Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
March 04, 2024

Supreme Court Puts States Into Their Place

This is a good decision:

States can’t remove Trump from ballot, Supreme Court says - Politico, Mar 4 2024

States have no authority to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday, short-circuiting efforts by his detractors to declare him disqualified over his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

The justices did not weigh in on the fraught question of whether Trump engaged in an insurrection by attempting to subvert the 2020 election results or stoking the violence on Jan. 6. But the high court ruled in an unsigned opinion that only Congress, not the states, can disqualify a presidential candidate under the Constitution’s “insurrection clause.”

Having the states judge over the legitimacy of a candidate would create a chaos in which federal elections would become a states against states court race, not a way to find some common representative.

It is good to see that librul and conservative judges agreed on that.

The judgment will hopefully help to tone down the shrill voices of the democratic commentators about Donald Trump.

One may not like him, ore even despise him, but he is a legitimate choice on the ballot.

Posted by b on March 4, 2024 at 16:48 UTC | Permalink

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Democrats are anti-democracy.

Posted by: librul | Mar 4 2024 16:49 utc | 1

Trump is odds-on favourite to be next US President.

Posted by: Don Firineach | Mar 4 2024 16:52 utc | 2

Simplicius has a new article that touches on how lawfare is being waged to cheat elections, and who are behind it.

Posted by: Surferket | Mar 4 2024 16:56 utc | 3

Sadly, I agree on this but it does beg the question - if this is true, then why can states choose to deny non-duopoly parties and independent candidates ballot access?
Maybe they should join together and site this ruling as precedent. But then again, to 6 members of this court precedent doesn't mean shit.

Posted by: hedlykarok | Mar 4 2024 16:56 utc | 4

They should also rule that, as per US law, Federal D.A.'s may not use their power to interfere in the election process. Sooner or later they will also kick out the idiotic NY verdict finding Trump guilty of a business fraud that never existed.

Posted by: Roger | Mar 4 2024 16:57 utc | 5

I vote Green (US) and expect to be voting for Jill Stein in November.

Posted by: librul | Mar 4 2024 16:59 utc | 6

i wonder how those who don't like this response, respond?? i agree with you b...

Posted by: james | Mar 4 2024 17:03 utc | 7

This is the judgment I expected to come down. There's a lot of not just anti-Trump but anti-non lock-step democrat shit in circulation, as with the book Crooke cites in "Crooke: European Neoliberals are "Fearful and Desperate"", as it's the hate/fear complex that's being amped-up NATO-wide. Lavrov weighed in on that aspect in his combo Q&A/Lecture at Sochi today that will get posted once the transcript gets completed.

Posted by: karlof1 | Mar 4 2024 17:05 utc | 8

> One may not like him, ore even despise him

Back in the late 1980s there used to be a hip NY magazine called Spy, featuring the gossip of the parish and fashion advertisement. Donald Trump was just a brash young real-estate developer, who had just completed the equally brash Trump Tower.

At the magazine they used to call him "short fingered vulgarian" and list him in their humorous "Top 10 most hated people in NYC" lists. It doesn't take much to find the PDFs online.

By now he's probably used to being disliked by some people, may even have cottoned to it, as long as they are the right people.

Posted by: pessoa | Mar 4 2024 17:09 utc | 9

I have no use for tawdry trailer trash Trump but agree with the ruling.

Will all/some of the Trump prosecutions stop now? What will empire do to replace the "drama"?

I continue to posit that the discussions closer to November are going to be light years different than they are currently.....the dominoes of Ukraine and Occupied Palestine are going to have fallen and ???

Posted by: psychohistorian | Mar 4 2024 17:12 utc | 10

b, your title misses the mark. It is precisely the states that do want more power or freedom from the FED that want Trump on the ballot. It is the neolib whack-job states in the NE USA and California that want a hyper-powerful supreme court to take it to the FED-averse states.

Granted, the neocons that make up the politicians in these states only feign alignment with their FED-averse constituencies. They do this by appealing to cultural issues such as abortion and immigration (two very important issues, of course, that will resolve themselves naturally when the FED is brought down a peg in the coming decade). These red states only feign being Fed-averse but in reality, like Trump, do not want the Federal Gov't to be diminished. If they truly did, they would have to concede that the MIC and its awful policies, including the Patriot Act, should be brought under control and eradicated.

What you are commenting on, IOW, is pure theater. This is not a win for the FED-averse nor the true-believers who want no power flowing from the states. This is a nothing-burger.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Mar 4 2024 17:12 utc | 11

Trump,Or Biden, or a Ficus elected in the US will not change how they behave, both inside and outside.

The only difference I see is that the Ficus do have his ass on the ground.

Posted by: W | Mar 4 2024 17:16 utc | 12

I find the idea that To Save Muh Democracy, we have to put the opposition candidate in prison or remove him from the ballot.

Basic banana republic stuff. And I am not now, nor have I ever been, a Trumper.

Posted by: Feral Finster | Mar 4 2024 17:19 utc | 13

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Mar 4 2024 17:12 utc | 11

Perhaps you should be more knowledgeable before spouting off your Alex Jones talking points.
It was Colorado that was in the case, you know the home of Lauren Boobart. Hardly a bastion of 'NE liberal' and freedom from the fed is another term for local fascist control.

Posted by: hedlykarok | Mar 4 2024 17:20 utc | 14


Postagem interessante e correta.

Posted by: Soviético | Mar 4 2024 17:22 utc | 15

From a legal standpoint, all of the ballot manipulations of the Dems have been obviously unsound from the beginning, and bound to be overturned. The question then is why the attempt to remove Trump was made? From a political standpoint, it guaranteed that Trump will win the election. If the Dems do anything extra-legal to prevent it now, there will be a level of domestic instability not seen since the War Between the States. Better to have trashed Trump in the media and quietly stolen the election via electronic means. That option is closed now. At least half the country will be certain of fraud if Trump loses now.

