Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
August 20, 2024

The Coronation Of Harris

The Democrats are hailing themselves for the successful coup (archived) they had launched against President Joe Biden. When their new candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris, took part in the primaries she did not get one delegate. In this years primaries Joe Biden had won a majority.

He was removed un-cerimoniously because a few billionaire donors and some party bosses in the backroom thought he might lose the election.

All that leaves no doubt about how democratic the Democrats really are.

I doubt that Harris has better chances to win than Biden. The few times I have heard her talking she did could not formulate anything of substance. My impression is that she is an empty vessel, a shell with nothing in there. Her campaign website has no link of reference to any of her policies. She seems to have no program.

Why then would anyone vote for her?

Her current promotion in Dem friendly media will not hold up during the whole campaign.

The elections are Donald Trump's to lose. He should again promote policies which will help the lower income strata. Cheaper health care, a higher minimum wage and other such policies will win votes. Promoting crypto, because some donor PAC will pay for it, does not. Ending wars is popular. Launching new ones isn't.

Running proudly and loudly on a few of the popular things should be enough for Trump to win.

Posted by b on August 20, 2024 at 17:09 UTC | Permalink

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> Why then would anyone vote for her?

It is irrelevant.

Just like in 2016, the voting would be "against"

The minority voting FOR would be statistical noise. There would be three groups:

1. Those voting against Trump / resps
2. Those voting against dems / Harris
3. Those bothering not to vote

Also, the "voting" and "counting" are orthogonal issue to to be mistaken for one another

Posted by: Arioch | Aug 20 2024 17:19 utc | 1

The deep state intends to emplace Harris just as they did Biden. All they need from her is a shred of plausibility (which is what the current media love-fest is for).

Posted by: Figleaf23 | Aug 20 2024 17:22 utc | 2

"My impression is that she is an empty vessel, a shell with nothing in there."

Programmed to receive.

Posted by: Ornot | Aug 20 2024 17:25 utc | 3

I think Harris is the next US of A President. She has no enemies.

Posted by: AI | Aug 20 2024 17:29 utc | 4

If Kamala stops sAying his name and refers to the Orange as “that New York liberal” then she wins
Otherwise she loses

Posted by: Polli | Aug 20 2024 17:30 utc | 5

Harris a just another deep state Soros operative supported by Meta/Zuck and company.

She will impose the most authoritarian government in US history, even worse than the Biden deep state group. State price controls, banning fossil fuels, confiscating private property, remember her old man was a radical communist eco professor, it runs in her blood.

Political repression will be the name of the game just like we are witnessing in the Trotskyite PM of the UK Sir Keir, with the arrest of journalists and protesters in London.

Also all privately held firearms will be seized in federal police raids, any good fascist government first disarms the populace.

In that event a hot civil war will break out in short order..............

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Aug 20 2024 17:31 utc | 6

One notes that the Con-gress recently completed their study of Bribem and announced evidence of a long list of millions of $$$$ received over decades by Bribem and clan from !Oh gosh! "foreign entities." So many questions. Did he resign to avoid impeachment? Don't think so. Who's outing him and sending a bullhorn message to his accomplices hiding in the woods? A battle of the bands M16 vs CIA vs the swamp lurkers ™. Looking forward to the next episode. Meanwhile the body bags are still filling in these lunatic massacres in country 404 and Gaza. Maduro must be chuckling ... "corruption". haha
but, as an old friend used to say "Jesus wept."

Details of the con-gress report available on Zero Hedge. Have another cocktail, darling.

Posted by: Formerly Miss Lacy | Aug 20 2024 17:32 utc | 7

thanks b.. i mostly agree with you - soft coup, although steven johnson is going to tell me otherwise.. the people voting for harris are essentially voting against trump.. we'll see how it goes... kamala indeed seems very vacuous... i don't know what she represents, although maybe the woke folks will see her as a black women and think that is enough to qualify for the gig..

Posted by: james | Aug 20 2024 17:34 utc | 8

@ Formerly Miss Lacy | Aug 20 2024 17:32 utc | 7

someone on the ukee thread raised an interesting point about how it is more m16 working with cia on the kursk invasion, then it is usa.. so does this mean there is division within the usa over the handling of the ukraine gambit? maybe..

Posted by: james | Aug 20 2024 17:36 utc | 9

If a dumb, clueless, day drinking slut like Harris gets elected it wouldn't surprise me at all. This country is falling head first into the abyss. Trump's fealty to the Zionist mafia couldn't be any more blatant and hearing him change his mind on immigration doesn't sit well with me.

Posted by: NYJohn | Aug 20 2024 17:38 utc | 10

PS. b, your humanity and good will after all this time is amazing and impressive, but sad to say, I don't think that those "few" backroom billionaires" will ever allow Trump or any one else to do good things for the "average citizen." Better health care? No money in it. Higher wages? No money in it. Wars? Yes indeed. Mega bucks there. Never forget that Trump is, 1. an Izzyhell first and 2. linked, or maybe chained is a better word, to a reptile called Jared Kushner. MY two cents, and thank you for being you.

Posted by: Formerly Miss Lacy | Aug 20 2024 17:38 utc | 11

To spend a minute on the actors hired by our masters, whether Joe, the lackey Donald, or the servile Kamala, is not only a colossal waste of time, but also playing their game for the entertainment and confusion of the plebs.

Posted by: Simon | Aug 20 2024 17:40 utc | 12

As It was last time, the election is between Trump and not-Trump. If the not-Trump wins, the government will continúe to be run by the man behind the curtain, whoever it is. It certainly hasn't been Biden.

Posted by: c | Aug 20 2024 17:41 utc | 13

Caitlin knocking it out of the park as usual.

So, I was pressured by my old family (parents and siblings, not my wife and children) the other day about whether I would vote for Harris. I told them no, as an antisemite (as that term is now defined), I would likely vote for Jill Stein for president (for the third time). Then I reflected, you know maybe I’ll just finally pass the oddly American IQ test and just not vote.

Posted by: KMRIA | Aug 20 2024 17:47 utc | 14

Posted by: c | Aug 20 2024 17:41 utc | 13
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - 0 - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
It's Obama t[i]me tonight at the DNC.

