Iranian Missiles Hit Israel
Iran fired several hundred drones, cruise and ballistic missiles towards Israel.
With the help of the U.S., UK and Jordan most of the incoming items were intercepted.
The expense of several hundred of air defense missiles, at a cost of more than $1 billion, was significant as these are currently hard to get items. More such attacks would soon deplete those which are left.
Iran's missiles, for which the drones flew cover, hit their targets. The Nevatim Air Base (vid) and the Ramon airbase (vid), both located in the Negev desert, experienced impacts.
How big the damage was can only be noted after fresh satellite pictures come in.
This is a good chance for both sides to declare victory.
Iran can claim that it successfully penetrated Israel's air defense and hit appropriate targets in revenge for the Israeli attack on Iran's embassy in Damascus.
Israel can claim that it has successfully defended its assets.
Israel may want to hit back on Iran. It would be stupid to do so.
Added: From a reliable analyst of the resistance axis:
Amal Saad @amalsaad_lb - 11:06 UTC · Apr 14, 2024THREAD: The region is entering uncharted territory where the previous strategic paradigm and rules of engagement no longer apply. From now on, any Israeli action will be met with a direct and collective response by the Axis. 1/
Regardless of what Israel does next, there is no going back to the status quo ante. This is no longer the Iran that just supports resistance movements with weapons and training. This is the Iran that directly engages in strikes against Israel. 2/
This is a new proactive phase of the Resistance Axis' "offensive defense" strategy, which was officially launched on October 8 when Hizbullah and later other Resistance Axis allies directly intervened in the conflict against Israel. 3/
The US and other Western and Arab allies have also taken the unprecedented step of directly defending Israel. Yesterday night proved that Israel's self-sufficiency in security and defense matters is limited. Israel will not be fighting any of its future wars independently. 4/
Posted by b on April 14, 2024 at 10:56 UTC | Permalink
next page »For any Arab state cooperating with the ZioNazis, overthrow should be the plan. These kleptocratic monarchies have run their course anyway, this is a great catalyst for the change that needs to come. Out with the Royals. Down with Israel. Up with the People.
I smell change a'blowing in the wind.
Posted by: Zippy the Pinhead | Apr 14 2024 11:13 utc | 2
Just as israel let Oct 7th happen on purpose as a pretext to genocide palistine, so israel provoked Iran into retaliating after the Embassy was atacked. A pretext laying the ground work for a full scale invasion of Lebanon, with full pyhsical support from US & UK. Result Greater israel.
Same trick played by the west on Russia forcing Russia to start its SMO.
If you are provoked, you fight or give in.
Its simple, its dirty, but thats not to say it's garanteed succsse.
Conclusion... Russia, Hamas, Hezbulla Yemen and Iran are entily inocent of any blame in any shape or form.
Hit back hard and fast.
Posted by: Mark2 | Apr 14 2024 11:15 utc | 3
If they hit targets in the Negev, that's interesting. "Reach out and touch".... Seems like the Shiites do all the heavy lifting.
Posted by: Eighthman | Apr 14 2024 11:22 utc | 5
@ Mark2 | Apr 14 2024 11:15 utc | 3
Yup. People here still don't understand. Nothing will happen to Israel as long as it's Western European Golem protects it. The Golem appears to have an Arab Muslim twin as shown last night. That's not 'dooming' that's being realistic. For any true change to occur, Western European people have to either vote out their master's or suffer a horrific loss on the battlefield (ditto for the Muslims in the ME and the Arab Monarchies). I don't see that happening any time soon. So, the beat goes on (as they say).
Posted by: bored | Apr 14 2024 11:24 utc | 6
If nothing else, this 'retaliation' by Iran exposed just how duplicitous the leaders of Arab nations are. They talk tough against Israel but when push comes to shove, they kiss Jewish @$$ exactly like their Western European counterparts.
Posted by: bored | Apr 14 2024 11:02 utc | 1
Except for Jordan's active role, the others denied their airspace for US operations.
I'll take that as a win.
Posted by: Newbie | Apr 14 2024 11:25 utc | 7
The Zionist Entity is like a rabid dog that must be put down.
Posted by: El Oso de Los Llanos | Apr 14 2024 11:25 utc | 8
CME (futures market) opens Sunday evenings @ 17h00 GMT. That is when and where the next phase begins.
Phones are being thrown.
Posted by: too scents | Apr 14 2024 11:27 utc | 9
Posted by: Mark2 | Apr 14 2024 11:15 utc | 3
Just as israel let Oct 7th happen on purpose as a pretext to genocide palistine, ...
Lol! Still going on with that stupid trope to try hiding the major failure of Israel's defense.
Posted by: Johan Kaspar | Apr 14 2024 11:30 utc | 10
Western European people have to either vote out their master's
That's nice thought, though it doesn't seem to work.
60% of Americans want a medicare for all or a public option in the insurance market - not happening.
Many voted for Obama - hope and change - same as old in many ways (Libya, Syria - couldn't close Guantanamo).
Corbyn would have been different hopefully - smeared endlessly in the media, by pols and others as racist/anti-semetic etc - which was all rubbish.
So vote - is a nice thought.
Posted by: DavidZ | Apr 14 2024 11:31 utc | 11
Biden has said that the U.S. won’t join any Israeli attack on Iran.
He should say the same to the hare-brained Don Quixote E Macron regarding Ukraine.
Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Apr 14 2024 11:34 utc | 12
The expense of several hundred of air defense missiles, at a cost of more than $1 billion, was significant as these are currently hard to get items.
Posted by b on April 14, 2024 at 10:56 UTC | Permalink
Add to the bill the MCS Aries, valued at $1.5 billion = $2.5 billion dollars in 24 hours.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 14 2024 11:34 utc | 13
As far I remember, Iran defense to a major atack, comes from the 80s...and that means closing Ormuz and whiping all the oil structures in the Midle East....
Posted by: António Lico | Apr 14 2024 11:36 utc | 14
All's well that ends well. (for the moment)
Iran has achieved 'satisfaction', in the old gentlemanly sense.
It has demonstrated its marksmanship by precisely grazing each of Bibi's balls with crescent shaped little scars.
POTUS has informed poor Bibi that it will not facilitate a handy climax to his enduring 'wet dream' regardless of how sore his poor little balls may be.
Bibi now has nightmares on precisely what future 'iron clad' support may entail:
Posted by: Don Firineach | Apr 14 2024 11:37 utc | 15
Zippy the Pinhead
“ I smell change a'blowing in the wind. “
Yea some colour revolutions could be in the pipeline which are not to the west-zionnazi’s liking. And not only in the Middle East.
The “defenders of democracy” should be very scared of elections.
Posted by: Andrew Sarchus | Apr 14 2024 11:39 utc | 16
It has demonstrated its marksmanship by precisely grazing each of Bibi's balls with crescent shaped little scars.
