Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
July 30, 2024

Israel Might Well Fall Apart

A somewhat premature comment on the conflict between the Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant and Minister of National Security (and convicted radical) Itamar Ben-Gvir:

10:36 AM · Jul 30, 2024 Hussein @EyesOnSouth1 - 10:36 AM · Jul 30, 2024

The disintegration of the Zionist society is happening earlier than expected. This will exacerbate the more Israelis become aware that war failure is inevitable. Civil war is very likely, but almost a third of the population (liberals & affiliates) would leave rather than fight.

This is not a clash between two officials, this is an ideological clash between two schools of thought who are at the complete opposite spectrum.

This will not stay between Ben-Gvir & Gallant/Halevi, it will become a conflict between the army and the police/militias.

The current conflict between Gallant and Ben-Gvir comes after the Military Police arrested nine soldiers accused of raping a Palestinian prisoner.

The Israeli investigation of the rape became necessary after reports by CNN, the New York Times (archived) and the Washington Post (archived) about prisoner abuse and murder in Israeli jails. The reports threatened to trigger international investigations:

Judicial officials told Ynet that the serious suspicions must be investigated. "An internal Israeli investigation is better than an international probe," the said.

"Abuse of prisoners could cause unprecedented damage internationally. Internal investigations protect Israel from the International tribunals in the Hague. If we do not investigate, we are ensuring the political and military leaders end up before those courts and Israel subjected to grave steps. The suspects were detained for questioning and not arrested. They will receive a fair and just due process."

Lawyers for the suspected reservists denied the accusations of rape and said the prisoner refused a search when he was moved to the Sde Teiman facility and was restrained by force.

To describe a brutal anal gang rape as "restrain by force" requires some chutzpah.

The arrest of the the rapists led to wild scenes at two Israeli military bases:

Israel experienced hours of chaos on Monday after far-right protesters encouraged by ultranationalist politicians from the governing coalition broke into a military base where Hamas militants are detained and another base hosting the Israel Defense Forces military court.
The incidents began when Israel Defense Forces (IDF) military police on Monday detained nine reservists who served in the "Force 100" unit at the "Sde Teiman" military base. Sde Teiman was used as a detention facility for Hamas militants involved in the Oct. 7 attacks, and suspects arrested by the IDF in Gaza have also been brought to the base for questioning.
The protesters then moved to another military base 30 minutes north of Tel Aviv that hosts military police headquarters, an IDF detention center and the IDF court. They broke into the court and tried breaking into the detention center to release the reservists.
The chaotic incidents indicate how much ultranationalists in Israel have been emboldened under Netanyahu's governments, especially after Oct. 7.

It is also a sign of the disintegration of the IDF chain of command and the military's internal law and order, encouraged by ultranationalist politicians who for years called the military a "liberal" institution and said it was part of a "deep state" that needs to be dismantled.

The police, under command of Be-Gvir, did not intervene in the attacks on the military bases.

It will be interesting to see how the conflict plays out if or when the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahoo orders an attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon:

Israeli ministers authorized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense chief Sunday to decide on the “manner and timing” of a response to a rocket strike in the Golan Heights that killed 12 children and teens, and which Israel and the United States blamed on Lebanese terror group Hezbollah.
Members of the Druze community held funerals Sunday for 11 of the 12 young victims of the strike on a soccer field in the town of Majdal Shams, amid fury and grief over the tragedy, which occurred just steps from a bomb shelter, and already sky-high tensions sparked by 10 months of nearly daily rocket attacks on northern Israel and tit-for-tat strikes in southern Lebanon.

The killed children where Syrian Druze in the Syrian Golan Height which is illegally occupied by Israel. It is doubtful that a Hizbullah missile would have intentionally targeted that community.

Any Israeli attack on Lebanon and Hizbullah will see an equivalent retaliation from the Resistance side. Netanyahoo will be careful. While under pressure from the right to attack Hizbullah Netanyahoo knows that Israel has no chance to win against it in a larger conflict.

Such a conflict would only accelerate the inevitable dissolution of the colonial entity.

Posted by b on July 30, 2024 at 11:48 UTC | Permalink

next page »

Little by little - and then all at once.

Posted by: General Factotum | Jul 30 2024 11:51 utc | 1

Posted by: General Factotum | Jul 30 2024 11:51 utc | 1

more, faster

Posted by: dan of steele | Jul 30 2024 12:05 utc | 2

Why don't you write something about the 7/10 terrorists and what they did? Hypocrit

Posted by: Phil | Jul 30 2024 12:07 utc | 3

"To describe a brutal anal gang rape as "restrain by force" requires some chutzpah"

They call it Monday... or any other day

So the old school Israeli army is facing Jewish nationalistic forces

Karma, 120 years ago the Bar-Giora (and later Haganah) were that early faction and that's what IDF sprout from.

Now there will be a new one.

P.S. As a small note, between the Israeli conquest and the Jewish rule of Saul onwards, the Philistines (Gazans) took the upper hand (maybe because of the drift between Judah and Israel/Samaria)

Posted by: Newbie | Jul 30 2024 12:11 utc | 4

Why don't you write something about the 7/10 terrorists and what they did? Hypocrit

Posted by: Phil | Jul 30 2024 12:07 utc | 3

Maybe because:

1. The preceding days to 7/10
2. The preceding 70 years to 7/10
3. Even 7/10 was at a minimum a LIHOP+
4. Many, if not most of Israeli casualties was friendly fire
5. 40.000 (mostly civilians and a vast majority of women and children)is a tad high for a response
6. Even the ICJ has no doubt about the right of resistance, implicitly 7/10

I could go on but you probably have a menorah to light and it's getting late, Shalom

Posted by: Newbie | Jul 30 2024 12:16 utc | 5

So how many radical insurrectionists settlers were arrested, or shot for invading an IDF military base and attacking the MP's and military justices and staff?

Inquiring minds would like to know!

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Jul 30 2024 12:17 utc | 6

Israel has tears of practice at gang rape whole running Islamic State under Baghdadi Shimon Elliot in Mosul. USUKIS got its oil , but Baghdad wants money for it, not free and unmetered. This rape is food for the world's masses, every single time, to distract from the USUKIS colonial Genocide in Gaza.

Posted by: Giyane | Jul 30 2024 12:18 utc | 7

Which camp takes the most one-way flights out of Israel via the Ben Gurion airport?

Have we witnessed the first early shots of an upcoming Israeli Civil War?
A harbinger of a war decades or years away? Or faster?

21 June 2024 |The Collapse of Zionism| |
A first indicator is the fracturing of Israeli Jewish society. At present it is composed of two rival camps which are unable to find common ground. The rift stems from the anomalies of defining Judaism as nationalism. While Jewish identity in Israel has sometimes seemed little more than a subject of theoretical debate between religious and secular factions, it has now become a struggle over the character of the public sphere and the state itself. This is being fought not only in the media but also in the streets.

One camp can be termed the ‘State of Israel’. It comprises more secular, liberal and mostly but not exclusively middle-class European Jews and their descendants, who were instrumental in establishing the state in 1948 and remained hegemonic within it until the end of the last century. Make no mistake, their advocacy of ‘liberal democratic values’ does not affect their commitment to the apartheid system which is imposed, in various ways, on all Palestinians living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Their basic wish is for Jewish citizens to live in a democratic and pluralist society from which Arabs are excluded.

