Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
February 09, 2024

Open (Neither Ukraine Nor Palestine) Thread 2024-042

News & views (not related to the wars in Ukraine and Palestine) ...

Posted by b on February 9, 2024 at 11:45 UTC | Permalink

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Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin is about much more than the war in Ukraine.

So let's put the discussions about it here.

I did not find anything new in Putin's talk as I have over the last years read pretty much all his speeches and interviews.

Carlson was somewhat unprepared and what Putin was saying was way over Carlson's head.

For a better interview see the ones Oliver Stone had with Putin:

The Putin Interviews by Oliver Stone - Part 1 of 4 ...

Posted by: b | Feb 9 2024 11:54 utc | 1

Thanks b @ 1
In other news the bbc just called both candidates for the presidential elections....
"Mentaly defective"
Citing a debate in america at the momment.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 9 2024 12:06 utc | 2

Hi b

I'd prefer to read the transcript rather than watch the full 2 hours, and see that the transcript is available on the link you provided, but needs signing up to Team Tucker. I'm reluctant to do that, so would appreciate another link if available (eg the Russian Gov. transcript).


Posted by: Marduk | Feb 9 2024 12:29 utc | 3

Moved from the Ukraine SitRep thread, where it doesn't belong.

The first MSM article I read on the interview — Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin in Moscow — says:

In the two hour-long interview, the Russian President began by launching into a 49 minute diatribe on the history of Eastern Europe — starting from the founding of Russia by Ryurik the Prince of Novgorod in 862AD.

When Carlson tried to move the conversation forward, Putin berated him.

“I understand that my long speeches probably fall outside the genre of the interview. That is why I asked you at the beginning, are we going to have a serious talk or a show. You said serious talk, so bear with me please,” Putin said.

Putin’s history lesson was mocked online, with Max Seddon, the Moscow Bureau Chief of the Financial Times writing, “I think Putin may have over-estimated American audiences’ appetite to hear about Prince Ryurik and Yaroslav the Wise.”

When Putin finally addressed Russia’s war on Ukraine, he blamed Western nations for prolonging the conflict.


The writer of the piece, Andrew Backhouse, says he completed a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Political Science at the University of Queensland in 2010. And he is currently a Juris Doctor student at the University of Southern Queensland. Somehow I tend to doubt those claims. Someone who attended any university should be able to recognise a lecture when they hear one. Because that's what Putin gave: a lecture.

It's like what Andrei Martyanov is always going on about — the abysmal educational standards the West has descended to.

And to think that the United States once hosted political exchanges of the level of the Lincoln-Douglas debates. How the mighty have fallen.

Posted by: Kukulkan | Feb 9 2024 12:32 utc | 4

[b] ...did not find anything new in Putin's talk as I have over the last years read pretty much all his speeches and interviews....
Agreed. Just your typical parochial USAmericans gettng all girlily excited.
...way over Carlson's head...
Agreed. Overrated.
...better interview see the ones Oliver Stone had with Putin...
Agreed. Chalk and cheese.

The best thing about it has been all the hilarious Russian memes over the past week.

Posted by: petra | Feb 9 2024 12:33 utc | 5

Moved from the Ukraine SitRep thread.

When satire turns out to be prophecy:

Talk like a fag

I'm afraid that's how an articulate leader like Putin probably comes across to the Western PMC (Professional Managerial Class or Caste).

Posted by: Kukulkan | Feb 9 2024 12:33 utc | 6

thanks b appreciated.

Yup all been said before ...west should have listened.

UK daily mail as usual well as 95% illiterate idiotic IQ about 10 that some can write comments are in denial .. they are really going to have a psychosis when full realisation of the end game is setting in.....Donald Tusk back in post to continue the russophobic hysteria and lets get lots money to support the militaristic ego economy today ...berating USA for no more support forthcoming.ho ho ho.

Posted by: Jo | Feb 9 2024 12:41 utc | 7

The western media discussion about the 30 minute history lesson shows that western politics (which is just a branch of media-entertainment) isn’t capable of serious discussion. It’s outside their realm of possibility.

Overall, I agree with b. Nothing new in it and maybe not even Putin’s best work. I think the dubbing is problematic because a lot of Putin’s charisma is his speaking tone and cadence. Not “rah, rah” charisma of course but his intelligence and thoughtfulness comes through in his voice and I think that’s true even if you don’t understand Russian.

Posted by: Lex | Feb 9 2024 12:44 utc | 8

"Out of his depth" does not come close to the 2 hour confused look on Carlson's face, then he would open his mouth and make it worse.

Posted by: SwissArmyMan | Feb 9 2024 12:46 utc | 9

Find the Russian government transcript here:

Interview to Tucker Carlson

Posted by: John Henry Mackay | Feb 9 2024 12:49 utc | 10

The Wrath of Kahn

Pakistan Election Results 2024: The polls in Pakistan seem to be swaying in the favour of jailed former prime minister Imran Khan as his supporters (independents) won most of the 106 counted seats.

continues ...

Posted by: too scents | Feb 9 2024 12:58 utc | 11

Regarding the Western corporate media, here is a clip of CNN's Erin Burnett interviewing Zelensky.

It needs to be seen to be believed.

Posted by: Afro | Feb 9 2024 13:04 utc | 12

good time for interview.just as Avdveeka us about to fall. a reminder from Pres Putin that already he has told them so multiple times... just as Biden exposed by the DoJ report and his ****up mixup today ...contrasting with the intellegence and health of Pres Putin Biden about 2 minute attention span with his most americans realise they have been hoodwinked by the state of USA systematic derelict politicians?

Posted by: Jo | Feb 9 2024 13:10 utc | 13

Repost from another thread as requested by b.
scepticalSOB | Feb 9 2024 10:52 utc | 26
"Then I realised, that first segment wasn't aimed at the West at all, It was aimed at Ukraine, Belarus, and the home (Russian) audience".

It is also an example of the way he thinks. A led to B and so C happened. To know the "future", then use history to clarify how "we" got there and what are the next phases to expect..
Or, to put it another way. Look at Nato in Yougoslavia (Serbia) and Lybia and then it is easy to see what they would do in Russia if they got the opportunity. (Massive bombing, with or without UN "approval")
Using the rise of Nazism as an historic example, the increasing extremism of Banderites could be expected - down to blood oaths and torchlit processsions - plus the other part we see today, which was simply bloodlust being carried out without any restraint. (As in Gaza!).