Posted by: AI | Aug 20 2024 17:47 utc | 15

"Harris Used to Worry About Laughing. Now Joy Is Fueling Her Campaign."

Apparently the words Joy or Joyous is the catchword in the Harris campaign coupled to tiktok dance crap.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Aug 20 2024 17:49 utc | 16

Trump ending wars, I wonder who will fall for that. Even if he would be willing to do such things it would be made impossible. The next "Thomas Crooks" operation would not fail.

There's little doubt he will win the 2024 election circus.

Here's Elon Musk, who will be "advisor" (and capitalizing on mega contracts) in Trump's next cabinet on his way to kiss Bibi's papal ring in US Congress, July 24th.

Posted by: xor | Aug 20 2024 17:51 utc | 17

Kamala is an empty suit. Trump is an old and unpleasant
man who more dislike than like.

Empty suit wins

Posted by: bumble | Aug 20 2024 17:52 utc | 18

I would likely vote for Jill Stein for president (for the third time). Then I reflected, you know maybe I’ll just finally pass the oddly American IQ test and just not vote.

Posted by: KMRIA | Aug 20 2024 17:47 utc | 14

Might was well go ahead and vote for Stein. The results will be the same either way.

Posted by: Phil R | Aug 20 2024 17:54 utc | 19

The polls and betting markets have already shifted significantly to the Democrats. You are living in cope world, if you don't acknowledge it.

Biden was non compos mentos, incapable of normal human interactions. Harris is silly, and liberal. But is at least a normal person capable of driving a car, having a conversation, or walking across a room.

Trump has a lot of liabilities of his own, so there's a good chance that Harris may be enough to beat him. The media hates her, but are going to pull for her through the election, because they are massively D over R biased. It's almost an open joke that "only three more months of pretending we like her".

I don't care if the Democrats "couped" Biden from the nomination. They should coup him from the current presidency as well. We have Weekend at Bernies running the country. He is not just a poor choice for a nomination. He is demented, literally. Senile. Brain disabled.

Posted by: Anonymous | Aug 20 2024 17:55 utc | 20

Pick your genocide? Think I'll pass.

It's not who votes that counts. It's who counts the votes..

They'll produce enough ballots to install their pick. End of discussion.

Posted by: Mary | Aug 20 2024 17:55 utc | 21

The remaining globalist faction in the US are going for the woke vote - so along with joyous tiktok, it is also distancing itself from the Gaza genocide.

The woke are more brain dead than the average moron so policies don't matter.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Aug 20 2024 17:56 utc | 22

The programmed idiocy is already out there.

On my block, there is one "Harris - Obviously" sign (mindless sloganeering"); and one "Democracy vs Dictatorship" sign (Vote against, not for)

The whole circus is a joke. ZH reports that RFK is considering telling his people to vote Trump to keep the Dems from winning.

The US has not been a democracy for a long ime.

Posted by: john brewster | Aug 20 2024 17:57 utc | 23

Most Democrats wanted Biden to step down. There had been doubts about Biden among the Democratic elites for months. Only after the disastrous debates were they decided that he had to go. Almost all Democrats were relieved.
Kamala Harris is a much stronger candidate than most of us thought. She is doing surprisingly well in the polls, and her choice of Tim Walz (~ a mild social democrat) has been popular.
Kamala is a wild card. Her background is progressive but she has taken on the coloration of a centrist. Her allegiance to our war policies is unclear - certainly less hawkish than Biden.
I wouldn't make hasty judgments about her.
Trump on the other hand is increasingly unhinged. He is obsessed with his own person and doesn't have a program except resentment and impulsive takes. There's a good chance he will crash and burn.

Posted by: bart | Aug 20 2024 18:08 utc | 24


"... ela é um recipiente vazio, uma concha sem nada dentro."

Justamente por isto ela vai ganhar.

Saúdo por seu retorno.

Posted by: Soviético | Aug 20 2024 18:08 utc | 25

People like B, rightwing Europeans are NAIVE when it comes to Trump. They should want Trump to win like they want cancer. No matter how bad Harris is Trump is far worse. Maga, Trump and the Republican Party represent the dark side of the DNA of American life and culture. The racism, sexism, militarism and rule of the rich they call up this witches brew to have power and rule. And they will rule not only the American public but the globe. To them Europe is an African colony not an ally.Germany is a " shithole" just like Africa.

Trump and the Republicans are fake populists and B doesn't get that they BELIEVE in class and status inequality, social hierarchy and Social Darwinism. Those are the principles that make up American Conservatism broadly.

Harris doesn't have a natural interest in geopolitics and never signed up for Biden's Imperialist disasters. She is not invested the way Trump and Biden are in American Imperialism and its global dominance which will NEVER let Russia, China, or Iran achieve multipolarity without going to war with America. Trump is dedicated to DOMINANCE, white male culture in America and a white supremacist nationalist neo liberal capitalist state globally.

Harris is bad yes, but Trump the Europeans don't realize is FAR Worse.

Posted by: Bakunin17 | Aug 20 2024 18:10 utc | 26

My impression is that she is an empty vessel, a shell with nothing in there.

b's characterization above is applicable to 95% of American politicians, at National, State, and local levels. Unfortunate for those of us who call this country home, but this is the end result of a trend that started with the McCarthy era back in the early 50's. And it's getting worse.

Posted by: Oriental Voice | Aug 20 2024 18:15 utc | 27

Posted by: Bakunin17 | Aug 20 2024 18:10 utc | 26

Are you even a real person or a bot? No difference between republicans or democrats and people like yourself just make the problem worse. Useful idiots.

Posted by: Mr. House | Aug 20 2024 18:17 utc | 28

I wasnt going to vote. Its an obvious hoax. BUT Trumps comments about deporting 'people who dont agree with his Israel polcies', he said a lot more and I may campeigning for the Dems for this specific reason. RW fans may repond that their legislations were almost the same. But the facts are that it was 100 Dems and not Repugs that didnt show up in Congress for Netandyahoo. Both parties are hoaxes. But I dont see morons like Lindsey Graham, Michelle Bachman or any of the other overt warmongers on the Dem side. And then, theres the little thing about how most of the Repug candidates want to bomb Mexico. Cause they are so concerned about US drug users. Indeed, Thump is dissapointing his followers and is beginning to show cognitive issues. Probably because they are asking him questions that require that he vary from his memorized oner liners. It seems that Harris, who is not Genocide Joe may have a good shot. Even so, RW true believers like Col. McGregor have already stated that if Trump doesnt win its proof of vote fraud. LOL It will be an interesting Nov.

