Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
April 04, 2024

The Ukrainian Army Is No Longer Mechanized

This is a rather sad tale:

Address by the President of the Russian Federation -, Feb 24 2022

The purpose of this operation is to protect people who, for eight years now, have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kiev regime. To this end, we will seek to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation.

Official introduction of 153rd Mechanized Brigade - Military Land, Dec 27 2023

Another brigade from the 150s batch makes an official appearance.

On October 17, 2023, we reported about the creation of five new Ukrainian mechanized brigades for the possible counter-offensive in 2024. The 151st Mechanized Brigade was officially revealed on October 30 while 154th Mechanized Brigade on November 1.

Today, the 153rd Mechanized Brigade was publicly announced. The unit received its insignia and motto – the power of unconquered.


Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu held a conference call with the leadership of the Armed Forces (machine translation) - Ministry of Defense, Apr 2 2024

Since January, the armed forces of Ukraine have lost more than 80 thousand servicemen, 14 thousand units of various weapons, including more than one thousand two hundred tanks and other armored combat vehicles.

153rd Mechanized Brigade is no longer mechanized - Military Land, Apr 3 2024

The lack of vehicles forced Ukrainian command to back down from the original plans.

The leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has reorganized the 153rd Mechanized Brigade into an infantry brigade. This change was announced through the official social media channels of the brigade.

While the official reason behind the change remains undisclosed, it is presumably linked to the shortage of infantry fighting vehicles.
The reorganization of the 153rd Brigade may not be an isolated occurrence. According to our sources, the 152nd Mechanized Brigade is also slated for transformation into an infantry brigade in the near future.

Each day the Russian Ministry of Defense reports the observed losses of the Ukrainian army. While the reported numbers are unlikely to be exact the reports are considered to be reliable and do tell a story.

In the first year of the war the Ukrainian army often lost more armored vehicles per day than general vehicles, i.e. trucks. By mid 2023 the numbers of armored vehicle and trucks destroyed per day, as reported by the MoD, were about equal. By the end of 2023 that ratio was on average two trucks per one armored vehicle. It has since increased further. Yesterday's report claimed 32 destroyed Ukrainian trucks but only 4 destroyed armored vehicles.

The numbers provide that the armed forces of Ukraine, as well as its allies, have run out of armored vehicles of all kinds.

A mechanized brigade is supposed to have some 100 armored (i.e. 'mechanized') vehicles of various kind plus some 30 tanks. An infantry brigade has, if its lucky, some unarmored trucks or buses.

An infantry brigade can only fight on foot. Its men have to dig in, by hand, to have a chance stay alive without armor protection. To do this in an environment where the enemy has a near perfect view of the battlefield, a reported artillery supremacy of 7 to 1 plus the ability to drop hundreds of precision guided bombs deep behind the frontline is not really survivable.

A 2024 counter offensive by the armed forces of Ukraine was and is a pipe dream. The five new brigades will be destroyed as soon as they come near to the frontline.

Ukraine has been demilitarized. It is high time to acknowledge that.

To give up now is the only way for Ukraine to survive.

Posted by b on April 4, 2024 at 7:57 UTC | Permalink

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Ukraine should not surrender. Like Germany didn't surrender 80 years ago. They should fight until the end, because this is the only cure for their (mental) defect. Like we Germans were cured 80 years ago.

Posted by: Klaus | Apr 4 2024 8:06 utc | 1

Thanks b, you are doing a fantastic job keeping us informed.


Posted by: Suresh | Apr 4 2024 8:07 utc | 2

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's defense minister warned his French counterpart against deploying troops to Ukraine in a rare phone call Wednesday and noted that Moscow is ready to take part in talks to end the conflict.

The call for negotiations from the Russian side is considered as great weakness in the West.
This would even speed up the French intervention and make more and more countries participate against Russia.

Posted by: vargas | Apr 4 2024 8:11 utc | 3

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's defense minister warned his French counterpart against deploying troops to Ukraine in a rare phone call Wednesday and noted that Moscow is ready to take part in talks to end the conflict.

The call for negotiations from the Russian side is considered as great weakness in the West.

I can't imagine it being anything less than a call for conditional surrender. Surely the Russian leadership isn't so dumb and misinformed as to be considering some ceasefire/frozen conflict at this time. So I don't think there was any 'great weakness' shown.

Posted by: Anonymous | Apr 4 2024 8:21 utc | 4

Obviously, the Germans have not been cured by this experience. The military leadership had been more sane in 1936 than the today's immature poster boys and the Deutscherrenritter Orden groupies in contemporary politics. Then, they tried to cooperate with the Anglo Saxons to get rid of the Austrian private and his delusions. They learned too late that the latter had been employed for his Barbarossa genocidal quest by them, using the arms supply capacity of one of the last democracies in a Fascist Europe, Czechoslovakia, as springboard. Munich 1938 had been a great betrayal, granting Gröfaz a huge victory against his internal enemies and fixing the rails into WWII which is still ongoing.

Posted by: Kassandra | Apr 4 2024 8:21 utc | 5

to -Klaus-

the problem being that 80 years ago Germany was cured of his "nazism" illness
but 80 years of occupation by the USA have infected them of something much worse.

Germany and Germans doesn't exists anymore (as a nation or ethnic group) at least since the end of the 80's. It is just a bad imitation of their Masters.

I know, I am not German, but I live there.

Posted by: Ilusionist | Apr 4 2024 8:23 utc | 6

Was the aim of the SMO to demilitarize or to reliably demilitarize for the near future, meaning it doesn't get to remilitarize as soon as the pressure is relieved.

Posted by: Tuyzentfloot | Apr 4 2024 8:53 utc | 7

"The [Germán] military leadership had been more sane in 1936"


There is complete continuity between Kaiser Wilhelm II and today's puppets in Berlin.

In 1870 the British Empire takes note of the birth of a Power. Around say 1902 a hard core within the ruling class of the Anglo-Empire decides to destroy Germany and waits for the right occasion. Kaiser Wilhelm II expected London to be neutral, and cries out in dismay, "They are declaring war on us for a piece of paper".

Blindness 1917, blindness 1936 and more blindness 2021.

The only funny thing about the current tragedy, and may the Germans forgive me, is that this will be the third time London has defeated Berlin.

Posted by: Simon | Apr 4 2024 8:54 utc | 8

It seems the Russian leadership has a winning strategy and is resisting all attempts to divert them from it by terrorist attacks on Russia's civilian population or infrastructure. As the US/UK/EU and their Ukronazi puppets in Kiev grow more desperate I would anticipate another attack on the Crimea bridge or maybe St. Petersburg or Moscow. With the railway along the Sea of Azov nearing completion the bridge is more symbolic than a necessity to support Crimea and Sevastopol.

That seems to mostly have the effect of hardening Russian resolve and uniting the people behind their government.

I think it is obvious that the British are focused on sinking as many Black Sea ships as possible with drones and cruise missiles given targeting info by British and US spy planes based in Romania while the CIA and maybe MI6 are in charge of arranging terror attacks in Russia via various proxy forces like ISIS. Russia has avoided calling them out directly, or striking back, because that would put Russia and various NAziTO countries in an open state of war.

Better to keep doing what is working with the least Russian causalities and keep chewing away at the Ukie front line troops while taking out the electrical infrastructure all over Ukraine. I think the Russian leadership has concluded the Kiev Nazi's will blow up the power dams, generating stations, and bridges across the Dnieper as they retreat anyway, so there is no good reason not to take them out now and cut the supply lines to the Ukie troops between the Dnieper and Donbass.

Posted by: Saturna | Apr 4 2024 8:55 utc | 9

The German ruling class (laughter), i.e. the collection of servile lackeys, believes it belongs to the master race.

All European puppets eat lies for breakfast, lies for lunch and lies for dinner. They are avid consumers of Anglo-imperial propaganda because they need it, for they cannot afford the luxury of the cynicism of their bosses, lords and masters.

And similar happens to the Russian ruling class unable to assimilate that London and Washington see them as Palestinians. Everyone believes what he wants or needs to believe.