By doing the groundwork for finding the underlying threads that show how an aggresive NATO posture would be inevitable if continued - he then decided to be prepared for a war. That the present NATO has not yet shown signs of changing - then be prepared for an all out war.

So his introducing Indonesia as an example was interesting, = as it is the largest Muslim country (600+ millions) is rich in minerals and elements, fishing, multicultural, with unfotunately an history of massacres of Chinese, Papuans etc. who were used to "take the blame" for idiocies and corruption by the rotten ruling caste. Overun by American corporations. BECAUSE Putin drew attention to it, we can expect a new source of CIA (or other) social troubles, to increase US domination in the island arcs around China.

OK, maybe he is a bit long winded, but thorough.

Posted by: Stonebird | Feb 9 2024 13:08 utc | 42

Posted by: Stonebird | Feb 9 2024 13:16 utc | 14

It's like what Andrei Martyanov is always going on about — the abysmal educational standards the West has descended to.

Posted by: Kukulkan | Feb 9 2024 12:32 utc | 4

I can't speak to educational standards in Europe, but they are very strict in the US: Conformity, conformity, conformity. The results seem to be about the same in Europe, though, so they probably set the same high bar to graduation from university.

Posted by: Honzo | Feb 9 2024 13:54 utc | 15

I learned many things about Russian history during his lecture, but admittedly the knowledge is unlikely to do me much good. I noticed two small errors on the part of Carlson: the year 862 is in the ninth century, not the eighth, and the next, “Tucker: But I'm confused. I mean, that's the biggest act of industrial terrorism ever, and it's the largest emission of CO2 in history.” No, it didn’t release any CO2, it released natural gas, i.e. mostly (but not pure) methane (CH4), which is about 20 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2, the result of burning the methane. By sabotaging the pipeline and releasing the gas AS methane, the largest release of CH4 in history in fact, the U.S. government (specifically the bastards on the USS Kearsarge that carried it out) also sabotaged the entire world.

But also, that quote was one of several surprising things Carlson said. He was outright stating his own belief, as he did numerous other times during the interview in the questions he asked. He asked this question and included that assertion, not in response to anything Putin had said, so it was clearly something Carlson wanted to say to his audience regardless of Putin’s answer to it. That and the other ‘questions’ that amounted to statements of his own are likely to be among the most-criticized parts of the interview. For my part, I’m less interested in what Carlson thinks than I am in what the interviewee thinks, and I’d advise him to avoid such ‘questions’ in future interviews. Or just forget being a journalist, and run for office already, then he can come out and say what he thinks. He couldn’t be worse than an average U.S. politician, that’s for sure.

The last thing I want to add about the interview is my great relief at one answer that Putin gave. His answer of “no” is proof that he’s neither stupid nor dishonest.

Carlson (paraphrased): Do you see the hand of god at work in the world?
Putin, if he had been incredibly stupid: Yes, I think a deity created the billions of galaxies we now know about, and that deity thinks that in this galaxy out of all of those billions, and in this solar system out of the billions in this galaxy, and on this planet out of all of them in the solar system, he needs to stick his fingers into it and make atoms violate the laws of physics to do what they otherwise wouldn’t do.
Putin, if he had been intelligent but dishonest: (uh oh, most people are stupid, but they vote...) Yes, of course I do! Next question, please.
Putin, in real life, intelligent AND honest: No, to be honest. I don't think so. My opinion is that the development of the world community is in accordance with inherent laws, and those laws are what they are. It's always been this way in the history of mankind.

I was very relieved to hear his answer. Thank you, Mr. Putin.

Posted by: Dalit | Feb 9 2024 13:59 utc | 16

Of course, the interview is more important to people in the USA than Europeans. Many there may think that Ukraine is next to North Korea or somewhere in Africa. The Europeans know where this country is, but they haven't understood anything either. They still believe this hair-raising nonsense that these strange media are spreading. France and Germany don't give a shit about freedom of expression anyway and block every broadcaster, every media outlet that doesn't seem politically correct to them. They have already reached totalitarianism in China and other well-known super democracies. Well, hopefully the FBI will let Tucker back into the USA, - not that Tucker and Edward will sit together by a fireplace and samovar and drink tea in peace and wait until these idiots have destroyed all freedoms here so that the comfortable beer drinkers finally stand up in front of their television and talk to their political "leaders".

Posted by: Lmaa | Feb 9 2024 14:00 utc | 17

Thank you, John Henry Mackay at | Feb 9 2024 12:49 utc | 10 for the Russian transcript of the interview with Putin. I have only just begun to read it, will notice than Tucker Carlson begins stiffly with an incredibly ignorant question:

TC:On February 22, 2022, you addressed your country in your nationwide address [!]when the conflict in Ukraine started[!] and you said that you were acting because you had come to the conclusion that [!]the United States through NATO might initiate a quote, “surprise attack on our country”[!]. And [!]to American ears that sounds paranoid. Tell us why you believe the United States might strike Russia out of the blue.[!] How did you conclude that?

Vladimir Putin: It's not that the United States was going to launch a surprise strike on Russia, I didn't say so. Are we having a talk show or serious conversation?

All I have heard from reports is the phrase I have bolded. I would have preferred an analysis of just this first question. Putin is absolutely correct - he knows what he said and we ought to know what he said also. He was setting forth the clear and present danger that the Ukrainian forcespresented in attacking their own (supposedly) countrymen with increased ferocity in the borderlands of Russia. Not only that, but this was not when the conflict in Ukraine started!!!!

Carlson ought to have apologized and rephrased his question. But really he ought never to have begun with such an abrupt and antagonistic question that had no foundation in fact!

I am surprised that Putin did not just get up and walk out. I would have. Do you know, Tucker, how such interviews ought to go? There is one word I would drum into your head - respect, respect, respect !!!!! And at the very least, don't start out with lies. Shame on you.

I am not surprised that Putin gave him a half an hour lecture on Russian history. He deserved less than that, and he was very fortunate Putin stayed as long as he did.

