Did Biden Quit?
Given the headlines which say he did you might wonder why I ask if Biden has quit his attempt to get reelected.
But look at 'his' rather weird letter which was distributed via the Joe Biden campaign X/Twitter account.

There is no official letterhead. The formulations are obviously not by Joe Biden and the signature looks canned.
I doubt this Politico account which claims that Biden posted the letter all by himself:
Steve Ricchetti, who’s been with Biden since his days in the Senate, drove to see the president at his house on the Delaware shore on Friday.
In addition to presenting new concerns from lawmakers and updates on a fundraising operation that had slowed considerably, they carried the campaign’s own polls, which came back this week and showed his path to victory in November was gone ...
The only other people with Biden in the residence when he arose Sunday were first lady Jill Biden and two other trusted aides: deputy chief of staff Annie Tomasini and assistant to the first lady Anthony Bernal. At 1:45 p.m., he notified a somewhat larger group of close aides that he had decided the night before to end his quest for another term, reading his letter and thanking them for their service. A minute later, before any other campaign and White House staffers could be notified, he posted the historic letter from his campaign account on the social media site X.
This says that Ricchetti, Biden's aide, wrote and posted the letter.
There was no speech and no press conference. People working on Biden's campaign had no pre-warning.
Biden allegedly endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the new Democrat candidate for the presidency.
Let's remember that Harris, of Asian/Indian decent but playing black, is a former California prosecutor who failed in 2020 to get any votes in the primaries. Biden selected her as his vice because she was a woman of color not because she is a person fit for the job.
What does it say about a democracy when some obscure party functionaries and billionaire donors contradict the will of the primary voters and decide against another presidency for Joe Biden?
What does it say about a democracy when similar powers install a new candidate who is by no means qualified and has never received any votes?
Posted by b on July 22, 2024 at 12:13 UTC | Permalink
next page »"Biden selected her as his vice because she was a woman of color not because she is a person fit for the job."
That's true but Presidents always try to appoint lesser beings to the VP platform so as to make the President seem more qualified in comparison:
Bush Sr-picked Dan Quayle-the guy couldn't even spell
Obama picked Joe Biden-no need to say more.
Trump picked Mike Pence-an idiot.
JD Vance is a an outlier as he is competent and young.
Its clear to me. Biden was locked up with aides and others under the pretext he had covid. The aides worked on him for two days and finally persuaded him to stand down. To make it appear it was solely his decision a statement was issued to the effect that biden told his aides "one minute" before he sent the letter.
Posted by: HERMIUS | Jul 22 2024 12:23 utc | 3
Is the president still alive?Posted by: Aleph_Null | Jul 22 2024 8:24 utc | 387
I think that it is a safe bet that Biden has been prophylactically sedated to encourage him to relax.
Posted by: too scents | Jul 22 2024 8:56 utc | 390
Posted by: too scents | Jul 22 2024 12:24 utc | 4
I hear you, but I think missing the main point. The issue is not about depriving the voters of their 'chosen' candidate Biden vs. Kamala Harris. The point is that the Biden Administration is a proxy for rule by a corrupt and malevolent oligarchy. Senile or not, Biden is what he has been in roughly a half-century of politics: a running dog lickspittle corporate whore. Ditto Harris. Focusing on the alleged personal failings or strengths of these proxies is folly. Barack Obama and Bill Clinton were certainly intelligent and smooth, but so what? Functionally they are the same.
The Biden proxy administration is aiding and abetting a foreign invasion in order to drive wages and living standards down for the many, and rents and profits up for the few. That is substance, and it will continue regardless of what color lipstick they put on the pig. Let's stop wasting our time talking about lipstick, and get back to focusing on the pig.
Biden vs. Harris is not depriving voters of choice. Opening the borders to third-world invasion despite widespread opposition is depriving the voters of choice.
Posted by: TG | Jul 22 2024 12:26 utc | 5
Wouldn't it be cool if Biden were standing before the press sometime during the next few days
and he forgets that he is no longer running.
Biden: "When did that happen?"
Posted by: librul | Jul 22 2024 12:35 utc | 6
Her father is from Jamaica. He is Afro-Jamaican...
Posted by: notlurking | Jul 22 2024 12:38 utc | 7
Certainly very odd that the"president" has not made any appearance... I wonder if he had a choice in quitting the race.
Has there been some kind of medical event like a stroke that has prevented him from making an appearance? Lots of speculation abounds... I don't expect him to finish his term, a resignation from the office may be coming soon. At best Biden is an embittered, angry old man because supporters and "friends" abandoned him.
Are we experiencing a remake of "Weekend at Bernies"? Interesting times....
Posted by: ctiger | Jul 22 2024 12:42 utc | 8
If Laura Loomer said it, you know it ain't true. That nazi bitch has more than a few screws loose.
Posted by: John | Jul 22 2024 12:44 utc | 9
Now , will donors continue to pay for Kamala , choose to lick the Don's ass instead or try endorsing an independent like RFK to play into futures elections ?
Democrats will be purged from January onward anyway so what's the purpose of pre-paying for their lawyers and parole buyout ? They'll at best still rot in jail in 2028, Dems don't seems like worth any bet money right now.
Posted by: Savonarole | Jul 22 2024 12:45 utc | 10
Posted by: notlurking | Jul 22 2024 12:38 utc |
Her father is from Jamaica. He is Afro-Jamaican...
Her mother is from India.
Posted by: scanalyse | Jul 22 2024 12:49 utc | 11
A two party state is twice as democratic as a one party state.
Posted by: Polli | Jul 22 2024 12:49 utc | 12
Plausible scenario is that Harris gets nominated, and then Joe shuffles off, leaving Harris to campaign as incumbent President.
This could occur by Joe resigning for "ill health", or a kinetic exit which, oh my gosh, would be carried out by a lone right wing activist, with clear links to Trump supporters.
