Palestine Open Thread 2024-210
News & views related to the war in Palestine ...
Posted by b on September 1, 2024 at 13:04 UTC | Permalink
next page »Six (6) death captives were rescued today, including a dual national from the Us of A. Most captives are death though and Netanyahoo knows it. The question is who killed them?
Posted by: AI | Sep 1 2024 13:23 utc | 2
The question is who killed them?
Posted by: AI | Sep 1 2024 13:23 utc | 2
Not a question. They were killed directly or indirectly by the state of Israel, which has failed to take the appropriate measures to rescue them, but rather used extreme violence, when they were warned it would fail.
Posted by: laguerre | Sep 1 2024 13:31 utc | 3
Posted by: Stephane | Sep 1 2024 13:12 utc | 1 cause once this war ends, that'd make as much sense as calling the region as "occupied ottoman empire".
Posted by: Phariah | Sep 1 2024 13:36 utc | 4
@2 - I'm just speculating but it sounds like a failed hostage rescue operation. So, the IDF killed them with their ineptitude.
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Sep 1 2024 13:47 utc | 5
Fits nicely in the thread
"Lavrov sees Israeli goal to fully destroy Hamas as having no chance to succeed
The Israeli objective to completely exterminate Hamas is unreachable, so the sides need to sit down for talks, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with RT television.
"At this time, when Israel is determined to achieve by force rather than negotiation a ‘final solution’ (as some public figures used to say in previous historical situations) to the Palestinian problem, West Jerusalem is similarly escalating its forceful actions against the organizations they believe support the Palestinians, in an extremist context: Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine. Israel is determined to destroy it. This policy has absolutely no chances to succeed. They need to hold talks," Lavrov said."
Posted by: Newbie | Sep 1 2024 13:53 utc | 6
Posted by: Newbie | Sep 1 2024 13:53 utc | 6 The existence of gangs or no-go zones, doesn't mean a state doesn't control a country/territory. Israel got 90% of former palestinian lands despite Hamas, don't see why they couldn't get the remaining 10%
Posted by: Phariah | Sep 1 2024 14:08 utc | 7
Netanyahu and his gang LIHOP / MIHOP.
They are fully responsible for ALL the deaths,
injuries, destruction and mayhem.
What is so hard to understand?
Posted by: librul | Sep 1 2024 14:13 utc | 8
At the end of WWII many German people said that they did not know
anything about the price being paid by civilians.
10,000 to 1 many Israelis will later on say the exact same thing.
Posted by: librul | Sep 1 2024 14:15 utc | 9
Rescue of hostages is not on the list of objectives because that would end the war and make the ruling coalition collapse, sending Bibi to jail.
More misery for Israel, and even worse for non-Jews.
Posted by: Polli | Sep 1 2024 14:16 utc | 10
Posted by: laguerre | Sep 1 2024 13:31 utc | 3
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Sep 1 2024 13:47 utc | 5
Extremely likely!
I am sure Maj. Gen. Avi Gil can confirm that in the same way he can about the pre-eminent Oct/07 event briefed to Netanyahoo before it happened but he fully ignored.
Posted by: AI | Sep 1 2024 14:28 utc | 11
99 hostages left in Gaza
99 hostages here!
Take one down, make Biden look like a clown
98 hostages left in Gaza!
(Repeat down to zero)
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Sep 1 2024 14:36 utc | 12
They proclaimed their desire and right to conquer all of Palestine long before they betrayed
and sacrificed their own people to their cause.
("Ukranian") Bezalel Smotrich 2017 and now coalition partner with Netanyahu:
The continued existence of the two conflicting national aspirations in our small piece of territory
will ensure many more years of bloodshed and armed conflict.
Only when one of the sides concedes, willingly or by force, and forgoes its national aspirations
in the Land of Israel, will the desired peace come about and civilian coexistence become possible.
Posted by: librul | Sep 1 2024 14:36 utc | 13
Posted by: AI | Sep 1 2024 13:23 utc | 2
My opinion is that Israel made a decision not to hold hostage 10 million or so Israelis for 200 or so hostages.
Posted by: Ed4 | Sep 1 2024 14:50 utc | 14
"For decades the use of banned biological weapons during the Nakba was kept hidden in Israel’s archives. Recent discoveries have shed light not only on this Zionist war crime, but also the sinister motive behind it."
Posted by: simon crow | Sep 1 2024 14:58 utc | 15
Israelis put their faith in Zionists and Zionism even knowing, or they should have known,
the history of Zionists and their treachery and betrayal towards their own people.
In August 1937, Dr. Weizmann, as the official leader of World Zionism, addressed a Zionist convention in London, and said:“I told the British Royal Commission that the hopes of Europe’s six million Jews were centered on emigration. I was asked, ‘Can you bring six million Jews to Palestine?’ I replied, ‘No.’...The old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They were dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world. . . . Only a branch shall survive. . . . They had to accept it. . . .”
The leader of the Zionist traitors in Hungary, Rudolf Kastner (sometimes spelled Kastzner) was a leader in the government of Israel.
A curmudgeon knew their sordid history and distributed crude pamphlets in Israel.
The Zionists had used their position as trusted leaders in the Jewish community and tricked hundreds of thousands onto the
trains to Auschwitz.
The government of Israel sued the curmudgeon on behalf of Kastner, with the Attorney General of Israel as Kastner's lawyer.
The trial quickly turned into an indictment of Kastner.
In court, Chaim Cohen, Attorney General of Israel, will declaim Weizmann’s ideology to Judge Halevi in defense of Rudolf Kastner:“For those and millions of Jews like them there came true the old curse, ‘And lo, they were meant but to be taken like sheep for slaughter, for killing, for destruction, for crushing and shame.’ These should escape? They had no feet on which to run. They should revolt? They had no hands with which to fight. No spirit was left in them.”
The judge, who would later be part of the panel of judges that tried Adolf Eichmann, shredded Kastner and his gang in a judgement
that would take an entire day to read aloud.
The judgement could not be allowed to stand so the government kicked it upstairs to the Supreme Court of Israel where, because of the
political division of the panel, it could white wash the Zionists. It was a 3 to 2 split with the judges ruling that it
was alright to do what the Zionists did. One judge is recorded as saying, "the Jews of Hungary were'nt worth saving".
The Supreme Court of Israel did find Kastner guilty of one charge, however. He was found guilty of perjury as Kastner under oath on the witness stand
had said that he had not gone to the Nuremberg Trials and testified on behalf of the Nazis that he had worked with.
But the Supreme Court had an affidavit signed by Kastner regarding one of the Nazis that he had gotten off.
This Nazi, at the latter part of WWII, had been in charge of all camps, not only concentration camps but prisoner of war camps as well.
The Nuremberg Trial let this Nazi go and that Nazi would live out his life an extremely wealthy man.
