Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
February 11, 2024

Palestine Open Thread 2024-046

Only for news & views directly related to the war in Palestine.

The current open thread for other issues is here.

Please stick to the topic. Contribute facts. Do not attack other commentators.

Posted by b on February 11, 2024 at 15:07 UTC | Permalink

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Israeli forces have discovered a tunnel network hundreds of meters (yards) long and running partly under UNRWA's Gaza headquarters, the military says, calling it new evidence of Hamas exploitation of the main relief agency for Palestinians.

Read more: Israel Unveils Tunnels Under UNRWA HQ in Gaza City |

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 11 2024 15:19 utc | 1

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 11 2024 15:19 utc | 1

yeah the genocide continues so the lies have to continue.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Feb 11 2024 15:22 utc | 2

"Let us differentiate between totally different species... The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world."
—Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, Lubavitcher Rabbi, Chabad Leader

"A ***'s killing non-**** does not constitue murder according to the Jewish religion."
—Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh

"While God requires other normal nations to abide by abstract codes of justice and righteousness, such laws do not apply to ****."
—Rabbi Shlomo Aviner

"If a *** needs a liver, can he take the liver of an innocent non-*** to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value. There is something more holy and unique about Jewish life than about non-Jewish life."
—Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh

and so it goes

Posted by: todd | Feb 11 2024 15:25 utc | 3

Someone should check sunak and starmas office for IDF tunnels, they may apart from anything else find evidence of funding the support of genicide, also election tampering from terrorist states like israel.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 15:41 utc | 4

Travelling with passport from Israhell will be in future a big challenge
Can imagine that Immigration officers will treat travellers appropriate.
Moreover many with israhell passports might apply for second passport for travelling in Germany and other EU countries
Will be interesting development
The same applies to business with Israhell companies or jews with US or EU companies

Posted by: Falco | Feb 11 2024 15:43 utc | 5

Posted by: Patroklos | Feb 10 2024 22:40 utc | 111

OGAT - Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories
OT - Occupied Territories
GCC - Gulf Cooperation Council

Posted by: Siddhartha | Feb 10 2024 23:21 utc | 118

Thank you Siddhartha. I use acronyms because I’m a lazy and bad typist. Sorry.

Although complaining about Arabs not sending enough $ is a popular pastime here, Israel’s worst nightmare is for Arab money to meet Palestinian ingenuity and entrepreneurship. This is why COGAT, a branch of Israeli military controls everything and everyone that moves in and out of the concentration camps. Or at least they tried…

Imagine KSA has normalized with Israel and Palestinians have a 3 Bantustan demilitarized state but have control over their land, sea and air borders and their electromagnetic spectrum.

Who do you think the average Arab businessman would want to do business with? Even a broken up, non-militarized Palestinian state will pose a huge economic threat to Israel with its fake economy dependent on stolen Kurdish oil, huge subsidies, vulture capital funds, useless to humanity defense and spyware, etc.

Even Israel’s Aaa rating can’t stand without the US. Moody’s report: “Israel's backed senior unsecured rating has been affirmed at Aaa. The related issuances benefit from an irrevocable, on-demand guarantee provided by the Government of the United States of America (Aaa negative) with the government acting through USAID. The notes benefit explicitly from "the full faith and credit of the US" and as per prospectus, USAID is obligated to pay within three business days if the guarantee is called upon.”

Don’t ask me how an Aaa negative can guarantee an Aaa and not the other way around. (article in English) COGAT finally released a 2008 document that detailed its « red lines » for « food consumption in the Gaza Strip. The document calculates the minimum number of calories needed by every age and gender group in Gaza, then uses this to determine the quantity of staple foods allowed into the Strip every day, as well as the number of trucks needed to carry this quantity. On average, the minimum worked out to 2,279 calories per person per day, which could be supplied by 1,836 grams of food, or 2,575.5 tons of food for the entire population of Gaza. Bringing this quantity into the Strip would require 170.4 truckloads per day, five days a week. COGAT claims this was just a draft. Testimonies from soldiers who were in COGAT. They try to control every aspect of a Palestinian life.

COGAT site: Directive regarding prohibition of transferring items into the Gaza Strip without a permit. Iron pipes of 1.5 in. (38.1 mm) diameter or more COGAT supervising strawberries in Gaza:

So far, close to 50 tons of strawberries shipped to Judea and Samaria under COGAT’s guidance. English site is really messed up.

There’s this story about a medical conference with paragraphs on strawberries. After recent weeks saw the first-ever shipment of Gazan strawberries to the Gulf countries, today (Tuesday) five tons of strawberries left the Gaza Strip for England - through Ben Gurion Airport, as arranged by the COGAT's Gaza CLA.

Sad to think the strawberry fields of Gaza have probably been bulldozed over by now.

COGAT's English site minimizes what they do but they would control the oxygen supply into Gaza if they could.

Posted by: pq | Feb 11 2024 16:06 utc | 6

Given the ICJ ruleing regarding clear signs of Genicide taking place in Gaza.

I suggest jewish people when applying for a job should be asked to state in writing weather or not they support the actions of israel. In the form of a contract regarding illegal activity.
This could be used as grounds for not employing them or dismisal if they are employed.
It would be usefull in spureous claims of antisemitism, in their future emploment.
Think of the benfit to ....
Academic instututes.
Also all commerce.

More over its not anti semetic to undertake not to support criminal activty such as genicide.
Job done.

This would be agood addition to the boycoting and sanctioning of Israel.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 16:10 utc | 7

#3 -Todd

Please, provide evidence.

Posted by: parents' child | Feb 11 2024 16:12 utc | 8

Israel Unveils Tunnels Under UNRWA HQ in Gaza City |

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 11 2024 15:19 utc | 1

Translation: Israel finds electrical room under UNRWA and claims it is Hamas tunnel. 105,000 missing, dead and injured later, we are back to Hamas Tunnels episode 568.

Posted by: pq | Feb 11 2024 16:12 utc | 9

Hamas tunnels under UNRWA's Gaza headquarters

This story is all the rage on the right-wing, hyper pro-Israel crowd. I would love to see someone with actual credibility investigate those claims.

Regarding this accusation, I don't know but I do know that Israel is at war with the UNRWA. The IDF has killed hundreds of their workers. Blocking the UNRWA in Gaza is causing starvation and starvation related deaths of Palestinians.

I'm going to praise CNN for at least showing some of the suffering in Gaza. They did a story on a Palestinian girl who was trapped under rubble with her dead family for days. When the Red Crescent finally showed up, the IDF destroyed their vehicle, killing both occupants. Oh, and the 7yr old girl is dead. Mission accomplished.

These types of stories were all the rage when we could blame Assad but now that it's Israel, only a small fraction of them leak out.

