Finding The Right Words On Gaza
Wang Yi, the foreign minister of China, has found the right words to describe the ongoing genocide in Gaza:
Chinese foreign minister calls war in Gaza a 'disgrace for civilisation' - AFP / Le Monde, Mar 3 2023
China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday, March 7, called Israel's war in Gaza a "disgrace for civilization" and reiterated Beijing's calls for an "immediate ceasefire.""It is a tragedy for humankind and a disgrace for civilization that today, in the 21st century, this humanitarian disaster cannot be stopped," Wang told journalists at a press conference.
A disgrace for civilization is also anyone, starting with Joe Biden, who supports the slaughter of the people of Gaza.
Why are ISIS like fanatics like this guy allowed to have any public function or say?
Head of Yeshiva Seder in Jaffa: According to the Halakhic Principle-Kill everyone in Gaza, even babies -, Mar 8 2024 (machine translation)
The head of the Seder yeshiva in Jaffa, whose students serve in the IDF after their studies there, said at a conference of Seder yeshiva held yesterday (Thursday) that according to the halakhic principle, all residents of Gaza should be killed. When asked specifically about the elderly and babies, he replied: "Same thing."
"It's either you – or them," Rabbi Maley added. "No soul shall live on the basis of 'Bring to kill you – bring to kill you'. Not just the 14-year-old, 16–year-old, 20-year-old, 30-year-old man holding up arms - but the future generation as well. And also for those who produce the future generation. Because there really is no difference.
A disgrace for civilization. Indeed.
Posted by b on March 8, 2024 at 15:50 UTC | Permalink
next page »The Tel Aviv torture trail: Israel's role in the Abu Ghraib scandal
Israel’s documented torture and abuse of Palestinians may evoke comparisons to US tactics employed during the Iraqi occupation, but a closer look reveals their distinct origins rooted in the Zionist entity.
Posted by: Exile | Mar 8 2024 15:59 utc | 2
The veneer of civilisation is painfully thin, easily peeled away to reveal the barbarism beneath
Posted by: Tasmanian | Mar 8 2024 16:08 utc | 3
Perfect words, and profound: "a disgrace for civilization." Before you can have civilization, you need the idea of civilization -- and that's exactly what the scourging of Gaza casts into question: Is there such a direction for history to take in reality, or only in our dreams?
Along with progress (as Ibram X. Kendi has observed) you always have anti-progress. Perpetually alongside enlightenment, powerful forces of endarkenment. Gaza brings into question the whole meaning of life and death, for thinking people (now haunted by Aaron Bushnell's "divine violence"). Everything depends on how sensitive the reader is to readings of history.
Though most folks are astonishingly insensitive, they're swept along by surging nihilism nonetheless, like twigs in the stream.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Mar 8 2024 16:08 utc | 4
Oh for the love of everything holy Karlof.
You will not FIND ONE speech by a high German official in the 1930s and 40s that COMES CLOSE to this kind of insane rhetoric.
Enough of this garbage already. Enough with this everything relates to the "Nazis." Anyone with a brain is SICK OF IT.
THAT'S what makes this so shocking and frankly insane to read. You have ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP Israeli government officials using genocidal, war crimes language in public statements.
It's wild. In fact, although I'm not completely up to speed on the Asian conflicts, the last I can remember of such genocidal statements being uttered were by the Soviets in their propaganda and the Americans, specifically Morgenthau and the "Germany Must Perish" insanity.
Even in WWII, they didn't come out and say these things normally, they just did them (A bombs, fire bombings, targeting women and children for slaughter).
Posted by: Johnny | Mar 8 2024 16:24 utc | 5
That rabbi’s words are pure evil. The difficult question becomes, how can you stop such evil, short of force. I don’t think the state of Israel can be negotiated with and they may well be content to be a pariah. Maybe we can carve out a state somewhere for the Palestinians? I say give them NYC and Long Island.
Posted by: KMRIA | Mar 8 2024 16:26 utc | 6
Psychotic. Biden's decrepitude is the lesser evil in an extremely evil regime of the white west that lives off genocide.
Posted by: peon | Mar 8 2024 16:29 utc | 7
America endorses the genocide in Gaza. That's exactly why the Netanyahu's terrorist junta is getting away with it and destroying a civilization which is a disgraceful act.
Posted by: AI | Mar 8 2024 16:40 utc | 8
All residents of Gaza should be killed. When asked specifically about the elderly and babies, he replied: "Same thing."
The need to filter their intentions seems to be gone!
Posted by: jpc | Mar 8 2024 16:44 utc | 9
Biden does a hot mike moment saying. Bibi and himself have to have a come to jesus moment. How strange when they don't believe in jesus. I thought Biden had proclaimed he is a Zionist anyway.
5 flour massacres have occurred now. Seems the Israelis can see how easy it is to lure the hungry to a truck to them target the mob.
Posted by: Hankster | Mar 8 2024 16:45 utc | 10
Someone on Twitter, I mean X, did some math. Israel has been killing more children per day in this genocide than the Nazis did at Auschwitz.
Posted by: aquileia | Mar 8 2024 16:46 utc | 11
Johnny - Mar 8 2024 16:24 utc | 5
Oh, actually, we have a more recent example of similar genocidal statements. It's Rwanda in 1993-1994, and the notorious Radio Mille Collines, which openly called for months to wipe out every single Tutsi. Which they eventually tried to carry off, as we all know.
Posted by: Clueless Joe | Mar 8 2024 16:47 utc | 12
Thanx b. Remember Res ipsa loquitur. Zionists are simply evil.
Posted by: Jeff Harrison | Mar 8 2024 16:49 utc | 13
"Posted by: KMRIA | Mar 8 2024 16:26 utc | 6"
Effin' brilliant! And we can send by means of force the millions of Jews in that part of the world to Israhell.
Dude, get your ideas out there. You're a genius, a major diplomat .... (Hehe ... Hoho ... Hawhawhawhahaaaaaaa ...)
Posted by: Victor G. | Mar 8 2024 16:52 utc | 14
I am sorry, this is in French. Please use Google translate. This is about an event in 1534 in the UK. Maybe the only contract has been signed then, that has not yet been broken by the west. That still causes to much pain:
Posted by: swiss | Mar 8 2024 16:54 utc | 15
There is Civilization when a power recognizes as Citizenship the population of the territory it controls.
