Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
January 09, 2024

Palestine SitRep: Sanitizing Language While The War Escalates

The New York Times has claimed that Israel is cutting back its brutal war in Gaza:

The Israeli military has begun a new and less intense phase of its invasion of Gaza, its chief spokesman said on Monday, after weeks of pressure from the United States and other allies to scale back an offensive that has caused widespread devastation and civilian deaths.

The Nation however finds that this is certainly not the case:

The Israeli Defense Forces spokesman, Radm. Daniel Hagari, gave the Times the interview that it used for its headline. But Hagari’s quotes never actually promise the “less intense phase” in the Times paraphrase. Hagari instead describes the focus of the pitiless Israeli campaign shifting southward—while his superiors in the Israeli government indicate that it could expand regionally.

The Times isn't the only main stream media to lie about the war. CNN is routing all news through its Jerusalem bureau where an Israeli military censor takes care that everything is 'sanitized'. This while the Washington Post is sending out its most Zionist reporter to write a hit piece about pro-Palestinian news sites.

The Canadian Broadcast Corporation is using harmless language to describe Israeli air attacks while it brutalizes reports of Hamas ground attack. It even justifies this:

“Different words are used because although both result in death and injury, the events they describe are very different,” Waugh wrote. “The raid saw Hamas gunmen stream through the border fence and attack Israelis directly with firearms, knives and explosives. Gunmen chased down festival goers, assaulted kibbutzniks then shot them, fought hand to hand, and threw grenades. The attack was brutal, often vicious, and certainly murderous.”

“Bombs dropped from thousands of feet and artillery shells lofted into Gaza from kilometers away result in death and destruction on a massive scale, but it is carried out remotely,” Waugh continued. “The deadly results are unseen by those who caused them and the source unseen by those [who] suffer and die.”

All these censorship and disinformation efforts hide the reality of the brutal war from the western public.

This while the extremely brutal Israel attacks on Gaza continue as the occupation forces now move into the center of the strip:

Israeli attacks around central Gaza’s last remaining hospital caused hundreds of displaced civilians to flee over the weekend and forced most medical workers to evacuate, leaving wounded people with no good options for seeking care as fighting intensifies in the area.

Organizations including Doctors Without Borders, the International Rescue Committee and Medical Aid for Palestinians have pulled their staff from al-Aqsa Hospital in recent days, after the surrounding areas in the Deir al-Balah region came under drone attacks and sniper fire, and residents received warnings from the Israel Defense Forces to evacuate.

The people who had already fled from north Gaza now have to move further south towards Rafah where Israel is bombing them too.

The targeted killing of journalists and academics continues. However none of these are Hamas and Israel's declared aim of eliminating it is certainly not in sight. Hamas missile strike on targets in Israel continue. Even though most are harmless they cause alarms. In the north of Israel the tit for tat attacks between Hizbullah and the occupation forces continues likewise.

Ali Hashem علي هاشم @alihashem_tv - 9:54 UTC · Jan 9, 2024

Hezbollah announces the targeting of the northern region command headquarters of the Israeli army in the city of Safed (13 kilometres from the border) with a number of explosives laden drones. The attack was in retaliation to Israel’s killing of Saleh Arouri and Wissam Tawil.

This was the deepest attack by Hizbullah since October 8. Later Israel attacked the burial of Wissam Tawil, a member of Hizbullah's special forces. The number of alarms in Israel from rockets launched from the north are growing on a daily basis.

Israel is driving this escalation while Hizbullah is still holding back. Its missiles could reach far further and will do so should Israel continue to escalate.

The U.S. is alarmed about the Israeli attempt to draw it into the conflict:

In private conversations, the administration has warned Israel against a significant escalation in Lebanon. If it were to do so, a new secret assessment from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) found that it will be difficult for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to succeed because its military assets and resources would be spread too thin given the conflict in Gaza, according to two people familiar with those findings.

Private warnings are useless as long as Israel still gets U.S. support.

The Biden administration wants to be seen supporting Israel.

It also wants to be seen tamping down and ending the conflict.

But it can't have it both ways.

Shutting down ammunition support for Israel, if only for a short time, is likely the only way to bring some senses to Israeli minds.

Posted by b on January 9, 2024 at 14:16 UTC | Permalink

next page »

The Likud needs to retreat and declare victory PDQ.

The Israeli economy has essentially collapsed - 2/3s of businesses report a 50% or greater drop in revenues. 20% unemployment; 5% of the Jewish population are refugees. Finally another 10%+ of the Jewish population voted with their feet and left.

The key questions to counter the Likud‘s strategy is - will Al-Qassem Brigades continue to raid IDF forces outside the Gaza fence ? And - will the ICJ genocide lawsuit result in BRICs+ sanctioning Israel ?

Posted by: Exile | Jan 9 2024 14:37 utc | 1

Nancy Waugh of the CBC just compounds the dishonesty. This is nothing to do with the 'means of delivery': if Hamas were bombing Israel and the IDF was running around Gaza shooting women waving white flags (it is) the CBC would reverse its language rules.
How do we know this?
Because the IDF is committing crimes-in plain view- far more egregious than any Hamas can be charged with and the CBC uses language of the most restrained variety. Generally it ignores what Israel does.
The CBC is just a propaganda outfit ready like the BBC, to spend the last dregs of its credibility to please its paymasters in Ottawa.
The days when the CBC could count on 'enlightened opinion' in Canada to protect its budget are gone. And the likes of Nancy Waugh know it- like the rest of the western liberal world she already embraces the deluge. She understands that it's coming to an end.

Posted by: bevin | Jan 9 2024 14:42 utc | 2

Posted by: Exile | Jan 9 2024 14:37 utc | 1


No worries. The US will print up more money to subsidize Zionism, as per usual. Owning the US Congress has benefits.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Jan 9 2024 14:54 utc | 3

Repeat after me:

"Jewish Zionists are always lying. Even when they are telling the Truth."

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 9 2024 15:00 utc | 4

Dr. David Kelly - Project Coast.
Dr. David Kelly - Head Bioweapons scientist at Porton Down.
Dr. David Kelly - Dr. Wouter Basson. - South Africa
Dr. Wouter Basson - Race Specific Bioweapons - Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Dr. Wouter Basson - Izzraeli Race Specific Anti-Arab Bioweapons
Dr. David Kelly ... Iraq War Propagandist.
Dr. David Kelly ... 'Suicided' ...

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 9 2024 15:03 utc | 5

Give total war a chance. Neither side appears especially disposed at the present time to want peace in this latest Middle East “War Without Mercy.”

Let the two belligerents fight it out until there is a final settlement. War is cruelty. It always has been. It is now up to the Palestinians and Israelis to discover just how cruel the military raids on one another families can get. Good luck and best wishes to all those still left alive after the peace settlement is made. Like the defeated Germans and Japanese who lived though their own post WW II ordeal, maybe someone in Gaza or Israel will eventually learn from all of this killing.