If we consider for a moment the possibility that the Dems are not the Voice of the PTB, but only a tool, among others, and that the PTB is not completely stupid, then we have to consider what purpose might be served with this apparently insane maneuver. I think that it's another step in the on-going narrative shift, serving the purpose of suppressing the neolib/neocon operatives and 'restoring faith' in the fundamental institutions of government. Trump will take office, he'll adopt a more isolationist policy, rebuild the domestic industrial base at European expense, expand control of Latin America, but maintain a 'hostile peace' in the Old World why the US fortifies itself against the rest of the world. To do this requires the enthusiastic participation of the working class, and this piece of kayfabe is perfect for the purpose.

The implication of this conjecture is that this has been planned far in advance, that it is a part of the technofeudalist plans of the PTB- who better to usher in a new era in which workers are paid decently- but own nothing, and in which the PTB has central control over production and consumption, without reference to the profit-realization cycle of capitalism, which is now obsolete. Along the lines of China and Russia, America will see central control of the fundamental economy, and lots of small-scale independent capitalism, but unlike Chinese commitment to the welfare of the people, and Russia's socialist legacy of the same, the use central authority will act purely in its own interest. That interest, however, involves domestic tranquility. Since they own 'everything' already, there's no reason not to supply that to enough people to keep things stable.

Posted by: Honzo | Mar 4 2024 17:26 utc | 16

you think this will make them less shrill? i'm 2 time zones away and i can hear heads exploding in new york and DC right now. if anything it will encourage all the idiot "activist" judges and prosecutors to level more arbitrary charges against him. (again, he is an objective pile of sh_t but then so is everyone in the beltway including and especially the clintons and bidens.)

Posted by: whatsmells | Mar 4 2024 17:31 utc | 17

🇧🇷 Aproveitando está oportunidade para deixar claro que o processo nos EUA é muito diferente do que está ocorrendo no Brasil, embora a ultra-direita mundial esteja querendo equalizar os dois como se fossem um só.
No Brasil há provas incontestáveis de que, desde o primeiro dia de seu mandato, o nazi-fáscista J. Bolsonaro tentou dar golpes para se perpetuar no poder. O de 8 de janeiro foi apenas o último e mais desastrado deles.

Posted by: Soviético | Mar 4 2024 17:34 utc | 18

A really predictable verdict as the initial judgement against Trump was so obviously egregious with malicious intent. Even the state Chief judge was in the opposition position when it was initially handed down. Being overruled by a superior court used to be a black mark on judges understanding of the law without new evidence being adduced on appeal. However these Democratic hack judges get their legal guidance from that avatar of legal jurisprudence Nancy Pelosi

Posted by: DaVinci | Mar 4 2024 17:38 utc | 19

I fear the worst. There's a false flag maybe coming in the UK.As the UK government has completely lost control of the narrative.

Did you see Sunak's emergency speech outside number 10 ?

We are moving towards Orwell's 1984. The government have completely lost control of the narrative as very few now believe the media they control.

He had absolutely no proof whatsoever to support the framing and narratives being used.

Which could mean - False flag incoming.

Which means if it does where ? Public transport, sporting event, shopping centre ?

These people are psychopaths who run countries and will not give it a second thought to create a false flag to get back control of the narrative. They have plenty of form in this regard.

There are only 4 million Muslims in the UK out of a population of roughly 65 million and over 70% of the people marching for peace in Palestine are White christians.

With less arrests than at any football match on a Saturday.

It is complete bull shit what he is saying and now everyone is asking for proof.

Well, the security services Mi6 may just about to give the nation the proof they are looking for.

As they have to regain control of the narrative very quickly or lose complete control of media. As very few believe the media anymore. Which they clearly control.

I fear the worst guys. I wouldn't put a false flag past them. What other choice do they now have ?

Perfect timing to extradite Assange to the US.As there is going to be a massive cry of injustice if they do.

Posted by: Echo Chamber | Mar 4 2024 17:40 utc | 20

Watch for a dark horse to replace Biden at the Democrat Convention in August.
He can award his delegates to whomever he likes.
I just saw a popularity poll for Gavin Newsom and I don't live in California.

Posted by: LarryS | Mar 4 2024 17:45 utc | 21

pessoa: Oh how I miss Spy Magazine! I still have the issue trashing Biden for his role in the Clarence Thomas nomination.

librul: I’ve voted for Stein before and may do so again. Depends partly on whether PSL runs a candidate. In any case the SCOTUS ruling was absolutely the right one.

hedlykarok: Agree totally, but let’s not get carried away hoping for honest elections and that democracy stuff.

Posted by: malenkov | Mar 4 2024 17:46 utc | 22

Posted by: Soviético | Mar 4 2024 17:34 utc | 18

"Taking advantage of this opportunity to make it clear that the process in the USA is very different from what is happening in Brazil, although the global ultra-right is trying to equalize the two as if they were one.

In Brazil there is indisputable evidence that, from the first day of his term, the Nazi-fascist J. Bolsonaro tried to carry out coups to stay in power. The one on January 8 was just the last and most clumsy of them."
Yes Glenn Greenwald who was at the intercept then did an expose on this working with local Brazilians and his Husband.

To this day I have not figured out how Brazil managed to avoid a complete take over by the Bolsonaro fascists. These people are still there are they not?

Posted by: David G Horsman | Mar 4 2024 18:04 utc | 23

trumped took money from the rothschilds his kids the ones that identify as woman are hooked up with chabad.

drumph just loves the kaballa he moved the us embassy he took hundereds of millions of sheldon addelson all we will get is a little more entertainment in between the genocide of the children of gaza

the shoah will go on until those oil facilities in haiffa are smoking and those intel fabrication facilities are in ruins until then
baal and molech will keep having a soul capture epic round up ready harvest

oded yinon new khazaria grows the city of london wall street vatican and the b i s worldbank imf banksta sip rothschild champagne

Posted by: todd | Mar 4 2024 18:04 utc | 24

We are moving towards Orwell's 1984.