The other camp is the ‘State of Judea’, which developed among the settlers of the occupied West Bank. It enjoys increasing levels of support within the country and constitutes the electoral base that secured Netanyahu’s victory in the November 2022 elections. Its influence in the upper echelons of the Israeli army and security services is growing exponentially. The State of Judea wants Israel to become a theocracy that stretches over the entirety of historical Palestine. To achieve this, it is determined to reduce the number of Palestinians to a bare minimum, and it is contemplating the construction of a Third Temple in place of al-Aqsa. Its members believe this will enable them to renew the golden era of the Biblical Kingdoms. For them, secular Jews are as heretical as the Palestinians if they refuse to join in this endeavour.

Two camps in the fracturing Israeli society. Above the two camps are labeled ‘State of Israel’ and ‘State of Judea’.

Will Israel turn it's militancy inwards before or only after it has subdued all external enemies?

The ‘State of Judea’ camp wants to rule Israel as a theocracy by it's own version of Jewish Law.
A vision and theocracy that demands it control all of historical Palestine.

October 7th was the Sabbath and also a Jewish holiday, the observant and also the Religious Zionists -- the ‘State of Judea’ camp --
would choose to be in synagogues that day. Thousands of hedonists from the ‘State of Israel’ camp would head to a 'free love', Brazilian-style, trance rave party
located within earshot of Gaza.

Israel had Hamas' detailed plan for it's prison break. The plan indicated that it would take place on a Jewish holiday or the Sabbath,
October 7th was both.

The Rave Party was relocated just two days before October 7th and situated between Gaza and the Re'im military base on Route 232.
The Re'im military base was a target specifically named in the Hamas plan, a plan that Israel had captured. Hamas, traveling along Route 232
towards the military base, would have to pass by the Rave party.

Haaretz (Israel's paper of record):
"In private conversations, some officers in the Gaza Division told of irregular conduct and pressure surrounding the approval of the party [Rave]".

The officer normally charged with approving/disapproving events such as the party had disapproved it as, "an unnecessary security risk".
But, in an unusual move, he was overruled by higher ups at division headquarters.
Half the IDF forces around Gaza were on leave because of the Jewish holiday. 100 commandos were moved away from around Gaza to the West Bank on the same day
that the Rave party was relocated, October 5th.

In the weeks and months before October 7th there was much intelligence information had by the Israelis that said an attack from Gaza was imminent.
In the early morning hours of October 7th there was a top level command meeting because of concerning Hamas activity. No one thought to alert the Rave party
revelers nor demand that they disperse.

After Hamas escaped Gaza the police blocked the exits to the Rave party and set up road blocks in both directions of Route 232.
This caused a massive traffic jam of revelers trying to flee.
They became sitting ducks for Hamas and an Israeli Apache attack helicopter.

The casualties from Hamas and the Hannibal Directive enabled the goals that the ‘State of Judea’ camp sought -
to cleanse Israel and rule over all of historical Palestine.

Have we witnessed a harbinger of a violent internal conflict to come?


Which camp takes the most one-way flights out of Israel via the Ben Gurion airport?

Posted by: librul | Jul 30 2024 12:18 utc | 8

The storming of the base by protesters had to be the ultimate head shake. Because anal stick rape is perfectly normal to them

Posted by: Hankster | Jul 30 2024 12:24 utc | 9

@Posted by: librul | Jul 30 2024 12:18 utc | 7

Correction to TYPO:

They became sitting ducks for Hamas and an Israeli Apache attack helicopter.

They became sitting ducks for Hamas and Israeli Apache attack helicopters, which emptied their weapons
on the Rave Party and then returned to base to reload and return.

Posted by: librul | Jul 30 2024 12:26 utc | 10

I misread it as :
‘An internal Israeli investigation is better than an intern-al probe’

It’s not just this incident it’s the trained rape dogs… a whole history of abuse against non-Zios.
The bastards, Zionazis have been doing the same for ever going back to when they arrived mobster like and started killing natives , their camels and goats and gang raping the girls in a very organised Nazi fashion.

They know they are done and they can’t got to Ukraine and Crimea (always their greatest desire) they own Europe and 5 eyes anyway - so it’s South America and Africa for the next generations now. That’s why all the TechBros are breaking for the regimes in the West that will send Western Youth to be forever part of the soil in these far off lands.

If. We. Let. THEM.
Not in my name.
From the River to the Sea.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Jul 30 2024 12:33 utc | 11

It has occurred to me that they (the Izzies) ought to be getting short on munitions, rockets, missiles, tank rounds, etc. about now too.

The Army wants a respite, the settler gangs want to fight everybody.

Kind of like Ukraine.

"You have to remember Joe's ability to f**k things up".

Obomber has a certain ability to F**k things up too.

Interesting times.

Posted by: Bemildred | Jul 30 2024 12:40 utc | 12

Iran Observer

Hezbollah says it will invade the Golan Heights

"If Israel carries out ground operation we will liberate the Golan Heights with an invasion" - Hezbollah official to Al Jazeera

Posted by: Menz | Jul 30 2024 12:44 utc | 13

Tony Montana
Every country in the world fights for normal rights.
israelis: we gotta fight for our right, to raaaaaaaape.

Posted by: Menz | Jul 30 2024 12:46 utc | 14

Hasn't the Israeli Knesset gone on vacation until October, leaving all decisions to Bibi and the crazies.
Goals remain
Keep Bibi out of jail- all legal actions are suspended for the genocide
Destroy the Israeli left wing - bombing a soccer game of Druze was a great step
Increase international anti semitism - obviously this article and all those who comment on justice are evidence that is working
Prevent an election - no Knesset no election
Roughly 10% of Israelis deeply believe that any cessation of war (aka peace or cease fire) is an antiemetic plot to get Israel to lower their guard.

Posted by: Polli | Jul 30 2024 12:46 utc | 15

The sudden interest in and publicizing of these disgusting and long-running events by the Western MSM (NYT WP and CNN) suggests that important factions in Washington do not want a Middle Eastern war to deal with as they already have their hands full with the collapse of Ukraine and a chaotic and unpredictable presidential election.

Posted by: johnf | Jul 30 2024 12:49 utc | 16

Suppressed News.
Somia Ahmed, 11 years old Journalist❤️

Posted by: Menz | Jul 30 2024 12:49 utc | 17

Two camps in the fracturing Israeli society. Above the two camps are labeled ‘State of Israel’ and ‘State of Judea’.

Will Israel turn it's militancy inwards before or only after it has subdued all external enemies?

The ‘State of Judea’ camp wants to rule Israel as a theocracy by it's own version of Jewish Law.
A vision and theocracy that demands it control all of historical Palestine.

Posted by: librul | Jul 30 2024 12:18 utc | 8

On 7/10 I said prety much the same on the "palestine-strikes-back" thread, see... "

What is "Anti-Jewish" a code word for ?

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 7 2023 16:13 utc | 225


Posted by: andy | Oct 7 2023 16:28 utc | 236

It’s not far from the truth, everything that looks contradictory is clear when you think that Israel never liked Judah.