Whichever way it goes, my money is that Biden is not President at the time of the election. Jill and Hunter Biden will be well aware of this scenario, and will prevail on the old man to step down to save his life (after he has signed Pardons for himself, Jill and Hunter).
Posted by: Marduk | Jul 22 2024 12:51 utc | 13
As noted, Kamala's father is from Jamaica, although he claims some European genes from 3 generations before him. However that may have been used to get into higher education given the time of his career.
He is a retired Stanford prof, known for Marxist economic theory.
Posted by: BroncoBilly | Jul 22 2024 12:53 utc | 14
As with Biden, the US will see the results of having Kamala have to public speak over and over.
The overeager grin, the cackling laugh, the airhead comments.
The Reps already have a backlog of embarrassing statements.
One in particular:
When asked "who is the best rapper today", her response was Tupac, who has been dead for over 20 years at the time.
Posted by: BroncoBilly | Jul 22 2024 12:58 utc | 15
Posted by: Marduk | Jul 22 2024 12:51 utc | 13
A huge problem with kamala taking over as president will be she will be the first woman president, and Hillary and other powerful white women in politics want that title. So I doubt Biden will be allowed to resign before his term is up, and I doubt Kamala will be the DNC's nominee.
I think jill and dnc would try to cover up death or stroke until election, before letting that historic title fall to kamala for a few months.
Posted by: UWDude | Jul 22 2024 13:03 utc | 16
I think it kind of irrelevant. The US is oligarchic with a potent Deep State. Biden is only President because enough of those people deemed him useful. But if they get in a room with him and tell him they want him out, they have enough clout to affect his life if he doesn't. Won't be surprised now if Hunter comes into enough money that we see him buy a mansion in the next five years.
Posted by: WG | Jul 22 2024 13:05 utc | 17
Won't be surprised now if Hunter comes into enough money
Posted by: WG | Jul 22 2024 13:05 utc | 17
With Joe incapacitated the rest of the Biden clan is in deep jeopardy.
Posted by: too scents | Jul 22 2024 13:08 utc | 18
People seem to be assuming Harris is the next candidate - not sure that is true.
If so it can only be an early admission of defeat.
That Biden got 81m votes compared to 69m, 66m, 66m by Obama (2008), Obama and Clinton seems barely credible. Indeed half of America does not believe it (with some reason).
That Harris will get 70m+ is quite impossible legitimately therefore probably best not to try too hard.
If she is not the next candidate who knows - they may have already tried Plan B.
Posted by: Mickey Droy | Jul 22 2024 13:09 utc | 19
The formulations are obviously not by Joe Biden
Maybe not, but one can easily imagine him reading those lines from a teleprompter...
Posted by: farm ecologist | Jul 22 2024 13:10 utc | 20
The Democrats didn't really have a primary. RFK Jr. dropped out of the Democratic primary and ran as an independent because the DNC did everything in their power to prevent a real contest. The will of the voters was not recorded anymore than it was during Soviet elections with only one option.
The issue of the nominee will now be resolved by the delegates. Who are, to a man, party insiders. They will choose between a handful of preselected insiders with essentially no involvement from the voters.
Posted by: team10tim | Jul 22 2024 13:12 utc | 21
Judging by the Biden's POTUS account recent tweets (including the mysterious 'I am sick'), there is a pretty high probability that someone else is controlling that account, and also Joe himself is treated as an object, with someone else writing those letters (including this one of dropping out of the race), and in general everything else.
Alex Soros recently advocated Kamala Harris to run. If he represents the swamp deep state, then the swamp has removed Joe Biden, but there might still be an inner circle who has not yet acknowledged it. Don't they vote on the candidate issue on DNC in August 20th? So it's open still, but most likely more powerful forces already decided the issue.
Posted by: unimperator | Jul 22 2024 13:13 utc | 22
After retiring, my wife and I for a couple of years ran a guest ranch in a remote mountain village. Once a member of the president's cabinet was staying in one of our cabins. Several faxes came in for him. I didn't read them but noticed that every one of them had the official White House letterhead.
Posted by: Larry G | Jul 22 2024 13:19 utc | 23
Alas, I think Kamala is destined to win. She wasn't that far behind Biden and Democrats are being schooled in voting for a party rather than a person, as with Britain and much of Europe. They tolerated a stumbling old man, they will tolerate a cackling incompetent.
She offers abortion and the usual free stuff. The media will protect her zealously as they did President Dementia. Notice how the embarrassing story of how stupidly Harris treated donors is already gone with cheerleading put in its place.
I hope Xi and Putin don't bruise their ribs laughing at US governance. They must look forward to awakening each morning with delight as 'what can possibly happen today?'
Posted by: Eighthman | Jul 22 2024 13:25 utc | 25
The real question is does Biden know he dropped out.
Posted by: Immaculate deception | Jul 22 2024 13:29 utc | 26
Where is Jill Biden, cheer leader in chief? Her silence is deafening....
Posted by: ctiger | Jul 22 2024 13:32 utc | 28
What does it say about "democracy"?
What "democracy"?!
USA is not a democracy by any definition.