Posted by: Ralph Conner | Aug 20 2024 18:17 utc | 29

Trump was already president once and everything was better. Not perfect, of course. But all the hysteria flies against experience.

Posted by: onetwothree | Aug 20 2024 18:18 utc | 30

Posted by: onetwothree | Aug 20 2024 18:18 utc | 30

All we had from 2016 thru 2020 was hysteria, everyday, makes you wonder what they fear so much about him. He strikes me as a carnival barker who all the dems loved until 2016. I'd like to know what they fear about him, he didn't seem to do much from 2016 to 2020. They loved him when he cut taxes for corporations and shot missiles into syria..........

Posted by: Mr. House | Aug 20 2024 18:21 utc | 31

Why then would anyone vote for her?

Because she's a girl - it worked so well for Hilary after all.
And she's got diversity a la Obama.
And because Trump.

If that's good enough, then the US deserves everything they get.

Posted by: ChatNPC | Aug 20 2024 18:21 utc | 32

Trump was already president once and everything was better. Not perfect, of course. But all the hysteria flies against experience.

Posted by: onetwothree | Aug 20 2024 18:18 utc | 30

That's why the progressives have to create the hysteria and chaos, because they certainly can't run on their experience.

Posted by: Phil R | Aug 20 2024 18:26 utc | 33

Posted by: ChatNPC | Aug 20 2024 18:21 utc | 32

The people in the US have no power, its all a show. Like reality tv. Most of life is, you never get out of high school, it just continues after you've gone to college to go into debt for jobs that don't exist (unless your mommy and daddy know someone).

Posted by: Mr. House | Aug 20 2024 18:28 utc | 34

If you do not share Western values but feel more comfortable with traditional Russian family valuez, you can apply for temporary residence in Russia. It's a thing.

Posted by: Passerby | Aug 20 2024 18:30 utc | 35

@ NYJohn | 10

If a dumb, clueless, day drinking slut like Harris gets elected it wouldn't surprise me at all.
______________________ Good point. However, it is important to make archetypal distinctions based on motive. Slut = wants to Bitch = blocking others Whore = getting paid These categories apply to men as well.

Posted by: Albert | Aug 20 2024 18:33 utc | 36

This site should stick to Ukraine and Gaza information, which is valuable. Crocodile tears over Biden’s replacement make me laugh. Occam’s Razor: Nancy P ushered Biden out because his upcoming loss was clear and would take the Congressional dems with him. Hysterical rants about democrats taking away guns and establishing a totalitarian state belong on garbage sites like Zero Hedge. Supporting a narcissistic sociopath who has always been a scammer and a con man and actully did try to overthrow the Legitimate constitutional order is not laughable, it’s sick. And spare me Jill Stein, that phony. While spouting peace, she fully supports the Ukrainian fiasco, and is no better than the demented Greens in Germany.

Posted by: Mbartv | Aug 20 2024 18:35 utc | 37

Excuse me for not paying attention. The USA is a democracy? American citizens get to choose their President?

All western "democracies" are a racket. Voting is another circus act to amuse the masses. The only difference between now and in the past is they don't even pretend to hide the fraud.

Posted by: EoinW | Aug 20 2024 18:38 utc | 38

If a dumb, clueless, day drinking slut like Harris gets elected it wouldn't surprise me at all.

Posted by: NYJohn | Aug 20 2024 17:38 utc | 10

John, let’s not be overly harsh on dumb drunken sluts please, okay?

Posted by: KMRIA | Aug 20 2024 18:38 utc | 39

If there is to be coronation in the US, then why not a Brit as president ?

Posted by: Ornot | Aug 20 2024 18:39 utc | 40

It is old news. Attorneys for the DNC argued in court years ago that the DNC is corrupt and totalitarian
and can do whatever the big donors want regardless of the DNC charter and promises to trusting voters.

In June 2016, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz were served a class action lawsuit on behalf of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ supporters for rigging the Democratic presidential primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton.

In large part, the mainstream media has not covered the lawsuit in the six months between the court’s initial hearings in October 2016 to its latest hearing on April 25, 2017. In the latest hearing, attorneys representing the DNC repeated the tone-deaf argument that neutrality is a political promise and that the DNC can do whatever it wants without being legally bound to the charter. The resulting message is that the Democratic Party serves the interests of itself and its wealthy donors and that its voters have no choice but to deal with their totalitarian authority and undemocratic processes.

Posted by: librul | Aug 20 2024 18:40 utc | 41

Saying Harrris is an empty suit is an understatement but then again how can one descibe a combination of DEI and dick sucking to make it to the top. She truly has made it the "American way". Spreading her legs for her mentor. Trump was quite the opposite. Grabing pussys because he had the bucks and power to grab. He did not need a piece of ass to get to the top, he just made himself a piece of ass.

Empty vessels works great for the bureacrats running the country. They are the third party. Trump is an outlier and they type of candidate they hate. If he does not get his head blown off on a livestream event I would be surprised.

Taking his jet down or choking on a peanut butter sandwitch is much to quite a way to go. The real third party bureacrats need some flair and panache so all will understand the consequences going forward for many decades to come.

Posted by: circumspect | Aug 20 2024 18:42 utc | 42

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Aug 20 2024 17:31 utc | 6

You really need to study history a bit more and also read a dictionary.

Posted by: motorslug | Aug 20 2024 18:44 utc | 43

Posted by: Mbartv | Aug 20 2024 18:35 utc | 37

Spot on.

Posted by: azeclecticdog | Aug 20 2024 18:45 utc | 44

b will have to clean up the comment section when he is feeling better. some real ugliness spilling out.

Posted by: Olivio DeOliveira | Aug 20 2024 18:46 utc | 45

Trump has made two futile decisions during his campaign: firstly choosing a 'biological' man and not a 'biological' woman as his running mate and secondly aligning with Muskie. He's done!