Posted by: Don Firineach | Apr 14 2024 11:37 utc | 15
LOL, thanks for the laughs. What an elegant turn of expression ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 14 2024 11:40 utc | 18
‘operation “faithful promise” has begun.’
And looks like it’s finished for today anyway.
BBC reports Iran's foreign ministry has summoned the ambassadors of the United Kingdom, France and Germany to question the Western diplomats over what Tehran describes as their "irresponsible" stance in regards to the retaliatory strikes on Israel.
Well done wonder what that can be about? A final telling tale off? Before some serious smiting.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Apr 14 2024 11:43 utc | 19
All's well that ends well. (for the moment)
Iran has achieved 'satisfaction', in the old gentlemanly sense.
It has demonstrated its marksmanship by precisely grazing each of Bibi's balls with crescent shaped little scars.
Posted by: Don Firineach | Apr 14 2024 11:37 utc | 15
First blood was the gentlemen 's way of saving face without an endless slaughter.
Let's hope Bibi learns the lesson. But I doubt it.
Now what do we have on the cards?
1. IDF does nothing? Unlikely
2. A strike on Iran's nuclear labs? Without full US support (including ISR and refueling) ? Unlikely
3. Gaza again? too petty and hot politically
I think Syria strikes or a Lebanon invasion.
Posted by: Newbie | Apr 14 2024 11:45 utc | 20
Thanks for the update, b. I was having trouble believing some of the snippets of 'breaking news' seeping into the comments on the previous Iran thread. But the Zionist-controlled Oz Evening News confirmed the gist of the snippets - albeit with a sprinkling of Jewrael-flavoured exaggerations and porkies.
(In Oz News a week hasn't gone by without a reminder of Jewrael's imaginary "right of self defense")
Well, the ball is in Jewrael's court now and I'm expecting a chain of amusing end to end blunders and balderdash from now until the bitter? End.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Apr 14 2024 11:45 utc | 21
Maybe their will be a token atack on Iran by israel, but why would they do more than that.
What dose israel want ? It wants what it has always wanted for 75 years, to steal its close nabours land. Iran is a long way away. Iran is the US & UK objective.
Posted by: Mark2 | Apr 14 2024 11:49 utc | 22
Two top Iranian military commanders on the retaliatory strike (excerpts):
- The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, announced on Sunday that two important Israeli military sites were targeted in Iran's response.
According to Bagheri, the Israeli intelligence's headquarters in "Mount Hermon," and the Nevatim Air Base were destroyed in the operation carried out earlier today, dubbed Truthful Promise.
“A considerable number of drones and cruise and ballistic missiles have been used in this operation with well-thought-out tactics and proper planning, as neither the Iron Dome nor the Zionist regime’s missile defense shield could take any significant action against this operation."
“Their [Israeli] population and economic centers were not hit, so that the criminal and aggressive Zionist army would realize that their action won’t remain unanswered. We are definitely prepared to defend our soil and interests,” the army chief said.
Bagheri said that Washington knew about the attack on Iran's consulate, and "it gave the green light to the [Israeli] occupation entity" to carry out the strike.
"If the Zionist entity retaliates against Iran, our next response will certainly be much broader than this operation."
- Commander of the Iranian Revolution Guard Corps, Brigadier General Hussein Salami, said that verified reports showed that the Iranian response has been significantly more successful than anticipated.
Salami said that Tehran is still gathering further intel about the damage caused by the missiles on the targets, "but a number of the impacts, about which we have accurate, documented and field reports on, reveal that the operation [had] greater-than-expected success,”
He emphasized that "It could have been conducted on a wider scope, but we confined to Israeli facilities used to attack our consulate [in Damascus)]”.
He also said that the Iranians have cemented "a new equation with the Zionist entity," which is to respond to any attack on Iranian territories, announcing the start of a "new page of confrontation with the Zionist enemy."
Posted by: JB | Apr 14 2024 11:49 utc | 23
US, UK, France and Jordan, who didn't do shit to stop the ongoing massacres and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, something the ICJ considers being potentially a genocide, have now directly intervened to militarily defend Israel, the country actually committing that potential genocide.
How mendacious and hypocrite can these scumbags be? They've more than earned their place in the dock in The Hague if that genocide is actually prosecuted one day.
Of course, none of this will escape people in the Global South.
As for the Arab and Muslim worlds, they've now seen who tries to actually fight back. Neighbouring Arab governments might try to stay out of this, but the Arab street surely will be even more pissed off at them, and Iran scored another big point there.
Posted by: Clueless Joe | Apr 14 2024 11:52 utc | 25
Good morning my dear Bar flies, and wanna be deep State maggots
Check your sunrise, for a mushroom cloud.
Results of what happened yesterday:
Iran has proven that they have 100 or 1,000 times (X) the firepower that Israel has. Iran can destroy Israel any day of the week, but Israel can only perform relatively few figurative localized strikes against Iran.
I expect to see the political downfall of Benizion Milokowski the POLISH jackass pretending to be a Jew and now running Israel, into the ground. (Will take some time before reality dawns on some of the dimmer bulbs)
Posted by: Hot Carl | Apr 14 2024 11:53 utc | 26
It strikes me there were two attacks overnight. The first was by slow, easy to hit drones which was well telegraphed in advance, easy to defeat (though at high cost) and easy to claim victory over. The second was with missiles (maybe hypersonic?) on military targets, and likely succeeeded (tbd). In my mind that's the real story here.
Israel's air defenses were turned up to 11 last night with (allegedly) GPS jamming, anti-missile systems fully engaged, NATO providing intel, and US, UK & Jordanian Air Forces involved. Yet that lot still (apparently) failed to stop attacks on Israeli airbase(s)? These airbases are likely home to US nukes. That's potentially a big deal. It tells the US that their nukes aren't safe in Israel. I also believe it may create many problems if it comes to light that Israel officially has US nukes? (I believe I read somewhere that US support for Israel is conditional on it not being a nuclear power?)
Does anyone know about these last aspects. It doesn't yet seem to be getting much attention.
Posted by: Mark H | Apr 14 2024 11:53 utc | 27
I'm expecting a chain of amusing end to end blunders and balderdash from now until the bitter? End.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Apr 14 2024 11:45 utc | 21
Dr. Strangelove : Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you *keep* it a *secret*! Why didn't you tell the world, EH?
Ambassador de Sadesky : It was to be announced at the Party Congress on Monday. As you know, the Premier loves surprises.
Posted by: too scents | Apr 14 2024 11:54 utc | 28
I expect to see the political downfall of Benizion Milokowski the POLISH jackass pretending to be a Jew and now running Israel, into the ground. (Will take some time before reality dawns on some of the dimmer bulbs)
Posted by: Hot Carl | Apr 14 2024 11:53 utc | 26
Their Fearless Leader is a Pole?
They're doomed...
(Truth really is stranger than fiction...)
I was expecting news of false-flag "Palestinian casualties" outside of the West Bank and Gaza.
