The Sanctions Are Working
In March 2022 I predicted some consequences of the sanctions imposed on Russia:
The first [map] shows the countries which banned Russian airplanes from their airspace. Russia in turn denied its airspace to operators from those countries. It will cost quite a bit for U.S. and EU airlines as their flight times and cost to and from Asia, which typically fly through Russian airspace, will now increase. Carriers from Asian countries will now easily out-compete U.S. and European airlines on these routes.
As British media reported yesterday:
British Airways is temporarily scrapping flights to Beijing until at least next year.From October to at least November 2025 the carrier will not fly to the capital of China, although flights to Shanghai and Hong Kong will continue.
European carriers are not currently able to enter Russian airspace which makes flying to China more challenging as it takes a few hours longer than it used to.
Russia's civil aviation authority introduced the restrictions in February 2022, in retaliation to a British ban on the country's Aeroflot airline as part of sanctions for the war in Ukraine.
A spokesperson for British Airways said: “We will be pausing our route to Beijing from 26 October 2024, and we’re contacting any affected customers with rebooking options or to offer them a full refund. We continue to operate daily flights to Shanghai and Hong Kong."
The route only resumed operations on the route in June 2023, following a three-year pause due to the coronavirus pandemic.
At the time, British Airways described London-Beijing as “one of our most important routes”. The airline did not provide a reason for the suspension.
It is one of many Western airlines avoiding Russian airspace, which is adding to their flight times, fuel costs and complexity over how they deploy crew and aircraft.
British Airways isn't the only one.
A simple look on the map explains the issue:

As I continued on sanctions:
The second map shows those countries which enacted sanctions against Russia. The secondary effects of sanctions are likely to hurt these countries as much as they hurt Russia. The absence of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Central and South American countries is quite telling.
It does not look like 'the world' or the 'international community' is backing the 'west'.
biggerThe U.S. also sanctioned all imports of oil products from Russia. President Biden has blamed Russia for the price increase that will inevitably follow. I don't believe that mid-term voters will accept that reasoning. European countries can not follow that step as their economies depend of imports of oil and gas from Russia and will continue to do so for years to come.
Which fits to this other recent headline:
French imports of Russia's liquified natural gas surge, and Ukraine supporters seek a stop
Shipments of Russian liquified natural gas to France more than doubled the first half of this year, according to new analyses of trade data, at a time when Europe has tried to pull back from energy purchases that help finance the Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine.Europe has restricted oil imports from Russia, but natural gas is still allowed. And while companies in France are importing the most, one analysis found EU countries overall imported 7% more Russian LNG, natural gas that has been chilled and liquified for easier ocean transport, in the first half of this year compared to the same period a year ago.
Meanwhile in Germany, which currently has a rather crazy government, industrial production is further declining while bankruptcies have reached a record height:
Germany, with its energy-intensive industry and shortage of raw materials, has been particularly affected by the rapid rise in energy prices. Large corporations such as BASF are closing factories because management no longer believes it can efficiently produce essential chemicals. There is a trend of deindustrialization.The volume of orders from German machine-building and engineering companies decreased by 12 percent in the first half of 2024, according to the industry association VDMA. year to year in real terms. Orders from Germany itself fell especially sharply - by 18 percent. Orders from foreign companies fell by 9 percent. Metallurgical corporations are also suffering, as demand for their products is also falling.
All this could be fixed with some sanity and the discarding of useless sanctions.
Posted by b on August 10, 2024 at 10:36 UTC | Permalink
next page »America is sacrificing the long-term continuity of its global hegemony for short-term obeisance from states that are already vassals. Its like trading a fortune tomorrow for a few dollars today.
Posted by: Monos | Aug 10 2024 11:03 utc | 2
Since Paul Dickopf Germany has been a total vassal.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Aug 10 2024 11:04 utc | 3
"Sanity" would be to get rid of the entire political class in power at this time.
But the real deal is who can replace them ?
And I must admit that I don't have the answer. From radical left to radical right, they have all been raised, educated, funded by US grants, US narrative, US so called "values" (ie amass the most money while you can).
So I don't see anyone having the slightest beginning of a way out, i mean how to live **fully independently** from US policies and perceived interest.
Anyone's got an idea ?
Posted by: W | Aug 10 2024 11:20 utc | 4
The Boomerang Effect
Picture Genocide Joe Biden, Boris the lying bastard Johnson, Keir the poodle Starmer, Ursula the unelected Von Der Layen, Olaf the oaf Sholz, Emmanuel the despised Macron hurling a boomerang with all their pathetically unathletic non might.
Then picture the boomerang smacking them hard on the back of the head a few seconds later.
Don’t work too hard b. Pace yourself. Gets some nice fresh air in nice scenery if you can.
Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Aug 10 2024 11:20 utc | 5
We must not underestimate the will of the elites in US vassal states to protect US interests by harming their own populations.
Posted by: vargas | Aug 10 2024 11:38 utc | 6
The US gov has now also sanctioned Tulsi Gabbard. They now have a team of TSA agents follow her wherever she goes on a plane. They are probably going to say its because she is a Russian asset as an excuse. Tulsi Gabbard: Enemy of T̷h̷e̷ Their State
Posted by: kana | Aug 10 2024 11:45 utc | 7
NNo south European has known anything except economic crisis and gradual losing of purchasing power since the exported 2008 financial crash in the US.
Then started the dismantling of South European middle class, through draining South European countries, so as to save the German middle class...
Now the US has decided not to spare the Germans either...and is destroying the German middle class so that to drain German capital to the US to keep feeding the dollar machine and the financial clusters of the FED and the City....
The Germans thought they would be spared at the cost of the rest of Europe, a new Reich coming from the enslavement of the they were spared after Nuremberg....
They forgot that the US has no allies or friends....welcome to the PIGs corral....
Still they staredown at us and fart freely themselves in public space in our faces ( this is veridic, a French citizen probably following Macron´s late design for France...) in our own beaches, as if wondering what the hell this PIG taxpayer is doing at this paradisical beach with us in his own country....they obviously thought we in the south were all starving or dying at hospital after the past four years...
Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Aug 10 2024 12:01 utc | 8
@Posted by: W | Aug 10 2024 11:20 utc | 4
There is intelligent life outside the bipartisan ideologized vassal world and its more or less extrem franchises....
A way out of US vassal state would be by stablishing defense agreements with Russia and China, and with Iran too...that is reaching Eurasian sovereignty and security framework...
Of course, that would bring in some years of instability and war to Europe...but whatever is better than living on your knees, and, moreover now, poor of solemnity and under a harsh fascist dictatorship...