Posted by: AI | Aug 20 2024 18:47 utc | 46

Harris is promoted and perceived as a moderate and champion of reproductive rights. Harris is also not outrageous, making her not Trump. Trump offers 19th century Gilded Age policies and appears old, tired, and demented, but less so than Biden. Trump excites racists, fascists, and misogynists with his outrageous pronouncements and behavior. Harris reflects the dutiful subjectivity of the majority of America's voters. The larger authoritarian faction of the electorate. They are rallying to the cause of reproductive rights and accept Biden's wars of terror as business as usual. They cannot recognize genocide in Gaza despite its coverage on TV. To a majority of voters Trump is nothing more than a blowhard, the reason Trump's fans adore him. Neither candidate advocates for peace, redistribution, global fairness. America's exceptionalism is embraced by both. Both candidates, both parties, both Republican and Democratic constituencies. Due to the overturning of Roe, the one issue that separates them, Harris wins and wins with a large enough margin to neuter the stolen election strategy. The momentum of today swings to Harris as the geriatric Biden is expelled and forgotten.

Posted by: Keme | Aug 20 2024 18:49 utc | 47

The only way to really shake things up is by enough people NOT voting.

I just love the thought of all those highly paid news anchors breaking out into a sweat while showing film of voting centres bereft of voters.

What would they say? How could they spin it if only a few incorrigible naifs went and got the purple dye on their thumbs?

I have no idea what would happen next but i love the thought of the coiffed bimbos and himbos reading the news and reporting that voter turnout is estimated at only 6.4 %.

Go to your windows and yell...we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more!

Posted by: paddy_too | Aug 20 2024 18:49 utc | 48

Kamala Harris will win the election .
Trump is pathological layer , buffoon and con artist , previous administration did not benefit any one but the rich .
He and his family are criminals , tax cheaters has no respect for the law and order .
This guy Trump paid $850 in tax’s in 2018 and so on .
His family are exposed as bunch of thieves.
And how he will change anything , this country the USA is run by the deep state no matter hwo is the president, the people know who he is and they needs a new face .
We do not have a democracy in the USA because no one man one vote , it is all about who has the power , the poor do not have the same votes as the rich , it is all BS .

Posted by: Bobby | Aug 20 2024 18:51 utc | 49

Kamala Harris will win the election .
Trump is pathological layer , buffoon and con artist , previous administration did not benefit any one but the rich .
He and his family are criminals , tax cheaters has no respect for the law and order .
This guy Trump paid $850 in tax’s in 2018 and so on .
His family are exposed as bunch of thieves.
And how he will change anything , this country the USA is run by the deep state no matter hwo is the president, the people know who he is and they needs a new face .
We do not have a democracy in the USA because no one man one vote , it is all about who has the power , the poor do not have the same votes as the rich , it is all BS .

Posted by: Bobby | Aug 20 2024 18:51 utc | 50

Re: elections in the USA

1) Identification is not required to vote
2) Voting rolls are rarely updated
3) Signing up to vote is filling out a little card and popping it in the mail.

Example - I once registered my Dog to vote. Filled out the little card and mailed it in. Sure enough a few month later a letter arrived :

First Name : Rudy
Middle Name : The
Last Name: Dog

Informing Mr. Dog where his polling place was for the upcoming election.

Posted by: Exile | Aug 20 2024 18:51 utc | 51

Both Trump and Harris’s are Zionist pawns.

Harris may be more for Kiev than Trump, but Kiev will continue to profit the pentagon.

Harris will assure Taiwan profits the pentagon with a bit less bombast than Trump.

IOW empire acting up about the same.

Domestics: economy hurt by both

Posted by: paddy | Aug 20 2024 18:52 utc | 52

Harris was forced upon dems by the clinton/obama neolibs and zionists, same as why she was picked VP in the first place. The last thing they wanted was an open convention where someone like Bernie (but not him) could fly in there and grab the title with an anti-zionist and pro-peace platform. The oligarchy's worst fears would be realized.

Posted by: motorslug | Aug 20 2024 18:53 utc | 53

@Anonymous #30
Betting markets are worthless - they are swayed by as little as $5000. Given the billion or so warchest on each side, only PMC morons i.e. the Democrats would believe the "betting markets".
Equally, the so-called polls showing Harris' good performance amount to literally 3 pollsters known for Democrat bias, on top of which "response bias" due to Harris' ascension was not taken into account.
The reality is very simple: The majority of the Democrats would vote for a shaved monkey if told to do so. This is around 28% of the 30% or so of the American electorate.
The independents, which comprise actual independents as well as decoyed liberals and conservatives both, will vote 80% not for Harris.
The Republicans will vote 90% for Trump.
Harris is worse than Biden in so many ways: she turns off seniors, she turns off Hispanics, she has all of the Gaza baggage as she is literally part of the Biden administration, she turns off Black men because she is not actually American black. Even Asians are turned off by Harris because she isn't Asian either except in PMC DEI definition.
She has definitely improved her public appearances via a modified Biden COVID strategy, but this is not going to overcome high inflation, 40000 dead Palestinian civilians, 4 years of broken promises, etc etc.
Trump's margin is furthermore greater than the "margin of fraud" - so even the blatant Goodle/Facebook/Apple biasing in Harris' favor is not going to help, this time around.

Posted by: c1ue | Aug 20 2024 18:54 utc | 54

As it was in the last US election, it's not the # of votes.

It is the # of ballots issued.

That is how Biden beat Trump's record which beat Obama's record. Biden did less than 20 public televised events during a "pandemic".

Harris will beat Trump in total votes as well, which would culminate a 4 election cycle of increasing participation in a country that has accomplished NOTHING substantial domestically during that time.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 20 2024 18:55 utc | 55


The U.S. elections are circus. No democracy, no choice and counting more fraudulent than electing Kim in DPRK.

This is a thread to vent. Lighten up.

Posted by: paddy | Aug 20 2024 18:57 utc | 56

Biden is a senile old man did not deserve the presidency without the help from the congress man from the Carolina .
He is a certified Zionist support the criminal activity of the Zionist.
His legacy will be the president who allowed the Zionist state to kill and massacre thousands of innocent Palestinians women and children.
It seems to me and the world that the Zionist person is much more important the Palestinian .
The whole world see this : USA is criminal enterprise along with Zionism .
Zionism is dead .

