Iran's Retaliation Delay Keeps Pressure On U.S. And Israel
Earlier today the navy of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp boarded and seized the container ship MSC Aries near the Strait of Hormuz. The ship is operated by Zodiac Maritime, a company owned by the Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer.
The seizure of the ship can be understood as a warning to the U.S. and its Gulf allies to not get any funny ideas and to attack Iran. A closure of the Strait of Hormuz would increase global oil prices and jeopardize Biden's re-election.
Iran has announced to revenge the Israeli attack on its embassy building in Damascus, Syria.
But it did not announce when, where or how it will retaliate.
By holding back on any hints it increases the anxiety in Israel and Washington DC.
“The pressure is now on Israel and the US rather than Iran. And yes, there are a lot of threatening remarks directed at Iran in the hope that the Iranians don’t act. But the die was first cast by Israel,” said Vali Nasr, a professor of international affairs at John Hopkins University.“And now people are trying to avoid what might be consequences.”
Biden does not want the US to be pulled into a war with Iran, particularly as he seeks reelection in November. But Washington’s default policy has long been to support Israel, Nasr added.
Would a real superpower ever do this (archived)?
The US has asked China and other countries, including Turkey and Saudi Arabia, to urge Tehran not to launch a retaliatory attack on Israel for its air strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria.
Neither of the countries asked has any reason to be helpful to the U.S. and certainly not to Israel.
The costs of keeping the watch up and the weapons manned will over time become unbearable for Israel as well as for the U.S.
It is thus better for Iran to wait with any bigger retaliation it may plan to carry out.
Posted by b on April 13, 2024 at 13:30 UTC | Permalink
next page »Iran can just wait and watch Israel's economy go down the drain.
Posted by: Norwegian | Apr 13 2024 13:38 utc | 2
Yes, the threat is stronger than the move.
Well done.
Posted by: Bemildred | Apr 13 2024 13:39 utc | 3
IRAN, Iran, Iran…..
Is convenient cover for debacles in Ukraine, NE Asia, EU, NATO, etc.
Iran wins by tiny cuts.
Posted by: paddy | Apr 13 2024 13:47 utc | 4
Which is why the US is attempting to reverse the pressure by getting Europe (and European airlines) to end flights to Iran and pull their citizens out. They are trying to impose costs on Iran for not retaliating, and at the same time publish dire warnings about the retaliation so that if it is anything less than full war, the US can claim that it deterred and humiliated Iran into effectively backing down.
Posted by: Bill | Apr 13 2024 13:48 utc | 5
May be a more widely coordinated thing.
If the purpose is to keep US panicking and scrambling around, moving their troops and air defense from one part of the world to another, it seems to be working.
Frederick The Great: 'He who defends everything, defends nothing'.
Posted by: unimperator | Apr 13 2024 13:52 utc | 6
Good move on container ship. In reading up on Zodiac, owner your typical Jewish oligarch, prime property in NY, Headquarters in London, net worth 20+ billion, in top 100 in shipping tycoons.
This is the way to go. Also hurts SA/UAE “business as usual”… strong message to all.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Apr 13 2024 13:53 utc | 7
We'll see what retaliations the religious dictators have in mind. But this reminds me of when everyone was waiting for the retaliation for Soleimani. While some bases were bombed and some people were injured, that retaliation seemed unexpectedly underwhelming.
Posted by: Inka | Apr 13 2024 13:53 utc | 8
Posted by: Trubind1 | Apr 13 2024 13:53 utc | 7
Good move on container ship. In reading up on Zodiac, owner your typical Jewish oligarch, prime property in NY, Headquarters in London, net worth 20+ billion, in top 100 in shipping tycoons.
Why does the "Jewish" part matter?
Posted by: Inka | Apr 13 2024 13:55 utc | 9
Posted by: Bill | Apr 13 2024 13:48 utc | 5
No. Russia & others (I think China) have also advised their people to get out of Iran & Israel now, while they still can.
Posted by: Mary | Apr 13 2024 14:00 utc | 10
The dim bulbs in DC were expecting misiles and drones to rain down somewhere. They have no imaginación. By now they should have learned that Irán tries not to behave as expected. I'm looking forward to see what comes Next.
Posted by: c | Apr 13 2024 14:16 utc | 11
My colleague over at Whats Happening with Shipping earlier made the same observation that I did. The Yemenis were not simply taking advantage of a target of opportunity. IE by forcing a halt to Israeli trade through their region. There is a strategy being effectively coordinated. Now I think that I see what it may be. If Im correct it may be huge. Outside the industry it may be difficult to see. The Houthies closed the Red Sea to Israel by making their trade impossible to insure. All insurance have Force Mejeur clauses. The 10,000 plus 40 foot containers on the MSC Aires were lost through Force Mejeur. Even if they were insured the traders will not be compensated. They will have to declare bankrupcy. IMO it seems that the Resistance may be targeting all Israeli trade worldwide. Incrementally. Those lost 10,000 containers certainly will spell disaster for many companies. CFOs may now be recieving notification from their insurers that ALL Israeli related trade is uninsured. All because of an IRCG commando op. Their exports are feeble but consider that Israel imports 90% of its merchandice, including necessities. Like the USA much of Israelis GDP is created by Israeli owned companies in China and SE Asia. Doing business with them is suddenly a liability. It seems genious.
Posted by: Ralph Conner | Apr 13 2024 14:18 utc | 12
Festina lente: the suspense is killing: I hope it lasts.
Sales of anti-anxiety meds going through the roof in Israel.
Waiting for Godot: bit like being on death row in Japan - no idea of when the knock on the door will arrive ...
Iranians are much too clever to gift Bibi his wet dream ...
... continuous nightmares a viable substitute.
Posted by: Don Firineach | Apr 13 2024 14:19 utc | 13
Game Over? Persian Gulf Powers Reportedly Refuse to Give US Access to Bases for Anti-Iran Strikes
3 hours ago
Sorry, couldn't send the link.
US could have more trouble with its ironclad assistance mantra.