It's not proportional, not representative, there's no plurality of opinion in MainStreamMedia, no multi-parties system, most agencies are obscure, when real Journalists whistleblow about what USA is really doing thy are arrested (ex: Assange), the rule of law protects the rich, there's no implementation of Human Rights laws, the Washington buildings are bursting by the seams with corrupted politicians bought by billionaires, the Pentagon is a war criminal institution whose casualties reach the levels of the Nazi Germany, workers don't have a de facto right to unionize, only a de jure virtual right that is crushed by fascist tactics by fascist employers. There is systemic racism, which combined with a police state almost resembles an Apartheid in some areas. USA makes bloody coups, illegal sanctions to try yo starve other people, USaa collaborates with Nazis, supports terrorists, and is an accomplice in an ongoing genocide. The political class in USA resembles more a Monarchy. The Capiltalist class in USA implemented a de facto oligarchy. The lack of freedom has reached a point where "neespapers" like the NewYorkTimes acrually work together with FBI to arrest whistleblowers instead of protecting their sources. Guantánamo is an illegally occupied area of Cuba where USA created a Soviet style gulag/prison. The WallStreet billionaires control the economy against the working people. The Military Industrial Complex decides USA's "foreign politics", aka forever wars. People in USA have no human right to healthcare, their education depends on the size of the wallet of the family they were born (and so that also defines the opportunities of those individuals throughout their life). The pension system is a casino where 90 year olds might have to work again if a pension fund loses its stakes at the casino economy, as happened in the Great Recession of 2008-2011.
The oligarchy has NeoLiberalised the regime so much that nowadays the super rich pay fewer taxes than the working class.
I could keep writing about this all day long. People in USA have no idea of what a democracy is, because they never lived in one and/or never saw one...
This Genocide Joe, or Senile Biden, episode, is just a small cherry on top of the huge cake that is USA's regime, a non-democratic genocidal naZionist empire that has assassinated more than 20 million humans since 1945.
The fact that most people in USA don't understand or don't even know what I'm talking about, is just further evidence about the nature of an authoritarian regime whose existence 100% depends on the biggest propaganda, fakenews, and manipulation/brainwashing machine ever create by mankind.
If Orwell was alive, he would say that his "1984" looks like heaven when compared with this reality. Because at least in the "1984" dystopia a large group of people, perhaps even a silent majority, knows that the regime is evil. Things in USA (and his vassals in the collective west) are now much worse than that, because the brainwashing is almost total. In "1984" an in traditional dictatorships, any dissent is crushed. In this so called Liberal "Democracy", dissent cannot even be created.
The fact that, on top of this, the fascists in Washington and London and Brussels (both the Globalists and the non-globalist Capitalists) are also re-writtin history by calling "freedom fighters" to Nazis that fought against the Soviets and now fight against the Russians, and even made laws that compare Nazism with Communism/Socialism, a most disgusting kind of McCarthyism that just makes everything even worse. I can go as far as saying that the current period is a repetition of the 1933-1939 era.
Guess what comes after that...
Aaron Bushnell was the single decent man in USA's regime. He killed himself to try to stop a gebocide. The genocidal lunatics are still on the lose, and no "elections" farse in USA will change that.
We need an army of Aaron Bushnells that burn the USA's regime's institutions instead. A revolution that, due to the nature of the current regime, can only be successful in making USA decent again if it is a bloody one. Monsters like Biden, Obama, Clinton, Trump, Bush, Lindsay Graham, Musk, Bezos, Soros, etc, have to end up like Mussolini, hanging upside down in a public square.
I'm sorry if I'm shocking you, but if you really know what's going on, then you know that this is the only way.
The entire world won't be safe until this happens in USA and in its vassal regimes.
Posted by: Carlos Marquez | Jul 22 2024 13:36 utc | 29
"Let's remember that Harris, of Asian/Indian decent but playing black, is a former California prosecutor who failed in 2020 to get any votes in the primaries."
What do you mean by "playing black"? Her father is black, in the USA that makes her black.
Posted by: gro jo | Jul 22 2024 13:40 utc | 30
A threatened empire casts off its frail, dismayed figurehead so as to facilitate more puppetry. The angry, alienated voters, increasingly aware of how the Game of "Democracy" is played by the shadow masters, are sickened by the spectacle, but those electronic "votes" will work wonders for ensuring reluctant consent this November and beyond. Even so, Biden's cognitive and political collapse and his replacement with someone desperately willing to serve the donor-parasite class makes no fundamental difference - the downward slide of United States, for geopolitical reasons, cannot be reversed. China and Russia are preparing for the final spasms of resistance by the crumbling empire against the new multipolar order. The empire will fight for its lifeblood regardless of who is officially or unofficially in charge. Get ready for dangerous mayhem: the USA is not going to go let go of its chokehold on the world that easily. World peace will not be served for breakfast - get ready for more wars and other forms of violence and denial.
Posted by: Lina | Jul 22 2024 13:40 utc | 31
B's closing questions aren't as accurate as is his standard, the voters indeed want an alternative to Biden. We were denied real options in the Primary, but this IS being responsive. This IS the party that twice railroaded Bernie in favor of entrenched donors. Harris indeed lacks appeal and hasn't shown much ability to Garner votes. It matters little, Dick Cheney's foreign policy team will still be running State and Defense
Posted by: Scottindallas | Jul 22 2024 13:41 utc | 32
The letter doesn’t need the Presidential letterhead, he is not acting in the official capacity of President when he makes campaign decisions. In the parlance of the recent SCOTUS decision this is an “unofficial act”.
Kamala Harris’s father is black. In the American context that makes Kamala black.
Regarding the path forward to a nominee, this is how American politics have worked for 180 years and more. The primary process is a quasi-public process in which private entities (the Parties) hold beauty contests in an unrepresentative way, staggering through dozens of separate contests with each unique rules over months, and it has only existed for a little more than half a century. It is still one part of a private organizational selection process. Furthermore, the primary beauty contest concept is an outlier in world political processes, most political parties all over the world pick their candidates as a small insular group before presenting to the public.
If Biden is dead the proof of it will come into view in due time, and very soon. It could not be hidden for more than a matter of days. If Biden is incapacitated it may be longer to emerge, depending on the degree of incapacitation. There is precedent for this: President Wilson was functionally incapacitated for the final 18 months of his last term. This has frequently been cited for the cause of the United States failing to join the League of Nations. The country was deprived of its normal constitutional order during that time. It seems incomprehensible that could happen for such a long period of time in 2024.