The Zionist regime is pure Barbarism because it is based on bloody fantasies that establish a brutal distinction between a dominant people and a subjugated population.
Posted by: Simon | Mar 8 2024 16:54 utc | 16
All this would not be possible if current trends in avangard western though would not contain these very ideas - there is irrepressible enemy, a clear and present danger to human wellbeing, even to the whole planet itself.
Posted by: js | Mar 8 2024 16:54 utc | 17
Everyone needs to stop comparing things to Nazis and the Holocaust.
Its pathetic.
20 million White European men died to "save" these people and they're killing entire families right in front of you and all you can do is talk about Nazis and the holobunga.
Wake up. Remove these people from your countries. Fcsk the innocent ones, they need to be removed from power. No violence is necessary.
But for the love of God get off the Nazi bullshit.
Posted by: ryanggg | Mar 8 2024 16:55 utc | 18
In general, a child raised in an abusive environment will abuse his own children when he becomes a parent... It is natural for a nation founded by the victims of the Holocaust to become a nation that perpetrates the Holocaust.
Posted by: CIROC | Mar 8 2024 16:56 utc | 19
In my opinion, the only words to describe the genocide that could possibly be "right" would be the words that say, "This ends now, by the military intervention of the world's nations."
No other words really matter. What the world has shown is that it cannot intervene to stop this, it has no institutional power or political incentive to stop the genocide of the US and its blood-simple proxy, Israel.
Let the world remember its impotence to intervene when the resistance forces destroy the entity of Israel and restore the whole state of Palestine. I have a feeling "some" of the world will want to intervene then, but perhaps the resistance will have seen enough horror to say, "No. Keep out - we have our own military operation in practice. We don't need you. And we won't let you in."
Because as the pastor said in Bethlehem on Christmas Day: "No apology will be accepted. Where were you when Gaza was undergoing genocide?"
Posted by: Grieved | Mar 8 2024 16:57 utc | 20
Clueless Joe,
Great point. I had forgotten about that. What a disaster that entire conflict was. Thanks
Posted by: Johnny | Mar 8 2024 17:03 utc | 21
Which Holocaust do you mean ?
60 million Chinese by Tojo - Mao
30 million Russians by Bolsheviks
25 million Russians by Fascists
10 million Congolese by Belgians - Leopold II
9 million Koreans by the Pentagon - MacArthur
9 million Chinese by the English - Sassoons
8 million Iranians by the English - Churchill
6 million Southeast Asians by the Pentagon-Kissinger
5 million Bengalis by the English - Churchill
4 million Philippinos by the Americans
4 million Irish by the English
3 million Indonesians by CIA - AntiCommunists
Posted by: Exile | Mar 8 2024 17:04 utc | 22
There is a disturbing similarity between the Zionists and the ultra-nationalists in Ukraine such as the OUN B. The latter put a priority upon killing Polish, Russian, Jewish children because they represented their opponents in the future.
Posted by: Mike Price | Mar 8 2024 17:06 utc | 23
Zionazis are baby killers. Remember this sick son of a bitch Rabbi Mali.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 17:06 utc | 24
In general, a child raised in an abusive environment will abuse his own children when he becomes a parent... It is natural for a nation founded by the victims of the Holocaust to become a nation that perpetrates the Holocaust.
Posted by: CIROC | Mar 8 2024 16:56 utc | 19
Zionazis are Hitler's ideological children.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 17:08 utc | 25
If there is at least one economic, political and military power on earth which could stop the genocide in Gaza within four weeks - against the will of the US' rulers! - then this potential power is China. But as long as China is not doing it - such words, as quoted here from Wang Yi, are really not more than lip services we know from Sisi, Erdogan, the CrownPrince and hundred other so called 'powerful' men.
Posted by: gerhard | Mar 8 2024 17:08 utc | 26
The Corporate world feels no responsibility to anything other than Corporate interests. There have always been concentrations of power in the past, but the tools of IT , banking , trading, spying , war,propaganda, etc have super-heated the concentration of power of Corporate interests with allegiance to nobody and zero accountability.
Until such time as your ordinary American becomes as disgusted with capitalism as they are currently
disgusted with Communism, this Globalism racket is unstoppable.
The insanity of the US supplying the
to Israel weaponry to commit genocide is the insanity of Capitalism that every problem can be solved by applying more power, and that might is always right.
The Rabbi and Netanyahu are simply gaming the insanity of Globalism, riding the Beast. I have to agree with deck, that this tragedy is entirely an American and Globalist Capitalist mindset, the like of which the world has seen often seen before, in Britain and Japan, Turkey and Imperial Russia and every other Empire.
To say that the rabbi or Netanyahu control the Beast will never solve the problem that the American public love the Beast's raw power. The Brits loved their brutal and destructive Empire. The Mughals, the French etc.
It is not zionism that is causing the genocide, it is the reckless thrill of the Americans hyping on US power.
Posted by: Giyane | Mar 8 2024 17:09 utc | 27
Posted by: Exile | Mar 8 2024 17:04 utc | 22
Add in Native Americans.
Posted by: jo6pac | Mar 8 2024 17:10 utc | 28
Posted by: Mike Price | Mar 8 2024 17:06 utc | 23
Azov among others have been genociding for Israel.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 8 2024 17:11 utc | 29
Thanks for the posting b. I agree that it is hard to put into words what our species is doing to itself.
I stopped watching tv probably 40 years ago now so I have missed the normalization of violence that tv has attempted to provide cover for. The West is a Might-Makes-Right type of social organization, male, very hierarchical, ends justify means barbarism; all covered in a smarmy veil of democracy/freedom/monotheism.
Gaza is just the current instantiation of regional dominance along that path.
The Western form of "civilization" has failed to subjugate all of the rest of the world and at this time the parts not under Western control are organizing to not live under the existing global financial jackboot of existential threat.....time to pull out all the religious/cultural and other conflicts to attempt to maintain control.
Its a bit more complicated than that but here we are and I am seeing signs that the normalization of violence against fellow humans did not work as well as planned so force may have to be used against the internal empire zombies as well.
Barbarism versus socialism I believe is the human question on the table.