People facing slavery and misery always revolt...this is why Starmer has come to make more palatable to British citizens, while impossed by "the anglozionist left", to install predcitive crime to crush any rising dissent on the alibi of ending pre-planned civil interreligious war...for years in the making since the creation of the Islamic State...
Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Aug 10 2024 12:13 utc | 9
Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Aug 10 2024 12:01 utc | 8
Thanks for your recent posts where you illustrate the bigger picture.
Your mention of southern European resorts is interesting as there has been a recent trend of local people protesting against mass tourism and Air BnB, because the corporations of this industry creams off all the profit and there is little or no benefit to the local residents.
Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Aug 10 2024 12:13 utc | 10
Your mention of southern European resorts is interesting as there has been a recent trend of local people protesting against mass tourism and Air BnB, because the corporations of this industry creams off all the profit and there is little or no benefit to the local residents.
Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Aug 10 2024 12:13 utc | 10
It’s the hotels trying to destroy Airbnb owners … astroturfed against the wrong target. Usual procedure
Posted by: Newbie | Aug 10 2024 12:19 utc | 11
"Your mention of southern European resorts is interesting as there has been a recent trend of local people protesting against mass tourism and Air BnB, because the corporations of this industry creams off all the profit and there is little or no benefit to the local residents."
Posted by: Lev Dumbovich | Aug 10 2024 12:13 utc | 10
"It’s the hotels trying to destroy Airbnb owners … astroturfed against the wrong target. Usual procedure"
Posted by: Newbie | Aug 10 2024 12:19 utc | 11
You are correct, Newbie, Lev is misinformed
The ramrod behind the sanctions goes by the name Janet Yellen. Obviously she's one of these "zionists" we keep hearing about. In polite company a euphemism is obligatory.
Posted by: chunga | Aug 10 2024 12:30 utc | 13
/takes a break from playing hopscotch
Has Germany considered harvesting energy from their politicians? They provide much wind power and radioactive levels of venal stupidity. And at worst you can feed them an enema and use all the shit they are full of to sluice for natural gas.
:) Hope that help!
/goes back to hopping on the mini hopscotch
Posted by: titmouse | Aug 10 2024 12:39 utc | 14
Posted by: chunga | Aug 10 2024 12:30 utc | 13
Yellen is only a, 'messenger girl'-she may be the face behind the sanctions but she doesn't do shit without orders from the Anglo/Zionist crowd
In contrast to his failed SMO, Putin has maneuvered very well on the economic front. Although Biden has schooled Putin in attritional warfare doctrine, Joe was found wanting regarding economic warfare.
In response to western sanctions, Russia shifted and economically aligned with BRICS. Vlad also thwarted attacks on the Ruble by tying it to gold.
On the other hand, Western Europe suffers from this sanctions war more than America, since they are natural trading partners with Russia.
Putin’s military experience is with the KGB, which was a fascist organ of the state. He is not a military strategist. Yet through cronyism, Putin amassed billions in personal wealth. He understands economics. So it makes sense he would fail leading the SMO, yet overcome the sanctions imposed on Russia in response to his folly.
Posted by: Napoleon | Aug 10 2024 13:02 utc | 16
Yeah, the sanctions are working in reverse. And it doesn't seem that the West has learned much from their idiocy. But the real surprise is seeing that the Western populace is a pacified lot. Is it the GMO food or what? Any time there is a small spur of resistance it is easily put down.
Posted by: Steve | Aug 10 2024 13:02 utc | 17
I have a first hand view of sanctions in that I have family in Hobbiton and Barad Dur. Actually, the prices of many goods depend on Asian Economies in Mordor and much of the usual shopping is cheaper, most of the time. Some things like alcohol are insanely cheap. Inflation has hit both Hobbiton and Barad Dur, and some things are surprisingly just as expensive. Sanctions have not affected ordinary people except that they keep their money and spend it in Mordor which has lead to a booming economy, hence the inflation. But there is no shortages of anything except from the companies that pulled out when sanctions hit. The biggest problems are experienced by people with businesses that used to operate in both places. Doing any kind of business and moving money between Hobbiton and Barad Dur is much more difficult. Cash is the only way and there are limits on this (has to be carried by you). Alternatively, the Zorkmid, a virtual block chain based currency may well be the solution. Finally people with contacts on both sides can privately swap money in Hobbiton for money in Mordor. At present, you have to travel to a third country and catch another plane to Barad Dur - very expensive (total £2k return). The only other alternative is the river crossing between Minas Tirith and Minas Morgul on foot, and it can take 3 days in the busy summer season just to go one way (Its about £0.6k return, less if you have dual nationality. Plane, Bus, Foot, Bus, Train and maybe a few hotels. Some things can be done on the internet in Mordor from Hobbiton provided they are done using a Palantir Private Network. In short, visiting relatives is a pain in the arse. If they pass on then its a veritable expensive hell. None of which has modified my views about the rights and wrongs of the civil war in Mordor right now. To be honest, if I didn't have family in Hobbiton who need looking after, I would move to Mord0r where things like houses, utilities and taxes are much cheaper than in Hobbiton, especially if you live outside of Barad Dur about 100+ kilometers where land and houses are cheap.
Posted by: Kaiama | Aug 10 2024 13:08 utc | 18
What event or what milestone in the suffering and pain of sanctions would it take for the people of the EU nations, to dispense with Western imposed sanctions against Russia and Iran?
Seems to me there is likely a level of pain sufficient to cause the people governed by the EU to do whatever it takes to force the EU national governments to dispense with sanctions.
Where is that point? How is is defined? What then?
Posted by: snake | Aug 10 2024 13:08 utc | 19
W: Anyone's got an idea ?
A few. No-one who wants the job. Trash the "representative" model as too corrupting and look for something more decentralised. Look into direct democracy.
Sadly you first got to fix foreign policy, which breaks everything.
Posted by: yojimbot | Aug 10 2024 13:09 utc | 20
All this could be fixed with some sanity and the discarding of useless sanctions.Posted by b on August 10, 2024 at 10:36 UTC
i am going to echo what the other barflies are saying.
germany is a good vassal state and follows orders like no other. and its such a shame. our "elected government" are nothing but atlantic council shills that bend over every time the us or uk want to bust a nut.
and im going to add another thing: the german culture, basically gone.
look at the young people, they are almost more proficient in english then in proper german. they show more interest in america then they do for their own country. you cannot walk across the "innenstadt" of most towns without seeing shopnames in english, slogans in english, signs in english... heck, the other day a cleaner drove by with "i do kehr about our streets" (a pun on caring and sweeping the streets) and my initial thought was: you are in bavaria you dunce, why not write a slogan in german so that people at least know what you do!)
sigh. whatever, deutschland hat fertig.