“I the undersigned, Dr. Rudolf Kastner, wish to make the following statement in addition to my affidavit submitted to the International Military Tribunal under document 2605 P.S. concerning former Lt. General Kurt Becher... There can be no doubt about it that Becher belongs to the very few SS leaders having the courage to oppose the program of annihilation of the Jews, and trying to rescue human lives... Having been in personal contact with Becher from June, 1944, to April, 1945, I should like to emphasize, on the basis of personal observations, that Kurt Becher did everything within the realm of possibilities to save innocent human beings from the blind fury of the Nazi leaders...“Therefore, even if the form and basis of our negotiations may be highly objectionable, I never doubted for one moment the good intentions of Kurt Becher...
“In my opinion, when his case is judged by Allied or German authorities, Kurt Becher deserves the fullest possible consideration...
“I make this statement not only in my name but also in behalf of the Jewish Agency and the Jewish World Congress. Signed, Dr. Rudolf Kastner, Official Jewish Agency in Geneva. Former Chairman of Zionist Organization in Hungary, 1943-1945. Representative of Joint Distribution Committee in Budapest.”
Israelis put their faith in Zionists and they betrayed and sacrificed them on October 7th.
Now Israelis are themselves genocidal and world pariahs.
Posted by: librul | Sep 1 2024 15:08 utc | 16
Considering most all the hostages released alive back to Israel have been political liabilites to Nutandyahoo; most of the hostages released are saying the war must end, and ceasefire now. Nutandyahoo being the psychokiller that he is would just assume they all be made dead upon arrival, and if Hamas can kill them first that would be better. He can use dead hostages as PR leverage for more war and destruction.
Posted by: Gee Eye Joe | Sep 1 2024 15:28 utc | 17
Posted by: Gee Eye Joe | Sep 1 2024 15:28 utc | 17
If the hostages are all killed a lot of Hamas leverage goes away.
Following up on my #14.
Posted by: Ed4 | Sep 1 2024 15:42 utc | 18
The hostages don't seem to me to be providing any leverage. The cynical solution would be to secretly kill them and hide the bodies and let out supposed clues for the IDF to lure them into ambushes. The optimistic solution would be release to a third party for maximum PR and diplomatic advantage.
The principle that all hostages are considered effectively dead seems to be SOP for police everywhere?
Posted by: steven t johnson | Sep 1 2024 15:58 utc | 19
At the end of WWII many German people said that they did not know
anything about the price being paid by civilians.
10,000 to 1 many Israelis will later on say the exact same thing.
Posted by: librul | Sep 1 2024 14:15 utc | 9
Will Israel be subjected to carpet and firebomb campaigns like Dresden (or Tokyo)? If so, where can one sign up to participate? Asking for a friend.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Sep 1 2024 16:24 utc | 20
Posted by: Gee Eye Joe | Sep 1 2024 15:28 utc | 17
Lol. As if Nutty Yahoo wants to rescue hostages rather than have them remain in perpetuity or die to justify continuing the genocidal slaughter (and his political career).
Wake up, bruv.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Sep 1 2024 16:28 utc | 21
Israel got 90% of former palestinian lands despite Hamas, don't see why they couldn't get the remaining 10%
Posted by: Phariah | Sep 1 2024 14:08 utc | 7
Israel lost Gaza because of Hamas, that's why they originally pulled out.
Israel lost Lebanon because of Hezbollah, that's why they retreated.
The Arabs won back much of their land through the efforts of resistance.
I don't see why they can't get back the remainder with increased resistance.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 1 2024 17:19 utc | 22
@ simon crow | Sep 1 2024 14:58 utc | 15
That is a frightening article; Israel has always used the most horrid means of death they can think of to try and eradicate the Palestinians and steal their land. Just a few years after the Holocaust and the new Israelis were poisoning wells with diseases and chemicals.
The article was published in Oct '22 - Israelis managed to hide this for a long time. Also, I did not know until now that Israel has refused to sign any of the bioweapon agreements [from article}:
"[...] Quite where Keynan’s investigations led, and the scale of modern Israel’s biological and chemical arsenal today, isn’t certain - although the country is one of just 13 out of 184 UN-recognized territories that is not a signatory to the 1975 Biological Weapons Convention, and one of just four states not to be party to the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention. [...]"
link again to simon crow's mentioned article:
Posted by: teri | Sep 1 2024 17:28 utc | 23
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 1 2024 17:19 utc | 22
I will add...
Israel is losing billions in revenue because of the Houthis.
Posted by: AI | Sep 1 2024 17:30 utc | 24
support for genocide and ethnic cleansing has its (electoral) costs
Revolutionary Blackout Network🥋 @SocialistMMA
SHOCKING POLL: Democrats have a 40 POINT DROP with MUSLIM Voters.
Jill Stein is now tied with Kamala Harris with the Muslim vote! This is probably the strongest position third parties have been my entire life
Muslim voters evenly split between Jill Stein and Kamala Harris, new poll finds
....The new survey, part of a report published on Thursday by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair), shows that the majority of Muslim-American voters have decided against voting for either Republican candidate Donald Trump or the Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris.
Twenty-nine percent of those Muslim voters polled said they were planning to cast their votes for Stein, leader of the Green Party who has made ending Israel's war on Gaza and its occupation of the West Bank a key policy priority.....
////Another 29 percent said they are planning to vote for Harris, who some Muslims and pro-Palestinians have claimed has been more sympathetic to Palestinians but has so far said she would maintain support for Israel and has rebuffed demands for an arms embargo on Israel.
The poll also showed that around 11 percent of Muslim voters surveyed are planning to vote for Donald Trump, while four percent are choosing third-party candidate Cornel West and 16 percent are still undecided.////
Posted by: michaelj72 | Sep 1 2024 17:39 utc | 25
What is it exactly that will change if and when bibi is out of office? My own view is that nothing much of anything will change. What new policy is the next prime minister going to be able to implement that will usher in a new reality?
Posted by: Matador | Sep 1 2024 18:01 utc | 26
"Aug 28 - Israel Starts Ethnic Cleansing In West Bank
A long time ago, I read a headline in Ha'aretz. saying "if the settlers eliminate the Palestinians, who will wipe their arses for them?" Certainly when I studied in Israel in the 80s, P.s did all the n*gger work, picking tomatoes in the hot sun when it was 40 C in the shade, etc. It was pretty obvious that the black olives, yogurt, bread, cucumber, tomatoes that everyone ate daily came from P. peasants, not kibbutzim. The latter mostly grew cash crops for export. Even then Pal.s drove the john Deeres, etc.
Since then, I've heard rumors of attempts to replace P. workers with guest workers from Rumania or Fujianese workers from China. But I can't imagine this works out well. Romania and PR China can protect their citizens, while Palestinians have no protectors.
Posted by: lester | Sep 1 2024 18:02 utc | 27
"...The organization called on "Israel" to "adhere to its obligations as an occupying power in the West Bank."...
anyone remember the ICJ ruling about israel being an occupying power and its obligations?
Scale, intensity of Israeli incursion in Jenin 'very alarming': MSF
Doctors Without Borders has detailed some of the Israeli regime's violations during their incursions into Jenin and Tulkarm.