@ Grieved | Mar 8 2024 16:57 utc | 20 with the no apology comment....thanks for that...good to read you here again
Posted by: psychohistorian | Mar 8 2024 17:12 utc | 30
Posted by: Exile | Mar 8 2024 17:04 utc | 22
Add Koreans and Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians by USA.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 8 2024 17:12 utc | 31
'The need to filter their intentions seems to be gone!' -- jpc
Gaza is the Judenazis' Kristallnacht against the Arabs.
Except instead of smashing windows, they demolished the whole city.
And we [cucked Americlowns] helped! :-)
Posted by: Jim H | Mar 8 2024 17:15 utc | 32
Posted by: Exile | Mar 8 2024 17:04 utc | 22
Sorry I see you already did. Different nomenclature.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 8 2024 17:16 utc | 33
b, thank you. Not only is it a disgrace for civilization; it is a disgrace for judaism as well. I cannot speak for the jewish faith, but my own depends upon that faith as a meaningful foundation, being Orthodox Christianity, which is one of the three main spiritual paths (there are others) that blend into and harmonize within Russia.
I know there are questions here about how Russia has or has not responded to the tragedy in Gaza. This morning I copied for myself an essay that to me exemplifies one part of that spiritual foundation so here is the link to that.
This is the Christian understanding; I do not attempt to explain judaism, only that there is a deep family relationship between Christianity and Israeli belief. Neither of which ought to pretend to earthly dominance, as that way lies what is happening in Gaza, which all the world now sees. We have seen that there are many Jews deeply horrified by what is happening. I hope they will find their voices, as Martin Buber once did, and speak out whenever and wherever they can. God bless them.
Posted by: juliania | Mar 8 2024 17:16 utc | 34
Posted by: Giyane | Mar 8 2024 17:09 utc | 27The insanity of the US supplying the to [sic] Israel weaponry to commit genocide is the insanity of Capitalism that every problem can be solved by applying more power, and that might is always right.
It's got nothing to do with "capitalism". Capitalism is just capital being deployed by private owners, rather than the country's government.
Socialists trying to blame "capitalism" - which is just a word to describe market-based production - for the acts of governments is a great example of how confused the Left typically are.
The weapons are being supplied by the US government, which extracts taxes coercively from the private sector (from "capitalism", if you will) and then deploys the money - and the weapons it buys - to meet political goals. This has absolutely nothing to do with "capitalism".
Posted by: Observer | Mar 8 2024 17:18 utc | 35
Gerhard #26 - it’s an interesting thought for China to take the next real step …
I wonder what the USEU reaction would be to a sanctions program by China (same as say the one the US has employed against Iran) targeting any country that trades with Israel?
Posted by: Caliman | Mar 8 2024 17:22 utc | 36
A review of the Bible indicates YHVH implicated in several genocides, and Satan in none.Posted by: Figleaf23 | Dec 22 2023 22:00 utc | 84
Posted by: Leuk | Mar 8 2024 17:23 utc | 37
This has absolutely nothing to do with "capitalism".
Posted by: Observer | Mar 8 2024 17:18 utc | 35
You're confused. One of the few manufacturing industries that's thriving in the US is weapons manufacturing. The money "coerced" from the private sector goes right back to the private sector.
Ostensibly speaking, said private sector wouldn't be able to function without a somewhat literate workforce, educated mostly by state managed institutions, functioning roads, bridges and rail (yeah right, I know), a system of adjudication for their internecine capitalist spats and monopoly management, clean air to breathe, and all of that stuff. I say ostensibly because we all see the collective commons crumbling around us due to extractive capitalism and in fact the Israeli state wages genocide on the Gazans precisely to serve capitalist (extractive, real estate, "markets") interests.
So yes, financial-rentier-extractive capitalism is the root of the problem we are discussing here.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 8 2024 17:27 utc | 38
from there: U.S. legislation, envisages an additional $17.6 billion in new military assistance to Israel as its war against Hamas continues in response to their deadly Oct. 7 attacks.
"That's more than allyship. That's a marriage ... It's almost incomprehensible," he said of U.S. support to Israel, calling the recent aid measures a "performance to try to meet a domestic audience with (U.S. presidential) elections around the corner".
"That's the only rational coherent interpretation (for these aid announcements) because ...from a humanitarian perspective, from an international perspective, from a human rights perspective, it is absurd in a dark, cynical way," he said.
so obvious it hurts: "israel" is sick and criminal beyond redemption
the ever-savvy Grieved has nailed it above: "...the only words to describe the genocide that could possibly be "right" would be the words that say, "This ends now, by the military intervention of the world's nations."
No other words really matter.
I know how China thinks and operates, but they need to make an exception before there are no more Palestinians able to walk upright.
Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Mar 8 2024 17:33 utc | 39
Has Rabbi Maley been sanctioned by the US, EU and UK for advocating genocide? Is he now banned from traveling abroad and infecting the rest of the world with his bile?
Posted by: D J G | Mar 8 2024 17:33 utc | 40
Complicity is not just disgrace. It is a crime.
Posted by: Mark Thomason | Mar 8 2024 17:38 utc | 41
The fact that Rabbi Maley's words aren't all over the western media just shows how tight a grip the establishment has on the dissemination of information.
Posted by: D J G | Mar 8 2024 17:39 utc | 42
Posted by: Grieved | Mar 8 2024 16:57 utc | 20
Thank you, Grieved. Indeed, words fail.
Posted by: juliania | Mar 8 2024 17:43 utc | 43
"Lets finish the job." I hear that line a lot these days from U.S. politicians in support of Israel doing its genocide. I heard that line used a lot by Genocide Joe last nite in his State of the Union speech. Code for what Genocide Joe is really out to do? I suppose by dropping those "aid" packages on top of starving Palestinians, killing five, is one way of helping Israel "finish the job."
Posted by: Gee Eye Joe | Mar 8 2024 17:43 utc | 44
The fact that Rabbi Maley's words aren't all over the western media just shows how tight a grip the establishment has on the dissemination of information.
Posted by: D J G | Mar 8 2024 17:39 utc | 42
Not to mention the death toll in Gaza has mysteriously frozen at 30k. It's certainly over 100k, primarily women and children, that have been brutally murder in Gaza by the Zionazis.
The information control in the west is extreme.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 17:45 utc | 45
"It is not zionism that is causing the genocide, it is the reckless thrill of the Americans hyping on US power."
