Palestine Open Thread 2024-166
News & views related to the war on and in Palestine ...
Of interest:
IDF presents Oct. 7 probe to Kibbutz Be'eri: 'We failed to protect you' - Haaretz
The probe revealed that more than two tank shells were fired at a house in the Kibbutz, The source added, where Hamas terrorists were barricaded with hostages. According to the source, the investigation focused on the decisions of mid-level field commanders but does not clarify the extent of the senior command's responsibility.
Only an anti-fascist front can save us from the abyss - 972mag
Israeli society will emerge from this war more violent, nationalist, and militaristic than ever. The work of curbing its worst impulses must start now.
Posted by b on July 11, 2024 at 18:25 UTC | Permalink
next page »Bon courage, b. I'm going through the same programme at the moment, only I don't get a stay in a clinic, and have to go every day from my home. I don't mind, I'm not in a serious state of health, but I hope b gets over it. All the other patients doing the training are younger than me....
Posted by: laguerre | Jul 11 2024 18:52 utc | 2
it's going to come out, but slowly, that most killed on Oct. 7th were killed by Israel. US will succeed in concealing th facts. But Israel won't won't get its reputation back. That's finished for good.
Posted by: laguerre | Jul 11 2024 18:56 utc | 3
Good to here from you b im taking it by the apearenc of this new post your getting stronger. Hope your in a lovely place in both scense.
You picked a good topic there.
Im on holiday (gdn bench)
Much respect.
Posted by: Mark2 | Jul 11 2024 19:00 utc | 4
My best guess is:
900 Israelis died that day =
300 IDF fighters
200 Setller paramilitaries
400 Israeli Civilians killed by IDF
Posted by: Exile | Jul 11 2024 19:05 utc | 5
Drip, drip, drip. The truth will out.
Posted by: titmouse | Jul 11 2024 20:08 utc | 6
The days of the first events in Gaza as they unfolded were addressed here at MoA as full attention was being paid, with pertinent links and comments. This was a time of extreme distress combined with timely on the spot accounts, sometimes speculative but best when those being targeted had reached places of safety from which to tell us what had happened.
I remember the account by a potential hostage who had escaped the initial confrontation between settlers and palestinians, complicated by the juxtaposition of the concert hastily relocated close to the enclosure fence. And also that parked cars of concert goers had been destroyed by weapons no on the foot hostage takers could have had in their possession. Also that the fleeing concert goers had been caught in 'crossfire'. Cross fire from whom? It appeared that some palestinians were taking hostages and fleeing in vehicles, which then were given the same treatment. All was graphically disturbing; not clear who was to blame.
At some point we will get a more accurate minute by minute description of what was happening during that time of absolute terror. We here did our best to unravel the moment to moment news, and if only at the very least, we asked the relevant questions, why this and why that? Thank you, b.
Thanks to b, we are still asking, and a huge unanswered question is: Why has this unprecedented carnage been allowed to continue, and even become more violent??
Israelis, even Masada was not as bad as this horrorful time has been! Nothing in the Bible describes events such as these! No holocaust is this senseless eradication; no justification is possible.
A madness came upon you; you were misled; you even killed your own flesh, using the modern weapons that made this so instantaneously easy to do. Not spears and daggers, or arrows, but machines of modern warfare. Terrible machines. Mayhem. Carnage.
Forbear! Take account; use what we have given you -- the truth.
The House of Atreus, so Greek playwrights wrote, was cursed in having banqueted unknowingly on their own flesh and blood. The Furies came after the latest of their tribe to have knowingly participated in his own mother's murder. Knowledge was not enough. An accounting was due.
It came, and with the help of divine intercession, it was eventually resolved. It was resolved. Such an accounting comes finally now. And it awaits resolution.
Posted by: juliania | Jul 11 2024 20:10 utc | 7
juliania | Jul 11 2024 20:10 utc | 7 wrote:
"Israelis, even Masada was not as bad as this horrorful time has been! Nothing in the Bible describes events such as these! No holocaust is this senseless eradication; no justification is possible.
You are mistaken, juliania, in several ways.
-- In a discussion about his writing on Machiavelli, Michael Ledeen, "a proud Levite," declared that "Jews killed Jews," in Hebrew scripture
-- It is a wonder to me that so many who purport to be versed in Old Testament fail to fully encompass the perfidy, the blasphemy of the Hannibal doctrine. Hanni-bal, "The grace of Baal;" Baal, whose worship demands the sacrifice of children; Baal, who was putatively bested by Elijah, through the blessing of Yahweh:
"Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” But the people said nothing.
Then Elijah said to them, “I am the only one of the LORD’s prophets left, but Baal has four hundred and fifty prophets."
-- It is further frightening to note that the "test" by which Elijah vanquished Baal, involved roasting a bull.
juliania wrote:
"A madness came upon you; you were misled; you even killed your own flesh, using the modern weapons that made this so instantaneously easy to do. Not spears and daggers, or arrows, but machines of modern warfare. Terrible machines. Mayhem. Carnage."
I can't agree with this sentiment, juliania. "Madness" it is, indeed, but not something that flared up "misled" or in any way "instantaneously;" rather, a deeply embedded madness that resides in the heart of zionism.
Posted by: ChasMark | Jul 11 2024 20:39 utc | 8
But Israel won't won't get its reputation back. That's finished for good.
Posted by: laguerre | Jul 11 2024 18:56 utc | 3
What "reputation" are you talking about?
It's had the reputation of a genocidal settler colonial apartheid entity from day 1 to now.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 11 2024 21:06 utc | 9
Posted by: ChasMark | Jul 11 2024 20:39 utc | 8
You misapply my term 'instantaneously', ChasMark. I was speaking of the modern weapons, not of the (embedded or not) madness. I'll leave it to you to make such judgments. I was putting the best face on these matters -- 'known or unknown', a misdeed asks to be discovered, revealed to the one or ones responsible, and then for the appropriate redress to be given by them or those taking their part.
Such discovery is presently underway, even in Israel. Sadly, long in coming. Compassion doesn't ask an eye for an eye, but it asks what is humanly and humanely possible - a redress of wrongs. Unfortunately what was done in the past perpetrated wrong upon the Palestinians. There has to be a better way forward.
Posted by: juliania | Jul 11 2024 21:22 utc | 10
Posted by: titmouse | Jul 11 2024 20:08 utc | 6
Once the truth is out, what is to be done about it?
Vote more? Emigrate? Hedonism?
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jul 11 2024 21:23 utc | 11
My Palestine genocide depression lifted a bit as I watched this interview with Laith Marouf. He thinks the war will widen and when it does, within the first 24 hours, the Resistance will destroy all the Jews's luftwaffe bases, take control of the Golan and a wide strip of north Palestine below the border and, best of all, the 30,000 strong Hezbollah special forces army will be in the West Bank. Also, he thinks the Gaza Palestinians are not dying in vain because they are inspiring the world.
Posted by: Chas | Jul 11 2024 21:25 utc | 12
When some Israeli offensive in to Lebanon goes horribly wrong and the IDF realizes they are getting their ass kicked and the end is near, to mitigate existential butthurt Israel is gonna lob a nuke on Damascus and Tehran. Lets hope the Arab world and Persia, too, goes for a final solution, knife in hand, until every Jew throat in the middle east is slit.
