Sep 23 2024 16:40 utc | 6

meanwhile back at the slaughterhouse
Jason Hickel @jasonhickel

To sum up, Israel is conducting genocide in Gaza, ethnically cleansing the West Bank, and massacring civilians in Lebanon, all at the same time. The violence and chaos that the Zionist regime perpetrates is staggering in scale.

It must be stopped and dismantled.

Posted by: michaelj72 | Sep 23 2024 16:43 utc | 7

Now taking bets on when the US will 'call for de-escalation' on the part of the victims.

Posted by: motorslug | Sep 23 2024 16:44 utc | 8

thanks b..

when will the madness stop?? it would be nice if the usa and friends got their head out of their ass, but i am not counting on it.. more death and destruction seems to be their go to approach..

Posted by: james | Sep 23 2024 16:44 utc | 9

Genociders get the first post - please do not feed the troll

Posted by: Exile | Sep 23 2024 16:47 utc | 10

China has told its citizens to leave Lebanon.
Syria has said it will let Lebanese cross to get away from the ziofascist invasion.
Al Jazeeera has been illegally shut down by the ziofascists whilst the Saudi Sunni News agency carries on.

For whom do the Bells Toll?

It’s the:
Ilegal Apartheid Entity in The Levant. 

It’s not I****L.
That abomination never existed and never should have been constructed like some nightmare Frankeinsteins Monster from body parts of shaleshifters..

Item 1, that name must be removed from our daily consciousness, as we removed ‘Rhodesia’ and other such calamities upon native populations.

There is no need for a ‘two nation’ solution.

Item 2 is how that is achieved ? It must be by cancellation of the fake ‘contract of flesh’, we, the U.K. proples were tricked into during WW1 by the Bankers of the World. Where we ‘promised’ to Baron Rothschild, land in Palestine that we had no right to!
The Balfour Declaration must be declared as null and void.

Item 3 – is to clearly identify the Bankers Dynasties.

Name them and their age old crimes stretching back through the centuries when they first embarked upon their conquest of the World using AngloEuropean imperialism as its deluded conquistadors.

Know them and their current and future heirs and ‘corporations’.
Charge them for their crimes aginst humanity and dispossess them of ALL their wealth, power and LANDS.

Item 4 is the final stage for a future without their banality of tying humanity up with their Magik Money ‘contracts.
Perhaps a truth and reconciliation process by their willing/deluded servants.
The politicians, military, media and cultural propagandists.
There are way too many of those to punish!
But they certainly should not all be allowed to keep their illgotten gains.

The end is nigh for the shapeshifters Millenia and that is why they are all-in to start as many wars as possible while they shapeshift away into the inevitable multipolar to re-emerge in a few generations through treacherous take over of the New Free World.
If the multipolarists are that stupid.

Rivers to the Seas.

All humanity will finally be FREE.

Ps Hasbarats! Hope you ain’t still in your bunkers troll factorying - you’ll be left with nothing soon.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Sep 23 2024 16:54 utc | 11

Donald Trump spilling the beans about what a true Zionist puppet he is, but not understanding that he's not getting all the love he expects because he keeps spilling the beans! Kamala may world salad, but never spills the beans about her bought and paid for MIGA position. The Zionists paymasters like to stay behind the curtain, not have the curtain thrust aside.

Trump LITERALLY Said "Make Israel Great Again"

Trump's daughter married to a Zionist extremist, Biden's children all married Zionists, Harris married to a Zionist. The Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Attorney General, Head of Homeland Security, Chief of Staff, Director of National Intelligence, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors. And that doesn't even include the Christian Zionist appointees, and members of congress etc.

In my dreams, Americans have a moment of clarity and all vote Green and the Establishment isn't able to fake the results enough to stop a Stein presidency. That's in between the nightmares of a Harris or Trump presidency.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 23 2024 16:57 utc | 12

Hezbollah is much more than Shia! It is an idea of cross-religious national unity of all men and women who love their country and want to protect it from crook-nosed imposters.

Behind it lies the idea of justice and building resilience through local cooperation, which in essence is why The Party of God enjoys such a broad support in all ethnic and religious groupings in Lebanon.

Posted by: ThirdWorldDude | Sep 23 2024 16:59 utc | 13

In my dreams, Americans have a moment of clarity and all vote Green and the Establishment isn't able to fake the results enough to stop a Stein presidency. That's in between the nightmares of a Harris or Trump presidency.
Posted by: Roger | Sep 23 2024 16:57 utc | 12

The Putin is evil and Assad is evil option..... There is nothing on the political scene in the US. Zero, zilch. Much of the west is the same. Germany and France do appear to have something of an opposition emerging but I haven't studied them.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 23 2024 17:11 utc | 14

“A war of Reckoning is coming… Our mountains, our treasures” Hizbollah!

Posted by: AI | Sep 23 2024 17:13 utc | 15

In my dreams, Americans have a moment of clarity and all vote Green and the Establishment isn't able to fake the results enough to stop a Stein presidency. That's in between the nightmares of a Harris or Trump presidency.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 23 2024 16:57 utc | 12


It doesn't matter who votes or who they vote for.

The bureaucracy runs everything and has since JFK was shot.

Even if they won, the Greens would face the same issues that Trump faced in his first term, in that no one listened and the Senate would never approve anyone the President wants to run a significant agency. Surrounded by enemies and media-driven hysteria, that President will wish they had never won.

Things will only get better after a collapse. No one is going to reform the government and delouse it of Zionists at the ballot box. The ballot box is the mechanism that keeps people paying taxes and following laws because there is the "perception" of a system of order and rules.

In my experience, Americans are very susceptible to having their perceptions programmed for them by anyone in a position of access or authority. The old distrust of government authority, which was a hallmark of American culture disappeared after Pearl Harbor, and then the assassination of JFK. It has been replaced by people larping like Paul Revere as they cheer for a new savior King to save them once that politician has ascended to the White House's heavenly throne.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 23 2024 17:29 utc | 16

Well there you have it – Zionist terrorism – I wonder will the West now proscribe the IOF? answer no chance.

It should go without saying – that the CIA IS a terrorist organisation.

What next indeed – must have been the thoughts running through the mind of now deceased Cuban leader Fidel Castro, when he was alive – the CIA tried to assassinate him over 600 times, and in many different ways, including exploding cigars, poisoned ice-cream – and exploding lobsters – to name but a few.