Posted by: Justpassinby | Aug 10 2024 13:12 utc | 21
Posted by: Napoleon | Aug 10 2024 13:02 utc | 16
You keep smearing shit on the wall in the hope that somebody will entertain your inanities. In fact, I see your handle, I scroll down and have no clue what your scribbles are, just that they are NAFO talking points with no logic or even common sense in them
Posted by: Boo | Aug 10 2024 13:17 utc | 22
"Reserves in the region have been activated and will remove the Ukrainians from Russian terrain. There is no doubt that this will, within a day or two, be achieved."
It has been 3 days.
Posted by: Lul | Aug 10 2024 13:20 utc | 23
/tosses bottlecap drunkenly onto mini hopscotch
Maybe Germany needs to regain a little self-respect again?
/hop, hop, fumble, spread-legged hop, kicks at the bottlecap, hop splat, scrambles out of the game field
Did you see that? That sunovabitch game tried to attack me!
/flies up to the bar & goes to sleep
Posted by: titmouse | Aug 10 2024 13:24 utc | 24
They've got an additional problem...
They cannot use Russian air space. And the Middle East is about to go up in flames. Iran has closed its airspace.
Going around that is even more expensive than going around Russia.
Posted by: Martina | Aug 10 2024 13:26 utc | 25
Where is that point? How is is defined? What then?
Posted by: snake | Aug 10 2024 13:08 utc | 19
Watching the Ukroids resolutely marching toward their own destruction since 2014 should answer that question.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Aug 10 2024 13:31 utc | 26
the slaughter iis the juice. the "cabal", international central banker/wall st./military industrial complex run by the followers of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the messiah in 1666 and preached debauchery of all forms as the path of salvation; incest, pedophilia and worse
The Sabbatean’s… Moloch Worshipper’s… Jacob Frankist deciples… Redemption Through Sin Satanist… those who started new age revisionist Judaism !!!
Posted by: byron | Aug 10 2024 13:48 utc | 27
Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Aug 10 2024 11:20 utc | 5
Picture normies standing behind the above "elites." The "elites" throw tbe boomerang & it hits *us* in the back of our heads. They go on their merry way. 😵
Posted by: Mary | Aug 10 2024 13:54 utc | 28
A bunch of airbnb apologists here. Airbnbs take residential homes off the market while hotels, where tourists should staying have vacancies. Drives rents up which is great for the developer racket so they can build units that aren't really needed.
Posted by: WG | Aug 10 2024 13:55 utc | 29
They've got an additional problem...
They cannot use Russian air space. And the Middle East is about to go up in flames. Iran has closed its airspace.
Going around that is even more expensive than going around Russia.
Posted by: Martina | Aug 10 2024 13:26 utc | 25
Won't turkey+armenia+etc work?
Yours truly, the regular Newbie you all know
Posted by: Newbie | Aug 10 2024 14:02 utc | 30
In the days of American Industrial Might, sanctions were a mediocre weapon against other nations. Today's America, whose remaining clout is fading Financial Might, has been inflated away as a full generation of scrapping out American Industry, along with know-how, has left an empty shell, led by loud-mouth pipsqueaks, bent on reliving their fake "glorious" past.
Ask the American Indian/native, the best template for the future of what will be a rump state of Western Ukraine, what it is like to have most of your people slaughtered, relegated to a footnote in history, and give the token reward of casinos, instead of getting all your stolen land back.
Posted by: kupkee | Aug 10 2024 14:05 utc | 31
While we should all avoid the mistakes of arrogance, I feel that we can assume based on experience and history that whatever scheme the West tries to hatch, will likely fail.
I can see Axis-of-Resistance-friendly airlines benefitting from this situation over time.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 10 2024 14:09 utc | 32
A bunch of airbnb apologists here. Airbnbs take residential homes off the market while hotels, where tourists should staying have vacancies. Drives rents up which is great for the developer racket so they can build units that aren't really needed.
Posted by: WG | Aug 10 2024 13:55 utc | 29
You have removed way more houses (magnitudes) by hotels demolishing houses to be built, investors that purchase by the dozens, and 10s by apartment in slummy immigrant dormitories.
airbnb (and booking), apart from their own huge slice of the money, help lots of small local economy. The owner gets a slice, those that manage (checkins, calls, sites etc) another, cleaners another, laundry another. Not a lot and very split between all parts. Unlike big hotel groups that pay measly salaries but funds politicians and then hires them when they lose elections.
The narrative of airbnb's renters as the evil culprit is a clear misdirection, take a better look.
Posted by: Newbie | Aug 10 2024 14:09 utc | 33
The narrative of airbnb's renters as the evil culprit is a clear misdirection, take a better look.
Posted by: Newbie | Aug 10 2024 14:09 utc | 33
And I forgot
Yours truly, the regular Newbie you all know
Posted by: Newbie | Aug 10 2024 14:10 utc | 34
Posted by: WG | Aug 10 2024 13:55 utc | 29
Absolutely true. Assertions of Air BnB 'victimhood' arise from ignorance or from ideology supportive of the primacy of asset speculation over social equity and security.
I suspect the former to be the case on this forum, amplified by the tendency to stridently assert in the absence of sufficient knowledge.
Posted by: Greg | Aug 10 2024 14:11 utc | 35
America is sacrificing the long-term continuity of its global hegemony for short-term obeisance from states that are already vassals. Its like trading a fortune tomorrow for a few dollars today.
Posted by: Monos | Aug 10 2024 11:03 utc | 2
On the contrary, the USA is sacrificing the Europeon industrial base for the long-term maintenance of the American Hegemony. The US is creating the economic conditions to transfer European high-tech industry to the US mainland, where it is 'safe,' and will make EU into captive markets. Fortress America is being constructed in the New World, with increased activity to control resources in Latin America, where the US continues to have a logistical advantage over the major players in the Axis of Resistance.
The American Empire will shrink geographically and look more and more like the old British Empire, in that the manufacturing base will be domestic again, and the colonies reduced to resource extraction, agriculturual production (Latin America), and captive markets for the manufactures of the Metropole.
This is, of course, aspirational, and has many potential failure points, but this is the Smart Money strategy since 2008. Unfortunately, given the realities of operating through True Believer minions, the ideologues and Ship Captains (the direct controllers of individual corporate enterprises) are resistant to changing course- the first because they only exist to destroy Communism, and don't want to be shit-canned; the second because this is how their own personal fortunes are made; and all of them because they fear losing control of the Just-Us system and going to prison. Netanyahoo is the most blatant example of this.