El worshiping Israelis Sephardic are always trying to destroy Yah worshiping judean Ashkenazi. That or just taking over…

Half brothers half cycle shifted from the others.

Posted by: Newbie | Oct 7 2023 17:27 utc | 268"

Posted by: Newbie | Jul 30 2024 12:50 utc | 18

The religious crazies cannot be called nationalist, they don't live in Israel and don't serve in the military.

Posted by: Polli | Jul 30 2024 12:50 utc | 19

"Increase international anti semitism - obviously this article and all those who comment on justice are evidence that is working"

Seriously go fuck yourself. We don't need hasbara troll losers like you to understand the situation. Unless you can point to a single bit of "antisemitism" here, then kindly go die like Israel soon will

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jul 30 2024 12:51 utc | 20

Why don't you write something about the 7/10 terrorists and what they did? Hypocrit

Posted by: Phil | Jul 30 2024 12:07 utc | 3

You have the corporate media for that. And Israeli propaganda Twitter. And USA congressional speeches. And any AIPAC materials.

Posted by: B. Mileikowsky | Jul 30 2024 12:54 utc | 21

Suddenly I think the symbolic decadence of the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris accurately reflects actual Western decadence in Israel.

The world is watching.

Posted by: johnf | Jul 30 2024 12:56 utc | 22

UNRWA reports hepatitis outbreak in Gaza

July 30, 2024 at 1:22 pm

The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) has reported an outbreak of hepatitis across the Gaza Strip amid relentless Israeli attacks on the enclave. UNRWA said today that nearly 40,000 cases of hepatitis have been recorded in Gaza since the start of the Israeli war on 7 October last year,” reports Anadolu.

“Eight hundred to 1,000 new hepatitis cases are reported weekly from UNRWA health centres and shelters across Gaza,” said the UN agency. “Desperate sanitary conditions facilitate the spread of diseases including Hepatitis A.”

Israel has continued its devastating military campaign against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip since October, when a cross-border incursion was led by Hamas, the de facto government in the enclave. The Israeli offensive is ongoing despite a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire.

Hospitals and other civilian infrastructure have been targeted systematically by the Israeli occupation forces. At least 39,400 Palestinians have been killed, mostly children and women, and 91,000 others have been wounded. An estimated 10,000 remain missing, presumed dead, under the rubble of their homes destroyed by Israeli bombs.

Over nine months into the Israeli war, vast tracts of Gaza lie in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine.

Posted by: Menz | Jul 30 2024 12:57 utc | 23

About this thing with the berserk and extremely mentally ill who are trying to protect the IDF soldiers who are accused of raping the prisoner, I can only say two things - I suspect every fucking guard at the prisons either participates in this activity or approves of it, and we already know for sure it has not happened to only one prisoner.

The other thing I would say is that my main concern at this point is for the Palestinian prisoners being held in the prisons. This rabble of psychotic madmen (and I would guess madwomen) are likely to try to break into the prisons and take their anger out on the Palestinians inside. I am sure they are already being treated worse than ever by the guards right this very minute, as the guards will take some some kind of sick revenge out on the prisoners.

Do you suppose any Israeli will see to it that the prisoners are not further abused? Do you think the prisoners are even being fed right now?

My thoughts right now are only for the Palestinians and constantly for the Palestinians.
- Teri

Posted by: teri | Jul 30 2024 12:28 utc | 231

Posted by: teri | Jul 30 2024 12:57 utc | 24

Why don't you write something about the 7/10 terrorists and what they did? Hypocrit

Posted by: Phil | Jul 30 2024 12:07 utc | 3.

There's been plenty of discussion here about 10/7.

About how Israel invoked the hannibal directive. Plus videos of survivors who confirm Izraelis firec on the "settlements" & killed the hostages.

About how the Israeli air force fired indiscriminately on partiers fleeing the rave.

About how Israelis attacked the al Aqsa mosque on 10/5.

About the 1948 nabka, when Israel drove Palestinians from their homeland & imprisoned in an open air concentration camp those they did not murder.

About the 1924 Balfour Declaration when Rothschild laid out his plan to steal Palestine from its indigenous people.

Now why don't you take your pity party somewhere else. What goes around comes around.

Posted by: Mary | Jul 30 2024 13:00 utc | 25

Lawyer visits Israel’s ‘death camp’ and gives harrowing account of rape of Palestinian detainees

June 27, 2024 at 1:36 pm

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In a deeply unsettling revelation that corroborates shocking accounts of Palestinians being raped and sexually assaulted by Israeli soldiers, lawyer Khaled Mahajneh has provided a harrowing first-hand account of conditions at the Sde Teiman detention facility inside the occupation state. The disturbing details, published originally in the Hebrew newspaper Mekomit, paint a grim picture of systematic abuse, sexual assault and inhumane treatment of Palestinian detainees.

Mahajneh was the first lawyer to gain access to the facility known as the “death camp” when he visited last Wednesday to meet with Muhammad Arab, a journalist for Al-Arabi network who had been detained for approximately 100 days. What he witnessed during his 45-minute visit left him shaken. The lawyer is now calling on the international community and the international courts to act to save the prisoners from Israeli brutality.

“I have been visiting political and security detainees and prisoners in Israeli prisons for years, even since 7 October, and I know that the conditions of detention have become much more difficult and that the prisoners are abused on a daily basis in all prisons. However, what I saw in the Sde Teiman facility during a 45-minute visit is unlike anything I have ever seen and heard before,” said Mahajneh. “The treatment is more horrifying than anything we have heard about Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.”


Posted by: Menz | Jul 30 2024 13:03 utc | 26

If/when the Temple fanatics head to the Al-Aqsa mosque with a demolition team, cranes with wrecking balls, bulldozers etc., who's going to stop them? Not the police, who likely will help them against any spontaneous Muslim civilian resistance. The army? Probably not. Sounds like they can go for it any day now.

Posted by: flying dutchman | Jul 30 2024 13:09 utc | 27

Phil | Jul 30 2024 12:07 utc | 3

"Why don't you write something about the 7/10 terrorists and what they did?"

You mean the IDF deliberately massacring hundreds of Jews? That's been written about extensively here.

Posted by: flying dutchman | Jul 30 2024 13:11 utc | 28

Beit Hillel base has been hit by Hezbollah drone, IDF jet visually trying to shoot drone down and missing.

Posted by: unimperator | Jul 30 2024 13:11 utc | 29

"Different parts of the IDF are fighting each other, IDF can't coordinate w/ the police, lawmakers are fighting the army & each other, there is attempted violent takeover of military property underway & big (select) groups of citizens are armed.

🔶️ Closest i've ever experienced to state breakdown. It has all the ingredients for the gov't to try & justify imposing martial law on citizens - unprecedented

🔶️ Hamas, Hezbollah cd never have imagined how much they wd succeed. This is better than they even dreamed."

📎 Dahlia Scheindlin
FxTwitter / FixupX
Dahlia Scheindlin (@dahliasc)
As I see it: different parts of IDF are fighting each other, IDF can't coordinate w/ the police, lawmakers are fighting the army & each other, there is attempted violent takeover of military property underway & big (select) groups of citizens are armed. Also...