World-wide I say round up the rest of the Jew population and make 'em do 5 years as collective penance in Russia's Jewish Autonomous Oblast. One Jew parent and in ya go. You can buy your way out by depositing 500K or 50% of your net worth (whichever is greater) into the Palestinian Restitution Trust Fund That is barred from hiring Jews from Board of Trustees to night shift janitor.
Posted by: comrade simba | Jul 11 2024 22:16 utc | 13
Once you understand that the talmudist religion is and always has been at its core a narcissistic cult, and that the "Jewish" periphery of it are being used by the cult to further its own narcissistic desires, the entirety of what is going on in occupied Palestine and the Western world is a hell of a lot easier to understand.
As with all narcissists, the cure requires eliminating them from ones life. Only then can the extensive injuries they cause be healed. Quite how that happens on a global scale I will leave to others to propose, but I do observe that there is quite the tidal wave of recognition of their utterly toxic nature sweeping the globe, and that their efforts to repress that tidal wave are only driving more and more of us to recognise their true nature.
Interesting times.
Posted by: eagle eye | Jul 11 2024 22:23 utc | 14
Anything promising you've heard about ceasefire talks is wrong...
Sources in the Palestinian movement rubbished reports on Thursday that claimed a framework for the ceasefire had been agreed upon by the parties and that they were now negotiating details of how it would be implemented.
The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that there was "nothing new" to report and there was no impending "breakthrough" in negotiations, despite CIA director Bill Burns meeting senior Israeli, Egyptian and Qatari officials in Doha on Wednesday.
I have to admit: I don't have this geopolitical play-acting totally figured out. For whose benefit were the current batch of lies cooked up? That's the puzzle.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Jul 11 2024 22:29 utc | 15
Hermetic Qabalah (Occult Kaballah) says Metatron is the greatest Angel
in Paradise seeing Metatron sitting down (an action that is not done in the presence of God). Elishah ben Abuyah therefore looks to Metatron as a deity and says heretically: "Perhaps there are, God forbid, two powers in Heaven
Ibn Hazm mentions that Jews, although regarding Metatron as an angel, would celebrate Metatron as a lesser god ten days each year
Abrahamic faiths do not worship Angels and they must defer to God they are and so this a subtle sign of evil
Posted by: phenon | Jul 11 2024 22:44 utc | 16
I have to admit: I don't have this geopolitical play-acting totally figured out. For whose benefit were the current batch of lies cooked up? That's the puzzle.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Jul 11 2024 22:29 utc | 15
There's no underlying strategy here. What you're witnessing are the uncontrolled nervous tics of a compulsive liar.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 11 2024 23:09 utc | 18
In comment juliania | Jul 11 2024 21:22 utc | 10, these words used:
“Best face”. “Misdeed” “appropriate redress” “compassion” “what is humanely possible” then,
"Unfortunately what was done in the past perpetrated wrong upon the Palestinians."
Many times, too many times, the zionist actions we are witnessing are compared to "what the Nazis did." It was disturbing that Larry Johnson used that formula just a few days ago.
I believe it is inappropriate in terms of logic and rhetoric, at the very least.
BUT given that so many who rely on propaganda narratives for their understanding of the 20th century wars in Europe, I ask you: Were any of those terms ever applied to Germans, or the French or Italians who were bombed, starved, occupied by Allied forces during and after those wars?
No they were not. Germans, French, Italians who were deliberately firebombed, starved, and occupied were instead further punished; forced to swallow their very real victimhood; forced to accept a guilt that was falsely imposed upon them.
I do not have one ounce of "compassion" to spare for any zionist/Israeli. th They have exhausted their share and more of "best face". Their "misdeeds" are not misdeeds, they are crimes against humanity that cry to heaven for the harshest sort of vengeance -- a vengeance the equivalent of that meted out upon German, French and Italian civilians (and 'disarmed combatants') for years after the war.
Zionists lied, then as now, and the world must finally say, Enough.
The zionists who are perpetrating or supporting or even sentimentally excusing the century + of crimes against humanity must be dealt with harshly, coldly, even brutally. They must be made to accept accountability for their lies and their crimes; must extirpate whatever ideological germ excuses them -- "de-zionization," as thorough as the years of "de-nazification"; must make full reparation to those they have so seriously harmed.
Posted by: ChasMark | Jul 11 2024 23:56 utc | 19
Aleph @15
Hard to say, because until there is or isn't agreement we cannot tell who is being sincere about what.
Hamas moved to accepting ceasefire only and a continuing negotiation but without guarantee of end of conflict as long as occupation completely withdrew from Gaza during that time. They refuse foreign contingent to manage Gaza.
Occupation say they refuse to give up control of Gaza Egypt border, have then made clear a ceasefire is about hostage release and that the conflict does not end until elimination of Hamas.
Hezbollah say they will respect the wishes of Hamas, but would return to action at the slightest infraction. It is questionable if the occupation would leave Hezbollah alone in the north.
So my impression is that there has been a strong discreet background attempt by western or world figures.
Either the occupation has just used this as cover for further action (i.e. the destruction stops when Hamas wants) and set limits it knows will not be accepted, or the assembly is pushing too hard on Hamas expecting it to concede further.
So to now the summary is that it seems more like negotiations are trying to obtain kinds of concessions that would degrade Hamas. Conversely the occupation say they will not make concessions which might strengthen Hamas.
If there is no ceasefire, or after a ceasefire has ended, the occupation will continue with harrassment and destruction. The question is maybe what their intention is re. Lebanon.
In other words all sides want a ceasefire for one reason or another (political, hostages, humanitarian, regroupment etc.) , but .... the above. Here is Nasrallah yesterday:
"Reshet was quoted by a security source: The Northern Command is in a state of complete readiness on the Lebanese and Syrian fronts
Gallant to the American envoy: We support the reopening of the Rafah crossing, but we will not tolerate Hamas’ return to it.
Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah:
- We occupied a large part of the enemy forces and kept them away from the battle in Gaza and confirmed that the north is connected to Gaza
- We are facing a new generation of narcissistic occupation leaders who are ready to sacrifice everything in order to remain in power
- I confirm that what Hamas accepts, we will all accept
- Hamas is negotiating on behalf of itself, the factions, and the axis of resistance, and we are satisfied with what Hamas is satisfied with.
- We supported the resistance in Gaza because Israel’s victory in the Strip means that it will come to Lebanon and other countries in the region
- Whoever wants calm in the north must stop the war in Gaza
- If an agreement is reached on a ceasefire in Gaza, our front will stop regardless of any agreement, mechanisms or negotiations.
- We will not tolerate any aggression if Israel takes a decision to continue the war in Lebanon after the ceasefire in Gaza.
- We must remain in the resistance and its environment, prepared for the worst possibilities, even if we aspire to the opposite of this matter ."
Posted by: Ornot | Jul 12 2024 0:04 utc | 20
People are people and we're all the same.
A place to stay, enough to eat, a place to grow a family.
Greed, lust, jealousy
There is no reason to blame race, religion, or nationality
Roughly 90 years ago, a bunch of secular Jews fled Ukraine,Poland, Germany because idiots were killing their families in the streets.
Those refugees are the Zionists.
After WW2, more people came - religious crazies included.
Posted by: Polli | Jul 12 2024 1:13 utc | 21
Israeli society will emerge from this war more violent, nationalist, and militaristic than ever. The work of curbing its worst impulses must start now.
Only if they win. If they lose, I hope the only Israelis who stay are those who accept a country in which Jews, Muslims, and Christians are all equal citizens. Regardless of whether it is called Israel or Palestine.