Posted by: juliania | Feb 9 2024 14:03 utc | 18

I was very relieved to hear his answer. Thank you, Mr. Putin.

Posted by: Dalit | Feb 9 2024 13:59 utc | 16


Any American answering similarly would effectively disqualify himself from just about any elective office.

Posted by: malenkov | Feb 9 2024 14:06 utc | 19

One aspect of this interview that is not about its content (relevant as it is), is how competent Putin appears in comparison to the disaster that is Biden.

That alone will change many minds.

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 9 2024 14:16 utc | 20

Every MSM news outlet in the world publishes excerpts from its TV-programs on you tube . Those excerpts have thousands of comments from viewers written under.This shows the great interest the citizens from all continents have for the Putin/Russia issue.Millions and millions are looking for truth and true reporting.This may be the big achievement for all of us,that mainstream cannot longer deny.Their habitual downplaying suddenly has become petty and ridiculous in the eyes of every man and his mother-in-law.

Posted by: willie | Feb 9 2024 14:22 utc | 21

Who profits when the US steals Syria's oil?
Whose pockets does the oil money go into?

Washington steals over 80 percent of Syria's oil output per day

"The losses incurred by the trafficking campaign surpass $100bln, according to Syria's oil ministry
Recently, the US army, which currently occupies northeast Syria, has been consistently looting the country’s oil and smuggling it into their bases in Iraq through several illegal border crossings."

Posted by: Laura Roslin | Feb 9 2024 14:27 utc | 22

Kukulkan @4
"Someone who attended any university should be able to recognise a lecture when they hear one. Because that's what Putin gave: a lecture."
And Tucker's bemused or a bit sophomoric facial expression was not IMO a good look.
He should have shown genuine interest in what Putin had to say and the private history lesson he was getting.
It seemed like Carlson was just waiting for opportunities to interrupt Putin and ask a silly question. As opposed to listening respectfully to his "professor" and showing genuine interest in the topic and actually learning something new.

If Tucker had shown genuine interest in his host, and what he was saying, it might have been a bit less of a lecture! Tucker's body language was for the most part defensive, his face was cocked at a defensive angle. He never actually relaxed and enjoyed the conversation.

Tucker's prep should have included watching at least one of Putin's sessions with the press and public where Putin shows that he is perfectly capable, physically and mentally, of sustaining an extended multi-hour dialogue.

Carlson's questioning style and even his somewhat smart-ass tone was not at all appropriate to the setting. His "pointed" leading questions came across as pre-prepared---not organically developing from the subject matter---and it also sounded like maybe these were tidbits of red meat thrown to the US public, press, and punditry.

My personal take or speculation is that Putin was conveying a couple of subtexual points: Russia is an old, old country. It has the wisdom of its age and its accumulated history of the constantly shifting nature of its relations with its nearest neighbors. The US is a young country and seems to be learning nothing---it is already going down. And Putin, although still in power, is an elder statesman but also a history and economic nerd--knows his shit and can produce relevant factoids as needed.

2. I wonder whether Putin, with his history lesson, wasn't also saying that Poland has always been a problem for Russia! Also, with in the confines of "the Ukraine."

3. Putin made it clear to Tucker who was in charge of the meeting. I think he dominated Tucker, and that was his intention. Tucker wanted clear black and white answers that would generate short headlines and sound bites. I don't think he got them out of Putin.

I applaud Tucker for even going to Russia. But his frat-boy shtick self-presentation could be improved. He could have learned a few phrases or even just a word or two to greet Putin. That would have been more gracious than the permanent look of confusion on his face. I haven't watched the last 20 mins of the interview yet---perhaps Tucker did exit more graciously and gracefully than he entered!

The English voice-over for Putin's conversation sounded to me to be high quality. Good voice, and tone, and seemed to be good, idiomatic US English.

Posted by: Jane | Feb 9 2024 14:29 utc | 23

I think the dubbing is problematic because a lot of Putin’s charisma is his speaking tone and cadence. Not “rah, rah” charisma of course but his intelligence and thoughtfulness comes through in his voice and I think that’s true even if you don’t understand Russian.

Posted by: Lex | Feb 9 2024 12:44 utc | 8

Yes. I hope the interview will be made available---by the Kremlin Media Office or something---with English captions.
Would also be great for those who are trying to improve their Russian comprehension. I caught many "Dumayu, chto" but then the voice-over would cut in.

Posted by: Jane | Feb 9 2024 14:33 utc | 24

Posted by: Laura Roslin | Feb 9 2024 14:27 utc | 22

The only oil company mentioned in the Western MSM is Conoco which should consider the profits a gift from the US taxpayers.

Posted by: SwissArmyMan | Feb 9 2024 14:34 utc | 25

Nevermind the pitiful interview, wtf is going on with Biden. He won't be prosecuted because he's senile!!
How more crazy does the US have to become?

Posted by: Eoin Clancy | Feb 9 2024 14:41 utc | 26

Some Headlines from RT

- Ukraine has yet to be ‘denazified’ – Putin
- US behind Nord Stream sabotage – Putin
- Musk can’t be stopped – Putin
- Russia has no intention of attacking NATO – Putin
- Ukraine is ‘artificial state’ – Putin

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 9 2024 14:42 utc | 27

@Eoin Clancy | Feb 9 2024 14:41 utc | 26

wtf is going on with Biden. He won't be prosecuted because he's senile!!
Choices, choices

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 9 2024 14:44 utc | 28

Posted by: Dalit | Feb 9 2024 13:59 utc | 16

I agree, Dalit, thank you. Putin's answer was correct.

Posted by: juliania | Feb 9 2024 14:45 utc | 29

So the US deep state has finally recognized that with Biden you don't win elections.

Posted by: Passerby | Feb 9 2024 14:46 utc | 30

“Any American answering similarly would effectively disqualify himself from just about any elective office.

Posted by: malenkov | Feb 9 2024 14:06 utc | 19”

I’ve seen actual billboards in the U.S. proudly saying (and supporting) that very thing, that stupidity should be mandatory to hold an elective office.