Posted by: Eoin Clancy | Apr 13 2024 14:19 utc | 14
Re: Mary
Are you sure of that? I haven't seen Russia or China advise citizens to leave Iran. I only saw this:
Posted by: Bill | Apr 13 2024 14:26 utc | 16
“We strongly recommend that Russian citizens refrain from traveling to the region, especially to Israel, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, except in cases of extreme necessity,” read the statement issued Thursday by the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Posted by: Bill | Apr 13 2024 14:26 utc | 17
Article is on Middle East Eye:
Gulf states warn US not to launch strikes on Iran from their territory or airspace
Gulf monarchies question US basing agreements as they brace for Iranian retaliation against Israel
Posted by: smuks | Apr 13 2024 14:27 utc | 18
The Apartheid State and West in general are destroying themselves, why interrupt them? Hard to say with a genocide going on, but when your enemy is screwing up, don't do anything to stop them. Especially when they are basically begging you to do something to change the course of events, because they sense they are on the road to a disaster on multiple fronts, but due to political factors can't go another direction.
Let them squirm.
What's hilarious is Israel has condemned the seizure as a violation of international law.... You can't make this sh** up.
Posted by: ctiger | Apr 13 2024 14:35 utc | 20
So long as the world is on tenterhooks waiting for Iran's response, the initial crime- an unprovoked attack on a diplomatic mission- will be 'front and centre.'
Israel counts on the world forgetting its breaches of law and custom quickly. Iran is ensuring that people think about what has happened. It is enough that the enormity of Israel's uncontrolled and insane aggressions be kept at the front of the world's consciousness.
Like Ismael Haniyeh's dignified and sombre response to the killing of his five and six year old grandchildren and his three sons, Iran is reminding the world of where the jungle is and who the savages are in this world.
Posted by: bevin | Apr 13 2024 14:35 utc | 21
Iran Captures MV MSC Aries off the Straits of Hormuz | Shipping Under Attack
12 mins video
Posted by: Don Firineach | Apr 13 2024 14:40 utc | 22
Posted by: Inka | Apr 13 2024 13:55 utc | 9
Because these nepotistic fucks are everywhere sucking everybody else dry?
Posted by: Boo | Apr 13 2024 14:43 utc | 23
the earliest form of chess recorded was played in Persia. The izzies must have been really desperate to widen their theater of operations and what better enemy to pick on than Iran? They have demonized them for decades...I guess they never really got over the fact they were expelled from Iran when Khomeini sent the Shah packing.
The Iranians have shown much self restraint and have sacrificed many courageous men (and women). Now they would have the advantage of being able to retaliate when and where they choose and hardly anyone can blame them for doing so. Even if they take a pawn it is a loss for Israel. Of course Israel will protect the queen and she would be a prime target...I can just imagine what would happen should a missile arrive at Negev Nuclear Research Center.
I do wonder who these military geniuses are that think starting a war with Iran is a good idea. We all saw how determined they were to repel the invasion by Iraq with thousands and thousands of deaths in pretty horrifying ways...remember the poison gas the US gave Iraq?
One thing I do like about their behavior is that they are hurting big Izzie money. That is the way to change opinion. hit em hard in the pocketbook. blowing up busses filled with regular folks going to work doesn't do a damn thing to change behavior. plinking a coupla billionaires might though.
Posted by: dan of steele | Apr 13 2024 14:47 utc | 24
Very smart move by Iranians...hurt them economically, world opinion is already against them...and most keep them in "Hitchcock" suspense... when and what will happen next??..... even Haaretz newspaper on 04/11 Saying What Can't be said:Israel been Defeated- Total Defeated .....
Posted by: Ralph Conner | Apr 13 2024 14:18 utc | 12
I tend to agree with this, as indicating a broad strategy of the resistance. I'm not confident it has anything to do with the issue of Iran responding to Israel's provocations, however. This 'Houthi strategy' is obviously well coordinated among resistance actors, and was put in play shortly after Oct 7. Like Russia's strikes on power plants in Ukraine, Iran appears to be doing what it was going to do anyway and saying that it's retaliation.
The consensus of the bar that building anticipation has some merit, but this is a two-edged sword. If, in fact, US/Israel is prey to fear and anxiety in its decision-making clique, they become more likely to over-respond to perceived threats, or attempt to pre-empt them. In a strategic sense, this yields the initiative to the west- but so does immediate tit-for-tat reaction. I'm of the opinion that there will be no retaliation per se, but there will be some demonstration of capability that will widen the split between Israel and its sponsors and supporters.
The economic battlefield is being shaped by Houthi/Iranian demonstrations that they can completely disrupt ME trade, which, as you say, makes doing business with Israel untenable- however, it seems to me that just as the US is the main beneficiary of the SMO in Ukraine so far (has seized complete control of Europe, eliminated an economic rival (Germany), created a captive market for over-priced energy), the US is the prime beneficiary of the troubles spreading from Gaza.
Not only does the Israel vs the world conflict strangle trade, especially energy trade, with Europe, the US has shown that by firing a missile into a hillside in Yemen, IT can shut down trade through the Gulf and the Red Sea. This must be taken into the calculus of China-Europe trade.
As I have indicated elsewhere, I think that the core actors of the Americentric financial class are devouring their 'friends and allies,' who recently thought that they were members of the club, with equal stature, because they can't devour Russia, China or Iran, and they need to eat something. Europe is low-hanging fruit, and very ripe. Whatever the original intentions, the fact that Israel was allowed to proceed with its Final Solution is striking a serious blow not only to Israel as a state, but also Zionism, and, Zionist or not, powerful Jewish financial interests.
Domestically in the US, there is definitely a top-level house-cleaning going on, which is acting against a host of Zionist/Jewish elements that have had disproportionate power and influence during America's 'globalist' phase. That phase is, for the foreseeable future, over. The phase we are entering is the Fortress America phase, and a major aspect of this is going to be ejecting people with divided loyalties from the power system. This already well under way.
Posted by: Hans K Haneveer | Apr 13 2024 15:04 utc | 26
One form of retaliation may well come in the form of hardening stance against the Chosen when at some point negotiations unfold regarding the creation of the State of Palestine and how that relates to their unlawful pseudo-state which, one way or another, is going to have to make big changes.