Israeli occupation forces are "obstructing access to health facilities blocking and even targeting ambulances, delaying people's access to care," Doctors Without Borders (MSF) posted on X on Sunday.
The non-governmental organization, concerned with providing medical care to individuals in need, described the scale and intensity of the four-day-long Israeli incursion into the northern West Bank city of Jenin as "very alarming".
Israeli occupation forces are compromising electricity and water supplies at the MSF-supported Khalil Suleiman Hospital in Jenin, which the organization says "has been surrounded by Israeli forces since the start of the incursion."
In fact, several hospitals around the governorate have been closed off by occupation forces, which has been a commonly employed tactic during the occupation forces' attacks on cities and towns in the West Bank.....
....The organization called on "Israel" to "adhere to its obligations as an occupying power in the West Bank."
These obligations include access to medical care, according to MSF.
"Hospitals, ambulances and the medical humanitarian mission must be respected and protected," the organization concluded.....
Posted by: michaelj72 | Sep 1 2024 18:11 utc | 28
Posted by: lester | Sep 1 2024 18:02 utc | 27 Not surprising, ppp per capita of Israel is 55k Palestine 6k it's like putting Switzerland and India right next to each other, sometimes I wonder what Israel would even want such a place for.
Posted by: Phariah | Sep 1 2024 18:30 utc | 29
that story of the dual citizen is being stretched from the DNC to current local news (days now). they will use this like their lives depended on it, and fuck anyone else's.
such disgusting creatures.
Posted by: Not Ewe | Sep 1 2024 18:31 utc | 30
Re: POWs held in Gaza
Very rough count, after the exchange of grandmas, children, and civilian women - there were roughly 100 Israelis held prisoner in Gaza. Perhaps a half-dozen of these 100 were non-coms. The rest were either IDF or paramilitary.,
Of these 100; at least 50 have been killed by IDF.
The latest 6 were all men. The only one whose age is published was 23 years old. Certainly a conscript turned weekend wartior.
Posted by: Exile | Sep 1 2024 18:34 utc | 31
Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey demand an end to the genocide in the West Bank. In the meantime Republican Ms Lindsey still think than the Islamic Republic of Iran is responsible for the ongoing genocide in Palestine committed by the IOF under the instructions of the Biden's Zionist masters. The strike tomorrow in the Zionist 'project' state is a wake up call to Netanyahoo that his zig zagging tactics to avoid a prison sentence are narrowing and possibly coming to an end unless he gets pardon by a magic wand.
Posted by: AI | Sep 1 2024 18:39 utc | 32
Repost from prior thread:
Forwarded from AZMEDIA1
Urgent | Yedioth Ahronoth: The Ministry of Finance warns of an economic catastrophe in Israel and its experts call for reducing expenses and raising taxes
NIS 50 billion(around 14 billion USD) must be collected urgently, and failure to act will put the economy into a spiral.
Posted by: anon2020
Note this is roughly 3% of GDP that the FIN says is needed tout suite or death spiral. A staggering sum
Posted by: Exile | Sep 1 2024 18:40 utc | 33
6 POWs names and ages:
Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23,
Eden Yerushalmi, 24,
Ori Danino, 25,
Alex Lubnov, 32,
Carmel Gat, 40,
Almog Sarusi, 27
All likely weekend warriors or paramilitaries given their ages
Posted by: Exile | Sep 1 2024 18:51 utc | 34
This could be an end of the damn thing:
Israeli union leader says 'country is on its way to political ruin'
10 seconds ago
Histadrut labor federation chairman Arnon Bar-David announced at a mass protest in Tel Aviv, “This afternoon, I decided to halt the Israeli economy starting tomorrow morning. Some are upset that I didn’t call for a general strike sooner, but I’m here to ensure no one is left behind. Jews don’t abandon Jews—what’s unclear about that? It’s unacceptable for our children to die in tunnels due to political considerations!”
He added: "We refuse to remain indifferent to the fact that our country has become one of abandonment! The economy has also been abandoned. As head of the Histadrut, the country is on its way to political ruin. We must stop this …coalition money is still going to unneeded ministries. Tomorrow morning, all of Israel will not go to work…including ports, factories, and offices."
The strike will start at 06:00 local time on Monday with Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport closing also.
Posted by: johnf | Sep 1 2024 18:52 utc | 35
حسام شبات @HossamShabat
Palestinian Reporting from the North of Gaza
Footage of the Baptist Hospital bombing by Israeli occupation forces just now. When the Israeli occupation forces are not held accountable, they continue to bomb hospitals, civilians and schools.
This seems like a never-ending cycle until we are all killed .
Posted by: michaelj72 | Sep 1 2024 18:58 utc | 36
Histadrut labor federation chairman Arnon Bar-David announced at a mass protest in Tel Aviv, [] Jews don’t abandon Jews—what’s unclear about that?
Posted by: johnf | Sep 1 2024 18:52 utc | 34
Hellspawn clown making a good joke there.
Posted by: Michael A | Sep 1 2024 20:26 utc | 37
apparently 500000 Israeli citizens are protesting on the streets calling for ceasefire to get the remainder 97 hostages released... could be a general strike tomorrow too.....
Posted by: Jo | Sep 1 2024 21:05 utc | 39
"The organization called on "Israel" to "adhere to its obligations as an occupying power in the West Bank.".....
english (dot) almayadeen (dot) net/news/politics/scale--intensity-of-israeli-incursion-in-jenin--very-alarmin?utm_source=mango-searchx&utm_medium=exact_title&utm_campaign=jenin
Scale, intensity of Israeli incursion in Jenin 'very alarming': MSF
Doctors Without Borders has detailed some of the Israeli regime's violations during their incursions into Jenin and Tulkarm.
Israeli occupation forces are "obstructing access to health facilities blocking and even targeting ambulances, delaying people's access to care," Doctors Without Borders (MSF) posted on X on Sunday.
The non-governmental organization, concerned with providing medical care to individuals in need, described the scale and intensity of the four-day-long Israeli incursion into the northern West Bank city of Jenin as "very alarming".
Israeli occupation forces are compromising electricity and water supplies at the MSF-supported Khalil Suleiman Hospital in Jenin, which the organization says "has been surrounded by Israeli forces since the start of the incursion."
In fact, several hospitals around the governorate have been closed off by occupation forces, which has been a commonly employed tactic during the occupation forces' attacks on cities and towns in the West Bank.....
....The organization called on "Israel" to "adhere to its obligations as an occupying power in the West Bank."
These obligations include access to medical care, according to MSF.
"Hospitals, ambulances and the medical humanitarian mission must be respected and protected," the organization concluded.
Posted by: michaelj72 | Sep 1 2024 21:12 utc | 40
steven_t_johnson 19
The hostages aren't creating leverage because USUKIS had 12 months prior warning of Oct 7. Therefore Israel mustered support from the US and UK for an all out genocide.
Netanyahu's threat to the UN that Israel would change the face of the Middle East was just a distraction from the scent from USUKIS ' real intention, which we now know is the genocide of all Palestinians in Palestine.
