Palestine Open Thread 2024-130
Only for news & views directly related to the war in Palestine.
The current open thread for other issues is here.
Please stick to the topic. Contribute facts. Do not attack other commentators.
Posted by b on May 5, 2024 at 13:51 UTC | Permalink
next page »Do you know what is happening?
So begins (in the US) eight days of Holocaust Remembrance.
There are clearly those that have learned from the Holocaust and pour into the streets to protest the
ongoing Genocide.
There are others that have learned a different lesson and have learned how to turn their back on Genocide.
These can be heard identifying themselves by using The Slur of "antisemitism" to try and intimidate and silence
those that have actually learned the right and decent lesson of the Holocaust.
So begins (in the US) eight days of Holocaust Remembrance.
They are going to really turn up the heat for the next several days and will use every angle of The Slur
to support Genocide.
Posted by: librul | May 5 2024 13:58 utc | 3
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) came to us all of a sudden as we were (busy in a discussion). He said: What do you discuss about? They (the Companions) said. We are discussing about the Last Hour. Thereupon he said: It will not come until you see ten signs before and (in this connection) he made a mention of the smoke, Dajjal, the beast, the rising of the sun from the west, the descent of Jesus son of Mary (Allah be pleased with him), the Gog and Magog, and land-slides in three places, one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia at the end of which fire would burn forth from the Yemen, and would drive people to the place of their assembly.
-- The Book of Tribulations and Portents of the Last Hour
Posted by: Arch Bungle | May 5 2024 14:03 utc | 4
That old Roman, Tacitus schools us: we hate where we've done an injury.
Posted by: Ben Trovata | May 5 2024 14:03 utc | 5
So begins (in the US) eight days of Holocaust Remembrance.
Posted by: librul | May 5 2024 13:58 utc | 2
Holocaust Shmolocaust.
Hague Shmague ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | May 5 2024 14:04 utc | 6
Odd world, every thing is up for debate, Aztecs, did they or didn't they, how many. Communist, did they or didn't they, how many, Bolsheviks, did they or didn't they, how many, Nazis no debate, everything is know down to the last six million.... totally fucked, are they really killing Palestinians or is it just more whiney face propaganda?
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | May 5 2024 14:08 utc | 7
Hey, Schlomo, what were we shooting at again? This gets tricky.
Posted by: Eighthman | May 5 2024 14:20 utc | 8
on the radio earlier they played the violin refrain from schindlers list classic fm before oct played it 3 times a day now it is 5 or 6.
emotional psychic ramming or some such.
many years ago i remember watching a laurence rees bbc hitler programme he mentioned the number 8 million and a voice over said something like perhaps we will never know the true hollow cause figures,
2 4 6 8 whatever
as the truth is outed the figures come down funny that
Posted by: todd | May 5 2024 14:33 utc | 9
Two Palestine threads ago, I posted this. It'll be new info for some of you, so it's worth repeating.
More standing up to Genocide ... this time by the Germans.
There's a new video by famous German actor Dieter Hallervorden that bears watching. It has English subtitles.
It's had well over 8 million views, and climbing.
This vid is exceptionally well-done, and pulls no punches. Dieter Hallervorden is 88 years old, and man he packs a punch. You won't be disappointed by his performance, and the supporting imagery and music are every bit as good. Someone(s) who really know what they're doing put this together.
For those that think the Germans don't have spine to stand up ... take a look.
Here's the vid from utube.
I learned about this video at Gilbert Doctorow's website, and his explanation is also worth a read, as are his stories about his current visit to St. Petersburg.
===== Arch Bungle May 4 2024 11:18 utc replied:
What "terror of Hamas" is this man talking about?
The moment someone starts off with a variation of "I condemn Hamas" I see a settler colonial sympathiser and shut off.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Arch: I appreciate the definitive hard-line you take w/r/t Zionism, Israel style. Now let me draw your attention to a few facts:
a. Dieter Hallervorden is risking the legacy of his entire career on this action. He took this bold action in the face of widespread, concentrated repression, in his home country. He understands the unfortunate need to mollify (a powerful, possibly large) constituency that vehemently objects to the thesis of the video.
b. Dieter's video was seen by millions of viewers. That video is going to move some minds; that what art does. And it was artfully done; it spent 3 seconds neutralizing the haters, and the rest of the several minutes explaining why the haters are to be reviled and marginalized. That's pretty good statesmanship, and even better communication technique
c. By contrast, some MoA posters can afford to be more strident, because they are posting anonymously, and posting from a country that doesn't vigorously repress anti-Zionist dialog, and are talking to an audience that generally agrees with their position
It's important to reward the people that move the needle in the right direction. People who understand the minefield of politics and human emotions, and do what is necessary to get the job done. In my opinion, Dieter deserves a medal for the courage of his convictions.
While I'm on that topic of medals for courage, let's also consider the Kung Fu athlete, whose medal was revoked due to his stand in support of the Palestinians, who _publicly_ said (my paraphrase) "I'm even more proud of myself for standing up to bullies than I am of earning my athletic medal".
That's how it's done, folks. Courage when you're standing alone, facing repression, and doing what needs to be done anyway. Courage isn't the absence of fear, its the managing of fear.
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 14:37 utc | 10
Al-Jazeera raided probably a lot more elsewhere temporary site
Posted by: paxmark1 | May 5 2024 14:46 utc | 11
Odd world, every thing is up for debate...
@ sean the leprechaun | May 5 2024 14:08 utc | 6
I wish we heard more debate about the number of Palestinians killed in the Gaza Holocaust, so far. We hear 30K, give or take, for weeks. The people in charge of counting have, themselves, been slaughtered. The actual death toll is closer to 300K, though it's a subject which hardly seems "up for debate."
Posted by: Aleph_Null | May 5 2024 14:49 utc | 12
On the topic of Pepe Escobar's report of an F35 sent to Iran with a nuke/EMP device, I'd like to present to the bar the following facts:
a. Pepe Escobar is an experienced journalist. He's got very good sources, and he's professional enough, by a lot, to verify them. More than one "someone" that he considered reliable told him what he reported
b. What he reported seems technically unfeasible to most of us, including me. I did not believe what I read of the initial report
c. Escobar has been instrumental over the years in educating the West about what's occurring in Asia. He's been way out front, consistent, thorough, and very often quite right. He's carried a lot of water for Asia.
d. Escobar's report came out just as everyone was expecting Israel to hit back hard. The question on everyone's mind was "is this the start of a rapid, violent escalation that may draw the rest of the world into it?". The other fact on people's minds is that the initiative to do such a thing rested in the hands of Israel's highly emotional, very reactionary leadership.
e. Escobar said that his sources had original information, not provided second-hand. Original info.
From those facts I infer:
a. His sources have little motivation to discredit him
b. His sources were eager to move the information into the public's consciousness quickly. There was an urgency to the leak(s)
So why Escobar, why the rush, why the extreme shock-value of Israel->F35->Nuke->Iran story?
My answer is: To preempt.
The details may be (are) technically implausible.
What's not implausible is the fact Israel is cornered, and may be about to do something really rash, or even may have already done something really rash, and disaster was momentarily averted by 3rd party action(s).
That part of the story is quite plausible, would you agree?
It's also plausible to use Escobar as the channel of communications if the sources wanted to get the info - rapidly - into the minds of Asian and Western thought- and policy-leaders, but could not use official channels to get the job done.