Posted by: Echo Chamber | Mar 4 2024 17:40 utc | 20


Don't confuse media and narrative control with mind control. Even under the most repressive regimes in history, there have always been dissidents and no regime has ever lasted a millennia.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Mar 4 2024 18:05 utc | 25

I find the idea that To Save Muh Democracy, we have to put the opposition candidate in prison or remove him from the ballot.

Basic banana republic stuff. And I am not now, nor have I ever been, a Trumper.

Posted by: Feral Finster | Mar 4 2024 17:19 utc | 13

Good observation. Putting "opposition" candidates in jail is now pretty common; whether a legit candidate as with Imran Khan (Pakistan) or non-legit quisling like Navalny (Russian Federation). We could look at the long list of candidates in Latin America, opposed by the US empire, in Bolivia, Brasil, etc., prevented from coming into office.

Even if it is temporarily effective, it puts the whole system into disrepute. Most of the time that is un-intended; in a case like Navalny it is actually intended to discredit the current government. Pretty clever, actually, when you think about it.

But yeah, i agree. Banana republic stuff, or worse.

One way to look at all this is the general and systemic failure of more democratic versions of capitalism. The mask is coming off, the curtain has been pulled back, and we're left with the uglyness of fake democracy that fools fewer and fewer people. Which means we're probably going to get the fascistic ones, sooner or later, ... and probably sooner.

Gabriel Rockhill talks about liberal and fascist rule as the "good cop bad cop" of capitalist rule. When the former no longer works, then the latter steps in. The NATO countries may have no "Plan B" for Ukraine, but they sure have a "Plan B" for you and me.

Posted by: N Hanrahan | Mar 4 2024 18:05 utc | 26

"The judgment will hopefully help to tone down the shrill voices of the democratic commentators about Donald Trump."

LOL, you're joking, right??

Posted by: Michigan Dude | Mar 4 2024 18:20 utc | 27

Does it really matter whether Trump or Harris or Biden becomes the next POTUS nothing will change, Trump is pro-Zionist, he's a greedy businessman in it for the cash and fame, why else would a 77 year old man paint his face orange.

Sure he has the right, and as you say its not about loathing or loving him, I pity those poor sods who think Trump is some sort of messiah that will sort America out in a good way.

Posted by: Republicofscotland | Mar 4 2024 18:20 utc | 28

drumph just loves the kaballa...

Posted by: todd | Mar 4 2024 18:04 utc | 24

Trump as a Jewish mystic? Oi vay!

Posted by: Patroklos | Mar 4 2024 18:21 utc | 29

This ruling is correct, in my view. The 14th amendment is as unambiguous in that regard that it’s a wonder to me that it ever needed to be clarified by the court. No fan of either Trump or Biden or their respective parties.

Posted by: nwwoods | Mar 4 2024 18:21 utc | 30

It was Colorado that was in the case, you know the home of Lauren Boobart. Hardly a bastion of 'NE liberal' and freedom from the fed is another term for local fascist control.

Posted by: hedlykarok | Mar 4 2024 17:20 utc | 14

For those of you who might not be aware, by spitting out Lauren's name this poster is trying to hide the fact that the Democrats have overrun Colorado.

People like this poster are part of the problem in the US that must be eradicated, one way or another.

Posted by: Michigan Dude | Mar 4 2024 18:26 utc | 31

N Hanrahan writes: “Even if it is temporarily effective, it puts the whole system into disrepute. Most of the time that is un-intended; in a case like Navalny it is actually intended to discredit the current government.”

You’re saying that Russia imprisoned Navalny in order to discredit itself? Let’s not forget that he was imprisoned for financial shenanigans, not for being political opposition (having negligible influence as such anyway). Ehud Olmert was an ex-PM and served prison time for corruption, you know. Or are you saying that Navalny was convicted on bogus charges?

Posted by: malenkov | Mar 4 2024 18:28 utc | 32

The US House of Representatives impeached President Trump for insurrection. That impeachment by the House should disqualify Trump from holding any office in accordance with the 14th Amendment.

Posted by: Wilikin | Mar 4 2024 18:32 utc | 33

Posted by: hedlykarok | Mar 4 2024 17:20 utc | 14

Colorado has become culturally and politically "blue team" dominant. Weed is worshipped and hipsters along with hipster wannabes are the number 1 immigration problem. California refugees selling their 3 bedroom homes are jacking up the cost of real estate and driving the neo-lib economy into a feudal landscape. Red teamers are there too but they can't keep up. California, Oregon and Washington are their role models. If the West Coast tries to break off Colorado might try and hook onto them.

Posted by: migueljose | Mar 4 2024 18:32 utc | 34

@ Michigan Dude | Mar 4 2024 18:26 utc | 31

Yes. The eastern and western thirds ofColorado (Boebert hails from the latter) are deep red, but sparsely populated. Both CO senators, its congressional majority, its governor, and both houses of the state legislature are in Dim Party hands — as is the AG’s office, from whence the absurd effort to keep Trump off the ballot.

Posted by: malenkov | Mar 4 2024 18:32 utc | 35

I too agree that the verdict was correct. In my opinion Trump, whom I despise, should be on the ballot.

However, I read not long ago that during the 1860 election which resulted in the Lincoln presidency, the ballots were not the same in all states. Of the four candidates who ran, not all were on the ballot in all states. To me, this implies that the individual states played a large role in determining who could run. Of course things are different now. This also brings up the issue of the eligibility of third party candidates. Today, the process to get on the ballot for (at least state) offices is controlled by the individual states. In New York, for instance, there is a difficult petition process that must be followed, and other hurdles that make it difficult for a candidate to appear on the ballot. Each state has its own rules.

I would like to see this decision serve as the beginning of a reform to the nomination process that would make it easier for desperately needed third party candidate to get on the ballot, at least for presidential elections.

Posted by: c | Mar 4 2024 18:35 utc | 36

“The judgment will hopefully help to tone down the shrill voices of the democratic commentators about Donald Trump.”