Posted by: a stone | Jul 22 2024 13:42 utc | 33
The probability of Kamala Harris being the next candidate seems rather low:
Posted by: neutrino | Jul 22 2024 13:43 utc | 34
Who harris really is.
I hope your recovery is going well b. Stay safe/
Posted by: jo6pac | Jul 22 2024 13:44 utc | 35
I think the simple truth is ...
The dem's know they are in big election trouble and sinking fast, so a black female on the ballot would garna two major blocks of voters. Black and female, simple logic and math.
But dont expect me to carry a flag for tbe dems.
A bunch of arse wipes the lot of them.
Posted by: Mark2 | Jul 22 2024 13:45 utc | 36
"What does it say about a democracy when some obscure party functionaries and billionaire donors contradict the will of the primary voters and decide against another presidency for Joe Biden?" Oh please, you doth protest too much. Biden ran unopposed in most primaries, and had only token opposing candidates in the others. This was hardly a "will of the people" process. Several Dem operatives went on cable news to brag that there would be no candidates debates -it was Biden all the way. The real scandal re the will of the people is how the media and the Dems hid Biden's cognitive decline for nearly five years, even as polls repeatedly showed that voters, even Dems, did not want Biden to run again.
Posted by: DanB | Jul 22 2024 13:47 utc | 37
When LBJ decided not to run for re-election early on, he was videoed (still an emerging technology then)and it was run repeatedly on national news the following week.
When Nixon resigned, he did it on live national TV, replayed numerous times over the years.
When Biden decides to not run, we get the equivalent of an unknown Howard Hughes will given to a passing motorist in the Arizona desert.
Posted by: BroncoBilly | Jul 22 2024 13:48 utc | 38
Our host is often at sea when trying to understand US politics. Biden's personal decision to drop out of the presidential race is not a state act by the president, thus should not be on official stationery. Similarly, in the US, for ill (in my opinion to be sure) the despicable "one drop of tar" rule applies and by that rule Harris is Black, period. Such basics tacitly understood by American citizens don't translate well.
This is compounded by the equivocation between ideal and actually existing democracy. In the ideal version, trotted out at irregular intervals for propagandistic reasons, elections---which for some reason includes party primaries, a presumption that inadvertently upholds the Duopoly as the essence of ideal Democracy!---are imagined to be driven by the mass of voters who make meaningful choices driven by political principle. If this were true, "party insiders" is a meaningless prejudicial invective. If parties really were organizations driven by principles, then party insiders are genuinely representatives of those principles. It would be their duty to reach unity on the program and candidate. Even ideal democracy does not require that the mass of party members somehow hold an impossible giant town hall meeting to acclaim "their" choice. In this utopian vision, the presidential election is held to confer a genuine popular mandate for the victorious program.
But in current actually existing US democracy, the legal and informal economic privileges of the bipartisan system throws in a massive decentralized system of primaries in which the ruling class factions game. There are in effect two "parties," the franchise which sells a brand, and the donor party, in which political entrepreneurs put themselves forward to members of the ruling class as, basically, sales managers. They are not policy makers per se, they are PR agents tasked with selling the policies decided elsewhere. Some of it that is done behind the scenes, but much of it is done quite openly. In the long run, a key source of policy is ultimately worked out in policy institutes created for that purpose.
The notorious Project 2025 from the Heritage Fund is the hot example by now. The probability that Trump personally will read hundreds of pages, much less take orders, is abysmally low. But then, Trump is no more capable of doing such tedious work than Biden. The thing is, his young men in their twenties and thirties and early forties who actually do tiresome labor of reading, writing, phoning, emailing, etc. will read it. That's why sensible people look at what this thing actually says. The other thing is, such policy institutes are almost all funded by the rich, by the ruling class. Some people live in a delusional world where things like the Open Society Foundation are demonized as somehow leftwing. The Open Society got its name from a book by one Karl Popper, a rightwing member of the Mont Pelerin Society, dedicated to fighting for conservative (i.e., pro-ruling class) ideas. And the main work of Open Society has been fighting against socialism. Those NGOs that conduct color revolutions? Open Society is perhaps the biggest one today.
Some of these policy institutes do sell what is called "woke." The rule here is, the customer is always right. Shocking as it may seem to MoA commentariat, ignorance, bigotry, superstition, irrationality are not all that popular. The important thing is to divide the working class and, even easier, the petty bourgeois, with identity politics. Someone who really is a nobody but slavishly worships Trump because Trump despises working class immigrants, merely serves the ruling class in the person of Trump. People like Christian nationalists, who would much prefer to rely on government rather than the power of the Holy Spirit, to reform social morals, can't achieve the professed goals, even or maybe especially when sincere. They only serve the old masters.
J.D. Vance is incompetent at anything but selling himself with a rags-to-riches story, one which sells contempt for losers and exalts winners as self-made men. This has always been popular with the rulers. Selling stories like that to them is like a bank robber robbing banks because that is where the money is.
Choosing Vance is something like entertaining the notion of Jamie Dimon as Treasury Secretary, reassuring the ruling class that he, Trump, will shovel money their way...and they don't care about any other harm he does, because they're privileged and social catastrophes striking the rabble (that's me, though stray comments suggest higher status and property for MoA commenters,) simply will not perturb their beautiful minds. So what if mass roundups of millions of people will likely kill many people? They're willing to take that risk precisely because they aren't taking any risk, not personally. Admittedly this is a historically informed deduction, but that's not mindreading. Some individuals will object strenuously just as some will applaud.
Political obituary for Biden: Live by the donor, die by the donor. President Band-Aid has never made much difference before and won't now.