This story has moved the Overton Window pretty considerably in terms of how Israel's leadership is perceived, and the urgency of constraining Israel's attack options going-forward. Will you go along with that assertion?
Therefore, I think it's premature to throw Escobar under the bus with the "he was used and discredited" assertion. Escobar is too good, has too long a (verifiable) track record to dismiss him like that.
A message was sent. A warning was issued. Escobar was the vehicle.
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 15:18 utc | 13
White kites of angelic love bearing witness to us creating a new, loving world. Thanks Refaat. :)
How many angels dance on the head of a pin? If angels are comprised of thought, light, and love, and light has mass but no volume, then the answer is infinite. Infinite thoughts of love alight upon a pin to dance. They dance to inspire you to pop the bubbles of delusion, despair, anxiety, hatred, pride, and other forms of self-separation in your life. :)
The smallest of lights is all that is needed to create the roaring flames. Inspiration in a candle flame, all that power dancing at the tip of a taper and leaving no shadow. Bear witness and know you can change both your inside and the outside world. Dance your light upon the world. :)
/cheep cheep
Posted by: titmouse | May 5 2024 15:21 utc | 14
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 15:18 utc
"A message was sent. A warning was issued. Escobar was the vehicle. "
Very well said. Thank you.
Posted by: Mexicana | May 5 2024 15:35 utc | 15
Rumors circulating that Zionist Apartheid regime is going to initiate a minor operation in Rafah before accepting Hamas conditions on cease fire deal.
Zionist miscalculations continue ...
Posted by: Framarz | May 5 2024 15:41 utc | 16
Organic, spontaneous protests I'm sure. ;)
- Pro-Palestianian protesters are backed by a surprising source: Biden’s biggest donors -
Posted by: Moonie | May 5 2024 16:12 utc | 17
@ Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 15:18 utc | 12 who wrote
A message was sent. A warning was issued. Escobar was the vehicle.
Thanks for that perspective which I share. Its not like Pepe is a mainstream media tool gone rogue. Pepe is a journalist of the breed that doesn't exist in the West of zombie sycophants.
Was he used? Maybe
Is any reporting to be taken as gospel? Never
Should what Pepe reported be dismissed? Go read Tom's comment above.
The shit show continues until it doesn't and try not to get any on yourself as TSHTF.
Posted by: psychohistorian | May 5 2024 16:14 utc | 18
#15 another source
""Israel's Defense Minister announced an operation in Rafah shortly, saying that Hamas, in his opinion, is not seeking to reach a ceasefire deal.""
Via Slavyangrad
Posted by: paxmark1 | May 5 2024 16:15 utc | 19
Tom Pfotzer@15:18
Well measured presentation. It jives closely with a recent interview featuring Escobar, in which his statements as well as physical expression was well beyond what a dissembling actor could produce. On a subconscious level, Pepe' is evidentially sincere.
Thanks for sharing
Posted by: aristodemos | May 5 2024 16:19 utc | 20
They know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
Are you suprised ?
'Are you not entertained'
Posted by: Mark2 | May 5 2024 16:24 utc | 21
Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 15:18 utc | 12
A message was sent. A warning was issued. Escobar was the vehicle
Yes, this was my, and Hiro Masamune's take about 10 days ago...
Hiro Masamune | Apr 25 2024 21:37 utc | 57
Let's deal with the "Pepe nuke" thing once and for all. Someone wanna send a clear message ; we know your capabilities and your plans , we have something to counter it in an humiliating manner if you dare.
Nothing happened yet , message send , message received , end of the story... for now
Yes, this is my take at the moment as well. I mean, it works whether the story is true or not!
We all know that the Israelis would love to nuke Iran and we all know that they're capable, and that they would have NO moral qualms in doing so.
We also know that things are going south for Israel, socially, economically, politically, existentially.
We all know that psychopaths prioritize self-preservation, at all costs.
Yes, true or not, it's the right time to deliver an ultimatum.
Posted by: john | Apr 26 2024 9:32 utc | 99
Posted by: john | May 5 2024 16:33 utc | 22
It's also plausible to use Escobar as the channel of communications if the sources wanted to get the info - rapidly - into the minds of Asian and Western thought- and policy-leaders, but could not use official channels to get the job done.
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 15:18 utc | 12
Why should a message be channeled to "minds of Asian and Western thought- and policy-leaders"?
You do not deter your enemy (Iran) by mind-engineering other Asian or Western policy-leaders which mostly are passive if not supportive to your acts of genocide.
And to mind-engineer Iranian decision-makers, you definitely don't accompany such a huge message alongside 3 Pizza-delivery drones trying to drop couple of explosives near a military installation.
To send a message of the altitude you theorize here, there are direct back-channels with zero delay.
I give you an example. The latest Cradle report, "Delivering a ‘True Promise’: an insider account of Iran’s strikes on Israel"
Mahmoud Nabavian doesn't reveal the full story of Iran-US communication before operation "True Promise".
He doesn't point at the fact that US decision-makers were informed about Iran's next move to step out of NPT in case of a possible US attack following operation "True Promise". Nabavian as a member of staff in *Front Office* deliver those parts of facts sorted out as "fit for public audience", while *Back Office* handle the parts "not fit for public audience".
Therefore, I think it's premature to throw Escobar under the bus with the "he was used and discredited" assertion. Escobar is too good, has too long a (verifiable) track record to dismiss him like that.
You know nothing about how Shooting Stars like Pepe Escobar are built up. It would need a lengthy discussion about the true nature of "Alternative Media" which I don't consider constructive at this point.
Posted by: Framarz | May 5 2024 16:45 utc | 23
Al Jazeera tv the latest reporting crew to be kicked out of Israel, it would appear that the Zionists don't want anyone reporting on the genocide of the Palestinian people, which for them it will allow all types of barbarities upon the civilians of Gaza in the coming invasion of Rafah where many oppressed Palestinians will be murdered.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | May 5 2024 16:45 utc | 24
THE UAE gets the jitters and stops US military jets from leaving to carry out sorties from their soil, the Iranian attack on Israel has sent shockwaves across the ME, they appear to fear an attack from Iran.
"The Pentagon is shifting its fighter jets, unmanned aerial vehicles and other military aircraft to Qatar after UAE officials warned they will not allow Washington to use their soil for strikes in West Asia, a US report says.
Emirati officials informed the US in February that they would no longer permit American warplanes and drones based at Al Dhafra Air Base to carry out strikes in Yemen and Iraq without notifying them ahead of time, The Wall Street Journal said.
“Restrictions have been imposed on strike missions against targets in Iraq and Yemen,” a UAE official told the paper. “Those restrictions are coming from a place of self-protection.”
Al Dhafra Air Base is located approximately 32 kilometers (20 miles) south of the capital Abu Dhabi.
According to US officials, the measure prompted US commanders to send the additional aircraft to Al Udeid Air Base southwest of Doha, Qatar, as the Persian Gulf monarchy hasn’t imposed similar restrictions."
Posted by: Republicofscotland | May 5 2024 16:51 utc | 25
@Framarz | May 5 2024 16:45 utc
The message wasn't intended to deter Iran; it was intended to deter Israel from doing something (else) really stupid that endangers the entire world.
