How Political Corruption Allows Antony Blinken To Break The Law
ProPublica headlines:
The selected formulation is unfortunately not covering the real issue at hand.
U.S. law prohibits military aid to countries which are hindering U.S. humanitarian aid.
Two government entities subordinated to the State Department concluded, in writing, that Israel was blocking their humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.
The Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, reported to Congress the opposite conclusion because he intended to deliver more military aid to Gaza.
By misleading Congress on humanitarian aid to Gaza Blinken deliberated broke the law.
That should have been the headline:
The U.S. government’s two foremost authorities on humanitarian assistance concluded this spring that Israel had deliberately blocked deliveries of food and medicine into Gaza.The U.S. Agency for International Development delivered its assessment to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the State Department’s refugees bureau made its stance known to top diplomats in late April. Their conclusion was explosive because U.S. law requires the government to cut off weapons shipments to countries that prevent the delivery of U.S.-backed humanitarian aid. Israel has been largely dependent on American bombs and other weapons in Gaza since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks.
But Blinken and the administration of President Joe Biden did not accept either finding. Days later, on May 10, Blinken delivered a carefully worded statement to Congress that said, “We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of U.S. humanitarian assistance.”
This case should be sufficient for Congress to open an inquiry and to demand under oath witness statements from Blinken and others involved in the affair. It could be a great instrument during the current election campaign to damage the position of Democratic candidates.
However that is unlikely to happen.
Unfortunately Blinken lied to Congress about Israeli war crimes because he knew that he would get away with it.
The uni-state, the foreign policy conglomerate which resides in both parties and the bureaucracy, will not allow that U.S. war-crimes or those of its associated forces will ever be prosecuted. The Bush administration did get away with lying about weapons of mass destruction. The CIA and the Pentagon got away with torturing hundreds of innocent people.
Would the Republicans prosecuted Blinken as they should they would have to break with their own support and commitment to Zionist supremacy. With their own candidate's campaign depending on donations from Zionist billionaires there is no chance that the Republicans will break away from their previous policies.
The will of the people, as enacted in laws, gets ignored in favor of monies that allow established politicians to continue their games.
Posted by b on September 25, 2024 at 9:58 UTC | Permalink
next page »As Putin said, the Empire of lies. Lies and projection.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 10:18 utc | 2
They lie. They steal. They cheat.
Then they puff up their chests and lecture the world to do as they say, not as they do.
Another day in the Exceptionally Indispensable Empire of Flies.
Posted by: kiwikliwn | Sep 25 2024 10:24 utc | 3
A pox upon all their houses.
USAID - is scum DS money launderer wholly infested by Ziofascists led by the ultra violent ziofascists currently Samantha Power.
Anyways - in the U.K. our latest ziofascist appointee, soon to be wartime leader in some snazzy designer suit, haircut, glasses and peak hat, Herr Starmztrooper in his first Nuremberg gathering in … Liverpool (I’ll come back to that at some time) after taking control of the now wholly Nazio Reichstag … err Whitehall and Westminster Parliament spent most of his speech yesterday to the Party Conference attacking - excuse me while I double check my notes - urmm yes attacking Jeremy Corbyn !
Yup the previous and most Labour Party leader that he was a right hand man for… such Brutus types are what we have as our Right Honourable Bastards in government now.
Continuing with the Global uniparty neoliberal austerity and neocon endless wars without any reverse gear as they try and plug the collapsing Nazi Borrell garden wall of the unipolar empire as the multipolar tsunami pours over their heads. Destroying all their centuries of work. Their hopes of a golden billion. Their neo religious GND and resource grab. Their digital financial hall and chain of enslavement of the many as they romp around for evermore.
They can’t hang onto the Collective West hagemony over Money, Banking, Resources and imperilist colonial rapine - they can’t hide their ZioFascist shapeshifter selves under the bloody victim skins of ordinary humanity - especially now daily more in the U.K. now the original hundred year old Social Democratic Labour Party which emerged to demand fairness for the majority from the yoke of Aristo Banker Industrialism rent slavery - all its great gains for the poor masses are undone under this ziofascist owned chimera, the current New NuLabourInc.
A central plank of the Ziofascist Unipolar Deepstate with SurrKeivStarmsztrooper at its head leading the charge while the US goes through its final weeks of pantomime before leading the charge again. The German sausage is cooked , burnt to a crisp, it’s controlled red and green whatever traffic light having run out of rope. Leading its population to the inevitable red/brown fascist militarisation underway across the whole of Europe - again. They have no reverse gear and no new ideas and can’t accept the inevitable failure of the utopian bs. So fascist natzio war to the death of its minions must yet again be the order.
Any resistance or protest at the once vibrant Labour conferences is now dealt with brutal private security and lawfare.
Fascists, jackboots, putschs and continued daily mass murder of semetic peoples of The Levant as the Great Gamers putrid and futile lives and existence finally gets shoved down their throats to choke on - the current Liverpool Nuremberg is where they should be tried and punished when the now dumbed down classes realise they have been duped and their kids and grandkids killed for lies.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Sep 25 2024 11:56 utc | 5
In the past I used to scratch my head and wonder just what in the hell did ZOG "mean". Now I know all too painfully well.
That old line from an Ashton Kutcher movie is now more appropriate than ever, and I'm going to take liberties with it...
Dude! Where's my country?..
Posted by: MoT | Sep 25 2024 12:00 utc | 6
Aw c'mon 'b' - the empire makes its own reality and laws on the hoof as it sees fit.
Posted by: Don Firineach | Sep 25 2024 12:35 utc | 7
'Anthony Blinken reported to Congress [that Israel wasn't blocking humanitarian aid] because he intended to deliver more military aid to Gaza.' -- b
In his first visit to Israel after 7 October, Blinken's first words to his Israeli counterparts were, 'I come to you as a Jew' -- thus discarding any leverage he had, by openly siding with the foreigners across the table.
Blinken's conduct vividly demonstrates the fundamental conflict of interest that arises when a Jew is appointed to represent US interests to Israel. Every time, America gets sold out, as the Jews collude among themselves.
'Rootless cosmopolitan' is no antisemitic canard. It is simply a calm, factual description of the repeatedly observed behavior of rootless cosmopolitans such as Blinkey.
Meanwhile, as Lebanon is ripped to pieces by Israeli rockets, we see the tragic results of appointing US-Israeli dual citizen 'Amos Hochstein' as a special negotiator in the region. Presumably this escalating military violence is the outcome he 'negotiated' with his Israeli co-conspirators.
While none of us are privy to what was discussed at "Hochstein's" first meeting with the Israelis, we can easily guess his opening words at the conference table: 'I come to you as a Jew ...'
