Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
April 01, 2024

Zionist Entity Assassinates Iranian General In Syria

Today, at 17:00 local time, Israel bombed the Iranian embassy area in Damascus, Syria. It hit a building next to the embassy which is used for consular services as well as for accommodations for embassy staff.

The target of the attack was General Mohammad Reza Zahedi (Abou Mahdi Zahedi) of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp. He as well as other IRGC personnel were killed.

Zahedi was stationed in Damascus on invitation of the Syrian government. His responsibilities  included the IRGC relations with friendly forces in Lebanon as well as Syria.

The attack can be seen as another attempt by the Israeli government to incite a war with Hizbullah on its northern border. The idea behind such a war is to escalate far enough to draw U.S. forces into the fight (and to leave it to them to clean up the mess).

I doubt that the IRGC or its allies will fall for this. Zahedi will be replaced and the resistance against Israel will continue as planned.

Israeli officials in embassies around the world will now be forced to limit their movements in the general public as they are the most likely targets of revenge strikes.



Posted by b on April 1, 2024 at 16:03 UTC | Permalink

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Anything to keep Bibi and the crazies in power

Posted by: Polli | Apr 1 2024 16:11 utc | 1

An unfortunate escalation to a worldwide battlefield in which they are very vulnerable.

Posted by: Mike Price | Apr 1 2024 16:12 utc | 2

Well, I guess the MIC's loyalists among the talking heads will either ignore the story, or if they report on it, dance around how close, physically and metaphorically, Israel just got to attacking the sovereign ground of another nation's embassy*.

Given how we've seen what drones can do, what Israeli embassy can consider itself safe? What car with diplomatic plates wouldn't be considered a target? Netanyahu getting ousted won't change things, but it could spark a movement in the West to demand major changes, or else. Given the religious aspect to this, his croaking might be seen as God signaling their displeasure. Not rooting for death, just noting that things went from bad to worse when a moderate Israeli PM was assassinated by a religious fanatic, so it would be poetic justice if things went from worse to just bad should Netanyahu meet his maker.

*Assuming the area targeted wasn't legally considered part of the Embassy.

Posted by: Babel-17 | Apr 1 2024 16:21 utc | 3

Where is the Syrian AD system?
The Israeli's strike with impunity!

Posted by: jpc | Apr 1 2024 16:22 utc | 4

Embassy annex, hit?

A recognition award should be issued, perhaps without attribution.

Posted by: Acco Hengst | Apr 1 2024 16:29 utc | 5

Desperate bastards, rewriting the terrorists handbook once again. These neo nazis are living on borrowed time, what goes around comes around.

Posted by: Eoin Clancy | Apr 1 2024 16:29 utc | 6

I think at this point we can safely assume NO other Middle Eastern state is going to jump in and aid the Palestinians. Israel is getting a 'two for one' : ethnically cleansing the Palestinians from Gaza AND inflicting destruction on its Arab neighbors.

Posted by: bored | Apr 1 2024 16:36 utc | 7

b wrote: " The idea behind such a war is to escalate far enough to draw U.S. forces into the fight"

Need it be mentioned that the Brits will also be most willingly drawn into the war together with the US.

The Brits have bases on Cyprus ready to go and the Brits have a recent secret military agreement with Israel.
So secret even elected lawmakers don't know what it says.


Kenny MacAskill
Alba Party
East Lothian

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if he will publish the agreement signed between the British Armed Forces and and the Israeli Defence Forces on 2 December 2020 on strengthening military co-operation.


James Heappey
Answered on

24 May 2021

The agreement signed in December 2020 by The Chief of the Defence Staff Sir Nick Carter and his Israeli counterpart, Chief of General Staff Lieutenant General Aviv Kohavi, strengthens the defence relationship between Britain and Israel. While this agreement is an important piece of defence diplomacy, the security implications of this work warrant the agreement being kept at a higher security classification, and therefore it will not be made public. In essence the new agreement is an organising mechanism for our relationship. The agreement formalises our defence relationship and supports our partnership and cooperation with Israel. It will streamline and provide a mechanism for planning our joint activity, allowing collaboration on a number of areas that will include defence medical training, organisational design concepts, and defence education.

Posted by: librul | Apr 1 2024 16:37 utc | 8

b wrote
The attack can be seen as another attempt by the Israeli government to incite a war with Hizbullah on its northern border. The idea behind such a war is to escalate far enough to draw U.S. forces into the fight (and to leave it to them to clean up the mess).

I doubt that the IRGC or its allies will fall for this. Zahedi will be replaced and the resistance against Israel will continue as planned.

When is a proxy war not a proxy war and which side IS the proxy?

How about if Occupied Palestine and the US are both proxies of the God Of Mammon cult?

If anything, I think that it time for the axis of resistance to take out one or more of the upper acolytes, if not outright members of the God Of Mammon cult. Certainly China and Russia must know some if not much detail about the cult and it is the cult and its members that need to feel the heat/fear at this time.....personally, not just their acolytes or proxies.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Apr 1 2024 16:39 utc | 9

At this point 'Israel' could nuke Tehran and some people would still go:

" I doubt Iran will fall for this ..."

Death by a thousand cuts, Iran, wake up, you're on the menu ...

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 1 2024 16:40 utc | 10

Hezbollah and Iran are letting themselves be bombed with very little response. They have allowed Israel to dictate the pace of the battle. Biden is currently shipping 1,800 additional 2,000 lbs bombs to Israel, and it isn't hard to figure out where they will be used.

Posted by: Bob | Apr 1 2024 16:46 utc | 11

thanks b..

all this does is make it worse for israel and their fucked up ideology.... they continue to add to the suffering and it will be their own suffering which is becoming gargantuan.. this is another step in that same direction.. an eye for an eye leads to blindness.. i would say israel is their already - completely blind to its own role in its own demise..

Posted by: james | Apr 1 2024 16:51 utc | 12

I hope the bloodthirsty ChairForce Generals at the bar appreciate that just killing leadership doesn't advance the end goals, and if anything, makes the situation stray further from the desired goals.

If anything, it's an emotional and childish response to doing the heavy lifting of winning a conflict to an enduring resolution.