Posted by: Packard | Jan 9 2024 15:10 utc | 6

Sahra Wagenknecht launched her new party in Germany yesterday: the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance—Reason and Fairness. She has been critical of the IDF and the western support for Ukraine. We shall see.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 9 2024 15:17 utc | 7

Good piece, than you.

To counteract the sanitizing language, we have been archiving Israeli quotes demonstrating potential genocidal intent and we have over 100 so far (just launched a week ago).

Posted by: Zionism Observer | Jan 9 2024 15:20 utc | 8

Meanwhile in Brooklyn:

A riot broke out in a historic Brooklyn synagogue when a group of rebellious Orthodox men tried to stop police and construction crews from filling in a secret tunnel they illegally dug to reach a closed-down women’s bath.

The enraged men, thought to be mostly in their teens and early 20s, were filmed tearing down wood panels and wooden support beams Monday at the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Heights. (...)

Posted by: Apollyon | Jan 9 2024 15:21 utc | 9

Just a reminder to everyone here: Pat Lang, back in the days when he was still a sane and sober analyst, once confided on his blog that the US plans for war with Iran featured a nuclear strike against all of its military installations. This is plausible because Iran’s built its military installations deep under high mountains.

Now, the Pentagon wargames have repeatedly shown that the US will lose a conventional war with Iran.

So those are the stakes as currently raised.

Personally, I think the US will blink before initiating nuclear war against **anyone**, particularly against a de facto (if not de jure) Russian ally.

If that’s the case then yeah: Hizb’Allah may well have escalation superiority baked in to whatever choices the IOF makes, going forward.

Moreover, should the US. be maniacal enough to actually “press the buttons,” so to speak, then Israel disappears in 20 minutes, long before Iran disappears. Boom. World Jewry loses the vast majority of its population in a single, massive strike from three or four regional opponents. Dome of the Rick would also disappear but by that point it’s just an afterthought. So, also—likely—would Teheran disappear.

These are very, very high stakes the Israel’s are playing at, and Hamas/Al Qassam know that.

Every week that Al Qassam continues to bleed the IOF and that Yemen continues to shut down the Suez is a loss of YEARS of Israeli economic advance. Soon the Israeli losses will be measured in decades.

Meanwhile, Hizb’Allah continues to enjoy “escalatory dominance” (i.e: “the upper hand”) over Israel, whose forces are now stretched so thin that Syria is feeling a breath of peaceful life—at least, from the air.

Gaza is bleeding so that the wider region may grow stronger.

The Palestinians are showing themselves as heroes to be lauded for centuries, every last man, woman, and child.

Let us all let loose body-weakening tears over. the losses these families have suffered.

Posted by: Pacifica Advocate | Jan 9 2024 15:21 utc | 10

@ Packard | Jan 9 2024 15:10 utc | 6

Except there is no moral equivalence between the two sides, with Israel being an imposed colonial entity that the indigenous people never approved. And further, Israel has been and continues to be funded and supplied with weapons by the United States while the Palestinians are not.

Posted by: Figleaf23 | Jan 9 2024 15:28 utc | 11

A good website to bookmark, and regularly review:

Posted by: Pacifica Advocate | Jan 9 2024 15:35 utc | 12

Staggering 12,500 Israeli soldiers to be classified as disabled - headline from 5/1/24
Although Israel claims only 514 military deaths since 7/10/23.
Although that does not compare with;

“On Saturday [6/1/24], the Health Ministry in Hamas-run Gaza said 122 Palestinians had been killed over the past 24 hours, bringing the total since the start of the war to 22,722. The count does not differentiate between combatants and civilians. The ministry has said two-thirds of those killed have been women or children. The overall number of wounded rose to 58,166, the ministry said.”

Both figures for Gaza civilians killed and wounded continue to rise even after the retreat of some IOF brigades from their attempts to confront Hamas. I guess civilians are an easier target.

Posted by: Lantern Dude | Jan 9 2024 15:46 utc | 13

Posted by: Pacifica Advocate | Jan 9 2024 15:35 utc | 12


We must find ways for Gazans that are more painful than death.

Eliyahu, Amichay 4 days ago (01/05/2024) Minister of Heritage

Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 9 2024 15:47 utc | 14

Gaza is bleeding so that the wider region may grow stronger.

The Palestinians are showing themselves as heroes to be lauded for centuries, every last man, woman, and child.

Let us all let loose body-weakening tears over. the losses these families have suffered.
Posted by: Pacifica Advocate | Jan 9 2024 15:21 utc | 10

Amen to that. Palestinians are gentle bravehearts worthy our very greatest respects. never will I stop loving and remembering them.

Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 9 2024 16:05 utc | 15

and yes, thanks so much to Zionism Observer for the quotes page from the genociders. A catalogue of evil intent that should inform humanity of the extreme danger of tolerating "israelis"

Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 9 2024 16:10 utc | 16

Posted by: Pacifica Advocate | Jan 9 2024 15:35 utc | 12

Unsanitized website

Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 9 2024 16:32 utc | 17

“Hizbullah is still holding back. Its missiles could reach far further..”

Yes and we can bet they won’t be :

“..harmless [to just] cause alarms.”

The illegal Zionist entity in the Levant is not at all interested in the lives of its Judaeo worshippers- they have always just been pawns. From the day , centuries ago, they were en masse converted.

There would be no attack on Gaza if their plans to take Crimea and the ensuing breakdown of Russia had succeeded. That’s my opinion. Now they are faced not only with a survived Syria , on track to becoming a full partner of the SCO, but also Iran which is now wholly a full partner. That means a SECURITY alliance an attack on one is an attack on all!

So the sides are drawn up - now it’s time to see if our overlords blink or draw.

Perhaps a WEF ultimatum and demand to just be handed, what they have failed to win or ‘No Such Undertaking Has Been Received ; So A State Of War Now Exists’! However briefly that would be.

The only way to guarantee that doesn’t happen is for our Overlords to be directly targeted within the first few minutes in their deepest shelters, secretest islands, furthest mansions. And this time Davos and Switzerland does not get a free pass.

Dum Dum Dum …DUMB.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 9 2024 16:32 utc | 18

Al-Manar 7 hours ago

Dado base struck - 29 km in. Another site says 12 km. So probably not Koronets as in case of Mt. Meron. One site says drones.

Dado is the headquarters of the IDF’s Northern Command, particularly for the ground forces, and is responsible for commanding the two divisions currently involved in operations on the Lebanese front, namely the 91st Division opposite the eastern axis and the 146th division against the western axis of Lebanon’s southern border.

Posted by: paxmark1 | Jan 9 2024 16:33 utc | 19

current Gaza war map.

It noe shows Hamas as having retaken much of the north but Israeli forces expanding its occupation in the south. I haven't been following it day by day and blow by blow, just noting the great rise in Israeli casualties the further they moved into the ruins of Gaza city.