Posted by: Simon | Apr 4 2024 9:03 utc | 10

The Kiev govt in its desperation will require that all transport vehicles - trucks, trams, utility vehicles, buses, vans, cars for personal use - be given up to the AFU for military use. At this point most remaining Ukrainians will either flee the country or consider rebelling and marching on Bankova Street. Zelensky should seriously start thinking about taking that one-way trip to Miami or Liguria.

Toyota might suddenly discover that its Hiluxes are the No 1 most coveted vehicles in the world again.

Posted by: Refinnejenna | Apr 4 2024 9:08 utc | 11

The call for negotiations from the Russian side is considered as great weakness in the West.
This would even speed up the French intervention and make more and more countries participate against Russia.

Posted by: vargas | Apr 4 2024 8:11 utc | 3

1 - The call was initiated by France, which in diplomatic term mean that it's France that want something.
2 - Russian official report state France asked for negociation starting from what was achieved in Istanbul (and derailed by the west)
3 - France categorically deny that and state that Russia was demanding for negociation

So because 1 (France called Russia), 3 (Russia ask for negociation on unfavorable position) is very unlikely.

Posted by: w | Apr 4 2024 9:08 utc | 12

We haven’t told you about lasers for a long time, or maybe even never, but a good reason has appeared: in the Nizhny Novgorod region, power engineers began cutting down forests using a mobile laser to speed up the laying of power lines.

In fact, this is so far only a test clearing of the clearing, which was carried out by specialists from the State Research Center of the Russian Federation TRINITI ( Rosatom ) using the mobile laser complex they developed. In the process of clearing the clearing, the installation cut trees up to 200 mm in 6 minutes , but the beam adjustment allows doubling the cutting speed.

And this is not the first time that Rosatom’s mobile laser complex has been used. Before this, it was used to cut open a sunken ship on Sakhalin, located 50 m from the shore . In general, the Rosatom installation is capable of separating metal structures up to 260 mm thick into parts from a distance of up to 300 meters. The future as it is.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 4 2024 9:12 utc | 13

I see the troll types are a bit annoyed with b's article.

Not good to bet on the empire of lies these days.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 4 2024 9:13 utc | 14

Where/how is Ukraine still getting diesel fuel? From EU countries?

Posted by: unimperator | Apr 4 2024 9:14 utc | 15

Was the aim of the SMO to demilitarize or to reliably demilitarize for the near future, meaning it doesn't get to remilitarize as soon as the pressure is relieved.

Posted by: Tuyzentfloot | Apr 4 2024 8:53 utc | 8


Remilitarize with what and whom exactly?

Ukrainian demographics can be summarised in a single swear word, and the Western MIC is overpriced and underperforming.

At a time when debt is skyrocketing and their economic situation perpetual stagnation.

Posted by: Urban Fox | Apr 4 2024 9:23 utc | 16

"Germany and Germans doesn't exists anymore"

Yes, I remember the Germany of 1982-1989, and Europe in general.

It is indescribable what has happened. We have been turned into medieval peasants. Neither the rag dolls on TV, starting with Joe Biden and including the puppets meeting in Brussels, nor we, the frightened public, have any power.

Reality surpasses the most delirious imaginations of the most imaginative science fiction writers of the last century.

Posted by: Simon | Apr 4 2024 9:38 utc | 17

De-Dollarization brings peace.

Posted by: Exile | Apr 4 2024 9:38 utc | 18

Dima says RUAF managed to control the forest south of Belogorovka, and the AFU brigade in that area was completely defeated during its counter-attack attempts toward the forest. If true, it might completely change the direction in Belogorvka and Seversk area.

AFU had overpopulated the eastern part of Chasov Yar and was forced to move some troops to the central part, in order to reduce possible losses from bombs. One AFU position was destroyed in the forest SE of Chasov Yar. AFU forced to retreat toward Chasov yar from surroundings.

AFU defense belt in the triangle Pervomaiske-Netailove-Umanske is collapsing (albeit in small incremental steps), RUAF has wedged itself in the field and has fire control of the road connecting Netailove-Umanske. AFU tried to counter-attack the area NW of Pervomaiske but failed.

RUAF controls every hill around Novomikhalovka. But AFU has decided to send more reinforcements to the western part of Novomikhalovka from Konstantinovka, so another meat grinder going in Novomikhalovka.

Posted by: unimperator | Apr 4 2024 9:44 utc | 19

Yawn. The Russians are only going to get what they can fight for. It's been several months of this "better give up" crap. If the Ukrops are so decimated, why can't they Russians break through Berdichi?? Why did they take only 0.01% of the country after the "floodgates were opened, from Avdiivka". Why HAVEN'T the Ukrops given up, yet?

Enjoy the singing to the choir. I'll stick to the verifiable facts. Which is territory. Not inflated casualty counts by one side about the other (when neither side will share their own losses!)

Posted by: Anonymous | Apr 4 2024 9:53 utc | 20

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 4 2024 9:12 utc | 14

In Russia, that kind of laser will be used to cut sunken ships and in similar rescue operations, to cut trees, and possibly for warfare.

In the west it will be used on demonstrators. Didn't Australia or some place burn a few antivaxxer faces off with microwave guns to instill a bit of healthy fear for the government?

Posted by: Michael A | Apr 4 2024 9:55 utc | 21

March 2025 is my estimate for the end of this dreadful tragedy of the Ukrainian Gambit that began in 1997-2008, a new peak of cynicism and disregard for human life of the ruling class in London and Washington and their infantile European puppets.

And for the Anglo-Empire my estimate is about 30 years.

Posted by: Simon | Apr 4 2024 10:00 utc | 22


🔴 According to our information from the field, the enemy has begun to withdraw their units from the villages of Semenovka and Berdychi due to the threat of encirclement.

🔴 VKS, MLRS and heavy artillery are currently attacking the retreating enemy units.

This news was yesterday evening, but if even half true, it indicates the AFU belt could have become an unviable position to defend.

Posted by: unimperator | Apr 4 2024 10:02 utc | 23

Center for Defense Strategies -April 2024

NED running scared … contradicting Western leaders’ goal of simply removing Putin …

Чому це не війна Путіна: колективна відповідальність росіян

Posted by: Oui | Apr 4 2024 10:19 utc | 24

Ukraine deploys reserves near Avdeyevka hoping to regain lost ground — aide to DPR head

Posted by: Oui | Apr 4 2024 10:26 utc | 25

Willy's latest (he's they guy I trust the most, not Dima, not Denis...calls it both ways...if you want cheerleader pabulum, stick to Kalibrated or Duran):

Net/net: No significant territory changes. Map discussion is in second half of video. Starts with an excellent discussion of Seminivka and the RFA problems getting into/through it. Great infantry perspective from a very good served fighter and trainer...not just a YT war gamer (Scott, Dima, Weeb, HistoryLegends).

Posted by: Anonymous | Apr 4 2024 10:28 utc | 26


According to our information from the field, the enemy has begun to withdraw their units from the villages of Semenovka and Berdychi due to the threat of encirclement.

This news was yesterday evening...

Posted by: unimperator | Apr 4 2024 10:02 utc | 24


More clickbait tease from the "it's about to happen" crowd. Been hearing Berdichi was gone from a month ago. Was wrong then...and still haven't gotten it. At this point, don't say "it's coming". Wait for it to happen and then say it's happened. That's what makes sense. Stop kicking the football, Charlie Brown.

Posted by: Anonymous | Apr 4 2024 10:32 utc | 27

I came across an interesting clash of opinions:


Simplicious v Martyanov?

What to say... one guy does a fine job of condensing, explaining and analyzing for his readers, the other mostly seems concerned with telling us how incompetent the West is and how amazing Russia is all the time, yet somehow never manages to explain how this 'strong and invincible' Russia can't even get its own Mir cards accepted by its trade partners and even former Soviet states now due to US secondary sanctions threats...

Which is a shame really, because 20% of what Martyanov says is very important, but is never shared outside of his echo chamber due to his partisan views and inability to be objective. Two years into this war, and the guy still refuses to accept that Russia lost a bunch of ships due to negligence/incompetence or got any help from Iran and NK for example.

You would think a former Russian naval officer might be more interested in giving us a better understanding on the Black Sea fleet's challenges and struggles, or sharing insights into the recent massive reshuffling that happened in the Russian navy, instead of yet another childish dig at Macron?