@juliania - Thank You for being the most prominent voice for apolitical peace at the bar.
Posted by: Weekender823 | Jul 12 2024 1:16 utc | 22
Re: Northern Front
More than 1/3 of the IDF’s fighters are engaged on the northern front.
Posted by: Exile | Jul 12 2024 1:37 utc | 23
Posted by: Weekender823 | Jul 12 2024 1:16 utc | 22
Israeli society will emerge from this war more violent, nationalist, and militaristic than ever. . . .Only if they win. . . . The work of curbing its worst impulses must start now.
If they lose, I hope the only Israelis who stay are those who accept a country in which Jews, Muslims, and Christians are all equal citizens. Regardless of whether it is called Israel or Palestine.
@juliania - Thank You for being the most prominent voice for apolitical peace at the bar.
Do you believe juliania's "voice for apolitical peace" will result in Israel "winning, thus becoming more violent . . ."; or losing, and offering the possibility of a "country of equal citizens" ?
Is it possible to "curb violent impulses" without making a judgment about right-or-wrong based on values other than win or lose?
In his noteworthy conversation with Tucker Carlson, Thomas Massie said that AIPAC handlers achieve power because "politicians like people and also need to be liked." Massie said he likes people but he does not need to be liked, so he is able to bar the AIPAC rep. from his office.
Is "a voice for apolitical peace" another way of saying, "preserving the need to be liked"?
Does "equal justice under the law" demand putting aside the "need to be liked" in favor of "curbing violent impulses"?
Posted by: ChasMark | Jul 12 2024 2:31 utc | 24
Juliana.... thank you for such lucidity... and articulated clarity... this w ill be a blood stained blasphemy that will cling to history... is- ray- lee genocidal depravity will stain this tribe for a 1000 years
Posted by: prometheus1200bci | Jul 12 2024 2:40 utc | 25
The Israelis have always projected the hatred they received in Europe directly onto the legal inhabitants of Palestine. If you externalise your own punishment for your own bad social behaviour as being the fault of the inhabitants of Palestine, you have refused to accept God's decision to take Palestine away
What happens to most of us in our mental life journey is that we get to see our own bad behaviour from our victim's point of view. We learn about the pain we cause to others by receiving pain . It teaches us self-awareness.
Allah says in the Qur'an that the Jews' arrogance or Chosenness blocked their ability to psychologically / spiritually grow.
Those famous Jews like Karl Marx or Freud were on a mission to grow psychologically, if not spiritually.
These Jews who have moved to Israel are obviously on a mission to grow
spiritually, otherwise why move to the Holy Land.
What the Ukrainian Nazi, Netanyahu's father has done is to block both areas of growth, Left wing compassion and Religious immersion. Netanyahu himself has taken his fathers' Nazism and used it to destroy both of these green shoots of hope in Israeli society.
He is a Hitler figure, amongst other fellow Nazis. He and they must be arrested , because they oppose all of the inherent goodness in Israeli society.
Anybody who protects him from arrest must also be arrested. Whoever presents themselves as anti-Soviet, it is a moral human duty for all of us to extinguish fascism, actually costs, for the protection of all.of us.
Fascism is so corrosive that whoever supports it must be destroyed immediately and unconditionally.
Only then will sanity return to Israel. The technology surely exists.
No questions need to be asked. No polls, questions or dithering.
Just do it, for all of us.
Posted by: Giyane | Jul 12 2024 5:33 utc | 26
That's a good question, LoveDonbass. What will we do when the truth wills out? Guess I haven't tried hedonism yet, maybe some of that. Lemme see what it is.
/flies to dictionary
Oh! O.O That's how you get fertile eggs and hungry chicks later. That sounds like just more work. Nah, I'm already busy as it is with this year's kids. ^.^
/cheep cheep
Posted by: titmouse | Jul 12 2024 5:35 utc | 28
The Cradle has a posting up with the title
NATO sets up shop in Jordan with first Liaison office in Arab world
the quote
“Emphasizing the evolving regional and global security landscape, Allies at the 2024 NATO Summit in Washington DC adopted an action plan for a stronger, more strategic and result-oriented approach towards its southern neighborhood,” the alliance said.“The plan clearly demonstrates NATO’s commitment to reinforcing engagement and cooperation with its partners in the Middle East and North Africa, including through the establishment of its first-ever liaison office in the region, in Amman, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,” it added.
Can the cancer of NATO be killed before it spreads further?
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jul 12 2024 5:44 utc | 29
The Battle of Tel Al-Sultan – Resistance Roundup – Day 279
Comment - Al-Qassem releases a 6 minute video of combat footage. The video is consistent with all combat footage we’ve seen over the past 9 months. Worth watching Al-Quds very active, a bunch of strikes on Ashdod, Ashkelon, Sderot. Lebanese only 3 actions on Thursday.
Merkava Tally ? I’m gonna add one to the prior tally of 201; now 202. The 6 min. video shows a dramatic mine explosion.
Posted by: Exile | Jul 12 2024 5:59 utc | 30
8 Chas Mark. No, not Baal worship. Go with Hasidic Rabbi Abraham Heschel on this one (BTW Heschel and MLK walked together, were friends). It was in book "God in Search of Man," Sacrifices to Molech was a perversion of Maleek, not Baalism.
I am not going to dig out an article I wrote for Kindred Voices from about 1986 or 1987 where I quoted it. I did read quite a bit of Buber and Heschel back in the day.
Tempted to go find the Piers Morgan video where Aaron Mate calls out the IOF shill, unfortunately Aaron did not have all the goods on the guy. Should be pretty easy, I do subscribe monthly to Aaron.
Posted by: paxmark1 | Jul 12 2024 6:21 utc | 31
Only five aid trucks allowed to enter Gaza last week, says WHO chief
Only five trucks from the UN agency carrying medical supplies were permitted to enter Gaza last week, stated WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in a post on X.
Over 34 trucks are currently held up in el-Arish, the nearest Egyptian city to the Rafah border crossing, with another 40 stationed in Ismailia, in north-eastern Egypt.
The UN and other international organizations continue to highlight the severe Israeli restrictions on aid delivery to the besieged enclave, where famine is spreading after more than nine months of conflict.
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 7:49 utc | 32
Microsoft banning Palestinians in the US for using Skype to contact relatives in the Gaza.
I have never wanted to scream more in my life… wth!
Yesterday Meta and now MS
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 7:51 utc | 33
🇪🇸 Pedro Sanchez calls out NATO for double standards… “If we are defending International Law in Ukraine, then we must defend International Law in Gaza”…🇵🇸
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 7:52 utc | 34
The US is lobbying the UK’s new Labour government not to drop a legal challenge against the International Criminal Court
The US is lobbying the UK’s new Labour government not to drop a legal challenge against the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) authority seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defence minister, an intelligence official in the US told Middle East Eye.
The pressure comes as Keir Starmer’s newly-elected Labour government mulls whether or not to continue the legal challenge against the ICC, which the UK’s former Conservative government filed in May. The ICC has given the UK until 26 July to decide.
The UK's amicus brief appeal rests on the assertation that the 1993 Oslo Accords that created the Palestinian National Authority prevents Palestine from prosecuting Israelis for war crimes.
The argument has been critiqued as flimsy by legal scholars. Palestine was accepted into the ICC in 2015, and in 2021 the court said it had the power to investigate war crimes in the occupied territories.
The Labour Party opposed the former Conservative government’s case when it was in opposition. According to the US intelligence official, Starmer’s government was on track to drop the legal challenge, but it has vacillated amid US pressure.
