Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
January 18, 2024

Mainstream Media Lies About U.S. Wars In Iraq Wear On

Another blatant mainstream media lie:

> Roughly 2,500 U.S. personnel are based in Iraq, with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani saying that their presence is needed to help stop the Islamic State from regaining ground. <


> The meeting addressed the withdrawal of the international coalition forces in Iraq, which the government included in its agenda following the development achieved by the Iraqi forces.

The Iraqi Prime Minister also talked about the need to end the mission of the international coalition in Iraq through dialogue to ensure a smooth transition of its duties.

Al-Sudani explained that Iraq does not mind cooperating with the countries of the international coalition in fields of armament, training, and equipment within the framework of bilateral ties that unite Iraq and the coalition’s member countries. <

Posted by b on January 18, 2024 at 10:13 UTC | Permalink


US Forces are staying on because the Iraqis asked them to train!!

Posted by: Surferket | Jan 18 2024 10:16 utc | 1

The US outstayed their welcome long before now in Iraq.

Posted by: jpc | Jan 18 2024 10:28 utc | 2

At this point every time somebody says "WaPo", "Time" or "NYT" the sound of it gets overlaid with Donald Trump saying "fake news".

The only reason why these stinky propaganda papers ever amounted to anything was because of the Watergate scandal. And the only reason why they were allowed to become aware of it in the first place was because the establishment needing a bunch of handymen to get rid of president Nixon.

These "journalists" did exactly what was expected of them back then and they still do.

Posted by: Zed'sDead | Jan 18 2024 10:32 utc | 3

It's (long overdue) time to call MSM what they are: Fascist Media.

Posted by: Robert Italia | Jan 18 2024 10:47 utc | 4

Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos. This guy is as evil as Bill Gates

Posted by: Jonathan | Jan 18 2024 11:15 utc | 5

Here, Black Mountain Analysis presents a possible route for the (involuntary) withdrawal of American troops from the Middle East:

Posted by: Thomas | Jan 18 2024 11:40 utc | 6

The current prime minister of irsq has been living in amerika's back pocket for a helluva lot longer than zelenski has. He and his corrupt administration have done everything they can to have avoided enacting the laws passed a few years back demanding amerika slings its hook and gets outta Iraq, a demand amerika refuses to honour lest amerika cops a major black eye, yet none have stood up th amerika's carpetbaggers yet.

Posted by: Debsisdead | Jan 18 2024 11:43 utc | 7

"Iraq seeks security cooperation with NATO" ?????

But that requires the stationing of (among others) US troops in Iraq.

Posted by: WMG | Jan 18 2024 11:54 utc | 8

The Iraqi parliament demanded a few years ago that U.S. clear out, to which the U.S. simply answered "no", and proceeded to build more bases in the country.

Posted by: Ernesto Che | Jan 18 2024 11:54 utc | 9

The Iraqi parliament demanded a few years ago that U.S. clear out, to which the U.S. simply answered "no", and proceeded to build more bases in the country.

Posted by: Ernesto Che | Jan 18 2024 11:54 utc | 9

Exactly ! They have overstayed their welcome (even for those that rose to power thanks to the war) long ago.

Posted by: Newbie | Jan 18 2024 12:24 utc | 10

B. - well done exposing the bald faced lies of regimist media. Americans only trust independent media these days

Posted by: Exile | Jan 18 2024 12:25 utc | 11

Ah, yes. Let's start with rhe WaPo's bald-faced lie:


Roughly 2,500 U.S. personnel are based in Iraq, with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani saying that their presence is needed to help stop the Islamic State from regaining ground.


Meanwhile, next door down, Ansar Allah quipped that the U.S. decision to designate the Houthis as terr-o-ists was "ironically amusing."

You know, because the U.S. is "the global state of terror."


He slammed the decision, emphasizing that it "will not deter [Yemen] from our steadfast support for the Palestinian people."

The official underlined that the decision will have minimal to "no effectiveness on the ground," adding that it will only "strengthen [Ansar Allah's] commitment to supporting" Palestine.

Ansar Allah's Politburo released a statement responding to the decision, saying that the classification "is ironically amusing, coming from the global state of terrorism."


Posted by: Patrick al-Henrygazh | Jan 18 2024 13:14 utc | 12

Shipping NEWS !!! This last program is hilarious !!!

This guy Sal Mercogliano is a pro-US-dude, BUT a maritime historian.

His last show, some 20-minutes. Bottom line...

1) WAR RISK INSURANCE, will not cover US, UK or Israeli ships at all !!!
2) Shipping companies are now making money like they never dreamed possible.
[i imagine they forced the issue early on to get more money]
3) So, the US & UK navies are essentially assisting Russian and Chinese ships pass thru the Red Sea.

What is Going on With Shipping?


Posted by: Kim Sky | Jan 18 2024 13:35 utc | 13

What is Going on With Shipping?


Posted by: Kim Sky | Jan 18 2024 13:35 utc | 13

You've provided an excellent example of the law of unintended consequences.

Posted by: jpc | Jan 18 2024 13:40 utc | 14

Stopping Islamic State from gaining ground? IS has almost ceased to exist in Iraq.

"The Islamic State carried out 4 operations. There were 4 the week before, 1 the last week of December and 4 the 3rd week of December. That marks a slight increase in activity by the insurgents. From August 8 to December 14 the group was only carrying out an average of 1.1 attacks per week. Still four incidents is nothing compared to what the group was once capable of and another sign of its decline. "

Posted by: Poul | Jan 18 2024 13:45 utc | 15


You are right- they wouldn't be a government if they had been approved in the Green Zone.
But this can't go on much longer- either the US increases its troop numbers to the point that they can defend themselves against attacks or they pull them out.
My guess is that they will withdraw them. If they don't they are very vulnerable, a perfect target for any of the Resistance forces whenever the empire does something peculiarly obnoxious in Palestine or Yemen.
It is no longer beyond the realm of possibility that Yemeni and sympathetic volunteers will filter into Iraq and attack Israel from the south over land.

Posted by: bevin | Jan 18 2024 13:50 utc | 16

Poul | Jan 18 2024 13:45 utc | 15 ...

Must be too busy in their Kurdish or IDF uniforms to do much as "IS" at the moment.

Posted by: Cynic | Jan 18 2024 13:54 utc | 17

Posted by: Cynic | Jan 18 2024 13:54 utc | 17


Photo and video of the Kurdistan Israel connection:

Another LEAKED photo: The 10th chief of MOSSAD, Meir Dagan, and the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, in a private meeting in Iraqi Kurdistan.

WATCH: Additional scenes with better quality showing the (former) head of the MOSSAD division in Iraqi Kurdistan, Eliezer Tsafrir, as he talks about its periodic meetings with Masoud Barzani and some other politicians in northern Iraq.

