Palestine - Occupation Forces Have Serious Losses
The Israeli army is slowly recognizing and acknowledging that its enemies are serious fighters:
In Gaza itself, the military is amazed at the scale of Hamas' strength in the region, building a de facto terror army stationed 50 minutes away from Tel Aviv over the past 14 years, including hundreds of thousands of weapons ranging from various types of RPGs that constitute the main weapon in targeting soldiers, advanced rocket launchers, strike drones and strike drones modeled to counter Israeli ones.This also includes mortar shells, AK-47 rifles, Dragunov sniper rifles, communication devices, operational telephone lines and explosive charges in various sizes.
The resistance is stubborn. It doesn't give up even in areas the Israeli Occupation Forces have claimed to have cleaned:
In Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza, located just yards away from Sderot, the IDF has been operating from the early days of the operation, achieving tactical successes. However, the risks still remain. Last week, Hamas terrorists came out of a mosque in the town, and new weapon caches were also discovered.The IDF is targeting Hamas commanders, and most of these terrorist cells are local and small, but as Beit Hanoun can testify, it will take months to completely clear it of enemy forces- and this isn’t the location in which Hamas is at its strongest.
The occupation forces have relatively high losses, much higher than they admit. Via Haaretz:
IDF Reports 1,593 Wounded Since October 7, but Hospital Data Is Much Higher (archived)
Making its first such announcement since Hamas attacked on October 7, Israel stated on Sunday that 1,593 Israeli soldiers have been wounded during this period.The military noted that 255 soldiers had suffered serious injuries, 446 moderate injuries and 892 minor injuries. The army released the information on the numbers of wounded soldiers and their condition after Haaretz reported two weeks ago that it had been refusing to do so.
As of Sunday, the number of fallen soldiers in the war that Israel had dubbed "Swords of Iron" stands at 425 (97 of whom have been killed since the launch of the ground operation. An examination conducted by Haaretz with the hospitals where the wounded soldiers have been and are treated shows a considerable and unexplained gap between the data reported by the military and that from the hospitals. The hospitals' data shows that the number of wounded soldiers to be twice as high as the army's numbers.For example, Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon alone reports treating 1,949 soldiers hurt in the war since October 7 (out of 3,117 injured people treated there during the war), whereas the army reports a total of 1,593 wounded soldiers. Assuta Ashdod reportedly treated 178 patients, Ichilov (Tel Aviv) 148, Rambam (Haifa) 181, Hadassah (Jerusalem) 209 and Sha'arei Tzedek (Jerusalem) 139.
In addition, another 1,000 or so soldiers were treated at Be'er Sheva's Soroka Medical Center, while another 650 were treated at Sheba Medical Center in Tel-Hashomer. This is a partial list, as the data does not include soldiers currently in rehab wards who have already been counted as wounded upon arrival at emergency wards and inpatient wards.
The Health Ministry has counted over 10,000 wounded.
There are likely also more dead soldiers than the occupation forces admit. Some special units, which are generally small, have taken serious hits:
Verum Reports @VerumReports - 13:25 UTC · Oct 14, 2023Israel Special forces have taken heavy losses:
Unit 5101 Shaldag: 5 KIA, 3 officers/NCOs
Shayetet 13: 2 officer/NCOs KIAs
Yahalom: 1 officer KIA
Yamam: 8 KIA
LOTAR: 5 KIA (3 officers)
Sayeret Matkal (Israel’s elite SOF): 11 KIA (10 officers/NCOs)

Within a somewhat small but open community it is difficult to hide the real numbers.
How many will there have to be to make the Zionist less bloodthirsty?
Posted by b on December 11, 2023 at 16:19 UTC | Permalink
next page »How many will there have to be to make the Zionist less bloodthirsty?
Posted by b on December 11, 2023 at 16:19 UTC | Permalink
How many will there have to be of the Ashkenazi stripe, is the question.
They don't mind losing African,Arab and others of the darker persuasion.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 11 2023 16:38 utc | 2
The IDF has adequate front line assault troops, but an unenthusiastic bench of occupying troops? They'll shoot when shot at, but figure it's too dangerous to go poking around? I can't fault not being enthusiastic about risking ones life to make Netanyahu's fantasy of a genocide come true.
Posted by: Babel-17 | Dec 11 2023 16:40 utc | 3
How many will there have to be to make the Zionist less bloodthirsty?
Unfortunately, many more thousands.
Watch the 4 minute video as per tawharanui reccomendation in first comment above:
Makes one realize the IDF is getting destroyed. Stalingrad redux
Posted by: Exile | Dec 11 2023 16:50 utc | 5
I an not a conflict expert. I simply see what had caused the strife in both the Ukraine and the Gaza strip. To this I can only say: Fuck both israel and the united states. I hope they both fall into their own pile of shit. Fuck 'em both.
Posted by: rgl | Dec 11 2023 16:57 utc | 7
How many will there have to be to make the Zionist less bloodthirsty?
Unfortunately like In Ukraine’ not till the head of snake which is in this USA is cut off. For the Neocons life of others regardless of race or region doesn’t matter, Supremacism ideologies is the driving factor here .
Posted by: Kooshy | Dec 11 2023 16:58 utc | 8
I hope the israeli fuckers die in situ. Fuck them and the US
Posted by: rgl | Dec 11 2023 16:59 utc | 9
According to the World Food Program’s Carl Skau, “half of the population are starving,” with “nine out of 10 are not eating every day.” With Israel blocking aid and attacking supplies, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor says its policy “can only be described as a war of starvation against civilians in the Gaza Strip.”
If this situation is not turned around in the next two weeks (i.e. a ceasefire and massive infusion of food, water, fuel and field hospitals) then we will not be facing deaths in the thousands. It will be hundreds of thousands of deaths from starvation, disease and exposure. The ICRC and UN agencies know this, and so do the governments of the region.