The Entity’s biggest upside, perhaps, is getting away with ethnically cleansing all Palestinians to end up with their One State. Even if they achieve this, they will then have to establish diplomatic relations with others in the region. Iran is the main BRICS member in the Middle East with many other nations participating and/or applying to do so. What sort of diplomatic relations will the Apartheid State be able to establish if they have made Iran an implacable enemy? Is their long-term existence in the region even viable once the US has retreated from Empire-enforcer role after its economy and internal politics have crumpled further? Might Iran's goal even be to eject the Jewish Nationalists out of the Middle East altogether, or shunt them into a much smaller enclave, perhaps a Gaza strip equivalent above and below Tel Aviv?
There may well be a tit-for-tat retaliation for the Embassy hit at another Embassy, but this attack can rightly be used as justification to harden their stance generally on the geopolitical front.
Seems like a good time for the US of Israel to run up a false flag against Iran.
Posted by: Peter b | Apr 13 2024 15:10 utc | 28
Since Israel continues to use US as its shield for the horrific crimes of the past few months, the natural first move to make by Iran would be to hasten the departure of the US from Iraq. That is something best worked on by the hand of the Iraqis, one would think. They are going to be a key audience for anything that happens in the near future.
Posted by: pxx | Apr 13 2024 15:10 utc | 29
"My colleague over at Whats Happening with Shipping earlier made the same observation that I did. The Yemenis were not simply taking advantage of a target of opportunity. IE by forcing a halt to Israeli trade through their region. There is a strategy being effectively coordinated. Now I think that I see what it may be. If Im correct it may be huge. Outside the industry it may be difficult to see. The Houthies closed the Red Sea to Israel by making their trade impossible to insure. All insurance have Force Mejeur clauses. The 10,000 plus 40 foot containers on the MSC Aires were lost through Force Mejeur. Even if they were insured the traders will not be compensated. They will have to declare bankrupcy. IMO it seems that the Resistance may be targeting all Israeli trade worldwide. Incrementally. Those lost 10,000 containers certainly will spell disaster for many companies. CFOs may now be recieving notification from their insurers that ALL Israeli related trade is uninsured. All because of an IRCG commando op. Their exports are feeble but consider that Israel imports 90% of its merchandice, including necessities. Like the USA much of Israelis GDP is created by Israeli owned companies in China and SE Asia. Doing business with them is suddenly a liability. It seems genious.
Posted by: Ralph Conner | Apr 13 2024 14:18 utc | 12"
Great comment Ralph!
Also, as the presenter Sal said, Iranian ships may also be a target. But US naval forces may be too busy escorting Israeli-connected traffic.
Posted by: daffyDuct | Apr 13 2024 15:10 utc | 30
Pretty sensible words by Varoufakis, with maybe a bit of grand conspiracy hinted at between the lines: "Are Israelis not justified to fear that Hamas wants to exterminate them?
"Of course they are! Jews have suffered a Holocaust that was preceded with pogroms and a deep-seated antisemitism permeating Europe and the Americas for centuries. It is only natural that Israelis live in fear of a new pogrom if the Israeli army folds. However, by imposing Apartheid on their neighbours, by treating them like sub-humans, the Israeli state is stoking the fires of antisemitism, is strengthening Palestinians and Israelis who just want to annihilate each other and, in the end, contributes to the awful insecurity consuming Jews in Israel and the Diaspora. Apartheid against the Palestinians is the Israelis’ worst self-defence."
Posted by: Ludo | Apr 13 2024 15:17 utc | 31
RE: Why does the "Jewish" part matter?
Posted by: Inka | Apr 13 2024 13:55 utc | 9
Simply he was born in Haifa Israel. And ALL Oligarchy have have clans they hail from and form distinctive mafias. And you’re naive if you think there isn’t a “Jewish” Mafia vs “Italian” Mafia and so on. So, yes “Jewish” matters, at least to Israeli’s as they love to drone on about their “Jewish” only homeland…
Twisting the worlds (and mine) as some racist epithets as the Israeli Jews themselves are the ones declaring their racist rants about their “distinction” is rich…
Posted by: Trubind1 | Apr 13 2024 15:19 utc | 32
I've been wondering how drunk a roomful of jewish psychopaths had to be in order to decide that violating International Law was a good idea?
And that goes double for President Dementia Patient for defending Jewrael's right to do so.
The jews and their jewed-up Western jew$lave$ have lost their minds.
I've lost my book on International Law. But it wouldn't surprise me if it's illegal for Iran NOT to retaliate. Fortunately, when they do, they'll find comfort in the knowledge that no Human Beings will be harmed...
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Apr 13 2024 15:20 utc | 33
Bravo Iran. Bravo.
Closing the straight will bleed the Zionists even more.
Posted by: joedontsurf | Apr 13 2024 15:20 utc | 34
The US is currently at or close to being a net energy exporter, so closing the Hormuz strait is more likely to hurt energy importers (which includes both Chinas, Japan and Korea.) And I don't think the pipelines and rail/highway connections in Siberia are capable of handling the load so that Russia can't replace all middle eastern energy for the PRC?
The popular part of the elections are coming up (the money election by big donors is nearly finished though big money meant to try to engineer the vote can be expected to pour out in the last few weeks before election day.) Although the US itself has nothing to fear from the direct effects of disruption in Hormuz, the partisan effects are probably already an issue of concern. But Jay Powell's determination to hurt workers may be partly about supporting the Republicans and that seems like even more of an issue to me. But the story about asking for restraint seems likely to me to be Biden performing his pro-Zionist politics rather than a serious effort.
The notion that Iran is playing it smart in the OP I think is more right than wrong. But the thing is, Israel is a nuclear power with the intention of using their nukes if defeated, just like its corporate HQ the US. Iran is smart to be afraid. But this is not to criticize the Supreme Leader et al. more than others, I don't think anybody has an endgame for the Zionist entity. That's what has to go---NOT the Jews themselves!---for Palestine to be free. Hybrid WWIII is underway but Israel (and India by the way) is perhaps the player most likely to escalate to Armageddon.
