Palestine Open Thread 2024-030
Only for news & views directly related to the war in Palestine.
The current open thread for other issues is here.
Please stick to the topic. Contribute facts. Do not attack other commentators.
Posted by b on January 27, 2024 at 16:50 UTC | Permalink
next page »Indeed, Exile. Angels in the form of white kites looking down at us radiating love. A point of relaxed focus as the band-aid is ripped off. Thanks, Refaat.
Off to warble sweet nothings in the bushes!
Posted by: titmouse | Jan 27 2024 17:37 utc | 3
power madness isnt new and is probably a genetic fault in the human condition, but there is something remarkable in the extent to which anglo-norman-zionist civilization postures as a moral actor while, infact, implementing a might-is-right legal reality. that was on display in Israel's defense at the ICJ: "consciousness of genocide is in our DNA, therefore we are not capable of committing it." But Israel (and
the USA) are not in the end what they SAY they are. they are what they DO.
it reminds me of the Biblical command issued to Abraham to kill Isaac as a sacrifice. "It is good, so sayeth the Lord." if you believe what the Lord commands is definitionally the moral good, no matter how gruesome the act, you are possessed with a dangerous madness. And you are impossible to reason with.
or, like the Ugandan judge, you are buying expensive new window treatments.
Posted by: ZT | Jan 27 2024 17:39 utc | 4
So the the ICJ ruling in less than 2 days has been met with scorn by the west, thats clear from the wests actions and words.
And that is countrys who signed up to the anti-Genicide agreement.
Thats a dreadfull mile stone for humanity.
Genicide on this day has become normalised.
If you are american or english be very worried, look what they did to the Ukraine public useing their proxy leader zelensky.
American and englands public will be the next cannon fodder.
Conscription anyone ? Mmmm
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 27 2024 17:39 utc | 5
The World Court has put Israel and its allies on trial for genocide by Jonathan Cook:
Posted by: Vortex | Jan 27 2024 17:58 utc | 6
American and englands public will be the next cannon fodder.
Conscription anyone ? Mmmm
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 27 2024 17:39 utc | 5
No, the "superiors" never do anything. Migrants should be worried, they're the cannon fodder. But first the ukro migrants will be sent back. Then we'll see who is next for depopulation
Posted by: rk | Jan 27 2024 18:02 utc | 7
i highly recommend this 23 minute interview with the houthi spokesman... apologies if it has already been shared...
'Our goal is to stop the genocide': Houthi spokesman meets The Grayzone
Posted by: james | Jan 27 2024 18:06 utc | 8
rk @ 7
There it is right there in your own comment thats how they tricked you.
No no no mark2 were the superiors !
Well who told you that )))))) ?
Zelensky told the Ukraine public they were superior and should join the west.
Trumps the new azov and banderite leader, you got that choice or the vegtable.
All pumped up with suppressed hatered.
like a loaded gun, triggerd and ready.
Guns are blind rk, remember that.
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 27 2024 18:17 utc | 9
Palestinians brought a lawsuit yesterday in Oakland federal court (Dellums bldg) against Biden, Blinken and Austin for complicity in genocide. Bolstered by ICJ ruling. Livestreamed to crowd of several thousand surrounding the building. Like the ICJ, I know it will be toothless until nations besides Yemen join in solidarity, nevertheless another symptom of change, like in the rally people no longer feel the need to qualify their public statements to prove one isn't "anti-semitic". I don't have enough legal understanding to explain the legalities, other than it was heartbreaking when one of the Palestinian witnesses who were testifying was notified of the loss of a family member the day before.
Posted by: Osori | Jan 27 2024 18:31 utc | 10
@james | Jan 27 2024 18:06 utc | 8
Thank you for sharing that link to the interview with the Ansar Allah spokesman. Amazing truths are shared there. The main battle is a battle of awareness.
Posted by: Norwegian | Jan 27 2024 18:44 utc | 12
With 4,000,000+ unique visitors per month - MoA is one of the most read independent media platforms. The authorities have been aware of MoA for a very long time. 😀
Posted by: Exile | Jan 27 2024 19:13 utc | 13
it reminds me of the Biblical command issued to Abraham to kill Isaac as a sacrifice...
@ ZT | Jan 27 2024 17:39 utc | 4
The story of Abraham's abortive sacrifice of Isaac ("he will laugh") is central to the "Jewish Renewal" teaching of Oakland's Michael Lerner:
Lerner, a rabbi in ALEPH [no relation to Aleph_Null]: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, promotes the concept of Jewish Renewal, a small Jewish movement that he describes as "positive Judaism", rejecting what he considers to be ethnocentric interpretations of the Torah.
In Lerner's reading of that story, the first voice, suggesting the sacrifice, was a divine imposter. The second voice, calling it off, was the true voice of God. So there's the tricky bit: distinguishing the false voice from the true voice.
I think it's a beautifully enlightened reading, but my friend who cares about Palestine, and knows Lerner as a "liberal Zionist," didn't want to hear it. Sometimes it's hard to tell the singer from the song.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Jan 27 2024 19:20 utc | 15
Posted by: Exile | Jan 27 2024 19:13 utc | 16
With 4,000,000+ unique visitors per month - MoA is one of the most read independent media platforms. The authorities have been aware of MoA for a very long time. 😀
Wow! I had no idea. I guess this old 90's style format and relatively small commentariat (compared to MSM or ZH) had me thinking it was only tens of thousands at most.
That's encouraging. b's solid, factual, incisive reporting deserves such an audience.
Well you were caught with your hands in the till
And you still got to swallow your pill
As you slip and you slide down the hill
On the blood of the people you killed
Stop the killing now
Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now
Do it, do it, do it, do it, now
All the dude was saying,
Was give peace a chance.
Unfortunately the vast vast majority of Americans simply have no real concern with far away things, like war. They're kept uninformed and are too busy, stupid or lazy minded to think beyond their immediate needs. And even if they can think enough, they dont have the time or resources to do anything about the psychopaths who hold power.
You know, it no longer seems kooky to consider the proposition that this country is controlled by satanic pedophilic daemonic entities.
Oh well.
Posted by: Dogtired | Jan 27 2024 19:25 utc | 17
I would be even more ashamed of Americans if I thought they knew truly what the sociopaths in power were doing.
I am horribly ashamed about what the United States government does. It is a rampaging self-centered, selfish, self-absorbed alcoholic war-addicted demon-beast who will never stop seeking another jug of war. Because it can't. It lacks the power to stop warring, mired in the worst spiritual malady, unable to overcome its demons.
Posted by: Dogtired | Jan 27 2024 19:35 utc | 18
Posted by: JewsUberAlles | Jan 27 2024 18:58 utc | 15
Jews are the master race, GOD'S chosen people, we didn’t ask for this burden GOD chose us. We're allowed to kill cattle (like the terrorists muzzis) at our hearts content, as the Frogs recently said, Israel (Amen) can't commit genocide because of the Holocaust. b is a Holocaust deniner and antisemitic, I've reported him and his blog to the appropriate authorities.