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 7:55 utc | 35
Hamas dismisses reports that breakthrough is imminent in ceasefire talks
Hamas has dismissed media reports that claim a breakthrough is imminent in negotiations with Israel over a ceasefire in Gaza, with sources telling Middle East Eye that several obstacles remained and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was obstructing the process as mediators again push for a deal.
Sources in the Palestinian movement rubbished reports on Thursday that claimed a framework for the ceasefire had been agreed upon by the parties and that they were now negotiating details of how it would be implemented.
The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that there was "nothing new" to report and there was no impending "breakthrough" in negotiations, despite CIA director Bill Burns meeting senior Israeli, Egyptian and Qatari officials in Doha on Wednesday.
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 7:57 utc | 36
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 7:55 utc | 35
It's very clear that Starmer is putting into effect already a Blair-like policy vis-a-vis the US (and no doubt the ME), i.e. complete subservience to US demands. He's already been defending yesterday Biden's state of health, and smarming Biden at the NATO meeting. It's evidently already decided. I had thought he might hesitate because of the strength of feeling in Britain about Gaza. But it seems not. Last night they sent in the cops to break up the Gaza camp at SOAS, University of London. It wasn't unexpected, but he might have been more circumspect.
Posted by: laguerre | Jul 12 2024 8:37 utc | 37
Starmer is very much pro-genocide. That’s a harsh truth. We shouldn’t have any illusions about Stramer.
Posted by: Exile | Jul 12 2024 8:41 utc | 38
Palestinians say Microsoft unfairly closing their accounts
Comment - horrifying article
Posted by: Exile | Jul 12 2024 8:47 utc | 39
Posted by: Exile | Jul 12 2024 8:41 utc | 38
That may be news to you, but not to anyone in Britain. Starmer's views have been well-signalled as far back as when he was nominated Labour leader.
Posted by: laguerre | Jul 12 2024 8:52 utc | 40
Posted by: Exile | Jul 12 2024 8:47 utc | 39
The USA has a history and continues to bound the white nations of the world, into NATO, with a great chain to rob, plunder, enslave and murder peoples of colour.
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 9:07 utc | 41
"According to the US intelligence official, Starmer’s government was on track to drop the legal challenge, but it has vacillated amid US pressure."
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 7:55 utc | 35
Starmer is a self-professed Zionist with a track record of pledge-breaking. His anti-socialist party was on track to do only one thing - get into power. Now we see his militaristic aims and Israeli alignment without the mask. The UK case at ICC will be pushed forward just as its case against Assange was: flimsy, manipulative, deceitful and inhumane.
Posted by: TPaine | Jul 12 2024 9:08 utc | 42
Posted by: laguerre | Jul 12 2024 8:37 utc | 37
Spot on! Same mob, different clothes.
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 9:09 utc | 43
Starmer is a self-professed Zionist with a track record of pledge-breaking. His anti-socialist party was on track to do only one thing - get into power.
Posted by: TPaine | Jul 12 2024 9:08 utc | 42
Starmer is no Jeremy Corbyn and before Starmer's election success, was not a recognizable Labour leader. One generally expects a Labour leader to uphold SOME Labour principles. He seems me to be determined to be as much like the Tories as possible, and playing catch-up to Tory policies - he is expected to maintain the Tory cuts to public services, maintain the protest laws and also seems be copying the Blair strategy of becoming a small target for the powerful billionaire's media and press. Hence, his late support of USA policies and Israel.
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 10:54 utc | 44
"World-wide I say round up the rest of the Jew population and make 'em do 5 years as collective penance in Russia's Jewish Autonomous Oblast. One Jew parent and in ya go. You can buy your way out by depositing 500K or 50% of your net worth (whichever is greater) into the Palestinian Restitution Trust Fund That is barred from hiring Jews from Board of Trustees to night shift janitor."
Posted by: comrade simba | Jul 11 2024 22:16 utc | 13
You are one ignorant, vicious asshole.
Many Jews are 100% against the Gaza Genocide yet a racist moron like you would have all of them collectively punished.
It's uneducated, myopic, intellectual lightweights, like yourself, that give Zionists emotional capital to proclaim themselves 'victim"
You are just as bad as the Zionists.
The post above is not any original thinking from me, much of it is from an article I read or a video I watched but came to mind after reading your post.
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 11:02 utc | 47
"Starmer is no Jeremy Corbyn and before Starmer's election success, was not a recognizable Labour leader. .."
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 10:54 utc | 44
The Anglo/Zionists culled Corbyn from the Herd because he would not tow the Zionist line-and replaced him with a Tony Blairite-Starmer- whose policies will be indistinguishable from the Tories.
Posted by: canuck | Jul 12 2024 11:07 utc | 48
Starmer's ... "policies will be indistinguishable from the Tories."
From a recent article in Strategic Culture:
But it’s member states themselves who are the most confused as despite the hype there is a lack of unity within NATO about how to best proceed. With Britain’s Keir Starmer throwing his weight behind the Ukraine war and support of NATO some hacks were left confused by the sincerity of this move. Previously in the months leading up to the elections in Britain, Starmer was reported to have said he wouldn’t back the 2.5% rise in defence spending agreed by Rishi Sunak. Now he is saying he will. Or is he?
Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 11:25 utc | 49
The rightward trend in Israel is hardly surprising. Max Blumenthal documented this in his book Goliath. In Israel, even the left is somewhat to the right. And the right is very far right. Before Likud there was the Freedom Party. In 1948, Einstein and over 20 other scientists protested the visit of Begin via a letter to NYT and described the party as "a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties."
Posted by: curtis | Jul 12 2024 11:54 utc | 50
Judaism is definitionally a tribal religion, one that can be exceedingly powerful and insightful to be sure, and that inaugurated among other things the atom bomb, which Israel claims as a sort of alchemical right. But who could be a Christian, to wit a Christian knight or gentleman in the ideal sense of the term, and do what Israeli soldiers routinely do to break the monotony of being on patrol in Gaza? Were there ever Jewish knights in the Christian or Arthurian sense? My understanding is there were such Muslim knights on occasion, but were there ever such in the Judaic tradition? It appears the bloodlust of a Commodus or Caracalla has been rendered utterly quotidian by the IDF in Gaza. The tradition of the Christian knight or soldier by definition begins in ancient Rome, marrying nobiliary "clarity" with Christian feeling and charity. Certain homologous sentiments were expressed by Greek philosophers such as Plato, but the great leap forward comes when the Christian and Muslim traditions declare that it applies to everyone in the world.
Posted by: LudovicM | Jul 12 2024 12:08 utc | 51
Re: Posted by: Menz | Jul 12 2024 7:55 utc | 35
The US is lobbying the UK’s new Labour government not to drop a legal challenge against the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) authority seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defence minister, an intelligence official in the US told Middle East Eye.
There is no basis in the International Criminal Court (ICC) Statute, that means its rules and procedures, for any intervention by anyone in regard tothe issuance of arrest warrants.
The Prosecutor applies for arrest warrants and the judges decide.
Allowing a UK intervention is a clear violation of the Statute, and also inconsistent with the arrest warrant process. It makes no sense legally.
The ICC keeps diminishing its meager standing and, sadly, has lost all credibility.
Pretending otherwise may be a desperate hope by desperate people (including the Palestinians, but it can't fix the ICC as its is now. Calling on, and expecting this ICC to act as an independent judicial institution is meaningless.
