This Picture Shows One Man And A Zionist Goon
Younis Tirawi | يونس @ytirawi - 11:52 UTC · Feb 5, 2024Rimal Neighborhood, Gaza city |
Israeli soldier Yosee Gamzoo publish a picture showing him torturing a Palestinian civilian in West Gaza city.

After some research. I have located the area.This is a Christian kindergarten and school called “@GazaCollege”. It is east of Rimal Neighborhood but is in fact on Jala Street near Barbari gas station. Found more documentation
He was apparently injured by shrapnel from a bullet but the hit was not that deep.
The soldier has deleted the pictures and his insta profile
According to local sources. He is name is Hamza from Shujjaiya Neighborhood, East Gaza city.Before his arrest in the footage above, Israeli military killed his father, his brother’s wife and his two nephews (infant and a child 2 yo), his brother was also killed back in 2014.
Posted by b on February 6, 2024 at 15:00 UTC | Permalink
next page »By all the gods, how stupid do you need to be to post video, under your own name no less, of you torturing a civilian? Damn.
Posted by: Brian Bixby | Feb 6 2024 15:16 utc | 2
This picture needs to be sent to each and every politician. It says so much in one picture! How completely evil Israel is and how strong and determined the people of Palestine are.
Posted by: Susan | Feb 6 2024 15:21 utc | 4
I never comment, yet this picture really hit me deep. Hats off to the commenter above 1 and thanks b. for showing us this horrible and haunting testament to what is going on
Posted by: LostInNowhere | Feb 6 2024 15:23 utc | 5
I'm sorry this is OT, but I really think we need a standing thread on the United States. It's the heart of the beast, and to understand what it's doing in the ME or Ukraine, it's necessary to get a clear picture of it as a whole. Or, as is increasingly the case, as a hole.
Posted by: Honzo | Feb 6 2024 15:25 utc | 6
Privilege Breeds Entitlement.
Entitlement Breeds Arrogance.
Arrogance Breeds Shamelessness.
Shamelessness Breeds Stupidity.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Feb 6 2024 15:29 utc | 7
That the Romans destroyed Ancient Carthage and carried out an extreme genocide of their people and totally destroyed their infrastructure and agriculture is solid predictive proof that all Italians today (and any decedents of the Byzantines) are clearly all Genocidal psychopathic maniacs not to be trusted!!!
Posted by: Lavrov's Dog | Feb 6 2024 8:22 utc | 225 previous Palestine thread
Bad analogy. Italians today don't have the same gods or culture as the genocidal Romans (and probably only some of their genetic material, given the huge waves of invaders that have over-run their peninsula in the last two millennia).
Whereas today's far-right Israelis do worship the same God as the ancient Israelites, who told them to slaughter, conquer and enslave the non-Chosen.
In fact, they actually claim to be the outright heirs of the Israelites, hence their entitlement to Palestine. They even claim to be the same ethnicity, which is plainly ridiculous, but hey - that's what they say.
If someone tells you they're a fascist, it would be fair to judge their attitudes and intentions by looking at the "historical" attitudes, intentions and acts of fascists. They're showing you who they are; believe them.
Posted by: Observer | Feb 6 2024 15:30 utc | 8
By their works you shall know them:
Yosee Gamzoo Letova [Disappeared within the last few minutes.]
Posted by: Figleaf23 | Feb 6 2024 15:39 utc | 9
Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 6 2024 15:44 utc | 10Er du den ekte Norwegian?
I understand the sentiment but dehumanising language *never* helps. These deeds speak for themselves. It sound cynical but we are very lucky that these pictures exist. Usually atrocities go unnoticed. We can do little but we can prevent others from saying "we didn't know anything".
Posted by: Konami | Feb 6 2024 15:54 utc | 11
I’ve read or heard that a website established by Israeli intelligence was utilized for Israeli soldiers to post many sadistic videos of Gaza’s being tortured and humiliated. This was a psy-op directed against Gazans that was taken down once discovered by western media or by reconsideration by the intelligence authority. Sorry I don’t remember the source, but I remember deciding from its description that I did not want to view that content. This screen shot is less shocking than the full video would have been or than videos supposedly taken by other IDF soldiers and posted on the now withdrawn website. This photo published by b is the first verification I’ve seen that the site I heard or read about had actually existed. ..
Posted by: mjh | Feb 6 2024 15:55 utc | 12
@Konami | Feb 6 2024 15:54 utc | 11
Jada, det er meg.
I am not diminishing the language, I am using strong language to express there is untold cruelty going on.
Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 6 2024 15:56 utc | 13
The U.S. military guards at Abu Ghraib were trained by IDF.
Posted by: Exile | Feb 6 2024 16:07 utc | 15
relevant opinion video:
The Era of War Crime Influencers
Posted by: slothrop_tyrone | Feb 6 2024 16:11 utc | 16
It was a Telegram channel that has since been taken down (?) at least from what I've read. does post quite a few war videos (along with other manner of hardcore material) but they seem to load slowly and take a pro-zionist slant on what's posted.
Posted by: hedlykarok | Feb 6 2024 16:12 utc | 17
Jews holocaust Bonuscard is dead!
Many new questions & theories will arise about the time 1938-1944
Good job Adolf Netanyahoo!
Posted by: SlowSoft | Feb 6 2024 16:13 utc | 18
@ mjh.
Even haraatz reported that - and it is an unapologetic Palestinian hater ‘newspaper’.
Don’t fret there’s plenty more all over the web and TikTok and insta and telegram…
All of it should be being sent to the ICJ by the minute as they sit on their laurels watching their ‘verdict’ being ignored. As ArchB said earlier ICJ is the Pontius Pilate washing its hands!