The zero-delay back-channels you mentioned do exist, but those channels have curators (bureaucrats that decide what to do with the info). Most relevantly, those channels aren't read by the public.
The world-public is the message's target; the message's intent is to get policy-makers in many nations to recognize the threat the Israel's Zionists are to all of us.
Please identify a venue, fundamentally different from someone like Escobar, that one could use to get _that_ message in front of a world-wide audience.
Pepe Escobar is anything but a shooting star. He's been at it for at least 2 decades, and has a long, slowly built record of excellent journalistic pieces that serve as the foundation of his reader's high regard for him.
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 17:04 utc | 26
In these next several weeks running up to the general election in Britain, we can expect to hear a barrage of antisem tropes launched courtesy of Conservative Friends and Labour Friends and their Moss ad agency controllers against Monty Panesar, Craig Murray, Peter Ford, Chris Williamson, Diane Abbot, Jeremy Corbyn and others standing as Indeps or for the new WP.
Posted by: petra | May 5 2024 17:05 utc | 27
@Posted by: john | May 5 2024 16:33 utc
I hadn't seen Hiro Masamune's remarks prior to writing my post. Hiro said it better than I did; thanks for putting the credit where it belongs, including with your remarks in support of Hiro.
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 17:10 utc | 28
Pepe Escobar is anything but a shooting star. He's been at it for at least 2 decades, and has a long, slowly built record of excellent journalistic pieces that serve as the foundation of his reader's high regard for him.
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 17:04 utc | 25
I give Escobar credit for his talented work on presenting "Belt and Road Initiative" as a peaceful, prosperity bringing, progressive project to help developing countries.
His fairy tales have been so perfect that the regular news consumer track off completely and don't recognize the real outcome of this project, mainly aimed toward Chinese hegemony on markets and corridors along the routes + the Imperialist practice of *Export of Capital* to extract profit surplus from "Colonies".
Posted by: Framarz | May 5 2024 17:24 utc | 29
PM Netanyahu said "Israel cannot accept" Hamas' demand to end the Gaza war. Israel's defense minister said Hamas is showing signs it doesn't intend to close a deal with Israel, which means an offensive in Rafah will be launched "in the near future."
Posted by: Jonathan W | May 5 2024 17:33 utc | 30
May 5 Tass
Shiite units have intensified their attacks after the situation in the region escalated in October 2023 when militants from the Gaza Strip-based radical Palestinian group Hamas launched a surprise incursion on Israeli territory, killing many Israeli kibbutz residents living near the Gaza border and abducting more than 240 Israelis, including women, children and the elderly. Israel declared a total blockade of the Gaza Strip and launched bombardments of the enclave and some areas in Lebanon and Syria, as well as a ground operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Clashes are also reported in the West Bank.
Posted by: ld | May 5 2024 17:33 utc | 31
Israeli organ-trafficking network busted in Turkiye
Police in the Turkish city of Adana detained 11 suspects, five Israeli and two Syrian, on allegations of organ trafficking, the Daily Sabah reported on 5 May.
The Provincial Directorate of Security's Anti-Smuggling and Border Gates Branch began investigating after examining the passports of seven individuals who arrived in Adana from Israel about a month ago by plane for the purpose of health tourism. The two Syrian nationals, ages 20 and 21, were found to have fake passports.
Further investigation revealed that Syrian nationals had each agreed to sell one of their own kidneys to two of the Israeli nationals, ages 68 and 28, for kidney transplants in Adana.
Israel has long been at the center of what Bloomberg described in 2011 as a “sprawling global black market in organs where brokers use deception, violence, and coercion to buy kidneys from impoverished people, mainly in underdeveloped countries, and then sell them to critically ill patients in more-affluent nations.”
The financial newspaper added, “Many of the black-market kidneys harvested by these gangs are destined for people who live in Israel.”
Accusations of Israeli involvement in organ trafficking also apply to the occupied Palestinian territories.
In 2009, Sweden's largest daily newspaper, Aftonbladet, reported testimony that the Israeli army was kidnapping and murdering Palestinians to harvest their organs.
The report quotes Palestinian claims that young men from the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip had been seized by the Israeli army, and their bodies returned to the families with missing organs.
Posted by: ld | May 5 2024 17:46 utc | 32
"Posted by: librul | May 5 2024 13:58 utc | 2"
The goal, for many, is to speed up the Rapture, the Tribulation and the Second Coming of Jesus. Never under-estimate the power of puritan religious fanatacism in teh USA.
Posted by: lester | May 5 2024 17:53 utc | 33
Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 17:10 utc | 27
Hiro said it better than I did
Hiro said it. I wish he'd comment more often.
Posted by: john | May 5 2024 17:54 utc | 34
Jamal Anthony Bowman, representative of New York in the US Congress:
Are we in a police state or a democracy? Protest is the right of students; They object to sending US taxpayer dollars to Netanyahu to continue killing Palestinians in Gaza, mostly women and children.
Nice to see at least one congress critter on the right track.
Posted by: financial matters | May 5 2024 17:57 utc | 35
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 15:18 utc | 12
The buddy fueling system, developed for the F-35c, doubles the effective range by using another F-35 as a tanker. It fits the same centerline mount as the F-35i. So not impossible. We just don't know if they have the system and are trained to use it. But it would not be surprising if they did.
Posted by: badjoke | May 5 2024 18:00 utc | 36
@ Framarz | May 5 2024 17:24 utc, who said:
His [Pepe Escobar's] fairy tales have been so perfect that the regular news consumer track off completely and don't recognize the real outcome of this project, mainly aimed toward Chinese hegemony on markets and corridors along the routes + the Imperialist practice of *Export of Capital* to extract profit surplus from "Colonies".
==== Framarz:
Now _that_ is an interesting remark, and it deserves some dialog. Later today I'll post a reply in the open thread.
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 18:09 utc | 37
Posted by: titmouse | May 5 2024 15:21 utc | 13
"If angels are comprised of thought, light, and love, and light has mass but no volume, then the answer is infinite. Infinite thoughts of love alight upon a pin to dance."
Keep it up, you sound like me when I was 23.
Posted by: ld | May 5 2024 17:46 utc | 31
"Israeli organ-trafficking network busted in Turkiye"
I first became aware of this shortly after the US and The UK started bombing Serbia in 1999, which in itself made absolutely no sense to me. Serbia is Christian, and Serbian Girls are some of the most beautiful in the World (nearly married one 20 years before). The Kosovo Liberation Army, were essentially jihadi terrorists. Why was "The West" and Israel supporting these headchoppers? They also captured Serbian teenagers, unconnected to the war. Israeli surgeons, removed their vital organs whilst they were still alive, and flew their organs to places such as Tel Aviv and London. At first I didn't believe such evil was happening, but initial reports, were confirmed by an Official EU investigation and report.
I couldn't tell my Ex, nor my wife. I didn't want them to know of such horrors. Now its a Multi-Billion Dollar industry.
Posted by: tonyopmoc | May 5 2024 18:33 utc | 38
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 14:37 utc | 9
That was a beautiful and sad poem, thank you.
Posted by: Per/Norway | May 5 2024 18:38 utc | 39
As mentioned many times before, the US has no friends but enemies.
Posted by: AI | May 5 2024 18:42 utc | 40
EU needs more warships in Red Sea to match Yemen's power
The European Union's Aspides naval mission in the Red Sea lacks the warship power needed to protect ships heading to "Israel", or affiliated with the occupation, from the Yemeni Armed Forces' operations, the commander of the operation reportedly stated in Brussels.