Sniping a squadron commander in the field may be useful in a minimal context, but killing state leadership implies that only one person can lead in that country or unit.

I can easily imagine scenarios where the replacement for the assassinated person is more competent and rises to greater heights, which can end up as an "own goal".

I just listened to Scott Ritter explain that Israel has lost and they are trying to bring Hezbollah/Iran into the conflict so that America can participate. Hamas keeps asking Hezbollah to stay out. Likewise, Russia isn't nuking Kiev because that will invite a bigger response from the rest of the world against Russia, which to date, has been happy to stay out of the way as Russia sorts out its issues with Ukraine. That is why they need French troops based out of Eastern Europe, and NATO is moving missile installations into Eastern Europe while trying to roll every EU country into NATO through the backdoor. It's all about getting Russia to make the one move that kicks off the bigger conflict when they have already won the smaller one decisively.

The hyper-emotional responses posted online are excellent ways to turn victories into defeats and erase all of the sacrifices and losses made during the earliest days of the conflict.

Think about this in a Ukraine context. Ukraine keeps engaging in Western-inspired terrorism trying to get Russia to escalate. To cede the initiative by becoming reactive. I genuinely feel that Putin doesn't get enough credit for his patience in navigating that minefield.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 16:58 utc | 13

Posted by: Bob | Apr 1 2024 16:46 utc | 12


Please read my response at #14.

The Iranians and Lebanese are taking the hits to keep America out of the ME, which could quickly spiral into a global conflict that ends up saving Israel from the end it rightly deserves.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 17:00 utc | 14

Yep. They r trying to cash in while the senile war pig is still "in charge" . Trump the fraud, but atleast has a functioning brain and will not directly involve the us no matter how much he is beholden to some zionists and the useful idiot evangelical voting block
Things really r going badly for Israel for them to even attempt this

Posted by: A.z | Apr 1 2024 17:05 utc | 15

Gaza Horrified as IOF Leaves Trail of Destruction at Al-Shifa Hospital

""In a cruel act of terror, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have left behind a trail of devastation at Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital, with reports of around 300 decomposing bodies found in the vicinity. Mahmoud Basal, spokesperson for the Civil Defense in Gaza, revealed that the bodies showed signs of torture and execution, with some victims found handcuffed within the hospital grounds.

The IOF also set fire to wards within the hospital, destroying all medical equipment and supplies, leaving the facility in ruins. The harrowing revelation comes after a two-week siege by the occupation forces, during which the hospital became a target for the brutal onslaught.""

Maybe should have been put in yesterdays Palestine, but if it bleeds, it leads. It is a big and widespread war.

Posted by: paxmark1 | Apr 1 2024 17:08 utc | 16

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 17:00 utc | 15

The Iranians and Lebanese are taking the hits to keep America out of the ME, which could quickly spiral into a global conflict that ends up saving Israel from the end it rightly deserves.

100% correct

Posted by: Eoin Clancy | Apr 1 2024 17:10 utc | 17

Wider war is coming as it was always the goal. Iran and the Resistance should coordinate and send massive destruction to all American military targets possible in the region as well as Israel's Dimona nuclear facility.

Posted by: gottlieb | Apr 1 2024 17:12 utc | 18

Attacking consular facilities has been understood as a serious breach of diplomatic norms since the period known as antiquity.

Attacks on hospitals and medical facilities have also been generally understood as a heinous crime (and was a key propaganda element during fighting in Syria and Ukraine). The images from al-Shifa in wake of IDF pullback are simply mind-boggling in the extent of the devastation. It is evidence not of a clinical military operation, it is rather the expression of a malignant insanity.

There has been no movement on the UNSC resolution calling for necessary freeing of stalled humanitarian aid. Israel is determined to eliminate UNRWA as a functioning organization, and so refuses to permit movement of such aid until the UN acquiesces to demands that the distribution be entirely controlled by Israel approved entities. There was an attempt on the weekend to insert comprador elements tied to aid trucks into Gaza.

The current “day after” thinking amongst senior Israeli leadership, according to their own statements, begins after a “brief” fight which destroys Hezbollah, after which the people of Gaza will live in tents atop the rubble while they are stringently policed by security forces provided by a regional Arab coalition. These concepts represent a disavowal of “cause and effect”, and will likely lead to a series of unsolvable unfolding crises similar to Ukraine.

Posted by: jayc | Apr 1 2024 17:20 utc | 19

Iranian generals get killed on a regular basis, same old same old, Syria has no air defense regardless of the presence of Iranian or Russian air defense systems. I'm guessing Russia's are all back in Russia proper, and Iran, if it can't protect its assets in Syria, well Iranian infrastructure gets tapped on a regular basis so.....nuff said.

Cheers M

.....condolences to any and all Syrians injured in this most egregious attack.....

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Apr 1 2024 17:21 utc | 20

@LoveDonbass #14, No, it is the US pushing Israel into a Middle Eastern war, that is why the US keeps arming Israel and letting Israel think they have their backs. I doubt the US will participate in a Middle Eastern war as a direct participant.

Posted by: dave | Apr 1 2024 17:27 utc | 21

Totally on topic

In further details, the Iranian state television said that the Israeli attack targeted the residence of the Iranian ambassador to Syria.

Later, Al Mayadeen's correspondent reported from the vicinity of the Iranian consulate in Damascus that 7 were martyred and several others were wounded in a preliminary toll of the Israeli aggression, confirming that search and rescue operations are underway at the site of the Iranian consulate, which was completely destroyed.

#12. Hezbollah has recently started attacks on some of the westernmost cities on the border, some under israeli control since 1948. The first attack included factories, another escalation. Hezbollah had to go stronger in this on as it was a response to the aerial assassination of 7 Sunni paramedics at their garage-office. Previously Hezbollah web sites would post snippets of 4-6 attacks a day, real close and often radar. later Then Mt. Meron. Then onto the Central command.

Hezbollah knows how to counterpunch. And Hezbollah knows how to take out dozens of F-16s and F-35's on the ground and render the airports unusable due to ground debris for a least 24 hours.

I would expect that the israeli embassies in Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, etc etc. will see a hunkering and bunkering in - open season on israeli embassy officials of all stripes and levels.