“The former US defense secretary and director of the CIA spy agency has acknowledged that Israel’s deadly attack in Lebanon involving the explosion of telecommunication devices is “a form of terrorism.”

“I don’t think there’s any question that it’s a form of terrorism,” Leon Panetta said in an interview with CBS News on Sunday.

“This is going right into the supply chain… And when you have terror going into the supply chain, it makes people ask the question, what the hell is next?””

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Sep 23 2024 17:32 utc | 17

@ 12 Rodger.
Thanks for showing the Jewish Zionist connections of the main US presidential candidates.
Please explain how Jill Stein, who is a Jew, Raised by Jews, Attended the North Shore Congregation Israel. Is any different than the rest of the US Presidential Candidates?
Inquiring minds would like to know.

Posted by: golddigger | Sep 23 2024 17:32 utc | 18

@ goldigger

Cornel West, then. No zionist influence at all.

Posted by: motorslug | Sep 23 2024 17:36 utc | 19

"The Israeli government has (again) issued a general directive to all media to refrain from picturing and reporting of any damage. The military censors, which sit in every news room, will make sure that these orders are followed. "

Theres a lesson there for the resistance. Stop announcing who got killed, stop showing your "newest" weapons, stop showing videos of operational planning, stop letting the Zionists know what was destroyed etc.... Learn OpSec resistance.

Posted by: Moonie | Sep 23 2024 17:37 utc | 20

@ Posted by: golddigger | Sep 23 2024 17:32 utc | 18

The US is home to the Jewish population that opposes Israel, which is why they haven't moved there, preferring Brooklyn to Palestine, because they can trace a lineage to Brooklyn far longer back than any Israeli settler can trace a lineage to the land they stole there. They also don't have to worry about getting bombed as much. Some of the most vocal anti-Zionist voices on the left in the US have always been Jews: Noam Chomsky, for one, Jill Stein for another.

Wrt LoveDonbass's post, it's very true that the constitutional order of 1786 has to be abrogated for real change to happen here. I see balkanization of the US and the weakening of the federal government as more likely though, especially if US capital goes more global and realizes it doesn't need the US federal government as the "iron fist" behind its "invisible hand". If US capital can just decamp to Switzerland, or London, or Paris, or Singapore, and then treat the remnants of the USA as a neo-colony (as the Navajo are already treated, and how much of the US south is already treated), well, bye-bye US imperialism, hello to whatever new monstrous form global capitalist domination will take.

What we need is a multi-racial, non-sectarian, mass socialist party that can start taking over local and state governments. Federal power is out of reach as long as we don't have the states and don't control the election process. But if every US state had proportional representation at the very least, and selected congress critters on the basis of that rather than first past the post, we'd have a fighting chance at really changing things. Electoral reform is the big bugaboo that no one will really take on because all established political powers derive their status from the current shitshow of a system. No GOP or Democrat party bureaucrat wants their party to go the way that European big tent parties go. That's their meal ticket.

Posted by: fnord | Sep 23 2024 17:44 utc | 21

Posted by: Moonie | Sep 23 2024 17:37 utc | 20


Why would the resistance model anything on what dead-man-walking Israel does?

There is no future for Israel qua Israel 20 years from now.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 23 2024 17:49 utc | 22

Cornel West, then. No zionist influence at all.

Posted by: motorslug | Sep 23 2024 17:36 utc | 19


To be American is to be a Zionist at heart.

Have we already forgotten what the US did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Ukraine?

What it has turned a blind eye to in Palestine for decades? Not just a blind eye, America runs interference for the Zionists at the UN, and supplies the means to commit genocide.

I imagine Cornell West opposes much of American policy, which is why millions of US federal employees and contractors will never follow his lead. Democracy isn't powerful enough to compel people to follow a leader they do not support. Some degree of selflessness is required to make democracy work, and selflessness isn't a trait selected for in politics. If anything, selflessness has a negative correlation to achieving power.

Folks in the West like to slander Putin and Xi as being autocrats when the truth is, that their forms of government actually work for their constituents, in a way that no Western nation ever will.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 23 2024 18:00 utc | 23

Now that Bibi has made truthiness illegal in Jewrael, the good jews can cry themselves to sleep to the strains of Rachmaninov's Prelude in C# minor.

(That's the musical short story about a bloke who wakes up in a coffin and experiences a terminal panic attack)

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Sep 23 2024 18:01 utc | 24

Don't worry. Hezbollah will blink just as Iran did in the name of not Wish fulfilling Israel's Death Wish for End of Days.
The Axis is made of straw men happily looking for any excuse to blink.

You can all plan your weekend's BBQ.

Posted by: Surferket | Sep 23 2024 18:04 utc | 25

especially if US capital goes more global and realizes it doesn't need the US federal government as the "iron fist" behind its "invisible hand". If US capital can just decamp to Switzerland, or London, or Paris, or Singapore, and then treat the remnants of the USA as a neo-colony (as the Navajo are already treated, and how much of the US south is already treated), well, bye-bye US imperialism, hello to whatever new monstrous form global capitalist domination will take.
Posted by: fnord | Sep 23 2024 17:44 utc | 21

Apologies for topic drift, but the “invisible hand” of US capital needs the “iron fist” of the US military to enforce the global hegemony of the US dollar. Without this iron fist, US$-denominated capital runs foul of other, competing centres of wealth.

US capital is largely valueless in a global context without 800 military bases around the world and a Carrier Battle Group in every ocean.

Posted by: Jeremy Rhymings-Lang | Sep 23 2024 18:07 utc | 26

Bob | Sep 23 2024 16:30 utc | 1--

Al-Aqsa Flood was designed to be the war of attrition we've seen unfold. The Zionists are at a huge deficit in such a war because they lack operational depth, which Hezbollah will now expose even more now. I've been calling it a siege almost since its inception. The non-state/state-within-a-state actors continue to dominate, and indeed are becoming more potent as Ansarallh has demonstrated. Two days ago, Hezbollah released ten-minutes of video footage from one of its drones of the Haifa region that highlighted potential target areas. Haifa is crucial to the functioning of the Zionist economy. Zionist censorship is mainly aimed at its own populace so they don't learn how badly Iron Dome performs and how much damage is actually being done. But Occupied Palestine is a very small place, and the people still have their cell phones. IMO it's safe to describe the Zionist armed forces as tired and demoralized by Gaza with many reservists wanting to return to normal--but normal no longer exists in Zionist land, a situation brought about by the Zionists onto themselves and a truth that's taboo to admit.

Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 23 2024 18:10 utc | 27

@Posted by: golddigger | Sep 23 2024 17:32 utc | 18

First you could spell my name right, and second you can understand the difference between Zionism and Judaism (and Christianity). I always use the term Zionist to define the difference, as anyone who does not is simply being a religious bigot and supports all of the Zionist propaganda that tries to conflate a religion with a nationalist political project based on a genocide to create a new lebensraum.

Jill Stein is an anti-Zionist Jew, as are the majority of under-40 Jews in the US. There are Zionists cosplaying Jews and Zionists cosplaying Christians (the Evangelicals), both groups are heretics as they reject/intentionally misinterpret the basic teachings of their God. Many of the Zionist leaders were actually atheists who did not practise any religion, such as Hertzl.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 23 2024 18:17 utc | 28

@Posted by: Roger | Sep 23 2024 18:17 utc | 29

From Wikipedia, a basic statement of Jill Stein's position on Israel.

Jill Stein's platform, as represented by the Green Party of the United States, rejects "the Zionist concept of an exclusive Jewish homeland at the expense of the indigenous Palestinian population." Stein's platform advocates for a policy shift in the U.S. government to recognize the equal civil and human rights of all people in the region, irrespective of their religious affiliations. The platform calls for the U.S. to suspend all military and foreign aid to Israel until it complies with international law including withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territories and dismantling of all Israeli settlements in the West Bank and of the West Bank separation barrier.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 23 2024 18:21 utc | 29

IMHO, it is clear as all can be that the US has no interest in direct war involvement in Ukraine or the ME. Likewise, Iran has shown no interest in direct war involvement.

The carnage will continue, since the USUK will put more gasoline on the fire. Iran, likewise.

Simplicius has recently posted that there are efforts afoot to establish a single international authority for Western efforts that will remove dissent of any kind. Herding geese might work this time.

Posted by: Acco Hengst | Sep 23 2024 18:22 utc | 30

" when will the madness stop?? it would be nice if the usa and friends got their head out of their ass, but i am not counting on it.. more death and destruction seems to be their go to approach..

Posted by: james | Sep 23 2024 16:44 utc | 9 "

It would be nice if China and Russia would call Israel out by name instead using weasel terms like " the perpetrators ".

Posted by: Moonie | Sep 23 2024 18:31 utc | 31

…. When Wei attacked the state of Han in 342 BC, Sun Bin advised the king of Qi to provide military aid for Han, but only dispatch troops when the army of Wei had been depleted after prolonged fighting to preserve their own strength.

Han falsely believed that it could rely on the army of its ally Qi, and thus fought without reserve…..

Most illuminating - thank you to out Vietnamese Barfly link above

Posted by: Exile | Sep 23 2024 18:32 utc | 32

Fascist regimes have had to suffer unconditional defeat to stop them. Stop them from annihilating their targets in order to colonize coveted territorial expansion. Neither the Palestinians or Hezbollah have the capacity to secure that type of victory against Israel. Even with the involvement of Iran, as long as Israel is subsidized by the US it is most likely to prevail with the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and even the colonizing of Southern Lebanon. Imagining Israel's defeat is difficult to do, especially as it uses air superiority to kill hundreds of civilians at any time. Lebanon needs an air defense system that can knock out the US warplanes that can attack at will.

Posted by: Keme | Sep 23 2024 18:34 utc | 34

It's completely impossible to rise higher than dogcatcher in US politics without
Zionist approval. In anything that mattered Jill would be exposed as the Jewish controlled opposition she is. Good luck with that vote.

Posted by: qparker | Sep 23 2024 18:37 utc | 35

Re: Hez is all in for sure

For the first time since 2006, rockets targeted wide swaths of the center of Haifa and its surroundings. Over 300,000 settlers have entered shelters.( short video of missiles hitting Haifa center )

Posted by: Exile | Sep 23 2024 18:37 utc | 36

Keme | Sep 23 2024 18:34 utc | 35

That is where zionist/western problems start. They think that by killing civilians they can defeat the fighters. Best read b's piece again in that regard.
Israel as a state is now in the process of destroying itself.

They seem to be betting on fait acompli before the downfall of the Anglo American empire.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 23 2024 18:39 utc | 37

On Sunday Israel launched massive air raids against what it believed were Hezbollah missile fortifications, to apparent little effect. Thus the wide scale attacks on the civilian areas today. Not to discount the destructive power involved, but the IDF and the political leadership have evidenced some notable degree of "flailing" over this past year. It is well known that bully personalities "can dish it out but can't take it", so it is a distinct possibility that Israel's social cohesion may seriously fray if Hezbollah's capabilities create fear and uncertainty for any length of time. At the moment, it appears a ground invasion into Lebanon is effectively deterred.

Posted by: jayc | Sep 23 2024 18:40 utc | 38

Posted by: Surferket | Sep 23 2024 18:04 utc | 26


Or, the Axis countries have patient and emotionally mature leadership that will allow a mortally wounded opponent to bleed out.

Israel AND Ukraine both want America to get involved. That the West wants it, is a good enough reason to deny it.

As with Russia/Ukraine, the Axis countries (Russia and Iran) could annihilate their enemy at any time if they chose to do so.

That they don't take the bait doesn't make them weak. They will become weak if they allow Bibi or Zelensky to goad them into action.

This may be difficult for Western thinkers to understand. The West only knows destruction and death, never peace.

By this time next year, it is unlikely that Ukraine or Israel will exist in a form that anyone could have recognized 3 years ago.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 23 2024 18:45 utc | 39

"Syria is preparing to receive the displaced from Lebanon .."

"Traffic congestion on the Syrian border near Jdeidet Yabous for cars coming from Lebanon .."


Journalist Youssef Fares :

"In an important message, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards and one of the veterans of the Sacred Defense War, Hajj Ali Fazli, in a message to the world:
What happened and is happening in Gaza we did not see in the eight-year war.

The Sunni people of Gaza are our people and they are the mujahideen who carry the banner of the religion of truth and we follow their example."

Posted by: Ornot | Sep 23 2024 18:45 utc | 40

RE clean nukes used left and right.