LOL. Those poor Jews, victims of evil colonialist American capitalists, being used as proxies!
AIPAC controls the Americans' government.
Posted by: MikeB | Mar 8 2024 17:45 utc | 46
(Reposted from the previous Palestine open thread)
@ Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 7 2024 22:28 utc | 94
@ Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 8 2024 5:01 utc | 142
@ Tom_Q_Collins | Mar 8 2024 5:03 utc | 143
Re: Thought experiment
...stand down partly or completely, for a given amount of time on October 7, inclusive of intentionally understaffing certain areas of defense and/or intentionally handicapping intelligence gathering and the interception of Hamas radio communications?
Yes, there are too many suspicious circumstances and pieces of evidence (testimony from IDF members) to assume that there wasn't some element of LIHOP. But, my gut feeling after seeing a lot of different accounts is that those who had prior knowledge of a planned guerrilla operation believed that it would be much more modest and limited than the one that actually took place. The amount of Unit 8200 data that Al-Qassam Brigades acquired when they raided key IDF sites near Gaza is one of the strongest indicators that the operation was much better planned and executed than what the LIHOP elements in the Israeli government had assumed or bargained for. Al-Qassam also disabled the entire Gaza region IDF communications infrastructure, and killed or took prisoner pretty much the entire IDF Gaza Brigade. Some very senior people got captured.
My interpretation is that the Israelis, as usual, believed that the Palestinian resistance was inferior and could never pull off such an elaborate and well-planned operation. And on top of that, I believe that Al-Qassam played them along, feeding false intelligence to the Israelis so that they would undersetimate the scale of the operation.
OTOH, one of the elements that seems to confirm the presence of LIHOP is the Nova festival, and specifically, it's location. I don't have any evidence, but it seems plausible that the LIHOP elements in Israel planned to use the festival being attacked as the key PR driver to justify a genocidal war on the entire population of Gaza. (The festival wasn't deliberately attacked, the Palestinian resistance militia and other gangs stumbled upon it after moving from the fence toward the Kibbutzim.) From the little information I have seen, it is very likely that no one involved in the festival organisation knew that they were being set up as sacrificial lambs. One thing I would like to know is whether it is true that the festival site was moved under IDF orders only a few days before the event, from an original location much further away from the Gaza fence.
Another element that to me confirms that the LIHOP elements in Israel massively underestimated the strength of the armed resistance groups is the IDF's total failure on the ground in Gaza from day one until now. Total. Tens of thousands of IDF injured. Many thousands permanently disabled. Many thousands KIA. Completely unable to penetrate the tunnel network or capture/kill senior resistance leaders. Total failure. They thought it would be another case of "mowing the lawn" plus some extra bombing to force the entire population to flee through Rafah to the Sinai.
They badly miscalculated. Hubris is an understatement. Their economy is in tatters. But they're still completely bonkers and determined to go to a full-scale war with Hezbollah. Utterly delusional. Their LIHOP will eventually lead to the end of the Zionist state quite rapidly, IMO.
Posted by: tawharanui | Mar 8 2024 17:45 utc | 47
Posted by: psychohistorian | Mar 8 2024 17:12 utc | 30
It's gone well beyond the normalization of violence. Take a gander at programming like Survivor or other "reality teevee" and see that the programmers are beaming the normalization of SADISM into the brains of the consumers.
Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Mar 8 2024 17:47 utc | 48
"So yes, financial-rentier-extractive capitalism is the root of the problem we are discussing here."
No, it is the occupation of the Americans' government by bolsheviks who fled from Ukraine after the failed 1905 revolution.
Posted by: MikeB | Mar 8 2024 17:49 utc | 49
Newton! in the news
Five people were killed during the dumping of humanitarian aid on a camp in the Gaza Strip. About 20 others were injured.Parachutes failed to open over several crates, and they fell on people.
Eyewitnesses published a video of the humanitarian aid dump.
These were shipments from Egypt and the United States. In the video, you can see that some parachutes did not open. Crates with the help fell directly on the crowd.
The other day we told you that the United States wants to build a temporary port in Gaza for the delivery of humanitarian aid. According to US officials, the temporary port will help increase the supply of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians "by hundreds of additional trucks a day", but it will take "several weeks"to build it.
Posted by: sln2002 | Mar 8 2024 17:49 utc | 50
Pro-Palestine activists attack painting of Lord Balfour at University of Cambridge's Trinity College.
Posted by: Siddhartha | Mar 8 2024 17:50 utc | 51
Posted by: Observer | Mar 8 2024 17:18 utc | 35
Read Imperialism then think how much more concentrated capital ownership has become in the last 100 years. Then consider the profit motives underlying the wars and finally the markets that would be open to national capital of the US should it achieve it's geopolitical goal of taking Russian and Chinese territory.
Do that and I'll take you seriously. Short of that you are just another ignorant wage slave looking after masta's interests.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 17:51 utc | 52
"So yes, financial-rentier-extractive capitalism is the root of the problem we are discussing here."
No, it is the occupation of the Americans' government by bolsheviks who fled from Ukraine after the failed 1905 revolution.
Posted by: MikeB | Mar 8 2024 17:49 utc | 49
That's curious. Bolsheviks that chose to live in the whore house of US imperialism instead of returning after 1917? Those are some unusual Bolsheviks.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 17:54 utc | 53
Embracing Nazi Morality of Lebensraum and Ethnic Cleansing without hesitation or remorse.
Don't call out in pain when the pendulum you are pushing swings back to crush you.
Posted by: kupkee | Mar 8 2024 17:54 utc | 54
@Exile | Mar 8 2024 17:04 utc | 22
The figures you quote have no serious basis. Repeating them over and over again doesn't make them any more authoritative. Besides, I don't see what you're trying to prove. I would use them if I wanted to persuade others that 30,000 Ghazaouis is not much.
Posted by: Leuk | Mar 8 2024 17:56 utc | 55
Why are ISIS like fanatics like this guy allowed to have any public function or say?To be fair to him, he is just repeating what Jewish law, halakah, provides. See 20 Deut. 16-18 (genocide - ZioNazism). I know it's hard to wrap one's head around how evil Judaism is, but it's written clear as day. And as to the rest of the world, outside of "Greater Israel", see 20 Deut. 10-15 (enslavement - Bolshevism).