Posted by: paxmark1 | Apr 1 2024 17:32 utc | 22

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 17:00 utc | 15

"The Iranians and Lebanese are taking the hits to keep America out of the ME, which could quickly spiral into a global conflict that ends up saving Israel from the end it rightly deserves."

Yes, this is widely understood, and I've posted about it myself, but that really isn't the end of the conversation. Hezbollah and Iran must find a way for maneuver and act effectively within the constraints of the world. Just saying "we hunkered down and took it, but at least the US didn't directly attack us" isn't really a response. It cedes the battle to Israel.

Posted by: Bob | Apr 1 2024 17:37 utc | 23

Al Shifa hospital looks like a graveyard. God is watching and he will bring an end one day to this ongoing provoked genocide.

Posted by: AI | Apr 1 2024 17:41 utc | 24

Body count is so USA 1967 Saigon!

And how many non combatants have to die for each celebrity murder?

Posted by: paddy | Apr 1 2024 17:48 utc | 25

Posted by: dave | Apr 1 2024 17:27 utc | 22


Disagree. The US was pushing the Abraham Accords, ostensibly hoping to backdoor gender change surgery and drag queen story hour at the local mosques over time.

America needs and loves killing brown people far away but they are obsessed with spreading degeneracy into traditional societies. It's a compulsion.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 17:52 utc | 26

Posted by b on April 1, 2024 at 16:03 UTC |

...Israeli officials in embassies around the world will now be forced to limit their movements in the general public as they are the most likely targets of revenge strikes.

In my opinion, this changes nothing for Israeli embassy officials. Whatever mechanism has been protecting them so far remains unchanged.

As long as brand name Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and Assad remain what they are today, Israel can escalate its belligerence day after day and the Western public will perceive the news with little interest and absolutely no empathy.

Waging a months-long onslaught against a captive population in dense urban landscape, raiding hospitals, striking embassy grounds, murdering and starving children for all to see, striking Syria and Lebanon on a weekly basis... Seems like there is no limit to what it gets away with. Here we are 5 months in, Gaza flattened and the war is still called Israel - Hamas war. We do hear voices of concern calling for an end to the conflict but Israel is never actually named as the main belligerent. This is what I call narrative dominance.

Posted by: robin | Apr 1 2024 17:54 utc | 27

One strategy of the US is to provoke a declaration of war. They figure that holding the moral high ground, ie being declared war on, is their key to victory.

But what if their enemies never declare war on them? That's why we end up with endless terror attacks and provocations that are illegal under international law. But these attacks themselves will never win ANY war.

In return iran and russia et al, will never stop their regional wars to ensure their national security. It's a stalemate, until the US actually finds some balls to declare war on it's enemies. I'm not holding my breath on that so...what next?

Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | Apr 1 2024 17:55 utc | 28

As Trump's poll numbers go up, expect the Zionists to get more desperate in Syria and the Ukraine. MacGregor will be part of the Trump admin.

Posted by: JackG | Apr 1 2024 17:58 utc | 29

It's quite apparent the Israeli strategy is to drag the US into the war-the Israeli leadership are acutely aware they are on 'a sticky wicket' and the only way out is to sucker punch Iran/Hizbollah/Lebanon/Syria and provoke a significant counter attack which would certainly to drag in the US forces.

The Anglo/Zionists won't stop; the West is broke they need wars or its over-at this point WW3 is pretty well guaranteed.

Hope I'm wrong.

Posted by: canuck | Apr 1 2024 17:59 utc | 30

Not only did the Zionist bomb the Iranian embassy in a foreign country's capital (Syria) they did so from occupied Syrian lands (The Golan Heights). To me this is the Zionists sending a message to Tehran.

Israel thinks it can bomb or kill just about anyone in the region, and it can, because it is backed up by the USA, and that support like the (US) (the murder of General Soleimani in Iraq) puts Israel above International Law, for in reality (US) International Based Order appears to take priority over the UN's International Laws.

On the news today we were shown the extent to which the Zionists will go towards perpetrating war crimes against humanity with their slaughter of civilians and doctors at the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. The tired old Zionist trope is one of that they were fighting Hamas fighters who were hold up in the hospital, though there's not one shred of credible evidence to back up that claim.

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Apr 1 2024 18:01 utc | 31

Posted by: Bob | Apr 1 2024 17:37 utc | 24


Something Westerners don't understand, first about Arabs and Persians, and second with the Russians and Chinese. They aren't in a rush. Their view of history is far longer than anyone from the United States or modern Western Europe. That temporal blindspot is exacerbated by Enlightenment thinking, where the future isn't a consideration as long as the individual feels satisfied in the now.

Russia, Iran, and Hamas have already won. They only need to handle the end game properly. China likewise with Taiwan. All any of these parties can do is diminish their positions by reacting to Western provocations. Provocations are all the West has left. Provocations and propaganda.

Many times when a war was over, the fighting continued for some time. That's the period I believe we're in. So many observers think that something (anything) must happen next, and every provocation must be responded to. Imagine when people don't know what to do with their hands, so they fiddle with something to release the nervous energy building up.

If possible, try to think like you're not a Westerner and that you have thousands of years of history behind your place in the world. Insecurity, like emotion, usually leads to poor decision-making.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 18:08 utc | 32

If Iran can't protect Syria's airspace, then how can they protect their own airspace in case of a military incursion?

In any event, the most logical response would be to bomb one of Israel's consulates in a very, very weak country somewhere across the globe.

Posted by: Martin Arauxo | Apr 1 2024 18:11 utc | 33

Below is the ending of The Cradle posting about the bombing that agrees with the perspective b has

Political analyst Amal Saad observed that “Israel's killing of a very senior IRGC commander in Syria, along with others inside the Iranian Consulate, appears less about employing the ‘Madman Theory’ to intimidate and deter its adversaries, and more about deliberately embracing a strategy of chaotic warfare to escalate and expand the scope of the conflict so that the US will be forced to directly enter the war."

Posted by: psychohistorian | Apr 1 2024 18:14 utc | 34

Martin [email protected] Apartheid Entity Occupying Palestine has blown up its own embassies for effect. Any Embassy mishap now would get the MSM fine 'antisemite' touch. They got that base well covered. Beat them where they are making a stand, why put the lives of innocents in other countries in danger. Imagine living in Damascus.

Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Apr 1 2024 18:19 utc | 35


Abraham accords was hosted by Trump. Today we have a Biden administration. They will lead the world into a global war from behind. The US won't be directly involved IMHO.

Posted by: dave | Apr 1 2024 18:19 utc | 36

"Israeli officials in embassies around the world will now be forced to limit their movements in the general public as they are the most likely targets of revenge strikes."

And when those revenge strikes do happen, you can be sure they will be duly added to the tally of "anti-semitic incidents" diligently maintained by the lame-stream media.

Posted by: expat | Apr 1 2024 18:20 utc | 37

[email protected] thing eastern thinkers do on a more regular basis and in far greater numbers than western thinkers, is die in Colonial wars of aggression and theft.

As Townes would say 'just sitting here watching the wheels roll by'.

Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Apr 1 2024 18:27 utc | 38

"...Wider war is coming as it was always the goal..." gottlieb | Apr 1 2024 17:12 utc | 19

You may be right about a wider war.
But I don't think that was the plan. The Israelis are playing this by ear and becoming more and more openly brutal- the reports from Al Shifa Hospital are close to being incredible. Except that they are not only obviously true but likely to be backed up at any moment now by insane boasting by IDF sadists who recorded everything that they did and have made a highlight reel of unbelievably nasty actions, like bulldozing handcuffed men into open graves and leaving them to die.

As to Syria- the key figure there is Erdogan, just as he appears to have been a key player in the Crocus Music Hall attack. He is ingratiating himself with the Israelis and the Americans but they are allies less and less useful in the world.

The truth is that the entire situation is a mess- so far the closest thing we have to a winner is Hamas which has fought off the IDF and in doing so revealed not only that it is the least moral army in the world but also that it is inefficient, badly trained, run by nutcases and one primitive air defence system away from disaster. All it appears to be able to do is to bomb and execute pre-pubescent kids.

The way things are going the Zionist minority among Jews is going to shrink again very quickly. Most Jews like other people will be disgusted by what Israel is doing-in their names- and in those of the "West."

Posted by: bevin | Apr 1 2024 18:30 utc | 39

If I had not been watching this closely for decades, I would have a problem understanding this event as a desperate act by a dying criminal. The only definately predictable result of these murders is the necessary lockdown of Israeli diplomatic staff in ALL embassies wwide. The Zionazis certainly plan to use any resultant terrrorism on Israeli wwide embassies for the propaganda campaign. Its probably part of the plan. But any such violence will likely be of local origin. The Resistance wont fall for it. My overwhelming impression is that of an amateur up against a chess master who thinks he can BS his way out of a humiliating defeat. Nothing seems to be working for this looser so far.

Posted by: Ralph Conner | Apr 1 2024 18:35 utc | 40

This is not business as usual, a snipe here or there.

Lebanon is its own keg. After moving Syria out Hezbollah was left, as well as many Palestinian refugees. The aim is for it to be only refugees.

Syria did not fall into line with western demands, now it is weakened, with opportunistic Turkey to its north and some support from inside Iraq. Iran is main ally and Russia has its interests.

Iraq is under US dominance, pro-Iran is minority. Meaning, apart from civil strife and some Iranian backed resistance, it is buffer to Iranian land involvement.

Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi, and others are not interested.

Yemen is, but it is not very/fully capable.

So the nearer aim is to clear out Lebanon and finish off Syria, as that will combine most of the middle-east to some kind of wanted organisation, to the border of Iran.

Where Russia stands on this is what sends a chill, it is not obvious.

Assume Gaza was purposeful, to clear out resistance, to set a visible example, and of eventual imposed resolution, eventually in hand with "international authority".

They say they will turn to Lebanon at some point, will probably knock off Syria also around the same time.

Or try to.

Elections in UK and US later this year which will probably be understood as a time limit.

"Iran taking the knocks" doesn't do it, it is not a niceness contest and Iran cannot conquer far, only retaliate. Iran is increasingly isolated to its west.

It feels very cold while writing this.

Posted by: Ornot | Apr 1 2024 18:36 utc | 41

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Apr 1 2024 18:27 utc | 39


If one believes in only one life, then dying is seen as a catastrophe.

If one believes in some manner of an afterlife (even something like Valhalla), death is part of the natural order.

It is like being afraid of dogs and not being afraid of dogs. How a person reacts to a dog under those circumstances can be very different.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 18:51 utc | 42

How comes that israhell is taking out key figures of the enemy and Russia always babbling that doesn’t make sens ex to take out key UkroNazis?
Are Zios too dumb ?
Seems like only Russia understands the art of war 😁

Posted by: SlowSoft | Apr 1 2024 18:52 utc | 43

Was that four comments I saw who were out and out trolls for Israel, claiming that Israel will get away with its brutality scot free? Not very convincing. The game has changed since the old days.

Posted by: Laguerre | Apr 1 2024 18:55 utc | 44

Posted by: Ornot | Apr 1 2024 18:36 utc | 42


Iran is increasingly integrated into its East and I think that to anyone paying attention over the last 3 years, the future belongs to the East, not the West.

Why would anyone want to be allied economically or militarily with the EU or America in 2024? Those are degenerate, bankrupt declining powers. There is a primal attraction to strength, not weakness. That is why America lies so much, it doesn't want anyone to question how weak they have become.

The emperor with no clothes syndrome.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 18:56 utc | 45

The reason Israeli embassies and Israeli diplomats are walking around freely is that virtually every incident of terror is originated by Zionists. When Israeli diplomatic personnel are attacked it will be Hannibal Directive.

Posted by: oldhippie | Apr 1 2024 18:56 utc | 46

Some dark humor: Iran will respond by using AI to generate video of how they stormed an Israeli position, one within IDF missile range, and are holding everyone hostage. All communications get cut or blocked, and a self own ensues.

Posted by: Babel-17 | Apr 1 2024 19:02 utc | 47

Posted by: Babel-17 | Apr 1 2024 19:02 utc | 48

Well, today, April 1, would be the right day to do it.