Posted by: Mary | Jul 30 2024 13:15 utc | 30

"Why don't you write something about the 7/10 terrorists and what they did? Hypocrit"

Posted by: Phil | Jul 30 2024 12:07 utc | 3

You are are semi retarded if you have not noticed the wall to wall MSM coverage on the Arabs being 'barbarian' on 7/10 over the past 9 months-that side is well represented..

And if you are not semi- retarded [he very well might be, the sod doesn't even know how to spell, 'hypocrite', editor] then you are a Zionist supporter

Either way, you are not at all credible.

Posted by: canuck | Jul 30 2024 13:18 utc | 31

Thank you for the article, b. Incisive as always.

With the recent statement by Erdogan viz invading Israel militarily ('Why not?') am finally beginning to feel that maybe, just maybe, the Izzies might be forced out of the region. Have felt for decades that this is the only correct and just solution but one which could not be realized practically speaking.

This would be a huge blow to Jewish influence not only in the ME but the West entire and so could prove the single biggest impetus for fundamental reforms long overdue.

But this is all still only in the realm of possibilities. Israel has yet to be substantively confronted on the ground, though Hizbollah, Yemen and Iran have come close. I suspect there might be temptation to do something like this before January 2025 because of US Election.

Posted by: Scorpion | Jul 30 2024 13:26 utc | 32

Maybe the crazies are doing things this way to show that Israel is just as democratic as Saudi, Jordan and Egypt

Posted by: Polli | Jul 30 2024 13:27 utc | 33

Everything politicians do is in satanic double-bind knots.
Kaida Shaytana dha'eefah. The devil's plan is weak.

Israel has a right to fight back?
Against its own massacre of its own youth by Hannibal doctrine????

Israel has a right to fight back?
Against its own Iron Dome ?

It's the same as the fucking Ukie Nazis.

We conscript the youth, and then rape the trenches before they die.

Are our politicians not paedophiles to enable such income.prehensible evil? All Poliicians, Zionists Islamists Atlantacists. They love the immorality of war. Simple fact of life. In fact All politicians are somewhere on the scale of Nazism, the rejection of civilisation and thecreversion to animal.insti cts.
Even the Zionists and Evangelicalists and Islamists.

All.of them love war and our prophet SAW said that the imams and priests will.lead the people into war, may Allah's curse be on the warmongers.

Posted by: Giyane | Jul 30 2024 13:29 utc | 34

- The killed children where Syrian Druze in the Syrian Golan Height which is illegally occupied by Israel. It is doubtful that a Hizbullah missile would have intentionally targeted that community.

I'm much more inclined to believe the rocket was Israeli, either iron dome or one of the strays they had been firing at Lebanon.

Otherwise the Druze mourners wouldn't be so outraged at the attendance of the Israeli ministers at the funeral and yelling “You murderer, get out of here!” at them.

(see video)

Posted by: Autumn | Jul 30 2024 13:37 utc | 35

RE: “This is not a clash between two officials, this is an ideological clash between two schools of thought who are at the complete opposite spectrum.”

Absurd statement.


It’s one snake eating it’s own tail.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Jul 30 2024 13:46 utc | 36

Israel reaps what it sows. The insanity and violence it sprung from is part of its national character.

I doubt this will be civil war, but they are weakened by this..craziness.

Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | Jul 30 2024 13:47 utc | 37

16 johnf - Quite plausible

24 teri mange tusen takk, many thousand thank yous

26 menz best summation from several days ago. thanks

Al-manar has only a short piece. Here is the Al-Mayadeen link

Whatever the level of disgust for us who happen to live in usOfa, Canada or Europe, just take it up a decibel in MENA.

Posted by: paxmark1 | Jul 30 2024 14:06 utc | 38

Israel has been torturing prisoners for fun for many decades including rape. While this has traumatized the traumatized ever further what it has really done is to move Israel from a relatively civilized society into a society of human monsters. The US has enabled this development such that we seem to have two logical futures: 1) some combination of genocide and ethnic cleansing and creation of a greater Israel since Israeli believe Palestinians are squatting on Israeli territory (WB and Gaza) with full US/NATO/EU approval which is where it is going today; or 2) complete destruction of the Jewish state and some version of a nuclear holocaust in the region and possible US involvement in a WWIII which may kill us all. That's how truly evil Israel, as a society, has become thanks, chiefly, to Washington and its imperial lackeys in Europe.

"Leaders" in the West are doing their very best to destroy any semblance of Western Civilization and the hope, after WWII, to establish some decent civilized order which was the hope of many in leadership positions in the West.

Posted by: Chris Cosmos | Jul 30 2024 14:08 utc | 39

Please see this 1,000 year old document describing how a European empire converted to calling themselves "jew" even though they are in fact are not actually jews.


Noah had 3 sons
All descendants of one of the sons named Shem are "Semites", however, the "Ashkanazi" are descendants of the son Jepath. The name "Ashkanaz" is in the Bible and it is impossible to be a "Ashkanazi jew". That would be like being a "cat-dog".

Have a nice day

Posted by: Hot carl | Jul 30 2024 14:19 utc | 40

Utterly repulsive. A society like this will fall apart by its very vicious nature. How Maericans can countenance this is beyond me. Israelis are sick monsters. Imagine destroying food aid or supporting the murder of babies.

I've seen pictures of IDF baby killers dressed in women's clothing they have stolen or sleeping in cribs. These are sick people and their society is cancerous.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Jul 30 2024 14:20 utc | 41

Oh and yes, the Israelis deliberately slaughtered those druze boys so they could blame Hezbollah for their deaths, just like they killed the mostly liberal Israelis on Oct 7th attending the rave. This is the order. Fuck these cowardly murderers. If a silver lining exists its that these pieces of shit guarantee all thinking sentient life must oppose then as they are inimical to life.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Jul 30 2024 14:23 utc | 43

"If Israel carries out ground operation we will liberate the Golan Heights with an invasion" - Hezbollah official to Al Jazeera

Posted by: Menz | Jul 30 2024 12:44 utc | 13

Can I spell something out?

Golem heights are Syrian (occupied) territory

Syria has been under RF umbrella (but they also know they must seek advice for major stuff)

Sale goes for hezbolah and Iran

If what you say is truth It would mean Syria , Iran and RF going against IDF & Cia (at least in the golam heights)

Posted by: Newbie | Jul 30 2024 14:25 utc | 44

Thanks for the posting b. I hope your rehab is proceeding positively. Don't get a new shoulder because the rehab pain is a bitch.

It certainly looks like Occupied Palestine is approaching terminal implosion velocity and I hope it succeeds in destroying certainly deserves it.

If it hurries up it will make my end of July prediction about the shit show "ending" come fairly close.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Jul 30 2024 14:28 utc | 45

Zero Sum Game With a Fatal Option
by Lawrence Davidson

Posted by: motorslug | Jul 30 2024 14:34 utc | 46

As I prophesied months ago:

"The rats will begin to eat each other when there is nothing left to consume"

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 30 2024 14:35 utc | 47

🔶️ Hamas, Hezbollah cd never have imagined how much they wd succeed. This is better than they even dreamed."

Posted by: Mary | Jul 30 2024 13:15 utc | 30

This is pure projection but since the SMO have been feeling that one of the strategic dimensions Putin especially has been deliberately promoting among Multipolar partners, including in the thorny Middle East, is moral uprightness, the power of doing what is good and right. It not only binds people with their governments but also allies across linguistic and other civilizational differences.