Simplicious' put down is subtle and classy:

"[Former Chief of General Staff, General] Baluyevsky.. goes on to make many more indictments, including one that directly clashes with Martyanov’s claims of Russian omniscient ISR capabilities: [Baluyevsky] clearly implies Russia does not yet have such a system despite this being precisely what Martyanov champions as Russia’s strongest suit, in his article. No offense to Martyanov, whom I do respect, but I think I’ll take the Russian Chief of General Staff’s word for it on this matter. "

Posted by: Rubiconned | Apr 4 2024 10:36 utc | 28

US and EU freedum for the ukies

Ukraine splits Republicans

After the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine in 2022, Congresswoman Victoria Sparz became one of the leading voices of the Republican Party on this conflict, writes The Washington Post. Sparz — the first Ukrainian-born immigrant to serve in the U.S. Congress, has been an active advocate for providing aid to Kiev and has worked with President Biden to promote the idea.

Now, Sparz's commitment to her homeland is being used against her by a well-funded rival in the GOP primary. Her opponent, Chuck Goodrich, ran a TV ad accusing Spar of putting "Ukraine first" and prioritizing aid to Kiev over protecting U.S. borders. The Congresswoman herself categorically rejects these statements.

This situation, as the newspaper notes, underscores the internal split among Republicans, which makes the hopes of House Speaker Mike Johnson to return to the issue of assistance to Ukraine next week look less realistic.

In the warring Ukraine, due to the lack of state policy and inattention to veterans, an epidemic of "post — traumatic syndromes" and addictions-gambling addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, and domestic violence-has begun.

Among other things, it is reported that the Ukrainian military is seriously hooked on online gambling, losing money on the Internet at bookmakers and casinos. "9 out of 10 soldiers on the front line have problems with casinos or batting. Money is lost. Then they take out loans. And so on in a circle. This is a problem that is destroying the morale of the military right now, "Honcharenko, an MP from the EU party, said in particular.

In addition, another problem is brewing in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is covered up by the authorities in every possible way — the growing number of drug addicts in the ranks of the Ukrainian army. In addition, some military personnel abuse painkillers that they are addicted to in hospitals (moreover, in Ukraine there are actually medical institutions clogged with military personnel, where they are literally tied to beds because they can be dangerous for themselves and others). As a result, the guys go to the front normal, and come back hooked on synthetic drugs, and this situation is guaranteed to "shoot" in peacetime. The fact is that drug-addicted Ukrainian military personnel will be dangerous not only for themselves and their associates, but for society as a whole.

By the way, the number of cases of domestic violence has already sharply increased in Ukraine — in 2023, the National Police registered more than 291 thousand incidents, which is 20% more than in 2022. The number of registered criminal offenses increased by 80%, and administrative offenses-by 36%. At the same time, the authorities do not offer any measures for the rehabilitation and social integration of people with PTSD. No one offers to start peace negotiations and end the war in order to stop the flow of aggression, people with PTSD, people with moral disabilities and mentally ill people.

And this problem will only grow like a snowball — it will take years to get rid of harmful vices if they are not stopped quickly. However, this is impossible — people from the Office of the President "protect" including drug trafficking and gambling.

A bit sad but none cared about the ethnic Russians of the Donbass being killed, being declared terrorist, being declared Russian occupiers.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 4 2024 10:36 utc | 29

Posted by: Anonymous | Apr 4 2024 10:32 utc | 28

To be honest, The History Legends did cover the events in Berdychi and Semenivka pretty well events for the weeks after Avdeevka changed hands.

On the operational level, AFU has forward-deployed its reserves to hold that particular line. This seems to buy a month or up to two months. Semenivka is apparently on the bottom of a hill and across the river, and AFU positions on top of the hill, making it tough. Berdychi is basically a 'corner', which means AFU can cover it from three sides, giving some inherent advantage to defend it.

But what's changed now (supposedly) Netailove-Umanske is under threat, which also affects Berdychi and Semenivka, since they are already compromised pass the S/SSW direction.

Posted by: unimperator | Apr 4 2024 10:45 utc | 30

Take a look at the map dickhead. Quite telling what you are with who you trust the most.
Hes great at shooting up goat herders.
Don't forget to check Brit mod updates.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 4 2024 10:46 utc | 31

Anonymous | Apr 4 2024 10:32 utc | 28

32 was for you scumbag.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 4 2024 10:51 utc | 32

Where/how is Ukraine still getting diesel fuel? From EU countries?
Posted by: unimperator | Apr 4 2024 9:14 utc | 16

good question.

Further, is there a way to comprehend the current war situation on some higher level and more balanced level? Dima is giving too many low level details, Martyanov is fake Russian propaganda, Simplicitus is also too positive, and there is no reliable western source, specially all EU sources are crap. Alexander Mercouris is to long.
Black Mountain Analyze was good, but it is not being updated.

Posted by: vargas | Apr 4 2024 10:52 utc | 33

Russian forces moved up a watercourse and are now behind Berdychi and Semenivka.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 4 2024 10:55 utc | 34

TRUE, Der Krieg ist Aus, Ukrajina ist Kaput. Aber, “ Niemals Kapitulieren!”

Yet, the war against NATO & its leadership will continue until the constituent members of this terrorist organization are disarmed and de-Nazified. I doubt that the Russians will invade most NATO states, especially here in North America. They will rely instead on internal changes in those states, helped along with a few strikes against US military, political, and financial targets. The reign of the Rothschilds is coming to an end. You can see this based on the insanity the Zio-Nazis are perpetrating in Gaza & indeed, all of Palestine.And the internal pressures among NATO state populations against their governments is increasing. Why else all this suppression of Free Soeech?

The Slavic peoples, excepting those Banderites and their ilk, are devoted to the Blessed Mother, the Holy Theotokos, and to her Son. She has intervened on their behalf countless times throughout History, though it is NOT apparent to Anglo eyes and minds. The fertile, resource rich Ukraine will not be home to the Synagogue of Satan , its acolytes and minions. These nihilist Wokesters will perish in their modern day Sodoms & Gommorahs of San Francisco, Tel Aviv, London, Paris, Berlin, etc…


Posted by: OldFart | Apr 4 2024 10:58 utc | 35

It certainly sounds like its been demilitarised, maybe this is why England's Foreign Secretary David Cameron is calling Nato countries up their military output.

I think we are seeing more and more Nato armourments going to Ukraine this is unsustainable as it has depleted Nato countries own weapons stocks, of course the more dangerous weapons If there is such a thing, have in my opinion been held back will Nato give these weapons to Ukraine or more like send Nato troops to use them, I think Nato troops are already using Nato weapons in Ukraine.

Of course deadlier weapons in Ukraine requires a deadlier response from Russia.

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Apr 4 2024 11:13 utc | 36

Thank you b for your uplifting article and sound analysis.

Posted by: Engineer-John | Apr 4 2024 11:14 utc | 37

@Oui #24

From the NED document:

According to a study that conducted a complex content analysis of Russia’s three biggest TV channels
throughout 2014-2018– by far the most influential media in Russia and primary source of news and opinion for the majority of its population– shows an astonishing 85% to 15% ratio of negative to positive news about Europe.

I wonder how "astonishing" the ratio of negative to positive news in major Western media would be about Russia, or (especially) China. I can't recall seeing even one positive story about either in recent years.

Posted by: billb | Apr 4 2024 11:21 utc | 38

33 - I like Colonel Cassad, although some don't, and his site is in Russian. He is pro-Russian, I think he lives in Sevastopol, but is free from any notion that Putin is some genius incapable of error, and this is handy.
Martyanov is a little too much under the sway of his own prejudices. I remember him launching into a tirade against "humanities graduates". Since I am one myself, this did not go down well...

Posted by: Waldorf | Apr 4 2024 11:24 utc | 39

Posted by: vargas | Apr 4 2024 8:11 utc | 3

AP is lying. No such proposal by russia was offered to the french.

Posted by: HERMIUS | Apr 4 2024 11:32 utc | 40

... the other mostly seems concerned with telling us how incompetent the West is and how amazing Russia is all the time, yet somehow never manages to explain how this 'strong and invincible' Russia can't even get its own Mir cards accepted by its trade partners and even former Soviet states now due to US secondary sanctions threats...