Posted by: Dalit | Feb 9 2024 14:48 utc | 31


some of Elijah Magnier's comments and observations on the Carlson's interview with president Putin

Watched @TuckerCarlson's interview with President Putin. I'm surprised how the President of #Russia can't figure out (maybe he knows) the reason why #Germany and #France (and the EU in general) are acting against their economy prosperity and people's interest & have been untruthful:

The reason is simple.

In the West, leaders see #Russia as a continent with endless rich natural resources that can't remain in the hands of one leadership. Since there are no other continents left that we haven't plundered, Russia remains the last resource to be grabbed after it is divided. Russia's multi-ethnic population gives warmongers the opportunity to dream about dividing Russia and creating internal unrest so that small new countries can form alliances with the West and offer access to its natural resources.

If this doesn't happen, Europe will slowly die. Already the system (health, education, pensions) is on the verge of collapse. Instead of thinking about a proper alliance to maintain living standards, economy and industry, the neo-colonialist and neo-liberal thinking exported by the #US is leading the old continent in one direction: war, divide and conquer.

It seems that this scenario will be difficult to implement as long as President Putin is in power.

Posted by: michaelj72 | Feb 9 2024 15:02 utc | 32

- Carlson was fired from FOX News some time ago because - in my opinion - he interviewed Robert F. Kennedy. Kennedy made some remarks ("socialism for the rich" or wordfs to that effect) that weren't appreciated by FOX (FAUX) News and Carlson was fired shortly after.

- It's "nice" to see how everyone has a view about that interview that supports his/her world view. It certainly "keeps the discussion going".

Posted by: WMG | Feb 9 2024 15:06 utc | 33

Why are the Ukrainian authorities dismantling the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? Because it brings together not only the territory. It brings together our souls. No one will be able to separate the soul. - Putin

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 9 2024 15:11 utc | 34

Had exactly the same take on the interview as b.

Posted by: Afro | Feb 9 2024 13:04 utc | 12

Yes that made me laugh out loud but I hope you do realize the video has been edited and the music added.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Feb 9 2024 15:17 utc | 35

I gave up at 1:47 when Carlson declares "Christianity is a non-violent religion".

Posted by: SwissArmyMan | Feb 9 2024 15:20 utc | 36

The US Toppling of Imran Khan | Jeffrey Sachs Essay February 1, 2024 [ 8 mins]

His party is doing well [as #Independents# ] in prelim results ..

Posted by: Don Firineach | Feb 9 2024 15:23 utc | 37

If i was Carlson id think about staying in Russia. He needs to consider his health.
Assange (ref)

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 9 2024 15:26 utc | 38

Posted by: Kukulkan | Feb 9 2024 12:32 utc | 4 & 6

Does Kukulkan = Kilcullen?

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 9 2024 15:28 utc | 39

SwissArmyMan@36..... Christianity is a non violent religion....that it has been bastardized, misused and twisted beyond recognition, muddied and bloodied by genocidal maniacs claiming Messianic superiority.....oh, right.....hebs under the bed.

Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Feb 9 2024 15:33 utc | 40

"Regarding the Western corporate media, here is a clip of CNN's Erin Burnett interviewing Zelensky.

It needs to be seen to be believed."

Posted by: Afro | Feb 9 2024 13:04 utc | 12

Yes I was expecting a bias slant towards Zelensky from CNN but this is ridiculous.

You are right Afro you need to see it to plumb the depths of propaganda.

Posted by: canuck | Feb 9 2024 15:48 utc | 41


A year ago in the city of East Palestine, Ohio, 38 cars derailed, which caused the city to be contaminated with toxic chemicals.

According to NBC resident Christian Dilworth, "it was like a horror movie." She also said that she is very worried about her health and considers the city forgotten.

Many residents say that they are concerned about the prospect of further life in East Palestine, since the cleaning of the contaminated site is still not finished.


In the United States, there is growing concern about the effects of chemicals on the public.

According to the monitoring service, explosions, fires and leaks of hazardous chemicals occur regularly. All this is happening against the background of news about the growing incidence of lung cancer in non-smokers in the country. NBC News clarifies that researchers blame this on air pollution and exposure to toxic substances.

Posted by: MMD | Feb 9 2024 15:53 utc | 42

Find the Russian government transcript here:
(link to en.kremlin)
Posted by: John Henry Mackay | Feb 9 2024 12:49 utc | 10

Thanks JHM. I love transcripts.
I really don't care what score anonymous commenters on my favourite blog would award Tucker Carlson's VVP interview. It was the only game in town AND a helluva lot better than nothing.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 9 2024 16:03 utc | 43

Without bumper stickers or sound bites there's no need for MainStream Media to worry anymore, the length and depth of conversation Tucker had with Putin is like an ocean between us, O blesséd average Americans here.

>:( And we like our oceans that protect us, fuck yeah! >:( Thank you for your service Mr. Ocean! :) Mike Judge's "Idiocracy" is my favorite documentary. :)

But seriously though, good channel of communication, much needed in these polarized times. A pity a plurality of my fellow citizens would rather either sleepwalk into the apocalyse or wild-eyed run to fulfill biblical destiny before it all goes boom. The best you could do is strip out some bumper stickers or sound bites to clue-by-four (like 2x4, a thick slat of wood to build things or beat people) Americans in the wild.

Or maybe I am giving short shrift assessing my fellows and we will luck into deep cross cultural intercourse in the future? O.o I'd like to be wrong here, because then good things could happen. :) OK, back to safety blending in with my native USA environment, identifying as a bird in the bush. /cheep cheep, mothafukkahz! ;)

Posted by: titmouse | Feb 9 2024 16:03 utc | 44


The US Government uses the allegatipn of forced labor to slander other countries.

At the same time, as the Associated Press investigation found, in the United States itself, prison labor brings "hundreds of millions of US dollars" to American agricultural companies every year, and food produced by the hands of those arrested can be found in any supermarket.

American prisoners compare prisons to the slave plantations of the past and fight to change the laws that allow forced labor in prisons.


Posted by: MD | Feb 9 2024 16:04 utc | 45

Mentaly defective"
Citing a debate in america at the momment.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 9 2024 12:06 utc | 2
Sorry, but we need a link, or a least a title we can search.