Posted by: Honzo | Aug 10 2024 14:21 utc | 36
Won't turkey+armenia+etc work?
Yours truly, the regular Newbie you all know
Posted by: Newbie | Aug 10 2024 14:02 utc | 30
After Turkey they have to cross Iran & then Afghanistan, then Pakistan, before reaching China. So, no.
Posted by: Mary | Aug 10 2024 14:25 utc | 37
Yours truly, the regular Newbie you all know
Posted by: Newbie | Aug 10 2024 14:10 utc | 34
Why don't you change your handle to something more recognisable? All these Anonymous, anon, yetanotheranon, newbie, are really boring and hard to follow who's who. You'll still get people deliberately taking your handle from time to time - has happened to me - but at least it will be clear if it's the case, and not simply an error.
Posted by: laguerre | Aug 10 2024 14:36 utc | 39
By imposing those sanctions on Russia, somebody shot themselves in the foot...and it sure the hell ain't the R.U.
Posted by: aristodemos | Aug 10 2024 14:37 utc | 40
Yeah, the sanctions are working in reverse. And it doesn't seem that the West has learned much from their idiocy. But the real surprise is seeing that the Western populace is a pacified lot. Is it the GMO food or what? Any time there is a small spur of resistance it is easily put down.
Posted by: Steve | Aug 10 2024 13:02 utc | 17
This depends on what you think the purpose of the sanctions is. It has been clear from even mainstream sources that Russia and China have been sanction-proof for at least a decade. No doubt the necon ideologues believed their own lies that they could bring down the RF and fragment it through sanctions and Color Revolutions, but their belief was founded on their ideological delusions and past successes in versus small, unprotected targets.
The Smart Money, however, is where it is because it does its Due Diligence. They do not swallow the bullshit they push on their lower level operatives and the general public. Their plan is more subtle and complex- to use the Ukraine War to exert more control over the Europeons, the sanctions to cripple their economies so they can be looted to build Fortress American, and to reduce them to captive markets (and, in impoverishing the masses there, create a pool of motivated soldiers eager to swallow the fascist line).
The Ukraine gambit was the set up for cutting Nordstream, the withdrawal from the Iran nuke deal under Trump shaped the energy battle field, and cut Europeon corporations off from lucrative infrastructure deals that could have staved off the absurd levels of 'quantitative easing' that completely enslaved their economies to the top international bankers and thus the US hegemon.
The sanctions are proving extremely effective in carrying out this plan. It's not incompetence, it's not stupidity. It's very smart from the POV of the Hegemon and its financiers. Its main defects arise from the fact that the institutional culture of the Deep State cannot turn on a dime, and many of its most powerful operatives are unable or unwilling to change course from the World Domination policy of post-WWII to the Fortress America policy now seen as necessary by the Smart Money at the top of the pyramid. Between Russian military prowess and Chinese manufacturing dominance, however, the Old School ideologues will inevitably be defeated- assuming they don't touch off a nuclear war that defeats everyone.
Posted by: Honzo | Aug 10 2024 14:41 utc | 41
Good post, though it's a bit of 'dog bites man' at this point. The 'man bites dog' corollary is not that the sanctions hurt the West as much as Russia but rather to explore how sanctions have largely benefitted Russia. A more complex inquiry but one that stands to shed useful light on the wealth-extraction pump that is BAU in a financialized globalist world...
Posted by: Paul Damascene | Aug 10 2024 14:42 utc | 42
Has Germany considered harvesting energy from their politicians? They provide much wind power and radioactive levels of venal stupidity. And at worst you can feed them an enema and use all the shit they are full of to sluice for natural gas.
Posted by: titmouse | Aug 10 2024 12:39 utc | 14
That would produce more CO2 than coal-fired electrical plants, not very 'Green'.
Posted by: Honzo | Aug 10 2024 14:46 utc | 43
After Turkey they have to cross Iran & then Afghanistan, then Pakistan, before reaching China. So, no.
Forgot Kashmir & the Himalayas are in there too.
Posted by: Mary | Aug 10 2024 14:28 utc | 38
The first map in b's article shows a route across Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and presumably a bit of Mongolia into China.
Posted by: Michael A | Aug 10 2024 14:50 utc | 44
"Sanity" would be to get rid of the entire political class in power at this time.
But the real deal is who can replace them ?
Anyone's got an idea ?
Posted by: W | Aug 10 2024 11:20 utc | 4
The political class are merely operatives of the financial elites. We will not solve the problem until we eliminate the whole category of 'financial elites.' This means eliminating the capitalist system.
Almost every conceivable alternative requires some kind of 'elite' class for leadership, however. Feudal, hereditary, technocratic, religious, meritocratic or some combination of these. Socialism requires a party elite.
These elites must exist because not everyone is capable of decision making and not everyone is interested in the big picture. This is why anarchism is dysfunctional by definition. The issue is, in practical terms, what are the conditions of membership in these elites, and what safeguards can be put in place and maintained to keep out the psychopaths and greedheads and ensure dedication to the welfare of the citizens and the society as a whole?
Personally, I favor a Confucian-style meritocracy with moral/ethical, intellectual, experiential and psychological standards for admission and retention, and very strict controls on self-aggrandizement and nepotism. One of those controls must be effective accountability to the citizenry.
The amount of social change required for the west to achieve anything like this is beyond calculation, but I think we get a hint of it in Socialism With Chinese Characteristics.
Posted by: Honzo | Aug 10 2024 15:02 utc | 45
One angle I have been pondering: the slow SMO gives an advantage to Russian military equipment for military sales..
In a short war it may have been difficult to decipher the fruitfulness of military equipment in the long term.
A long SMO has the advantage of illustrating the efficacity of equipment such that Russia sells more of its arms to the rest of the world?
Further, it seems arms are 'fungible' so every time Russia destroys/Uke/NATO equipment the price of pussy goes up as there is less military material-which creates demand
Norwegian, Milites, know much more than I do this subject [among many others BTW, editor] -I would like to see your comments on this idea.
The first map in b's article shows a route across Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and presumably a bit of Mongolia into China.
Posted by: Michael A | Aug 10 2024 14:50 utc | 44
Said as much @30
Now, still didn’t find the site I used for great circles to check how badly it impacts distances (never check on Mercator)
Yours truly, the regular Newbie you all know
Posted by: Newbie | Aug 10 2024 15:07 utc | 47
Self-Sanction works very well.
