International Court Says Israel Has Likely Committed Genocide - Updated
Updated below (15:20 UTC):
The International Court of Justice today ruled in favor of the South African APPLICATION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS against Israel.
Pepe Escobar delivers the first summary of the verbal order (the written one will follow later):
Highlights:"The military operation conducted by Israel in Gaza has resulted in untold death and injuries, destroyed substantial infrastructure and housing units, caused mass malnutrition, collapsed the healthcare system, and displaced the majority of its inhabitants. This war has affected the entire population of Gaza and will have far lasting consequences. The court has taken note of the language of dehumanization by senior Israeli government officials."
The ICJ accepts the South African demand for urgent provisional measures to be taken for the protection of Palestinians in Gaza against Israel and RECOMMENDS (caps mine) the following:
Israel must take all measures to prevent genocidal actions; Israel must ensure that its military forces do not commit genocidal actions; Israel must punish incitement to genocide; Israel must provide access to essential aid; Israel must preserve evidence of its actions; Israel must provide a report of its actions.
The ICJ decision is BINDING.
Yet even as the ICJ decides that Israel must take all measures to prevent death and injury, and provide the full scope of humanitarian needs to Palestinians (includes access to food, medicine, infrastructure, etc), what happens if Tel Aviv simply ignores the decision?
Israel must file a report on the remedial actions within one month of the ruling. All bets are off on wether biblical psychopathology practitioners will comply.
By accepting the application and by ordering Israel do cease and desist from certain practices the Court seems to state that Israel has actually committed acts of genocide.
As Heidi Matthew, an assistant professor of law at Harvard remarks:
The ICJ's written order and separate opinions will be released shortly. But my first reaction is that this is a big win for Palestinian advocates. Some will be disappointed that the Court stopped short of ordering a ceasefire. But...
... the fact that the Court ordered the measures it DID, including directing Israel not to commit or incite genocide, indicates it has concluded that it is (a) plausible for Palestinians in Gaza to claim protection from genocide, and (b) that the need for protection is urgent.
I think we can infer from this that *at a minimum* there is a serious risk that Israel will commit genocide. This is important because it puts *all states* on formal notice of the serious risk of genocide, which triggers states’ duty to take concrete steps to prevent genocide.
Among other things, this means that in order for states to fulfill their international obligations under the Genocide Convention they must *do something*. For e.g., states exporting arms or military technology to Israel must stop.
The short story: this order on provisional measures will have an important and immediate impact on how states are required to act under international law. It will also radically shift the global conversation about what is happening in Gaza.
Another related point: I need to read the separate opinions, but my intuition is that it's a massive win that Israeli ad hoc judge Barak sided with the majority in ordering many of the provisional measures. He may have judged his own legacy as more important than Netanyahu's.
This is small win for Gaza and a big one for humanity.
(I plan to come back to this as soon as I have read the written argumentation and order.)
PS: AlJazeerah's Live Stream recording of the ICJ interim ruling on genocide case against Israel (video)
PSS: Via comments: The written ICJ order (pdf), Jan 26, 2024
Update (15:20 UTC):
I have now listened to the verbal ICJ ruling and have read the Court's CONCLUSION AND MEASURES TO BE ADOPTED (75ff) of the written order (both linked above). The real binding orders which are now international law follow in 86ff of the order.
The Court has nearly unanimous ORDERED the State of Israel to:
- take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of this Convention, in particular
- ensure with immediate effect that its military does not commit any acts described in point 1 above
- take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip
- take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip
- take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of Article II and Article III of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide against members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip
- submit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to this Order within one month as from the date of this Order.
This is a huge win for South Africa, Gaza and all humanity.
All orders have 15 to 2 or 16 to 1 judges supporting/opposing them.
The only one completely diverting from the court's opinion was Judge Julia Sebutine from Uganda (one wonders what the various U.S. services have on her). Even the Judge ad hoc Barak from Israel agreed with part 3 and 4 of the court's order.
The arguments for the diverting opinions will be published later.
This order is the end of Israel's impunity. It is also the end of impunity of Israel's supporters. The U.S., UK, Germany and others can now be accused and punished for complicity of genocide (Article III of the Genocide Convention) should they not immediately refrain from providing Israel the means (weapons, ammunition, money) to further commit genocide.
Again - this is a small win for Gaza but a big one for humanity.
Posted by b on January 26, 2024 at 13:29 UTC | Permalink
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Posted by: aletsan | Jan 26 2024 13:45 utc | 2
The ICJ order is published now
Posted by: Udkanten | Jan 26 2024 13:54 utc | 3
i would bet a substantial sum that Israel does not comply.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 26 2024 13:54 utc | 4
on classic fm uk london radio today they played the violin refrain theme tune from the real life event spellbergs schindlers lists
later on the same programme channel they stated clearly crystal nact clarity no genocide here.
on sky news they had an actris called lipman who stated 8 times at least no genocide but defense talked of the baking of jewish babies and hamas rape and pillage slaughter shoah
and how private security mossad run is working in north london protecting the jewish innocents from anti semite types rampaging full of hate.
on the radio just now they said clearly no genocide happening here hare now. only one group genocide can ever exist khazar pirate name stealers identity thieves
and so it goes
Posted by: todd l | Jan 26 2024 13:55 utc | 5
Posted by: unimperator | Jan 26 2024 13:52 utc | 4
especially the US judge. I never would have expected that.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 26 2024 13:55 utc | 6
"...the Court seems to state that Israel has actually committing acts of genocide."
It does no such thing. You don't seem to state things in legalese, let alone in international legal judgements. You state them in unequivocal, very clearly and carefully worded terminology.
It is, however, still far better than what I was expecting, which was that the ICJ would simply be threatened and pressured into dismissing the lawsuit completely.
Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Jan 26 2024 13:59 utc | 7
"Another related point: I need to read the separate opinions, but my intuition is that it's a massive win that Israeli ad hoc judge Barak sided with the majority in ordering many of the provisional measures. He may have judged his own legacy as more important than Netanyahu's."--b
I know he dissented on some points, need to read more about this.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 26 2024 13:59 utc | 8
Let’s see how the various BRICs act - listen carefully to Brazil for example.
Sanctions coming ?
Posted by: Exile | Jan 26 2024 14:01 utc | 9
I'm looking forward to the delicious squeals from Shapiro and Hannity later today over the ICJ ruling. If it's even reported, that is.