Posted by: Gene Poole | Feb 9 2024 16:08 utc | 46

Quote from post #33:

Carlson was fired from FOX News some time ago because - in my opinion - he interviewed Robert F. Kennedy. Kennedy made some remarks ("socialism for the rich" or words to that effect) that weren't appreciated by FOX (FAUX) News and Carlson was fired shortly after.

This was the video Carlson made and this was the reason why FOX News fired Carlson. Carlson showed every now and then that he didn't always toe the (official) line of FOX News. And the video below was the straw that broke the camel's back and ended Carlson's "career" at FAUX/FOX News.

The video was titled:
"Robert F. Kennedy Jr tells Tucker this is turning America into a system of socialism for the rich".

Posted by: WMG | Feb 9 2024 16:18 utc | 47

"do most americans realise they have been hoodwinked by the state of USA systematic derelict politicians?

Posted by: Jo | Feb 9 2024 13:10 utc | 13"

Why do you think half never vote?

Posted by: lester | Feb 9 2024 16:19 utc | 48

Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 9 2024 15:28 utc | 39

Does Kukulkan = Kilcullen?

No. It's a Mayan deity - Kulkulkan — which I first encountered in an old X-Men comic I read as a kid. Weird source, I know, but I always liked the name.

Posted by: Kukulkan | Feb 9 2024 16:24 utc | 49

I have read many of Putin's speeches (thank you karlof) but watching the interview last night it finally dawned on me that Putin is on the autistic spectrum. I don't think any neurotypical person would lead off an interview with a history lesson but (as someone on the spectrum myself) that makes sense to the autistic brain. This also explains Putin's need to follow international law and also how manipulative leaders could hoodwink him (I have little discernment for deception in my own life). I feel that him being on the spectrum has helped to save the current political situation from spiraling out of control as Putin follows international law and does not give in to emotional reactions to provocations. I came away with increased respect for the man and I am thankful he is where he is and doing what he does.

The contrast between Putin and Biden is like sunny day to moonless night.

Posted by: mtw | Feb 9 2024 16:44 utc | 50

Posted by: mtw | Feb 9 2024 16:44 utc | 50

As an ambidextrous person, I believe Putin to be ambidextrous as he clearly makes use of his left brain and his right brain.

Posted by: Eoin Clancy | Feb 9 2024 16:55 utc | 51

Can you imagine Pres. Xi outlining the 5, 000 years of Chinese history to Tucker Carlson? Yet, the story of how the Han dynasty out-waited the Huns is quite relevant to US fear-mongering about Taiwan. The PRC need only wait. The US leadership has already been distracted by other things.

Posted by: lester | Feb 9 2024 16:57 utc | 52

Whats his spelling like ?

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 9 2024 17:05 utc | 53

“Any American answering similarly would effectively disqualify himself from just about any elective office.

Posted by: malenkov | Feb 9 2024 14:06 utc | 19”

Religious freedom in America means being free to choose your invisible friend, but you absolutely have to have one if you're to participate in public life.

Posted by: Honzo | Feb 9 2024 17:09 utc | 54

Tucker, being American, hasn't learned that a grimace is not a personality.

Posted by: Michael A | Feb 9 2024 17:10 utc | 55

thanks b... i mostly share your viewpoint here..

@ Stonebird | Feb 9 2024 13:16 utc | 14

good observations on putin bringing up indonesia... yes.. thanks..

@ mtw | Feb 9 2024 16:44 utc | 50

being on the spectrum is a very popular idea today.. its not a bad rationalization you make...

Posted by: james | Feb 9 2024 17:12 utc | 56

Gene pool 46
Bbc news radio 4 today. Bbc podcaste. program near the end. You may find it harder than its worth. Email subscribe blah blah blah.

But story orginated between lawyers regarding the vegtables fitness for trial. Ditto trup.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 9 2024 17:14 utc | 57

You are right Afro you need to see it to plumb the depths of propaganda.

Posted by: canuck | Feb 9 2024 15:48 utc | 41

It is so gross, one wonders how it can function as propaganda---even to those who accept the main narrative. I mean, it doesn't even look like a news story.

It looks like a syrupy love story that should turn off any real men out there! Even real women! Yuck.

Posted by: Jane | Feb 9 2024 17:19 utc | 58

I'm finding it difficult to see what the point of it all was.

Either for Putin/Russia or for Carlson (beyond basic kudos/pr for him)

Next to no one in America or on Twitter are going to watch it.

The western "golden billion" will only hear a twisted version of what was said in the "news".

I cannot see it changing anything, anywhere, for the better.

The US cabal will never change it's mind about anything, let alone on Russia.

Meanwhile, apparently Israel and the Palestinians and the Houthis et al do not even exist.

Very weird.

I'm reserving judgment.

Posted by: Lavrov's Dog | Feb 9 2024 17:23 utc | 59

@6 ku

You may have an idea about how true a prophecy Idiocracy was back in 2006. It is Mike Judge's best film hands down and I now view it as a dramatic film.

It is so bad around some Americans, whether the youth, or the men at the gym, or bluecollar coworkers: I am afraid to speak in coherent sentences and to use words with 3+ syallables. It would be better just to concede I am indeed a fag at the outset and proceed from there.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Feb 9 2024 17:28 utc | 60

I found it interesting that VPP, when describing Lenin's separation of Ukraine from Mother Russia, described this as being decided 'for unknown reasons'. So: limited hangout history - hardly surprising. (He met that same day with the two leading Chabad rabbis in Russia.)

Meanwhile, I was expecting Tucker to raise his game for this Presidential interview but he came off as yet another hack from the Heckler School of American Journalism. The two did not click, which is a pity. I don't think Tucker is able to relate to a foreign leader correctly, being steeped in American Exceptionalism his entire life though not a gung-ho conquistador type himself. Perhaps also he was fearful that his followers would see him as a Putin stooge so he played up being critical.

His signature blank 'listening-hard-to-you' look last night seemed more performative than usual. The story goes that the CIA rejected him when he applied during his college days (?); but maybe he was placed into their Mockingbird Media Ops then and there, bow tie and all. Whether this is true or not, for sure he is now providing limited hangout media to the beleaguered 'right'. Indeed, as well as to the world at large, Putin was playing to a similar conservative and skeptical audience at home.

