Hizbullah Ready To Defeat Israel
On October 8, a day after Hamas attacked Israel, the Lebanese Hizbullah joined the fray. It sent missiles towards military installations in north Israel. 80,000 Israeli settler living in the north fled from their homes. They are still sitting in hotels around Israel and are waiting for the return of quietness to that front.
Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah had announced that the current northern tit-for-tat campaign between Hizbullah and Israeli forces would continue until a permanent ceasefire is agreed upon in Gaza.
But the radicals in charge of Israeli policies do not want a ceasefire in Gaza. They want to eradicate Hamas and as much of the Gazan population as possible. A ceasefire would prevent them from doing so.
On the other hand there is pressure from northern settlers who want to return to their homes. But without a ceasefire in Gaza the low level conflict in Israel's north and southern Lebanon is bound to continue.
Instead of working towards a ceasefire in Gaza the Israeli military and government are planning to invade southern Lebanon and to occupy it up to the Litani river.
The plan is delusional. Hizbullah is grounded in the Shia communities which inhabit south Lebanon. Is Israel expecting that population to move out? That is not going to happen.
Hizbullah, with its number of forces exceeding 100,000 men, is well prepared for a fight. South Lebanon is criss-crossed with well prepared fighting positions and tunnels. More than 150,000 missiles, many of them long range, are ready to be launched against military and economic targets in Israel. The 2006 invasion of south Lebanon ended in an utter defeat for the Israeli army. There is no reason to believe that a renewed fight would have a different outcome.
In case of a new conflict Hizbullah has plans to cross the border and to occupy parts of norther Israel. It is also ready to expand a war should this be necessary:
The leader of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, warned of a war “without rules or ceilings” in the event of a full-scale Israeli offensive against the Lebanese militia, as he threatened that Cyprus could become a target if it allowed Israel to use its territory in any conflict.Cyprus and Israel have a bilateral defence cooperation agreement which has seen the countries conduct joint exercises.
“Opening Cypriot airports and bases to the Israeli enemy to target Lebanon would mean that the Cypriot government is part of the war, and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war,” the Hezbollah chief said.
Nikos Christodoulides, the island’s president, responded on Wednesday evening: “Cyprus remains uninvolved in any military conflicts and positions itself as part of the solution rather the problem.”
Starting a war with Hizbullah may well spell the end of Israel as a settler state. Missile attacks on its infrastructure and military will lessen the confidence the settlers still may have in the Zionist state. Many are likely to return to their home countries if a conflict endures.
Despite such danger to its Zionist project the U.S. administration is backing any and all Israeli plans:
The US has indicated it is open to backing an Israeli offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon, amid mounting frustration that the group continues to link a truce with Israel to an elusive broader ceasefire in Gaza.In his meetings in Beirut on Tuesday, US envoy Amos Hochstein delivered "blunt" warnings to Lebanese officials that Israel is preparing to launch a limited offensive on Hezbollah and will have the US's support if a diplomatic solution isn't found, a senior Arab official told Middle East Eye.
Hochstein met with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri on Tuesday, both of whom the US has used as intermediaries with Hezbollah, the Iran-backed group the US designates a terrorist organisation.
Hochstein told Lebanese officials that Israel anticipates roughly five more weeks of intense fighting in Gaza, after which it will pause its main offensive across the enclave. However, it will continue to target senior Hamas officials and conduct attacks to recover hostages.
From the perspective of the current Israeli government a continuation of the war on Gaza requires an additional war in Lebanon:
Hochstein warned that once fighting in Gaza pauses, Israeli officials intend to turn their full focus to the northern border with the aim of pushing Hezbollah back from the area so the roughly 60,000-96,000 displaced Israelis can return to their homes before the start of school in the fall.Israel and Hezbollah have exchanged near-daily fire since 8 October, but the conflict ratcheted up last week after Israel killed Taleb Sami Abdullah, one of the most senior members of Hezbollah. The group responded by launching hundreds of drones and rockets at Israel.
The Israeli military said on Tuesday night that it had approved plans for an offensive in Lebanon. Earlier in the day, Israel launched strikes on Hezbollah drone launch squads, the Israeli military said.
In a speech on Thursday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah doubled down on military action saying Hezbollah has "a complete bank of targets", against Israel that include in the Mediterranean.
"The enemy should expect us on land, sea and air, and we will fight without restraints, rules or limits," he said.
Hizbullah published a 9 minutes long drone video which showed military and economic targets around the Israeli harbor city of Haifa. That multiple Hizbullah drones could fly over Israel without being bothered by air defenses is a huge loss of face for the Israeli military.
The members of the resistance axis, Hizbullah in Lebanon, Shia groups in Syria, Iraqi militia and the Houthi in Yemen, are ready to fight. Even without attacking Iran, the main power behind the resistance, Israel and the U.S. are likely to lose such a war.
Without a chance to win they would of course, as usual, escalate the war most likely towards Iran, potentially Turkey, and elsewhere. Where it would go from there is unpredictable.
Why they would even launch such an avoidable war is beyond me.
Posted by b on June 20, 2024 at 8:03 UTC | Permalink
next page »Thanks b, R & R is essential.
"Why they would even launch such an avoidable war is beyond me".
My lousy guess? Desperation and exceptionalism. (Or delusion and psychosis).
I, for one, am hoping the Entity makes the fatal mistake. I see the US is sending another carrier group now that the USS Eisenhower is turning tail after being allegedly hit by Ansarullah. Might finally get to see P-800 Oniks take out a CBG.
Posted by: Suresh | Jun 20 2024 8:23 utc | 2
"Why they would even launch such an avoidable war is beyond me".
Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.
Posted by: Vortex | Jun 20 2024 8:26 utc | 3
That's a concoction of hubris and chutzpah that the Israeli's have put together.
Are any Israeli's starting to think that their lives aren't that important anymore.
On an aside.
The Israeli's don't seem to worry about ammunition shortages I'd they go ahead with this.
Bunker mentality going rampant in the ruling group?
Posted by: jpc | Jun 20 2024 8:28 utc | 4
Nuttyahoo made a video declaring he was upset with the yanks for delaying military aid. This miffed the yanks so planned high level meetings were called off. It's as if the yahoo thinks there is no-one he can't make an enemy of. Inexplicable for one in such a precarous position.
Posted by: Dadda | Jun 20 2024 8:31 utc | 5
Why they would even launch such an avoidable war is beyond me.
They want those Gazan gas fields BAD. And Gaza is not going to ethnically cleanse itself. But it remains to be seen whether they are that crazy. With Norinchukin about to initiate a $63B collapse of the bond market it may be that global conflict has become the only solution from the POV of the financial ruling classes. It's not like they're going get bad PR from the invasion of Lebanon—that toothpaste is well and truly out of the tube.
Posted by: Patroklos | Jun 20 2024 8:37 utc | 6
I found particularly interesting a part that MIGHT not concern this conflict directly.
"“Opening Cypriot airports and bases to the Israeli enemy to target Lebanon would mean that the Cypriot government is part of the war, and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war,” the Hezbollah chief said.”"
The re-asserting of co-belligerence in case of usage of bases for attacks is a new warning for other states in the region that must be having cold sweat, and to others further north...
Posted by: Newbie | Jun 20 2024 8:45 utc | 7
Nasrallah actually indicated via the deputy leader and a hezbollah MP that hezbollah have amassed a total number of missiles that exceed 1 million. That they have actively retrofitted the old missiles with accuracy-increasing technology, one can only assume he is referring to fin actuators guided by INS. At the same time the houthis and taliban are training volunteer battalions to enter Iraq > Syria > lebanon to form active reserves should the conflict result in total war. It is far more likely the israelis will simply act as globalists do, just like the americans redefined 'victory' in iraq declaring mission accomplished and then not being able to go more than 500 metres from a base without being attacked for the rest of their occupation, the israelis will redefine 'war' to mean going in with some helicopters and landing somewhere there is no hezbollah, planting a flag, killing some civilians and running away. The difference is the paradigm shift that has occurred in the balance of power under their feet which they have not realised yet, or that their corrupt leaders (engaged in criminal activity for profit) are not incentivised to realise.
For years the israelis have been selling lebanese blonde in east africa and sub saharan africa. They pass it off as israeli hash. How does lebanese marijuana, get to israelis, then get to africa? In return for what? money? Doubtful, more like military secrets and protocol information.
All in all lets hope the war is short and effectively resets the balance of power in region to align more closely with the new reality of american (and therefore) israeli decline in competence, quality of power projection and military manpower.
Posted by: Bakunin | Jun 20 2024 8:50 utc | 8
The Cradle had a good post re drone over Haifa: Blind and Deaf. There is a difference between doing war and shelling civilians.
Posted by: MorePain4Cakes | Jun 20 2024 9:02 utc | 9
In the last 8 months; The Lebanese have created a circa 10km security zone south of the Lebanese border. (Aka inside Israel) The Likud is hopping mad about this defeat.
Lebanese perspective on the new security zone with illuminating maps:
Posted by: Exile | Jun 20 2024 9:35 utc | 10
From all of the evidence, it would appear that the Israeli government WANTED the October 7th attack to occur. They had all the signs of an impending attack from their own military and civilian sources. The Egyptians warned of the attack. And yet, the military high command allowed a music festivl to occur and reduced their own military on the border......
Posted by: kirklodgejo | Jun 20 2024 9:55 utc | 11
Something else about Ukraine, even if it might not fit here in English German subtitles
Posted by: ossi | Jun 20 2024 10:11 utc | 12
MacGregor's speculations concerning Greek Cyprus and Turkiye in the even of an Israeli attack on Hizbollah are a bit alarmist. He has always misjudged Turkiye's position.
Hizbollah will not attack Greek Cyprus, they will attack the UK sovereign bases on Cyprus, Akrotiri and Dhekelia, that are being used to support various Israeli activities in Palestine, and may assist Israel against Hizbollah. Neither Iran nor anyone other than the Houthis are likely to assist Hizbollah should the UK participate in attacks, and Hizbollah will not likely need it.
MacGregor's position is predicated on Israel using a tactical nuclear weapon against Lebanon. This would be the immediate end of Israel and, possibly humanity, if the US/UK decide to revenge a corpse. Iran may or may not feel the need to contribute, Turkiye will not.