I am really happy Angro-capitalism doomed day by day.
They have suppressed every ethnic autonomy and progressive movement that happens on the planet in the last century.
I think the area that is now called the Global South was particularly oppressed. The same goes for Latin America, such as Cuba and Venezuela.
Trade embargoes and sanctions were one way of oppressing them.
Now all those trends seem to be reversing and suffocating the western capital world.
But I am happy.
This is how it should have been.
Posted by: Nokaz | Aug 10 2024 15:08 utc | 48
@Justpassinby | Sat, 10 Aug 2024 13:12:00 GMT | 21
"i do kehr about our streets"
Oh no, those puns are good! I think it started with "We kehr for you", and I would love to have the periodical of our municipal cleaning departement be called the Feg News.
(Kehren and Fegen both mean to clean-sweep a floor or street)
That said, your point about use of english all over the public place is quite annoying.
Posted by: persiflo | Aug 10 2024 15:20 utc | 49
Posted by: Justpassinby | Aug 10 2024 13:12 utc | 21
"the german culture, basically gone.
look at the young people, they are almost more proficient in english then in proper german.
I'm not unaware that I've offended some, many, barflies with my Justice4Germans stances that, quite logically, evolves to "tell the truth . . ."
Elliott ( convicted-pardoned felon )Abrams, who has proven his trustworthiness, is head of an organization that is bending every effort to spread his version of truth, transferring that bastardized commodity to Iran.
His organization is turning Larry Arnn and Hillsdale College and at least one of its rock-stars, Victor Davis Hansen, into an Olaf-Macron propagandist, in service of the right of Israelis-zionists to rape Palestinian prisoners and murder Palestinian children -- because, Iran bad.
Especially disturbing for his mindless regurgitation of the same false narrative that seems to be the Operating System of the Elliott Abrams organization occurs ~40 minutes, when historian Hansen repeats rookie-level nonsense, that "Israel was created after the holocaust . . ."
Ahistorical nonsense.
BenGurion was safely ensconsed in TelAviv (built in 1910); writing to his son in 1937 that "zionists did not get all they wanted but enough to acquire what they intended . . .); directing the Jewish Agency. In 1942, as director of Jewish Agency in TelAviv BenGurion & Agency were communicating with FDR's administration about where in Europe bombs should be dropped, "careful not to harm a single Jewish person . . ."
Posted by: ChasMark | Aug 10 2024 15:20 utc | 50
@persiflo | Sat, 10 Aug 2024 15:20:00 GMT | 49
Sorry, I need to clarify it's no the point by Justpassinby that is annoying, but the mindless use of english.
Posted by: persiflo | Aug 10 2024 15:23 utc | 51
Sanctions against Russia are a weapon in the SMO/War in Ukraine.
Napolitano/McGregor were talking about 70 Israeli and American Special Forces being killed by the Houthis as a result of Russia providing Satellite info to Iran. Lots of stuff going on in the background and could be part of the precipitation of Uke "invading" Russia/Kursk.
Posted by: kupkee | Aug 10 2024 15:25 utc | 52
I have travelled to Thailand many times over Russia (before) and around Russia the last few years, it is certainly longer. Last time it was west of Ukraine, down to on the south side of the Black Sea, Over Eastern Turkey and Iran, Pakistan, India + Bengal bay.
If for "some reason" the Middle East becomes unavailable for air traffic it begins to get complicated and even longer.
Posted by: Norwegian | Aug 10 2024 15:31 utc | 53
What the sanctions reveal is the utter absence of democracy in the making of foreign policy within the entire West as the forces of order have returned to the "old diplomacy" while the forces of movement have abdicated their opposition. What geopolitics has returned to is the pre-WW1 Era but without any substantial, concentrated resistance to policy from any political direction, although there are some small efforts to revive the forces of movement, which is coming from what was once seen as the ideological Right. What we're seeing is the Liberal Dictatorship driving the folly of war against Russia and all others who won't submit. The maps b provided show well the fracture of the world into two blocs, which the Outlaw US Empire is constantly trying to alter with the recent color coup in Bangladesh, the failed attempt in Thailand, and the continual destabilization of Myanmar.
The big problem within Europe for years is the subordination of national sovereignty to the EU/NATO arm of the Liberal Dictatorship where no public participation in the making of foreign policy is allowed. The only way the situation will change is if the forces of movement can regain power within their nations and vote to leave the Liberal Dictatorship--Orban's efforts are commendable but not sufficient. The New Diplomacy that emerged 100+ years ago must be reborn if Europe is to have a decent future free from a Dictatorship that differs little from Hitler's.
Posted by: Justpassinby | Aug 10 2024 13:12 utc | 21
"the german culture, basically gone."
What prompted my digression into the horribleness of Victor Davis Hansen was his opening comment (~3 minute mark)
"As I was thinking about when the unthinkable becomes the reality . . .cataclysmic wars, even existential wars like WWII, the defeated is not wiped out. There is a Germany today . . . people still speak Italian and German . . .but every once in a while they become nihilistic . . ."
Your witness is that it is not the case that "people still speak German"; and I argue, based on reading of Cora Sol Goldstein's Capturing the German Eye, that not only was German culture "wiped out," the German soul was destroyed, obliterated, intentionally, systematically and brutally.
At this point one can only mourn for the murder of the German soul.
But as the remainder of the video conversation reveals, the same thing is intended for Iran.
In addition, in another conversation recently, Dr. Robert Malone spoke to young people at a Mises conference about the Psychological War that defines the world in which those young people have lived all their lives and which they must learn to recognize and confront.
That psychwar has the same goals and intentions as that to which the people of Germany were subjected, and which is intended for Iran.
Posted by: ChasMark | Aug 10 2024 15:41 utc | 55
The sanctions are working in many respects:
Unemployment among Russians aged fifteen and over fell to 2.4% in June, according to Rosstat, a new post-Soviet low.The year-on-year increase in disposable income in the second quarter (April-June) hit an all-time record of 9.6%, according to Rosstat. Disposable income was up 8.1% in the first six months of this year compared with the equivalent period in 2023. This is due to a labor shortage driving wages higher and higher.
Posted by: Udkanten | Aug 10 2024 15:41 utc | 56
Viktor David Hanson has always been a Murdoch/Fox shill, always available to shore up every amoral/evil Foreign Policy stupidity of the Dual Citizens/American Israeli Political Action Committee. Or as Massie slipped out, "every D.C. House Representative and U.S. Senator" has an AIPAC guy to report to.
VDH? Just another sincere-looking monkey at the ready to justify murdering by Americans and Israelis.
