Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
September 04, 2024

Open (Neither Ukraine Nor Palestine) Thread 2024-211

News & views not related to the wars in Ukraine and Palestine ...

Posted by b on September 4, 2024 at 5:08 UTC | Permalink

next page »

Best of health to you Bernhard and thanks for the platform.

It is interesting how the newbies don't respect this place as different from a bar where they just come in to mouth off. Patrons here are expected to be civil and add value to the thread without going too far off topic. If you disagree with another comment, address the points of disagreement, not the writer

And think/write pithy not bloaty

Please and thank you

Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 4 2024 5:23 utc | 1

B, glad to see you up early and opening threads, will take that as a sign that you're getting well (and we all wish for a full recovery)

Not to boost (but you can boost) people are starting to feel the pain of not owning their site (unlike you).

As things go your choice was prescient. (google is starting hard censorship on blogspot)

Still some time to go, but the Kazan BRICS meeting might be a good post for you to look into. Those invited, those confirmed, the limiting or not of further expansion (and some interesting interested parties), even a personal presence by Xi. I confess needing some third party explanations that might help understand all that is currently happening on that front. Anybody else care to comment on that?

Posted by: Newbie | Sep 4 2024 6:23 utc | 2

Just saw your
"Notice Of Absence

@all - I will be offline for the next two or so days.

Please behave.


Will do our best to behave, and whatever the reason hope everything goes for the best

Posted by: Newbie | Sep 4 2024 6:27 utc | 3

Don't know if this was posted here previously, from "Globalism is Economic Slavery" on one of those websites b doesn't like too much because their articles generate endless controversy. Its the life the West looks forward to.

He has never owned anything. He rents his bedroom, his furnishings, and his meager entertainments. Each month, a digital account associated with his digital ID receives a number of central bank digital currency units. How much he receives depends upon the number of hours he works at his government job, how much the government values his work, how much the government taxes him for the privilege of using public infrastructure, and how much of his income the government decides should be redistributed to other citizens in need. After taxes, rents, utilities, and other assorted municipal, state, federal, and international fees are deducted from his earnings, he has little — if any — discretionary income.

If he chooses to save that income to invest in his future, the government informs him that his central bank digital currency units disappear within ninety days. If he tries to purchase something that the government has banned, he forfeits what he currently has. If he does something that the government deems contrary to his well-being, his social credit score decreases, and a fraction of his discretionary income disappears. Every few weeks, a digital doctor (running on artificial intelligence) appears on the video screen in his apartment with a detailed list of all the “unhealthy” things he has done since their last interaction. He is informed that a portion of his temporary savings will be redistributed to citizens with healthier habits. His A.I. health monitor tells him that he must immediately report to the closest pharmaceutical distribution center so that he can be injected with the latest “vaccines.” Failure to do so will result in the deactivation of all electronic entertainment devices and a permanent mark on his social credit record.

He is unhappy, and because the State’s A.I. supervisor has detected his unhappiness, the display monitor in his apartment encourages him to find personal meaning by “joining the fight against global warming.” For a while, he does just that. He attends community meetings in his apartment building where government officials talk about the importance of “saving the planet” by “owning nothing.” He chats with anonymous strangers (bots?) on the State’s social media platform, and they all agree that the sacrifices they’re making to save the world are definitely worth it. He wakes up one morning to discover that his social credit score has risen and that he has been rewarded with a few extra central bank digital currency units. Still, our future man remains unhappy.

Then one day sirens blare, and his apartment monitor flashes with breaking news: the country is at war. He listens intently but can’t figure out which foreign nations are attacking. The trusted news anchors tell him that peace, prosperity, and freedom are all at risk. He steps outside his tiny apartment to find other solitary renters fired up and talking excitedly about the battles to come. He walks back inside to find his A.I. supervisor informing him that he has been personally selected to protect the homeland from its enemies. For the first time in many years, our future man feels alive.

He soon finds himself in boot camp, where he enjoys regular exercise, discipline, and camaraderie. Six months later, he and his new friends are shipped overseas. Strangely, in all this time, nobody has explained whom they will actually be fighting. All he knows is that they’re at war with “the authoritarians” who wish to “take our democracy.” There is anticipation in his camp and endless talk of adventure. Then, when everyone least expects it, a thunderous swarm of drones attacks from overhead. Nobody has time to react. Explosions seem to come from out of nowhere. He sees the bodies of his friends torn to pieces. Then everything goes dark.

He awakes in a hospital severely injured, is called a hero, and is later sent home. When he arrives, he notices breadlines outside the government’s genetically engineered food distribution centers. He hears a beggar on the street joke that they should call them “insect-lines,” since that’s all there is to eat. He learns that someone else has moved into his old apartment, but he is offered a new one because of his military service. It is smaller and has even fewer furnishings than the one he lost. He realizes that most of his former neighbors never returned from war and that many of the newcomers now living in their apartments look and sound like those people he was told to fight overseas. Nothing makes sense. His injuries torment him. He feels even more lost and lonely than before he went to war. His A.I. supervisor informs him that he has been added to a list of people considered “potential domestic terrorists.” Remaining on this list will make it hard for him to work and live.

Then, one day, his digital doctor asks if he would like some assistance in ending his life peacefully. “You can save others,” he is told, “by permanently reducing your carbon footprint.” In agony, he wonders, “How did we get here?”

Posted by: gT | Sep 4 2024 6:38 utc | 4

Here is my second Substack post, something of a departure from my usual haunts.

Its title is In the Twilight of Great Britain

Here are the opening lines:

The saddest thing I see in China is an MG car.
The last three cars I owned were all MGs. The first two were built in Longbridge, Birmingham. The third was built in Nanjing, China, and Longbridge is now a housing estate. Delve into the long sad story that led to that result and you will be part way to understanding how the United Kingdom arrived at the sorry state it is in today. What we have seen in Britain over the past 70 years, slowly at first but now accelerating, is its transformation from a country, with all its faults, that one could be proud of, one which essentially served the people, one which was good to to live in: to being a shadow of its former self in which the economy is collapsing, poverty increasing as the standard of living is declining, one in which the priorities of its government are serving its American master, getting involved on the wrong side of conflicts around the world rather than serving the needs of its people, and arresting citizens who do no more than disagree with the policies it pursues.

My thanks to everyone who read my first Substack effort, Four Chinese Women.
If you missed it, it is here.

It has racked up 430 views since last Thursday. Almost all must have come through MoA. I am simply amazed and extremely grateful to b and to everyone who read it, and to those who took the time to comment.

Posted by: Walt | Sep 4 2024 6:55 utc | 5

It has racked up 430 views since last Thursday. Almost all must have come through MoA. I am simply amazed and extremely grateful to b and to everyone who read it, and to those who took the time to comment.

Posted by: Walt | Sep 4 2024 6:55 utc | 5

Interesting, but I have to agree with the first answer you got there, the apex was no later that 1855 and by 1873 GB was in a slump that would last two decades.

Posted by: Newbie | Sep 4 2024 7:22 utc | 6

DD Geopolitics
🇺🇦 The Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Stefanchuk posted Kuleba's letter of resignation

Pro-Russian narratives on social media are growing in Poland

▪️Anti-Ukrainian sentiments are growing among the Polish Facebook audience of about 20 million people, and narratives that are beneficial to Russia are spreading. This is reported with alarm by the Ukrainian "Center for Countering Disinformation", which has discovered many Polish-language pages sowing hatred towards Ukrainians. These ideas are also supported by some right-wing politicians in Poland.
▪️ The main narratives being spread are: Ukrainians are the eternal enemies of Poles, Ukrainian refugees behave like occupiers, Poland is becoming a colony of Ukraine, Poles feel like “second-class citizens” in their own country, the “Ukrainization” and “Banderization” of Poland is growing, military aid to Ukraine is exacerbating the economic crisis and could drag Poland into war.

The bullshit this war was was built around is starting to implode. Russia launched another large missile attack. Zero air defenses now and apparently not even warnings for cruise missiles. A turkey shoot by the looks. Russia's new nuclear doctrine is something I am waiting on now.
Here's Bojo speaking for the British elite.

"They haven't called up many young people yet."

Boris Johnson told pranksters Vovan and Lexus that Ukraine needs mass mobilization. The conversation was conducted on behalf of Jacques Attali, the ideologist of the "orange revolutions", a globalist economist and patron of French President Emmanuel Macron.

The former British Prime Minister agreed that Ukraine needs modern "equipment", but that the West should not help with human resources - Kyiv must "squeeze out" its human resources.

"They haven't had a mass mobilization yet. The Ukrainian army, the veterans that I've seen, are pretty respectable people, older, mature guys, and they haven't called up many of their young people yet," he said.

Erasing this nasty little island would be a huge leap forward for man.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 4 2024 7:24 utc | 7

posted 7 to wrong thread.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 4 2024 7:26 utc | 8

posted 7 to wrong thread.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 4 2024 7:26 utc | 8

Saying Bojo is a soulless SOB might count as open thread.

Though it is ukraine, soon it can be any country that falls for the same ploy.

When are people going to get wise and understand that when you volunteer for meat for the hegemon it's "to the last man" (or probably to the last living person, don't see bojo stoping at boys, women next)

Posted by: Newbie | Sep 4 2024 7:59 utc | 9

Thanks b, hope you're on a well earn vacation.

Posted by: Suresh | Sep 4 2024 8:03 utc | 10

Thankyou b, enjoy a bit of late summer , the autumn and winter will be busy for our history!

A partial repost from an old thread - i hadn’t seen we have moved on several posts!

Ignorance is not acknowledging real historical truths.
The USA was barely ‘invaded’ by forced religio freak groups founded in Northern Europe, who were then encouraged to go find a homeland to live in with every one of their freak Christian beliefs in ‘freedom of worship’.