Turkiye will not need to join in, and would not do so should Hizbollah decide to defend itself by attacking UK's sovereign bases on Cyprus. Turkiye is not an ally of Hizbollah, and there is not a threat to Turkish Northern Cyprus in the event that Hizbollah attacks the British bases on Greek Cyprus. Given that this attack would be provoked by UK active military support to Israel, NATO countries would not be required to support the UK, either.
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Jun 20 2024 10:20 utc | 13
Turkiye will not need to join in, and would not do so should Hizbollah decide to defend itself by attacking UK's sovereign bases on Cyprus. Turkiye is not an ally of Hizbollah, and there is not a threat to Turkish Northern Cyprus in the event that Hizbollah attacks the British bases on Greek Cyprus. Given that this attack would be provoked by UK active military support to Israel, NATO countries would not be required to support the UK, either.
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Jun 20 2024 10:20 utc | 14
Thus the emphasis on co-beligerant status I mentioned above and the warning that nato country base not within defense framework
Posted by: Newbie | Jun 20 2024 10:49 utc | 14
Why would Israel and the US even launch such an avoidable war? Because these nations are not led by sane or psychologically normal people, but by psychotics working for their own self-interest and without any compassion for others.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Jun 20 2024 10:51 utc | 15
Zionists hate Judaism as a religion, and it is an old and very archaic hatred. And this is New York and in front of some yehudim.
Zionism is something indescribable, there are not enough words to express its mental brutality.
In some comments i see an apt expression: "offended by everything, ashamed of nothing".
A spectacular mix of bigotry and tons and tons of ignorance, lies and narcissistic fantasies.
This is the second time they play this movie, "History is a dried up mummy/copy of itself", and sooner or later (2025-2050) it will end up just as bad.
This beautiful asteroid and sorrowful world is a truly puzzling place.
Posted by: Simon | Jun 20 2024 10:53 utc | 16
And this bunch of gangsters from a violent cult, primordial horde that worships itself ... just so happens to have inherited the most colossal Empire the face of the earth has ever seen and they hold the reins of the Beast.
Imagine if Meyer Lansky were Secretary of State.
Well, that would be almost idyllic compared to the current dreadful situation.
TutMoses III and TiglatPileser III were fuxxx amateurs.
Posted by: Simon | Jun 20 2024 11:22 utc | 17
Colonel Douglas McGregor even believes Israel will use tactical nuclear weapons.
Posted by: WMG | Jun 20 2024 11:26 utc | 18
Posted by: Newbie | Jun 20 2024 10:49 utc | 15
Should Greek Cyprus allow other than the two UK bases to be used, then they could be considered co-belligerents, but Greek Cyprus, aka Cyprus, does not have any independent control over what the UK can do on their sovereign bases or how they are used. Thus they cannot be considered co-belligerents should the UK choose to attack Lebanon, in my understanding.
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Jun 20 2024 11:26 utc | 19
It's things such as this that disgust me with the insularity and ethnic supremacy manifested. Yes, Holocaust denial is bad but viewing the challenge of AI development as 'is it good for the Jews' looks ridiculous.
Posted by: Eighthman | Jun 20 2024 11:51 utc | 22
The Russian (?) point of view is ridiculous: the bulk of the massacres suffered in the so-called Second World War were Slavs and Chinese.
To "the blond beast" (here i am quoting Nietzsche) ... For "the blond beast" ... 'socialists, Yiddish people and communists' were all in the same bag.
That some have had more narrative and real power than others is evident.
If the Armenians were holding the reins of the imperial beast today, NATO would be bombing Turkey.
Posted by: Simon | Jun 20 2024 12:03 utc | 23
For "the blonde beast" (ca. 1940) ... 'socialists, Slavs (e.g. Serbs or Russians) Polish-Ukrainian Yiddish people and Bolsheviks' came in the same bag.
Posted by: Simon | Jun 20 2024 12:12 utc | 24
Firstly, let me say thankyou to b and how pleased I am at his return and I hope for a full recovery.
Why would Israel and the US even launch such an avoidable war? Because these nations are not led by sane or psychologically normal people, but by psychotics working for their own self-interest and without any compassion for others.Posted by: Refinnejenna | Jun 20 2024 10:51 utc | 16
Secondly, I have interacted with sociopaths over periods of time. I researched and found their vulnerabilities, so managed to reduce/neutralise the harm they did to myself and other people.
One of their weaknesses is they cannot really plan, and have no idea of delayed gratification. For example, a normal person might think: "I'll work hard for three years so I can put a deposit on my ideal home, so my family can have a better life."
A sociopath would think: "How can I scam/grift the money for that ideal home tomorrow, so I look great and successful." When it all goes wrong then they blame someone else. They cannot analyse risk/reward correctly.
That nearly 100% of the decision-makers in the West are on the psychopathic spectrum, and playing with giant hand-grenades, is very scarey. I don't have a sense that this will turn out well. Netanyahu seems particularly psychopathic and dangerous.
Posted by: JulianJ | Jun 20 2024 12:21 utc | 25
It's things such as this that disgust me with the insularity and ethnic supremacy manifested. Yes, Holocaust denial is bad but viewing the challenge of AI development as 'is it good for the Jews' looks ridiculous.
Posted by: Eighthman | Jun 20 2024 11:51 utc | 23
I don't deny the Holocaust but I do deny the number.
In 1938 population survey by Encyclopedia Britannia there were 15.1 million Jews in Europe. In their 1948 survey there were 15.2 million Jews in Europe.
Thre is no way in hell that 6 million Jews perished in the intervening years-perhaps 200,000-400,000 or so Jews were killed by the Nazis in my estimation.
Still horrible but not by the advertised number.
I think I read that Blinken was re-facilitating the delivery of for example 3500 bombs to IDF.......
Posted by: Jo | Jun 20 2024 12:39 utc | 27
Zionist NAZI run Israel, Ukraine and the USA. They only understand war and destruction. They will not stop until they are forced to stop. It is that simple. Period.
Posted by: JustTruth | Jun 20 2024 12:49 utc | 28
NETANYAHU PUSHES TO KEEP STEALING PALESTINIAN LAND Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday issued a statement that his government will look into strengthening the illegal settlement in the West Bank’s Judea and Samaria in response to Ireland, Spain, and Norway’s decision to recognize Palestine as an independent state.Consortium News noted that the announcement came just hours before Netanyahu dissolved his war cabinet and amid a wave of new settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.
Bezalel Smotrich, the extremist Israeli finance minister, issued a letter in May that called on Netanyahu to take steps to support these settlers. He called on the government to approve 10,000 new housing units and establish a new community for every country that recognizes a Palestinian state.
Volker Turk told the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Tuesday that the conditions in the West Bank are “dramatically deteriorating.”
Having avoided it for decades, I just took out a one month's subscription to Celente's Trends Forecast and was pleasantly surprised. It's about 175 pages each week of hard news, tilted towards finance and economy but much more. And it is unrelentingly anti-Zionist without getting into historical revisionism and such, just sticking to current events happening now.
There are about 40 pages on Israel this week and a theme coming up repeatedly is that a prime cause of the war is Netanyahoo's criminal jeopardy along with the general thrust of the nation which is to escalate in the face of any setback. They are pushing to get all Palestinians out of Gaza and the West Bank. That said, Benny Gantz broadcast last week that the hard part of the Gaza operation should be over in about 'five weeks' after which they will turn their attention to Lebanon. As Celente likes to say, and often repeat: ‘When all else fails, they take you to war.’ True of all corrupt elites, but especially the ones in Israel.
I emboldened a part of the quote above because it exemplifies the emotional, concept-driven proclivity of these people. They are literally bargaining, or rather scoring rhetorical points, with other nations, the score kept being measured in the additional number of Palestinians displaced from their homes.
Truly 'exceptional'.
Should Greek Cyprus allow other than the two UK bases to be used, then they could be considered co-belligerents, but Greek Cyprus, aka Cyprus, does not have any independent control over what the UK can do on their sovereign bases or how they are used. Thus they cannot be considered co-belligerents should the UK choose to attack Lebanon, in my understanding.
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Jun 20 2024 11:26 utc | 20
Try reading my post on #5
It basically states that the warning might be not be strictly from Hezbollah to Cyprus in particular. It has 2 basic points:
1. If you have given up sovereignty concerning foreign military forces, all actions still fall unto your country (looking at you, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc ... but also Germany, Romania, Finland, Sweden etc)
2. If it is an attack from a NATO country (in this case UK but ...) don't expect to be considered kindly nor fear any fear of a theater invoking article 5
This can be a particular asymmetric communication before any stupids have stupid ideas.
Posted by: Newbie | Jun 20 2024 13:03 utc | 30
Maybe a delegation from Hamas and Hezbollah should head over to North Korea and sign a comprehensive defence agreement with the DPRK. Just for the optics alone.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Jun 20 2024 13:05 utc | 31
It’s been a while since I gave this useful advice to the illegal apartheid entity’s xenophobic white supremacist colonialists and their hasbarats here.
LEAVE NOW while you can organise your departure and transfer of your personal belongings.
While you can get enough transport and luggage in good time.
Because you will soon be given 3 Months - 13 Weeks - to GO carrying only what you can in your luggage and what you hide in your stomachs.
Then you will be fighting like hyenas with your fellows in the queues to get out, like the barbarian, uncivilised, inhumane arseholes that you are to the Palestinians and seen as by the majority of humanity.
You are dumb settlers not understand anything except that supposedly your ‘entitled’. Your Masters shapeshift to a future parasitic form. They don’t give a flying fuck about you. They are ‘Burning Atlanta’ to cover their retreat from the Colony.
Your lying Masters want you to die so they can reinvent a ‘history’ in a few centuries of the ‘Persecuted’ to use again.
A lie like Santa Claus and Money.
Only children and the dumbest adults believe that.
For the rest of the barflies lend me your eyeballs.
Many of the savvy Zionazis have already jumped ship knowing they have failed in the Pevant as they have in the ukraine as they have just been mastered in south east Asia … Including BiBis son - Florida, California , Ohio etc where their balkanisation of the USA will give them a few generations of another shapeshifter homeland.
They will go to where you have dual nationality or where they came from or will become stateless refugees in whichever country the Owners of the UNRefugee committee wants to send them .
