Listening To What He Says
Patrick Armstrong, a Canadian expert on Russia, had, unfortunately, stop to blog on Russia.
But the last post he made was an advise that should be followed: “LISTEN TO WHAT HE’S SAYING”.
"He" of course, being Vladimir Putin, (and Lavrov and other Russian officials ...)
Following Patrick's advice I have long used some off time to read through Putin's interviews and talks. They are all available in good English translations on the President's website.
Shortly after his interview with Tucker Carlson Putin had another one with the Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin.
Here are two interesting parts of it:
The first is on Anthony Blinken:
During the taped part of the [Carlson] interview, we should have discussed efforts to use inter-ethnic relations and the Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire as a way of denigrating and demonising Russia. One of the subjects we discussed when the cameras were turned off was what US Secretary of State, Mr Blinken, mentioned on several occasions. He said that his relatives, his great-grandfather, fled the Jewish pogroms and left Russia.This topic keeps surfacing across the world, in Europe and in the United States. Let me reiterate that it is being used to demonise and discredit Russia and to demonstrate that it is home to barbaric, cruel people and outlaws. However, we can clarify many issues if we try to understand what today’s US Secretary of State actually said and if we look beyond political slogans by focusing on the substance.
All this information is in our archives. For example, Mr Blinken’s great-grandfather did leave the Russian Empire. I think that he was born somewhere in the Poltava Province, and then moved to Kiev before emigrating. This raises the following question: does Mr Blinken think that Kiev and the surrounding territories are historically Russian land? This is my first point here.
Second, if he says that his great-grandfather left Russia to escape the Jewish pogroms, this, at least, means, and I would like to stress this point, that in 1904, since this is when Mr Blinken’s great-grandfather left Kiev for the United States, Ukraine did not exist – this is what he seems to believe. This way, Mr Blinken seems to share our views. That said, he should have refrained from saying so in public. This could undermine his cause.
By the way, something has just occurred to me about these pogroms. They took place mainly in the south and southwest of the Russian Empire. In fact, this is where present-day Ukraine is, for example in Kiev, in 1905. If Mr Blinken’s ancestor left in 1904, the first pogrom in Kiev, I mean a big one, happened in 1905, which means that his great-grandfather, or his great-great-grandfather, could only find out what happened there from newspapers, or from those who were in Kiev at that time.
The next part I'd like to share is about the fake Greens of Germany:
Speaking of nationalism, Nazism and fascism, you know, I will tell you something that may sound strange. First, Ms, what is her name?
Annalena Baerbock.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, Baerbock (I do not want to mispronounce her surname) represents the Greens party. Many representatives of this part of the European political spectrum speculate on people’s fears and engage in fearmongering about what might happen in the world due to climate change. Later, they speculate on these fears, fanned by themselves, and follow their political line that differs greatly from their earlier programme, with which they assumed power. This is what is now happening in Germany. For example, the share of coal has increased in the national energy mix. The share of coal was already higher than in Russia, and it has now increased even more. I mean, what happened to the “green” agenda? This is the first thing.Second, the German Foreign Minister and people like her, are, of course, hostile towards Russia. In my opinion, she is also hostile towards her own country because it is hard to imagine such a high-ranking politician treating the economic interests of her country and people with such disdain. Right now, I will not go into details, but this is exactly what is happening in reality, and we can see this.
The next part of my statement will probably sound out of tune with what I have just said. I do not think that the current generations of Germans should assume complete political responsibility for everything perpetrated by Nazi Germany. It is impossible to blame the current generation of people for what Hitler and his cronies perpetrated in Germany and other parts of the world, in Europe and so on. I believe that this would be unfair. To be frank, sticking this label on the entire German nation is an unfair position; this misuses what people experienced, what the people of the Soviet Union experienced. To my mind, this is unfair and inappropriate. We should proceed from present-day realities and see who is doing what, and what policy they are conducting.
I interpret the last graph as an offer to Germany to renew its friendship with Russia.
Unfortunately no one in the western media seems to have picked up on it.
Posted by b on February 17, 2024 at 15:21 UTC | Permalink
next page »The Putin stance on Germany hasn't changed. Nice and well, but german career branches are infested with people participating in US career networks / transatlantic organisations.
Posted by: Tortuosit | Feb 17 2024 15:31 utc | 2
Putin continues to prove himself the only adult leader in the “west”, and the only one capable of consistent, relatable, and transparent reasoning that’s also consistent with recorded history.
He’s the World’s only genuine statesman, ATM.
Posted by: Pacifica Advocate | Feb 17 2024 15:33 utc | 3
It is not "the sins of the fathers will be visited on the sons" certainly--just as certainly it is not "kiss and make-up."
Posted by: Elmagnostic | Feb 17 2024 15:35 utc | 4
The Russian ruling class are blind and stupid.
Thousands of young Russians would have saved their lives if Moscow had told the ruling class in London and Washington and done: -If you touch our noses in Ukraine, we touch your noses in "our (your) colonial project" (Vladimir Jabotinsky)
Let us not forget that Vladimir Jabotinsky was Ukrainian and his right-hand man a Pole.
Posted by: Simon | Feb 17 2024 15:37 utc | 5
Putin is using common sense and logic / deductive approach to questions,- liberals/ globalist scum don't play that game.
Posted by: Cato from Norway | Feb 17 2024 15:40 utc | 6
too scents | Feb 17 2024 15:30 utc | 1
One explanation of the 'bulking up' of the Ukraine SSR - after WWII- is that Moscow felt that it was anomalous that the United States' allies should occupy so many seats in the General Assembly, run for election to bodies the the UNSC and, as staff, influence day to day decision making in the UN while the USSR, with its fifteen or so SSRs, its enormous population and share of the world's land surface should have just one seat.
Making Ukraine seem more important, for example by transferring Crimea to its rule, was an attempt to get its weight recognized in the UN and other international bodies.
It was a dumb move but it wasn't unique in that respect.
As to Lenin's tactics, they were just that: it never occurred to him that he was involved in building anything permanent, so he advised the disposition of territories according to what he judged to be the best way of rallying supporters to the revolutionary cause. One of those ways by the guarantee that joining the Soviet Union was not irrevocable. Which was a policy that ought to have encouraged those on the margins to try the Union on 'for size'.
Posted by: bevin | Feb 17 2024 16:01 utc | 7
The best thread to post about the Navalny is here.
Vladimir Poutine was very succesful and probably for the first time since 2007, loud and clear for a large % of humanity.
And in the " Free World" too.
Navalny MUST been sacrificed.
Just like in chess.
Since this morning, the entire French media sphere has been in turmoil (from left to right, from the extremities to the hypercentre).
One theme keeps coming back: from now on, you can't talk to Putin.
By assassinating Navalny, he would have lost all legitimacy, and the international community must say right now that it will not recognize the legitimacy of his re-election.
That was all.