"Kurdistan" is primarily an Israeli project dating back to the 1980s as part of dreams of "Greater Israel". Use "Kurdistan" as a wedge to splinter off the oil rich parts (of Syria, Iraq, and even Turkey and Iran) that they want. A strategic location at the intersection of four countries.

Massoud is the father of current Kurdistan PM Masrour Barzani.

He and Sudani were running around Davos yesterday saying they need US troops. Kurdistan has always been a shit disturber aligned with USUKIS.

The one thing I know for a fact is the support for "free Kurdistan" protests across US UK EU.

I think Balochistan, like Kurdistan is another separatist region overrun with USUKIS, all the better for creating havoc in three countries at once.

We have Iran killing "non Pakistanis" in Pakistan and Pakistan killing "non Iranians" in Iran.

I guess there's some agreement in the background.

Posted by: pq | Jan 18 2024 14:11 utc | 18

Ah, the US Neocons would love to keep US troops in Iraq in case they need a casus belli to attack Iran. Maybe a false flag attack on US troops in Iraq by "Iranians"? Would not be the first time Neocons would consider attacking their own in order to justify a war. Ah, GW Bush and Neocons ended up fulfilling Bin Laden's wish of America being stuck in a quagmire, wasting its treasure on fruitless wars that would ultimately come to weaken The United States. Thank Neocons and GW Bush for Iran expanding their influence from Iran through Iraq to Syria. Seriously, Western Neocons are the greatest "allies" that Russia, China, and Iran have. Wall Street is the greatest strategic ally that China has had since Nixon.

Another reason for US presence in Iraq is? To keep an eye on Iran. Because the CIA MBA's refused to spend the money to provide a secure communications system for their spies in Iran. Which resulted in Iran wiping out - with Chinese assistance - the entire CIA network inside of Iran. As well as China. Russia. Etc. All because Western Neocon accountants said that they would rather endanger their human intelligence assets worldwide than provide them a safe communications system. The CIA still complains that they have no one in China. Should have worried about your human assets instead of trying to cut corners for your bonuses, CIAssholes.

This is what happens when you allow financiers to run your society. You get the current state of The United States. Neocons flailing around for another war for profit.

No US troops in Iraq being used as bait by their own US Generals to justify a war with Iran? A good thing. The downside for neocons besides not having bait in Iraq, is that they have no one inside of Iran to the spying for them.

Posted by: Veri1138 | Jan 18 2024 14:26 utc | 19

"The CIA still complains that they have no one in China."

Posted by: Veri1138 | Jan 18 2024 14:26 utc | 19

That is because of Hillary (then S. of S.) and her unsecure fax machine in 2011.

Posted by: canuck | Jan 18 2024 15:00 utc | 20

Posted by: Thomas | Jan 18 2024 11:40 utc | 6

The Black Mountain blog is ill informed on West Asia. Has never written on the topic before.

They ask, "why doesn't Hezb intervene"? Do they not know that Hezbollhas has lost over 100 martyrs since Oct 8 and have caused significant harm to the Israeli economy as well military capability?

That's a large number of deaths for Hezbollah, just to help Gaza. Over 100 families whose lives have changed forever, over 100 death pensions to be paid to the families and so on.

BM blog suggests this is all an Iranian game: "sacrifice the poorest people of the world to achieve military collapse through overstretching of the US is unethical"...."I know that I am one of the few (maybe the only one) who is putting it bluntly that this whole campaign is directed by Iran and, by extension, by BRICS."

Iran provides assistance and training I'm sure. But has BM even watched the resistance videos? Have they listened to Obaida or Nasrallah? This is a homegrown op with guys fighting in their own backyards with a lot of autonomy and even more courage. They're nobody's proxies.

BM seems to know nothing of what was doing on in Gaza and West Bank in 2023. The airstrikes on Gaza in May 2023. The pogroms in West Bank throughout 2023.

BM "this whole campaign is directed by Iran and, by extension, by BRICS."

That's not how BRICS works. It is not a military alliance like NATO or supranational government with enforcement powers like EU.

BRICS is about finding alternatives to current usurious global financial and trade structures. The most beneficial aspect so far has been bilateral agreements between members. Joint declarations have been less extravagant.

There will be no joint declaration on supporting South Africa in its ICJ case as long as Russia is controlled by the Zionist lobby just like the US.

I see Russia selling missiles to North Korea and cooperating with China and Iran just enough to keep its own border safe and create buffer zones should NATO get ideas.

Other than that it seems to be as pro Israel as it always was when it was part of the Quartet for 20 years from 2002 to 2021 along with EU, US and "UN". The word salad coming from Putin and Lavrov towards the end of December after Putin announced he was running again has not helped.

The key issue towards finding a solution which never seems to get that much attention is ending Israel's apartheid regime .

The moment everyone can live as equals in Israel is the day
-the occupation ends
-Palestinians have the right to return
-If Jews flee Israel, that's their problem

Also whoever broke it, has to pay for it. I was kindly corrected that it is usually the US taxpayer who pays. True that.

The day Israel stops receiving an endless supply of arms and money is the day the apartheid regime ends automatically.

Instead of heaping criticism on other people for not doing enough and advocating for regime change in GCC etc. maybe it's time for the peoples of the "free world" to take back control of our own governments for once?

Posted by: pq | Jan 18 2024 15:05 utc | 21

There’s money in it. Follow the money. It’s where Rothschild made a fortune to own the world. Must have wars

Posted by: Sadness | Jan 18 2024 15:33 utc | 22

Thank you, b! It strikes me that there are going to be many misreportings as the entire world will be readjusting, and it is more than about time! I am so happy to be here to see this! To misquote the poor old codger when I was an infant - 'this is not the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning!' (Which in this case was the beginning of all our interdicting malaise.)

Posted by: juliania | Jan 18 2024 15:51 utc | 23

Posted by: pq | Jan 18 2024 15:05 utc | 21

Well argued. I found some aspects of the BM articles clarifying but lack sufficient knowledge of many details to fully evaluate. That said, almost certainly there is grand strategic cooperation among the major BRICS nations and if so surely some military strategy as well. And was not Solemeini widely regarded as the mastermind of a regional, not only Iranian, Grand Resistance strategy? (Quds) I don't recall where I picked that impression up but if correct then presumably some sort of tactical coordination is involved – which by no means makes the various elements ‘pawns’.

Just looking through b's list of articles it will be VERY interesting to see if/when Iraq can succeed in booting out those US boots on their ground.

The worm is turning: whereas previously US forces, bases, carriers and hardened Embassies in the region were assets projecting US force - serving Israeli expansionist and Global Cap hegemonic interests - now they are becoming liabilities.