Posted by: Framarz | May 5 2024 18:48 utc | 41
Some say China and/or Russia is an imperialist power. On the other hand, if you see it against the background of WW2, they have not changed sides, but the US and the UK have. On the other hand, the US and the UK insist they have not changed sides while Russia and China have, which is why they are using Nazi powers as a sort of homeopathic cure: like cures like. Perhaps Israel, the new entity in the mix, has skewed the vision of the US and the UK. Further, some would say it has also spoiled Russia and China, which have now become imperialist powers themselves. And so on.
Posted by: Jonathan W | May 5 2024 18:55 utc | 42
Posted by: Jonathan W | May 5 2024 18:55 utc | 41
Further, some would say it has also spoiled Russia and China, which have now become imperialist powers themselves. And so on.
this is just sub par
I do try not to feed you and your friends here but seriously?
this is just insulting
or perhaps you have meandered into the wrong place
Posted by: ld | May 5 2024 19:08 utc | 43
Re: organ harvesting in war zones
It’s also been rumored that the 2 Mobile Hospitals sent to the Ukraine by the IDF was used for organ harvesting.
Posted by: Exile | May 5 2024 19:09 utc | 45
Israelis have been stealing the guts of all us subhumans with impunity FOR DECADES
we don't even have to be dead yet they just tak em
like we're bugs
everybuddy knows and yet they just continue doing it forever just becuz this is the song that never ends it just goes on and on my friends
this is why Israel must cease to exist
Israeli doctor arrested for illegal organ transplants
2007 Israel sets out to outlaw organ trafficking (HA that's rich)
Posted by: ld | May 5 2024 19:27 utc | 46
This whole mess is now building rapidly toward a horrendous conclusion.............famine is now prevalent, the IDF having halted all food and water and medicine deliveries......
Most of the Gaza population has now been starved for over 24 weeks, without adequate food, water and medicines and forced to relocate by foot numerous times...the Gaza civilians will now rapidly die of malnutrition, typhus, cholera, dysentery. There will be massive losses.
This will be a modern day update of An Gorta Mor...........and the MSM and the Biden regime will remain silent while they die in their tents, and homes and on the streets.......only to be run over by IDF MBT's.
Posted by: Tobias Cole | May 5 2024 19:40 utc | 47
Posted by: Framarz | May 5 2024 18:48 utc | 40
"EU needs more warships in Red Sea"
Irrespective of the religions and the politics, I and my kids(who got their PADI's in The Maldives) found the Red Sea incredibly Beautiful underwater.
The last thing the Red Sea needs is more warships, sunk to the bottom. They have these drones and supersonics now, for 1% of the price, that blat them..
And who in the EU, UK or even the USA is going to build them?
They ain't got the skills, and are in the process of turning the energy off, which will kill nearly everyone left.
Posted by: tonyopmoc | May 5 2024 19:45 utc | 48
Tom Pfotzer @ 12
A lot of the report is very plausible.
Please recall that 500 truck caravans of oil tankers moved across the Syrian desert quite a long time before anyone took notice. Also recall 2000 Special Forces specification Toyota pickups purchased from a Texas dealership shipped to Iraq to Kurdistan and driven across the desert to Syria. Surprise surprise. So a shot down F-35 might well escape notice entirely, or be covered up entirely before anyone looked.
In the days since Pepe's report there has been a lot of reporting on developments in non-nuclear EMP weapons. Very possibly the report was fully correct but for the nuclear component.
Everyone involved has every reason to keep this one quiet. One major leak to one significant reporter may be exactly the level of awareness desired.
Posted by: oldhippie | May 5 2024 19:49 utc | 49
Tom @ 9
I was hoping b or other German speakers could translate the poem into English here.
Pepe's F35 story is a non event. He got played. The only story here is the Zionist regime's bluff was called. The myth of invincibility was shattered. A way to save face was generated by some elements and a patsy was selected, 2 birds with one stone.
This is an interesting view on Iran/Israel, certainly explains to me why Rafsanjani and Rouhani had a weaker approach to Western bullying.
Posted by: Suresh | May 5 2024 19:58 utc | 50
Recent interview:
Laith Marouf - Latest News: Israel's Genocide of Gaza, Palestinian Resistance & Global Implications
Highlights: Discussion of the attack this am (5-5) from Hamas. States longer wider war ahead. Lebanon & non-state actors ready. Discusses peace talks and China meeting.
Basically disgusted with Egypt and Saudi Arabia. States it is Egypt that simply doesn’t take aid in. States “normalization” nonsense with SA ridiculous as SA and Israel have been birds of a feather since the 30’s. States Israel has been beat, and the coming war will mostly entail US/UK troops as Israel forces already on last legs. State Pepe was “fed” what he was fed, as Israel, like US, are always trying to look stronger and tougher/“crazy” than they are. States Yemen will fulfill its promise in support of Lebanon when break out happens. Guesses no agreement b4 elections. May be sooner. suggests that Abbas et el PLO, will most likely be targeted by resistance groups as well, or some of them. States Turkey pressure is real from citizens, but Turkey could care a less about Palestinians, but does realize Mediterranean will be hit when hostilities happen, and doesn’t want to be in crossfire.
Interview has a couple of internet connect bumps. But worth a listen. I’ve listened to Laith many times, this is the most disgusted at the situation I have heard him.
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 5 2024 20:09 utc | 51
A message was sent. A warning was issued. Escobar was the vehicle.
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 15:18 utc | 12
Tom, I agree. The specific message was something like 'if you try it, Russia has "the Big Powers" permission (and capability) to shoot you down.
Thus no wreckage to recover in the desert, but a Check to Israel ....
All the Big Powers, including Iran, want this to remain a proxy war between Israel and the Resistance.
Posted by: MrH | May 5 2024 20:15 utc | 52
If its man made, praying to it ain't going to fix it, when it stops working, as most things do.
However if it was built 50 or even 100 years, and has been incredibly reliable, like you just turn it on, and it always works, if you can find the original documentation, and have even basic electrical and plumbing skills, and know how to use a spanner and a soldering iron, you can often fix the thing for next to free.
Posted by: tonyopmoc | May 5 2024 20:19 utc | 53
I think that Bibi is running low on time to do the needful in Rafah. Biden is despairing about the protests that are erupting and needs a media victory soon. His handlers are still Bering the dead horse of ceasefire talks and will soon be pants shitting over the AnsarAllah blockade as it shows no signs of abating.
It’s going to get even uglier soon.
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | May 5 2024 20:59 utc | 54
So now , for some of you, good 'ole Pepe was delivering a "message". Thats a very convenient cope mechanism to avoid stating that you were duped. However, whats the most logical answer ? Pepe either " jumped the shark" or he was fed some dis-info, its pretty simple and no outlandish theories are needed.
Additionally, to avoid back tracking in the future, lets all go record now with our predictions as to what will happen to Gaza, and most likely the rest of Palestine, as I already have in the past . To summarize:
1. Gaza will be cleared out.
2. The Palestinians will be purposely distributed all over the planet to prevent them from ever being a monolithic political / national / and cultural block again.