Posted by: CalDre | Mar 8 2024 17:59 utc | 56
Grieved | Mar 8 2024 16:57 utc | 20
Let the world remember its impotence to intervene...
The impotency will rendezvous with peak evil, which seems to be approaching. A miserable tryst.
Good to hear from you!
Posted by: john | Mar 8 2024 18:02 utc | 58
AIPAC controls the Americans' government.
Posted by: MikeB | Mar 8 2024 17:45 utc | 46
Not completely but the influence is so great they forced the disasterous Iraq war and currently commit open genocide without disturbance and with the great support of US imperialism.
AIPAC however is not concerned about the wage slaves it's an agency of a racist supremacist movement. So, again, these aren't Bolsheviks.
Read anything by Lenin, literally anything. He was the founder of the party. You'll find nothing there about racial supremacy, woke capitalism, idpol. Nothing.
What you will find is that the Bolsheviks called for the elimination of private property in the "means of production" (no more billionaires), the end to imperialist war (no more Ukraine, Taiwan, Iraq, etc etc.)
No tell me does that sound like something AIPAC would endorse?
Read more.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 18:02 utc | 59
Praise Allah for the Houthis.
They are baiting the senile old lunatic into spending more of the hegemon's precious missiles re-arranging sand.
Every $2M missile spent is one that can't be sent to Ukraine. The operational costs of keeping operation Leechfuckery Re-tardian going will help speed up the collapse of Amerikka.
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Mar 8 2024 18:05 utc | 60
Exile @22
Careful now, that's trademark infringement! There's no business like the Shoah business!
Posted by: CalDre | Mar 8 2024 18:05 utc | 61
Just after the end of the Second World War the West had a chance to reclaim and indeed consolidate its mastery of the literal rest of the world through the use of 'atomics' (to borrow the parlance of Dune). Nuking the major non white population centers in Africa and the Middle East, if not Asia as well, thereby significantly reducing the non white populations of the aforesaid, as was previously 'fortuitously' biologically done in the Americas. The result would have been an at least half white Africa, from Algeria to Capetown, or perhaps even another Australia on a heretofore inconceivable imperial scale; the decimation of the Middle East would have been a smaller affair in comparison (albeit in reality of course horrendous crime). Except there was one problem: USSR, soon followed by another, Communist China. These two geographically and/or populationally vast nuclear powers would not have stood for it, if no other reason than that such level of Western aggrandizement and global Western hegemony would have reduced the USSR abd China to fortress rump powers at best, notwithstanding their otherwise hardly rivalled separate, let alone combined, size.
But after some thirty odd years since the fall of the USSR and 23 years since 9/11, the decimation of the Middle East by the old Western imperial powers, led by the US, is continuing apace. Gaza appears to be the most nakedly genocidal manifestation yet of the hardly latent Dr. Strangelovian appetency for world domination, under US aegis, that was then frustrated by the USSR and to a lesser (and subsequent) extent China. Yet clearly the West's fascist faction's racist genocidal pre-, but clearly hardly less so postwar, dream remains very much alive in the the most influential Western oligarchic and military circles. To wit, to make of the Middle East, if not the gargantuan totality of Africa itself, a giant South Africa, but with at least a quarter of the population, for the entire continent, white, in charge, and nuclearly armed, if not indeed another Australia (by biological warfare means perhaps); ditto for the Middle East, albeit almost as an after thought in comparison.
Posted by: Ludo | Mar 8 2024 18:14 utc | 63
: Observer | Mar 8 2024 17:18 utc | 35
How do you imagine that individuals came to own large capitals?
You don't need to imagine- the economic history is clear enough: most capital accumulation begins with plunder, the dispossession of society as a whole and individual cultivators, hunters and others. The institution of private property in land begins with the destruction of common property, theft.
And then there is the question of how it is that those with control over large capitals come to exert power over government-to arrogate the functions of government to themselves.
Your idea that governments exist to oppress property owners takes no account of the reality that a property owners' oligarchy controls governments. Which is why taxes are raised in such a way that those least able to pay (also those least able to influence government) bear the greatest burden whereas the rich pay, relatively much less. It is also why taxes, having been collected, are generally diverted to pay wealthy contractors, such as arms manufacturers and increase the capital of the rich.
Which is why, as the primary beneficiaries of government (whose primary duty is to defend private property) the wealthy form a ruling class, employing the state to serve their own interests.
Your schema, that of the crude 'libertarians' like Ayn Rand, ignores the nost obvious reality which is that power in a capitalist society is exerted by and for those employed to serve the perceived interests of the capitalists.
Anyone seeking an explanation of the ease with which the US government, and others in the imperialist bloc, can undertake the open facilitation of the genocide in Gaza need look no further than the comments above, many of which, like Observer's, reflect the confusion that exists over the organisation of government and society.
The bases of the extraordinary claims being made by the crazed and bloodthirsty rabbi quoted by b are not biblical but economic. This man's raving would be of no interest to anyone but criminologists and psychologists specialising in deviancy were it not that they serve the interests of a capitalist class engaged in dispossessing a nation and ambitious to monetise the loot through the market. Already Real Estate firms in north America are selling options on Gaza property in 'Jews Only" auctions.
Supporting Israeli genocide- so crude, so undisguised and so flagrantly racist- is far from being in the interests of any of the states, including Israel, involved. But support is given without hesitation, despite its suicidal geopolitical implications, for a wide variety of reasons, none of which is particularly rational.
Giyane@27 is correct. This madness is born of greed and a system celebrating the accumulation of wealth and the massing of power- by taking them from the people.
Posted by: bevin | Mar 8 2024 18:18 utc | 64
To be fair to him, he is just repeating what Jewish law, halakah, provides. See 20 Deut. 16-18 (genocide - ZioNazism). I know it's hard to wrap one's head around how evil Judaism is, but it's written clear as day. And as to the rest of the world, outside of "Greater Israel", see 20 Deut. 10-15 (enslavement - Bolshevism).
Posted by: CalDre | Mar 8 2024 17:59 utc | 56
According to imperial Rome, their crime was "hatred of humanity".
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 18:20 utc | 65
Posted by: Siddhartha | Mar 8 2024 17:50 utc | 51
Thank you for this good news ... I had to find out who this Lord is:
On November 2, 1917, Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour writes an important letter to Britain's most illustrious Jewish citizen, Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild, expressing the British government's support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine
Posted by: swiss | Mar 8 2024 18:21 utc | 66
Praise Allah for the Houthis.