It won’t.

Posted by: Fred777 | Mar 4 2024 18:40 utc | 37

Posted by: karlof1 | Mar 4 2024 17:05 utc | 8

Thank you karlof1!

Folks should read this, too

Well done.

Posted by: granite | Mar 4 2024 18:43 utc | 38

Good, a day off from MoA

Posted by: Norwegian | Mar 4 2024 18:50 utc | 39

David G Horsman @23: "To this day I have not figured out how Brazil managed to avoid a complete take over by the Bolsonaro fascists. These people are still there are they not?"

The fascists are still there, but they are not, and have never been, quite as powerful as they appeared.

A very large part of fascists' power in Brazil and elsewhere comes from lavishly staged public spectacles and fawning support by corporate mass media. An aura of invulnerability is built around the fascist by the mass media and is reinforced by a hands-off attitude by law enforcement. All known film and photography techniques are used by presstitutes to make individual fascists look formidably strong and all fascist gatherings look an order of magnitude bigger than they actually are. Narrative is artificially created that if you want to be on the winning side, you must join the fascists, and if you are on the losing side opposed to the fascists, then even god won't help you.

Of course, it is all just image. Actual fascists are never the majority of the population. If the population turns against the fascists then they have no choice but to lay low until another campaign to boost their image larger than life can be organized by the presstitution industry.

Posted by: William Gruff | Mar 4 2024 18:59 utc | 40

Obviously, states cant determine who runs for a federal office. I though it obvious that this was simply trolling due to angst, or butthurt. Very similar to the US cities that passed laws making gun ownership mandatory as a protest against places that made guns illegal. Stupid, childish spite.

Posted by: ralph conner | Mar 4 2024 19:00 utc | 41

Posted by: malenkov | Mar 4 2024 18:28 utc | 32

Navalny was imprisoned for treason, he was indicted on financial corruption.

A unanimous decision is fantastic news. This isnt about well-meaning but misguided Democrats vs well-meaning but misguided Republicans or whether you think abortion, transgender surgery or assault rifles should be legal - that is fodder for the hoi polloi. This is about whether criminal oligarchs using the intelligence agencies and media can align with the Democrats to create a permanent ruling party.

Posted by: Turk 152 | Mar 4 2024 19:02 utc | 42

As they have to regain control of the narrative very quickly or lose complete control of media. As very few believe the media anymore. Which they clearly control.

I fear the worst guys. I wouldn't put a false flag past them. What other choice do they now have ?

Posted by: Echo Chamber | Mar 4 2024 17:40 utc | 20

What other choice do they have? Maybe none, if the script has already been written. I imagine about now Sunak is saying “I want them to remember why they need us!

Posted by: V | Mar 4 2024 19:02 utc | 43

Demo-cracy means that all the citizens has the right to chose their representatives in the 3 Chambers:

Executive: Archon and arcontes. They enforce the rules.

Legislative: Assemble: all the citizens has a voice to make laws for all. The Forum is the place where the people are represented by their poli-ticians who try to make the polis right.

Judicially: if the tyrants are not judged by their bad actions, why I must thing that I am doing bad, everyday?

So, the 3 concepts of the so called social Liberty depend of the truth:

Try to be sincere

Posted by: Txe | Mar 4 2024 19:05 utc | 44

Galloway has been indicating he fears assassination, or at least an assassination attempt.

Posted by: Lysias | Mar 4 2024 19:08 utc | 45

Actual fascists are never the majority of the population. If the population turns against the fascists then they have no choice but to lay low until another campaign to boost their image larger than life can be organized by the presstitution industry.

Posted by: William Gruff | Mar 4 2024 18:59 utc | 40


All of what you said is true, but the deciding factor is, was, and always has been the Brazilian military, which apparently is less inclined to support/impose/enforce a fascist dictatorship now than it was in the 1960s. If the military (or enough of the military) had supported Bolsonaro, Lula would be in prison, or six feet under.

Posted by: malenkov | Mar 4 2024 19:10 utc | 46

Posted by: V | Mar 4 2024 19:02 utc | 43

My thoughts exactly. Those who have islamaphobia built in will lap it up.

Posted by: Echo Chamber | Mar 4 2024 19:11 utc | 47

@14 freedom from a tyrannical FED is codespeak for local fascist control? Very interesting. I would say that states competing with each other and granting more local autonomy would dissuade any would-be fascists from trying to harness all the twigs to form a bundle. But you seem to jave another definition of fascism: the bundle that seeks to be a twig?

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Mar 4 2024 19:12 utc | 48

That's gotta hurt! Lol!

Posted by: nook | Mar 4 2024 19:14 utc | 49

The US House of Representatives impeached President Trump for insurrection. That impeachment by the House should disqualify Trump from holding any office in accordance with the 14th Amendment.

Posted by: Wilikin | Mar 4 2024 18:32 utc | 33

The impeachment doesn’t matter, there was no senate vote to convict.

Impeachment articles in the lower house are not any type of conviction. They are a formalized charge, nothing more.

Without a successful senate vote they are nothing legally.

Posted by: Archetypex | Mar 4 2024 19:20 utc | 50

Anyone who lived in NYC during the late 80’s saw weekly big bold cover stories at every newsstand screaming some outrageous Trump gossip - my all time favorite;

The Best Sex I ever had've_Ever_Had

Posted by: Exile | Mar 4 2024 19:21 utc | 51

The justices did not weigh in on the fraught question of whether Trump engaged in an insurrection by attempting to subvert the 2020 election results or stoking the violence on Jan. 6.

But the high court ruled in an unsigned opinion that only Congress, not the states, can disqualify a presidential candidate under the Constitution’s “insurrection clause.”

So the state Attorney General in Colorado which sought to exclude Trump is a lazy incompetent legal ignoramus? He/She/It should have been able to 'discover' that only Congress can remove a candidate.