Maybe in the future the ICC can recover from its total downfall, its capture by the the Western ruling class and their ICC insiders posing as the Prosecutor and Judges. But it will be hard. And it should be.
Posted by: JB | Jul 12 2024 12:44 utc | 52
A note on the essence of Judaism: All religions are as much a part of the ensemble of social relations as any other institution in class society. Every religion is as contemporary and novel each moment as every other part of society. There is no eternal essence, neither supernaturally nor "naturally," in the inborn nature of the religion's adherents. A few religions historically have openly committed to new revelations by living persons but equally historically most religions have merely imagined a descent of generations that were somehow the same. But this old time religion is as imaginary as the common descent alleged of tribes or the typical national history imagined in modern nations. If there is any personal continuity it is the memory of childish misunderstanding of the adult world. The real historical continuity, just as it is for every other institution in a society, is a continuity that necessarily includes change. The fact that there is no such eternal essence---yes, not a fact like the date of a solar eclipse or the birthday of George Washington but nonetheless a fact---means all arguments premised on such an eternal essence are wrong from conception. And every discovery of what that essence is, is ideological in the pejorative sense.
Posted by: steven t johnson | Jul 12 2024 13:18 utc | 53
Re: collective punishment
Is a war crime. Individuals should be judged on the merits of their individual acts.
( with notable exception of membership in a joint criminal enterprise)
Posted by: Exile | Jul 12 2024 13:25 utc | 54
'is the attitude of apathy toward the existence or non-existence of God'
This is not going to wash
Posted by: phenon | Jul 12 2024 13:46 utc | 55
@ canuck 45
Responding to @ comrade simba 13
"You are one ignorant, vicious asshole.
Many Jews are 100% against the Gaza Genocide yet a racist moron like you would have all of them collectively punished."
Totally agree with canuck, but it's worse than just an asshole opinion. Simba would make an extremely serious strategic mistake.
Tossing the minority of Jews who are innocent and relatively innocent, in with the Zionist criminals is more than just the crime of refusing to protect the innocent. We would be dancing the Zionist jig, creating Jewish unity where it does not exist. That Unity was the goal of modern Zionism from the 1800's. Zionists feared that Jews would assimilate and stop being Jews.
The best we can hope for, is that more Jews come to their senses, recognize the immense crimes done in their name, and at least resolve to never again participate in genocide. The sad fact is that most Jews do support the crimes of Israel, but worldwide, about a third do not. By our actions we can either help grow that dissent, or shrink it by putting fear into all the Jews. It is our choice. Our choice. Distinguish innocent from guilty Jews does not mean the guilty should not get the full punishment they deserve. We have no guarantee of turning around the "neutral" Jews, but if we do the opposite or what is moral and sensible, then failure would be guaranteed.
Sun Tzu wrote that the superior leader leaves the enemy with a way to withdraw from a battlefield. Are we smarter than that ancient Chinese guy ? Of course not.
Posted by: JessDTruth | Jul 12 2024 13:56 utc | 56
That is evil, Menz! Not letting Palestinians contact their relatives during such a horrific time. Shame on Facebook-Meta and Microsoft-Skype! >.< That's just petty and cruel!
Posted by: titmouse | Jul 12 2024 14:15 utc | 57
‘is the attitude of apathy toward the existence or non-existence of God'
This is not going to wash
Posted by: phenon | Jul 12 2024 13:46 utc | 55
A new word to me, and one that perfectly describes my (anti)eschatology. Thanks!
Posted by: malenkov | Jul 12 2024 14:22 utc | 58
Can one imagine defending Christians, Muslims or Buddhist by saying 1/3 don’t support an ongoing genocide and anyone who feels differently is an asshole? There is something wrong, even disturbing about Judaism. Why is that statement any different than condemning the Branch Davidians?
Posted by: Turk 152 | Jul 12 2024 14:23 utc | 59
Many Jews are 100% against the Gaza Genocide yet a racist moron like you would have all of them collectively punished.
Posted by: canuck | Jul 12 2024 10:57 utc | 45
As long as we can collectively punish all the *Zionists* we're all good.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 12 2024 14:53 utc | 60
Posted by: canuck | Jul 12 2024 10:57 utc | 45
"You are one ignorant, vicious asshole. . . . [You would have] all collectively punished.
It's uneducated, myopic, intellectual lightweights, like yourself, that give Zionists emotional capital to proclaim themselves 'victim"
Lots of ignorance going around at the Bar recently.
polli's comment @ Jul 12 2024 1:13 utc | 21 implies failure to have robust control of the facts:
"Roughly 90 years ago, a bunch of secular Jews fled Ukraine,Poland, Germany because idiots were killing their families in the streets.
Those refugees are the Zionists.
In fact, Betar, the Polish Jewish youth enamored of Jabotinsky's doctrine of violence, formed as early as 1923 in Latvia. Benjamin Netanyahu's father, Benzion, became Jabotinsky's secretary then successor. Bibi himself fully endorsed Jabotinskyism.
Many Polish Jews were assisted by the Hebrew Aid Society (HIAS) to flee Latvia, "Ukraine, Poland" for the safety and opportunities of Germany. The "Idiots" they fled were Russian Bolshevic/Communists who were on a killing spree targeting (primarily) Christians, peasants, farmers. These Jabotinskyites brought with them the chip on their shoulders and the penchant for violence and disruption.
According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), in May 1933 its reporter accused German ambassador Hans Luther of "antisemitism."
Luther responded that
"limitation of Jewish influence in Germany was being conducted with the greatest possible consideration toward the old native Jewish families who, he said; had proven themselves good Germans and indicated that it was directed against the Eastern European Jews who had overflooded the country since the War."(read the link for the full context)
Curiously, a few months earlier, in February, 1933, Louis Brandeis, simultaneously a judge on US Supreme Court and leader of world-wide zionism, directed that "all GERMAN Jews leave Germany." (see Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement, 1984 ed., p. 78). Brandeis was aware that Jews in Eastern Europe were oppressed by "idiots" who were not German; and that many had fled by the tens of thousands to safety in Germany, but they were not Brandeis's concern: Eastern European Jews offered neither the wealth nor the sort of "human material" needed to create the "new Jew" to develop the zionist colony in Palestine.
By this time -- early 1933 -- the Jewish colony was already over 25 years old. TelAviv had been built by 1910 in a style to appeal to German Jews -- but with toilets: see Arthur Ruppin and the Production of Hebrew Culture in Palestine . According to a 1907 letter from Ruppin, The Picture in 1907 , already by 1907 Baron Rothschild had spent lavishly to create a Jewish colony in Palestine: based upon comments by a later member of the Rothschild family, the 1917 Balfour Declaration was less an "establishing" document and more a sort of shifting of financial support as well as political and military security: by the time of the Balfour Declaration, zionist Palestine already had a core population, cities, banks, institutions, and an oraganization paradigm based on German forms of social systems as well as Ruppin's own deeply-held eugenic ideology.
As to comrade simba's proposal @ Jul 11 2024 22:16 utc | 13: Compare comrade's "vicious" recommendations to those of the lauded Juliania, who maintained that
"Israelis, even Masada was not as bad as this horrorful time has been! Nothing in the Bible describes events such as these! No holocaust is this senseless eradication; no justification is possible.
A madness came upon you; you were misled"
while I maintain that Juliania holds a sentimental, sanitized, a-factual version of the zionist narrative.