When they failed to flourish early on - saved only by the turkey feast myth that has spread east back across the pond to Europe - Europeans were encouraged to Go West whether they wanted to or not.
Enclosures, famine, persecution …
Ever wonder for whose benefit?

African slaves were purchased and transported throughout the Americas.
Until enough poor Europeans came to find success in the land of plenty , gold diggers, land grabbers, cowboys - Native killers. It depopulated Europe in many parts leaving the demographic time bombs going off now a few generations later.

‘ Give me your sick hungry and unwanted …’ or some such gobbledygook …
When exactly did that NEED for more immigrants end???

It is a continent sized land and is massively under populated in terms of space per capita compared to many other nations. Russia being less so btw because it lost massive populations through the wars it had been subjected to.

These people who were ‘Latinos’ who have always been encouraged to GO NORTH because that’s what the OWNERS need - willing labourers. There are no longer enough to keep up the growth so more are ‘enslaved’ with promises from their bountious lands , encouraged by war and pillaging of their resources and lands for multinational corporations owned and run by whom?

Asians and south Asians have been encouraged to arrive and now BACK TO AFRICA. - the tens of thousands who are being FLOWN in by the Air America Clandestine forces with fit and able young men… what do you suppose they are for?

History didn’t begin and end with the Founding Fathers Myth and the US as the greatest. thing the world has seen since …everything else that was developed by real ancient civilisations.

It didn’t begin and and with the centuries of coordinated Anglo European imperialism and settlement - again for and by whom?

The river of ignorance is mighty indeed if one stays attached to the myths of the Western European History as the reality , a mighty river, DENIAL. 😉

The strategic reasons for the Collective Wastes war and propaganda is about preserving the myth and cleaving the imperial colonies populations away from the majority of the rest of the world - we (here at MoA) and the Narratives we are made to consume and regurgitate are about finding which stories will work best across the barely (insufficient) billion people of the Collective Waste for the benefit of the very Few who have straddled across the centuries remembering everything whilst keeping us mere slaves, memory holing even our own personal histories ; going round in circles constantly surprised like the proverbial goldfish in a bowl !

Whose bowl? Whose goldfish?

Posted by: DunGroanin | Sep 4 2024 8:42 utc | 11

I plead guilty of abusing this place. In spite of that I ask for your forgiveness. The only reason you leave for one or two days is your health. My message is therefore: Get well!

Posted by: DidierF | Sep 4 2024 9:14 utc | 12

I would like to inform those including 'b' it's KILO--METRES not KILO--METERS..........
A "Metre" is a measurement for distance ...
A "Meter" is something manufactured for the measurement of Volumes of Water... Gas... etc. ...etc.
I know no one can move without consulting a US Word Checker ... it's not the pronunciation of Tomatoes we are dealing with here ot's the spelling of words which have no relation with the other?

William Kierath

Posted by: William Edward Kiera | Sep 4 2024 9:32 utc | 13

Posted by: William Edward Kiera | Sep 4 2024 9:32 utc | 13

you are such a hoot. why on earth do you think the UK spelling is the only correct one? here is a short list of other spellings used.

when you consider that many of the words you use are derived from German...whether is was the Angles or the Saxons you might realize that you got it wrong and not the other way around

Posted by: dan of steele | Sep 4 2024 10:09 utc | 14

@dan of steele | Sep 4 2024 10:09 utc | 14

At the risk of turning the hoot into a screaming match, would this be the time or place to ask if the spelling determines whether the accent falls on the first or second syllable?

Let the wild rumpus start!

Posted by: NotBob | Sep 4 2024 11:03 utc | 15

>> Only for those with an interest in the topic. Everyone else please ignore, pass on by. This fell out of the sky unexpectedly, felt like passing it on because it is worth a browse. Remember the term: PolyCrisis

Title: Civilization will Collapse (High Confidence): A Compendium of Relevant Biophysical, Political, Economic, Military, Health, and Psychological Information on Climate Change

Executive Summary
Human civilization will not collapse from the direct effects of climate change, but rather from the secondary effects of crop failures, infectious diseases, and armed conflict. The root cause of the climate crisis is the Earth’s energy imbalance: more energy is arriving at the Earth from the sun than is being radiated back out into space. This is occurring because we have been cutting down forests and burning fossil fuels for the last 150 years at a furious rate, leading to a greenhouse effect and the consequent warming of the Earth’s land, oceans, and atmosphere.

For meaningful change to occur there needs to be mass mobilizations for climate action, and one critical initial prerequisite is an honest assessment of the current situation, plus predictions about what we can realistically expect in the near future. The goal here is to provide that information.

This paper reviews the latest scientific findings on our climate, and provides evidence that not only is the biophysical situation much worse than reported by most of the scientific community, but that the consequences for human societies are also much worse.

In summary: the situation is already critical, and it will get much worse in the near future. Climate change mitigation (the effort to limit greenhouse gases) has failed. Risks are consistently underestimated. Rapid decarbonization is required but is unlikely to occur.

The probability that there will be a global societal collapse is high because the second and third order effects of climate change, such as crop failures leading to starvation, are not fully appreciated and will lead to intra- and interstate conflict. Compound hazards and cascading effects will also increase the damage to individuals and society, and there are interconnections among risks arising from environmental, economic, technological, geopolitical, and societal factors that will increase the probability of societal collapse. This is a “polycrisis.”

For information purposes only:

Posted by: Fred | Sep 4 2024 11:13 utc | 16

"Metre is the standard spelling of the metric unit for length in nearly all English-speaking nations, the exceptions being the United States and the Philippines which use meter." (from Wiki)

Therefore, "meter" is the correct spelling and "metre" is incorrect. Rules based order, our Democracy.

Population of US: 335 million
Population of Phillipines: 116 million
Population of UK: 67 million

Sorry, just regulations...(21 second clip, John Candy)

Posted by: Wisco | Sep 4 2024 11:19 utc | 17

"Executive Summary
Human civilization will not collapse from the direct effects of climate change, but rather from the secondary effects of crop failures, infectious diseases, and armed conflict. The root cause of the climate crisis is the Earth’s energy imbalance: more energy is arriving at the Earth from the sun than is being radiated back out into space. This is occurring because we have been cutting down forests and burning fossil fuels for the last 150 years at a furious rate, leading to a greenhouse effect and the consequent warming of the Earth’s land, oceans, and atmosphere."

Posted by: Furtive Fred | Sep 4 2024 11:13 utc | 16

Total nonsense-the last time humans almost went extinct was 70,000 years ago during an ice age-cold kills, warmth proliferates life:

Posted by: canuck | Sep 4 2024 11:41 utc | 18

good healing for you b...maybewecan have asummary on current German the east more realistic and more easily able to come to terms with Russian actions... realises the insanity of Ukraine ...and overall do Germans understand the perilous nature of its present government which seems to be making plans to shut out the "sensible "parties now coming to thefore???? Will the east split?

Posted by: Jo | Sep 4 2024 11:46 utc | 19

Posted by: Furtive Fred | Sep 4 2024 11:13 utc | 16

Please educate yourself, read below:

Green plants grow faster with more CO2 . Many also become more drought resistant because higher CO2
levels allow plants to use water more efficiently. More abundant vegetation from increased CO2
is already apparent. Satellite images reveal significant greening of the planet in recent decades,
especially at desert margins, where drought resistance is critical. This remarkable planetary greening
is the result of a mere 30% increase of CO2 from its preindustrial levels. Still higher CO2 levels will
bring still more benefits to agriculture.
Plants use energy from sunlight to fuse a molecule of CO2 to a molecule of water,
H2 O, to form carbohydrates. One molecule of oxygen O2 is released to the air for each
CO2 molecule removed. Biological machinery of plants reworks the carbohydrate
polymers into proteins, oils and other molecules of life. Every living creature, from
the blooming rose, to the newborn baby, is made of carbon from former atmospheric
CO2 molecules. Long-dead plants used CO2 from ancient atmospheres to produce
most of the fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas that have transformed the life of
most humans – moving from drudgery and near starvation before the industrial
revolution to the rising potential for abundance today.

The fraction of the beneficial molecule CO2 in the current atmosphere is tiny,
about 0.04% by volume. This level is about 30% larger than pre-industrial levels in
1800. But today’s levels are still much smaller than the levels, 0.20% or more, that
prevailed over much of geological history. CO2 levels during the past tens of millions
of years have been much closer to starvation levels, 0.015%, when many plants die,
than to the much higher levels that most plants prefer. Basic physics implies that
more atmospheric CO2 will increase greenhouse warming.

However, atmospheric processes are so complicated that the amount of
warming cannot be reliably predicted from first principles. Recent observations of
the atmosphere and oceans, together with geological history, point to very modest
warming, about 1 C (1.8 F) if atmospheric CO2 levels are doubled.
Observations also show no significant change in extreme weather, tornadoes,
hurricanes, floods, or droughts. Sea levels are rising at about the same rate as in
centuries past. A few degrees of warming will have many benefits, longer growing
seasons and less winter heating expenses. And this will be in addition to major
benefits to agriculture.

More CO2 in the atmosphere is not an unprecedented experiment with an
unpredictable outcome. The Earth has done the experiment many times in the
geological past. Life flourished abundantly on land and in the oceans at much larger
CO2 levels than those today. Responsible use of fossil fuels, with cost-effective
control of genuine pollutants like fly ash or oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, will be a
major benefit for the world." (1)


Posted by: canuck | Sep 4 2024 12:07 utc | 20

William Kierath,

When you can write in German as fluently as B. In English then you can become the spelling monitor. 🤣

Posted by: Exile | Sep 4 2024 12:55 utc | 21

@Fred | Sep 4 2024 11:13 utc | 16

The probability that there will be a global societal collapse is high because the second and third order effects of climate change, such as crop failures leading to starvation, are not fully appreciated and will lead to intra- and interstate conflict.
There are many man-made dangers in this world, but "climate change" is not one of them, so just cut the BS and read up on events like the Younger Dryas.

Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 4 2024 13:04 utc | 22

Pavel Durov, Paul Du Rove...

"...This week, in referring to Durov, FM Lavrov repudiated everything Durov told Carlson's American audience he stands for."

Posted by: John Gilberts | Sep 4 2024 13:31 utc | 23

"@Fred | Sep 4 2024 11:13 utc | 16
The probability that there will be a global societal collapse is high because the second and third order effects of climate change, such as crop failures leading to starvation, are not fully appreciated and will lead to intra- and interstate conflict.
There are many man-made dangers in this world, but "climate change" is not one of them, so just cut the BS and read up on events like the Younger Dryas."

Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 4 2024 13:04 utc | 22

Thank you for the reality check!

Posted by: canuck | Sep 4 2024 13:37 utc | 24

Be well, B.

Posted by: Mary | Sep 4 2024 13:43 utc | 25

If she wins.
This will be funto watch paddy's day 2025
Oh the mental gymnastics!

Posted by: jpc | Sep 4 2024 14:09 utc | 26

john helmer article on pavel durov..


Posted by: james | Sep 4 2024 14:32 utc | 27

I have been investigating the impacts of neoliberalism upon demographics, first in a post on Japan and now in posts on South Eastern Europe and East and West Germany. The lessons are very simple, if you destroy the hopes, dreams and stability of young people (neoliberalism) and remove state social supports for mothers and children (neoliberalism) then birth rates fall. Everything else fades into the background, including feminism (the feminist East Germany had significantly higher birth rates than West Germany prior to reunification).

Of course, Western governments will ignore these messages and continue with neoliberalism while using the "only solution" mass immigration to supposedly fix the working age population deficit. An approach tried to the extreme recently in Canada with the result that GDP per capita has stagnated, productivity growth has been reduced from its already low level, and investment in efficiency has fallen as employers can simply hire cheap immigrant labour. Anyone who thinks that Conservative governments will significantly reduce the immigrant flow simply do not understand the oligarch control of both sides of the political aisle, as shown by the UK Conservatives after the BREXIT that was driven heavily by a popular reaction to high rates of immigration, and by Meloni in Italy. It will be the same in Canada and the US after the 2025 elections.

Perhaps Trump will build his wall and limit immigration, but that will only be after a massive and heavily coordinated influx of illegal immigrants to the US in the last few years under the Democrats. He will also do nothing to end the US economic war on Venezuela, nor the continued attempts to overthrow the Nicaraguan government, nor the neo-liberalization of Central America that so drives the movement of desperate people toward the US border. He will still be an improvement of course over the Democratic full on class war mass immigration actions of the past 4 years.

I have started looking at other European nations, including a France that stands out for a relatively positive demographic structure (hint: the social state that benefits mothers and children has been a lot more resilient in France, its not immigration).

Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 14:49 utc | 28

"NEW: Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies, including McDonald’s & Wendy’s.

The state takes 40% of wages and often denies parole to keep people as cheap labor.

Getting written up can lead to solitary confinement. This is modern day slavery."

Posted by: JAB | Sep 4 2024 15:18 utc | 29

The UK and Ireland and US are slowing inexorably de-industrializing themselves on orders from the globalist elites in the WEC and the Open Society Foundation.

Bill Clinton years ago stated plainly that "we do not need steelworkers or steel plants, steel can be obtained any where" preferably in China or India.

That was signal that it was OK to openly advocated for a de-industrialized society, since Willie always took orders from the globalist masters in Geneva.

In the UK it followed orders to close down coal mines, steel mills, power generation stations, shipyards like H and W, auto plants and depend on imported goods and Chinese made solar panels and industrial wind mills.

The result massive economic dislocations, with the UK even ordering RN naval vessels from foreign sources (who cares about the H and W workers in Belfast anyway), and massive increases in utility rates for the middle class.

The socialist autocratic green new deal fits in perfectly to the globalist WEC agenda.......bankrupt the middle class with a lack of real, good paying jobs, jack up utility rates to unaffordable levels and then repress the free speech rights of the middle class too. Turn them into easily controllable vassals of the new globalist Orwellian state....

And do not forget to wage endless foreign wars against Russia and the Palestinians to keep the pressure off your oppressive domestic economic policies.

Lets not forget that the US too is in the same boat, $35 T in debt, a debt now exceeding GNP. And with the election of neo fascist green socialist Harris/Walz ticket well down the same rabbit hole that the UK is engaged with now. More war, less jobs, more crazy green policies.

The western world is tipping on the edge of a great reset......November 5 will tell the tale...Orwellian oppression or economic freedom......your choice bar flies.........

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Sep 4 2024 15:41 utc | 30

JAB 29 - No its called work release. It gives the inmates outside time to learn a skill and a trade. Its a great program.......far better that sitting on your arse all day watching soap operas or re-runs of Charlies Angels.

Its a great opportunity for the criminal class to rehab themselves if they don't screw it up..........

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Sep 4 2024 15:45 utc | 31

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Sep 4 2024 15:45 utc | 31

The criminal class? Seriously?

You mean dirt poor people with little or no education?

The real criminal class runs this country, and its prisons.

Posted by: JAB | Sep 4 2024 15:54 utc | 32

@Posted by: Tobias Cole | Sep 4 2024 15:41 utc | 30

Calling Harris/Waltz socialist is utterly delusional. They are somewhat progressive neoliberal Zionists bought and paid for by the capitalist oligarchy, while Trump is conservative neoliberal Zionist. The supposed "green" policies are just massive handouts to specific parts of the oligarchy, while the state subsidies continue to flow to the oil and gas industry as well.

The US is run by an extractionist profiteering capitalist oligarchy that owns both parties. There are different parts of that oligarchy with different interests, hence the different focuses of Harris and Trump, but they will always come together to support their general interests - that's why Harris, Trump and Kennedy are all fully neoliberal and fully Zionist. As was Sunak and now is Starmer, as is Meloni, as is Macron, as is Trudeau and will be Poilievre, as is Scholz etc. The party makes no difference, they are all owned by the capitalist oligarchy. Actual socialism is their enemy.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 15:59 utc | 33

@Posted by: JAB | Sep 4 2024 15:54 utc | 32

"The real criminal class runs this country, and its prisons."

Exactly, and the law does not apply to them unless they suddenly gain a conscience or some empathy for others less fortunate.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 16:02 utc | 34

@Posted by: Tobias Cole | Sep 4 2024 15:41 utc | 30

And fascism is a tool of the capitalist elite, it is the opposite of socialism. A bit of education for you Gabriel Rockhill, "Are Fascism and Liberalism Partners in Capitalist Crime?"

Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 16:05 utc | 35

Propaganda slogans are pithy, by design. Sometimes, demanding brevity is barring discussion. When there is a scroll function on your mouse, length is not your mortal enemy: The real enemy is either seeing a computer screen (see your optometrist?) or reading comprehension (sometimes of the writer?)

The lesson of the Younger Dryas is that climate changes can be both sudden and drastic, not that climate change doesn't matter. The original population of Britain (the island) was apparently largely replaced by an influx of Mediterranean peoples. Was it because the population had radically dropped centuries earlier leaving the original inhabitants too few? Of course I don't know...but neither do people know that there weren't any negative consequences for humans due to the Younger Dryas. There is no reason to believe that other than wishful thinking. No reason, means not rational.

In fact, no one knows for sure what caused the event. One explanation, fresh water inflows from melting ice changing ocean currents, thereby reducing effective heat transmission from lower latitudes is a strong contender. That effect can take place now. The problem is that rapid climate change can have devastating effects. Slow climate change for one thing allows forests to migrate. (Yes, they migrate, but being plants it's by seeds successfully germinating and growing to adult trees in higher latitudes over the years, as forests in lower latitudes whose climate has becomes unsuitable slowly wither as each tree eventually dies. It takes a long time.)

My personal belief is that the challenge of global climate change cannot be met by capitalism, which will risk the future of humanity for profits today. That's why there's so little progress on addressing the issues, despite the hysteria of right-wingers devoted to their masters' profits. Those people thought things like pension plans and health care and public education are The Road to Serfdom too, so there's that. There are (in my opinion fake) self-dubbed leftists who advocate weird de-growth nonsense and others who add in depopulation. I think Marxist socialism rejects asceticism (see the Manifesto, please!) And Marxist socialism I think tells us that planning is a key component of all human progress after the decay of capitalism/imperialism. But that's me, evidently.

Not being fanatical, I would gladly consider a mere reform of immigration: Only a union card is a green card. If immigrants don't work at the prevailing union wage, they don't go. Not an accelerationist, will support genuine reforms. Calling for mass deportation is calling for mass death and ethnic cleansing, the Gaza option. By the way, the classic imperialist way of dealing with expensive labor is to take up exploiting the workers in their countries (if that's not an oxymoron?) It's called outsourcing. Why pay American wages to Americans when you can put your jeans factory in Bangla Desh?

Posted by: steven t johnson | Sep 4 2024 16:08 utc | 36

Larry Johnson's site, Sonar21, has been down all morning for me. Anyone else having this issue?

Posted by: Honzo | Sep 4 2024 16:11 utc | 37

"Posted by: Honzo | Sep 4 2024 16:11 utc | 37"

I was in it in the wee hours this morning.~2 am est.

But this is the message I get now:

Error establishing a database connection

Posted by: Mary | Sep 4 2024 16:19 utc | 38

i agree with roger.. well said roger.. thanks..

Posted by: james | Sep 4 2024 16:35 utc | 39

@ Honzo | Sep 4 2024 16:11 utc | 37

yeah.. same..

