Open (Neither Ukraine Nor Palestine) Thread 2024-084
News & views (not related to the wars in Ukraine and Palestine) ...
Posted by b on March 20, 2024 at 13:35 UTC | Permalink
next page »There are frequent derogatory references to “the Left” on this site, and practically everywhere else, most of which don’t describe what I understand to be Leftist. Instead, these posters are really slagging the whole culturally Woke phenomenon, sometimes with good reason. While I may have sympathy for some of their ideas, their manifestation as a movement is stifling thought and dialogue and keeping people who likely have common cause separated.
Anyway, I stumbled upon The Michael Parenti Collection on Spotify the other day and wanted to recommend it to other barflies. Parenti is authentically left. Go have a listen to some of his lectures. In addition to being brilliant, they are funny, which I place a high value on.
Posted by: KMRIA | Mar 20 2024 14:07 utc | 2
Two out of five comments, Canadian content. A bit much, but here goes:
Just announced:
“The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that the Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, will visit Montréal, Quebec, and Toronto, Ontario, on March 24 and 25, 2024.
As NATO Allies and steadfast partners, the visit will be an opportunity to deepen the friendship between Canada and Greece.
During the visit, Prime Minister Trudeau and Prime Minister Mitsotakis will advance co-operation in shared interests, including trade and investment, climate action, and creating good, middle-class jobs. The leaders will also explore ways to tackle regional and global challenges, like supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s unprovoked war, defending the rules-based international order, and promoting democracy around the world.
Prime Minister Mitsotakis’ visit will build on the close relationship between Canada and Greece, built on common values and the close ties between our people.”
Defence analyst and former Canadian Armed Forces member, Mike Mihajlovic, posts about disabled Abrams. The first comment, from a Brazilian (flagged Brazilian anyway):
“Honest takeaway out of this: @mod_russia should - whenever it is doable - tow as much Abramses as possible behind in order to send them all back to Moscow & pile all them up in front of US embassy there. The very same should apply to other countries' tanks as well.
To which MM replies:
“That would be ok but for now, there is really no need to risk soldiers and equipment to try to move the tank. Eventually many will stay at the front line and once when the front moves west they can do at. For now, it is more important to destroy & disable as many as possible and keep trophies for later.”
I should post something in French. (#CanadianContent) A story about red pandas and other zoo animals, at a Québécois zoo on the solar eclipse. There.
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Mar 20 2024 14:34 utc | 3
Thanks b. I have been generating an itch over the months as to why we are allowed such latitude here.. I do feel that us ‘frogs’ are being pushed to boiling point on this fabulous site as The Great Narrative Wars on MoA in 2024 reach the culmination point.
Aka, The Sock Puppets Last Croak!
I’ll keep pondering along with whoever’s genuine voice and seeker of sense that sups at this oasis. Though the bar has many a shady character, who will always cheat at an honest game of poker and start a row to cover their Narrative Tracks.
Europe is being set on the tried and trusted course of conscription and body bags , sacrifice and hate, for the next generation’s to remember and rise again!
The future population requires children who can grow up knowing of some father, uncle/aunt, who lost their lives , minds or limbs in this coming futile escapade.
Futile because there is no prospect for Victory; it is being done just to prepare the Future Narratives of yet unborn ‘Westerners’. Many being diaspora’d in as migrants, because it will be their lands that will be invaded and they are needed to provide the shapeshifters cover.
It took a mere two generations to go from hating Germans and Japanese in the British Psyche, using cultural weapons as potents as any religious fear ever invented - to having memory holed that hatred , now we are partners! Nazis are good, Red Armt that beat the Nazis are bad! Orwell didn’t write warnings he wrote text books to follow. As did previous propagandists going back centuries. From the Bible to Marx to the Woke/Transhumanism/CarbonMalthusian dystopic pseudo sciences of today.
With the forced withdrawals of the 5+1 Eyes, from Africa looming daily larger and the intransigence by some South Americans, South East Asia, the ancient West and East Asians ( discounting the compromised SubContinent ) to kowtow to their old occupiers.
The sheepdogs of the ‘Left’ (so called ‘Socialists’) have been set off to make their great run - meanwhile the sheepdogs of the ‘Right’ are in place (mainstream media personality Morgan/Carlson) ready to bring the whole Red/Brown bridged masses to their willing slaughter of thousands of our ‘citizens serfs’.
The current, now middle aged, generation tasting bitter ashes on their tongues, having been raised to feast on the Great Prize Carcass of The Russian Federation , are to be punished by Our Masters, to sacrifice our children, as scapegoats, for us having failed to finally deliver their ages long desire.
Lord ‘call me Dave’ Cameroon , his bum chums, BozotheCloon, Macaroon , Sholtroon, fag hags, Bareback, Kallas and co and every unelected ‘leader’ Layen Nazi and Jungle Joseph, Stoolberg, Fascist ZionaziShits each and everyone for generations of their families, now running around the world spinning the plates of War.
Whilst they genocide Gaza as they did Guernica as a preparation of that famous last Fascist World War. Which was an existential Great Patriotic War by the actual target of the Fascists of the West.
Prepare for the madness and blood lust and say goodbye to your teenagers and twenty somethings; who have been raised to have no prospects, but join up in some self delusional Great Cause! On behalf of their ancient OverLords.
I know we are being escalated BECAUSE yesterday the first shout of an ANTI-WAR campaign in preparation for the coming General Elections was raised! It’s back to the future of 2002.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Mar 20 2024 15:01 utc | 4
"I know we are being escalated BECAUSE yesterday the first shout of an ANTI-WAR campaign in preparation for the coming General Elections was raised! It’s back to the future of 2002."
Pray tell / reference?
One of the great things about the great European Farmers’ revolt is its relentless character.Hardly a day passes by without some group of hard working people from some European country getting in the face of authorities, media and society with their urgent plight.
Long gone are the days when the MSM tried so hard to present the agricultural fight as mere ‘demands for more subsidy’.
Today everyone understands that the escalating protests are against the failed, crippling EU environmental regulations that threaten the very existence of the food producers.
In the case of the Polish farmers there is another specific demand against cheap, unregulated food imports from neighboring Ukraine.
After the epic general strike about two weeks ago, the Polish farmers are out in force again, this time not concentrated as an army, but peppered around the country in around 600 different protests.The farmers again blocked roads with tractors and flares, and took their message to the whole wide world.
Reuters reported:
“Placards depicted a farmer swinging from a gallows next to wind farms and an EU-emblazoned executioner with the words: ‘Green Deal equals death of Polish agriculture’.”
I know we are being escalated BECAUSE yesterday the first shout of an ANTI-WAR campaign in preparation for the coming General Elections was raised! It’s back to the future of 2002."
Pray tell / reference?
Posted by: Scorpion | Mar 20 2024 15:14 utc | 5
I believe DunGroanin was referring to the mammoth anti-war protests again the Iraq that took place in Europe and elsewhere in 2002 before the 2003 war.
It did no good than, and probably won't now.
There are frequent derogatory references to “the Left” on this site, and practically everywhere else, most of which don’t describe what I understand to be Leftist. Instead, these posters are really slagging the whole culturally Woke phenomenon, sometimes with good reason. While I may have sympathy for some of their ideas, their manifestation as a movement is stifling thought and dialogue and keeping people who likely have common cause separated.
Anyway, I stumbled upon The Michael Parenti Collection on Spotify the other day and wanted to recommend it to other barflies. Parenti is authentically left. Go have a listen to some of his lectures. In addition to being brilliant, they are funny, which I place a high value on.
Posted by: KMRIA | Mar 20 2024 14:07 utc | 2
Not to worry, K. There are a good number of barflies who can see through the imperial propaganda that has convinced the ignorant that the "left" is only concerned with promoting idpol to divide the wage slaves against themselves, trans rights, promoting imperialist war, promoting Zionist genocide of Palestinians and enriching woke billionaires at the expense of the broad masses.
Parenti was helpful in my political development. I remember him fondly, but in the current era, what is required is a return to Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and the victory of the Bolsheviks. We are now in an era of open class warfare. All new wars begin with a return to what was most effective in the last. That's true for politics as well.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 20 2024 15:53 utc | 8
@Posted by: KMRIA | Mar 20 2024 14:07 utc | 2
There are so few actual real prominent leftists, such as Michael Parenti. The rest are the co-opted, careerist bourgeois "critical" theorists that Garbreil Rockhill has done so well to detail. A none historical materialist (i.e. anti-communist) "left" substantially built and supported by the Western states in the post-WW2 period and pushed even harder after the class-based Occupy Wall Street movement was crushed. Butler, Zizek, AOC are great examples, but there are so many of them.
On another note, Naked Capitalism had another great piece about how private equity is devouring the US and as Hudson has so well identified massively increases the basic costs of living in the US. This time price-fixing the rental housing market. They are also eating deeper and deeper into the already insanely costly US sick care system.
“The Algorithm Told Me to Do It”: More Price Fixing in US Rental Market
@Posted by: Roger | Mar 20 2024 16:00 utc | 9
Extractive capitalism is a cancer that is devouring the power base of the US, private equity is only its worst manifestation.
Problem statement: robots don't tire and they can keep coming at you with arguments for or against a point (regardless if the arguments are good or not), until you either change your mind or tire out.