No not yet. We will know by all the dead people. Rumors wil leak

Hizbollah is holding back. I think because all of Lebanon will be gazaED if they truly practice war.

They have 150,000 missiles. Why would you not launch continuously if this is war? 200 3000 missiles a day?

IMO that s what this will look like. Teams launching missiles continuously trying to get underground when neutron weapons are deployed. That is obviously what Israel wants.

Conventional weapons can not compare to nuclear weapons. Israel will be rebuilt. Israel can not use thermonuclear weapons even tactical on their border without destroying the environment they plan on inhabiting. That leaves neutron weapons.

Neutron weapons will be significant but they are not all that. Even say 250 autonomous AI drones would do the job of a neutron weapon and do it better. Much better. They could enter the tunnels. Israel doesnt have that. Only China has that. If Israel had that they would own the Gaza tunnels. The reality is Israels war technology is old. Technology develops very very quickly. Last years model not relevant. Israel will still have to close with the enemy and occupy south Lebanon. The neutron weapons will be useful to clear no more.

Which nation can both quickly develop technology and produce it in large quantity?

In a modern technological world mans obsession with force will probably end what we regard as civilization. Who wants to play the best technological death wins game? Now what is winning? Outcomes may well be surprising but in the long run humanity loses. Nuclear weapons may well be shown to be old ancient technology no longer relevant.

Why would you want to play the best death technology dominates game? If you wanted radical depopulation you would. If your god was technology this would also fit that paradigm.

IMO this is the era we head into. Place your bets.

Technology is neither good or bad. It can be used to stop suffering or create suffering. The era we approach is one where humanity's focus in regard to technology is for weapons. IMO humans are pretty amazing. They have evident ability to create and innovate. If that focus is to create and innovate technologies that create death and destruction they will succeed. That is what winning with technology will look like. If Israel uses its neutron weapons to dominate in south Lebanon the precedent will be set. Every nation in the world will use its creative efforts to develop destructive technologies. IMO Israels technology will prove to be poor even archaic as this proceeds.

I will place a bet online for China in this regard. But you never know. The dice do funny things.

What will the world look like if Israel completes its goals? What will the world look like if Israel nukes its way to the Litani? What will the world look like if Israel completes its genocide in Gaza with technological force? What precedents will that set in the modern technological age?

The suffering in Gaza is literally unimaginable to me. I know it is wrong. Philosophically I believe genocide to be wrong also. Genocide is the greatest rejection of god. Humans are a reflection of god each a universe in itself. Genocide denies god. Genocide denies beauty.

Israels actions are suicide. Suicide is a sin. If Israels goals are accomplished the world they will shape will deny god. Deny beauty. Deny the principles of the magna carta which are divine in nature. The principles of the magna carta were hard won. People have forgotten.

The suffering in Gaza is a abomination. It however is just the start of what is being formed. We witness a birthing.

Diplomacy in some ways is like science. It is a process for discovering truth. The process must be valued for truth to be discovered. We see science abandoned. We see diplomacy abandoned. We see the idea of justice twisted. Humanity will perish without justice. Humanity needs justice like a human needs food and water.

Genocide is the antithesis to justice. Its existence is a threat to humanity. Once this was understood but not now. People live in the mundane.

You can not dispute the validity of force by using force. Only spirit can win this. It may take a millennia or two. In the meantime the world may not be such a nice place.

Posted by: pravdaplus | Sep 23 2024 18:46 utc | 41

karlof1 | Sep 23 2024 18:10 utc | 28

Absolutely true, the battle for Haifa will be key to the ability to impose a siege. The successful, the Israeli state quickly becomes unsustainable just on economic grounds.

Hezbollah's strikes yesterday were all close to Haifa, but not actually in Haifa. That has changed today, but Hezbollah is still attempting to modulate the conflict and keep it at the slow burn that exhausts Israel's national capacity over years. I understand it, but as long as Israel has the ability to keep escalating Hezbollah can (as at time moment) be thrust into more intense conflict at the time of Israel's choosing, with Hezbollah being reactive only after the initial Israeli escalation. That is rarely a good framework, but may be a necessary evil in a long war.

Posted by: Bob | Sep 23 2024 18:48 utc | 42

Happy talk keep talkin' happy talk.
Talk about things you'd like to kill.
You've gotta have a dream.
If you don't have a dream,
How you gonna give the flock a thrill?

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Sep 23 2024 18:52 utc | 43

" By this time next year, it is unlikely that Ukraine or Israel will exist in a form that anyone could have recognized 3 years ago.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 23 2024 18:45 utc | 40 "

Cool. We have you on record now.

Posted by: Moonie | Sep 23 2024 18:52 utc | 44

I honestly do not see anything stopping the Israelis from imposing their twisted supremicist will over anyone anymore. There is literally no one from the west willing to stop them. The weapons supplies will continue, being justified as on the false notion of 'existential threat'. After the wreckage is cleared all the rest of the world will shrug its shoulders and say 'it was tragic' and continue to blame the victims.

The Israelis are capable of conjuring a false flag that at any moment would draw the US directly into this shitshow. I honestly do not see this not blowing up anymore.

Stop the killing. Stop the war.

Posted by: CrazyTrain | Sep 23 2024 18:57 utc | 45

Killed by "Israel"

Posted by: Ornot | Sep 23 2024 19:01 utc | 46

And honestly, all I see is Iran just talking and talking but unable to do anything serious. Everyone there is compromised, intelligence failures and full-on enemy infiltration. This all looks so incompetent from any serious angle.

And what's worse, the Israelis will invade up to and past the Litani, and will be willing to eat-poo because their enemy to hometeam ratios will always be a factor of ten or higher. War of attrition, with the help of USA.

Seriously, how does this change? Turkey is ball-less. Egypt/Jordan are owned. Russia ain't getting involved, they've got enough problems (despite all the Russians living in Israel). China will stay silent only because it is in their interest to see all of us self-destruct over this.

Posted by: CrazyTrain | Sep 23 2024 19:03 utc | 47

Posted by: Moonie | Sep 23 2024 18:52 utc | 45

LMAO, by who's account? Will you reach for such "bastions of truth" as The NYT, The WSJ or The Independent to disprove his claims?

Posted by: ThirdWorldDude | Sep 23 2024 19:03 utc | 48

Posted by: Keme | Sep 23 2024 18:34 utc | 35

...Lebanon needs an air defense system that can knock out the US warplanes that can attack at will.