Posted by: Christian J Chuba | Feb 11 2024 16:21 utc | 10

still banned?

Posted by: librul | Feb 11 2024 16:23 utc | 11

So now the IDF soldiers are not only stealing personal belongings, jewelry, etc. from the houses they blow up in Gaza and from the houses they take over in the West Bank, they are stealing right from the Bank of Palestine. From the article, apparently some Israeli politician (Netanyahu? Ben-Givr?) told the soldiers that since they happened to be there, they should grab the cash:
“Israeli soldiers seized 200 million shekels ($54.29 million) from the Bank of Palestine headquarters in Gaza City, according to an Israeli newspaper on Sunday, Anadolu Agency reports.

“Maariv newspaper, citing Israeli officers, said a military force took the funds allocated for the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority after coming under fire in al-Rimal neighborhood last week.

“There was no comment from the Palestinian Authority or Hamas on the report.
‘Israeli soldiers were at the Bank of Palestine headquarters in Gaza last week to prevent money from reaching Hamas,’ an Israel military spokesman told Maariv, without providing further details.

“He said this step ‘was decided at the political level.’ “ […]

Posted by: teri | Feb 11 2024 16:26 utc | 12

Sir, I love your comment regarding the Hama Tunnels. Like the fairy tales of atrocities, beheadings and rapes etc comitted by Hamas was repeated by MSM and folks like you without a shred of evidence about these things. Do you know that a reporter from Gaurdian refuted the claims of proof by IDF? MSM fairy tales of Trump collusion, J-6 insurrection etc has lost its credibility? IF IDF had a proof about these so called tunnels don't you think they will parade NY TIMes, WPost, journalists showing them these hideous UNRA activities? Any way goood luck with these stories unfortunately no one will believe you. Thanks

Posted by: Muralidhar Rao | Feb 11 2024 16:27 utc | 13

Posted by: todd | Feb 11 2024 15:25 utc | 3


Not that my preferences matter but that is why I like Islam. All men of every race are to be regarded as equal. To argue otherwise is to lower God to something petty that plays with the lives of his creation, like a child.

The only way to distinguish between people within Islam (not personal or cultural norms) is by their piety. The "chosen one" is the one who keeps God's laws to the absolute best of their ability.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Feb 11 2024 16:38 utc | 14

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 11 2024 15:19 utc | 1

UNRWA staff left HQ building on the 12th of October following IOF evacuation orders. This's how you catch a lier. This story of the militant and resistance group, Hamas being linked to UNRWA is Hasbarah as usual that came out just on the ICJ ruling that indicates that Israel is a GENOCIDAL project.

Posted by: AI | Feb 11 2024 16:39 utc | 15

Reports: Senior IDF officer dismissed pre-Oct. 7 intel on Hamas invasion as ‘fantasy’

Two lower level officers in IDF’s elite intelligence Unit 8200 outlined a mass invasion one month before onslaught; top officers also waved off manual showing plans for onslaught

'Lower level officers' means that the two officers were not 'high' enough in the chain to be permitted to be insiders into the upcoming false-flag.

Unit 8200 could have saved Israel from Oct. 7; why hasn't it owned up to its failure?

All relevant commanders in the elite IDF signal intelligence unit were asleep on the wheel, led by Brig. Gen. Y., who heads the unit. It appears that it failed to share the relevant intelligence, even though it claims it passed on everything to the IDF Intelligence Directorate's Research Division analysts.
The responsibility of Unit 8200 does not end here. In the months leading up to the attack, real-time monitoring of the tactical communication of Hamas operatives on their radios was halted. Had they been monitored, at the very least Israeli intelligence would have had time to deploy forces and mitigate the scale of the invasion.
The decision to cease real-time monitoring was made with approval from all levels,...

The claim that the IDF would stop "real-time monitoring of the tactical communication of Hamas operatives on their radios was halted" is a difficult claim to swallow. Remember that it isn't just what words are being communicated on the radios, such as the planned date of an attack, there is also location and also association. Who is associating with whom. Where do they congregate? Where does the signal strength begin to diminish as the radio signal goes into a tunnel? Where does a particular radio signal reemerge?

What is really being said when they claim Unit 8200 halted monitoring is that they made access to the monitoring intelligence more restrictive.
They did not want anyone sounding the alarm about what Hamas was preparing. They did not need a plethora of "boat rockers" such as the "lower level officers" mentioned above. Also, they needed deniability so that they could brush off discovery of their false flag treachery.

Posted by: librul | Feb 11 2024 16:58 utc | 17

According to the American Bar Association:

The heart of the case is the presentation of evidence. There are two types of evidence -- direct and circumstantial.

Direct evidence usually is that which speaks for itself: eyewitness accounts, a confession, or a weapon.
Circumstantial evidence usually is that which suggests a fact by implication or inference: the appearance of the scene of a crime, testimony that suggests a connection or link with a crime, physical evidence that suggests criminal activity.

Both kinds of evidence are a part of most trials, with circumstantial evidence probably being used more often than direct. Either kind of evidence can be offered in oral testimony of witnesses or physical exhibits, including fingerprints, test results, and documents.
Neither kind of evidence is more valuable than the other.

Posted by: librul | Feb 11 2024 17:04 utc | 18

Mind your indefinite nouns and articles

Germany scraps plans to remove 'race' from constitution

Josef Schuster, the head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, had spoken out against removing the term, reasoning that it served as a reminder of the persecution and murder of millions of people, "especially Jews."

Paragraph three states that "no person shall be favored or disfavoured because of sex, parentage, race, language, homeland and origin, faith or religious or political opinions."

Now, go forth and CODE the uniform law of favours excluding "sex, parentage, race, language, homeland and origin, faith or religious or political opinions"!

Posted by: sln2002 | Feb 11 2024 17:11 utc | 19

@Posted by: librul | Feb 11 2024 17:04 utc | 18

The iZraeli hierarchy, political/intelligence/military, all had Hamas' Oct 7th plans in writing and in detail
a year before Oct 7th.

Do those written plans constitute direct or circumstantial evidence?

Or perhaps both?

Posted by: librul | Feb 11 2024 17:11 utc | 20

Posted by: pq | Feb 11 2024 16:06 utc | 6
" they would control the oxygen supply into Gaza if they could."

Israeli forces kill three patients after blocking oxygen cylinder deliveries

"The Palestine Red Crescent (PRCS) said three patients had died in Gaza after the Israelis failed to deliver oxygen to Palestinian health facilities for over a week...
For over 21 days, Israeli forces have besieged the Nasser Hospital medical complex. The PRCS said that Israeli forces have blocked fuel from being delivered to the hospital which is needed for generators to power medical equipment."