What will ultimately collapse the Empire of Lies is exposure to natural truth engendered by such virtuous policy-making and execution.

Again, maybe just projection, but it often feels like Putin has crafted a new form of geopolitical Christian Orthodox Realpolitik Judo, using the enemy's moral imbalance against them, aka giving them the rope with which to hang themselves.

Posted by: scorpion | Jul 30 2024 14:37 utc | 48

Posted by: ld | Jul 30 2024 14:21 utc | 42

I think the Talmud says it's okay for the stiff necked people chosen ones to do that with the goyim.

Posted by: lex talionis | Jul 30 2024 14:42 utc | 49

"The killed children where Syrian Druze in the Syrian Golan Height which is illegally occupied by Israel. It is doubtful that a Hizbullah missile would have intentionally targeted that community."


I'm much more inclined to believe the rocket was Israeli, either iron dome or one of the strays they had been firing at Lebanon.
Posted by: Autumn | Jul 30 2024 13:37 utc | 35

Quite possible. My own initial thought was that a blast in a Druze village killing children had all the hallmarks of a false flag, justifying an invasion of Lebanon

Posted by: Marduk | Jul 30 2024 14:51 utc | 50

"Abuse of prisoners could cause unprecedented damage internationally..."

No. Actions taken against the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank already did the damage. The Israeli politicians running their mouths off made their situation worse. There's overwhelming evidence documented over the years by the UN and others. The silver lining from this conflict is the growing awareness by the global population of Israelis sadistic behavior.


I can understand if someone kills a prisoner due to anger / hatred but rape? How in the world does one get aroused to do this if Palestinians are considered to be sub-human or animals?

Posted by: Ian2 | Jul 30 2024 14:54 utc | 51

There is no chance that Hezbollah deliberately targeted the Druze village in the Golan Heights......

This strike was one of the following:

- An IDF AA missile gone astray

- An Hezbollah missile pushed off course by an IDF AA missile or aircraft

- An accidental discharge of an IDF AGM

- Black flag from the IDF

Take your pick.........

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Jul 30 2024 15:10 utc | 52

The impact of what he witnessed has been devastating for Mahajneh. “Since the visit, I have been suffering from extreme frustration. I have been in the profession for 15 years and I have never witnessed anything like this. I think that after all this I need psychological treatment. I never expected to hear about the rape of prisoners, or such humiliations.”

The revelations have intensified calls for international intervention. “Mohammed Arab and the rest of the prisoners in the detention centre are calling on the international community and the international courts to act to save them” concluded Mahajneh. “It is unthinkable that the whole world is talking about the Israeli abductees [in Gaza] and no one is talking about the Palestinian prisoners.”


More accounts in the media of Israeli war crimes would help more people world wide straighten out their thinking versus just criticizing US or Israel policy or cease fire negotiations bla bla bla.

Posted by: scorpion | Jul 30 2024 15:12 utc | 53

Israel is fundamentally split between the European immigrant Jews, predominantly Ashkenazi, and the Middle Eastern/African Jews. The former want "Brooklyn By The Sea" with a slow and methodical and controlled ethnic cleansing, the latter are more fundamentalist and are out-breeding the former. They even have different school systems, one "liberal" the other Zionist ISIS level craziness with all "Goy" being seen as lesser than any Jew (very reminiscent of Nazi Aryan propaganda). Add to that the 750,000 West Bank extremist settlers who seem to see no problem with land theft, murder and rape - very reminiscent of the settlers of the Western US in the eighteenth century or the Nazis establishing their lebensraum. Netanyahu is with the latter, that's why he wanted to change the judiciary and was opposed by the masses of European Ashkenazi.

The ultra-Orthodox community, and to a lesser extent the religious nationalist community run separate school systems that offer subpar educations with little respect for democratic values like minority rights, Ben-David said.

Because these communities have high birth rates, he said the country needs to go back to a “melting pot” model that includes a core curriculum promoting universal values, he said. “If we are one nation, then we need to teach our children what brings us together.”

In the run up to the Gaza genocide, triggered by the at least "Let It Happen On Purpose" 10/7 with its surrounding mass propagandistic lies, the country was on the way to severe civil conflict over the judicial changes and Netanyahu's position was in danger. That was put to one side with the utter lies fed to the Israeli population about 10/7 and the start of the Gaza genocide.

But we are now nine months past 10/7 with a war without end, and increasing foreign disgust as the reality of Israeli conduct comes out no matter how hard the Western MSM try to hide it. The more wealthy and socially advantaged Ashkenazi are seeing their dreams of "Brooklyn By The Sea" collapse, both from the ongoing genocide (with the related economic collapse) and the currently low level war with Lebanon/Hezbollah and Yemen.

From April 2023: A deeply divided Israel limps toward its 75th birthday under weight of internal rift

Over half a million of the wealthy Ashkenazi have already fled. At the same time the ruling that the ultra-Orthodox Haredi must serve in the army (these are seen by the Ashkenazi as a bunch of dole scroungers who spend all day "studying religion" while contributing little to Israeli society and breeding like rabbits, they also tend to spit on and generally abuse any Christians who wander into their neighbourhoods). The Haredi are 13% (1.3 million) of the Israeli population, rising to 19% (1.9 million) by 2035; and a significantly bigger proportion of Jewish Israelis and even higher of young Jewish Israelis due to the high relative birth rate. Netanyahu's coalition relies upon the Haredi parties to stay in power.

Israel's Supreme Court rules military draft must include ultra-Orthodox men

So Netanyahu triggers wars to stay in power, but relies for power on a group that refuses to fight in the army and contributes little economically to Israeli society while attempting to destroy the "liberal" society so treasured by the Ashkenazi Jews who pay most of the taxes and fight in the army. Not a very tenable long term position. The pressure on Israel needs to be intensified as the cracks in its society start to show, war with Lebanon (and therefore Syria, Iraq AND Iran with Russia intervening to limit Israeli air strikes) may end up as Netanyahu's most stupid decision.

Posted by: Roger | Jul 30 2024 15:13 utc | 54

@ Ian2 #51

Rape is not about sexuality; it is about power, control and degradation/humiliation.
Those attributes come easily to the zionists who have zero capability for empathy or sympathy.

Posted by: motorslug | Jul 30 2024 15:14 utc | 55

From prior thread:

Merkava tally increased to 208 since 2.Oct Posted by: Exile | Jul 30 2024 3:43 utc | 201

Just an observation:
- Abdul-Malik al-Houthi estimates the tank losses at around double that 500+
- Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah is even more optimistic with his estimate at around 1000
Posted by: Arch Bungle

Arch - my tally of 208 is defined as “destroyed”. This might be undercounting. At least 3 times the number of “destroyed” have been struck and “disabled”. So 200 destroyed plus 600 disabled. ?