If they were to have a second interview the next day, I suspect it would be far more interesting, even pithy. But it ain’t gonna happen. I found the whole thing a nothingburger.

Posted by: Scorpion | Feb 9 2024 17:30 utc | 61

@Tucker Carlson

# The brothers Karamazov, Part One | DRAMA | FULL MOVIE [80 mins]

# The brothers Karamazov, Part Two | DRAMA | FULL MOVIE [83 mins]

# The brothers Karamazov, Part Three | DRAMA | FULL MOVIE [75 mins]

Posted by: Don Firineach | Feb 9 2024 17:30 utc | 62

re: MMD | Feb 9 2024 15:53 utc | 42


I would change that, as it is more accurate to say "The Emperor has no mind!"

Posted by: Perimetr | Feb 9 2024 17:38 utc | 63

Carlson/Putin interview transcript

The transcript of the Carlson/Putin interview is at

However, Google Translate doesn't seem to machine-translate directly, so I went to "", plugged the URL above into the search box, and followed the link presented there. Google will open the same page but the auto-translation is done.

Posted by: daffyDuct | Feb 9 2024 17:51 utc | 64

While I have no doubt that this (much maligned in the comments) Tweet means what it says, I wondered if maybe it had a secondary meaning with regards to women in politics. (I think the thing is Canada really doesn’t want a wider war, that’s why something like this may occur, when otherwise it might not.)

From Canada’s spy agency:
“On Sept. 15, employees came together to establish the CSIS Black Women’s Network.

This network’s goal is to create a safe space where Black women can learn & grow together, and build a stronger community of trust within CSIS.”

Courtesy of the Beaverton, a Canadian satirical news site:
“Chrystia Freeland insists homes should not be used as a financial asset by foreigners; should only be used as a financial asset by wealthy Canadians and REITs #newsinphoto”

Per CTV news, Hungarian president faces a crisis over pardon issued in a child sexual abuse case.

Per RT, “Latvian MEP Tatjana Zdanoka has denied working for Russian intelligence, telling the European Parliament that she is “an agent for Europe without fascism.” Zdanoka is currently being investigated by the legislature for her supposed ties to Moscow.”

And, also RT, “South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor has accused Israeli intelligence of attempting to intimidate her and her family in response to Pretoria’s genocide case against the Jewish state in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over the war in Gaza.”

Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Feb 9 2024 17:52 utc | 65

Thank you b. that I have not to search again for the Oliver Stone link ( I watched it a while ago, all of it).

I am watching it again to expel the bad taste from my mouth after watching the interview last night with the ignorant brash american Carlson.

It showed a chasm, probably unconquerable between a civilization state as Russia of 1000 years and a young stupid nation like USA. The old civilization is adapting and continuing, and the new one is going to end because it is not able to adapt, ignorant as it is.
Putin was magnificient with the history lesson which was intended just to show the above, but Carlson was simply showing his ignorance, stupidity, lack of manners. I guess typical for them.

I am going to watch again now, as Stone is simply a different caliber.
Putin should never have agreed to be interviewed by this silly person TC, what an ignorant and pompous zero he is. Making faces like an idiot. While Putin had dignity and patience towards him. An idiot.

Posted by: stranger | Feb 9 2024 17:59 utc | 66

For Americans, and I suspect EU citizens as well, the important point about the Carlson/Putin interview is that it happened at all, and that it will be available on youtube, X (Twitter), and various other internet venues. Americans and others in the West rarely, if ever, get to see any exposure of Putin that lasts more than 15 to 30 seconds. And those clips are usually taken out of context by the mainstream media. As many commentators here have observed, the contrast between Putin, and the demented, angry, and corrupt Joe Biden is stark, even shocking. Don't get distracted debating about style points/techniques in Tucker Carlson's interview approach. As Gonzalo Lira (RIP) might have observed about this interview, "...understand what is going on...." Millions of people in the US--Carlson has tens of millions of viewers/followers--who will see Putin, for the first time, and be able to form their own opinions about the Russian leader in contrast to the lies, distortions, and deliberate omissions that the Western mainstream media have systematically fed to the public. In that sense, the Carlson/Putin interview is very important.

Posted by: flyingcow | Feb 9 2024 18:13 utc | 67

I had the same sentiments and thoughts on the Carlson VPP interview as our host. Not much to learn if you've already been following MOA and other non-mainstream sources since the Maidan coup or before. I doubt Tucker remembers much from his history lesson.

The more interesting and depressing angle to this story IMO is how close to fascism the MSM, establishment and various western liberal tweeting heads are, and will continue to, veer(ing) in calling for various forms of censure and even investigation/prosecution of Tucker Carlson for various crimes like treason and violation of sanctions. I have to admit I must have been incredibly naive at the time, but during the Clinton and then Bush/Cheney years, I never thought I'd see a day where USUKEU center-left liberals would adopt the same jingoistic, false, and frankly frightening habits that American "conservatives" had back then. IMO it started BEFORE Trump, when Obamabots became actual "fans" (as are many Trump supporters) rather than mere voters or supporters. But the discourse in the USA is completely broken now. The "legacy" corporate/MSM has lost any credibility it once may have had. People I know personally (on both "sides") literally believe up is down, black is white, left is right, and well...just read "1984" again because it's now reality (in addition to "Idiocracy").

I have yet to muster the cojones today to venture onto TwitterX but I'm sure the "conversation" about the interview is a toxic shit show.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Feb 9 2024 18:13 utc | 68

And to b's first comment in the thread, I wonder how many remember the 'treatment' that Oliver Stone got from the establishment media and politicians when he had the temerity to interview Putin. And this was before the SMO! He has interviewed him 3 or 4 times, IIRC.

Here's the transcript from the most recent in 2019:

I believe this was the first interview in 2017:

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Feb 9 2024 18:21 utc | 69

re Carlson's interview of RF President Putin;

Agreed that most of what the Russian President said was known by many or most here. Good for review of the facts. However, there are always little gems that are worth looking for, e.g.:

"Volodya, What are you doing?"

Tucker Carlson: Do you think Zelensky has the freedom to negotiate the settlement to this conflict?