Posted by: jayc | Feb 11 2024 17:16 utc | 21

@Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 16:10 utc | 7

I suggest jewish people when applying for a job should be asked to state in writing weather or not they support the actions of israel.
In order not to discriminate, ask everybody. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist according to the US president.

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 11 2024 17:32 utc | 22

In Jerusalem, Milei (President of Argentina) said that he wants the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple, to fulfill the prophecy that will bring the Messiah of the Jews to Earth.

In a recent revelation by Israeli television Channel 13, details have emerged about Israel's utilization of a land route originating from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and passing through Saudi Arabia and Jordan. This route has been strategically employed to transport cargo, effectively bypassing the Houthi blockade in the Red Sea.

Posted by: todd | Feb 11 2024 17:40 utc | 23

Norwegien @ 22
Yes of cource you are right.
I did consider that but decided to restrict the scope of my suggestion so as to make it more relisticly acheivable.
Either would be good. Yours is more fair has to be said.
Much respect.

If only jews and zionists were fair.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 17:44 utc | 24

This story of the militant and resistance group, Hamas being linked to UNRWA is Hasbarah as usual that came out just on the ICJ ruling that indicates that Israel is a GENOCIDAL project.

Posted by: AI | Feb 11 2024 16:39 utc | 15

Yeah, and they said there were tunnels under the hospitals.

Turned out they knew about the tunnels because they built them themselves.

If there are any tunnels under the UNRWA building they were put there by Israel, not the UNRWA!

I have come to the conclusion that the Zionists are so sick---they actually want to kill the Pals via thirst. That is what happened to the Shi'a women and children in the Arabian desert back in the 7th C. The Zionists want to watch this.

They are sickos.

Posted by: Jane | Feb 11 2024 17:56 utc | 25

Overview of Peace Demos today

Posted by: Exile | Feb 11 2024 17:57 utc | 26

Posted by: jayc | Feb 11 2024 17:16 utc | 21


16 days after ICJ ordering Israel to not kill:

1864 killed of which 690 children.

Total dead is now 35,880 (including missing).

Israeli tiktok war crimes are active and continuing.

That's about 280 killed per day since Oct 7.

I think total death toll in Yemen is at least 10 (from before) +17 in recent airstrikes.

Lebanon also has a lot of casualties. At least 176 Hezbollah + civilians.

Posted by: Pq | Feb 11 2024 18:02 utc | 27

The navy lark.
Yet another british air craftcarrier has broke down.
At the very last momment before leaving portsmouth harbour today, problem not disclosed.
Crowds had lined the dock and nearby roads.

Make of it what you will.
Snigger, gufuff.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 18:09 utc | 28

Israel hits back at Moody’s downgrade over Gaza war impact

Credit rating cites concerns for economy in country’s first ever downgrade

(Financial Times)

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 11 2024 18:14 utc | 29

Re: tunnels

Nobody is surprised to hear there are tunnels in Gaza. Nobody is even surprised to hear some may run underneath UNRWA facilities. The surprise is why Israel comes up with this information months after it has been killing UNRWA personnel and after it had said it would flood the tunnels or gas them or commit some other mayhem.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 11 2024 18:18 utc | 30

Read more: Israel Unveils Tunnels Under UNRWA HQ in Gaza City |

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 11 2024 15:19 utc | 1

The Zionist' game is to keep everyone running around in circles trying to disprove their lies while they get busy raiding the pantry.

Once all the lies have been disproved everyone knows the truth but the pantry is already empty.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Feb 11 2024 18:19 utc | 31

That is what happened to the Shi'a women and children in the Arabian desert back in the 7th C.

Posted by: Jane | Feb 11 2024 17:56 utc | 25

What event was that? I wasn't able to identify the event. Thanks

Posted by: Laguerre | Feb 11 2024 18:20 utc | 32

Repost from prior thread :

E.I reports that the IDF officer (commander) responsible for the Al Shifa operation ate a Hamas sniper bullet from an "al ghoul" rifle and was reunited with his foreskin in Jew heaven (if such a thing exists):

Sniper takes out Israeli officer involved in attack on Gaza hospital, with Jon Elmer

Jon Elmer points out, with good substantiation, that HAMAS is freely moving around hunting key IDF individuals within the Gaza strip and effectively taking revenge for the actions of individual IDF commanders.

How HAMAS is gathering and sharing operational intelligence under such conditions will be the subject of study in guerrilla academies for centuries to come ...

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Feb 11 2024 10:09 utc | 236

Posted by: Exile | Feb 11 2024 18:23 utc | 33

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 17:44 utc | 24

"If only jews and zionists were fair." WOW just WOW. What's next clown boy round all the jews ands zionists up and burn em? I shouldn't be surprised at your fascist tendencies here. You are after all a huge supporter of antifa. Shakes head you give all the other posters here a bad name. Just be quiet.

Posted by: Tannenhouser | Feb 11 2024 18:25 utc | 34

Jonathan W posted:

Israeli forces have discovered a tunnel network hundreds of meters (yards) long and running partly under UNRWA's Gaza headquarters, the military says, calling it new evidence of Hamas exploitation of the main relief agency for Palestinians.


Refer to the story about the boy who cried wolf.

The problem is, in the context of this situation, Israeli zionist Jews are given to lie. They show blatant disregard for truth, law and the rest of un-chosen humanity. They seek to justify murdering without conscience, a whole race of people, just like you and I. This is UNFORGIVABLE. So no Israel, don't give us your 'they are all terrorists' excuses to shut down a whole organization that these people depend on for support. Especially given that you rely heavily on the west for support. Palestine is now starving. Disease will claim many that the bombing, shooting and gassing did not. Your day of teckoning is fast approaching Israel.

Posted by: Áobh Ò'Sheachnasaigh | Feb 11 2024 19:04 utc | 35

round all the jews ands zionists up and burn em?

Posted by: Tannenhouser | Feb 11 2024 18:25 utc | 34

No, those are the two groups of people that are protected but they can do it to others.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 11 2024 19:08 utc | 36

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 15:41 utc | 4

Someone should check sunak and starmas office for IDF tunnels, they may apart from anything else find evidence of funding the support of genicide, also election tampering from terrorist states like israel.


Superb comment!
Actually they are now so confident in complete control of their western puppets as to not hide it

Posted by: Áobh Ó'Sheachnasaigh | Feb 11 2024 19:11 utc | 37

@Posted by: librul | Feb 11 2024 16:58 utc | 17

The top of the iZraeli hierarchy, political/intelligence/military, made the decision to
hide (restrict access to) intelligence gathered into what Hamas was doing.
Only the few were permitted to know what Hamas was preparing.

Is that direct or circumstantial evidence of a false flag?

(also see @18 and @20).