What is disturbing is that too many young Jews are taught this nonsense. Remember if you will, The Jews were almost completely exterminated by a vicious German sect during the second world war. Were it not for the goys of Russia and the Western Allies, that extermination would have been completed you may not have been writing here today, and I say thank God it is not the case. Even an ass like you is worth saving from such injustice. The Jewish zionist state of Israel supported by the zionist owned (by bribery) US and UK governments, are performing the exact same type of genocide on Arab Palestinians as we write on this blog. An act which you proudly endorse. Which makes you, in spirit, every bit as bad as the NAZIs who murdered innocent Jews in WW2. If you were thinking straight, you would be vehemently opposed to this.
Posted by: Áobh Ó'Sheachnasaigh | Jan 27 2024 19:47 utc | 19
and now for something completely worth reading:
Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 27 2024 19:49 utc | 20
Now also in the West Bank
Footage shows the moment an Israeli bulldozer was targeted with an explosive device by Palestinian resistance forces in occupied West Bank
Posted by: Norwegian | Jan 27 2024 19:50 utc | 21
@ Norwegian | Jan 27 2024 18:44 utc | 12
thanks norwegian! i am glad you liked it and thought of it much the same as i!
Posted by: james | Jan 27 2024 19:55 utc | 22
Exiled - With 4,000,000+ unique visitors per month - MoA is one of the most read independent media platforms. The authorities have been aware of MoA for a very long time. 😀
That number is not correct. The Typepad statistics (not reliable) say that there are on average about 100,000 pageviews per day on MoA. The average visitor causes two pageviews. (Active commentators many more.) The numbers can (and do) easily double or triple when there is something serious going on which I write about. Links from other big blogs or websites can also cause lots of additional views.
There are thus about 50,000 visitors per day. I do not know how many of those are 'unique' as some people visit multiple times per day.
The blog isn't small. But it is also not big.
Anyway, the authorities are certainly aware of it.
rk | Jan 27 2024 18:02 utc | 7
"American and englands public will be the next cannon fodder.
Conscription anyone ? Mmmm
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 27 2024 17:39 utc | 5
No, the "superiors" never do anything. Migrants should be worried, they're the cannon fodder. But first the ukro migrants will be sent back. Then we'll see who is next for depopulation"
If they can keep this attrition going, next up for the meatgrinder will be the Balts, Finns, Poles and so on for the eastern Europeans until they're all used up. Soros was already writing papers advocating exactly that back in the 1990s.
Posted by: Flying Dutchman | Jan 27 2024 20:16 utc | 24
@ b | Jan 27 2024 19:56 utc | 23 with the web stats update/perspective....thanks for that
Pepe Escobar has a posting up that is a good summary of our Great Game board
ZH has a posting up with the title
British Oil Tanker On Fire For Several Hours After Houthi Attack, Dramatic Photos Show
The obfuscation quote
Last weekend, US Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer said military actions to deter the Houthis and other groups backed by Iran would take time.“Deterrence is not a light switch,” Finer told ABC, trying to explain why nobody takes the US seriously any more. “We are taking out these stockpiles so they will not be able to conduct so many attacks over time. That will take time to play out.”
In its update on the incident, the UK Navy advised ships to transit with caution and said authorities are responding.
Earlier Friday, missiles exploded near a Panama-flagged, India-affiliated ship carrying barrels from Russia, according to Ambrey. Although a Houthi spokesman told the Russian newspaper Izvestia last week that Russian and Chinese ships sailing through the Red Sea would be safe, Friday’s attack was the third in the vicinity of a vessel that had previously called on a Russian port.
What do they expect people to think when they say things like "Friday’s attack was the third in the vicinity of a vessel that had previously called on a Russian port."
Lets refer to everything but the stated reasons for the Yemen activities and the vessels targeted...../s
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 27 2024 20:22 utc | 25
thanks norwegian! i am glad you liked it and thought of it much the same as i!
Posted by: james | Jan 27 2024 19:55 utc | 22
James, that had been posted a few times already (I watched it a couple days ago) but thanks is due as it has been noted many time here @ MoA that we don't consider that a problem. It is a good video and I hope others will give it a look. I think on average people have little idea about Yemen and the well spoken Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti will likely raise their consciousness a level or three.
I’ll recommend another. Finian Cunningham has a very nice interview with the eminently wise
Iranian Professor Mirandi. Mirandi gives a very believable analysis of the US/Israeli position.
It’s encouraging despite the horrors taking place at the moment.
Mirandi 25 min.
Posted by: waynorinorway | Jan 27 2024 20:28 utc | 26
By Ramzy BaroudThe following comments were presented by Dr. Ramzy Baroud, editor-in-chief of The Palestine Chronicle, at a private conference on the Israeli genocide in Gaza, held in London on January 27. The London Conference was attended by leading legal scholars and politicians from around the world, especially the Global South.
I had the chance to think more about the ruling by the International Court of Justice regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza. And, while I still believe that the decision is historic, I fully understand and share the disappointment of those who are not celebrating the outcome of the hearing.
I think some of us have approached this case with different expectations than others.
Personally, like millions of Palestinians in Gaza, I was hoping that there would be some kind of a direct reference to a ceasefire that cannot be misinterpreted by the United States and Israel.
Unfortunately, that did not happen. Now, the Israelis and their American partners are saying that since the Court did not deny us the right to self-defense and did not call for an immediate ceasefire, from an international law perspective, we are not under the obligation to stop the war.
Even John Kirby, the Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House, has found in the ruling an opportunity to claim that, in some parts, the ICJ decision is consistent with the US position: that Israel should conduct itself carefully in Gaza to minimize civilian casualties, should allow for greater access to humanitarian aid, and that sort of thing.
True, the US has been saying this as of late, but its declared political position did not prevent it from financing and fully backing the Israeli genocide.
Even the Israeli judge at the ICJ voted in favor of two of the rulings that demanded the facilitation of humanitarian aid and ending the genocidal rhetoric within Israel itself.
The truth is Palestinians have no faith in the international and legal system, and I do not think that the ICJ ruling has fundamentally altered this position.
What the ruling has achieved is, per the words of a dear friend of mine, ushered in a new historical chapter in which Israel is no longer immune to legal accountability. This explains Netanyahu’s angry stance yesterday when he called the ICJ’s ruling shameful for generations to come.
But that’s not what Gaza wanted. Gaza wanted an immediate halt to the genocide, which has, sadly, not been achieved.
Now, the discussion will go back to the UN Security Council, where the US and Israel, and possibly some of their lackeys, e.i. The UK could argue that a draft resolution for an immediate ceasefire has no legal justification since the ICJ did not call for one directly. And that’s the real shame and disappointment for the ICJ ruling, which created this grey area that will be used, abused and manipulated by Israel to continue with this genocide.
I am sorry for my people, family and friends in Gaza who were hoping to hear the word ‘ceasefire’, which could have started a real discussion about ending the war.