Posted by: Jim H | Sep 25 2024 12:45 utc | 8
Don [email protected] observation. They who makes the rules, do whatever they want.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 25 2024 12:50 utc | 9
Blinken is an incredibly incapable man. He should be selling insurance in Ohio or something. Instead he has risen far above his capabilities to be the face of callous genocide and theft. A serious war criminal. Thanks b, I also was reading these disclosure with interest...seems there is trouble in 'paradise' the factions are fighting with each other openly. Seems only the politicians have been truly captured by Israel. There are still rational people somewhere..probably the Pentagon.
Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Sep 25 2024 13:00 utc | 10
CAIR has called for blinkenstein to resign....think it will happen? HA!
from ALJ:
Muslim body calls for Blinken’s resignation over Gaza aid report
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a US Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, is calling on US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to resign after it was revealed he ignored assessments by US government agencies and officials indicating that Israel blocked US aid to Gaza earlier this year.
Investigative news outlet ProPublica reported yesterday that the US Agency for International Development (USAID) told the State Department in April that Israel was subjecting US humanitarian aid destined for Gaza to “arbitrary denial, restriction and impediments”.
In May, Blinken delivered a State Department report to Congress stating the opposite.
“When a senior American official lies to Congress in the middle of genocide so that the government can keep funding that genocide, he is deliberately flouting the law and prolonging the suffering of millions of innocent people who desperately need our government to stop funding their slaughter,” CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said in a statement.
Posted by: motorslug | Sep 25 2024 13:14 utc | 11
This is why the rules based international order has many supporters. Things that need to be done get done.
Posted by: Surferket | Sep 25 2024 13:14 utc | 12
B - The problem we're facing in the US is that the founders never contemplated a situation where entire branches of government would be derelict in their duties. Or actively collude to break the law, in bad faith.
The system relies on "checks and balances," which requires good faith. If Congress decides to collude with the Executive branch and allow crimes to happen, well, this is what you get.
Even Trump isn't saying anything, because he's stuck in a credibility trap. He's even more of a hidebound stooge to Satanyahu, so he can't run on the issue of Blinken and Biden's law-breaking and running interference for the Genocidal monster in Tel-Aviv.
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Sep 25 2024 13:15 utc | 13
The Zionist leader Netanyahu has called up two reserve brigades to its Northern Border with Lebanon – a brigade is between 2,000 and 4,000 personnel strong – there has been wide speculation that Netanyahu, wants invade Southern Lebanon – to create a buffer-zone, which will allow the 60,000 displaced illegals settlers in Norther Israel to return to their homes – it will also push back Hezbollah’s ability to fire missiles into Northern Israel.
This possible action – would explain why the Zionists have been flying many bombing sorties over Southern Lebanon – to soften up, and displace any opposition forces on the ground – of course bombing from the skies – and having boots on the ground – are two completely different things – as the IOF has found out, at great cost to personnel in Gaza.
Netanyahu is calling a Security Cabinet Meeting - at 17. 00 hours - possibly to implement the boots on the ground attack in Lebanon.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Sep 25 2024 13:18 utc | 14
A major flaw in the design of the constitution is that it enables the politics of corruption. The governed peons have no say in any important function of government, no enforcement power to require specific performance, and no view of or familiarity with the activities of those who abuse the government because the constitution allows activities of those who are appointed to govern to conduct their affairs as members of government in secret and with nearly total immunity. The electoral college, and the bifucation of American voting power into a two party system, cut American voting power off at the pass.
The constitution silenced American input into matters the deep state claims the USA has jurisdiction over.
The digital platform has further separated Americans from their governments and from the corporations that own the government.
So what? No one can do anything about it. Those who govern will stop any attempt to change things because the government serves the interest of those with BUCKS.
I believe this condition, or something very similar, is true in most of the democratic nations of the world. If there is to be a change, the change will have to come about in each of those nations simultaneously and the likelihood of a simultaneous change is nearest to zero as one can get without it being zero.
Posted by: snake | Sep 25 2024 13:19 utc | 15
Samantha Power was asked about the USAID refusal to certify Israel as not blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza, and she refused to even answer the question asked on the PBS "News Hour" program.
Blinkin-sky is a liar and a fraud, yet another Ukrainian ex pat.
Her double talk indicated very strongly that she knew the staff were correct, the IDF was halting food and medicine aid to the Palestinians trapped in Gaza, and are still doing exactly that, while the IDF continues to murder folks in Gaza and Lebanon on a daily basis.
Posted by: Tobias Cole | Sep 25 2024 13:21 utc | 16
Re my (17) comment.
Netanyahu has been in contact with the Whitehouse in Washington - and US spokesperson John Kirby, has said that Israel has the right to defend itself. So I take it the US - has given Netanyahu the green light to invade Southern Lebanon.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Sep 25 2024 13:24 utc | 17
Posted by: canuck | Sep 25 2024 10:03 utc | 1
Yes, they keep exposing themselves
Posted by: Chris N | Sep 25 2024 13:34 utc | 18
Feeding, clothing, and providing medical aid to a nation you are at war with does not make a great deal of sense. In fact, in the history of human conflict, what nation has ever done such an unthinkable thing? In many respects, this question is directed at both The United States and the state of Israel.
If the Gaza Palestinians wish peace, and all of the niceties that go with it (see above), then let them surrender unconditionally, depose their Hamas leaders, and turn over those responsible for the October 7, 2023 raid into Israel. It is hard to swallow defeat, but it is also not especially hard to understand once a defeated people get hungry enough.
To the victors, of course, go the responsibilities of ownership. Any Gaza Palestinian surrender will require the immediate life saving inflow of food, water, medicine, and shelter by the Israeli government, and other UN affiliated nations. Otherwise, give this ongoing “war without mercy” a chance. Both the Gaza Palestinians and the Israelis deserve nothing less than a final and unequivocal outcome.
Posted by: Packard | Sep 25 2024 13:35 utc | 19
Автор: Ghost of Zanon | 25 сентября 2024 13: 15 utc | 14
Мне тревожно за нормальных людей в Америке. Что сделала еврейская мафия в России в 1917 году известно всему миру...
translation:I'm worried about normal people in America. What the Jewish mafia did in Russia in 1917 is known to the whole world...
Posted by: Виктор | Sep 25 2024 13:37 utc | 20
The American Government lies!
That is absolutely shocking--shocking, I tell you! But only if you are a naive 2-year old.
In other breaking news, water is wet.
Honestly, it would a true shock if the American Empire of Lies DIDN'T lie.
Posted by: ak74 | Sep 25 2024 13:37 utc | 21
Posted by: Packard | Sep 25 2024 13:35 utc | 23
The Zionist extremists don't want unconditional surrender - they want ethnic cleansing. You do see that don't you?
Posted by: Chris N | Sep 25 2024 13:39 utc | 22
The US has not lost money or many soldiers in this fantasy, but it has lost something far worse which is it's reputation.