Overall, likely this is the Democratic Party splitting, at least the donor party of Democrats. Even if the political machinery somehow stays united, I'm pretty sure Harris will not keep the donor party united. And as time goes on, there will be an ocean of money for Trump, especially in the last stages when it not only matters most, but won't get reported till after the election. The ruling class is in for Trump, Trumpers are in the bag for the masters and the Democratic Party is taking a dive. There is just the one problem that Trump and Trump's values are not really all that popular. Trump lost the popular vote not once but twice. (Claims otherwise are lies.) But that's why the bourgeoisie spends billions of dollars for the best democracy money can buy, to get around little problems like that.
But I may be wrong. Adam Tooze a very highly respected economic historian very well connected with sources puts out a blog. In this recent entry, Tooze analyzes the big money support for Trump. Being competent he particularly focuses on really big money, not just the local Trumper who has a car dealership or owns a bunch of real estate or manages the local branch of the bank. https://adamtooze.substack.com/p/chartbook-300-vance-trump-and-the
Posted by: steven t johnson | Jul 22 2024 13:59 utc | 40
Posted by: Exile | Jul 22 2024 13:48 utc | 39
> Biden = Andropov
> Trump = Chernenko
Biden is Russian and Trump is Ukrainian?
Posted by: hopehely | Jul 22 2024 14:02 utc | 41
Sir, you seem ignore or forget the pick of Truman in 1944. Exactly the same. Worse. Wallace was chosen as VP by 90% of the convention. But these were abort for a bullshit reason. Three days after Truman , total unknown which had 2% of the vote was designed as VP and then next president thanks to FDR illness.
It's not from yesterday that US democraty is a fraud.
Posted by: Darras | Jul 22 2024 14:02 utc | 43
competent and young.
Posted by: canuck | Jul 22 2024 12:21 utc | 2
Competent at what is the question, though.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jul 22 2024 14:02 utc | 44
Harris' father is in fact black. Jamaican or Caribbean, IIRC. So also the descendant of slaves. Just like most African Americans.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jul 22 2024 14:04 utc | 45
Kamala Harris is the choice of the neolibcon blob, whom Trump calles the swamp. She will be good for the pentagon budget and nad for the rest of the world.
The group most likely to support her outside the war economy are those insane with hatred for Trump and his supporters.
Posted by: paddy | Jul 22 2024 14:06 utc | 46
The propaganda started on the night of June 27th, immediately after the debate ended, and has been consistent throughout the coup period.
Joe Biden has suddenly lost cognitive function. Until June 27th, he was sharp as a tack, but now he is unfit to RUN for office.
Left unsaid is whether he is fit to BE in office. You are not to ask that question, just like in February, when Robert Hur announced that Biden was unfit to stand trial, guilty as he may be, because he was too senile to understand the charges.
Left unsaid, and unasked by anyone other than the peons who don't count and are censored if they ask too many questions, was: "How can he be president if he is too senile to stand trial?"
That question is not being asked now, and will not be asked. Biden will be left in the position of president until January, and then we will get whoever our ruling overlords have picked to be the new figurehead/puppet.
If you want to speculate on who that will be, go for it. I don't really care, myself.
All I know is it won't be RFK, Jr. He is an actual threat to them. We will be told that he got fewer than 5% of the vote, no matter how many votes he actually gets.
That's how they roll.
Posted by: wagelaborer | Jul 22 2024 14:15 utc | 47
I don't think there is a sane Westerner who hasn't noticed this trend, where every political topic is talked about in terms of mere ‘element’, like character creation in video games.
The narrative is also that if he or she wins
first Female president, first Homosexual president, first Hispanic president blah- blah-.
While it gets humans absorbed in trivialities, it also inhibits them from acquiring the bigger picture and a more general perspective.
Posted by: Nokaz | Jul 22 2024 14:17 utc | 48
Posted by: scanalyse | Jul 22 2024 12:49 utc | 11
Ok I knew that, but the Dems are now resurrecting her as more black...nutty folks...lol
Posted by: notlurking | Jul 22 2024 14:18 utc | 49
It is a lie that Kamala Harris did not get any votes in the 2020 Primaries! She got 129 votes in the NH Primary, a resounding vote of confidence! Her campaign only spent around $310,000 per vote. I would have voted for her for only one third of that.
Posted by: Peter VE | Jul 22 2024 14:20 utc | 50
paddy@46 presents here, ripe, ready (except for lube) for trash to rip off a piece. The thing is, when for example working class immigrants are reviled as rapists, cannibals (yes, the demented Trump raving about Hannibal Lecter!) invaders etc. are the ones insane with hatred. H1-B immigrants lowering wages for IT are good, and filth like Rupert Murdoch are great when your hate has driven you mad. I say, better a million Mexicans than one Rupert.
Posted by: steven t johnson | Jul 22 2024 14:23 utc | 51
@ BroncoBilly | Jul 22 2024 13:48 utc | 38
Fear and Loathing in the White House?
Seriously, I want Harris for POTUS! Kamedy is on the ballot. The cringe-laughter potential over the ensuing years dwarfs a Trump sequel.
Dust off those highly cynical H.L. Mencken quotes!
Posted by: despondent | Jul 22 2024 14:30 utc | 52
From an article on RT:
'Elon Musk has mocked George Soros and his son for quickly endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as the “most qualified candidate we have”'
That is a pretty devastating admission by the Globalists.
Posted by: dh-mtl | Jul 22 2024 14:34 utc | 53
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jul 22 2024 14:04 utc | 45
> Harris' father is in fact black. Jamaican or Caribbean, IIRC. So also the descendant of slaves. Just like most African Americans.
And most Europeans are descendants of medieval peasants/serfs. So what.
Why such a obsession with genes and a lineage? We are not bred dogs and horses.
Posted by: hopehely | Jul 22 2024 14:36 utc | 54
"I hear you, but I think missing the main point. The issue is not about depriving the voters of their 'chosen' candidate Biden vs. Kamala Harris. The point is that the Biden Administration is a proxy for rule by a corrupt and malevolent oligarchy".