Posted by: tawharanui | Dec 11 2023 17:01 utc | 10
Slavyangard reports:
The official Lebanese government and the Lebanese Armed Forces have received an ultimatum from Israel:
Israel will launch a ground operation in southern Lebanon if Hezbollah and other paramilitary forces are not withdrawn to UN Security Council-agreed positions within the next 48 hours.
Not seeing this reported anywhere else. This is pure irony, almost hilarious, that Israel is referencing a UN security council resolution....
Posted by: ctiger | Dec 11 2023 17:05 utc | 11
If you pay any attention to the legacy media (aka MSM)
it cannot have gone unnoticed what the tactic of the pro-genocide,
pro-Zionzits is.
Flip the script.
The latest is the assault on College presidents who were asked
in a congressional hearing if they supported calls for the genocide of Jews.
How is that for flipping the script.
Posted by: librul | Dec 11 2023 17:06 utc | 12
There are 2 videos that seem to suggest that the israeli government is going to shut the (liberal ?) newspaper Haaretz down:
Posted by: Mr. Market | Dec 11 2023 17:07 utc | 13
Hezbollah seems to be steadily ramping things up:
Posted by: tawharanui | Dec 11 2023 17:10 utc | 14
Has anyone else noticed a distinct reduction of reporting on the number of Palestinians being killed by Israel? Seems like essentially a blackout of news on the destruction of Gaza and the genocide of its people, along with no reporting on the massive protests against this taking place around the world.
Posted by: Perimetr | Dec 11 2023 17:15 utc | 15
Again it seems this Israeli government is bad at math. This is becoming a pattern. Honestly, Israeli society should reassess whether they can afford to maintain such innumerates remaining in power. It's simply too dangerous to maintain war and reject peace with these stubborn government people who are this bad at math. ;)
Posted by: titmouse | Dec 11 2023 17:16 utc | 16
What kind of technology takes a boy raised from birth in a concentration camp and makes him fearless in the face of one of the most powerful armies in the world?
What technology can train men to run up to a merkava tank and place a bomb in it's frame while surrounded by the shattered homes and the bones of his family?
What technology gives a man the courage to square off face to face with a tank in a rubble strewn alley way and let rip with an old RPG?
What technology makes a people so resilient that even when they are buried by tons of sand they are still lethal?
Your technology controls the skies,
Your technology controls the waters,
Your technology controls the land,
And yet they fight from beneath the ground where even your technology cannot reach, your a.i cannot peer.
The Rich and the Powerful stand by your side
And none but the poorest oppose you
Yet you cower in fear when faced with these warriors
Your soldiers flee in terror their diapers in disarray.
Starved of food and yet this technology let's them fight on.
Denied water, yet their technology brings death to your soldiers.
Denied allies, yet you can only vent your rage upon their children.
And threaten all the world with wild accusations for secretly aiding them
You brag of your technology, yet the finest technology is in the hands of the Palestinians.
May they live to share this fine technology with all mankind ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 11 2023 17:17 utc | 17
essentially a blackout of news on the destruction of Gaza and the genocide of its people, along with no reporting on the massive protests against this taking place around the world.
Posted by: Perimetr | Dec 11 2023 17:15 utc | 15
Yes. Evil dies in the Light.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 11 2023 17:19 utc | 18
These are the usual loser's fantasies. Haaretz will have to find some other propaganda excuse. It's a 10 million country. They aren't quibbling about a couple of thousand wounded.
Israel is in an existential fight, just as Russia is (but probably more). It follows that they will suffer all the wounded and the dead they need to suffer. The idea that they will back up because of real losses, much less imaginary ones, is wishful, "Ghost of Kiev"-thinking.
The reality is that the Hamas chiefs are hunkered down in their tunnels, praying to their strange and sadistic god and awaiting to die like the rats they are, whilst the Israelis (whom many here said would never be able to even enter Gaza; and other said have lost zillions of tanks; and others said were going bankrupt fast) are methodically cleaning up and doing, all things considered, quite fine on month 3.
Posted by: Augusto Pi | Dec 11 2023 17:21 utc | 19
@Posted by: ctiger | Dec 11 2023 17:05 utc | 11
This is pure irony, almost hilarious, that Israel is referencing a UN security council resolution....
Yes, 'irony', but I would say hypocrisy is more like it.
There *is* a UN Resolution that is lurking out there that John Bolton pushed through in 2006.
It is a hair raiser. It makes Iran and Syria responsible for the actions of Hezbollah.
It was supposed to give the Hegemony permission to attack Syria and Iran. It anticipated the
casus belli at the border between Lebanon and Zioland which happened two months later due
to a "security failure" by the IDF (just like Oct 7th...hmm). Fortunately for all sides
the IDF was shown to be a paper tiger in 2006 and the attack on Syria and Iran was tabled.
At any rate, Bolton's Resolution 1680 (May 2006) is still lurking out there waiting to be invoked
by the demonic Hegemony.
Posted by: librul | Dec 11 2023 17:21 utc | 20
The ten thousand wounded figure suggests KIA as high as two thousand, but the particulars of these battles make it hard to calculate. On the one hand, IDF has very good medical facilities close to the fighting, on the other hand, extracting the wounded from the battle zone may be very difficult. We won't know until we know, if then.
Posted by: Honzo | Dec 11 2023 17:22 utc | 21
I imagine most of the Hamas fighters have lost loved ones to Israeli bombing and shelling. They've lost their families, their homes...
When you've lost everything, you have nothing left to lose.
But compare that with the average pampered IGF conscript. S/he has everything to lose by going toe-to-toe with an Islamist who thinks he will go straight to heaven fighting his people's oppressors.
I'm sure Israel has some of the best trained and equipped SF in the world. But they must be relatively few in number.
Posted by: Observer | Dec 11 2023 17:27 utc | 22
@Posted by: Augusto Pi | Dec 11 2023 17:21 utc | 19
Our very own psychopathic Hasbara (redundant) is back.
Posted by: librul | Dec 11 2023 17:27 utc | 23
On the one hand, IDF has very good medical facilities close to the fighting, on the other hand, extracting the wounded from the battle zone may be very difficult. We won't know until we know, if then.