Indeed, perhaps 50% of the mission of the US forces in the region after October 7th is to protect and defend their own and also help prevent Israel being overrun. Although Imperial force projection far from the Homeland across an ocean, they are now more defensive than offensive. The Empire is on the back foot. As was in Afghanistan and is now in Ukraine and will soon be around Taiwan.

At some point the US forces in Iraq will leave. An irreversible sea-change when it happens.

Posted by: Scorpion | Jan 18 2024 15:55 utc | 24

It also strikes me that my posts about Plato and 'The Republic' have not been entirely off topic -- one only has to realize that in his day the Sophists were the 'mainstream media' and they had taken the art of public speaking which early philosophers had been using before Socrates came along and were making plenty of money shaping it to their own purposes. In Plato's day that was serious, and Socrates died because he opposed it. If we are rewriting history, we have to go back that far! But I'll do it on the open forums ;)

Posted by: juliania | Jan 18 2024 16:05 utc | 25

Posted by: Zed'sDead | Jan 18 2024 10:32 utc | 3

Not sure how old you are, but back in the 60s/70s many major news orgs were pretty much real investigative reporters. They exposed the truth about Vietnam and other government crimes.
There used to be more than 50 independent news companies with their own bureaus and journalists - now there are 5, most with the same dozen people on their boards. Ronnie raygun and the neocons made sure that the majority got their info from the same sources via deregulation and lax anti-trust enforcement. Now, Assange is in jail and criminals like bezos, musk and zuck remain in charge of what's disseminated.

Posted by: hedlykarok | Jan 18 2024 16:06 utc | 26

"It is no longer beyond the realm of possibility that Yemeni and sympathetic volunteers will filter into Iraq and attack Israel from the south over land."

A look at a map tells me

a) Saudi Arabia is twixt them and Iraq

b) Iraq has no border with Israel

c) to attack Israel from the south over land you'll need to be in Jordan or Egypt. Saudi Arabia's not far from Eilat, but you'd need boats

d) I had no idea how far south Wadi Rum (Jordan), beloved of British rock climbers, is - pretty much opposite Eilat.

Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Jan 18 2024 16:15 utc | 27

To clarify: it was the Sophists who were making money, not the early philosophers. And Plato is hard to understand because in his day it was just as dangerous for him to say anything directly about this, as it had been for Socrates. Plato crafted an entire opus (hat tip to Bernard Suzanne on this point) which can only be understood in this matter. His pupil Aristotle began the obfuscation by deliberately confusing the issue. For crying out loud, Aristotle taught Alexander the 'Great'! He knew what he was doing; he did it brilliantly. So did Leo Strauss. (Not so brilliantly!) They are both Sophists. Plato was teaching people to think!. He did that brilliantly too. Those Greeks!! Just as today -- Bravo for your Oxi, Greeks!

[Sorry - back to the open forums]

Posted by: juliania | Jan 18 2024 16:28 utc | 28

back in the 60s/70s many major news orgs were pretty much real

Posted by: hedlykarok | Jan 18 2024 16:06 utc | 25


The "New Deal" Communications act of 1934 stipulated limited cross ownership of media outlets. That law was re-visited in the FCC's cross-ownership rules of 1975.

In 1985 Rupert Murdock was made a US citizen, expeditiously and practically by an act of Congress, to satisfy the legal requirement for US television network ownership.

Media ownership concentration was all downhill from there.

Posted by: too scents | Jan 18 2024 16:29 utc | 29

Posted by: Zed'sDead | Jan 18 2024 10:32 utc | 3

Not sure how old you are, but back in the 60s/70s many major news orgs were pretty much real investigative reporters. They exposed the truth about Vietnam and other government crimes.
There used to be more than 50 independent news companies with their own bureaus and journalists - now there are 5, most with the same dozen people on their boards. Ronnie raygun and the neocons made sure that the majority got their info from the same sources via deregulation and lax anti-trust enforcement. Now, Assange is in jail and criminals like bezos, musk and zuck remain in charge of what's disseminated.

Posted by: hedlykarok | Jan 18 2024 16:06 utc | 25


Once again, call it what it is: Fascist Media.

Posted by: Robert Italia | Jan 18 2024 16:30 utc | 30

'in this matter' should be 'in this manner'.

Posted by: juliania | Jan 18 2024 16:31 utc | 31

[email protected] thought he was just giving credit where it's due, maybe a little heavy handed but it's the Genesis of what is occuring today.....freedom, no matter how fleeting, requires sacrifice. The Palestinians have lived under occupation for over seventy years. Freedom from that will require (and has) years of sacrifice in blood. Iran can't free Palestine, they must do that themselves, but they have help.

Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Jan 18 2024 16:42 utc | 32

We have Iran killing "non Pakistanis" in Pakistan and Pakistan killing "non Iranians" in Iran.

I guess there's some agreement in the background.

Posted by: pq | Jan 18 2024 14:11 utc | 18

That's not the way that Andrew Korybko sees it at substack.
He sees this as Pakistan's rulers returning to their favourite place in WQsshington's favour.

"..Observers might expect that the exacerbation of long-running Iranian-Pakistani tensions would be against Islamabad’s interests, just like they might think the same about closer Indian-Iranian relations in the aftermath of this unprecedented tit-for-tat against designated terrorists in Balochistan. In reality, the Pakistani Establishment – which refers to the country’s powerful military-intelligence structures that call the shots behind the scenes – stands to benefit from this crisis.

"Iran initiated an unprecedented tit-for-tat with Pakistan earlier this week by unilaterally striking Tehran-designated terrorist-separatists across the border, which prompted Pakistan to retaliate the day later by striking Islamabad-designated terrorist-separatists on the Iranian side of the shared Baluchistan subregion. The resultant crisis threatens Eurasian integration processes and could be exploited by the US to divide-and-rule the supercontinent...."

Posted by: bevin | Jan 18 2024 16:43 utc | 33

"...back in the 60s/70s many major news orgs were pretty much real investigative reporters. They exposed the truth about Vietnam and other government crimes."

Give me a break.

Have any examples of major media "exposed truths" in the 60's or the 70's.

Posted by: Johnny Dollar | Jan 18 2024 16:44 utc | 34

thanks b...

lies'r'us.. that is usa trademarked, lol..

Posted by: james | Jan 18 2024 16:53 utc | 35

Have any examples of major media "exposed truths" in the 60's or the 70's.

Posted by: Johnny Dollar | Jan 18 2024 16:44 utc | 34


Certainly they were better than the stenographers of today. The decline of critical media is marked.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Jan 18 2024 16:54 utc | 36

@pq | Jan 18 2024 14:11 utc | 18

"Kurdistan" is primarily an Israeli project dating back to the 1980s as part of dreams of "Greater Israel".
It makes sense that the murder in 1986 of the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was from the early days attributed to the PKK, i.e. the kurds. In other words, Israel.