Posted by: kupkee | Aug 10 2024 15:51 utc | 57
The world has spent the last 80 years working for the Yankee dollar.
It occurred to some that this was not the best way to organize human life, but the Empire marched on.
Now the Yankee dollar is not as powerful, and those waving it find that there are those who reject it.
Time to start the usual way of reorganizing the world, smash it with war, and swoop in to pick up the pieces. I think that's the plan, but so far the ROW is resisting that also.
Posted by: wagelaborer | Aug 10 2024 15:53 utc | 58
thanks b...
i tend to see it much like @ karlof1 | Aug 10 2024 15:38 utc | 54 - excellent post karl.. thanks..
hey b, was that really you who did that @ 46 - [among many others BTW, editor] - hilarious if so!!!
Posted by: james | Aug 10 2024 15:55 utc | 59
Posted by: persiflo | Aug 10 2024 15:23 utc | 51
> Sorry, I need to clarify it's no the point by Justpassinby that is annoying, but the mindless use of english.
I am not sure it is mindless.
It reminds me of the scene from the movie Devil Wears Prada when the Madame Director was commenting the color of the girls sweater.
Posted by: hopehely | Aug 10 2024 15:56 utc | 60
@ChasMark | Sat, 10 Aug 2024 15:41:00 GMT | 55
not only was German culture "wiped out," the German soul was destroyed, obliterated, intentionally, systematically and brutally.
At one point, Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, the ridiculously named figurehead of our re-education, said they needed "air superiority above the cribs". And they got it.
All the racination and trauma from the war, especially in those refugees and their offspring who survived the Vertreibung in the east, has led to specactular levels of dysfunction. Family lines all about me are simply going out like embers blown away in the wind.
Posted by: persiflo | Aug 10 2024 15:57 utc | 61
Posted by: Udkanten | Aug 10 2024 15:41 utc | 56
This is also precisely why Russia doesn't do a mobilization. As it could exacerbate the lack of work force issue.
Ukraine's purpose is to force Russia to make a mobilization. Ukraine's economic procedures have been completely removed outside of Ukraine, basically it's handled from outside Ukraine. The FUKUS pays their pensions, salaries and everything else necessary to keep mobilization running without needing to worry about providing a labor force.
Russia does not have the same luxury, as they have to maintain a workforce at the same time with the war. They could try to reduce this problem by immigration from friendly nations like NK to fulfill the mundane labor jobs.
Posted by: unimperator | Aug 10 2024 16:11 utc | 62
@ ChasMark | Aug 10 2024 15:41 utc | 55
thanks for the links - in particular the 2nd one..
Posted by: james | Aug 10 2024 16:12 utc | 63
The deindustrialization of the West was a pre planned operation. The Green New Deal, Agenda 2030, and the Great Reset. Along with flooding the West with millions of turdWorlders. So, stop saying the West needs sanity. They are perfectly sane and everything is going as planned!
Posted by: Qjonny | Aug 10 2024 16:16 utc | 64
Posted by: Kaiama | Aug 10 2024 13:08 utc | 18
Great post. There is a really nice pub in Mogador, called The Sportsman, but a little hard to find, and some lovely walks through the woods until you get to the M25, which kind of spoils the serenity and beauty.
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Aug 10 2024 16:21 utc | 65
I scroll down and have no clue what your scribbles are…
Posted by: Boo | Aug 10 2024 13:17 utc | 22
Then stop crying about them, you Orwellian mediocrity.
Posted by: Napoleon | Aug 10 2024 16:24 utc | 66
:) Hope that help!
/goes back to hopping on the mini hopscotch
Posted by: titmouse | Aug 10 2024 12:39 utc | 14
Cheep! Cheep!
Posted by: Ed | Aug 10 2024 16:53 utc | 67
The first map in b's article shows a route across Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and presumably a bit of Mongolia into China.
Posted by: Michael A | Aug 10 2024 14:50 utc | 44
(2nd map, not 1st) Then I'm confused. I was looking at an old map with a key covering "Armenia & etc."
But if that is the current alternate route & known to be more longer & more costly than directly over Russia, why is Newbie asking if it will work?
Posted by: Mary | Aug 10 2024 16:54 utc | 68
The only alternative is to allow the Axis of Evil to continue its torture of Ukraine.
Glory to the Heroes of Ukraine!
Posted by: Jack | Aug 10 2024 16:58 utc | 69
For those wondering about the routes the western airlines have to take go on:
See for yourselves.
Posted by: NoName | Aug 10 2024 17:01 utc | 70
IMHO, from now on, when a EUropean makes a proposal to a Russian, even with obvious benefits for both, the proposal is discarded.
Posted by: Passerby | Aug 10 2024 17:04 utc | 71
Germany's collapse by itself would justify the sanctions from the P.O.V. of its "allies" (FUKUS).
They could be described as a full blown anti-German conspiracy from the part of victors of WWII, after all.
Posted by: Greg Galloway | Aug 10 2024 17:46 utc | 72
Russia should do a mass wave attack with 1 million Indians, they would take Kiev in 2 months. India has trillions of them, so many pajeets they wouldn't notice. russia could also do like the UAE in Dubai, and lower inflation/increase production.
Posted by: Yeltsin | Aug 10 2024 17:57 utc | 73
If against Russia the west are, economically at least, banging their heads against a brick wall, then vis-a-vis China they are climbing into a spike-lined iron maiden and slamming the door shut on themselves.
-The west’s chip technology sanctions are backfiring in many ways. Leaving aside that China now match or surpass the very sanctioned tech products (eg competitive rival to NVidia AI chips), a side effect is China aggressively removing U.S. products from their supply chains. The campaign called “delete A”. 130 billion or so lost from value of U.S. tech firms as a result, Intel sheds 15,000 jobs. This tech collapse a big factor in the recent market declines.
- the huge opportunity cost of Ukraine focuses sharply in China. All the money the west is sinking in Ukraine, China is investing in technology businesses, resulting in China moving ahead technologically and competitively in sector after sector. Then the wests usual suspect figureheads complain pathetically about “over production / capacity”by China. For example the wests EV offering is fatally uncompetitive against China, and some are predicting the total collapse of the entire western automobile manufacturing sector. China simply make better batteries, cheaper.
- China as well as Russia are releasing new airliners to compete with Boeing and Airbus. They’re good. Incidentally the west’s aviation manufacturers, military and civil, are still dependent on Russian providers of metals like aluminium and titanium and can’t replace them - so secretly supply is still continuing. Russian metal makes the missiles that kill Russian soldiers.