Anyway here’s another daily atrocity. :
‘ -- GEROMAN -- time will tell - 👀 -- retweeted
Israeli troops raped a woman, then executed her alongside 2 men. They then filmed the scene to make an ad for a barber shop in Tel Aviv.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Feb 6 2024 16:14 utc | 19
Posted by: Exile | Feb 6 2024 16:07 utc | 15
It is not the training. It is the mindset/character that indulges in evil.
Don't blame the teachers. Each responsible for his/her own actions.
Posted by: steve | Feb 6 2024 16:19 utc | 20
Posted by: Brian Bixby | Feb 6 2024 15:16 utc | 2
it is more just total arrogance, and I see that throughout Israeli society now based on what is reported. I don't live there, but their constant stream of admissions about what they are actually doing (so helpful to South Africa's case) shows this. plus i guess they think the goyim are too stupid to see it.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Feb 6 2024 16:23 utc | 21
it is horrific what is taking place today... i too hope these pictures and mementos of israeli cowardice/torture make it to the icj..
Posted by: james | Feb 6 2024 16:28 utc | 22
Shamelessness Breeds Stupidity.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Feb 6 2024 15:29 utc | 7
Isn't this the arrogance which confounds some people who complain about US gov "impunity"—freedom from responsibility for, freedom from responsibility to?
ya know what Arendt wrote in Responsibility and Judgment?
What is not punished it permitted.
Posted by: sln2002 | Feb 6 2024 16:34 utc | 23
War Crimes Influencers ( linked above and below )
Is a must - 14 minutes
Posted by: Exile | Feb 6 2024 16:38 utc | 24
What b omitted saying is such treatment is SOP for Zionists--they kill and kidnap mostly at random. Their sickness is echoed in polling that reports 95% of Zionists favor Genocide and was well reflected in the statements I reported yesterday from the Israeli ambassador to Russia and its National Security Zealot Gvir. IMO, it's nearly impossible for such people to make peace and behave as normal humans. Would you want a sadistic Zionist as your neighbor? Is it possible to deprogram not just one person but millions in such a society? I'm rather doubtful that people having such fanatical levels of hatred can become normal and expected to live in close proximity to those they so zealously hated for their entire lives. And we easily see which nations abet the fanatics and thus display their level of immorality and adherence to human rights standards.
Humanity must discover a way to rid itself of hatreds used by immoral people to perform the most inhuman of crimes. Humanity must understand that the use of such hatreds is all about attaining and/or retaining power and control by the immoral people wanting to employ hatreds. In this regard, the Bidens and Trumps are one and the same, as is RFKjr. Humanity must learn to reject those promoting hatreds and rally to those promoting peaceful brotherhood/sisterhood for all except the haters. Yes, it's a time-consuming action that must be done if Humanity is to evolve to a higher plane of existence capable of accommodating more people equitably.
@ karlof1 | Feb 6 2024 16:41 utc | 25
thanks karl.. we need more people like you in this world..
Posted by: james | Feb 6 2024 16:44 utc | 26
Lathe Biosas | Feb 6 2024 15:08 utc | 1
It also looks to me like that poor man is questioning that torturer. Why are you doing this? What have i done?
Posted by: KingCobra | Feb 6 2024 16:45 utc | 27
I used to work for a large nonprofit (largely directed by Jews) in New York. We did good work, I have no doubt of that. But certain fellow staffers were constantly enthusing about their latest trips to Israel and I was more or less permanently biting my tongue. I also met some Israelis. Gods but they are the most arrogant people on the planet. Oddly enough Brazilians came in second. By contrast I worked closely with Russians and Chinese, highly intelligent and well educated, loved them all and still do. One guy on the network side was half Syrian, his wife and her family were from Aleppo, wonderful people. I cannot imagine what the work environment is like there these days.
Posted by: pasha | Feb 6 2024 16:46 utc | 28
Poor Jew on the left, Nazi soldier on the right, right?
Posted by: CIROC | Feb 6 2024 16:49 utc | 29
It is not the training. It is the mindset/character that indulges in evil.
Don't blame the teachers. Each responsible for his/her own actions.
Posted by: steve | Feb 6 2024 16:19 utc | 20
Sorry, but Zionist teachers and adults teach their children these horrid and odious beliefs. The sad fact is that most of Zionist Israel has gone bonkers with hatred and greed.
Posted by: Tedder | Feb 6 2024 16:50 utc | 30
What everyone needs to remember is that zionists may have a 'chosen one' mindset from ancient fairy tales, but what gives them the ability to act on it with impunity is the complete backing of the biggest terrorist organization the planet has ever seen - the US government. Something the majority of the citizens wants no part of.
Posted by: hedlykarok | Feb 6 2024 16:54 utc | 31
Is it possible to deprogram not just one person but millions in such a society? I'm rather doubtful that people having such fanatical levels of hatred can become normal …
Humanity must discover a way to rid itself of hatreds used by immoral people to perform the most inhuman of crimes.
Posted by: karlof1 | Feb 6 2024 16:41 utc | 25
The Chinese were quite successful in deprogramming the Uyghur Salafists in Xinjiang. The Russians also managed to do something in Chechnya so that now the Chechnyans are solid supporters of the Russian Federation. This can be done, given the political will, and of course, militarily reducing the insane.
Posted by: Tedder | Feb 6 2024 16:56 utc | 32
Dehumanization of others, a psychopathic ideology and a hypocritical Victimhood indoctrination
all piled as kindling into a bonfire of blood lust ignited by Oct 7th's stand down false flag.
Also torched is any legitimacy the Zionist state ever claimed.
The Zionist leadership is treacherous, they betrayed their own, they are thieves and commit genocide.
Such is the legacy of Zionism.