Posted by: Norwegian | Jan 18 2024 17:05 utc | 37

FAZ online 18.1.:
„Demonstrieren gegen die AFD
Wer das Volk ist
Dass die AfD falsch und bose sei, ist ohnehin die herrschende Meinung. Ist es trotzdem sinnvoll, gegen diese Partei zu demonstrieren ?

Ein Kommentar von Claudius Seidl ….“

So ist nun mal der aktuelle der Zustand des politischen Journalismus in Deutschland. Es ist schon wieder so weit. Man kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie man kotzen könnte…

Translate Google:

FAZ online 18.1.:
“Demonstrating against the AFD
Who the people are
The prevailing opinion is that the AfD is wrong and evil. Does it still make sense to demonstrate against this party?

A comment by Claudius Seidl….”

That's the current state of political journalism in Germany. It's already time again. You can't eat as much as you could vomit...

Posted by: Oliver Krug | Jan 18 2024 17:09 utc | 38

36 - Certainly much of the US military and security establishment got it into their heads that they "lost Vietnam" because of too much critical media.

Posted by: Waldorf | Jan 18 2024 17:16 utc | 39

Posted by: bevin | Jan 18 2024 16:43 utc | 33

I don't know who that guy is. I simply looked up Pakistani news and they said Iran Pakistan fighting only helps ISIS and we need to de escalate.

I think the stooge trope is overused. The Kurds for instance are an active and engaged proxy. They probably believe they are going to get something by shit disturbing for Israel.

Iraq on the other hand is constantly threatened with having aid and assets frozen by USA. So they may play along but not happily.

An unhappy stooge may not be a useful stooge.

I am pretty sure Pakistanis know the Iranian strike was not targeted at Pakistan per se.

Both strikes took place in Balochistan, apparently a known troublesome area for both countries.

Posted by: Pq | Jan 18 2024 17:26 utc | 40

Posted by: Zed'sDead | Jan 18 2024 10:32 utc | 3

Not sure how old you are, but back in the 60s/70s many major news orgs were pretty much real investigative reporters. They exposed the truth about Vietnam and other government crimes.
There used to be more than 50 independent news companies with their own bureaus and journalists - now there are 5, most with the same dozen people on their boards. Ronnie raygun and the neocons made sure that the majority got their info from the same sources via deregulation and lax anti-trust enforcement. Now, Assange is in jail and criminals like bezos, musk and zuck remain in charge of what's disseminated.

Posted by: hedlykarok | Jan 18 2024 16:06 utc | 26

I agree with your point.

However I do think that the post WW2 press 'freedoms', for lack of a better word, is/was an 'golden period' for the 4th' estate an exception to the rule- colluding with govt.- rather than the norm .

They say that Randolph Hearst started the Spanish-American War (1898?)with his yellow journalism -for sure it was instigated in the City/Hearst/Washington

Talking of the Hearst he also financed and produced the 30's movie, "Reefer Madness" to scare the public and get the govt. to make hemp illegal.


Because the Hearst family were rentiers they owned huge swaths of timber in the south east (Tennessee, Kentucky?) where they sold paper to newspapers as well as their own newspapers.

Hemp was a better, cheaper newsprint. So Hearst demonized it so it wouldn't compete with his pulp and paper operations-so he put Mexicans and blacks in the movie.....yadda, yadda, I do go on don't I...

Posted by: canuck | Jan 18 2024 17:53 utc | 41

I think we should find a more accurate or descriptive name for the bunch of well-paid liars who have abdicated their righteous responsibility to inform the public sans bias. Mainstream media is too good for them, makes them sound like one legitimate alternative for people who seek information.

Maybe MOP media: Ministry of propaganda, or MOOP media: Ministry of official propaganda.

People who still consume their lies need to become convinced that most propaganda is propaganda by omission of relevant facts.

Certainly wish I could agree with you on this one, Exile:

Americans only trust independent media these days -
Posted by: Exile | Jan 18 2024 12:25 utc | 11

But that's not my experience at all, alas.

Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 18 2024 18:13 utc | 42


It seems logical to presume that those U$$A "tripwire" troops in Iraq and Syria will inevitably trip on their own barbed wire if and when matters heat up a bit. Those 1,500 New Jersey National Guard guys dragged away from families and jobs to play games in the sand, have my utmost sympathy. Each and every one of them is a patsy similar to Lee Harvey Oswald.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 18 2024 18:14 utc | 43


Fly in the ointment is the Baluchis. Both Iran and Pakistan control territories primarily settled by that tribal nation. So the relative borders are essentially meaningless. Note that though the "borders" were crossed by both countries; their targets were Baluchi guerrilla forces.

Thus the game of tit for tat, is somewhat of a nothing-burger. Smoke and fog. The Paki military and the hyper-wealthy, serf-ruling major landowners are playing to Uncle $hmuel. Their continued rule over a restive people hinges primarily of playing publicity games with the U$$A.

The entire brouhaha is primarily for show. Actual warfare for both nations would be mutually destructive...precisely the aims of City of London and Wall $treet.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 18 2024 18:28 utc | 44


Hearst was not alone in his depredations. Cue the Dupont Crime Clan and their co-conspirator allies, the Mellon Crime Clan outta Pittsburgh. Dupont had, with the able cooperation of the Rottenfeller Crime Clan, with their petroleum stock-feed, just developed their chemically based Nylon. Competition loomed as a recent 1937 patent for hemp-decorticating machinery would be the systemic answer for the production of Rayon. As Rottenfeller himself exclaimed: "Competition is a sin".

So the Duponts contacted the Mellons and asked them to provide their former Prohibition agent, Harry Anslinger, to do some dirty work for them by methods of demonizing hemp, conflating it with cannabis, which the claim was made by Hearst and others, would result in rape of white women by Black and Hispanic men. Also helpful, on the part of Anslinger was the purchase of inflluential legislators in many states to get on the bandwagon. As Dylan pointed out in one of his many zinger lyrics: "Money doesn't talk, it swears".

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 18 2024 18:39 utc | 45

Ja, ja, die schlimme, schlimme AfD:

Der Spiegel 1.8.2013:
Britische Geheimprotokolle
Kohl wollte offenbar jeden zweiten Türken loswerden
Die britische Regierung hat spektakuläre Geheimdokumente freigegeben. Demnach hatte Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl einen radikalen Plan: Er wollte die Hälfte der in Deutschland lebenden Türken loswerden - mit Geld.
Von Claus Hecking
01.08.2013, 16.55 Uhr

"SECRET" steht ganz oben in Schreibmaschinenlettern auf dem eng beschriebenen Blatt - und ein Beamter hat noch mal per Hand hinzugefügt "NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION". Es ist ein brisanter Plan, den der frisch gewählte Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl der britischen Regierungschefin Margaret Thatcher bei ihrem Besuch in Bonn anvertraut haben soll.
"Kanzler Kohl sagte, […] Über die nächsten vier Jahre werde es notwendig sein, die Zahl der Türken um 50 Prozent zu reduzieren….