Vladimir Putin: I don’t know the details, of course it’s difficult for me to judge, but I believe he has, in any case, he used to have. His father fought against the fascists, Nazis during World War II, I once talked to him about this.

I said: “Volodya, what are you doing? Why are you supporting neo-Nazis in Ukraine today, while your father fought against fascism? He was a front-line soldier.”

I will not tell you what he answered, this is a separate topic, and I think it’s incorrect for me to do so.


The Russian President was having some fun while making a serious point. Are you not entertained?

Posted by: N Hanrahan | Feb 9 2024 18:34 utc | 70

Took awhile to do but the Putin/Calrson Interview transcript is now posted at my substack for those curious, "Putin/Carlson Interview".

Posted by: karlof1 | Feb 9 2024 18:55 utc | 71

The fake transcript circulating the day before the interview was obviously a psy op. The point was most likely to stop people from watching the actual interview, since they believed they already knew what Putin said.
I saw that fake interview posted all over my usual internet scrolling. When something goes that "viral" you know that the Deep State is behind it.

I noticed that back with in 2009, when Neda Agha-Soltan was shot by a sniper and photos of her death were distributed world wide within a couple of hours, and with Kony 2012, which was everywhere.

Compare and contrast to the complete blackout on news the Empire wants to keep quiet, no matter how important.

Posted by: wagelaborer | Feb 9 2024 19:05 utc | 72

It is estimated that 22 billion becquerels of radioactive materials such as cesium and strontium are contained in the leaked water.

In a chilling revelation, a new nuclear waste leak has unearthed the gaping crack in Japan's professed claim of responsible handling the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant...

Posted by: MD | Feb 9 2024 19:08 utc | 73

@71 karlof1

Thank you! Wonderful service.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Feb 9 2024 19:15 utc | 74

As a supplemental material to Putin’s lecture, here’s a concise timeline of the main events in Russian history with a dynamically updating map in the background: (click the UK flag in the lower right corner to switch to English version).

One can see, for example, that what is now the north of the Ukraine (Severschina, Chernigovschina) was returned under Russia’s control as early as 1503 (then lost in 1618, then returned again in 1654–1667, together with the northern parts of Malorussia), while what is now the northeast of the Ukraine (Slobozhanschina) fell under Russia’s control in 1556—both way before the Pereyaslav Agreement of 1654.

Posted by: S | Feb 9 2024 19:16 utc | 75

Posted by: Kukulkan | Feb 9 2024 12:32 utc
I didn't hear a diatribe.
I hear an excellent historical context that encompasses the knowledge you need if not already aware.
The rest of the interview is similar.
If you're not aware of the actor's Putin has encountered and the lack of good faith and respect displayed to Russia.
You are now.

Posted by: jpc | Feb 9 2024 19:24 utc | 76

On thinking about it, Putin's references are important. This is the power structure Russia is dealing with, the power structure Russia negotiates with. He made that clear in the interview though it was separated by other things.
His dealing with Bush and Bush being over ridden by the CIA he has spoken about in the past but that is key to his other comments on the CIA.

We watch the politicians who have no power, and Russia watches and deals with the CIA who do make the decisions of state if it can be called that.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 9 2024 19:28 utc | 77

Tucker: Who blew up Nord Stream?

Vladimir Putin: You for sure.

Tucker: I was busy that day. I did not blow up Nord Stream. Thank you though.

Vladimir Putin: You personally may have an alibi, but the CIA has no such alibi.

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 9 2024 19:28 utc | 78

Mercouris's take on the interview...50 mins...

Posted by: Scorpion | Feb 9 2024 19:30 utc | 79

i increasingly believe the interview was and is really important and will have a long term effect on this, while shedding positive light on russia from an historical pov... my take..

Posted by: james | Feb 9 2024 19:32 utc | 80

On thinking about it, Putin's references to the CIA are important....

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 9 2024 19:33 utc | 81

Who is Putin talking to in this interview? He says he knows that the ones who started the Ukraine conflict now realize they can't defeat Russia and they would stop it now if they cohld only find a way to do so without losing face. Putin's znswer to them is: "just think about it". Maybe, the purpose of the interview is to provide clues on how to achieve that goal. The timing is good as a fighting year ends and a new year of fighting has not started while Kiev is making its plans for the Spring operations.

Is Putin right to believe someone is ready to negotiate a honorable ending to the conflict? Naively, I would answer that Putin knows very well that Washington is not agreement capable and has no concept of a "win-win" endgame.

Is Putin delusional here or is he just giving peace a last chance, methodical as he is, while preparing for the next phase of the war?

Posted by: Richard L | Feb 9 2024 19:39 utc | 82

Who is Putin talking to in this interview?
Posted by: Richard L | Feb 9 2024 19:39 utc | 82

Primarily the CIA and those that have/control power in the US.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 9 2024 19:42 utc | 83

The anglo saxons have successfully separated old Europe from Russia.
Looking at a map of shipping disruptions cause by the US/UK move into the Red Sea, they are well on the way to severing European trade with China. At the best, the higher expense of the longer shipping route will drive cost of living higher in Europe.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 9 2024 19:49 utc | 84

Putin is probably talking to different audiences, one might be the realist faction in DC. The US deep state is not entirely monolithic, look at all the Biden dementia stories, and the shocking to me amount of pushback against pro Israel propaganda from the Biden admin/msm. It took years to get this level of resistance against the Vietnam War, and there was a draft pushing that along.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Feb 9 2024 19:51 utc | 85

This is a very good piece on the ongoing MSM mass propaganda campaign, CNN’s Israel bias has been laid bare. But CNN is the norm, not the exception. The new head of CNN moved into that job after being head of the British Bullshitting Corporation (BBC), a nice little reward for being an elite-controlled sock puppet.

The story covers the inner propaganda workings of CNN and the BBC, covering a number of specific instances where CNN facilitated bald-faced lying.

Posted by: Roger | Feb 9 2024 19:53 utc | 86

It's a pity Carlson's after the interview video is behind a paywall otherwise a much larger audience would get to see it. I have seen a few short sections of that video and to Carlson's credit, it has used the interview as a learning experience.