No-one believes a single thing the Americans say and this comes down to Blinken, a clown totally put of his depth. If he was the diplomatic representative of somewhere such as Australia , he would be viewed as a joke but as he is from the US he gets undeserved credibility. He failed and is now viewed as a joke world-wide, although very dangerous, so people still tip-toe around him. He must know this himself, but nothing changes.
Even his cover-band schtick failed as he had no idea about the music he played beyond the chorus. The fact that someone with so little understanding and ability as him rises to the very top shows you why the West is fucked.
The other day Putin was talking with scientists examining the Black Sea and noted that visibility would be poor because of the chemical composition of the water and actually mentioned the chemical agent. No American politician would have this level of understanding. Water is wet is their level.
Idiots promoted way beyond their usefulness.
Posted by: ZimZum | Sep 25 2024 13:39 utc | 23
reply to 10
Yes, exactly. It's amazing how simple corruption partly conceals how incompetent he and others are. It seems when actual diplomacy is required, they send Burns or someone else while Blinken postures. As to recent statements by Iran in the UN, I think the Israeli Lobboy will quickly teach Iran that peace approaches are futile. The Neo Cons want war and JCPOA was something Obama squeeked through, I believe.
Posted by: Eighthman | Sep 25 2024 13:43 utc | 24
Posted by: Packard | Sep 25 2024 13:35 utc | 23
The million + people in Gaza are prisoners . I believe it is a historically common practice to feed prisoners . Of course the nazis did not follow this practice.
Posted by: Bartholomew Cubbins | Sep 25 2024 13:44 utc | 25
Eighthman | Sep 25 2024 13:43 utc | 28
Best not to keep propagating propaganda.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 13:56 utc | 26
[email protected] is never wet, oth, things that come in contact with water, get wet.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 25 2024 13:57 utc | 27
@ zimuzum
That is the whole point. Idiots are appointed for the main reason that they are and follow whatever the masters tell them to do, without some nasty interference like a conscience, ethics, morals or critical thinking skills.
Best case scenario is to have a president like that (dubya, reagan, biden, trump) but if not possible, they have to be trained by the oligarchy from teenage years (obama, clintons, bush 1) and then they get to appoint the idiots.
Posted by: motorslug | Sep 25 2024 13:59 utc | 28
It's not a "lie" if you say "we assess".
If congressmen had asked the right question "are there reports from the concerned agencies and what do they say?"
But ask no questions ear no lies...
Even if the reports, as they are , were brought forth, I almost bet there would be actions to contest, ask for second opinion or audit them, with suspensive nature for sanctions.
As many have pointed out, checks and balances are for occasional abuses. Not when its policy, worse if shared by both sides of the theoretical political divide.
The system could work if policy was judged and rewarded or punished at elections. If it happened and new representatives set to correct what had been the case for the overthrow of the previous rulers... yes it would work.
But it does not work that way, we can barely say it works.
Don't worry, most of europe is worse, all power in a commission that is elected by none. Talk about critics to the us electoral college.
Posted by: Newbie | Sep 25 2024 14:07 utc | 29
Packard 23
Your lack of attention to detail is shocking. Israel is an illegal occupier of the Palestinian Territories and therefore the Palestinians under this occupation have rights. But even soldiers captured in a war have rights to be housed and fed,
Posted by: Orage | Sep 25 2024 14:09 utc | 30
I am totally unsurprised by the reaction of amerikan politicians and/or the reaction of the ignorant amerikans above, as back about the same time when amerikan posters were loudly complaining about their politicians support of the zionist entity's genocide I pointed out that the only way to change the corrupt mindset of their pols was to make sure that the bribers, bullies and blackmailers for the zionist state couldn't succeed.
This was not long after Cori Bush was castigated by both parties in congress for speaking out against the killing in Gaza.
It was obvious that Ms Bush was going to get 'primaried' by the zionist lobby as a couple of the more high profile zionist enablers had muttered about the need to do just that. I suggested in here that if amerikans really wanted to stoip their pols from acting ion the best interests of the apartheid state and instead concentrate on issues affecting the average amerikan system they should organise to raise small donations to the Cori Bush campaign so that all the pols would learn (i) it is possible to take on the baby killers and win & (ii) that would embolden other amerikan pols to think twice about falling into line for aforesaid bribers, blackmailers & bullies.
This isn't about me playin' the holier than thou card it is about stopping the senseless deaths of children most of whom die unaware of their nationality much less why zionists hate them and so have decided to murder them..
I pointed out that this was about something much bigger than Cori Bush even if you loathed everything else 'the squad' stood for halting a blatant genocide was more important than AOC's hypocrisy.
I goty a mob of negative feed back mostly from small minded whingers who enjoyed playing shock, horror, quelle domage on blogs but not putting their money where their mouth is.
I explained that since I wasn't an amerikan I couldn't even donate to the cause much less organise it as the zionists would immediately show up something organised outside amerika,.
Yet not one single human outta the hundreds of amerikans who p;ost here lifted a finger on that issue, consequently this is my first time back in the genocide thread and I won't be sticking around.
Pols here even the pro-amerikan ones who took over government here late last year wouldn't dare back the zionist entity the way they do in USuk because they know voters wouldn't tolerate it. The zionists have tried to change that before but pols are pols and like all pols they want to keep their gig so they don't dare show support for the zionist entity.
Until amerikan voters make sure this is an issue, amerikan pols will keep flaunting their corrupt support of the zionist state
Posted by: debsisdead | Sep 25 2024 14:10 utc | 31
So, basically the Peter Principal in real time.
Posted by: Immaculate deception | Sep 25 2024 14:11 utc | 32
How Political Corruption Allows Michael Hudson to tell the truth
The people with triple digit IQ's who left this site or were banned because 30 idiots called them a troll. Explained all of this in fine minute detail. Over and over and over again.
Long before Hudson exposed it a fortnight ago.
Only to come up against the 30 raving right wing gold bugs from Zero Hedge who now control and try and moderate this site. The idiots who don't understand money from mud pie. Wouldn't recognise what de dollarisation actually means if they were hit in the face with a shovel. They are so dumb and stupid.
The people with triple digit IQ's even shouted that Hudson needed to explain the HUGE difference between private sector debt and public debt as his writings over the years often mixed up the two.
Well be has finally done it. It has only taken him 50 years.
These fools still won't understand money from mud pie. Still believe their taxes fund the government. They are ideological driven psychopaths, who just Love the sound of their own voice. Detached from reality and the world around them. Ended up here as no other site would house them.
Posted by: Geopolitics | Sep 25 2024 14:12 utc | 33
'We executed dozens after WWII for lesser offenses than the zionazis are doing.' -- motorslug
Inspired by the example of Simon Wiesenthal, I'd like to spend the rest of my career as a globe-trotting zionazi hunter, tracking down Israeli war criminals and bringing them to summary justice (if you know what I mean).