Posted by: TG | Jul 22 2024 12:26 utc | 5
Kindly please inform me of an Empire, Superpower or whatever term you prefer which wasn't, isn't, "ruled by a corrupt and malevolent oligarchy"
Bit confused.
She had 17 endorsements and her father is Jamaican. Iirc, Tulsi Gabbard exposed her hypocrisy and her campaign fell apart.
Posted by: Joe | Jul 22 2024 14:37 utc | 56
I doubt Biden was running the show to begin with, he's just the face that voters see and listen to, the corporate machine in the background wields the real power it has done for some time now. Biden has served his purpose, and barring a successful assassination attempt on Trump before the election results, Trump will get his feet in the door at the Whitehouse again. That image of him pushing a defiant fist in the air with blood running down his face and the Star Spangled Banner fluttering above him, will stick in the minds of the American public, you couldn't buy that kind of advertisement.
It looks like they've pumped Biden full of all manner of medication to try and get him through this election but to no avail. Harris must also be a compliant servant to the vast corporate machine that actually runs America or she wouldn't have received the nomination.
I'm not an American, but I certainly don't think Americans will be any better of with Trump as POTUS, and the poor Palestinians definitely won't be.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jul 22 2024 14:42 utc | 57
The signature looks indeed somehow different than the one at Wikipedia:
Posted by: xblob | Jul 22 2024 14:42 utc | 58
competent and young.
Posted by: canuck | Jul 22 2024 12:21 utc | 2
Competent at what is the question, though.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jul 22 2024 14:02 utc | 44
Time will tell-I was quite impressed with his book, "Hillbilly Elegy"
I take my hat off to Congressman Jim Jordan who gave the Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle a hard time during questioning in the Oversight Committee hearing on the lax security surrounding the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.
Jordan told Cheatle that you haven't answered one question directly yet, if you're in Europe you can watch the Oversight Committee Hearing right now on Al Jazeera tv.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jul 22 2024 14:48 utc | 60
The Conservative Treehouse (which can be hit-and-miss) thinks that Biden will resign and Kamala will run as an incumbent against Trump.
There are subplots here as Hillary's people have endorsed Kamala, who Obama doesn't want. The knives are out.
This is what a late-stage empire looks like. LOL
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jul 22 2024 14:50 utc | 62
There is no "democratic" government where all the governing officials are rich grifters, the multinational corporations and financial institutions control policy, and the will of the people is ignored, subverted through propaganda, or oppressed with lawfare and threats.
Posted by: Belle | Jul 22 2024 14:51 utc | 63
Under the guise of removing Biden from the presidential race, a coup d'etat took place in the United States. On Thursday, July 18 at 01:14 New York time, US President Joe Biden died of coronavirus. Biden's body is still in the freezer at the White House. The medical personnel who were involved in the treatment and resuscitation of Biden were held for some time at the residence in Washington, but after the go-ahead from Vice President Kamala Harris, they were conditionally released under a non-disclosure agreement and are now at their place of permanent residence under a ban on leaving the District of Columbia. Biden's death turns out to be a state secret. Part of the late president’s family found themselves hostage to the situation and their fate is being decided by the current leadership of the country. Biden's wife Jill and his children are under the control of Secret Service people who are now subject to the orders and instructions of Harris. Certain compromises have been reached with the president’s children; they are ready to support the myth of Biden allegedly alive until the autumn US presidential elections, but at the same time they put forward a number of conditions that were accepted. Ashley Biden will become Secretary of Health and Human Services in the future Cabinet, and Hunter Biden will move to the US National Security Council.
The appearance of the president's double after Biden's death completed the coup d'etat and put an end to the implementation of these intentions. Kamala Harris communicates through several channels at once with the leadership of several countries privy to the situation, issuing guarantees of continuity of course and various promises. In particular, the start of deliveries of F-16s is the result of an agreement with Kamala Harris to contain America’s Russian expansion in the region. Zelensky, through the State Department, received the go-ahead from Harris for active peacekeeping activities, which he, in fact, immediately took up. The compromise and agreements rallied around Harris by the late Biden’s inner circle are shaky and fragile. Negotiations are currently ongoing on the final configuration of power in the United States on the eve of the elections. There will be decisions and big changes soon. The country is really led by Kamala Harris. US President Joe Biden is dead, his place is taken by an impostor double! We continue to inform you about everything that is happening in the US leadership, and soon there will be numerous confirmations of our information.
Posted by: Truth or Fiction | Jul 22 2024 14:52 utc | 64
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jul 22 2024 14:48 utc | 60
Friend, I enjoy your comments. Please do not get sucked into the TV performances of American politicians. It is made for TV. When it comes to taking a difficult vote or standing for a principle, these amazing orators tend to disappear. Jordan is a weak man whose best moments are saved for when the cameras are on.
The exceptions were Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and James Traficant. Three relatively recent black sheep whose own parties hated them.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jul 22 2024 14:54 utc | 65
Posted by: hopehely | Jul 22 2024 14:36 utc | 54
Probably because people tend to unite around tribal loyalties when the SHTF.
It is a very modern and liberal thing to be color-blind. When push comes to shove, most people are not. They vote for what is comfortable and familiar. Obama was an exception in that his first Presidency was a misguided attempt at exorcising white guilt.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jul 22 2024 15:02 utc | 66
That's not Biden's signature, which is both sad and hilarious.
Posted by: unready1 | Jul 22 2024 15:02 utc | 67
Truth or Fiction @ 64
Fantastic writing. You should be offered a job in basement at Langley. They've had no one of your caliber in decades.
Posted by: oldhippie | Jul 22 2024 15:05 utc | 68
KAMALA is a woman better than Joe.
She has her memory right for a contest with my ear of god. That is the problem. Kamala gonna destroy Maga In a Tv debate
No chance between Trump and Kamala.