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 17:01 utc | 33
Looking on social media which is awash with Israeli's (IDF and violent settlers) committing war crimes, some folk online have compared the IDF's evil and inhumane actions to those of the Nazi's of WWII, and who could argue against the comparison when we see the likes of the above.
I'm utterly shocked that the likes of the USA, the UK most of Europe, Canada and Australia if not backing these war crimes, are turning a blind eye to the sheer scale of atrocities inflicted, not on enemy troops, but on citizens such as women and children.
The ICJ said that it IS PLAUSABLE that Israeli IS committing genocide, this murderous onslaught against the civilians of Gaza, and its infrastructure, along with the denial of food and water, IS breaking Articles II(B) and II (C) of the Genocide Convention.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Feb 6 2024 17:01 utc | 34
radio tv movies print say never again only one group can chosen rothschild special the land pirates name stealers identity thieves
the folks that now shun dna testing because they are turkic ukrainia ashkanazim non semite.
“ taste “ of the brainwashing in Israel...
An Israeli soldier on Facebook: “The Nakba is going to be a sweet memory compared to what is waiting for them…. We are the sons of Joshua who conquered this land from seven different peoples…. They are not only human animals, they are also idiots.”
Posted by: todd | Feb 6 2024 17:03 utc | 35
I used to work for a large nonprofit (largely directed by Jews) in New York. We did good work, I have no doubt of that. But certain fellow staffers were constantly enthusing about their latest trips to Israel and I was more or less permanently biting my tongue. I also met some Israelis. Gods but they are the most arrogant people on the planet. Oddly enough Brazilians came in second. By contrast I worked closely with Russians and Chinese, highly intelligent and well educated, loved them all and still do. One guy on the network side was half Syrian, his wife and her family were from Aleppo, wonderful people. I cannot imagine what the work environment is like there these days.
Posted by: pasha | Feb 6 2024 16:46 utc | 28
Yeah. I've worked and associated with lots of US Jews and only two Israelis. The Israelis were an entirely different kind. Loud, arrogant, and most of all not too smart. Crude rather than crafty. This was back in the 90s, things have gone downhill a lot since then.
At that same shop I worked with a Syrian ex-pat, we were doing IT support for a large "equities trading firm". I was automating their Y2K remediations at the time. He was on a H1B, his Dad got in trouble with Hafez al Assad. He was one of the sharpest people I ever met. I would group him with the son of an Iranian ex-pat, from the Iranian revolution period, and a vanilla white-anglo math major Amurkin, as the three most useful/intelligent people I met in my working days.
Posted by: Bemildred | Feb 6 2024 17:12 utc | 36
[email protected] schools, infiltrated finance, infiltrated entertainment, infiltrated health, infiltrated media, condensed in the hands of a few, all nicely diversified over an entire planet, so many happy to swallow the poison pill; lap it up truthfully. So the reeducation task is Herculean.
You See Gam Zoo......look forward to his accidently on purpose slip from a 24th floor balcony...might even get his real name......
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Feb 6 2024 17:20 utc | 37
@Posted by: Exile | Feb 6 2024 16:38 utc | 24
I watched it.
This generation of Zionists is totally unaware of their own past.
It isn't because their parents knowingly lied to them, a previous generation
had shaped the history that was taught.
During WWII Zionists tricked hundreds of thousands of their fellow Jews onto the
trains to Auschwitz. The betrayers were the trusted leaders in their community.
The betrayers became leaders in the new land stolen from the Palestinians and thus
the betrayers were protected even by their highest court - The so-called
Supreme Court of Israel.
One wonders what Jews will teach their grandchildren about the current Genocide of Gaza.
Even when The State of Israel is a thing of the past, a ghastly memory, what will
future generations be taught?
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 17:30 utc | 38
Cease Fire....North Gaza never gets rebuilt, uninhabitable. The Occupiers will lick their wounds, then 2, 25, 50 years down the road they'll flatten South Gaza and the Palestinians or what's left will be the Bedouins of the sands. Or voted off the land to some floating island. That such depravity is encouraged, aided, and abetted......
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Feb 6 2024 17:31 utc | 39
Lebanese TV reports
18:44 Al-Qassam Brigades fighters target a Zionist “D9” bulldozer with a “Shawath” EFP charge on Al-Bahr Street west of Khan Yunis city in the southern Gaza Strip
Posted by: Exile | Feb 6 2024 17:45 utc | 40
"During WWII Zionists tricked hundreds of thousands of their fellow Jews onto the
trains to Auschwitz. The betrayers were the trusted leaders in their community."
I recommend watching Lanzmann's Four Sisters. These are the four interviews that were expurgated from his famous Shoah (produced by the Israeli Foreign Affairs) because it was reporting embarrassing events.
Also, he interviewed Jan Karski but left aside the damning excerpts showing that Western leaders knew early what was going on in Poland and decided not to act. The full interview was published as a book by Yannick Haenel and Lanzmann started a campaign against him in the media.
Posted by: Minaa | Feb 6 2024 17:51 utc | 41
But, but, but...the Zionazi is the real victim here. His great-grandparents were holocausted, after all.
Posted by: AJ | Feb 6 2024 17:59 utc | 42
The Nicaraguan government started Monday proceedings to take Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Canada to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for their complicity in the genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza by providing the Israeli occupation with the weapons and means to carry out the horrendous act.The executive authority in Nicaragua published an official statement in which it revealed that it warned the governments of said Western powers that they might be jointly complicit in the "flagrant and systemic violations" of the Convention on Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and international humanitarian law in the Gaza Strip.
In its note verbal, Nicaragua urged the four states to immediately cease the provision of arms, munitions, and technologies to "Israel" because it might use them to facilitate or commit violations of the Genocide Convention in Gaza.
The memorandum underlined that the countries supporting "Israel" are obligated to cut off supplies to it "from the moment the state becomes aware of the existence of a serious risk of committing genocide."