It goes without saying that, so far, nothing has been effective in influencing the events from the ground, aside from the Palestinian Resistance itself and the resilience, patience, and faith of the Palestinian people, within the Gaza Strip.
I personally never expected the Court to effect a ceasefire, however I do feel that doing so is the single greatest, and urgent, priority the situation clearly demands of the world community. Any Palestinians who hoped that the ICJ would help them in this regard must be deeply disappointed.
Unfortunately, the world order being what it is, such a thing cannot yet be. After Oct 7th I was personally expecting more from the multipolarist bloc, now including many more players in the region, but am not in the slightest surprised that little thus far has been forthcoming. That said, a far greater degree of inter-regional ‘Resistance’ coordination seems in play - though some barflies bristle at the suggestion - which bodes well for the future.
Meanwhile the way innocent Palestinians have to keep paying such a high price is an ongoing heart-rending injustice I personally find extremely difficult to contemplate and which the ICJ Court did nothing to alleviate.
Not as bad as it could be, but not as good as it should be.
What do they expect people to think when they say things like "Friday’s attack was the third in the vicinity of a vessel that had previously called on a Russian port."
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 27 2024 20:22 utc | 26
On first glance it would appear they want to draw Russia into the conflict with the Ansar Allah blockade of Israel. Good luck with that. I suppose it could be a means of associating Russia with the Houthis' actions, but if history is any guide, they'd have been much more inflammatory and direct in their language had that been the intent.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 20:34 utc | 28
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 27 2024 20:22 utc | 26
That's the thing. They expect people to not think. It's a reasonable expectation given the inability or unwillingness of most people to think critically and in the abstract. And possess the attentuon span of a fruit fly.
Posted by: Dogtired | Jan 27 2024 20:36 utc | 29
The reality of zionist mass-murder in Gaza has still not sufficiently cleared the blinkers from the eyes of the Western public. What would it take to do so? Gaza is just one localised stage on a wider attack which will involve the WEF, WHO and related organisations.
Disturbingly informative to see which side UK politicians take....
What is it that has caused so much of the population of "the West" to follow its massively corrupt political "leaders" and mass-media in unquestioning obedience to the dictates of those who really do rule?
Any data, however provably accurate, which is inconvenient to the eternal grovel is dismissed as "conspiracy theory". Today's lies can totally contradict yesterday's lies and tomorrow's lies, yet all will be treated as truth.
"Jew" (not to be confused with "Jewish") is nowadays already a fanatical, hysteria-driven and utterly synthetic Western religion.
Complete with ever intensifying persecution of heretics and non-believers...
"Jew" the master-race and its so-called "holocaust" is what is worshipped.
And must not (with laws to enforce that) be questioned or criticised in any way, no matter how absurd, extreme, false or malevolent its assertions.
Even the deaths of others (as per "non Jewish" people) don't matter at all, since that only happened to mere disposable 'animals' -- the divinely designated existing or future slaves of the Jewish master-race.
The theocratically based ideology of the alleged master-race can declare that .... it isn't so much a secret as something that everyone else's political/media leaders for whatever reason *pretend* not to know ...
Likewise, the fact that the self-appointed master-race, thanks to its sick theology, actually *hates* and seeks to destroy all other people, and always has .... often using deception and double-speak to attain that end.
But of course that is not mentioned. Why?
Amazing what almost total control of Establishment politics and mass-media can do.
Ron Hubbard won a bet by concocting a new religion...
The leader of the Mormons wrote some new 'holy book' chapters...
Both were a success, albeit to a limited extent.
But neither of these had the propaganda / smear power of Establishment mass-media and big bought political parties at their disposal, nor did they initially have deployment of the coercion derived via vast financial power, or effective control of the law and legal system.
This is not supposed to be medieval times or earlier ... throughout society, religion in general has supposedly declined ... yet there's now a comparatively very recent effective religion with its 'deity' being a self-defining ethnic group the interests of which are exclusively served by the forced or deluded servility of other ethnicities (plus some other religious sects) to that religion.
And many of its most grovelling, vicious, witch-hunting adherents are atheists!
To hell -- or whatever is worse -- with the deluded, lying, gangrenous lot of them.
Posted by: Cynic | Jan 27 2024 20:38 utc | 30
Anyway, the authorities are certainly aware of it.
Posted by: b | Jan 27 2024 19:56 utc | 23
And by extension, said authorities are and likely have been for some time, performing analysis on commentators here. With the advent of "AI" and its ability to rapidly make 'social engineering' connections across multiple platforms including blogs, social media (FB, Twitter), and other sites' comment sections (WaPo, WSJ, NYT, Disqus, Scheerpost, ZeroHedge, Consortium News, etc.) as well as the enhanced ability to make rapid syntactical comparisons between comments, it is also likely that the authorities and their useful idiots have successfully (internally, for now) doxed numerous members of this and other online 'communities'.
This is to say nothing of the likely 'back doors' and other built-in 'breaches' on the registration systems of some of those sites, but also with the active sharing of such information by the main operators of the same sites/platforms (FB, WordPress, etc.).
I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 20:39 utc | 31
Then he goes on to what can be done despite this disappointment:
So where do we go from here?I think the Palestinian people know exactly what they should do. They are not going to be sitting and waiting for the next UNSC debate, or holding their breath that maybe, perhaps, years from now, some decision might be declared by the ICJ that could achieve a measure of justice – and that that decision would be respected and not blocked by Israel and its Western allies.
That, however, should not discourage us from moving forward with our solidarity with the Palestinians. To the contrary, now that we have some legal basis that suggests that Israel is maybe carrying out a genocide in Gaza, we need to ensure that our individual governments, parliaments, city councils, churches, mosques, synagogues, civil society organizations and all the rest are mobilized to take a stance against Israel, each in its own capacity.
We should no longer submit to the direct accusation that boycotting Israel is an act of antisemitism. To the contrary, boycotting Israel now has some serious and legitimate legal basis in international law.
Any country that allows for exports or imports to and from Israel should be prevented from doing so by its own civil societies, again, who are now armed with a legal precedent.
The political context that led to the ICJ ruling proves what we have been saying for many years, that the most genuine and practical solidarity with the Palestinian people will always come from the Global South.
Practically, this means that while we must continue our advocacy and pressure on Western governments, we should invest in rooted and long-term alliances with Global South governments, civil societies, and any political, legal, academic, or social structure that would allow us to obtain and offer solidarity to our comrades in the Global South. This is not just a long-term strategy but one that can immediately bear fruits, because strong bases for solidarity already exist.
It goes without saying that any condemnation of the armed struggle of the Palestinian people is, to say the least, unhelpful if not right insidious, as it is the equivalent of denying the Palestinians their last line of defense.
In the Global North, we must activate all of our options, starting with boycott at all levels, of all governments, companies and individuals that directly or indirectly contribute to the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and the Israeli occupation and apartheid in general.