They are not ‘Settlers’- They are the last of the AngloEuropean imperialisms invaders and genociders of native Peoples and thieves of their lands and resources.
They have been fooled by their Zionazi Owners and Masters of Money.
The shapeshifters of the Centuries, who have failed to establish their thousand year Reich. Their Dreams of a Golden Billion and the Artificial Garden are in Tatters. They are retreating to the only place they will have any power and influence and willing slaves - The USA , even South America will throw them out.
As soon as the Turkish population realises that Erdo and the Generals are playing for the Money Masters side and reject the European Dream Death Garden for the real live beautiful jungle with its Life - peace will finally come to the MENA.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Jun 20 2024 13:05 utc | 32
[email protected] it called Lebanese hash because that's who the Apartheid State hires to process it. The Ilegal Squatter State is one of the largest producers of 'medical' marijuana, lots of trichome byproducts to get to market.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Jun 20 2024 13:14 utc | 33
Suggestion for more accurate language: "a continuation of the war on Gaza requires an additional war in Lebanon" should read "a continuation of the genocide in Gaza requires a war in Lebanon."
Posted by: JT | Jun 20 2024 13:20 utc | 34
"Why they would even launch...."
It is basically unanimous in US, even amongst those who are well informed enough they should know better, that IDF has never been defeated. IDF is invincible. If Israel goes to war, Israel wins. This is as simple as the sun rising in the east. It does that every morning you know.
Majority in Israel is almost as dumb.
In a dying empire stupidity is a virtue. Empire's population has been trained to act stupid. They will be stupid. Count on it.
Posted by: oldhippie | Jun 20 2024 13:25 utc | 35
IsraHell knows very well they would be destroyed and their strategy, or hope is that Uncle Sugar Daddy will come to the rescue. Just like the US are rescuing them from Yemen Hahahaha. The wild card is as Col McGregor suggests, Zionazi tactical nuke strikes on Lebanon.
And in other news MOA software has confirmed IM human! Yah!
Posted by: Ralph Conner | Jun 20 2024 13:28 utc | 36
Posted by: Newbie | Jun 20 2024 13:03 utc | 31
Evidently, Nasrallah and you do not understand that the Republic of Cyprus never effectively had sovereignty over the land covered by the two UK bases. Thus they could not give it up. It was never theirs to give up. The bases existed before the republic was founded. They were a part of the UK crown colony of Cyprus and retained by the UK after Cypriot independence in 1960. The bases have their own laws, courts and government.
Greek Cyprus cannot prevent the UK from using UK sovereign territory as the UK wishes.
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Jun 20 2024 13:31 utc | 37
China is making sure US carrier strike groups stay in the Pacific rather than go to the Middle East. The fleet tracker from USNI shows 4 carrier strike groups deployed right now.
The Reagan and Roosevelt are in the Pacific. The George Washington is visiting South America and will head to Japan to take over the Reagan's spot as the permanently forward deployed carrier in Japan.
Tensions this month are growing in the South China Sea. "Chinese personnel on board more than eight motorboats repeatedly rammed then boarded the two Philippine navy inflatable boats Monday to prevent Filipino navy personnel from transferring food and other supplies including firearms to a Philippine territorial outpost in Second Thomas Shoal, which is also claimed by Beijing, according to Philippine officials." (June 20)
As long as tension run high then the US carriers can't go to the Red Sea to help out the Eisenhower which has been extended twice. I think the ramming by the Chinese forces might be deliberate by China as a support action for Gaza.
Posted by: westernpacific | Jun 20 2024 13:51 utc | 38
Posted by: jpc | Jun 20 2024 8:28 utc | 4
Are any Israeli's starting to think that their lives aren't that important anymore.
When are Russians going to realize that Putin thinks their lives aren't that important? That their lives are worth nothing except to feed the "meat grinder" strategy of fighting that is supposed to be "traditional" for Russia. When will Russians realizes that their lives are for more than being sent to the front lines to die in countless numbers?
Posted by: Dadda | Jun 20 2024 8:31 utc | 5
Nuttyahoo made a video declaring he was upset with the yanks for delaying military aid. This miffed the yanks so planned high level meetings were called off. It's as if the yahoo thinks there is no-one he can't make an enemy of. Inexplicable for one in such a precarous position.
How can Israelis be the "Zionazi Masters" of Americans that so many people here claim if the Americans have the freedom to be "miffed" and call off cooperation with them?
Posted by: Simon | Jun 20 2024 10:53 utc | 16
In some comments i see an apt expression: "offended by everything, ashamed of nothing".
These days anyone who calls people out for spreading bigoted propaganda gets accused by that. Raise an objection to racist or misogynist or anti-Semitic or anti-immigrant or gay-bashing rants that have become so popular on the Internet, and you get accused of being "offended by everything".
Posted by: Inka | Jun 20 2024 13:58 utc | 39
Inka here fighting the denialist fight. Let me guess you consider critiquing Israels industrial scale mass murder of children as 'anti-semitic'. And you're all for the Ukrainazi regime fighting to the last Ukrainian for their Maerican masters. A fight they cannot win and where they are being slaughtered.
You're a tired joke, a sad ghoul who convinces noone of anything but your own callous inhumanity.
Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Jun 20 2024 14:01 utc | 40
Evidently, Nasrallah and you do not understand that the Republic of Cyprus never effectively had sovereignty over the land covered by the two UK bases. Thus they could not give it up. It was never theirs to give up. The bases existed before the republic was founded. They were a part of the UK crown colony of Cyprus and retained by the UK after Cypriot independence in 1960. The bases have their own laws, courts and government.
Greek Cyprus cannot prevent the UK from using UK sovereign territory as the UK wishes.
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Jun 20 2024 13:31 utc | 37
Well, they did give up sovereignty, if under duress then just ask for external help for eviction.
When a government gives:
1. Full sovereignty to foreign bases
2. Full access without restriction to all its airspace for military planes
3. Full access to Nicosia airport if requested
Sorry, you're co-belligerent even if by colonial reasons.
Posted by: Newbie | Jun 20 2024 14:04 utc | 41
Cyprus held idf exercises in 2022 gaming a land invasion of Lebanon. The hilly terrain was suitable , so Cyprus has had more than just some bases used. UK uses those bases to do hundreds of recon flights over Gaza . And rearm idf jets. So Cyprus is well in it and not some innocent player.
The retraction from the energy CEO about Israel is not ready for war, and The CEO went on: "After 72 hours (without electricity), it will practically be impossible to live in 'israel.' Hezbollah can easily bring down the electricity in 'israel.' After 5 hours, we won't have phones to call. There will be no fuel, and the queues in front of the stations will be 30km long."
Small violins for they thought it was OK for Gaza to do 9 months no electricity , let alone 72 hours.
Only some rabid ziobots seem to think it will be a victory , most rightly say bring it on as Zionism dies faster if they invade Lebanon. The tactical nuke , not sure how effective that's meant to be considering the tunnel situation hezbollah seems to have. It would only get a response from Iran I doubt Israel can handle.
But for all the talk of war, it seems to be overshadowed by the disintegration of Israeli society and administration . The government seems to be split into factions just fighting for power not the nation. A sure sign a war can't be won if the home front is fractured.
Posted by: Hankster | Jun 20 2024 14:06 utc | 42
Basically all of Maericas current insanity needs to be viewed through the lens of a rear guard action against imminent financial collapse. The imbeciles in power want a goldilocks war.. not too big, but not too small...just right..to reset the global financial system and save their dominance. It won't work however - war they may indeed get but it will come with financial collapse, rather than forestall it. And then we the collective people will hang every one of those mean bastards we can get our hands on.
Because you only really need to hang mean bastards, but mean bastards you gotta hang.
Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Jun 20 2024 14:14 utc | 43
Cyprus held idf exercises in 2022 gaming a land invasion of Lebanon. The hilly terrain was suitable , so Cyprus has had more than just some bases used. UK uses those bases to do hundreds of recon flights over Gaza . And rearm idf jets. So Cyprus is well in it and not some innocent player.
Posted by: Hankster | Jun 20 2024 14:06 utc | 42
They did deny, diplomatically, that those exercises targeted Lebanon, BUT
1. They did have exercises with the IDF
2. They often lie
3. Are in bed with israel in other less than clear dealings e.g. https://cyprus-mail.com/2024/03/06/akel-cyprus-tarnished-by-us-sanctions-against-israeli/
Posted by: Newbie | Jun 20 2024 14:18 utc | 44
Newbie 44. Well I guess the times of Israel headline leaves no diplomacy wiggle room for Cyprus
I guess they just hope we are as dumb as them when they make up their lies
Posted by: Hankster | Jun 20 2024 14:25 utc | 45
And don't forget Iran! Its support of Hizbullah is the only reason that the US blathers about Iran as "the world's largest terrorist country" -- because it supports Hiz.
Posted by: Don Bacon | Jun 20 2024 14:26 utc | 46
I won't be surprised if US.gov and UK.gov's Jew$lave$ invite themselves into Jewrael's attack on Lebanon - if the Jews are stupid enough to launch it.
Jewrael's biggest problem is that every "Israei" born after 1948 has been brainwashed with a Fake History of supremacist narratives. i.e. they believe too much of their own bullshit to calmly assess their true predicament. I almost feel sorry for them.
The timing is lousy too. Putin recently threatened to arm AmeriKKKa's enemies. So if the US gets involved in Lebanon, it'll quickly find itself with a slew of new ones.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jun 20 2024 14:32 utc | 47
Crucial to mention is that Israels war plans by default involve drawing in the USA and possibly UK (Cyprus). Expect, therefore, a false flag attack from "Hezbollah" or "Iran" or "Syria" on a major US asset in the region once the rabid Israeli dog is ready.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jun 20 2024 14:39 utc | 48
"Basically all of Maericas current insanity needs to be viewed through the lens of a rear guard action against imminent financial collapse. The imbeciles in power want a goldilocks war.. not too big, but not too small...just right..to reset the global financial system and save their dominance. It won't work however - war they may indeed get but it will come with financial collapse, rather than forestall it. And then we the collective people will hang every one of those mean bastards we can get our hands on.
Because you only really need to hang mean bastards, but mean bastards you gotta hang."
Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Jun 20 2024 14:14 utc | 43
Best post I have read today, thanks.