In chess, this is called sacrificing a quality piece, to bring the opposing king back into a more unfavorable position where he can be attacked.
But for me, it's just a weak step beyond, waiting for a stalemate
In a suicide sacrifice, the sacrificing player aims to rid themselves of the remaining pieces capable of performing legal moves, and thereby obtain a stalemate and a draw from a poor position.
Posted by: La Bastille | Feb 17 2024 16:03 utc | 8
Putin is quoted thusly:
"speculate on people’s fears and engage in fearmongering about what might happen in the world due to climate change."
This is a dangerous form of climate science denial. It's right up there with Trump's.
Putin did a good job in the Carlson interview of focusing on the economic impacts on Germany of Nordstream. That is a valid criticism and it is also a powerful one - no need to engage in climate denial.
BTW, I agree tis his other valid criticisms of German faux "Greens".
Posted by: bill wolfe | Feb 17 2024 16:05 utc | 9
@ bevin | Feb 17 2024 16:01 utc | 7
One might think that Carlson as an experienced "journalist" would have taken Putin up on his invitation to ask "what do you think Lenin's motivation was"? But this obvious followup question was avoided.
Posted by: too scents | Feb 17 2024 16:09 utc | 11
@bill wolfe | Feb 17 2024 16:05 utc | 9
So you deny that there is fear mongering on the basis of climate change?
Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 17 2024 16:12 utc | 12
France vs Germany
France is 99% in the mood.
Not so much Germany.
East Germany, AfD( yes,I know....), Sarah Wagenknecht new BSW party...
Probably more than 33% of German people could find better to make "Peace with Russia".
The fast economic collapse in a society that has built its well-being on the power of its industry, with Russia and China as its customers, is bound to be different from the French perception of a light socialism still possible thanks to €3000 billions debt ( + 200 to 300 each years since Macron).
Posted by: La Bastille | Feb 17 2024 16:12 utc | 13
The majority of Germans would be happy to pick up on Putin´s offer.
But they are not the ones in power.
It´s an extreme minority rule.
Harming almost everyone.
But those who report in the media and help shape publicized opinion live on a different planet.
They all live exclusive lives.
And the academics they meet do likewise.
Closed circuit of idiocy is the result.
It´s like Galileo Galilei in Brecht: He asks the Pope to look through his telescope. The Pope declines. Knowing he would have to admit then that Galilei is right and the Vatican is wrong.
Posted by: AG | Feb 17 2024 16:18 utc | 14
"I do not think that the current generations of Germans should assume complete political responsibility for everything perpetrated by Nazi Germany."
I could not agree more. This vilification of entire national, racial and ethnic groups for crimes they did not commit, crimes that occurred in some cases hundreds of years prior is just a means of inducing undeserved guilt on an innocent generation to facilitate ruling class politics and also to divide one group of wage slaves from the other.
The point is to study that history and look at who is committing those crimes now, today. Who today seeks to erase an ethnic group from the earth, who today is pushing for the destruction of the environment with eco-terrorism and war in every corner of the globe? Who today is promoting racial division and conflict with racial tribal politics?
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Feb 17 2024 16:19 utc | 15
Yes, Patrick Armstrong.
I found him in the few months leading up to Feb 21 and his stating in so many words that it was not worth the risk of losing his Canadian pension including for being an Ambassador to share his views of the insanity-evil of the Ukraine and its actions. He wrote really good stuff.
I was very pleasantly surprised he has started some new posts in the last few months. And then Gaza and my gaze had another nightmare to shift back and forth between. Starts with Listen to Waht I am sayin.
August 12, 2023 An Anniversary Nobody Remembers Which goes into the mid 30's soon after Hitlers election and Soviet attempts to get UK, France, Poland to a lesser extent and "Polands Perfidy."
(note : he did not say Polands perfidy, that is my phrase)
Posted by: paxmark1 | Feb 17 2024 16:24 utc | 16
The majority of Germans would be happy to pick up on Putin´s offer.
But they are not the ones in power.
It´s an extreme minority rule.
Harming almost everyone.
But those who report in the media and help shape publicized opinion live on a different planet.
They all live exclusive lives.
And the academics they meet do likewise.
Closed circuit of idiocy is the result.
It´s like Galileo Galilei in Brecht: He asks the Pope to look through his telescope. The Pope declines. Knowing he would have to admit then that Galilei is right and the Vatican is wrong.
Posted by: AG | Feb 17 2024 16:18 utc | 14
Nice summation and it can be extrapolated to the entire west. Extreme minority rule.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Feb 17 2024 16:24 utc | 17
Kaiser Wilhelm II, the Adolf and the current ruling class in Berlin, all three share the same contempt and even hatred of the Russians.
For Berlin the Yiddish people were lumped together with the "Slavs" and the "Reds" (socialists and communists).
It is utterly ridiculous that the Russian ruling class believes that the State Department's narcissistic Ukrainian navel narrative is sacrosanct.
Posted by: Simon | Feb 17 2024 16:28 utc | 18
There are one billion of us living within the borders of the "Heirs of the British Empire Club", and we are cattle and decorations.
But Anthony's navel is sacred.
-Kneel before Anthony's navel, all of you.
Posted by: Simon | Feb 17 2024 16:36 utc | 19
Putin, who learned and speaks German (like his ex-wife), was always interested in friendship with Germany. If Germany had still been an independent nation state when Putin came to power, we would have had the very best relations with Russia since 2000. The fact that the opposite is the case also explains what we are.
Posted by: Oliver Krug | Feb 17 2024 16:39 utc | 20
I like President Putin's witty sense of humour about the danger of mispronouncing Bareback 's name , while speaking truth to power in the form of state propagandist Tucker Carlson. The truth being that the US likes fighting. It fights its European allies with the same relish as it fights its West Asian allies in Saudi and Qatar.
In fact it is so completely enmaddened by its compound interest debts of multiple trillions that it snaps and snarls at everyone, covering them with flecks of foam like its head gasket is blown.
Posted by: Giyane | Feb 17 2024 16:48 utc | 21
Is current Russia still responsible for the policies of the Czarist regime from 1905? That is the question that should be put back to Mr. Blinken.
120 year later, and several large changes in political power and the whole government structure.
Should we hold the present UK responsible for the several Jewish purges from the middle ages? Or Catholic purges?
Posted by: BroncoBilly | Feb 17 2024 16:49 utc | 22
b I read it the same way. Putin, one more time, is extending the olive branch.
If Bismarck was still running Germany he would have immediately met Putin in Moscow the next day to fete him as they signed a new natural gas bill which would benefit both countries.
Unfortunately, Western politicians have different goals than what they did in Bismarck's time-the old schoole negotiated for the benefit of their national populace.
Today these politicians are controlled by a tiny number of oligarchs whose policies are for their own benefit the politicians are the messenger boys; worse still, unlike 19 th or 20th century when the countries wanted to expand the population of us Serfs these new leaders want to euthanize, vaccinate, abort, sex gender confuse, inter alia to reduce the population.