Posted by: james | Sep 4 2024 16:36 utc | 40

Global Capitalism’s Extermination Impulse
By William I. Robinson

I'm not a huge fan of this site. Lots of mental masturbation by that pig Zizek, among other empire philosophers.

Nonetheless, this article is an interesting extrapolation from the genocide in Gaza and the falling rate of profit for western Oligarchs. I think he's on to something.

This won't be the last genocide in this epoch of Imperialist collapse and war. You can discern the impulse in the MSM's "analysis" of why east Germany voted out the establishment parties opting instead for the AFD and/or BSW.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 4 2024 16:51 utc | 41

Sonar21 down for me : 503 message

Posted by: Exile | Sep 4 2024 16:53 utc | 42

@steven t johnson | Sep 4 2024 16:08 utc | 36

The lesson of the Younger Dryas is that climate changes can be both sudden and drastic, not that climate change doesn't matter.
Sure, but that's a strawman, because the Younger Dryas was a natural event. The issue is supposed man made climate change. The Younger Dryas is proof that drastic changes happen naturally, sometimes virtually over night.

In fact, no one knows for sure what caused the event. One explanation, fresh water inflows from melting ice changing ocean currents, thereby reducing effective heat transmission from lower latitudes is a strong contender.
That's a self defeating hypothesis that claims it got drastically colder (-15C overnight) because the ice cap over North America suddenly melted. Where did the energy come from that melted the ice so suddenly and why did that cause sudden and drastic drop in temperatures?

If you want a more credible theory that explains what we know, it is the comet or asteroid fragment impact on the Laurentide Ice sheet in the area of present day Great Lakes on the border between US and Canada. It shattered the 3000m think ice sheet and sent ice bergs in ballistic orbits all across North America, killing the megafauna in an instant. Where the ground conditions were favorable (sandy soil) the ice boulders created secondary km-sized impact cones from oblique impacts. As you may know, intersecting a cone with a plane creates mathematical ellipses, and such ellipses are observed all over the east coast of the US, they are the Carolina Bays. They are the result of ice boulders melting away and the ground relaxing, leaving the ellipse shaped rims.

The ellipse long axes all point to the Great Lakes where the primary impact happened. The sudden cooling happened because an ice cloud ended up in orbit around the earth, blocking the Sun. It took ~1000 years for the ice cloud in orbit to completely evaporate and temperatures return to normal. Then it took another 7000 years for civilization to reboot itself in Mesopotamia and Egypt, rediscovering the creations of those who came before them before the Younger Dryas, creations that still exists.

Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 4 2024 16:55 utc | 43

@Posted by: Tobias Cole | Sep 4 2024 15:41 utc | 30

Calling Harris/Waltz socialist is utterly delusional. They are somewhat progressive neoliberal Zionists bought and paid for by the capitalist oligarchy, while Trump is conservative neoliberal Zionist. The supposed "green" policies are just massive handouts to specific parts of the oligarchy, while the state subsidies continue to flow to the oil and gas industry as well.

The US is run by an extractionist profiteering capitalist oligarchy that owns both parties. There are different parts of that oligarchy with different interests, hence the different focuses of Harris and Trump, but they will always come together to support their general interests - that's why Harris, Trump and Kennedy are all fully neoliberal and fully Zionist. As was Sunak and now is Starmer, as is Meloni, as is Macron, as is Trudeau and will be Poilievre, as is Scholz etc. The party makes no difference, they are all owned by the capitalist oligarchy. Actual socialism is their enemy.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 15:59 utc | 33


Plus, how after watching the Biden administration bring us to the brink of nuclear Holocaust with actual Nazi Ukrainians and funding a genocide and perpetrating the NSW pipeline explosion, can anyone believe they are any better than Trump?

As for the environment, consider the environmental impact of just the three undisputed acts of the democrat party states above and tell me again that they care about preserving our environment.

I used to just abide the bullshit lesser evilism, but at this point in history you have to be totally ignorant or an outright liar to push that argument. I'm not having that shit anymore. It's just too clearly false.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 4 2024 16:59 utc | 44

I've been reading MOA at least once a week for the past two years. Somehow, I never saw discussion of this Rumble video that came out a year ago making a very strong case from multiple lines of evidence that Nordstream was blown using a 5 kiloton nuclear weapon, and therefore even Seymore Hersch's story is a limited hangout to divert people away from the truth.

Posted by: Rhinoskerous | Sep 4 2024 17:19 utc | 45


Ganske Rigtig. There are other versions besides the Great Lakes...Hudson Bay as the prime exemplar, as explained to me by Dr. Chuck Carson, then heading the geology department at University of Minnesota, Duluth. His statement was in response to one I made relevant to the Mesabi Iron Range, with its southernmost Tioga Pit's "spoils pile" evidencing infusions of various formulations of iron into a sand base, which was nearly vitrified into an amalgam with hematite, limonite and other iterations of the mineral content.

Dr. Carson cued me into an understanding that my hypothesis would have been from a much earlier geological era than the "crash" of the Laurentide glaciation. He did agree that the primary entry point of the bolt from he blue may well have struck that site southwest of Grand Rapids, Minnesota and that the zig-zag deposition of the iron induction from well below the planet's a formulation similar to a lightning-bolt, proceeded northeasterly up to the far deeper underground pits in the far extremity of the Range, somewhat northeastwards of Lake Vermillion.

Makeup of the ore-body in that northern extremity is of a far harder agglomeration and trends towards a nickel content in small iterations.

Carson also pointed to not only Hudson's Bay itself as the largest strike on the planet, but also to that spattered mass of islands commencing with Baffin Bay and then proceeding northwestwards. Thus, it would appear that the breakup of the northeastern corner of the North American continent was the fore-runner of later strikes in that general neighborhood. Thus, your premise that the Great Lakes, primarily of Lake Superior, may most probably been the till now ultimate strike in that large region. Interestingly, the Upper Peninsula of the south end of Superior...once sported North America's copper mining region. It is not unlikely that the south shore of the greatest lake contains unmissable masses of pure or nearly pure copper.

Meanwhile, there is a huge battle going on in the Arrowhead Region of Minnesota as to whether massive mining in that area for a multi mineral complex would or would not be destructive to an unique zone, just to the north of Hibbing where a continentally unique Continental Divide of THREE river systems exists. The rivers include the St. Lawrence System which terminates into the Atlantic in the province of Quebec and encompasses the entire Great Lakes Basin; the Mississipi System, the northernmost tributary being the Swan River AND the Rainy River which debouches into the Red River of the North via Lake of the Woods, which borders Minnesota and the provinces of Manitoba and Ontario and thence debouches through two major Manitoba lakes and then forms the Nelson River which empties into Hudson's Bay...and the Arctic Ocean.

All three of these critical watersheds could become degraded by massive mining by greedy corporations who are currently being combatted by various environmental groups.

Posted by: aristodemos | Sep 4 2024 17:33 utc | 46

"If you want a more credible theory that explains what we know, it is the comet or asteroid fragment impact on the Laurentide Ice sheet in the area of present day Great Lakes on the border between US and Canada. It shattered the 3000m think ice sheet and sent ice bergs in ballistic orbits all across North America, killing the megafauna in an instant. Where the ground conditions were favorable (sandy soil) the ice boulders created secondary km-sized impact cones from oblique impacts. As you may know, intersecting a cone with a plane creates mathematical ellipses, and such ellipses are observed all over the east coast of the US, they are the Carolina Bays. They are the result of ice boulders melting away and the ground relaxing, leaving the ellipse shaped rims.

The ellipse long axes all point to the Great Lakes where the primary impact happened. The sudden cooling happened because an ice cloud ended up in orbit around the earth, blocking the Sun. It took ~1000 years for the ice cloud in orbit to completely evaporate and temperatures return to normal. Then it took another 7000 years for civilization to reboot itself in Mesopotamia and Egypt, rediscovering the creations of those who came before them before the Younger Dryas, creations that still exists."

Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 4 2024 16:55 utc | 43

100% correct.

If you guys whom believe in Anthropomorphic climate change you should watch this: Randall Carlson appearing on the Joe Rogan exaplaining the Younger Dryas phenomenon-its only 7 minute long:

Posted by: canuck | Sep 4 2024 17:34 utc | 47

A very good article by the "Canadians for a Sustainable Society" how a think tank headed by a McKinsey guy then by a Blackrock guy has worked quietly behind the scenes to spread its tentacles around all of the political parties to drive unconditional support for mass immigration - taken to extremes by the current Liberal-NDP administration.

Meet Canada’s Real Government

Also, a great takedown of all the liberal democracy bullshit. In the West, we live in a capitalist oligarchy. Mass immigration has nothing to do with "lefties" its a capitalist ruling class project.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 17:35 utc | 48

Editing problem again with small print not easily copy edited where "unmineable" is auto correctable into unmissable. So much for that fukkin A.I. Their database is user unfriendly when one is an inveterate wordsmith. Apologies for that glitch in my 1733 posting

Posted by: aristodemos | Sep 4 2024 17:38 utc | 49


Thanks for the research info on the Younger Dryas and its massive impacts.

Posted by: aristodemos | Sep 4 2024 17:39 utc | 50

O Canada, what now?

In what's turned into a massive political shake-up in Canada, Jagmeet Singh, leader of the progressive National Democratic Party (NDP), is pulling the plug on his party's support deal with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government.