Solutions? At the very least, how do you detect if a voice on Internet is a robot or not? Keep in mind there is more to this robot-on-human interaction than just merely getting the mark to change their mind. You might instead want the mark to burn-out and give up on politics.
Posted by: rert | Mar 20 2024 16:05 utc | 11
A creative interpretation of a TASS post conveying the words of Putin: what if… Belgorod Region was like also BR which would be Brazil? And what if “regions bordering Ukraine” were also something like Mexico, Cuba??
It’s just that, if that double meaning was in effect, Putin would be making some very strong (admittedly, concealed) statements, that’s all.
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Mar 20 2024 16:10 utc | 12
"Parenti was helpful in my political development. I remember him fondly, but in the current era, what is required is a return to Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and the victory of the Bolsheviks. We are now in an era of open class warfare. All new wars begin with a return to what was most effective in the last. That's true for politics as well.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 20 2024 15:53 utc | 8
With all due respect the "Bolshevik Revolution" was financed by Wall Street magnate Jacob Schiff who put up $20 MM dollars towards the event; The City also sent money for the Revolution.
Re: Geopolitics/The Existential Threat Facing Humanity
First step in any problem solving situation involves: Defining/understanding the problem. Towards that end, I suggest the following as part of a definition:
Contrary to popular views - humanity is definitely, naturally designed to follow an evolutionary trajectory. This is as natural as the four seasons. Due to our ignorance, we the people of the west are very divided. Our two hands are constantly fighting each other. Apparently a few families have been western ruling elites for centuries- who intentionally keep us divided - to help them cling to power. Perhaps a strategy of "Divide, distract & conquer" is their favorite & historically their most effective. Perhaps they have managed to blackmail, bribe or honeytrap 99% of the people they & their minions have targeted. If so, it seems that they must be freaking out these days - as their old world falls apart - old tried & true solutions working less & less, more whistleblowers, more clairvoyant people who see thru them & the Big Lies of their minions.
So, clearly one hand wants to cooperate respectfully with others and work for the greater good of the whole, like members of an educated, loving, very functional family - with justice, truth, freedom, prosperity & peace for all. It has developed systems that are good for everyone & is leading the way.
The other hand is very twisted, devolutionary and is having none of that. It wants to rule the other hand & thinks endless wars/violence, big lies, with many dirty tricks is the only way to proceed --- that ridiculous, neurotic, hellish chaos is fun. It can be compared to a cancerous tumor that's making the whole body sick. Those who are driving the: US/UK/NATO/Ukraine/Israel have been behaving like barbarians.
"The first philosophical element of BRICS is: the world is multi-polar, the game is non-zero sum, and the means are mutual understanding and cooperation....
The second philosophical element... is to work through international bodies like the UNO, rather than through mechanisms of a particular nation or group of nations.... The third philosophical element of BRICS is gradualism and incremental change. BRICS abhors hasty action, or any change wrought by violence, impinging on a country’s independence and sovereignty."
The Philosophy of the BRICS, Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra, Apr 2013The clamoring of the ignorant ones does not hinder
construction by the new people.
They who know, conquer.
The TeacherEvolution ever climbing after some ideal good
And Reversion ever dragging Evolution in the mud.
Alfred Tennyson
If men understood the plan of evolution, instead of working each for his own personal ends they would all join together as a community and work harmoniously for the good of all with mutual tolerance and forbearance. It is obvious that if this were done all of these evils... could very shortly be removed.
C.W. LeadbeaterWe must embrace international cooperation or international disintegration. Science has taught us how to put the atom to work. But to make it work for good instead of for evil lies in the domain dealing with the principles of human dignity. We are now facing a problem more of ethics than of physics.
Bernard BaruchTogether we shall save our planet, or together we shall perish in its flames. Save it we can — and save it we must — and then shall we earn the eternal thanks of mankind and, as peacemakers, the eternal blessing of God.
John F. KennedyForces which act against each other are mutually destroyed. Forces which act along parallel lines in the same direction manifest the sum of these energies, and forces which act separately are weakened, according to the angle of their divergency.... This fundamental law of physics is also a fundamental law of cooperation.
The Teacher (as quoted by Helena Roerich)
Honorable men & women do not support habitual liars, nor do they barbarians who think genocide, endless war, & big lies are ok. Honorable women & men do what they can to get the ship on an even keel.
Posted by: Toby C | Mar 20 2024 16:14 utc | 14
And now for something completely different: a ~2022 TASS interview of the CEO of the Bolshoi Theater.
Posted by: David Levin | Mar 20 2024 16:19 utc | 15
Pepe Escobar re-Tweeted a post by Simplicius:
“A representative of the Deutsches Freiwilligkorps (German Volunteer Corps) said on the group's official page that a pan-German and pro-Ukrainian unit is fighting in the Belgorod region against Russian border guards and ground forces.”
(Seriously?!? I know this belongs Ukraine but I’m wondering about the Battle of the Atlantic right now. … seriously?!?)
Last word to Jens Stoltenberg (then I’m done for the day ):
“Good to meet @President_Arm Khachaturyan & PM @NikolPashinyan in Yerevan. I look forward to strengthening #NATO's partnership with #Armenia. Peace & stability in the South Caucasus matters to security more broadly; I encourage 🇦🇲 & 🇦🇿 to seize the opportunity for enduring peace.”
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Mar 20 2024 16:24 utc | 16
Published this late last night, "Dedollarization Update: BRICS+ & EAEU". Also, two of China's top SCO people are currently in Moscow. There's a great deal of happenings happening.
"...the "Bolshevik Revolution" was financed by Wall Street magnate Jacob Schiff who put up $20 MM dollars towards the event; The City also sent money for the Revolution." canuck@ 13
This is utter nonsense, part of a mythology invented by White Russian emigres and taken up by Nazis in order to promote their cause which, while purporting to criticise capitalism, in fact was the most extreme defence of that system ever mounted.
At the core of this drivel is the anti semitic lie that Jews form a bridge between financiers and communists.
I would not normally bother to contradict this sort of stupidity but this thread began with a discussion of trolls and bots working (or auditioning) for the ruling class and 'canuck' is a prime example of this evolving parody of humanity.
The purpose of 'canuck''s constant re-iteration of antique antisemitic conspiracy theories is to derail discussion and debate among honest and sincere readers genuinely looking for enlightenment and therefore enlightening others. As to his motives they are irrelevant what they add up to is a series of interruptions designed to prevent the community here from reaching a consensus on how to respond to political challenges.
In that respect 'canuck's' motives are very clear: he believes in cyclical historical movement, providentially dispensed in which umanity is incapable of self government and fated to rely on 'leaders' ambitious for power and wealth to take them by the scruff of the neck and tell them what to do. In a word canuck is a fascist looking for work.
Posted by: bevin | Mar 20 2024 16:37 utc | 18
Don't believe the Hype.
Bank of Japan’s rate rise is not a sign of a radical policy shift.
Those that think it is ( the usual suspects ) want to maintain the globalist single currency via the dirty peg they all want but daren’t say in public.
This is consistent with this view. Government money (bonds) should float against the virtual single currency. Which is yet another fixed exchange rate inconsistency.
For example :
Why do those people who agitate for a fixed exchange rate between currencies also advocate for a floating rate between government bonds and the currency?
If a move between bonds and currency needs to be discouraged by a floating rate, then why doesn’t a move between a local currency and a foreign currency need to be discouraged by a floating rate?
If the Euro is such a great idea across such a wide area, why aren’t Eurozone government bonds payable at par on demand at any bank in the Eurozone?
After all they are just household and businesses unspent savings.
Most barflies already know the answer to that. Which is ever since the Berlin Wall was put on wheels, the US rules based order, fully supported by the EU is all about control and bullying.
Just like the Truss budget they want to create this mirage that reinforces the myth that the markets are in charge when quite clearly they aren't.
They need this myth and mirage to remain to prevent any real change from happening. Thus, why the Usual suspects were out in force pointing at Japan screaming " look, look , the markets are in charge "
Don't fall for it !
Posted by: Echo Chamber | Mar 20 2024 16:48 utc | 19
@ Scorpion, Canuck, KMRIA … others
You asked Scorpion, I know only a little bit more but it isn’t yet in the public domain and I don’t want to risk compromising how I know. But this should help explain much I hope.
Start here - the controlled Marxists. Just one of the many controlled groups of the Crown for generations.
They used to call themselves Militant - an agitprop unit within the postwar Labour Party that did much to poison the minds of real Labour voters from the Bottom up, and let Maggie in by allowing the supporters to march to Murdochs Prurient RedTop rag and satellite TV capture of their eyeballs with capture of the tribal religion of football; whilst the quisling leadership of the post Wilson Labour Party did their best to destroy its reputation from the Top and split the party with the SDP breakaway group.
Interesting times we lived through in these Very British Coup years.
You may or may not choose to note how the tone of the fake socialists, but very real Marxists - changes from us the peoples to the evil Russians and Chinese.
I’ll point some of it out, it is how wormtonguery works:
‘the Putin regime, which has sought to widen its authority and influence in the so-called ‘Global South’. As part of its new alignment with China, which is now tacitly supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Moscow and Beijing falsely project themselves as being on the side of the oppressed everywhere, including the Palestinians.’