Posted by: steven t johnson | Apr 13 2024 15:22 utc | 35
On the Iranian capture of MV Aries:
"Iran seized the Israeli ship MSC ARIES in the Strait of Hormuz.
This is a big game changer.
This once again is confirming that the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar are helping Israel bypass the Houthi blockade by land route from the UAE port."
But Pq was ADAMANT that there was no secret land route being operated by the Arab quisling states for USrael!!!
(Just as he was ADAMANT about so much that is turning out to be mythology just before he threw a tantrum and vanished from his limited hangout.)
As I thought, and as I've said before on this site: The truth emerges in short time exposing even the eloquent as liars or fools.
One need only wait a while for it to be revealed, for not every barking dog needs to be stoned.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 15:26 utc | 37
I've lost my book on International Law.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Apr 13 2024 15:20 utc | 33
Pray you never find it again, or if you do, read it as fiction this time.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 15:28 utc | 38
"Would a real superpower ever do this (archived)?
The US has asked China and other countries, including Turkey and Saudi Arabia, to urge Tehran not to launch a retaliatory attack on Israel for its air strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria."
Negative. It's just like the first year of their war on Russia in Ukraine. They were obsessed with winning China's support and just in shock when it wasn't forthcoming.
The political elite, both parties, and the whole bureaucracy in Washington DC is militantly stuck in a conception of US power circa 1997.
I'd like to see the DC regime fall and the old capitalism with it, but even from the conservative nationalist perspective, the whole lot has to go. They are, one and all, a perverse vestige of long gone historical epoch.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Apr 13 2024 15:30 utc | 39
Iran's tactic of delay, or just the delay, seems to be having an impact on President Biden's sleep cycle, and he was caught looking more zombie like than usual*.
IIRC, this was part of the curse on the Captain and crew of The Flying Dutchman. They were doomed forever to deal with a storm that never ended. If the tale were given a modern retelling then Biden's only hope is to find a maiden who will let him sniff her hair.
Posted by: Babel-17 | Apr 13 2024 15:37 utc | 41
I believe Iran's stated aim for some time now has been to drive the US out of the region.
From b's piece "Would a real superpower ever do this". That simple line gives a good idea where the US, the US empire is at.
Asymmetrical warfare...
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 13 2024 15:38 utc | 42
Iran is delaying because they are scared. They know that Netanyahu has nothing to lose and if the US joins in a counterattack Iran is done. Most Iranians hate the current government and the government will fall if the Revolutionary Guard is taken out by the US. Iran is lucky Biden is a weak man with dementia or this would already be over.
Posted by: Drizzt | Apr 13 2024 15:40 utc | 43
Why does the "Jewish" part matter?
Posted by: Inka | Apr 13 2024 13:55 utc | 9
Why does it matter to you that it might matter?
Were you expecting some self-censorship there?
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 15:41 utc | 44
Posted by: scorpion | Apr 13 2024 15:06 utc | 27
Well reasoned and a key point supporting the argument that 'israel' has already been defeated regardless of what it accomplishes in Gaza.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 15:44 utc | 45
Posted by: Drizzt | Apr 13 2024 15:40 utc | 43
Iran is delaying because they are scared
Iran is not scared. They know that Israel needs an escalation. Iran is trying to find a way between not giving Israel the escalation they seek for and not to lose face in not responding.
Posted by: NoName | Apr 13 2024 15:47 utc | 46
I can't say Biden definitely does not want a war with Iran.He can say he doesn't now but what if he does gets reelected? He has minced his words before. Most politicians do so beyond comprehension. Now if Trump is elected there will be a war with Iran; Mike Pompeos' war with the gullible brash tough guy Trump going along.
The problem with this 'cute' strategy of the Zionists / US, is that most now know. There is no way the US or Israel can claim moral high ground in this. Israel lost any it completely with the horror of Gaza. Their bloodthirsty murder-lust has undone them, as they will pay for it. Israel, while that modern state exists and the Zionists who have been exposed will become anathema around the world. These same people have tried to take down Russia. They have engineered a genocide on Ukraine Slavs, feeding the population into the meat grinder of the war they created. The Russians fight only to defend themselves, despite the Zionist propoganda machine in the West trying to convince us otherwise. Russia will aid Iran as will China. The Middle East and Central Asian Muslim world will coalesce under the Crescent to fight back. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. No, Iran will not be left to be destroyed at the whim of Israel or gheir Zionist vassals is Washington.
Posted by: Áobh Ó'Sheachnasaigh | Apr 13 2024 15:51 utc | 48
The notion that Iran is playing it smart in the OP I think is more right than wrong.
But the thing is, Israel is a nuclear power with the intention of using their nukes if defeated, just like its corporate HQ the US.
Posted by: steven t johnson | Apr 13 2024 15:22 utc | 35
In this light the slow frog broiling strategy of the Iran and the resistance makes even more sense despite the criticisms of 'accelerationists'.
By the time 'israel' realizes it they would have been long defeated already.
At that point the motivation justifying nuclear use will just not be there.
Collapse will come from within as it did with the old South African republic.
And just like the old South African republic, the Yanks will move in one night to ship all the nukes out before the entire Zionist dungheap tips over.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 15:52 utc | 49
government and the government will fall if the Revolutionary Guard is taken out by the US.
Iran is lucky Biden is a weak man with dementia or this would already be over.
Posted by: Drizzt | Apr 13 2024 15:40 utc | 43
*Sigh* here we go again for the bazzilionth time.
This one's been debunked so many times I've lost count.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 15:54 utc | 50
Do what Israel fears most?
Once an idea exist it cannot be made to not exist. This idea has already been voiced in the public, so I am not spilling any beans.
The rational response for Iran is to do nothing in public, but in secrecy do the thing that Israel fears the most. Also, any step taken would have to be proportional to the Israeli agression. In this case, the proportional step might be building one or three uranium cores.
I am not suggesting Iran do this. But if Iran ever wanted to take this step, now would be the optimal time to do it.