However their polices have been so utterly disastrous one would think the pendulum is swinging back the other way -Putin anticipates this as this is a natural political reaction--but if the neo con West doubles down to maintain power, which is its habit, such that it censors parties, like they are trying to do to AFd, or have an emergency BS (Covid 64, radiation, alien invasion) where elections can't be able to occur or finally an historical run of the mill false flag where a US destroyer blows up somewhere and the Empire names the culprit of their choice (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea or all four for a juicier war): then the beatings will continue until morale improves..
bill wolfe | Feb 17 2024 16:05 utc | 9
Another CDS sufferer?
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Feb 17 2024 16:54 utc | 24
This is a dangerous form of climate science denial. It's right up there with Trump's.
Putin did a good job in the Carlson interview of focusing on the economic impacts on Germany of Nordstream. That is a valid criticism and it is also a powerful one - no need to engage in climate denial.
BTW, I agree tis his other valid criticisms of German faux "Greens".
Posted by: bill wolfe | Feb 17 2024 16:05 utc | 9
I don't know what Putin's stance on climate change is, but this quote is not climate-change denial, it is calling out the hypocrisy of the Greens. Perhaps it's reasonable to infer from this that the Greens are simply liars who do not believe in climate change themselves, but only used it to gain power, but this is not what Putin said. Note also, that Russia is ahead of Germany on this issue, and Germany is regressing both in increasing the use of coal, and in decommissioning nuclear plants.
Posted by: Honzo | Feb 17 2024 16:57 utc | 25
Anyone have info about this?
The URL won't load.
Is it blocked in the US? Is it just blocked by my service provider? Is there a good proxy browser that you use to look at Russian content? Or VPN for viewing Russian content?
Posted by: team10tim | Feb 17 2024 16:58 utc | 26
@team10tim (26)
Try Tor Browser.
In Greece the RT site is blocked and this is the easiest way to have access to it.
Posted by: aletsan | Feb 17 2024 17:07 utc | 27
I do not think that the current generations of Germans should assume complete political responsibility for everything perpetrated by Nazi Germany.
But he insists that the whole current generation of Ukraine take responsibility for Bandera.
Posted by: Inka | Feb 17 2024 17:12 utc | 28
"..Vladimir Putin: Yes, Baerbock (I do not want to mispronounce her surname) represents the Greens party. .."
Question for MOA polyglots (not polygons! - little joke for close readers of MOA) -
Is VVP making a slightly puerile joke here? Can a mispronouciation of Baerbock render it "bare back" in German and/or Russian? Another reason to love VVP?
Posted by: Ново З | Feb 17 2024 17:21 utc | 29
team10tim 26: It doesn't work here either, have the Anglo-Saxons and their Jews allowed themselves another little joke?
Posted by: Oliver Krug | Feb 17 2024 17:25 utc | 30
But he insists that the whole current generation of Ukraine take responsibility for Bandera.
Posted by: Inka | Feb 17 2024 17:12 utc | 28
Ah, the InkaNAFO is back, with one of his many nick variants.
You know, you’d have something resembling a point if today’s “Ukrainians” didn’t embrace Bandera’s worldview.
Posted by: malenkov | Feb 17 2024 17:27 utc | 31
One might think that Carlson as an experienced "journalist" would have taken Putin up on his invitation to ask "what do you think Lenin's motivation was"? But this obvious followup question was avoided.
Posted by: too scents | Feb 17 2024 16:09 utc | 11
To quote a harpy, "At this point, what difference does it make?"
I doubt Putin would have spent much (or any) time on speculating. His goal was to give a concise history demonstrating that for most of the last thousand years the Ukraine was the "hinterland" of western Russia, that until the last 30 years it was never a sovereign country.
In this context, why Lenin did what he did is irrelevant.
Carlson did the smartest thing he could -- give Putin the platform. Shove personal wishes aside & let Putin be the star if the show.
Posted by: Mary | Feb 17 2024 17:27 utc | 32
Unfortunately - very few in the so-called 'Westh' actually read the thoughtful and well reasoned commentary emanating from the Kremlin.
I have read quite a bit of it in recent times - especially Lavrov - and karlof1's subtrack is a very good source of relevant stuff.
Maria is also incredibly impressive.
I blame Russian Literature for such polished and logical oratorial excellence:
The Incredible Works of 8 Russian Giants Everyone Needs to Know [very brief at 3 and half hours
Posted by: Don Firineach | Feb 17 2024 17:32 utc | 33
I do not think that the current generations of Germans should assume complete political responsibility for everything perpetrated by Nazi Germany.
But he insists that the whole current generation of Ukraine take responsibility for Bandera.
Posted by: Inka | Feb 17 2024 17:12 utc | 28
Does he? Where did you hear that? Source?
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Feb 17 2024 17:34 utc | 34
"This is a dangerous form of climate science denial."
A Canadian Pravda TV News story 2 days ago about how warming climate in the Hudson's Bay was doing something about the Polar Bears. Of course the pictures were in the summer, after the snow had melted.
On the day of the TV fear-mongering, it was -24 Celsius and -34 Celsius and night.
Posted by: kupkee | Feb 17 2024 17:34 utc | 35
To quote a harpy, "At this point, what difference does it make?"
Posted by: Mary | Feb 17 2024 17:27 utc | 32
It is the original sin.
Posted by: too scents | Feb 17 2024 17:36 utc | 36
Slightly offtopic, but the french foreign minister is whining that if russia wins, then they will own all that black soil in ukraine.
This is a war against european farmers, in his words.
Let that sink in. The eu is doing everything to alienate the european farmers, and yet here is this french fry saying that its russia that wages war on european farmers.
That theory that the eu wants all the land in ukraine for agriculture and to kill of private farms inside the eu looks ever more real with idiots like this foreign minister.
Posted by: Justpassinby | Feb 17 2024 17:37 utc | 37
The Incredible Works of 8 Russian Giants Everyone Needs to Know [very brief at 3 and half hours
Posted by: Don Firineach | Feb 17 2024 17:32 utc | 33
Nice contribution, Don. The books described here were my first attractive peek at real Russian culture, as opposed to the red scare bullshit of my youth.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Feb 17 2024 17:38 utc | 38
Ron Unz has published an intrresting piece recently with the title "Elon Musk goes to Canossa" where he illustrates how the jnfluential peoples of the West have been caving in to obscure forces during the last one hundred years. The cases of Henfy Ford and Elon Musk are easy to witness by anyone. The apathy of the political class in the West watching a genocide occuring in real time in Gaza is inconsistent with their claims of holding the high moral grounds over the rest of the world. Those politicians are apparently controlled by outside forces.
Those outside forces don't want peace. They want Russia, China and all of Asia to submit to their orders. They don't care what Mr. Putin says.
It seems that only facts on the ground have the capability to change the course of events.