But there again most of us have had a lifetime's warnings that Jews always lie. Even Phartiah . Open the window please . Oh no, the stench is also coming from Starmer across the English countryside . I think we're probably running our cars on the liquified stench of Biden's lies.
Posted by: Giyane | Sep 1 2024 21:55 utc | 41
I've seen estimates anywhere from 300,000 to half a million people protesting today - and I imagine that the Economic Elites in the country are getting nervous about all this war and the general social unrest.
"Israel’s largest trades union federation, the Histadrut, has called for a general strike to pressure the government into signing a ceasefire deal....
He said he was backed by Israel’s main manufacturers and entrepreneurs in the high-tech sector...."
Israelis protest, union calls strike after six more captives killed in Gaza
Angry demonstrators stage mass protests demanding ceasefire deal as Israel’s largest trade union calls for a general strike on Monday.
....Gideon Levy, a columnist with Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, told Al Jazeera that Netanyahu has been defending the right-wing parties in his government that are against any concessions to Hamas.
“They [the parties] could not care less about the hostages,” he said.
Levy stressed that within Netanyahu’s Likud Party, the largest group in the government, Netanyahu wields a lot of power and the party supports him.....
Meanwhile, in a first since October 7, Israel’s largest trades union federation, the Histadrut, has called for a general strike to pressure the government into signing a ceasefire deal.....
He said he was backed by Israel’s main manufacturers and entrepreneurs in the high-tech sector. The alliance of some of the most powerful voices in Israel’s economy reflected the scale of public anger over the deaths of the six captives....
Posted by: michaelj72 | Sep 1 2024 22:06 utc | 42
The reason why Sunak and Biden have been swiftly removed from the public eye is obviously because we now know they are criminally accountable and responsible for the planning for 12 months and implementation of these crimes of criminal genocide .
During the Climate Change Conference in Scotland Sunak was feeling the heat round his own neck, that he could be the one to hang for genocide. He must be so exhilarated that that he lost in the neck of time.
Pay rise to Peter Lilley the Tory in charge of winning one election by 80% and losing the next one by 80%.
The man who puts the Algos in the Anglos .Unlike BoJo who simply resigned.
Posted by: Giyane | Sep 1 2024 22:13 utc | 43
That's brave if the Histadrut. Nazis like Networth Yahu don't take kindly to undermenchen interfering in their policies.
Posted by: Giyane | Sep 1 2024 22:19 utc | 44
Posted by: Giyane | Sep 1 2024 21:55 utc | 40
You are projecting competence and intelligence to the PTB which they do not possess.
This Israeli genocide reaction on Ocxt. 7 was not a double agent planned thing as librul tries redundantly makes out , its just a 'butterfly effect'[the 'butterfly' in this instance is Netanyahu getting charged and facing jail if not in office, editor] of a connected but evil, conniving Zionist , Netanyahu whom is using the whole apparatus and all the political capital accumulated in 75 years in the USA Jewish lobby to genocide the region (I don't think the Palestinians are the only targets)sparked by his selfish desire to save his own skin politically and not go to jail.
He's about as religious as a paving stone-its an just act to control the narrative-he's is, unfortunately, quite clever and monstrously devious.
The 'butterfly effect' would not have mattered if the world was not such in perilous straits where the passing pf the Guard of Hegemony is in a Thucydides trap with the US (Athens) going after Russia (Sparta) while China (Macedon) sits quietly by and grows stronger by default.
This internecine conflict has given Netanyahu his angle-the US to stay the Hegemon need to have a strong ally in the ME and it ain't Jordan or Egypt or Turkey-so they have to support the Israeli proxy army no matter what-especially now that there are huge gas and oil off deposits offshore.
Further, the US has a weak executive and no one knows who is running the US except....drumroll..... me, of course-the US is run indirectly through the City of London-whom are all in cause if they's going to be real ugly for them...
Netanyahu could not have done this at any other time IMO-its just power and opportunity and money, oil, gas, human greed and folly-nothing new in human nature-no grand plan-dead Palestinians, to the Empire, are but 'collateral damage' - the price of a proxy in the ME.
the f*cking Guardian ; and a terrorist state that should be abolished
Hon. PolProf of Agile Ceremonies @CeilNoyle
Every Israeli victim gets a headline photo in the Guardian alongside individual obituaries. Palestinian victims are no longer even mentioned. You cannot reform this.
ADAM @AdameMedia
The Israeli terrørists are destroying roads in West Bank out of pure sadism.
It was never about Hmas.
Mick Wallace @wallacemick
Israel is a Terrorist State...
Posted by: michaelj72 | Sep 1 2024 22:33 utc | 46
West Bank Rises – Resistance Roundup – Day 331
(excerpt)….The Jenin resistance reported operations against invading Israeli soldiers in various axes of fighting throughout the camps.A Palestinian fighter, Muhannad Mahmoud Al-Asoud, killed three Israeli occupation soldiers west of the occupied Palestinian city of Al-Khalil (Hebron)
The operation followed another operation, on Saturday, where two Palestinian fighters detonated two cars in two separate areas, also in the vicinity of the Al-Khalil region.
Meanwhile, the Jenin refugee camp is now leading the Resistance in the West Bank, despite several days of Israeli raids, attacks, bombardment and assassinations.
The Jenin resistance reported operations against invading Israeli soldiers in various axes of fighting throughout the camps.
Meanwhile, the resistance continues in Gaza, and in South Lebanon, where the Lebanese group Hezbollah reported several operations against Israeli military bases and camps throughout the border region.
Below are the latest statements from the main Palestinian Resistance groups in the West Bank and Gaza…..
Comment - Southern Front- typical low key day , D9 bulldozer wacked. A video about the POWs. Eastetn Front - very active video „they ran away like mice“ Northern Front - 9 strikes
Merkava tally remains at 210. ;MBTs appear to be pulled back )
Posted by: Exile | Sep 2 2024 0:20 utc | 47
Captive Who Pleaded for Action in Video Dies in Gaza – Netanyahu Blamed
Posted by: Exile | Sep 2 2024 0:23 utc | 48
"American-Zionist Policy Delusions, 2006 and Now" uses Crooke's recent SCF essay as a framework for looking at today's realities. Those who read "The Documentary "Bridges to the East" Interviews Lavrov" yesterday will know that Lavrov matter-of-factly stated Netanyahu was trying to spark a bigger war and that is exactly what Zelensky is attempting--even RT reported it.
Good news about Jill Stein up thread as one segment of American voters is getting good information despite BigLie Media's blackout on her campaign.
As librul showed upthread, Zionist policy won't change until their demise. The massive demo in Tel Aviv and tomorrow's general strike won't make change the Genocidalists minds regarding a ceasefire, although it may push Netanyahu to commit the Zionists next provocation sooner.
The contradictions and dissonance of being a genocidal democracy.
#BREAKING Protesters chant "Bibi kills prisoners" during Tel Aviv demonstrations. (VIDEO)
As I've been saying since last year, Israel is going to consume itself from within. The Axis needs to remain patient and occasionally nudge things along with regular rocket attacks.