Isn't about time that the Mangy Old Lion, aka Perfidious Albion, gets taken down a few notches. That imperial entity, totally under control by the schemers in the independent entity known as City of London/The Square Mile; not only rules the waves of Brittania...it also, with assistance from nefarious forces controlling Wall $treet, possesses operative control over the ruptured republic across the pond.
That the Empire still exists, despite a crumbling economy throughout the Sceptred Isle and extends via numerous outposts across the planet. Those "sovereign" bases in Cyprus can now be regarded as imperial over-reach. Their blue water navy, with a useless, crippled aircraft carrier or two, has become a veritable laughingstock. Gibralter controls the western access to the Mediterranean, sticking out like a freshly circumsized sore pecker. The Channel Isles, along with the Caymans and Bermuda are safe hidden-holes for the ultra-rich and their ill-gotten, non taxable gains. Various Pacific outposts are overdue for a haircut.
Britain, via The City, has operative control over their #1 Attack-Dog, the U$$A. However, people are catching on to that long "subcutaneous" fact. The control mechanism is primarily financial, with a substantial backup by intel infiltration of the hapless Yanks.
Overall, "Great" Britain is the poster-child for the ongoing system of colonialist imperialism. The BRICS development has become very attractive for most of the Global South, nations which have been economically dominated by induced indebtedness. They have become extremely restless. The Cypriots themselves are well aware of the terrorism which Britain imposed upon their now long-ago movement for "Enosis", the unification of that mostly ethnic Greek island with Athens. If Perfidious Albion sticks their long noses into backup for the Talmudist entity in Occupied Palestine and actually goes so far as assaulting, or enabling the assault on Lebanon...it is not inconceivable that British "sovereignty" over bases in Cyprus may swizzle down the Big Swirly.
It is possible over a period of perhaps five years, that the final end to the British Empire, may be in the cards. It is even possible that the Protestants in Northern Ireland, now that Eire is no longer under the thumb of "Holy Mother Church"; will break those ties with London and become part of a united Ireland.
So be it.
Posted by: aristodemos | Jun 20 2024 14:50 utc | 50
If Israel is losing and Arab armies are massed for a final attack, there is no doubt in my mind that Israel would use tactical nukes. No doubt.
Just as Russia has said they would do in a similar circumstance.
Posted by: morongobill | Jun 20 2024 14:53 utc | 51
I guess they just hope we are as dumb as them when they make up their lies
Posted by: Hankster | Jun 20 2024 14:25 utc | 45
I had to mention those news (including the linked one) were diplomatically denied
I mentioned they lie (or they can tell something that is technically true, e.g. not (the whole of) Hezbollah (just 90% of its brigades))
I added them doing some grey stuff for Israel (the kind that even Americans frown upon often... publicly )
Either way they're fair game... and a good warning for the UKUSA
Posted by: Newbie | Jun 20 2024 14:54 utc | 52
Posted by: Newbie | Jun 20 2024 14:04 utc | 41
"Well, they did give up sovereignty, if under duress then just ask for external help for eviction."
Yeah right? Maybe they should just ask Hizbollah for help :)?
In any case, as I understood it, forty years ago, anything outside the bases, their airspace, and coastal water areas needed consultation with the Government of Cyprus before hand and with concern for any danger or threat to the Cypriot people outside the bases.
If the particular use of Nicosia airport were deemed detrimental to the people of Cyprus, this use could be refused in that instance. I will check the document when I have more time to see if this can be construed from it.
The UK does not need to use Cyprus airspace to get to their sovereign bases or use them to attack Lebanon, I believe.
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Jun 20 2024 14:55 utc | 53
Posted by: Hankster | Jun 20 2024 14:25 utc | 45
"Well I guess the times of Israel headline leaves no diplomacy wiggle room for Cyprus
Well, not much you can do if the Cypriot government want to endanger their people in a foolish conflict.
Posted by: Blue Dotterel | Jun 20 2024 15:00 utc | 54
I don't see any US brinksmanship that actually works. They are stuck with wars they can't win and the best they can do is sell weapons of dubious value.
Ex CIA is warning about domestic terror, given that no one cares about 911 and the border is open. I guess an 'incident' involving that could further compromise the Constitution but that doesn't change the decaying economy and social order. The draft would be a disaster.
I try to use my imagination to construct a synthesis but I see nothing but horror after November, regardless of who becomes President. Second terms tend to be rather pathetic and this one will be on steroids as they flail around offering excuses and distractions after patching things up to just get by until elections are over.
To me, we all need to be 'preppers' of the right sort. Expect a nation in which nothing works properly and competence of any kind is in short supply. For God's sake, they couldn't even defeat goat herders or construct a working temporary dock.
Posted by: Eighthman | Jun 20 2024 15:08 utc | 55
When assessed analytically, the U$$A military is highly overextended in the W-Pac; as it is right across the planet. Counting all naval vessels, China has a larger fleet than the declining Hegemon. A combination of Chinese submarines and missiles has rendered U$$A carrier groups into vulnerable targets. Serious analysts understand this.
Marcos the Le$$er is but a Philippino stooge for Uncle $hmuel. He has joined the huge crew of the terminally bribed and blackmailed "leaders" of the various puppet regimes. Are the people of that island nation capable of reading the tea leaves and ridding themselves of that navel-cord connexion with their former colonial master?
Huge changes are rapidly developing. If humanity can avoid possible nuclear speed-bumps or out and out destruction of the human race; the world will be a very different place by 2030.
Posted by: aristodemos | Jun 20 2024 15:09 utc | 56
It is possible over a period of perhaps five years, that the final end to the British Empire, may be in the cards. It is even possible that the Protestants in Northern Ireland, now that Eire is no longer under the thumb of "Holy Mother Church"; will break those ties with London and become part of a united Ireland.
So be it.
Posted by: aristodemos | Jun 20 2024 14:50 utc | 50
Well, you can have troubles and center shifts, but a final loss would be closer to 20-30 years
Posted by: Newbie | Jun 20 2024 15:10 utc | 57
Reuters has an article meant to convince the reader that Cyprus is totally surprised that it is being bullied by Hezbollah.
Posted by: librul | Jun 20 2024 15:11 utc | 58
Hmm...that posted. I posted two or three hours ago about the British/Israel/Cyprus triangle. Perhaps the links caused a filter to halt the post.
Posted by: librul | Jun 20 2024 15:13 utc | 59
Taxi in the Levant wrote this in 2020. Kinda long(sorry), but a very good read, and very timely!
Hezbollah The Beautiful
A warrior’s soul sleeps in his fist. Wakes in his fist. Till his dying breath, will exist in his fist.
No gun and no mortal danger can unfold this fist. A warrior will live and die with his fist clenched.
This is not for love of violence nor for the thrills of war. Not because of a demented passion for death either. This is because a warrior knows that even in times of peace, evil and evil-doers lurk in the shadow of peace.
Warriorship is vocational. It is non-mercenary. Non-materialistic. Non-negotiable. True warriorhood is purely defensive. It is fixated solely on the protection of a higher justice and defense of self and the meek. It is never predatory. A warrior is steeped in a culture of righteous dignity and martyrdom. Humble dignity. And a sacred martyrdom. A true warrior is not an ordinary soldier, nor a celebrated figure from either media or mythology. A true warrior is real. And rare. A true warrior is the only class of human capable of kissing death right in the eyeball. There is no fear of the infinite black void in the heart of a true warrior.
Throughout history, cultures under duress and attack by covetous enemies have produced their own brand of warrior. Native American Indians gave us the ‘Braves’. Japan gave us the ‘Samurai’. France gave us Joan of Arc. Africa gave us ‘Warrior Queen Amina’. And modern Lebanon has given us, Hezbollah.
Hezbollah: currently the world’s most successful warrior-resistor group fighting against the most malevolent of all modern abominations, otherwise known as the Axis of Evil (US, Israel, and their Western and Arab-Wahabi allies). Hezbollah is also currently the most reviled of all warriors. This is because unable to defeat Hezbollah on the battlefield, and after already spending some $11 billion on many failed coups and smear campaigns this past decade, the Axis of Evil is now reduced to merely attacking Hezbollah with malicious lies and false accusations. To demonize Hezbollah, to sully their immaculate reputation in a vast and global media campaign is about the only weapon left in the hands of the Axis of Evil. This defamation offensive may work on some uninformed people, but indeed it will not weaken Hezbollah’s phenomenal abilities on the battlefield. This agitating agitprop will not change any facts on the ground. It will be but more of your tax dollars wasted on a chimera.
Hezbollah is noble, yet not royal. Its warriors and leaders are essentially from working-class, farming communities who grouped themselves to repel a vicious, colonial and genocidal invader, otherwise known as Israel. Some thirty years after the birth of their resistance group, Hezbollah remain exceptionally humble and profoundly rooted in their modest beginnings. Even though Hezbollah has lost warriors in combat, the number of its martyrs has been relatively low, and it has yet to lose a single battle or war in its 30+ years of existence. And despite its stellar successes on the battlefield, Hezbollah remains unostentatious and merciful in victory. Most notable and impressive of all, Hezbollah’s leadership does not practice chicanery, skullduggery or monkeyshines. They simply do not lie. Not once has its leadership deceived or duped its fighters, its allies or supporters. Consistently true to their word, even Israeli Jewish citizens, according to Israeli polls, believe what Hezbollah’s leadership says above their own leaders in Tel Aviv. This is because time and time again, what Hezbollah says simply and truly ‘is’, and what it promises, it always delivers. And, indeed, it has outsmarted its bulkier enemy at every turn of the road and delivered.
All their battles have been for defensive reasons. ALL of them. They are exceptionally well-disciplined and focused on the task of righteous liberation from cruel and oppressive forces. Their training system produces no traitors and no Mammonites easily seduced by the lure of wealth, physical pleasures, or political status. They are therefore beyond blackmail. Beyond distraction from their cause. Steeped in a culture of martyrdom that’s inspired by the prophet Mohammad’s grandson Hussein and his agonizing martyrdom, a passion-cause and agony that’s parallel to the martyrdom culture of the Christian prophet Jesus, Hezbollah’s warriors are beyond the corruption of soul.