3. Israel and its leadership will not suffer any consequences or face any type of justice.
I will be more then ecstatic to come here at a later time and say that I was wrong , as that will mean the Palestinians have prevailed, but obviously I have my doubts on that. I await the brave among you to publicly go on record. Who's next ?
Posted by: Moonie | May 5 2024 21:03 utc | 55
White kites of angelic love bearing witness to us creating a new, loving world. Thanks Refaat. :)
How many angels dance on the head of a pin? If angels are comprised of thought, light, and love, and light has mass but no volume, then the answer is infinite. Infinite thoughts of love alight upon a pin to dance. They dance to inspire you to pop the bubbles of delusion, despair, anxiety, hatred, pride, and other forms of self-separation in your life. :)
The smallest of lights is all that is needed to create the roaring flames. Inspiration in a candle flame, all that power dancing at the tip of a taper and leaving no shadow. Bear witness and know you can change both your inside and the outside world. Dance your light upon the world. :)
/cheep cheep
Posted by: titmouse | May 5 2024 15:21 utc | 13
Here is to the One who Loves like no other!
Here is to the One in whose Love there is no doubt!
Here is to the One whose Kisses are Subtle and Sublime!
Here is to the One whom I Love and no other!
I asked my Lord do you love me love me true?
Gave me a Kiss and said Know that I AM the True in Love.
I said back when and where I did this and that!
HE Gave me Gentle Caress and Said I Forgive All.
So Here is to the One Who Loves like no other!
Here is to the One the True in Love!
Here is to the Faithful Loving and Gentle Friend!
Here is to the Lord of Light the Light of Lights the Maker of Light!
Then I said so and so broke my heart, was that You?
HE Laughed & Said, Yes I Did that so that you'll seek me Inside.
So here is to the One of the un-Failing Love!
Here is to the One whose lovers Unite in a Perfect Arc.
Here is to the One Supreme Sovereign the Glorious King
Here is to the One Who Placed Mercy before HIS Might
Then I said what I can I do with a shattered Heart?
HE Said I Have Forged you a New Heart Perfect in My Sight!
Here is to my Lord and your Lord the LORD of ALL
Here is to the One is Who is the Friend to ALL
Here is to my beloved my Maker my One and ALL
Here is to the One the Blessed One Holy, Most High
So like an ~!! Angel Winged !!~ my Heart now soars in delight
I know my Self I know my Lord The Eternal Sultan of Love
Posted by: sunof27 | May 5 2024 21:09 utc | 56
RE: Posted by: Moonie | May 5 2024 21:03 utc | 55
For your record: #1: Disagree #2 : Disagree #3: Agree
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 5 2024 21:29 utc | 57
The American Empire is preparing a massive attack on Yemen including both air and land assault.
This America aggression will involve the British as well as proxies like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.
Exclusive: Yemen Braces For Impending Massive Us-Led Air And Ground Campaign
The Anglo Americans apparently are not content with arming and sponsoring the Saudi-UAE war on Yemen that led to a humanitarian catastrophe with hundreds of thousands of dead Yemeni civilians.
The War on Yemen's Civilians
Now they want to double down on these crimes against humanity.
Like their Zionist brethren, the Anglo American imperialists have a religious-like bloodlust that is insatiable.
Posted by: ak74 | May 5 2024 22:25 utc | 59
tonyopmoc | May 5 2024 18:33 utc | 37
*** The Kosovo Liberation Army, were essentially jihadi terrorists. Why was "The West" and Israel supporting these headchoppers? They also captured Serbian teenagers, unconnected to the war. Israeli surgeons, removed their vital organs whilst they were still alive, and flew their organs to places such as Tel Aviv and London. At first I didn't believe such evil was happening, but initial reports, were confirmed by an Official EU investigation and report.***
A whistle-blower (an American female, afaicr) first exposed the crimes. It involved the KLA (basically, greater Albanian mafia) plus elements in NATO and some UN officials. As well as human organs, there was white-slaving .... the Israeli police reportedly made arrests pertaining to the latter.
That such serious stuff got rapidly memory-holed by mainstream mass-media and the NATO political establishment (without any known serious punishments) suggests it cannot just
have been just lower-level operatives involved.
Posted by: Cynic | May 5 2024 22:39 utc | 60
@Suresh | May 5 2024 19:58 utc, who said, in reference to Pepe Escobar's Israel->F35->Nuke->Iran story:
Pepe's F35 story is a non event. He got played.
Suresh, I concede that it's possible Escobar got played, but I am not seeing the "who" and the "why".
Who played him, and why, and did the "playing" actually succeed? I would like to hear your perspective.
==== Separately ...
I appreciated your link to Thierry Meyssan's article at That's an interesting story of the nuance of Iran-Israel-US relationships over the past 60 years.
My summary of that story is that the U.S. used Iran and Israel to control the Middle East, and then Iran got away, so the U.S. had to use the cudgel on them (sic Iraq on them by inciting war with Iran, use chem weapons, etc., then sic Israel on them with the "Iran's gonna get nukes and destroy Israel" theme).
The story also doesn't report that Israel "got away" too, and actually seized control of the U.S. That seems to be what's happened, right?
The story also doesn't address the rapid evolution of Iran's political posture into a regional force for throwing off the control of the West. Not only did Iran "get away", it has morphed into one of, possibly the major, force for deflecting the influence of the West in the mid-East, in general.
Theirry's story doesn't seem to explain the frenetic, hysterical fear-mongering within Israel and the associated Zionistas here in the U.S. about Iran-Nukes. If Iran and Israel are secretly sympatico, what's with that?
Theirry's story doesn't talk about the fact that the US-Iran-Israel relationship ultimately went into "emergent behavior" mode. Unanticipated motives emerged, and now we've inherited the effects of two captives "gone native". Israel and Iran are now doing what they perceive to be in their best interests, and the U.S. has lost control of the situation.
The rest of the world is in the process of choosing sides, and Israel is losing out not just militarily but politically as well. Because U.S. is captive to Israel (will anyone dispute that?), the U.S. is going to continue to lose standing and involvement in the MidEast. We're being very effectively pushed out.
That's the Middle East story, but a similar dynamic is playing out in Russia-Ukraine-EU and (apparently) soon in the China-Taiwan-Japan-SKorea theater. The U.S. has picked losing strategies, and is taking down its losing-side partners with it.
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 22:42 utc | 61
Tobias Cole | May 5 2024 19:40 utc | 46
***... without adequate food, water and medicines and forced to relocate by foot numerous times...the Gaza civilians will now rapidly die of malnutrition, typhus, cholera, dysentery. There will be massive losses.***
Getting really ridiculous by now that even pro-Palestinian articles and comments everywhere keep reciting a death figure from months ago .... has all the Israeli bombing, shelling and sniping (plus blockading of food and water) since then had no fatal effect at all?
Posted by: Cynic | May 5 2024 22:47 utc | 62
The negotiations seem to be at a 'make or break' point. (Or already past it?)
CIA head Burns is there to, er, "facilitate".
And I'm left wondering:
Is his mission to bring about a compromise agreement - or to prevent it?
The criticism of Israel is unusually loud in the West. Latest news is the 'freezing' of ammo shipment.
If there's an escalation (vs. Libanon or Iran), the criticism would disappear immediately.
Trying to corner Netanyahu & leave him 'no other way out'?