Posted by: librul | Feb 11 2024 19:16 utc | 38

I hope everybody appreciates the pivotal role played by the Normans in the establishment of the Crusader States, such as the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 11 2024 19:16 utc | 39

" I suggest jewish people when applying for a job should be asked to state in writing weather or not they support the actions of israel. In the form of a contract regarding illegal activity.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 16:10 utc | 7 "

The chosen have a long history of lies and false conversion, why do you think they would be honest now ?

Posted by: Moonie | Feb 11 2024 19:21 utc | 40

" Not that my preferences matter but that is why I like Islam. All men of every race are to be regarded as equal.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Feb 11 2024 16:38 utc | 14 "

I think you missed the basic tenets of Christianity. Not to mention the " forgiveness" portion which Islam lacks.

Posted by: Moonie | Feb 11 2024 19:24 utc | 41

Posted by: Moonie | Feb 11 2024 19:24 utc | 41

I don't know. You know what astaghfirullah means?

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 11 2024 19:25 utc | 42

This is anecdotal, but with respect to the quality of Israeli hi tech, I'd just like to say that the single worst software company I ever dealt with in my 36 years of work in hi tech was an Israeli company.

Posted by: JAB | Feb 11 2024 19:26 utc | 43

" The navy lark.
Yet another british air craftcarrier has broke down.
At the very last momment before leaving portsmouth harbour today, problem not disclosed.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 18:09 utc | 28 "

Looks like the limeys are trying to weasel out of impending military actions.

Posted by: Moonie | Feb 11 2024 19:27 utc | 44

My two step solution to Palestine conflict:

1. Stop arm sales to Israel.

2. Grant full citizenship to every Israeli citizen to the country of their choice (not Gaza or West Bank) and pay for resettlement.

This would be much cheaper than war.

Posted by: JAB | Feb 11 2024 19:28 utc | 45

" I don't know. You know what astaghfirullah means?

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 11 2024 19:25 utc | 42 "

That concept sounds like forgiving oneself for transgressions against God, not forgiving your enemies.

" An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

Posted by: Moonie | Feb 11 2024 19:30 utc | 46

PSA. If I did subscribe to Hulu, I'd cancel it in a NY minute.

Come visit Gaza!

Posted by: sln2002 | Feb 11 2024 19:33 utc | 47

" 2. Grant full citizenship to every Israeli citizen to the country of their choice (not Gaza or West Bank) and pay for resettlement.

This would be much cheaper than war.

Posted by: JAB | Feb 11 2024 19:28 utc | 45 "

Why should any people accept the " chosen" when the " chosen" ,by their very nature, consider all others as beneath them ?

The answer is to abolish the odious parts of Judaism and help them regain their "humanity". Although, it might be too late for that and Judaism itself needs to be discarded.

Posted by: Moonie | Feb 11 2024 19:34 utc | 48

Sad but true, both UK aircraft carriers out of service. The QE was supposed to participate in a NATO naval exercise in the Arctic.....but a shaft problem scrubbed that mission, now the PoW is out of action, its DEI gear failed......

Both QE and PoW now down with mechanical problems.
These two carriers are just the tip of the morass now infecting the UK under the conservative/socialist Rishi the First......and the HMS Diamond ran out of ammo and left the Red Sea for Greece.....

By the way the Irish Navy has 6 corvettes (CPV's), only one is operational under the leadership of the two Irish co leaders Leo Bombay Varadkar and Michael Whiskey Martin, and no operational fighter aircraft, but they have two obsolete Spanish An cargo frames......effectively the Irish have no navy or air force......

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Feb 11 2024 19:52 utc | 49

1 - Jonathan W - more paid propaganda by the IDF

There are tunnels all over Gaza and what do you expect from a province that has been bombed since 2006, and turned into the largest concentration camp in world history. Folks need shelter from the IDF genocidal forces.

The IDF use these tunnels as an excuse to murder doctors, nurses, patients, CNA's, EMT's, ambulance crews....anyone they please at any time. Remember Nassar hospital is now the only major functioning hospital for over 2 million people.....I hope these IDF monsters are proud of their torture........

Trials of IDF commanders in Hague will sort this all out in due time.........good things come to those who are patient......

Posted by: Tobias Cole | Feb 11 2024 20:01 utc | 50

Seyed Mohammad Marandi appears in an interview with RT's Oksana Boyko over here:

Some interesting biographical information at the start of the show and, although Boyko is rather cynical, Marandi underlines what is important and what is new.

As an example of what is new: the genocide in Gaza is not viewed globally simply as the continuation of decades of Israeli crimes against the Palestinians, but rather as a collective Western genocide. This leads to the uncovering of a litany of other Western crimes, going back decades. It also completely undermines the Western human rights narrative of lecturing other countries, of impunity, and of exceptionalism. The hegemonic narrative is coming apart at the seams and that is unquestionably new and very significant.

Posted by: N Hanrahan | Feb 11 2024 20:18 utc | 51

These two aircraft carriers would have cost billions, never seen conflict. White elephants purily military industry share holder profit motif. Main share holders being tory MP"' and their warmongering voters.
Hence an incentive to start wars and conflict.
But when the chips are down ther a 'no show'.

No one here will notice or complain.

The lights are on but no ones home.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 20:22 utc | 52

Aljazeera actually has been playing the whole heartrending phonecall between Hind and her to be rescuers themselves killed....surely most surely this in itself enough for ICJ to confirm war crime and issue fill Prohibition.

Posted by: Jo | Feb 11 2024 20:25 utc | 53

That is what happened to the Shi'a women and children in the Arabian desert back in the 7th C.

Posted by: Jane | Feb 11 2024 17:56 utc | 25

What event was that? I wasn't able to identify the event. Thanks

Posted by: Laguerre | Feb 11 2024 18:20 utc | 32

William Dalrymple, White Moghuls (pp. 226ff.), writing about the predominantly Shi'a city of Hyderabad and, more specifically, the Shi'a festival of Muharram (as celebrated near Hyderabad in ca. 1800):

"the beautiful elegies---or marsiyas---that were sung evoked the thirst of Hussain and his entourage of women and children, and their suffering at the hands of Ummayad Caliph al-Yazid, an event considered by Shi'as as the most tragic martyrdom in history. . . . Like Christianity, Shi'a Islam has at its core the story of the . . . unjust suffering of innocents."

The mention of thirst caught my attention and I delved a bit further.
Wiki ("Muharram"):

" 2 Muharram: Arrival of Husayn ibn Ali in Karbala, Iraq, in 680. On their way to the nearby Kufa, Husayn and his small caravan were intercepted by the Umayyad army and eventually forced to camp in the desert lands of Karbala, away from water and fortifications.[10]

7 Muharram: The Umayyad army cut off Husayn's access to the drinking water of the nearby Euphrates river.[19] Under the siege, Husayn's camp suffered from thirst and hunger in the coming days.[20][21][22] . . .