US ships being moved to safety from the Red sea and Persian Gulf so I guess wider war incoming. ISIS being brought back from the near dead to attack Iran and support Israel against Hamas in the mighty Wurlitzer.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 9 2024 16:36 utc | 20

Caitlyn Johnstone should get a hat tip on the language stuff.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 9 2024 16:44 utc | 21

thanks b... the usa is not going to stop supporting israel.. they are completely beholden to israel.. the usa (or its military industry) will have to go down with israel in all of this.. usa politicians are a completely captured lot and have all sworn fealty to israel no matter how insane it gets.. funny how both israel and ukraine are increasingly racist and supremacist.. it is an interesting duo to be supporting here..

Posted by: james | Jan 9 2024 16:46 utc | 22

Sunni Arabs surprised me. I thought they would move and use their leverage with regards to oil and their new found choice in the multipolar order to do something when death toll crosses 20k. I knew the leaders r clients of us but I thought rage in the Arab streets would force them to given they actually have some leverage.
I gave too much credit to Arabs. Sunni Arabs it seems r very cowardly and that includes both the leadership and the population.
Hamas actually showed how Israeli power is mirage and yet they still stand aside and no nothing while Palestinians r slaughtered

Posted by: A.z | Jan 9 2024 16:47 utc | 23

as for the cbc mention in both b's article here and in tom collins post @ 21 - the cbc is a completely overtaken propaganda outlet - completely useless except for the most frivolous news stories... anything of consequence - forget cbc.. it is pathetic.. i say this as a canuck who has seen any respect anyone might have had for this national broadcaster go completely into the gutter a long time ago.. canucks deserve much better then this, but it isn't forthcoming..

Posted by: james | Jan 9 2024 16:49 utc | 24

Posted by: bevin | Jan 9 2024 14:42 utc | 2
". . .The CBC is just a propaganda outfit ready like the BBC, to spend the last dregs of its credibility to please its paymasters in Ottawa."

If I ever get a nice little puppy dog that wags its tail for friends, barks at strangers and never pees on the floor, I will call it CBC.

Posted by: piggly | Jan 9 2024 16:49 utc | 25

It seems that the new EU censorship law is having effects on twitter, where channels that criticise Israels actions in Gaza have been blocked. More to come, I assume. MoA might eventually be hit as well. Of course, it is also possible that it was not the EU but twitter itself that initiated the banning of accounts. I find that less likely though.
In Berlin any state funding for art projects now comes with a clause the recipient has to sign, vowing to adhere to norms of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance against anti-semitism. The Gleichschaltung of the public discourse is leaping forward.

Posted by: Hamburger | Jan 9 2024 16:50 utc | 26

See how the Israeli youth have been so extremely altered from a natural healthy state. This is a new channel by a young Palestinian in the US, who speaks with young Israelis who are strangely infatuated with him. He simply lets the communication flow and allows expression of honest feelings. I have never seen such a bizarre combination of innocence, attraction, and murderous intent. My God how can such a society be?

Posted by: herne hil | Jan 9 2024 16:52 utc | 27


Hamas actually showed how Israeli power is mirage and yet they still stand aside and no nothing

I too am baffled as to how cowardly the arab world behaves. Jordan's king is publicly scolding Iran, painting Iran as a threat to the region while Israel destroys Gaza. Jordan's military is guarding the border to the West Bank, so no angry citizen can cross into West Bank to defend it against the agression of israelis. Jordan is very activly taking Israel's side, supporting the killing and displacement of it's own people. Same for Lebanon's government, UAE and SA, shooting down Houthi missiles. Very difficult to comprehend!

Posted by: Hamburger | Jan 9 2024 17:01 utc | 28

To provide context: Bibi and the war cabinet are focusing intensely on the South, contravening directives that South Gaza was safe, owing to Egypt refusing to coordinate and cooperate with Israeli demands for full compliance regarding any, all and forthcoming security demands. This issue is key - prior, Israel was able to essentially hermetically seal off Gaza from the world by strong arming Egypt. Since accession to the BRICS with all the mutual support from other BRICSTERS, Egypt is shifting the orientation of its foreign policy. Refused to accommodate Israel re expulsions of Gaza Palestinians to Sinai. Now refuses coordination re Israel control of Rafah crossing. Essentially, if Israel takes full control of the Philadelphia corridor and the crossing to Egypt, they will have fully occupied Gaza. If this occurs, Bibi and his war cabinet can thumb their nose to any and all requests regarding the outcome of Gaza. Inquiring minds wonder if the non state actors aggressing against Israel also see this and are stepping up their attacks to further pressure the Israeli war machine which is starting to crack. Netanyahu and his associates have yet to learn that revenge is a dish best served cold - Hamas, Hezbollah, Ansarallah and other non state actors learned that lesson years ago.

Posted by: abierno | Jan 9 2024 17:04 utc | 29

I could never understand why Hamas attacked on Oct 7th - let alone why they're still firing missiles at Israel - since it only invites, and is used as an excuse for, massive retaliation against civilians. There is only one way of making their behavior look rational: if they (Hamas) had a realistic chance of winning this war militarily.
But what chance could they have while their enemy has control over air, ground and the sea, while they got only a tunnel network to hide in? Or is "victory" just an euphemism for staying alive for a few months?

Many on MoA seem to share this belief in a victory by Hamas. I'm afraid you'll need to do some explaining. Or is everybody waiting for Iran to enter the showdown? So far, tiny Yemen is the only "ally" of Hamas.

Posted by: grunzt | Jan 9 2024 17:08 utc | 30

Posted by: Apollyon | Jan 9 2024 15:21 utc | 9


I watched the embedded videos at the Post story.

These people really are demented.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall when these cops take their morning break.

Seriously, though, both the Lubavitchers and the Chabadists are menaces.

Posted by: Jane | Jan 9 2024 17:11 utc | 31

Sunni Arabs surprised me. I thought they would move and use their leverage with regards to oil and their new found choice in the multipolar order to do something when death toll crosses 20k. I knew the leaders r clients of us but I thought rage in the Arab streets would force them to given they actually have some leverage.
I gave too much credit to Arabs. Sunni Arabs it seems r very cowardly and that includes both the leadership and the population.
Hamas actually showed how Israeli power is mirage and yet they still stand aside and no nothing while Palestinians r slaughtered

Posted by: A.z | Jan 9 2024 16:47 utc | 23

Hamas/Hezbollah are in a knife fight with Israel. Knife fights are such that they are extremely dangerous no matter how good you are, and the Israelis aren't very good. But- they can choose to step back from a knife fight. Enlarging the conflict to a gunfight not only increases carnage everywhere in the region, it creates a major impetus to the ultimate escalation, nuclear war. Israel is losing the knife fight. It's not in anyone's interest to escalate, Palestinians included. The potential for escalation is slowly draining western resources and undermining their economies, as with the SMO. The west still has nukes, though. Chipping away weakens the west without creating an immediate existential threat- and cutting off oil to the west would do just that.

Posted by: Honzo | Jan 9 2024 17:14 utc | 32

The Nation's description of the Israeli bombardment reminds me of John Berger's essay on the art of Francis Bacon: "Prophet of a pitiless world." I believe it would be a fitting read for many.