Like poisoned prey, Israel has started the process of withering away to the fatal dose of hatred and the isolation it administered to itself for decades but was brought to a head on Oct 7th by the courageous martyrs of Gaza.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 2 2024 1:13 utc | 50
The polio vaccination scheme being carried out in Gaza reminds me a lot of the innoculation, vaccination and de-pesting programmes carried out by the Nazis in the death camps.
The only difference is that now they've got a humanitarian organisation to do this dirty work for them.
Disinfect, then kill.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 2 2024 1:27 utc | 51
Disinfect, then kill.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 2 2024 1:27 utc | 50
At least the Nazis had the decency to carry out these programmes themselves.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 2 2024 1:28 utc | 52
"As I've been saying since last year, Israel is going to consume itself from within. The Axis needs to remain patient and occasionally nudge things along with regular rocket attacks.
Like poisoned prey, Israel has started the process of withering away to the fatal dose of hatred and the isolation it administered to itself for decades but was brought to a head on Oct 7th by the courageous martyrs of Gaza."
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 2 2024 1:13 utc | 49
Most profound post I've read today, and I have read many.
Israel is 55k Palestine 6k it's like putting Switzerland and India
Posted by: Phariah | Sep 1 2024 18:30 utc | 28
That's impressive considering Palestine is a concentration camp and Israhell is a welfare queen.
Imagine if the occupation were lifted tomorrow and goods and services were allowed to flow in and out of Palestine?
I'd say you'd get a 10x jump over say a few years - 60k minimum.
And that's without generous cash infusions from the West.
If you're just doing an order more productivity than a concentration camp victim then you must be one lazy fuck of a nation.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 2 2024 1:36 utc | 54
Craig Mokhiber @CraigMokhiber
Human rights lawyer, justice campaigner, global citizen. Former UN
U.S. policy in Gaza is not a “failure.” It is a terrible success. Washington’s real policy has always been to support Israel in the destruction of Gaza, to render it unlivable, and to lay the ground for its ethnic cleansing.
The ceasefire negotiation charade, the fake pier, the airdrop theater, the trickle of aid, the crocodile tears for civilian loss, the movable red lines, and the arguments with Israel on the pace of the destruction are all fig leaves designed to create diplomatic and political space for genocide.
The U.S. is a successful co-perpetrator in Genocide.
Posted by: michaelj72 | Sep 2 2024 1:44 utc | 55
Israel is losing billions in revenue because of the Houthis.
Posted by: AI | Sep 1 2024 17:30 utc | 24
Oh they're losing much MUCH more.
I'm only making conservative mention of their losses because much of the audience on this forum is not inclined to value the intangible (yet concrete) extent of their losses. They see only the immediate. Body counts are all that matter to them.
The Israel project is wrecked beyond hope for it's Rothschild originators, no matter how many Palestinian children the blow to pieces.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 2 2024 1:59 utc | 56
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 2 2024 1:59 utc | 55 "Israel is losing billions in revenue because of the Houthis."
How do you get to billions?
Posted by: Ed4 | Sep 2 2024 2:16 utc | 57
A Movement to Suspend Israel From the UN Needs a Country to Take the Lead
....The idea is to use the same mechanism against the Jewish state that was used in 1974 to freeze apartheid South Africa’s participation in the General Assembly. The action contributed to the white minority government’s isolation and its eventual collapse....
...Saleh Hijazi, a BNC adviser on apartheid-free policy, said he expected calls for Israel’s suspension to intensify next month with the opening of the 79th session of the General Assembly. UNGA, as it is known, begins on Sept. 10.
(The Palestinian delegation at the UN said on Aug. 22 that it was also planning to soon initiate an “actionable resolution” in the General Assembly, “demanding within a time frame the end of this illegal occupation and all other issues contained” in the ICJ advisory opinion.)....
....Mokhiber described Israel as holding “the world record for breaching UN resolutions.”
“[It] has been found responsible for gross and systematic violations of human rights and humanitarian law by successive UN commissions of inquiry and independent special procedures. Worse, it has killed more UN staff than any party in history (and by a wide margin), has detained and tortured UN staff, and has regularly attacked, slandered and obstructed the Organization and its duly-mandated operations.”....
Posted by: michaelj72 | Sep 2 2024 2:43 utc | 58
canuck 40
One small fly in your ointment.
A Christiam might possibly care about another human being, or a Muslim, or even a Jew. But do Khazars care about Khazars? Do any of the Invaders of Palestine give a monkey's fuck about the fate Netanyahu enough to assist him evade non-Khazar justice that says he broke the rules.
You can not have understood who or what we are dealing with here. Jews don't want Palestine. Khazars on the other hand see a scam for acquiring real estate old parchment that says Palestine belongs to them.
Their leader has raised the flag of taking it by force and Khazarism has followed him, the Khazar Neocons like Nuland and Blinken, the Khazar City of London, and the Khazars like Soros and Zelensky who have harnessed British Russophobia that stirring shit in the Mediterranean weakens Russia.
Khazars understand Khazars, and nobody in Israel cares about Slutjob going to prison. They do really , really care about swinging a good scam.
Posted by: Giyane | Sep 2 2024 2:53 utc | 59
58 continued
Canuck, we are all mongrels with bits of DNA from everywhere. So none of us are going to attach our personal identities to some tract of land.
The Ukrainian Nazi Neocons are interested in, but not going to get, two tracts of land, both of which they claim some kind of spurious rights to own.
Ukraine , which was part of Russia until Kruschev detached it as a buffer zone against his enemies in Europe. And Palestine whose deeds are kept in Istanbul, the administrative capital of the Ottomans.
The Khazars are interested in illegally owning the rich, cool, fertile lands of Ukraine, but their hearts cannot rest until they have redeemed their supposed birthright, written by quill on some piece of imaginary, stretched foreskin, that because they converted to Judaism, BUT KNOW NOTHING ABOUT JUDAISM, nor care about Judaism, they claim to own.
It also happens to be of interest to a bunch of Anglo half-wits as a foothold in West Asia , through which they can trade with the Pacific by sea. Hence USUKIS funding the Khazars in both Palestine and Ukraine.
The deal is simple. The Khazars get Ukraine ( never going to happen ).
The Anglos get Palestine ( never going to happen ) and the Jews get Jerusalem ( never going to happen ).
Too many crookes in the brothel, or Cooks in the kitchen, with different agendas , squabbling amongst themselves. The US warships are there to grab Palestine when Netanyahu has finished his genocide. International Law will indict the Khazar usurpers, Nutjob , Smutjob and Buggervir.
100% Palestine will remain with the Palestinian Muslims to belongs, because the US and UK can't agree on terms, Israel is divided equally between Jews and Zionists, while the entire Muslim Ummah , and RoW is politely waiting for Gulf Arabs to be shamed into action. They have the money , the Book, the Ka'aba and the Arab identity.
When that fails to happen ( never going to happen ), South Asia and the Iranian axis of Resistance will take up arms against USUKIS in Sham.