Posted by: Rubiconned | Apr 4 2024 10:36 utc | 28

Is this person talking about military strength or "world hegemony" strength?

Posted by: Cheney | Apr 4 2024 11:45 utc | 41

Great job, b, thanks.

Posted by: canuck | Apr 4 2024 11:48 utc | 42

"The reign of the Rothschilds is coming to an end. You can see this based on the insanity the Zio-Nazis are perpetrating in Gaza & indeed, all of Palestine. And the internal pressures among NATO state populations against their governments is increasing. Why else all this suppression of Free Speech?"

Posted by: OldFart | Apr 4 2024 10:58 utc | 35

You hit the nail right on the head-thank you.

Posted by: canuck | Apr 4 2024 11:50 utc | 43

"An army not mechanized marches on its stomach" (Macroneon Bwonapart)

Posted by: Asian Frog | Apr 4 2024 11:54 utc | 44

"The only funny thing about the current tragedy, and may the Germans forgive me, is that this will be the third time London has defeated Berlin."

Posted by: Simon | Apr 4 2024 8:54 utc | 8

It wasn't always this way; in 1743 King George II (a German himself) led his men against France-the last time a Western leader actually led his troops-in Bavaria defending German interests although Prussia was on the other side.


Posted by: canuck | Apr 4 2024 12:02 utc | 45

the solution to the problem:

The German government will confiscate all commercial vehicles currently offered on and transport all 27,784 vehicles to 404, because Putin cannot win. Afterwards, all other vehicles available on public portals will be confiscated and also transported to 404.

Posted by: Service Unavailable | Apr 4 2024 12:04 utc | 46

Thank you b, a satisfying read.

It is tragic about another 80k this year already, mostly probably not Nazis , many conscripted against their will, with our natzios cheer leading- to the last ukropian.
Why they ever let themselves be deluded is what any surviving ukrop will have to figure out in their future general, from whichever dark hole they go to hide in as they are thrown off their land by Blackrocks and Finks who believed they finally got their hands on their prize on the Black Sea. Should’ve waited till it was agreed by the Russkies eh?


Now for denazification- I do hope it is not restricted JUST to the borderlands.

There is plenty hidden and in plain sight around the unipolar , 5+1 eyes and various outposts such as Argentina , I won’t feel happy to shuffle off this mortal coils knowing that we have left even a single cell of it that could reinfect humanity in a few generations.

That is a founding task for the POLYCENTRIC world order , it’s Laws and Courts and Enforcement, even if it means wars , if the criminals attempt to hide behind nation states.
If there are still stupid enough peoples as the ukranians have been.

I’ll see what the bar thinks after some chores that can’t wait.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Apr 4 2024 12:23 utc | 47

Russia doesn’t need to “call for negotiations”. It already published its December 2021 draft treaty on European security. Russia can sit back, point at that document and say to the West: “Ready when you are, gentlemen.”

Posted by: Jeremy Rhymings-Lang | Apr 4 2024 12:24 utc | 48

@Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 4 2024 10:36 utc | 29

So a part are voluntary drug users, the other part are involuntary users and some also have a gambling hobby. All I see is that they have a lot of free time which doesn't match the story that they're in some sort of war or smo or something. But now I want to know what French zombies use.
"RT has obtained footage of an examination of the first aid kit of an AFU medic who was killed along with the entire group near the border with the Belgorod region. In addition to a large number of antibiotics (ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin) and painkillers, the Ukrainian medic's first-aid kit contained psychoactive and narcotic drugs - atropine and ketamine. All the drugs have fresh production dates (2023 and 2024) and are mainly manufactured in Poland."

Posted by: rk | Apr 4 2024 12:25 utc | 49

England's state propaganda machine the BBC reporting that the UK should reintroduce military conscription as they have done in Estonia, to somehow combat Russia, coming from Scotland I would hope that many Scots would have the sense to tell England's MoD where to shove their military conscription if it comes about.

Meanwhile the same English propaganda machine (BBC) reporting that Russian drones attacked a residential area in Ukraine's second largest city.

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Apr 4 2024 12:31 utc | 50

De-Dollarization brings peace.

Posted by: Exile | Apr 4 2024 9:38 utc | 18


Yes, too much power is often a poisoned chalice. No one nation should control the world's reserve currency. The temptation to corrupt it goes back to the end of WW2, before Nixon had to close the gold window in the 70s.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 4 2024 12:39 utc | 51

Simplicius latest:

"And even as of this writing, there is a large ongoing attack on Kharkov, with videos pouring out of strikes landing in the already de-powered city."

Anyone have links to the videos?

Seems that Dima no longer reports on this stuff, and just focuses on minutiae. What anonymous and other naysayers fail to understand is that time is not on Ukraine's side. Who cares if some village west of Avdeyvka takes another week to fall? It's going to fall. Rumsfeld had a name for armies like that: dead-enders.

The point is the UAF is being systematically destroyed.

Meanwhile, the Ukraine aid bill looks delayed again in Congress.

Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Apr 4 2024 12:42 utc | 52

Is this where all those stolen Canadian vehicles are going??

(3 min news report)

Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Apr 4 2024 12:44 utc | 53

Isnt it a hate crime now to oppose the will of an British official?

The scots accept to have their right to speak their minds taken from them but they will fight against suscription?

Good luck!

Posted by: Orgel | Apr 4 2024 12:44 utc | 54

Posted by: Anonymous | Apr 4 2024 9:53 utc | 20


Those of you fixated on territorial control are missing so much. Is it deliberate?

Russia is destroying Ukrainian manpower and de-populating the country of Nazi believers.

That was the objective of the SMO which has never changed. They are trying to beat Ukraine into submission so it can become a neutral non-NATO state. Unlike the colonial powers, the Russians are not trying to gain control of the territory. They already have more land than they can develop.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 4 2024 12:45 utc | 55

The ratio of destroyed trucks (general vehicles) to destroyed armored vehicles in today's report is 20 to 3.

Posted by: b | Apr 4 2024 12:50 utc | 56

"An army not mechanized marches on its stomach" (Macroneon Bwonapart)

Posted by: Asian Frog | Apr 4 2024 11:54 utc | 44

Macroneon Blownapart would have been funnier...

Posted by: Phil R | Apr 4 2024 12:55 utc | 57

I think it is obvious that the British are focused on sinking as many Black Sea ships as possible with drones and cruise missiles given targeting info by British and US spy planes based in Romania while the CIA and maybe MI6 are in charge of arranging terror attacks in Russia via various proxy forces like ISIS.

Posted by: Saturna | Apr 4 2024 8:55 utc | 9

For over 20 years the Russians have been telling us that surface naval ships were obsolete because of drones and anti-shipping missiles and the west has argued that the ocean is vast and ships are small and constantly on the move therefore difficult to target.

Now we see the British proving the Russians right. It doesn't look good for Russian surface fleets however it's even worse news for the US navy. The US military relies on the US Navy to get aircraft carriers close to shore and marines on the beach.

The USA is basically an island and a naval superpower. In order to fight anyone other than the Canadians or Mexico they have to get shit across an ocean and land on a beach or friendly port. You can't do that with your ships getting sunk out from under you. It doesn't matter how well protected your tanks are or how well trained your men are if you can't get them into the fight. All of a sudden an aircraft carrier goes from a means to project power to a sure way to lose half a Trillion $USD in an afternoon if you get too close to a shoreline.

Posted by: HB_Norica | Apr 4 2024 13:08 utc | 58


Every time Russia takes another town, that location transmogrifies from a vital strategic point to be held at all costs into three guys on a park bench that never really mattered.

Posted by: Fred777 | Apr 4 2024 13:10 utc | 59

De-mechanization makes me think of far-flung expeditionary forces of old with a broken logistical tail, being forced to eat their horses during winter to survive.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 4 2024 13:12 utc | 60

"Ukraine should not surrender"
Posted by: Klaus | Apr 4 2024 8:06 utc | 1

Germany surrendered twice, unconditionally in both instances.

Fall of the UKR proxy will only lead up to warming up another proxy for engagement.
( Poland? not the Baltic Triplet! )

You have to attack the American interference capabilities.

Posted by: MAKK | Apr 4 2024 13:19 utc | 61

Posted by: unimperator | Apr 4 2024 10:02 utc | 23

This news was yesterday evening, but if even half true, it indicates the AFU belt could have become an unviable position to defend.