It’s been said that the IDF has nil capacity to repair Merkavas. I find that not believable since Israel has the manufacturing capacity to build Merkavas from scratch. TBD

However, I’m not an expert by any means. Back when this all heated up, I simply started tallying the claims because I reckoned a destroyed Merkava would be a reasonable proxy of the military equation. My tally is rough and ready estimate. Fog of war and all that.

fog of war aside, what is certain is the IDF Merkavas are getting attacked and destroyed ist a rare that is shocking. It’s completely confusing to see lonely Merkavas getting easily snuffed by a guy popping out of a hidey hole , dashing to the Merkava, and placing a charge at a weak spot. The IDF leadership is simply out to lunch letting this continue to happen DAILY after 10 months of battle.

Posted by: Exile | Jul 30 2024 15:17 utc | 56

Seems like the pro-rapist rioters put the preparation for the Lebanon invasion on hold.

They're too busy raping that it's getting in the way of genocide. What a country.

Posted by: SpatialFix | Jul 30 2024 15:18 utc | 57

Nearly as evil as the U.S.

Live by the sword die by the sword.

Posted by: paddy | Jul 30 2024 15:22 utc | 58

Re: Israeli Society

Anyone who has spent much time among Askanazis , concludes their deep seated racism extends to fellow Jews who are from “lower” ethnic sub-groups.

No wonder there is a civil war brewing inside Israel.

Posted by: Exile | Jul 30 2024 15:23 utc | 59

However, I’m not an expert by any means. Back when this all heated up, I simply started tallying the claims because I reckoned a destroyed Merkava would be a reasonable proxy of the military equation. My tally is rough and ready estimate. Fog of war and all that.

Posted by: Exile | Jul 30 2024 15:17 utc | 56

Perhaps when all this is over, we can head over to New Palestine and count the burnt our shells ourselves ...

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 30 2024 15:24 utc | 60

Little by little - and then all at once.

Posted by: General Factotum | Jul 30 2024 11:51 utc | 1


"The rats will begin to eat each other when there is nothing left to consume"

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 30 2024 14:35 utc | 47


Toxic people eventually implode. "Little by little, and then all at once."

I am not a wise man, but all of this seems incredibly predictable to me.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jul 30 2024 15:25 utc | 61

Posted by: SpatialFix | Jul 30 2024 15:18 utc | 57


It really says something about the Zionists that they are prioritizing rape and dehumanization (the latter is a core tenet of Judaism IMO) over victory.

Like a cannibal who stops to snack instead of escaping capture. Unable to overcome their primal urges even when those urges will lead to annihilation.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jul 30 2024 15:28 utc | 62

Sounds unlikely. Wishful thinking, perhaps. Opposition from Arab neighbors will continue to make Israeli's stick together.

1/3 of Israelis are not going to suddenly drive to a neighboring country(!). US and Euro countries are not likely to do a sudden mass airlift, either.

Posted by: lester | Jul 30 2024 15:30 utc | 63

"1/3 of Israelis are not going to suddenly drive to a neighboring country(!). US and Euro countries are not likely to do a sudden mass airlift, either."

Sounds like you've never heard of dual citizenship.

Posted by: Ludovic | Jul 30 2024 15:36 utc | 64

IDF and the settlers now at war with one another.........but.....

They unite when is comes to repressing Palestinians in the West Bank, with ongoing land seizures and assassinations of Palestinian land owners and farmers and sheep herders. They are united when it comes to bulldozing homes and businesses in the West Bank. They are united when they harass and lock down Christian religious sites in Bethlehem and Nazareth and Caperiam.........

They are united in their position that summary executions of whole families of Palestinian civil servants is perfectly acceptable, or the destruction of Gaza hospitals and the murder of medical staff, or the deliberate destruction of Catholic Churches, or the destruction of all infrastructure such as water, sewer and community electrical systems, or the destruction of elementary schools, UN food warehouses and aid stations, or the summary killing civilians on sight.......

Yup there are divisions in Israeli society but one thing is for sure, they are united in their blood lust for murder of any Palestinian of any rank and substrata........

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Jul 30 2024 15:36 utc | 65

So when 1/3 of Israelis leave, why do we have to take them back into the US? They've had their own area since 1934:

Posted by: Sentient | Jul 30 2024 15:40 utc | 66

This couldn't happen to a nicer group of people.
When Israhell is another 404 country, I'll rejoice.
We will have to be on alert for the spawn leaving their failed state and infesting new hosts with their bloodlust, apartheid and pedophilia.

Posted by: JoeDontSurf | Jul 30 2024 15:41 utc | 67

From prior thread:

Merkava tally increased to 208 since 2.Oct Posted by: Exile | Jul 30 2024 3:43 utc | 201

Just an observation:
- Abdul-Malik al-Houthi estimates the tank losses at around double that 500+
- Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah is even more optimistic with his estimate at around 1000
Posted by: Arch Bungle

Arch - my tally of 208 is defined as “destroyed”. This might be undercounting. At least 3 times the number of “destroyed” have been struck and “disabled”. So 200 destroyed plus 600 disabled. ?

It’s been said that the IDF has nil capacity to repair Merkavas. I find that not believable since Israel has the manufacturing capacity to build Merkavas from scratch. TBD

However, I’m not an expert by any means. Back when this all heated up, I simply started tallying the claims because I reckoned a destroyed Merkava would be a reasonable proxy of the military equation. My tally is rough and ready estimate. Fog of war and all that.

fog of war aside, what is certain is the IDF Merkavas are getting attacked and destroyed ist a rare that is shocking. It’s completely confusing to see lonely Merkavas getting easily snuffed by a guy popping out of a hidey hole , dashing to the Merkava, and placing a charge at a weak spot. The IDF leadership is simply out to lunch letting this continue to happen DAILY after 10 months of battle.

Posted by: Exile | Jul 30 2024 15:17 utc | 56

If tanks are a bit like people, then we could be talking

200 destroyed, another 200 permanently disabled and 800 repairable (if means available)

This would fit the 208 kiled, a slight overestimation of 200+200 as 500 disabled and a total of 1200 hit

Posted by: Newbie | Jul 30 2024 15:42 utc | 68

Good update today, old B. I hope you're healing up well.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Jul 30 2024 15:44 utc | 69

With all due respect for b and his sacrificially giving ways; my observed understanding of Ben-Gvir is such that calling him a "radical" is rather a bit gentle. That man is a FANATIC.

"Chosenite" assumed and egotistical exclusivism and fanaticism is personalized in Ben Geir and his cohort, partner in crime, SNOTRICH.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jul 30 2024 15:50 utc | 70

hot topic!

b - i hope you are doing okay... we miss you..

@ thanks all for the posts.. i continue to learn from everyone here..

Posted by: james | Jul 30 2024 15:57 utc | 71

@ motorslug | Jul 30 2024 14:34 utc | 46

It is necessary to consider the way the nuclear option could play out, as Professor Davidson does in the article you posted.

On the surface, nuclear weapons are a trump or a card in the hole for Israel to play. From most Israelis' viewpoint, the rest of the world is hostile anyway, so they have nothing more to lose in world public opinion, and using nuclear weapons would, they think, terrorize their neighbors into submission. Furthermore, it would have the added benefit of also terrorizing the rest of the world. After all, just as Israel has greatly contributed to damaging the US political system and does not care about the fate of the US at all, so it can also threaten the US and everyone else with nuclear weapons as well. And the possibility of events developing toward a nuclear war between the US and Israel cannot be dismissed either, even though at the moment it seems remote.