Posted by: Immaculate deception | Jan 26 2024 14:08 utc | 11
Yet even as the ICJ decides that Israel must take all measures to prevent death and injury, and provide the full scope of humanitarian needs to Palestinians (includes access to food, medicine, infrastructure, etc), what happens if Tel Aviv simply ignores the decision?
Well then, Ansarallah keep the blockade in the Red Sea. IDF sturmtrupers keep getting their heads blown off, Hezbollah keeps taking out IDF bases at a steady pace, projectiles keep raining down on the occupier's heads.
Nice of The Court to step aside and let The Resistance get on with their work.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 26 2024 14:09 utc | 12
I posted this in the open thread but perhaps relevent here
Interesting developments in the US. Video at the first link and map of states at the second.
Victor vicktop55
The Texas National Guard expelled American border guards and closed the border with Mexico.
25 Republican governors signed a petition to support Texas against the federal government. They accused the Biden administration of being unwilling to protect the American border and combat illegal migration.
They also supported the actions of the Texas authorities, who intend to independently protect a section of the US-Mexico border from the invasion of illegal migrants.
Will Schryver
‼️ Nullification Rises AgainHalf of the 50 ostensibly "United" States of America has asserted the constitutional right of the states to nullify Federal authority.
This is a non-trivial development.
Even Biden US seems to begin to realize US is overstretched. Brits and Ukraine trying to push it into direct conflict with Russia, Israel trying to draw US into a larger ME war and now by the looks serious problems on the home front.
US civil war may not be so good for Americans but the best thing that can happen for the rest of the world.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 26 2024 14:11 utc | 13
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 26 2024 14:09 utc | 12
court hasn't ruled on this but yes that would be a justification for the Houthis.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 26 2024 14:12 utc | 14
Posted my 13 in the wrong thread. Was supposed to be in the Biden 'diplomacy' thread.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 26 2024 14:14 utc | 15
what this ruling suggests to me is the US might be taking the first steps to cutting Israel loose. Is the Biden administration fully on board with losing the next election over support of genocide? Look at what is happening in Michigan.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 26 2024 14:14 utc | 16
Would that be the same ICJ that didn't hesitate for a second before issuing an arrest warrant against the president of Russia, for daring the rescue several thousand children from Ukrainian bombardments?
Posted by: Marvin | Jan 26 2024 14:14 utc | 17
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 26 2024 14:11 utc | 13
yeah it might come to a US civil war, this time with nukes on the table. How far will the US government go in defending its power?
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 26 2024 14:16 utc | 18
Would that be the same ICJ that didn't hesitate for a second before issuing an arrest warrant against the president of Russia, for daring the rescue several thousand children from Ukrainian bombardments?
Posted by: Marvin | Jan 26 2024 14:14 utc | 17
no that would be the ICC i think. do you have a link showing that the ICJ issued a warrant, too?
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 26 2024 14:18 utc | 19
ICJ couldnt order a ceasefire, because Hamas is a not a State and hence not under the court's jurisdiction. However, Hamas has publicly stated it would abide by a ceasefire if Israel does.
The South African Minister's comments were interesting, it puts pressure on Israel, but also on Israels "powerful friends".
And other countries can be more confident of placing sanctions on Israel.
The ball is in Israel's court.
Posted by: Rain | Jan 26 2024 14:20 utc | 20
Meanwhile in Germany, a playwright and satirist successfully defends himself from being accused of Nazi sympathizing, spreading disinformation etc. during Covid. An excellent, brave, eloquent and well-argued speech delivered recently to a Berlin tribunal.
I will be watching to see if the rumours of Amerikastan withdrawing from Syria and Iraq are true. If they are that's a huge blow to the zionazis.
Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Jan 26 2024 14:24 utc | 22
The ICJ has favoured Israel in this case by relying on generic language rather than simply ordering the most important two points that RSA requested.
The only glimmer of hope is that it opens the door FOR US THE GENERAL PUBLIC, especially those of us from Collective Waste to hold our politicans accountable.
Both RSA vs Israel and Ukraina vs Russia are applications under Genocide Convention.
In Ukraine vs Russia the ICJ quickly ordered Russia to halt the SMO out of concern for civilians even if Ukraine contended genocide was NOT happening as Russia claimed it was.
Instead with Israel the ICJ has chosen to hide behind generic language that Israel can successfully wage lawfare against. So it showed more concern for Ukrainians when genocide was NOT alleged and it shows less concern for Palestinians where genocide IS alleged. It has left everything up to Israel's discretion. Like asking a serial killer to show moderation. (Russia claimed genocide was happening in Donbas but it never brought an application to ICJ so the fact of genocide allegations was never before the court).
Moreover even though Israeli Prisoners of War (all civilians have been released) held in Gaza were not part of the RSA case, the ICJ threw in a random order to release them. Instead with the 11,000+ Palestinian hostages including children held in Israeli jails, which WERE part of RSA presentation...the ICJ forgot about them.
This is what RSA asked for, first and foremost and did not get.
(1) The State of Israel shall immediately suspend its military operations in and against Gaza.
There is a HUGE difference between ordering all military operations stopped and between requesting Israel to kill people less conspicuously and to please let them be killed or maimed on a half full stomach.
(2) The State of Israel shall ensure that any military or irregular armed units which may be
directed, supported or influenced by it, as well as any organisations and persons which may be
subject to its control, direction or influence, take no steps in furtherance of the military
operations referred to point (1) above.
This is what Ukraine requested:
The Russian Federation shall immediately suspend the military operations commenced on 24 February 2022 that have as their stated purpose and objective the prevention and punishment of a claimed genocide in the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts of Ukraine.
This is what Ukraine got
The Court considers that, with regard to the situation described above, the Russian Federation must, pending the final decision in the case, suspend the military operations that it commenced on 24 February 2022 in the territory of Ukraine.
Draw your own concluions. I had a bad feeling when the ICJ started by saying the Hamas attack killed over 1,200. The official figure from Israel is 1,068 Israelis (including at least 400 armed personnel and police) and 71 foreigners. Moreover nobody knows who was killed by Israeli helicopert gunships firing hundreds of rounds at the rave and tank shelling of kibbutzim.
Did Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal and Philippines invade Israel because some of their citizens were killed? No.