Posted by: NemesisCalling | Jan 9 2024 17:14 utc | 33

"Out, damned spot, out, I say!" -MacBeth

Is the Handmaiden Media having trouble removing blood from its hands? Does it point too clearly to US & Israeli elite guilt? Trying to play it off through ignoring what everyone sees?

How transparent and pathetic. Your writhing and deflection indicts you all the more. The world sees you for what you are. ... tick, tock, drip, drop... No, Fourth Estate, you are owned and your masters have damned you with their filthy demands. ... tick, tock, drip, drop...

Posted by: titmouse | Jan 9 2024 17:15 utc | 34

Before you know it, this idf way of defending themselves will be the accepted way. Protected by the west aligned ‘international’ courts
I guess it works both ways and just hope Europe has thought about this and how NATO membership may harm its citizens.

Posted by: Mark A | Jan 9 2024 17:15 utc | 35


Indeed, Hezbollah has been holding back. They hold what may be the ultimate trumpcard in this conflict. I$rael's oil and gas supply centers on Haifa, with its massive array of oil-tanks, refinery and dock facilities, et al. They have dispatched a missile or two to let the Zionistas know that they know that they know. A heavy missile assault against Haifa's facilities would shut down the enemy warmachine in a New York minute.

Escalation supremacy, akin somewhat to the old naval dictum of "a fleet in being"...not currently in use, but dangling like the Sword of Damocles. Israel dares not assault Lebanon in any serious manner without suffering the consequences and thusly going all "post-office".

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 17:19 utc | 36


This latest assault on key I$raeli facilities in the north is a strike upon command, control and intel for that entire region. Analogically, it is something akin to cutting off the head of Medusa. The chain of command now suffers from a major disruption on the northern flank.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 17:22 utc | 37

Joe Biden and the vast majority of political class and financial elite have given unconditional support for Israel’s war on Gaza. Biden has stated there is “No possibility” for a ceasefire & is fully onboard for a war on Iran.
1. How Joe Biden Became America’s Top Israel Hawk- The president once said “Israel could get into a fistfight with this country and we’d still defend” it. That is now clearer than ever. By Noah Lanard Dec 22, 2023;
2. No, Biden Is Not Being Played by Netanyahu. U.S. Imperialist Policy Is the Systematic Problem- We should never forget the order of things, that the Zionist regime is an attack dog for U.S. imperialism. By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture Foundation Dec 30, 2023;

Posted by: Paul | Jan 9 2024 17:24 utc | 38


Long gone are the days when CBW outta the 'Peg' brought the dulcet tones of Alan Maitland and Peter Gzoski to my a.m. radio here in the Northwoods of Minnesota. The cultural devolution throughout the Western world is virtually beyond comprehension, as instead of the cream rising to the top, nowadays its merely the scum.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 17:27 utc | 39

RE Posted by: abierno | Jan 9 2024 17:04 utc | 29

“This issue is key - prior, Israel was able to essentially ***hermetically seal off Gaza** from the world by strong arming Egypt.”

I get your point, but some nations flipped off Egypt & Israel:
At least once:

PARIS, Jan 5 (Reuters) - The French and Jordanian **air forces have dropped seven tonnes ***of urgent humanitarian and medical aid for a field hospital set up in Gaza's second city, Khan Younis, a French presidency official said on Friday.

Jordan has previously carried out drops in Gaza. It was the ***first time Paris ***had directly taken part in such an operation, although it has so far supplied about 1,000 tonnes of aid into the enclave over land.
"The humanitarian situation remains critical in Gaza," President Emmanuel Macron said on X.

They’ll be other countries that will get sick of the Israel/Egypt land embargo and dare Israel to stop them.
It’s coming.

On another whack-a-mole note. I read the IOF is moving in southward, feeling North all tidied up only to find Hamas is now reoccupying North openly.

So, defeated from day one onward. Believing they can murder, plunder, genocide, starve and expel a path to victory for themselves.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Jan 9 2024 17:27 utc | 40


Many of those of us who live in the Western Hemisphere are "blissfully" unaware that Deutschland remains an occupied nation and has been so since May 8,1945. Some 50,000 American troops remain in your land to maintain the fiction of German independence. As the U$$A economy implodes, pressure will grow to remove Amerikkkan forces from overseas bases. One may hope that the initial evac would be from sites like Ramstein. When such events come to pass, the comprador regime in Berlin will properly dissolve and the Deutsche Volk will once again be the masters of your own destiny.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 17:33 utc | 41

james | Jan 9 2024 16:49 utc | 24

The merging of zionism and nazism plus ISIS now tacked on. What a wonderful world. All the anglo toolkit on display.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 9 2024 17:36 utc | 42

As the U$$A economy implodes, pressure will grow to remove Amerikkkan forces from overseas bases. One may hope that the initial evac would be from sites like Ramstein. When such events come to pass, the comprador regime in Berlin will properly dissolve and the Deutsche Volk will once again be the masters of your own destiny.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 17:33 utc | 41

The economic implosion is absolutely the key to the whole hegemonic scheme, however, it's worth remembering that the way to set off a fusion reaction is an implosion. The problem the Axis of Resistance faces is how to keep the American economy from imploding so suddenly that they literally go nuclear. This is an appropriate place for boiling frogs.

Posted by: Honzo | Jan 9 2024 17:39 utc | 43

Peter AU1 | Jan 9 2024 17:36 utc | 42

The bulk of east European nazi's were moved to the British colony of Canada. The whitehelmets from the ISIS enclave in the corner of Jordan and Israel were moved to Canada via Israel. Amongst the three British colonies, Canada seems to have fared the worst in this regard.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 9 2024 17:42 utc | 44

A "colonial entity" never resorts to ethnic cleansing.
Keep up the good work, my neandertal and denisovan allele-bearing cousins!
Your transmogrification is nearly complete.

Posted by: sln2002 | Jan 9 2024 17:43 utc | 45

Believing they can murder, plunder, genocide, starve and expel a path to victory for themselves.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Jan 9 2024 17:27 utc | 40

they believe because they know they have rich jews in control of levers of usa government (and usa media)

here's a classic, a few seconds of nancy making it clear:

Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 9 2024 17:45 utc | 46

Herne Hil@1652

Thanks: The video gives us some perspective on the insanity currently sweeping Israeli youth.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 17:50 utc | 47

@ aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 17:27 utc | 39

those names bring back warm memories!! i guess we are getting old, lol...

@ Peter AU1 | Jan 9 2024 17:36 utc | 42

yes and what a toolkit when most of the citizenry doesn't have a clue.... keep them in ignorance via the media... cbc certainly looks after all this.. i would be ashamed to work at the cbc given how low it has fallen.. one day people will actually want the truth, but most people can't handle it, except some of the folks at moa of course!

Posted by: james | Jan 9 2024 17:52 utc | 48

Michael Hudson, in the Predictions 2024 interview recently discussed on this site, expressed his reading of the current situation as the unfolding of a deliberate plan, developed well before events of Oct 7 by United States assisted by Israel (and NATO), to create the conditions and pretext for a regional war designed to consolidate control over energy production and distribution - a continuation of the “world war” begun by the U.S. in 2003 (which expanded to Ukraine in 2014). Within that framework, much of what has been occurring over the past three months, on all sides, makes sense where it otherwise doesn’t (i.e. why is Israel being so insane and over-the-top? why does U.S. refuse to apply its leverage? why are the Arab nations so restrained?)