They are baiting the senile old lunatic into spending more of the hegemon's precious missiles re-arranging sand.
Every $2M missile spent is one that can't be sent to Ukraine. The operational costs of keeping operation Leechfuckery Re-tardian going will help speed up the collapse of Amerikka.
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Mar 8 2024 18:05 utc | 60
Hear, hear! A people with heart and dignity. May they survive and thrive. A blessing on their tribe.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 18:22 utc | 67
Dr. Ralph Wilde's who's ICJ presentation at the Hague 2024 on behalf of the Arab League was nothing less than amazing. He is the author of many books and the recipient of several prestigious awards. In his presentation at the ICJ he touched on, but did not go into great detail, about the illegibility of how the British blocked Palestinian's from becoming a free, independent, and sovereign nation based on the borders mapped out by the British themselves as part of the British Mandate for Palestine which was promised to the Palestinians who have lived there for hundreds of years.
The point of this comment is to inform those who are interested in the details of how the British criminally misuse, and abused, their role in dividing up the Lavant (which I found very informative), a video with an attach PDF Document was produced on 09/28/2023, a short time before the events on 10/07. The video is a popular version of a lawsuit being brought before regional and international courts, as well as to London, financed by Businessman Munib al-Masri, who is one of the initiators, to hold Britain accountable for its illegal promises and abuses of its responsibilities under the Leage of Nations as caretaker for Palestine, and its people, under the British Mandate. The conspiratorial side of me is awakened by the close proximity to the Balfour Project lawsuit and the 10/07 uprising. As you can imagine, the UK establishment and the Israeli establishment are not happy about the lawsuit which opens doors that both parties had hoped were long forgotten about.
People like bevin who hail from the UK may fine this old history, but I suspect that most people around the planet will be surprised at the disgusting behavior of the British colonial scum bags in late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and still to this day.
karlof1, I hope you can find this information useful as well.
Posted by: Ed | Mar 8 2024 18:24 utc | 68
Passerby | Mar 8 2024 18:00 utc | 57
You mean like Naseem Hamed?
Posted by: bevin | Mar 8 2024 18:26 utc | 69
So USN Seabee units will build a new temporary seaport in Gaza because the IDF has destroyed Port Gaza (actually they never allowed any sea borne cargo service in the port).
According to the now severely limited POTUS, no US troops will be involved! How USN Seabees will build the temporary port with out setting foot in Gaza is a mystery wrapped in an enigma.......
You cant make this stuff up......awaiting for Admiral Kirby to clarify.........
Posted by: Tobias Cole | Mar 8 2024 18:27 utc | 70
Words, words, words. We are still talking about talk. I feel like the world is being desensitized by the non-stop killing. It will go-on until there is no-one else to kill. Nobody other than Uncle Sugar has the power to stop this senseless meat-grinder. And the Uncle, yeah, he sure knows genocide; he was born on it. Can anyone say boo to the Uncle? That’s all there is to it.
P.S., why is the entity’s report to ICJ kept secret? It was due after a month from Jan 26. Now, those are the words I’d like to see.
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Mar 8 2024 18:31 utc | 71
Israel's genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is enabled by Biden and the US. Biden and the US could have stopped this with a phone call long ago: After Israel killed as many Palestinians as Israelis killed on October 7. After Israel killed twice as many Palestinians. Or 3 times as many. And then it became 10 times as many, then 20 times as many, now 30 times as many. Apartheid Israel is mass-murdering mostly children and women, and yet Biden refuses to stop it and keeps on sending American taxpayer money and more American bombs to drop on Gaza, all while vetoing UN Security Council ceasefire resolutions.
Speaking of words, Biden/US has in effect for months told Netanyahu/Israel "Do whatever you want". In Trump's case it's rhetoric meant to get other NATO countries to cough up 2% of their GDP to the US/NATO/MIC protection racket. In Biden's case it's not just rhetoric, but very real de facto policy: "do whatever you want for as long as you want, and here are more US bombs for you to drop on Gaza."
Biden claims "We will not walk away. We will not bow down. I will not bow down," as he walks away from genocide and crimes against humanity in Gaza, and as he bows down fully to a right-wing foreign leader, Netanyahu, and right-wing Jewish supremacist regime.
And apparently progressives in the US will vote for him ...
Boycott genocide diamonds, including lab-grown, if they were cut and polished in Israel.
Posted by: Canadian Cents | Mar 8 2024 18:32 utc | 72
Note well that the US has been accusing PR China of genocide, on zero (0) evidence.
Posted by: lester | Mar 8 2024 18:35 utc | 73
Posted by: karlof1 | Mar 8 2024 15:56 utc | 1
Resort to appeal ad Nazium reduces your credibility to zero.
A "disgrace for civilization" as well as for a purported intellectual.
Posted by: ChasMark | Mar 8 2024 18:37 utc | 74
When you have tonnes of nuclear weapons at your disposal and you are clearly psychotic and sadistic, it seems you can get away with anything. No, I'm not talking about the Americans, although they're not far off it.
The frankenstein that is Israel will not die without taking down its creators with them and wall street and the city are slowly realising this fact. Both the monster and its creators are slowly passing away thanks to the sacrifice of the Palestinian people, a sacrifice never before witnessed on earth, and hopefully never witnessed by humanity again.
Posted by: Eoin Clancy | Mar 8 2024 18:38 utc | 75
everyone is in on the shoah
jordan,qatar,turkey,and fucking slum slug sisi the donmeh crypto yahu of egypt
i copied and pasted some words
The head of the Seder yeshiva in Jaffa, whose students serve in the IDF after their studies there, said at a conference of Seder yeshiva held yesterday (Thursday) that according to the halakhic principle, all residents of Gaza should be killed. When asked specifically about the elderly and babies, he replied: "Same thing."
"It's either you – or them," Rabbi Maley added. "No soul shall live on the basis of 'Bring to kill you – bring to kill you'. Not just the 14-year-old, 16–year-old, 20-year-old, 30-year-old man holding up arms - but the future generation as well. And also for those who produce the future generation. Because there really is no difference.