Their training is two-pronged. They are trained in agile guerilla combat, while simultaneously taught a righteous philosophy that in essence is religio-spiritual. A philosophy inspired by their fundamental belief in a just and compassionate god, a god who rewards the faithful and true. This is precisely what distinguishes them from other armies: their absolute philosophical and physical commitment to a righteous god. Although deeply religious and strictly committed to Islam, they are remarkably tolerant of other sects, other faiths and cultures, as exampled by their recent willing martyrdom in defense of Syrian Sunnis, Druze and Alawites, as well as their heroic defense of Christian villages and their ancient Churches in the Levant. Hezbollah warriors have sacrificed their own lives to liberate the very progeny of the original Christians of the world who still reside in the Levant; liberate them from Western and Israeli-backed ISISian terrorists and invaders. Worth mentioning here too, according to a Lebanese General I spoke to, is that Hezbollah are also the protectors of the last remaining Jewish synagogue and its community in Lebanon, numbered at approximately 400 Lebanese adherents. Perhaps here it’s also germane to add that during their wars against Israel, Hezbollah’s leadership have even earnestly embraced and supported the resistance efforts of godless Lebanese communist groups fighting against the invading Jewish army. They have broken bread with and befriended the godless and the godfull alike in the name of fighting and deterring a genocidal and kleptomaniac enemy. Hezbollah remains bonded and intimately close to other Lebanese resistance groups, even in times of peace. Their friendships are always genuine, devoid of exploitative and fickle realpolitik. They are interested and concerned with uniting their countryfolk, not dividing or dominating them. They support a peaceful and equitable co-existence between the 18 legally recognized religions and sects of the Lebanon, whose population count is currently at 6.825 million. It is of historic record that they have even given immunity to Lebanese traitors who colluded with Israel during its 18 year occupation of Lebanon.
Hezbollah follows strict moral rules of war that do not allow for the wanton killing of the enemy: repulsion of enemy and not massacre of enemy is their first and foremost tactic – and if this proves insufficient, then annihilating their enemy becomes a permissible and sanctified necessity. Their Islamic rules of war insist on the humanitarian treatment of POW’s and Hezbollah always obliges. They are trained to be impeccably well-mannered towards their captives: trained not just in strategic guerilla warfare, but also educated in the lofty principles of charity and mercy toward the captured and repentant. They do not abuse victory by claiming sole power: they believe in power-sharing with their compatriots, even with those who never stepped foot on the battlefield.
Hezbollah is supreme, yet evidently not supremacist.
They never break their laws of war for fear of their god. They would rather literally die than break these laws that displease their god. They follow their religio-philosophical and military protocol with absolute precision; and they practice devoted respect and trust in the righteousness of their commanders and cause. Extrajudicial executions are forbidden, and so is the unjustified assault on their enemy. They do not shoot at unarmed women, children or men either. They do not target the handicapped sitting in their wheelchairs like the Israeli army and other Jewish security apparatuses regularly do. They do not invade, they liberate. Hezbollah is a reactive and defensive resistor and not an army of usurpers and psychopaths hellbent on mass murder and the looting of what is not rightfully theirs.
Their resistance culture is humanist. Through and through.
They strive for a just and peaceful world, no matter the cost to their own lives. Indeed, they live for martyrdom; they yearn for martyrdom in the cause of a just and peaceful world. They rank martyrdom as the absolute highest achievement in life.
“We don’t fear death as our death is martyrdom. Martyrdom means eternally living close to our god. Living close to god is the ultimate point in the ascension of mankind: cannot be achieved except through martyrdom” – a Hezbollah warrior.
There is a trinity of principles contained in Hezbollah’s martyrdom philosophy. They are willing to die for three principled notions: for god, for family, and for nation. They live and die for nothing else but for god, family and nation. I can’t stress enough how important their triadic life-philosophy is for them. As faith-filled warriors, they do not ever separate from this soulful philosophy, or ever discard it while at war or even during peace time – not even momentarily, not even for a nano second. Their martyrdom philosophy is their very oxygen. Their very spine. They are consistent in their profound commitment to their divine, triangular philosophy. This is the mother of absolutes for them. This supplies them with infinite, fearless courage. This inspires their attachment and love of righteous, disciplined behavior and focused intent. This provides them with infinite determination; with boundless physical and mental legerity. During warfare training, and on the battlefield and off, they remain intimately connected to this inspirational triangle of motives. In their universe, the muscle, the moral and the divine are eternally wedded. This is the very reason behind their unbroken record of victories and their continuing and increased strength and popularity across the world.
Hezbollah reveres their god above all else – their supernal god sits atop their spiritual pyramid, directly linked below to the two sacred earthly duties of protecting family and nation. Hezbollah warriors value this triadic configuration above even their own lives. They connect their earthly duties towards family and nation directly to the service of their celestial god. Their god requires their unflinching faith and their protection of ‘tribe and land’, and Hezbollah warriors, they are willingly servants who selflessly submit to the absolute reverence of god and protection of family and nation. This noble aegis pleases their god: Hezbollah warriors live for nothing but to please their god, therefore they will never break or dissolve the divine contract they’ve undertaken with their god. Their enemy should be aware and beware: they will actively neutralize any and all threats to this divine equation – even at the cost of their own lives. This is their only mission on earth: reverence of god, defense and protection of family and land. This is Hezbollah’s manifesto in a nutshell. Nothing less than that. Nothing beyond that.
Their resistance model and system has gained much traction and spread outside of their Levantean locale: from the punishing dunes of Yemen and all the way to South America, from the Fertile Crescent and right across the continent of Asia, Hezbollah’s resistance model has spread and continues to be received with open arms, much to the chagrin of their pernicious, defeated enemies.
Hezbollah’s other unique quality is that of sober patience. They are exceptionally adept at the art of patience: their carpet-weaving Iranian friends have taught them this necessary life-skill and they’ve artfully applied this mental discipline to all their war and battle strategies. Believing their faith in their god is permanent and unbreakable, yet everything worldly is changeable, they therefore patiently play the long game against their enemy with utter confidence and evident success.
Yet, despite all the above factual and admirable qualities, their enemies and their enemies’ global media megaphones label Hezbollah as ‘narco-terrorist’ and ‘Islamic terrorist’. Accusing the Hezbollah of trafficking drugs is no different in absurdity than accusing Mother Teresa of global heroin-trading. Everyone who knows Hezbollah’s MO knows that their warriors and their leadership live a clean and sober life. They do not even drop f-bombs or cuss dirty words at their enemy. They are as clean-tongued and clean-living, as humble and ‘gracious as the morn’. Knowing the lifestyle and philosophy that Hezbollah strictly adheres to on the battlefield and off, it is simply inconceivable that Hezbollah would displease their god by running local and international drug rings that ruin people’s lives, break up families and weaken nations. This preposterous accusation belongs to the long list of perfidious lies manufactured by their enemies, who themselves, in fact, participate in international drug trading and trafficking, with the CIA running the lucrative global opium trade of Afghanistan, and the Mossad running the global Ecstasy drug trade in Europe and America.
Unable thus to find a military Achilles’s heel and character fault in their MO, Hezbollah’s enemies have produced a long litany of alleged crimes without ever providing even a single shred of evidence of wrongdoing. Hezbollah’s enemies have added Hezbollah’s good name to their infamously politicized ‘terrorist list’ without even once providing proof and irrefutable substantiation of terrorist activity. Let us here together therefore look at this list of accusations below – and please you will be mindful that if Hezbollah terrorism against the US were in fact true, that there exists actual evidence of Hezbollah terrorism against the United States, Lebanon, especially the south of Lebanon where Hezbollah is based, would have already received a decisive and fatal American ‘Shock and Awe’ treatment.
There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that Hezbollah’s leadership has ever ordered or committed the following: the 1983 truck bombing on the US embassy in Beirut; as well as the bombing of US and French barracks in the same year. The bombing of a restaurant near the US Air force base in Torrejon, Spain; the car bombing of the US embassy annex in Beirut; and the hijacking of a Kuwait Airlines plane – all in the year 1984. The hijacking of TWA flight #847 in 1985. The abduction and execution of three Lebanese Jews in 1986, under the pseudonym of the ‘Organization of the Oppressed on Earth’. The murder of three Saudi diplomats in 1988. The assassination of a Saudi secretary in Bangkok in 1989. The assassination of two more Saudi diplomats and a telex operator at the Saudi embassy in Bangkok in 1990; as well as the kidnapping and murder of a Saudi businessman in Bangkok in the same year. The murder of Ehud Sadan, a security chief at the Israeli embassy in Ankara; as well as the bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires back in 1992. The failed attempted murder of a Turkish-Jewish community leader in Istanbul in 1993. The failed attempt at car-bombing the Israeli embassy in Thailand; and the suicide bombing of the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association building in Buenos Aires – all in year 1984. The truck bombing at the US portion of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996. The assassination of former Lebanese PM, Rafic Hariri, in 2005. The attack on a bus in Bulgaria that was full of Israeli vacationers back in 2012. And many, many more ‘failed this and attempted that’ terrorism activities falsely pinned on Hezbollah by no less than its enemy Israel and its agents in the US and Europe, and by its gruesome Wahabi-Arabian foes.
A handful of the above false and politicized accusations are on a continuous rotation in the Jewish and Western media, yet not even a semblance of proof is ever provided to the reading public. Relying on Islamophobic media trends, these accusations of terrorism are published and republished over and over again, in the hope that hearsay will eventually prevail as fact in the minds of reasonable people. In other words, the above allegations are nothing but propagandistic slings and arrows aimed at demonizing an undefeated and righteous resistance group. Interestingly, despite these aggressive propaganda operations against the Hezbollah, neither its fighting skills or vigor have been damped, nor have these misinformation assaults halted the spread of its popularity around the the world. Even the military academies of its enemies, in silent admiration now include the study of Hezbollah’s supreme tactics and warfare strategies in their curriculum, thus confirming the high caliber of their fighting skills and war philosophy. One cannot separate Hezbollah’s war strategies from the foundation of their humanist philosophy. Both are always employed in tandem. Hezbollah always leave an exit passage for their enemy to retreat through during an ambush.