While it is important that we remain committed to holding Israel accountable in terms of its violations of international law, we must not allow ourselves to be satisfied with and distracted by the ICJ ruling and the debate around it.
We must go back to the mission at hand. Ceasefire now and complete accountability for Israeli war crimes and criminals at the ICJ, the ICC, and every other international and domestic legal institution.
The bifurcation continues. This ruling does provide justification / talking points for the Global South to start cutting ties and further consolidating their own bloc which is free and able to chart its own course. The greatest resistance to the so-called Hegemonic World Order is simply to make a different one leaving the played-out older one in their wake.
Anyway, the authorities are certainly aware of it.
Posted by: b | Jan 27 2024 19:56 utc | 23
I just had a long comment to the effect that in addition to the authorities being aware of MOA, they are also assuredly working to dox those who comment here and elsewhere. I think what got my comment auto-flushed was spelling out the name of ZH, the mention of which was highly incidental to the spirit and message in my comment. Anyway, I should have copied it first, but the gist is that the authorities are using AI to identify commentators through its ability to rapidly cross reference syntactical styles, usernames, etc. across multiple "dissident" and "establishment" media and social media outlets online.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 20:42 utc | 33
To hell -- or whatever is worse -- with the deluded, lying, gangrenous lot of them.
Posted by: Cynic | Jan 27 2024 20:38 utc | 30
Reminded me of a short, but moving piece written by a young author just starting their career in "public service" at
While Devils Discuss Political Issues in Paradise, Innocent Angels Die in Hellby Christian Tomine Posted on January 25, 2024
The international community agrees that healthcare and humanitarian issues should be outside the politics, but when a new conflict arises everyone forgets about hundreds of starving children and people who need continuous medical care. When it comes to power and the influence in the geopolitical arena, the lives of people become insignificant and the lines between good and evil, morality and immorality fade. The current Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a vivid example.
It may seem that the USA starts to regret its involvement in the bloody Israeli-Palestinian massacre. However, could it have done something differently, given the current American government’s dependence on the Israeli lobby as well as the need to get support of the Jews ahead of the 2024 presidential elections?
Washington decided to support the Jewish state, guided not by its vaunted democratic principles but by simple prudence. But while Democrats and Republicans are focused solely on political intrigues and the Israeli lobby competes for political influence on the US Congress with the growing Muslim lobby, everyone has completely forgotten about the Palestinians who are forced to live and die in hell. 14-year-old Jana Qadeeh, who suffered from cerebral palsy and needed special nutrition, became one of the victims of the war. The girl died literally in the arms of her relatives, who couldn’t come out of their hiding spot to get her medicine. This case is just one of many, and the humanitarian crisis is becoming more severe day by day.The States cannot exist without waging proxy-wars – the first was Ukraine, then Palestine and now it launches strikes on Yemen. Do we really need such a “civilized” world order, given that hundreds or even thousands of human lives are laid on its Altar every day? What kind of liberalism and democracy can we talk about in a state, which stained its hands with blood of innocent people just in order to resolve its own pollical issues and maintain its interests? The USA and its allies pass like a hurricane through countries which couldn’t fight back, leaving behind chaos and a trail of destruction and putting itself on the pedestal of world domination at the cost of the overthrown regimes and tragic fates of innocent people.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 20:45 utc | 34
@ waynorinorway | Jan 27 2024 20:28 utc | 26
thanks! i appreciate your wisdom and insights... i am unable to keep up with the threads, but i do appreciate some specific posters contributions here - yours especially.. i will watch this video you've shared.. thanks..
Posted by: james | Jan 27 2024 20:46 utc | 35
The members of Ansar Allah have done more for the good of the world in the last two months than the United Nations (as an organization) has done in 78 years, the entirety of its existence.
May the Houthis and Palestinians prevail in destroying the Satanic egg sac masquerading as Israel.
Posted by: Matthew | Jan 27 2024 20:54 utc | 36
Top UN court orders Israel to comply with international law on genocide
ICJ findings come as UN Palestinian relief agency dismisses several employees over alleged involvement in Hamas attack
Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 27 2024 20:56 utc | 37
A total of 102 aid workers with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) were killed and 27 others wounded in Gaza since Israel’s war with Hamas began more than a month ago, the agency said.
Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 27 2024 20:59 utc | 38
There's been rumors that an invasion of South Lebanon is to be expected very soon.
Posted by: liveload | Jan 27 2024 21:02 utc | 39
Analysis by Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor of The Guardian:
ICJ’s Gaza decision shores up rules-based order and puts west to test
UN court’s ruling is devastating for Israel and awkward for allies such as the UK and US, which belittled South Africa’s case
Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 27 2024 21:02 utc | 40
Posted by: liveload | Jan 27 2024 21:02 utc | 38
If/when that happens, TSHTF and how wide the fire spreads is anybody's guess. Where are you reading this, if I may ask?
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 21:06 utc | 41
Australia, Canada, Finland, Italy, and the U.K. have followed the lead of the United States in announcing a Total Halt in Funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the U.N. Organization which is Responsible for Humanitarian Work in the Palestinian Territories, following reports yesterday from Israeli Officials that at least 12 of its Staff Members had Participated in the October 7th Massacre against Southern Israel.
So following an accusation from Israel, about 400'000 people are in danger of dying from starvation and lack of help. What is really sick are the number of posts on x welcoming this. (The twelve people are used to kill thousands?)
I don't see how an Israeli invasion of Lebanon will end well. Not at all. Did they not learn anything from their previous failure?
I know they are following the German WWII blueprint but does that include a two front war, too?
Posted by: mtw | Jan 27 2024 21:06 utc | 43
This guy is a whack job.
It's like RFK Jr. Can't seem to get a politician who is reasonable about other issues that also sees through the Zionist propaganda (or doesn't fear for their life if they cross the Zionists).
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 21:09 utc | 44
So following an accusation from Israel, about 400'000 people are in danger of dying from starvation and lack of help. What is really sick are the number of posts on x welcoming this. (The twelve people are used to kill thousands?)Posted by: Stonebird | Jan 27 2024 21:06 utc | 41
An accusation based on testimony from imprisoned Palestinians who (according to released incarcerated Palestinians) are subject to abuse and torture, and an allegation not proven in ANY court of law.
It's their way of saying, "payback is a b*tch".
Posted by: mtw | Jan 27 2024 21:09 utc | 45
It's like RFK Jr. Can't seem to get a politician who is reasonable about other issues that also sees through the Zionist propaganda (or doesn't fear for their life if they cross the Zionists).Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 21:09 utc | 43
I think you nailed it. If you believed Zionists were behind the assassinations of your uncle and your father, what would you say?
Posted by: mtw | Jan 27 2024 21:12 utc | 46
Posted by: liveload | Jan 27 2024 21:02 utc | 38
If/when that happens, TSHTF and how wide the fire spreads is anybody's guess. Where are you reading this, if I may ask?
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 21:06 utc | 40
Posted by: liveload | Jan 27 2024 21:12 utc | 47
Thanks. I do think this is a rather important caveat regarding the source of the "intelligence."