- If this was not all bad enough, something even more fundamental from China is threatening to undermine the entire business model of the west. A grandiose claim? Perhaps not. China’s competitiveness is partly due to NOT having to post a profit. Looking at manufacturers accounts, for some China firms, income just matches costs - no profit is skimmed off for anyone. In the west this would lead to a disruptive takeover and loss of technical focus and skills. Not so in China, where firms post such numbers for decades on end. The financialisation of western industry and the vast iron requirement for profit skimmed off for fruitless ends, is turning in the still globalising economy into a fatal handicap. Soon capitalism itself will be unaffordable.
- the cherry on the cake : China have made a little publicised (in the west) but very important step forward in nuclear fusion power generation research. A revolutionary pilot plant by the firm Singilarity in Shanghai confined a plasma for a huge 400 seconds (7 minutes) while generating 10x more power out than in. As Kevin from Inside China Business put it, fusion success and a lead of decades - or more - for China would result not in a China century but a China millennium.
Sources include YouTube channels such as Sean Foo and Inside China Business.
Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Aug 10 2024 18:04 utc | 74
The maps of sanctioning countries is wrong. Actually, it's just irrelevant. Do you see China among sanctioning countries? No. What do Chinese banks do? Yes, that's right - refuse payments in renminbi, coming from Russia or Russian related entities. Upwards of 70% of all payments in CNY, originated in Russia, are returned by Chinese banks. Same or worse with other countries - it's easier to squeeze a dollar payment into US than into some shithole in Africa, as most of African countries and local entities flatly refuse to have business with Russians.
Posted by: Alex | Aug 10 2024 18:07 utc | 75
What’s happening is that China, Russia and other countries are increasing non monetised barter deals to avoid entirely any financial sanctions.
And the continued growth of Russia’s economy and exports make it clear that the notion “no-one’s doing business with Russia” is yet another wishful thinking westurbation.
Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Aug 10 2024 18:12 utc | 76
Another crisis in the making ---> The fall of the collective wa$te Airline Industry similarly to what has started happening to social media channels like Facebook, Twitter (X), WhatsApp, Instagram and CIA Signal and related.
Posted by: AI | Aug 10 2024 18:14 utc | 77
byron | Aug 10 2024 13:48 utc | 27
This is the second time in a few days, presumably by different posters, only b will truly know, that sabbatean was mentioned. Could this be a sign the masses have begun research?
Deindustrialization then collapse of not just Germany and the eu, but the entire west is the goal. It doesn't take much education to see how sanctions would work in reverse. It doesn't take much education to see that companies from disney to john deere and harley and auto manufacturers and budweiser clearly have both the ability and knowledge of using focus groups to easily forecast the financial reaction to their decisions, to follow paths their consumers will not support. These globalist ceos and stockholders and fed bankers know full well what their doing. It's not that they're dumb and short-sighted, this is all quite intentional.
Posted by: NJH | Aug 10 2024 18:17 utc | 78
Quote "All this could be fixed with some sanity and the discarding of useless sanctions.
Posted by b on August 10, 2024 at 10:36 UTC | Permalink"
No.the real enemy of Europe is not Russia but England which was out to destroy German economy as well and has succeeded in that aim.
Posted by: Sam | Aug 10 2024 18:22 utc | 79
There is a confusion among many that USA uses Nato exert her influence in Europe. In fact USA does not need nato . But that entity is needed by a third rate country which after second world war found herself without real power so nato was created by that country to keep Germans down and Russians out using American arms and money.. Since early 90s that same country manoeuvred to keep Nato alive and install her stooges in European commission like british spy barrasso and English pirate witch cathertine ashton and many more inside European bureaucracy to make Europe follow one and only one policy to be dictated by that same country.
Name of the evil country? Of course it is england the centre of money laundering and all spying in the world and most evil entity in the history of world.
For Russia the easiest way to tackle the problem is to support Scottish independence because that would good for scots and it would ruin england and her position in the world. Scots don’t like parasitical existence as English lead so once Russia discloses how england is sitting on black box and not saying anything(after all hue and cry within 24 hours of Malaysian plane crash) that will show to world and scots how low lifes these English are. Russia should disclose barrasso talk with Putin as well
Posted by: Sam | Aug 10 2024 18:25 utc | 80
the real strategic 'war' isn't NATO vs. Russia, but UK vs. EU.
EU should have made a security and energy pact by accepting RF back in the 90's or at least when Putin put the house in order.
But that would not suit US/UK axis that wanted to pillage RF and neuter the EU.
Think of Russia to Germany gas pipe line which Was sabotaged to hurt not Russia only but Germany even more. Typical British plot and action.
Now there is one doubt that I have, do they want to bring the EU down to its knees or just assure that a unified vassal can be created in the next 15 years to go head on against the RF...
Posted by: Sam | Aug 10 2024 18:26 utc | 81
Qjonny 64
Absolutely true. These aren't mistakes or unforeseen consequences. I don't know project names you stated but you're absolutely correct this is quite intentional. It's sad the earthly fate of the west's survival is wholly dependent upon the mercy and actions of russia and the global south.
Russia should not have signed to INF because her main enemy is spared from restriction of distance of 500 to 3000 kilometers. who that evil enemy might be? Of course the perennial trouble maker and plotter england nation .. In fact russia needs to build massive strike capability to
Posted by: Sam | Aug 10 2024 18:28 utc | 83
The sanctions worked beautifully to cut the Russian oligarchs down to size (now fully dependent on Russia), force Russia to do the Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) that it should have done years ago, force out much of what remained of the traitorous "liberals", undermine Western economies, show the Russian population that they will never be allowed to be truly "European", and display that the Other 7 Billion can no longer be bullied by the West to go against their own interests.
Great Job!
I just want to say I support the posters that say Victor Davis Hansen is a buffoon. I'd never heard of him until the War Nerd ripped some of his articles to shreds several years ago. He's like Timothy Snyder, also a shill for Western imperialism and genocide, pretending to be an antifascist.
Posted by: JulianJ | Aug 10 2024 18:47 utc | 85
Jacob Frank died 1791 in Offenbach, a town neighbouring Frankfurt, where Amschel Meyer Rothschild founded his bank in 1810.
If there is truly a connection, than I posit (((they))) are still dumb and short-sighted.
Evil is stupid.
Posted by: persiflo | Aug 10 2024 18:48 utc | 86
It’s the hotels trying to destroy Airbnb owners … astroturfed against the wrong target. Usual procedure
Posted by: Newbie | Aug 10 2024 12:19 utc | 11
No. That is not the view from here.