Posted by: Honzo | Dec 11 2023 17:22 utc | 21
That may be generally true but I was struck by the story of Gadi Esenkot's son who was taken to a hospital in Gaza and died there.
How good can their facilities be when there's a point they need to use facilities in Gaza to save their soldiers?
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 11 2023 17:28 utc | 24
This is pure irony, almost hilarious, that Israel is referencing a UN security council resolution....
Posted by: ctiger | Dec 11 2023 17:05 utc | 11
I think the real humor is in the idea that they can scare Hezbollah. Israel has had its butt kicked repeatedly by Hezbollah when they cross the border. The last thing Israel needs is to open another front (which doesn't mean they won't, but I think it unlikely). Once they start rolling tanks into Lebanon, they lose all leverage, not to mention burning through whatever fungibles the US has managed to scrape up for them. The west couldn't supply Ukraine, it can't supply a full-on war in Israel either, even after throwing Ukraine under the bus.
Posted by: Honzo | Dec 11 2023 17:30 utc | 25
How good can their facilities be when there's a point they need to use facilities in Gaza to save their soldiers?
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 11 2023 17:28 utc | 24
I think that speaks to the difficulty of timely evacuation of the wounded. It's possible that Israel's hospitals are becoming overloaded, and I wouldn't want to be a civilian with a sub-lethal condition there because I'm sure the military is getting complete priority, but overall I think that there's room for wounded soldiers, if they can get there. Keep in mind, too, that many wounded die while receiving treatment even in the best facilities.
Posted by: Honzo | Dec 11 2023 17:36 utc | 26
How it started:
President of Ukraine had a phone call with the President of the People's Republic of China
The President of Ukraine outlined the content of the Ukrainian Peace Formula and informed about the ongoing diplomatic work on the organization of the Global Peace Summit.Lula and the President of the European Commission talk about the environment and trade agreement in Brasilia
For Lula, extra requirements in the environmental area presented by the European Union this year, which would provide for sanctions against Brazil, need to be revised.
Where it went:
Zelensk* confronts Viktor Orban at Javier Milei inauguration
Lula declines last-minute meeting request from Zelensk*
Posted by: sln2002 | Dec 11 2023 17:37 utc | 27
Are the Hasbarahaha enemies of the Zioland settlers?
The Hasbara cover for treachery perpetrated upon their own.
The IDF knew of the Oct 7th plans.
They knew months in advance.
They became *part* of the Oct 7th plans.
Bears repeating:
The Zionist leaders and the IDF and Mossad became *part* of the Oct 7th plans.
They withdrew the majority of the IDF troops near the Gaza border area
just in time.
They became part of the plan.
They inflated the casualty numbers with the Hannibal Directive.
They slaughtered like sheep their own people.
They flipped the Oct 7th jail break and made the plan their own.
The treacherous Zionist leaders killed their own so as to
create outrage in Zioland and create support for genocide
against the Palestinian People. That was their plan all along.
Hasbara is covering for those that killed their own.
Posted by: librul | Dec 11 2023 17:45 utc | 28
The IDF reports 1593 wounded. Israeli hospitals report far higher totals (YNet mentioned 5,000). Meanwhile, CNN ( says "600 wounded." American journalists are just amazing stenographers, they don't even both to ask why the Israeli military gives different figures to American media than to Israeli media.
Posted by: Bob | Dec 11 2023 17:47 utc | 29
Once they start rolling tanks into Lebanon, they lose all leverage, not to mention burning through whatever fungibles the US has managed to scrape up for them.
Posted by: Honzo | Dec 11 2023 17:30 utc | 25
The only thing the IDF can "achieve" in Lebanon is the mass bombing of civilian areas.
The first thing they'll try to do is hit Beirut as indiscriminately as they usually do.
I think that's the only concern Nasrallah has - how to prevent mass civilian casualties.
As for striking actual Hezbollah infrastructure they probably can't locate most of it.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 11 2023 17:48 utc | 30
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 11 2023 17:48 utc | 30
Let's hope that, unlike Hamas, Hezbollah has tens of thousands of SAMs so they can start shooting down zionist jets if they do try to bomb. Then hopefully Syria will begin defending their own airspace over Golan.
Posted by: hedlykarok | Dec 11 2023 17:53 utc | 31
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 11 2023 17:48 utc | 30
According to Crooke, they're preparing an attack on Lebanon.
Posted by: laguerre | Dec 11 2023 17:54 utc | 32
How many will there have to be to make the Zionist less bloodthirsty?
Posted by b on December 11, 2023 at 16:19 UTC | Permalink
A lot more. Hamas has to be "all-in" now. Anything less than recognition of a Palestinian state is a failure. That won't happen next week, but if they let up before that happens, in essence, they will have lost.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 11 2023 17:56 utc | 33
IDF casualties in context
172 killed
817 wounded
1 captured
776–983 killed
4,517 wounded
15 captured
2,521–2,800 dead
7,250–8,800 wounded
293 captured
Posted by: Exile | Dec 11 2023 17:58 utc | 34
It seems to me to be very likely that 'Israel' will open more fronts- Lebanon and Syria in particular. There are two key factors. The first is the attitude of the US and the 'abject alliance'. They appear to have committed themselves completely, not only rushing every kind of munition to the fight but using all its auxilliary power as well. I do not doubt that the most highly trained Imperialist special forces are already in Gaza and may very well take over much of the work from the conscript units of the IDF.
Who will then be freed to undertake action against Hezbollah- in alliance with the Maronite militias, Kurds, Druze and all of the usual suspects from the war in Syria. Including, perhaps, the Turks.
The other important development has already taken place: the polls in Egypt have closed and the slim chance of embarassing the Dictator for life has receded. Which leaves him in a position to exercise a much wider range of anti-Palestinian options than he has been able to in the past couple of months.