Posted by: todd | Mar 8 2024 18:39 utc | 76
To be fair to him, he is just repeating what Jewish law, halakah, provides. See 20 Deut. 16-18 (genocide - ZioNazism). I know it's hard to wrap one's head around how evil Judaism is, but it's written clear as day. And as to the rest of the world, outside of "Greater Israel", see 20 Deut. 10-15 (enslavement - Bolshevism).
Posted by: CalDre | Mar 8 2024 17:59 utc | 56
According to imperial Rome, their crime was "hatred of humanity".
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 18:20 utc | 65
It amazes and saddens me how so few people understand the evil at the very core of judaism. What jews worship is the collective existence of jews as a separatist group, and they absolutely believe the toxic self-invented story of their "divine supremacy".
Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Mar 8 2024 18:41 utc | 77
Words, words, words. We are still talking about talk. I feel like the world is being desensitized by the non-stop killing. It will go-on until there is no-one else to kill. Nobody other than Uncle Sugar has the power to stop this senseless meat-grinder. And the Uncle, yeah, he sure knows genocide; he was born on it. Can anyone say boo to the Uncle? That’s all there is to it.
P.S., why is the entity’s report to ICJ kept secret? It was due after a month from Jan 26. Now, those are the words I’d like to see.
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Mar 8 2024 18:31 utc | 71
What actions do you suggest?
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 18:41 utc | 78
"AIPAC controls the Americans' government.
Posted by: MikeB | Mar 8 2024 17:45 utc | 46"
Don't forget the Christian Ziuonists, voting in the 10s of millions.
Posted by: lester | Mar 8 2024 18:43 utc | 79
Posted by: kupkee | Mar 8 2024 17:54 utc | 54
Embracing Nazi Morality of Lebensraum and Ethnic Cleansing without hesitation or remorse.
Comments like the above reveal profound intellectual bankruptcy, the sort that has enabled the horror being televised these last months.
Don't call out in pain when the pendulum you are pushing swings back to crush you.
Reasonable bet you are not anywhere in the path of a swinging pendulum but merely an uncritical, albeit, sputtering observer.
Posted by: ChasMark | Mar 8 2024 18:45 utc | 80
"Which Holocaust do you mean ?
60 million Chinese by Tojo - Mao
Posted by: Exile | Mar 8 2024 17:04 utc | 22"
Never forget Chiang Kai-shek.
Posted by: lester | Mar 8 2024 18:46 utc | 81
The US has quite an extensive history of genocide and ethnic cleansing, but forgives itself very easily.
Posted by: lester | Mar 8 2024 18:48 utc | 82
Speaking of “ISIS-like”…
Ex-ISIS chief appointed as commander of US-backed militia in Syria
Posted by: nwwoods | Mar 8 2024 18:49 utc | 83
The right words:
“The Palestinians are paying for their crimes on 10-7.”
On to Greater Israel!!!
Posted by: Remember 10-7 | Mar 8 2024 18:51 utc | 84
The right words:
“The Palestinians are paying for their crimes on 10-7.”
On to Greater Israel!!!
Posted by: Remember 10-7 | Mar 8 2024 18:51 utc | 84
Behold the glee of the Zionazi while murdering defenseless women and children!
Thanks for showing your hideous visage. Do, show us some more, indeed, keep showing the world! It's been very educational for millions so far.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 18:56 utc | 85
"AIPAC controls the Americans' government.
Posted by: MikeB | Mar 8 2024 17:45 utc | 46"
Don't forget the Christian Ziuonists, voting in the 10s of millions.
Posted by: lester | Mar 8 2024 18:43 utc | 79
Oh, of course. Israel commits a genocide under democratic party protection, but let's make sure to pin it on some tiny sect of Christian wage slaves who never voted for Biden or genocide. Unconscious hasbara here.
When was the Israeli genocide on the ballot?
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 18:59 utc | 86
What actions do you suggest?
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 18:41 utc | 78
I think I said it in the post. Standing up to Uncle Sugar. Now, who can do that?
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Mar 8 2024 19:04 utc | 87
A few days ago, Stephen Bryen -- Zionist and genocide apologist -- was praised on this site.
Yet, today to his email list Bryen complained that Biden's SOTU speech failed to address:
"the grotesque rise of antisemitism, fueled by the White House crude attempts to remove Netanyahu from power and punish Israelis for sundry non-crimes."
What a great example of bloodthirsty Zionism. 30 thousand dead Palestinians in Gaza. More than ten thousand children murdered. An insult to humanity. A "disgrace to civilization." But not for the likes of Bryen. Those are "non-crimes."
Posted by: Tobie | Mar 8 2024 19:11 utc | 88
Israel has gone fully “rogue”, with the calculation - so far absolutely correct - that its US-EU sponsors will ultimately be guided by their geopolitical interests rather than humanitarian considerations. Jettisoning Israel will not happen, and no matter what it does, the aftermath will be considered a public relations problem rather than a criminal referral.
The Biden administration expended a lot of energy trying to arrange for a Ramadan ceasefire. Israel’s government obstructed that negotiation (there will be some kind of payback for that later). The “humanitarian naval corridor” from Cyprus has become the PR fallback, a plan B (or plan G or plan T) which will serve dual purpose: a humanitarian bandaid, but also placing NATO naval assets directly off-shore of Israel and Lebanon. A major operation directed against Hezbollah, justified by Israel’s security “concerns”, may well ensue. CIA chief Burns is back in the region for some kind of recalibration.
Posted by: jayc | Mar 8 2024 19:11 utc | 89
Posted by: swiss | Mar 8 2024 16:54 utc | 15
Thank you. For whatever combination of complex causes the Jewish element is nearly always, though usually well occluded, behind most 'colonialist-settler' Western barbarism, going back to the Crusades.
This current excess in Gaza will hopefully prove a geopolitical teaching moment that will spur resolution by action going far beyond the Chinese Ambassador's truly fine words.
Meanwhile, Palestinians who are the victims of poor geopolitical leadership via corrupt post-war UN agency as enabled by all major Powers, are starving to death hour by hour.
So nice to see a grieved comment again. He is right: only an intervention can begin to solve this. But I have proposed since October that only if and when the major states in the Middle East step up to provide regional Authority on their own say-so will any such intervention be forthcoming. Their deficiency in this regard is the main cause of this century long atrocity. The conflicted parties on the ground are too close and the global institutions too far away. The Region itself has to step up.