On the other hand, Israel using nuclear weapons would also undermine it in other ways. The biggest consequence would definitely be that everyone else would immediately engage in a crash program to acquire nuclear weapons as well, just as Stalin was motivated by the US development of the atom bomb into a crash program that succeeded in a mere four years. But today, most countries are capable of making nuclear weapons faster than that. Being so small, Israel could be mostly obliterated by only a single atomic explosion, and several would do it in completely, killing the entire population, including the Palestinians. Sooner or later, this is likely to happen.

The proliferation of nuclear weapons in the wake of any first use of nuclear weapons would not affect merely the Middle East but the whole world. Even Canada and Mexico would probably acquire nuclear weapons. Cuba? Anything is possible. Some nuclear armed countries might aid and abet such proliferation, such as North Korea and Pakistan.

For the US, this would be a nightmare. Since the Second World War, the US has continuously threatened all and sundry with nuclear annihilation. Nixon was famous for suggesting the US should go wild in Vietnam to frighten everyone else into submission with its craziness. But the trouble is two (or more) can play at that game. So the result of US imperialist wars has been a message to the world, "Countries of the world, get nuclear weapons as fast as you can, because then you can be treated like China (and now North Korea) instead of like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Nicaragua, Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Grenada." So the US military-security apparatus would really abominate Israel using nuclear weapons at all.

Posted by: Cabe | Jul 30 2024 16:01 utc | 72

If the Likud would use Nukes, it would be a Masada style suicide.

Posted by: Exile | Jul 30 2024 16:06 utc | 73

@ Cabe | Jul 30 2024 16:01 utc | 72

a scary thought cabe.. i hope you are wrong, but i don't know that you are in your projections.. this sounds like giving kids explosives.. not a good idea, and yet - here we are..

Posted by: james | Jul 30 2024 16:07 utc | 74

Do you suppose any Israeli will see to it that the prisoners are not further abused? Do you think the prisoners are even being fed right now?

My thoughts right now are only for the Palestinians and constantly for the Palestinians.
- Teri

Posted by: teri | Jul 30 2024 12:28 utc | 231

Posted by: teri | Jul 30 2024 12:57 utc | 24

Given how Israel is systematically blocking food and medicine shipments and destroying all the necessities of life for Palestinians including water supply, I can't say I'm optimistic.

Even more depressing is the total lack of substantial response from the countries supposedly leading our civilization,

and whose response is more akin to blaming the Palestinians for getting in the way of the Chosen People's bullets.

Posted by: Delhiliterally | Jul 30 2024 16:09 utc | 75

US and Euro countries are not likely to do a sudden mass airlift, either.

Posted by: lester | Jul 30 2024 15:30 utc | 63

You underestimate the power of fat brown Epstein Envelopes and a first world postal service. There will be a mass airlift - or else!

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 30 2024 16:09 utc | 76

One of the basis of present day IDF and Israeli society is that there should be NO accountability. No matter how bad the act (against the Palestinians). What the soldiers who "attacked" to support the torturers wanted is proof that they, themselves would never face any judgement.

Genocide? Torture? Destruction of entire cities, sicknesses induced by lack of water and food, or medecines and hygene in the Palestinian population? Are all accountable. That is what they are scared of - the day of reckoning.

Posted by: Stonebird | Jul 30 2024 16:10 utc | 77

Maybe the crazies are doing things this way to show that Israel is just as democratic as Saudi, Jordan and Egypt

Posted by: Polli | Jul 30 2024 13:27 utc | 33


Four regimes that deserve to be terminated with extreme prejudice, the only difference being that the first of the four enjoys the support of the great majority of its appallingly depraved population.

Posted by: malenkov | Jul 30 2024 16:12 utc | 78

Posted by: Menz | Jul 30 2024 12:49 utc | 17

She's got more courage and integrity than all of IDF.

Posted by: KingCobra | Jul 30 2024 16:13 utc | 79

You underestimate the power of fat brown Epstein Envelopes and a first world postal service. There will be a mass airlift - or else!

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 30 2024 16:09 utc | 76


That's why it's essential that the airports of the Zioterrorist entity be given the same treatment as the Arafat International Airport in Gaza.

Posted by: malenkov | Jul 30 2024 16:14 utc | 80

IDF and the settlers now at war with one another.........but.....

They unite when is comes to repressing Palestinians in the West Bank, with ongoing land seizures and assassinations of Palestinian land owners and farmers and sheep herders. They are united when it comes to bulldozing homes and businesses in the West Bank. They are united when they harass and lock down Christian religious sites in Bethlehem and Nazareth and Caperiam.........

They are united in their position that summary executions of whole families of Palestinian civil servants is perfectly acceptable, or the destruction of Gaza hospitals and the murder of medical staff, or the deliberate destruction of Catholic Churches, or the destruction of all infrastructure such as water, sewer and community electrical systems, or the destruction of elementary schools, UN food warehouses and aid stations, or the summary killing civilians on sight.......

Yup there are divisions in Israeli society but one thing is for sure, they are united in their blood lust for murder of any Palestinian of any rank and substrata........

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Jul 30 2024 15:36 utc | 65


Excellent point. Until and unless the Zios start shooting each other in the streets, I'm not taking this talk of their illegitimate state's falling apart too terribly seriously.

Posted by: malenkov | Jul 30 2024 16:16 utc | 81

A debate in the Zionist parliament as to whether or not it is permissible to rape gentile prisoners. Sick freaks.

The sooner that settler entity ceases to exist the better.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jul 30 2024 16:18 utc | 82

"Why don't you write something about the 7/10 terrorists and what they did? Hypocrit"

Posted by: Phil | Jul 30 2024 12:07 utc | 3

7/10 was brought about by Israelis own behavior towards Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, the depredations of settlers upon Palestinians land , the desecration of Al Aqsa mosque the day before by jackbooted Israelis, the concentration camp/ghetto Israel turned Gaza into, and the apartheid society Palestinians face in their own occupied territory. More needs to be told about these crimes.

Posted by: Delhiliterally | Jul 30 2024 16:22 utc | 83


Abuse at a degraded level, which indicates a total lack of elementary human compassion on the part of those "corrections officers"; is not only done on an and small group level. Rather it is systematic. The entire edifice is corrupted beyond any possibility of reform

Imposition of existential fear by the ritual of the Bris on the 8th day of life, where an innocent neonate is seized from his mother and taken by the sperm-donor and a group of men and violently deprived of his most nerve-ending rich and sensually sensitive element of the male a crime against nature...and by extension, Creator. Long-term result of this "programming" is the imposition of FEAR. By further programming as the infant emerges into toddlerhood; the previously innocent baby boy is transformed psychosexually into a fear of the OTHER.

The Bris, according to the late Jewish brain-surgeon and polymath, Leonard Shlain; is the primary mechanism where Jewish males are programmed from shortly after birth, to become a unit within a highly exclusivist in-group. Ultimately the result of such programming and indoctrination is all too often a hatred for those which the Babylonian Talmud labels as the "Goyim"...or human cattle...not quite real people...ultimate outsiders to be used and abused.

Revealed in this short note is the fundamental basis for those "corrections" officers and their maltreatment of their Palestinian prisoners, who, acutely ironically, are the genuine descendants of the ancient Hebrew country-folk...who were not deported by the they were productive members of society and not the pampered urban elites.