"Note that LBCI is quite biased against Hezbollah and has Saudi funding.
Might be important to keep in mind."
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 21:15 utc | 48
Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 21:06 utc | 40
There are several X threads showing Tanks (3 at a time, oooh-aah) firing into the distance and soldiers running aimlessly about the countryside, that are supposed to show a build up and "training" of IDF forces.
Propaganda, except that at the moment, the IOF are bombing Syria less from Lebanese airspace (Russian overflying Golan) and the directions for land expansion of the Zionist project - Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan now have much larger armed forces guarding them.
Where else can they flail about?
Posted by: Stonebird | Jan 27 2024 21:06 utc | 41
"2003: GW Bush justifies invading Iraq with testimony by Ibn al-Shaykh Al-Libi, who was tortured into confession by CIA-trained Egyptian security services
2024: Biden justifies cutting UN aid to Gaza with testimony by Palestinian detainees tortured into confession by Israeli security services."
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 21:18 utc | 50
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 21:18 utc | 49
2024: Biden justifies cutting UN aid to Gaza with testimony by Palestinian detainees tortured into confession by Israeli security services."
That's the way it's done.
But as starvation (etc) is a part of genocide, then I wonder if those seven countries really realise they are now included in the recent ruling at the Hague.
Big anti-Netanyahu protest in Tel Aviv. It's not going to plan methinks...
Posted by: mtw | Jan 27 2024 21:28 utc | 52
Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 20:42 utc | 32
***... the gist is that the authorities are using AI to identify commentators through its ability to rapidly cross reference syntactical styles, usernames, etc. across multiple "dissident" and "establishment" media and social media outlets online.***
Automation of what they would have been doing for decades....
FWIW (though not a lot) at least I knew I was 'listed' years ago.
Simply not important or effective enough for them to priority focus on.
Suppose with using AI they will now have capacity to deal with lesser irritants as well.
Posted by: Cynic | Jan 27 2024 21:35 utc | 53
Suppose with using AI they will now have capacity to deal with lesser irritants as well.
Posted by: Cynic | Jan 27 2024 21:35 utc | 52
Yes, that was my point. With "AI" they can quickly, with little to no human involvement, identify, categorize and potentially dox us. Gotta make use of that massive data center in Utah, I guess. God knows what they keep in there.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 21:37 utc | 54
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 27 2024 19:18 utc | 14
Your spelling and grammar are a crime, that's for sure. People will take you more seriously if you stop writing like a seven year old.
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 27 2024 21:38 utc | 55
Entre flores que nunca llegaron a madurar
Se hicieron niños de la desesperanza
Pero eso fue hace una eternidad
Fueron arrullados en brazos de madres dolientes
Porque los ataúdes de sus padres eran enterrados
En cementerios que después vomitarían sus cuerpos
Y sus hermanos luchaban en calles putrefactas
Horadadas por la estrella de seis puntas
Del cielo baja el castigo
De un Dios demonio que golpea a diestra y siniestra
Hijitos míos,
¿Qué hicieron para merecer esto?
¿Qué es lo que los Bidens y los Sunaks y los Netanyahus encuentran gracioso
mientras lass carnes y huesos de los inocentes se despedazan?
¿Cuál es la celebración?
¿A qué el banquete?
La víctima propiciatoria ya ha sido elegida
Y Sión la maldita
Bombardea, destruye, pulveriza
Indiferente ante los lamentos
Que vienen desde el comienzo de los tiempos
Las cámaras de gas ahora están al aire libre
Porque no existe compasión
Se la engulló la globalización
Posted by: Jaime | Jan 27 2024 21:38 utc | 56
But that’s not what Gaza wanted. Gaza wanted an immediate halt to the genocide, which has, sadly, not been achieved.
Posted by: Scorpion | Jan 27 2024 20:30 utc | 27
That is the problem. It is a historic achievement, it will eventually have consequences for Israel--only through pressure by the general public--but it does nothing to stop the killing NOW.
Even if Israel would not have complied, the ICJ should have done its part. The ICJ has revealed its true colours. South Africa's work was so good there's no way they could throw the case out.
ICJ just resorted to really generic stuff: don't kill, and to save your own asses in the future allow some aid and STFU about your genocidal plans.
They absolutely could have ordered Israel to halt military operations exactly as they ordered Russia to do so out of concern for the "impact on Ukrainian civilians".
No I do not buy the utter bullshit that the circumstances of the case were different. The intent of the law is still the same: prevent irreparable harm. And they have FAILED. They have left everything at Israel's discretion.
Clearly Palestinian lives matter less than Ukrainian ones.
In the 24 hours since the ICJ announcement Israel's "genocide prevention" has killed almost 200, injured over 300.
The reaction of Motaz Azaiza, Gaza's most famous journalist, the young guy who recently evacuated in what was for him a heartbreaking decision summed it up: Fuck the ICJ.
He has a right to say that. For over a 100 days, as a freelancer, he brought the story of Gaza to tens of millions of people. His was the most followed account on insta and twitter. He showed everything raw, participated in rescues, was almost killed himself, received death threats. He had many of his own family killed.
In a short subtitled clip of an interview with Al Jazeera Arabic he talked about how it was so hard, but how feeling safe is welcome. That maybe he can help more from outside because life had become so impossible. 119 journalists killed.
So yes, everyone needs to become a Yemeni now and use the ICJ ruling as best as they can to pressure their politicians etc. but for Gaza every day that passes means another 200 people dead, another 300 to 400 injured. Al Nasser Hospital apparently has four days of fuel left.
Posted by: pq | Jan 27 2024 21:44 utc | 57
So an allegation that 7 people from 30,000 employees derived from intelligence ( confessions) made under torture from prisoners and without any court ruling or evidence presented is now acted upon by western nations. Hypocrites to the procedures of law. As the west always says wait for a court to prove allegations especially when its against politicians for corruption etc. All this the day after an adverse IJC finding against Israel.
Posted by: Hankster | Jan 27 2024 21:50 utc | 58
@liveload | Jan 27 2024 21:02 utc | 38
There's been rumors that an invasion of South Lebanon is to be expected very soon.Well. Hezbollah in Lebanon is far more powerful than Hamas in Gaza. We have seen how the Israeli forces have been unable to defeat Hamas in their drive for genocide on the Palestinian people. I do not believe they will be any more successful against Hezbollah, to put it that way.
Posted by: Norwegian | Jan 27 2024 21:50 utc | 59
@ Aleph_Null | Jan 27 2024 19:20 utc | 15
There is no basis in the text of Genesis 22 to deny the divinity of the entity that instructed Abraham to kill Isaac. What the text does suggest is that the salvation of Isaac is an insertion by a different author. In the end it says Abraham came back from the mountain but it doesn't say Isaac did, and from there on Isaac is barely mentioned and only in passing.
I think Abraham did it, killed Isaac, who was likely the product of adultery anyway.