10 Muharram (Ashura): The Battle of Karbala was fought on this day in 680. Husayn and most of his male relatives and his small retinue were slaughtered by the Umayyad army by the end of the day. After the battle, the women and children in Husayn's camp were taken prisoner and marched to the Umayyad capital Damascus in Syria.[26]"

Wiki, "Shi-a Islam":

"Arba'een commemorates the suffering of the women and children of Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī's household. After Ḥusayn was killed, they were marched over the desert, from Karbala (central Iraq) to Shaam (Damascus, Syria). Many children (some of whom were direct descendants of Muhammad) died of thirst and exposure along the route. Arbaein occurs on the 20th of Safar, 40 days after Ashura."

I can imagine the Zionists setting up an almost atavistic scenario of death of a million of their enemies in the desert by thirst---and enjoying the spectacle.

In the 21st century of bottled water, water trucks, helicopter drops of water, public utilities, modern hygienic infrastructure, driving your modern enemy into the desert to die agonizing putrid 7th Century deaths seems to appeal to the modern Israeli, molded by the most sadistic, primitive biblical, talmudic motivations and hatreds.

Posted by: Jane | Feb 11 2024 20:37 utc | 54

My home, Your home,

What's the difference? There is none

But what is my home, But what is your home

From heaven it's the same, I swear

I miss my area, I miss my neighborhood…

…But how can you say that everything is normal here

To draw a border with imaginary lines

A hospital was bombed

For a piece of land or for a piece of bread

There is never peace

A (translated) verse from a song (Casa Mia) by Italian rapper Ghali sung at the San Remo music fest in Italy. The song never mentions any country. The head of a specific community in Milan came out to complain about it on the first night of the festival. Duly reported by MSM the next day.

Thus drawing more attention to the song (worth listening to imho). In the end the song came in 4th but not without the voting system crashing and thousands of complaints from people about not being able to vote.

On the final night as he was taking his bows on the stage, Ghali asked his “alien” friend (another guy who performed with him in a costume) if he had anything to say. The alien whispered something into Ghali’s ear and Ghali tells the audience that the alien said: stop genocide. Estimates are 15 million viewership.

Guess which country’s ambassador attacks Ghali?

In some post fest event Ghali was asked to reply to the Ambassador. He said that he’s been writing about these issues since he was a kid and not since 7 Oct, that one should not be intimidated into silence. The audience gave him a standing ovation.

It is said that RAI, the state broadcaster eliminated the stop genocide part, not sure when. Clumsy stuff turns it into a trending topic. Ghali never once mentioned any country.

Others on MoA have mentioned that Italy’s ENI is part of the Steal Gaza Oil Project (SGOP) with Israel.

Meanwhile, in South Africa, Palestine football team gets a warm welcome.

Posted by: pq | Feb 11 2024 20:38 utc | 55

Jane 54:
It wasn't the Arabian desert. But it was the desert.

Posted by: Jane | Feb 11 2024 20:39 utc | 56

Jane 54, correction no. 2:


Posted by: Jane | Feb 11 2024 20:48 utc | 57

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 20:22 utc | 52

Is this same QE that was parked in Gibraltar for "repairs" during BREXIT?

Posted by: sln2002 | Feb 11 2024 20:52 utc | 58

Posted by: pq | Feb 11 2024 16:06 utc | 6
" they would control the oxygen supply into Gaza if they could."

Wow, but that right away reminded of the end section of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, which now that I think about it has some similarities to the situation in Gaza. Spoiler Alert:

The basic method whereby a much poorer, much less technologically enabled, people can compel their oppressor to come to terms has an exemplar with the way the Houthis/Ansar Allah are using cheap missiles to put a crimp on shipping in their area, and, in fiction, the way the revolutionaries on Luna used rocks, sent by way of a mass driver, as a cheap weapon to take out Earth's very expensive missile defense system.

P.S. I'll repost that B5 clip of mass drivers getting employed.

Posted by: Babel-17 | Feb 11 2024 20:58 utc | 59

not that WHITE, the other one

Y'all don't pay attention. Worse, you swear on the holy British Empire bibbles all of which littered with spelling errors and doctrinaire, racist neologism, as was the custom.
TImur alias Tamerlane

Timur was a member of the Turkicized Barlas tribe, a Mongol ["Tatar"] subgroup that had settled in Transoxania (now roughly corresponding to Uzbekistan) after taking part in Genghis Khan’s son Chagatai’s campaigns in that region. Timur thus grew up in what was known as the Chagatai khanate. After the death in 1357 of Transoxania’s current ruler, Amir Kazgan, Timur declared his fealty to the khan of nearby Kashgar, Tughluq Temür, who had overrun Transoxania’s chief city, Samarkand, in 1361.
Timur’s sons and grandsons fought over the succession when the Chinese expedition disbanded, but his dynasty (see Timurid dynasty) survived in Central Asia for a century in spite of fratricidal strife. Samarkand became a centre of scholarship and science. It was here that Ulūgh Beg, his grandson, set up an observatory and drew up the astronomical tables that were later used by the English royal astronomer in the 17th century. During the Timurid renaissance of the 15th century, Herāt, southeast of Samarkand, became the home of the brilliant school of Persian miniaturists. At the beginning of the 16th century, when the dynasty ended in Central Asia, his descendant Bābur established himself in Kabul and then conquered Delhi, to found the Muslim line of Indian emperors known as the Great Mughals.

Posted by: sln2002 | Feb 11 2024 21:06 utc | 60

Sin2002 @ 58
Yes indeed, that one broke coming out of portsmouth harbour a few weeks ago.
This one is called prince of wales.
Named when King Charles was the Prince of Wales.
Problems astern.
Were drifting into OT,

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 21:17 utc | 61

Moonie 46

An eye for an eye is a quoted from the Bible in Qur'an. As to forgiveness, can you explain exactly how chewing a piece of bread and sipping wine re-invigorates the purity of somebody foolish enough to believe that God is Jesus pbuh?

I eat quite a lot of bread. What is the magic ingredient that wipes sins clean exactly?
Or if you mean forgiving others, could you verlaine exactly the process by which the US and Iraq are now described as, ' allies '.

I suppose all the heavy lifting forgiveness work was done by the US side, gagging journalist Julian Assange in a chemical and physical prison. Even the Iraqi children knew the market bombs and mosque bombs were Degenerate Betrayus false flag bombings.

Posted by: Giyane | Feb 11 2024 21:41 utc | 62

Posted by: Jonathan W | utc | 39

You might enjoy researching the main source of funding for the Normans.