Fuck the ICJ, it's up to us. Call your politicians, remind them of their obligations under this order. Ask your friends and coworkers if they are supporting genocide. Boycott everything Israel.
The most effective thing that can happen is Israel itself disintegrates under its own psychopathy.
Posted by: pq | Jan 26 2024 14:27 utc | 23
court hasn't ruled on this but yes that would be a justification for the Houthis.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 26 2024 14:12 utc | 14
Also that Hamas' proposal to observe a ceasefire also goes through the window and the guns keep firing.
I think this ruling is going to complicate ever attempt at a ceasefire deal from hereon out ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 26 2024 14:29 utc | 24
Biswapriya Purkayast | Jan 26 2024 14:24 utc | 22 "I will be watching to see if the rumours of Amerikastan withdrawing from Syria and Iraq are true. If they are that's a huge blow to the zionazis."
It more likely means a wider war is iminent.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 26 2024 14:33 utc | 25
I'm hoping that one of the side-effects of the ICJ verdict will result in the (((Western MSM))) shooting themselves in the foot head by down playing the importance of the judgement - thereby betraying their loyalty to, and control by, Zionists in the West and "Israel".
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 26 2024 14:33 utc | 26
This is small win for Gaza and a big one for humanity.
Posted by b on January 26, 2024 at 13:29 UTC | Permalink
I must disagree here.
This is a pyrrhic win for Gaza and a consolation prize for humanity.
After the holocaust and all those heroic proclamations of "Never Again!" this is all we get?
And the butchery goes on even as we rejoice.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 26 2024 14:33 utc | 27
No matter how big the win, some on MoA will never cease to feel wronged. Is it hormonal?
Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 26 2024 14:34 utc | 28
No matter how big the win, some on MoA will never cease to feel wronged. Is it hormonal?
Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 26 2024 14:34 utc | 28
There's a simple test here:
"Are children still dying under the bombs of Zionist Jews?"
If the answer is "Yes" - The System has failed.
If the answer is "No" - This Is A Big Win.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 26 2024 14:38 utc | 29
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 26 2024 14:29 utc | 24
nope the guns don't keep firing if Israel complies. we agree it won't comply, but that is not on the ICJ. It is on Israel and the US.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 26 2024 14:40 utc | 30
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 26 2024 14:33 utc | 27
Seems like the court tried to walk on the rope, pleasing all sides. Israel by only making 'binding recommendations' and the global south because they said 'don't do that'. It won't work, they will fall off the rope and fall one side or the other eventually even if the statement is perceived as (intentionally) unclear.
It's pretty simple. Either the definition of 'genocide' exists or it does not exist. If it does not exist, it means the definition of 'genocide' has been thrown into the dustbin of history, or if it is perceived that way, then the guns will keep firing and it becomes a genocidal free-for-all, might-makes-right situation. Which is bad for humanity, it now opens up room for the US to start randomly bombing all countries it wants (which it has been doing). Of course, it also applies both ways, and Israel is not in a strong position when it comes to free-for-all genocide, even if they drop bombs.
Another thing is all those bombs are given to Israel by US, which makes US regime a participant in genocide. Messy situation, but doubt anything will change. What did change is the perception and the urgency to replace western controlled global institutions.
Posted by: unimperator | Jan 26 2024 14:42 utc | 31
Netanyahu said in advance he would not comply. The ICJ did what it could.
Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 26 2024 14:43 utc | 32
pretzelattack | Jan 26 2024 14:16 utc | 18
I guess that would depend on the military split. Re your comment @16 - Domestic issues in the US do have a big effect on what it does geo-politically. ICJ interim ruling or whatever its called does seem a bit watered down but not the absolute corruption that has occurred at the likes of OPCW. Domestic issues in the US behind that? impossible to tell at the moment.
Lawfare has had no effect against Trump which is a threat to the establishment/deep state. The split over the border and so forth. The also appears to be roughly along the line of coastal woke vs rural conservative America. Domestically, the perfect storm fast brewing up.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 26 2024 14:47 utc | 33
The votes weren't anywhere as close as some cynical "realists" had expected. This means things do not look up for Israel.
Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 26 2024 14:48 utc | 34
Jonathan W | Jan 26 2024 14:48 utc | 34
Its not the votes that count, rather the wording they were voting on. Though at the moment b's article is based on Pepe's take on it.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 26 2024 14:54 utc | 35
Pq has a point. Here is how the WSJ is spinning this decision:
“World Court Rejects Demand for Gaza Cease-Fire”
Posted by: Turk 152 | Jan 26 2024 14:54 utc | 36
Nothing for it but to wait a week and see how this turns out, really.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Jan 26 2024 14:56 utc | 37
Note - according to the ICJ decision the Likud government must punish anyone who incites genocide.
Hmmm does that mean the entire Netanyahu cabinet will arrest itself. Recall those pages of quotations inciting genocide in the South African submittal.
Posted by: Exile | Jan 26 2024 14:58 utc | 38
The court can hardly find on genocide in full, it's all about preventing one. From now on there are established criteria no Israely official, ISF commander or soldier can violate without being subject to war crimes tribunals in a few years.
This also makes the same group liable to international sanctions. It's also something UNSC can not veto if countries refer to this statement.
It is a big deal and highly unexpected, we will see what countries do with this, look at Ireland and SA to have prepared actions next week.
Posted by: SOS | Jan 26 2024 14:58 utc | 39
Lawfare has had no effect against Trump which is a threat to the establishment/deep state. The split over the border and so forth. The also appears to be roughly along the line of coastal woke vs rural conservative America. Domestically, the perfect storm fast brewing up.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 26 2024 14:47 utc | 33
Lawfare hasn't succeeded, but I think Trump is prevailing in spite of its effects, mainly due to the truly massive unpopularity of Biden (I would like to think it was also because the charges are ridiculous but that is me being optimistic). Biden essentially just guaranteed Michigan for Trump, and he is whatever the next intensifier up from massively is with younger voters. The split is geographical but also generational. also even some Biden supporters realize his dementia is getting worse, and want him replaced by his possibly less competent vice president, or some other loser.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Jan 26 2024 14:59 utc | 40
The dog that did not bark. Breaking news from the NYT right now:
The American Museum of Natural History will close two halls with Native American exhibits as new Biden administration policies requiring tribal consent take effect.
Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 26 2024 15:00 utc | 41
On compliance with ICJ provisional measures, which are binding but can not be enforced, only complied with-
As opposed to ICJ judgments, compliance with its provisional measures (orders),is very rare, and arguably non-existent in military activities cases (conflicts).
These measures are, however, important, among other, because they indicate the gravity and urgency of a situation in which human life and rights need immediate protection.
They also usually point to the likelihood of the final judgment in a particular case, when the Court finds it has jurisdiction.
Posted by: JB | Jan 26 2024 15:04 utc | 42
Is it hormonal?
Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 26 2024 14:34 utc | 28
No. It's holodomoral.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 26 2024 15:05 utc | 43
How exciting! Another leak in the levee. Another spinning plate crashes to the floor. Oh dance, dance!, oh hegemon! You have much plugging and spinning to do to maintain your place.
Bit by bit, drop by drop, with entropy filling the sails we move on from a bad era.
Posted by: titmouse | Jan 26 2024 15:06 utc | 44
this page has constant interesting/informative updates coming in:
Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 26 2024 15:06 utc | 45
11 immaculate. Let's even see if it makes MSM front pages disseminated, and not buried in an article, the size, befitting a used bicycle for sale
Posted by: Hankster | Jan 26 2024 15:10 utc | 46
You (many of you here) really are funny guys.
If the same "court" had condemned Russia for genocide, you would all (I mean: many of you) be here screaming what corrupted servants of the Americans, MI 6, King Charles, The Jeeeus, the Illuminati, Mickey Mouse and the Rothschilds the judges are.
Realise that these decisions are political. Always. Uncle Sam wants to put some pressure on Bibi. Biden hates Bibi anyway. I am sure the sentiment is heartily reciprocated. Good!
It will be a pleasure to see Israel keeping doing what they're doing (perhaps with some cosmetic changes to pacify the dumb ones, and the usual blabla of circumstance), and more kudos to them.
But keep dreaming that do-gooders thousands of kilometers away understand what it is when all your neighbours want to genocide you (for which many, here, woudl applaud the genociders without the least compunction).
Whitened sepulchres.
Shame on you.
Posted by: Augusto Pi | Jan 26 2024 15:13 utc | 47
IMO , ICJ told Israel keep committing genocide BUT please be more discrete about..keep your comments to yourselves..kill less people..
Israel will not do anything the Cort just told then to do..
Posted by: Charlie | Jan 26 2024 15:14 utc | 48
So, the responses are coming from Israelis like this
Israeli Finance Minister Bezalal Smotrich: The Hague judges who care about the situation of Gaza residents must call on the countries of the world to open their doors and accommodate them.
Same same but did we expect more?
Posted by: Hankster | Jan 26 2024 15:18 utc | 49
Craig Murray on Judge Nap says it's a partial victory.
At least Israel didn't get the case thrown out as they wanted. Even if RSA didn't get the simple commonsense "ceasefire" as Ukraine did.
The main point we can use to pester our politicians is that the order to not kill and harm is cited under Article II of the Genocide Convention. Focus on their personal liability. Complicity in genocide is an offense under domestic law in UK.. I don't know about other countries.
Dear useless politician:
Israel must, in accordance with its obligations under the Genocide Convention, in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of this Convention with respect to killing and harming Palestinians and making their lives unliveable.
So what are you going to do to make sure you are not complicit? Do you condemn Israel? Will you vote against sending arms to Israel. Will you make a resolution to stop participating in Operation Genocide Guardian?
Focus on the fact they've found PLAUSIBILITY of genocide.
Now this will go to UNSC. If vetoed it will go UNGA.
Scare the BEJEEZUS out of your political representatives by dangling the GC over their heads!!!
Posted by: pq | Jan 26 2024 15:19 utc | 50
Thank you pq, for this great synopsis.
“Draw your own concluions. I had a bad feeling when the ICJ started by saying the Hamas attack killed over 1,200. The official figure from Israel is 1,068 Israelis (including at least 400 armed personnel and police) and 71 foreigners. Moreover nobody knows who was killed by Israeli helicopert gunships firing hundreds of rounds at the rave and tank shelling of kibbutzim.
Did Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal and Philippines invade Israel because some of their citizens were killed? No.
Fuck the ICJ, it's up to us. Call your politicians, remind them of their obligations under this order. Ask your friends and coworkers if they are supporting genocide. Boycott everything Israel.
The most effective thing that can happen is Israel itself disintegrates under its own psychopathy.”
Posted by: pq | Jan 26 2024 14:27 utc | 23
Posted by: Merv Ritchie | Jan 26 2024 15:20 utc | 51
You don't need to click on the link...but you can see where this is going. Israel claims that Hamas is bombing itself. It's the Al Ahli shit all over again.
Posted by: pq | Jan 26 2024 15:22 utc | 52
But keep dreaming that do-gooders thousands of kilometers away understand what it is when all your neighbours want to genocide you (for which many, here, woudl applaud the genociders without the least compunction).Shame on you.
Posted by: Augusto Pi | Jan 26 2024 15:13 utc | 47
A truly rephensible, bloviating, self fellating waste of a man. I'm no do gooder, as a decidedly violent person I find your smugness quite enraging.
You would shit yourself in 5 minutes in Gaza, and maybe then could comprehend the utter horror of a modern 'Western' state seeking your a child...for having the temerity to be born into the wrong place at the wrong time.
You defend this. You support it. Kill babies, they're not Jewish, so its ok? You are a monster. You could have taught the Nazis something about inhumanity, being an unquestioned expert.
I don't think those children have a choice. Shame on you, you disgusting excuse for a human being.
Doubt it not that the hatred in your heart will bring to you and yours a curse well deserved.
Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Jan 26 2024 15:30 utc | 54
Sorry pq, I should have quoted your entire comment. This I missed from your 51 post
“The ICJ has favoured Israel in this case by relying on generic language rather than simply ordering the most important two points that RSA requested.
The only glimmer of hope is that it opens the door FOR US THE GENERAL PUBLIC, especially those of us from Collective Waste to hold our politicans accountable.
Both RSA vs Israel and Ukraina vs Russia are applications under Genocide Convention.
In Ukraine vs Russia the ICJ quickly ordered Russia to halt the SMO out of concern for civilians even if Ukraine contended genocide was NOT happening as Russia claimed it was.