Nothing whatsoever to do with Netanyahu, whose ego is big enough already without being pumped up as the reason for all these events happening
Posted by: Giyane | Sep 2 2024 4:08 utc | 60
If the hostages are all killed a lot of Hamas leverage goes away.
Posted by: Ed4 | Sep 1 2024 15:42 utc | 18
You *think* like a Westerner. It is pretty disgusting, to be honest.
Hamas isn't in a negotiation. Hamas is fighting a genocide as martyrs.
If you think Hamas plans to get Israel to recognize the 2-state solution, you do not understand at all what Iran and its proxies are doing.
There is no future for a country that operates on religious fanaticism, and racial superiority. Israel is a threat to everyone, INCLUDING the US proxies like Egypt, Jordan, and eventually Saudi Arabia.
The only way to peace in the Middle East is to eradicate the Zionist state. Jews will still live in Syria, Iran, and Lebanon. They won't have their own Epstein state where they sterilize African Jew immigrants and operate open-air concentration camps as they rape and mutilate Semitic children (Muslim and Christian) that they grab off of the streets.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 2 2024 4:22 utc | 61
….If the hostages are all killed a lot of Hamas leverage goes away. Posted by: Ed4…….
This might be the reason that the Likud is killing as many of these prisoners as possible. Hannibal Directive.
It’s akin to the thinking of the Japanese Imperial Army in the 1930s and 40s. A Japanese soldier who surrendered was a weakling traitor. The Bolshevik Commissars had similar attitude toward Soviet POWs.
Posted by: Exile | Sep 2 2024 5:19 utc | 62
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 2 2024 1:28 utc | 51
It was mostly Ukrainians and Albanians running the camps in Poland and Germany.
Posted by: badjoke | Sep 2 2024 5:55 utc | 63
Israel is 55k Palestine 6k it's like putting Switzerland and India
Posted by: Phariah | Sep 1 2024 18:30 utc | 28
That's impressive considering Palestine is a concentration camp and Israhell is a welfare queen.
Imagine if the occupation were lifted tomorrow and goods and services were allowed to flow in and out of Palestine?
I'd say you'd get a 10x jump over say a few years - 60k minimum.
And that's without generous cash infusions from the West.
If you're just doing an order more productivity than a concentration camp victim then you must be one lazy fuck of a nation.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 2 2024 1:36 utc | 53
You're an ignorant moron who knows nothing of economics "increase per capita by 10 times in a couple of years" no country, not even China (25k) achieved this. most Arab countries are poor or have below world average per capita, only the Saudis, Qatar and the UAE (which btw uses slaves) has per capita above 55k. Even Russia with endless resources, advanced tech in many sectors and a stagnant population, has a per capita of just about 44k, how would palestine with no significant industries, atypical resources, research centers or privileged connections/location magically do any that ? Mixing coping emotions with ignorance and wistful thinking creates the kind of terribly poor "forecast/analysis" you wrote.
Posted by: Phariah | Sep 2 2024 6:14 utc | 64
Posted by: Phariah | Sep 2 2024 6:14 utc | 63
Wahoo wee! Struck a nerve, didn't we?
You don't need thousands of fake industries subsidized by the West to fiddle your numbers into a high GDP per capita.
You just need to be in possession of prime geopolitical real estate, and let China manage it for you.
You'll end up like Kuwait, where the natives do sweet bugger all but accept fat welfare cheques from the state - worst case.
Except the Palestinian people are some of the most resourceful, hardworking and hardy people ever to walk the face of the earth.
Take the white man's boot off their necks and there's no telling how far they will go.
Judging their demonstrated technical expertise in Gaza, the ability of their people to innovate technology just to survive, I would say there's a middle eastern silicon valley waiting to be born in the ruins of Gaza.
The israelis are producers of endless streams of toxic and malevolent shit.
A large percentage of the junk food poisoning generations are owned by Israelis.
Spyware, security tools for oppression, weapons of war for bombing third world worlders:
We can do without all that.
If all the Palestinians did was produce the ancient natural brands they're known for, the world would be a better place.
Given the brand and the legacy of Palestine, I think we'll see a GDP per capita that exceeds whatever Israel will produce going forward.
Especially since Israel's economy is in the toilet anyway, and is likely to remain that way given current circumstances.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 2 2024 6:32 utc | 65
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 2 2024 6:32 utc | 64
"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
Posted by: Phariah | Sep 2 2024 6:47 utc | 66
Posted by: Phariah | Sep 2 2024 6:47 utc | 65
Hang in there for a while.
It will sink in, eventually.
Too late for you, however.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 2 2024 6:52 utc | 67
It always illuminating to read Genociders thoughts on matters. Phariah Is so wrapped up in his Supermensch narrative that he can’t possibly fathom any other ethnic group being productive.
Also note that $55k is subsidized by US taxpayers by about 10%. German taxpayers around another 2% . Sooo, it’s really ~$48k per capita. Also note that some 30% of GDP is tourism. Suspect that ain’t happening for a while. Figure per capita w/o tourism around $33k. Ouch !
Posted by: Exile | Sep 2 2024 7:17 utc | 68
Also note that $55k is subsidized by US taxpayers by about 10%. German taxpayers around another 2% . Sooo, it’s really ~$48k per capita. Also note that some 30% of GDP is tourism. Suspect that ain’t happening for a while. Figure per capita w/o tourism around $33k. Ouch !
Posted by: Exile | Sep 2 2024 7:17 utc | 67
There we go. I may be wrong on all the numbers but the strategic facts remain the same:
- Palestine is a key hub on both the ancient and modern Silk Route.
- It's a center of world religions a focus of faith and of spiritual authority (take that as you wish).
- It's people have been known to be industrious, innovative and hardy from ancient times.
- Palestinians rank as some of the most highly educated ethnicities in the world.
- They possess a liberal culture which leaves them open to modernisation and progress to a greater extent than many of their Arab brethren.
- They survive on little and under much pressure forming like diamonds.
- They have a history of at least 2000 years of prevailing through the bloodiest events imaginable, from the invasion of the sea peoples, the Romans, Greeks, Mongols (whom they defeated at Ain Jalut!), a thousand years of Christian Crusades, the ottomans, the British, French and now this mongrel species of trailer trash hailing from the backwaters of the former Russian Empire ...
If there ever was a people with immense economic potential, whatever that's worth, it is the Palestinians.
Of course, it never really mattered. Only the West measures the value of human life by the GDP per capita it can squeeze from it.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 2 2024 7:41 utc | 69
Scholz ist ein Krimineller. It's time the Germans take their country back and bring an end to the war in country 404, the genocide in historical Palestine and ask the gringos to get the f-c-uk out.
Posted by: AI | Sep 2 2024 9:16 utc | 70
Arch Bungle 64
Troll spooks don't have " nerves ".
They type in a word and AI selects a nasty comment, same as Israel chooses a target to kill, from millions of stored put downs.
Phariah must be the feminine of Pharaoh, or maybe the , neither male or female, gender of Trolls.
Never checked under the skirts of one to see. Why would a hate speak need to breed? It is the brain fart of a machine.