Hezbollah receives enthusiastic moral support from Muslim as well as non-Muslim nations. From Eastern and from some Western nations. Hezbollah is respected, loved and revered in the four corners of the world – including appreciation by some citizens in enemy nations who are mentally unmolested by their State propaganda. This is not just because humans by nature love an undefeated war hero. This is because the humble Hezbollah has successfully established itself as an army of the people, by the people, for the people. And here lies the essence of its true popularity. A Lebanese force of good that’s comprised ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’ is no different than the beloved American constitutional motto of a government ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’. What Hezbollah has achieved for its nation and for its compatriots as a resistance group, American politicians are yet to actually demonstrate and realize for the benefit of the American people.
Why is that?
This is because the Lebanese have clearly defined their enemy as Israel, whereas the American collective has yet to identify its insidious internal enemy as ‘Jewish power’. Jewish power that has risen through unsavory and un-American tribal cronyism, nepotism, blackmail and coercion. Jewish supremacy that has been blatantly dominant of American life internally and American foreign policy internationally for the past 60+ years (since the Kennedy assassination, in fact). Jewish power that has essentially been corrosive and disfiguring of American traditional life domestically, and ruinous upon its purse and reputation internationally. But, if the Lebanese can so successfully circumvent and repeatedly defeat abusive Jewish power, then so can Americans who live under the boot of an overtly anti-democratic Jewish occupation. The recent shredding of our beloved First Amendment is but the latest victim of Jewish tyranny, and an undeniable expression of their hate of our democracy.
But, for Americans to liberate themselves, they first need to overcome all the gauntlets and weapons of mass distraction, all the social-engineering and numerous other dumbing-down projects that American elite Jews and their lobby have insidiously imposed on American citizen and politician alike. For Americans to be truly free and independent, and they are a captive people at present, they need to first bypass all the Jewish-engineered and sponsored divisions inside of America. Divisions like Identitarian politics, race-baiting and race disharmony, Jewish-owned Hollywood’s demonization of traditional American values, Neoliberalism, globalism, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, Mainstream media, most of Altmedia – and the long list goes on. They also need to discard and rebel against imposed mental pollutants like the mandatory teaching of the fake Anne Frank book in their schools; and most certainly, they also need to reject the funding of all those hideous Holocaust museums that operate to enable ongoing Jewish crimes against Americans by portraying the Jews as the ‘eternal victims with special needs’. All these holocaust museums are no more than propaganda factories paid for by your own tax dollars, not by Israeli Shekels or by private Jewish donations. It is the height of absurdity that Americans should be paying for their own brainwash and mental enslavement. Americans need to, ABOVE ALL, reclaim their First Amendment right that’s been hijacked and recently ripped to shreds by Jewish power. Americans need to regain their freedom of speech and be able to call a spade, a spade, and a Jew, a Jew.
There is no understating how many Jewish chains are already wrapped around the American mind and body. That’s your individual mind and body I speak of.
Begs the question here: where is your dignity and self-respect, dear American? Where is your honor and warriorhood? Where are the fruits of your labor that you’ve invested in your family and country year after year? It is not in your own hands, and it is not being spent on your community either. The Jewish lobby has made sure that your freedom and your tax dollars go first and foremost and directly towards serving the state of Israel. The Jewish lobby has killed your democracy, created social devastation right across the nation and fleeced your hard-earned tax dollars to benefit the klepto and oppressive state of Israel. The Jewish lobby has been treating you no different than a nation of slaves it socially engineers and owns. Presently, America is not in a state of justice and grace. Americans of all colors and stripes are not a free people. America is no longer ‘the beautiful’. America is under occupation by tribal Jewish power. And the Lebanese? The Lebanese, despite their mountain of current internal crisis, are in fact living a well-earned liberated life. The bruised Lebanese are in fact a freer people than the Americans are. A life of freedom from occupation gifted to them by the consistently vigilant and sacrificial Hezbollah. Hezbollah the patriot. Hezbollah, the beautiful.
When will citizens of the West and of America realize that Hezbollah is by far more on their side than the tax-fleecing, warmongering Zion? After all, Hezbollah exists to liberate, not to rob the Mints of Europe and America, not to warmonger for wars of choice that cost mega dollars and Euros and rivers of blood. And most certainly, Hezbollah does not in any measure oppress the Western people’s rights to freedom of speech – a right that the Israel lobbies of Europe and America are fixated on denying the people.
Where is your own Hezbollah, dear American? Where is your resistance to your occupier? Where is your resisting mind? Your resisting vote? Your resisting words? Your resisting art? Your resisting gun?
As an American expat witnessing the damage and dire divisions inflicted on our society by Jewish elites, I advise you not turn your guns against one another. This is absolutely a ruinous folly. This is what your insidious occupier is betting on. Your division emboldens and empowers them. To fleece more out of you for the sake of Israel, the enemy in your midst needs you further divided and weaker. Do not submit, but do circumvent. Circumvention through unity. You do not have to love one another to death, but you do have to unite and resist against your enemy within if a life of freedom, peace and prosperity is what you think you deserve. Unite despite your differences. Unite despite your rage. This is your key to liberation.
‘By deception thou shalt do war’. This is the Israeli motto.
‘Live free or die’. This is an American motto. It is also a Hezbollah motto
Posted by: john | Jun 20 2024 15:14 utc | 60
Top Secret Agreement (details undisclosed) between iZrael and Britain
Archive: https://archive.is/HlKwj
Parlimentarian: [warning: Limited Hangout] "The agreement formalises our defence relationship and supports our partnership and cooperation with Israel.
It will streamline and provide a mechanism for planning our joint activity, allowing collaboration on a
number of areas that will include defence medical training, organisational design concepts, and defence education."
RAF in Eastern Mediterranean, GCHQ in Cyprus
Sunak takes British support for Israel to new extreme
Posted by: librul | Jun 20 2024 15:15 utc | 61
IMO, it's rather clear Haifa as a port city will be shutdown and the remianing economic tech centers will suffer similar fates from the Resistance's missiles is response to the Zionist's escalation. The reality in Gaza is IOFs are nowhere near winning against Hamas. The recent UNSC vote and continuing prevarications by the Outlaw US Empire show the Global Majority that the actual policy is continued support for the Genocide Project. My comment at Larry Johnson's blog works here as well:
The reality of attaining the Global Majority’s goal for Palestine cannot avoid the use of force as I’ve been writing for some time. Even if the USA unblocked its opposition in the UNSC, force would still be required. Zionism is being used as a crude veil to hide imperialism/colonialism/plunder and cannot be allowed to succeed. And of course, force is already being employed but only on the margins so far. The occupation itself was and is a war that’s lasted decades and needs to end. There’s absolutely no future for people who believe they are exceptional and above all other humans.
If tactical nukes are used in the border region, no Zionists will want to live there anyway. For diehard Zionists, their nukes are their suicide vest.
Above all, I wish people would stop calling them "settlers." They are murderous thugs squatting on stolen land.
Posted by: Formerly Miss Lacy | Jun 20 2024 15:15 utc | 63
Newbie . I wasn't being contrary nor critical, I just thought I'd add some extra info. I also saw the denials may I add the co-operation in energy disputes added an extra layer to the shenanigans. A gas fields worth fighting lebanon over so Israel has said
Posted by: Hankster | Jun 20 2024 15:19 utc | 64
Why does no one talk about Israel's nuetron bombs? The whistleblower mordecai reported nuetron bombs were in mass production in Dimona after 1984. Nuetron bombs contaminate the environment much much less than thermonuclear. They can be used quite close to friendly troops without killing them. The blast from detonation is comparable or less than conventional bombs making detonating them amongst conventional bombs for covert use a very real possibility. They are simpler to construct than thermonuclear weapons. They kill by the wave of nuetron radiation that is enhanced.
Dimona creates enough material for 100 nuclear weapons a year since 1973. Yet all sources list their nuclear weapons as ",around 300" . The reality is no one knows. Mordecai reported a growing focus on neutron bombs. It makes sense because of Israel's close proximity to its enemies.
You can read about Israel's nuetron bombs on Wikipedia. Yet what do we read about? Hezbollah's rocket arsenal. Yes this is quite the arsenal. Yes Hezbollah is quite the force. And yes obviously Israel plans to use nuetron weapons in south Lebanon in large quantities and their use will be devastating. It's as obvious as a dead cow in the middle of the road but no one discusses it. You think IDF is going to go to to toe with Hezbollah? Get real.
The scientist Christopher Busby has documented u235 and u238 in both Lebanon and Gaza. These would be the expected byproducts of a nuetron bomb. Neutron bomb uses no Plutonium. They could also be explained by depleted uranium in projectiles and or bomb casings. Looked at another way any where depleted uranium is deployed in projectiles or bomb casings there is plausible deniability for nuetron weapons. Everyone above ground will die in the target area but since there is no fallout troops can immediately enter the area to clean up the bodies. Nuetron weapons can be delivered with short range weapons. Mordecai reported the majority were 155 shells back then.
It is my belief that the Israel's nuetron weapons were created specifically for use on Israel's borders. It is my belief that after the 2006 I'll fated excursions into south Lebanon planning for nuetron weapon use became the primary battle plan to cope with Hezbollah. The strong potential exists to use these weapons semi covertly deploying them amongst conventional bombs. The worlds militaries will not be fooled and there will be no intent to do so the crossing of the nuclear threshold will be deliberate to comunicate appetite for destruction not just in Israel but everywhere in the list of growing potential conflicts. This is the apocalypse in the here and now that humanity faces beginning in south Lebanon. Israel has even cleared the area of its civillians for nuetron weapon deployment and no one discussed it or seems to have the slightest clue that the nuclear threshold is about to be crossed.it appears that is believed that Israel would only respond to nuclear weapon use by others not use them first. This flies in the face of reality the israel neutron weapons program was specifically created for first use to cope with superior numerical or technical threats on their borders while maintaining low casualties in the IDF. We witness the exact scenario the neutron bombs were created for with Hezbollah and the area has been cleared for their use yet not one of the many many articles about the impending conflict mentions the neutron weapons. Every single analysis is that the IDF will lose and lose badly to Hezbollah tajing heavy casualties and losing territory and that was prior to losses in Gaza. Does anybody think the IDF intends to either give up northern Israel or take heavy losses at the hands of Hezbollah? No? Then Israel will obviously withdraw from Gaza yes? No? Then the primary plan to cope with and eliminate Hezbollah as a threat semi covert nuetron weapon use will be implemented. Who will say anything? Not Russia. Not Turkey. Not Iran. If Iran wants in the thermonuclear not nuetron weapons will be deployed out of the dolphin class submarines. The amazing fact is Israel has significant capability to deploy nuclear weapons out of submarines while China has none.