For example, was expecting, Israeli media:
"Randomly targeted Iranian missiles fell on Palestinian citizens of Israel, killing six".
Too soon?
Posted by: librul | Apr 14 2024 12:09 utc | 30
Given that a substantial portion of the Jordanian population are Palestinian, why is their "king" such a pawn to Israel?
Western civilization has become infected with Zionist virus.
Posted by: El Oso de Los Llanos | Apr 14 2024 12:11 utc | 32
Israeli commentator on official TV:
Posted by: JB | Apr 14 2024 12:11 utc | 33
Key takeaways of Iran attack:
-Iran has at least 5 to 10 Nuclear Bombs otherwise they
wouldn’t have done it
-Iran has overloaded the Iron “Sieve” at a US1bn cost to
Israel in order to smash…
-….2 Israeli military facilities: a F35 base in the south and a spy base in the North
Posted by: LucaFraser | Apr 14 2024 12:14 utc | 34
@bored | Apr 14 2024 11:02 utc | 1
You put it neatly. Shame on Jordan and the rest of the Arab collaborators of Israel. The collective West is of course a Zionist colony.
Posted by: Steve | Apr 14 2024 12:19 utc | 35
As the situation in Israel calms down (temporarily), the effect of the Iranian attack will be dissected by everyone. Israeli defense, including the Jordanian air defense and air force, USAF, British RAF and probably even some small French assets scrambled to intercept drones and missiles before they reached Israel. However, despite the interceptions (which are and will be debated and speculated) Iranian missiles hit designated targets. Iran didn't attack civilian objects but rather military bases. The response was adequate for the Israeli attack on the diplomatic mission.The Western leaders and politicians are froting their mouths condemning Iran but Iran couldn't care. The fact is that Iranian missiles penetrated Israeli defense and it is worth noting that these missiles are of the older models and productions. Iran didn't use the most modern one in any significant number. Israeli defense is depleted and what is hurting more than actual damage is the dollar value of the expended missiles. The cost for the night is more than a billion $. Also, the invincibility of much-prized defense is cracked. The Iranian message is clear - they can attack any target, anytime. Regional allies can also unleash tens of thousands of rockets. Israel even with the help of the US and whole NATO can't do much if Iran unleashes the most modern missiles. The revenge is inflicted and Iran saves face. Also, Israel saved face as well. So the score is even. What is going to happen next, time will tell.
Posted by: unimperator | Apr 14 2024 12:26 utc | 36
Polish Wikipedia: Bensyjon (Bencyjon) Milejkowski, born in Warsaw. From what I know, Jews in the Polish part of Russian Empire had typically two given names, one for official documents, and a Hebrew name for religious documents, thus transliteration from Hebrew has more than one version. Like in German, phonetic values of "j" and "w" are like English "y" and "v", "c" is like "ts".
I noticed a lot of confusion concerning the ancestral name of Netanyahu.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Apr 14 2024 12:28 utc | 37
Luckily 'stupidity' is one of the current Israel coalitions strong points.
Posted by: Polli | Apr 14 2024 12:34 utc | 38
@unimperator 36
As I said on the previous thread plenty of food for thought for Israel and its supporters.
Posted by: Old Sovietologist | Apr 14 2024 12:34 utc | 39
According to Military Summary, the situation "does not look that good for Israel and the West". The production costs of Iranian projectiles are quite a bit smaller than Western projectiles, at least 10 times. The production capacity and stockpiles are probably much expanded due to export to Russia and resulting revenue and technological aid in expanding production capacity. Dima thinks that China chipped in as well, because it is in Chinese strategic interest, in the face of conflicts fomented by USA with Taiwan and Philippines, that USA has to have as big headache with producing and allocating projectiles as possible. In particular, "refrigerator grade" electronics are no problem for Iran.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Apr 14 2024 12:36 utc | 40
Statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry:
In the early hours of April 14, a large number of missiles and drones were launched at the territory of Israel. According to the Iranian Foreign Ministry, this attack was undertaken as part of the right to self-defence stipulated in Article 51 of the UN Charter in response to the attacks on Iranian targets in the region, including the strike on the consular section of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus on April 1, which our country strongly denounced. Unfortunately, due to the position adopted by its Western members, the Security Council was unable to provide a proper response to the strike on the Iranian consular mission.We express our extreme concern at yet another dangerous escalation in the region. We have repeatedly warned that the numerous unresolved crises in the Middle East, primarily in the area of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which are often fueled by irresponsible provocative actions, will exacerbate tensions. We call on all parties involved in the conflict to exercise restraint. We expect the regional states to resolve the existing problems through political and diplomatic means. We believe it is important for the constructively-minded international players to contribute to this effort.
We encourage the Russian citizens residing in Israel and neighbouring countries, primarily Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, to follow media reports and practical recommendations posted on the Foreign Ministry’s newsfeed, the official websites of Russian foreign missions in the above countries, the Consular Department and the Foreign Ministry’s Crisis Management Centre (department), including in the relevant section of the updated Assistant Abroad mobile application.
Posted by: Jeremy Rhymings-Lang | Apr 14 2024 12:37 utc | 41
Dr. Strangelove really isn't too far fetched to the happenings going on now. Chew on Michael Hudson's latest blog on the real Dr. Strangelove, (Herman Kahn) and American foreign policy, Israel and genocide. Pretty sick stuff.
Posted by: Rick | Apr 14 2024 12:37 utc | 42
What can the Israeel do now?
- Claim no significant hits - check
- Whine to the UN - Check
- Try to drag US into a larger war - nice try
- Calm the population - fail
- Replenish the spent AD missiles - doubt it
We hear wailing about Iran terrorizing Jews in Israel omitting the word "unprovoked" this time. The coming braggadocio about retailiation will break the current coalition as there is no safe spot in Israel any more that can't be hit with high precision at any time.
Iranian strike was well designed and executed, so far just 1 civilian hit claimed, we will probably learn after that this will be debris - nobody targeted bedouin boys. Crazy that so far nobody was able to spin any of this.
Two airbases were hit - clearly safe targets
There is an air of generosity to this, "gentlemanlike" strikes on military, not announcing what was targeted, high brow sparing of civilians - "we are noble warriors, not rabble like you".
far from civilians after spectacularly flying right over all the vaunted air defense. We will hear what high value targets were hit..
Cost to Israel will be north of 10 billions. At least they can lift the GPS blocking now that probably took out half their logistics and blinded them. It's no use gainst the hypersonics anyway, Iran jsut baffled the world with AD-proof, maneuvering end-approach, medium range, hypersonic missiles.
There is a message here: nothing and no one in Israel is safe from targeted strikes. If Iran wants to hit hard, they can and will. Power plants, harbors, airport ATC towers, water works, internet routers, government, Bibi himself. This is a message to the US too, by tomorrow some generals will be thinking hard about closing some sitting duck bases without losing face.