"Justin Trudeau has proven again and again he will always cave to corporate greed. The Liberals have let people down. They don't deserve another chance from Canadians." ~ Jagmeet Singh

Posted by: majoab | Sep 4 2024 17:40 utc | 51

Norwegian@43 is correct in citing another strong contender for the cause of the Younger Dryas event. But Norwegian's assertion that the event being a natural somehow makes a difference is a non sequitur. It doesn't make any difference to us is we mess the world up ourselves or if you think of it as an act of God. A major earthquake under the Thwaites glacier could trigger a sudden collapse and a massive sea level rise. I suspect some MoA commenters wouldn't care if Bangla Desh loses huge portions of its farm land. But I think our duty to humanity, including posterity, means doing our best to make a better world. When there are billions of people all wanting a good life, there are amounts of carbon dioxide (and methane, an overlooked greenhouse gas---we can't do anything about water vapor) being produced on unprecedented scales at rates unprecedented. Geological history is full of examples of global catastrophes called mass extinctions but again, that in no way implies we should be heedless of our world. Or to put it in the most basic terms, people are a part of nature too. They can be the natural cause. Any unspoken assumption that only God disposes, not even the optimistic version where God will save His children from themselves, is unwarranted. The danger of CFCs was forestalled, why not anthropogenic climate changes?

By the way, if the impact theory of the Dryas event is found to be the best explanation, then that would be a strong argument for a human commitment to an active presence in far space, where such lethal objects can be detected and deflected without dangerous scifi gimmicks like nukes exploding overhad. That's not what the Space Force is for.

And, to repeat, transitioning to a sane system will in my opinion require a socialist world economy with some degree of environmental planning. Further, said socialist world economy is the only way I can see the secondary effects mentioned above can be dealt with. Sea level rise that drowns island nations doesn't necessarily involve either letting them drown to save oil billionaires today or savagely rationing everyone on the planet. It is folly to ignore climate change on the simplistic grounds that warm is good. It's not good everywhere and it's not good all the time and in both cases we---if we had a rational system---would care. Cars have been good and will still be good in lots of places (especially rural areas it seems to me,) but that never means not worrying about smog, or their carbon dioxide emissions. Warming does have some benefits, thank God, and if we adapt our way of life, our economy, to share the benefits and burdens. Ignoring the future is a plea for those secondary effects, such as local famines in a world that still has enough food if distributed. Or plagues from disrupted biomes. Or the wars that develop when destabilized states are targets of imperialism. (See the history of the war in Syria, where neoliberalism compounded the effects of prolonged drought and was a cause of the terrible war there.) Denialism in my best judgment is driven by a desire to not share burdens and benefits, to serve today's wealthy at the cost of the rest of the world and those who come after us.

Posted by: steven t johnson | Sep 4 2024 17:43 utc | 52

"NEW: Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies, including McDonald’s & Wendy’s."

Posted by: JAB | Sep 4 2024 15:18 utc | 29

Nothing new.

In 1987 in New Port Richie Florida when I was building a mini storage site I paid prisoners from the local jail $2.00 an hour and I fed them lunch. The prisoners, all black, received 50 cents an our the warden got the balance.

They were all good workers never had a problem. They called each other the 'n' word all the time and they wanted me to do it as well-as a polite Canadian I never did till one morning coming around the corner I see an electrical fire and one of my workers who had a one yard bucket of water on the loader ready to drop it to put it on the fire when I yelled, "You stupid (you know what word I said) STOP, STOP" he did but there was such a chorus of laughter from all the other guys who heard me-some of them laughed so hard they wept...

I kept their morale up as I promised when we were done the job (took 8 months) I would get some girls, a big boombox and we would have a BBQ (hot dogs, burgers, coleslaw) with beer (no hard liquor)at the site-I had to pay the Warden $100 to let the prisoners out for the party.

As a young man I had been to many parties, I never saw so many people have more fun than at that one...

Posted by: canuck | Sep 4 2024 17:48 utc | 53

@aristodemos | Sep 4 2024 17:33 utc | 46

Great theories! For sure lots of things happened in the very distant past. The part I am considering (the theory is not mine, I just try to fit some of the pieces together) is virtually yesterday, 12800 years is nothing. But it is fascinating to realize a great cataclysm happened and there were people like us before it, and they did things we still cannot do.

Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 4 2024 17:51 utc | 54

Hold on now Harris talks the progressive game but is really a fascist at heart........she will jail Elon, she will seize all privately held firearms (lots of luck with that), she will destroy millions of good paying jobs connected to the petroleum and coal industries, she will impose social media censorship, she will follow the green socialist agenda, she will increase dramatically the national debt and impose socialist price controls on all food and fuel commodities, she will continue to support the fascist government (or what is left of it by Jan 21th) in Kieve, she will continue to attack Catholics and other Christians and the jail members of the Pro Life movement, she will jail political opponents, she will attempt to cater to Bibi.....yup she is a fascist all question please!

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Sep 4 2024 17:53 utc | 55

All these hand-wringing clmate change doom-pornsters are consistent in one thing, and that is ignoring the global emissions of the US Department of Defense. Allegedly an F-35 burns 22 gallons of jet fuel a minute.

Get the US DoD to wind its neck in regarding emissions, then I might take another look at the 20 gallons my 1.5litre turbo-diesel burns every 3 months or so.

Posted by: Jeremy Rhymings-Lang | Sep 4 2024 17:54 utc | 56

So Jagmeet of the NDP is bringing down the Trudeau government..........excellent....OMgosh what took so sure the Nazis in Kieve will be disappointed.........

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Sep 4 2024 17:55 utc | 57

I've been reading MOA at least once a week for the past two years. Somehow, I never saw discussion of this Rumble video that came out a year ago making a very strong case from multiple lines of evidence that Nordstream was blown using a 5 kiloton nuclear weapon, and therefore even Seymore Hersch's story is a limited hangout to divert people away from the truth.

Posted by: Rhinoskerous | Sep 4 2024 17:19 utc | 45

Agreed as to Sy. He's a confirmed Zionist, so immediate credibility issue there.

His prior work may have been different but I think elements within Imperialism have brought him in as the limited hang out man.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 4 2024 17:56 utc | 58

@Posted by: majoab | Sep 4 2024 17:40 utc | 51

Slimy Sellout Singh still talked out of both sides of his mouth, the correct approach would be to immediately table a motion of no confidence against the Liberals. He's not doing that, he's just trying to gain more leverage while keeping the Liberals in power and attempting not to be seen to be keeping the Liberals in power. Wouldn't put it past him to drag this out until early next year when he qualifies for his nice government pension. The guy is the complete opposite of the working people that the NDP is supposed to be representing, the death of Jack Layton really destroyed the NDP just as it was about to gain power.

The NDP have a big by-election coming up in Elmwood-Transcona in Manitoba (September 16th, advanced polling starts September 6th), where a loss to the Conservatives is possible. Such a loss may put Singh's leadership in jeopardy so he had to do "something". He is widely derided for his propping up of the Liberals.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 18:00 utc | 59

Germany state elections: Who is Sahra Wagenknecht, the woman cannibalising Germany's left?
Story by Alessio Dell'Anna
• 2d • Euronews

For the German left, the elections in the states of Saxony and Thuringia have been a disaster — except for one months-old party.

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) managed to rank third in both states by getting 15.8% and 11.8% of the vote in Thuringia and Saxony respectively.
Typically, the "responsible analysis" is shallowest possible. In this case, the article provides little besides the background of BS that can be seen in Wikipedia, and her positions on immigration and sanctions on Russia which are shared to some degree with "far right". Most "puzzling" is lack of comments on "canibalization".

In Saxony, the sum of votes for Linke and BDS sharply increased, BDS alone gaining more seats than Linke in 2019, while Linke still got 6 seats. In Thuringia, the sum of seats went down by 2, but there, in 2019 Linke had the largest vote, was present in the government and thus got some flack that entire establishment got. SPD vote collapsed, but is it a left Party?

Objectively, Wagenknecht's movement is changing the direction of German left, and in most regions it expands the left.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Sep 4 2024 18:01 utc | 60

Wanted to respond to a comment on the Palestine thread without derailing the Palestine thread.

@ Posted by: Tobias Cole | Sep 4 2024 15:21 utc | 26

Elon Musk's X and Starlink now banned in Brazil, the former President arrested and held under house arrest.....sound familiar..........

First off, the former guy deserves worse than what he's getting. You are perhaps forgetting that Lula was actually imprisoned under Bolsonaro, so this is not a new development in Brazil.

Second, I see no "free speech" problem in banning Musk's platforms which Musk uses to spread right-wing, pro-ruling class, propaganda globally. Musk is a hypocrite, who has banned innumerable left-wing voices on his platform while he has paid and promoted right-wing ideologues, flagrantly violating the laws of countries where "X" operates, and doing the bidding of his oil sheikh backers in censoring their dissenters and opponents.

Musk could easily pen op-eds in Brazilian newspapers, or start a personal blog where he can broadcast every inane thought he has. Musk has not been silenced at all, in fact, Brazilian media still reports on his every tweet. This is far from a "samizdat" situation, where the opposition can only communicate through smuggled messages, DIY records, handwritten papers, etc. Pravda only paid attention to dissenters to call them counter-revolutionaries or announce their arrest.

Firing teachers who can't do their job or make their classrooms unsafe environments for sexual minorities (and yes, by puberty, minors tend to know who they're attracted to, sorry if that makes you squeamish or uncomfortable) is not "censorship" any more than me getting fired for mouthing off to my boss or being uncooperative to my co-workers is. If you're hired to do a job, you do that job, or you get axed. So einfach ist das. If homie wants to make a career spewing hatred towards gay people or transsexuals, that teacher can do so without taking a taxpayer funded paycheck to do it, or go to a catholic school where he can overlook abusive pedo priests while preaching his philosophy of hate.