Laguerre's position on the matter of the Arab states and their options is, I am sure, the correct one: even when the US appeared to be hegemonic and the Princes and Amirs seemed eager to close a deal with Tel Aviv, it was clear that public opinion made any such moves impossible. Even bearing in mind that Gulf societies are peculiar in the sense that much of the work in them is carried out by migrants without rights and voices (unless you count such governments as India's) and thus the ability of the 'street' to sanction government is greatly limited, still Arab opinion is almost universally pro Palestine.
And now, with the sun setting on unipolarity, what the US wants is much less important even to those like MbS who probably see themselves as half American.
Posted by: bevin | Dec 11 2023 17:58 utc | 35
Posted by: laguerre | Dec 11 2023 17:54 utc | 32
The Zionists have to get America involved and to do that, they must get Iran involved.
Attacking Lebanon is one way to accomplish that.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 11 2023 17:59 utc | 36
All those israeli place names and person names sound like places in the Blight in The Wheel of Time series. Or names of the Forsaken.
Posted by: Michael A | Dec 11 2023 17:59 utc | 37
They inflated the casualty numbers with the Hannibal Directive.
They slaughtered like sheep their own people.
Posted by: librul | Dec 11 2023 17:45 utc | 28
That was the easiest part.
There is no israeli "people".
They're a fabricated nation.
With a fabricated language.
And a fabricated History.
Mass lifted from Ethiopia.
Children kidnapped from Yemen.
Russians and Ukrainians.
Land thieves from New York.
Iraqi, Egyptian Arab Jews
Driven to into Palestine
by Zionist false flag terror.
It's all just one big Lavon Affair
Ashkenazi Brahmins at the top.
On the phone to the elites in London and Brussels.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 11 2023 18:00 utc | 38
Is it not cøear thet the arab paøesimiams are fighting for regaining theitr homeænnd sslso?
The Paletine is the entire land bedween the Jordan and the Sea, and between Lebanon and the Nege'ev or Sinai Desents.
The State of Isrël should according tóthe dis-approved US plan of partition only encompass the Nege'ev (so that tay could have fighter air bases fór their killer planes provided by "The West" andtherwise be limited to the coastal plaines -- those areas thet in the Bible were said occupied by the peoples from the seas i.e. European temporary settlers)
When the Zionist state was proclaimed in 1947/48 , the name ")sraël" came as a sutprise. "Izraël" had been a kingdom in the hilly lands north og Jerusalem and Judea. It s´was thus seccessary fór the Zionist Germanic (Yiddish and USien) Arian occupiers to remame that area "Samaria" for no reason at all. -he destructioín by - except to falsifie their claim to the word "Israël".
By the way: Until I was at the age of 16, the wor "holocaust" was onlu used for the destruction og Hirôshima & Nágàsaki by atomiíc bmmbs. How come Jewish propagandists appropriated (i.e. stole) that word to cover thair favorite story about sufferings?
Posted by: Tollef Ås/秋涛乐/טלפ וש | Dec 11 2023 18:24 utc | 39
@Posted by: Augusto Pi | Dec 11 2023 17:21 utc | 19
Our very own psychopathic Hasbara (redundant) is back.
Posted by: librul | Dec 11 2023 17:27 utc | 23
Yes, the psycho is back but not by popular demand
Posted by: ariadna | Dec 11 2023 18:29 utc | 40
More than 18,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed in Israeli attacks since 7 October, 300 of them in the last 24 hours alone, health ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qedra said on Sunday. The majority of those killed are women and children.
The Israeli military is committing “horrific crimes” against civilians in Gaza, a human rights group said on Sunday.
The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor called for an “urgent international investigation” into field executions, torture and threats of rape against Palestinians by Israeli ground forces in Gaza.
Palestinians arrested in their homes and later released told the Geneva-based group that they were stripped naked and attacked with “machine guns, electric cables and cold water.”
A 16-year-old boy told the Euro-Med Monitor that Israeli forces stormed his family’s home in Shujaiya, near Gaza City, after they were besieged for a week without food or water.
“He stated that over the past few days, Israeli forces killed everyone in his neighborhood who tried to leave their home, including [his] brother,” the rights group said.
The boy’s family were “gathered naked and handcuffed before being violently assaulted and beaten,” Euro-Med Monitor added. The teen “still does not know what happened to his mother and sisters, who were captured and kidnapped by the Israeli army.”
Posted by: ld | Dec 11 2023 18:29 utc | 41
RE: “ all things considered, quite fine on month 3.”
Posted by: Augusto Pi | Dec 11 2023 17:21 utc | 19
“Quite fine”… a bit of a stretch, even for the most delusional.
But yeah… sure it is… just keep saying that over and over…
Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 11 2023 18:30 utc | 42
#1 #30 and others - I preciate.
Not to denigrate Salvyangrad (That, Bartlett, Ritter, GazaNow(in english) is my telegram sources), but we need more than one source on the israeli threat.
To go into theoretical mode, is israel up for the optics of launching raids on civilian iIt wounfrastructure far far away from Hezbollah in Beirut? Of what operational or strategic value is that action. I do not know if Hezbollah has the capabilities of grounding the bulk israeli jets, but the F-16s can not lift off from a dirty - debris strewn airfield. And what is the ration for F-35s for flight time versus maintenance.
Does Hezbollah have the capability of retrieving Sheeba farms and even going further down into some of Galiliee? To both of the questions, it would not surprise me if Hezbollah did.
I hope and pray it stays theoretical.
To the best of my knowledge the summary execution of the Palestinian men from the refugee camp did not happen. That was posted in more than one place. I am like 99% sure that the isr.occ.forces are torturing the shit out of them however, with 2 15 y.os, 1 reporter for Al-Arabiyaa and 1 or two UNRWA employeed among the tortured. Dark days and getting worse. Starvation, scant water and the destruction of sanitary faciities guarantee a synergistic exponential increase in the deaths of civilians. Dark days.
And as the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bethlehem has proclaimed, we will not celebrate Christmas this year, Jesus is buried in the rubble in Gaza.