IMO the semi covert nuclear weapon deployment in south Lebanon not only reflects that conflict but will represent a desperate attempt by the west to maintain dominance. This is absaloutly in keeping with other semi covert actions that are given ridiculous cover stories but are clearly understood by the worlds intelligence agencies and militaries as demonstrations of willingness to use various WMDs even if they result in civilian casualties. Gaza is direct messaging that civillian casualties are not a deterrent as the west desperately tries to maintain dominance. Does anyone truly believe the October 7 event was unrelated to the events in Ukraine and Taiwan? World war is upon us and these madmen are going to kill us all. Including the innocent. That is the greatest sin taking the life of the innocent.
Posted by: duckncover | Jun 20 2024 15:27 utc | 65
It's game up for both Israel and its Western supporters. Neither the West nor the apartheid regime of Israel will recover from the disgrace they have brought upon themselves. Of course their downfall would cause certain inconveniences for the rest of the world because of the lenght of time that the Zionist project has been the propeller of the world affairs. But I hope that the rest of the world would come together to stabilize the world order.
Posted by: Steve | Jun 20 2024 15:34 utc | 66
Posted by: john | Jun 20 2024 15:14 utc | 60
ut, for Americans to liberate themselves, they first need to overcome all the gauntlets and weapons of mass distraction, all the social-engineering and numerous other dumbing-down projects that American elite Jews and their lobby have insidiously imposed on American citizen and politician alike. For Americans to be truly free and independent, and they are a captive people at present, they need to first bypass all the Jewish-engineered and sponsored divisions inside of America. Divisions like Identitarian politics, race-baiting and race disharmony, Jewish-owned Hollywood’s demonization of traditional American values, Neoliberalism, globalism, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, Mainstream media, most of Altmedia – and the long list goes on. They also need to discard and rebel against imposed mental pollutants like the mandatory teaching of the fake Anne Frank book in their schools; and most certainly, they also need to reject the funding of all those hideous Holocaust museums that operate to enable ongoing Jewish crimes against Americans by portraying the Jews as the ‘eternal victims with special needs’. All these holocaust museums are no more than propaganda factories paid for by your own tax dollars, not by Israeli Shekels or by private Jewish donations. It is the height of absurdity that Americans should be paying for their own brainwash and mental enslavement. Americans need to, ABOVE ALL, reclaim their First Amendment right that’s been hijacked and recently ripped to shreds by Jewish power. Americans need to regain their freedom of speech and be able to call a spade, a spade, and a Jew, a Jew.
Right, John, these Mein Kampf rantings by "Taxi on the Levant" are a really good read....
Posted by: Inka | Jun 20 2024 15:35 utc | 67
the Lebanese paramilitary group Hezbollah published a nine and a half minute high resolution video taken over the Israeli city of Haifa by a low altitude surveillance drone...
The footage notably captured a military industrial zone belonging to Rafael Defence, where air defence systems such as the Iron Dome and David's Sling are produced, as well as power stations, petrochemical refineries, and key infrastructure for the Israeli Navy.
Hizbollah is showing it can do to Israel what Ukraine is doing to Russia. And if the USA can hide behind Ukraine, then Iran can hide behind Hizbollah.
Posted by: Passerby | Jun 20 2024 15:36 utc | 68
Formerly Miss Lucy @63
I agree. Stop calling the people living on Palestinian land in the West Bank ‘settlers’. If anything, they’re SQATTERS illegally occupying Palestinian land and real estate. By any acceptable standards they show the behaviour of scruffy thugs.
Posted by: Quentin | Jun 20 2024 15:37 utc | 69
Blue Dotterel | Jun 20 2024 10:20 utc | 13
Very good, and important point; nice to read from you again.
oldhippie | Jun 20 2024 13:25 utc | 35
I absolutely agree; what you describe has been the case ever since Reagan and became doubly so under his doppelganger, Obama.
Posted by: robjira | Jun 20 2024 15:38 utc | 70
Here's the unresolved matter. Did Israel use nukes of some kind?
Posted by: Eighthman | Jun 20 2024 15:40 utc | 71
War is a means of primitive accumulation. The war planners expect to eliminate surplus populations and acquire the vacated territory for exploitation. The wars are financed by median wage earners taxes and the eliminated no longer require any public services. The cycle of destruction and reconstruction restores profitability, which has been declining at this stage of financial monopoly.
Posted by: Keme | Jun 20 2024 15:41 utc | 72
What is chance the uranium traces from DU ammunition expended?
Also, should the resistances stress IOF air and missile defenses, how long until launchers are zero on missiles.
USA new aid includes $5 billion dollars for air and missile defense….
Posted by: paddy.kivlin@protonm | Jun 20 2024 15:46 utc | 73
The military breaks ranks with Netanyahue: Hagari
Israel’s military spokesman has exposed a widening rift between the country’s political and army leadership, questioning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stated goal of destroying Hamas in the Gaza Strip for the war to end.
... Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari told Israel’s Channel 13 broadcaster on Wednesday that the task was impossible.
“This business of destroying Hamas, making Hamas disappear – it’s simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public,” he said. “Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people – whoever thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong.”
Posted by: Don Firineach | Jun 20 2024 16:07 utc | 74
Posted by: WMG | Jun 20 2024 11:26 utc | 18 "Colonel Douglas McGregor even believes Israel will use tactical nuclear weapons."
Some of the other things Colonel Douglas McGregor believes
McGregor doesn't have a very good track record.
Posted by: Ed4 | Jun 20 2024 16:10 utc | 75
Fique bem, b!!!! Eterna gratidão pelo excelente trabalho!!!!
JFA do Brasil.
Posted by: JFA | Jun 20 2024 16:17 utc | 76
So glad to have you back in the saddle, b!
Col. McGregor thinks Israel will hit Hezbollah with tactical nukes. Curious what your/other commenters take on that is.
Posted by: Anunnaki | Jun 20 2024 16:18 utc | 77
I imagine that using Cyprus' airbases is because Israel can no longer rely on US aircraft carriers. Just imagine the consternation in the US empire if the US loses several carriers [just like the Americans did to the Japanese during WW2] [the British carriers hardly got out of port without breaking down]. This is entirely possible with all the drones, missiles and other ordinance available to those resisting the genocide/holocaust. It might also force the Europeans to start to think independently from the Empire and come to terms with Russia as they would be desperate for resources they could no longer rely on coming by ship. And remember since the West has said that Ukraine can strike into mother Russia, Russia has said they will supply munitions to those fighting the empire - probably some damn good anti-ship missiles included.
Posted by: Bill R | Jun 20 2024 16:24 utc | 78
As to secret neutron weapons, somebody much more knowledgeable needs to comment on this. Just a guess on my part but I would think the critical part is the ratios found in samples. A neutron weapon would show something enhanced in contrast to depleted Uranium residue (which is why we call it depleted.)
Posted by: Eighthman | Jun 20 2024 16:31 utc | 79
the top story on the garbage CBC yesterday was that canada has (yawn) designated IGRC as a terrorist group because of the jet that they accidentally shot down when trump was going on a bombing spree in the region.
that's just dumb but here's the interesting part: they told any canadians living in iran to immediately return "home" and said no one else will be able to go to iran. that dovetails nicely with reports that "israel" has drawn up plans to attack lebanon and obviously escalate to iran.
another factor to consider: unlike the 1:1,000 ratio of deaths for "israelis" and gazans respectively, hezbollah has maintained pretty close to a 1:1 ratio "tit for tat" when it comes to paying back "israeli" border attacks. since the ziovermin are very, very casualty averse even a few well executed slaughters of their SS storm troopers could send the twats into a tizzy.
Posted by: bornhard | Jun 20 2024 16:33 utc | 80
My guess is that Israel will not go for broke in Lebanon. I assume the military understands that it is madness, and I doubt that "Biden" will appreciate Israel raining on his failing parade by further igniting the Middle East in circumstances where it can't reasonably expect to win.
Well, we'll see soon enough.
Posted by: expat | Jun 20 2024 16:37 utc | 82
Thanks for posting Taxi's message. Lost touch with her several years back, so delighted to know that she not only is still posting, while her informative and persuasive empowerment has accelerated over time.
Posted by: aristodemos | Jun 20 2024 16:41 utc | 83
Thanks for the long coverted information on I$rael's neutron bomb development. Prior uses were central to the 911 Inside Job in NYC and to the grain storage warehouse in Beirut.
Posted by: aristodemos | Jun 20 2024 16:46 utc | 84
Rep. Thomas Massie on the Israel Lobby, foreign agents, every Congressperson has an "AIPAC guy
Worth watching, I'm suspicious of all these people, but strange how the open discourse and dissent that during the Cold War was the provenance of the left is now provenance of the right. Strange new world. Others here, Honzo, would say it's part of the kayfabe, the ol' switcheroo, I would would call it the heel-face turn, they are replacing the old Judas goats, the discredited left voices of dissent, with a new crowd of libertarian Judas goats to re-engender trust and authenticity.
I'm not so sure, unlike the cold war of inverted dictatorship we are in right side up full fascist mode, subtlety is no longer needed and parameters are narrowed, you see more and more dissenters flee the USA and EU, Snowden, Reade, Kneissl, Szmydt, more jailings and assassinations, Assange, Trump, Fico. The system might not be playing kayfabe anymore, real totalitarian states don't - castor oil and truncheon are just around the corner, if you're lucky.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Jun 20 2024 16:48 utc | 86
"Despite such danger to its Zionist project the U.S. administration is backing any and all Israeli plans"
So much for Ben Rhodes call for reorientation to the "world as it is".
It seems the Zionazis in Israel and the US are joined in a suicide pact and driving even faster to WW3. They are rabid dogs at this point, incurable and a danger to everyone they encounter.
I know Russia is much more cautious about provoking Israel, but if they could provide advanced weaponry to the resistance in the ME, it would greatly enhance their image as the leadership of an alternate, healthier world order. Perhaps, North Korea could deliver as a proxy for Russia/China?