In my locale, the censorship that's occuring in schools is the opposite: teachers can no longer use their students' preferred pronouns without getting permission from the students' parents, defying the bodily autonomy of youths and being forced to out LGBT students to parents who may take abusive actions towards them (the majority of homeless youth in the USA are homeless because their parents kicked them out of the house for being gay or transgender). In plenty of cases parents attempt to beat the homosexuality out of their kids. Also on the censorship docket is the censorship of libraries of any materials that may contain "sexual" content, because our censors are deathly afraid of biological facts such as puberty (and sentience) beginning before the age of majority. Meanwhile we have reactionaries threatening to enforce the Comstock act - which liberty-loving revolutionaries like Emma Goldman famously defied - to restrict birth control from being mailed to states where abortion has been criminalized.

The crocodile tears from the christians who have a psychological yearning to be repressed are shameful. The damage christians are doing to freedom in the west cannot be understated. They would install an Iranian-style theocracy over us if they could, and Eris knows they're trying.

Posted by: fnord | Sep 4 2024 18:04 utc | 61

@canuck | Sep 4 2024 17:34 utc | 47

Thanks for the support! It is rather plain logic based on hard facts. I highly recommend listening to Randall Carlson, I have lost count on the number of hours I have heard him explain how the North American landscape was formed and how it requires one or more extreme cataclysm.

Btw, if you are interested in the Carolina Bays, look up Antonio Zamora on Youtube.

Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 4 2024 18:06 utc | 62

Objectively, Wagenknecht's movement is changing the direction of German left, and in most regions it expands the left.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Sep 4 2024 18:01 utc | 60


Yes. Her magic power is that she is a "former" communist.

Posted by: too scents | Sep 4 2024 18:13 utc | 63

@61 fnord

I was a late bloomer sexually.

What you are describing at puberty is experimentation which is getting increasingly normalized, accepted, and even encouraged.

But what sane parents wants their 16 year old to already be having sex?

That's why chastity is the best policy.

With all the hormones and media driving adolescents crazy in their own skin, it makes sense to shelter them from this crap until they are responsible in their impulses.

As I have already commented before, feeling comfortable with the other in the bedroom to feel vulnerable within exploration is the best avenue forwards concerning human sexuality. Iow, if they are patient, men and women can truly understand and learn when they are ready for the blessing of sanctioned coitus of a man and a woman.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Sep 4 2024 18:16 utc | 64

This may have been noted and linked to before, "Richard D. Wolff & Michael Hudson: Russia Unveils New Crypto Exchanges? - Economic War" on Nima's Dialog Works channel. The program is just over 70 minutes and covers a wide span of geopolitical topics, and at present there's no transcript. For those like myself who will participate in our quarterly Patreon chat with Dr. Hudson, the show is a must view to prep for tomorrow's interaction. Once Dr. Wolff joins the program, the overall topic shifts to geopolitics and a discussion of the current situation you won't find anywhere else. The paradigm Dr. Wolff presents that China now faces is well worth hearing and understanding.

Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 4 2024 18:16 utc | 65

NemesisCalling writes:

“But what sane parents wants their 16 year old to already be having sex?”

Short of laying on leg irons, how do parents prevent their 16-year-olds from having sex, if they’re dead set on “doing it”?

“With all the hormones and media driving adolescents crazy in their own skin, it makes sense to shelter them from this crap until they are responsible in their impulses.”

Even without those nasty media, how do you “shelter” kids from their own hormones? Especially because your Church forbids masturbation…

Posted by: malenkov | Sep 4 2024 18:47 utc | 66

Posted by: JAB | Sep 4 2024 15:18 utc | 29 4 08:18 AM

"NEW: Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies, including McDonald’s & Wendy’s.

The state takes 40% of wages and often denies parole to keep people as cheap labor.

Getting written up can lead to solitary confinement. This is modern day slavery."

Posted by: JAB | Sep 4 2024 15:18 utc | 29 4 08:18 AM

Cry me a river! They get free room and board and medical care. They live better than a lot of non-criminals. They make out like bandits. (hmmm?) If they really object, how about they try not being criminals like the rest of us. They can than join in on paying 40% in taxes and fees taken from us by the government (talk about slave labor!). They can also help us pay for providing the criminal class with their benefits.

Posted by: frkorz | Sep 4 2024 18:58 utc | 67

NemesisCalling @ 64
In answer to your comment.
Heres the truth about religion.

Not so chaste or pious.

More truth and reality.

Posted by: Mark2 | Sep 4 2024 19:00 utc | 68

@ Posted by: NemesisCalling | Sep 4 2024 18:16 utc | 64

Well, "the blessing of sanctioned coitus of a man and a woman" kind of speaks for itself. That's a very repressed and quite frankly unnatural approach to sexuality, and one which we know now negatively impacts adults who underwent it, and particularly relevant to this website, makes them yearn for authoritarian and repressive leadership. The authoritarian father who punishes their son or daughter for masturbating or for having sex with members of their same age group has a perfect political stand-in with the authoritarian leader who promises punishment for some Othered group. I highly recommend that my fellow bar flies read Wilhelm Reich and act accordingly.

The "experimentation" has been going on since human beings have been alive. Parents shouldn't worry about their teenagers having sex, they should worry about them having it safely. Some people say that chastity has a 100% success rate in preventing pregnancies, but this is only true if one can remain true to chastity, and we know that most teenagers can't. Being honest and transparent about sex and sexuality, and being inclusive of sexual minorities in this, helps reduce the harm that teenagers can do to one another, without turning them into repressed and unhappy weirdos about sex. Condoms and birth control are way more effective than preaching chastity to teenagers in actual practice, both at reducing STI rates and in reducing teen pregnancies. My native Louisiana leads the damn world in both chlamydia and christian proselytizing. There's definitely a connection.

Posted by: fnord | Sep 4 2024 19:23 utc | 69

@Posted by: fnord | Sep 4 2024 18:04 utc | 61

In my locale, the censorship that's occuring in schools is the opposite: teachers can no longer use their students' preferred pronouns without getting permission from the students' parents, defying the bodily autonomy of youths and being forced to out LGBT students to parents who may take abusive actions towards them (the majority of homeless youth in the USA are homeless because their parents kicked them out of the house for being gay or transgender). In plenty of cases parents attempt to beat the homosexuality out of their kids. Also on the censorship docket is the censorship of libraries of any materials that may contain "sexual" content, because our censors are deathly afraid of biological facts such as puberty (and sentience) beginning before the age of majority. Meanwhile we have reactionaries threatening to enforce the Comstock act - which liberty-loving revolutionaries like Emma Goldman famously defied - to restrict birth control from being mailed to states where abortion has been criminalized.

The crocodile tears from the christians who have a psychological yearning to be repressed are shameful. The damage christians are doing to freedom in the west cannot be understated. They would install an Iranian-style theocracy over us if they could, and Eris knows they're trying.

Wow, where do I start with the level of attempted gaslighting, false parallels and outright lies here?

1. Parents have the parental right to raise their children, not some busy-body teacher who has no understanding of the child's life history that the parent has. Under law such children do not have autonomy over many, many decisions. And many time children do need their parent's knowledge and wisdom to understand their own feelings. A teacher is not a parent and should not be allowed to undermine parental authority, a teacher is also completely lacking in the training of a social worker or psychiatrist and should not try to be one.

2. Sexual identity and sexual orientation are two completely different things which you attempt to confuse here. The attitudes toward homosexuality in the US have utterly changed for the good in the past few decades, your statement that "In plenty of cases parents attempt to beat the homosexuality out of their kids" is utter unfounded hyperbole. Also, although Musk is most definitely transphobic in his statements (i.e. in his references to his daughter) he has never displayed homophobia to my knowledge. You need to stop confusing the two, they are utterly different. Homosexuals have sex-aligned gender identities, they are not trans, they are attracted to the same sex.

3. Your statement that "the majority of homeless youth in the USA are homeless because their parents kicked them out of the house for being gay or transgender" is utterly untrue, as is the usual BS about transgender people being murdered for their sexual identity in large numbers. People who have investigated the latter figures find reams of accidental and natural deaths being misrepresented at "deaths because they were trans".

4. Another ridiculous and confused statement "Also on the censorship docket is the censorship of libraries of any materials that may contain "sexual" content, because our censors are deathly afraid of biological facts such as puberty (and sentience) beginning before the age of majority". Teaching about sentience has absolutely nothing to do with sex education, also puberty and sexual reproduction will be taught in biology class! There is no need for books that cover explicit sexual content in school libraries, apart from in the biology section.

5. I would also note that children going through puberty and early teens are extremely vulnerable to manipulation toward an "answer" for feelings of body dysmorphia, general unhappiness, feelings of inadequacy etc. There is a growing group of people who are detransitioning after being told that being trans was a magic bullet when proper support and therapy was required, certainly not of the "gender affirming" kind.

I agree with you on the rights of adult women to control their reproduction, but this is lost in a whole paragraph of an anti-parental rights manipulative diatribe and statements that are utter lies. Your group-level condemnation of Christians is explicitly hate speech, defining a group by a shared characteristic such as sex, ethnicity, religion etc.

The anarchism of Emma Goldman was the exact opposite of Lenin's project that successfully gained power in the Soviet Union. She renounced the first workers revolution and left the Soviet Union in 1923. A classic anarchist idealist more interested in the rush of revolution than building actually existing socialism. Her books about the Soviet Union aided Western anti-Soviet propaganda. She ended up being feted by bourgeois society for her risque and self-indulgent auto-biography, covering a life that was a chaotic mess seeded by an extremely abusive and restrictive childhood.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 19:41 utc | 70

@Posted by: fnord | Sep 4 2024 19:23 utc | 69

What we do need to stop is the over-sexualization of children by society and the pressure for young people to have sex, which is a predominant across the media and easily accessible porn sites. The opposite side to the "abstinence is best" silliness. There is a happy medium, which neither side is part of. Parents should worry about their children having sex at very young ages AND worry about them having it safely AND worry about them being exposed to extremely explicit pornography.