Posted by: paxmark1 | Dec 11 2023 18:30 utc | 43
Posted by: hedlykarok | Dec 11 2023 17:53 utc | 31
Let's hope that, unlike Hamas, Hezbollah has tens of thousands of SAMs so they can start shooting down zionist jets if they do try to bomb. Then hopefully Syria will begin defending their own airspace over Golan.
If that were the case, one could ask just what exactly those tens of thousands of SAMs are for considering the hundreds and hundreds of Israeli incursions into Lebanese airspace over the years?
The fact that Lebanon is so thoroughly helpless suggests that either Israeli deterrence is absolute, or that Lebanon simply isn't sovereign on fundamental national policies such as defence.
Posted by: robin | Dec 11 2023 18:37 utc | 44
The population of child killers in Hell has increased exponentially of late. Prognosis: this is just a fore taste of things to come, according to Lucifer
Posted by: Telegram | Dec 11 2023 18:40 utc | 45
Yes, robin. I have wondered that myself for years. Supposedly Syria has S-300 and 400 systems and my guess is they do have loads of SAMs so why have they let zionists invade their airspace at will?
Posted by: hedlykarok | Dec 11 2023 18:41 utc | 46
Posted by: paxmark1 | Dec 11 2023 18:30 utc | 43
Not to denigrate Salvyangrad (That, Bartlett, Ritter, GazaNow(in english) is my telegram sources), but we need more than one source on the israeli threat.
I think here the arc of history is enough of a source.
This has happened before and 'Israel' has nowhere to go next but Beirut.
Lebanon is really the only victim of convenience left after the West Bank.
Can't invade Syria, can't invade Jordan, Can't invade Egypt ...
To go into theoretical mode, is israel up for the optics of launching raids on civilian iIt wounfrastructure far far away from Hezbollah in Beirut?
As we've just learned, these people don't care about optics.
Of what operational or strategic value is that action.
Genocide and mass murder have great strategic value if you're willing to see it through to the end, if History is anything to go by.
I do not know if Hezbollah has the capabilities of grounding the bulk israeli jets, but the F-16s can not lift off from a dirty - debris strewn airfield
We're about to find out how far they've come since 2006, but at last check, no.
Does Hezbollah have the capability of retrieving Sheeba farms and even going further down into some of Galiliee?
They don't have the numbers to hold it. To retrieve the Shebaa farms requires the destruction of the occupation and the collapse of their government.
To the best of my knowledge the summary execution of the Palestinian men from the refugee camp did not happen.
Under the current conditions of information blackout, assume the worst.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 11 2023 18:48 utc | 47
Well unless the US wants a full blown regional war, Israeli “threats to bomb Beirut” are likely that. Threats…
I can see Israel rolling into Southern Lebanon for their “greater Israel” project escapade, although currently, I’m guessing those “settlers” in Sheba have hightailed themselves outta there, making a great time for Hezbollah to send in its own Hezbollah squatters… after all… what’s this nonsense about “resolutions”? Obviously the world has its answers, and it’s mono-e-mono , every man for themselves out there now.
Both Russia and U.S. as “military powers” are trying to tamp down and keep the lid on… but both of them are full blown hypocrites… US with their “Israel has a Right to Defend themselves” … and Russia initiating a “Right to Protect” the civilian population in Donbas… but Hezbollah or Iran can’t protect intervene and protect a civilian population from ethnic cleansing? Russia can do all that legalistic maneuvering and crap as a powerful UNSC member…
But how many years have Palestine/Syria/Yemen been playing the UNGA game and gotten smacked?
Frankly, all the “World Powers” are sickening, greedy, dictators of other nations, and think of nothing but holding onto their own power.
There are a lot of people that believe US wants a blown up Middle East… but weapons/arm and ammunition wise, I can’t see that.
Anyways, law of the jungle in play, survival of the fittest…
Time to throw the law books away.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 11 2023 18:50 utc | 48
From RT (in de EU: chrome, turnoff security and with cloudflare DNS)
Israel must wrap up its war against Hamas by the end of this year or risk losing Washington’s support for its offensive in Gaza, The Economist has reported, citing sources with knowledge of diplomatic discussions between the two allies.International condemnation of Israel’s military operation in the densely populated enclave has steadily grown over the past nine weeks.
Citing anonymous sources, the outlet reported that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a behind-closed-doors warning during a recent trip to Israel: Finish up by the end of the year, or US support may erode.
Several world leaders have echoed concerns from aid groups about a worsening humanitarian crisis in the besieged area,
Posted by: gary | Dec 11 2023 18:53 utc | 49
The fact that Lebanon is so thoroughly helpless suggests that either Israeli deterrence is absolute, or that Lebanon simply isn't sovereign on fundamental national policies such as defence.
Posted by: robin | Dec 11 2023 18:37 utc | 44
Hizbullah doesn't want to spend its weapons, before they can have a decisive effect.
Posted by: laguerre | Dec 11 2023 18:56 utc | 50
Posted by karlof1@16:40
There is a multiplication factor involved in the I$raeli casualty lists, both "official" and the ones from numerous O.Pal. hospitals where several posters here have cited horrific levels of wounded for the IDF. Within the fog of war, it is not possible to accurately depict the actual numbers of their KIA's and those later expiring after evac.
Though the bereaved ones, the newly launched widows, the mothers, the sisters, the grandmothers, the aunts of those troops who are no longer vertical likely ranges between a thousand and double that figure...those now weeping and wailing, screaming and moaning I$raeli women, would already be nearing the tens of thousands. After the bereaved come the ones who are anxiously awaiting word from the hospitals on those who have been seriously wounded with missing limbs, spinal injuries and organ dysplasias...then by adding in the mentally shattered ones with PTSD and often worse; we arrive at figures which could readily mount INTO the tens of thousands.