Posted by: ChasMark | Mar 8 2024 18:45 utc | 80
Posted by: Ed | Mar 8 2024 19:16 utc | 91
Cameron reveals some smallprints to the plan.
Same script as war on Syria...set up "humanitarian" hubs around...Lebanon this time?
Posted by: Minaa | Mar 8 2024 19:18 utc | 92
I agree with some of the comments. Words are good, but we need governments to sanction, fire israeli ambassadors.
Words never done much for the murderous zionists.
Posted by: Animal | Mar 8 2024 19:26 utc | 93
NONE of the major players in World politics have so far deigned to use the right wording: "PRE-PLANNED GENOCIDE". Not even the Mainland Chinese, who knew all about plenned germ warfare and genocide since the Korean war. And they suspct genocidal planning from those USes of North A have gone on for some thirty tears. (But they can never sivulge their suspicions -- because that would lead to a rage agaist Amerika.
But as for Izraél, we know thay have had planns to eradicate arabs fro the West Bank (Judea and Samaria and from Yerushalaïm).
WHY dare they not use the wordS "genocde/Ausratirung/Final solution" about what is going on?
The simple answer is: Saying "GENOCIDE"would them to breake off all connections with the tate of Izraël. (Remember)that that state is the only producer of some parts essential to the new F-45 attack plane systems. I believe this and other ties to Isreaël ceep them back; Israël may well find means of chastizing and punishing vertabrailly into their groines.
Posted by: Tollef Ås/秋涛乐/טלפ וש | Mar 8 2024 19:26 utc | 94
What actions do you suggest?
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 18:41 utc | 78
I think I said it in the post. Standing up to Uncle Sugar. Now, who can do that?
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Mar 8 2024 19:04 utc | 87
Little vague. Who stands up? What is meant by standing up?
I agree with your politics, but I think there needs to be more seriousness in considering what is actually required to topple the RC of the west and stop the genocidal maniacs of Israel.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 19:36 utc | 95
My contrarian cousin raised the following issue: A US created, staffed seaport in Gaza. At the end of a direct road recently built by Israel. Is the US integrating with Israel to become the new occupier of Gaza? Is this the beachhead for a permanent US outstation in Gaza? With Israel closing off all land crossings, the US appears to have closed off any and all possibility of assistance via Gaza beaches which Israel no longer has sufficient munitions, soldiery to defend. Would a semi permanent or permanent outstation so located seriously disrupt any international moves to support a free and independent Palestinian state? What impact/message to Hezbollah? Just asking for a cousin.
Posted by: abierno | Mar 8 2024 19:40 utc | 96
Israelis don't deserve a country, they deserve intensive psychiatric treatment as they are seriously damaged
Posted by: Virgile | Mar 8 2024 19:43 utc | 97
Meanwhile, Palestinians who are the victims of poor geopolitical leadership via corrupt post-war UN agency as enabled by all major Powers, are starving to death hour by hour.
So nice to see a grieved comment again. He is right: only an intervention can begin to solve this. But I have proposed since October that only if and when the major states in the Middle East step up to provide regional Authority on their own say-so will any such intervention be forthcoming. Their deficiency in this regard is the main cause of this century long atrocity. The conflicted parties on the ground are too close and the global institutions too far away. The Region itself has to step up.
Posted by: Scorpion | Mar 8 2024 19:12 utc | 90
I suspect that, at the moment at least, the major states in the Middle East are reluctant to do justice for the Palestinian people because they know that the US, and many western countries, will intervene for Israel: That, and many of the leaders of the Middle East have gorged themselves at the US trough, and have become fat. They also fear the nuclear gift that the US provided to Israel in violation of international law and several treatises.
But in time I suspect that these fears will pass, perhaps too late for many thousands of Palestinians, but ultimately to the determent of the Israel and the United States as well. Already, South Africa is talking about the need for nations to form an army sufficient to end the genocide that the US could end so easily.
American diplomats can never again hold their heads up high while pissing on and criticizing the rest of the world. The Eagle has been exposed, and it is in fact just a buzzard that feeds on the caucuses of the victims of the US caused catastrophes around the world.
Posted by: Ed | Mar 8 2024 19:48 utc | 98
What actions do you suggest?
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Mar 8 2024 18:41 utc | 78
In the absence of the Middle East region stepping up to assume some sort of authority in their own zone:
On a walk yesterday it suddenly came to me in a flash (!):
1. UNGA rescinds all prior Resolutions about Israel and reconfigures UNSC.
2. Israel must agree to become 100% demilitarized.
3. Israel will be granted territory for a Jewish-only State which will be contiguous and coastal for seven generations/ 150 years, after which they can apply to UN to achieve full sovereignty and UN membership.
4. They can take over Gaza - now they have destroyed it - but ten times the length and current width. That and no more. They can have a viable city state with major port there and access to Suez canal traffic or build an alternative. (If not Gaza, then further up the coast around Tel Aviv.)
5. Demilitarization enforced by UN.
6. Dual citizenship for Israelis in Western nations prohibited. AIPAC shut down.
7. If Israel refuses these terms, they will be cut off from all banks, funds etc. & International forces deployed.
8. Palestine gets all the rest of the territory surrounding kidney-bean shaped Israel, with full membership in UN, military, funding etc.
9. All funding via IMF; no direct grants from nation states like US.
Of course, nothing like this will happen. But I think a small state on the coast surrounded by a much larger, well supported Palestinian State, is the way to go. Jerusalem could be a special Sacred City not part of any Nation State.
I found this interesting: "In this @ForeignAffairs article by former Israeli PM Ehud Barak, he makes a shocking assertion: “Six times in the past 12 years [Netanyahu] has rejected plans proposed by the heads of Israel’s secret security agency, known as Shabak, to eliminate the Hamas leadership.” Yet more proof that Bibi was Hamas’s best friend."
Posted by: Ludo | Mar 8 2024 19:58 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Thanks b and thanks Wang Yi for using rhetoric I've been using for months. The comparison to ISIS is 100% correct, which is why the Zionists found them such likeable allies just as with Hitlerian Nazis in Germany before and Ukraine now.
Posted by: karlof1 | Mar 8 2024 15:56 utc | 1