Posted by: Petri Krohn | Apr 13 2024 15:55 utc | 51
So ... a speculation. Iran takes the ship anchors it at the choke point arms it with various missiles and men, then goes and gets another, and another, creating an island chain of container ships all fortified. Then close the straights and watch as the world spirals into dire straits ( should pun be intended there?) lol I am (67) well beyond fighting age (maybe not for Zelensky) so it is easy to toss out sometimes ludicrous ideas. Be safe world!
Posted by: Dave | Apr 13 2024 15:57 utc | 52
"I can't say Biden definitely does not want a war with Iran. He can say he doesn't now but what if he does gets reelected? He has minced his words before. Most politicians do so beyond comprehension. Now if Trump is elected there will be a war with Iran; Mike Pompeos' war with the gullible brash tough guy Trump going along."
Posted by: WT Baker | Apr 13 2024 15:49 utc | 47
With all due respect Biden has no power whatsoever-he's just a 'messenger boy'
The Iranians tend to be fairly subtle in their revenge. Remember in reprisal for the assassination of top General Qasem Soleimani the way CIA 2nd-in-command, 'Ayatollah Mike' got taken out in Afghanistan? Missile strike on his private jet - initially denied, of course. Actually it was a lot closer to the Chinese border than the Iranian border... Got us chattering back then I can tell you! Persians! past masters at diplomacy!
Posted by: Gerry Bell | Apr 13 2024 15:58 utc | 54
Southern Front SITREP
Comment - The beleaguered Nahal Brigade is calling in beaucoup air strikes and Arty. Al-Quds claimed
“Meanwhile, the Al-Quds Brigades, the military arm of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, announced on Friday that they trapped an Israeli military convoy consisting of three Merkava tanks and two D9 bulldozers in a minefield.”
Tally now 176 Merkavas claimed since 2.Oct
Posted by: Exile | Apr 13 2024 16:01 utc | 55
so it is easy to toss out sometimes ludicrous ideas. Be safe world!
Posted by: Dave | Apr 13 2024 15:57 utc | 52
An excellent idea. Go one better:
Arm it with missiles and remote operated telemetry systems (no men).
Rig it to blow with a self destruct trigger.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 16:01 utc | 56
Posted by: Ludo | Apr 13 2024 15:17 utc | 31
Varoufakis is wrong. Eliminating Israel is not about killing the Jews - that is what the Israelis want you to believe - but rather about destroying the Jewish ethnocratic state. The Jews are free to return home, or live in peace with their neighbours in a single democratic state.
Posted by: laguerre | Apr 13 2024 16:05 utc | 57
The top headline in today's WSJ: U.S Moves Warships to Defend Israel In Case of Iranian Attack.
Posted by: Wilikins | Apr 13 2024 16:09 utc | 58
Why does the "Jewish" part matter?
Posted by: Inka | Apr 13 2024 13:55 utc | 9
Because it gives insight into why they are doing what they are doing and what they will do next. The Talmud tells exactly what most Jews think about non-Jews, including Muslims and Christians.
These Talmudic attitudes have been correlated to specific actions over and over again, for thousands of years - contempt for other peoples, lust for power/control/dominance and nepotistic cooperation to achieve these aims.
Judaic heritage may be one of the most relevant facts that can be cited by a commenter.
Posted by: Awl | Apr 13 2024 16:10 utc | 59
This once again is confirming that the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar are helping Israel bypass the Houthi blockade by land route from the UAE port."
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 15:26 utc | 37
That's absurd. I'm sorry it has to be said again, but that route is completely unworkable. And Saudi is not in the pocket of Israel, though the others may be.
Posted by: laguerre | Apr 13 2024 16:12 utc | 60
Thank Daffy! Thank you Canuck!
Comment 30 > Iranian ships may be targeted
> What ships?
Iran has no container ships and very few cargo carriers. The fact that Iran has very little exposure to similar retaliation is a reason for my theory.
All Iran has to do is ensure that Chinese ships which are the cheapest anyway, carry their cargo and they are invunerable. Their trade is invunerable. Where as FUKUS, and especialy Israel are completely powerless.
Just one commando raid! I doubt that it will take more than one more container ship capture before before Lloyds of London completely declares Israeli trade wwide as uninsurable. The loss of just one shipment, one 40 foot container could bankrupt many companies. Ive seen it happen many times.
Posted by: Ralph Conner | Apr 13 2024 16:15 utc | 61
Petri Krohn | Apr 13 2024 15:55 utc | 51
A lot seems to have changed in the last decade. Russia/Putin was for nuclear non proliferation. Trump pulling out of the Iran nuke deal, pulling out of the intermediate missile treaty has I think greatly changed the equation.
The Iranian uranium enrichment program, apparently a new nuclear site constructed deep underground, Iran may well be working towards some heavy duty deterrence.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 13 2024 16:18 utc | 62
In a piece he apparently wrote last night, Larry Johnson makes some great points. Here are the last two paragraphs:
Western Countries Panic as Iran Weighs Its Options
"As Israeli and American military and political leaders indulge the bombastic fantasy of kicking some Iranian ass if Tehran chooses to retaliate, they need to keep this key variable in mind — Iran has been running joint-military exercises with Russia and China for more than four years. If Iran is attacked the chances that Russia and China will come to its aid is high. Maybe that will sober up the warmongers drunk on the blood of Palestinian civilians.
"One final point. Hezbollah launched a barrage of 50 rockets into Israel on Friday. Israel, using its Iron Dome, reportedly shot down a fair number but not all. Was this rocket attack part of a broader Iranian strategy to bleed Israel of its Iron Dome ammunition? Israel does not have a limitless supply of Iron Dome missile. Using those expensive missiles to shoot down relatively inexpensive Hezbollah rockets could put Israel in the position of having shot its wad before the real attack comes. "
Posted by: Toby C | Apr 13 2024 16:19 utc | 63
Better chess move might be a missile response on Israeli military on Golan Heights since that occupation is likely illegal. Would Israel and its proxy allies respond and widen the crisis?
Posted by: RAM | Apr 13 2024 16:26 utc | 64
Varoufakis is wrong.