Did you mean Israeli warplanes?

It has always been a mystery to me how Israel can fly over Lebanon at will, any time, any day, every day.

- Is it common for states to lack an effective air-defence, but somewhat rare to have a neighbour as bellicose as Israel?
- Have AD producing countries all decided to boycott Lebanon?
- Is the Lebanese military in fact equipped with AD systems yet inept or unwilling to use it against Israel?

Posted by: robin | Sep 23 2024 19:05 utc | 49

Neutron weapons will

Posted by: pravdaplus | Sep 23 2024 18:46 utc | 42


Fairy dust will not save Israel.

Posted by: too scents | Sep 23 2024 19:06 utc | 50

Unfortunately I don't see it the way our host sees it. I think most here are clear that Israel is basically the last (certainly as in most recent) Western settler colony in the world, one that was strategically designed to be near one of the most important oil producing regions of the world, yet not of the Arab world itself. Indeed, quite incontrovertibly of the Western world, by self-identification and ethnicity of its elite. This is how the Western world maintains a legitimate, ostensibly non-colonial, say in the very center of the Arab world, which is cursed with the global significance of its energy resources.

Pan-Arab nationalism is the ultimate threat: the creation of a countervailing union of Arab states that are equally nuclear armed vis a vis their rivals/masters in the West or potentially in the East. This potential was neutralized by previous iterations of Western colonialism to the point that they appear almost prophetic in their aims: prevent the creation of a return of a Muslim super-state in the region capable of defending itself against Western colonialism through recourse to the most advanced technologies of war. No state in the region has achieved this, not even Iran or Turkey. While Israel, not accidentally, is a Western fortress dedicated to the amassing, manufacture, or even invention of the most advanced war making technologies, both in terms of information fields/dimensions of war, but needless to say also in those relevant to nuclear powered defense/offense.

This is ultimately what it's all about, because why would the West want another Russia, let alone China on its hands? While at the same time Islam makes the region unassimilable in the same way Latin America or even parts of East Asia are to Western hegemony. Therefore the war must continue in perpetuity until the region ceases to be of geopolitic-economic importance at which point the West can finally relent, however this doesn't preclude vast swathes of region having been made uninhabitable through the use of chemical or radioactive weaponry in the preceding interval.

Posted by: Ludovic | Sep 23 2024 19:06 utc | 51

Posted by: Ludovic | Sep 23 2024 19:06 utc | 52

I am on board with your sentiments.

And culturally, let's not forget that the Arabs were the first "blackies" of modern European history. Nothing irks European racists more than a united Arab entity. Let's not forget that the Arabs are a broad spectrum cultural entity, with lots of tribal divisions underneath the hood....which is how the Western manipulators have always been adept at sewing dissension and suspicion whenever anything resembling a Pan-Arabic movement begins to congeal. I don't see that changing ever, especially in our lifetime, which is why the western swine continue to win this battle, at least for now.

Posted by: CrazyTrain | Sep 23 2024 19:15 utc | 52

Posted by: fnord | Sep 23 2024 17:44 utc | 21

Ruling classes need population bases to maintain power. Switzerland ain't gonna cut it. It'd be great if the one we have now just left, but I'm afraid it's up to us to terminate it.

Posted by: JJJ | Sep 23 2024 19:15 utc | 53

Well OK, 2 millions settlers will be this night in shelters, they will not sleep at all, so congrats Bibi!

May be tomorrow there will be 4 millions settlers at shelters and counting, and they are saying they have destroyed in 12h 50% of Hezb capabilities!, what a joke!, bigger rockets and probably some missiles and hundreds of drones will be raining down on Occupied Palestine and not only from Lebanon I expect.

Posted by: Dave | Sep 23 2024 19:20 utc | 54

It depends on both Kamala Genocide Harris and Joe Genocide Biden how long this war will continue. If the US wants it then the war can be over in a few days or even tomorrow.

Posted by: WMG | Sep 23 2024 19:20 utc | 55

Posted by: Moonie | Sep 23 2024 18:52 utc | 45

"Cool. We have you on record now."

So, there is a "we"?
Are you implying that you are part of a collective concerted effort, possibly paid, to push counter-natrative and dob in dissenters?
But who is this "we"?.
You could at least be honest.

Posted by: Jon_in_AU | Sep 23 2024 19:22 utc | 56

Posted by: WMG | Sep 23 2024 19:20 utc | 56

And that's my point, the USA does not want to stop this war, hence my despair.

Posted by: CrazyTrain | Sep 23 2024 19:24 utc | 57

Opening a northern front has a lot of potential to explode the whole region. Assuming most neighboring countries will remain pliant and obedient (Jordan, Egypt, UAE and KSA) I expect increasingly more and significant attacks coming from Iraq and Yemen. And with an over extended air force occupied with bombing Gaza and Lebanon maybe attacks coming from Syria as well which so far has only incurred sporadic zionazi attacks. The US might be forced to commit its support more in the open thereby attracting more revenge attacks in the region. Bombing and attacking a huge cordoned ghetto like Gaza similar to what the nazis did with the Warshau ghetto is something completely different than a vast area like Lebanon that has a friendly neighbor. A front in the south, a tiny one in the east and a major one in the north. I don't believe this is sustainable without open military support from the West... which already has its hand full but failing miserably with bringing Russia to its knees.

Posted by: xor | Sep 23 2024 19:25 utc | 58

"These people were part of the civil administration side of Hizbullah and not its armed fighters."

Obviously incorrect.

"Both of those Israel attacks required a response from Hizbullah."

"Should Israel agree to a ceasefire in Gaza the war in the north will also immediately come to an end."

Why not call for the release of the hostages b?

Have you?

"it will not damage Hizbullah's operation."

Obviously incorrect.

"Continuity of command within Hizbullah is guaranteed under almost any circumstances."

Obviously incorrect.

"It is expected to soon use more sophisticated weapons to hit targets in Tel Aviv, 120 km from the border, and beyond."

So the escalation is warranted.

"Which population will be first to call for an end of the fight?"

Will the Shia of Lebanon, who's religion is endorsing suffering and the will to die as a martyr, be the first to cry for an end?

Are the Lebanese allowed to protest?

Won't they get shot for doing so?

Like the populations of those in Gaza and the West Bank?