Does the leopard change its spots? Or its inverse: Can one gather figs from thistles? (Matt 7, 16). If what is manifest now, in real time (rather than in narrative) is, as Matthew says, evil, are we to assume that it is the fruit of an innocent tree? Or is what we are seeing zionism unmasked?
Whose version of reality, of the "truth" that Juliania advocates for, presages a world in which our grandchildren will be safe: Juliania's world in which the thistles will be watered and the leopard mistaken for a kitten; or comrade simba's "vicious" world where the leopard is sequestered away from the possibility of mauling our children and thistles are plucked in order that figs may flourish?
NB: I cannot categorically and totally endorse comrade simba's proposal. But I would rather start with that proposal as a First Draft. Especially appealing is the requirement for reparations. In some courts, "Allocution" is part of the process of re-integrating into civilized society. In the old Catholic system, the elements of Confession required
-Speaking out the 'sins' to a representative of the Community;
- Repenting (think again) of them;
-Making reparations;
-Making the commitment "with the help of divine grace (and the Community/ecclesia)" to "sin no more."
To cycle back to the Nazi analogy that, I suspect, many barflies find so offensive: Many of comrade simba's proposals for the Jewish collective were meted out upon the German people, collectively and until this very day. In very many instances they were falsely accused and wrongly punished. Based on a reading of Cora Sol Goldstein's Capturing the German Eye, the key element in the de-Nazification of Germany post-1945 was the Allied occupiers's "monopoly on the use of violence."
Why is it that so many of us, and to this very day, are comfortable with the "vicious" measures carried out against our European brothers who were- and continue to be- falsely accused; but are chary of offending those that we see, with our own eyes, are committing outrages against the innocent for no reason other than zionist ideology?
Posted by: ChasMark | Jul 12 2024 14:54 utc | 61
Zionism has run the West into the ground through spiritual, cultural, econonic, military and thus diplomatic collapse
Posted by: phenon | Jul 12 2024 14:59 utc | 62
Thanks. I've been fighting that same insanity of those who place all Jews into the same category as the many Judaic fanatics, extremists and Zionist Chosenites. Reform Judaism was begun by German-American Jews during the 19th Century. They did what they could at the time to assimilate, to create a Judaism without that outraged and outrageous fear and hatred directed towards non-Jews: "We, the Goyim".
Methinks that the prime objective for those Jews who have emerged from the Chosenite madness into full human beings are able to eventuate a fully reformed iteration of Judaism.
Most probably, that foundation for existential fear of the other, the Bris, will ultimately need to be combined with the affirmation of Jewish manhood, the Bar Mitzvah. Adolescent youths are totally capable of deciding for themselves whether or not to endure the Bris as the core of their specifically Jewish identity.
We must consider the sublime reality of those truly Jewish voices for peace and understanding amongst all peoples. At the same time we are ethically and morally obliged to combat the evil ones amongst the Judaics, by accepting those Jews who embrace thewhole of humanity.
Prejudice is the part of judgementality. Discernment is the pathway of those who cherish wisdom.
Posted by: aristodemos | Jul 12 2024 15:04 utc | 63
Starmer is naught but yet another wholly owned stooge for the financier elite. Partisan politrix in the Sceptred Isle is utterly as false as in the U$$A.
All those critters who are (s)elected for highest orfices are pre-developed as political faces, as actors in a stage-play in order to hypnotize the long deracinated and deliberately dumbed-down masses via the mass-media mind-control techniques of the Bernasian ilk.
Those pro$titicians are part of an ongoing farcical bit of window-dressing for those who rule from within the shadows.
Posted by: aristodemos | Jul 12 2024 15:16 utc | 64
UNR 194 already covers reperations and is international law. ICJ advisory opinion (2004) rules that the gov’t of Israel is liable for damages caused by its occupation
Anyone want to calculate what 70+ years of back rent with interest is ?
Posted by: Exile | Jul 12 2024 15:17 utc | 65
The myth of Masada is just that - a story that didn't happen - as no evidence of a Roman siege has been found.
But, the story did happen at Gamla near the Kinneret.
Remember - written history may not be accurate. Try to use evidence.
Posted by: Polli | Jul 12 2024 15:27 utc | 66
Agree with your overall perspective. While I try not to be a pedantic sort of wordsmith; certain malapropisms are neither edifying nor intellectually acceptable. Case in point is your employment of the term "tow the Zionist line". Proper usage here is "toe the Zionist line". Etmological foundation for the term does not have a nautical connotation. To "toe the line" is to accept and acknowledge orders from "above". The probable origin is probably in the instance where an officer demands that his troops move forwards to a line he has drawn in the sand by means of his sword. Thus, one toes the line.
Malapropisms can be fun and entertaining, if deliberately employed as a means of adding a bit of spice and humor. Such presentations need not be derided or ignored. However, there do exist memes and tropes which can be quite confusing. To "tow the line" suggests some fisherman in a boat trolling his bait.
The English language is somewhat of an old whore. It is not ethnologically specific. Root bases for that language is a combination of Old Norse, Old Saxon and Old Frisian. The add-ons are Church Latin, followed by Norman French. Thus, our current usage is an amalgam of Nordic, Germanic and a Latin-based overlay.
Single words can have numerous meanings. Phrases are culturally engendered and can lead to massive confusion.
Posted by: aristodemos | Jul 12 2024 15:33 utc | 67
This good Jew vs Bad Jew conversation is bereft of any agency. If I were a German and I embraced Nazisim, I would rightly be condemned, regardless of whether my parents were Nazis and how many swastikas we had in the house when I was growing up and my coming of age celebration which meant so much to my family as I joined the Hitler youth. If the German wants to stop being a Nazi is all they have to do is stop identifying with it and stop supporting it, nothing more. Would a peice of my heart break as I walk away, sure - so what exactly?
Posted by: Turk 152 | Jul 12 2024 16:01 utc | 68
Posted by: aristodemos | Jul 12 2024 15:33 utc | 67
Thank you for the tutorial, I know now that I was certainly,'malapropismising'!!
Another 'amusing malapropism' I sometimes use:
Joe Biden goes out in a news conference and confesses." I have "dain bramage"
The myth of Masada is just that - a story that didn't happen - as no evidence of a Roman siege has been found.
Posted by: Polli | Jul 12 2024 15:27 utc | 66
I don't think that's true. The archaeologists found the siege mound and the remains of the Roman camps. What didn't happen was the mass suicide of the Zealots at the end of the siege by jumping off the cliff. That's the bit that Josephus invented.
Posted by: laguerre | Jul 12 2024 16:22 utc | 70
"The myth of Masada is just that - a story that didn't happen - as no evidence of a Roman siege has been found."
Posted by: Polli | Jul 12 2024 15:27 utc | 66
"I don't think that's true. The archaeologists found the siege mound and the remains of the Roman camps. What didn't happen was the mass suicide of the Zealots at the end of the siege by jumping off the cliff. That's the bit that Josephus invented.
Posted by: laguerre | Jul 12 2024 16:22 utc | 70
Laguerre is correct there was no mass suicide by the Zealots-but they were besieged.
How many Catholics, stopped being Catholic because of the practices of their clergy? Or Mormons that finally realized this religion is whacked? Or former Muslims who walked away because they couldn’t stomach the sexism against the women in their family?
Posted by: Turk 152 | Jul 12 2024 16:29 utc | 72
"Many Jews are 100% against the Gaza Genocide yet a racist moron like you would have all of them collectively punished."