I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories but as they say in French "L'occasion fait le larron" (Opportunity makes the thief.). There are flaws in our Western society. Bodies of anti-monopoly laws were removed and the banks were de-regulated in the US leading to the accumulation of too much wealth in the hands of a few who now exercise power through internationsl organizations and by controling our political class.
We all witness how low they go in Gaza and against the weakest of this world and we see they only understand violence. They don't listen. Putin himself now admits (from an indirect source) that he was too slow to respond decisively to the threat and he had too much trust in the French and German leaders.
Posted by: Richard L | Feb 17 2024 17:40 utc | 39
absolutely fascinating! thank you so much!
i'm not able to pull up Kremlin website here in calif (probably all of US) but i can place the link at the archive site and read it there.
Posted by: annie | Feb 17 2024 17:40 utc | 40
Posted by: bill wolfe | Feb 17 2024 16:05 utc | 9
“…This is a dangerous form of climate science denial. It's right up there with Trump's. …”
Human-induced climate change is a POLITICAL HOAX perpetrated with the assistance of low IQ pseudoscientific research that manipulates data to support its preordained conclusion.
Posted by: Liberator | Feb 17 2024 17:41 utc | 41
"Listening To What He Is Saying"
Pres. Putin's knowledge and understanding of history is certainly impressive, compared with the ignorance usual amont US politicians. :-(
Posted by: lester | Feb 17 2024 17:43 utc | 42
Norwegian | Feb 17 2024 16:12 utc | 12
When it comes to the climate catastrophe, Putin is as blind as the vast majority of politicians. On the one hand, Russia is a major exporter of fossil fuels; on the other hand, it is severely affected by global warming due to the gigantic permafrost areas that are now thawing. This will cost the country far more than the current war.
Putin's criticism of the German Greens is of course more than justified. There are many revanchists among them, for whom their geostrategic dreams are far more important than all the ecological problems put together.
In general, you can criticise the West as aggressive and in various respects bankrupt and at the same time name the ecological catastrophes we are facing as such. There is absolutely no contradiction here.
Posted by: Pnyx | Feb 17 2024 17:45 utc | 43
@ too scents | Feb 17 2024 15:30 utc | 1
[...]again for some unknown reasons, he transferred to that newly established Soviet Republic of Ukraine some of the lands together with people living there[...]
Putin keeps repeating that, but I think he is not sincere here. The reason why the Bolsheviks ("Lenin") dissolved the Odessa Soviet Republic and the Donetsk - Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic and made them join the Ukrainian Soviet Republic was that the Bolsheviks initially had not a majority in the All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets.
That is also the likely reason why Russia did not object, at first, that the indipendent Ukraine controlled Crimea and Novorossiya: the Russian population there was a guarantee of the friendship of the Ukraine toward Russia. When the Russia-hating Western Ukraine took stable control of the Ukrainian state, there were no more good reasons to leave those productive regions to the Ukraine and then Russia reacted.
Posted by: SG | Feb 17 2024 17:49 utc | 44
But he insists that the whole current generation of Ukraine take responsibility for Bandera.
Posted by: Inka | Feb 17 2024 17:12 utc | 28
Ukraine’s terrorist radicalization of children
The year is 2015.
The little Ukrainian girl is wearing a Hello Kitty t-shirt that says “love cat.”
She looks to be about four or five years old, maybe younger.
She is holding a knife in her tiny hands.
From off camera, her father says, “Marinochka, will you cut Russians?”
He uses a slur for “Russians.”
“Yes!” She shouts.
“What will you do to them?” He asks.
She shrieks: “I WILL CUT RUSSIANS!”
She repeats this phrase several times and makes little thrusting motions with the knife.
Then she gives a Nazi salute. “Sieg Heil!” She says, “Sieg Heil!”
Her father laughs.
Looks like this:
Posted by: Paul from Norway | Feb 17 2024 17:49 utc | 45
> I do not think that the current generations of Germans should assume complete political responsibility for everything perpetrated by Nazi Germany.
Well yes. It's been almost 100 years.
Posted by: rert | Feb 17 2024 17:50 utc | 46
@Posted by: kupkee | Feb 17 2024 17:34 utc | 35
The usual anthropogenic climate denier conflation of "weather" (highly localized and variable) and "climate". The actual global average surface temperature hit a new record for the era of human civilization last year, that's called anthropogenic climate change.
@ Inka | Feb 17 2024 17:12 utc | 28
That's because modern Ukrainians own Bandera. Germans disowned Hitler.
Posted by: rert | Feb 17 2024 17:51 utc | 48
Putin is talking through his army that has 100% Of Avdiivka Captured according Military Summary Channel. The Russian Army must now rapidly push on so that the Ukrainians do not get time to construct new defensive positions, and that seems to be the case currently. A lot of Ukrainian troops left behind it seems, so the Ukrainian losses will be high.
Dima reports that the Russians have massed troops south of Zaporizhzhia for an offensive there which may have been a major factor in forcing the Ukrainians to withdraw from Avdiivka, showing that the Ukrainians no longer have enough troops to protect the whole front. An attack toward Zaporizhzhia combined with the opening of a new front around Kharkov and a continued push out from Avdiivka may very well then completely collapse the front lines. The pressure is continuing to build on the depleting Ukrainian armed forces.
Posted by: team10tim | Feb 17 2024 16:58 utc | 26
Works OK in the UK. Try using Opera browser, which has a built-in VPN. Or Tor.
Posted by: Jams O'Donnell | Feb 17 2024 18:00 utc | 50
@Posted by: Honzo | Feb 17 2024 16:57 utc | 25
For the current leaders of the German Green Party I would have to agree with you, utter warmongering neoliberal lying bought and paid for US vassals.
Posted by: bill wolfe | Feb 17 2024 16:05 utc | 9
I dunno bill. Seems to me thats all we get from our governments/media. (Fear mongering) not much else exceot that. Here in the Canada anyways. Unless of course the constant theme that we must do better w less is somehow considered doing something. 10 billion to Ukraine reduces like a million Canadian houshold energy grid demands through renewables. All we get is jetsetting pols/media making us afraid for our grandchildren
Posted by: Tannenhouser | Feb 17 2024 18:06 utc | 52
Iirc the Russian President transcript site doesn't use https.
Firefox is experimenting with insisting sites must be https. The experiment applies only in US, ?Canada, Russia and Ukraine.
Playing with security settings can fix it, can't remember which combo works. Computer literate people will easily know what to do.
Posted by: Powerandpeople | Feb 17 2024 18:13 utc | 54
Iirc the Russian President transcript site doesn't use https.
Firefox is experimenting with insisting sites must be https. The experiment applies only in US, ?Canada, Russia and Ukraine.
Playing with security settings can fix it, can't remember which combo works. Computer literate people will easily know what to do.