@ laguerre | Apr 13 2024 16:05 utc | 57
Thank you. I was shocked (though I shouldn't be) that Varoufakis is so very wrong this time, his name just got dropped into my block filter. What a putz! As Caitlin Johnstone has said: If you don't understand what's going on in Gaza by now, what good are you?
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Apr 13 2024 16:27 utc | 65
b says, "...The costs of keeping the watch up and the weapons manned will over time become unbearable for Israel as well as for the U.S...."
the seizure of more israeli ships, the costs of keeping so many military forces on alert, and the anxiety to israeli society and the US leadership, is very sweet revenge in itself.
Posted by: michaelj72 | Apr 13 2024 16:35 utc | 66
This week, the deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria (a division of the Russian Defense Ministry) Maj. Gen. Yury Popov announced:
On April 10
(1) "The strikes by the Russian aerospace forces eliminated five bases of militants that had left the [US-controlled] area of Et-Tanf and taken cover in hard-to-reach regions of the El-Amor ridge in the province of Homs".
(2) "The Aerospace Forces of Russia destroyed 11 known hideouts of militants, who left the Al-Tanf zone and took refuge in hard-to-reach areas of Al-Bishri mountains in the Deir ez-Zor province"
On April 11
"The Aerospace Forces of Russia destroyed ten known hideouts of militants, who left the Al-Tanf zone and took refuge in hard-to-reach areas of the Al-Amur mountain ridge in the Homs province"
I say: Moving the western-sponsored terrorist out and sending the US troops back home once and for all.
Posted by: AI | Apr 13 2024 16:36 utc | 67
Seafarers like the Indians who were captured on the ship need to understand that they are not innocents; they are accomplices to genocide. Through their labor they support trade with Israel.
Seek employment elsewhere.
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Apr 13 2024 16:38 utc | 68
Sorry for a repost from the open thread. More apt in this thread.
While the barkeep and the barflies await a response from Iran, palpable tension is in the air. Here is my humble recommendation to the empire and Iran.
Empire, please forward geo-location of benny the butcher to Iran. It would solve many of your problems.
Iran, if you do attack, and we know you will, attack so that war-making capabilities of the entity are forever crippled. There can be no half-measures. Nothing short of that will save HUMANITY.
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Apr 13 2024 16:38 utc | 69
Posted by: Drizzt | Apr 13 2024 15:40 utc | 43
The truth seems to be, as exposed by the Russians over the last 2 years, that America cannot take out anyone unless it is a drone assassination.
This belief in American greatness and capability is becoming pathetic, like a 30-year-old adult who believes in Santa Claus.
America can't take out the IRGC like America can't even police its streets for a decade now. It's a hollowed-out country that has lost its international credibility over the last 18 months.
America fans need to wake up, not for me, but because delusion will not serve you well in your lives. The America of 30 years ago is gone forever.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 13 2024 16:40 utc | 70
Better chess move might be a missile response on Israeli military on Golan Heights since that occupation is likely illegal. Would Israel and its proxy allies respond and widen the crisis?
Posted by: RAM | Apr 13 2024 16:26 utc | 64
No, this is perfect, a maximum point of leverage (the Strait of Hormuz) and non-military, asymmetric as can be. Israel's trade dependent economy is its weakest point as well. Iran can shut down the strait of Hormuz just as quickly and easily as AnsarAllah has shut down the Bab al Mandab, and NO amount of firepower will get open any time soon. Shipping, especially shipping on giant container ships and oil tankers is completely incompatible with war. A nice hand around the neck of the gulf autocracies as well. Meanwhile the Izzies wet their pants waiting for the big attack. Iran does not depend on the strait of Hormuz, too boot, just as the trade embargoed Yemen does not depend on the Bab. They may suffer without it, but they can survive.
Attacking the Golan won't come until Izzie weaponery is more depleted, if it comes at all. Syria is getting ready for that, but not yet.
Posted by: Bemildred | Apr 13 2024 16:44 utc | 71
Posted by: Ralph Conner | Apr 13 2024 16:15 utc | 61
"Thank Daffy! Thank you Canuck!
Comment 30 > Iranian ships may be targeted
> What ships?
Iran has no container ships and very few cargo carriers. The fact that Iran has very little exposure to similar retaliation is a reason for my theory."
Sal mentioned Iranian oil tankers. Just board and turn off the engines? But that would take a one-to-one deployment of US navy vessels.
Posted by: daffyDuct | Apr 13 2024 16:45 utc | 72
Western Countries Panic as Iran Weighs Its Options
Posted by: Toby C | Apr 13 2024 16:19 utc | 63
Things might get worse for Iran before they get better.
The Western countries are paranoia driven: A strategy of keeping them on edge will eventually result in them cracking and doing something extreme to break the suspense.
Thus, greater provocation follows provocation, until Iran will have no choice but to respond out of necessity - or perish.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 16:45 utc | 73
Posted by: laguerre | Apr 13 2024 16:12 utc | 60
>That's absurd.
Your feelings are considered.
>I'm sorry it has to be said again, but that route is completely unworkable.
Why? Even Jordanians are protesting against it. They clearly think it's workable and they actually LIVE there.
>And Saudi is not in the pocket of Israel, though the others may be.
The "others" are all that's needed.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 16:49 utc | 74
Posted by: daffyDuct | Apr 13 2024 16:45 utc | 72
Iran has escalation dominance - if the US starts seizing Iranian vessels in a tit-for-tat response, they can shut down the Straight of Hormuz by sinking ships and mining it. It's only 2 miles wide in terms of shipping channels.
Then you get $300/bbl oil and President shit-for-brains is ratfucked.
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Apr 13 2024 16:49 utc | 75
Problem with delayed retaliation is that any bad event that happens, any catastrophic problem... can be blamed on Iran.
Posted by: Retaining_H2O | Apr 13 2024 16:50 utc | 76
Thanks b.
@ Posted by: Ralph Conner | Apr 13 2024 14:18 utc | 12
Great observation - hit them all where it really hurts! All the way into their bank accounts. That’s how modern war makes sure that hiding thousands of miles away will not be allowed anymore. That’s the new multipolar world.