I am waiting to hear about the tanker emergency too.. AD, refuelling mishap or hit by debris?
The hit to morale and national unity will be hard to overstate. Not only was this caused by arrogance and entirely unnecessary, there is no way to spin this as a success. It will be hard to explain how any retaliation will enhance Israeli security.
Bibi will probably opt to hit someone inconsequential as the US won't allow them any meaningful strikes. The end of the leash has been reached, anything further endangers profits. He can sacrifice some Gazans or Hezbollah but against Iran he is powerless now. Still we can be sure he will find a way to act as an irreponsible arrogant fool.
Posted by: SOS | Apr 14 2024 12:38 utc | 43
Just as US/NATOstan has been exposed by Ukrainian SMO for the nothing burger that it is, now the Zionist Entity has been exposed for the nothing burger that it is. My guess is that King Abdullah’s TTL isn’t very large. Nor is what’s left of Chuckie & Rishi’s BEF. As for US, Brandon will keep a lid on it till after November elections, if they occur at all.
What’s next? How about this line from a Jim Croce top-40 hit: “LeRoy Brown looked like a jigsaw puzzle with a coupla pieces gone!…”
Hope those D-bags who produced the “Left Behind” series are shitting their pants. Didn’t see the Hand of the Almighty stopping those Iranian missles.
Posted by: OldFart | Apr 14 2024 12:40 utc | 44
Hits April 14th in Tel-A-Viv:
Posted by: Greg Galloway | Apr 14 2024 12:41 utc | 45
-Iran has at least 5 to 10 Nuclear Bombs otherwise they wouldn’t have done it
Posted by: LucaFraser | Apr 14 2024 12:14 utc | 34
Nukes are almost useless strategically for Iran, so there is a good chance that they do not have them. A "veto power" in the area of Strait of Hormuz is many times better, as in can be deployed with a chosen degree of escalation. To people who are not as crazy as "Atlanticist", the day after is very important.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Apr 14 2024 12:41 utc | 46
Interestingly, the country that doesn't want any escalation in the Middle East is Britain. It's not in Britain's interest for the US to switch its attention away from Ukraine and confrontation with Russia.
Posted by: Old Sovietologist | Apr 14 2024 12:41 utc | 47
The spin this a.m. in US is total success in intercepting each and every Iranian drone and missile. Which is preposterous, but lies are reflexive for these characters. The only casualty a baby Bedouin boy. Tug on heartstrings.
Iran exhibited proportionality. Israel has not a clue how to proceed. Iran has not expended even a fraction of 1% of it's arsenal and has escalation dominance if anyone wants to go that way.
Israel lost this war a while ago. They are blindly intransigent. Which only increases the price they will pay.
Posted by: oldhippie | Apr 14 2024 12:44 utc | 48
"-Iran has at least 5 to 10 Nuclear Bombs otherwise they wouldn’t have done it
Posted by: LucaFraser | Apr 14 2024 12:14 utc | 34
Nukes are almost useless strategically for Iran, so there is a good chance that they do not have them. A "veto power" in the area of Strait of Hormuz is many times better, as in can be deployed with a chosen degree of escalation. To people who are not as crazy as "Atlanticist", the day after is very important."
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Apr 14 2024 12:41 utc | 46
I have to go with Piotr on this issue.
Given that a substantial portion of the Jordanian population are Palestinian, why is their "king" such a pawn to Israel?
Posted by: jasper | Apr 14 2024 12:10 utc | 31
Same as Britain's khazar/german royalty and Finland's swedish jew president. The "elite" shitflakes don't have to have any historical or genetic connection to the places they own.
Posted by: Michael A | Apr 14 2024 12:48 utc | 50
Israel lost this war a while ago.
Posted by: oldhippie | Apr 14 2024 12:44 utc | 48
Once they responded to Oct 7th, they had lost. Not a skirmish, not a day, not even a battle. It was the turning point for Israel as a nation-state.
Every move they make from this point forward cannot return them to the high water mark of Oct 6th, 2023. They could have thousands of nukes and nuke the entire planet, and it wouldn't change a thing. It's a man who has fallen at altitude out of an airplane. Regardless of what he does in the air, he will fall until he impacts the ground.
Israel should have stayed in the airplane last year.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 14 2024 12:53 utc | 51
Was there and American-Iranian “agreement” on yesterday's event?
What discussions were taking place between the "high contracting parties". What boundaries were set on the
minimization of the severity of the Iranian strike (USA), the boundaries of the USA participation on the side of Israel, Israel's potential response, etc.
Interesting as I speculated earlier, " Al-Arabiya : The Government of Israel neither confirms nor denies that Iran has informed it of the nature and timing of its response."
Posted by: Old Sovietologist | Apr 14 2024 12:55 utc | 52
Thanks for the reporting b
I think we don't know yet the results of the Iranian strikes but I did like reading that some Iranian said the results were better than expected.
Biden is reported having told Bibi not to counter strike but I also read of bombings today in Lebanon.
This part of our civilization war is interesting in the fact that there is less proxy to it and more overt involvement....but not yet over some unknown line, eh?
Occupied Palestine is in deep shit and likely only going deeper. How fast is the question. And all of it is global education to our species about how we don't what to live, a lesson which we hope is learned well by the time this is over.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Apr 14 2024 13:00 utc | 53
The ayatollahs strengthened their power in Iran, Bibi strengthened his in Israel, and Biden will get a bounce in his poll ratings.
Everyone is happy. The overall success will be consolidated at a circus show known as the UN Security Council.
Posted by: Old Sovietologist | Apr 14 2024 13:03 utc | 54
I'm worried that if Netanyahu does not attack Iran in some way then his support in Israel will collapse even further than it has already. The psychopaths running the Israeli government have been bragging about how they can wipe out Iran any time they like and I really doubt they can crawl away from that stance in front of an almost equally psychopathic electorate. So I believe some sort of disproportionate reaponse is likely.
I'm also worried, of course, that Iran would not be able to escalate.
But if Iran is able to escalate and does serious harm to Israel, how can the US avoid joining in the ensuing attack on Iran? There's an election coming up and Biden would be wasting his time staying on the ballot if he doesn't dance to the Zionist tune.
But then what? Iran has a military alliance with Russia. What would the Russians do to protect their key ally in the region?
Posted by: MFB | Apr 14 2024 13:04 utc | 55
Newbie @ 4
Ball’s on the IDF side now…
Yup, up until now however unjustified the onus was always on Iran to act responsibly, now it's on Israel. Netanyahu's wanton behavior was a feature not a bug, madness as a strategic lever. Sane people are trying to temper it. It won't matter much in itself but the pressure is building against Israel and shifting the responsibility to them gives something to work with for those countries trying to avoid a regional war or WW3. We will see in the next couple days but hopefully Netanyahu's two decade dream of war with Iran is off the table.