Posted by: Giyane | Sep 2 2024 9:32 utc | 71
Move along. Nothing to see here. Just the spring cleaning by God's Chosen.
Posted by: Surferket | Sep 2 2024 10:29 utc | 72
"You're an ignorant moron who knows nothing of economics "increase per capita by 10 times in a couple of years" no country, not even China (25k) achieved this. "
Posted by: MOA Pariah | Sep 2 2024 6:14 utc | 63
No, you are the unenlightened one-China was not an open air prison with an armed cruel Zionist jailer.
Finally, obviously. MOA Pariah, you have a problem with math: its one thing to bring prosperity to 1.4 billion people like China it is a much, much much easier to bring 4 MM or so people to prosperity.
Your ideas are juvenile, and rather amusing.
You remember the story from last week about Farhan Al-Qadi, who was "rescued" on Tuesday Aug. 27th by IDF troops from an underground tunnel in Gaza. He is a Bedouin from Khirbet Karkur, near Rahat. When Hamas realized that he was of Palestinian/Muslim origin (although he holds an Israeli passport), they released him in the tunnels where he was found by the IDF.
The 6 dead hostages who were discovered yesterday were found in the same tunnel system in Rafah where Farhan was found. Now "a former Israeli army officer and former National Security Council commander calls for an investigation into Farhan al-Qadi, hinting that he is linked to the killing of the six Israelis whose bodies were found in Rafah."
In other words, Israel is trying to pin the deaths on Farhan (guess it’s possible, although where would he have gotten a gun to kill the other 6? Surely, Hamas would not have released him with a gun.)
Hamas says they did not kill the 6 hostages; if Israel is looking for a different scapegoat, it probably means they know Hamas didn’t kill them because they were most likely killed by friendly fire from the IDF.
Posted by: teri | Sep 2 2024 12:29 utc | 74
When we look beyond the Western media propaganda blah, blah, blah, what the world is witnessing in real time is Biblical White Western judeo-christian genocidal atrocities.
The only reason they have given Mr. Adolf Hitler a bad name is because he was the first to have turned the bloody sword of Western judeo Christian crimes and atrocities against white people in the center of Europe itself. Otherwise, there have been no shortage of mass murdering Western tyrants such as Truman, Bush, Reagan, Kaiser, King Leopold II, numerous 'popes'...
Posted by: Ali | Sep 2 2024 12:36 utc | 75
PS to Teri @ 73:
Since I read the item about Farhan earlier this morning, apparently some Israeli media outlets are running with the story blaming him for the deaths. No proof has been offered except that he was found near the same spot unattended by Hamas. In any case, some of the Israeli papers seem to be backing off the "Hamas did it" story.
Posted by: teri | Sep 2 2024 12:36 utc | 76
Just taking one military aid package from April, 14.3 billion, that would be 7.15k per person in Gaza. Apparently they value killing people in Gaza more than what their worth is claimed at. There was also 9.2 Billion in "humanitarian aid" to Israel in the package. If they went to Gaza instead that would make them just about at 1/3 the 55k. Just one package to the occupying entity for bombs would make the per capita in Gaza triple.
Posted by: Rhymerez | Sep 2 2024 12:40 utc | 77
Hello b
I could need a helping hand in the current situation, if you will.
As you may have taken notice, on August 28th 2024 I left a comment (#217) on the thread: Palestine Open Thread 2024-204. And in my comment I informed you that I had published a new article called: “Anything but Jesus„, I published it on August 28th 2024.
This article, yet again, did hit target in the enemy camp and it led to tangible changes to currently ongoing events in the world.
But the enemy just does not like what I do; exposing their secret machinations.
Today they have done something to my Armenian hosting provider called ABC Domain where I do host my articles at my own domain Their entire system has gone dark, not even the website of the hosting provider itself is loading. When I check on the Internet whether their server is down or not, I get the message that it's down. So something is going on.
If you want to lend a helping hand, you could help me publish the article somewhere at your website; as a backup.
The Wayback Machine has only my initial article archived which I published at The articles which came later are not found on the Wayback Machine.
Currently I don't know what's going on with my hosting provider here in Armenia, maybe it will sort out and their system will be online soon. But since the stakes are high and this enemy is on the run, I don't want to let go of the pursuit.
If you did not read my article “Anything but Jesus„ while it was available online, you would want to read it. And if you have read it already then you'll know what I published and why they don't want it to remain online.
So, if you are fighting the good fight you can help me during the current situation. Just send me a message to my email address and we can discuss how I can upload the articles as a backup to your website; it's four articles by now.
I am doing this for you guys, and whoever else may be listening around the world. To me it's not a big issue whether other people read my articles or not, I do not make money on them. But the enemy has a lot to loose.
Any help is appreciated, and it's for you guys anyway; I already know what this enemy is, I am explaining it for you that you may also know.
Posted by: Ali | Sep 2 2024 12:36 utc | 74
Agreed. I have long thought that Hitler's greatest crime was killing white people. Others apparently are expendable.
Posted by: farm ecologist | Sep 2 2024 13:45 utc | 79
There are other archive sites, or you can create an account at archive dot org and upload your work. There are also various free (with ads) hosting or blogging sites that you can upload your work to. There are also free cloud storage sites where your work can be left as downloadable via link (e.g. pdf). At the moment you don't even have a functioning link to your work.
Posted by: Ornot | Sep 2 2024 14:19 utc | 80
Arch makes some great points. Israel is a welfare state that loots and survives on slave labor.
Whatever "inventions" the Israelis produce in between their beach raves and raping Arabs, are stolen from other peoples. Israel is famous for its espionage, not its innovation. Thieves and plagiarizers, not deep thinkers or creatives.
Anyone who tries to promote Israel as anything positive for the RoW is delusional and possibly mildly retarded.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 2 2024 15:04 utc | 81
Looney toon lalalatonedeaf ziofascist rara girl pretending to be all American Trumpster cashing in with selling …. Anti radiation pills!! Yup the shapeshifter shithead morticia lookalike can’t stop making a quick buck from gullible USA-sians.
She is an obnoxious hellieh harpie - condeming Palestinians for existing and staying alive, demanding they do t get into a ‘full’ US but the pipe be more than happy to let in the millions of exodusing illegal colonialist settlers when they surely are kicked out soon.
The most pathetic role playing she is doing is pretending that Dems are suddenly antisemitic! The NY elites are anti Zionists! Biden and Nutty aren’t besties!
With all the daily weapons and several carrier groups sweating in the seas ‘protecting’ their ziofascist apartheid entity. Who does she think she is kidding that missy hisstler?
Her desperate arse licking of Drumpff makes me think the Donald has already decided that he will end the century of the USA being a zio bitch and that is why they are doing a hurry up. It’s a race against time now November will soon be here.
But war criminals and human rights abusers and haw haw nazios journalist propagandists like Her Loony self and their media platforms are heading for the new Nuremberg for genocide in Gaza … she can GFHerself eat all the anti radiation tablets and hide in her vampire hole for a few decades ..🤡
Posted by: DunGroanin | Sep 2 2024 15:26 utc | 82
Posted by: DunGroanin | Sep 2 2024 15:26 utc | 82
Would it kill you to name the person you're ranting about?