This has been achieved, the memorandum adds, since "the International Court of Justice issued, on January 26, a preliminary ruling in which it considered it reasonable that the Genocide Convention had been violated by Israel in Gaza."
Posted by: Exile | Feb 6 2024 18:03 utc | 43
Arnaud Bertrand
Channel 4, after reviewing Israel’s dossier against UNRWA says it "provides no evidence to support its claim that UNRWA staff were involved in [Oct 7th]".
This is a scandal of extraordinary gravity because it means that the countries that have cut funding to UNRWA did so on the basis of no tangible evidence.
Let's be clear: they decided to cut the funds of the main source of humanitarian aid (a UN agency!) to a people the ICJ said was plausibly being genocided based on mere unproven allegations from their tormentors.
It's frankly shocking beyond words. Even if there had been unequivocal evidence a small number of UNRWA staff (we were talking 0.04% of their staff) were involved in Oct 7th it'd still have been absolutely irresponsible to cut their funding, because you can't collectively punish an entire people for the actions of a few. Just today 3 children starved to death in Gaza: how did they deserve this? But without any evidence? The West has entered a stage of full genocidal madness.
Lindsey Hilsum
We got hold of Israel’s dossier against UNRWA - why did the donors including the UK withdraw funding on such flimsy unproven allegations before an investigation?…
Feb 6, 2024 · 2:57 PM UTC
Posted by: MD | Feb 6 2024 18:05 utc | 44
"That grave look on the man's face, that's the look of dignity and honor, of defiance, of unwavering strength. His is an unbroken spirit. Unbeatable."
Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Feb 6 2024 15:08 utc | 1
Your post reminded me of something I read, I think "Dispatches" by Michael Herr.
It was early in the Vietnam war (1963?) and a US helicopter returned to base with an arrow in its fuselage the Viet Kong had shot.
The major laughed , "How they are they going to win with arrows?"
The the reporter rejoined, "With guts like that how can they lose?"
The Israelis were an entirely different kind. Loud, arrogant, and most of all not too smart. Crude rather than crafty.
Posted by: Bemildred | Feb 6 2024 17:12 utc | 36
And I've had, fortunately, the pleasure of having met Israelis that are wonderful people, smart, good-hearted, fully aware of the problem their leadership is, and having an open heart towards the Palestinians' plight.
Each nation, even each person, is a garden with many trees inside. Some bear good fruit, some are creating problems and need more attention from the gardener to make the garden a more beautiful place.
Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Feb 6 2024 18:08 utc | 46
This Criminal Colonial Zionist Occupation erasing their last vestiges of humanity, selfie by selfie, for the world to see. In the end they shall find themselves alone in their own wandering hell, unable to find peace for forcibly shutting the last doors of any Palestinian who had humane room in their hearts for them in a United Palestine. Go forth and roam, thinking about what you've done, O Zionist, the Land of Israel itself, Palestine, shall reject the evil that lives in you.
Also your hummus is bland and disappointing.
Posted by: titmouse | Feb 6 2024 18:11 utc | 47
Posted by: karlof1 | Feb 6 2024 16:41 utc | 25
I believe classing RFKjr with the other two is far too harsh. On domestic policy his views are very good, but what he has said with respect to Israel is ambivalent as far as I can see. You may disagree, so I would appreciate your furnishing your reasons for doing so. Given his statements on non-interference in international affairs as posted at the site '' in my recent search, the only support for Israel I see him committed to is 'aid', which citizens there are certainly going to need.
Here is one important US domestic issue:
Q:Should there be a limit to the amount of money a candidate can receive from a donor?
ROBERT KENNEDY JR:Yes, politicians should not be bought by wealthy donors.
I continue to think we don't really know what the general opinion of Israeli citizens is on their present government's genocidal actions, any more than we know what opinion is in Ukraine. So, karlof1, I'm going to reserve judgement on that score as well. We see how difficult it is to 'know' even our own country's citizen's opinions at present, let alone that anywhere else.
Posted by: juliania | Feb 6 2024 18:15 utc | 48
@Posted by: Minaa | Feb 6 2024 17:51 utc | 41
Messing with history is certainly not something only Jewish people do. (Duh)
How many millions of times have you heard about the non-aggression pact
between Germany and the Soviet Union in August 1939. In fact, do this experiment.
Search on the generic terms:
non aggression pact ww2
You will get piles of articles specifically about the non-aggression pact
between Germany and the Soviet Union in August 1939.
Like most westerners you have likely never even heard of
the non-aggression pact between Germany and Poland of 1934.
Probably not even heard of it once. Why do you suppose that is.
Yep, in 1934 Poland thought it was sitting pretty and could let someone else
fall to Hitler. Thus Poland sabotaged agreements other countries
sought to make to stand united against Hitler.
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 18:16 utc | 49
@Konami | Feb 6 2024 15:54 utc | 11
"Jada, det er meg.
"I am not diminishing the language, I am using strong language to express there is untold cruelty going on."
Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 6 2024 15:56 utc | 13
On almost every other subject I would support Konami's idea, on this particular issue I second Norwegian.
It isn't because their parents knowingly lied to them, a previous generation had shaped the history that was taught.
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 17:30 utc | 38
Yes, it is. Parents are first teachers.
their parents knowingly lied, their parents knowingly lied, their parents knowingly lied, undsoweiter.
Take a look at US America, throne of lies, for comparison.
Posted by: sln2002 | Feb 6 2024 18:18 utc | 51
but what he has said with respect to Israel is ambivalent as far as I can see. You may disagree, so I would appreciate your furnishing your reasons for doing so.
@Posted by: juliania | Feb 6 2024 18:15 utc | 48
Right after Oct 7th RFK, Jr released a statement (go look for it!!)
that read like it was written by Netanyahu himself.