Doesn't matter much for Gaza, it's been leveled, the pogrom will continue until it's turned into an Israeli Sharm El-Sheikh - complete with skull racks outside all the big hotels.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Apr 14 2024 13:07 utc | 56
The key issue here - we go back to what analysts like Brian Berletic and Scott Ritter have been saying for, well over a year now.
The US ability to manufacture air defense systems and missiles is very limited, in contrast to even what these proxy wars are consuming.
US is in dire financial straits, and a few orders from vassal states are not incentive for Raytheon or others to create a new manufacturing lines for air defense systems or missiles. The old lines are utilized to the max, which is too little. No one wants to invest in a new line on the back of a sporadic war which could end at any moment. It would require completely additional, very expensive funding packages from Congress. And it's not guaranteed educated professional employees or machine tools can be obtained anyway.
So, this is what the US/the West is running with. Very limited production of AD systems and missiles. Ukraine is by now pretty much completely dry of AD systems. The Eurovassals are making a lot of noise of someone sending a battery or two. This has a very detrimental effect on both the proxies and proxy wars.
Posted by: unimperator | Apr 14 2024 13:07 utc | 57
Love Donbass @ 51
There is a stuntman trick where a guy jumps out of an airplane without a parachute. Next stuntman follows and gives first jumper a parachute. First jumper has to harness that parachute in mid-air. Then there are wingsuits. If there are strong thermals and a good soft place to land a stuntman can fly out of an airplane without a parachute and land like a bird.
Israel is in a magic space where they believe they can do one dangerous stunt after another and the trick works every time. They will not leave that magic space until solidly struck in the face with a 4x4 many many times. Before they learn they will be in the sea.
By virtue of where I live I know many American Jews. Talk this morning is of a total resounding victory. I say nothing, they could not hear. They will not learn easily.
Posted by: oldhippie | Apr 14 2024 13:07 utc | 58
Dr. Strangelove really isn't too far fetched to the happenings going on now. Chew on Michael Hudson's latest blog on the real Dr. Strangelove, (Herman Kahn) and American foreign policy, Israel and genocide. Pretty sick stuff.
Posted by: Rick | Apr 14 2024 12:37 utc | 42
Thanks Rick for the article.
Thanks to b and some astute and knowledgeable commentators last night. Given the pentagon poopaganda releases that pass for news in the west, this site was invaluable ...
Re Jordan, is it true that they have closed their air space "both ways" ... To strikes from east and west? If so, that is different from actively fighting for Israel ...?
Posted by: Caliman | Apr 14 2024 13:11 utc | 60
Michael A @ 50
Same as Britain's khazar/german royalty and Finland's swedish jew president. The "elite" shitflakes don't have to have any historical or genetic connection to the places they own.
If you look at WW1 and all the European wars before it they were all each other's cousins. Now they are all from the same elite schools then top banks and corporations.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Apr 14 2024 13:13 utc | 61
Too early to tell how successful the operation was.
It's already clear that the drones were intended as distractions to allow the ballistic missiles to get through.
The targets of those missiles - two IDF air bases - are highly symbolic considering what provoked this Iranian retaliatory strike, so it will all depend on how much damage occurred at those bases.
Posted by: Yeah, Right | Apr 14 2024 13:15 utc | 62
Posted by: Michael A | Apr 14 2024 12:48 utc | 50Given that a substantial portion of the Jordanian population are Palestinian, why is their "king" such a pawn to Israel?
From Wikipedia: he Emirate of Transjordan was established in 1921 by the Hashemite, then Emir, Abdullah I, and the emirate became a British protectorate. In 1946, Jordan gained independence and became officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.[c]
Where did the current King go to school? Let’s see: St. Edmunds, as it happens only a few miles down the road from mine, Amesbury, near Hindhead, Surrey. (Beautiful, beautiful area.) We played football with them regularly; a tough bunch. No doubt the family has a nice home in Belgravia, a few hundred yards down the road from Buckingham Palace.
The British Empire is over, but there is a (fading) network of upper classes who still congregate in London. That said, the current Royal Heir, though he did not go to English boarding schools, did go to Georgetown in DC for his university degree. His grandchildren may well be educated in Moscow and Beijing.
Such families are part of an international network. In any case, Jordan is a very small country next to a fierce neighbour backed by a Superpower. They have been around since antiquity and will remain as long as there are human beings on the planet most likely; and they will do so by not biting off more than they can chew. So they are not going to declare war on the US and Israel and if they did, their people would rightly rise up and hang them from the nearest yardarm (whatever that is)!
Their job is to remain as a people long after the dust has settled on the Zionist project one way or another. Given their longevity thus far, chances are they will succeed.
By virtue of where I live I know many American Jews. Talk this morning is of a total resounding victory.
Posted by: oldhippie | Apr 14 2024 13:07 utc | 58
In past decades the mere fact that an Iranian missile could reach all the way across the middle east and touch ground precisely on an 'israeli' base would have meant a near-total defeat.
I wonder if your Jewish friends noticed that not a single 'israeli' missile reached Iran ?
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 14 2024 13:17 utc | 64
Too soon!
What about Forrest Gump memes of "and just like that everyone stopped talking about the Iron Dome."
Too soon?
Posted by: Canuck Pipes | Apr 14 2024 13:18 utc | 65
@ MFB 55
What would the Russians do to protect their key ally in the region?
Not much at the moment is the quick answer.
Russia has one thing on its mind and it's not the Middle East. China doesn't want the Straits of Hormuz closed either.
The only actor that wants a wider conflagration is Bibi and he can't move without the Americans which they aren't going to do. In an election year Biden wants a predictable war with predictable results, not a unpredictable war with unpredictable results.
Posted by: Old Sovietologist | Apr 14 2024 13:19 utc | 66
Posted by: oldhippie | Apr 14 2024 13:07 utc | 58There is a stuntman trick where a guy jumps out of an airplane without a parachute. Next stuntman follows and gives first jumper a parachute. First jumper has to harness that parachute in mid-air. Then there are wingsuits. If there are strong thermals and a good soft place to land a stuntman can fly out of an airplane without a parachute and land like a bird.
Israel is in a magic space where they believe they can do one dangerous stunt after another and the trick works every time. They will not leave that magic space until solidly struck in the face with a 4x4 many many times. Before they learn they will be in the sea.
There are many fine posts here at MoA every day, but that's my favourite one ever. Long live the Hippies!
Bensyjon (Bencyjon) Milejkowski, born in Warsaw. From what I know, Jews in the Polish part of Russian Empire had typically two given names, one for official documents, and a Hebrew name for religious documents
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Apr 14 2024 12:28 utc | 37
I doubt these names, transliterated or not have any relation to Hebrew (as in ancient Hebrew). I would guess they're more related to Yiddish, which has nothing to do with the ancient semitic Hebrew language.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 14 2024 13:24 utc | 68
IDF war cabinet said they will respond on Israel within the next 48 hours. At the same time Biden admin says Israel is responding without thinking about the consequences, according to CBS news.