Posted by: Figleaf23 | Jan 27 2024 21:54 utc | 60
hmmm Netyanhu complains about the ICJ findings just before Israel Holicaust observation Day.. great deliberate timing by South Africa?????
Presume S A.and friends supporters are continually monitoring Isr since the start of their action ...are they-anyone- permitted to provide additional evidence even before Oct 7??
Is ICJ cross checking media for their own monitoring eg aljazeera or are judges kept in white padded rooms in straight jackets no media access????
Posted by: Jo | Jan 27 2024 21:58 utc | 61
@Posted by: mtw | Jan 27 2024 21:28 utc | 51
Those are rather violent scenes. When Netanyahu is removed, I wonder what the next stage will reveal.
Posted by: Norwegian | Jan 27 2024 21:59 utc | 62
b...should you head each Palestine thread with your previous ones..I sem to recall eg that ICJ is not ICC ...and as Hamas is not a state it cannot be ordered a ceasefire . it is the action between Isr.and S A.that is ICJ jurisdiction....people still quoting Russia as ICJ .. new people now posting not read previous legal points ..etc...
Posted by: Jo | Jan 27 2024 22:03 utc | 63
Patroklos @ 54
Your just another fool with a superiority complex, seems to be the theme on this thread from the trolls. Full moon ?
Or did i hit a bulls eye,
Thanks for the encourgement.
Maybe a trump supporter ?
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 27 2024 22:05 utc | 64
as Hamas is not a state it cannot be ordered a ceasefire.
Posted by: Jo | Jan 27 2024 22:03 utc | 62
The issue was never a "mutual ceasefire". RSA requested the ICJ to order Israel to stop military operations.
In 2022, Ukraine went to the ICJ on Feb 25 2022 and requested that Russia halt military ops. It obtained this request on March 16 2022 when ICJ ordered Russia to halt military ops "to protect civilians" while it considered the merits of case.
Even if Russia was not slaughtering civilians.
Hamas for its part had announced that if Israel halted military operations, it would voluntarily stop too.
There is a difference between a two sided ceasefire and ordering the ONE party under the ICJ jurisdiction to halt military ops. Especially as it was the uber-armed side.
Posted by: Pq | Jan 27 2024 22:10 utc | 65
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 27 2024 22:05 utc | 63
You're (check spelling: 'your' is a possessive adjective) a complete fool. I'm a long time poster here with an established left position as many know (search it); typical off a weak mind to resort to 'troll' simply because I'm asking you to read over your comment and correct it before hitting 'post'. The quality of this site is maintained by articulate, proof-read, edited posts. I'm just saying I'd take you seriously if you didn't write like a 2nd-grader. Don't take offence, take remedial English classes if you don't want to come off as a moron, jabbering inanely "your a troll, your a troll!" ffs.
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 27 2024 22:14 utc | 66
Aah yes thats the common denominator, the link. Superority complex.
Hitler had it and his followers.
Netinyahoo and Co have it.
The elite have it.
Trump supporters and Trump.
University types.
NGO charitys.
The elite and aristocracy.
They all leave a trail of hart ache and misery.
Im glad not to be superior in any way.
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 27 2024 22:19 utc | 67
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 27 2024 22:14 utc | 65
And you might want to think about minding your p's and q's.
The site is good, thanks to b.
I see a ton of nonsensical posts with decent grammar. Others might consider those posts excellent. Each to their own.
I don't see the problem.
Meanwhile the most "occupied" governments in the "free world" have outed themselves: US UK Germ It Can Aus Neth Fin Switz
Taking bets for who will have joined by tomorrow...
Posted by: Pq | Jan 27 2024 22:20 utc | 68
The real villain here is corporate media, MSM (Main Stream Media). Their silence, obfuscation and outright lies have been treasonous. Treason deserves execution.
When the population is deceived society suffers great harm at all levels. Today the digital world is suffering what can be likened to modern day book burning. Historical works are modified, some simply deleted. Censorship and silencing is now an epidemic.
Previous totalitarian and authoritarian dictatorial regimes lacked the world wide ease that is employed today. We are witnessing a world wide coup that started with the complete control of all mediums. Those who could not be controlled were deplatformed or shut down.
Only those who seek out sites like this, the bar, have the opportunity to gain real world perspective, from all sides.
Yes, as pq states, we all must become Yemenis. But know too that not 10% of the population knows any truth, likely less than 1%.
Never doubt however that you can make a difference.
The main media must suffer huge. It was/is their sacred duty to expose fraud, corruption, murder, genocide, lies . . . . Not spread propaganda and invent new lies.
How dare they interrupt the breaking genocide charges NEWS with the UNRWA allegations. What about the Hannibal doctrine allegations that Israel orchestrated the Oct 7 event?
Yup, the main villain is the main stream media et al
Posted by: Merv Ritchie | Jan 27 2024 22:20 utc | 69
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 27 2024 22:19 utc | 66
University types.
There's the give away: a little chip on the shoulder. Do you resent people who finished high school too?
Im glad not to be superior in any way.
Hard to disagree with you there
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 27 2024 22:22 utc | 70
Posted by: Pq | Jan 27 2024 22:20 utc | 67
Just because you don't see the problem doesn't mean there isn't one. Form is part of content. If I want someone to read me and take me seriously I proof-read for readability. Nothing controversial there. Otherwise why teach children to read and write? Just let them scrawl "whatever man...".
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 27 2024 22:26 utc | 71
"But that’s not what Gaza wanted. Gaza wanted an immediate halt to the genocide, which has, sadly, not been achieved."
Posted by: Scorpion | Jan 27 2024 20:30 utc | 27
I said the same as soon as the rulings were read out. Also, I did post that I didn't believe it would reduce the number of Palestinian civilians, women and children being killed or dying from preventable ailments, injuries and diseases.
What it has achieved, is, Israel will now always be associated with genocide, something that cannot be washed away with soap or propaganda.
Posted by: Menz | Jan 27 2024 22:27 utc | 72
This article may be better than others about Biden on trial. I'm hoping this judge doesn't take long to issue decision:
"“I have nothing left but my grief … They weakened us for years and continued to unleash bullets and missiles on our lifeless bodies.”
Dr Al-Najjar was the first among several Palestinians testifying in an unprecedented case against President Joe Biden, who is being sued by a group of American Palestinians and aid groups accusing him of failing to prevent genocide in Gaza under obligations to international and federal law.
They are asking a judge for an injunction that would halt any additional military aid or diplomatic support to Israel in its ongoing siege of Gaza, where more than 25,000 Palestinians, including more than 10,000 children, have been killed within the last 126 days, according to Gaza’s health ministry.
The judge is expected to issue a decision in the coming days."
Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 27 2024 22:29 utc | 73
Yes, as pq states, we all must become Yemenis.
Post of the year. Pass me some Qat
Posted by: liveload | Jan 27 2024 22:32 utc | 74
Post of the year. Pass me some Qat
Posted by: liveload | Jan 27 2024 22:32 utc | 73
Not a good idea, it's bad for the teeth.