Posted by: ZONE | Jul 22 2024 15:08 utc | 69
Donald Harris, Kamala's father, has African ancestors and also Indian ancestors. Determining ancestry is Hamiltons. Joe and Kamala are cousins, which is why she got the job.
Posted by: oldhippie | Jul 22 2024 15:13 utc | 70
cout d'etat?? sort of looks like it, lol...
funny if this has happened to the usa seeing as they have done so much of this to others... i wonder the fate of kamalot??
Posted by: james | Jul 22 2024 15:14 utc | 71
I thought it was be Hillary but I was wrong. now I m betting 200 bucks from now its paying 20 to 1 to democrats.
Gonna be 200 to 1. Make your bets and stop. Harris gonna destroy Trump im the following debates.
Posted by: Zone | Jul 22 2024 15:20 utc | 72
Where is Jill Biden, cheer leader in chief? Her silence is deafening....
Posted by: ctiger | Jul 22 2024 13:32 utc | 28
Bound, gagged, drugged then stuffed in the nearest broom closet. After catching Beltway Joe's Covid. Might be a terminal condition for both of them. If she was involved in the SS ineptitude-by-design play, she might actually be in real trouble if there are still any White Hats left in the USSS.
Kamala’s word salad vs Biden’s dementia debating Trump?
Now the democrats have to get rid of another one.
Posted by: Fred777 | Jul 22 2024 15:25 utc | 74
So trumps going to drain the swamp is he....
Whats his policy on Israel and US funding of the genicide in Gaza.
Whats his view on the jewish lobby groups strangle hold on US politics of both party's
How much money is trump getting from israel supporting backers.
Whats trumps opinion of hamas.
Does trumps supporters back palistine.
Will i support trump. No.
Will you ?
Policy matters.
Posted by: Mark2 | Jul 22 2024 15:36 utc | 75
In the absence of any simulacrum of leadership, or even the pretence thereof; the risk is now that individuals and organisations will pursue their personal agendas with a vengeance.
Reckless escalation will be the order of the day by NATO, CIA, and Anglo-American rabid Russophobes in Ukraine and Netanyahu in Israel, who will all think they have a golden opportunity to get away with anything they please.
And there is nobody in the USA who can be approached to facilitate de-escalation because nobody knows who is actually taking the decisions and running the USA.
Posted by: CitizenSmith | Jul 22 2024 15:40 utc | 76
not sure what it says, but if i see any actual democracies i'll ask. as for the US it says what it always said: voting is for retards.
Posted by: bornhard | Jul 22 2024 15:42 utc | 77
A two-party state is twice as democratic as a one-party state.
Posted by: Polli | Jul 22 2024 12:49 utc | 12
A two-party state that stands for and serves the same powerful minority ruling class interest is in fact a dictatorship.
Posted by: Ed | Jul 22 2024 15:42 utc | 78
Maybe not playing black, but in appropriate circumstances playing the black card.
Posted by: Shakesvshav | Jul 22 2024 15:43 utc | 79
If you could eat word salad, Kammie would feed the world.
Posted by: Immaculate deception | Jul 22 2024 15:46 utc | 80
Laura Loomer
At 10 am ET today, White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients is holding a MANDATORY call from all White House staff, followed by a call for all political appointees in the Biden administration at 11 am.
We may be getting close to a full blown Resignation from JoeBiden
His medical condition is now terminal, from what sources have told me.
Posted by: Alexis Ricer | Jul 22 2024 15:48 utc | 81
There is no "democratic" government where all the governing officials are rich grifters, the multinational corporations and financial institutions control policy, and the will of the people is ignored, subverted through propaganda, or oppressed with lawfare and threats.
Posted by: Belle | Jul 22 2024 14:51 utc | 63
That's the way it is. In the West there is only God above the rich, in the East there are Putin and Xi in between. So it's no wonder that the forces of the West are fighting both of them with all means possible.
Posted by: Oliver Krug | Jul 22 2024 15:49 utc | 82
Anybody here who believes Kamala will best the Donald in a debate needs to get their head examined or self medicate against their TDS.
Posted by: morongobill | Jul 22 2024 15:49 utc | 83
Why such a obsession with genes and a lineage? We are not bred dogs and horses.
Posted by: hopehely | Jul 22 2024 14:36 utc | 54
Read the comment to which I was replying before engaging in performative outbursts, please.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jul 22 2024 15:52 utc | 84
I would be curious to see who the VP will be (if Kamala would get the support from the donor class - the actual 'voters' in corporate USSA). My bet would be pretty boy Shapiro (Josh Shapiro). The only difference would probably be if the guy will be prepped for 2028 or now (might be risky considering the elections are in ~ 3 months).
Posted by: JamesBond | Jul 22 2024 15:52 utc | 85
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jul 22 2024 15:02 utc | 66
> Probably because people tend to unite around tribal loyalties when the SHTF.
Tribal loyalties in American Melting Pot, right.
What tribe Kamala belongs to?
As a true professional, she is only loyal to her current employer.
Posted by: hopehely | Jul 22 2024 15:53 utc | 86
Posted by: neutrino | Jul 22 2024 13:43 utc | 34
LOL, they don't even try to hide it anymore.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jul 22 2024 15:54 utc | 88
@ Carlos Marquez | Jul 22 2024 13:36 utc | 29
good post my friend... that was quite potent..thanks..
Posted by: james | Jul 22 2024 15:58 utc | 89
Yes, Kamala's father is Jamaican but the Harris name comes from his Irish slave owner patriarch ancestor.
Based on what we've been told, we can surmise the following:
Joe & Jill stumbled on Hunter's stash in the sugar bin, adding it to their coffee by mistake making an argument they were having about how the hit against the Donald went so pear-shaped get quickly out of hand. The two remaining staff, now being questioned by the loyal & true FBI in an unknown secure location are not sure exactly what happened but voices were raised, Jill was heard screaming at Hunter, Joe shouting at his brother, both presumably on the phone, after which there was a brief pause.