Poor ukrops they try so hard being the West's bitch: "look how we die and get maimed for your lovely dollars and euros, send more now".

Posted by: Johan Kaspar | Apr 4 2024 13:21 utc | 62

although have never read Goethe. (few if any people in the modern world have).
still we can all understand his story of Faust.

but we all live in such a Faustian world. that is something which we can all understand.

ps although have read Oswald Spenglers "the decline of the West". he alludes to all these comings and goings

Posted by: chris m | Apr 4 2024 13:21 utc | 63

In CHASIV YAR a ukrainian command center was hit by Iskander rockets. A high-ranking NATO-General (Adam Marczak) has died and many other "fighters" too.

Posted by: hatomune | Apr 4 2024 13:22 utc | 64

You have to attack the American interference capabilities.

Posted by: MAKK | Apr 4 2024 13:19 utc | 61


Or wear them out. There are different vectors of conflict. That is asymmetrical warfare which is what everyone of power is doing these days.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 4 2024 13:25 utc | 65

[email protected] sunk a US ship, a British one, has any navy had a ship(s) sunk other than Russia in the past 24 mths? Syria doesn't count they can't even deal with the shit hole next door in case they upset someone's partners.

Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Apr 4 2024 13:33 utc | 66

64 - This Polish report from March 26 says nothing about him dying in Ukraine (perhaps they cover it up?).
"A sad piece of news has reached us today. Brigadier General Adam Marczak, Chief of Staff of EU Althea Operations Command in Mons, has passed away.",zmarl-general-brygady-adam-marczak

Posted by: Waldorf | Apr 4 2024 13:38 utc | 67

In CHASIV YAR a ukrainian command center was hit by Iskander rockets. A high-ranking NATO-General (Adam Marczak) has died and many other "fighters" too.

Posted by: hatomune | Apr 4 2024 13:22 utc | 64


Old news. Reported on this site several times around 26 March.

Posted by: malenkov | Apr 4 2024 13:40 utc | 68

The fact that they are no longer mechanized doesn't necessarily mean Ukraine is at a disadvantage. Look at the havoc and destruction their drones/HIMARS are raining down on Russia. The drones/missiles are wrecking refineries deep inside Russia and murdering civilians, decimating the Black Sea fleet, and wiping out combat vehicles (like the debacle 2 or so days ago when dozens of Russian mechanized vehicles were wiped out by Ukraine forcing Russia to retreat).

It seems like Russia has the numbers advantage, but Ukraine (thanks to the West) has the technological advantage and that's why this war is dragging on.

Posted by: bored | Apr 4 2024 13:47 utc | 69

68 - Didn't notice the report at the time, perhaps because of illness which meant I followed the Internet less. The Polish report does not explicitly say he died in Mons, Belgium, just that this is where he was supposedly based. Was he in fact killed in Chasiv Yar?

Posted by: Waldorf | Apr 4 2024 13:48 utc | 70

Since before the first firefight, demilitarization has included regime decapitation. Russia was wise to put that part in a sealed envelope and then burn it. Any other conclusion to this war other than total surrender is impossible to imagine much less trying to implement. Taking these Nazis to a kiss and make-up festival was never in the plan from before the first shot was fired. That horrible regime will not be allowed to exist in Ukraine. A Russian caretaker government is in order.

Posted by: Elmagnostic | Apr 4 2024 13:48 utc | 71

"An army not mechanized marches on its stomach" (Macroneon Bwonapart)

Posted by: Asian Frog | Apr 4 2024 11:54 utc | 44

Macroneon Blownapart would have been funnier...

Posted by: Phil R | Apr 4 2024 12:55 utc | 57

Agreed. I took Bwonapart for a typo, but it crossed my mind that, depending on the particular species of Asian Frog wrote it, it's ponetic for Blownapart. In any case, Macroneon Blownapart is the new name for the President of France, as far as I'm concerned. Well done, both of you.

Posted by: Honzo | Apr 4 2024 13:58 utc | 72

Posted by: Refinnejenna | Apr 4 2024 9:08 utc |

3 out of five Ukranians prefer the Rav4.

Posted by: Tannenhouser | Apr 4 2024 13:59 utc | 73

Just reported via RT
Dear readers,
Unsurprisingly, the emergence of the new multipolar world order is not without setbacks - even on a small scale: Two of Moscow's other allies no longer accept Russian payment cards. The risk of US secondary sanctions has now forced banks in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan to suspend their financial relations and stop accepting Mir transfers.
So it looks like the West is organizing a new attack on Russian banking and payment systems. And so Apple has banned the functionalities of the most popular Russian banks from the devices it produces and in return is now having to deal with the Russian anti-monopoly regulator.
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu spoke on the phone with his French counterpart Sébastien Lecornu. The ministers discussed the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall and the problems for Paris that sending troops to Ukraine would cause.

Posted by: ossi | Apr 4 2024 14:01 utc | 74

By the way, apparently Iranian or Russian technology is being used and the Israelis can't do anything
Report :
Israeli Army radio reports that the GPS jamming has also reached central Israel, with Israeli residents in central Tel Aviv reporting that the GPS is now locating them in Beirut.

Israeli sides claim that it may be the Israeli army's preparation for an attack on the Israeli homeland, which may be imminent.

Posted by: ossi | Apr 4 2024 14:06 utc | 75

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Apr 4 2024 13:33 utc | 66

I don't mean to be offensive. Threads are so much better wo nasty, mostly pointless venom. But, seriously...what is the point of your posts, especially the more recent ones? Don't you think that everyone here knows the views of the US side? Best to you

Posted by: Robert E.Smith | Apr 4 2024 14:06 utc | 76

You have to attack the American interference capabilities.

Posted by: MAKK | Apr 4 2024 13:19 utc | 61

Russia/China have been doing exactly that very actively in the economic sphere, long before the SMO was launched. The economic sphere is the foundation of American interference capabilities. The economic initiatives in Africa have helped empower Sahel's self-liberation, and this process continues to move forward. Political, military, technological and economic cooperation with Iran and Syria have changed the balance of power in the ME radically, turning Oct 7 from a desperate rebellion and/or Israeli false-flag operation into another major threat to US/western dominance of the entire region, threatening the fundamental energy access of the west. No matter how much the US profits selling LNG to Europe at vastly inflated prices, the US is unable to sustain sufficient production to keep itself and the EU going for an extended period of time. Brandon has already depleted the American Strategic Petroleum reserve. What's next? An invasion of Mexico? Venezuela?

The American interference capabilities still exist, certainly, but like the weaponry given to Ukraine and Israel, and expended to no purpose, the ability to replenish these capabilities is limited and dwindling.

Posted by: Honzo | Apr 4 2024 14:10 utc | 77

Message "Intel Slava"
When the Americans began delivering the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle to Ukraine, our military jumped up and down for joy. Only the owners of NATO have remained silent about some things. For example, that infantry fighting vehicles removed from storage are radioactive.

Today we show a document from the US Department of Defense that confirms this. These are vehicles that arrived at the Foxtrot warehouse in Germany to be transferred to the Ukrainian side. Military base personnel were alarmed by the fact that the M2 Bradley glowed in the dark.

With a Ludlum model 2360 alpha-beta detector
the level of passive radiation is measured. Passive radio emission measurements over 10 minutes detected 4 alpha particles and 949 beta particles, which corresponds to an average of 0.4 alpha pulses and 94.9 beta pulses per minute. During an inspection of the machine located in the hangar, no indicators were found above the background level.
An inspection of the Bradley M2 BMP, serial number 2adr6201y, located outside the hangar, revealed elevated readings on the front top of the vehicle. The highest rates observed in this part of the machine were 23 alpha particle pulses per minute (i.e. about 57.5 times the background level) and 250 beta particle pulses per minute (i.e. about 2.63 times the background level). above background level).

The most interesting thing is that the Americans are not afraid that the Ukrainian crews will grow additional heads and all protruding body parts will fall off. Rather, they are concerned with the state of the environment in Germany and the protection of American military base personnel from harmful radiation.

We know that Americans don't care at all about Ukrainians - they are expendable and must fight for the interests of the United States. And the Ukrainian politicians in the presidential office don't care about ordinary people either. They only care about the money.