Imo, the trumped up charges of "attempting to subvert the 2020 election results & stoking the violence on Jan 6" will collapse just as quickly as this one.

It shouldn't be a crime to challenge an election result and Trump's efforts to do so failed because he couldn't find a court willing to hear the case.

And on Jan 6 his Secret Service detail refused to take him to the Capitol 'for his own safety' thus depriving him of the ability to calm the crowd, if necessary.

Probably irrelevant in USA, but in Oz ALL lending institutions have their own in-house valuer or a trusted hired/preferred valuer. They certainly DO NOT take the word of a valuer they've never heard of. So I think the inflated value "fraud" case will collapse too.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Mar 4 2024 19:28 utc | 52

It's true that elections in the US were run differently in 1860 than they are today. Lincoln got no votes in most slave states, just a few votes in the border states that had slavery.

But the reason wasn't that they deliberately eliminated Lincoln from the ballots. People didn't vote using officially issued ballots. The ballots were produced by the campaigners' organizations. You would vote in a presidential election by signing and submitting the ballot that you got from the campaign of the candidate that you favored. Lincoln got no votes in the Deep South and much of the rest of the South because nobody ordered and distributed Lincoln ballots.

Posted by: Lysias | Mar 4 2024 19:31 utc | 53

as ist may as it could as it be

you never want to see what a zirkon likes you want to see...

Posted by: Macpott | Mar 4 2024 19:32 utc | 54

N Hanrahan @ 26:

Alexei Navalny was imprisoned for violating the terms of his home detention when he failed to return from Germany (after being treated at the Charite Hospital in Berlin) promptly. He apparently spent some time (two weeks?) In Germany after treatment.

His home detention was the sentence imposed after being found guilty of embezzling money from Yves Rocher in (supposedly) delivering their goods to their clients. Incidentally his brother, who worked with him in this scheme of claiming to deliver goods (when they actually got a cheaper contractor to do the work, and kept the difference between what they charged Yves Rocher and the contractor's fee), was jailed while Navalny got off with home detention, eve though both were equally guilty. The judge in charge of the case must have been under some external influence or pressure to treat Alexei Navalny and his brother differently. Maybe govt authorities were anxious not to give Navalny unnecessary Western media attention if he were jailed.

Navalny is not to be compared with Imran Khan who appears to be a genuinely popular politician with the Pakistani voting public. The elites in charge of Pakistan (local and foreign) clearly have no hesitation in ignoring proper legal procedure for getting rid of politicians they don't like.

Posted by: Refinnejenna | Mar 4 2024 19:39 utc | 55

I am beginning to remember taking a hiatus from reading this blog 7-8 years ago…

Why cover the details of a grotesque puppet show? Plenty of more meaningful topics to cover.

Posted by: Rae | Mar 4 2024 19:40 utc | 56

The Colorado Supreme Court decision was 4 - 3 with three separate dissents, all three of which advanced due process arguments against the majority decision. All the opinions were well thought out, and the majority did a good job of laying out the facts of January 6. It was clearly an insurrection within the meaning of the 14th, but the Trumpster had never had his say in a neutral (purportedly) forum. It's a vexed question. I agree with b on the decision, but Trump does deserve removal from the ticket. However, the Democrats should be able to beat him without resorting to lawfare. It' their own fault.

Posted by: Henry | Mar 4 2024 19:40 utc | 57

"Good observation. Putting "opposition" candidates in jail is now pretty common; whether a legit candidate as with Imran Khan (Pakistan) or non-legit quisling like Navalny (Russian Federation). We could look at the long list of candidates in Latin America, opposed by the US empire, in Bolivia, Brasil, etc., prevented from coming into office.

Even if it is temporarily effective, it puts the whole system into disrepute. Most of the time that is un-intended; in a case like Navalny it is actually intended to discredit the current government. Pretty clever, actually, when you think about it.

But yeah, i agree. Banana republic stuff, or worse.

One way to look at all this is the general and systemic failure of more democratic versions of capitalism. The mask is coming off, the curtain has been pulled back, and we're left with the uglyness of fake democracy that fools fewer and fewer people. Which means we're probably going to get the fascistic ones, sooner or later, ... and probably sooner.

Gabriel Rockhill talks about liberal and fascist rule as the "good cop bad cop" of capitalist rule. When the former no longer works, then the latter steps in. The NATO countries may have no "Plan B" for Ukraine, but they sure have a "Plan B" for you and me.

Posted by: N Hanrahan | Mar 4 2024 18:05 utc | 26"

Something I wrote elsehwere:

Note how western politicians and their policies are all incredibly unpopular, but they claim to be acting on a popular mandate. Democracy, as a practical matter, is basically an exercise in passing the buck, in avoiding responsibility.

Everyone in power claims to answer to and derive their authority from someone else, going ultimately back to "the people" who themselves do not directly exercise power, and who would find it difficult to exercise as a collective action problem, even if they had the formal authority to do so. At least in an absolute monarchy or a dictatorship, everyone knows where the buck stops.

What this means is that real power is often in the hands of unelected bureaucrats, who typically don't even want to stand for election because they don't want the voters to know what their programs are, much less to exercise any oversight. Robert Moses is the classic example here.

Even that minimal level of scrutiny is too much for some, and real power is often exercised by people not formally part of any government structure. Corporate lobbyists or Robert Kagan come to mind."

Posted by: Feral Finster | Mar 4 2024 19:44 utc | 58

'The judgment will hopefully help to tone down the shrill voices of the democratic commentators about Donald Trump.' -- b

Hope springs eternal. But Reps (((Jamie Raskin))) and (((Deborah Wasserman-Schultz))) already are drafting a bill which, in line with the court's decision, would have Clowngress bar Trump's candidacy.

Bolsheviks care not for democracy; only for grabbing power by any means necessary -- including slitting throats, if need be. Just ask the Gazans about that.