Posted by: jayc | Jan 9 2024 17:53 utc | 49

@aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 17:33 utc | 41

That won't happen, US bases are currently increasing in number. And Germany or Japan bases will never be closed, actually in Japan they are quickly increasing in number. And last year Modi offered US three naval repair bases with permission to be used during war time. Even without permanent bases, several countries approved the use of their territory for anything US pleases. Macaron is starting to close some but I'm sure it's only to make room for more US bases, he's not going to pay for uranium or gold anyway, they're faking a change of the master.

Posted by: rk | Jan 9 2024 17:55 utc | 50

To counteract the sanitizing language, we have been archiving Israeli quotes demonstrating potential genocidal intent and we have over 100 so far (just launched a week ago).

Posted by: Zionism Observer | Jan 9 2024 15:20 utc | 8

Excellent project! You may want to consider posting also archived versions of the original links lest they start disappearing.

Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Jan 9 2024 17:56 utc | 51

As a Canadian I was once proud to have the CBC. Now they are a huge embarrassment to the notion of impartial journalism

Posted by: Chris N | Jan 9 2024 17:56 utc | 52


Back to intensive research for you, amigo. The "government" of the U$$A has absofukkinlutely no agency. It is owned and controlled by a cabal of highest international capital finance. The clowns in the Di$trict of Corruption are mere waiters taking orders from the money mongering masters in City of London and Wall $treet. He who creates the cash, owns the pro$titcians and the pre$$tiltute$.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 17:58 utc | 53

Honzo @1739

"Boiling frogs". Excellent analogy.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 18:01 utc | 54

B: Why do you maintain the fiction that military operations in Gaza are some kind of "war"? Netanyahu and his cabinet have made it very clear that the goal is mass ethnic cleansing, either by deporting Palestinians to places like Congo. Or if that fails just killing them all as a "final solution" that completes the Nakba of 1948.

And yes, the Biden administration, indeed, most of Washington is down with this policy even as a weeps occasional crocodile tears.

Posted by: posa | Jan 9 2024 18:03 utc | 55

Re Trubindi 40 - good to know. The long term goal re outcome is not only the opening of the Rafah crossing to Egypt but emergency creation of both an airport and a port in Gaza for free flow of goods and people. The entitled right of any independent state. Anything less is having the Israeli entourage counting calories to keep denizens just above the starvation level. Also accompanying such transport would be the immediate creation of wide spread field hospitals as well as release all doctors and health care professionals imprisoned in Israel as well as the many tiered organizations of physicians around the world that provide services in such situations. The deliberate destruction of all health care facilities as well as the imprisonment and execution of doctors and nurses is beyond barbarism.

Posted by: abierno | Jan 9 2024 18:03 utc | 56

>> Sanitizing Language

Let's not forget the different wording when people die: Palestinians are unfortunate victims of "operations", conducted by parties unknown (who have every right to defend themselves against those animals etc etc etc), or they got what they deserve for being "terrorists" (if male) or "terrorist supporting protecting evil terrorists by volunteering to be human shields. No evidence required for either.

Whereas all Israeli victims have been brutally massacred by Hamas terrorists carrying written instructions in their pockets to decapitate babies after gangraping them.

All Israelis captured captured alive are victims of "kidnapping", whereas all Palestians captured have been lawfully detained by official authorities, no questions asked, no evidence needed.

For some reason, pretty much all western mainstream media use the same wording...

Posted by: Marvin | Jan 9 2024 18:08 utc | 57


When the pedal hits the metal strange events occur. Yes, those bases CURRENTLY are being augmented. However, the center cannot hold. U$$A military enlistments are dropping into the sub-basement. The Murrikkkan military is heavily overstretched, with no fewer than 53,000 Imperial $tormtroopers based in Middle Eastern lands, all within missile and rocket range of Iranian forces. Have you a look at the Persian Gulf. Essentially, it is one immense bathtub with U$ forces currently sticking out like so many freshly circumcised wounded-weenies in small enclaves such as Bahrein and Kuwait...easy targets.

Then there is the economic equation. The Feral Reserve hold over U.$ pro$titicians has now upped the ante of the National Debt to exceed 34 TRILLIONS of dollars. Inflation is raging, particularly for food and other basics. The middle classes in America are collapsing like "Lucky Larry" Silverstein's Building #7, when he ordered his demo boys to "pull it".

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 18:12 utc | 58


Incisive posting. Thanks.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 18:14 utc | 59

it is getting harder and harder to cover up the lies.. it might not be the end of propaganda by a long shot, but the end is in sight..

Posted by: james | Jan 9 2024 18:19 utc | 60

@ abierno | Jan 9 2024 18:03 utc | 56

Incisive posting. Thanks. - ditto aristodemos comment to you.. thanks for saying all that..

Posted by: james | Jan 9 2024 18:21 utc | 61

RE: Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 9 2024 17:45 utc | 46

I remember that video, as well as Obama’s “as long as there is an America, there will be an Israel”… however, his speech had a twist of •good-god let America die today• to it. Whereas Nancy would’ve preferred single citizenship & all the US to become a Jewish Only nation state.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Jan 9 2024 18:24 utc | 62

Someone posted in the previous thread this very good article worth reading:

The point it makes - one democratic state for Palestinians and Jews is the solution.

I agree, and have stated so, with arguments, in my posts, so will not repeat even though people here often do not read all posts, nor usually remember other commenters views.

Recently I also wrote that I fear the Palestinians will be screwed, again, that is, forced to accept a "solution" that suits others, not them or the good citizens of Israel.

I see it in the making: The West and Russia are pushing for a two-state formula, Russia forcefully and unequivocally, the West out of necessity due to the reality on the ground.

Major Arab states are also talking about a Palestinian state under "the international framework", another way of saying according to the UN/SC resolutions, that is two states, and 1967 borders. Russia is a strong supporter of this.

The two-state "solution" and 1967 borders means that the Palestinians are expected to accept a small part of historic Palestine divided into two bantustans and a narrow link between them, within the greater part of historic Palestine which is Israel.

It is grotesque as an idea, as a map, and could not work even in ideal circumstances.

There are more Palestinians than Jews who live in Israel, although the bigger part of the Palestinians are in the diaspora.

Some figures:
What is traditionally known as historic Palestine (the land of Palestine up to 1948) has a land area of 26,323km2 (10,162 square miles). The West Bank and Gaza Strip currently comprise the territory called Occupied Palestine. The West Bank is approximately 5,800km2; 130km long and 40-65km wide.

Area: Israel 22,070 km² Palestine 6,020 km²

According to the Palestinian Bureau of Statistics, there are currently about 14.5 million Palestinians in the world, in both historic Palestine and the Diaspora. According to the census, 5.48 million live in the State of Palestine. (Before the ongoing genocide)

For Israel, newest figures: around 9.3 million, down from arond 9.7 million.