Then all hell broke loose in the kitchen. Plates and glasses, other projectiles. Then finally a mighty roar from POTUS, a load CLANK, a thud, barking and growling, a woman's scream and a final thud, then more growling with maybe chewing sounds.
The event is under investigation but it seems that Jill threw a plate which hit Joe on the head temporarily jolting him into an unfamiliar state of heightened lucidity wherein he picked up a knife and adroitly threw it in Jill's direction pinning her bicep to a wooden cabinet. Chastened by his own fury he moved forward to release her not noticing that the furiously frothing Jill yet clutched their favorite Gotham Steel ceramic coated frying pan with which she mightily brained Poor Old Joe into demented oblivion.
It is hard to ascertain more than this at this point. Investigators are waiting for a qualified vet to tranquilize the rabid German Shepherd not letting anyone into the kitchen and cannot for sure define the nature of the bloody object he is slavering over in his foaming jaws, though some agents are speculating that Hunter's stash may be involved there too!
[email protected], mon, she's Rastafari..... she'll hit all the right high notes, bang a little bong .....go all night long.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Jul 22 2024 16:02 utc | 91
Laura Loomer (to be taken with a giant grain of salt, per usual) says inside source at White House expects full-on resignation today or tomorrow. LOL, get your popcorn ready.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jul 22 2024 16:03 utc | 92
This is some amazing entertainment. Dembots trying to sell a legitimate idiot who has nothing to offer other than a withered vagina and a slight bit of extra melanin is a hoot!
You guys will have to put in overtime with the election fraud to arrange a win for Harris. I’d shoot for 91 million votes if I were you since nobody is going to believe the final tally anyway.
Posted by: William Gruff | Jul 22 2024 16:04 utc | 93
@ steven t johnson | Jul 22 2024 13:59 utc | 40
thanks steven... i appreciated and read all you had to say and agreed with most of it.. will check the link you shared too..
Posted by: james | Jul 22 2024 16:06 utc | 94
Step one was to get him not to run. That's the easy part.
Step two ... getting him to step down gracefully ... is the most important and most difficult step. If they admit he had serious cognitive decline then questions will be raised as to how long he's been in this condition and who knew. How does Kamala Harris explain her role in allowing a demented president remain in power? We all knew he was demented for years but the average American voter didn't.
Posted by: HB_Norica | Jul 22 2024 16:08 utc | 95
Tribal loyalties in American Melting Pot, right.
What tribe Kamala belongs to?
As a true professional, she is only loyal to her current employer.
Posted by: hopehely | Jul 22 2024 15:53 utc | 86
There is no melting pot. There are only alliances of convenience. When things go sideways, most humans revert to type.
You tell me who Kamala's employer is or will be.
Israel? Global Progressivism? The Democratic Party? The MIC? The IC? BlackRock?
Kamala is a professional politician. Vacuous and capable of becoming whatever she needs to be to gain money and power.
Actual loyalty, like morality, have NOTHING to do with politics. The perceptions of loyalty and morality are essential to politics.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jul 22 2024 16:08 utc | 96
@ canuck | Jul 22 2024 14:44 utc | 59
you liked his book.. you like this fairy tale about self made man rising from rags to riches?? the problem is - it's a complete con job which keeps most people distracted about what truly matters here... this is a class war... the rags to riches story is a sales pitch and you fall for it by the look of it..
Posted by: james | Jul 22 2024 16:10 utc | 97
Posted by: William Gruff | Jul 22 2024 16:04 utc | 93
> This is some amazing entertainment. Dembots trying to sell a legitimate idiot who has nothing to offer other than a withered vagina and a slight bit of extra melanin is a hoot!
She is perfectly capable to perform all presidential duties at Joe's level.
She can follow written instructions
She can read a teleprompter
She can climb stairs, in high heels... she is better than Joe.
Posted by: hopehely | Jul 22 2024 16:16 utc | 98
@ morongobill | Jul 22 2024 15:49 utc | 83
> Anybody here who believes Kamala will best the Donald in a debate needs to get their head examined or self medicate against their TDS.
Are you sure? Maybe she’s just been playing rope-a-dope…
Is anyone else tired of reading ZH authors describe the Democrats as “Bolshevik”? Malarkey! At worst, the Democrats are “Malarxist”.
Posted by: despondent | Jul 22 2024 16:16 utc | 99
Any sign of life from @POTUS?
Rumors of all kind running wild ...
On X:
"Charlie Kirk
Got a weird lead on a story that people should look into. I got a call from a source close to Las Vegas Metro. The official story was that Joe Biden's trip was cut short last week due to COVID. However, according to this source, US Secret Service informed LV Metro that there was an emergency situation involving Joe Biden and to close necessary streets so that POTUS could be transported immediately to University Medical, which they began to do in earnest. Then, mysteriously, there was a stand down order and the USSS informed local Vegas PD that they were going to "medivac" POTUS to Johns Hopkins, which they presumed meant fly him back east ASAP. Apparently the rumor mill in the police department was that Joe Biden was dying or possibly already dead.
I didn't think too much about this lead, seemed too wild to be true, but given that Joe Biden has been out of public sight for days and dropped out of the race via an 𝕏 post, and his brother James indicated health was a factor, I'm beginning to grow more curious if COVID or something else has been more serious than reported. If anyone with LV Metro has information, please email [email protected]. I want to hear if there is more to the official story than what they're telling us."
Posted by: Greg Galloway | Jul 22 2024 16:17 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
It seems it was a soft coup, the varies democratic factions are in-fighting .. yet the democratic primary it's self was rigged, that is the democrats did not allow any real choices in their primary... third time in a row ..
Posted by: `dp | Jul 22 2024 12:20 utc | 1