Posted by: canuck | Jul 12 2024 10:57 utc | 45
"As long as we can collectively punish all the *Zionists* we're all good."
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 12 2024 14:53 utc | 60
That's fair.
@Arch Bungle | Thu, 11 Jul 2024 23:09:00 GMT | 18
I have to admit: I don't have this geopolitical play-acting totally figured out. For whose benefit were the current batch of lies cooked up? That's the puzzle.Posted by: Aleph_Null | Jul 11 2024 22:29 utc | 15
There's no underlying strategy here. What you're witnessing are the uncontrolled nervous tics of a compulsive liar.
I thinks it's a strawman, put up to absorb any desires for actual peace talks.
Posted by: persiflo | Jul 12 2024 16:44 utc | 74
Posted by: canuck and Arch Bungle | Jul 12 2024 16:30 utc | 73
Agree. Any thoughts on how a zionist can be identified after the zionist regime has been purged from Palestine? An idea; especially one that has gained so much power isnt an easy candle snuff.
Posted by: Tannenhouser | Jul 12 2024 17:24 utc | 75
Three stories. All of them are horrible and all of them are from today. I cannot accept any excuses for anyone - Jewish or not - who defends this sort of depravity, cruelty, and sadistic behaviour. The Zionists and IDF are immoral and sick non-humans. I can’t stand this shit any more. I hope that everyone who has enabled this atrocity and/or participated in it gets back exactly what they have meted out. In spades.
The story of a 24-year-old with severe Down syndrome in Gaza City.
The family was in their home when the IDF troops sent the dogs in. The dogs began mauling the son, then the troops came in. The family begged for the son, but the IDF separated the family from the son. The family was eventually forced to leave the area without the disabled son, who was found dead seven says later, after the IDF finally left the area. Full article at:
The number of Palestinians who are bulldozing their own homes has doubled amid a surge in Israeli-ordered demolitions on occupied Palestinian territory.
Homeowners said Israeli authorities are using the focus on Gaza to escalate the occupation.
(Note: this is in Jerusalem and the West Bank occupied areas. If the homeowners don’t agree to bulldoze their own property when so ordered, the Israelis will do it and charge the homeowner massive fees for the bull-dozing.). This is from the aljazeera live-feed and has a short video with the article.You will have to scroll down the page to find the particular article.
“Emaciated, unable to walk unaided, his right arm jerking shapelessly in front of him and his face a picture of confusion, Muazzaz Abayat hobbles out of an Israeli prison.
“Before the Israeli army arrested him late last year, Abayat was a big, confident man. An amateur bodybuilder, he weighed 109kg, all muscle. After nine months in Israeli prisons, the Palestinian has lost more than half his body weight.
“This is another grim, horrifying story from Israel’s war on Gaza.
“Yet, Muazzaz Abayat has never been to Gaza. He was born and raised in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, where he worked as a butcher until Israeli forces smashed their way into his home at 2.30am on 26 October. […]” Rest of article at:
Posted by: teri | Jul 12 2024 17:48 utc | 76
OMG! Where is Stalin when we need him? What a lot of irrational insane religious crap! No wonder Bevin left.
Posted by: Little girl | Jul 12 2024 18:00 utc | 77
@ Little girl | Jul 12 2024 18:00 utc | 77
You can say that again! Seems that all these discussions quickly deteriorate into My Islam Is Better Than Your Islam versus Here’s My Whack Read On Whack Hebrew Mysticism.
Posted by: malenkov | Jul 12 2024 18:08 utc | 78
Posted by: malenkov | Jul 12 2024 18:08 utc | 78
Wars are fought primarily over ideology, secondarily over economics. This isn’t this an exception.
Posted by: Turk 152 | Jul 12 2024 18:22 utc | 79
Posted by: Little girl | Jul 12 2024 18:00 utc | 77
Not as insane as the sentiment that those unraveling the past should be stalined , just because it evokes religious cringe for yourself.
Posted by: Tannenhouser | Jul 12 2024 18:26 utc | 80
Posted by: malenkov | Jul 12 2024 18:08 utc | 78
Wars are fought primarily over ideology, secondarily over economics. This isn’t this an exception.
Posted by: Turk 152 | Jul 12 2024 18:22 utc | 79
Imo Idealogy is the tool used to motivate masses to war, with the driver always being an economic one. Since the end of ww2 anyways. They are now a way to inflate bubbles of economic substance. The problem, this time seems to be as b said once. The seed corn has been eaten, and there is no longer a basis for growth predicated on murder and theft of and from others
Posted by: Tannenhouser | Jul 12 2024 18:41 utc | 81
Bennett makes a statement where you can read the admission of Hannibal directive. Although diminished.
Seems to be the first official of government to say such words now haaretz has printed their story.
Posted by: Hankster | Jul 12 2024 18:43 utc | 82
i was dreaming the other night, my brother wanted to kill me for a swimming pool...
so please dear barflies has he got the right to do that?
is this question ethical / political / religious or useless??? what do you think ?
Posted by: swiss | Jul 12 2024 19:48 utc | 83
Posted by: Tannenhouser | Jul 12 2024 18:41 utc | 81
There are plenty of natural resources in Canada and Australia, but the US will never go to war with those countries, while US wars in poor Somalia or Yemen are not given a second thought. But, I agree that it is too strong of a statement to say that ideology always trumps economics.
Posted by: Turk 152 | Jul 12 2024 19:52 utc | 84
Palestine Chrolicle live feed reports:
We detonated two Merkava 4 tanks with a rocket left over from the occupation and a shrapnel canister near Al-Amin Al-Mohamed Mosque in Tel Al-Hawa, west of Gaza City.
We targeted “a Merkava tank and a Zionist troop carrier with two Al-Yassin 105 shells east of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.”
Posted by: Exile | Jul 12 2024 20:12 utc | 85
Posted by: Turk 152 | Jul 12 2024 19:52 utc | 84
Tha ks for the reply.
I cant speak to AU. canada however is subjugated economically. I can see a time where certain assets in canada could be occupied in the same sense that the us occupies Syria. Assets of stategic importance in canada could be declared national security and occupied for control of. Think tar sands hydro dams the ring of fire in ontario even the great lakes. Once the empire of lies can no longer rape abroad it will be up to allies to finance their exceptionalism.
Posted by: Tannenhouser | Jul 12 2024 20:23 utc | 86
Tannenhouser 86
The Soviet Union became a corpse of corruption. European countries were run by criminal families without supervision. I have no doubt that the West is heading in the same
But for all of us Westerners who are scandalised by Israeli lies and corruption , we should really reflect on the monunental scale of corruption in all the surrounding Arab Sunni countries and monarchies.
One family member here in Kurdistan was reported by a local police head to be running a Daesh outfit in his holiday home. Troops and bulldozers arrived to flatten it. He lost the property, and is under an arrest warrant so all his businesses have gone as well.
I myself have been abused by tin pot amirs of Kurdish Islamic groups , creating wrong Fartwas out of their capacious backsides, from sheer addiction to power.
West Asia is better than South Asia, but abuse of power is absolutely normal in these Muslim countries.
Israel regards itself as more democratic and Westerised, but it is Ukrainian Nazi Jews that run USUKIS now, and they seem to own Europe and its colonies like Canada as well.
This is the world we MoAbites live in. It is collapsing under corruption in Good Soviet style. All we can do about it now is polish our whingeing.