Posted by: smuks | May 5 2024 23:01 utc | 63
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 22:42 utc | 61
Interestingly - or ironically? - the US's current lack of control over the situation/region has its roots in the military misadventures - all cheered loudly by Israel - that mostly began after 9/11. The invasion of Iraq was effectively Israeli policy that co-opted the ruling American regime at the time.
I wonder what role the demise of the USSR as a counterbalance played too.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 5 2024 23:22 utc | 64
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 22:42 utc | 61
Posted by: smuks | May 5 2024 23:01 utc | 63
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 5 2024 23:22 utc | 64
very good commentary.. and i would add. Russia maybe turning on Israel?. The Russians have discovered much Israeli support for the Ukraine regime inside Ukraine, Israel double crossed Russia in Syria, Turkey's citizens have forced Turkey to claim neutrality, Russia announced support for Yemen at a time when the USA, UK, SA and France are coordinating attacks on Yemen.. ? Hummmm the first battle of WWIII might happen in Yemen. Wonder what Wall Street's stock market will do?
Posted by: snake | May 6 2024 0:00 utc | 65
IDF is kicking Palestainian azz…heheheh
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 21:48 utc | 58\
Alright! For those of us that crave affirmation, in whatever form it takes.... I have _finally_ got it.
I've been body-snatched!
After all these years of posting, at last I see that I've made the right enemies.
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 6 2024 0:07 utc | 66
RE: “I wonder what role the demise of the USSR as a counterbalance played too.”
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | May 5 2024 23:22 utc | 64
For those that didn’t grow up in the Soviet era, I suppose it is hard to imagine the power, prestige & fear the USSR elicited globally. It was a power to be reckoned with, but not like US today, it was respected, even by US. Hated maybe, but respected.
I think any power, with any political or monetary system that is “unchecked” would go the corrupt, self grandiose way the US did, however, the US took it further, more the Caligula, viscous, violent, murderous gangster route because it’s root is violence.
All power needs a check, better, many checks on it. The USSR collapse, in turn and time, collapsed the U.S. as well. We are in collapse, no one is even denying it anymore.
The USSR were humiliated, weakened and could have done a scorched earth as they were still well armed, and had an excellent military, they chose to swallow the humiliation, correct paths that the citizens suffered under, and rebuild and reimagine a new century, with some dignity & integrity.
I see nothing up the road for the US/West but more embarrassment, mistakes & hubris, and maybe, like Israel, complete self destruction via violence. I hope I’m wrong, I see no West Leader coming up that will take responsibility & acknowledge consequences & set a compass for correction in any dignified manner for the citizens. This generation of dinosaur politicians & their geriatric rantings of an America 50 years ago, is simply retaining the hubris and idiocy of the status quo. I see no sea change for the US until this generation of 55ers and up, are all out of politics and gone.
But guessing a full on collapse b4 that happens.
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 6 2024 0:22 utc | 67
Can anyone explain the logic of waiting for israel to attack Rafah ?
Posted by: Mark2 | May 6 2024 1:36 utc | 68
RE: Can anyone explain the logic of waiting for israel to attack Rafah ?
Posted by: Mark2 | May 6 2024 1:36 utc | 68
I wouldn’t say “waiting” is descriptive, as hostilities & bombings back and forth, even between Hezbollah & Israel continues, it’s a lower tempered murder. Rafah would simply mean “all gloves off”… warnings and cross warnings.. sorta like the movies when the armies are shouting, chanting and symbolic war dances on opposing hillsides before commencing battle.
As for stopping the genocide altogether… the UN. UNSC & all nation states on the globe, don’t seem interested. Only a handful of non-state actors apparently care.
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 6 2024 1:47 utc | 69
paxmark1 18
""Israel's Defense Minister announced an operation in Rafah shortly, saying that Hamas, in his opinion, is not seeking to reach a ceasefire deal.""
Smotrich the terrorist is no more Israel's Defence Minister than Israeli citizen Shimon Elliot alias Baghdadi was a Muslim Caliph, until transferred by Trump to a safe place.
There is no such thing as Democracy since the use of IT to create fake results. The world has to learn to despise democracy until democracy becomes totally transparent.
Criminal, Nazi , Mafia, foreign dictators who get power through abuse of democracy don't deserve the sanctity of genuine consultation of the demos.
It's a poor state of affairs when a software engineer gets to dictate the military policy of a nuclear-armed , belligerent dis-entity that is completely opposed by its own electorate.
Posted by: Giyane | May 6 2024 1:56 utc | 70
There's rumours the US have halted arms supply to the Zionist regime.
In other news, the useless Patriots are to be decommissioned by IOF, lots of speculation where these will end up.
Hamas has launched a rocket attack and seriously injured 7 occupiers.
Posted by: Suresh | May 6 2024 2:03 utc | 71
RE: Posted by: Giyane | May 6 2024 1:56 utc | 70
""Israel's Defense Minister announced an operation in Rafah shortly, saying that Hamas, in his opinion, is not seeking to reach a ceasefire deal.""
Yawn … Good luck Israel…
What do you think?? Article true or BS?
Updated 7 hours ago -
“Scoop: U.S. put a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel”
“The Biden administration last week put a hold on a shipment of U.S.-made ammunition to Israel, two Israeli officials told Axios.
“Why it matters: It is the first time since the Oct. 7 attack that the U.S. has stopped a weapons shipment intended for the Israeli military.
The incident raised serious concerns inside the Israeli government and sent officials scrambling to understand why the shipment was held, Israeli officials said.”
The U.S. doesn’t give a crap about genocide…
But they do care about oil… they do care about the stock market… they do care about shipping…
Too bad US… the choice is: Get Israel IDF out of Gaza…or…
All their huffing & puffing and threatening Hamas means garbage, those resistance groups throughout the ME can rain havoc in one week on global economy & they are obviously telling the nation state players..f**k off…
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 6 2024 2:10 utc | 72
@ Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 22:42 utc | 61 who wrote
Because U.S. is captive to Israel (will anyone dispute that?), the U.S. is going to continue to lose standing and involvement in the MidEast. We're being very effectively pushed out.
I am a bit picky about just who the God Of Mammon cult is and include Pope Frank and King Chuck as members so characterizing the US as captive to Occupied Palestine is an incorrect context for me. I don't doubt that many Jews are members of the cult but have never believed our world is run by other than folks whose God is Mammon first and monotheism or such second. The members of the cult do not owe allegiance to nations but use them as pawns in their hegemony control strategies.
That is why I think we are in a civilization war about the public/private money element in our forms of social organization and China, with public finance at its core is challenging the Western financial hegemony/jackboot.
When this civilization war reaches a negotiation stage, do you think that the Xi/Putin axis is going to want to talk to Marcon or other puppets?
They will want to talk directly to the people in ownership and charge of the Western shit show.....I expect they know who enough of them are to send invitations.....
Yes, empire is being pushed out of the ME but maybe if Americans take their country back from the money mafia they can engage in mutually beneficial exchange further down the road.
Posted by: psychohistorian | May 6 2024 2:15 utc | 73
Reuters is reporting
Israel attacks Rafah after Hamas claims responsibility for deadly rocket attack
a sub heading
Three Israeli soldiers were killed in a rocket attack claimed by Hamas' armed wing near Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, where Palestinian health officials said at least 19 people were killed by Israeli fire.
So much for the latest negotiations.....