Instead with Israel the ICJ has chosen to hide behind generic language that Israel can successfully wage lawfare against. So it showed more concern for Ukrainians when genocide was NOT alleged and it shows less concern for Palestinians where genocide IS alleged. It has left everything up to Israel's discretion. Like asking a serial killer to show moderation. (Russia claimed genocide was happening in Donbas but it never brought an application to ICJ so the fact of genocide allegations was never before the court).
Moreover even though Israeli Prisoners of War (all civilians have been released) held in Gaza were not part of the RSA case, the ICJ threw in a random order to release them. Instead with the 11,000+ Palestinian hostages including children held in Israeli jails, which WERE part of RSA presentation...the ICJ forgot about them.
This is what RSA asked for, first and foremost and did not get.
(1) The State of Israel shall immediately suspend its military operations in and against Gaza.
There is a HUGE difference between ordering all military operations stopped and between requesting Israel to kill people less conspicuously and to please let them be killed or maimed on a half full stomach.
(2) The State of Israel shall ensure that any military or irregular armed units which may be
directed, supported or influenced by it, as well as any organisations and persons which may be
subject to its control, direction or influence, take no steps in furtherance of the military
operations referred to point (1) above.
This is what Ukraine requested:
The Russian Federation shall immediately suspend the military operations commenced on 24 February 2022 that have as their stated purpose and objective the prevention and punishment of a claimed genocide in the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts of Ukraine.
This is what Ukraine got
The Court considers that, with regard to the situation described above, the Russian Federation must, pending the final decision in the case, suspend the military operations that it commenced on 24 February 2022 in the territory of Ukraine.
Posted by: Merv Ritchie | Jan 26 2024 15:36 utc | 55
Israeli Finance Minister Bezalal Smotrich: The Hague judges who care about the situation of Gaza residents must call on the countries of the world to open their doors and accommodate them.
Posted by: Hankster | Jan 26 2024 15:18 utc | 49
Stellar logic, Beelzebub
Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 26 2024 15:36 utc | 56
From the update. The wording... "take all measures within its power..." "submit a report to the Court..."
Very loose wording that gives Israel plenty of wriggle room. However, at least it puts individuals on notice that they may be subject to charges of genocide in the future, not that that will have any effect on extremists 'doing gods work'
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 26 2024 15:37 utc | 57
Over 25,500 Palestinian civilians of all faiths murdered by the IDF, and over 60,000 wounded, and without adequate medical supplies or treatment. Over 6,000 children murdered and 8,000 more missing and most likely buried in the ruins of destroyed homes, home destroyed in IDF airstrikes and tank fire (ammo provided by the USA).
Every single hospital in Gaza has been attacked, some completely destroyed, including Al Shifa, American Baptist, Al Quds, and the Jordanian and Indonesian hospitals.
EMT's, nurses and doctors and CNA's murdered by the IDF in their own hospitals and while on ambulance runs to aid the wounded.
Mosques and Catholic Churches deliberately targeted for destruction, such as Holy Name Parish and school and church hall, and St. Porphyrius Cathedral and school and church hall, dozens of Catholics murdered by the IDF
UN food and medicine centers bombed and UN voluteers murdered en masse by the IDF.
Over 90% of Gaza City homes raided and destroyed by IDF forces.
Hostages executed by IDF forces as they surrendered. They murdered their own citizens!! POW's stripped and tortured by IDF forces in violation of the Second Protocol of the Geneva Convention on the Rules of War.
Tent cities located near hospitals, full of homeless starving refugees, targeted by IDF airstrikes and tank fire.
400K Palestinian civilians near starvation in Gaza City, with no food relief allowed in by IDF forces.
1.9 M Palestinian civilians now living in horrendous conditions outside their own homes by IDF edict.
Yup there is overwhelming evidence of war crimes and genocide, no doubt.
Posted by: Tobias Cole | Jan 26 2024 15:37 utc | 58
As I opined a while ago, Israel will probably use the Court's orders to declare that the world now has irrefutable proof of the Court's deep corruption and anti-semitism and use the occasion to withdraw from the jurisdiction of the Court, as the U.S. did when the Court found against it in the Nicargua case.
Posted by: RJPJR | Jan 26 2024 15:40 utc | 59
ICJ's ruling heavily influences a federal court hearing today, in Oakland:
This week, a federal court in Oakland will begin hearing arguments in a lawsuit accusing the Biden administration of failing to prevent a genocide in Gaza.
Thanks to all barflies for this edifying dispute on the significance of the World Court ruling. My humble opinion is that b is spot-on that this is a big freaking deal. I certainly didn't expect it. My whole motivation for reading news online is to understand the point at which -- when and where at which -- I stand in history. Those who (contrary to b's excellent summary) fail to see the historic significance of this one, well they simply fail to see. Too bad. Sometimes it looks like a good time to be alive.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Jan 26 2024 15:44 utc | 60
Little notice has been given the fact that the ICJ ordered Israel to report back in one month as to how it's implementing the court's order.
Hopefully, this report (if made, which I doubt) will be required to be presented in open court.
Either way, SA will likely have the opportunity to respond.
In other words, one way or the other, this reporting requirement guarantees that Israel will not be able to memory-hole this ruling.
Meanwhile, the IOF sends its quadcopter drones to randomly terrorize and murder human beings standing in line for a scrap of bread.
Posted by: Patrick al-Henrygazh | Jan 26 2024 15:46 utc | 61
So can the world start arresting IOF and ministers?
Can Sanctions be imposed?
Will anti BDS laws be repealed?
Can the dissolution of the Illegal Apartheid Entity be started with a deadline of , say 3 months , oh alright 6 months., that should be enough to clear out most of the millions of illegals back to where they originated or somewhere willing to accept migrants - Rawanda apparently! Which is next to Uganda, which is one of the original places earmarked for the khazars back in the day…. Just saying.
Tomorrow’s Palestine support marches are going to have extra vigour now that the international court has agreed there is Genocide by the Illegal colonialists of the Anglo Europeans.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Jan 26 2024 15:50 utc | 62
Hours after opening fire at a UN shelter housing thousands of Palestinians, Israeli tanks killed dozens lining to receive aid supplies
At least 20 Palestinians were killed, and 150 injured on 25 January after Israeli tanks opened fire at Gazans lined up to receive humanitarian aid at the Kuwait Roundabout in Gaza City, north of the strip.