Posted by: Powerandpeople | Feb 17 2024 18:13 utc | 55
"I interpret the last paragraph as an offer to Germany to renew its friendship with Russia."
I interpret it as a direct invitation to not label all the Russian people as sympathetic with Stalin, a barometer the western media uses constantly to illustrate that Russia has not changed, not 'westernized', and never will. Putin is correct, though, from a morality point of view, and it is likewise both foolish and dangerous to label all white people in America as racist because some of their ancestors kept black slaves. If Putin's advice was followed, and judgment rendered on present actions rather than wrongs of the past, it would emerge that much - perhaps most - of the money which supports black causes in America comes from white people.
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s grandfather was “an unconditional National Socialist” who had read ‘Mein Kampf’ and fully stood with the Nazi regime.
Baerbock has spoken publicly about her grandfather’s wartime experiences, telling an audience in 2022 that Waldemar Baerbock returned to Germany from the east in early 1945 “as a defeated soldier.”
What Baerbock did not mention was that her grandfather was an officer in the Wehrmacht and had been awarded one of the Third Reich’s highest military honors, the War Merit Cross with Swords in 1944, Bild reported on Thursday.
The cross was bestowed on soldiers for “special services when deployed under enemy weapons or for special services in military warfare.”
During the 2022 speech marking the 80th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference, where Nazi officials formulated and planned the so-called 'final solution' for Europe's jews, Baerbock also declared that even low-level government functionaries of the Third Reich were responsible for “the crimes and genocide of the Nazi regime.”
Posted by: AI | Feb 17 2024 18:15 utc | 57
@Pnyx | Feb 17 2024 17:45 utc | 43
When it comes to the climate catastrophe, Putin is as blind as the vast majority of politicians. On the one hand, Russia is a major exporter of fossil fuels; on the other hand, it is severely affected by global warming due to the gigantic permafrost areas that are now thawing. This will cost the country far more than the current war.Ref. Liberator | Feb 17 2024 17:41 utc | 41
Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 17 2024 18:32 utc | 58
The Incredible Works of 8 Russian Giants Everyone Needs to Know [very brief at 3 and half hours
Posted by: Don Firineach | Feb 17 2024 17:32 utc | 33
In the middle of the video google cut off the english translation.. can some one please provide a english version written copy in pdf.. for download..
everyone needs to know that different Class B segments of the internet block things so some people get what others don't. But this is the first time in the middle of a video on youtube that a video that was translated from Russian to English working great was interrupted and turned off that I have experienced.
someone needs to invent a way to download the audio and to translate it to the language desired by the audience.
Posted by: snake | Feb 17 2024 18:33 utc | 59
Per Putin's points on Blinkin's great grandfather, Keiv, 1905, and holding present day Germans to account for the Nazis:
Putin: "To my mind, this is unfair and inappropriate. We should proceed from present-day realities and see who is doing what, and what policy they are conducting."
Present day reality is Ukraine isn't Russia. Neo nazis by definition are not Nazis.
Putin's policy in Ukraine a category error by the standards of his own reasoning for Germany.
He at least admits that he "sounds inconsistent", so props for admitting that the shit he has thrown down in Ukraine because he will take what he wants by force. Why he sees this as setting himself apart from other powerful greedy people is a mystery.
Anyone can see Putin over-identities with the state: the "trains run on time".
I see in Putin that all specific "intelligence" caged to fit the policy— as seems to be standard intellectual procedure for secret service officers— so the entire bastion of thought comes into question. The trigger words are "we have it all in the archives."
And true to form you'll never hear Putin talk about dissenting opinions within Russia, nor even anyone else's opinion within Russia. He's locked into two domains for thought: The public speech of Western foreign affairs officials and a rubric of own archives of his own mind.
The entire mass-media surface is locked into the same two domains. There's what the "international order" thinks and what Putin thinks, when the only Russian voices that come through are against Putin as they are frog-marched to penal colonies. Look at the Russian media available: it's all state media, all official sources, state process narratives.
Putin appeals to the consistency of his own thought, are precisely the problem. When one man enshrines his own thought as the law, it makes for a too-small world for everyone else.
IMO it makes Sleepy Joe preferable based on simple trait of a possibility of inclusion of others while he naps. Happily, Trump is currently greeting himself in court, and maybe the Biden's will too. Good stuff, far superior to one ring to rule them all.
There's a lot to not like about the U.S. but Putin's Russia and China offer no alternatives.
Posted by: Arrnon | Feb 17 2024 18:39 utc | 60
Western 'leaders' (*cough* owners) doing nuance? No. They are used to giving orders and being pleased, like the spoiled, inbred children they are.
The more pertinent question is how do you spank such children into compliance or self-reflection. If your answer is spanking cannot work -- and they will never be pleased until they get whatever toy they want to break it -- then... The correct answer suggests itself. But first figure out a way to spank and see if that corrects the issue.
Posted by: titmouse | Feb 17 2024 18:46 utc | 61
"@Pnyx | Feb 17 2024 17:45 utc | 43
When it comes to the climate catastrophe, Putin is as blind as the vast majority of politicians. On the one hand, Russia is a major exporter of fossil fuels; on the other hand, it is severely affected by global warming due to the gigantic permafrost areas that are now thawing. This will cost the country far more than the current war."
Ref. Liberator | Feb 17 2024 17:41 utc | 41"
Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 17 2024 18:32 utc | 58
The world climate has always changed-the difference is now the PTB try to brainwash people that the cyclical climate is anthropomorphic- ie influenced by human activities/fossil fuels et al . Complete hogwash- it just natural change when a climate is coming out of an ice age as the world is now..
Finally, as it get warmer increases the harvests of northern climate countries such that Russia/Canada will be in be better shape with more arable land as the climate warms.
Very relevant. The people thinks whatever. Meanwhile, let the people think their fictions.
The facts are difficult to make apart. Why Russia does not engage in PR?: the facts. Hundreds of thousands of fascist Ukrainians are going to that zone: The Valhala. Good for all of them. It was time.
Many more will brand in their aryan spirit: Ha, ha.
Get the fuck out of those idiots!
Get the fuck out of those zions!
Posted by: Lara | Feb 17 2024 18:48 utc | 63
@Posted by: Honzo | Feb 17 2024 16:57 utc | 25
"For the current leaders of the German Green Party I would have to agree with you, utter warmongering neoliberal lying bought and paid for US vassals."
Posted by: Roger | Feb 17 2024 18:02 utc | 51
I guess I'm a third in endorsing that point.
All we get is jetsetting pols/media making us afraid for our grandchildren
@ Tannenhouser | Feb 17 2024 18:06 utc | 52
The towering hypocrisy of Germany's (and other so-called) Greens, specifically from that foreign minister with the unpronounceable name, is what Putin intelligently calls out. If whatever you said to get into office results in Russophobic warmongering, then it's green my ass! There's nothing green about Judeo-Christian soldiers marching into WWIII, as per multi-century usual.