Posted by: expat | Apr 1 2024 19:05 utc | 48

@28 Robin

Well they certainly do have narrative dominance in the media. However, everyone I meet who expresses an opinion reacts with natural revultion to Israels' acts of terror.

I think they have overplayed their hand and have made people doubt the 'Israel as victim ' narrative. Too many dead children...

Posted by: Judge Barbier | Apr 1 2024 19:08 utc | 49

Finally i found someone using the right words ...

Posted by: swiss | Apr 1 2024 19:14 utc | 50

Babel-17 | Apr 1 2024 16:21 utc | 3
*** Given the religious aspect to this, his [Netanyahu] croaking might be seen as God signaling their displeasure. ***

It would probably be a relief to many zionist US and Israeli politicians alarmed at the rise, thanks to Netanyahu, of Ben-Gvir with an armed and fanatically cultist militia at his disposal.

None of which would significantly change the situation -- other than, perhaps, in Israeli external PR terms -- in Gaza or West Bank.

Posted by: Cynic | Apr 1 2024 19:17 utc | 51

jpc | Apr 1 2024 16:22 utc | 4
*** Where is the Syrian AD system?
The Israeli's strike with impunity! ***

Could be that someone friendly with the Israelis will not let it be used.

Posted by: Cynic | Apr 1 2024 19:20 utc | 52

"Something Westerners don't understand, first about Arabs and Persians, and second with the Russians and Chinese. They aren't in a rush. Their view of history is far longer than anyone from the United States or modern Western Europe. That temporal blindspot is exacerbated by Enlightenment thinking, where the future isn't a consideration as long as the individual feels satisfied in the now.

Russia, Iran, and Hamas have already won. They only need to handle the end game properly. China likewise with Taiwan. All any of these parties can do is diminish their positions by reacting to Western provocations. Provocations are all the West has left. Provocations and propaganda."

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 18:08 utc | 33

Profound-one of your best.

However, those mad psychos still have those nuclear submarines and they are much more powerful than 'provocations and 'propaganda' [excellent use of alliteration, LoveDonbass, editor]

Posted by: canuck | Apr 1 2024 19:22 utc | 53

[email protected] are easy, no touch, no talk, no eye contact....rabid humans on the other've heard of the non agreement capable group. They don't care what you believe, get in their way you is not a flippant thing, it should be cherished... because regardless of one's on knows what lies beyond. No human that's for sure.

Cheers M
...on a side note, adults can choose slavery or babies get that choice, the infirm, the incapacitated?

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Apr 1 2024 19:23 utc | 54

Israel must be going for the full bingo-card of international law-condemned acts: genocide, war crimes, violation of diplomatic protection... It's a good thing none of those actions would lead to exclusion from sporting events or cancellation of cultural contacts, you have to commit the ultimate crime of violating the rules-based international order to risk that kind of opprobrium.

Posted by: Jurg Gassmann | Apr 1 2024 19:23 utc | 55

"I think they have overplayed their hand and have made people doubt the 'Israel as victim ' narrative. Too many dead children..."

Posted by: Judge Barbier | Apr 1 2024 19:08 utc | 50


The Zionists have, in six months, completely demolished 70 years of ROW Holocaust sympathy/empathy along with billions of PR/bribing/censoring/cancelling /lobbying all laid to waste on the alter of their ill advised , televised Genocide.

500 hundred years from now there will be a University classes on how a small, undercapitalized group, Hamas, ensnared an Empire...

Kinda like the Fremen....

Posted by: canuck | Apr 1 2024 19:30 utc | 56

Western "Leaders" really do behave as if they have been Epsteined. The double entendre is intentional.

The "leaders" of EU states couldn't be more ham fisted and ignorant in their sycophantic, obsequious actions which continue to inflict great harm upon their citizens.

Let's all do what Joe Biden says even as he is senile and ordered by a panel of Zionists.

Posted by: Chaka Khagan | Apr 1 2024 19:33 utc | 57

Israel is powerful. Everybody knows it can decide to nuke its opponents. This is what we call deterrence.
On the contrary, look at Russia. Nobody is afraid of Russia.

Posted by: vargas | Apr 1 2024 19:34 utc | 58

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 18:08 utc | 33

This is just circular gibberish that says "ignore your own eyes, everything is fine." I'm sorry, but this is war, not some panglossian fantasy. Tough choices have to be made, and there is a real risk of losing. People should be honest to deal with that.

But feel free to have the last word, this discussion feels pointless.

Posted by: Bob | Apr 1 2024 19:35 utc | 59

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 18:08 utc | 33

This is just circular gibberish that says "ignore your own eyes, everything is fine." I'm sorry, but this is war, not some panglossian fantasy. Tough choices have to be made, and there is a real risk of losing. People should be honest to deal with that.

But feel free to have the last word, this discussion feels pointless.

Posted by: Bob | Apr 1 2024 19:35 utc | 59

Bob the West is declining, the East knows it, the Western leaders do too-that's why they are so reckless and desperate

China, Russia, Iran just want to wait it out but if pushed militarily they have to escalate for political reasons mostly as economically its the West that is finished

Posted by: canuck | Apr 1 2024 19:41 utc | 60

There's comes a point when one starts to wonder if the Iranians are complicit in their own subjugation (their preference for Reagan over Carter?) or if they're simply caught in a dead end of their doing (the absurdity of the fatwa against Rushdie), and now must forebear all lest the US be given the slightest pretext to rain mass destruction on their so-called military infrastructure (when in reality it might as well be civilian), inciting something in turn close to revolution.

Posted by: Ludo | Apr 1 2024 19:47 utc | 61

Israel is powerful. Everybody knows it can decide to nuke its opponents. This is what we call deterrence.
On the contrary, look at Russia. Nobody is afraid of Russia.

Posted by: vargas | Apr 1 2024 19:34 utc | 58

Hard to tell from the claims above and the author, which is the punch line and which is the joke.

An Israeli Nuke in the air is the end of Israel.

Posted by: kupkee | Apr 1 2024 19:50 utc | 62

bevin | Apr 1 2024 18:30 utc | 40

Most Jews like other people will be disgusted by what Israel is doing-in their names- and in those of the "West."

"will be?" ...hahaha, you sleazy prick.