‘below the surface, opposition to Putin’s regime is developing. The response to opposition figures’ calls last weekend for voters to show up and cast their ballots, at the same time, as a show of rejection of Putin’s foregone re-election, reportedly involved some thousands. How and when a serious, sustained struggle against Putin’s rule develops and becomes a more powerful social revolt, is unclear, at this stage. Working class leadership and socialist policies will be key to the success of such a movement.’
‘demands for peace can grow in Russia..’
‘ Should the situation on the battlefield begin to turn against Russian forces or is bogged down still further, the mood in Russia can begin to change significantly, and Putin can be forced to cease the Russian military campaign. At a certain stage, Putin can face the prospect of being removed or overthrown. The character of the regime that would replace Putin is also uncertain and depends on how the war and events unfold.’
‘As we enter the third year of mass slaughter in Ukraine, it is clear more than ever that the working classes of Ukraine and Russia and the region need their own independent voice. Zelensky and Putin both lead right-wing nationalist regimes dominated by oligarchs. Neither acts in the interests of working-class people, yet the labouring masses are expected to be the endless cannon fodder for the war.’
The capture of Stop The War which was at one time a real grassroots movement was complete by 2002- which along with the captured Daily Mirror by ZionKing Maxwell and his Mossad capos being handed to arch Murdoch wonderboy big hitter Piers Morgan - basically was the point that all hope was demolished of a return to a postwar social contract.
From 70’s to 00’s the Trente Glorious were buried and forgotten and a return to never ending war started with the aim of finally gaining EurAsia and the whole global south.
As I say this is not the first time I am seeing such a setting off on a wild goose chase to restore Public Services and Protest against Austerity and War - which has always ended up doing the opposite.
This time they have even been able to salt the ground with the gold of Galloway’s ‘protest vote’ win against Zionazis mass murder in Gaza.
Are you going to buy the daily Narratives as they escalate not just in the USA but here in the U.K. and across Europe and the controlled Collective Waste?
I’m not.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Mar 20 2024 16:49 utc | 20
The mania that if I don't like garlic soup then garlic soup is anti-Buddhist is already tiring at this point in the film.
In the time of Benjamin of Tudela, the bulk of Judaism was Persian and Sephardic and, however, centuries later 90% would be the Yiddish people.
The Yiddish people prospered demographically by finding a niche in Poland-Ukraine-Lithuania-Belarus:
A) Catholic Aristocracy
B) Yiddish people
C) Christian Peasantry earthly
paradise for A and B; hell for C until "the Deluge" came
and that's where the animosity towards Russia comes from
Posted by: Simon | Mar 20 2024 16:55 utc | 21
A historian passed by this bar and explains it better than i can. But since the ignorance is so great, i summarize:
part of the Yiddish people entered (1917-) to be part of the Bolshevik ruling class, another part went to America and triumphed there, and another part, a group of terrorists and fascist fanatics founded (1917-) "our colonial project" (Vladimir Jabotinsky)
Posted by: Simon | Mar 20 2024 17:05 utc | 22
Posted by: bevin | Mar 20 2024 16:37 utc | 18
"In a word canuck is a fascist looking for work."
Who turns himself inside out on a daily basis trying to suggest otherwise, by consistently grovelling to the group. Showing appalling signs of GROUPTHINK behaviour.
It was so obvious from the get go surely ?
Having said that, free speech is a good thing and should always be supported. I quite frankly love his posts. The more he talks the more absurd he becomes wrapped in hypocrisy.
For sheer entertainment value alone, he should be kept as a pet. He always cheers up my day.
Posted by: Echo Chamber | Mar 20 2024 17:13 utc | 23
Today everyone understands that the escalating protests are against the failed, crippling EU environmental regulations that threaten the very existence of the food producers.
Posted by: Scorpion | Mar 20 2024 15:44 utc | 6
of course Americans forget, if they ever knew, that European agriculture would not have survived, if it weren't for EU subsidies. Why should an American living in Mexico know anything about what happens in Europe (citing with approval s.o. else's remark)?
Posted by: laguerre | Mar 20 2024 17:13 utc | 24
"of course Americans forget, if they ever knew, that European agriculture would not have survived, if it weren't for EU subsidies."
Posted by: laguerre | Mar 20 2024 17:13 utc | 24
Bingo ! Nail on head !
Neocolonialism and the Unholy Trinity
The transcript of the episode is very, very good.
Posted by: Echo Chamber | Mar 20 2024 17:19 utc | 25
Anybody here actually live in Russia ?
What is your breakdown of the Russian national debt. Who actually holds Russian bonds ?
Most countries produce a chart showing who actually holds the national debt as savings.
For example in the UK you get something like this
What's Russia's breakdown ?
Thanks in advance.
Posted by: Echo Chamber | Mar 20 2024 17:38 utc | 26
..."the "Bolshevik Revolution" was financed by Wall Street magnate Jacob Schiff who put up $20 MM dollars towards the event; The City also sent money for the Revolution." canuck@ 13
"This is utter nonsense, part of a mythology invented by White Russian emigres and taken up by Nazis in order to promote their cause which, while purporting to criticise capitalism, in fact was the most extreme defense of that system ever mounted.
At the core of this drivel is the anti semitic lie that Jews form a bridge between financiers and communists."
Posted by: bevin | Mar 20 2024 16:37 utc | 18
I am flabbergasted.
Almost one hundred years later (1917-2014) the main antagonists in 1917 , UK and USA, are financing, financed the Maiden Putsch in 2014 s they did in 2017. One was for Leftist, one was for Nazi; both were for power and to take over, break up Russia. Ideology, like religion, is but a flimsy cloak to disguise the drive for power.
Works well for the Elite as Leftist and Rightists , for lack of a better word, are arguing with each other on this blog as well all over the world is but Kabuki theatre as the Elite divide and conquer, then rape and pillage us Serfs.
Schiff's contributions are well documented I don't think though he bought any cookies like Nuland did in 2014 in Kiev.
I'll go as far as to say they were 4 major invasions of Russia sine the Mongols: 1709 Charles XII
1812 Napoleon
1917 Wall Street and the City
1941 Nazi Germany
The United States currently has no plans to deploy an intervention force to Haiti. It has been done before like the action in 2004 with a deployment of 1,000 Marines followed by handing over responsibilities to a UN peacekeeping force. The neglect this time raises questions for me about possible malign intentions.
My theory goes this way. The ongoing turmoil in Haiti will lead to a surge in Haitians attempting to flee to Florida by sea. A large number will flee as long as the Coast Guard is ordered to back off and stop repatriations at mid-sea. Given Haiti's Temporary Protected Status, which prevents deportations back to Haiti once Haitians land in the US, the arrival of significant numbers of Haitians in Florida would be a big logistical challenge. Florida state patrols to try to control where Haitian boats dock will probably lead to the capsizing of a boat. If Florida patrol boats contribute to a situation that ends in a mass drowning, the media and Democrats would be able to use the incident for a big narrative showing white supremacy is alive and well in the United States in 2024. So I think the absence of a US intervention force in Haiti might be someone's complex multi-sequence plan in the White House to show America is racist.
Posted by: oterobots | Mar 20 2024 17:45 utc | 28
Rpply to Bruised Northerner | Mar 20 2024 14:02 utc | 1
Here is the machine translation of the small video with Lula da Silva jogging in the morning.
I'm arriving at Palácio da Alvorada after a good walk. I would like to invite you to walk, do a little exercise, don't sit still on the couch, don't sit for too long, because that's worth a doctor's appointment. If you do a little exercise every day, move around, move your legs, your arms and even run a little if you have the physical strength to do so, because that's worth a check-up; If you take care of yourself, it's an invitation I make to all of you who want to live healthily; who want to live, who want to enjoy life a little more, reach 120 years old as I intend to reach, you will only reach it if you do a lot of exercise. Have a good day. Good morning to you and a good day to Brazil.
Posted by: Antonio Ferrao | Mar 20 2024 17:49 utc | 29
It is amazing they actually get away with calling it the national debt. Orwell would be spinning in his grave.
When it is really in the main national savings.
Posted by: Echo Chamber | Mar 20 2024 17:53 utc | 30
It is amazing they actually get away with calling it the national debt. Orwell would be spinning in his grave.When it is really in the main national savings.
Posted by: Echo Chamber | Mar 20 2024 17:53 utc | 31
If the bonds are owned by people within the country, you could (kinda) call it national savings, yes.
But that's like Keynes' facile argument "we only owe it to ourselves" - the debt is fiat currency and has to be paid back, and not usually by the people who benefitted from the spending.
Government debt loads up debt on the shoulders of future generations for the consumption spending of people today.
It's highly immoral.
Posted by: Observer | Mar 20 2024 18:13 utc | 31
I am flabbergasted.Posted by: canuck | Mar 20 2024 17:42 utc | 28
When they can't debate you on facts, they resort to slurs.
I'm always amused how the far-Left are so ready to sling around the term "fascism" as an insult. It's like Ted Bundy dismissing someone as a "murderer".
As appalling as fascism is, its death counts pale in comparison to communists'.
Note: not that I'm calling you a fascist, I hasten to add.