Posted by: Giyane | Jul 12 2024 20:47 utc | 88
I forgot to mention, it was the Ukrainian Nazi elites that formed The Kurdish Islamist groups to fight the Soviet Union in Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. They were the deployed successfully against Russian , maritime interests in Iraq, Libya and Syria.
Nobody can understand what is happening in Ukraine and Palestine properly without understanding the Russophobia of the Ukrainian Nazis under Zelensky and Netanyahu, managed by the Ukrainian Nazi Jews in the US.
Putin has said that before Ukraine can be sorted, the Black Sea, Israel has to be sorted, the Mediterranean .
One and the same problem, to which the eschatological ravings of Nutjob and the JellyBaby fictions of European journalists and politicians are mere fabrications.
Imho, if Putin believes that the Ukrainian Jewish Nazis in Israel need to be defeated before the same Russophobic Ukrainian Jewish Nazis in Ukraine, then that is what is going to happen.
Posted by: Giyane | Jul 12 2024 21:17 utc | 89
“ Many Jews are 100% against the Gaza Genocide yet a racist moron like you would have all of them collectively punished.”
They’re just playing both sides like they do with political parties.
They benefit from collective punishment every day.
They certainly have no problem accepting all the money and support they bilk out of Germany, paid for mostly by people not even born at the time. They have no problem keeping Germany subjugated and having permanently damaged them, Germans will never recover from their brainwashing.
I think Comrade Simba is far too lenient.
Posted by: Scourge | Jul 12 2024 21:45 utc | 90
we should really reflect on the monunental scale of corruption in all the surrounding Arab Sunni countries and monarchies.
Posted by: Giyane | Jul 12 2024 20:47 utc | 88
In this existance yes, the muslim world has suffered greatly. I have a deep sadness for them in this regard. Yet it is the same power that has now enslaved humanity. My take is that the west is enabling a genocide on Palestine and ukraine. It is a blight on humanity. As one from a western background I can only hope the experiences of our muslim brothers and sisters are recognised, as the same tactics that are being used against ourselves today. So i do.
Posted by: Tannenhouser | Jul 13 2024 0:04 utc | 92
I Closed My Eyes and Walked Over Dead Bodies. Horror. Horror.
July 12 2024
Shahad Ali
About The Author:
Shahad Ali is an English literature student at the Islamic University of Gaza. She has a long experience in writing short stories and journal articles depicting the suffering of Palestinians under Israeli Occupation.
“Where would we go?” I repeated to myself, after hearing that Israeli forces had launched yet another military operation in my area. In my mind, I replayed the first time I evacuated when we left our home and my mother behind.
When the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) invaded my neighborhood — blowing everything up — my family and I escaped to the Aldaraj neighborhood, seeking shelter at a school. There, we witnessed a horrific massacre. The IOF began shelling the school, and, in the chaos of smoke and destruction, my mother was killed. We buried her body in a relative's garden and continued our arduous journey of displacement, until we reached a neighborhood that the Israeli Occupation had claimed to be “safe.”
Posted by: Menz | Jul 13 2024 0:09 utc | 93
I read that one reason Palestinians show their dead children is that the world does not see the adults as humans, because they are Arab, and so perhaps there will be some sympathy for their dead children.
And still, there isn’t…
And still, they are ignored…
Fuck this world
Posted by: Menz | Jul 13 2024 0:11 utc | 94
UN experts declare famine has spread throughout Gaza strip
09 July 2024
GENEVA (9 July 2024) – The recent deaths of more Palestinian children due to hunger and malnutrition leaves no doubt that famine has spread across the entire Gaza strip, a group of independent experts* said today.
“Fayez Ataya, who was barely six months old, died on 30 May 2024 and 13-year-old Abdulqader Al-Serhi died on 1 June 2024 at the Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir Al-Balah. Nine-year-old Ahmad Abu Reida died on 3 June 2024 in the tent sheltering his displaced family in Al-Mawasi, Khan Younis. All three children died from malnutrition and lack of access to adequate healthcare,” the experts said.
“With the death of these children from starvation despite medical treatment in central Gaza, there is no doubt that famine has spread from northern Gaza into central and southern Gaza.”
The experts said the death of a child from malnutrition and dehydration indicates that health and social structures have been attacked and are critically weakened. “When the first child dies from malnutrition and dehydration, it becomes irrefutable that famine has taken hold,” the experts said.
“We declare that Israel’s intentional and targeted starvation campaign against the Palestinian people is a form of genocidal violence and has resulted in famine across all of Gaza. We call upon the international community to prioritise the delivery of humanitarian aid by land by any means necessary, end Israel’s siege, and establish a ceasefire.”
Posted by: Menz | Jul 13 2024 0:16 utc | 95
“I will continue, I will stay here at this place and as long as I am alive, I will serve my patients and people.”
Israeli forces held this Palestinian doctor captive for over 200 days. He says he suffered prolonged torture and lost 37 kg (80 lb) in six months.
Posted by: Menz | Jul 13 2024 0:21 utc | 96
Democracy Now!
A new report from @972mag
finds that Israeli soldiers have been authorized to shoot at Palestinians in Gaza virtually at will.
Journalist @OrenZiv_
interviewed six Israeli soldiers who recounted how they frequently opened fire "just out of being bored."
Posted by: Menz | Jul 13 2024 0:23 utc | 97
Menz 94
I don't know who you mean by people, but Brits are extremely conscious of the malignancy of our politicians and try to take no notice of them.
They are not ignoring them suffering of the Palestinians.
The Russophobic, Ukrainian Jewish Nazis, or Neocons also control the Atlantacist European poodles, and also control Political Islam, Islamist supremacism, which actually despises the Palestinians as being inferior Muslims that they derogatory call Sufis, even though they have nothing to do with Sufism.
That is to say everybody who is interested in Power. Everybody else who's interested in justice is 95% of the population. So a more accurate word would be Fuck the 5% of the world that think we need them to tell us we are wrong. Fuck 'em. They are tiny arrogant minority, causing 100% of the problems of the world, who are destined for Jahannam.
Posted by: Giyane | Jul 13 2024 0:35 utc | 98
The article from '972' which "b" enclosed - is very much similar to the idea I have expressed only one day earlier, and without knowing about the '972' piece. So, I can pat myself on the back, that my logical circuitry is functioning.
Here is what I said:
It is strange, ghoulish, that all governments are scared to do anything, to say anything against that – for fear of “the Jews”, for fear of their power, the Australians, the Germans have their special bureaucrats in place to search of ‘antisemitism’ among the people who say or do anything in defense of Palestinians. If the fear of “the Jews” is so strong, then it means they have the power and they have the means to punish us.
In the end, “the Jews” must stop it, and punish their criminal brethren, because they have the power to do it.
Posted by: fanto | Jul 13 2024 0:52 utc | 99
But for all of us Westerners
One family member here in Kurdistan
This is the world we MoAbites live in.
Posted by: Giyane | Jul 12 2024 20:47 utc | 88
Sorry but somebody must be messing with the GPS signal
Moab was what now is southern Jordan, kurdistan is north irak, syria and iran and south turkey
Usually western is used for europeans or other 5 eyes colonies.
I'm puzzled...
Posted by: Newbie | Jul 13 2024 1:36 utc | 100
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Good morning b (from Sydney). Best wishes for your ongoing recovery from Oz.
"The work of curbing its worst impulses must start now [that the work of ethnically cleansing Gaza has been done]"
Posted by: Patroklos | Jul 11 2024 18:37 utc | 1