“The Israeli occupation committed a new massacre against … hungry [Gazans] who were waiting for humanitarian aid at the Kuwait Roundabout in Gaza, resulting in 20 martyrs and the injury of 150,” Gaza Health Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said.
Posted by: ld | Jan 26 2024 15:51 utc | 63
The ruling was all that could be expected. And more. It was pretty well unanimous that Israel has a case to answer.
Of course the ICJ cannot enforce its rulings. We knew that.
The ball is now in the court of the imperialists: if the United States continues to carry out this genocide, using the IDF as its agent, it is going to lose one after another of its satraps. Public opinion in the US might be confused and brainwashed but we are now looking at marches of a million and more across western Europe and the UK.
Sentiment against Israel among the younger generations must be coming close to 80%, approaching unanimity. And that matters.
The ICJ has done what it ought to have done- it has stripped the genocidaires of alibis and left the matter to be decided by the people.
My guess is that the first people to react will be the more astute zionists in Israel. They know what this means: unless Netanyahu and the Kahanists are kicked out Israel's prospects as anything more than a few autonomous settlements in Palestine are not good.
As others have suggested the danger is that Israel's partisans in Washington and the West may feel that there is no alternative left but to 'go for broke' attack Lebanon, Syria and Iran (offering the Turks and others plenty of territorial spoils) and daring the rest of the world to join in .
There too the matter is now 'in the streets' the politicians can be elbowed aside by the people and this is the sort of matter on which popular support can be mobilised.
The lesson here, which is of the most profound importance, is that Hamas has shown us that determination and courage can move mountain ranges. Hamas have changed everything by making it possible to change anything.
Posted by: bevin | Jan 26 2024 15:54 utc | 64
Right now: Israeli artillery shelling the eastern areas of Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza.
Posted by: pq | Jan 26 2024 16:02 utc | 65
A very good day at the ICJ.
Well done South Africa. Respect.
Posted by: Don Firineach | Jan 26 2024 16:03 utc | 66
Aleph_Null bevin
Relevant points but a bit of counting the chickens before they are hatched. I see to many things - the BRICS trade currency and so forth that come to nothing to be particularly optimistic about the effects of this ruling. A morale booster for the anti empire people no doubt but in practical effects.... If a sanctions resolution at the UNSC was to pass, that would be a practical effect.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 26 2024 16:05 utc | 67
[...] Hamas has shown us that determination and courage can move mountain ranges. Hamas have changed everything by making it possible to change anything.
Posted by: bevin | Jan 26 2024 15:54 utc | 64
Posted by: Don Firineach | Jan 26 2024 16:05 utc | 68
Israel will probably use the Court's orders to declare that the world now has irrefutable proof of the Court's deep corruption and anti-semitism
Posted by: RJPJR | Jan 26 2024 15:40 utc | 59
Undoubtedly. Remember what the Times of Israel reported a month ago:
'Blood libel’: Israel slams South Africa for filing ICJ genocide motion over Gaza war
Pretoria bids for an order declaring Israel in breach of 1948 Genocide Convention; Jerusalem accuses South Africa of 'collaborating with terror group' that seeks Israel's destruction
Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 26 2024 16:08 utc | 69
thank you south africa... thank you icj.... wake up israel, and the rest of the world who support israel..
Posted by: james | Jan 26 2024 16:10 utc | 70
Actually pq, though I believe you to be a bit negative on the results given we all knew beforehand the slaughter would go on, what you are hammering out in post 50 is critically important: Drafting a Format Letter to Nail Politicians' Asses to Side with the Genocide Convention Over Israel Lobby
I encourage you and others to hammer out similar format letters so people can challenge The Lobby in their own country with this Catch-22. It paints politicians and presstitutes into a corner to be more than handmaidens to atrocity. Not everyone is good with words or structured argument, so a script helps tremendously.
Posted by: titmouse | Jan 26 2024 16:14 utc | 71
Counter point.
ICJ Stops Short of Ordering Gaza Ceasefire to Stop Genocide
The World Court ruled on Friday that the Israeli military must ensure that it is not committing acts in Gaza that are in violation of Article 2 of the Genocide Convention; Israel must pursue legal action against Israelis who made statements of genocidal intent; it must facilitate humanitarian aid into Gaza and Israel must report back to the Court on measures it is taking to fulfill these orders in one month.
The Court’s actions amount to little more than what the United States has been saying publicly about Israel’s conduct, that it must not commit acts that amount to war crimes. The U.S. has not gone as far as to tell Israel not to commit genocide but the Court’s action falls far short of what South Africa and much of the world has been demanding.
Posted by: JoeSixPack | Jan 26 2024 16:19 utc | 72
Actually pq, though I believe you to be a bit negative
Posted by: titmouse | Jan 26 2024 16:14 utc | 71
Thanks. Yes, I had a fit when I didn't hear "stop military ops". I've calmed down. Glass half full.
Posted by: pq | Jan 26 2024 16:23 utc | 73
This is what Ukraine got
The Court considers that, with regard to the situation described above, the Russian Federation must, pending the final decision in the case, suspend the military operations that it commenced on 24 February 2022 in the territory of Ukraine.
Posted by: Merv Ritchie | Jan 26 2024 15:36 utc | 55
That puts the differences into stark contrast. Assorted Ukraine officials, media figures ect were openly advocation the eradication, either by killing or pushing them out of the country of the ethnic Russians in Ukraine. It was only when Russia stepped in with some covert military help then the Minsk agreements that prevented the genocide of the ethnic Russia.
Israel and Ukraine, birds of a feather, Israel openly advocating and carrying out genocide...
That stark contrast in rulings is a clear indication of a compromised ICJ.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 26 2024 16:23 utc | 74
The two Maresk ships that were attempting to transition the Red Sea while being escorted by an Ageis class destroyer were carrying munitions for Israel. They gave up and set off for the long way around. If they don't return from whence they came it will be a good sign that Biden plans to go ahead with Genocide.
With Trump, RFK and, well, everyone in power here in USA having been to one of Epstein's parties - who is going to make this a presidential issue. It would be fun if only to see them squirm like maggots when a bear rolls a log.