Hint: check the demographics in Rouen and Amsterdam at the time, esp those with excess cash and access to credit.

Posted by: Scorpion | Feb 11 2024 21:47 utc | 63

@Mark2 | Feb 11 2024 16:10 utc | 7

"I suggest jewish people when applying for a job should be asked to state in writing weather or not they support the actions of israel.
In order not to discriminate, ask everybody. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist according to the US president."

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 11 2024 17:32 utc | 22

Indeed Norwegian: the Anglo/Zionists like now thankfully dead David Rockefeller; certainly both Biden and Trump are Anglo/Zionists they are all on the same team Captained by the City of London.

Posted by: canuck | Feb 11 2024 21:47 utc | 64

Posted by: Jane | Feb 11 2024 17:56 utc | 25

Fyi there was no shia persuasion in the 7 th century.
Also, wiki is a very doubtful source.

Posted by: sal | Feb 11 2024 22:31 utc | 65

Posted by: Moonie | Feb 11 2024 19:24 utc | 41


There is forgiveness in Islam.

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim which translates to "In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

The New Testament has no original chain back to the source, and Paul, IMO, was not a reliable narrator.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Feb 11 2024 22:39 utc | 66

Posted by: Jane | Feb 11 2024 17:56 utc | 25

Fyi there was no shia persuasion in the 7 th century.
Also, wiki is a very doubtful source.

Posted by: sal | Feb 11 2024 22:31 utc | 65

I don't think I said that Shi'a persuasion existed in the 7th C.
I quoted a source that stated a core event in the Shi'a belief system. That event occurred in the 7th C.

2. Please indicate the element(s) of the items I cited from Wiki entries that is/are incorrect.


Posted by: Jane | Feb 11 2024 23:15 utc | 67

Tunnel under UNRWA
I only saw one photo published by israel so far sorry I don't have the link , but that one photo was IDF standing in a basement room with an electrical sub station.. no tunnels just one picture one room as one expects under a major hospital. Now if there was extensive tunnels and evidence, why was it not published.? Because, yes they distort the one room as a whole system as we have seen time again. A water well becomes a tunnel , a calender becomes hamas with terrorists called Sunday Monday Tuesday, .

Posted by: Hankster | Feb 11 2024 23:58 utc | 68

Moonie @41

"Not to mention the forgiveness portion which Islam lacks..."

The Quran is abundant on God's forgiveness. In fact, the Quran begins with mentioning God's name being the Most Merciful, and God's forgiveness is mentioned over 230 times throughout.

An authentic Hadith says that the one who makes it a habit before he goes to sleep to forgive everyone who has wronged him, will be among the people of Paradise.

But its alot easier said than done. Its a universal truth that the graves are filled with a lifetime of grudges.

Posted by: Martin | Feb 12 2024 0:07 utc | 69

IDF having fun killing mother and child

Posted by: ld | Feb 12 2024 0:31 utc | 70


⚡ 🇮🇱 The Israeli invasion of Rafah has just begun

Large-scale Israeli bombardments near the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

Violent clashes reported on the outskirts of Rafah. IDF mechanized units moving inside.

Rafah is the last settlement in Gaza on the border with Egypt. Here is the largest refugee camp with 1.9 million refugees. The Israeli army is about to commit another massacre here.

Posted by: Greg Galloway | Feb 12 2024 0:50 utc | 71

Currently mostly air strikes again.

Iran busy with “celebrations”.
And “talk”….
The one serious force in the ME that could eviscerate Israel and aside from selling weapons to their proxies, do nothing but run their mouths. No wonder no one takes Iran seriously.
No one gives a damn about he slaughter but Hezbollah and they need to protect Lebanon.

I had hoped there was a “plan”… but can see Iranian FM “visits” were all bullshit, as all of Iran’s “free Palestine” crap for 40 years has been.
Disappointed, but not shocked.

There’s a time for all the 3-D “end game” politics & maneuvers. But now, 1.9 million Palestinians are cornered with no hope of survival without outside intervention and Iran continues to “report”. A pathetic, poser governance that’s no better than Saudi Arabia or the rest that betray Palestinians.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Feb 12 2024 2:51 utc | 72


⚡ 🇮🇱 The Israeli invasion of Rafah has just begun

Large-scale Israeli bombardments near the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

World leaders should be Certified for not stopping the genocide of the people of Palestine.

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 2:57 utc | 73

Posted by: Jane | Feb 11 2024 20:37 utc | 54

Thanks very much for that explanation of the Arbaeen festival in Shi'a Islam. The other sources don't emphasise as much the sufferings of the family of Husayn after his death in 680 (versions written by men (all of them) wouldn't). Such a story so central to the development of Shi'a Islam will, of course, have been heavily "souped up" to conform to religious needs; it doesn't necessarily represent in its present form, true history.

Posted by: laguerre | Feb 12 2024 3:15 utc | 74

Another green light for Israel, bought and paid for by the US. The critical people and governments all across the Middle East have been bribed into submission.

Any protests and empty threats from Arab leaders should be seen as political posturing and hat in hand begging for more money and military aid from the US, not support for the Palestinians.

Israel has complete impunity and they own the Middle East. It's pretty impressive.

A celebration will be held at the US stock exchanges tomorrow.

Posted by: Bye-bye Rafah | Feb 12 2024 4:03 utc | 75

LoveDonbass 66

Assalamu 'alaykum.
As you know God won't forgive nifa'a, hypocrisy, pretending to believe in Islam while actually not believing.

But Jewish psychiatric medics working for the Nazis experimented with torture followed by chemical brainwashing in order to destroy a person's faith. This works on the human,
learned memory microprocessor of the brain, but doesn't change the learned /intelligence of the Heart.

The zionists constantly use trauma to weaken the faith of the Muslims. This , not usury, makes them a central component of the Crusading team USUKIS. The Chritian political Crusaders themselves , the worshippers of Mammon , have no concept of faith, following mere mumbo jumbo, so the insights of the original People of Book who were physically and intellectually
displaced by Christianity have to guide political Christianity Rome, against Islam.

Islamism is created and nurtured by Zionism by rendition imprisonment - torture- chemical brainwashing. The Islamists are like somebody who have had a stroke who cannot understand the consequence of their actions. Islamism has created this Palestinian genocide. If a riot breaks out in a prison, a lot of inmates will suffer. The jail can only be busted from the outside.

Posted by: Giyane | Feb 12 2024 4:52 utc | 77

My mistake , ' but doesn't change the futrah, the inborn conscience or touchstone of the heart. The contribution of the conscience is constantly consulted by the human brain, and it clearly has a learned memory as well as the logical part of the brain.