Emotionally fractured womenfolk tend to possess a multiplication factor upon the whole of a society. Generally, much due to the mulcting of American taxpayers and tax-free donations from wealthy Talmudists, Zionists and sympathizers in the land of Uncle $hmuel...the dollars and $hekels have poured in to keep the machine going on an economic level. Uncle $hmuel is cleaning out the already diminished military supply network (due to Ukraine) in order to keep those monstrous blockbuster bombs blasting the women, children and elders suffering in Gaza.
So it ultimately comes down to which side can sustain their losses over lengthening stretches of time. I$raelis, with all those incoming funds, mostly from our ruptured republic, have middle-middle to upper-middle class living standards...for the most part. Free college education. Free medical care...not the case here in the U$$A...but world-class by most standards. Materialistically, the I$realis are doing quite well. In the process they have lost their edge. They have become soft and languorous. Were I a betting man, my wager would be that the ever suffering Palestinians cooped up in Gaza, will be capable of holding out the longest.
Posted by: aristodemos | Dec 11 2023 19:02 utc | 51
@ Exile #34
It seems that those soldiers in 1973 and previous wars were the immigrant soldiers from the Soviet Union during WW2. Now those IDF soldiers don't want urban guerilla warfare
Posted by: Yul | Dec 11 2023 19:04 utc | 52
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 11 2023 17:28 utc | 24
Max Blumenthal told Daniel Davis that Israel is confiscating all anesthetics coming into Gaza from Egypt.
Makes me wonder if it is not just about denying care to Palestinians, but perhaps also supplementing their own medical resources, which surely are being stretched by the conflict.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 11 2023 19:11 utc | 53
The force put by Israhell in its slaughtering the Palestinians this time is made to imitate what the US did in Afghanistan or Iraq. On top of that, the threat of new migratory waves to Europe means they are holding the EU lackeys at gunpoint. EU countries are one by one electing the extreme-right, not by Islamophobia and racism as the newspapers like to depict but as the result of the protest vote of people who cannot trust the establishment anymore. The sole policy of the EU under VdL has been pushing for more wars, and an economy based entirely on high tech and global finance who look at human beings and small countries as disposable.
Posted by: Minaa | Dec 11 2023 19:12 utc | 54
The mighty IDF is undefeated, however, in its campaign to eradicate civilians and render Gaza a toxic hellhole uninhabitable for a decade, during which Israel will be decontaminating it with my tax dollars, over which I have absolutely no say as to how they are spent. Such a pleasure to live in the core of an Evil Imperium, is it not?
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 19:12 utc | 55
Now those IDF soldiers don't want urban guerilla warfare
Posted by: Yul | Dec 11 2023 19:04 utc | 52
Which is precisely why Israel's air war is predicated on turning any urban environments into smoking street level rubble.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 19:14 utc | 56
“How many will there have to be to make the Zionist less bloodthirsty?” ~b
I don’t know what you mean by this, b. I’m sure you’ve heard of Dahya Doctrine. Blood is blood. No matter whose blood, and the blood suckers want more. Dracula has a hay day in Gaza.
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Dec 11 2023 19:15 utc | 57
the Russians in WWII had 27 million dead,how many wounded ? They decided its them or the Germans,Fight to the death.Your question about how high casualties have to be for IDF to be less bloodthirsty is stupid.Its a war to the death.Its been frozen on and off for 75 years.Is the Israeli political class stupid? Any more on off in the conflict and Israel lose in the end.My bet is Hamas will be destroyed.Fck your bleating and hand wringing,hamas asked for it.
Posted by: homer d | Dec 11 2023 19:19 utc | 58
Fck your bleating and hand wringing,hamas asked for it.
Posted by: homer d | Dec 11 2023 19:19 utc | 58
Then why is the IDF strictly targeting innocent children, women and men - as a stated and intended course of action?
Please elaborate as much as you can, oh wise one.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 19:24 utc | 59
Firstly, as of posting "" is down and offline. Routine maintenance or sabotage??
I case you haven't seen it yet, I have made a music video pertaining to the genocide in Gaza. It is on both Rumble and YouTube, but as with everything I post on YT it is shadow-banned, blacklisted, unlisted, and usually removed immediately, this time it's only age restricted.
Here ya go... Enjoy
Posted by: Rabbi McGoyim | Dec 11 2023 19:26 utc | 60
Posted by: librul | Dec 11 2023 17:45 utc | 28
Exactly. I've been nose deep in the work of Michael Collins Piper lately, mainly out of sheer curiosity in the wake of the anniversaries of JFK and Lennon's deaths. I have not made up my mind yet, and I wish he'd actually use footnotes for some of the claims he makes, but I do think there's a lot of merit to the idea he calls a "template for terror." The Mossad operates without concern for human life, whether Israeli or other, in the pursuit of their dastardly goals. When you have high level cover for such activities in Washington D.C., Brussels, London and Tel Aviv, it's a lot easier to continue getting away with it.
I have no doubts that there was a stand-down or selective stand-down on October 7 and that there was foreknowledge/forewarning and last minute phone calls and meetings on October 6 and in the early morning of the 7th. Select members of Shin Bet and the Mossad with need to know access were aware something big was coming and, as is their "template", they piggybacked their own plans onto those of Hamas for greater theatrical and political effect.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 19:34 utc | 61
……Its a war to the death.Its been frozen on and off for 75 years.Is the Israeli political class stupid? Any more on off in the conflict and Israel lose in the end.My bet is Hamas will be destroyed.Fck your bleating and hand wringing,hamas asked for it.……
Lots to unpack here, but net net Homer doesn’t realize how insanely blood thirsty this sounds. Braying for Totaler Krieg isn‘t a sign of confidence
Posted by: Exile | Dec 11 2023 19:35 utc | 62
FAKE: The IDF is a powerful and well trained military force.
REALITY: The IDF consists of mostly inadequately trained draftees whose “combat experience” is limited to oppression and repression of unarmed and poor Arab.