"I for one will never bet against Shia religiosity or Hizbullah's ability to sustain a fight."

Don't you mean Iran?

"It is only Netanyahoo, and the Biden administration covering for him, who are blocking the way to a peaceful solution."

Have you called for the release of the hostages b?

If not, why?

Do you support nuking Tel Aviv?

Posted by: Thought Thinker | Sep 23 2024 19:25 utc | 59


Suspect the price of a charter boat trip from Haifa to Cyprus has increased 10x in the last 24hrs.

Airports are closed, so a boat is the only way out.

Posted by: Exile | Sep 23 2024 19:26 utc | 60

Posted by: Moonie The Kernel Comedian | Sep 23 2024 18:52 utc | 45

Depends where exactly you want to set your “Year Zero”. Lets take December 2021 as a timeline basis; are you supportive of a viewpoint that both Israel and Ukraine will return to the conditions that existed then? If not, then what is your problem with @LoveDonbass’s post?

@LoveDonbass is entirely correct. By inference, 4 years on from Dec 2021 (Dec 2025, just to help you out), both Ukraine and Israel will be unrecognisable. Their economies, their populations, their armed forces, quite likely their borders, will not match what they had in Dec 2021.

Posted by: Jeremy Rhymings-Lang | Sep 23 2024 19:26 utc | 61

Typo sorry. (narrative)

Posted by: Jon_in_AU | Sep 23 2024 19:28 utc | 62

Suddenly it was revealed that the Taiwanese company Gold Apollo, whose pagers exploded in the hands of Hezbollah members, had been working with the US intelligence services for over 15 years and had performed "specific tasks" to design and manufacture communications equipment for some interesting entities, the name of one of which begins with F and ends with BI.

Slavyangrad's citation with more info on the link:

BREAKING NEWS: THE FBI and western intelligence agencies had a long history of ordering pagers and/ or walkie-talkies from Gold Apollo of Taiwan, it was revealed yesterday.

The New Taipei City company made customized communications devices for western intelligence groups for years, according to an unearthed 13-year-old business report.

Before this revelation, the search for the makers of the pager and walkie-talkie bombs used in a devastating Israeli attack on people in Lebanon had moved to a pair of intelligence-linked companies in Europe – but both turned out to be shell companies.

Now, a re-discovered 2011 article in the Chinese language CommonWealth Magazine switches the focus back to Taiwan.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Sep 23 2024 19:29 utc | 63

This makes sense, there is no way Hizbullah trusted random Taiwanese company for internal communications:

From Strategic Culture Foundation:

“Unsurprisingly, the chatter in Israel is that the pager operation has resulted in a major blow to Hizbullah’s communication system that will cripple the movement’s military capability, offering Israel the ‘window’ to press home an invasion to establish a ‘buffer zone’ in southern Lebanon – one that might facilitate the return of Israeli residents to the north. Nasrallah promises the opposite: More Israelis will be displaced from their homes in northern Israel.

The notion that Hizbullah’s communications are crippled is wishful thinking that fails to distinguish between what may be called civil-society Hizbullah, and its military arm.

Hizbullah is a civil movement, as well as a military power. It is the Authority over a significant slice of Beirut and a country – a responsibility that requires the Movement to provide civil order and security. The pagers and radios were used primarily by its civil security forces (effectively a civil police managing security and order in Hizbullah-controlled parts of Lebanon), as well as used by its logistics and support branches. Since these personnel are not combat forces, they were not seen to require truly secure communications.“

Posted by: Turk 152 | Sep 23 2024 19:30 utc | 64

"'de-escalation through escalation' policy"

From Zelinsky to Yahoo, this ridiculous formulation is repeated. Is this something they teach young Zionists? Do they think anyone would believe that driving hard to WW3 will lead to de-escalation?

It is remarkable how the headless horseman of US Imperialism just blithely follows two Zionuts straight into WW3. These two freaks just yank imperialism all over the place with no push back at all. Who is the RC in the US? Are they all 5th columnist Zionuts and Ukronazis? If not, are any of them even a little concerned about how all these crazy geopolitical moves might harm their own country and interests?

Who's driving this hayride to help anyway?

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 23 2024 19:32 utc | 65

I would love to interview our PM and FM here in Australia (Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong) in a sound-proofed Faraday cage and ask just one question: what have they got on you in exchange for your abject complicity in this terrible scandal? A two-state solution was for decades Labor Party boiler-plate policy. It vanished overnight. What are the Israelis holding over you?

Posted by: Patroklos | Sep 23 2024 19:34 utc | 66

Posted by: Thought Thinker | Sep 23 2024 19:25 utc | 60

"Should Israel agree to a ceasefire in Gaza the war in the north will also immediately come to an end."

Why not call for the release of the hostages b?

Dude, you're such a zionist troll. Nothing justifies the continued killing of innocents in Gaza. What you are implying is that the killing of innocents will continue until 'our people' are released.
You are one twisted piece of excrement. You and your brainwashed supremacist types see the people of Gaza as trash. Go away.

And you're other points are total poo too, offerred without proof. Laughable.

Posted by: CrazyTrain | Sep 23 2024 19:35 utc | 67

"If Israels goals are accomplished the world they will shape will deny god. Deny beauty. Deny the principles of the magna carta which are divine in nature. The principles of the magna carta were hard won. People have forgotten."

Posted by: pravdaplus | Sep 23 2024 18:46 utc | 42

A quite interesting post.

However, you got the Magna Carta wrong-it was a reactionary document. King John was stripped of many powers which through sophistry we are told those rights came to the Serfs; nothing could be more wrong.

Those lost powers of the King John went to the Nobles/Oligarchs-not to the Peasant whom were summarily suppressed the Nobles.

For example before the Magna Carta the King's land was the Peasant's land where they could hunt and find fruit etc.. After MC it was the Noble's rights exclusively and if a Hoi Polloi was caught killing a rabbit to feed his family the Noble could get the Peasant you hung.

And, after that came the enclosures..

You are way off on this issue.

Posted by: canuck | Sep 23 2024 19:39 utc | 68

@ Thought Thinker | Sep 23 2024 19:25 utc | 60

You are utterly transparent and I pity your soul.