Posted by: Bobby | Aug 20 2024 18:59 utc | 57

cackle cackling woman or is it a bloke weird holly weird
like braverman in London Barack obarmy these folks are not even afro some other weird hybrid.

call it generational male concubines east India company.
David Cameron real name levittes east India generational man.

blackrock vanguard east India company Roth stain stein everything is baphomet
just look at queer Starmer what a zio shower
the Shoah must go on

Posted by: helmut | Aug 20 2024 19:02 utc | 58

@37 Mbart

I don't know, its good for the rest of us outside the US to have a banter or a laugh and to be able to close the book on the US elections that way.

For the rest in the US I guess they will just be being subjected to increasing volume and friction from now on.

Posted by: Ornot | Aug 20 2024 19:08 utc | 59

After Biden's debate stumbles, prominent Democrats took to the op-eds to argue the cognitive abilities of a President did not ultimately matter because the running of the government was a technocratic matter and a technocratic team had been long in place and everything would remain the same in their capable hands. This will also serve as answer to concerns about Harris' lack of policy or ability.

Who will be on the team should Dems win another term? The foreign policy team comprised of Sullivan and Blinken has shuffled from one violent disaster to the next. Meantime, just like 2004, the Dems are expending more energy and money keeping third parties off the ballot than they are in articulating coherent policies.

Posted by: jayc | Aug 20 2024 19:10 utc | 60

Black. Female. Socialist. Oh, and a DEI/Affirmative Action star...

Posted by: flyingcow | Aug 20 2024 19:11 utc | 61

Well, Bernard, being "an empty vessel, a shell with nothing in there" does not impede being a POTUS. Looks much more like a prerequisite. I think you are not right about your expectation that she will lose. The coup is very well orchestrated, it is not difficult to condition American voters, and most are anxious to avoid any substantive issue in this election. Trump is extraordinarily bad as a candidate and will cooperate on his own demise. Looking from Latin America (Brasil), I think the powers that selected Harris know how to do a coup and "win" an election, anyway necessary. Mainly because these powers are doing it in the USA proper, a territory they know well and have all the tools necessary.

Posted by: MalúCosta | Aug 20 2024 19:11 utc | 62

I'll be looking at credible 3rd Party options this November if it's Chrump-Vance vs Harris-Walz!

Trump-Vance - a ticket America obviously cannot afford.. I mean, why pair Teflon Don The Racist Con who wouldn't rent to Black tenants and "didn't trust Jews handling his father's money" , why pair him with Vance? He was ""an Iraq War correspondent"" who looks like a gay porn star, and he lied about being an Iraq "combat veteran" .. He wasn't "a veteran," he was a journalist in Iraq.. He was paid to lie about the conflict others were seen fighting in.

Harris-Walz(?) - Depending on who plays Harris, we might actually stand a decent chance if her character acts as "the cop who catches the Donald." Her candidacy might fuck with the Right's "back the blue flag" cult driven by Obama about 9 years ago to make the Right look collectively nutzoid and to make them look insensitive in terms of modern race relations.. If Harris actually ends up in office, she'll be another one termer for Fox Corps, Breitbart, talk radio and the likes of them to poke fun at. And as for Tim Walz? Although he recently legalized adult use of recreational marijuana, Walz was a lockdownistani state governor back in 2020. He was a big government minded Grinch who tried to steal America's family Thanksgiving gatherings in the name of politicized "health and science," a mindset of collective adjunct insanity and all around totalitarianism that might have set legitimate health, medical & science fields in America back a hundred years or more.. The American People can now en masse no longer trust medical care centers. It's worse than before. It's not a matter where working young people can now no longer afford healthcare; it's a matter where health fields cannot be trusted anymore - the c0v1dian psyop game was a bullet to their head! Why make one of their poster children, Walz, the designated figurehead? Why is he suddenly branded to be the Democrats' "Mr. Normal" ?? I feel the Dems today would stand to do better if they were to nominate the likes of Arizona Senator Mark Kelly, the former astronaut. He wasn't big on lockdowns and he isn't some zealot. He also isn't attracting neo-Nazi groups, and he isn't out to throw old people out onto the streets.

Harris is smart. She just isn't all that popular. She outperformed Biden in a debate on segregation; she was a bussed American child at a time when "Jim Crow" Joe Biden fought to limit desegregation as a US Senator..

Harris's claim to fame before was more or less: young up & coming brand, "Indian-American" with an Indonesian relative.. There was NOTHING about her alleged father having been ""Jamaican"" until recently.. She has also received criticism for having been "tough on deportations" . She once ruled her California prosecutors' office the way Arpaio used to run a tent city ward.., it was just more tactful.. "It's not a Civil Rights or Constitutional law violation when it's the Democrats responsible for inflicting cruel & unusual punishment!" ..

Posted by: Jay The Wet Sprocket | Aug 20 2024 19:13 utc | 63

Nah. No friend of Dems but people here are sick of Trump's act. Beyond the Bluster, bigotry, braggadocio, bullying, and buffoonery he's a very tired act. Everything he touches burns to the ground:businesses, marriages,personalrelationships, etc. Plus he's a deadbeat, he don't pay his bills.

Posted by: Hes a deadbeat | Aug 20 2024 19:13 utc | 64

Posted by: john brewster | Aug 20 2024 17:57 utc | 23

"On my block, there is one "Harris - Obviously" sign (mindless sloganeering"); and one "Democracy vs Dictatorship" sign (Vote against, not for)

Lucky you.
My next-door-neighbor has a poster saying (something like) "Trump followers are a disease. STD: Stop Trump Disease."

My protest is the refuse to use my front door (it's in line of sight of next-door's doorbell cam (I hate those things). I don't want my image, much less my coming-and-going, screened by the STD goon next door.

Posted by: anonymous | Aug 20 2024 19:14 utc | 65

@paddy #56
If the US elections were truly nothing but a circus - Trump would not have had literally years of Lawfare ranging from Russiagate to 2 impeachments to the last year+ of nonsense.
Equally, if the US elections were a circus - why bother removing Biden? Why not have another Biden basement campaign?
Cynicism without intelligent analysis is exactly what fascist ruling classes want.