Google Translate:

Yes, yes, the bad, bad AfD:

Der Spiegel August 1, 2013:
British secret protocols Kohl apparently wanted to get rid of every second Turk
The British government has released spectacular secret documents. Accordingly, Chancellor Helmut Kohl had a radical plan: He wanted to get rid of half of the Turks living in Germany - with money.
By Claus Hecking
August 1, 2013, 4:55 p.m

"SECRET" is written at the top in typewritten letters on the tightly written sheet - and an official has added by hand "NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION". It is an explosive plan that the newly elected Chancellor Helmut Kohl is said to have confided to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher during her visit to Bonn.
"Chancellor Kohl said, [...] Over the next four years it will be necessary to reduce the number of Turks by 50 percent...

Posted by: Oliver Krug | Jan 18 2024 18:40 utc | 46

Analysts on Pakistan media say bickering with Iran only plays into the hands of US IS ISIS and hurts Gaza. They were puzzled as to why Iran didn't put out a more conciliatory notice after the strike.

This may be tongue in cheek but doesn't sound inaccurate:

From Angelo Giuliano telegram channel

Iran to Pakistan : "hey bro, I have got those US funded motherfckers terrorists who want to create this independent Baluchistan state...can you help out ?

Pakistan : "you mean those bastards, got the same ones here in Pakistan, fcking terrorists that are targeting Belt and Road initiative, traitors taking CIA money... maybe I can hit some missiles at yours and you can target my US funded terrorists... I cannot target them directly otherwise those western morons will come at us and create some BS stories about genocide."

Iran : "alright bro, let's do it....but let's make some show, pretend we are angry at each other"
Pakistan : "sure...they will be overexcited and think we are going to war with each other..."

Posted by: Pq | Jan 18 2024 18:41 utc | 47

Posted by: canuck | Jan 18 2024 17:53 utc | 41

Not many people know the history, glad to see your post. It was also Rockefeller and big oil helping Hearst as hemp oil could replace diesel easily (what the engine was designed for according to Rudolf) and gas with some additional refining.

Posted by: hedlykarok | Jan 18 2024 18:44 utc | 48


Media massaging is primarily generational these days. The Gan-Z's, born since the 911 Inside Job, eschew the mass media of misinformation, Mal-information and general mindfuckery. Many of the Gen-Y are in accord with them...quite possibly a majority of that demographic. Biggest problem area in the informational war is my tiny War-Babies gen...and most prominently our younger brothers and kid sister Boomers...along with a probable majority of Xers.

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 18 2024 18:44 utc | 49

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 18 2024 18:39 utc | 45

....and the feds actually had to nullify the hemp laws during WW2 so they could have enough rope and fiber for the war.

Posted by: hedlykarok | Jan 18 2024 19:01 utc | 50

" Iran : "alright bro, let's do it....but let's make some show, pretend we are angry at each other"
Pakistan : "sure...they will be overexcited and think we are going to war with each other..."

Posted by: Pq | Jan 18 2024 18:41 utc | 47 "

Please do explain why Pakistan couldnt attack the terrorist in in own country while Iran did the same in theirs as you seem to know their hidden motives. Thanks.

Posted by: Moonie | Jan 18 2024 19:26 utc | 51


Reminder: Southern cotton growers also lobbied against hemp (still do) - S.C. requires a permit to grow... and they issued a total of 5 for the state, and refuse to issue anymore.

Of course we are going to need lots of hemp when the natives finally wake up ... gallows galore.

Posted by: crone | Jan 18 2024 19:32 utc | 52

There's a long pattern of the Iraqis saying in public that they want US out and in private that they want them to stay. If the Iraqi government were serious, then the US could be compelled to leave immediately. They are not.

Also, FWIW, the recent parliament vote was a non-binding resolution (the caretaker government can't pass laws).

P.s. And I say this as one in favor of us leaving, regardless of if the Iraqis ask for us (privately OR publicly) to remain. But try not to be silly and say that we are staying despite the wishes of the government. They could cut barricade the forts we have. Could cut off all services. Etc. Etc. They are not serious about us leaving. It's kabuki.

Posted by: Anonymous | Jan 18 2024 19:53 utc | 53

Iraqui PM is an American puppet ...

Posted by: crone | Jan 18 2024 20:08 utc | 54

... OTOH ... the Iraqi Resistance is NOT a puppet of USA

Posted by: crone | Jan 18 2024 20:11 utc | 55

@crone | Jan 18 2024 19:32 utc | 52

Some say cannabis is harmless. Well, 1000s, perhaps 1000000s, have died from a hemp rope around their necks.

Posted by: Ново З | Jan 18 2024 20:21 utc | 56

@Anonymous | Jan 18 2024 19:53 utc | 53

After the US went into Iraq to wipe out Saddam everyone thought that the Shia crescent stretching from Lebanon in the West through Syria into Iraq and then Iran in the east would form. Nope, it didn't happen. Different Shia groups in Iraq supported Iran, some surprisingly hate Iran and hate the US as well. The Sunni in Iraq, all Saddam's boys, can't stand Iran. So yes, Iraq is a mess, if they weren't so busy with infighting and corruption they could have kicked the US out long time ago.

Posted by: gT | Jan 18 2024 20:23 utc | 57


Amongst my most prized possessions is a postcard, postmarked on 8-10-45 is an original real photo of the War Hemp Industries plant in Algona, Iowa. The sizable plant in the background with its long chimney and water tower is fronted by a small entrance building, in front of which is a man in homburg style hat and white shirt. On the road in front is a ca 1934 auto and waving in the breeze is a 48-star American flag.

Backside has a short message from Andy in Algona, perhaps an employee at the plant, to Mr & Mrs Fred Mills in Ansley, Neb.
Assuming that this may be a card to his parents. Postage is a 1 1/2 cent Dolly Madison stamp.

Numerous messages on that small piece of paper. Draw your own conclusions on that. The juxtaposition of Old Glory with "War Defense Industry" on that hemp production plant is a total classic. Back in my 12+ years as a roadshows antiques dealer, one of the major lines were postcards. Still possess many, most of which I should be marketing soon. Doubtful whether a hundred smackers would pull this telling reminder of American history out of my "cold, dead hands".