No, bevin, most jews, unlike other people, are totally onboard, but you keep beating your drum, bevin, you intellectual pygmy.

Posted by: john | Apr 1 2024 19:52 utc | 63

Posted by: Ludo | Apr 1 2024 19:47 utc | 61

"There's comes a point when one starts to wonder if the Iranians are complicit in their own subjugation"

I think the time is coming closer when we will see just how "subjugated" Iran really is.

Spoiler Alert: It won't be all that "subjugated".

Posted by: expat | Apr 1 2024 19:55 utc | 64

Posted by: Bob | Apr 1 2024 19:35 utc | 59


The toughest choice is to be stoic in the face of provocation.

If you're a Palestinian Muslim or Christian living in Gaza, death by bombing is martyrdom which is the highest achievement for a believer.

If you aren't a believer this may sound strange or stupid but not everyone in the world thinks like you. Just the people kicking Israel and America's ass.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 19:56 utc | 65

The smartest thing that Iran can do... is to put together an entire fleet of aid shipments for Gaza, and demand that U.N. observers review the cargo and accompany the ships in delivering the aid and distributing it to the people of Gaza.

Iran should then coordinate with both the U.N. and with the Red Crescent to have aid personnel, U.N. or African peacekeepers and Doctors without Borders to have ships accompany the Iranian ships into the Gaza ports, and to distribute aid and medical help to the people. Ask China to have representatives, perhaps diplomats or even provide a few aid ships themselves to Gaza. Ask Turkey to provide some aid and help with the distribution. Iran could ask African governments for assistance. Get a small international flotilla coming in to Gaza with aid. Have the U.N. inspect everything to ensure that it is all non-military aid coming in... but don't let Israel play any role in distributing it or helping the people medically, or providing security. Have Lebanon and Jordan help out.

That would upset Israel to no end. It would take the distribution of food and aid directly OUT of Israel's hands. It also prevents Israel from striking the Iranian ships, because there will be U.N. observers and outside NGO's present. It would also create an area of non-aggression (no Israeli troop retaliation) due to the presence of U.N. peacekeepers and aid organizations.

Never respond to someone's aggression in the way they expect and want you to. Always respond asymmetrically. Do precisely what Israel DOESN'T want.

Posted by: Retaining_H2O | Apr 1 2024 20:01 utc | 66

Posted by: Retaining_H2O | Apr 1 2024 20:01 utc | 66


I like the way you are thinking. Asymmetry levels playing fields. Ansarallah are a great example of this with their naval blockade.

I have come around to the understanding that Hamas' plan involves Hamas and Palestinians bearing the brutality to get the state they desire.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 20:08 utc | 67

I doubt that the IRGC or its allies will fall for this...

What would it take for them to fall for it? I mean this playground bully is taking Iran's lunch money, hitting and humiliating him in front of the other kids, kicking him when he's down, sanctioning his friendships, limiting his access and movement, etc.

Ah, but I'm not going to fall for it. The moment I strike back at the bully he'll take my lunch money, hit and humiliate me in front of the other kids, kick me when I'm down, sanctioning my friendships, limiting my access and movement, etc.

Wait, hold on... what? I really don't get this "I won't be provoked" strategy. You either play in the game or you let them have what they want. At the very least give back as good as you get.

Fall for it, you simps: these paper tigers will fold.

Posted by: Patroklos | Apr 1 2024 20:17 utc | 68

Posted by: Retaining_H2O | Apr 1 2024 20:01 utc | 66

Good suggestions, but nothing like that has happened yet. Have given up trying to understand why not.

My favourite partial explanation is that too many have placed too much faith in the UN for too long so regional and national initiative has atrophied.

Posted by: Scorpion | Apr 1 2024 20:21 utc | 69

Nothing can be done against the opponent that is trigger ready to use its nuclear weapons.
Iran cannot do anything, Syria cannot do anything.
There is no justice in this world, there is no humanism and the history is written by the most brutal players.
That is why Stalin won, and why Putin has no chance to win.

Israel is committing a genocide without any obstacles. This public genocide is totally invisible in EU/USA. Nobody cares.

Posted by: vargas | Apr 1 2024 20:26 utc | 70

Sorry B but if Iran let this go unanswered they are done
They attacked US bases in retaliation but can't attack Pissrael?
This red line is just one too much
Soon Pissrael will bomb Teheran and then what? Waiting untill the problem goes away? It won't as 40000 Palestinians can tell
Either Iran earns respect now or else it will get a lot worse very fast

Posted by: 🌶️Mike | Apr 1 2024 20:26 utc | 71

Sorry B but if Iran let this go unanswered they are done
They attacked US bases in retaliation but can't attack Pissrael?
This red line is just one too much
Soon Pissrael will bomb Teheran and then what? Waiting untill the problem goes away? It won't as 40000 Palestinians can tell
Either Iran earns respect now or else it will get a lot worse very fast
Posted by: 🌶️Mike | Apr 1 2024 20:26 utc | 71

Nothing can be done against the real nuclear power, Israel doesn't not have so many nukes as Russia, but Israel is ready to use what they have. Everybody knows that and everybody is afraid.

Posted by: vargas | Apr 1 2024 20:28 utc | 72

Iran needs their own nukes!
Retaliation with own nukes in the back is much easier to perform
Without nukes difficult
But look at Cheesemaster in Kremlin
Even with nukes in the back NO retaliations
U need balls!
Like the Houthis

Posted by: SlowSoft | Apr 1 2024 20:37 utc | 73

Come back next week and see:
Yemen fires Irani missile against US ship.

Posted by: Passerby | Apr 1 2024 20:50 utc | 74

JackG | Apr 1 2024 17:58 utc | 30
*** As Trump's poll numbers go up, expect the Zionists to get more desperate in Syria and the Ukraine. ***

Why? The new US administration would be no less Zionist than its predecessor.
Plus it is sure to feature Pompeo the armageddonist, perhaps Haley too, and certainly more of the same death-cultists .... in addition to the usual herd of non-deathwish Zionists and zio-bought agents.

Posted by: Cynic | Apr 1 2024 20:50 utc | 75

LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 18:08 utc | 33
***Provocations are all the West has left. Provocations and propaganda.***

Sufficient "provocations" added together could win a war the other side still patiently ignored as a string of individual "provocations".