Posted by: Trumpeter | Jan 26 2024 16:24 utc | 75
PQ I am going to borrow what you posted, on going after our representatives and post it on my protest networks
Hope you don’t mind. Thanks
Posted by: Susan | Jan 26 2024 16:26 utc | 76
The ICJ's ruling is only provisional, not final. The genocide case against Israel has just started. The court didn't order an immediate ceasefire so that they could get a near unanimous decision against Israel. This ends the "mainstream" notion that there should be an Israeli exception to genocide.
There is a short X/twitter thread on the decision that is worth reading:
Posted by: nazcalito | Jan 26 2024 16:27 utc | 77
Not related to the ICJ, but for the last couple days I've seen repeated claims in Israeli media that Hezbollah is using white phosphorus, usually in tiny amounts (one article said "2 mortar shells suspected"). I'm assuming this is laying the groundwork for a massive Israel campaign of denuding southern Lebanon with WP in the coming days.
Posted by: Bob | Jan 26 2024 16:30 utc | 78
@ bevin | Jan 26 2024 15:54 utc | 64
Excellent observations. Thank you.
Posted by: Patrick al-Henrygazh | Jan 26 2024 16:35 utc | 79
I'm drinking a toast to Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh, the Irish advocate who addressed the closing statement at the ICJ in support of South Africa's case on Israel's genocidal intent, and actions, against the Palestinians in Gaza. 30 mins
Sláinte Blinne!
Posted by: Don Firineach | Jan 26 2024 16:36 utc | 80
Palestine UN envoy welcome ICJ decision
In a statement, Palestine’s permanent representative at the UN Riyad Mansour calls the International Court of Justices’ order for Israel to take measures to stop genocide in Gaza “historic”.
He also said that Palestine called an emergency meeting of the Council of Arab Ambassadors today in order to coordinate a “plan of action” in the UN Security Council and General Assembly following the ruling.
more updates keep coming:
Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Jan 26 2024 16:42 utc | 81
This is how the New York Times puts it:
"U.N. Court Orders Israel to Prevent Genocide, but Does Not Demand Stop to War
The court ruled that Israel must prevent genocidal acts by its forces. Later, the U.N. agency that aids Palestinians said it was investigating charges that some workers were involved in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel"
Posted by: Jonathan W | Jan 26 2024 16:45 utc | 82
Okay good! Now the RoW has a legal high ground to go with the moral high ground it already had. As stated, all nations must now act to fulfill their duties under the Genocide Convention. So far, the only Russian response is this Sputnik article published four hours ago that's clearly only an initial report. Zakharova is holding her weekly briefing today, but the transcript isn't ready so I don't know if she mentioned it; there's no other notice at the MFA website as I type. TASS has nothing; Global Times has nothing. The big stories are the standoff between Texas and Biden and Western complicity in the Il-76 shootdown and murder of the Ukie POWs.
Russia's Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East and Africa and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov met with a delegation from Yemen's Ansar Allah movement and the Qatari Ambassador.
Ah, we now have a Q&A about the ICJ published by MFA:
Question: What is Moscow's reaction to the January 26 decision of the International Court of Justice to order "provisional measures" in the proceedings between South Africa and Israel under the Genocide Convention?Reply: In its judgment, the Court ordered Israel not to commit acts of genocide or to allow them to be committed by any person; prevent and punish public calls for genocide; and to allow immediate access to the Gaza Strip for humanitarian assistance and the resumption of public services. In so doing, the Court has reproduced obligations that are already incumbent on Israel, as on all States, under international law.
Contrary to many expectations, the decision does not require Israel to cease hostilities and withdraw its troops from the Gaza Strip. Nevertheless, the Court has provisionally recognized that the magnitude of the suffering of the civilian population of Gaza justifies the question of genocide. This once again confirms the validity of Russia's position on the need for an immediate cessation of violence. It is based both on the universally recognized norms of international law and on universal morality. We continue to hope that the UN Security Council will take appropriate steps and return to diplomatic efforts in accordance with the universal international legal framework for a Middle East settlement.
Do jews ever stop telling porkies?
A statement posted to the United Nations Relief and Works agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) website on Friday morning says Israeli authorities provided information to the agency about the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the attacks.
The statement does not name Hamas, the group behind the attacks on Oct. 7, 2023.
“To protect the Agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members and launch an investigation in order to establish the truth without delay,” the statement quotes UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 26 2024 16:49 utc | 84
Of course, there's no comfort for those who've already been murdered by the Zionists, but the ICJ ruling ought to reduce the number of future murders. The court did specifically state the Zionist government engaged in Genocidal promotional talk and that's to be prosecuted. All nations suppling arms to the Zionists are now complicit, while all other nations must perform their duties under the Convention. The Zionists and their supporters lost and will lose further if they don't cease and desist. IMO, this is a major inflection point in the transition to the Multipolar World. Yes, much work remains to be done. The scene now shifts back to the UNSC.
advice and guidance we most certainly do recommend you check re check your slaughter protocols and if at all possible reign them in a little if we may be so bold sir. we do of course understand the position of when israel is mighty and can do as thou moloch baal will but cut us some slack here in the low countries very low.
no need to stop the so called war not war bomba killing fields may we suggest opening another front as distraction we will of course cover all israels expense in these regards.
sorry for the trouble
the international non binding epstein caught court
Posted by: todd | Jan 26 2024 17:03 utc | 86
A very positive step, if not conclusive.
The RoW must ensure that this is used to the max.
Posted by: Norwegian | Jan 26 2024 17:03 utc | 87
karlof1 | Jan 26 2024 16:48 utc | 83
In so doing, the Court has reproduced obligations that are already incumbent on Israel, as on all States, under international law.Contrary to many expectations, the decision does not require Israel to cease hostilities and withdraw its troops from the Gaza Strip.
This is what I am seeing, and also the following part I haven't requoted.
I'm seeing this as another spoke, another brick in the wall, another nail in the coffin in the grater hybrid war to bring down the empire rather than some sort of game changer breakthrough.
South Africa, a founding member of BRICS? is the ideal country to bring the charge of genocide against Israel. This is now three four of the foundation members of doing there own bit according to their strengths. Brazil divided and somewhat neutral, Hindutva India the odd man out in that group.
Russia China Iran appear to be the core of the hybrid war against empire with now South Africa and the Iran aligned non state actors all aligning/coordinating/deconflicting their strategies.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jan 26 2024 17:04 utc | 88
Good so far. South Africa has won the Gazans some relief. But the Africans have only started the proceedings. Now the real ICJ fight begins, to convict the Israelis.