Posted by: psychohistorian | May 6 2024 2:22 utc | 74
Surest 71
The day the US stops arming Israel against its Muslim inhabitants is the day the Israeli software engineers programme the US ballot to back Trump.
West Asia is having personal hygiene issues caused by one Western-backed religious dictarship wanting to mate with another Western-backed religious dictaorship. The process , previously called Sodom and Gonorrhea , has been re-named Normalisation, a euphemism for two like-minded extremists to enter civil partnership even though one party is an Amaleq and the other party similarly cursed by their scriptures to be avoided at all costs.
Officiating in this marriage is a young Church of England vicar, Hindu convert Sunak, who says he hopes the mutual harmony of the loving couple will be blessed, if not by children, by vast profits.
Posted by: Giyane | May 6 2024 2:26 utc | 75
Trubind1 72
So true , and yet so hard to swallow , that the world's most soft-hearted, Yemeni Muslims have got USUKIS spitting teeth.
Posted by: Giyane | May 6 2024 2:34 utc | 76
RE: “if Americans take their country back from the money mafia they can engage in mutually beneficial exchange further down the road.”
Posted by: psychohistorian | May 6 2024 2:15 utc | 73
Not sure what you mean by “take their Country back”..?
The US was always built by & controlled by the “money mafia”. It’s what the US is.
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 6 2024 2:50 utc | 77
There's rumours the US have halted arms supply to the Zionist regime.
Posted by: Suresh | May 6 2024 2:03 utc | 71
It's probably not out of choice but out of production problems.
Always remember: The USA is run by the Zionist Lobby, nobody else.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | May 6 2024 2:52 utc | 78
One ammo shipment . Wow so that's 39 cargo planes a day not 40.not specified if it's 2000 pound bombs or hand grenades. More than likely the last of their javelins. The least useful weapon for Gaza with no armour to use on.
Patriots are replaced by Israel's Sparrow arrow etc home-grown varieties/copies. I guess keep the profits close to home for things they know they get lots of use out of and not rely on usa to supply iron dome even if it's free.
Someone was counting merkeva tanks destroyeddisabled. I'd imagine we are getting to 50% by now in count. Not much hope of a Lebanon incursion if that's the case. The failure in Gaza to round up a few flip flops and RPG is somewhat embarrassing, hamas
Yemen again spoke of the one million man army ready to go. Not sure how that plans to even get to Israel but it's gotta be something usa has to plan in, considering there's talk of usa ground/air invasion of Yemen. Usa has to deal with ansarallah or the whole middle east is lost . They haven't started sinking Mediterranean shipping yet but that will be a huge shock to global economy and pricing. Bring on the Antarctic shipping lanes with russia in the driver's seat . How a century of geopolitical power can change in a few months
Posted by: Hankster | May 6 2024 3:04 utc | 79
Apologies . My intention was to be insulting to religious extremists, both of whom have been warned not to associate with the other in their respective scriptures, but who by collaborating together since Yugoslavia have rocked the world with Terror, trashed whole nations for Greater Israel, and brought about this genocide against their Muslim Brothers in Palestine.
Allah's curse be on the Normalisation between Saudi Arabia and Israel.
It was not my intention to offend anyone else. Mea culpa. Sorry for using an unfortunate metaphor. Please delete it if it causes offence.
Posted by: Giyane | May 6 2024 3:07 utc | 80
meanwhile back at the genocide ranch
'Israel' commits massacre in Rafah, killing 12 in one airstrike
The Israeli occupation commits a brand new massacre in Rafah, carrying out a devastating airstrike that killed a dozen civilians.
.....On Sunday, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the number of Palestinians killed in the ongoing Israeli genocide in the Strip since October 7 has now reached 34,683, with 78,018 injured as the war marks its 212th day......
Posted by: michaelj72 | May 6 2024 3:11 utc | 81
Confirmation of Laith Moriff video I posted earlier, he declared many more months of war:
End-of-conflict issue becomes stumbling block in Israel-Hamas deal — media
“Earlier, Egypt’s Sada al-Balad TV channel reported that negotiators in Cairo had made progress on the technical aspects of a possible agreement, but according to individual participants, even if Hamas accepts the proposal presented to it, it will take time to agree on specific details that should eventually lead to a ceasefire. Negotiators said that the talks could be long and difficult.”
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 6 2024 3:11 utc | 83
RE: “Always remember: The USA is run by the Zionist Lobby, nobody else.”
Posted by: Arch Bungle | May 6 2024 2:52 utc | 78
True, but even the Zio Lobbies are run by the Zio Bankers,
It wouldn’t be the first time they threw their own under a bus if it interfered with global business interest.
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 6 2024 3:17 utc | 84
until the Moslem world/Arab streets really get it together, israel will likely not hurt too much economically from any 'sanctions',
though the Houthis seem to be now willing to threaten Mediterranean trade/shipping and that might do the trick
I am sure the US is working overtime in those capitals of Turkey, UAE, Jordan and others to make sure trade goes on
The enemy within: Arab states that trade with Israel
West Asian exports to Israel have skyrocketed since 2020. These are the Arab and Muslim governments that put goods on Israeli shelves, despite their public stances supporting Gaza.
....Exports to Israel from the UAE, Jordan, Egypt, and Morocco are hardly surprising: these are the Arab states most vested in championing regional policies that serve the interests of the occupation state. The more surprising connection, however, is the trade relations — however minimal — between Algeria and Israel......
Posted by: michaelj72 | May 6 2024 3:26 utc | 85
Naturally USA & Israel want Marwan Barghouti detained indefinitely. Today's MEE report has it that PLO officials also insist that his name be kept out of any potential prisoner swap deal.
A source familiar with the negotiations told MEE on Sunday that the request was made by Majid Faraj, the director of Palestinian general intelligence, and Hussein al-Sheikh, the secretary-general of the Palestine Liberation Organisation's (PLO) executive committee.
The source added that senior PA leaders believed Barghouti's release would threaten the leadership of PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
For what it's worth. Not that any deal looks possible, any time soon.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | May 6 2024 3:41 utc | 86
Posted by: psychohistorian | May 6 2024 2:15 utc | 73
we are in a civilization war about the public/private money element in our forms of social organization and China, with public finance at its core is challenging the Western financial hegemony/jackboot.
I think your public/private money element observation incorporates what I believe to be but half of the competition, the other half of the competition is monopoly control over the commodities [energy, food, air, water] and the means of production [minerals, technology and manpower].
Its about unshared attainment to king of the mountain status!
Posted by: snake | May 6 2024 3:49 utc | 87
Resistance opening front in West Bank?
Or maybe, citizens just have had enough…
“Israeli forces face resistance in West Bank raids”
DUBAI, May 6. /TASS/. The Israeli military has met with resistance during raids in some West Bank cities, Qatar's Al Jazeera reported.
“According to the TV channel, the raids took place mainly in the cities of Silwan, Tubas, Tulkarem and Hebron. The Palestinian WAFA news agency reported that the Israeli forces' actions provoked clashes in the town of Tubas. Gunfire can be heard in videos posted online. No casualties or injuries have been reported.”
I expect break out of West Bank & PLO thugs to start being gunned down any day now. Not believing the “no casualties or injuries”… who has clashes with IDF “raids” that doesn’t result in death and injuries?… call bs on that part of report.