When Putin notices such breathtaking hypocrisy, it's not "denialism" directed at any geoscientific realities. Independent presidential candidate Cornel West has long spoken of "black prophetic power," but his own powers weren't strong enough to avoid his Green stumble: announcing as a Green candidate before changing his prophetic mind -- perhaps, when he realized that "Green" means "hysterically anti-Russian" these days.
Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, the global ocean gurgles ominously. The Keeling Curve of atmospheric CO2 for the past two-thirds of a century, with all the statistically rigorous correllations having to do with what kind of planet your grandchildren will inhabit, such work is rock-ribbed geoscientific diagnostics, whatever you or gaggles of propagandists on all sides want to make of it. There really is a planet Earth, our home. Charles David Keeling starting measuring CO2 66 years ago because he thought it would make a difference. He was right.
Hypocritical, warmongering "Greens" have done far more damage to real ecological consciousness than boatloads of corporate disinformation from fossil fools.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Feb 17 2024 18:50 utc | 65
Putin: To be frank, sticking this label on the entire German nation is an unfair position; this misuses what people experienced, what the people of the Soviet Union experienced. To my mind, this is unfair and inappropriate. We should proceed from present-day realities and see who is doing what, and what policy they are conducting.
b: I interpret the last graph as an offer to Germany to renew its friendship with Russia.
Unfortunately no one in the western media seems to have picked up on it.
My two cents. Does reporting from Germany on contemporary issues, be it industry, tourism etc. stress that the visited location is near a former concentration camp? Or how many reports on American railroads mention that they were build exploited Chinese labor, with many fatalities? But for Russia, this is basically required from reporters.
Similarly, the Irish or Bengalis know about hunger calamities under British misrule, but they do not harp on that too much, of course, it inspires Irish or Indian empathy to victims of misrule and colonialism (including Gaza, e.g. Hindustan Times, while sympathetic to quite anti-Muslim government, is not whitewashing carnage in Gaza like Western media). But Ukrainian nationalism weaponizes holodomor for its xenophobic aims.
History, like a hammer, has many good uses and as many potentials for misuse, like bashing.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 17 2024 18:50 utc | 66
AI 57
“…the final solution…”
Fo you mean the one about which there’s zero evidence?
Posted by: Liberator | Feb 17 2024 18:54 utc | 67
@Ahenobarbus | Feb 17 2024 17:38 utc | 38
Similar here, with Reds under every bed and Godless Communism rampant etc etc .... returning now in Europe with cancellations of Russian artists, live performances, and so on. Of course, in Banderite what is left of Ukraine it is epidemic - and Latvia can't seem to find enough Soviet monuments to flatten etc ... as for the US,there isn't a decent Russian Studies Dept to be found ... Sad world ...
Aside: In the interview with Tucker Carlson President Putin made a reference to Dostoevsky .. but there was no follow on from Tucker. What an opening to a more erudite and savvy interviewer ...
Tucker: You mention Dostoevsky - can we discuss the genocidal suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza Mr. President etc ... How has your reading of Dostoevsky, and his philosophy of suffering, influenced your response to the Genocide in Gaza?
There - fixed it for Tucker!
Posted by: Don Firineach | Feb 17 2024 19:02 utc | 68
It's very clear that to make pain to our brothers is our incompetence:
Even your your good intentions are a mesh
Posted by: Lara | Feb 17 2024 19:04 utc | 69
Thank you for these highlights, they are very interesting.
Posted by: Johan Kaspar | Feb 17 2024 19:04 utc | 70
@canuck | Feb 17 2024 18:47 utc | 62
I agree entirely. Where I live, this winter is the coldest and with most snow since 30 years ago when I moved here. The snow blower is working overtime, and we had -29.8C in January. Yes, yes it is weather, just like the warm years.
Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 17 2024 19:08 utc | 71
Beauty Will Save the World - The Philosophy of Fyodor Dostoevsky [8 mins]
Posted by: Don Firineach | Feb 17 2024 19:11 utc | 72
"For the current leaders of the German Green Party I would have to agree with you, utter warmongering neoliberal lying bought and paid for US vassals."Yes, but on climate they are obviously white as snow.
Posted by: Norwegian | Feb 17 2024 19:13 utc | 73
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s grandfather was “an unconditional National Socialist” who had read ‘Mein Kampf’ and fully stood with the Nazi regime.
@ AI | Feb 17 2024 18:15 utc | 57
The thread forms a circle, like a necklace. Wend back to iconic John Muir, who wanted California cleansed of its original inhabitants, the likes of whom inspired German "environmentalists" such as Adolf Hitler... there's a solid historical thread of ecofascism spanning centuries. Practically nobody wants to acknowledge the existence of ecofascist terrorism, though we've had mass-shooter manifestos along those lines.
In ecofascist logic, the global over-population problem is easily addressed by efficiently ridding ourselves of excess subhumans. The genocide in Gaza is your field prototype, a trial balloon.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Feb 17 2024 19:14 utc | 74
Olaf Scholz blocked Ursula von der Leyen as Nato chief ‘because she would be too tough on Russia’Olaf Scholz blocked Ursula von der Leyen from becoming the new head of Nato because he believed she would be too tough on Russia, German media reported on Saturday.
The German chancellor, who has faced criticism for his cautious approach to diplomacy with Vladimir Putin, reportedly told Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, that he was against the appointment.
“Scholz was categorically against von der Leyen becoming Nato head,” German newspaper Welt am Sonntag reported, citing officials in Brussels and European diplomats.
Ms von der Leyen had been too critical of Putin, and this could “prove to be a disadvantage in the long term” in the view of Mr Scholz, the sources added. (...)
Posted by: Apollyon | Feb 17 2024 19:23 utc | 75
@ Posted by: Arrnon | Feb 17 2024 18:39 utc | 60
> Present day reality is Ukraine isn't Russia. Neo nazis by definition are not Nazis.
I can't express enough how tired I am of these endless mental gymnastics by pro-Ukraine crowd. Putin dropped 2 hrs interview, explaining in detail his policy on Ukraine and what exactly he is fighting against. Germany condemned Hitler and forbade Nazism by law. It's the opposite in Ukraine. Not only Ukraine worship genocidal Hitler collaborators, name streets after them, erect statues, rewrite history books, they're actively emulate them: destroying Russian culture on historic Russian lands, denying their rights and destroying those who oppose their ultra-nationalistic US-backed coup government. Like Putin said, Ukraine have the right to their identity, but NOT on the basis of Nazism. Current Ukrainian generation is GUILTY of this, unlike Germans who condemned Hitler and his practices.
This is obvious, but you chose to be in denial. Russia will never change its policy on this and will never tolerate Nazi lovers - an ideology that killed 27 mln of its people.