Freud was just a bloody liar who protected himself from the predictable attacks of his wealthy clients by gaslighting their children on the nature of their sexual abuse. His theories of childhood development were utterly demolished through experimental psychology in the 1960s. Only in Western social science would such a self-interested fantacist be taken seriously, and then his ramblings extended to effects upon the whole of society! Psychology delinked from biology and experimental validation is just meaningless metaphysics.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 19:52 utc | 71

But what sane parents wants their 16 year old to already be having sex?

That's why chastity is the best policy.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Sep 4 2024 18:16 utc | 64

Many sane parents approach it practically. Both condoms and chastity may be effective birth control, unless they break. Empirically, latex beats chastity as breaking less often.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Sep 4 2024 19:56 utc | 72

@Posted by: too scents | Sep 4 2024 18:13 utc | 63

Yes. Her magic power is that she is a "former" communist.

i.e. a real leftist rather than the fake variety lost in the intersectional claptrap that comes out with such beauties as Black woman are more hard done by than Black men and slur anybody mentioning social class positions as "classist". About as useless as Trotskyists, just like the woke Die Linke.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 19:57 utc | 73

"What we do need to stop is the over-sexualization of children by society and the pressure for young people to have sex,.."


One practical way to stop early sex is to stop feeding highly processed foods to young girls are they have more estrogen and gets them fatter such that US girls have their puberty between 8-12, 50 years ago it was 14-16. (1)

1. Girls begin puberty at an earlier age compared to past decades. Excessive eating of many processed, high-fat foods, may be the cause of this phenomenon. Overweight or obese children are more likely to enter puberty early......Most girls enter puberty between age 8 and 13 years...

Posted by: canuck | Sep 4 2024 20:08 utc | 74

"Btw, if you are interested in the Carolina Bays, look up Antonio Zamora on Youtube."

Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 4 2024 18:06 utc | 62

Thanks for the tip, I will check it out

Posted by: canuck | Sep 4 2024 20:10 utc | 75

Political parties these days operate like product manufacturers, targeting market segments with differential advertising. Understandably, therefore, the “consumers” of politics move from party to party as they might move from brand to brand. (aurelien)

Posted by: Passerby | Sep 4 2024 20:19 utc | 76

Posted by: canuck | Sep 4 2024 20:08 utc | 74

What a coincidence it is that 50 years ago the Combined oral contraceptive pill (short: birth control) was pushed onto girls and women.
Must be the pizza rolls making them girls horny and fuller at younger ages.
I jest.

Reading you guys discuss sexuality of and sex under adolescents is, pardon my french, pure cringe.

Posted by: kspr | Sep 4 2024 20:30 utc | 77

About as useless as Trotskyists, just like the woke Die Linke.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 19:57 utc | 73

Anyone who looks seriously to the legacy of Trotsky to interpret the world today is by definition intelligent, courageous and humanist. Slandering that lot just makes you look like a dumb cynical asshole, Roger.

You're better than that, buddy. If you have a beef with the SEP (very understandable) just say so, but don't trash the flower of the youth.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 4 2024 20:32 utc | 78

Posted by: steven t johnson | Sep 4 2024 17:43 utc | 52

And it's worth asking what is at stake by absolving man-made ecological problems. It's one thing to debate whether a climate crisis is natural or not, it's another to insert a moral dimension into the argument. If I say 'no, it's not man-made' it is to some extent misdirection to then attempt to underwrite that statement by pointing to natural crises, unless I have an ideological position which I'm trying to mystify with reference to a naturalising cause. The question should first be "what's at stake for me philsophically that climate change be natural rather than man-made?" In other words, what makes the man-made explanation scandalous to me—and what am I absolving us from by insisting on the 'natural' (i.e. normal, good) explanation.

The same argument used to be used by cigarette companies: non-smokers get lung-cancer, therefore smoking is not the sole cause, if at all. Since cancer occurs 'naturally' we ought not to blame smoking. But this is absurd, of course: we treat cancer as a pathology and seek to treat it and cure it by all means possible, whatever the cause may be. But there is good evidence of a specific (if not the only) cause, it is rational to address it. The obfuscation of these organisations was obviously motivated by a desire to protect of a lucrative profit stream.

So my question remains: if you insist on a particular cause for changing climate, what so upsets you about the idea of anthropogeneity and why does 'natural' absolve us from intervening to prevent consequences for our fellow humans? My suspicion is that if man-made is true, and that the only solution is a socialist one, this terrifies the Canucks of this world who have a vested interest in the status quo...

Posted by: Patroklos | Sep 4 2024 20:46 utc | 79

It has racked up 430 views since last Thursday. Almost all must have come through MoA. I am simply amazed and extremely grateful to b and to everyone who read it, and to those who took the time to comment.

Posted by: Walt | Sep 4 2024 6:55 utc | 5

I very much enjoyed this piece, thank you, Walt. I'm subscribed via my feed reader so you won't see the subscription at Substack. Looking forward to another post about China... thanks!

Posted by: Multipolar Panda | Sep 4 2024 20:54 utc | 80

And, I would add, there is a prima facie case to be made that our 2+ centuries of immense production of industrial waste would, on the balance of reasonable probability, have had a climate impact. To deny it is to deny responsibility. I suspect that denial is secretly anti-communist and anti-scientific, just like arguing that poverty is the fault of the poor, not my actions; the expulsion of Gazans is Hamas' fault not Israel's, etc etc. But we in the West are all criminals even if we're not pulling the trigger ourselves.

So again, what is it about an anthropogenic cause that offends when it is a good contender for a transformation of the global ecology? Why must it be denied?

Posted by: Patroklos | Sep 4 2024 20:57 utc | 81

Tobias Cole | Sep 4 2024 15:41 utc | 30
***... autocratic green new deal fits in perfectly to the globalist WEC agenda ***

Is it compulsory for Americans to call anything they don't like "socialist"?

There is absolutely nothing socialist about the WEF agenda or its promoters.
A world of everything owned, bought, sold and speculated, by the Oligarchic Overclass and monopoly-capitalist corporate entities is most certainly not a communist or socialist world.

Note that the WEF does not say "we will have nothing" -- it says "you will have nothing".

That they often use jargon hijacked and perverted from the "left", and rely on wokist quisling false-front organisations *pretending* to be "leftists" to pimp their agendas does not make them "left".

Nor does their sponsorship of allegedly "green" outfits which in reality pimp thinly veiled facilitations of built-in obsolescence and corporate profiteering beyond the wildest aspirations of overt corporate spivs, mean that the WEF / present-day cultist "greens" of the EU/UK type are the least bit genuinely concerned about ecology.

In fact, these perpetually screaming, sanctimonious thugs are an arm of the false-flagged enforcers of neoliberalism taken to its ultimate destination -- that of global monopoly-capitalist dictatorship.

They are one side of the Overclass controlled pincers ... the other being the so-called "right" (monetarist morons blind to the ulterior motives of their masters) or fake "conservatives" (other than the wealth of the rich, and constantly increasing income disparity, what do they ever conserve?) .... but one thing is certain -- none of it is "socialist" or "nationalist".

Posted by: Cynic | Sep 4 2024 21:04 utc | 82

@ Roger | Sep 4 2024 18:00 utc | 59

~ Merci Beaucoup for your POV on "Slimy Sellout Singh" and the NDP.

@ karlof1 | Sep 4 2024 18:16 utc | 65

~ Thanks for the heads up and, as always, for all of your efforts here at MOA and at karlof1’s Geopolitical Gymnasium.

Posted by: majoab | Sep 4 2024 21:36 utc | 83

Hey Walt!

Please put the URL to your substack in your moniker so folks like me that have missed your links can still go there and try and catch up w/o more noise at the bar about it.


Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 4 2024 21:41 utc | 84

Race, Rights & Repression...

"...This connection between militarism and domestic repression has to be understood, because where you have a commitment to militarism abroad you have to have either compliance with the population, ideological compliance, or you have to have repression against those sectors that are opposed to the systematic warmongering that we see..."

Posted by: John Gilberts | Sep 4 2024 22:04 utc | 85

@11 Dun

It is funny, because on Palestine thread I posted a link that cited "Give me your sick hungry and unwanted …" , and before once reading this thread. Though I agree with what you say above, there was also a shorter period of history when the US did enjoy being 'ahead' of most other civilisation - in the broadest of senses, or even only materially, and partly due to conflict in/with other nations. Not all migration was pull either, poverty and conflict in europe has a long history also, and to say it was all designed to send workers to the US would not be true. That was then though, and certainly the direction you mention was always turning in background when not in foreground.

What is also funny is seeing this US/British/Oz difference become more prominent with what is occuring in Palestine. I don't tend to say "Americans" , instead "the US" ... similarly "Australia" - because we are usually talking state responsibility which automatically includes citizens who sympathise with, but not all. So when people say the Brits or British, or blame the island (i.e. all its inhabitants) I draw the line. Sure, I am British nationality although only having lived there previously much less than a decade ... I'm not offended , but it would be to insult people I know and like also. So as British I lay responsibility with the UK government, UK businesses involved. I place responsibility on the US equaly in a similar way, I do not say "Israel" is taking advantage ; no, the US is responsible for its own actions, its people to whatever degree they support that.

Others are free to their own views but should expect some pushback when they start including those that do not feel they should be included.

Posted by: Ornot | Sep 4 2024 22:25 utc | 86

I smile as I read this Reuters sub heading

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suffered an unexpected blow on Wednesday when the small party helping keep his minority Liberal government in power withdrew its automatic support, forcing him to attempt new alliances to govern.

If you are aligned with empire, who needs new alliances when hegemony of the God Of Mammon will do..../s

Am I sensing a trickle turning into a stream?

Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 4 2024 22:34 utc | 87

@Posted by: canuck | Sep 4 2024 20:08 utc | 74

Absolutely in agreement with modern food driving early menses in young girls. The same was seen with the use of many hair straightening concoctions used by young Black girls, they were full of xenoestrogens. What also needs to be removed is the sweetener based on corn, high fructose corn syrup, its a poison for the insulin system and boosts weight gain. Then add back physical education classes to school and kill the "fat friendly" BS stone dead.

Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 22:37 utc | 88

For information purposes only:

Posted by: Fred | Sep 4 2024 11:13 utc | 16

Horsesh*t. Every single word, from "Executive" to "polycrisis" and every word in between.

Posted by: Phil R | Sep 4 2024 23:01 utc | 89

Multipolar Panda 20.54
Thanks for your comment, I am working on another piece about Chinese women, historical suppression and their progressive liberation, with my wife’s collaboration, up in two weeks.

Psychohistorian 21.41
Thanks for support, please excuse my ignorance but I am not clear as to what to are asking. And yes, the bar does seem rather noisy of late.

Those who have regretted Bevin’s absence from the threads should know that he has written a long illuminating comment under my Substack which I highly recommend. Hope to see you there!

Posted by: Walt | Sep 4 2024 23:29 utc | 90

@ Walt | Sep 4 2024 23:29 utc | 90 asking about what I want.

When you make a comment here you enter your name, Walt, below that your email address and below that is a place to put a URL if you have your case that would be

Make sense now?

Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 4 2024 23:35 utc | 91

The question should first be "what's at stake for me philsophically that climate change be natural rather than man-made?" In other words, what makes the man-made explanation scandalous to me—and what am I absolving us from by insisting on the 'natural' (i.e. normal, good) explanation.

Posted by: Patroklos | Sep 4 2024 20:46 utc | 79

Man, is that absolute, bass-ackwards convoluted thinking. Nature and natural events are not normal, or good or moral-they just are... No one needs absolution from a natural event. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim that changes that occurred naturally in the past are "different" now, caused by humans and will cause the end of civilization as we know it. It's a belief bordering on the religious.

Posted by: Phil R | Sep 4 2024 23:48 utc | 92

Those who have regretted Bevin’s absence from the threads should know that he has written a long illuminating comment under my Substack which I highly recommend. Hope to see you there!

Posted by: Walt | Sep 4 2024 23:29 utc | 90

Interesting but a bit naive, the transfer of colonial domains (and military responsibility ) to the US was the only way to assure a commission/rent to the city and itsinvestors.

A transfer to a socialist and non exploiting partner would allow only for low (normal) rentability of capital.

My 2 pence

Posted by: Newbie | Sep 4 2024 23:56 utc | 93

Psychohistorian 23.35

Ah got it!
Good idea, thanks !


Posted by: Walt | Sep 4 2024 23:56 utc | 94

Any news on the DOJ shut down on RT? Who was hit?

Posted by: Scottindallas | Sep 5 2024 0:10 utc | 95

Patroklos@79 drew a powerful parallel between tobacco companies denying the causes of cancer and modern anthropogenic climate change deniers. Well put.

Roger@88 signs onto food faddism in the same thread with a condemning Freud as nothing but a fraud? The lack of self consciousness should be extraordinary. Sugar is not a "poison." That's the wrong word, it's like saying food is a poison, when you mean overeating is bad for you!

This thick-headed approach forgets to ask about total calories. The alternative hypothesis is, early menses is not "early" when the young female has enough body mass with sufficient fat reserves to support menstruation. If you insist on evolutionary scenarios, natural selection favored earlier sexual maturity when the times were good and there was enough food to foster successful reproduction. Whatever genes are involved, those that led to later reproduction led to lower reproduction, which is to say, such genes were negatively selected. No, I don't know this alternative hypothesis is correct. But I do know that refusal to consider alternative hypotheses is the road to error (being charitable.) It leaves you vulnerable to a "theory" that complex hormones can be absorbed through the scalp in large enough amounts to do anything. And without bothering to compare the composition of other cosmetics or foods? And without bothering to establish a genuine early menstruation in young Black girls, rather than misperceptions of Black girls as sexy but not white girls? And not comparing any effects from testosterone on the development of boys? If you're not going to think seriously, don't babble.

Similarly, Roger@70 declares "People who have investigated the latter figures [of deaths of trans people] find reams of accidental and natural deaths being misrepresented at 'deaths because they were trans.'" Yes, police investigations of police shootings find they are justified; findings of suicide are never filed in murder cases, except when single vehicle accidents are never suicide; no drug overdoses are so-called "hot shots." Right-wingers cannot be assumed to critically analyze data. (Incidentally, using percentages to justify using "many" is not good judgment when the total numbers involved are relatively small. Small samples give large errors, statistics tells us. This error may be more common in people pleading for help for trans people?]

Posted by: steven t johnson | Sep 5 2024 0:16 utc | 96

read up on events like the Younger Dryas.
Posted by: Norwegian | Sep 4 2024 13:04 utc | 22

Better yet, just observe western governments ignoring their rhetoric on global warming and placing 100% tarrifs on chinese EV. Our grandchildren are gonna burn or they arent. western governments have chosen to burn grandchildren.

Posted by: Tannenhouser | Sep 5 2024 0:32 utc | 97

Produced two items today, "Lavrov's Knowledge Day History Lesson", and "Zhang Weiwei: This is China: Deng Xiaoping". Otherwise, lots happening in Vladivostok today that will soon get reported. The day started at 0900 for the Commander in Chief as he took a boat ride to inspect the location of the new shipyard planned for the region. Here's part of what the Kremlin said about the event:

Before visiting the base, Vladimir Putin from the boat inspected the site in the Intermediate Bay, where it is planned by 2031 to build a new shipyard. The implementation of the project was entrusted to President of VTB Bank and the United Shipbuilding Corporation. The company will specialize in the merchant marine (bulk carriers, tankers, container ships, LNG carriers). The construction site is located on the border of the city of Vladivostok, which will contribute to the provision of of the future shipyard with labor resources. Other benefits include proximity road (including railway) and engineering infrastructure, the possibility of connecting gas and increasing energy capacity.

The President was accompanied by First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov and Governor of the Primorye Territory Oleg Kozhemyako, President and Chairman of the Management Board of VTB Bank Andrey Kostin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of USC Andrey Puchkov.

The photoshoot can be viewed here.

Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 5 2024 0:35 utc | 98

"So my question remains: if you insist on a particular cause for changing climate, what so upsets you about the idea of anthropogeneity and why does 'natural' absolve us from intervening to prevent consequences for our fellow humans? My suspicion is that if man-made is true, and that the only solution is a socialist one, this terrifies the Canucks of this world who have a vested interest in the status quo..."

Posted by: Patroklos | Sep 4 2024 20:46 utc | 79

You are aware that the Earth has had 17 ice ages in the last 2 Million years which we know had nothing to do with man made activities.

So, obviously, you are -akin your grasping at looney Leftist faith- holding on to an idea that has been absolutely been proven inaccurate

Norwegian, what does one do with such irrational creatures?

Posted by: canuck | Sep 5 2024 0:36 utc | 99

@ Posted by: Roger | Sep 4 2024 19:52 utc | 71

I can't respond line by line but I have to say that your anger betrays a conservative disposition that is not aligned with the facts and your reading of my comment is so infused by that disposition that you wind up misreading it. The point is not that minors are not able to learn about puberty or sentience, but that reactionaries here oppose the bodily autonomy of youth, and insist that children are the property of their parents (which is what "parental rights", a set of rights established by no statutes and respected by no international organizations, as opposed to the rights of children, is ultimately equivalent to). W/r/t homeless youth, LGBT youth are in fact greatly disproportionately represented in the statistics, largely owing to abusive home situations. It is not "unfounded hyperbole" to note that many LGBT youth are abused at home. It's just a fact, especially in the US south. Things have improved, but they are backsliding as the mechanisms of inclusion have been attacked by reactionary political forces, which for some reason you share a line with.

The statistics on detransition are that it seldom occurs, and the vast majority of patients, up to 99% in some studies, never express regret for transitioning. I don't believe for a second that there's any vague "manipulation" going on pushing people towards changing their gender. That's far more unfounded than anything I've said :P

I also don't think Freud was meaningfully debunked, especially not by mid-20th century psychology. Every so often there is a Freudian revival, and the recurrence of Freudianism suggests there's either something to it, or the whole field of psychology is bunk. But I do believe intuitively that there is a link between sexual repression and the formation of authoritarian personalities, and you can see it in this comment section.

Pornography is its own question. The porn industry reflects and reproduces an alienated sexuality, but there is also nothing inherently immoral about jerking off to images, now is there? I don't see one, anyway, if all your work is done and you've got nothing better to do.

Your group-level condemnation of Christians is explicitly hate speech, defining a group by a shared characteristic such as sex, ethnicity, religion etc.

I'm merely taking them at their word and at the word of their holy book. I'm sure there are plenty of good christians out there, but for every one of them, there seems to be nine bad ones. I'm wealthy enough, intellectually, to afford to generalize.

And finally,

The anarchism of Emma Goldman was the exact opposite of Lenin's project that successfully gained power in the Soviet Union

Who cares? I'm more concerned with her North American work, where her "idealism" (as opposed to the hard-nosed materialism that ultimately bequeathed Stalinism onto the world and helped crush communism globally before sputtering out in 1989) put her on the side of the working class and opposed to the ruling class's moral and religious hypocrisy. Emma Goldman did more work against censorship and against the state's repression of bodily autonomy than any Marxist-Leninist alive today sans perhaps Raul Castro, who oversees the military of one of the most LGBT friendly regimes in the world, to the chagrin, I guess, of socially conservative Stalinists abroad.

Posted by: fnord | Sep 5 2024 0:39 utc | 100

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