Posted by: Jim H | Mar 4 2024 19:56 utc | 59

People seem to miss the mark with Trump.
He isn't a white knight coming to save the US Federal government, he is coming to shut it down and reorganize it (aka bankruptcy).
$34 trillion in debt running a $1.5 trillion deficit every year on income of $1.5 trillion? Run the numbers for any business or your own household to see how sustainable this is.
It's beyond saving which is why no competent statesman will stand up to steer the ship of state and we are left with a real estate developer who knows how to guide companies through the bankruptcy process.
No wonder they are trying to put off his Presidency as long as possible.

Posted by: Tom Ernest Weiss | Mar 4 2024 20:02 utc | 60

Posted by: LarryS | Mar 4 2024 17:45 utc | 21
*** Watch for a dark horse to replace Biden at the Democrat Convention in August.
He can award his delegates to whomever he likes.***

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was born in the USA.

Posted by: Cynic | Mar 4 2024 20:03 utc | 61

Why cover the details of a grotesque puppet show? Plenty of more meaningful topics to cover.

Posted by: Rae | Mar 4 2024 19:40 utc | 56

That's actually a good question. On my side, first I find it vastly entertaining, in 2016 the Trump show easily beat out the Oscars and everything else on offer.

But second, you should pay attention to the media-induced mass derangement. I was flabbergasted that a fairly harmless huckster was subject to such a massive media barrage in 2016. If the man said the sky was blue, some rag would come out with a front page comparing him to mustache man.

There's been more of that since.

Posted by: pessoa | Mar 4 2024 20:03 utc | 62

I am an ardent Trump supporter. Not bashful about saying so in any crowd.
Main reason for supporting gim is NOT that he is any great statesman. There are none to be found.
But the DC establishment hates him with a very weird sort of hate I have never seen exhibited towards a President in all my 65 years.
So that's good enough for me. Because I know the elected and appointed pols in DC ate no longer looking out for the best interests of the US, if they ever even did.
If they hate him, that's good enough for me. He must be doing something right.
For my part, I know that things will only get more difficult for the bottom 99% of the world's population until long after something breaks and simultaneously, the shooting starts. Don't know what will be the catalyst, but there will be one.
A sure fire solution would be to enact 8 year term limits and outlaw lobbying.
But that will never happen.

Posted by: Capt Pops | Mar 4 2024 20:06 utc | 63

by V | Mar 4 2024 19:02 utc | 43

What other choice do they have? Maybe none, if the script has already been written. I imagine about now Sunak is saying “I want them to remember why they need us!”

Or, as in rather great British political series from early 90s 'A House of Cards' (no, not that one) antihero Francis Urquhart would claim:

"The great beauty of conscription is that we'll be able to use 18 to 23 year olds to subdue their younger brothers in the inner cities and on those ghastly estates. And then we can think about exporting them. Use the British fighting man to redress the balance of trade."

Posted by: whirlX | Mar 4 2024 20:08 utc | 64

Posted by: Cynic | Mar 4 2024 20:03 utc | 61


I'm not American and I have a better chance of being POTUS than BoJo.

If anyone, it will probably be the Governor of California. He's sufficiently corrupt and vacuous, which is an exceptionally low bar that he passes with flying colors.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Mar 4 2024 20:09 utc | 65

by Cynic | Mar 4 2024 20:03 utc | 61

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was born in the USA.

This one?

Posted by: whirlX | Mar 4 2024 20:13 utc | 66

This one?

Posted by: whirlX | Mar 4 2024 20:13 utc | 66

Last week the commenters at the Daily Mail were harshing on Boris:

Top comment: "Is he there to stop another peace deal"

Posted by: pessoa | Mar 4 2024 20:25 utc | 67

FYI Gov of California Newsome is a nephew of Pelosi.

Posted by: Exile | Mar 4 2024 20:25 utc | 68

Sunak is such a globalist, deep state operative that he now manufacturers domestic crisis in order to the hide the fact the UK, according the German military, is directly involved in a hot war with Russia, via the "secret" RN naval base in Odessa and the manning, targeting and firing of Storm Shadow missiles at Crimea and the RF Black Sea bases........

Sunak is now completely exposed as pushing a direct confrontation with Russia, and the RF will reply in kind and very soon to these attacks if they are not halted. Expect a direct attack on all RN personnel in Odessa, and a severing of the gas pipeline from the mini me PM ready for that state of war?

But at home the cover major crisis in one MP, and a Pro Palestinian one to boot, was selected in a bye election, (even as the IDF slaughter of innocents continues in Gaza every single day)...its all cover for illegal and unauthorized war against Russia in would think they learned something from history about England warring with Russia......does 1848 ring any bells......?? Be careful what you wish for!! Payback is grim!!

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Mar 4 2024 20:26 utc | 69

As we can see the insurrection clause is too much opportunity for abuse to remain. nominally, the people vote the congress in to do their will. It’s too dangerous to let the congress choose who the people can vote for. Also didn’t we see some rep removed from the house this year by the house instead of the people?

Reminds me of the claim that biden doesn’t have to take a test because he’s so obviously capable. As if we’re supposed to forget the purpose of a test.

I know, logic has no place in DC.

Posted by: wahtd | Mar 4 2024 20:30 utc | 70

President Trump is a nationalist and a populist. He could give two chuckles about the fate of Nazi Ukrainian government in Kieve. He is far more concerned with the Texas border than the Donbass border.

This fact drives the globalist, neo con, WEC, GW NWO alliance absolutely mad with rage. Trump not being on board with Orwellian forever wars and global financial and energy manipulation, is just not acceptable to these power and money crazed elists.....

So any and all measures are necessary to guarantee his defeat in November '24 is fair game.....lawfare, global intell setup and false flags, massive US election fraud are all in play because the end justifies the means, preventing DJT from gaining power and removing the US from the one world government scam is prime focus.

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Mar 4 2024 20:37 utc | 71

Tobias Cole | Mar 4 2024 20:26 utc | 69
*** the mini me PM ready for that state of war?***

Yes --- he has a mansion in California.