I would like to know - what interest do the states that are pushing for a two-state "solution" have in the existence of Israel?

Since the two-state solution with 1967 borders can realistically not lead to peace and stability, states that are supporting it, including Russia which insists that is "the only solution", are focused on Israel, not the Palestinians or a fair and just permanent solution to their plight of 100 years.

Since theese states are not really concerned with the Palestinians and the righting of the wrong done to this people, the biggest moral problem of our time, they must have clear overriding interests in the existence of Israel.

Why is the existence of Israel so important to these states, other than the US whose interests are known? Please share any informed writing or dicsussion on the topic.

Only Iran has consistently over the years supported the right to return and self-determination of Palestinians, a vote of Palestinians, Muslims and Jews who lived together in relative harmony in historic Palestine. Iran's stance will be recorded in history as honorable, fair and just.

Posted by: JB | Jan 9 2024 18:25 utc | 63

Correction to mu post 63:

A vote of Christians, Muslims and Jews ho lived together in relative harmony in historic Palestine.

Posted by: JB | Jan 9 2024 18:33 utc | 64

Excellent project! You may want to consider posting also archived versions of the original links lest they start disappearing.

Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Jan 9 2024 17:56 utc | 51

Feed them into as to be watched URLs

currently and the wikipedia_page_histories seem to be untouchable.
wikipedia itself has turned into a 1984 Newspeak playground

Posted by: MAKK | Jan 9 2024 18:38 utc | 65

RE: Posted by: JB | Jan 9 2024 18:25 utc | 63

As an American, the One-State-Solution isn’t working out that well here.
So, I lean towards the 2-State solution with Palestinian well armed, its own nukes, its own AF/Army/Navy & Marines to insure their security if Israel were to remain a nation state on Palestinian lands.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Jan 9 2024 18:48 utc | 66

"israel" does not have, and never did have, any right to exist on Palestine. You don't get to steal a people's land, then give back part of it, without being guilty of theft. i don't care if the world says the theft is legal theft; theft is theft and it is unjust.

And nobody but Palestinians has any right to have any say in who governs Palestine.

Why do people go on entertaining notions otherwise?

Doing a small part of what is just - doing a PART of justice equals doing NOT JUSTICE.

raise your hand if you are ok with me doing NOT JUSTICE to you.

the golden rule exists for a golden REASON: it is our scientific guide to living life.

Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 9 2024 19:02 utc | 67

Within that framework, much of what has been occurring over the past three months, on all sides, makes sense where it otherwise doesn’t (i.e. why is Israel being so insane and over-the-top? why does U.S. refuse to apply its leverage? why are the Arab nations so restrained?)

Posted by: jayc | Jan 9 2024 17:53 utc | 49

Israel has always been insane, US always refused to apply leverage and Arab nations have been restrained towards Israel for the past 50 years.

I have also been wondering whether the Empire has some sort of plan behind all the recent events, one I cannot see and which lies beyond the perceivable demise it's been facing over the past years. I try not to make the error of underestimating them.

I still can't see such a plan. Only jerk-knee responses; loss of status, unity and purpose; the RoW drifting away from it; military defeats (e.g. Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine up until now); increased internal polarization; huge inflation; lack of key material; even inability to guard major trade routes.

If you see a Sun Tzu plan behind this, something like appear weak when you're strong, or have a different reading of events, I'd really like to be challenged.

Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Jan 9 2024 19:04 utc | 68

2 state solution ?

The only internationally recognized boundries of the Jewish remain those defined in UN resolution 181 of 1947. Everything else is a temporary ceasefire line as per every UN resolution since.

Posted by: Exile | Jan 9 2024 19:08 utc | 69

RE: Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Jan 9 2024 19:04 utc | 68

I agree. The only difference between this carnage, murder & punishment is the resistance and offenders are not relenting. There is expanded alternative coverage, and the world is sick of it all.

Nothing about Israel has, or will ever change.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Jan 9 2024 19:09 utc | 70

If you see a Sun Tzu plan behind this, something like appear weak when you're strong, or have a different reading of events, I'd really like to be challenged.

Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Jan 9 2024 19:04 utc | 68

Sun Tzu, no, but there are long-standing plans that get adapted to current conditions, basically since the CIA took over the US in the 1960s. Are they brilliant plans? No. Sometimes they are clever plans, but the over-all plan is world domination by a tiny group of finance capitalists, and one could say that that is impossible and therefore stupid. To the degree that the clever plans are in aid of this over-arching goal, they too are stupid, but they have been effective at concentrating power in the hands of the people who make these plans. What they have always failed to see is that the system that gave them power and undergirds their power has intrinsic contradictions that will inevitably lead it into crisis. This historical approach to dealing with these crises has been to externalize them, putting the costs on 'someone else' and reaping the benefits of a temporarily restabilized system. They have, however, largely run out of venues where they can externalize the cost of the developing crisis on the scale necessary to restore order to their core possessions.

They have plans, but those plans have not evolved, and cannot evolve, to deal with current conditions, because to do would be to overthrow their own system.

Posted by: Honzo | Jan 9 2024 19:16 utc | 71

If you see a Sun Tzu plan behind this, something like appear weak when you're strong, or have a different reading of events, I'd really like to be challenged.

Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Jan 9 2024 19:04 utc | 68

i've heard views that say usa figures if they create enough chaos round the globe it'll prevent people like BRICS countries for instance from gaining advantage they would get without the chaos. and i've heard views that the jew world order/one world government requires the usa be taken down first because usa citizens will always stand in the way of that

what a pity humanity suffers so, all for the sake of keeping a fraction few gigarich

Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 9 2024 19:19 utc | 72

@ Hamburger | Jan 9 2024 17:01 utc | 28

Not to mention Egypt, the rarely mentioned co-belligerent in the 16 year embargo of the Gaza strip.

Posted by: robin | Jan 9 2024 19:21 utc | 73

Lathe Biosas | Jan 9 2024 19:04 utc | 68

For the intellectually challenged, the current state of the world does hold challenges.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 9 2024 19:23 utc | 74

Posted by b on January 9, 2024 at 14:16 UTC | Permalink

The Biden administration wants to be seen supporting Israel.

It also wants to be seen tamping down and ending the conflict.

But it can't have it both ways.

In my opinion, the US government is in fact having it both ways.

To the mildly interested, ill-informed electorate, the soundbits playing in loops is that the government is pressing hard on Israel to minimize civilian losses. That's what Blinken is doing in Tel Aviv. Most certainly sitting on Bibi's desk, cracking his knuckles and blowing smoke in Bibi's face as we speak. For sure.

But to the folks on the receiving end of Uncle Sam's largesse, watching the impressive logistics behind the endless supply of arms, ammo and cash, the message is pretty clear. I got your back there, buddy.