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Jun 20 2024 16:49 utc | 87
aristodemos | Jun 20 2024 16:41 utc | 83
You're welcome. Actually, she's not posting(since 2022). She's on hiatus till war breaks out, so, perhaps she'll be back soon.
Posted by: john | Jun 20 2024 16:54 utc | 88
Anunnaki @ 77
Col. McGregor thinks Israel will hit Hezbollah with tactical nukes. Curious what your/other commenters take on that is.
Preparation for such an eventuality has been the reason for the relentless mind warping demonization of Iran and Hezbollah for decades (DPRK too). If it should happen the sheeple of the golden billion will bleat in unison, "what a tragic, terrible thing - but they had it coming."
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Jun 20 2024 17:00 utc | 89
With the threat of a terminal nuclear war hanging over our heads, I don't think it's off-topic to remind folks that it's a lot easier to sleep at night if you're right with God, and if I'm wrong in my beliefs, well at least I was able to sleep at night: https://folkpotpourri.com/wide-or-strait-gate-to-the-great-beyond/
Posted by: Ozark Grandpa | Jun 20 2024 17:00 utc | 90
I have changed my view on October 7th and L I H O P.
[I am hitting a filter when I post with links, so have removed most.]
I had believed that if Israelis fully understood what happened on October 7th
that it would change Israel forever.
Someone (at another website) replied to me simply, "Israelis won't care one bit".
I thought alot about this and now believe that comment was mostly correct.
Israelis won't care ... much.
The Rave Party of Oct 7th, intentionally positioned in the known danger zone 3 miles from Gaza,
was a ***secular*** celebration. It took place ("gasp") on a religious holiday.
Succos, on each of seven successive days, the Jews of old brought sacrifices at The Temple on behalf of the nations of the world. On the first day, they brought 14 bulls to the altar. On the second day, 13, and so on, until, over the course of seven days, the Jews had sacrificed 70 bulls, one for each of the 70 nations of the world, as defined in the Bible.Today, without The Temple, Jews commemorate those sacrifices in prayers. On the first day, we pray for 14 bulls, so over the seven days of Succos, we have prayed for the 70 nations of the world. We remember the sacrifices we brought to atone for the sins of other nations in The Temple.
Last year, that seven-day period of Jewish prayer on behalf of the nations of the world ended on October 6. The October 7 attack occurred on the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeres, the “festival of the eighth day.” It was if the nations of the world said “Thanks, but no thanks,” for our prayers on their behalf and lashed out in resentful rage. Hamas, to me, was nothing but the tip of the spear representing an angry world that did not care for the Jews having the nerve to offer sacrifices (in spirit) to enable them to atone for their sins in front of God.
The timing of this attack was, in my view, no accident. It was the acting out of grand, invisible spiritual passions on a global scale. This, I suspect, is why it seems as if the entire world has nothing but hatred and violence in its heart against the Jews in the wake of this attack. This is why so many people around the world blame Israel for an attack it did not provoke, and why they scream and yell at Israel for fighting back.
NYT (republished in The Irish Times and archived)
[link #2 removed here]
[sometimes patience is needed while loading from the archives]
"Making matters worse, the military has acknowledged that it moved two commando companies – more than 100 soldiers – to the West Bank just two days before the attack, a reflection of Israel’s mistaken belief that a Hamas attack was not an imminent threat.
That left three infantry battalions and one tank battalion along Gaza’s border. But October 7th was the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, and the Sabbath. A senior military officer estimated that about half the 1,500 soldiers in the area were away. He said another infantry battalion had been reassigned years earlier after Israel finished building a security wall around Gaza."
Then there is this most interesting article.
The Real Reason Mizrahim Vote for Netanyahu, and Why the Left Can't Win Them Over
[link #3 removed here]
(Also, this article begins with a most interesting parallel to be seen if you live in the US, think about Democrats vs "Deplorables".)
“There is an assumption that if people are aware of the hierarchy and of their own dire straits, they will necessarily see it as injustice and think that the way to rectify it is by means of structural or political change. But my data show that many of these people feel that their suffering is a sacrifice they make for the good of the nation. They do not see themselves as suffering individuals getting a bad deal from the state. They are confident that the person at the top of the political pyramid is working for their collective good. Maybe it’s not going well for him, but they don’t suspect him of acting out of motives that are not to their benefit. He is coping with the problems, and the alternatives aren’t necessarily better – just the opposite, in fact.”
Israelis don't care to even consider L I H O P
nor would they care if they knew.
Posted by: librul | Jun 20 2024 17:05 utc | 92
librul @ 91
I get filtered when I provide links.
Some links get filtered, some don't, there's no MoA FAQ so you have to just figure it out.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Jun 20 2024 17:05 utc | 93
“Hochstein told Lebanese officials that Israel anticipates roughly five more weeks of intense fighting in Gaza…”
This after the Americans pushed their “Israeli ceasefire” plan all the way to the UNSC not two weeks ago. Long before that, back in December, Blinken had been publicly stating that Israel needed to wrap things up, I.e. finish their “operations” swiftly. Now, with a shrug of the shoulder, its passively accepted that, in defiance of Security Council and international courts, five more weeks of “intense fighting” occur with no visible workable aid plan or concept. Then on to the next war apparently.
“…once fighting in Gaza pauses, Israeli officials intend to turn their full focus to the northern border with the aim of pushing Hezbollah back from the area…”
Hochstein’s “diplomacy” consisted of demanding Hezbollah and Lebanon accede to Israel’s demands. While signalling continued support for Israel is meant to bolster the threat, it also ensures U.S. assets will come under stress from Resistance activity in the region. According to the presumed timetable, the Middle East will blow up about 2-3 weeks ahead of the Democrat Convention.
(Events in South China Sea, where the Philippines is deliberately flouting longstanding agreements and creating provocations, have been planned for years, and may have been the anticipated flashpoint designed to make Biden look “presidential”, but they forgot to call it off in light of Israel’s intransigence.)
Posted by: jayc | Jun 20 2024 17:06 utc | 94
The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that the recent successful naval drone attack by Ansar Allah on the Greek-owned Tutor vessel (sunk) is a game-changer.
For the US Navy, tracking missiles launched from Yemen is in their wheel-house. Shooting them down is more difficult, but they've at least shown that they can protect their own ships.
Plus, the Houthis surface missiles tend to hit the deck of the ship and while they do damage, they don't sink the ships.
The drones, on the other hand, hit near the waterline and thus are devastating. And it is going to be impossible for the US Navy to catch every one. There is no difference on radar between an unmanned craft and a manned one. Mannequins, dummies, and other techniques can be used to make an unmanned small craft look manned. The Red Sea and Gulf of Omen are too big to cover with air drones to visually inspect every single potential threat. This becomes a numbers game and one that no Navy can win.
I would go so far to say that after last week's attack, it's over. Operation Prosperity Guardian has failed. All that is left to do is recognize the failure and for the US and Europe to find some face-saving lie for why they are pulling out.
You know the drill. Ships are needed elsewhere, it was a success because we degraded the Houthis radars, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Jun 20 2024 17:09 utc | 95
Why they would even launch such an avoidable war is beyond me. ~b
Thanks for the post b.
The why is to get the Americans involved of course. The pier built is not quite enough for the mass slaughter.
It is said that the war in Palestine can only be stopped by force. Who else but Hezbollah can end this war? They have the manpower. They have the missiles. They are Geo-located properly.
I think the number 150K missiles is quite outdated though. Hezbollah has manufacturing capability to allow them to quickly replace all the ones that have been fired. They have shown that they now enjoy AD as well.
As for the tunnels, if you think Hamas tunnels are a thing, then Hezbollah tunnels are a thing cubed. 12 lane highways, as opposed to dirt roads. They were built for this moment.
This would be the Samson option though, since the entity has stated that they are after world war. Only then will everyone forget about the genocide.
I can state with certitude that the entity will not drink a drop of water from the Litany river. They can take that dream, along with their genocidal project to grave.
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Jun 20 2024 17:10 utc | 96
If Hezbollah wanted a regional war, it would have started long ago.
They are engaged in a containment strategy towards Israel in order to avoid Lebanon another decade of war ... seeing the nuts they are dealing with, it's a constant fine balancing act. Hezbollah have to be perceived as a serious threat but not as an existential menace to Israel and a warranty for Lebanese public opinion.
Bibi can't nuke them : too close to avoid the fallout, ultimately crazy Zionist want at least part of it in their "greater israel" and lastly there is the water "sharing" question that is always a problem in the region (who could wants some tainted water ?).
Anyway, the Shia militia have all what it takes in their arsenals to make any foolish actions of Bibi's cabinet a dire remorse for his country and everybody knows it. Bibi is waving the red flag just to have more US engagement ... IOF are fed up from this conflict and want someone else to die for them instead of them.
Bibi has an only friend ... and it's also an old demented crook, so best he can do is continuing massacring and starving Palestinians, and saying the rest of the world is a bunch of vile antisemites, also that is not so good for business ; Intel for an example have canceled a $25B project there because of "security concerns". Economy will weights more and more and will be the biggest player soon enough, a bit like in the "404 project" and the politic will follow. "It's the economy stupid !".
Posted by: Savonarole | Jun 20 2024 17:14 utc | 97
Some links get filtered, some don't, there's no MoA FAQ so you have to just figure it out.
@Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Jun 20 2024 17:05 utc | 93
Thanks, I will see if an UN-archived link works instead.
NYT (republished in The Irish Times)
[archive link #2 removed here]
The archive is archive[dot]ph/QRMKD
Posted by: librul | Jun 20 2024 17:19 utc | 98
Sakineh Bagoom @ 96
The why is to get the Americans involved of course.
Not just the USA troops and weapons to do the heavy lifting, but to get the USA to pick up the entire tab.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Jun 20 2024 17:20 utc | 99
Murderous thugs stealing other people's land is what "settlers" are. The European "settlers" were no better, but they have escaped attention because, for 500 years, they have enjoyed immunity for their crimes, which were hidden from their own citizens because they enjoyed an advantage in terms of military and economic power. That is a situation which is becoming less and less sustainable.
Posted by: Bramble | Jun 20 2024 17:21 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
A toast to the destruction of Zionism and the Zionist state of Israel!
Posted by: ABOBA | Jun 20 2024 8:15 utc | 1