Posted by: Giyane | Feb 12 2024 4:58 utc | 78

Israel rescues 2 hostages seized by Hamas

Special forces raid southern Gaza city of Rafah where more than half of displaced Palestinians are sheltering


Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 12 2024 6:00 utc | 79

Ships shun Red Sea and Suez Canal despite reduced Houthi menace

Attacks by US and UK forces have curtailed but not eliminated risks to marine traffic from militants in Yemen


Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 12 2024 6:02 utc | 80

That concept sounds like forgiving oneself for transgressions against God, not forgiving your enemies.

Posted by: Moonie | Feb 11 2024 19:30 utc | 46

True, perhaps forgiving one's enemies is not as prominent in Islam but forgiving others is commended even in the Qur'an, for instance 42:43 (surah Ash-Shura): And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives that would truly be from the things recommended by Allah.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 12 2024 6:24 utc | 81

“Israel has complete impunity and they own the Middle East. It's pretty impressive.

A celebration will be held at the US stock exchanges tomorrow.”

Posted by: Bye-bye Rafah | Feb 12 2024 4:03 utc | 75

It would appear so.
The silence of Russia & China now makes sense.
Another “fake war” . MOA cuckold once again by the “resistance “ of someone somewhere in fake “strikes” blah blah. Hardly the first fake ass “war”. Poor deceived Palestinian victims.

“While money doesn’t talk, it swears
Obscenity, who really cares
Propaganda, all is phony”…

Oh well. Fooled again.
“It’s alright Ma, I’m only sighing”… Bob Dylan

Posted by: Trubind1 | Feb 12 2024 6:36 utc | 82

BREAKING: US congress receives bill to review SA relations following ‘politically motivated’ ICJ case

A bill has been submitted to the United States congress calling for a full review of the country’s bilateral relationship with South Africa following the International Court of Justice ruling that found it plausible that Israel has committed acts of genocide against Gaza.

The bipartisan bill which was introduced by US Republican congressman John James and Democratic Party congressman Jared Moskowitz this week could threaten South Africa’s prospects to benefit from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).

The bill will still need to be discussed and passed by congress.

It states that not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act, US President Joe Biden in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall certify to the appropriate congressional committees and release publicly an unclassified determination explicitly stating whether South Africa has engaged in activities that undermine United States national security or foreign policy interests.

It further states that the US government must provide an unclassified report submitted to the appropriate congressional committees justifying the determination upon its certificate.

US Embassy mission spokesperson David Feldmann declined to comment. The ANC and the government’s response will be added when received.

The bill accuses the ANC of acting inconsistent with its publicly stated policy of nonalignment in international affairs.

It states that the South African Government has a history of siding with malign actors, including Hamas and the Russian Federation.

The US congress bill argues that the South African government’s support of Hamas dates back to 1994, when the ANC first came into power, taking a hardline stance of consistently accusing Israel of practising apartheid.

The ANC and the South African government have however been known to have ties with the Palestine Liberation Organisation dating back to former president Nelson Mandela’s term in office.

“Following Hamas’ unprovoked and unprecedented horrendous attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, where Hamas terrorists killed and kidnapped hundreds of Israelis, members of the South African Government and leaders of the ANC have delivered a variety of anti-semitic and anti-Israel-related statements and actions,” it reads.

The US congress states that some of the anti-semitic remarks include President Cyril Ramaphosa’s statements accusing Israel of genocide.

It said that the anti-semitic statements also include International Relations and Cooperations Minister Naledi Pandor’s statement expressing concern about escalating violence, urging Israel’s restraint in response.

It adds that Pandor implicitly blamed Israel for provoking the attack through “continued illegal occupation of Palestine land, continued settlement expansion, desecration of the Al Aqsa Mosque and Christian holy sites, and ongoing oppression of the Palestinian people.

It accused the ANC national spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri of anti-semitic remarks after stating that the decision by Palestinians to respond to the brutality of the settler Israeli apartheid regime is unsurprising.

“On December 29, 2023, South Africa filed a politically motivated suit in the International Court of Justice wrongfully accusing Israel of committing genocide. The South African Government has pursued increasingly close relations with the Russian Federation, which has been accused of perpetrating war crimes in Ukraine and indiscriminately undermines human rights. South Africa’s robust relationship with Russia spans the military and political space, including allowing a United States-sanctioned Russian cargo ship, the Lady R, to dock and transfer arms at a South African naval base in December 2022,” the bill stated.

It also cites that South Africa dispatched multiple high-level official delegations to Russia to further political, intelligence, and military cooperation.

The congress bill states that South Africa and the ANC’s relationship with the Chinese government and its ruling Chinese Communist Party(CCP) – which is committing gross violations of human rights in the Xinjiang province and implementing economically coercive tactics around the globe – undermine South Africa’s democratic constitutional system of governance.

These acts include what it says are ongoing ANC and CCP inter-party cooperation; recruitment of former United States and NATO fighter pilots to train Chinese People’s Liberation Army pilots at the Test Flying Academy of South Africa; South Africa’s hosting of 6 Chinese government-backed and CCP-linked Confucius Institutes; South Africa’s participation in a political training school in Tanzania funded by the Chinese Communist Party, cooperation with the Chinese global Belt and Road Initiative; and the widespread presence in South Africa’s media and technology sectors of PRC state linked firms.

“The ANC-led South African Government has a history of substantially mismanaging a range of state resources and has often proven incapable of effectively delivering public services, threatening the South African people and the South African economy,” the bill stated.

The bill accuses Ramaphosa of having declared the national state of disaster over the worsening energy crisis, “the worsening, multi-year power crisis caused by the ANC’s chronic mismanagement of the state owned power company Eskom, resulting from endemic, high-level corruption”.

It states that the persistence of Transnet’s insufficient capacity, an on-going outbreak of cholera, a failure to provide clean water to households and rampant state capture are part of ANC governments mismanagement of the state.

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 6:42 utc | 83

Arnaud Bertrand
This is utterly frightening and is a continuation of America's war on International Law in favor of their "rules-based order".

South Africa acted according to its *obligations* under international law: all States party to the Genocide Convention are required to take measures to prevent genocide if they suspect one is happening somewhere in the world. South Africa was simply one of the rare countries courageous enough to do it, despite having probably expected retaliation by the US, as they're obviously trying to do here...

And by the way, the fact the ICJ ruled that South Africa's claim is valid and that it is indeed "plausible" a genocide is occuring in Gaza means that by definition the case wasn't "politically motivated", meaning illegitimate: quite the contrary, they legitimately acted according to international law whilst this 👇 is OBVIOUSLY politically motivated and a shameless breach, even attack, on international law.

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 6:44 utc | 84

You might enjoy researching the main source of funding for the Normans.