Posted by: Jim H | Sep 25 2024 14:13 utc | 34
Doctor [email protected] they fight in the open it's for show, damage control, scripted. They are System Pigs, as Gonzalo Lira so eloquently put it. They never have to fear, what you or I might. Politicians who do not follow their rules get Wellstoned or Palmed. Otherwise they are set for life and if you look at how many US politicians or Five Eye for that matter, that have met 'public' justice, less that one handful....I can't think of any, maybe someone has a list.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 25 2024 14:14 utc | 35
Even his cover-band schtick failed as he had no idea about the music he played beyond the chorus.
Idiots promoted way beyond their usefulness.
Posted by: ZimZum | Sep 25 2024 13:39 utc | 27
Stinkin’ Tony Blinken and the Foggy Bottom Boys are my least favorite band.
Posted by: Joe Turner | Sep 25 2024 14:19 utc | 36
Geo 'Jake' politics | Sep 25 2024 14:12 utc | 39
You're a nutter Jake.
At the Palestine thread you write this.
"Karlof1 is the biggest fraud of them all. Wouldn't last 20 mins on any stage in the world if he had to seriously debate BRICS."
Here you write about Hudson.....
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 14:25 utc | 37
"the founders never contemplated a situation where entire branches of government would be derelict in their duties. Or actively collude to break the law, in bad faith."
From my perspective, that eventuality appears to be a major design feature.
Posted by: Matt | Sep 25 2024 14:26 utc | 38
I think B is a Gift from God. He is even older than me, still recovering from serious illness. Been there myself - Sepsis isn't nice either - one day good - the next day - no energy - though potential full recovery)
Bernhard, not only runs one of the most popular blogs in the world; he is German; writes the most detailed analyses, and puts up with you lot, and even me occasionally, and has got to tolerate Erica Zeuss telling him how to spell Anthony.
Mine's with an h too. Unfortunately so is Anthony Charles Lynton Blair's (no relation) - he's not even English
Be nice to Giyane.
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 25 2024 14:27 utc | 39
The source of power, the One Ring, is the ability to print money that the rest of the world treats literally like a commodity. It all radiates from there. Take that one superpower away and this will come to a rational conclusion. The amazing thing is how it gradually got this way while everyone was dozing. The negative side effect of the money printing power is the sloth it spawns everywhere else. Meanwhile counties with limits to financial tricks develop the physical muscle to do things within their means.
Posted by: Pym of Nantucket | Sep 25 2024 14:27 utc | 40
The whiners and armchair warriors here at MOA love smelling their own farts…heheheh…
Posted by: Ron Goldman | Sep 25 2024 14:29 utc | 41
Statements like this "Last year, the share of settlements for Russian exports in so-called toxic Western currencies halved, the share of settlements in rubles in foreign trade transactions is approaching 40%" from the Supreme Commander in Chief VV Putin, bring a smile to face every day. The global majority needs to continue this trend until the West is fully squeezed. That day, Blinken [the thug] and others like him will stop lying.
Posted by: AI | Sep 25 2024 14:41 utc | 42
Putting aside that aid from the US is usually part of a same objective, the question is on arms supply.
The lawfare used most probably revolves around US non-recognition of Palestine or Gaza as a state. Hence technically "Israel" has not hindered humanitarian aid to "Israel" , because that will be the official legal destination, not "the people of Gaza" .
As "Israel" accepts the humanitarian aid, it it is also still able to receive military aid under US law.
The lack of delivery of US humanitarian aid to Gaza would by that view be regarded as beyond the purview of US law, requiring a form of investigative accountability that at its greatest would simply state mismanagement of humanitarian aid received by "Israel" and so reason for denial of further humanitarian aid, but not denial of military aid, which is being used as intended.
Posted by: Ornot | Sep 25 2024 14:49 utc | 43
"the founders never contemplated a situation where entire branches of government would be derelict in their duties. Or actively collude to break the law, in bad faith."
From my perspective, that eventuality appears to be a major design feature.
Posted by: Matt | Sep 25 2024 14:26 utc | 46
Gödel was right...
Posted by: Newbie | Sep 25 2024 14:49 utc | 44
While Antony Blinken’s actions are in no way a Surprise, what are the only possible consequences of this brazen behavior? Obviously, some are, to quote Orwell’s “Animal Farm”, more equal than others.
You will most likely see more aggressive reporting on the ethno-religious backgrounds and affiliations of those seeking government office in the United States, whether such office is elected or appointed. This scrutiny WILL NOT come from the MSM, but from non-traditional journalists.
I have always maintained that the USA is the MOST Jew-hating country in the World, once you get past the political campaign donations and Christian-Zionist eschatology. The current fad of stoking identity group politics in America is pushing the US to anarchy, and so Americans are primed to receive the data on the personal lives of their elites and to vote and act accordingly.
The greatest irony of all this is that the Jews and their apologists think they’re MUCH smarter and MUCH MORE powerful than the basket of deplorables they continue to victimize and gaslight. They are not. The US is not, and NEVER will be, the Russia of 1917. We are the most gunned-up society on the planet. To quote Larry Johnson of “Sonar21”, “I’m betting on the guys with the guns.” The libtards don’t have the guns.
Posted by: OldFart | Sep 25 2024 14:57 utc | 45
Samantha Power, whose first book was on genocide, is married to Cass Sunstein.
Posted by: Lysias | Sep 25 2024 15:00 utc | 46
b -- "...The uni-state, the foreign policy conglomerate which resides in both parties and the bureaucracy, will not allow that U.S. war-crimes or those of its associated forces will ever be prosecuted..."
Doesn't the US have a legal system? US Attorneys and their minions galore?? A US Supreme Court???
All accountable to the US Constitution . . . .
Where are they all???? Rhetorical questions, I know; but the mind boggles.
The system is broken and it is not the Constitution's fault!!!!!
Nor is it that of the people, who live by it. And who are, it seems, the only ones who do.
Thank you, b.
Posted by: juliania | Sep 25 2024 15:06 utc | 47
Posted by: Pym of Nantucket | Sep 25 2024 14:27 utc | 48
Great post. I agree with nearly every word.
I was so naive I thought Nantucket was an imaginary place. The song Nantucket Sleighride by the band Mountain (New York (1969) is absolutely brilliant, and original story is probably true (about whaling - based on Moby Dick)
The sad thing is, the lack of tolerance, the close down of Free Speech, and the complete lack of humour such that anyone could be offended, rather than just laugh
"There was a young man from Nantucket
Whose dick was so long he could suck it.
He said with a grin
As he wiped off his chin,
"If my ear was a cxnt I would fxck it.""