Posted by: menz | Jan 27 2024 22:36 utc | 75
IFJ to take Israel to court if journalists are targeted
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has pledged to prosecute Israeli officials if they do not comply with the International Court of Justice’s orders in regards to targeting journalists.
In a letter addressed to Netanyahu and Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, IFJ noted that “the death toll now represents around ten per cent of journalists in the enclave”.
It added that the death rate for journalists is about three times that of health workers and “it is impossible to believe that this is a matter of chance”.
“Our hope would be that humanity and a desire to promote a free media is sufficient to persuade you to take these steps. If this does not happen, however, we will have no hesitation in initiating action in the international courts against politicians and IDF [Israeli army} commanders and encouraging our 187 affiliates to do the same where their domestic jurisdictions allow.”
Posted by: Menz | Jan 27 2024 22:44 utc | 76
Patroklos @ 69
Ok i'l explain "university types"
Only chip on my shoulder there is...
All that Academic study over all the past years worldwide and what was the result ?
The result is, what we see now.
Your turn if you like to answer. This is my last reply, your off topic, if you respect this blog dont derail the thread with petty personal quips.
The people with a superority complex are actualy hiding their inferority including you.
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 27 2024 22:44 utc | 77
This is Paul Edwards at his best, imo.
..."It has been clear for decades, generations, that the American political elite has no regard for, and no sense of responsibility to, the actual needs and desires of the ignorant, disorganized public. It has always dealt with their inchoate hopes by indoctrination, by arousing and enlisting their imbecile enthusiasms in a mythology of tawdry, tribal patriotism based on the premise that they are a glorious, superior people whose leaders courageously embody and implement their magnificence all over the world.
The techniques of propaganda are refined, but their effect is entirely due to grotesque pandering to the worst susceptibilities of the human ego: the desire to assert one’s superlative worth as a member of a powerful, violent, conquering nation. The force of that tactic, endlessly repeated, rendered American citizenry, with rare exceptions, one solid, deluded, unthinking mass, devoted to whatever vicious, imperial ends the political elite intended.
Their trained mass response, sure as that of performing seals, has, for the first time ever, failed in regard to the Gaza genocide." ...
Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 27 2024 22:48 utc | 78
Can anyone point me towards ANY EVIDENCE that UNRWA employees may have taken part in the October 7 attacks?
I've searched.
Posted by: Menz | Jan 27 2024 22:50 utc | 79
Arya - آریا 🇮🇷
🛑| 🇾🇪 AnsarAllah Political Bureau member, Al-Bukhaiti told Al-Mayadeen:
Military operations against the Zionist entity will continue until the aggression against Gaza stops.
We hope that the battle will be direct between us and the Americans.
The deployment of American & British ground forces in Yemen will be good for us because our objectives will expand.
One of the British warships was directly hit near the American ship that was targeted.
Posted by: Menz | Jan 27 2024 22:54 utc | 80
It seems that across Italy weekly Saturday Palestine protests that have been ongoing and had received permission were cancelled by the authorities THIS Saturday at the request of the Jewish community.
But some protests went ahead anyway, and there were clashes with police.
After Italy jumped on the anti UNRWA bandwagon.
Posted by: Pq | Jan 27 2024 22:56 utc | 81
"....But as starvation (etc) is a part of genocide, then I wonder if those seven countries really realise they are now included in the recent ruling at the Hague."
Posted by: Stonebird | Jan 27 2024 21:27 utc | 50
they know it, but they don't give a f*ck about real international law, only about their despicable so-called rules based order.
heck, they don't even care about having compassion, charity or real humanity, only about their so called strategic interests, meaning about the United States' interests. They are lap dogs of Empire, and complicit in israel's war crimes and crimes against humanity.
they just don't give a damn because they expect to never pay any price for their perfidy, or to be arrested and put on trial.
Well, folks, time will tell....
Posted by: michaelj72 | Jan 27 2024 22:58 utc | 82
Alonso Gurmendi
Golda Meir, 1969: "There was no such thing as Palestinians"
Bezalel Smotrich, 2023: "There is no such thing as a Palestinian people"
International Court of Justice, 2024:
“The Palestinians appear to constitute a distinct national, ethnical, racial or religious group, and hence a protected group within the meaning of Article Two of the Genocide Convention,” Judge Joan Donoghue said.
Posted by: Menz | Jan 27 2024 23:02 utc | 83
Can anyone point me towards ANY EVIDENCE that UNRWA employees may have taken part in the October 7 attacks?
I've searched.
Posted by: Menz | Jan 27 2024 22:50 utc | 78
Here is the proof but allow me to translate: "Israel abducted random Palestinians. The Israeli torture services (Shin Bet) acquired "proof" and passed it on to UNRWA." To pay UNRWA back for providing genocide evidence to ICJ.
Posted by: Pq | Jan 27 2024 23:02 utc | 84
Here is the proof but allow me to translate:
Posted by: Pq | Jan 27 2024 23:02 utc | 83
Thank you for that, I don't speak Zionotripe, beside which, nothing from The Times of Israel is admissible evidence in a Court of law.
Posted by: Menz | Jan 27 2024 23:12 utc | 85
It's like RFK Jr. Can't seem to get a politician who is reasonable about other issues that also sees through the Zionist propaganda (or doesn't fear for their life if they cross the Zionists).
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Jan 27 2024 21:09 utc | 43
I think you nailed it. If you believed Zionists were behind the assassinations of your uncle and your father, what would you say?
Posted by: mtw | Jan 27 2024 21:12 utc | 45
I missed the part where RFK Jr was forced to be a candidate for national office. Anyone?
Posted by: malenkov | Jan 27 2024 23:14 utc | 86
which, nothing from The Times of Israel is admissible evidence in a Court of law.
Posted by: Menz | Jan 27 2024 23:12 utc | 84
Israel operates through courts of law? I thought it only presented "evidence" to the targets of its threats and blackmail.
Posted by: Pq | Jan 27 2024 23:20 utc | 87
Seems likely that they'll sacrifice Poland next. The E.U. is already over.
The now former United States will likely smolder with violence, death and horror for another six or seven years.
Then eventually it will become rebirth and springtime for humanity once again.
Posted by: Robert Hope | Jan 27 2024 23:24 utc | 88
Here is the link to the US Federal Statute adopting the UN Convention Against Genocide. Its a simple quick read.
You will note that complicity in genocide by anyone carries the same penalties as the grounding offences, namely: potential death, or life imprisonment.
Proof of actual genocide would be required for a successful prosecution, but that would be quite do-able.
The ICJ made an effective finding that South Africa had made out a prima facie case of genocide which requires defence by Israel.
In a US District Court trial held before a jury brought under the US Criminal Statute (above) the same type of evidence as has been presented in the present California civil case ongoing could easily be found to be criminal proof beyond reasonable doubt by a jury.