Posted by: Cynic | Apr 1 2024 20:58 utc | 76

Eoin Clancy | Apr 1 2024 16:29 utc | 6

Desperate bastards, rewriting the terrorists handbook once again. These neo nazis are living on borrowed time, what goes around comes around.


Posted by: Sarlat La Canède | Apr 1 2024 20:58 utc | 77

Anyone knows the flight time for this strike? Plane plus missile. Is it like 5-10 sec or more? Just curious to see why in Ukr all plane or drone strikes are known hours before on all social media invented (they don't know the exact target, but there is time to pack and leave the country by bus), but in Syria or Yemen or other places is always an instant surprise. That would explain why Russia can't hit any decision center in Ukr when the building isn't empty, they pretend they don't want to because grapes are sour, and today they even want Ukr terrorists to arrest themselves because they can't even find who puts bombs under their cars

Posted by: rk | Apr 1 2024 20:59 utc | 78

At this point 'Israel' could nuke Tehran and some people would still go:

" I doubt Iran will fall for this ..."

Death by a thousand cuts, Iran, wake up, you're on the menu ...

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 1 2024 16:40 utc | 11

Iran: “hmm what’s more prudent, take the occasional lump or pursue worthless revenge and risk plunging our country into war on our own turf?”
Could it be that the Iranians are smarter, or at least more pragmatic than you?

Posted by: nwwoods | Apr 1 2024 21:01 utc | 79

@Posted by: Retaining_H2O | Apr 1 2024 20:01 utc | 66

Mehh...Doctors without Borders?

I am not hearing them so much rising their voices, in front of the previously unseen in our era Gaza genocide, as they rised around the falling of the Alepo Caliphate...calling for a no fly zone... even on TV adds during those Christmas....

I can not forget it...

I do not deny there are a lot of really humanitarian altruistic young people working hard for that kind of organizations in the terrain, but, sadly, it is funded, mostly, like any Western NGO, by the same US masters who are setting the globe on fire, just to control their facility of accession to foreign countries, and highly likely infiltrated by intelligence agencies....

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Apr 1 2024 21:04 utc | 80

"death by bombing is martyrdom which is the highest achievement for a believer."

Actually, Palestinians and Lebanese are not praying for martyrdom under Israeli bombs, this is the kind of orientalist garbage implied on them by outsiders with names like LoveDonbass. Palestinians have been fighting for their freedom for decades, not stoically dying to make you feel good.

Posted by: Bob | Apr 1 2024 21:05 utc | 81


Israel will not use Nukes if Iran flattens one of their embassies
But if Iran do nothing Israel will escalate untill Iran retaliates anyway
So it's better they now show strong force in order to calm the crazed Zionists down
So either they have balls now or not
My prediction is they won't retaliate

"Nothing can be done against the real nuclear power, Israel doesn't not have so many nukes as Russia, but Israel is ready to use what they have. Everybody knows that and everybody is afraid."

Posted by: 🌶️Mike | Apr 1 2024 21:06 utc | 82

responding to
Post by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 18:08 utc | 33,
Post by: Retaining_H2O | Apr 1 2024 20:01 utc | 66

Simplicius commented on a recent Duran interview of Jacques Baud on The Russian Way of War.

General take-away:
Israel's modus is violence and killing: has been from the beginning of Jabotinsky zionism; has been since WWI.
Or maybe that is, as Laurent Guyénot argues, the essence of the yahwist ideology.
Ronen Bergman told a MSM reporter that Israel has used assassination more than any other entity in history. He wrote a book on the Israeli-Jewish doctrine Rise and Kill First.
Guyénot claims that, although Bibi is, indeed, a psychopath, removing him is not a solution; the system is psychopathic
Israel's Biblical Psychopathy

Russians, on the other hand, apply thought to long-range goals and step-by-step means of achieving those goals, using multiple means -- diplomatic, economic, strategic, even friendship.

What I can't square, however, is the fact that Soviet Russians followed Ilya Ehrenberg's propaganda and went berserk through Germany, most notably the many thousands of rapes.

Posted by: ChasMark | Apr 1 2024 21:07 utc | 83

bevin | Apr 1 2024 18:30 utc | 40
*** The way things are going the Zionist minority among Jews is going to shrink again very quickly. Most Jews like other people will be disgusted by what Israel is doing-in their names- and in those of the "West."***

Are they? Really?
Many may think Netanyahu is a bit OTT, but otherwise are on-side.
Agree with the objectives but feel the technique could be more PR-conscious.
To hell with their collective spin, whereby nothing is -- or ever has been -- their own fault.
It would seem that a *minority* of Jews are those who oppose what's happening in Gaza and West Bank. And no amount of wishful whitewashing can mask that.

Posted by: Cynic | Apr 1 2024 21:15 utc | 84

Joining the dots around the last news and events....

A mass terrorist attack happens in Moscow vindicated by one "ISIS_K"...

After that, eventhough he had already France totally militariced at street level before the attack, Macron claimes a terrorist alert in France, and the mass media takes on spreading it...take into account here that atr least Paris is contoeled by the Israelis, as they got even to twist Macron´s hand in a Jewsih community event there, and Frecnch officials were bullied and pushed by the Shin Bet and Mossad crowd some years ago when Netanyahu went uninvited to that demsotration of leaders against "terrorism" and braced his way to the front line a la Trump...

Now Israel attacks the Iranian embassy in Syria...

It occurs to me that this could well be Israel building the case scenario for a huge false flag in a Western embassy, probably the US one, to be blamed on Iran in the future as justify their genocide in Palestine and having gone rogue with regard international law... in the waiting for Trump election to shoot at Iran, as he did during his past tenure as a bull in a China shops without giving it a thought...

Patriots in Europe ( and this includes Russia as part of Europe...) should work hard and collaborate to neutralize such scenario and menace...

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Apr 1 2024 21:18 utc | 85

you have to commit the ultimate crime of violating the rules-based international order to risk that kind of opprobrium.

Posted by: Jurg Gassmann | Apr 1 2024 19:23 utc | 55

Well observed!
Rules based indifference it is then!