Airbnb (1) destroyed the genuine bed and breakfast business; (2) has led to residential neighborhoods being used for businesses to be run (but see recent legal cases where this has {finally) been nixxed; (3) had a very deleterious effect on many local housing markets, leading quite a few locations (including Berlin and NYC and I think Barcelona) to clamp down on this monster; (4) changed the character of many nice communities where people like to visit and encouraged spiraling residential real estate prices as single-family homes and apartments are bought by "airbnb entrepreneurs" for their short-term-rental "portfolios."
Airbnb has moved further and further away from the original idea of a B&B or even their own business model. Fees of all kinds have been slapped on as the actual owners of a residence have become faceless "entrepreneurs" and not actual people who rent out a room in their house. The costs, too, have skyrocketed.
In any event, basically, Airbnb is a bank---very clearly explained in an article in Vanity Fair some years ago. They lend out the huge "float" they have on hand from "guests" paying "hosts" (actually, the company) days to weeks to months before the money has to be paid out again to the "host."
I guess this is OT (although I didn't bring it up!). Unless the topic is the accelerating downfall of WEstern society and the corruption and monetization of everything.
A pox on Airbnb. It has wrecked two communities where I have lived.
Posted by: Jane | Aug 10 2024 18:54 utc | 87
For your reading, I've compiled three different articles describing the recent events in South Asia that all barflies ought to be concerned about, "The Partition of South Asia Strikes Again".
Now there is one doubt that I have, do they want to bring the EU down to its knees or just assure that a unified vassal can be created in the next 15 years to go head on against the RF...
Posted by: Sam | Aug 10 2024 18:26 utc | 81
I think it is the latter. They want a Conferation of States managed from Brussels. They are well on their way.
Posted by: Jane | Aug 10 2024 18:59 utc | 89
Another FYI for barflies: the Hudson/Norton podcast transcript is now available at Hudson's site, "Volatility Unwound", and is outstanding.
Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Aug 10 2024 12:13 utc | 10
“the corporations of this industry creams off all the profit and there is little or no benefit to the local residents.”
Mass tourism to southern Europe started in the 1960’s, over sixty years ago. When have tour operators and hotels shared largesse with the locals? Never (why should they?). So why are the peasants revolting? Because they are sick of the mis-behaviour of tourists, and its associated costs, especially the English being the fuckin’ dickheads they are when they venture abroad.
But let's not forget; if it wasn't for tourism Spain, eg wouldn't exist.
Posted by: horseguards | Aug 10 2024 19:28 utc | 91
W: Pero la cuestión real es ¿quién puede reemplazarlos?
si se tiene mucha suerte, estos verdaderos sustitutos, estaran entrando a la escuela secundaria este año. Espero que ya estos niños puedan crecer sin toda esta influencia de los lideres actuales. Y que los titiriteros actuales ya hayan muerto. (ya que son unos vejestorios)
Posted by: Manuel V | Aug 10 2024 19:33 utc | 92
Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Aug 10 2024 18:04 utc | 74
I have been wondering if Trump will get wise to the need to keep the US Electronics Industry alive. My guess is that Thiel and Vance will prevail.
Whatever emerges as the Foreign Policy Team will have its work cut out for it.
I am not convinced that the MSM can carry the Queen for a day over the threshold.
Posted by: Acco Hengst | Aug 10 2024 19:34 utc | 93
When everyone talks about history, if they talk about the last 40 or 50 years, they illustrate how Western narratives, digging just below the surface, have all been a pack of lies, from Vietnam, to Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, to Assad, to the war in Ukraine, to Palestine etc... But then those same people who have told them dozens of lies, or rather only lies for the last 40 or 50 years, become very reliable and truthful for them about Nazism, the Second World War etc. ... They're not just ignorant or they're not just so stupid that they don't even ask themselves that question, they're just dissociated and don't even realize it.
Posted by: Cumino | Aug 10 2024 19:37 utc | 94
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Aug 10 2024 16:21 utc | 65
I am confused about Mogador, as trying to work out whether this place is near Hobbiton or Barad Dur!
There are loads of pubs in England around the M25 with that name! The favourite restaurant is 240 metres up in the eye of Sauron or as its locally known Ostankino.
Posted by: Kaiama | Aug 10 2024 19:40 utc | 95
Honzo @45
"We will not solve the problem until we eliminate the whole category of 'financial elites.' This means eliminating the capitalist system."
The source of their power is the financial system.
We will stagger from crisis to crisis until the financial system is totally rearranged.
Posted by: Steve from Oz | Aug 10 2024 19:44 utc | 96
@ Kaiama | Aug 10 2024 19:40 utc | 95
those are made up names from some movie is what i believe they are talking about - not real places.. they left that part out..
Posted by: james | Aug 10 2024 20:09 utc | 97
I would encourage you to read an article from The Cradle here One third of the world under US sanctions: Report.
"Washington’s over-reliance on using the US dollar as a weapon of war took a marked turn following the 11 September attacks in New York City. Up until then, economic sanctions had primarily targeted “rogue states” like Cuba and Libya to block them from taking part in the global financial system and instigating regime change.
However, from 2001 onward, sanctions were more freely used by successive US presidents to isolate nations worldwide, in particular, shifting their strategy to West Asia and further east. “As the Treasury Department became a key player in the global war on terrorism, US policymakers began to understand the power of the nation’s financial hegemony,” the Washington Post details."
Posted by: George | Aug 10 2024 20:10 utc | 98
My dream: back sanctions from Russia to all enemies countries which took part to the sanctions against Russia.
Btw the yankee congress had a report saying that the yankeeland has only 28 days of ammunitions in case of a war agains Russia and China.
And that they need raw materials to build their weapons from... Russia and China.
WW3... LOL, western countries are lead by cowards.
Posted by: Naive | Aug 10 2024 20:18 utc | 99
"We will not solve the problem until we eliminate the whole category of 'financial elites.' This means eliminating the capitalist system."
Posted by: Honzo | Aug 10 2024 15:02 utc | 45
OK. Now, how we do that?
Posted by: Naive | Aug 10 2024 20:21 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
All this could be fixed with some sanity and the discarding of useless sanctions.
Posted by b on August 10, 2024 at 10:36 UTC | Permalink
The destruction of western europe is going as planed, US and their local pawns should be proud.
Sanity left the room long ago.
P.St. B There is a new/old newbie around, could you please decide who gets to use the handle? If you decide that it is the other one, just delete this comment (and that way I'll know it's your decision and will change my handle for the future and it will be clear it is not sock puppeting but a forced change)
Posted by: Newbie | Aug 10 2024 10:50 utc | 1