Posted by: Observer | Mar 20 2024 18:19 utc | 32
Could b or some barfly here with military background interpret the following DoD documents? The concert I have are implications and applicability to the US role in Gaza civilian deaths and the exemption of 5210.56 from CHM&R, e.g. is the exemption a green light for military police in domestic US operations?
DoD Directive 5210.56, “Carrying of Firearms and the Use of Force by
DoD Personnel Engaged in Security, Law and Order, or
Counterintelligence Activities,” April 1, 2011
I just hear someone argue the CHM&R update was what triggered the self immolation of the Air Force Intel officer
Posted by: bill wolfe | Mar 20 2024 19:00 utc | 33
Sorry I forgot to provide link on second DoD document:
Posted by: bill wolfe | Mar 20 2024 19:02 utc | 34
@ Posted by: Observer | Mar 20 2024 18:13 utc | 32
“ Government debt loads up debt on the shoulders of future generations for the consumption spending of people today.
It's highly immoral.”
Oh ffs why are you shilling government funds being the same as an individual or businesses funds?
Maggies purse is rotted in the ground as much as her by now. But some insist on digging her up and making her zombie walk.
Here read this and learn. It’s been normal procedure since C17th!
The Professor states FACTS. Learn.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Mar 20 2024 19:28 utc | 35
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Mar 20 2024 14:34 utc | 3
As a Canadian of Greek descent, I am embarrassed by the state of both vassal nations :(
Posted by: Chris N | Mar 20 2024 19:33 utc | 36
I am flabbergasted.
Almost one hundred years later (1917-2014) the main antagonists in 1917 , UK and USA, are financing, financed the Maiden Putsch in 2014 s they did in 2017. One was for Leftist, one was for Nazi; both were for power and to take over, break up Russia. Ideology, like religion, is but a flimsy cloak to disguise the drive for power.
Works well for the Elite as Leftist and Rightists , for lack of a better word, are arguing with each other on this blog as well all over the world is but Kabuki theatre as the Elite divide and conquer, then rape and pillage us Serfs.
Schiff's contributions are well documented I don't think though he bought any cookies like Nuland did in 2014 in Kiev.
I'll go as far as to say they were 4 major invasions of Russia sine the Mongols: 1709 Charles XII
1812 Napoleon
1917 Wall Street and the City
1941 Nazi Germany
Posted by: canuck | Mar 20 2024 17:42 utc | 28
Probably a waste of time based on the tenor of your comments on the Russian Revolution but...
You say "they" financed the Bolsheviks and the Nazis, which indicates you're a racialist seeing a certain ethnic group as behind both authoritarian capitalism and Marxist Socialism. Hitler actually used to make very similar arguments pointing to the Rothschilds and the Bolsheviks as essentially the same group playing both sides and hedging their bets.
Also, the Russian Revolution was not intended, nor did it result in the break up of the Soviet Union. In fact it made it a massive world power and provided all that military equipment, know how, industrial base, etc, etc, which allows it to fend off US imperialism today, something no country has done since.. the Soviet Union.
I'm guessing you're in your 60s or 70s and drank deeply from the red scare propaganda. Work on that.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 20 2024 19:36 utc | 37
Posted by: Chris N | Mar 20 2024 19:33 utc | 37
Geoffrey Pyatt is the US ambassador to Greece. He did a bang up job in Ukraine. I guess this is his next gig.
Posted by: lex talionis | Mar 20 2024 19:36 utc | 38
I am flabbergasted.
Posted by: canuck | Mar 20 2024 17:42 utc | 28
When they can't debate you on facts, they resort to slurs.
I'm always amused how the far-Left are so ready to sling around the term "fascism" as an insult. It's like Ted Bundy dismissing someone as a "murderer".
As appalling as fascism is, its death counts pale in comparison to communists'.
Note: not that I'm calling you a fascist, I hasten to add.
Posted by: Observer | Mar 20 2024 18:19 utc | 33
Not calling you a fascist, but it sounds like you prefer it to communism, right?
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 20 2024 19:38 utc | 39
Posted by: KMRIA | Mar 20 2024 14:07 utc | 2
I see myself politically as centre/left over the last 40 years or so. What purports to be "the Left" today has very different values than what I learned in the past. Corporatism will adjust to whatever ideology suits its ends. For a period of time it was conservatism that was useful - I found it interesting how many blue collar people fell for the right wing propaganda. Of late, corporatism coopted leftist/progressive values stripping them of meaning while using them to keep people at odds with each other. Until society develops some type of collective reflection and self-awareness, we'll be at the mercy of groupthink.
Posted by: Chris N | Mar 20 2024 19:47 utc | 40
me too, it bothers me whenever the term “the Left” is used, n to me it means THE FAKE-LEFT ie.: the pale substitute by TPTB.
similarly there is “the Alt-Right” - just like the former - at right angles to the original meanings of Left and Right, politically, which many have noted should be denominated as Top/bottom, ie. Class Struggle.
every time I hear “the left” accused of all these days’ woke nonsense, my teeth grind painfully, n i wanna shoot myself in the head.
fortunately I’m Canadian, n don’t have a gun.
Posted by: Featherless | Mar 20 2024 19:52 utc | 41
Lots of work today. In a repeat of his post-election meeting with the other presidential candidates I already reported about, "Amazing (for the West) Post Election Meeting of Russia's Presidential Candidates at Kremlin", Putin held a meeting with the members of the various Parliamentary factions, "Post-Election Meeting with Heads of Parliamentary Factions". More substantive discussion of Russia's development plan and info about the structural change in Russia's government thanks to the constitutional referendum are amongst the topics discussed. Duma Speaker Volodin makes a very insightful comment about the nature of the Outlaw US Empire's "democracy" barflies will want to read. Those two talks were expanded on today at a meeting the Kremlin called, "Meeting with Trusted Persons," which I'll make available in a few hours.
@ 36 dungroanin
it would be good if the author of that article was to discuss the issues that michael hudson raises over the issue of the financialization of things and who exactly is profiting from it all.. one of the commentators to that article raises this and the author - richard murphys only response is - ‘good questions’…finance has intentionally been made opaque, but last time i heard neither the boe, or the federal reserve are publicly owned.. the names suggest otherwise.. that is more of the decptiveness at work..
bottom line the gap between those who have and those who don’t continues to grow..i blame that on the finacialization of so much, so i continue to believe michael hudsons overview on things here as accurate.. what does richard murphy say abour michael hudson, if anything? i’d be curious.. thanks
Posted by: james | Mar 20 2024 20:06 utc | 43
LMAO nice to see KMRIA’s question well answered before I added my 2 pence.
Posted by: Featherless | Mar 20 2024 20:13 utc | 44
@canuck | Mar 20 2024 16:12 utc | 13
With all due respect the "Bolshevik Revolution" was financed by Wall Street magnate Jacob Schiff who put up $20 MM dollars towards the event; The City also sent money for the Revolution.
That's false. Schiff was a supporter of Kerensky, when the Bolsheviks took over, he asked back the money he loaned to Kerensky and started financing anti-Bolshevik groups.
Posted by: SG | Mar 20 2024 20:22 utc | 45
@bevin - I appreciate your contributions, but you seem to sheepdog for the jews an awful lot.
1 jews controlling a lot of world banking (and govts)
2 jews being a majority of the Bolsheviks
3 jews being very networky
Posted by: Featherless | Mar 20 2024 20:24 utc | 46
@Featherless 44
by which i mean it shouldn’t seem too far-fetched that a Tribe notorious for subversion n playing both sides might divide n rule Capialism n Socialism, kinda like those Germanic king brothers controlled Europe.
Posted by: Featherless | Mar 20 2024 20:30 utc | 47
Are you going to buy the daily Narratives as they escalate not just in the USA but here in the U.K. and across Europe and the controlled Collective Waste?
I’m not.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Mar 20 2024 16:49 utc | 20
Well said!
On the other hand, my own respect for VV Putin has grown from the observation that he's not a bullshit artiste - unlike the bribed and blackmailed 'leaders' in the Christian Colonial West.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Mar 20 2024 20:31 utc | 48
Leftists do not exist, they are four cats surrounded on a tiny island surrounded by a bobo-progressive ocean expressly designed for their destruction and at the same time encouraging the Troglodytes.
Note, for example, that a chemically pure Fascist like BHL is/was presented as a "left-wing (laughs) intellectual (laughs)."
And conservatives, liberals and patriots have disappeared in a tsunami of servile Troglodytes.
There are two fundamental political axes
One is "servile" vs. "liberal" (Spain 1814-1833) and that is the justification of power.
"Serviles" say the king (Ferdinand VII) is king, god is god, both are absolute power that does not give explanations. And the liberals on the other hand wanted to justify power, and wanted freedom of thought, freedom of speech and of the press, and they ended up on the gallows.
Today the "servile" have put Washington where the King was, and where the Vatican hill was, they have put the hill (tell) in spring (aviv).
Another axis is "liberals capitalist" vs. "patriots", and since the homeland is common then it is suspected communist.
Although perhaps a compromise can be sought here by distinguishing between making screws (= industrial producción) on the one hand and, on the other hand, education, health care and housing.
Here on this axis one has to think of Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore: he was an enthusiast for capitalism and free enterprise; but nevertheless he was a patriot: see the housing market in Singapore compared to HK.
Posted by: Simon | Mar 20 2024 20:32 utc | 49
Left. Right..