Death of Empire by a thousand needles /cuts strategy of Resistance . Solemanis revenge comes first!
The rest can form an orderly queue. 😉
Whilst the Zionazis and its 5 eyed Frankenstein monster naval military force plan to have their way by a direct tactical conflagration - the Strategic Defeat of the Monsters creators is the main task. Hit them where it hurts the Collective Waste tried to do to the RF , using economic warfare and sanctions directly aimed the general populations. Same as with the Gazans.
But two (and more) can play that game.
And when you also have friends you can get by with their help and support.
As the Escobar article reported ( the rest is well worth reading ) :
“It’s impossible to take Hegemon back-channel assurances at face value. The White House and the Pentagon occasionally dispense these “assurances” to Moscow every time Kiev strikes deep inside the Russian Federation using US-UK satellite intel, logistics, weaponry and with NATO in de-facto operational control.
The state terror attack on Damascus, which shredded the Vienna convention on diplomatic immunity, crucially was also an attack on both the expanded BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Iran is a member of both multilateral bodies, and on top of it is engaged in strategic partnerships with both Russia and China.
"If Iran attacks from its territory - Israel will respond and attack in Iran," Israel's foreign minister threatened Iran with strikes, tweeting in Hebrew and Persian and tagging Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
Iran's supreme leader, for his part, later said that the Israeli…
— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) April 10, 2024
So it’s no wonder the leadership in both Beijing in Moscow is carefully considering all possible repercussions of the next Iranian move.”
“Lavrov and Wang could not be clearer on what’s ahead for the Russia-China strategic partnership.
They will engage together on all matters regarding Eurasian security.
They will go, in Lavrov’s words, for "dual opposition" to counterpunch the West’s "dual deterrence”.
They will be countering every attempt by the usual suspects to "slow down the natural course of history”.
Add to it the confirmation that President Putin and President Xi will hold at least two bilaterals in 2024: at the SCO summit in June and at the BRICS summit in October.
In a nutshell: the dogs of Forever Wars bark while the Eurasian integration caravan marches on.”
“STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS” - that’s what I’m talking about!
Woof woof wolf wolf - bark the natzionazis.
P.S haven’t mentioned it for most of the week , friendly advice for out hasbarats and Zionist readers in the illegal Apartheid entity. If you haven’t already started making plans to go live anywhere else that will have you for the sake of settled life - do it now. While you can still organise transport of your personal belongings - because it will not be fun when you get a few weeks to get out carrying only what you can and what’s in your bellies. Airplanes will be full and limiting luggage. That’s where it is heading , burn your Atlanta if you must, wouldn’t expect anything more of trespassing barbarians and child killers.
Go, you definitely will.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Apr 13 2024 16:53 utc | 77
Escalators go down as well as up.
Israel finds itself climbing up an escalator that is going down.
The imposition of International Law is the only escalation that is needed right now.
Posted by: Giyane | Apr 13 2024 16:53 utc | 78
Sal mentioned Iranian oil tankers. Just board and turn off the engines? But that would take a one-to-one deployment of US navy vessels.
Posted by: daffyDuct | Apr 13 2024 16:45 utc | 72
Attacking Iranian oil tankers will impact global oil prices which will impact prices at the American consumer side, in turn impacting Biden's election campaign.
Moreover, it would impact America's 'allies' at a time it needs them most "lubricated".
"strike me down and I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine"
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 16:54 utc | 79
Iran is delaying because they are scared
Posted by: Drizzt | Apr 13 2024 15:40 utc | 43
Netanyahu has more to benefit from an Iranian attack than Iran does, and Iran knows it.
The hysteria level in the ZOG-owned media here in the US has reached fever pitch.
Almost half the news stories are reminding people of an imminent Iranian attack.
I am now anticipating a false flag attack like 9/11...
Posted by: Delhiliterally | Apr 13 2024 16:55 utc | 80
As for Biden re election, Biden appears to be the fall guy for the genocide of the Palestinians which was, or is expected to be, fait accompli by the next election. Then the new faces of hope and change, the likes of Musk and Carlson will usher in Trump to take the throne of empire.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 13 2024 16:56 utc | 81
Posted by: Retaining_H2O | Apr 13 2024 16:50 utc | 76
Everything gets blamed on Iran daily anyway.
It doesn't matter what blame gets laid, it doesn't matter how many false flags they played.
All that matters is that they're afraid,
Of the guns the Iranians have made ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 16:58 utc | 82
Posted by: laguerre | Apr 13 2024 16:05 utc | 57
Varoufakis is wrong. Eliminating Israel is not about killing the Jews - that is what the Israelis want you to believe - but rather about destroying the Jewish ethnocratic state. The Jews are free to return home, or live in peace with their neighbours in a single democratic state.
Thanks for saying this, laguerre (and also for, apparently, watching the entire Varoufakis video: I had to stop half-way: the guy should be in radio).
AND his argument reflected someone who has not made the effort to challenge 80 - 90 - 130 years of brainwashing/propaganda.
Posted by: ChasMark | Apr 13 2024 16:59 utc | 83
Inka | Apr 13 2024 13:55 utc | 9
Why does the Jewish part matter?
Well his shipping was used by Israel to transport special forces and assasins around the Middle East as cover. People did wonder why and Israeli ship went to Iran regularly.
Posted by: Hankster | Apr 13 2024 17:02 utc | 84
Would a real superpower ever do this (archived)?
The US has asked China and other countries, including Turkey and Saudi Arabia, to urge Tehran not to launch a retaliatory attack on Israel for its air strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria.
If it were trying to pretend, to its own over-taxef war-weary and ever-increasingly impoverished population, that it was not actively seeking a casus belli (While continuously actively seeking a Casus Belli)?
Thats exactly what you'd expect from them
Posted by: SamHyde | Apr 13 2024 17:02 utc | 85
laguerre | Apr 13 2024 16:12 utc | 60
Indeed. Maybe a handful of containers can be moved overland to Israel, but nothing substantial.
This attack is aimed at further complicating/ making impossible global trade by Israeli firms. So, not really different from Houthi attacks - I don't quite see why it would change the insurance situation.