RFK, Jr is a Manchurian Candidate.
His campaign manager is CIA, an agent trained in "turning people", turning people into assets for the CIA.
RFK, Jr was one of Jeffrey Epstein's passengers on the Lollita Express.
Epstein was/is Mossad/CIA.
Manchurian Candidate!!
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 18:23 utc | 52
good lord, RFK Jr's support for Israel is well documented. even if his support for the genocidal Israeli state was only "ambivalent" it would be a black mark. it only takes a minute or so to find examples. and that makes his statements of support for nonintervention transparent lies.
ndependent Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr made a strong statement in support of Israel at a campaign stop in Miami yesterday.
"Israel is our most important ally in the world," Kennedy told an audience of about a hundred people at the Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami. On Monday, Kennedy announced his departure from the Democratic party to run for President as an Independent.
Kennedy addressed the strategic reason the United States should support Israel against Hamas. Kennedy says is the stated objective of Hamas and Iran is to "eradicate Israel and to kill Jews".
"Iran and China are one organism at the point," said Kennedy. They now because of BRICS and because of Iran's control of Venezuela, control 90% of the oil supply in the world. If Israel was not there, China can blackmail the entire world with our energy supply, and that is the most disastrous foreign policy outcome."
Kennedy said this conflict is different than Ukraine and he does not think Israel will ever ask for the United States to send troops.
"We do not have a strategic interest for being in Ukraine," said Kennedy. "We have an absolutely critical, existential strategic interest to be in Israel. Israel has never asked for troops and they never will. What they want is our support and they need some of our weapons and we need to do that.
Kennedy recognized the brutality and savagery of the attack from Hamas on Saturday that left over 1,200 Israeli's dead said Israel has a legal right to their land.
"Israel has a legal right to be there. It is not an occupying force," said Kennedy before going into the history of Israel's creation in 1948."
just one compendium of lies and clear statements of support for the genocidal state of Israel, all arising from one campaign stop.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Feb 6 2024 18:31 utc | 53
@@Posted by: juliania | Feb 6 2024 18:15 utc | 48
Here is what RFK,Jr put on X
This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind.I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense.
And here is the link to his campaign:
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 18:34 utc | 54
@Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 18:34 utc | 54
Was that written by RFK, Jr or Netanyahu?
Pretty hard to tell.
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 18:36 utc | 55
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 18:36 utc | 55
Thank you! The fruit doesn't fall far from its roots.
I liked the Dead Kennedys when I was young and impressionable. I don't like them anymore.
Dead Kennedys - I Kill Children
Posted by: lex talionis | Feb 6 2024 18:51 utc | 56
@Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 18:34 utc | 54
Was that written by RFK, Jr or Netanyahu?
Pretty hard to tell.
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 18:36 utc | 55
I really liked RFK JR even bought his book on Fauci which was well done and true as Fauci hasn't been sued.
However, he is dead to me now, politically, when he became an Anglo/Zionist.
A strong resemblance to the atrocious of the SS Einsatzgruppen on the Eastern Front. They always say the men of the Einsatzgruppen had to get drunk to cope with what they did on the Eastern front, their spiritual descendents seem to have no such problem.
Posted by: Spanish Pipedream | Feb 6 2024 18:55 utc | 58
Posted by: Tedder | Feb 6 2024 16:56 utc | 32
I agree with you, Tedder. We might also have said what is being said about Israelis, that they are this or that unalterably -- in fact it was said back in the day, about German citizens and Russian citizens under Nazism and Communism, and about US citizens when they were being scrutinized by Congressional fearmongers as communist sympathizers. We really have to be very careful with our assessments as our passions are aroused by the injustices we seem to see being committed in a photo or video, to withhold judgement thereof. We know that even those can lie.
That does not mean crimes are not taking place that must be addressed. Nor does it mean I think the state which will exist in the future will be the one which has existed hereto.
Posted by: juliania | Feb 6 2024 18:55 utc | 59
On scanning through the other reactions to this, I did not see anyone looking at the specific legal fallout that might result. The long arm of the law sometimes really does respond, and Nazi prison guards and other perpetrators of the crimes committed during WWII are still being sought out and prosecuted. The self-admitted perp in this should expect that eventually they will be located. I don't think many of the perpetrators of the Nazi war crimes expected to pay a price, but many did. The IDF, and others of that ilk, should have a care.
Posted by: Old Jake | Feb 6 2024 18:55 utc | 60
The Era of War Crime Influencers
Posted by: slothrop_tyrone | Feb 6 2024 16:11 utc | 16
Thanks. That's actually very good commentary. P.S. I've never managed to finish all of Gravity's Rainbow.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Feb 6 2024 19:05 utc | 61
With the passage of time good and evil can be magnified…
Pharisees raise their children to hate non-Pharisees… in western countries that hatred is controlled because Pharisees are minorities… BUT in Israel, that hatred is encouraged and has grown to satanic stature.
After 75 years, we see what Pharisees do when they have the power… they behave like Bolsheviks because that’s what they are…!
For a historical example, check the aftermath of the “Russian Revolution”… which was a Bolshevik Revolution a.k.a Pharisee Revolution.
Gaza is merely the latest example of Bolschevik power…
If and when Pharisees or Pharisee-bought politicians take over your country, you will see large scale extermination of those deemed unwanted…
Posted by: Liberator | Feb 6 2024 19:06 utc | 62
Posted by: pretzelattack | Feb 6 2024 18:31 utc | 53
Thank you, pretzelattack. That is very disappointing to read. Of course, if he continues on this line of approach, (a very ignorant one indeed,) he eliminates himself from my consideration as a worthy candidate. I don't watch or listen to mainstream media so I appreciate your comment here. Strategy is the last thing this country needs, in my opinion -- and, not only in my opinion, the world is moving away from that frame of reference, thankfully.