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 6 2024 3:50 utc | 88
The Turkish-flagged ship TURKON ISTANBUL, carrying 21,092 tons of cargo, departed on Sunday from the port of Iskenderun on its way to Haifa and is a short distance away from the port. This is only one of many ships being called out for continuance of trade to Israel.
Posted by: Hankster | May 6 2024 3:59 utc | 89
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 6 2024 1:47 utc | 69
Why wait to invade Rafah? I suppose because it gives Bibi some kind of leverage, but if he plays the card, the leverage is gone. So, actually it's no leverage. He can't do it and he can't not do it.
Hence the delay. The longer he waits, the more the protests/divestment spreads. If he goes in, the more the protests/divestment spreads.
The major powers and Iran prefer for the conflict to be played out by "proxies." But given that the Houthis have balls of steel and that the IDF is unable to fight anyone but women and children...this is likely to fuck up the global economy even if we are able to avoid nuclear war.
Anyway, just thinking out loud. Short version: the Israelis have backed themselves into a corner politically, economically, culturally, and militarily. The US has blown its load in Ukraine, it lacks the industrial capacity to reload quickly, and it does not know how to wage a war of attrition. NATO is, as a former official with whom I share a hot tub at the gym said, a thin facade for the US. Has not much arms without the American friend.
It doesn't look good; unfortunately the Palestinians are the ones who are paying the price for the current impasse.
Posted by: JAB | May 6 2024 4:08 utc | 90
Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets into Israel’s northern Kiryat Shmona settlement on 5 May in response to the Israeli massacre which killed an entire family in south Lebanon that day.
rockets landing in israeli settlement
sadly no one was hurt
Posted by: ld | May 6 2024 4:12 utc | 91
RE: Posted by: Hankster | May 6 2024 3:59 utc | 89
I think it was Pepe on Danny Haiphong that pointed out, there are only 3 truly “sovereigns” in the World. Russia, Iran & China. He was pointing out the Brazil and India strangleholds. In reference to BRICS. And Turkey the same. Until there’s some grit, will and an alternative monetary system, the knees are bent. Most don’t have a work around like those 3 nations do. With the right Central Banker and will, Turkey could pull it off, with much difficulty, but he’s been so paranoid about his financial minister, he’s been overseeing and in charge of it himself, and it’s quite the mess. Not many nations would chose the path Iran did to be and stay a sovereign.
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 6 2024 4:17 utc | 92
Jewrael's forced shut-down of Al Jazeera's Jewrael branch has had the predictable result of inspiring a blockbuster edition of A-J. Lots of lists of crimes against Jewrael's imaginary enemies.
It's probably the May 5 edition and well worth the effort of looking it up on the www.
Al Jazeera is usually broadcast into Oz via and specified as "from Doha".
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | May 6 2024 4:25 utc | 93
Added to #93.
With a little bit of luck, Jewrael's shut-down of Al Jazeera's Jewrael branch office could/should result in future Al Jazeera News reports focusing mainly on the activities and opinions of the Resistance Axis in Jewrael, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad etc.
So Jewrael shouldn't be too surprised if the shut-down produces the opposite of the wished for effect i.e. a total clusterfuck?
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | May 6 2024 4:49 utc | 94
RE: “It doesn't look good; unfortunately the Palestinians are the ones who are paying the price for the current impasse.”
Posted by: JAB | May 6 2024 4:08 utc | 90
“Paying the price” is the reason the impasse must end with victory. The occupation must end. A return to status quo, is not an option. Too many lives lost. More will follow before it is over.
Posted by: Trubind1 | May 6 2024 5:35 utc | 95
moving the Overton Window
averted by 3rd party action(s).
if the sources wanted to get the info - rapidly - into the minds of Asian and Western thought- and policy-leaders
Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | May 5 2024 15:18 utc | 12
HI Tom, pleasant commentary. I'm not fussed abut this subject either way, and have not made a comment on as yet. I don't think it matters one way or the other. Why? Because it is only a "story" - nothing has changed at all, anywhere.
A few observations fwiw - it's fine if others disagree, no big deal either way.
The overton window isn't real so if it moves it makes no difference. There's that.
If anything was averted by 3rd party actions we don't know what that was. Nor who the 3rd party is.
Let us assume for one short moment said 3rd party was Russia. Telling the world would have had a much more critical and sizable impact upon said overton window (and pro-Russian Kudos) than slipping a few clues through Pepe, who, to be frank no one in the western world or wider world has any idea who he is. He's not Elon Musk or Tucker Carlson on Twitter if you get my drift.
If it was China the 3rd party or knew Russia was the 3rd party, similar notions apply. A big win for the BRICS global majority, why hide it under a bushel like Pepe.
Why not these two nations simply lay it all out in the open ... oh, btw, Israel just attempted to Nuke Iran, but Russia and China, we stopped that from happening. Please wake the fuck up dear Americans and Europeans before it is too late.
I see no downside from such an announcement for either of them.
But hell to pay for Israel and the Golden Billion of the Outlaw US Empire with an abusing massive national support for Axis of Resistance and HAMAS and the PALESTINIANS as well.
All that is of course neither here nor there. Kind where Pepe's reports leave us. In a place nowhere different than we were before. Those are my thoughts on the matter fwiw.
FIGHT PALESTINE FIGHT never surrender!
Posted by: Lavrov's Dog | May 6 2024 6:31 utc | 96
Posted by: Moonie | May 5 2024 21:03 utc | 55
Your 'predictions' are imho more likely than not, and more so than any other scenarios floating around. I say what I think is the solution, what should be done, but I do not for moment believe it will happen.
The Palestinians are the 21st century version of the Jews, the Armenians and the Greeks of Turkey .... they will be dispensed with, and probably much sooner than anyone expects. Half the job was done in 1948, they moved the lines a bit more in 1967, and now comes the Killer Blow in 2024.
No one, and I mean NO ONE NATION or more will lift a finger to help the Palestinians. NO ONE helped the Jews either. Nor the Armenians and the Greeks.
Posted by: Lavrov's Dog | May 6 2024 6:47 utc | 97
Thank you tonyopmoc. :) In tits age I might be that level of maturity. And thank you sunof27, that was quite beautiful! :)
Be sure to avoid Western products, and if you live in the West use less and slow down. :) Every small thing of refusal one can do to hinder empire from genocide is a moral act.
/cheep cheep
Posted by: titmouse | May 6 2024 7:07 utc | 98
We are witnesing a genocide in Gaza. A total defeat of Palestinians.
No Arab state or Iran cane to help them.
Posted by: vargas | May 6 2024 7:12 utc | 99
Jewish American Businessman Ron Unz has published a detached analysis of the events in the Levant since 2.Oct and how they relate to the Campus anti-genocide movement:
Posted by: Exile | May 6 2024 7:31 utc | 100
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So begins (in the US) eight days of Holocaust Remembrance.
There are clearly those that have learned from the Holocaust and pour into the streets to protest the
ongoing Genocide.
There are others that have learned a different lesson and have learned how to turn their back on Genocide.
These can be heard identifying themselves by using The Slur of "antisemitism" to try and intimidate and silence
those that have actually learned the right and decent lesson of the Holocaust.
So begins (in the US) eight days of Holocaust Remembrance.
They are going to really turn up the heat for the next several days and will use every angle of The Slur
to support Genocide.
Posted by: librul | May 5 2024 13:57 utc | 1