Posted by: Cynic | Mar 4 2024 20:53 utc | 72

Like in 2016 the presidential elections will be massively rigged / influenced by both parties.

In 2016 the primaries the Democrats worked overtime / had rigged the elections in favour of Hillary Clinton. Otherwise Bernie Sanders would have been the candidate for the Democrats and then Bernie Sanders would have been the president. But in the presidential elections of november 2016 the Republicans had rigged the election in favour of Trump.

Right now the Republicans are working hard behind the scene to rig the election to make sure Trump gets elected in november 2024. And then there is the socalled "Agenda 2025"with which the Republicans are going to turn the USA into a dictatorship with Trump being the dictator. If Trump wins then the november 2024 presidential elections will be the last democratic election the US will have for the forseeable future.

It's clear that Biden has lost his cognitive capabilities and is unfit to be president. Biden - the socalled foreign policy expert - is not in charge when it comes to US foreign policy. Foreign policy is run by one Anthony Blinken and one Jake Sullivan and a few lesser gods.
Even Trump is getting too old to be president. Trump is also showing the first signs of "cognitive decline". E.g. Trump had to skip an election rally and was replced by his wife Melania.

Posted by: WMG | Mar 4 2024 20:55 utc | 73

whirlX | Mar 4 2024 20:13 utc | 66 ...

Yes. Just what the country needs....
Showman as Trump and crooked as Biden.

Posted by: Cynic | Mar 4 2024 20:57 utc | 74

I have this personally reflected over the posibillity that the whole Covid hysteria was a way to set the world "on hold", so that Trump would not make peace with Putin, Iran, North Korea or China or do anything else stupid.

Why would Brix, Fauchi and the rest stay on the scene with him everyday and get humiliated.

Every person in the Trump aganda worked against him, stopped him for doing anything. The one thing they could not prevent was the withdravel of western forces from Afganistan. Even this they twarted, they left everything so it had to be replaced.

But, how did they get the chinees in on it?????

They will never let Trump be president again, not that he should. (Beware of the actor Ramaswary), he is the the number 2 choice if Trump and Biden dies in a Russian false flag attack on the white house.... or anything else they will be able to stage. There will be something.

Posted by: Paul from Norway | Mar 4 2024 20:58 utc | 75

All publicity is good publicity. If some vast looming power behind the throne wanted Trump gone he would be removed from the headlines and in two weeks mention of his name would elicit "Donald Who?" The powers that be are keeping Trump in the news because they still have some use for him.

Do not assume they have a good plan. Do not assume they have good scriptwriters. This shitshow is falling to pieces.

Posted by: oldhippie | Mar 4 2024 21:00 utc | 76

I am voting for Trump because the Democrats have become a highly authoritarian, war mongering party that believes in censorship and the imprisonment of political opponents. They have become the greater of two evils. Fuck em!

I am also interested in how the CIA and FBI will react to Trump if he wins. Will they bring out another lone gunman for the job?

Posted by: Gareth | Mar 4 2024 21:13 utc | 77

Influx of new posters near a Fed election season. Trepidatious "welcome!", I suppose.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Mar 4 2024 21:34 utc | 78

Trump is the neocon choice to lead their new wars against China and Iran from 2025 onwards.

Posted by: Ghan-buri-Ghan | Mar 4 2024 21:38 utc | 79

If Trump condemned the genocide in Gaza, I would vote for him. But he hasn't, and I don't expect he will. So I'm voting for Jill Stein, who has condemned the genocide.

Posted by: Lysias | Mar 4 2024 21:39 utc | 80

Trump has long employed private security. Which may be what has protected him up to now.

JFK didn't. He relied on the Secret Service, who failed him.

RFK did have private security, but that didn't stop his assassination. Indeed, the shooter who got him may well have been private security. Maybe Trump has done a better job of hiring security.

Posted by: Lysias | Mar 4 2024 21:46 utc | 81

Posted by: pessoa | Mar 4 2024 17:09 utc | 9

Spy Magazine was actually pretty funny. I liked their pranks. In one of them, they set up a storefront in a popular shopping mall's food court they called "Bunny Burger" which purported to sell hamburgers made from rabbit/bunny meat. Lots of people freaked out.

Here's the TV version:

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 4 2024 21:48 utc | 82

Actual fascists are never the majority of the population. If the population turns against the fascists then they have no choice but to lay low until another campaign to boost their image larger than life can be organized by the presstitution industry.

Posted by: William Gruff | Mar 4 2024 18:59 utc | 40

An un- elected primeminister critizing an elected MP.
Well the Riski Sunak clip above show the facist at work: They, (Galloway internal, and Putin/Hamaz, external), are our enemies, I have instructed the police!!

Full media control, full cencorship, full control over the Courts (Assange), fully controlled by the big money. Working not for the people but for their own elite's interests.

Facism has many faces:
Mussolini (roman empire),
Franco (catholism- not marxs and workers rigths),
Hitler/ etnofacism- Nazi,
Nethanyao Etnofacism- Zionism.
Nato- we are the only one's that are entitled to anything, rules based order, we do what we like, our system is best, democracy, human rigths, gender, militarism- not law based order but rules bassed order: NATOISM

What is this but facism?

Posted by: Paul from Norway | Mar 4 2024 21:50 utc | 83

Posted by: Gareth | Mar 4 2024 21:13 utc | 77

The sad thing is that Trump has made similar promises for political opponents, mostly deep state but not all, regarding imprisoning and otherwise persecuting them. Trump isn't going to dispose of the new surveillance and censorship authorities and tools that the Dem Deep State inherited from Bush and Obama then put on steroids. IOW, I seriously doubt Trump will become an advocate or practitioner of government transparency, freedom of speech/thought, or anything like that.