The IDF’s reputation for excellence has always been based on defeating poorly trained, poorly led and unmotivated soldiers… 1948, 1968, 1973… Entebbe…!!! In what universe does defeating Idi Amin Dada’s thugs constitute a glorious victory? The IDF fraud is up… they can only fight against untrained thugs, and even then… I only if they have technological supremacy.
The presence of US Navy Carrier Strike Groups is telling… the Pentagon believes Israel is facing an existential threat. The Israeli threats to Lebanon are yet another clue Zionists are scared sh*tless.
With a few well placed missiles, Hezbollah can destroy Israel’s 5 desalination plants and Israel becomes Gaza in terms of water supply. AND / OR Hezbollah could fire swarms of missiles at Israel’s gas infrastructure… and Israel becomes Gaza in energy supplies…
Strikes against desalination plants and/or gas extraction plants would cause minimum casualties but literally destroy the state of Israel.
What is Hezbollah waiting for?
One can
Posted by: Joseph B | Dec 11 2023 19:40 utc | 63
funny to call it a war
so many combined forces maneuvers that I did see in the last 2 months
Posted by: Macpott | Dec 11 2023 19:41 utc | 64
It would be most ironic if one reason that IDF soldiers are dying or suffering severe injuries is that getting first aid to them and then evacuating them to the closest hospital are made difficult by the IDF's own actions in destroying civilian infrastructure in the areas where the soldiers need to infiltrate to find Hamas fighters.
Posted by: Refinnejenna | Dec 11 2023 19:49 utc | 65
RE: : homer d | Dec 11 2023 19:19 utc | 58
Well, same logic can apply to Palestinians… it’s us or them, fight to the death…
I’m ok with the Middle East blowing up… Israel can fight to the death all it wants…
But as an American… no money… no arms…no ships in the Mediterranean… no Intelligence transfers… no American advisors.. no equipment sent… no political cover… no aid…
No planes… no parts… no equipment… no armor… no ammunition…
You get the picture… you want to fight to the death? go ahead. You want to genocide civilians that are in your way?
Go get all your shit from Germany…. Or England.
Including your goddamn money… and f*ck from America.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Dec 11 2023 19:54 utc | 66
Despite AU media only reporting Hammas atrocity propaganda there have been pro-Palestine protests for 9 weekends. As ever, our media and politicians do not represent the public.
Except that… the consumer of orgy of Christmas seems to be ramping up without concern for anything. It has always appeared obscene to me. Then during wars/crashes/covids I was like “surely there has to be some effect on the xmas bullshit”… but no effect as far as I could tell. And now… two million people have had fuck all food or water or safe shelter for two months… and Santa is still coming to town?!?!?!?!
Posted by: Rae | Dec 11 2023 20:11 utc | 67
Elijah M's thread today.
doesn't leave much to the imagination
what I find most interesting is CIA chief's message/threat to Iraq...... and the response
Simple equation:
If #Israel destroys villages in southern #Lebanon, #Hezbollah will destroy #Haifa.
If Israel bombs #Beirut or its suburbs, Hezbollah will destroy Tel Aviv and all energy platforms, including ports and airports.
If #Israel relies on the #US, the Iraqi resistance has prepared to bomb and destroy all military bases in #Iraq.
So far, the Iraqi resistance has been asked to limit its attacks. But it has more precision missiles than Hezbollah to deal with US bases.
Remember, there are Pakistani, Afghan and other partners in the 'Axis of Resistance', all well trained and equipped with precision missiles.
As far as I know, they can all be brought into the fight, depending on how far #Israel wants to drag the #US into it
CIA chief warned #Iraq's prime minister that any attack on #US bases will trigger a response. The Iraqi Resistance, who received the message yesterday, sent a kamikaze drone over Ain al-Assad US military base. So far there were over 85 attacks against US bases in Iraq and Syria.
Posted by: michaelj72 | Dec 11 2023 20:14 utc | 68
Love Donbass @ 36
Hail Mary or suicide pact? A scenario for Samson Doctrine? Any way you look at it a desperation move when losing.
Posted by: oldhippie | Dec 11 2023 20:15 utc | 69
The "Islamist movement was promoted by the West to destroy nationalism in the Middle East"
Crooke on Judge Napolitano today finally admitted that "Islamists" are, like himself, the foot soldiers of Empire who helped create this threat for the War of Terror.
- alphabet agencies funnel funds and arms to the mercenary proxies (as he did in Afghanistan to take on the Soviets) and -"journalists" who are their stenographers such as FT, NYT, Wapo, Guardian ratchet up the fear factor among the sheeple to justify invading countries.
Now he's freaking out because the plan got derailed with mujahideen turning into Taliban and kicking out Empire.
He says he sees "civilizational Islam" (no speciifc type of Islam), i.e "nationalism and popular Islam" which is "not controllable" .
God forbid people have their own minds!!! God help Empire and their vassals if people can't be controlled.
Then he says, the popular support for Palestine sends "shivers up the spine" of the leaders in the region (he mentions Jordan and I think he also means Egypt, KSA; UAE). Personally I think these leaders are shivering at how the West has exposed its true feelings when it comes to Arabs / Muslims / the "other".
I imagine the people doing the most spine shivering are US /UK / Fr / Ger / It /Can / Aus figuring out how to keep their War of Terror going while not risking their own lifestyles as their genocidal Israeli toddler throws mega temper tantrums threatening to attack everyone.
These imperialists who still think of the "Middle East" rather than West Asia, can't move beyond seeing the regional neighbours as being angry as hell because they're watching genocide and this is about the oppressed fighting a brutally violent apartheid oppressor which resorts to any nonsense such as reciting from an old book to justify the murder of 18,000 dead, almost 50,000 injured and thousands under the rubble. It is coming close to 4% of the population that is dead, missing, captured or injured in a little over 2 months.
The religion of all parties is secondary.
(Spare me the Muslim Brotherhood stuff, please). In the 1970s Hamas got their start as an Islamic charity affiliated with Muslim Brotherhood. FIFTY years have passed. Now there are at least a dozen different armed resistance groups within Gaza and the West Bank and some are Muslims but not all of them. Hzebollah has Christian members too. THe common denominator is living in a territory always being attacked rather than how many times a day you pray.