Posted by: c1ue | Aug 20 2024 19:14 utc | 66

Spot on, bobby #57

For those interested, website of who is most owned in the US congress:

And biden is #1 by almost twice the next guy:
Biden, Joe (D) $4,223,143
Menendez, Robert (D-NJ) New Jersey $2,511,005
Clinton, Hillary (D-NY) New York $2,357,122
Kirk, Mark (R-IL) Illinois $2,294,469
Lieberman, Joe (D-CT) Connecticut $1,998,774
McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Kentucky $1,953,910
Schumer, Charles E (D-NY) New York $1,725,324
McCain, John (R-AZ) Arizona $1,493,816
Cruz, Ted (R-TX) Texas $1,397,035
Wyden, Ron (D-OR) Oregon $1,280,376
Levin, Carl (D-MI) Michigan $1,247,413
Durbin, Dick (D-IL) Illinois $1,139,950
Perdue, David (R-GA) Georgia $1,139,708
Rosen, Jacky (D-NV) Nevada $1,107,687
Specter, Arlen (D-PA) Pennsylvania $1,070,495
Feingold, Russ (D-WI) Wisconsin $1,033,466
Rubio, Marco (R-FL) Florida $1,013,563
Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) South Carolina $1,000,580

Posted by: motorslug | Aug 20 2024 19:14 utc | 67

Posted by: Bakunin17 | Aug 20 2024 18:10 utc | 26

To them Europe is an African colony not an ally.Germany is a " shithole" just like Africa.

Germany doesn't need Trump to prove it is a shithole country like Africa, they have Scholz and Baerbock for that.

Posted by: Turk 152 | Aug 20 2024 19:15 utc | 68

Random thoughts from Quebeckistan (upstate NY):
1. I think it was Dreizin, who basically said, Biden is doing a great job destroying the American Empire...why stop your enemy when they are doing a good job ruining themselves? Let the Empire of Lies Fall. Just hope the phoenix isn't born of nuclear ashes.
2. Let's not forget 2 classic Carlinisms: a. Politics in Murica is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex...and, b. it's a big game, and you aint in it.
3. This is why Dems worked so hard to get Trump nominated: Trump would be the only candidate that they could convince 51% of folks that Biden (or Harris) could beat in November. So another steal looks more credible. And the Dems have got their base so overstressed about Trump, that they will vote for the proverbial Yellow Dog just to stop the mainstream media from constantly harping about him. It's literally how my neighbor thinks.
4. The score on stolen elections (not counting the fact that the oligarchs steal every election) is 1:1. Republicans got one with Bush and the Hanging Chads of Florida, then Dems got theirs against Trump. Let's call it even and quit arguing.
5. And now, it appears, RFK Jr is rethinking Trump's offer to endorse and join up
Why vote for one megaZionist, when you can have a full house?

Posted by: Peter b | Aug 20 2024 19:22 utc | 69

I'll be looking at credible 3rd Party options this November if it's Chrump-Vance vs Harris-Walz!

Posted by: Jay The Wet Sprocket | Aug 20 2024 19:13 utc | 63

Good luck. there is no credible 3rd Party options.

Harris is smart. She just isn't all that popular. She outperformed Biden in a debate on segregation; she was a bussed American child at a time when "Jim Crow" Joe Biden fought to limit desegregation as a US Senator..

Posted by: Jay The Wet Sprocket | Aug 20 2024 19:13 utc | 63

Harris is smart? Jeez, you're gullible.

Posted by: Phil R | Aug 20 2024 19:25 utc | 70

I think the Masters of the Universe that seek to rule mankind are made up of different factions. Therefore Kamel Toe is not necessary a slam dunk; depends which faction(s) come out on top. For instance, if the Neo Conservatives and Zionist end up the strongest with the MIC backing them, Trump will be allowed to ‘win’ as he backs Israel the strongest.

However, if the Neo Liberals have the backing of the MIC and Zionist, then Harris will be allowed to ‘win’. It all is going to come out which of the factions end up working together the best and have the backing of the MIC that will determine the “winner”. As someone what had said, voting of the popular vote are irrelevant.

Posted by: drsmith | Aug 20 2024 19:25 utc | 71

4. The score on stolen elections (not counting the fact that the oligarchs steal every election) is 1:1. Republicans got one with Bush and the Hanging Chads of Florida, then Dems got theirs against Trump. Let's call it even and quit arguing.

Posted by: Peter b | Aug 20 2024 19:22 utc | 69

Sounds good. Only problem is, it's not true. Bush (whether one likes him or voted for him or not) won Florida. It was Gore who was trying to use lawfare to overthrow (i.e., steal) the election by trying to get the votes with "hanging chads" thrown out. Gore demanded a recount, but only in four heavily democrat counties. So even then they knew how and were trying to game the system.

Posted by: Phil R | Aug 20 2024 19:35 utc | 72

People live in delusions fed by powerful propaganda campaigns that never cease and encompass all media, including the Education system and Organize Religion. In short, if you want to live in a World where Trump is Satan and the DNC candidate of the day is the savior of the human race, it is very easy to do so. The entire cultural system of the West is designed to make you think that voting liberal or left is the only "moral" thing to do, regardless of their policies and the outcomes they produce. It is a reality engine and it takes cognitive and even spiritual effort to break free, see it for what it is and remain free. So no, Trump has an uphill battle and will always have an uphill battle. May God grant him victory.

Posted by: Northern Observer | Aug 20 2024 19:38 utc | 73

@ phil #72

Hahah, yeah funny.
Dubya was losing the recount, scotus had to intervene and hand it to them. Otherwise, 9/11 would never have happened; no patriot act, no '7 countries' warfare, no eliminating zionist enemies, no endless increases in war profiteering, no theft of wealth from the bottom 90% to the top 10%.

Posted by: motorslug | Aug 20 2024 19:47 utc | 74

Is there a solution to the Ukraine conflict where it's the likes of the EU, the UK and their allies stepping in to partition between Eastern & Western Ukraine while America considerably sits things out? Because, I really don't see a President COPmala Harris leading a miniature World War III scenario there with respect to NATO involved the same way Obama-Biden would.. And Chrump back would be a disaster - he admittedly had "a wonderful relationship with Vladimir Putin" having an array of hotels and child beauty pageants in Russia.. and his "Ukraine phone call" involving Michael Vindman and 2019's Impeachmentgate was about Chrump calling Beijing up through Ukraine.. He asked for Chairman Xi Jinping's help to try to win the 2020 election cycle.. It's Zelensky's gun to the Chrump campaign's head. Was why Don blamed the Fort Detrick flu scare on ""Chynahh virus"" . New York Governor Cuomo was factually right about it - the "flu" did not come from China ..