Posted by: jpc | Apr 1 2024 21:21 utc | 86

Posted by: 🌶️Mike | Apr 1 2024 20:26 utc | 71

I have a very few Iranian friends; have tried to read and understand all I can about Iran's history; and had the opportunity to travel extensively in Iran.

Two key take-aways:
1. Persian-Iranian way-of-looking-at-the-world is categorically different from that of Westerners. For one thing, beneath (imposed) Islam, Iran still has a Zoroastrian core that is philosophically simple but all-encompassing: Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. As for the Islamic superstructure: it is my understanding that Islam does not proceed from the "Garden of Eden - original sin -- man is born a sinner" narrative. What an enormous difference from the Pauline doctrine of the necessity of human sacrifice to 'redeem' mankind, sinful from birth.

2. Persians think of Jews in a special category; somewhat protective, or paternalistic. Jews have lived in and been secure in Iran longer (and more secure) than any other place where Jews have dwelt. Persians know their "comings in and goings out."
I was surprised, however, when, at a meeting of Iranian expats one young women spoke passionately of the regard Iranians have for Esther. She mentioned that the tomb of Esther is often visited by Iranians.
That surprised me because I thought Esther was strictly a mytho-fictional character, and, in any event imo an evil person not at all worthy of regard by any fully-formed human being.

Posted by: ChasMark | Apr 1 2024 21:22 utc | 87

For this there is only one appropriate reply. Launch some 40 to 50 cruise missiles into Israel and tell Israel to stop all this slaughter. That's the only language the israelis understand.

Posted by: WMG | Apr 1 2024 21:29 utc | 88

Posted by: Retaining_H2O | Apr 1 2024 20:01 utc | 66

Yes, this would be nice to see... I can't see it happening as a regional initiative at all, but however tattered the UN might be, it could still serve if there were enough global support. At least I can imagine being part of this, not being a fighter.

Israel's nukes are only for the Samson option... indeed, if Israel used a single (even little) nuke in any other situation (as perceived by RoW), then Israel would be finished in its current form, and not even the US (in fact especially not the US) could save it. If this is true and LoveDonbass is right (that it's worth pursuing the goal of getting rid of Israel even at extreme costs to the Palestinians, Lebanese, Iranians etc etc as long as he himself isn't martyred in the process, grin), an extreme strategy would be to goad Israel into using a nuke in what the rest of the world wouldn't perceive as a Samson-situation.

Posted by: dumbo | Apr 1 2024 21:33 utc | 89

Bad security on behalf of the Iranians.

This general was coordinating Hezbollah and others in their fight against Israel. What did he think, he can work peacefully in the Embassy in Damascus? No early warning, no underground escape path or whathever you need to have for high officers in the rear that is very reachable for Israel.

This is more Iran’s fault of opsec than Israel. They have of course immunity due to the holocaust, albeit dwindling. You need to take that into account in your strategy.

Posted by: alek_a | Apr 1 2024 21:42 utc | 90

Posted by: Cynic | Apr 1 2024 20:58 utc | 76


"Could" 😂😂😂

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 21:53 utc | 91

"The way things are going the Zionist minority among Jews is going to shrink again very quickly. Most Jews like other people will be disgusted by what Israel is doing-in their names- and in those of the "West.""

Posted by: bevin | Apr 1 2024 18:30 utc | 40

I may be a 'hayseed' but last time I looked 90% (polls) of the Israelis supported the Gazan Genocide so , by definition, they are Zionists regardless of your apologia.

Posted by: canuck | Apr 1 2024 22:01 utc | 92

Posted by: Bob | Apr 1 2024 21:05 utc | 81


No one prays for Martyrdom. Religion doesn't work like that outside of Hollywood.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 22:08 utc | 93

Posted by: bevin | Apr 1 2024 18:30 utc | 40


Tragically, the psychopathic race supremacy of Zionism is rampant among American Christians.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 22:10 utc | 94

I haven't been following the jew-controlled (((Western Media))) during Easter and don't know how much publicity this strike on Syria has attracted. Although the jewish vandalism on the last functioning hospital in Gaza is in every newsbreak in Oz.

But regardless of publicity, the fact remains that the gutless IOF aka Mummy's Boy Army has not invaded Gaza en mass because they're scared shitless of being culled en mass by Hamas. There is no easy, safe, or remote-control way for Mum's Army to beat Hamas.

And besides all that Hezbollah is still pursuing its 2nd Front strategy against "Israel". So if Iran is hell-bent on revenge then Hezbollah would probably be happy to receive a list of Iran-prefered targets inside "Israel".

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Apr 1 2024 22:14 utc | 95

RE: “Tragically, the psychopathic race supremacy of Zionism is rampant among American Christians.”

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 1 2024 22:10 utc | 94

There are no “American Christians”…
And never was. Just a bunch of leaves that fell off a branch, dried up and blew away.
Such is/was “American Christianity”…
Don’t bother telling them, it’s a waste of breath.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Apr 1 2024 22:20 utc | 96

Bibi is killing people but losing the war...and losing the he wants WWIII, like all desperate lunatics..

Posted by: pyrrhus | Apr 1 2024 22:25 utc | 97

"I doubt that the IRGC or its allies will fall for this." ??? Yeah, let them keep killing your Generals that will sure show them!!-dumbass.

Posted by: witness mathias | Apr 1 2024 22:27 utc | 98

Spot the difference between how the western world treats Israel's actions and Russia's actions. One gets a free pass and the other gets deluged with sanctions.

Posted by: D J G | Apr 1 2024 22:33 utc | 99

Posted by: ChasMark | Apr 1 2024 21:22 utc | 87

Different way of seeing the world? The Achaemenids, Parthians, and Sassanians would not have taken this lying down. Read the Behistun inscription of Darius I. Righteous smiting of rebels and enemies was one of Persia's favourite things to do.

Some serious analysis is needed about what they're all afraid of. Is it the nukes? Or is it that they cannot risk unplugging from the global order because their social and political security depends at the very least on being part of a global exchange framework? What do all the Arab states and Iran need so badly that they're not prepared to rock the boat over Israel? (partially rhetorical question, but still...).

Posted by: Patroklos | Apr 1 2024 22:43 utc | 100

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