Posted by: Rae | Sep 23 2024 19:44 utc | 69

Posted by: canuck | Sep 23 2024 19:39 utc | 69

I think you're right here: after 1066 the English peasantry were able to draw on royal justice as an alternative to the manorial monopolies. The MC curbed a royal judiciary which might rule in favour of petty land-holders over the lords. In that sense it firmly established boundaries to the crown's ability to intervene on behalf of indentured subjects.

Posted by: Patroklos | Sep 23 2024 19:46 utc | 70

"Nothing justifies the continued killing of innocents in Gaza."


How many Hamas fighters have been killed in Gaza?

Why didn't Egypt let the innocents flee the fighting in Gaza?

Who uses innocents in Gaza as human shields?

Who supports using innocents in Gaza as human shields?

Most likely those who can't admit how many or if any Hamas fighters have been killed in Gaza.

Please call for letting the hostages go so this can end.

Posted by: Thought Thinker | Sep 23 2024 19:46 utc | 71

Patroklos | Sep 23 2024 19:34 utc | 67

A couple of terms come to mind for our AUKUS government. Vichy and Quisling.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 23 2024 19:53 utc | 72

looks like Israel has good intel on Hezbollah positions in the Bekaa valley, a lot of launchers and caches are being annihilated

Posted by: abel | Sep 23 2024 19:54 utc | 73

Posted by: Thought Thinker | Sep 23 2024 19:46 utc | 72

This has nothing to do with 'hostages'. No one expends twice the amount of bombs as the allies on Germany to free hostages. No one murders tens of thousands of women and children to free hostages. One negotiates to free hostages as is done the world over.

No, my cerebrally challenged friend, this is a land-grab. Israel wants the Gaza Strip and the West Bank for its resources, agricultural land and fossil fuel reserves. It wants southern Lebanon for the water. Israel has a Little Golden Book that contains a fairy-tale justification for killing and expelling the population, but let we adults in the room call it for what it is: taking other people's stuff by force.

Posted by: Patroklos | Sep 23 2024 19:54 utc | 74


b has recently explicitly asked for people not to feed the trolls.

Posted by: Ornot | Sep 23 2024 19:57 utc | 75

Keep on thinking until you reach enlightenment. This can end when all the Israeli settlers have been killed, and good riddance since they are the primary force having kept it going for decades.

Posted by: StirThePot | Sep 23 2024 19:58 utc | 76

LightYearsFromHome | Sep 23 2024 19:29 utc | 64

That is interesting. Due to the many different devices that exploded the next day, the explosions were in all probability a self contained bomb battery package so no need to modify devices.
But these battery bombs still had to be manufactured somewhere. Far to may of them for a small workshop making a few custom devices. A battery manufacturing plant that also sold regular stuff. Be worth following up to see if Gold Apollo or a subsidiary manufactures batteries.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 23 2024 20:03 utc | 77

"Posted by: canuck | Sep 23 2024 19:39 utc | 69

I think you're right here: after 1066 the English peasantry were able to draw on royal justice as an alternative to the manorial monopolies. The MC curbed a royal judiciary which might rule in favour of petty land-holders over the lords. In that sense it firmly established boundaries to the crown's ability to intervene on behalf of indentured subjects."

Posted by: Patroklos | Sep 23 2024 19:46 utc | 71

It's one of those rare 'unicorns and rainbows moment' when we can both agree on something, my friend.

And, it seems, you know more about this subject than I, which doesn't surprise me in the least ...

Posted by: canuck | Sep 23 2024 20:04 utc | 78

"This can end when all the Israeli settlers have been killed."


A well stated summation of the motives of many of the personalities present.

"b has recently explicitly asked for people not to feed the trolls."

I assume I'm the troll.

So no actual debate allowed, just an echo chamber of irrational hate based on a preapproved set of questionable 'facts' and views.

Socrates would be...

Posted by: Thought Thinker | Sep 23 2024 20:09 utc | 80

What we need is a multi-racial, non-sectarian, mass socialist party that can start taking over local and state governments. Federal power is out of reach as long as we don't have the states and don't control the election process. But if every US state had proportional representation at the very least, and selected congress critters on the basis of that rather than first past the post, we'd have a fighting chance at really changing things. Electoral reform is the big bugaboo that no one will really take on because all established political powers derive their status from the current shitshow of a system. No GOP or Democrat party bureaucrat wants their party to go the way that European big tent parties go. That's their meal ticket.

Posted by: fnord | Sep 23 2024 17:44 utc | 21

Most def we need to build from the ground up.

As for Israel: major immigration into Israel has been motivated by
-- desire to leave former communist countries, though now that's over and even back then for many, it was just a way station to other countries: US, Canada, Europe.
-- desire for free land and a subsidized life (settlers)
-- desire to get away from Ukraine

But nobody wants to go to Israel to live in a war zone and fight and die or be maimed. That's just not attractive, and the ultra orthodox can just stay wherever home is and carry on.

On the other hand, many people will want to leave Israel and already have. Schools are closed; hospitals are moving underground. Would you want to live there if you had a chance to get away?

Posted by: JAB | Sep 23 2024 20:15 utc | 81

On the moves or possible moves by the axis of resistance.

Something I don't see much mention of - Some time back Putin said something along the lines of the enemy is the same. There have since been quite a few meetings between Iran and Russia, the last two with Shoigu going to Iran as a presidential envoy.

It is obvious the Russia, China, Axis of resistance group are all working around a single strategy, perhaps something along the lines of simple deconfliction of strategies so all are working towards the same goal.

Details are impossible to guess at but certainly some common theme, perhaps something along the lines of not letting this historical change of era go nuclear. Perhaps something else....

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 23 2024 20:16 utc | 82

Please call for letting the hostages go so this can end.

Posted by: Thought Thinker | Sep 23 2024 19:46 utc | 72

You don't understand: this will never end. Israel is a fascist country, and can only survive through continued expansion. This will end when Israel is dismantled.

They have already stated that Lebanon is not a sovereign country and that whatever land they gain through war is theirs to keep.

Posted by: JAB | Sep 23 2024 20:17 utc | 83

“ It is only Netanyahoo, and the Biden administration covering for him, who are blocking the way to a peaceful solution” - excuse me these folks have been at this for at least the past century, in fact for thousands of years, Biden his time inside Nut&yahoo is just a little more pleasure & pain along the way

Posted by: Sadness | Sep 23 2024 20:18 utc | 84

Thought Thinker | Sep 23 2024 20:09 utc | 82

Get lost troll.