Posted by: juliania | Feb 6 2024 19:12 utc | 63
Ahh, invoking the nazis. The ol' bygone, tried-and-true, eh, cochise?
Reading these threads daily, it would seem that on the history of warfare, in millenia pf bloodshed, there exists only one army that ever abused POW, whether to enact catharsis or justbecause it was their nature to do so. Those damn Germans!
You can see how the Germans even today have shaped the actions here of the Israelis. It's clearly all the Germans fault.
You all should know by now that invoking the nazis and ww2 atrocity has not and will not work to engage the mind in the west and attune it to the excesses of empire today.
I roll my eyes now at such a word and count those that parrot it endlessly as fly-over territory; I disregard anything they say from then on. I suppose you would do the same for me and for those that wish to point out the obvious: that catharsis by abusing the captured is everywhere in history.
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Feb 6 2024 19:19 utc | 64
if he continues on this line of approach, (a very ignorant one indeed,) he eliminates himself from my consideration as a worthy candidate.
@Posted by: juliania | Feb 6 2024 19:12 utc | 63
"If he continues..."
If he continues !!
You STILL think he is worthy of consideration
even though he is indistinguishable from Netanyahu!
Here is what RFK,Jr put on X (you OBVIOUSLY missed my post)!
This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind.I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense.
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 19:22 utc | 65
Regarding RFK jr:
He graduated from Harvard and the London School of Economics. Never mind the 'political dynasty' aspect, no one with sense ever trusts a politician that graduated from Harvard or Yale, did graduate work at their law schools, or anyone who has learned their economics in London or Chicago. These people are trained and cultivated to be class operatives of the ruling elite.
It's very simple- just google a candidate's educational history, and don't vote Ivies.
Posted by: Honzo | Feb 6 2024 19:25 utc | 66
@Posted by: NemesisCalling | Feb 6 2024 19:19 utc | 64
In the future people should invoke the memory of Zionists.
Even when discussing Nazis one should now compare the Nazis to Zionists
and not the other way around.
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 19:26 utc | 67
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 18:34 utc | 54
Thanks, librul. What a shame; such ignorance. I had hoped for better, but see I was mistaken. God forgive him. It's fine to condemn those attacks, even Russia does, but Israeli leadership's response has hugely outweighed even such provocation and apparently his recent remarks, as pretzelattack comments above, are of the same nature. Very sad, that.
Posted by: juliania | Feb 6 2024 19:29 utc | 68
@Posted by: juliania | Feb 6 2024 19:29 utc | 68
RFK, Jr goes way beyond condemning Hamas' attack.
He threw his full support/military supplying behind whatever "self-defense" Izrael chose to pursue
and for however long they wanted to pursue it.
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 19:33 utc | 69
Nothing wrong with the picture nor the video.
No torture on neither of them. Obviously this guy is a suspected Hamas terrorist and he us in underware to prevent suicide bombings.
There is no proof about the narrative (name, allegedly killed family members etc).
When the clash of civilizations will start to be hotter inside Europe between Muslim immigrants and the native populations, I am curious to see how it will be handled. I bet it will be much worse.
After Oct 7 middle-ages style atrocities, for which there is plenty of evidence online and even an official website with pictures and videos, all the fuss about Israel's reaction is disgusting.
You don't need to rewind to WWII to remind that the Allies mercilessly and purposefully killed countless German and Japanese civilians. More recently during the Gulf Wars, the Bombings of Mosul and Raqqa, nobody cared about civilian deaths.
Western values do not work in the Middle East culture. You can understand it when you see the targeting of Jews around the world and Israel after Oct 7. They are targeted as Jews and not Israelis because in the middle East the ennemies' family, kids, village and people are the enemy.
Posted by: Roberto | Feb 6 2024 19:36 utc | 70
just one compendium of lies and clear statements of support for the genocidal state of Israel, all arising from one campaign stop.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Feb 6 2024 18:31 utc | 53
Also, in my not so humble opinion, proof that anyone who still says that RFK JR. is simply hedging his bets or trying to avoid being "Kennedied" like Israel did to his father, and likely helped to to his uncle, are delusional. There's absolutely no need to go THAT FAR down the Zionist Kool-Aid drinking binge unless he actually believes the horseshit he spouts about Israel.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Feb 6 2024 19:44 utc | 71
Remember, if no one stops the satanist jews, we're all going to be in the position of that man (who's a semite; but don't mention that or you're an "antisemite"). Your wife killed, your children killed, your relatives and friends killed, you tortured to death. WEF, the UN, EU, the United States of Epstein, WHO and NATO are working hard to make it happen.
"Steadfast Defender 2024 will last several months and involve about 90,000 troops, over 50 naval vessels, 1,100 ground vehicles (including at least 133 tanks and 533 armored troop carriers), and 80 aircraft of various kinds (planes, helicopters, and drones)."
What's that 133+533 that the tapeworms are rubbing into our faces again? Anyone who didn't realise by now that Nato is the private Rothchild army is pretty stupid.
Posted by: Michael A | Feb 6 2024 19:45 utc | 72
With RFK Jr flagrant sexual gratification of the Jewish mafia and Biden actually committing genocide, I dont see an alternative to Trump.
Posted by: Turk 152 | Feb 6 2024 19:47 utc | 73
Comedian Dave Smith interviewing RFK re. support for Israel (civil if intense discussion).
I found it fascinating that RFK seems quite conflicted and yet seems to give frank and sincere responses.
It's as if there are things that he would like to say.
Meanwhile, Nikki Haley is seeking government protection.