The meaning depends on who is using them.
For example, 'right-leaning' Americans describe leftists generally as those who favour Big Government with State ruling over all whilst reducing the power and wealth of those above who generally exploit in favour of those below who are generally exploited, tend to favour censorship of opposing views, regard those against big government as a combination of fascist and/or rules-disrespecting bandits.
Question for the serious leftists here:
What about my description above of leftists do you agree or disagree with?
And what is your basic/preferred definition of Left?
Gold at all time highs today in American dollars at $2,186
Fed looks like it has given up-it calls for 3 rate decreases (1/4 point each ) in 2024 and 1 in 2025
The official religion of this empire, the latest version of the empire of the Romans, is Biblical Fascism.
Question: Why the brutal and fanatic Zionist regime can make a colossal slaughter of civilian population and go to sing at Eurovision (from which the Russians were excluded)
Answer: Because Roman "faces", Domination, slaughter, fascism and colonialism are "our shared values", what Zionists and Christian servile call "Judeo-Christianity".
Posted by: Simon | Mar 20 2024 20:48 utc | 52
Posted by: Scorpion | Mar 20 2024 20:35 utc | 51
All this would be so much easier when selfaccalaimed critical spirits would stop reiterating neo liberal propaganda and read up on history instead.
Especially when the 'left' posters here are very clear and concise in giving their arguments, obviosuly based on a materialist anslysis.
I rarely see e.g. bevin being engaged on basis of his arguments.
He usually is reminded of le holodomor and bullcrap alike.
Intellecutally dishonest, at best.
Posted by: kspr | Mar 20 2024 20:49 utc | 53
A classical "liberal" in the Spanish sense, which is where the word comes from (ca. 1814-1833) is a rare thing: Ron Paul.
A "conservative" is also very rare: Pat Buchanan in 1992 and in 2003.
A "leftist" is something very rare: some British Labour member before being crucified by the saducean priestly aristocracy of the city-Temple.
Posted by: Simon | Mar 20 2024 20:59 utc | 54
"1 jews controlling a lot of world banking (and govts)
2 jews being a majority of the Bolsheviks
3 jews being very networky"
Posted by: Featherless | Mar 20 2024 20:24 utc | 47
bevin does have a point- one has to distinguish between Anglo/Zionist and Jews.
There are many Jews that are not Zionists. I would
There are many Anglos-the late David Rockefeller ( a devout Baptist) wasn't a Jew but he was a powerful Anglo/Zionists.
So those Anglos can be just as evil as the Jewish Zionists.
So I am backing bevin in this instance however, I would suggest that any Jew or Israeli that is supporting the IDF's current invasion of Gaza is a Zionist and should be-as we used to say 55 years ago in public school-'shot and pissed on"
I jump on at breakfast to find that Ahenobarnus and Bevin have already cleared the table and taken out the garbage 😂
Ahenobarbus: yes, we all need to read Marx carefully afresh without the baggage of the last century. We need to hear his voice clearly again.
Bevin: yes, Canuck is a cretinous troll who picks up fragments and splinters of knowledge like a hobo picks up old cigs off the sidewalk. He mistakes the smoke for bon mots but he's not bright enough to know his limitations—which are profound. He is, however, just a rather boring common-or-garden conspiracy peddler.
Two texts in a parallel life: Marc Bloch and Walter Benjamin. They were the same age, both wrote reflections on History in the shadow of Nazi occupied Europe, both believed that the historian's metier must be more than analysing the past, and become the job of intervening in the present—praxis. (I can here Canuck pipe in here: "and they were both jews! Gotcha Patroklos!" BFD).
Posted by: Patroklos | Mar 20 2024 21:09 utc | 56
"the 'left' posters here are very clear and concise in giving their arguments, obviosuly based on a materialist anslysis.
Intellecutally dishonest, at best."
Posted by: kspr | Mar 20 2024 20:49 utc | 54
Re the last remark:
Speak for yourself!
But: are all leftists materialists'? All therefore also atheists?
Do modern leftists self-describe as such or is it a derogatory term used by more conservative types (whatever that means).
Do classic leftists agree that fascism is extreme left or would they call it extreme right? Who is correct and why?
The first political axis is the justification of power:
Barbarism vs. Civilization.
Some say that power is power and that there is nothing more exciting than the satanic: the bloody primordial horde that worships itself.
Others say that power is justified by recognizing as Citizenship the population of the dominated territory (and enough of the lying Zionist trick of saying: -the Warsaw Ghetto has an autonomous administration and therefore we do not control it).
Posted by: Simon | Mar 20 2024 21:14 utc | 58
@Posted by: Observer | Mar 20 2024 18:19 utc | 33
More utterly ahistorical rubbish! The "victims of communism" BS just keeps on giving. Actual real academic research blows away the "Holodomor" myth, greatly reduces the Cold War lies about the scale of the "Terror" and utterly debunks the "Mao's Famine" Cold War propaganda. The 27 million Soviet citizens who died in WW2 died as victims of Nazism, as did all the exterminated by the Nazis people. Then you can add at least 20 million Chinese who died fighting the Japanese fascists etc.
@Posted by: bevin | Mar 20 2024 16:37 utc | 18
Well said, it is so annoying having to wade through the reams of utter nonsense and propaganda spread by a few commentators, together with the arguing in bad faith, to get at the nuggets provided by the core commentators who make this blog useful.
Roger | Mar 20 2024 21:41 utc | 61--
Yes, although such allows me to concentrate on doing other work. I still have one more task if I can get to it--Zakharova's weekly briefing. Here's what I just finished, "Meeting with Trusted Persons: 544 Putin Confidants", which will be the last congratulatory celebration of the election results as a huge pile of work awaits that all express eagerness to tackle. It's a very exciting time to be a Russian inside Russia.
‘Shpilkin method’: Statistical tool gauges voter fraud in Putin landslide
"Around 22 million ballots officially in favour of Vladimir Putin were falsified," said the Russian investigative journalism website Meduza [!], which interviewed Russian electoral analyst Ivan Shukshin.ahahahahahaaaaa"Around 22 million ballots officially in favour of Vladimir Putin were falsified," said the Russian investigative journalism website Meduza, which interviewed Russian electoral analyst Ivan Shukshin.
Important Stories [!], another investigative news website, gave a similar number, estimating that 21.9 million false votes were cast for the incumbent president.
The opposition media outlet Novaya Gazeta [!] Europe came up with an even bigger number, claiming that 31.6 million ballots were falsified in Putin’s favour.
That figure "corresponds to almost 50 percent of all the votes cast in the president’s favour, according to the Central Election Commission [Putin received 64.7 million votes]", said Jeff Hawn, a Russia expert at the London School of Economics [BWAHAhah
The three news outlets all used the same algorithmic method to estimate the extent of voter fraud. It is named after Russian statistician Sergey Shpilkin, who developed it a decade | "Maximally favorable conditions for fraud”: Amendments to the election law will legalize manipulation of electronic votingShpilkin’s work analysing Russian elections has won him several prestigious independent awards in Russia, including the PolitProsvet ["Enlightener"] prize for electoral research awarded in 2012 by the Liberal Mission Foundation. However, he has also made some powerful enemies by denouncing electoral fraud. In February 2023, Shpilkin was added to Russia’s list of "foreign agents".
ESTIMATE THIS: # of dropped calls from EU, US, JP, AU to
Posted by: sln2002 | Mar 20 2024 21:59 utc | 62
I wrote quote a long comment in reply to your last at the week in review thread. Thought it had posted but has not. You have have seen where I was coming from or maybe not have agreed with it. But it didn't post and have lost the lot. May try writing it again at some point.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 20 2024 21:59 utc | 63
"..Also, the Russian Revolution was not intended, nor did it result in the break up of the Soviet Union. .."
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 20 2024 19:36 utc | 38
Well that bit of ignorance, deflates your credibility.
Posted by: Ново З | Mar 20 2024 22:08 utc | 64
Oops, this one hung in limbo...
Posted by: canuck | Mar 20 2024 16:12 utc | 13With all due respect the "Bolshevik Revolution" was financed by Wall Street magnate Jacob Schiff who put up $20 MM dollars towards the event; The City also sent money for the Revolution.
That sort of thing, like also the Red Terror etc., is simply denied or minimized into irrelevance. The idea of an egalitarian utopia remains pristine.
As to Parenti, I read some of his stuff on Tibet. Much of it is insightful and rightly contradicts the dreamy Shangri-La myths, but he has zero understanding of what was good in the spiritual lineages. Yes, institutional corruption, yes, the society generally was quite backward but then when you went to deep rural areas in China in the 1950's, how forward would they have seemed with about a billion in dire poverty. I have little doubt that the modern world would have gradually come to Tibet, as it did in most other nations over time, some later than others. The assumption that without China's intervention in the 1950's progress would never have arrived there is just propaganda, IMO. Here is Parenti on Tibet:
Seen in all its grim realities, old Tibet confirms the view I expressed in an earlier book, namely that culture is anything but neutral. Culture can operate as a legitimating cover for a host of grave injustices, benefiting a privileged portion of society at great cost to the rest. [62] In theocratic feudal Tibet, ruling interests manipulated the traditional culture to fortify their own wealth and power. The theocracy equated rebellious thought and action with satanic influence. It propagated the general presumption of landlord superiority and peasant unworthiness. The rich were represented as deserving their good life, and the lowly poor as deserving their mean existence, all codified in teachings about the karmic residue of virtue and vice accumulated from past lives, presented as part of God’s will.