Posted by: ossi | Apr 4 2024 14:12 utc | 78

-49 Atropine & Ketamine are perfectly normal items to find in any “5 Eyes” military standard operational issue medical pack contents at Troop or Platoon level nowadays. Carried by the suitably qualified medic, indigenous, infantry type , not the scab lifter type.

Normally issued, signed & accounted under most circumstances…it’s for use on a casualty…accountability…well it’s the Ukraine…right?

I am aware that some humans find other uses for it.

Posted by: Per Terram | Apr 4 2024 14:18 utc | 79

Any other conclusion to this war other than total surrender is impossible to imagine much less trying to implement. Taking these Nazis to a kiss and make-up festival was never in the plan from before the first shot was fired. That horrible regime will not be allowed to exist in Ukraine. A Russian caretaker government is in order.

Posted by: Elmagnostic | Apr 4 2024 13:48 utc | 71

Yes, this was obvious from Day One of the SMO. However, I will note that a Ukrainian state, no matter who is installed to lead it, is an invitation for future trouble. Just look at Finland and the Baltic chihuahuas. Without a serious socialist revolution in these places, nothing resembling democracy can be achieved, and the hazards of simply occupying Ukraine militarily long term are obvious as well. I believe the solution will be the complete dissolution of the Ukrainian state, and the incorporation of its former oblasts in the Russian Federation. This will make even the most revanchist areas of 404 merely local problems, and allow for non-Nazi locals to assert themselves effectively.

Posted by: Honzo | Apr 4 2024 14:19 utc | 80

The German ruling class (laughter), i.e. the collection of servile lackeys, believes it belongs to the master race.

All European puppets eat lies for breakfast, lies for lunch and lies for dinner.

Posted by: Simon | Apr 4 2024 9:03 utc | 10

Two comments. An empire has hierarchy, sometimes formalized, grand dukes, dukes, ...., baronets, simple knights (like Keith Starmer, he may be a baron one day like Dame Thatcher), sometimes not. For a feudal, either you are at the top, or subservient, but as the subservient ones have their ranks and importance, they may be very proud of their "lackey" positions. And a slight from the higher rank does not dent that pride. What I am trying to say is that "lackey" and "master race" harmoniously identify overlapping categories. There are also actual lackeys taking care of trash, dog poop etc., which ranks as commoners, but the likes of Sir Olof or Dame Annaline are very much in noble ranks

About lies. It is not precise in this context. Some pedants may engage in disputes about what is true and what is not, but what predominates is the "narrative". To some degree, a narrative has the character of a ritual, e.g. "Hail to the Emperor, the Sun of the Empire" does not literally mean that the Emperor, say Joe Biden, is literally an astronomical object. A narrative defines "we", the collective. And the collective is loyal to the Empire. Sticking to the narrative is an indispensable part of loyalty.

As non-member of the noble class of the Empire, we may find it quaint, pitiful or outright puzzling, especially how parts of the narrative are updated. A recent novelty is "fake elections in Russia", seemingly recommended for wide use, e.g. not simply "Putin" but "Putin who just won fake elections". If you ask what makes elections fake or not fake, you are "making Putin happy", or much better "you are making Putin who just won fake elections happy". A bit unwieldy, but the dedication to the Empire requires nothing less. While this extra verbiage seems to produce wasteful bytes, while we all feel deeply about the trees in forests, it is being efficiently compressed exactly because of its repetitiveness, the size of zip file hardly increases.

Posted by: Piotr Berman | Apr 4 2024 14:21 utc | 81

" Great infantry perspective from a very good served fighter and trainer [Willy]...not just a YT war gamer (Scott, Dima, Weeb, HistoryLegends)."

Posted by: Anonymous | Apr 4 2024 10:28 utc | 26

I would say I generally agree with your point of view, however, Scott Ritter has a great many qualifications dating back over decades. His stock and trade is speculation (and analysis? Lacking facts?). You have to use that kind of information in a different manner.

However next on your list is Dima, who because of a desire for accuracy, only posts updates based on geolocated video. I'm not saying that can't also be faked but I do trust his Maps. Again he discusses and speculates about events but that's clear as to what's going on there.

I would say that along with Willie these are all good sources and I use them. Each has their own cultural bias and skill base. I also view DPA ( defense politics Asia - Wyatt )

Russia's action at the Strategic level has continued to keep the West, but military analysts in general, unsure as to what their next step will be.

Personally I expected Russia to pay the cost and attempt to finish off Ukraine last fall. They certainly had the ability to do so and why would you let Ukraine rebuild its Army for the fourth time?

I have noticed a trend that the thumbnails are more and more clickbait in nature and the video doesn't reflect the title honestly.

Despite his last knowledge I have no time for Andre martinoff. Every time he gets onto a subject I'd like him to elaborate on he proceeds to tell me I'm too stupid to understand it and moves on. Regardless of if that's the case, he could spend a few minutes and overview the material or provide a citation.

It's not a good idea to regularly insult your readers. I believe the problem is that it's too complicated for Andre to explain, which is an entirely different issue.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Apr 4 2024 14:26 utc | 82

It seems they stick to be Nazi till their country total vanished.
looks very foolish decision and I cannot understand why they so want remaining Nazi.

By the way, this means NeoNazi in Eastern Europe will be disappear as time goes by. Russia will sweep it.
so anyway, its very ok.

On the other hand "Who would clean up NeoNazi in Middle East(of course it means Israel), I hope anybody stop them. because Liar Uncle Sam's rules-based order NEVER exist as fact. like Donbas people, Palestine people cannot be saved by such unexist "rule-based" order.".

And I think this planet, Earth, very need some guardian force it have a purpose "to protect people from US Empires proxy Nazis".

Posted by: Nokaz | Apr 4 2024 14:36 utc | 83

You would think a former Russian naval officer might be more interested in giving us a better understanding on the Black Sea fleet's challenges and struggles, or sharing insights into the recent massive reshuffling that happened in the Russian navy, instead of yet another childish dig at Macron?

Posted by: Rubiconned | Apr 4 2024 10:36 utc | 28

Martyanov has addressed BSF sinkings before, more recently in the Duran video.

In all honesty, there isn't much to say about that. The fact is FUKUS intelligence drones in the middle of the Black Sea can detect the ship signals, or satellites can locate them in port, and guide 'AFU' sea drone toward the target. If 2 or 3 out of 100 drones strike home, it's probably enough to sink the ship.

Also recall colonel Trukhan's interview at BMA maybe a month ago. This is the first time in history we have seen large scale use of naval drones in a war. They need to figure out counter-measures like more point defense MGs, maybe some sort of preventive methods, etc. But the real issue is FUKUS recon assets operate freely to guide the drones, which enables strike attempts in the first place.

It's most likely that these sort of naval drones would work extremely well in the Persian Gulf, Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea against FUKUS ships, as well. And most likely all powers will develop naval drones heavily.

Posted by: unimperator | Apr 4 2024 14:38 utc | 84

@Peter AU1 | Apr 4 2024 9:12 utc | 13

Yes, and directed energy weapons is just a 'conspiracy theory'.

Posted by: Norwegian | Apr 4 2024 14:40 utc | 85

"but as the subservient ones have their ranks and importance"

E x a c t l y

On the one hand, America is a banana republic because the political career of a congressman or congresswoman depends on private funding.

And in Europe it is the pride of office within the great pyramid. The position, the agenda of contacts and the desire to climb the ladder and be admitted into the group with power.

When, for example, Josep Borrell says "my friend Antony" referring to his lord and master, i am touched because Antony handles him as if Josep were a schoolgirl.

This rapturous devotion of a teenager in love is pathetic when seen from the outside, and the explanation i find is the sum of 1) the desire to be accepted and admitted into the group 2) the mental media pressure cooker and 3) adaptation: the need to deceive oneself: the need to believe in fantasies in order to play the role without feeling ashamed.

Posted by: Simon | Apr 4 2024 14:45 utc | 86

The Ukrainian army has not been an army for months…!!!

Posted by: Liberator | Apr 4 2024 14:45 utc | 87

David Horsman:

Awesome comment and I am in agreement, including where you have nuances of difference, with my simplistic earlier comment! Will write a longer response later.