Posted by: jared | Feb 6 2024 19:51 utc | 74
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Feb 6 2024 19:19 utc | 64
If you occasionally included the atrocities committed by also-fascist US forces and our European allies and Global South puppet regimes, your umbrage at any mention of Nazi crimes would carry more weight, IMO. Instead, you seem to focus on alleged (and either false or entirely overblown) atrocities committed by socialist or communist countries. And yes, some of the Nazi atrocities and crimes are also overblown, slightly or greatly, but the USA has a much longer history of committing them across the globe, and spanning virtually every generation later than the 1800s, usually to secure proto-fascist mercantile/capitalists' interests, and far pre-dating the emergence of the deep state.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Feb 6 2024 19:51 utc | 75
Posted by: Roberto | Feb 6 2024 19:36 utc | 70
What a complete load of horse dung. Suspected Hamas? Suicide bombs? When is the last documented campaign (or instance) of Hamas using suicide bombs? Please do the research and get back to us. Just look at what the IOF did to the escaped Israeli prisoners in their underwear waving white flags? Nah, you're dead wrong and a victim of hasbara propaganda. The IOF's MO - doctrine, even - is to wipe out any Gazan they encounter or to humiliate them to add to their library of War Crime Influencer material.
"After Oct 7 middle-ages style atrocities, for which there is plenty of evidence online and even an official website with pictures and videos, all the fuss about Israel's reaction is disgusting."
Almost all of which has also been debunked. "Official website" - LOL, nuff said. Your lies and deceptions don't work here, hasbarat.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Feb 6 2024 19:55 utc | 76
The image is a perfect illustration of how much of a threat the Palestinians pose against Israel, people fighting with nothing against one of the mightiest armies in the world, backed by an unlimited supply of the most powerful weapons man can build.
Posted by: Marvin | Feb 6 2024 19:56 utc | 77
RFKjr is definitely no JFKjr and we all know this because he is still alive and able to run for prez, whereas JFKjr was murdered.
The reason nazis are used so frequently is because they created a designed and implemented machine for the sole purpose of slaughtering civilians but more importantly their victims were mostly white and middle class.
You really think westerners really give a rat's ass about black, brown or yellow genocides? That's another reason izzys get a pass on their genocide and atrocities - they are mostly white, their victims mostly brown.
Posted by: hedlykarok | Feb 6 2024 19:58 utc | 78
Michael A- post 72
Can you explain what you meant by 133 Tanks and 533 armoured carriers.
I have an idea but some explanation and links would be appriciated.
Here the link to the numbers
Posted by: Paul from Norway | Feb 6 2024 20:09 utc | 79
The US is not a sentient being.
And there is no feedback to the sentient beings - imagine if Hillary could be airlifted and set down in a courtroom in Libya (and if they could avoid their initial instinct) and question her on what is her justification for what she has done and present the impact that it has had on a nation of innocent people.
Posted by: jared | Feb 6 2024 20:12 utc | 80
Slightly O/T, but here's your other "NOT TRUUUUUMP" "choice" in the coming US presidential election:
Biden might not make it to November, at all. I wonder what the debates will look like between now and then.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Feb 6 2024 20:12 utc | 81
Hamas calls for comprehensive, complete ceasefire, lifting Gaza blockade, captive swap.
Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 6 2024 20:30 utc | 83
Also, in my not so humble opinion, proof that anyone who still says that RFK JR. is simply hedging his bets or trying to avoid being "Kennedied" like Israel did to his father, and likely helped to to his uncle, are delusional. There's absolutely no need to go THAT FAR down the Zionist Kool-Aid drinking binge unless he actually believes the horseshit he spouts about Israel.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Feb 6 2024 19:44 utc | 71
Also, in *my* not so humble opinion, nobody put a gun to RFK Jr’s head and forced him to run for president.
He owns everything he’s said.
Posted by: malenkov | Feb 6 2024 20:33 utc | 84
Posted by: Stupido | Feb 6 2024 19:36 utc | 70
Your lies and deceptions don't work here, hasbarat.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Feb 6 2024 19:55 utc | 76
With the earlier comment about arrows and guts, the man staring down his tormentor is why the Occupiers are fearful. A rag tag civilian militia has broken the "mighty" diaper army. David and Goliath in real-life is Daud (Arab David meaning Beloved) vs Gershom (Hebrew meaning Stranger) story.
In addition to the ever-increasing toll of Merkavas, Israel's losses in aviation are as follows:
1 AH-64 Apache shot down, 13 damaged,
4 F-16 fighter jets damaged, 1 F-16 heavily damaged
1 destroyed CH-53D Sea Stallion helicopter,
35 UAVs
Posted by: Suresh | Feb 6 2024 20:35 utc | 86
Mmmmmm jus thinking.....
Could someone photo shop that photo b has presented up top.
Three times... one so it looks like netinyahoo, plus biden and trump.
In the chair of course.
Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 6 2024 20:35 utc | 87
I continue to think we don't really know what the general opinion of Israeli citizens is on their present government's genocidal actions, any more than we know what opinion is in Ukraine. . . .
Posted by: juliania | Feb 6 2024 18:15 utc | 48
Well, there have been plenty of polls, not just one, and they all point in the same direction. A significant majority of Israelis want to get rid of Palestinians in Eretz Israel, and they don't care how it is done.
Plus, many are happily looking forward to obtaining a beachfront lot.
Posted by: Jane | Feb 6 2024 20:49 utc | 88
That grave look on the man's face, that's the look of dignity and honor, of defiance, of unwavering strength. His is an unbroken spirit. Unbeatable.
Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Feb 6 2024 15:08 utc | 1
That's the look of a martyr with confidence in his fate after physical death.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Feb 6 2024 20:56 utc | 89
Posted by: malenkov | Feb 6 2024 20:33 utc | 84
True. He's a dyed in the wool Zionist who decided to run for President. Not a Kennedy afraid of being killed by the Zionists because he ran for President.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Feb 6 2024 21:02 utc | 90
I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense.
Posted by: librul | Feb 6 2024 19:22 utc | 65
All of those phrasings that come straight from the Zionist playbook.
Not even original.
"Sovereign right to self-defense" shows that RFK Jr., a lawyer, is ignorant of international law and the UN charter.
RFK Jr. has IMO done great work and shown great courage and independence in the health field.
It's a shame he doesn't appear to give a shite about Palestinian infants and children, nor their mothers.
He could, like Dr. Alice Rothchild, have use his expertise and experience in health care as a springboard to enlarge his own understanding of the disastrous fallout of stupid wars and ethnic cleansing. He could even have weighed in on the mental health of Israelis!!
But no, RFK Jr. has let the Zionists very likely wreck any political career he was thinking of pursuing.
Posted by: Jane | Feb 6 2024 21:02 utc | 91
Plus, many are happily looking forward to obtaining a beachfront lot.
Posted by: Jane | Feb 6 2024 20:49 utc | 88
If that indeed becomes the case, we can bet our own lots that the USA and EU will happily confiscate more of our money to fund the cleanup of depleted uranium and nasty by-products of the US-made weaponry that was used to clear the beachfront. I would still expect to see rather high cancer rates in the area for a while prior to all DU being removed.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Feb 6 2024 21:04 utc | 92
On a related tangent, I find Jill Stein and Dennis Kusinich the best voting hopes for a USA president to "unfuck" our imperial terrordome. Cornel West was an interesting novelty, but he has squandered so much megaphone time dithering between parties and worrying about Trump I don't see any seriousness there. Everyone else is more of the same imperial terrordome, with Trump possibly being the impetus for the self-destruct sequence being activated by opposing oligarchy out of spite. Which means a Trump presidency is absolutely nothing to fear and all the more reason to vote "spoiler" (ugh, hateful propaganda; my vote is mine alone, owed to none) for the two anti-war, say-no-to-Israel candidates mentioned in my first sentence.
Whatever it takes to stop the USA from being a well-oiled killing machine around the world. We need to be willing to say "Never Again!" and mean it. Need to be willing to sacrifice our comfort and stupid team jersey bickering to jam this war machine. These genocidal oligarchs shall turn their war machines upon those at home just as easily as abroad, and likely have long been in planning to do so.
Posted by: titmouse | Feb 6 2024 21:08 utc | 93
The opposite of RFKjr (posted before but enjoy it so much), best campaign spot of all time, Dr Shiva:
Posted by: hedlykarok | Feb 6 2024 21:08 utc | 94
Michael A- post 72Can you explain what you meant by 133 Tanks and 533 armoured carriers.
Posted by: Paul from Norway | Feb 6 2024 20:09 utc | 79
133 + 533 = 666, their special number that they plaster everywhere (the world economic forum logo, the 6uild 6ack 6etter slogan, the hundreds of pop artists and other celebrities displaying a "666" hand position around their eye (google it) to signal that they're on the satanists' side).
Any normal, non-autistic person would have decided it's "at least 130 tanks and 530 armoured carriers".
Posted by: Michael A | Feb 6 2024 21:22 utc | 95
only humans receive restitution compensation only one group can feel pain terror emotion never forget goyim
Almost 80 years after Holocaust, 245,000 Jewish survivors are still alive and receiving trauma compensation , report says
From 1945 to 2018, the German government paid approximately $86.8 billion in restitution and compensation to Holocaust victims and their heirs.
The organization that handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis said Thursday that Germany agreed to pay approximately $1.2 billion (euros) to Holocaust survivors living around the world in 2023, bringing its total compensation to more than 80 billion euros.
The announcement came as Germany marked the 70th anniversary of the signing of the so-called Luxembourg Agreements, a reparations pact that made it possible for Holocaust survivors to receive a measure of justice for the Nazi persecution of Jews during World War II.
Germany Still Owes Israel $19 Billion for the Holocaust
Germany has agreed to extend another $720m (648 million euros) to provide home care and supportive services for frail and vulnerable Holocaust survivors, according to the organisation that handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under Nazi Germany.
Germany will underwrite a third of the cost of Israel’s sixth Dolphin-class submarine, Der Spiegel reported
According to the report, Germany will contribute 135 million euros to the deal, which will provide Israel with an impressive boost to its strategic submarine fleet, reported to be capable of firing cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.
Since 1952, the German government has paid about $90bn to individuals for suffering and losses resulting from persecution by the Nazis.
The Claims Conference last year distributed $653m in grants to hundreds of social service agencies worldwide.
Posted by: todd | Feb 6 2024 21:29 utc | 96
Any normal, non-autistic person would have decided it's "at least 130 tanks and 530 armoured carriers".
Posted by: Michael A | Feb 6 2024 21:22 utc | 95
Thank you for answering, I will look for it in the future.
Posted by: Paul from Norway | Feb 6 2024 21:44 utc | 97
From the river to the sea,
Palatine will be free!
And fuck you, Elon. You’re not a fraction as clever as you pretend to be.
Posted by: Pacifica Advocate | Feb 6 2024 21:49 utc | 98
Damn. Alternative media sure does complicate the Jewish-owned media narrative.
Posted by: RLTW | Feb 6 2024 22:02 utc | 99
“They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me. Then they will have my dead body, but not my obedience.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Posted by: skull ☠️ | Feb 6 2024 22:16 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
That grave look on the man's face, that's the look of dignity and honor, of defiance, of unwavering strength. His is an unbroken spirit. Unbeatable.
Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Feb 6 2024 15:08 utc | 1