As with most materialist analysis, there is fact-based insight mixed with significant bandwidth omissions of that which his materialist belief system cannot countenance.
For example, if you change some of the subjects around in the above passage, he could be describing how the Bolsheviks treated any resisting their atheist utopia. The Bolsheviks ruled as autocratically as any entitled Lord or Monarch with unchallenged authority meting out mass murder to millions, far crueler than any Tzar, without checks and balances except those from within their own internecine power squabbles. Colour me unimpressed with such perspectives and analysis.
@Scorpion | Mar 20 2024 20:35 utc | 51
And what is your basic/preferred definition of Left?
There is only one definition. Historically the left side of parliaments was occupied by reformists and progressists, while the right side by conservatives. In XVIII century England the Whigs pushed for reforming the royal prerogative, for conceding greater religious liberties etc., while the Tories were more cautious: both those factions were aristocratic. At the end of the XVIII century, after the American and French revolutions, the left side of parliaments was occupied by liberals, roughly the expression of the bourgeoisie, and the right side by conservatives (even those who were "left" a few decades earlier). Then emerged the socialists to the left of the liberals; the liberals split in many groups, the radical liberals (or radicals) to the left of the liberal spectrum, but to the right of socialists. Then the socialists split in socialists and communists (and other groups). Then emerged the Christian democratic parties, usually to the left of the liberals, and the fascists, to the right of the liberals.
Now, in the USA, thanks to McCarthyism, the leftmost party is a liberal party, which would usually be a rightwing party in most of the rest of the world. The left and right of the American mainstream political spectrum are, respectively, the right (neoliberals) and the extreme right (neocons) of the rest of the world.
Look at the Russian parliament (which is considered pretty conservative), from left to right you have: Communists, Socialists ("A Just Russia" party), Putin's catch-all party, Liberal Democrats, other liberals ("New Party"), and finally neoliberals ("Party of Growth") to the extreme right. There starts the American political spectrum.
Posted by: SG | Mar 20 2024 22:18 utc | 66
I am flabbergasted.
Posted by: canuck | Mar 20 2024 17:42 utc | 28
"When they can't debate you on facts, they resort to slurs.
I'm always amused how the far-Left are so ready to sling around the term "fascism" as an insult. It's like Ted Bundy dismissing someone as a "murderer".
As appalling as fascism is, its death counts pale in comparison to communists'.
Note: not that I'm calling you a fascist, I hasten to add.
Posted by: Observer | Mar 20 2024 18:19 utc | 33
Not calling you a fascist, but it sounds like you prefer it to communism, right?"
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 20 2024 19:38 utc | 40
Well I am a rather simple guy, grew up on a farm-I don't see Left and Right-what I see is a circle that on the very top of the circle on the Left is Mao: to his immediate right on the right side of the circle is Hitler; they are right up against each other.
The Communists are supposedly totally different from Fascism yet both are repressive, violent and inimical to personal freedoms. Sounds like chocolate versus vanilla ice cream-different flavours but both are metabolic catastrophes.
Diametrically opposed to these two at the bottom of the circle which would be the center between the two extremes.
The center-where, ideally, the rights of the individual and the right of the State are roughly equal.
That's it.
Hope that makes sense-I haven't even
There's going to be a great opportunity for the US in coming years - using immigrants.
Nations such as Ukraine, Taiwan and South Korea (and others, most of Europe) despite their proud cultures can't impregnate women so as to ....well, exist. The US has plenty of immigrants flooding in who can be coerced into the military (as in, food and shelter)
So, not only can "barbarians" suppress rioting US citizens, they can be shipped out to "defend vital interests" in wars the Senate barely knows about.
Posted by: Eighthman | Mar 20 2024 22:33 utc | 68
...To overcome First Amendment concerns, the government will likely need to demonstrate that forced divestment or otherwise banning the app advances a compelling government interest and represents the least restrictive means of advancing that interest...nope. Are you in for a rude awakening. Sec. 702 "national security" is masked or unmasked fait accompli. The burden of proof is all on on you and your Meta Google TWTR reddit/ti accounts.
Murthy v. Missouri oral argument
MR. FLETCHER: Yeah, and I think what that gets at is that it's very unusual, and we don't think it's possible for the government, through speech alone, to transform private speakers into state actors. We think these cases usually are and ought to be viewed through the Bantam Books-type framework, where there's a problem if the government is engaged in coercion, but if it stays on the persuasion side of the line and all we're talking about is government speech, then there's no state action and there's also no First AmendmentNRA v Vullo oral argument
MR. KATYAL: ...For this Court to accept this thin complaint and the teeth of the conceded illegal conduct, it would empower strike suits to enjoin valid enforcement and open sensitive discovery. That's why the court's traditional [First Amendment] test here is right. A government official crosses the line from coercion to persuasion when, one, they are objective -- when they are threatening as opposed to encouraging and, two, there is no objectively reasonable basis for their action. The NRA can't meet that test, and that's why they are seeking to weaponize the First Amendment and exempt themselves from the rules that govern you and me, simply because they're a controversial speaker.
Posted by: sln2002 | Mar 20 2024 22:41 utc | 69
In scrolling through this thread one thing that stands out and has only become noticeable with the SMO blowins is the left and right garbage.
And it comes from those using left or leftists as a term and an argument. American McCarthyism.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 20 2024 22:56 utc | 70
Posted by: Roger | Mar 20 2024 21:37 utc | 60@Posted by: Observer | Mar 20 2024 18:19 utc | 33
More utterly ahistorical rubbish! The "victims of communism" BS just keeps on giving. Actual real academic research blows away the "Holodomor" myth, greatly reduces the Cold War lies about the scale of the "Terror" and utterly debunks the "Mao's Famine" Cold War propaganda. The 27 million Soviet citizens who died in WW2 died as victims of Nazism, as did all the exterminated by the Nazis people. Then you can add at least 20 million Chinese who died fighting the Japanese fascists etc.
Revisionist history works both ways. There has been quite a bit of recent whitewashing of what happened during the communist era just as earlier there was anti-communist propaganda. The truth is hard to discern and I doubt with your bias that you have an inside track on it.
Did you ever read Gareth Jones' reports from within Russia during the Five Year plan including a walkabout in Ukraine during the famine? He was killed for writing those reports. Could they all be lies? Yes, as with anything one reads about long past controversies. But they could also be first-hand truth.
Leftists have a vested interest in minimizing the harm done. Many of your 27,000,000 'killed by Nazis' died at Stalin’s hands. And those offering up Russia as an example of the danger of violent revolutions, or ideological movements of any stripe, or in my case extreme materialism, are unfairly accused of acting in bad faith or supporting imperialism.
Respectfully, the bad faith is coming from those like yourself unwilling to accept how terror-fully things went down. Even if the revolutionaries believed they were building a better world, they indubitably perpetrated mass murder to achieve that end. You can argue the numbers but if you are halfway honest you still end up with millions. Murdered.
Because this reflects poorly on your leftist beliefs you prefer to go unchallenged in friendly echo chambers arrogantly insulting those who don’t buy your whitewashed versions of history. Such wilful ignorance and denial may well be facilitating the next bloodbath.
Posted by: canuck | Mar 20 2024 17:42 utc | 28
Re: The Maidan coup....the left/leftists? Which actors in that series of events represented "the left"? John McStain? Vicky Nuland? I'm dying to know.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:12 utc | 72
Left and right...
Politically I guess I identify with the shearers at Barcaldine. In some ways the beginning of the Australian left. Yet I would now be considered right in many ways by the cranks.
For merit based equality, there needs to be free, high standard education, right through to the highest level. That would be considered leftist by the cranks. There needs to be high quality medical available to all. That would be considered leftist by the cranks.
And using the word 'science' to prove a point.
Diamond mining. The bulk of diamonds mined are industrial quality and are generally crushed up for grinding grit. Only a few make gem grade.
In any qualified profession or trade, the vast majority are industrial grade mining grit. Only a few are gems. Ex-spurts and experts.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 20 2024 23:14 utc | 73
Posted by: SG | Mar 20 2024 22:18 utc | 67 and bevin, various:
Exactly. Americans and other "westerners" who consume American/UK style corporate propaganda as "news" or "analysis" rarely understand that EVERYTHING they read starts from a place on any political/economic spectrum best described as "center right" or better yet, "arch finance capitalist."
What pundits and editors in the US/UK call "the left" is simply the hamstrung, kneecapped, castrated portion of the middle class (or what's left of it, pardon the pun) consumer class who themselves can't see the real issue is class inequality and not identity (at least insofar as how it's packaged and sold) which is at the core of (a feature, not a bug) of the capitalist system. Bankers and corporations figured this out a long time ago and it actually benefits them to have a lepht contingent of consumers and debt-entrapped "dissenters" who are actually perfectly happy with the current system of finance/debt dominated economics and imperialist destruction abroad so long as their personal grievances (which isn't to say none are valid, but in a way not grasped by them) are at least acknowledged, most often at the expense of real class awareness and whatever actions should be taken to redress the inequality.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:19 utc | 74
"In a word canuck is a fascist looking for work.'