Posted by: aristodemos | Jan 18 2024 20:37 utc | 58

Give me a break.
Have any examples of major media "exposed truths" in the 60's or the 70's.
Posted by: Johnny Dollar | Jan 18 2024 16:44 utc | 34

you might not remember Gary Webb and The Dark Alliance.
sure, yeah, 90's.
San Jose Mercury News,
The CIA stepped up and showed us who defines reality.
and they took everything away from us.
Clinton made Bush's puppet Reagan look like Captain America.

Posted by: Not Ewe | Jan 18 2024 21:20 utc | 59

If US troops are withdrawn from Iraq then it could be seen by Israel as an opportunity to "extend" their inflauence all the way to the river Eufrates in Iraq. Things can become interesting in the next years.

The jewish settlers want to "extend" Israel from the river Nile in Egypt up to Eufrates in Iraq.

Posted by: WMG | Jan 18 2024 21:36 utc | 60

@ Kim Sky | Jan 18 2024 13:35 utc | 13


Ironically, every last impulse of these neocon reptiles ends up love bimbing the Russians and the Chinese. Particularly in the (de-dollarizing) wallet.

Posted by: Patrick al-Henrygazh | Jan 18 2024 21:55 utc | 61

* thst would be love-bombing,not bimbing, of course.

Although "bimbimg" may have potential as a new entry in the foreign policy lexicon.


Posted by: Patrick al-Henrygazh | Jan 18 2024 21:58 utc | 62

@ Kim Sky | Jan 18 2024 13:35 utc | 13

Suggest you now add this excellent post to the open thread. Thanks.

Posted by: Patrick al-Henrygazh | Jan 18 2024 22:04 utc | 63

Posted by: WMG | Jan 18 2024 21:36 utc | 60

The idea of Israel extending to the Euphrates was just a nationalist fantasy, even in the ancient times when it was created.

Posted by: laguerre | Jan 18 2024 22:07 utc | 64

Please do explain why Pakistan couldnt attack the terrorist in in own country while Iran did the same in theirs as you seem to know their hidden motives. Thanks.

Posted by: Moonie | Jan 18 2024 19:26 utc | 51

I posted a perspective from Angelo Giuliano. And it said right there: if Pakistan starts attacking the US Use funded Balochistan separatists in their own country, the Collective Waste will come after them screaming "genocide" as they did with accusing China.

I just posted it. I don't know if it's true. But it's not a bad hypothesis.

I wrote a more serious summary from what I read on Pakistani news sites on the new Palestine thread

Posted by: Pq | Jan 18 2024 22:15 utc | 65

@ Posted by: Not Ewe | Jan 18 2024 21:20 utc | 59
“Clinton made Bush's puppet Reagan look like Captain America.”

Look I realise it’s the beginning of months of pantomime elections in the and of the slave and home of cowards- but please can we be spared the kabuki on MoA?

Clinton was wholly Bush owned puppet from day one, he was chosen and then wedded to the other dodgy CIA floozy that Bush fully controlled in Arkansas with his cocaine, gun running and coup camps there.

Regan was a contemporary of Bush not a junior - they were in the WhiteHouse after JFK and ushered Nixon out - who mysteriously lived out his life instead of meeting a early demise- perhaps he had plenty of tapped stuff when they threatened him? Not ALL these were released.

There are many accounts of dodgy Bill and his bro and all the secret flights.

And like the secret history of Anglo European Imperialism and the Founding Fathers mythology they were ALL owned and controlled by the Richest and Oldest Khazars of n Europe for Centuries.

The Denouement is at hand and I expect the real history to be confessed once it’s over. Including the mysteries of how Lenin, than Stalin, than Kruschev enabled the creation of a a new Khazaria in the borderlands and the two seas that Crimea controls.

History please - not an extension of the Punch and Judy kid show here - Thankyou.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 18 2024 22:16 utc | 66

Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 18 2024 22:16 utc | 66

Don't forget Obama, father was a Kenyan 'economist' and CIA asset. Jr was born, bred and raised by the CIA to be exactly what he became - a gift to the oligarchy as a perfect bamboozler for the (particularly left) masses.

Posted by: hedlykarok | Jan 18 2024 22:26 utc | 67

@ Posted by: hedlykarok | Jan 18 2024 22:26 utc | 67

Like I say ‘shapeshifters’. It goes to the root of European ‘civilisation’ (sounds like a interesting idea as Gandhi quipped) When you look at every single one in power it is not their looks but their ultra Zionism that shines through.

It’s just a historical tragedy they took the Judaism bloody sheep skin and have tarred that ancient religion and followers into such fascist supremacist xenophobic mob madness.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 18 2024 22:49 utc | 68

> Ten years ago "U.S. Repealed [Smith-Mundt Act] Propaganda Ban, may now Spread Government-Made News to Americans"

With that act, USAians can henceforth be fed the same government-origin lies as VOA, Radio Free Europe, Middle East Broadcasting networks fed to America's enemies er chubby targets.

Posted by: ChasMark | Jan 18 2024 23:41 utc | 69

I’ve created a nice image based on this media lie:

Posted by: Multipolar Panda | Jan 18 2024 23:48 utc | 70

DuchessAndBob | Jan 18 2024 18:13 utc | 42

I think we should find a more accurate or descriptive name for . . . Mainstream media<.I>

Similarly, I think we should stop using "fascism/fascist" to refer to anything that we don't like, feels oppressive, seems to have a connection to big government in flagrante delicto with big $$$.

It's over-used and under-defined.
Those tempted to use the term should be required to define more precisely the problem complained of.

Posted by: ChasMark | Jan 18 2024 23:52 utc | 71

I am very impressed by the intellect and education of the people who post here. And no I’m not being a sarcastic asshole I truly mean it. But what I hear from the media, think tanks and Executive Branch press releases almost never jived with what I saw on the ground. So let me give you some food for thought:

Forget about who the PM of Iraq was at any given time over the last 21 years. The man who runs Iraq is the Supreme Judge of Iraq, Faiq Zidan. Zidan was jointly appointed by Bush and as far as I can tell, Iran, immediately after we invaded Iraq in 2003. In US terms, Zidan is like the AG, SCOTUS, President and Legislature all rolled into one man. He has executive powers exceeding that of the PM. This is the man who has been running Iraq since 2003, obviously as a proxy of the US and I believe also Iran. He has very cozy relationships with DOD and DOJ. Don’t know the why behind any of this. Those are all nuts I’m still trying to crack.

2006, the moderate Sunni tribes of Iraq are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Shia to the east want to kill them because they’re Sunni. ISIS to the west wants to kill them because they’re not radical. They decide to call themselves “The Sons of Iraq” and ally themselves with Coalition forces. They are the ones who turned the tide. Dirtbag McChrystal loves to take the credit but it wasn’t him.