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 25 2024 15:08 utc | 48
@ oldfart #54
Agreed that the 'identity' politics which has come to the fore in the past 15 years or so in the US is a key factor in the march to fascism in the US. SCOTUS recently sealed it, ruling the president is really a king instead. The goal is divide and conquer, the only war is class war and the oligarchy is winning.
By using the word 'libtard' you appear to fall right in line with the masses who are being bamboozled while everything is stolen.
Posted by: motorslug | Sep 25 2024 15:08 utc | 49
To: debisdead
Problem with Cori Bush is that she is an ANGRY BLACK WOMAN who makes no secret of her desire to wreak vengeance on white Americans. That won’t play in Peoria…
Posted by: OldFart | Sep 25 2024 15:08 utc | 50
Tobias Cole @17
I have seen this piece with Samantha Powel yesterday also. I did not know at that time that the interviewer, Amna Nawaz, was asking her a very pointed question - "did Israel prevent the help to enter Gaza?" this was of course referring to the lie of Blinken in front of the Congress. It was Powell's agency which made a report about it, affirming the blocking of help, and she must have known that Blinken refused to accept those two serious reports. So it was PBS Newshour which actually put her on the spot and she refused to answer and obfuscated. What a piece of s...t she is, no courage, because she would lose the job, or in final analysis, some dollars... These dollars must taste good for those apparatschiks.
These are people have no integrity, slaves of the regime. In the State Dept. there were some people who resigned. A mass resignations in the apparatus of the state could achieve something, but that apparatus is full of them, slaves and others.
Posted by: fanto | Sep 25 2024 15:17 utc | 51
Israeli soldiers filmed from 3 different angles throwing 3 men in West Bank off of a roof..
Posted by: Zismo | Sep 25 2024 15:26 utc | 52
Any information on the drone strike on the Israeli base recently? Where did it originate from?
Posted by: delhiliterally | Sep 25 2024 15:27 utc | 53
U.S. law prohibits military aid to FOREIGN countries which are hindering U.S. humanitarian aid. The Empire has Five Eyes and Five Fingers (do not underestimate the pinky New Zealand) and a ding a ling. It really gets nasty when it starts thinking with it’s ding a ling.
Posted by: Otto | Sep 25 2024 15:33 utc | 55
Posted by: Geopolitics | Sep 25 2024 14:59 utc | 55
Yeh, I was very impressed with Professor Bill Mitchell Modern Monertary Theory, though was not that good, at taking his tests...
The basic philososphy is that you can't compare a sovereign country, with its own central bank - which can both issue and withdraw its own money, for at best (developing its own economy, to produce useful things of value, for the benefit of the people, who were mostly working and supplying them)
With a Private Company - or even a Family.
But unfortunately, especially The Americans, and The British, took the p1ss, and created military and pharmaceutical weapons of mass destruction, to injure and kill vast numbers of innocent people), to maximise their enormous piles of money, and clean up the world of us useless human eaters, so that they could go fishing.
covid jabs anyone?
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 25 2024 15:36 utc | 56
@ zismo #53
Thanks for linking that. It's useful to keep in mind that Reuters and AP are both owned by Rothschild.
Posted by: motorslug | Sep 25 2024 15:39 utc | 57
Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 14:25 utc | 45--
If you hadn't mentioned it, I'd never have read that slander. IMO, it's one of the trolls that recently visited my substack and left the usual troll-type comments meant to disrupt threads. Did my first banning of one for violating substack's rules.
As for this topic, pretty much SOP as many have noted--Blinken channeling Pompeo--although Congress is equally guilty.
Yesterday's developments of Russia mending the fences between the two Yemeni factions and rumors of suppling anti-ship missiles to Ansarallah along with securing a deal with São Tomé and Príncipe for a naval base add to the roster of events the Outlaw US Empire can do little about. Meanwhile, a tsunami of meetings at the UNGA with Lavrov and Vershinin carrying Russia's torch are documented at the MFA's website. A very interesting interview of Lavrov was done by those making the documentary, "The UN from the 20th to the 21st Century," that will appear at my substack later today along with the meeting held by Putin with the government and regions dealing with the export side of Russia's economy that continues to grow despite all efforts of the West to destroy it.
It's the dissemination of that sort of information that makes me a target--the message can't be refuted so the messenger is shot at. In the interview, Lavrov mentions the recent release of critical documents from Russian archives dealing with the UN's formation and other events during WW2 barflies might be interested in if they can translate the materials. As I wrote on yesterday's thread and at Simplicius's, it's the Info War that's the last remaining asset the West has to counter the Multipolar Movement, and we see that playing out most everywhere along with the escalation of terrorism.
Re: Blinken’s Stepfather
Blinken was raised by his stepfather in Paris. Blinken’s Stepfather proudly wrote in his autobiography how he was a pimp, smuggler, and drug dealer . He also shamelessly lied about his movements during WWII. Finally, Blinken’s stepfather was the consliegere to Ghislaine Maxwell’s Father.
Hmmm - given the closeness in ages and the 1 degrees of separation, how likely is it that :
Blinken = Ghislaine Maxwell = Epstein ?
Posted by: Exile | Sep 25 2024 15:49 utc | 59
Reuters has a posting up with the title
Putin to speak on nuclear deterrence as Ukraine tensions rise
the quote
MOSCOW, Sept 25 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin will chair a meeting of Russia's Security Council on nuclear deterrence on Wednesday as Moscow weighs a response to Ukraine's requests that the U.S. allow it to strike deep into Russia with long-range Western missiles.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the meeting of the Security Council, a type of modern-day politburo of Putin's most powerful officials including influential hawks, was an important event....
Zelenskiy told the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday that the war between Russia and Ukraine cannot be calmed by talks alone, but that Moscow must be forced into peace.
"Such a position is a fatal mistake, a systemic mistake," Peskov said. "This is a profound misconception that will inevitably have consequences for the Kyiv regime. It is impossible to force Russia into peace."
The volume of troll feces in the bar speaks to the potential quality of some comments. I know that this info is tangential but, IMO, important to what is happening
The shit show continues until it doesn't and maybe when it's over the lies will stop
Posted by: psychohistorian | Sep 25 2024 15:54 utc | 61
Re: what is a Nantucket Sleighride ?
Sailing downwind in a powerful Northeasterly (low pressure system) with massive rollers - sloppy steering equals up and down with wild gyrations. Experienced steering equals gentle surfing and exceptional speeds.
Posted by: Exile | Sep 25 2024 16:01 utc | 62
Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 25 2024 15:45 utc | 59
"It's the dissemination of that sort of information that makes me a target--the message can't be refuted so the messenger is shot at."
You are one of the most respected posters on here, and have never posted anything I have read, that I found the slightest bit offensive. I can't imagine anyone else has.
Who has been giving you a hard time? and Why?
So far as I can tell, you mainly post what you believe to be true. That's perfectly O.K., by me, even I disagree, which I rarely do.