The Defendants would be Biden(even as a sitting President), Blinken, Sullivan and any other persons assisting in the supply of weaponry or, potentially, political cover at the UNSC vetoing ceasefire.
Proof of knowledge of what the weapons were being used for or what the effect of the UN veto would reasonably lead to would be required - the jury would get to decide that issue (anyone think they wouldn't find Blinken et al didn't know what they were doing after seeing the evidence).
I suggest conviction as parties to Israel's genocide would be highly probable, if not almost inevitable.
Here's the rub: A Federal Grand Jury would have to be empanelled to return the Indictments founding the prosecution. Only a US Attorney can apply to have the Grand Jury empanelled. US Attorneys work for the DoJ under the US Attorney-General. Think any of them will destroy their careers and lives by doing it?
Instead of life imprisonment, Biden and his gang will skate away into the blue yonder - so much for "justice."
Posted by: wilsonK | Jan 27 2024 23:28 utc | 89
According to the Egyptian Arabi 21 news website, Fayyad was asked by the US administration to “feel the pulse” of Hamas and other Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip about the possibility that he would head the next Palestinian government.
The report claimed that the US and the Europeans have realized that the role of PA President Mahmoud Abbas has ended because of the decline in his popularity, especially after the crackdown by the Palestinian security forces on political opponents and social media users in the West Bank.
asad abukhalil أسعد أبو خليل
So the new plan for the PA under consideration (according to The New York Times) is to replace Mahmoud Abbas with Salam Fayyad (Bush called him "my boy"). Last time Fayyad ran for parliament, he obtained 1% of the vote. This is how US chooses Arab representatives.
Posted by: Menz | Jan 27 2024 23:29 utc | 90
This is not the appropriate forum to discuss the matter but I sincerely hope that Mark2 is not offended by Patroklos's comments.
I value the contributions of both of them, and I sympathise not only with Patroklos's impatience with Mark's 'typos' but with Mark's contempt for 'University types'.
In the future it might be possible to widen the comment section to include the transcripts of recorded comments. Already it is possible for contributions such as that @55 by Jaime to be translated instantly, thus greatly broadening the pool from which comments come.
As to Patroklos' touching faith in the educational system, I tend to differ.
It is the most highly educated population the world has ever seen which produces the worst composed Parliaments and Assemblies since the beginning of representative democracy. Our society is full of men and women with advanced degrees who either cannot distingush their arses from their elbows or, as in the case of Gaza and the anterior 'antisemitism' scares are very convincing in their pretending to be unable to.
The 1917 revolution was actually made, as were the Chinese, Angolan, Cuban and Vietnamese revolutions, by masses of illiterate people with minimal scholastic training but a profound understanding of life and communal living.
The education system in class society reflects with some precision the tastes and ideas of the ruling class- I am sure that Patroklos knows this very well. Just as Mark2 does. They simply react to the reality in different ways. One by trying to overcome the difficulties of teaching on behalf of the enemies of humanity. The other by having as little to do with the elaborate scam as he can.
Mark2 is a veteran horticulturalist and landscaper as I recall. We need more, not less, commentary from men who can fell tall trees.Tall poppies too.
What we don't need is a little circle of mutually congratulating'intellectuals' telling one another how well they write and how cleverly they spell. And slipping into Ancient languages every now and again.
Posted by: bevin | Jan 27 2024 23:30 utc | 91
@DuchessAndBob #72
thank you for the link. I posted #10 earlier with the CCR link, there was a rally in support,several thousand filled the streets around the Dellums bldg. The litigators spoke to the crowd afterwards. I would describe their collective mood as cautiously hopeful.
Posted by: Osori | Jan 27 2024 23:30 utc | 92
Would violation of the Genocide statute be grounds for Articles of Impeachment against sitting federal officials?
Asking for a "friend".
Posted by: mtw | Jan 27 2024 23:33 utc | 93
Tameem | تميم
Israel practices its god given right to defend itself from antisemitic roundabouts in occupied Jenin
Posted by: Menz | Jan 27 2024 23:35 utc | 94
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 27 2024 22:14 utc | 65
You're (check spelling: 'your' is a possessive adjective) a complete fool. To say someone is a fool because of their spelling isI'm a long time poster here with an established left position as many know (search it); typical off a weak mind to resort to 'troll' simply because I'm asking you to read over your comment and correct it before hitting 'post'. The quality of this site is maintained by articulate, proof-read, edited posts. I'm just saying I'd take you seriously if you didn't write like a 2nd-grader. Don't take offence, take remedial English classes if you don't want to come off as a moron, jabbering inanely "your a troll, your a troll!" ffs.
Posted by: Siddhartha | Jan 27 2024 23:36 utc | 95
Posted by: Siddhartha | Jan 27 2024 23:36 utc | 94
Apologies for this post - I hit the post button rather than the preview button.
Posted by: Siddhartha | Jan 27 2024 23:42 utc | 96
Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 27 2024 22:48 utc | 77
Excellent read, thank you.
Posted by: Menz | Jan 27 2024 23:45 utc | 97
The decision to withhold funds from UNRWA based on allegations derived from "interrogations", is rather pathetic, and appears orchestrated to create a propaganda meme of equivalency in response to the ICJ's initial findings.
This is the description of the methods which resulted in the allegations: “A lot of the intelligence is a result of interrogations of militants who were arrested during the October 7 attack.” Many Palestinians have described physical and mental abuse generally understood as "torture" being used during these processes.
Israel's UN ambassador claims the matter is settled fact: "... it was proven what we have been claiming for years: that UNRWA employees are collaborators of the terrorist organization Hamas and that the UN has become not only a place where the existence of the State of Israel is delegitimized, but that its employees physically participated in the attempted extermination of Israel and the murder of its citizens.”
This is the source for the claims that the UN itself is engaged in a genocide directed against Israel.
Posted by: jayc | Jan 27 2024 23:47 utc | 98
Bevin @ 90
Well said.
Now about that Genicide...
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 28 2024 0:02 utc | 99
Posted by: Patroklos | Jan 27 2024 22:14 utc | 65
"You're (check spelling: 'your' is a possessive adjective) a complete fool."
To say someone is a fool because of their spelling/grammar is unfair.
"I'm a long time poster here with an established left position as many know (search it); typical off a weak mind to resort to 'troll' simply because I'm asking you to read over your comment and correct it before hitting 'post'."
I, like you, proof read and review my comments before my postings, but sometimes mistakes happen like your use of 'off' in the above quoted sentence.
"I'd take you seriously if you didn't write like a 2nd-grader. Don't take offence, take remedial English classes if you don't want to come off as a moron, jabbering inanely "your a troll, your a troll!" ffs."
A very ad hominem couple of sentences.
Posted by: Siddhartha | Jan 28 2024 0:12 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
It appears to me that Hamas has lit the fuse of the smoldering conflict between the RoW and the USUKIS and brought the underlying conflict to the forefront.
2024 is not going to be a happy year, I fear...
Posted by: mtw | Jan 27 2024 17:02 utc | 1