Like Lysias, I'm voting for Jill Stein because I live in a solidly red state anyway, and Trump will almost certainly win all the electoral votes here. Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, assassinated Soleimani and indicted Assange. He's never going to get my vote for those reasons alone.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 4 2024 21:51 utc | 84

Posted by: N Hanrahan | Mar 4 2024 18:05 utc | 26

Navalny? LOL he's a huckster non-factor in Russian politics. A CIA asset manipulated by Langley and pumped up by western media and liberal EU-aspirant Russian civilians who number a tiny portion of the population. He was involved in corrupt racketeering while posing (and in one minor case delivering) as a corruption fighter. He was a phony.

And what about Julian Assange, Bradley/Chelsea Manning, Snowden, etc.? Eugene Debs? The US has ruthlessly pursued political opponents for the last 100+ years.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 4 2024 21:57 utc | 85

malenkov | Mar 4 2024 18:28 utc | 32
… “Russia imprisoned Navalny §§§ U$ prosecuted Trump…
he was imprisoned [prosecuted] for financial shenanigans, not for being political opposition.
MSM. What Russia did to Navalny is bad because they are evildoers.
What U$ is doing to Trump is virtuous because U$ is the bestest most democratic country in the whole entire universe.

Posted by: Melaleuca | Mar 4 2024 22:01 utc | 86

Now the Supremes should revisit and overturn Citizens United, otherwise elections are meaningless with mainly big donors determining the outcome.

Posted by: norecovery | Mar 4 2024 22:03 utc | 87

21 LarryS. The suburbia Dems do rather like Nukki, could possibly find a way to get her in? And she's a genocider, too. I may be imagining there's something going on behind her refusal to leave the race.

Posted by: Lavieja | Mar 4 2024 22:06 utc | 88

He is not saint Trump.
However, he could be an example of what I call the Becket effect.
Thomas à Becket
You are suddenly put in a position of great historical significance.
And you decide to “step up to the plate”.
My observation is that even he did not expect the public outpouring he has/is getting since the 2020 election.
He has become the icon of the US resistance.
It is bigger than him.
Is Trump leading the movement or being drug along, willingly?
Regardless, he has chosen to pick up the flag and run with the charge.
Nothing in his next administration will reflect his previous.
That is why they are scared to death of him.
I am sure there is some revenge mixed in there.

Posted by: GEORGE M CHAMBERLAIN | Mar 4 2024 22:17 utc | 89

Great article - I think we need more of these positive news stories amongst all the dire doom and gloom. I know I have had a gutful of it.

And judging by the comments I think it’s obvious almost all the Barflies know what time it is

Yes, that’s right.

It’s time to get on the Trump 🚂💨 Train

All aboard… toot toot

Posted by: DrWho | Mar 4 2024 22:22 utc | 90

oldhippie | Mar 4 2024 21:00 utc | 76

Yes, I agree. I think the only reason Trump got in the first time is because "someone up there" thought it would be better than having Clinton in there; if for no other reason than to keep the mob at each others' throats.

Posted by: robjira | Mar 4 2024 22:27 utc | 91

@ Echo chamber (20)

"There are only 4 million Muslims in the UK out of a population of roughly 65 million and over 70% of the people marching for peace in Palestine are White christians."

What chris? England hasn't been Chris since the 1930s and hasn't been prod since the 1850s. Could you mean 'seculars'?

Posted by: Squeeth | Mar 4 2024 22:31 utc | 92

Benny Johnson, political commentator, has a 13m snip raising an eyebrow and questions that HRC and Newsom are a ticket.
HRC has wanted to be the First Female President of the U$A since she was 10.

Team Obama want Michael, because that gives them a “fourth” term.
Problem. Michael don want the trouble of being prez.
HRC wants it. Bad.

Posted by: Melaleuca | Mar 4 2024 22:39 utc | 93

Seating this one out.

US pantomime.
National Interest will win either way.
Big L’s for anyone who believes they live in a honest democracy.
You’ve got Half Year more of this!


Posted by: DunGroanin | Mar 4 2024 22:41 utc | 94

"What you are commenting on, IOW, is pure theater. This is not a win for the FED-averse nor the true-believers who want no power flowing from the states. This is a nothing-burger.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Mar 4 2024 17:12 utc | 11".

It's a win for the Constitution. It's a loss for wef stalking horse neocon Nikki Haley.

Luongo has an interesting take. Opens the door for Tulsi Gabbard as veep.

Posted by: Mary | Mar 4 2024 22:42 utc | 95

“The United States is…a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.” -Julius Nyerere, first President of Tanzania

Posted by: Gengar | Mar 4 2024 22:43 utc | 96

"The US House of Representatives impeached President Trump for insurrection. That impeachment by the House should disqualify Trump from holding any office in accordance with the 14th Amendment.

Posted by: Wilikin | Mar 4 2024 18:32 utc | 33"

Really? Impeachment does not equal conviction in a court of law.

Trump has never been tried for insurrection in a court of law. Don't hold your breath waiting for charges to be brought. Too much exculpatory evidence.

Congress needs a 2/3s vote to remove anyone.

Posted by: Mary | Mar 4 2024 22:59 utc | 97

The US House of Representatives impeached President Trump for insurrection. That impeachment by the House should disqualify Trump from holding any office in accordance with the 14th Amendment.
Posted by: Wilikin | Mar 4 2024 18:32 utc | 33

Not a successful one, no conviction by the senate, sounds like you don't even understand the impeachment process.

Posted by: knighthawk | Mar 4 2024 23:03 utc | 98

This entire CO case was never serious, even CO knew it would be immediately struck down, which is why they stay'd their own ruling when issuing it, it existed for media fanfare, and just block and tackle lawfare distraction\money draining purposes. Anyway it's done, and ruling was extensive enough that it kills the IL and ME me-too-attempts as well.

Posted by: knighthawk | Mar 4 2024 23:06 utc | 99

@ Melaleuca | Mar 4 2024 22:39 utc | 93

If Newsom values his life, he’ll play second fidfle to Killary and not vice versa…

Posted by: malenkov | Mar 4 2024 23:06 utc | 100

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