Posted by: unimperator | Apr 14 2024 13:34 utc | 69
Same as Britain's khazar/german royalty and Finland's swedish jew president. The "elite" shitflakes don't have to have any historical or genetic connection to the places they own.
Posted by: Michael A | Apr 14 2024 12:48 utc | 50
So how do these monarchs survive? Why do the people support them? Do they control the political class like the deep state and lobbies do in the US?
'Iran failed' after overnight assault on Israel, IDF spokesperson says
Daniel Hagari says Israel alongside allies intercepted 99% of the over 300 drones and missiles sent by Iran in revenge attack
According to Gallant, "the whole world saw who Iran is tonight - a terrorist state that attacks Israel from a distance of 1,500 km away and tries to activate all of its proxies. But the world also saw the power of a coalition and how Israel, together with the United States and other countries, stands and blocks this attack in an unprecedented manner."
Above must be understood through Book of Revelation (and Koranic End Times chapters) in which Illuminati/hegemon had originally staged for Iran's Shah Prince Reza Pahlavi to play the theatrical role of the Antichrist. Hence why Iran was the only country allowed to buy F-14 and militarized so heavily in the 1970's.
* The Shah was Armageddon Plan "A".
* Syria in 2011 was Armageddon Plan "B" but Russia left their base in the port of Tartus.
* Syria in 2015-2016 was Armageddon Plan "C" but Russia reengaged in September and beat ISIS.
* In 2021 NATO + GCC had started to stage the "Armaegean" conflict between Greece and Turkey, pitting to Illuminati countries against each other so to manufacture Armageddon Plan "D".
* Donbass became Armageddon Plan "E" in 2022, and the Battle for Bakhmut was manufactured to be the Biblical End Times "First Battle" which the West was going to lose.
* Ukraininan counter attack was supposed to provoke Russia into using nukes, bombing Zaporizia NPP, but that End Times scenario failed too.
* Gaza October 7 came as a blessing to the West and in which the hyper violence of Israel had 1 occult esoteric purpose only: to provoke the Axis of Resistance + Arab nations to respond, thus giving Israel carte blance to use nukes.
* Yemen closing Red Sea came as another blessing, and that's why UK & US attacked and why MSM repeatedly talked about a war with Iran will no erupt. Hence why Europe sent a lot of ships to Yemen.
Israel and West failed, but have now managed set the table for a new escalation with aim of global nuclear holocaust.
Humanity is waking up and the technical advantage of the West has this winter been proven nill.
Analytical tool:
Solution 1:
Start up a local ONE SMALL TOWN initative - autonomous towns.
Solution 2:
ABC123 to 16 Emancipatory Shadow Institutions (our own decentralized Deep States).
Posted by: rockwool | Apr 14 2024 13:35 utc | 71
MFB @ 55
But then what? Iran has a military alliance with Russia. What would the Russians do to protect their key ally in the region?
Everything. Iran is both a key military and economic ally, it is existential to Russia and by extension to China. Iran protects Russia's flank in the Caucuses and so into Central Asia. Winning in Ukraine whatever that means won't take the NATO pressure off Russia nor free it from economic and cultural isolation something unworkable for a modern nation in today's world. Russia must win the hybrid war if it wants to continue as a sovereign state, Iran and the BRICs are just as vital to Russia's future as overthrowing Kiev.
IMO everyone will keep dancing around but if the time ever comes Russia will protect Iran with nuclear weapons. It might already have, Iran built the hard part first, robust, reliable accurate missiles, the nuclear warheads are the easy part. I can't imagine it already doesn't have them, with Russian help it wouldn't even need to test them. In the early '50s the Soviets helped existential ally China get nuclear technology, so it's not like there isn't a precedent.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Apr 14 2024 13:36 utc | 72
Arch @ 64
They're not friends.
No, they don't notice. The propaganda goes straight to hindbrain and no further information enters.
Posted by: oldhippie | Apr 14 2024 13:37 utc | 73
Three questions on the attack - clarification greatly appreciated:
- Has anything else been hit, other than two air bases?
- Has Jordan actively helped intercept, or just opened its airspace? There was conflicting info.
- If the main attack will be hypersonics, which cannot be intercepted - why send the rest at all?
As someone mentioned, it would be politically difficult to explain that the enemy destroyed vital assets despite all this (expensive) 'top-notch' AD. From a purely strategic perspective, such a 'surgical' attack would make more sense imo. (Sure, depletion of expensive AD missiles means easier attacks by proxies in the future.
Posted by: smuks | Apr 14 2024 13:38 utc | 74
-Iran has at least 5 to 10 Nuclear Bombs otherwise they wouldn’t have done it
-Iran has overloaded the Iron “Sieve” at a US1bn cost to Israel in order to smash…
Posted by: LucaFraser | Apr 14 2024 12:14 utc | 34
Yes for the second, but 1bn is pocket change for them and the costs were split with US, FR, UK. What matters is if they can replace them soon enough. They have all chances to do so fast, Iran won't do anything more unless Israel attacks again. Ynet wrote today that Bibi considers an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities in response. Not surprising, considering they do the same with ZNPP and other NPPs in Russia.
For the "5-10" thing, anything less than at least a hundred nuclear missiles does not matter, bombs are useless. US has bombs because they're retarded and live in Hollywood movies. Their only trick is that they brought them at Russia's and China's borders, but shooting down a few hundred planes before they cross the border is very doable and will erase the border puppet countries, like Poland or Finland using US nukes, which will be comedy gold. Even so, depending on how bad the general staff is and how obedient the government is, even 6k nukes won't help.
Posted by: rk | Apr 14 2024 13:44 utc | 75
Israel and its allies were shooting down moped drones with F-35s and Patriot batteries. That’s unsustainable. Israelis found out that Iran can and will launch attacks, they watched missiles fly over Tel Aviv.
And all this puts Bibi in a bind. He has to retaliate. Biden is telling him not to. Which suggests that sane people in DoD are being heard. Israel has limited ability to directly attack Iran; nobody in the region is going to give permission for US or Israeli overflights for an attack. Iran has warned that the matter is settled unless Israel retaliates. We can assume that the next Iranian attack won’t have significant notice of the event.
Not to mention that all those US bases are still lightly defended and difficult to resupply or that Hormuz could be closed to Israeli associated shipping. Iran has all the escalation dominance and Israel’s calculation have been permanently altered. It’s no longer possible to assume it can act with impunity.
Posted by: Lex | Apr 14 2024 13:45 utc | 76
On the other thread, someone suggested US will go round begging Russia and China to tell Iran to back off.
That's not so far-fetched imo.
The conversation might be directly between Tel Aviv and Moscow/ Beijing, though. Once Israel realizes the war against the 'axis of resistance' is lost, and the West can't/ won't intervene, there's only one logical path of action: Ask the East. There'll be a hefty price tag on Russian help, as in accepting whatever peace settlement for Palestinians Moscow and Beijing have in mind.