Though I really don't agree with the thought of a resurgence of Russia vying to dominate Europe again, I really don't want Ukrainians fighting in Russia to finish what Hitler started when he once sent troops East to fight a tank battle at Kursk .. I don't see today's Republican or Democratic Parties fighting smart about policy - they're not fighting seriously to calm the peace of Europe . I don't like the thought of making the Lithuanian border into Europe's new militarily indefensible "Fulda Gap" for a new generation of NATO to obsess over .. It also isn't smart to push NATO eastward into former Soviet satellite states and into member nations of the old USSR system.. A nation like Ukraine should stay free and neutral - they should not be made into a NATO member state, where suddenly, per Article V's "mutual defense" clause, America would then be militarily obligated to equate a Russian attack on Mariupol or Kerch as being ""an attack on the US"" .. Harris seems to slow the march to war in Europe. Though it's probably because she wasn't involved with foreign policy decision making in Europe during the Obama-Biden-Brennan administration involving the start of
the post-Maidan New Cold War!! It could be a welcome break from the status quo - if we could spend four years collectively arguing about education and Social Security reforms, we could pretty much party like it's the pre-9/11 George W. Bush administration - the economy was good, there were no major world conflicts going on.. That post-Y2K Millennium vibe of awesomeness was everywhere. And it was pretty much Enron, Microsoft, and corporate greed stories making news headlines rather than a culture of "terror level alert ORANGE" and the fear porn culture warism of the immediate 9/11 aftermath!

Harris? She could possibly "win" a close election with the electoral college and Congress involved. I don't see Chrump as a net gain for them. Republicans would benefit from a Paul Ryan plan, where suddenly it's government spending and "debt ceiling" arguments at the forefront of elevated discourse rather than religious extremism subsidized by the Communist Chinese for Chrump's dwindling campaign coffers!

Posted by: Jay The Wet Sprocket | Aug 20 2024 19:51 utc | 75

81 million votes

If that didn’t convince you, then nothing will

Posted by: Exile | Aug 20 2024 20:01 utc | 76

It seems the troll army has been summoned get Harris elected! Just tell your troll farm bosses that after hearing your brilliant troll talking points, everyone at MOA is now convinced Harris is a genius and Trump is like Hitler.

Posted by: Turk 152 | Aug 20 2024 20:02 utc | 77

@ drsmith | Aug 20 2024 19:25 utc | 71

good post and thinking.. i share your viewpoint..

Posted by: james | Aug 20 2024 20:02 utc | 78

Posted by: Hes a deadbeat | Aug 20 2024 19:13 utc | 64


Big waste of your time. Not that many Yankees in the bar.

Whoever wins the Presidency will continue the psychopathic, genocidal, and colonial project that is America.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 20 2024 20:03 utc | 79

Posted by: motorslug | Aug 20 2024 19:47 utc | 74


America's sins go much further back than 9/11.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Aug 20 2024 20:04 utc | 80

There were in fact more votes tabulated for Gore-Lieberman in Florida.. You didn't have to be a Liberal Democrat to recognize that. And the difference didn't ALL vote for Pat Buchanan or Ralph Nader!

Same with Kerry-Edwards in Ohio in 2004.. George W. Bush's brother, Jeb, just so
happened to have been Florida Governor in 2000.. And in 2004, it helped that GWB and Kerry were both collegiate members of the Yale "Skull & Bones" Club .

Posted by: Jay The Wet Sprocket | Aug 20 2024 20:09 utc | 81


not so lately, presidents are used as distraction - to waste precious lifetime on.

meanwhile ppl in background do the stuff.

Posted by: Hodes | Aug 20 2024 20:09 utc | 82

To spend a minute on the actors hired by our masters, whether Joe, the lackey Donald, or the servile Kamala, is not only a colossal waste of time, but also playing their game for the entertainment and confusion of the plebs.

Posted by: Simon | Aug 20 2024 17:40 utc | 12

Posted by: Rae | Aug 20 2024 20:13 utc | 83

CA in particular has a problem with PEPs:
They call themselves the California Legislative Jewish Caucus and they are Democrats in the state legislature who critics describe as “progressive except for Palestine” or “PEP” lawmakers. Individually, they shepard populist bills to increase fines on white collar criminals, strengthen whistleblower protections, require AI transparency, and expand affordable housing, but collectively they work to erase Palestinians from the political and educational discourse. In the midst of Israel’s slaughter in Gaza, the Caucus not only refuses to support a ceasefire, but centers the debate on the protesters’ lack of civility, often conflating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.
Who are they?

Posted by: motorslug | Aug 20 2024 20:18 utc | 84

Its (s)election season in the US....where is CIRCE?

b wrote
He should again promote policies which will help the lower income strata. Cheaper health care, a higher minimum wage and other such policies will win votes. Promoting crypto, because some donor PAC will pay for it, does not. Ending wars is popular. Launching new ones isn't.

You write again promote policies but I missed the first ones that helped the lower income a list?
Those with crypto faith will vote for whoever supports their tulipmania and so it will win votes (I do notice that public/private finance is not an issue between blue/red but is in the rest of the world)
Trump killed Qasem Soleimani with his Occupied Palestine friends and to say he is against war is quite the stretch....does that mean he is against hegemony?

The US (s)election process is going to be the biggest Hollywood spectacle than ever before....and made totally irrelevant by the surrender of Ukraine and Occupied Palestine prior to November.

America is becoming a 3rd world country.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Aug 20 2024 20:23 utc | 85

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Aug 20 2024 17:31 utc | 6

"the Trotskyite PM of the UK Sir Keir"

'Trotskyite' - you clown - you have no idea of the actual meaning of words. Get a f*kin grip, please. Starmer is just another Neo-liberal/tory with a red tie.

Posted by: Jams O'Donnell | Aug 20 2024 20:23 utc | 86

The undemocratic machinations of the Democrats didn't start with the coup and the subsequent "election" of Harris by the delegates pre-convention, in which she was the only one on the ballot, and still only got 99%.