Posted by: robin | Jan 9 2024 19:24 utc | 75

The CBC apparently have forgotten what used to be taught in (my) public school during the 1960s.
We were taught a poem ( Chant to be used in a Procession around furnaces) by the Trappist Monk, poet, philosopher and antiwar activist Thomas Merton.
The poem describes in gruesome detail the atrocities committed by the nazis- from the mouth of a nazi. The last line has stayed with me since I read it:

"Do not think yourself better because you burn up friends and enemies with long-range missiles without ever seeing what you have done"
In fact, the implication of the poem is clear- it is worse -

Posted by: Chromex | Jan 9 2024 19:38 utc | 76

Thank you for your responses. From what you write, I see we agree that there is currently no "cunning plan" but either long-standing chimeras of world domination that are bound to fail (intrinsic contradictions), or plain stupid ideas (create more chaos to stop BRICS, which actually pushes RoW towards them).

No Sun Tzu, but Joe Tzu.

What I see now is that they're running out of time, especially Israel, which knows that it has its last chance to create the "Greater Israel" with the backing of a devout Empire that is crumbling.

The historical irony is that Israel's actions accelerate the imperial demise, undermine its entire fake narratives of respect for human rights, and shift much needed resources from more important theaters for the Empire, mainly against Russia and China.

Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Jan 9 2024 19:46 utc | 77

This article doesn’t make a lot of sense but an FYI:
“China ready to work with other countries to protect international shipping routes”

“BEIJING, January 9. /TASS/. China is ready to join forces with other countries to protect international shipping routes, Mao Ning, official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, stated.

"China is ready to cooperate with all interested parties to secure international shipping routes," she said at a briefing, commenting on the tense situation in the Red Sea caused by the Houthi rebel movement’s attacks on merchant ships.

According to the spokeswoman, Beijing will continue to support its national enterprises in an effort to foster trade relations with other countries, including Israel.”

Why not just join US initiative then? What coalition?
Seems aims same as US. Business is business.
Probably missing something.

Posted by: Trubind1 | Jan 9 2024 19:49 utc | 78

Posted by: Trubind1 | Jan 9 2024 17:27 utc | 40


Re humanitarian air lift---Finally!!!

Do you have any links on that?

Posted by: Jane | Jan 9 2024 20:02 utc | 79

Does anyone know if Al-Qassem can continue to raid outside the Gaza Fence once the IDF retreats ?

Posted by: Exile | Jan 9 2024 20:07 utc | 80


Thank you for posting the only possibly equitable solution as a heterogeneous single state. Needless to say...but I will do that anyway...there will be many speedbumps along that pathway. In the first instance, the Palestinians are the indigenous people of that land. Secondly, many contemporary Israelis have no genetic background in that tiny land...wilth the proviso that some of them have awakened spiritually and would be open to living in a state where the natives would be the majority.

Thirdly, the Swiss concept of semi-autonomous Cantons would likely need to be considered. In the fourth instance, much will depend on the humanity and the generousness of the Palestinian people who have suffered so much ever since the 1948 Nakba.

Consideration number 5 is where do those Talmudist "Chosen" types, who are essentially parasitical predators and cannot reform themselves, actually go? Though I've yet to research the matter more deeply, I did access a statement claiming that an extremely wealthy Jewish person has bought up an immense tract of land in Argentina's far southern state of Patagonia. If that potential enclave is far, far away from other Argentinians...except for a relative handful of cattle-drovers and sheep herders... preferably in the far south of that region...there then would be a space larger than Occupied Palestine where they could live and perhaps over generations become capable of living with those they currently deride as "Goyim".

Though currently in conflict, in the ultimate reality we are all and everyone human beings. As the Great Awakening comes to pass over the next few years, perhaps we will no longer be dominated by the memes of bloody conflicts. Last word to the Four Angels of the Annunciation...The Beatles: "There will be an answer, let it be".

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 20:41 utc | 81

MOA whiners will never stop The Final Solution of the palestinians…

Posted by: Israel = Zion | Jan 9 2024 20:43 utc | 82

Honzo @1916

Incisively well analyzed and stated, sir. Thanks and blessings.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 20:46 utc | 83

South Africa's impending ICJ case, seeking to stop genocide in Gaza, continues to rise in historical importance, by all accounts. This distinctive account is from Craig Mokhiber and Phyllis Bennis, teaming up:

The horrors of the original Nakba were met with decades of absolute impunity for Israel, feeding further violence. But this time, three decades since the overthrow of apartheid in South Africa, the post-apartheid “Rainbow Nation” is taking the lead in challenging Israel’s genocidal assault.

Posted by: Aleph_Null | Jan 9 2024 20:49 utc | 84

Apollyon | Jan 9 2024 15:21 utc | 9
*** A riot broke out in a historic Brooklyn synagogue when a group of rebellious Orthodox men tried to stop police and construction crews from filling in a secret tunnel they illegally dug to reach a closed-down women’s bath.
The enraged men, thought to be mostly in their teens and early 20s, were filmed tearing down wood panels and wooden support beams Monday at the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Heights. (...) ***

Allegedly by foreign students (it didn't say where from) ... thoroughly sinister bunch of nut-cases on both supposed sides; suspect there is rather more to the matter than gets reported.

Posted by: Cynic | Jan 9 2024 20:55 utc | 85


What we are witnessing is a form of spiritual jiu-jitsu. In essence, the Talmudist Agenda of the Sanhedrin since the time of their "education" in Babylon, some 2,500 years ago, has run its course as we emerge from the 6,000 year cycle of Kali Yuga, the Epoch of devolution and Destruction. The Awakening New World is transmutative. The old "Order" is running on fumes. Spiritual hunger is seeking out new directions, ideas and ideals.

Looking into the not very distant future, we can envision a world which is no longer dominated by corruption, conflict and confusion on the part of the masses of deracinated and devolved humans. Cooperation will replace competition in the newly developing ethos. Artists, poets and happy children (including those who are reconnecting with their inner child) will create a world where living within the natural world becomes paramount, where the role of humans will be to enhance rather than destroy the natural beauty of this beloved planet. The realm of aesthetics will infuse consciousness.

"All we are saying, is give peace a chance". -John Lennon

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 20:57 utc | 86

My God how can such a society be?

Posted by: herne hil | Jan 9 2024 16:52 utc | 27

It's interesting and difficult to watch. On the one hand, those of us who have been following and reading about the "conflict" for many years understand that Israeli society is a ground-up and top-down propaganda soup. The kids are subjected to so much indoctrination from such an early age that it's scary. So for this guy to want to argue with them is kind of a waste of time, perhaps other than to show those Westerners who aren't already aware just how bad it is there.

Here's a documentary about the ADL, which also spends significant time on how Israeli children are made to be convinced that literally any gentile they encounter on their annual trip to the former concentration camps in Europe is automatically a raving, violent "anti-Semite." Timestamped where the stuff about the kids starts:

On the other hand, it would be beneficial to those kids to sit them down and calmly recommend books for them to read once they are at an age where the typical teen begins to "rebel" and look into countercultural topics.

One also wonders if that Palestinian American YouTuber encountered any Israeli kids who ARE willing to learn inconvenient truths or who ARE educating themselves but they didn't want to be shown on camera? I don't think there are many such youths in Israel, but there have to be a few. I only mention this because it would be very interesting to hear their thoughts (assuming sufficient anonymity could be given them knowing they would be subject to vicious smears and doxxing if not).