Posted by: bevin | Mar 20 2024 16:37 utc | 18
Do you think such a provocation adds to the discussion?
LOL and now I see mention of "the Holodomor" which was a fraudulent Holocaust Industry (see: Finkelstein) PR campaign cooked up in Cold War Canada to simultaneously memory hole atrocities committed by the same Nazis so warmly embraced in that country, and the "free and democratic west" as a whole - and - to create a new anti-communist narrative fairy tale for the purpose of indoctrinating the children.
It has served the Imperial Propagandists and Banderites well in the wake of the Maidan coup, I might add.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:24 utc | 76
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:24 utc | 77LOL and now I see mention of "the Holodomor" which was a fraudulent Holocaust Industry (see: Finkelstein) PR campaign cooked up in Cold War Canada to simultaneously memory hole atrocities committed by the same Nazis so warmly embraced in that country, and the "free and democratic west" as a whole - and - to create a new anti-communist narrative fairy tale for the purpose of indoctrinating the children.
It has served the Imperial Propagandists and Banderites well in the wake of the Maidan coup, I might add.
Please read some of the articles written by Gareth Jones who actually witnessed what was happening in Russia then. Then see if you what wrote above still rings true. He is a good writer with a lively, economic style and interviewed many officials in Russia and also dying peasants in Ukraine in whose homes and barns he slept.
Posted by: Scorpion | Mar 20 2024 23:27 utc | 78
I've read more on "The Holodomor" than likely anyone here save a few, such as bevin. What does "Russia" have to do with it? The "genocide" insofar as it is labeled "The Holodomor" is specific to Ukraine and leaves out the several other regions of the USSR (such as the 'Stans') which were also subject to the famine.
Nobody is arguing that such a famine didn't occur, but the entire basis of the "Holodomor" fairy tale is that it was intentional, directed only at Ukraine (which itself is plainly ridiculous assuming you know the demographics), and didn't affect any other regions of the USSR.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:30 utc | 78
Now, in the USA, thanks to McCarthyism...
Posted by: SG | Mar 20 2024 22:18 utc | 67
"McCarthyism" is a malaprop. I must remind—and not for the last time—anti-communist purges emerges from the second great depression and Paris Commune terrorism as a great American pastime in 1871. Challenged by CIO socialist-colored organized labor after WWI and another great depression, the US Congress established a formal tribunal named HUAC in 1938, then the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee in 1950, to which HUAC referred "matters of current internal security significance" concerning the scope of "Soviet activity in the United States". After Taft-Hartly had crushed industrial action, McCarthy deserves "15-minutes" (2 of the first 12 years) of televised notoriety only because he assaulted public figures, celebrities, in entertainment industry. The committees' names have changed over the past eighty (80) years, but the purview has not. In fact, the G-men co-opted American "media" good and hard. That's why no one is left to curse Martin Dies. Ask Adam Schiff and Lindsey Graham Cracker: Who succeeded Chairmen Dies and McCarthy?
Posted by: sln2002 | Mar 20 2024 23:31 utc | 79
I wrote quote a long comment in reply to your last at the week in review thread. Thought it had posted but has not. You have have seen where I was coming from or maybe not have agreed with it. But it didn't post and have lost the lot. May try writing it again at some point."
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 20 2024 21:59 utc | 64
Peter I read every post you make, you have enlightened me, countless times.
Sometimes our ideas are inimical-but that doesn't subtract from the respect have for you and most of your posts[canuk is on his third Duvel, he's becoming rather sentimental, editor].
And I get personal as well occasionally; it's human nature yet I detest myself for my primitive, emotional, selfish reaction.
b has created a robust mostly uncensored , forum for ideas; crazy ideas; conservatives ideas; any ideas-God Bless Him.
Just for something to chew on re: Gareth Jones, he was a rather interesting guy, seemingly with an axe to grind.
No need to post any long excerpts, the article is pretty well written and sourced.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:37 utc | 81
Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:24 utc | 77
The holodomor was a mid sixties American invention. That can even be found in wikipedia. The Soviet famine of 32/33 however was real. From what I can make of it, the problem were caused by replacing educated people capable of administration with uneducated people. Both the Russian revolution and Chinese revolution had the element of class warfare so that even educated people who had supported the revolution were at the best sidelined for a time. Sending the educated people out into the fields and more or less illiterate peasants in positions of administration.
In the case of the Soviet famine, they apparently on used the last two years of crop yield to determine quotas, How much was required in the crop growing areas for local use and seed, how much was required in the cities and the remainder determined the amount could be exported.
This also occurred at the same time as the nationalizing of farming.
Although the crop did not fail completely, it was much lower than the previous two years.
In the turbulence of any major revolution there will be also mistakes, teething problems, not to mention an element of paranoia along the way. These are all part and parcel of massive upheaval and turmoil that are part and parcel of many revolutions.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 20 2024 23:39 utc | 82
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 20 2024 23:39 utc | 83
It was cause by drought.
Posted by: sln2002 | Mar 20 2024 23:41 utc | 83
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 20 2024 23:39 utc | 83
I should have been more careful in how I characterized the article I linked above at #82. I highly recommend that anyone interested in the "Holodomor" fraud read the whole thing. Gareth Jones and his reporting only accounts for about 1/10th of the piece and it's an excellent historical breakdown of what was really going on in the USSR at the time, all in one place (with copious supporting links). -
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:42 utc | 84
"Sending the educated people out into the fields and more or less illiterate peasants in positions of administration."
This doesn't account for the sabotage committed by the "educated people" (the former 'owner class') who both refused to work and actively crippled the harvests.
Please see post #82 in this thread. It's an extremely long article and a very good primer on the "Holodomor."
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:44 utc | 85
Posted by: Scorpion | Mar 20 2024 20:35 utc | 51
I cannot give you a simplistic answer but i will answer your question because i think it IS important.
There is no simple left or right, but rather a pack of ideologies/philosophies that often but not always run together. For each individual, the importance they place on them will vary and determine their final position on the left/right spectrum.
The first issue is "democracy". The original split was between monarchists and those who wanted to control the power of the king.
So on the extreme right are those who support absolute monarchy and the extreme left "communists who want absolute equality in all decision making. In the post wwII era most of western Europe, Australia, Canada and NZ were fairly genuine democracies. The USA a little less so because of black oppression in the South. Ditto Australia, but since the actual numbers of oppressed/excluded indigenous Australians was small, it operated largely as a genuine democracy. Societies originally built of democratic concepts such as the USSR had morphed into autocratic states while as the years progressed and real differences between parties shrunk, the concept of actual democracies even in the west has faded. Monarchists and those advocating dictatorship or rule by some sort of "elite" are by definition on the right IN THIS CRITERION, while those supporting genuine democratic choice are on the left.
The second issue which generally but not always runs with democracy is social/economic equity. Those supporting income support or equalization are almost by definition on the left, while those advocating corporate control or rule by the rich are on the right
So those advocationg public education, free health care, higher wages, taxation systems that tend towards the rich paying more, public control of essential utilities, pensions of various kinds, are by definition on the left.
These first two are critical. I have to go out now but will add comments on other factors when I return. Other factors are: attitude towards minorities, tolerance of social behaviours, religion, nationalism, environmentalism, right to free speech,
Posted by: watcher | Mar 20 2024 23:44 utc | 86
The myth of left/right is just that.
If left/right were something other than myth manipulated by the elite to serve divisional purposes the ongoing definitions wouldn't be so slimey, would they?
Top/bottom is our Western reality that you are inculcated not to believe exists.
Our Western top/bottom reality was instantiated and is maintained by the God Of Mammon cult owning global private finance. The God Of Mammon cult insists that usury/profit has a higher social priority than providing for basic human needs for the masses....the Catholic church approved this moral position in the 1500's according to Michael Hudson.
The China/Russia axis has China with a public owned/managed system of finance that is being pushed as an alternative to the Western private system.
I posit that if you go ask the leaders of the China/Russia axis if they are left or right they would politely laugh in your face because of the ignorance you are spewing but keep it up at the MoA bar where agnotology or the manufacturing of ignorance is in clear display by the current crop of barflies.
Where is the demand of Pope Frank to end the Catholic church approval of usury so that the church again walks the talk it was born speaking? Would it change the incentives by which the Western world operates?
Posted by: psychohistorian | Mar 20 2024 23:47 utc | 87
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:30 utc | 79
So I take it you refuse to read the accounts by a journalist on the scene in both Russia and Ukraine because Ukraine has nothing to do with Russia? Like Stalin's jurisdiction ended there?
What are you afraid of, Tom Q Collins? It's just words on pages written from 1930 - 1933 by someone who was actually there.
Which you were not!
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:37 utc | 82
I see. You prefer to read somebody else's opinion about Gareth Jones rather than reading the man himself.
'Nuff said. End of discussion.
I see. You prefer to read somebody else's opinion about Gareth Jones rather than reading the man himself.
'Nuff said. End of discussion.
Posted by: Scorpion | Mar 20 2024 23:50 utc | 90
You make a bigger fool out of yourself every day with this 'take my ball and go home' crap, Scorpion. You clearly didn't read the Medium article. Within the article I linked are links to .... WAIT FOR IT....GARETH JONES' own writings on the topic.