It seems the supervisor at the troll factory has given the workers a new talking point.
'Echo Chamber' is now the sound bite.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 23 2024 20:23 utc | 85

RE: Troll feeding: There are aspects of trollery in general that cannot be easily addressed, but at MoA I'm afraid that b's attachment to bronze age technology creates more opportunities for it than many other sites. Besides the ease with which trolls steal handles, the lay out of the site makes it necessary to either read through troll posts to get to the signature, or keep scrolling up and down to identify the poster before reading. I think this gives the trolls substantially more attention than they would otherwise get. A system that showed the handle first, and perhaps the top line of the post and needed a click for full display would change the effectiveness of trolling dramatically, although as long as handles can be easily stolen, there are going to be problems.

Posted by: Honzo | Sep 23 2024 20:25 utc | 86

Posted by: Thought Thinker | Sep 23 2024 20:09 utc | 82

Why should anyone bother debating you?. You have been presented with the evidence as nauseam, you just refuse to accept refuse to accept it because it does fit into a version of the world that reinforces your identity. We are not therapists.

Posted by: Turk 152 | Sep 23 2024 20:26 utc | 87

As Exile stated earlier in the thread an b stated in the Ukraine thread (fist time in a long time) Dont feed the fucking trolls. It makes the threads unreadable. To much chaff to wade through to find the non troll related comments.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 23 2024 20:26 utc | 88

When forum members stated months ago that the Axis of Resistance couldn't stand up against Israel backed by the US, we were called concern trolls. Now it seems that Israel is about to annex all remaining Palestinian land AND a nice chunk of Lebanon as a bonus. The thousands of goyim slaughtered are just a bonus.

All those stories about Israel's economy suffering and businesses closing are just BS. Uncle Sam has a blank check ready to be made out to Israel whenever they come calling.

Posted by: bored | Sep 23 2024 20:29 utc | 89

Typos again ... but the gist of it is there.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 23 2024 20:30 utc | 90

Airports are closed, so a boat is the only way out.
Posted by: Exile | Sep 23 2024 19:26 utc | 61

I just checked on Flightradar24 - it seems to be a fairly normal operation at Ben Gurion International in Tel Aviv.

Posted by: NoName | Sep 23 2024 20:32 utc | 91

Curious who's transport planes are burning up real good in the leaked footage from wrecked ramat david airbase. Any of those flighttracker hobbiest figure out what and whose planes were there at the time?

us? uk?

Posted by: NJH | Sep 23 2024 20:34 utc | 92

It is now being vaguely reported that "US sends additional troops to Middle East". Lucky duckies and future legacies.

Posted by: too scents | Sep 23 2024 20:34 utc | 93

Anonymous maxim, "Remove the guardians to ensure victory." One party of this conflict has been strategically consistent doing that. The other is having a tantrum upon civilians. Logistics in life population can recover faster than average people assume, it is typically exponential and especially so under stress.

The politics of colonial genocide is striving for famine and plague to assist, but it works slower than grinding down an army's logistics. The Resistance has the better and more humane plan. The settler colonial terror is ensuring no other result but expulsion at its end.

: /
This is horrific, yes. But given history as teacher we should strive for faith and constance in the face of such evil. It has shown a much better win record. I just pray we can convince more Western hearts to unite against elitist evil and end this nightmare sooner.

Posted by: titmouse | Sep 23 2024 20:40 utc | 94

From Intelslava Z:

„ Israeli Air Force begins fifth wave of strikes on Lebanon.

Senior IDF commanders have declared full readiness for a ground operation against Hezbollah.

The Israel Defense Forces has launched a preemptive offensive operation and is striking Hezbollah's military infrastructure, which the group has been building for 20 years, the IDF General Staff reported.

According to official information, about half of Hezbollah's missile capabilities have been destroyed.“

Half of Hezbollah‘s missile capabilities destroyed… I don‘t believe that number.

Posted by: NoName | Sep 23 2024 20:40 utc | 95

given history as teacher

Posted by: titmouse | Sep 23 2024 20:40 utc | 96


History tells us that when this nightmare ends another begins. After the war is settled there will be a purge, or else the contradictions that led to war will remain.

Posted by: too scents | Sep 23 2024 20:48 utc | 96

From DD Geopolitics:

„The Israeli army stated that it struck more than 1,100 Hezbollah targets in Lebanon over the past day.“

Probably the Air Force not the Army. However, seems to be an extensive operation. Prelude for ground invasion?

Posted by: NoName | Sep 23 2024 20:50 utc | 97

It is obvious the Russia, China, Axis of resistance group are all working around a single strategy, perhaps something along the lines of simple deconfliction of strategies so all are working towards the same goal.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 23 2024 20:16 utc | 84

The empire doesn't want any friends, it just differentiates between subjugated provinces and non-subjugated provinces. The subjugated provinces are allowed to bask in his protection, but must be prepared to fight and die for the empire (To be a friend of US can be fatal, Kiss.). The non-subjugated provinces of course have to expect to become subjugated (To be an enemy of US can be dangerous, Kiss.), and that's why they're all in the same boat, as Kim Yo-Jong once said.

Posted by: Oliver Krug | Sep 23 2024 20:52 utc | 98

Bob | Sep 23 2024 18:48 utc | 43--

Thanks for your reply. In response, I'll link to "Zionist War Crimes Backfire: Depth of Hezbollah's Attacks Increase".

Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 23 2024 20:53 utc | 99

”There is a chance for Israel to drag the U.S. into a fight that would end up with a war on Iran.”

I seriously object to this false statement … as Joe Biden for 50 years has been in support of, or making policy for the Middle East, claiming he is a Zionist.

The United States are pulling allies into a confrontation with Iran. Biden has approval of US Congress and its military are ready to pounce on the Islamic State of the Ayatollahs. Too many defeats and a false narrative have humiliated US after initiating the Neocon wars. Losers.

America has been at the forefront of attacks on Iran from the period of Saddam Hussein to support of multiple terror groups from Balochistan, MEK, Uyghurs, the rise of ISIL, holed up terrorists in Idlib, and the terror acts by IS-K (Khorasan). Dehumanization of Iran as a whole is a well planned and enduring project.

Joe Biden is fully complicit in historical massacres of people in the Greater Middle East.

Posted by: Oui | Sep 23 2024 20:56 utc | 100

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