Israel's Jews should realize that a ruling of genocide, should that occur, may give them some protection. The Arabs (and perhaps even the Turks) are utterly enraged, and may be tempted to exterminate all Jews in Western Asia. If the United Nations proves alert against all genocides, then there would be some check against the Arabs.
Posted by: Cyril | Jan 26 2024 17:08 utc | 89
Have any barflies here made sausage? I have and our current process of challenging examples of human barbarism feels like that sort of process...GACK!
Not something you want to do very often and much work has to be done to insure that the outcome is "palatable".
@ aletsan | Jan 26 2024 13:45 utc | 2 with the code script to report on egregious commenters....thanks! I will take a look at it over the next few days and I have been thinking of reaching out to a perl script expert for a possible solution but his politics and mine don't mesh. I agree that it is a single page tool and was thinking that it could be triggered to run by typepad when it changes to the next hundred comments.
At least the MoA page is not chock full of ads and requiring a filtering phase before computation.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Jan 26 2024 17:14 utc | 90
Now would be an optumum momment for a new vote in the uk house of commons on a ceasefire in palistine, given and siteing this ruling. Will those M P's vote to pertentuly be complicte in israels criminal activaty, and do so in the world limelight.
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 26 2024 17:16 utc | 92
Middle East Eye features response of Israel's defence minister:
"Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant slammed the ICJ on Friday, saying Israel “does not need to be lectured on morality”, according to Israeli media.
“Those who seek justice, will not find it on the leather chairs of the court chambers in The Hague - they will find it in the Hamas tunnels in Gaza, where 136 hostages are held, and where those who murdered our children are hiding,” he added."
As for the "hostages" - is there any action less effective to secure their release than the military operation as conducted so far?
Looks like the western talking point to deflect this ruling has already been seeded: UN employees were directly involved in Oct 7
Medical sources in Gaza report 14 "massacres" and 183 dead over past 24 hours. The daily death count had dropped earlier in the month (ahead off the ICJ hearing) to 100-130 persons per day, but has returned to 160-200 per day since. One of the court orders is that Israel must be prepared to provide documentation describing specific military utility of kinetic events creating civilian casualties. Simply asserting there was a Hamas "terror tunnel" under the hospital or under the UNRWA shelter will not suffice.
Posted by: jayc | Jan 26 2024 17:18 utc | 93
Bibi is still blathering about "Israel's" non-existent right, as an hostile military occupier, to defend itself from its victims.
It's a pity the ICJ is too busy to tell Bibi he's WRONG, and should stop believing his own bullshit.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Jan 26 2024 17:18 utc | 94
Its down to independent countrys law systems to impliment this ruling, if they are signatries of the icj against Genicide.
Consider the above typed in bold.
Posted by: Mark2 | Jan 26 2024 17:22 utc | 95
Accusations of being antisemitic (judges) incoming in 3…2…1…
Posted by: NoName | Jan 26 2024 17:23 utc | 96
Sometimes it looks like a good time to be alive.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Jan 26 2024 15:44 utc | 60
I'm with you, Aleph! I cannot see how Israel can ignore this edict. There is precedent for a followup by the Court if they do. They may, no, will be prosecuted eventually for what has already happened which is on a far larger scale than the genocidal prosecution in Yugoslavia. And I would not excuse other governments from that prosecution, especially in light of the escorted container vessel that was recently halted and turned back by the Houthis.
Where is that container vessel now? Is it still trying to reach Israel in spite of this ruling? Time for that Clint Eastwood mantra: Make my day!
Israel was already 'on notice' concerning international law when they proceeded as they have already done. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for national officials; they should know the law; a the very least,their own court officials should have advised them on this. But I am not a lawyer, just a very hopeful member of the public - hopeful that light on the horizon is the dawn of peace, a true and lasting peace for all our children's sakes.
Posted by: juliania | Jan 26 2024 17:23 utc | 97
[email protected] glad it's not black phosphorus....screams of racism would abound. If you think the squatters need any excuse to attack anyone, you are not following along.
More rope I say, beside this is entering the 'turn about, fair play' stage, and I don't think Hamas, or Hezbollah for that matter, is done....just yet.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Jan 26 2024 17:27 utc | 98
The court upheld the accusation.
Ceasefire is a distraction.
The ruling is actually better than a ceasefire. Under a ceasefire Israel can keep the blockade. Under the genocide convention it cannot. Israel has been ordered to stop killing, which is a de facto ceasefire.
The world is now on notice that genocide has likely been committed and that the court remains seized of the matter.
The political pressure for a "ceasefire" will thus grow.
This is a step and a tool in the multi-faceted struggle.
Posted by: Sam B | Jan 26 2024 17:28 utc | 99
@karlof1 | Jan 26 2024 16:48 utc | 83
Russia's MFA: In so doing, the Court has reproduced obligations that are already incumbent on Israel, as on all States, under international law .... Contrary to many expectations, the decision does not require Israel to cease hostilities and withdraw its troops from the Gaza Strip.
True, the legal situation hasn't changed much.
More MFA: Nevertheless, the Court has provisionally recognized that the magnitude of the suffering of the civilian population of Gaza justifies the question of genocide.
However, the political ramifications could be great.
Posted by: Cyril | Jan 26 2024 17:32 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
As this is now the new thread, here is what I just posted on the Palestine open thread:
The ICJ decison today is the typical order on provisional measures related to genocide (violations of the Genocide Convention).
It means that Israel is committing genocide and that it should stop it.
The same Order was issued to Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) during the war in Bosnia. Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) was later judged responsible for failing to prevent genocide in Srebrenica and for not transferring Serb General Ratko Mladić to the ICTY, where he was eventually convicted for the genocide in Srebrenica.
Only in the case Ukraine vs Russia has the ICJ ever issued an Order (to Russia) stop a military operation. That is because of the peculiar nature of the case Ukraine brought against Russia under the Genocide Convention. Ukraine is not claiming Russia is committing genocide, but that it abused the Genocide Convention by claiming that Ukraine is committing genocide, and using that as an excuse for its SMO.
Posted by: JB | Jan 26 2024 13:17 utc | 303
Posted by: JB | Jan 26 2024 13:35 utc | 1