To wit: I am familiar with Gareth Jones. How could I not be if I'd read as much on the topic as I mentioned to begin with? I've already read those and the other writing he did on "The Holodomor."
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:54 utc | 90
Posted by: canuck | Mar 20 2024 17:42 utc | 28
Re: The Maidan coup....the left/leftists? Which actors in that series of events represented "the left"? John McStain? Vicky Nuland? I'm dying to know.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:12 utc | 73
Tom as I have already posted I will reiterate:
" Almost one hundred years later (1917-2014) the main antagonists in 1917 , UK and USA, are financing, financed the Maiden Putsch in 2014 s they did in 1917. One was for Leftist, one was for Nazi; both were for power and to take over, break up Russia. Ideology, like religion, is but a flimsy cloak to disguise the drive for power.
Works well for the Elite as Leftist and Rightists , for lack of a better word, are arguing with each other on this blog as well all over the world is but Kabuki theatre as the Elite divide and conquer, then rape and pillage us Serfs.
Schiff's contributions are well documented I don't think though he bought any cookies like Nuland did in 2014 in Kiev."
Such that Tom the left and the right are a magician's trick the Powers that be in 1917 Jacob Schiff sent $20 MM (1) to finance the Bolshevik revolution which was, I am sure you agree was leftist?
In 2014 Nuland a Fascist supported a fascists regime to topple Russia same as Schiff.
They use ideology, religion, ethnicity to achieve their goal; they HAVE NO inherent ideology they just want power.
I don't know how I can illustrate this principle more simply.
Anyways, hav a good evening, thanks for the interest.
1. Calculate the Value of $20000000 in 1917
DollarTimes › inflation › inflation › ye...
Adjusted for inflation, $20,000,000 in 1917 is equal to $528,872,414 in 2024. Annual inflation over this period was 3.11%. Value of a dollar.
Posted by: karlof1 | Mar 20 2024 19:54 utc | 43
Thank you very much, karlof1! Doesn't it all make you want to roll up your sleeves and get to work in the US? So much to do - we are so far behind!! That is the kinds of parties and 'factions' that every government ought to have. And they see it as an ongoing process from the beginning of WW2 onward. That is because that is how far back living memory now stretches. It simplifies a lot of arguments to keep what needs to be done within the living memory of all involved.
Posted by: juliania | Mar 20 2024 23:55 utc | 92
Posted by: Scorpion | Mar 20 2024 23:50 utc | 90
And with that I am going to insist you read the Medium article and specifically what was written about what Jones WROTE; you can ignore anything it says about him personally (all true, BTW).
When you have read the whole thing, I'll be open to resuming the conversation, so long as you choose to engage in good faith rather than this habit of yours to pout and make accusations not based on anything real.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:56 utc | 93
Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:44 utc | 86
Not so much the educated people. In Ukraine it was the Kulaks, the small farmers owned several hectares that opposed nationalization. It seems there was crop burnings and so forth associated with this. In Kazakhstan it seems to be the semi nomadic herders opposed having their grazing lands turned into croplands.
But what actually caused the famine in the crop growing areas was the administrators of farm and farm produce nationalization. They seem to have totally disregarded actual crop yields, instead believing people were hiding grain, and remained determined to send out the quotas for the cities and export.
The truly stupid part about the American Holodomor was that a Ukrainian was in overall charge of the nationalizing of farms and farm produce, and in Ukraine, it was a Ukrainian that had overall charge in that SSR.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 20 2024 23:56 utc | 94
Posted by: canuck | Mar 20 2024 23:55 utc | 92
You still haven't said who the "leftist" is in your 'equation' re: The Maidan. Which person or parties involved were leftists?
Wait, you're calling Schiff a LEFTIST? LMFAO, I hope I'm misinterpreting you.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 20 2024 23:57 utc | 95
In other news, allegedly Assange's legal team has put forth (or is considering) a plea deal.
Even if he were to accept, the damage would be done. The chilling effect would be codified and cemented for all journalists and leakers/whistle blowers into the future.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 21 2024 0:05 utc | 96
Peter AU 83, SLN2002 @ 84:
My understanding is that there was a major drought across the Northern Hemisphere affecting the Soviet Union and North America in 1930-31, leading to rises in the global price of wheat.
Since at the time, due to trade restrictions imposed by the West, the Soviet Union was compelled to export wheat to obtain foreign exchange to buy machinery and other needed materials (for industrialisation), the temptation to export more wheat rather than keep it for domestic use must have been huge.
Also, in 1932 and 1933, the Soviet Union experienced unseasonal warm weather and rains that led to the wheat crop being attacked by ergot and rust.
What has to be remembered though, that after agriculture was collectivised in the Soviet Union, famines caused by drought and other natural phenomena (as opposed to human-made phenomena such as war) ceased, whereas they had been common during the period of imperial Russian rule.
Droughts and famines in Russia and the Soviet Union (Wikipedia article)
Pre-1900 droughts and famines
In the 17th century, Russia experienced the famine of 1601–1603, as a proportion of the population, believed to be its worst as it may have killed 2 million people (1/3 of the population). Other major famines include the Great Famine of 1315–17, which affected much of Europe including part of Russia[2][3] as well as the Baltic states.[4] The Nikonian chronicle, written between 1127 and 1303, recorded no less than eleven famine years during that period.[5] One of the most serious crises before 1900 was the famine of 1891–1892, which killed between 375,000 and 500,000 people, mainly due to famine-related diseases. Causes included a large autumn drought resulting in crop failures. Attempts by the government to alleviate the situation generally failed which may have contributed to a lack of faith in the Tsarist government and later political instability.[5][6] In 1899, the Volga area, especially Samara, suffered starvation, typhus and scurvy, which depleted Red Cross aid.
List of post-1900 droughts and famines
The Golubev and Dronin report gives the following table of the major droughts in Russia between 1900 and 2000.[1]: 16 Mass famines were reported in years of drought in the 1920s and 1930s, and the last one occurred in 1984.[1]: 23
Central: 1920, 1924, 1936, 1946, 1984.
Southern: 1901, 1906, 1921, 1939, 1948, 1995.
Eastern: 1911, 1931.1900s
Tsarist Russia experienced a famine in 1901–1902 (affecting 49 governorates, or guberniyas), and again between 1906 and 1908 (affecting 19 to 29 governorates) ...
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Mar 21 2024 0:09 utc | 97
Posted by: watcher | Mar 20 2024 23:44 utc | 87
Thank you. Quite clear. Looking forward to more.
@ Tom: I saw your subsequent comment about your article not being only about Gareth Jones. I will try to read through it although
a) Gareth didn't write about the Holodomor (a later term) though he did break the story about the famine. He wrote about Russia.
b) He went over a great fan of both Russia and communism. He left entirely disillusioned based on what he witnessed in Russia whose entire society and system he witnessed. After his reportage about the famine he was forbidden entry to Russia again - which he knew would happen once he slipped his minders to witness the famine first hand - but then he was put on a secret police list and almost certainly murdered by them a couple of years later. Note: they seldom murder journalists for telling lies; they often murder them for telling the truth.
I have no interest at all in the debate about the Holodomor or communism versus capitalism versus fascism, regarding all three notions as deeply misleading by design. My interest is how ideologically driven regimes tend towards totalitarianism with mass murder because I fear the same will soon be happening in Western nations.
Just as the terms left and right now mutually confuse, so an (asymmetrically executed) revolution today will look nothing like the Russian one in 1917. But the result will be similar: some sort of ideology overthrowing normalcy; those not conforming will be ostracized, stripped of rights and later mass murdered. Already underway, it seems.
Though sincerely hope am wrong!
The ECB has offset the loss for 2023 against "future profits".
So anyone who claimed that the German (French/etc.) "taxpayer" would pay for the losses of the ECB and the bond purchase programs was and is wrong and should question his or her theories.
Full statement:
In short stop listening to the guy with the big fat cigar on chuckle brothers TV ( the Duran ). They'll completely ignore this FACT of course.
Posted by: Echo Chamber | Mar 21 2024 0:19 utc | 99
Refinnejenna | Mar 21 2024 0:09 utc | 98
There was much good in the communist revolution in the Russian empire. The changes to farming did end the regular famines. But I do see that there were teething problems in initial implementation.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Mar 21 2024 0:23 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Again, with the Battle of the Atlantic — I mean, extreme storms in Canada’s easternmost province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Looks a’ight bye (or however you say it) in St. John’s Harbour at the time of posting:
But - two-day storm threatens to drop 85 cms of snow on Newfoundland. By Saturday morning.
CBC News website leads with a report to warn the public:
“Online reviews are increasingly fake, say researchers. Here’s why and how to spot them.”
“… a former U.S. federal criminal investigator says so many reviews are fake — written by people paid to post — that she no longer believes anyone should rely on them.”
Two headlines down: “N.L. budget postponed amid rowdy protest of fish harvesters at Confederation Building”
And speaking of quarrels and the Atlantic, what say you, Brazil?? … a very rousing, inspirational video of Lula out jogging while sharing thoughts (that maybe someone will translate)?? … looking pretty healthy, a man his age, running like that. …
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Mar 20 2024 14:02 utc | 1