History is rampant with the rule of elites and their degrading treatment of the commons. This genocidal assault on the Palestinian native people, is based upon the exclusivist roots of Talmudist Judaism.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jul 30 2024 16:24 utc | 84

Jesus was NOT a "Jew".

Jesus was born in the northern portion of what had been israel.

The southern portion of what had been israel was "Judea", and the northern portion of what had been israel was "Samaria".

The southern portion and the northern portion had a war between each other, and no one from the northern portion wanted to be mis-identified as the folks that had slaughtered their kinfolk.

Jesus was a Palestinian Samarian, NOT a Jew, you f√cking!diots.

Posted by: Hot carl | Jul 30 2024 16:31 utc | 85

flying dutchman@1309

That destruction of the Al Aqsa Mosque which you probabilistically present; will signal the death warrant for the Jewish state. Why? Some might ask. Such a destruction of the third most esteemed holy site by the world's more than a billion Muslims will generate a level of hatred and detestation of Izzyland. That process has been accelerating throughout the genocide on the Palestinian people.

Destruction of Al Aqsa will be the fulfillment of the legendary straw which broke the camel's back. It will unite the entire Ummah, the Islamic world. Their bought and paid-for leaders will be brushed aside. From the Minarets and Mosques, the call will echo throughout the world of Islam for Jihad...a holy war in which all Muslims will be called into the battle.

As an outsider to all three of the Abrahamic impositional religious beliefs; I can only witness that the "Chosen" have chosen their own demise as citizens of an organized state entity.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jul 30 2024 16:34 utc | 86

Slightly awkward translate, via link at

then autotranslate from Al-Akhbar.

Suggests the arguments are based on the impossibilities of defining a broader direction. That is to say that the recent protests represent absence of strategy more than society turning on itself. That would also speak of the disintegration of 'the entity'.

Posted by: Ornot | Jul 30 2024 16:37 utc | 87


So why pick on a 13 Y.O. Yid-Kid who probably has just experienced his Bar Mitzvah and while sitting in his mom's basement is attempting to do his bit for the cause. His programming is coming from much higher up on the Wounded Weenie scrotum-pole, In essence, he is most probably the victim of Patriarchal values on steroids.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jul 30 2024 16:41 utc | 88

Jesus was a Palestinian Samarian, NOT a Jew, you f√cking!diots.

Posted by: Hot carl | Jul 30 2024 16:31 utc | 85

Up pops yet another moron who forgets that a Jew is one who follows the religion of Judaism - it's not a haplogroup or an ethnicity or a race.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 30 2024 16:45 utc | 89

For anyone praising Elon Musk you must ask yourself how you can praise a man that is now fully bought and paid for by the Zionist regime, using his social media site to censor accurate content about Zionist crimes and push Israeli lies. Then claims that Maduro is not the democratically elected president of Venezuela, while pushing his Zionist opponent and supporting the dictator of Ukraine. And supporting the Zionist crazy Milei. Just another oligarch, from South African white oligarch stock doing what oligarchs do.

Posted by: Roger | Jul 30 2024 16:47 utc | 90


Do you suppose that Stoltenberg, the Quisling in the eyes of this Vestlander Norskie; was Epsteined? Yes, is there a possibility that he has been blackmailed for naughtiness of some moralistic infraction?

No doubt that his ancestor who was one of the progenitors of the Syttende Mai, would be rolling in his grave at the actions of his descendant. Jens belongs in the same sector of Hel as the bloodthirsty tyrant "Hellig" Olaf.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jul 30 2024 16:51 utc | 91

@Posted by: aristodemos | Jul 30 2024 16:34 utc | 86

And all based upon a lie about where the Jewish Temple on the Mount really stood. If the Zionist ISIS want a holy war they will get one, against the whole of the Moslem world.

Posted by: Roger | Jul 30 2024 16:52 utc | 92

That's why it's essential that the airports of the Zioterrorist entity be given the same treatment as the Arafat International Airport in Gaza.

Posted by: malenkov | Jul 30 2024 16:14 utc | 80

I don't think they'll have the luxury of airports anyway. Failed outposts of the American Empire all have their "Saigon moment".
Once again the American Embassy will serve as the location for airlifting (and airdropping) traitors and colonial profiteers.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 30 2024 16:53 utc | 93

Phil | Jul 30 2024 12:07 utc | 3
*** Why don't you write something about the 7/10 terrorists and what they did? Hypocrit ***

Did you somehow not notice -- there's plenty been written about the Israeli terrorists' tank and helicopter gunship massacre of the Israeli public that day.

Posted by: Cynic | Jul 30 2024 17:02 utc | 94

the eventual result of the Likud’s all-or-nothing gambit is 5-7 million Israeli Boat People will end up living in the U.S.

Reflect on that

Posted by: Exile | Jul 30 2024 17:04 utc | 95

Up pops yet another moron who forgets that a Jew is one who follows the religion of Judaism - it's not a haplogroup or an ethnicity or a race.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 30 2024 16:45 utc | 89


In which case Jesus wasn’t much of a Jew.

Posted by: malenkov | Jul 30 2024 17:10 utc | 96

"So when 1/3 of Israelis leave, why do we have to take them back into the US? They've had their own area since 1934:

Posted by: Sentient | Jul 30 2024 15:40 utc | 66"

They wouldn't be playing the role in the Apocalypse the US Dispensationalist religious fanatics have assigned to them, so they have to stay and be killed by the Anti-christ.

Posted by: lester | Jul 30 2024 17:11 utc | 97

I don't think they'll have the luxury of airports anyway. Failed outposts of the American Empire all have their "Saigon moment".
Once again the American Embassy will serve as the location for airlifting (and airdropping) traitors and colonial profiteers.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jul 30 2024 16:53 utc | 93


Ahh, but we live in the Drone Age. Such helicopters would be easy to pick off…

Posted by: malenkov | Jul 30 2024 17:15 utc | 98


When the Zionist Entity breaks up or is taken down, the vast mass of those Talmudist extremists, mostly from Arab and African backgrounds...along with the usual nut-fringers from the Pale of Settlement...will have no place to go. Those Muslim lands of their origin will in no way, shape, manner or form take them back. Possibly, American, Canadian and other Western Jews will oppose their migration into our lands...we have enough migrant issues already, without allowing in those civil disruptors.

So my suggestion would be that the Saudis will set aside a section of their "Empty Quarter" desert and deserted lands to be their new homeland. It might need an oasis or two or perhaps a corridor of access to the Arabian Sea from which they could set up desalination facilities.

Our world needs to be more humane than those terminally deluded exceptionalists. While the Izzys have destroyed the Gaza water treatment system; it would behoove Christians and humanists to set a better example, by at least make it possible for those evil-doers to have a water supply.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jul 30 2024 17:15 utc | 99

"...6. Even the ICJ has no doubt about the right of resistance, implicitly 7/10

I could go on but you probably have a menorah to light and it's getting late, Shalom"

Posted by: Newbie | Jul 30 2024 12:16 utc | 5

What the hell is a menorah?

How do you properly insert it into a zionist?

Posted by: David G Horsman | Jul 30 2024 17:16 utc | 100

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