A long-term scenario - but I don't see it ending any other way (other than armageddon).
De-dollarization will be somewhat accelerated in the Middle East, once it's obvious the 'attack dog' Israel no longer has the 'military edge'. But it's steadily ongoing anyway, so no big difference imo.
Posted by: smuks | Apr 14 2024 13:49 utc | 77
Posted by: oldhippie | Apr 14 2024 13:07 utc | 58
I understand. My point was that there are laws of reality that no one escapes, regardless of what they think about them. That is why I tend to ignore the opinions of regular American Jews, American Blacks, American Catholics, American Natives, etc. Everyone has an opinion, and most of those opinions (particularly in the West) come with no "skin in the game".
Even if one despises the Israeli regime, as a thought experiment, I suggest people try to "game" out the next 3, 6, 12 months for Israel such that they complete the occupation in Gaza and recover 90% of their economy. The former negates the possibility of the latter, IMO. If Gaza is fully controlled, neighboring states will make it impossible for Israel to supply by sea, and wholly unsafe for tourism to return.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Apr 14 2024 13:51 utc | 78
Posted by: smuks | Apr 14 2024 13:38 utc | 74- If the main attack will be hypersonics, which cannot be intercepted - why send the rest at all?
The AD against drones revealed much to the Iranians about Israeli defence. Helpful if more attacks are forthcoming; after all, the Americans have kindly given them billions in cash the past few years so no doubt they are well supplied.
Interesting to see what happens next in Gaza. The news cycle thus far has gone: covid - (stolen election) - Donbass - Gaza. Will it now move to Iran - (annulled US election) - Taiwan / World War? Will Gaza fade from coverage similar to Ukraine where huge developments are underway but no longer much covered in the West?
Israel and its allies were shooting down moped drones with F-35s and Patriot batteries. That’s unsustainable.
Posted by: Lex | Apr 14 2024 13:45 utc | 76
Iran just found out it can, indeed, tie down the airforces of the entire west with moped drones.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 14 2024 13:57 utc | 80
Iran is said to have shot their old missiles at Israel. Old missiles that are easy to intercept, are less precise and need to be decommissioned.Russian sources claim that Russia rejected to buy the very same missiles due to their ineffectiveness.
Still they got through.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Apr 14 2024 13:58 utc | 81
Yes for the second, but 1bn is pocket change for them and the costs were split with US, FR, UK. What matters is if they can replace them soon enough.
Posted by: rk | Apr 14 2024 13:44 utc | 75
1Bn in paper is pocket change, true but as we've found out from the Russia-Ukraine war 1BN in cash does not equate to 1BN in actual physical arms production.
I suspect the entire Western production capacity is tied up just keeping up with Ukraine's demands.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 14 2024 13:59 utc | 82
Posted by: smuks | Apr 14 2024 13:38 utc | 74
- If the main attack will be hypersonics, which cannot be intercepted - why send the rest at all?
The AD against drones revealed much to the Iranians about Israeli defence.
Posted by: scorpion | Apr 14 2024 13:55 utc | 79
Most importantly, to keep the Zionists and their friends so busy chasing distractions that they don't develop ideas of a counter attack until too late ...
This to me is the most shocking part of Iran's attack: NO counterack/counter-strike. None. Nada.
The entire middle east on the back foot for hours and hours with no breathing room to do anything else.
Ponder that y'all unbelievers!
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 14 2024 14:03 utc | 83
…..So how do these monarchs survive? Why do the people support them? Do they control the political class like the deep state and lobbies do in the US?
Posted by: jasper | Apr 14 2024 13:35 utc | …….
These Monarchs have no power - think of them as influencers.
Note - the English royal family is relatively poor. The income is around $100 million/year from real estate and various investments. That’s chicken feed in the world of billionaires. As a side note; Charles is a shrewd businessman; whose developments and other businesses generate a nice return.
Posted by: Exile | Apr 14 2024 14:07 utc | 84
1Bn in paper is pocket change, true but ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 14 2024 13:59 utc | 82
According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, an estimated $1.2 trillion of commercial real estate debt in the United States is maturing in the next two years.
The rapid amortization of missile assets is highly inflationary. Real estate bonds wont roll at the current rates.
Expect bagholders, and an answer to the question "how much is $1 trillion"?
Posted by: too scents | Apr 14 2024 14:11 utc | 85
- If the main attack will be hypersonics, which cannot be intercepted - why send the rest at all?
Posted by: smuks | Apr 14 2024 13:38 utc | 74
I would think the depletion of Izzie AD will be very helpful to Hezbollah, AnsarAllah, Syria, and the Iraqi resistance in defending themselves. etc. Cheap at the price, too.
A good strategy works in many ways.
Posted by: Bemildred | Apr 14 2024 14:15 utc | 86
On the surface, US support for Israel looks absolute but that could be deceptive. At the end of the day, Netanyahu is an arrogant jerk that Biden and others probably despise. So, they can proclaim their undying loyalty to the Israeli lobby but undermine everything - like slow walking weapons or parts deliveries (theres been rumors of this). Or "mistakes" can be made to screw with Israel's interests.
Kissinger's warning about 'being a friend of the US being fatal' was a solid observation.
The key to defeating Israel will be 'a death of a thousand cuts' with emigration, a burdened economy, the rise of Torah Study bums over valuable secularists and costly attacks that never completely stop.
Posted by: Eighthman | Apr 14 2024 14:21 utc | 87
Arch Bungle @ 83
No, as the goal was to deescalate rather than escalate launching a big bunch of easy pickings gave Israel something to boast about which is required given the bloviating nature of the IDF and the Netanyahu government. Iran knows their enemy.
Seems to have worked, we will find out soon enough. Doesn't mean USA doesn't want to destroy Iran, just not right now when a whole pile of stuff seems to be turning to shit for the Biden admin.
Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Apr 14 2024 14:23 utc | 88
Iran has overloaded the Iron “Sieve”
@ LucaFraser | Apr 14 2024 12:14 utc | 34
We can remember you coined it. From now on everyone will be calling the "dome" a "sieve"!
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Apr 14 2024 14:29 utc | 89
The only mistake the Ayatollah made was his moronic Fatwah against nuclear weapons.
It was a fatal mistake.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 3 2024 2:38 utc | 324
Iran just found out it can, indeed, tie down the airforces of the entire west with moped drones.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Apr 14 2024 13:57 utc | 80
Arch, keeping in mind just what happened, do you still believe Iran needs nukes?
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Apr 14 2024 14:29 utc | 90
Seeing is believind. So far no seeing only wards.Looks as Iran is another Paper Tiger like China.
Posted by: Brad | Apr 14 2024 14:42 utc | 91
So how do these monarchs survive? Why do the people support them? Do they control the political class like the deep state and lobbies do in the US?