Please provide more info.
When the word police, come knocking on my door, I or my wife, always let them in, wants they have proven their ID.
The last time, I told him to take his mask off, cos I couldn't hear a word he was saying. he said, I don't want to speak to you, I want to speak to your Son. I said, he's not here, Why didn't you phone him up?
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 25 2024 16:03 utc | 63
"The will of the people, as enacted in laws, gets ignored in favor of monies that allow established politicians to continue their games."
Lenin drew essentially the same conclusion about bourgeois"democracy" over 100 years ago. This is well known to any mediocre intelligence in the US. The problem for over 100 years is still: what the fuck are we wage slaves gonna do about it? Or as Lenin put more politely, "what is to be done?"
Apparently, Blinken is also opposing the Pentagon's opposition to Zelinsky's "provoke WW3 for peace plan".
Blinken is a dirty little Zionazi weakling and half wit. He's the political twin of that Zionist pig Nuland. Neither would last a day in the real world.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Sep 25 2024 16:07 utc | 64
karlof1 | Sep 25 2024 15:45 utc | 59
Lavrov on the UN will be interesting. There was a few comments around a question thought by Love Donbass and something about a Russian or Chinese peace keeping in Palestine.
My thought was that the Friends of the UN charter group in creating the multi-polar world and lead by example including following UN/international law.
Yet as we see Ansar Allah are now the government of a largely united Yemen yet unrecognized by international law. Any attempt to have a Palestinian government recognized will be vetoed by the US. Hamas the elected government in the only elections is a non state actor.....
UNSC now nothing more than the long defunct league of nations. US - permanent member with veto power completely ignoring international law and UN charter...
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 16:10 utc | 65
Prediction: (can be verified in next 30-45 days)
Satanyahu is goin' ground.
He knows that this US administration is a weak lame duck and less relevant with every passing hour. He's going to roll the tanks into Southern Lebanon and "ground and pound" Hezbollah.
Of course, Hezbollah will fight back. Such an operation will take 2-3 months, and last well into 2025. That's not an issue, though. Bibi knows that if Trump wins the US election, he'll have an even bigger cheerleader than the senile old fool currently marking time before hospice. And if Harris wins, I doubt there will be much of a policy change, and even if there is, it will take well into 2025 for her new Sec State and other political appointees to win confirmation in the Senate.
(Republicans in the Senate will ensure that any Harris appointments are hidebound ideological stooges of the Chosen.)
Get ready for "ground and pound!"
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Sep 25 2024 16:11 utc | 66
Israeli army is drafting reservists for war in Lebanon.
FYI @ Exile, I'm sure since these are reservists there will be quite a few 40-49 year olds included ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Sep 25 2024 16:14 utc | 67
tonyopmoc | Sep 25 2024 16:03 utc | 64
Up thread a bit. Posted as Jake Blanchard till yesterday. Today he is using the name geopolitics, but also posts a few as Jake Blanchard. Before appearing here as Jake Blanchard, he posted under another name until b banned him. Possibly been posting under another name as well, though if he has, a slightly different style.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 16:19 utc | 68
Continuity between Ukraine and Israel (and behind the scenes their patron USA) position that military escalation is the means to move “diplomacy” forward. Such arguments are being voiced during the annual UN meetings. Such arguments exactly counter the UN’s founding principles.
An earlier poster on this thread tried to articulate a hard “realist” position, but revealed, perhaps inadvertently, the misshapen notion - legally and morally unsound - that the fundamentals of life such as food, shelter, and medical care were merely “niceties” distributed at the whim of authority.
The stakes of the current moment are very clear.
Posted by: jayc | Sep 25 2024 16:29 utc | 69
Re: Roll the Tanks into South. Lebanon ?
Hardly. In late Oct, the Lebanese were swatting Merkavas like flies. I recall 40 Merkavas destroyed in a couple of weeks. The IDF wisely pulled their Armor way WAY back. Now….
A few days, a probing (suicidal?) armored attack by the IDF was also swatted away like a pest.
If the IDF tries a massed Armor attack against the underground fortress, it’s going to be worse than the infamous Rafeh Turkey shoot a couple of months back.
Posted by: Exile | Sep 25 2024 16:33 utc | 70
US Congreswoman Rashida Tlaib 'smeared' for antisemitic quote that never happened
Comment: the genociders have a large credibility gap
Posted by: Exile | Sep 25 2024 16:38 utc | 71
Posted by: Exile | Sep 25 2024 16:33 utc | 71
I should have also put in a counter-argument. I realize that it is suspicious that Isreali cabinet is making noise about a ground operation. What military announces its plans ahead of time? Sounds very unprofessional, kind of like Zelensky and his idiotic "greatest counteroffensive" media campaign that preceded the biggest military debacle by NATO ever.
Perhaps Satanyahu is going to try to scare Hez into some political concessions. Like stopping the rocket attacks. I don't think it's going to work, though. Maybe stall for a few weeks. The IDF is counting on Hezbollah being weakened by the pager attack and the bombings. They won't get this window of opportunity forever.
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Sep 25 2024 16:38 utc | 72
@ karlof1 | Sep 25 2024 15:45 utc | 59
& Peter AU1
Peter I don't think Geopolitics is Jake Blanchard. Their styles are too different.
The poster Geopolitics is the same poster as Derek Henry and Echo Chamber.
He's belittled Karl and Hudson before and I think b banned him.
I wrote about it on the War Against Palestine thread (11:00 utc | 590).
Now I see that b has wiped out his post here @ 14:59 utc | 55.
He's all about MMT and Bill Mitchell and some women named Stephanie.
Posted by: waynorinorway | Sep 25 2024 16:44 utc | 73
The Zionists favorite expression: (a) in Gaza --> "safely return" of the hostages, now (b) in northern Israel, safely return of residents in northern Israel. The lies continue.
And yes, Halevi just has announced a ground invasion.
Posted by: AI | Sep 25 2024 16:45 utc | 74
Via US military aid:
"Martyrs of the zionist aggression on Lebanon"
Posted by: Ornot | Sep 25 2024 16:49 utc | 75
Re: what is a Nantucket Sleighride ?
The term is a whaling reference. Once a whale is harpooned from a small whaleboat the line connected to the harpoon is tied off in the boat and the sailors are taken for a Nantucket Sleighride by the whale. If the whale dives the line is untied and runs through the gunwale so as to not sink the whaleboat. The friction of the line is cooled by ladeling seawater onto the rope in the boat.
Everyone on board is sent out in whaleboats including the cabin boy. Only the Cooper remains onboard during a whale hunt. whit the ability to make barrels the voyage is over.
Tryworks on the boat are field by whale blubber to render blubber into whale oil.
In revolutionary times the principle market for whale oil was London. Everyone paid close attention to activities on Nantucket in those days.