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 9 2024 21:01 utc | 87

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 9 2024 21:01 utc | 87

Oh, I totally forgot to mention another aspect of the documentary I linked. For the kids who AREN'T "into" the whole Holocaust complex fear mongering, the Israeli adults and tour guides hone in on them with a full court press on why they should feel like the whole world is against them.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 9 2024 21:03 utc | 88

Aleph_Null @20:49

Thanks: It is so refreshing that a primarily Black African nation has taken up the reins on this critical issue. Though it will not immediately reverse the destructive directions of those who "lead" the "Collective Waste"; the overall effect upon those citizens of said regimes, particularly the sensitives and empaths, will be profound and will ultimately prevail...even though those so-called world judicial bodies have long fell under the powers of those Western regimes and their highest finance capital shot-callers.

A genuine world-court, not dominated from any imperator or any bloc, will eventually be established as the current "New World...'rules-based'...Order is dissolved by the march of historical cyclicality.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 21:06 utc | 89

MOA whiners will never stop The Final Solution of the palestinians…

You forgot 'hehehehe'. Real inciting stuff there. You could have a future in cardboard sales. Maybe you should go back to tiktoc, where it's more on your level. Cowardly nazi with room temperature IQ.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Jan 9 2024 21:24 utc | 90

MOA whiners will never stop The Final Solution of the palestinians…

Posted by: Israel = Zion | Jan 9 2024 20:43 utc | 82

What is the final solution ? hamas lays down it's arms and gives back the hostages the war is over and people can stop dying. gibberish talk about Jews being colonizers and therefore Israel needs to be destroyed along with all it's jews is disgusting hate speech and not a plan for peaceful coexistence. The Gazans are being used as fodder by Iran for Iran's political interests and care not a wit about Gazans. Gazans should just accept Israel and be friends with them. All will benefit.

Posted by: Genocidal | Jan 9 2024 21:27 utc | 91

Posted by: Genocidal | Jan 9 2024 21:27 utc | 91

You're saying that the Israeli Jews are NOT colonizers? How many European-Israeli Jews were in Palestine in 1890 as a percentage of the population? How many European-Israeli Jews were in Palestine in 1920 as a percentage of the population?

No Balfour Declaration? No openly stated plans to...wait for it....COLONIZE Palestine with European Jews?

Some of you hasbarats are so straight up delusional that it's funny. Seriously you could easily be one of those kids in this video. Probably the first d-bag smoking his cigarette making idle threats. And just what is it you're smoking, anyway?

P.S. If any Israeli EVER asks you for your phone number, address or any other personal information, do NOT give it to them. It will end up in the hands of Mossad and their extensive spyware/malware phone infection technology will be aimed at you. If you give them your address, expect to be SWATted.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 9 2024 21:33 utc | 92

And now the Gazan concentration camp prisoners are being manipulated by Iran. LOL. To do what, exactly? To expect dignified treatment, equal opportunities, and not to be murdered with impunity?

I'm genuinely curious why some of these hasbara clowns and vicious psychopaths like "Genocidal" aren't already banned. They bring nothing new to the conversation. I do suppose they are a great demonstration of just how willfully ignorant and/or mendaciloquent you lot are.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 9 2024 21:36 utc | 93

[email protected]

Thank you for your insight. I would add that Christ spoke of the Age of Aquarius we are gradually entering in Luke 22:7-13. The "man with the pitcher" that will lead the disciples (mankind) in an elevated patio (an elevated state of consciousness) to feast.

I agree that the Satya yuga is approaching. It is always darkest before the dawn and the darkness we witness so much in our tumultuous times is the last effort made by the dark forces to retain their reign. They will fail.

China, Russia and the rest of the multipolar world are part of the forces leading in this direction, that is why I support them. China in particular has spoken extensively on the need to establish new narratives that are global in nature, uniting the underlying philosophies of all countries, which point to datong, the Great Unity.

They are not innocent of course, and have their own interests, but they are the bearers of an age of cooperation in the international stage. When this will have been established, and an age of greater peace has come, I think we will see significant change within those countries too, as well as in most countries of our world.

Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Jan 9 2024 21:38 utc | 94

I have grandchildren. China gives me hope that they will have a chance to have a future.

Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 9 2024 21:46 utc | 95

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 20:41 utc | 81

Thank you for your thoughts related to my post.

There are a myriad aspects and very difficult issues connected to the possible establishment of single Palestinian state in the territory of historic Palestine.

One is that Israel would need to be dissolved. That's probably scares many people for many reasons and so they think, or say - that is impossible. Of course it is possible, but it is not easy.

I firmly believe that it is for the Palestinians to decide their future: the state they want to establish, its territory, form, organization and its socio-political and economic system. The way things are shaping up they will be prevented from doing that. Others ('the international community') intend to force them to accept what the more powerful want, which is the two states, 1967 borders. The imposed "solution" will be dressed in legal clothes tailored by "the international framework", ie, the UN resolutions. That same UN which "legalized" the whole problem, the great injustice.

But that is not the focus of my post - I posted a question which everyone should think about:

Why do the states who are pushing the two-state solution with 1967 borders WANT Israel to Exist?

What interests do they have in Israel's existence that makes Israel more important to them than the fate of the Palestinian people?

If we look for the answer to that question we will clearly understand the current events and future developments.

Posted by: JB | Jan 9 2024 21:46 utc | 96

Let's call it what it is..a war on Truth. These facilitators and stenographers need to be thrown down lest they become the primary apparatus of a dystopian machine that will ensure the slavery of human will to the whims of those who hold power at a given moment. Beware he who would withhold access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Jan 9 2024 21:48 utc | 97

T.Q. Collins @2104

"Blessed be the Peacemakers". One wonders how many Israeli children and youths have ever encountered those four words uttered by the most famous Jew in all history.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 21:59 utc | 98

Lathe Biosas @2128

Thanks for your kind response and for the quote regarding "the man with the pitcher". Perhaps the statement was sufficiently arcane and esoteric to bypass Constantine's board of censors and promptly never be seen or never heard.

Of all the scriptures which were rejected by the Builder, the one which struck me as being most spiritually appealing and only once again appearing on the road to enlightenment, is the Gospel of Thomas. Have you had opportunity to enjoy that long-buried treasure discovered in Nag Hammadi, Egypt only as recently as 1945? My suspicion is that had those"forbidden" spiritually oriented texts been dug up a few decades earlier, they would have promptly been destroyed for those who hold up the old order ordained within the Kali Yuga Epoch.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 9 2024 22:08 utc | 99

Instead of a two-state or one-state solution to the conflict a third way is to combine elements of both i.e. two sovereign states (Israel and Palestine) which are part of a confederation. This idea was put forward in the UN's 1947 partition plan which proposed a Jewish State and an Arab state with an economic union between them.

Posted by: Siddhartha | Jan 9 2024 22:09 utc | 100

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