Hint: check the demographics in Rouen and Amsterdam at the time, esp those with excess cash and access to credit.

Posted by: Scorpion | Feb 11 2024 21:47 utc | 63

I don't know about Rouen but the Jews did not begin to settle in the Netherlands, including modern Belgium, until the late 1400s after the Sephardic Jews started leaving the Iberian peninsula for reasons that are well known. The Netherlands had become part of the same Habsburgian realm as Spain thanks to the marriage of Philip the Handsome to Joanna of Castile.

Anyway, Antwerp was the place to go as Amsterdam would remain a modest fishing village until the Dutch in the north started rebelling against their Spanish overlords over taxation and freedom of religion.

But I digress. Back to the Normans, to repel whose attacks Antwerp had been elevated to the rank of margravate by the way. This is kind of important because Flanders did also play a role especially in the Fourth Crusade as its count Baldwin IX was crowned the Latin Emperor of Constantinople.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 12 2024 6:44 utc | 85

Arnaud Bertrand
This is absolutely insane, I literally cannot believe France has come to this point.

This 👇 is Aurore Bergé, the French Minister for the Fight against Discriminations, who just announced on Radio J (a Jewish community radio station in Paris) that she’d stop funding all French feminist organizations that do not promote Israel’s understanding of “Oct 7 and what happened afterwards”.

Here’s an exact translation of what she said:

“On behalf of the government, I have requested a meticulous review of all statements from all feminist organizations related to October 7th and its aftermath, because I refuse to allow the state to financially support associations that cannot clearly define what happened [...] I have asked for all financially supported organizations to be thoroughly scrutinized - hundreds and hundreds of associations - because being feminist means speaking out, it means supporting the women who were mutilated on October 7th. If there is any ambiguity about statements that have been made, it would not be right for these associations to continue receiving government subsidies, it's as simple as that.”

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 6:45 utc | 86

Zionism is when you murder starving people for trying to feed their children
What the media hides.
Feb 11
The Israeli Navy gunned down and killed 6 Palestinians trying to catch fish on a boat, as more and more people venture into the sea to alleviate starvation

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 6:49 utc | 87

Israeli soldiers filmed themselves shooting at houses in Gaza and destroying them for fun.

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 6:52 utc | 88

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 6:44 utc | 84

If one steps back one realizes how crazy this is. South Africa used to be sanctioned for apartheid and now three decades later for opposing apartheid. Can the US really afford sanctioning the rest of the world? Apparently it thinks it can.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 12 2024 6:52 utc | 89

I've just received a urgent message from Gaza but it was only two words.

Please come.

Posted by: David G Horsman | Feb 12 2024 6:53 utc | 90

Our beautiful, brave soul, Ahed Tamimi.
" I hope the media stops showcasing the #Palestinians as someone begging for the world's sympathy, prayers,and money. I hope they portray us as #Freedomfighters in order to gain fighter's and partners in the struggle. I imagine a #FreePalestine as one embraces everyone..... to pray in AL-Aqsa, the Church of Holy Sepulcher, and the Church of Nativity together."

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 6:54 utc | 91

Quds News Network
Grieving families bid a final farewell to their loved ones after an Israeli bloodbath in Rafah resulting in hundreds of civilian casualties.

Ironically, Rafah was initially designated as a 'safe zone' by the Israeli army, which forcefully demanding Palestinians from all of the Gaza Strip to go there for their safety.

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 6:56 utc | 92

Quds News Network
Judge of the Israeli Supreme Court, Daphne Barak Erez, was invited to speak at Humboldt University in Berlin.

However, she left the hall due to the large chants protesting against he country's genocide in Gaza.

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 7:15 utc | 93

Ironically, Rafah was initially designated as a 'safe zone' by the Israeli army, which forcefully demanding Palestinians from all of the Gaza Strip to go there for their safety.

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 6:56 utc | 92

Not so ironic if you realize they were driven there for the IDF's safety. Thus it is not called a safe zone for nothing.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 12 2024 7:19 utc | 94

Re: sanctioning feminists in France

Not so incingruous if you realize France has a new Prime Minister. Gabriel Attal. He is not a Muslim if one may put it that way.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 12 2024 7:25 utc | 95

Meanwhile in Britain. Defence Secretary Grant Shapps, who is no Muslim either, is making waves:

Grant Shapps said a “woke” and “extremist culture” had infiltrated the British Army and the military needed to focus on being a lethal fighting force. (The Telegraph)

Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 12 2024 8:03 utc | 96

Can the US really afford sanctioning the rest of the world? Apparently it thinks it can.
Posted by: Jonathan W | Feb 12 2024 6:52 utc | 89

First is bribe the individual, then sanction everyone to remove that individual. If that also fails, a drone in his head always works. For $5 the judge from Uganda voted against SA at ICJ. For $10 you think she wouldn't have sold her kids for parts?

Posted by: rk | Feb 12 2024 8:38 utc | 97

Arya - آریا 🇮🇷
🛑| According to Hebrew sources:

The security incident occurred in the eastern areas of Khan Yunis in the form of a well-prepared ambush, and the transfer of the killed and wounded took several hours. A detailed announcement about the incident will be made in the coming hours.
Arya - آریا 🇮🇷
🚨| According to israeli sources, the IOF spokesman will announce an “unfortunate” announcement (unfortunate for israel) at 06:00 in the morning following a heavy and difficult incident that took place in Khan Yunis, today. (Illustrative image)

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 8:53 utc | 98

So aparently biden has been on the phone to netinyahoo expressing conern about the plight of civillians in Gaza.
UK camaron has done the same concern hand wringing execicss in a statment.

Dont beleave a word of it.

Imagine the amount of military ordanance that has been used on and in Gaza since 7 Oct.
Who supplyed that ?

UK and US are just lineing up plausable deniabilty for them selfs. Emptiy words whilst fuiling the Genicide with arms and bombs.

Mere public perseption manigment in the event of ICJ Genicide potential Trial.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 12 2024 9:18 utc | 99

Posted by: Menz | Feb 12 2024 7:15 utc | 93

That was very good. The faces of the few denialists in the audience showed how uncomfortable they are.

Grayzone livestream included a clip of a young lady with her hair covered (a Muslim I assume) challenging Hillary Clinton at Columbia University.

What an act of courage!

It would be an act of courage even for a non-Muslim given the level of repression at Columbia but Muslims face an extra layer of discrimination. As Grayzone pointed out being a Muslim and challenging one of the most powerful people in the world like that takes guts.

It was a bloody, bloody night in Rafah. Fire belts, used of banned weapons. Limbs sliced off. Amputations, brain injuries, burns. Not enough ambulances. Hospitals already barely functioning. Horrifying photos.

Posted by: pq | Feb 12 2024 9:41 utc | 100

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