The Sons of Iraq were a 100k, native born Iraqi Sunni army. They knew all the smuggling routes and all the bad actors from the foreign fighter facilitators to IED cells etc. Within 6 months they helped us track down and kill Al Zarqawi, the original leader of ISIS. With them on our side the next year was a non stop slaughter of ISIS.

Around summer of 2008 I was pulled in to conduct the site survey for then acting Attorney General Mukasey’s visit to the Green Zone(what the hell business does the US AG have in a war zone? Meeting with Faiq Zidan maybe?). I reconned the routes and meeting places but part of the mission involved sitting in a SCIF and reviewing the various threats.

What I found surprised me. The current leader of ISIS at the time was Al Baghdadi who had been captured and was sitting in the Bucca prison. ISIS was estimated to have been attritted down to approximately 60 fighters. My overall assessment was that the threat to AG was low. I remember thinking, why the hell are we even here? War looked like it was over. AG’s trip went off without a hitch.

But a Presidential election was going on at this same time. A guy named Obama was campaigning on pulling all US troops out of Iraq by June 2009 as well as getting out of Afghanistan. Lo and behold, come November Obama becomes President. I’ll say this much, I never agreed with Obama on much of anything but I really liked him for his efforts to get us out of Afghanistan and Iraq.

In January 2009 I’m back to DA mode. Rolling up HVTs but now it’s different. We are limited to targets that are designated by the Iraqi MOI, I.e. at the behest of Faiq Zidan. Of course all of our targets were Sunni. Any Shia targets developed of our own accord were denied. We were literally OPCONed to Faiq Zidan/Iraqi MOI. I’m pretty sure that’s not legal under the UCMJ or the US Constitution.

Saddest of all, as you might have guessed, we were being tasked to roll up our staunch allies, The Sons of Iraq. We rolled up guys who had access badges to restricted areas of the Green Zone. Adjacent commands would call us up and ask WTF are you doing? This guy has been working with us for two years. Sickening.

I told myself that at least we were getting to these guys before Iraqi Doklia and that they would at least be safe in US custody. But then I heard rumors that they were being turned over to Nidal to be convicted of “terrorism” and executed. A conviction of terrorism in Iraq constitutes an automatic death sentence to be carried out within 30 days under the new Iraqi judicial system that the United States government set up in conjunction with US JAG and Nidal. Kind of sounds like a genocide if you ask me.

So now you know why the ranks of ISIS suddenly swelled by thousands per month after Obama was elected. Those were our allies, The Sons of Iraq, who had no alternative but to flee west and join ISIS. Furthermore, I later found out that Baghdadi was released from the Bucca prison and of course fled west and began rebuilding the ranks of ISIS. Who the hell authorized the release of Baghdadi and under what pretense?

I have never seen a document that says what the geopolitical goal of the Bush administration was. But given the fact that Obama was set to pull us out of Iraq and that if the status quo had remained the same in summer 2009 as it had been in 2008, Obama would have been fully justified in doing so. Well that would have ended the gravy train and that was simply unacceptable to the Bush/Cheney/MIC.

I believe this operation against the Sons of Iraq was engineered by the Bush administration and Nidal in order to radicalize the moderate Sunnis, release Baghdadi, flood the ranks of ISIS, kickstart the war back into high gear and sabotage any possibility of Obama pulling us out of Iraq.

I just can’t figure out what the secret alliance is between our deep state and Iran. I first saw it in 2007 when the adjacent team called out jackpot and said the Iranian general’s name. I can’t for the life of me remember. TBI. But I knew that our raid would be all over the news the next day. But nothing. Then I found out later he was quietly released back to Iran.

That’s the part I can’t figure out. What is this secret alliance between the United States and Iran?

Posted by: RLTW | Jan 19 2024 1:09 utc | 72

History please - not an extension of the Punch and Judy kid show here - Thankyou.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 18 2024 22:16 utc

whatever. which one is you?

Posted by: Not Ewe | Jan 19 2024 1:50 utc | 73

Seriously, I would walk you through the history and facts of it, but your education is not my problem. carry on.

Posted by: Not Ewe | Jan 19 2024 1:52 utc | 74

Oh yes - those reporters from the 60s and 70s.

"How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up"

Posted by: daffyDuct | Jan 19 2024 3:16 utc | 75

Only slightly less malodorous than his erstwhile colleague. They are both pompous tools of evil, almost certainly allergic to actual principals of truth and justice.

Posted by: Not Ewe | Jan 19 2024 3:25 utc | 76

RLTW .., Iran Contra fiasco should give you a clue to quandary .

Posted by: Paleologos | Jan 19 2024 4:30 utc | 77

Posted by: RLTW | Jan 19 2024 1:09 utc | 72

It happens so often: a string of insiderer jargon or acronyms, usually by the second paragraph, rendering the remaining text incomprehensible.

Posted by: ChasMark | Jan 19 2024 5:11 utc | 78

@ Pq | Jan 18 2024 17:26 utc | 40

"Both strikes took place in Balochistan, apparently a known troublesome area for both countries."

Like Gaza is a troublesome area for both Israel and Egypt, which is why both put huge walls around it. They only neglected to continue those walls deep underground.

Posted by: Antonym | Jan 19 2024 7:02 utc | 79

@RLTW | Jan 19 2024 1:09 utc | 72

You must remember that the various Shia militias carry a lot of weight in Iraq. So if the pro Iranian Shia militias want an Iranian general freed or certain provinces will be rendered ungovernable then the Iranian general gets freed. That's why the Sons Of Iraq get rolled up as well, the Shia demand it. The Shia are the majority in Iraq, while the Sunni might as well call themselves Sons Of Saddam, as under Saddam the Sunni ruled Iraq.

Baghdadi was probably released under pressure from the US, the US want all Sunni to be Wahhabist ISIS followers. My knowledge about things in Iraq is dated but previously the US controlled the oil sales and thus the budget, so the US controls the Iraqi Government. If the pro and anti Iranian Shia militias want something done a certain way they threaten instability and so they get their way on occasion. If the US wants things done a certain way they threaten not to provide money for salaries and other budget allocations so the US gets its way on occasion. So its a whole lot of balancing acts going on in Iraq all the time, each province has its own dynamics.

It was thought that the Iranians could cement themselves to Iraq through trade and build positive relationships that way, but apparently there is nothing to trade in Iraq. So Iran can't dominate Iraq as they would be fighting against some of the Shia and all of the Sunni, plus the Americans, and Iran can't trade its way into the hearts of the majority of Iraqis as there is simply nothing to trade in Iraq.

Posted by: gT | Jan 19 2024 8:19 utc | 80

@ Posted by: Not Ewe | Jan 19 2024 1:52 utc | 74
“ Seriously, I would walk you through the history and facts of it, but your education is not my problem. carry on.”