Posted by: ConutRumford | Sep 25 2024 16:51 utc | 76
israeli nazis now killing UN staff in Lebanon, too
UNHCR Lebanon @UNHCRLebanon
We are outraged and deeply saddened by the killing of two beloved members of the UNHCR family and extend our deepest sympathies to their families.
The protection of civilians is a must, in line with obligations under international humanitarian law.
UNHCR mourns killing of beloved staff member and contractor staff in Lebanon
Dina Darwiche has been working with UNHCR for 12 years in UNHCR’s Bekaa office, eastern Lebanon. The building where Dina, her husband, and two young children reside was hit by an Israeli missile yesterday. Her husband and one of her children were rescued and are being treated in hospital for their serious injuries. Dina and her youngest son’s bodies were tragically recovered today.....
Elijah J. Magnier 🇪🇺 @ejmalrai
#US - #Israel diplomacy very active to stop the war in #Lebanon only. The answer: Either a ceasefire on all fronts (Lebanon and #Gaza) or none.
I expect 5-7 days of harsh bombing on both sides.
More details in due course.
Posted by: michaelj72 | Sep 25 2024 16:53 utc | 77
Is Blinken, Winken and Stinken actually possessed of agency? Does he make the decisions? He may be in charge of running the $enile One, but overall his orders come from an alien entity...most probably arranged via a private bank in City of London...along with "suggestions" emanating from that privately owned central banking institution in Manhattan which "arranges" the market trends on Wall $treet.
Heaping gravy on the spuds is the United $tates of America CORPORATION, duly incorporated on behalf of the primary crime clans of our ruptured republic; by the corporate laws in the state of Dupont (aka Delaware) the family corporation who just happens to own that aforementioned $enile One occupying the Tainted House in the Di$trict of Corruption.
Corruption R U.$.
Posted by: aristodemos | Sep 25 2024 16:54 utc | 78
Ghost of Zanon@1638
My most recent research delving indicates that most of the casualties and wounds suffered by Hezbollah operatives were mostly amongst that organization's civil affairs agents and NOT within their military ranks. If that is indeed the case, we may expect that the currently gradualist advance into the Haifa region will bit by bit encompass locations closer to Tel Aviv on a regular basis.
Expect more weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth amongst the American taxpayer ensured upper-middleclass lifestyle right across Occupied Palestine. Departures from the Ben Gurion airport will increase exponentially.
Posted by: aristodemos | Sep 25 2024 17:01 utc | 79
36 - They are System Pigs, as Gonzalo Lira so eloquently put it.
Poor Gonzalo... Killed for seeing the truth...
Posted by: Waldorf | Sep 25 2024 17:03 utc | 80
Posted by: Geopolitics | Sep 25 2024 14:12 utc | 34
"These fools still won't understand money from mud pie"
Well in 1985, having been trained in Pure Physics and Maths, I cleared my head, gave all our money to Bob Geldof and Bono, whilst suspended from work, for telling them what I thought.
She gets back from work - and is not impressed...
Why have you given all our money to Live Aid?
I said - have you seen the TV pictures - There are Thousands of People Starving to Death In Ethiopia...
If we send £1,000 we might save 10,000 African Lives
Yeh, OK, but how are we going to pay our mortgage?
That's when I totally fell in love with her again....
She said go back to work you stupid bastard, or we will be on the street.
We had travelled in Africa.
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 25 2024 17:04 utc | 81
"Nantucket Sleighride" is a term from the early whaling industry, which had a large presence on Nantucket Island. The "sleighride" occurs when a whale is harpooned. The injured whale tries to escape, but is bound to whaling boats by lines connected to the harpoons, so the whale drags the whaling boats for a "ride". Eventually the whale is exhausted, and the whalers finish it off by lancing its heart.
Pretty gruesome, but that's capitalism. It kept the whale oil lamps lit.
Posted by: William Gruff | Sep 25 2024 17:13 utc | 82
It would not surprise me that BRICS principals are quietly working behind the scenes to engineer a sudden breakaway of most BRICS states from what will become the Untied Nations. It simply stands to reason. Your astute observation that the UN has now devolved into a retrospective shadow of the long defunct League of Nations. We might expect a major real estate sale right next door to Rottenfeller Center on the east side of upper Manhattan, perhaps as soon as five years hence.
However, as commercial real estate in Manhattan is currently wallowing in a Bear market; the Rottenfeller Crime Clan may hafta swallow their cud as yet another geopolitical investment goes down the Big Swirly.
With the newly elected president of Sri Lanka having dissolved an unfriendly Parliament and calling for elections on November 14; we may soon see a move to consideration of that very central nation state to become the host for a more fairly organized assembly of national states. In such case we would see extremely strong support from Brazil, South Africa and they would most probably become a much reformed equivalent of "Security Council" members.
Posted by: aristodemos | Sep 25 2024 17:14 utc | 83
So like how much Microdot have you tried in your lifetime ? Totally
Rock on’, man
Posted by: Exile | Sep 25 2024 17:16 utc | 84
waynorinorway | Sep 25 2024 16:44 utc | 74
Jake spat the dummy yesterday in the week in review thread. He had been abusing everyone he disagreed with. I mentioned name change and glass houses and he flipped. Read the Jake posts in the various threads since then. You will find all that in the week in review thread. Including that b had banned him for trying to tell b how to run the blog. Skim through the Ukraine thread for the posts there after he flipped. Very unstable type.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 17:17 utc | 85
Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 16:10 utc | 66--
Thanks for your reply. Lavrov provides some details related to attempts to reform the UNSC that are new to me which is why the process is slow and arduous. You know why I describe the US as the Outlaw Empire--it's because it has failed to obey the UN Charter since it came into force in 1945--has never treated all nations as equals as the Charter demands and blatantly interferes in their internal affairs--but is an Outlaw because its governing document--the 1787 Constitution--says specifically that all treaties signed and ratified by the Senate become part of the Constitution--thus, the UN Charter is part of the US Constitution and the USA is an Outlaw for not only violating the UN Charter but most importantly for violating its own basic law that EVERY POTUS, Congresscritter, federal government official, and military service person must swear an allegiance to uphold and defend. Yet, not one publicly notable dissenter--Ritter, Napolitano, McGovern, Larry Johnson, and many others both living and deceased--has stood up and said that truth to their audience. Not a single one over almost 80 years of continual daily violation!! A few barflies here understand that and have adopted my Outlaw US Empire description, but that's little solace when several hundred million must be made aware of their/our nation's reality and the fact that what Blinken and Congress have done is SOP--Standard Operating Procedure.