Your comment deserves it. Not just in the context of this war but of how to evaluate different sources on any issue. (There is HUGE tribalism and hopium present on the Internet. You see it from both sides. It is a natural human tendency...I feel the pull also!)

Posted by: Anonymous | Apr 4 2024 14:46 utc | 88

“Support from NATO allies and support from the United States to Ukraine is something which benefits our own security interests,” Stoltenberg said.

He noted that “by allocating a fraction of our defense budgets, we have enabled the Ukrainians to destroy significant parts of the Russian combat capability” – and this has been done “without putting any NATO soldier, any US soldier, in harm’s way.”

so in other words, as stoltenberg now openly admitted, nato is using the ukraine (no regards to the civilian population there) simply to attack russia. without nato soldiers. interesting that he had to special mention the us soldiers.

natos "security interests" are, if i follow his logic, a destroyed russia.

but i bet noone will care that the nazi nato terrorist organization has admitted this openly.

Posted by: Justpassinby | Apr 4 2024 14:58 utc | 89

@ b who wrote
Ukraine has been demilitarized. It is high time to acknowledge that.

To give up now is the only way for Ukraine to survive.

Thanks for that point of view.

I agree but posit that we are now into the bigger civilization war that Ukraine is part of.

This situation in Ukraine has one of the God Of Mammon bullies's feet nailed to the ground which limits their mobility and there is lots of bleeding. The other bully foot is being nailed to the ground with much bleeding of humanity in Occupied Palestine.

Z is a puppet and will say what told so it is not his promise of surrender of Ukraine that will be heard by Russia but the message of surrender by some member(s) of the cult behind the curtain is what Russia, China and that whole axis of resistance are listening for.

I have this dream of Pope Frank, on his way out, goes and sits in the Pope chair where he is infallible and declares usury unacceptable again......if nothing else it would get humanity talking about alternative concepts to usury.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Apr 4 2024 15:01 utc | 90

@Waldorf | Apr 4 2024 11:24 utc | 39

Martyanov is a little too much under the sway of his own prejudices. I remember him launching into a tirade against "humanities graduates". Since I am one myself, this did not go down well...
It did not go down well because you are one or because he was right? :-) I do agree that Martyanov can appear as a one trick pony, but sometimes there is useful info.

Posted by: Norwegian | Apr 4 2024 15:03 utc | 91


Would also add: one intermediary solution for sea drones is simply make a network of underwater obstacles and defenses for drones and block off the ports, running various defenses from the wave breakers. The naval ships don't necessarily even need to go outside port, they could even be parked in a dock at Sochi while blowing up a gas storage facility in Lwow for breakfast.

AFU has also tried to shoot the infamous Storm Shadow missiles at ships, but it has had a very low success ratio. The one thing they might have hit with some shrapnel was the submarine which was parked at the drydock and suffered some skin damage.

Of course you lose the ability to 'show force' and 'blockade ports' in Ukraine, but that really probably isn't very relevant in the modern day. It isn't the era of battleships and dreadnoughts. Just destroy port infrastructure and it will hamper any shipping in Ukrainian ports or make it nearly irrelevant, anyway.

Posted by: unimperator | Apr 4 2024 15:07 utc | 92

… “Ukrainian medic's first-aid kit contained psychoactive and narcotic drugs - atropine and ketamine. All the drugs have fresh production dates (2023 and 2024) and are mainly manufactured in Poland."

Posted by: rk | Apr 4 2024 12:25 utc | 49

Atropine has some plausible combat medical uses, ketamine’s a useful anaesthetic / sedative. Neither is a stimulant of the type that is suspected to be uses as a modern form of Dutch Courage. Perhaps there is a combination of relatively innocuous drugs that can produce a captagon-like effect but these drugs don’t seem to be it.

Posted by: anon2020 | Apr 4 2024 15:12 utc | 93

Posted by: vargas | Apr 4 2024 8:11 utc | 3

For the record: The phone talks between French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu and his Russian counterpart Sergey Shoigu were held at France's initiative to express solidarity with the Russian minister and share information

Posted by: AI | Apr 4 2024 15:14 utc | 94

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Apr 4 2024 12:31 utc | 50

looks Ruling Class of Anglo-Zionist Empire starting some Psyop or Sales Promotion about Estonia to their people.

Exactly today I heard about Estonia on Japanese TV as "Excellent IT-tec country" "Pioneer of Individual Number system".
I just feel "huh? Estonia? why should we hear about such far country...?".

so if They Praise and Push Estonia affair all around Anglo-Zionist MSM.
My conspiracy-switch on.
like Ukraine, like Israel, what they praise is bad signal.

Posted by: Nokaz | Apr 4 2024 15:15 utc | 95

On Ukraine and its backer Nato, its Nato's 75th Anniversary, so for 75 years Nato has been scheming and planning against other nations, and even its own citizens (Operation Gladio) causing death and destruction in countries that it bombed including Libya, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina to name but a few.

Today in the news one could watch a brass band playing as the clowns marched down the hallowed hall of Nato with the numero uno propaganda mouthpiece Jens Stoltenberg heading them up, and much back slapping going on in the background.

Meanwhile they are getting their backsides handed to them on a plate in Ukraine by the RF.

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Apr 4 2024 15:20 utc | 96

Read at Anti-Spiegel
"The one who undisputedly has better connections in Russia"
The French Defense Minister “urgently” requested a telephone call to his Russian counterpart
The French Defense Minister has "urgently" requested a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Shoigu.

from Anti-Spiegel
April 3, 2024 10:43 p.m
Given that France is currently preparing regular troops to fight against Russian soldiers in Ukraine, the telephone conversation between the defense ministers of France and Russia was probably very cool. It is not clear from the little information known why France “urgently” requested the telephone call.

Here I am translating the short statement released by the Russian Defense Ministry about the phone call.

Start of translation:

On April 3, 2024, at the urgent request of the French side, a telephone conversation took place between the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu, and the Minister of Defense of the French Republic, Sebastien Lecornu.

The French Minister of Defense expressed his condolences in connection with the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert hall on March 22, 2024. He stubbornly tried to convince that Ukraine and Western countries were not involved in the terrorist attack and placed the responsibility on IS.

Sergei Shoigu emphasized that the investigation launched in connection with the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall would certainly be completed and all those responsible would be punished. There are reports of a Ukrainian lead in organizing the terrorist attack.

“The Kiev regime does nothing without the consent of Western curators. We count on the fact that the French secret services are not behind this case,” said the Russian Defense Minister.

Regarding the Elysee Palace's statements about sending a French contingent to Ukraine, Sergei Shoigu said that their practical implementation would cause problems for France itself.

The willingness to engage in dialogue on Ukraine was noted. The starting points could be the basis of the Istanbul Peace Initiative. Holding a meeting in Geneva without Russia's participation would be pointless.

Posted by: ossi | Apr 4 2024 15:23 utc | 97

thanks for the update b...

@ vargas | Apr 4 2024 8:11 utc | 3

and therein lies the reason the west is truly fucked, incapable of seeing reality..

Posted by: james | Apr 4 2024 15:26 utc | 98

This year marks NATO's 75th anniversary. On the occasion, the head of the Russian Security Council gave an interview in which he bluntly explained Russia's view of NATO.

from Anti-Spiegel
April 4, 2024 6:00 am
Nikolai Patrushev, the head of the Russian Security Council, gave an interview to a Russian newspaper on the occasion of NATO's upcoming 75th birthday, in which he presented the Russian view of NATO. I translated the interview.

Start of translation:

“Bloody history”: Nikolai Patrushev explains what NATO has come to in 75 years
April 4th marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO.

Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev explained to what role this alliance has played in world politics and how its main goal became the “containment” of Russia.

Question: Nikolai Platonovich, the heads of NATO member states plan to celebrate the anniversary in July during the alliance's Washington summit. But in the rest of the world many will not celebrate, because in their eyes this organization has earned a reputation as the world's main aggressor over these 75 years. Do you agree?

Patrushev: Judge for yourself. The anniversary of the founding of NATO practically coincided with the 25th anniversary of the large-scale bombing of Yugoslavia, when the planes of the North Atlantic Alliance mercilessly massacred unarmed people under the guise of “defending human rights and democracy.” The bombings killed more than 2,500 people and injured more than 12,000 civilians. The exact death toll from the operation has not yet been determined. The use of depleted uranium munitions led to soil contamination and a multifold increase in cancer cases among the population, which continue to kill people a quarter of a century after NATO aggression.