Posted by: taukey | Feb 17 2024 19:38 utc | 76
Were I to resume experiments in "natural language" processing (usually lumped with everything technically vague as "AI" these days), I'd have to teach the machine to understand not merely the part-of-speech and definition (augmented with connotations) of each word, we'd also need a data-structure to describe all the baggage customarily attached, especially with anything proximate to a buzzword. That part of interpretation is both humanly and mechanically impossible.
There's a word in the English language for weather trends, i.e. climate. But, oh no!, gawdforb I should stumble into the morass of baggage stacked against that buzzword. Hence, we become humanly incapable of intelligent discussion. AI is impossible where human intelligence is a miracle.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Feb 17 2024 19:45 utc | 77
I have to say its not just Germany's Green party politicians that's changed once the party gets a taste of power, as for Annalena Baerbock she comes from a rich family her father owns a firm that supplies parts to Volkswagen.
"Since 2020 Baerbock has been a participant in the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders program, an ongoing coaching program for political leaders that created successful leaders like Emmanuel Macron, Sanna Marin or Jacinda Ardern.[25]
She also was a fellow in the spooky Marshall Memorial Fellowship, and is a member of George Soros' European Council on Foreign Relations."
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Feb 17 2024 19:47 utc | 78
[email protected] one's grandchildren lead the revolution....perspective, Canada a young 150 years has yet to see its first Civil War.....maybe the original owners will be kinder, compassionate, inclusive, and let us EU outcasts live here in peace.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Feb 17 2024 19:51 utc | 79
Is VVP making a slightly puerile joke here?
Posted by: Ново З | Feb 17 2024 17:21 utc | 29
yes, about the pitfalls of cultural assimilation and foreign language transliteration, especially among *-English speakers 99% of whom couldn't conjugate a verb or decline a noun if their lives depended on it. Hence, colloquial adoption of they/them/their to signify ... first person dissociative disorder. *-Eng is a ridiculously irregular spoken and written language. Recall the quaint British expression of "lieutenant", for example; and more recently, American transfogrification of "Mueller" (Müller) and "Mayorkas" (Mallorcas).
Now, it's been quite a long time since I sat in a German language class, but I cannot recall ae in any vocabulary. (This is a common Latin diagraph that most often signifies the plural case form of a femine noun. It is always pronounced "eye" or "ai"—long vowel ī, not short, vowel vowel ĭ—even when presented within a syllable such as "Caecillius" or "Caesar".) So I looked up the latest uhh guidance for transliterating German diacritical marks, Umlauts – diacritic ä, ö, ü and shuddered, recalling hours in language audio lab attempting to mimic subtle rules of vowel CONTEXT.
Can a mispronouciation of Baerbock render it "bare back" in German and/or Russian? Another reason to love VVP?
No and no. I'd like to believe errybuddy already understands that Bärbach is also innumerate; V.V. Putin is not.
Posted by: sln2002 | Feb 17 2024 19:53 utc | 80
Apollyon (75)
Scholz is in it up to his neck.
Posted by: Republicofscotland | Feb 17 2024 19:55 utc | 81
„I interpret the last graph as an offer to Germany to renew its friendship with Russia.“
Something like Minsk 3?
NS 3?
Lets park another 300 billion usd in Germany & Belgium?
Lets forget that Germany is confiscating Russian assets & cars with Russian tables?
Posted by: SlowSoft | Feb 17 2024 19:56 utc | 82
I do not know if Putin believes in anthropogenic climate change or not, but I will say that Russia will benefit from it disproportionately if it's real. I think the fact that Russia has the world's largest coal reserves and is steadily reducing its use indicates that he probably does believe in it, to some degree at least. What kind of idiots claim that global warming is 1) being driven by Russian practices; and 2) that Russia will 'pay a price' for it. If it happens it's a win-win for Russia- access to arctic resources, and improved agriculture. If Russia believed they could influence it, they'd be burning more coal, not less.
Posted by: Honzo | Feb 17 2024 19:59 utc | 83
Olaf Scholz blocked Ursula von der Leyen as Nato chief ‘because she would be too tough on Russia’
Posted by: Apollyon | Feb 17 2024 19:23 utc | 75
More evidence that the policy shift in the west is in full swing. Olaf is deluding himself, though, if he thinks that the US will let them reopen Nordstream.
Posted by: Honzo | Feb 17 2024 20:02 utc | 84
"Scholz is in it up to his neck."
I know, I'm from Germany. ;)
Posted by: Apollyon | Feb 17 2024 20:02 utc | 85
Putin's ultra-cool message to the messenger of the 9 heads of the G7
What we've got here here is failure to communicate.The end.
Posted by: sln2002 | Feb 17 2024 20:11 utc | 86
Vladimir Putin: Stalin insisted that those republics be included in the USSR as autonomous entities. For some inexplicable reason, Lenin, the founder of the Soviet state, insisted that they be entitled to withdraw from the USSR. And, again for some unknown reasons, he transferred to that newly established Soviet Republic of Ukraine some of the lands together with people living there, even though those lands had never been called Ukraine; and yet they were made part of that Soviet Republic of Ukraine. Those lands included the Black Sea region, which was received under Catherine the Great and which had no historical connection with Ukraine whatsoever.
Posted by: too scents | Feb 17 2024 15:30 utc | 1
Lenin was repaying THEY who financed the Bolshevik revolution. The same THEY who are financing the Ukraine war and who are the descendants of the previous Ukrainian rulers. THEY also control US / UK / Israel / EU / WEF.
Who knew bankers were the epitomy of evil?
Posted by: James Hammett | Feb 17 2024 20:17 utc | 87
Hypocritical, warmongering "Greens" have done far more damage to real ecological consciousness than boatloads of corporate disinformation from fossil fools.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Feb 17 2024 18:50 utc | 65
At inception, German Greens were anti-nuclear and pacifist, and at some point, they experienced pro-imperialist takeover, presenting bombing of Yugoslavia as "humanitarian policy". Other leftist/leftish parties in Europe are examples of the same trend. Some reaction to it appeared lately, Slovakia and BSW are two examples, so there may be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Feb 17 2024 20:18 utc | 88
Posted by: Arrnon | Feb 17 2024 18:39 utc | 60
A big word salad that is only saying that there is no “democracy” in Russia. Well there isnt, it is an illiberal democracy if you like. They are not coy about it. So you can repeat is as much as you like you word salad but in Russia nobody gives a shit. Nor do they know who Navalny is.
And no, such opposition subsidized and organised by Soros and USAID does not count towards democracy. Those should go straight to jail for subversion of the law and order by outside forces that want to harm and occupy the territory. It is as simple as that.
Now go back to your supremacist democracy in the West to reminiscence on how well the current political systems work for the common person.
(I will tell you: it is not a democracy but a spectacle meant for consumption)
Posted by: alek_a | Feb 17 2024 20:18 utc | 89
Lifted from another thread but relevant about the UK
Did Russia become an enemy because it was realized via AI studies and progress that the RU and CH AIs are going to be much more powerful than the USUK ones? Like once with chess?