Well I’m up for a dance. And always ready to learn some new steps. I am also daily increasing my education and appreciate any new facts. Not being facetious for the sake of it - however I am prepared to challenge accepted dogma when counter facts exist.

So please find some time to teach me some new steps through history as you know it and I don’t - balls in your court - start with your statement about Reagan , seeing as he was older than Bush snr he comes first in that history?

I’ll go get me clogs on.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 19 2024 9:49 utc | 81

well then dance, fool. You may be totally wrong, but
your ignorance or enlightenment wont change the world
or make a difference to me.
I try to abide by the Host's request not to attack other posters.
A reference to Punch and Judy leaves me thinking you aint from around here. the rest of your blather makes that just fine.
The forced relationship and almost immediate subsequent ascension of GHWB to the desk of absolute power gave him nearly 3 terms in office on the first go round. He was back in 2000, his kid had shit to say about what was policy, and he himself completely low profiled as we moved forward with more wars to increase the price of oil. So that fucking bastard had five terms under his belt and millions of deaths to his credit, along with shattering the hobbling legacy of Vietnam.
If you havent browsed the Unauthorized Biography, than you might not know how the VP slot was gamed. Maybe you dont know how much the Reagans hated the asshole. A bargain priced tool for General Electric and friend to racists everywhere, Reagan was not connected to the entrenched powers that ran through Bush's blood.
Maybe you missed the Larry King show in 92 where I confronted GW and Jeb much to the call screeners dismay. Not one other call went sideways, but I was the first in. All that just to let you know my antipathy goes back a ways, and I was paying attention all along. Clinton went against the suggestion he wait another four years before running, and payback was guaranteed.
(The coked up kids of the President denied he was "The Pope of politics" which no one ever charged. They were modestly bragging about it.)
Some puppet. They may have shared the same goals and income streams, but mafia types occasionally have disputes for territory and power.
If any of this is dogma somewhere, than blow me down.
All I have ever seen in this country is people blaming Reagan while Bush was the culprit. That works well in their favor as they sought and seek to rehabilitate their ballot box prospects.
Certainly Trump landed in their cross hairs.
What a show of absolute hatred behind those curtains ever since.
Reagan was nothing but a name.

Posted by: Not Ewe | Jan 19 2024 18:19 utc | 82

Posted by: gT | Jan 19 2024 8:19 utc

Thank you for the explanation. It makes perfect sense from a diplomatic standpoint. From a soldier’s standpoint it all looks like efforts to perpetuate the war.

Posted by: RLTW | Jan 19 2024 22:35 utc | 83

@ Posted by: Not Ewe | Jan 19 2024 18:19 utc | 82

That all you got?

‘Ain’t from round here’?

So … your history and understanding starts from what Vietnam era?

Can you not even drag your self back to granddaddy Bush ? Prescott? The one who funded the rise of Hitler and that proxy war on Russia? Where the granddaddy bootlegger Kennedy ended up at the Court of StJames as the Nazi booster for the same mafiosi that runs the threads of history? Both promised seats at the High Tables with their eldest guaranteed a potus.

Reagan as the Motion Picture Industry controller - in charge of propaganda post war, to poison the world against Russia? He was in the room ushering out Nixon another who baulked when he finally figured he had been played all his career.
Bush snr was CIA after Dulles. He was part of the destruction of the unexpected rebel JFK. Kissinger and Haigh were raised by the real Dr Strangelove in the WH.
Reagan had to be minded due to his Alzheimer’s it was Nancy and Bush Snr that ran tga show.
Bill and Hillary were Bush’s project. A Democrat and a Republican fake skins who would have remained white trash trailer park kids if not found and groomed.
There’s a book that details it - apparently no longer available. I’ll try and get you a link.

So as we waltz try and remember what the first steps are and let’s try and follow them in order. Maybe you can tell us what your great claim to fame was ? Back in the beginning of times …the 90’s!

And yeah Punch and Judy - it’s European origins you know? Just like all the Yankee doodles. You didn’t hatch out of an egg from a mystical goose, Moose.
Try and stick to actual history and we’ll get to the end without having to shoot any horses 🥴

Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 20 2024 13:03 utc | 84

@ Not Ewe

Here you go - get yourself a copy of you can find one.

Terry Reed's book "Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA".

And there is this article if it still exists

As a fine comment from a few years ago on stated

“ Reagan was hardly in charge of his presidency: he was literally falling asleep during the daily briefings for the last 3 years of his presidency, and how does anyone think that Dick Cheney got the idea about how he could do an end run around the bureaucracy and run the US as effective President while Bush Jr ("Shrub") occupied the office of President? Hint: he was just repeating what had already been done to Reagan.“

- Of course Biden has been run like that even more effectively by the warmongering ancient’s desperate to finally win their current generational war in ‘Taking Russia’.
They have failed and are thrashing around refusing to admit defeat of their lifetimes plans.
Desperate to snatch victory and at the same time trying to make plans for another generation to attempt that impossible task.

Anyway that poster also wrote :

“ Gen Xers and after--Millenials, the Social Media brats, and whatever comes after them--really need to stop talking in terms of "US Democracy." The US is run by Oligarchs, and the sooner that idea takes hold, the better for everyone in the world.”

- I think it was the reason Gonzalo Lira was made to disappear as much as Assange has been because they both spilled the beans on the Oldest Oligarchs - they must have been supposed to be part of!

Now tell me that Star Wars Ray Gun was better than any other potus?

Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 20 2024 14:14 utc | 85

"So as we waltz try and remember what the first steps are and let’s try and follow them in order. Maybe you can tell us what your great claim to fame was ? Back in the beginning of times …the 90’s!"

I just want to apologize for responding to your misguided attack. It didnt occur to me until I spotted the hitch in your logical getalong that you might have experienced a TBI or simply are retrograde on any particular bell curve. I have no need to pick on the disabled, even when they seem intent on humping my leg.
I suppose thats flattery of a sort, but better with an attractive
or intelligent dog, I imagine.
I have no fame but infamy. Dont seek or claim it, but I will open my mouth, just not for your pleasure.
The closest I come to famy might be popping up in Farenheit 911. As weird as it is to see your head projected 30 feet high in a theater, weirder still to be picked out of thousands marching in NYC in 2004 by a finger from a sidewalk shouting "I know you!"
What? Pointing at my shirt I said "Oh, yeah..."
"No. I edited the movie. I know your face very well."
Now that was trippy weird.
But it aint fame.
Now please keep reading up and protect your head, somehow.
I cant return your affection or find the time to clarify your sense of reality. Im too busy to play with you.
Best of luck there.

Posted by: Not Ewe | Jan 20 2024 15:55 utc | 86

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