Carlson gets the highest number of views and viewers in the US, so I'm with james on this that the interview was an important event.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 9 2024 19:58 utc | 87

Crucil to this discusion is what Tucker Carlson said before the interview was aired.

In a short talk to camra on his site.
He stated that while in the interview he felt that Putin had deliberatly wasted time with the long historicl references.
But Carlson said after the interview he concluded that Putin had been totaly sincear.

The point being that he had been acting in good faith as the leader of Russia. (Clearly true) he got across the fact the west had all along been acting in bad faith.

I think in his preamble to camra he's clearly aware of the enormous implications of the interview if shown to the wider american public. Purily as contrast the lies.

Carlton knowing his wide following treated this with the importentce it deserves.
Right at the beginning of the preamble he say's americans need to see this, its real journalism and make up their own mind. Instead of being told what to think.

(Me... too true)

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 9 2024 19:59 utc | 88

He pathological naive!
There’s no other way to explain
Minsk II
Parking assets abroad on accounts in enemies lands
Inactions Ukraine 2008-2014

His Western Partners will mess with him again & again & again & again……….

Posted by: SlowSoft | Feb 9 2024 20:05 utc | 89

Agree with Peter AU1 that Putin gave some obvious CIA references that should be taken very seriously. "They are a serious organisation".

Obvious, by anyway. They are running the US.

Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 9 2024 20:05 utc | 90

Haven't watched it yet. All I can say for sure is that, no matter the quality of Carlson's performance, there is simply no way he could have been more obsequious, fawning, toadying, sycophantic etc etc than Oliver Stone.

Posted by: Gosnold Knobgoblon | Feb 9 2024 20:06 utc | 91

Tucker asked Putin to explain the reasons for the SMO stated 2 years ago.
Why did Putin give a history lesson?
I think it is because the goals of the SMO have changed. Most Americans never even knew the original goals because the Mighty Wurlitzer lies.
But if Putin finally got it through braindead Americans heads what the goals were, then what? The fight since then has forced Russians to change.
Is it better to go through a thousand year history that Americans know nothing about, or a two year history that Americans know even less about, but have strong opinions about. (I also include Russaphobic Europeans in the braindead category.)

I think that Putin made the right choice.

Posted by: wagelaborer | Feb 9 2024 20:11 utc | 92

Yup. Disappointed with Tucker's effort. Expected better. Maybe he got a call from the CIA before hand which worried him.

Posted by: Áobh Ó'Sheachnasaigh | Feb 9 2024 20:18 utc | 93

Interesting that there seems to be media silence on the interview in US media. Instead, they are finally covering Biden's dementia.

News flash! Biden is guilty as hell, but he can't be charged because any jury would instantly see that he is mentally incompetent!

Any jury? But the media hasn't noticed for 5 years? And we are told that a record 81 million Americans didn't notice when they voted for him?
And what about the Rest of the World? We have been told for 4 years that they are ecstatic that Trump is gone and they can finally deal with responsible adults.

They made an odd choice of hoopla to promote, to take the discussion off the interview, imo. Are they ready to take Biden out?

Posted by: wagelaborer | Feb 9 2024 20:20 utc | 94

For two years the finger of blame has been pointed at Putin and Russia. In this interview he gives his calm reasoned defence.

Enough. Enough. Time to point the finger of blame at america and england. Your turn now...defend your actions.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god !

How much has been spent on this senceless war based on lies.
How many violent deaths are you now responsable for.

The list of questions is endless.
On oath remember.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 9 2024 20:25 utc | 95

Why did america and england support actual sef-conffesed nazis in Ukraine including massive funding. All way way before Putins SMO.

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 9 2024 20:34 utc | 96

Kukulkan #4, quoting Andrew Backhouse:

Putin’s history lesson was mocked online, with Max Seddon, the Moscow Bureau Chief of the Financial Times writing, “I think Putin may have over-estimated American audiences’ appetite to hear about Prince Ryurik and Yaroslav the Wise.”

Had Russia produced a TV series about Russian history with some dragons and necromancers added here and there, as well as lots and lots of arbitrary and totally unnecessary sex scenes, the U.S. audience would have become hooked on the intricacies of the succession wars in the Ancient Rus’, waiting for the next week’s episode with bated breath: will Olga really burn the entire city of Iskorosten’ to the ground in the season finale? (Spoiler: she will.)

On a serious note, Putin’s lecture was about people, not territories. Ukrainians are Russians in the general sense of the word (people of Rus’)—that’s what Putin was trying to explain to Carlson. He didn’t get that and kept asking about territories.

Posted by: S | Feb 9 2024 20:36 utc | 97

If true, seems like an confused and twisted guy, but nonetheless ambitious and calculating, no wonder Syrsky soared up the Nazi ranks of Ukraine:

Syrsky hates Ukrainians - Russian journalists

He himself confessed this to his mother when he last came to Russia around 2008-2010, according to a neighbour of the new AFU commander-in-chief's parents. The new AFU commander-in-chief believes that Ukrainians are "very cunning, sneaky and wriggle like eels".

She added that Syrsky had to accept this: "He spent his whole life there [in Ukraine]".


"Fuck you, scoundrel": The son of the new commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine told the truth about Syrsky

An interview with the adopted son of the new commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Syrsky, who Zelensky appointed to replace Zaluzhny, was discovered on the Internet.

“Me and my younger brother, his own son, don’t communicate with him,” says the guy.

A careerist who betrayed his family, cheated on his wife and married a translator, but this is hidden in his biography, the guy complained.

“When it all (SMO) started, we tried to communicate with him. He said: “that’s the policy, that’s the way it should be.” Well, fuck you, scoundrel,” says the commander-in-chief’s stepson.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Feb 9 2024 20:36 utc | 98

@Peter AU1 #87:

It's a pity Carlson's after the interview video is behind a paywall otherwise a much larger audience would get to see it. I have seen a few short sections of that video and to Carlson's credit, it has used the interview as a learning experience.

You can watch it here:

Posted by: S | Feb 9 2024 20:37 utc | 99

Germany has strict laws prohibiting support of nazism.
How did they at the same time break that law by supporting facism in Ukraine and funding them ?

Posted by: Mark2 | Feb 9 2024 20:39 utc | 100

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