Posted by: Minaa | Feb 17 2024 20:35 utc | 90
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Feb 17 2024 19:45 utc | 77
Funny that you should mention object-oriented computer programming (AI) after Mr TypePad just dropped my set-up for transliterating Baerbach.
Mr TypePad appears to disapprove of German umlauts – ä, ö, ü. and classical Latin.
Posted by: sln2002 | Feb 17 2024 20:38 utc | 91
@Posted by: kupkee | Feb 17 2024 17:34 utc | 35
The usual anthropogenic climate denier conflation of "weather" (highly localized and variable) and "climate". The actual global average surface temperature hit a new record for the era of human civilization last year, that's called anthropogenic climate change.
Posted by: Roger | Feb 17 2024 17:51 utc | 47
Yes, of course. The massaging of numbers to get to the Political Science objectives. No city on earth has the same population density of 100 years ago. Sensors near airports. Ice Sheet data taken from September and extrapolated for the rest of the Winter.
U.S. East Coast snowfall and winter conditions this year. How is this possibl?
California Reservoirs 80% full right now with the Snow Melt and Spring Rains yet to come. Where's the drought and we'll never see rain again. A heavy rainstorm is now an "Atmospheric River."
Man has something to do with weather, but Water Vapor (not CO2) and that burning ball in the Sky have more to do with it. Notwithstanding the carbon particles from Private Jet exhaust, which is increasing at the same exponential rate as Climate Fear Porn.
The Drooling Class has you captured.
Posted by: kupkee | Feb 17 2024 20:39 utc | 92
Why would Russia offer hands of peace and cooperation to Germany? The dream/fear of Russian-Germany alliance is dead for a while now. There is nothing Germany has to offer any more.
- No industrial base. Russia builds it itself now and Germany is de industrialized.
- No technological know how. All the knowledge is moved east, along with new STEM cadre. Germany is getting dumber and dumber due to immigration, woke policies and school destruction.
- No significant market. There is far more people and money on the east.
- No natural resources. Germany didn't had them any way, Russia has them all it needs.
- No cultural heritage due to same reason as with tech know how (woke, immigration, lgbt satanism etc.)
Posted by: Abe | Feb 17 2024 20:42 utc | 93
I don't know what Putin's stance on climate change is...
Posted by: Honzo | Feb 17 2024 16:57 utc | 25
Putin believes in Global Warming, but believes nuclear annihilation is a far greater and realistic threat. I heard him say as much once during a townhall discussing the USA ending some kind of missile or nuclear weapons treaty, eight to ten years ago.
Posted by: UWDude | Feb 17 2024 20:44 utc | 94
Slightly offtopic, but the french foreign minister is whining that if russia wins, then they will own all that black soil in ukraine.
This is a war against european farmers, in his words.
Let that sink in. The eu is doing everything to alienate the european farmers, and yet here is this french fry saying that its russia that wages war on european farmers.
That theory that the eu wants all the land in ukraine for agriculture and to kill of private farms inside the eu looks ever more real with idiots like this foreign minister.
Posted by: Justpassinby | Feb 17 2024 17:37 utc | 37
The same was the case per white farmers in Zimbabwe when Robert Mugabe and ZANU PF were sending "war veterans" to kill the farmers and seize the white owned farms. The story the white farmers told was that the EU and Western agri-business, Monsanto and other conglomerates felt threatened by the huge demand for non-GMO maize / corn being grown in Zimbabwe -- so the European "elite" secretly backed the ethnic cleansing of whites, especially farmers in the former Rhodesia. Perhaps the same holds true per independent farmers in Ukraine with their non-GMO crops and non-use of glysophates.
Which Germany?
Today so called „Germany“ is a smaller version of USA
Only the word Germany in the passport reminds you that there is something like Germany but the passport holders re everything else but not Germans
Even the national football team is „die Mannschaft“
What the hell is this wannabe chessmaster babbling about Germany & unfair or fair?
Putin is either living in a parallel universe or totally
disconnected from reality
The elites & politicians in „Die Manschaftsland“
hate Germany and real Germans!
Posted by: tesla | Feb 17 2024 20:47 utc | 96
Posted by: La Bastille | Feb 17 2024 16:03 utc | 8
Vladimir Poutine was very succesful and probably for the first time since 2007, loud and clear for a large % of humanity.
And in the " Free World" too.
Navalny MUST been sacrificed.
Just like in chess.
Since this morning, the entire French media sphere has been in turmoil (from left to right, from the extremities to the hypercentre).
One theme keeps coming back: from now on, you can't talk to Putin.
By assassinating Navalny, he would have lost all legitimacy, and the international community must say right now that it will not recognize the legitimacy of his re-election.
That was all.
In chess, this is called sacrificing a quality piece, to bring the opposing king back into a more unfavorable position where he can be attacked.
But for me, it's just a weak step beyond, waiting for a stalemate
In a suicide sacrifice, the sacrificing player aims to rid themselves of the remaining pieces capable of performing legal moves, and thereby obtain a stalemate and a draw from a poor position.
President Vladimir Vladimirovich Ó'Putin òg is wise. He knows that Navalny was murdered by Mi6. Nordstream destruction was conducted by Mi6 and US Admin. The Hamas operation was planned for and expected by Israel. They instigated it and got the result they wanted (but they are fools because it will lead to their imminent destruction). The world is getting wise to all this evil sculduggery.
Americans will really wake up when China, SA, the world, reguse to buy our bonds. The almighty US dollar's status of world reserve currency will be ended. The dolkar will tank in value. Inflation will skyrocket. Then Americans will feel the pain and government heads will roll for real.
Posted by: Áobh Ó'Sheachnasaigh | Feb 17 2024 20:48 utc | 97
HOBO 3 29
Yes, winding up lesbians and slags is a perfectly acceptable form of amusement for a Christian or Muslim man of my generation who hasn't been brain shrunk by pc.
Posted by: Giyane | Feb 17 2024 20:51 utc | 98
Abe 92
Dumber due to immigration.
Who advised not casting pearls before swine? The immigrants are a thousand times more wise and more knowledgeable than the European countries they have been forced to emigrate to.
But no doubt in Angela Merkel's way of thinking Western culture would grind down the faith of the Muslims that Western countries bombed and terrorised through Israeli proxies like Islamic State, trained in Jordan.
Posted by: Giyane | Feb 17 2024 21:03 utc | 99
@Republicofscotland | Feb 17 2024 19:47 utc | 78
That makes sense. Ta.
So she was picked, primed, strategically leveraged into into the Foreign Ministry through the back-door of the Green Party. Now she ruthlessly acts in their interests on attaining power. They must be so proud of her!
Posted by: Don Firineach | Feb 17 2024 21:14 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Again I will repost what I consider to be the most important statement Putin made during the Carlson interview:
Posted by: too scents | Feb 17 2024 15:30 utc | 1