Lavrov's conclusion implies that the West led by the Outlaw US Empire are not just waging war on Russia but also on the UN Charter, which is why Russia must obtain a clear victory over the West as the future of global relations depends on the outcome. Same can be said of the Zionists--they must lose and lose all legitimacy as a state for their actions. Thus, the very high stakes in our Hybrid Third World War. Just as in the previous World War, the hegemon seeking global control so it can smash all underneath its exceptional boots must be defeated so Humanity can get on with its peaceful evolution based on the high principles of the UN Charter and its related acts protecting human rights and development.
[email protected] for ones beliefs might qualify him as a modern day martyr, flaws and all.
His message is out there.....what a script he left, eh.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 25 2024 17:20 utc | 87
The United States has that handy-dandy precedent for stealing lands and murdering powerless people.
Palestinians/Gazans and Lebanese many generations into the future can be allowed Casinos and Dope Stores on what is left of their lands.
Posted by: kupkee | Sep 25 2024 17:22 utc | 88
Once again you have nailed it: Info war and terrorism (along with terroristic threats) are the final arrows within the quiver of the enemies of common humanity.
The biggest fear of the ruling financier elite is summed up in three simple words: "OUT OF CONTROL"
Posted by: aristodemos | Sep 25 2024 17:23 utc | 89
A major flaw in the design of the constitution is that it enables the politics of corruption. The governed peons have no say in any important function of government, no enforcement power to require specific performance, and no view of or familiarity with the activities of those who abuse the government because the constitution allows activities of those who are appointed to govern to conduct their affairs as members of government in secret and with nearly total immunity...
The constitution silenced American input into matters the deep state claims the USA has jurisdiction over.
So what? No one can do anything about it. Those who govern will stop any attempt to change things because
Posted by: snake | Sep 25 2024 13:19 utc | 16
Yes, they can do something about it. it's called the second amendment.
Thomas Jefferson: "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants."
George Washington: A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”
Unfortunately, there is a huge difference between being able to do something it and being willing to do something about it.
Posted by: Phil R | Sep 25 2024 17:23 utc | 90
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 16:19 utc | 69
"Posted as Jake Blanchard till yesterday. Today he is using the name geopolitics"
So did he write anything you didn't approve of, such that you asked for him to be banned?
So cos he was banned, as a result of you complaining, he logged on under another name.
I actually agree with some of the stuff he wrote. Is it your right to ban people, who's views you don't agree with?
Incidentally, My Son banned me once from his Blog, which is partly why I have never run a blog.
Its too much Responsibility, especially now..
But there are some Basic Rules of Free Speech, that are a lot older than me, and rarely abused - like inciting violence and doxing - publishing some one else's real name and address, if you don't agree with them..
Hardly anyone does that..not even the Government
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 25 2024 17:28 utc | 91
... continue playing their games or lucrative role in service of the USA empire.
Good article.
Posted by: xor | Sep 25 2024 17:33 utc | 92
Apropos of nothing; just posting it because it's about the only thing in 355 days that made me laugh -
Airfares from Tel Aviv to the United States have reached $16,000 due to flight delays and cancellations as a result of the escalation with Hezbollah.
Posted by: teri | Sep 25 2024 17:38 utc | 93
aristodemos | Sep 25 2024 17:14 utc | 84
karlof1 | Sep 25 2024 17:17 utc | 87
Karl, I was just about to reply to aristodemos and saw your reply as well.
With the UN charter going east with BRICS et al, I feel it wont be long before the UN venue moves east with it.
All diplomats, representatives of nations and necessary staff must obtain US visa to attend the venue. US has used this to make life very difficult for some diplomats and reps.
All permanent ambassadors to the UN have to, I believe use US banking for the necessary expenditures and so forth. It has used this against the Russian embassy in the US and I assume it would have been used against the permanent missions (or whatever they're called) to the UN.
When the venue moves, my thought is there must be a dedicated UN territory under the administration of the UN, visas or diplomatic passes obtained from the UN rather than any individual country, same with banking facilities.
Perhaps a long way into the future yet, but I assume the multi-polar world would be looking at all this and factoring it in.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 17:38 utc | 94
Posted by: karlof1 | Sep 25 2024 15:45 utc | 59
You'll have a lot of work, just listened to Lavrov's speech at the G20 meeting in NY posted in TG, there is no transcript at the MID site yet but I think they'll post it soon, the news about this meeting in Russian media is that Blinken was present¡¡¡ He listened to a torrent of bad news, like Russia's use of the US dollar practically dissapearing, the BRICS surpassing the G7 economically and many other goodies that surely won't let Blinken sleep tight tonight.
Posted by: Paco | Sep 25 2024 17:39 utc | 95
@ Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 17:17 utc | 86
Peter, there are no Jake Blanchard posts on the Week in Review thread.
I think you are confusing Jake with Escobar.
Escobar is the same as Fred and before that he was Lavrov's Dog. Those 3 have the same style.
The style of Geopolitics is exactly the same as Derek Henry and Echo Chamber.
I laid it out on the War Against Palestine thread (11:00 utc | 590).
Now I have no more time for this kind of stuff.
Posted by: waynorinorway | Sep 25 2024 17:42 utc | 96
Posted by: ConutRumford | Sep 25 2024 16:51 utc | 77
Thanks - probably the most innocent song ever written about sailing and fishing
"Goodbye, little Robin-Marie
Don't try following me
Don't cry, little Robin-Marie
'Cause you know I'm coming home soon
My ships' leaving on a three-year tour
The next tide will take us from shore
Windlaced, gather in sail and spray
On a search for the mighty sperm whale
Fly your willow branches
Wrap your body round my soul
Lay down your reeds and drums on my soft sheets
There are years behind us reaching
To the place where hearts are beating
And I know you're the last true love I'll ever meet
Starbuck's sharpening his harpoon
The black man's playing his tune
An old salt's sleeping his watch away
He'll be drunk again before noon
Three years sailing on bended knee
We found no whales in the sea
Don't cry, little Robin-Marie
'Cause we'll be in sight of land soon
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Sep 25 2024 17:43 utc | 97
@ Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 17:17 utc | 86
And Peter, check out this on the Week in Review thread:
'Posted by: Escobar | Sep 25 2024 10:53 utc | 225'
That's Lavrov's Dog all the way.
(And you are top dog there, so be proud mate :-)
Posted by: waynorinorway | Sep 25 2024 17:47 utc | 98
Louis Brandeis >made not vetted< a Supreme Court Justice penned in Federal Reserve Bank, 1913. The 'money" US Republic got to be a commodity for ZIONISTS ... Brandeis staunch Zionist
tonyopmoc | Sep 25 2024 17:28 utc | 92
I used to think you were harmless and decent though more than one of your dreamy posts per thread a bit of a nuisance. With that post, I can see why your son banned you from his blog.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Sep 25 2024 17:48 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Blinken is, inadvertently, doing us all a favour.
His deceptiveness drives further coffins into the Hegemon's closing geopolitical coffin.
Posted by: canuck | Sep 25 2024 10:03 utc | 1