Posted by: jasper | Apr 14 2024 13:35 utc | 70
In Finland the army and police force (its upper levels, not the patrol guys) support the elites. In addition to the media, political parties, the parliament and the courts of justice, of course.
Some young man recently threw an empty coke can at the house of the new jewish "president". Not surprising considering that everyone hates him (his actual popularity in the election was estimated at 4%, but voting machines). Normally you'd get a small fine for that. This young man was tortured to death in prison. Some say the "president" took part.
Posted by: Michael A | Apr 14 2024 14:47 utc | 92
Posted by: jasper | Apr 14 2024 13:35 utc | 70So how do these monarchs survive? Why do the people support them? Do they control the political class like the deep state and lobbies do in the US?
Bread and circuses. Who are the biggest celebrities in the UK, indeed the entire Anglophone world? The Royals.
What are celebrities?
1. People that most of us recognize.
2. People about whom news is of widespread interest.
3. Royal Celebrities are a national focal point which, by so being, create a national sense of 'we'-ness.
Their power is that of being a symbol of the nation or people. It works psychologically and emotionally. Just as a dipshit moron pop star can command the attention of 100,000 people in a stadium as they all focus on the same object at the same time, so the Royals can serve as a national object of attention thereby binding the nation together.
They don’t control the system any more. Monarchs have been replaced by other systems, some honest, most not. However, it remains the most archetypal form of leadership; there will always be a smaller number at the top than at the bottom; the smallest number is One. To have a vibrant, living society it is best that the Leadership Principle is embodied by a living, breathing human, not a concept-driven ideology or a faceless Soviet/Committee or even worse, what we have now, a hidden oligarchic crime syndicate.
That such a principle works we see with the huge outpouring of emotion at Royal weddings and funerals. This connection is not faked. Symbology is deeply embedded in our human makeup (and indeed informs how our body shapes, especially our faces).
on the discussion of Iran in possession of Nukes. Highly unlikely. Iranians stand by their words. Just my opinion.
The fatwa was issued "without any fanfare" responding to a request from an official "for his religious opinion on nuclear weapons". In October 2003, Khamenei issued an oral fatwa that forbade the production and using any form of weapon of mass destruction.
Posted by: Angelo | Apr 14 2024 14:57 utc | 94
From John Wight (filed yesterday, as drones and missiles flew):
The Islamic Republic of Iran is that rare entity among the family of nations, in that it is both a regressive and progressive force at the same time. In other words a state in which a reactionary and revolutionary impulse occupies the same political and geopolitical space.
Whatever challenges beset Iran's leadership today, they seem equal to them. First Iran told the UN that if the Security Council could only do something about the embassy attack then Iran wouldn't have to. Next, they carefully informed everyone concerned, including Russia and China, of what they were about to do -- warning the rest of the west to stay the hell out of it or else.
The operation appears to have succeeded beyond everyone's expectation; penetrating 48's Iron Sieve to destroy a couple of airbases (involved in the embassy attack) with impressively accurate long-range missiles, while exhausting expensive NATO AD resources with hundreds of "moped drones". Nobody killed. No response from blustery bully 48. How could anyone improve on this all-around military, diplomatic, propaganda, historical-justice victory?
Iran acts like a confident grown-up dealing with reckless rugrats.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Apr 14 2024 15:01 utc | 95
@Arch Bungle
Glad you enjoyed it.
In the midst of chaos - a sense of humour is essential.
The message to Bibi - "Yes we can hit you precisely any time we wish to."
Posted by: Don Firineach | Apr 14 2024 15:24 utc | 97
Iran is like Japan. They have no nukes, but could have some in a couple weeks if that is what they choose. Countries at that education and engineering level and with stockpiles of processed transuranics can put together some nukes pretty quick if they felt they needed them. The recipe for H bombs is not much of a secret.
Posted by: William Gruff | Apr 14 2024 15:31 utc | 98
Will Schryver (IMETATRONIC):
In order for the United States to make war against any ONE of Russia, China, or Iran, it would be necessary to effectively vacate every major US base on the planet in order to concentrate enough military power to undertake the mission.In a putative war between the United States and Iran, both Russia and China would actively support Iran. I'm not suggesting Russian or Chinese forces would fight alongside Iranians — although that could happen. But it would likely not be necessary. Iran would simply be supplemented with arms and other logistical necessities from both its partners — and quite possibly taken under their nuclear umbrella in an explicit act of deterrence.
Additionally, in consequence of the US weakening its force posture in Europe and the western Pacific in a bid to militarily subdue Iran, Russia and China would be enabled to apply immense pressure to western logistics, trade, and political influence in those regions. This is not to suggest that China would invade Taiwan or Russia would invade the Baltics or Poland. They would need only to exert their dominant influence in what were previously considered to be unassailable American imperial domains in east Asia and Europe.
I will not add to the noise except to say this coincides with my view of the Western strategic position, you have to appreciate the way Western planners have brought all this about.
Posted by: Bemildred | Apr 14 2024 15:33 utc | 99
The Iranian retaliation is a historical event equivalent to the Battle of the Coral Sea - the first naval battle in which the combatants never came within visual range of each other. All the fighting was done by airplanes.
The embassy/air base tit-for-tat is the first war (and it is a war) in which the combatants, who do not share a border with each other, are hitting at long range with pinpoint accurate missiles. Unlike Coral Sea, each side can see each other, no fumbling around with patrol aircraft.
In this new world, the critical points of countries (military bases, energy infrastructure, command and control centers) are like islands in an ocean. The manufacture of drones and missiles is the equivalent of the manufacture of carriers and aircraft.
The problem for the US is that it is stuck in the role of the Japanese. While they have the legacy armed forces to start a fight, they do not have the resources to finish it. Same problem as the Japanese. The US stupidly outsourced its manufacturing, mostly to China. How ironic, since Japan was strangled by submarine warfare that destroyed its ability to import stuff from...China, among other places.
We already see that the US does not have the production capacity to sustain its expensive AD missiles. I'm not sure who is manufacturing the drones, but I suspect that there are big bottlenecks there too. Meanwhile, Iran by itself can manufacture all the drones and AD missiles it needs. Behind that sits the Arsenal of Multipolarity, China. They turn out drones like potato chips.
The delusional crowd running America (into the ground) have the same attitude towards China that the Nazis had towards America:
The Americans cannot build aeroplanes. They are very good at refrigerators and razor blades.”— Hermann Goring
Its funny how refrigerators are often the metaphor for manufacturing. The Russians were accused of cannibalizing them. If the Chinese ever get dragged into this global fight, the Americans won't be laughing.
Posted by: john brewster | Apr 14 2024 15:35 utc | 100
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If nothing else, this 'retaliation' by Iran exposed just how duplicitous the leaders of Arab nations are. They talk tough against Israel but when push comes to shove, they kiss Jewish @$$ exactly like their Western European counterparts.
Posted by: bored | Apr 14 2024 11:02 utc | 1