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 2 2024 16:22 utc | 83
Meanwhile in Germany:
AfD is pro US, pro NATO, and pro Israel.
Posted by: JAB | Sep 2 2024 16:23 utc | 84
Sahra Wagenknecht's new party also did well in the German elections. It may not have much in common with AfD, but both parties oppose the war in Ukraine.
Posted by: Lysias | Sep 2 2024 16:33 utc | 85
From the news from Israel, I take it the Zionist regime is in meltdown right now.........
Posted by: Gee Eye Joe | Sep 2 2024 16:37 utc | 86
Posted by: George | Sep 2 2024 12:50 utc | 77
"I could need a helping hand in the current situation, if you will.
As you may have taken notice, on August 28th 2024 I left a comment (#217) on the thread: Palestine Open Thread 2024-204. And in my comment I informed you that I had published a new article called: “Anything but Jesus"
Gevorg, I can access your article fine - just now in England. The fact that you are having problems accessing could be due to multiple reasons - could be local to your mobile / pc or pretty much anything along the connectivity route.
Its highly unlikely to be anything nefarious or to worry about. The important thing is to save anything, you yourself have created, locally, and don't assume the internet - or the cloud? - or someone who reads it, and doesn't like it, is not going to trash it. In this case they haven't - so relax.
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 2 2024 16:54 utc | 87
@ DunGroanin | Sep 2 2024 15:26 utc | 82
Not sure who you are talking about in the bulk of your post. But based on this part of your comment, "makes me think the Donald has already decided that he will end the century of the USA being a zio bitch", I gather you have not actually listened to what Trump has said about Israel/Palestine. He has made it abundantly clear he backs Israel whole-heartedly. He's just pissed at them for taking so long to finish the genocide.
Posted by: teri | Sep 2 2024 17:04 utc | 88
Posted by: teri | Sep 2 2024 17:04 utc | 88
"I gather you have not actually listened to what Trump has said about Israel/Palestine."
As he gets older Dungroanin's posts have got even better. I think it highly unlikely that he is not aware, of pretty much everything he writes, though sometimes it may seem a little bit difficult to understand, if you are not used to his writing style.
I often have the same problem, particularly when I am trying to agree with someone, and they do not understand my Northern English Working Class Sense of Humour. Its easy to be misunderstood on the internet. We miss some of the most important non-verbal means of communication, like facial expressions and body language. People have died for less, especially in the USA.
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 2 2024 17:52 utc | 89
Would it kill you to name the person you're ranting about?
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 2 2024 16:22 utc | 83
Dungroanin lives in the UK. Probably of Scottish origin. I have never actually met him, but we are both big fans of Craig Murray, even though I am usually not allowed to post on Craig Murray's blog, I assume because the moderators don't like me.
If you live even in the UK, you maybe unaware, of increasing numbers of people, some very much younger than us old farts - but including us old farts - not just get stopped and arrested in Airports, but a friend of mine who has been security cleared to deliver the post to Number 10 Downing Street - had a Policeman knocking on his door - for something he wrote on Facebook.
He has never struck me, as racist, or for that matter, having any strong interest in politics. He does like much the same music as me...and likes going to see the same bands as me live - some American - if it involves a Female who can Rock.
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 2 2024 18:10 utc | 90
Posted by: Ali | Sep 2 2024 12:36 utc | 74
"Agreed. I have long thought that Hitler's greatest crime was killing white people. Others apparently are expendable."
Posted by: farm ecologist | Sep 2 2024 13:45 utc | 79
Well, killing the wrong white people.
Ethnicity, class, religion, ideology, disability and so on. All can be exceptions.
I mainly agree tho. Hitler committed a crime we didn't on that occasion. A very evil one.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Sep 2 2024 18:41 utc | 91
Posted by: DunGroanin | Sep 2 2024 15:26 utc | 82
Would it kill you to name the person you're ranting about?
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 2 2024 16:22 utc | 83
And to write in somewhat plainer English?
Posted by: Jane | Sep 2 2024 18:49 utc | 92
"Any help is appreciated..."
Posted by: George | Sep 2 2024 12:50 utc | 78
If you can't reach support via email within a few days that's a big problem. Outages do happen.
Meanwhile look into having a web site mirror. The folks here directed me to the best country for web hosting. I'll try to dig that up for you. IE If you find site is getting blocked.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Sep 2 2024 18:50 utc | 93
"Would it kill you to name the person you're ranting about?"
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Sep 2 2024 16:22 utc | 83
Dunno Donbass. Wow. I was going to leave it be. Lol.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Sep 2 2024 18:54 utc | 94
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 2 2024 18:10 utc | 90
Did you you to post stories/anecdotes in the comments at OffGuardian? If so they were good.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Sep 2 2024 18:59 utc | 95
Generally the various Levantine peoples appear to be rather productive when left alone. The Palestines especially so.
Posted by: Exile | Sep 2 2024 19:05 utc | 96
From live feed:
UKMTO: A merchant ship captain reports that his ship was hit by two unknown projectiles 70 nautical miles northwest of Al-Salif in Yemen.
Posted by: Exile | Sep 2 2024 19:15 utc | 97
Posted by: David G Horsman | Sep 2 2024 18:59 utc | 95
"Did you you to post stories/anecdotes in the comments at OffGuardian? If so they were good."
Yes it was me. Sometimes, I wake up in the morning, or are still awake from last night...
I do get highly annoyed by mass genocide, but do respect some of the moderators who eg have stated "I am going to delete your post, before I have read it"
You can't get more honest than that.
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 2 2024 19:33 utc | 98
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 2 2024 19:33 utc | 98 continued
incidentally, I am not being critical of any moderator. sometimes I do write complete and utter boring crap about family life as a maybe interesting to me - you know love family friends and mostly dead rockstars...
but of no or little interest to the current wokestars and influencers
It not my fault that most of the 20-30 year olds have turned out Brainwashed, and totally useless taking Selphies of themselves...just look at how beautiful I look
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 2 2024 19:54 utc | 99
UKMTO: A merchant ship captain reports that his ship was hit by two unknown projectiles 70 nautical miles northwest of Al-Salif in Yemen.
Posted by: Exile | Sep 2 2024 19:15 utc | 97
I hope they are OK.
Its different at sea....Sure it can be nice and pretty in good weather with all these kids who think they can swim and their older brothers so happy and smiling now 12 maybe 13 paddling on their surfboards..and you thnk it maybe the RNLI who save them...
its people like me, and my kid, when the wind and the tide change
Go Go - these kids are being swept out to sea
Their Parents on the Beach rarely have a clue, how they came so close to losing their Child...
But I am not suggesting Don't Do It
Life is For Living - Go for it
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 2 2024 20:22 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Hi B, why not naming this thread the Occupied Palestine ?
Posted by: Stephane | Sep 1 2024 13:12 utc | 1