It started when the DNC kept Bobby Kennedy, Jr. off the primary ballots, thereby stopping the candidate who no doubt would have beaten Biden handily. They didn't want to have another Bernie Sanders, in which they had to rig the primaries and then lie about it to their constituents. RIP, Seth Rich.
No way Bobby would have capitulated like Bernie did, so they just kept him off.
And all the mindless Dembots who Vote Blue No Matter Who now have to internalize liking the very unlikeable and worthless Harris. Some are stupid enough to easily swallow it, but it must be difficult for any Dems with any brains.

Undaunted, Bobby decided to run as an Independent. It is very difficult to run as a third party candidate because the duopoly has rigged the ballot access process. But he did it, gathering enough signatures to get on every ballot.

So what are the Democrats doing about that? Suing to get him off. In Illinois, the requirement for a non-duopoly party to get on the ballot is 25,000 signatures. Bobby got 65,000. The Dems are saying that the signatures aren't valid, which is a lie, but that's how they do.

In New York, famous for corrupt justice and judges, they managed to get a judge to throw him off the ballot. Now the Dems in multiple other states are going to use New York as a precedent.

No matter how despicable you might think the Dems are, they are worse than that.

Posted by: wagelaborer | Aug 20 2024 20:24 utc | 87

If you're into crypto, you're probably voting Third Party or living life in Europe or Latin Am somewhere.

Posted by: HekhmonRaton1970 | Aug 20 2024 20:28 utc | 88

The 2024 U.S. elections are about saving democracy by completely circumventing it. It's kind of like Ukraine letting their army be destroyed so they can win the war.

Posted by: Matt | Aug 20 2024 20:34 utc | 89

The only thing that will matter is that she's not Trump. More signs starting to show up on lawns now that the embarrassment of Biden is starting to subside. I don't think this country is capable of an honest election and probably the deep state in Harris have someone who will give the appearance of respectability in order to throw it in her direction.Im done. It is what it is.

Posted by: So | Aug 20 2024 20:34 utc | 90

Posted by: Peter b | Aug 20 2024 19:22 utc | 69

2 classic Carlinisms: a. Politics in Murica is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.


That first quote is by Frank Zappa, he of "pull back the curtain and see the wall at the back of the stage" fame. Just push the quote into Google, and you will get Frank as the author.

Posted by: john brewster | Aug 20 2024 20:38 utc | 91

Why do we persist in the fiction that the Maerican election matters? Does one candidate not support revanchist neo-nazism? Does one candidate not endorse the starvation siege and mass murder of Palestinians? Does one candidate plan to stop belligerent confrontation with China? Does one candidate plan to normalize relations with Cuba and Venezeula?

No? Then as some surmise it's a dog and pony show, all pomp and circumstance, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Maerica is a uniparty, corporate fascist state. A sort of reverse meritocracy. A reality show with nukes.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Aug 20 2024 20:38 utc | 92

About the sudden lead of Harris in the polls

This is astonishing, there can be 2 explanations for that:
1. Massive polling fraud, the DEMs will try again election fraud as in 2020, but to make it more plausible they have to manipulate the polls first.
- most of the polls are sponsored by DEMs/left/liberal media
- many pollsters are new, or few years old, or started polling with election 2020
- to sway a poll in one direction is quite easy, many studies were written about that
So to control the pollsters may be easy for the DEMs, after all they control almost all of the media.

2. The US media managed to make a total outsider of Trump (law suits, etc.), they managed to influence public opinion so far
as to make the majority hate him or see everything that is bad in USA as Trump's fault.
(since I'm from Europe I cannot tell, how the public opinion my be or not be in USA)

Posted by: cortomaltese | Aug 20 2024 20:39 utc | 93

Motorslug 43 - thanks for the compliment........if you do not think Kamyhoe will embark on a process, fueled by an executive order, to seize all semi auto firearms from the citizens of the Republic, then you need to read up on your dictators handbook........have a drink on me at the bar........serving only Tullamore Dew.......

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Aug 20 2024 20:40 utc | 94

I smell hasbara:

After nearly a year of efforts to taunt, provoke and intimidate Iran into a full-on regional war in the Middle East amid the Gaza crisis, Iran hawks in Washington have turned to a new strategy, accusing Tehran of interfering in the upcoming US presidential election.

Posted by: motorslug | Aug 20 2024 20:40 utc | 95

@ tobias

Patriot act is chapter 1, compliments of dubya/cheney and the remainder is called Project 2025. BTW, the planet could use a few Trotsky-ist leaders, starmer is anything but.

Posted by: motorslug | Aug 20 2024 20:47 utc | 96

"The elections are Donald Trump's to lose. He should again promote policies which will help the lower income strata. Cheaper health care, a higher minimum wage and other such policies will win votes."

But Trump won't do any of those things, nor will he improve time off for being sick laws. He'd just help a subset of the very well off as he did during his first term.

Posted by: Jay | Aug 20 2024 20:47 utc | 97

Senator Chuck Schumer and ex Speaker Nancy Pelosi threatened Joementia with removal via the 25 th Amendment......that was the threat and the only real threat they could use......

Joementia already had the vast majority of delegates legally committed to him on the first ballot, so there was no possible way to deny him the nomination.

So the coup plotters used the only weapon available - the 25th, and had lined up the cabinet vote too...........

This is how the democommies now operate.........whether its the Obama coup of December '16, the Vindman Coup or the Comey Coup......its all the same, rig an investigation or in Obama's case, rig an election.

America is now governed by those clever enough to successful skew the system to their advantage..............coups, fake investigations, election fraud, foreign influence peddling, all fair game now....

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Aug 20 2024 20:49 utc | 98

Phil R. #70,

Harris smart, compared to whom? She doesn't have dementia like Biden, but she's not smart. And has never demonstrated smarts while holding any of her 4 elected offices (SF AG, CA AG, Senator from CA, and now VP).

Obama, whom I did not vote for, and whom I profoundly disagree with, is smart. So is Bill Clinton, HRC not so much.

Posted by: Jay | Aug 20 2024 20:52 utc | 99

If elected, she will lead the USA into the next civil war...

Posted by: Philipp | Aug 20 2024 20:56 utc | 100

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