NATO has conducted more than 20 major military operations in its 75 years of existence. In addition, individual countries of the alliance have repeatedly participated in military coalitions outside the bloc formed by the US to satisfy its global ambitions in various regions of the world - in Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and dozens of other armed conflicts. It is therefore ridiculous that the bloc is trying to deny and, even more, gloss over the facts of the destruction of cities and countries and the killing of thousands of civilians.

I will not delve into NATO's bloody history, but it is necessary to know it to understand the nature of the alliance as a stable, perpetual source of danger, crisis and conflict.

Question: According to the text of the North Atlantic Treaty, the alliance is not only a military but also a political alliance. What do you think his politics are?

Patrushev: NATO's entire policy is based on Washington's instructions. Washington is using the alliance to maintain its armed presence in Europe and to demonstrate that its satellites support its indispensability in ensuring the security of that continent. In addition, the US-controlled military bloc is intended to exert undue pressure from the so-called “collective West” on the sovereign states of the world using military, economic, informational and other means.

NATO is used as Washington's instrument to wage “hybrid wars.” Its members obediently follow the instructions to impose economic sanctions, “freeze” financial resources, conduct intelligence activities, psychological operations and cyberattacks, and participate in actions to undermine and disorganize the system of state administration of countries that do not comply with politics the Anglo-Saxons agree. The alliance does not shy away from using terrorist organizations for its interests.

Question: It is known that twelve countries in Europe and North America originally joined NATO to counter the influence of their previous ally in the anti-Hitler coalition, the Soviet Union...

Patrushev: In the past, the USA, England and their satellites were not above lying and claiming that the alliance was founded to counteract the “aggressive efforts” of the Warsaw Pact. They fail to mention that the Warsaw Pact was signed on May 14, 1955, six years after the founding of NATO. It should be remembered that, thanks to the creation of the Warsaw Pact, military equality and peace reigned in Europe for many years.

From its founding until the end of the Cold War, NATO grew by only four members.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, NATO underwent several waves of expansion, primarily by absorbing former European allies of the USSR. Today, NATO includes 32 countries with a total of around four million soldiers in their armed forces. Another five countries take part in the programs to expand the NATO partnership.

Question: The NATO bloc, an invention of the Cold War, seemed to have lost the meaning of its existence after the collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. Even the question of Russia joining NATO was seriously discussed. Who do you think benefited from us becoming enemies again?

Patrushev: In the 1990s, NATO members consciously tried to convince us that they were pragmatists interested in joint military and political cooperation with Russia to maintain peace and stability in Europe. In reality, the West saw the collapse of the Soviet Union as just one of the stages of the confrontation with Russia. The weakening of our country as an economic and political competitor and its subsequent removal from the world political map through its dismemberment were the long-term strategic goals of Washington, London and the countries of the collective West they controlled. That is why those responsible in Brussels have described our state as the main source of threat to European security and have explicitly anchored this in NATO's strategic concept.

Question: Recently, the head of the NATO Military Committee, Rob Bauer, stated that NATO is ready for an open war with Russia. It looks like they are not thinking about reconciliation?

Patrushev: This statement is in line with the entire NATO policy. In March, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg presented an annual report on the organization's activities over the past year. The entire document focuses on the main task – “containing” Russia and especially China, so NATO has blatantly gone beyond its geographical mandate and openly proclaimed its global ambitions.

NATO is systematically strengthening its military potential along our borders from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea. Even the term “NATO’s Eastern Flank” appears in the speeches and documents of the leaders of the alliance, which includes all the Eastern European countries bordering Russia and allied Belarus, as well as Romania and, more recently, Sweden and Finland. The leadership of the alliance makes no secret of the fact that the largest military exercise near Russia's borders since the collapse of the Soviet Union, “Steadfast Defender 2024,” currently taking place in Europe, is aimed at “containing” Russia. Last year alone, NATO and its member states conducted 130 alliance and over 1,000 national maneuvers and training sessions. Mind you, not in a decade, but in a year, in 2023.

Question: Many people in Russia are convinced that since the first years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Washington has been trying to make Ukraine a military bridgehead for a strategic defeat of our country. Do you share this opinion?

Patrushev: NATO exercises have been taking place regularly in Ukraine since 1995. And in 2004, the Verkhovna Rada passed a law on free access of NATO forces to the territory of Ukraine, thereby sacrificing the country's sovereignty for the sake of the alliance.

The increased militarization of Ukraine began after the Western coup in Kiev in February 2014 and the genocide of the Russian-speaking population carried out by the Ukronazis. There is irrefutable evidence that Kiev, at the behest of the US and NATO, intended to use extreme force to resolve the problem of “unruly” regions.

NATO is a de facto party in the Ukraine conflict and is actively involved in organizing the shelling of Russian territories by neo-Nazis. Within its framework, collective decisions are made on new supplies of weapons, increasing their technical capabilities and range, and NATO trainers in several countries train mercenaries and saboteurs to take part in anti-Russian operations.

The US and NATO plan is to keep Ukraine, or at least part of it, under their complete control as an anti-Russian territory that serves the interests of the North Atlantic bloc. In this context, the task of demilitarizing Ukraine remains relevant.

Question: Martin Wijnen, the commander of the Dutch army, said there is an urgent need to recruit up to 3,000 volunteers willing to take part in an armed n conflict with Russia. Do you think the Europeans will seriously go into battle?

Patrushev: Stirring up Russophobia, the intimidation of one's own citizens by the imaginary "Russian threat", has become the most important part of the policy of European governments, which in this way try to distract people's attention from the growing domestic political and economic problems.

In addition, Russophobia is being used by Washington and London to bind other NATO countries through economic commitments. The United States benefits by expanding the capabilities of the military-industrial complex and dictating to its allies the conditions for purchasing very specific types of weapons and uniforms from their manufacturers.

Defense spending by NATO member states has risen to 50 percent of total global spending this year. The alliance's budget has grown for the ninth consecutive year and will reach more than $1.1 trillion in 2023.

Recently, the Estonian Prime Minister announced that she was increasing military spending and raising taxes in the country. It is forced to commit this political suicide because the members of the alliance are obliged to obey the bloc's discipline by increasing military spending. This year, 18 countries in the alliance have already fulfilled Washington's “order” by increasing NATO's military spending to two percent of GDP.

Question: Do you think European leaders are willing to obediently follow the White House's orders, even if it harms their countries?

Patrushev: The European countries of the bloc lost many elements of their sovereignty a long time ago and are in fact only an economic and political pillar of the alliance. Under these conditions, all NATO military plans will be obediently carried out by European governments, for whom the ideals of independence and responsibility to the people of their own countries and their future have given way to the desire to meet Washington's global demands.

On the contrary, international security should be viewed as a single and indivisible good that should equally benefit all states without exception. This is exactly the approach taken by Russia, and our country has a large number of like-minded people, and it continues to grow.

End of translation

Posted by: ossi | Apr 4 2024 15:26 utc | 99

Posted by: Honzo | Apr 4 2024 14:10 utc | 77


Great comment.

One of the least obvious and tangible aspects is reputation. The ability to feel secure in a relationship between two countries is huge. Trust and friendship lowers transaction costs across ALL domains.

Today we see the Europeans bickering with each other. We see America and Israel's international reputations tanking. Both sets will pay more for less when dealing with other nations, even vassals.

And in the Sahel, we see many nations finding a new brotherhood as they try to rise out of their common colonial past.

When an Empire falls or there is a "turning" in history, it's never one assassination, skirmish, or war. It is usually a confluence of changes multiplying one another or happening sequentially. Crying about how long it took for Bakhmut to fall or that Bankova hasn't been obliterated misses the hundreds of other complimentary events occurring in favor of one party rather than the other.

The Axis of Resistance seems ascendant to me. I have yet to hear of any diplomatic or trade breakthroughs for the West. Admittedly, I don't look for those. If they were significant, it is unlikely I would be able to avoid them given how much time I waste following this stuff.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 4 2024 15:27 utc | 100

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