(=> Ralph Conner | Apr 13 2024 14:18 utc | 12)
Oh, and Varoufakis is right imho.
In theory, all religious/ ethnic groups could just live together in peace, whatever the state is called.
In practice, with all the accumulated hatred, the fear or retaliation and Jews being forced to emigrate isn't that far-fetched. Some kind of international UN trusteeship may help, but would it really prevent slo-mo ethnic cleansing? The longer and more violent the conflict, the less likely.
Posted by: smuks | Apr 13 2024 17:04 utc | 86
"The Aerospace Forces of Russia destroyed ten known hideouts of militants, who left the Al-Tanf zone and took refuge in hard-to-reach areas of the Al-Amur mountain ridge in the Homs province"
Posted by: AI | Apr 13 2024 16:36 utc | 67
An appropriate response to the Crocus massacre.
Since the US was so sure it was ISIS they should be fine with Russia's retaliations in Syria.
But of course they were trying to avoid that which is why they were particular about it being ISIS-K involved and not ISIS in the Levant ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 17:08 utc | 87
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Apr 13 2024 16:38 utc | 69
Empire, please forward geo-location of benny the butcher to Iran. It would solve many of your problems.
Or maybe Yair Netanyahu should be watching his back in Florida. A lot of migrants in the
U.S. have not been vetted. False flag blaming Iran.
Posted by: Ivan M. | Apr 13 2024 17:10 utc | 88
@ Ralph Conner | Apr 13 2024 14:18 utc | 12
thanks ralph.. good comment, but the reply from
@ Hans K Haneveer | Apr 13 2024 15:04 utc | 26 is even better... thanks hans!! great commentary... it would be great if you posted more often... it seems ralph has missed your comment, as have others here at moa..
i think Varoufakis comment at the very is very true.. "Apartheid against the Palestinians is the Israelis’ worst self-defence."
is laguerre disagreeing with that too?? see @ 31 ludos full post..
Posted by: james | Apr 13 2024 17:12 utc | 89
It would be interesting if the Iranians published what was on the manifest of that MSC ship they seized.
Maybe some weapons meant for Ukraine?
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Apr 13 2024 17:13 utc | 90
Agreed 100%. Why act when time is on your side?
Posted by: NewJerseyJoe | Apr 13 2024 17:13 utc | 91
The "others" are all that's needed.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 16:49 utc | 74
I've discussed the subject of a trans-desert route a good number of times in the past. Saudi agreement, non-forthcoming for internal political reasons, is the only one that counts, as it's at least a thousand Km of road in SA. As you say, the Jordanians protest, but the mukhabarat are capable of overcoming resistance.
Posted by: laguerre | Apr 13 2024 17:13 utc | 92
Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 16:49 utc | 74
Look at a map, please.
Posted by: smuks | Apr 13 2024 17:15 utc | 93
Neither of the countries asked has any reason to be helpful to the U.S. and certainly not to Israel.
- b
Maybe not, but all 3 countries mentioned have various important reasons, all related to the obvious effects on future regional and economic instability, for wanting to avoid a full-on war on Iran
Not least because the Turks and the Saudis consider themselves to be regional power players, and have populations who are not generally-speaking supportive of both the US and Israel.
The latter reason is also true for China, which additionally sources a lot of its oil needs from the regional
The obvious disruption in oil supply alone would cause major economic and social problems for all 3
Posted by: Sam Hyde | Apr 13 2024 17:16 utc | 94
There's rarely been a more extraordinary military failure as "operation prosperity guardian", it's almost unbelievable.Think about that: an operation announced by Lloyd Austin in December as a broad coalition of the US Navy, the Royal Navy, the Royal Australian Navy, the Royal Bahrain Naval Force, the Royal Canadian Navy, the Royal Danish Navy, the Finnish Navy, the Hellenic Navy, the Royal Netherlands Navy, the Royal New Zealand Navy, the Royal Norwegian Navy, the Republic of Singapore Navy and the Sri Lanka Navy...
against... Ansarallah [the Houthis].
At the time the Pentagon was all gung ho, officially telling Ansarallah: "They really need to ask themselves if they've bitten off more than they can chew".
And turns out, they hadn't! 3 months later the "prosperity guardian" coalition is suing for peace and offering an extraordinary array of concession, including "lifting Yemen's siege entirely, repairing the damages, removing foreign forces from all occupied Yemeni lands and islands, and removing Ansarallah from the State Department’s ‘terrorism list’".
Ansarallah, undeterred, say they will "continue operations as long as Israeli aggression against Gaza persists".
Genuinely incredible.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Apr 13 2024 17:24 utc | 95
Look at a map, please.
Posted by: smuks | Apr 13 2024 17:15 utc | 93
I see a route through Kuwait from the Persian gulf through Iraq straight to Jordan.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 13 2024 17:28 utc | 96
Three small comments that I think are worth mentioning and haven’t so far.
1. Wasnt it hinted that Iran might accept an IDF retreat from Gaza as “blood money” and repair?
2. I agree that to make the adversary wait in stress is an interesting option/torture
3. When it comes to take a hit, maybe take a page out of RF current playbook and devastate the Haifa refinery might be the hardest one. You can hide military deaths and destruction, a destroyed refinery is difficult to hide and a stern warning to gulf states.
Posted by: Newbie | Apr 13 2024 17:29 utc | 97
I bet those people in Israel wish Iran would make a move, the tension must be overwhelming.
Posted by: Ozark Grandpa | Apr 13 2024 17:38 utc | 98
Iran edging Israel and USA, not letting them climax. Neocons denied sexual release. I approve of this form of 'torture'. May the retaliation ever continue in its coming...
Posted by: titmouse | Apr 13 2024 17:42 utc | 99
A big container ship carries 10,000 containers. A little containers ship carries 4,000 containers. Try and find 10,000 trucks, trailers, and drivers for that land route. That’s for 1 ship.
Why go to all that toil and trouble when simply use Haifa ?
Posted by: Exile | Apr 13 2024 17:43 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
That 'Retaliation Delay' is a very effective retaliation.
Posted by: Iain | Apr 13 2024 13:35 utc | 1