And whatever they were doing in Syria, it's quite unclear from the narratives in English what fraction went there and what they did.
Posted by: pq | Dec 11 2023 20:21 utc | 70
Posted by: michaelj72 | Dec 11 2023 20:14 utc | 68
Seems like Elijah may be prognosticating more than relaying any concrete statements from the parties involved re: Hezbollah, Iraqi resistance, etc.
Wouldn't it be something, though, if the US was drawn into a major regional conflict and forced out of Iraq and Syria once and for all. No matter what, this has turned into a major PR disaster for Uncle Scam and any "response" alluded to by the CIA chief (interesting in and of itself that the CIA and not DoD is doing the talking) will definitely make the optics unbearable to the majority of the American people.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 20:22 utc | 71
Posted by: pq | Dec 11 2023 20:21 utc | 70
If what I've read in the past couple of days is correct, the whole notion of a "War on Terror" was initially conceived and coined by the Zionist Likud party in Israel. Some time in the mid-90s.
...After Israeli independence in 1948, the internal politics of the country were dominated by the Labor Party, which believed in the creation of European-style social democracy and a relatively discreet maltreatment/dispossession of Palestinians. In this context, the Revisionists were considered to be nuts from the fringe, and as such, were largely cut out of the structures of official power. I have been told by an Israeli academic that this contributed to Netanyahu’s father, a scholar of the Spanish Inquisition who had also been Jabotinsky’s personal secretary in New York between 1935-1940, having difficulties in securing a regular academic appointment in Eretz Israel. Hence, he shuttled back and forth several times between that country and the U.S. This is the reason why Benjamin Netanyahu speaks perfect American English; he spent much of his youth in the U.S.This all changed in 1977 when Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir of the Likud Party, a formation rooted deeply in the beliefs of Revisionist Zionism, got elected to power in Israel. They did so, in no small measure, on the basis of their ability to sell their expansionist form of nationalism to the country’s new wave of immigrants, Sephardic Jews from Arab and/or Islamic countries such as Morocco, Iraq, Iran, and Yemen, who tended to be of considerably lower educational levels than the European Jews who had made up the bulk of the country’s first and second generations of settlers.
Revisionist Zionism’s long walk in the desert was over. Indeed, since that time, the Revisionists have steadily increased their domination over Israeli political life to the point where the Labor Party, like the Democratic Party in the U.S., spends much of its life cowering in front of the Likud Partyout of fear of being called “unpatriotic” and “soft on terror.”
Key to the continued rise of Revisionist Zionism was the ability to organize key elements of American Jewry around this new, hyper-martial view of the Israeli reality. They did so by infiltrating AIPAC and by flooding the think-tanks then being created to prop up the Reagan Revolution (e.g., the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute) with thinkers amenable to their cause, and by founding think-tanks of their own (e.g., the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, the Hudson Institute, the Center for Security Policy, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, the Middle East Media Research Institute) dedicated wholeheartedly to promoting a pro-Likud approach to Mideast policy.
If you were a viewer of the McNeil Lehrer Report in the ’80s, you saw the first fruits of this propaganda push in abundance when think-tank heroes, Reagan appointees, and Likud sympathizers such as Michael Ledeen, Richard Perle, Elliot Abrams, and Paul Wolfowitz were paraded across our screens almost nightly to ply their bellicose, Israel-centered view of the world to people (PBS viewers) who like to think of themselves as America’s thinking elite. All polite, articulate, and calmly spoken, they made “muscular foreign policy” and the “show ’em who’s boss” treatment of Arabs (and all of the other ungrateful brown people of Earth, for that matter) seem the most natural and sensible thing in the world.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 20:25 utc | 72
Max Blumenthal told Daniel Davis that Israel is confiscating all anesthetics coming into Gaza from Egypt.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 11 2023 19:11 utc | 53
If it is true and I hope to God it is not, I think it's because they are sadistic. They want the population to suffer and it will also contribute to the death rate.
Posted by: pq | Dec 11 2023 20:27 utc | 73
Fck your bleating and hand wringing,hamas asked for it.
Posted by: homer d | Dec 11 2023 19:19 utc | 58
Presuming you're a real human and not another bot, then that's such a cynical and short-sighted thing to post.
Hamas' people have been occupied, starved, bombed, and humiliated while being forcibly evicted for decades.
You're right that it is a fight to the death, and Israel will have to murder everyone inside Gaza to "win".
And the prize for "winning" is becoming a pariah state globally for all of history.
Hamas' plan is working perfectly.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 11 2023 20:37 utc | 74
asad abukhalil أسعد أبو خليل
I am curious: where does Blinken normally see scenes of sexual violence, unless he inadvertently revealed his viewing habits:
“Blinken says sexual violence by Hamas ‘beyond anything that I’ve seen’”
Posted by: Menz | Dec 11 2023 20:59 utc | 75
Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 20:25 utc | 72
Brzezinski was the architect of the war of islamic terror which began in 1979.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Dec 11 2023 21:03 utc | 76
Menz | Dec 11 2023 20:59 utc | 75
Projection is always a good rule of thumb when it comes to US UK propaganda.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Dec 11 2023 21:06 utc | 77
Brothers in Arms, Crimes Againt Humanity.
Israel used U.S.-supplied white phosphorus in Lebanon attack
DHEIRA, Lebanon — Israel used U.S.-supplied white phosphorus munitions in an October attack in southern Lebanon that injured at least nine civilians in what a rights group says should be investigated as a war crime, according to a Washington Post analysis of shell fragments found in a small village.
Posted by: Menz | Dec 11 2023 21:09 utc | 78
Bot "Augusto Pi" 19
Yes, you just keep telling yourself that, old chap.
Posted by: anon | Dec 11 2023 21:14 utc | 79
If what I've read in the past couple of days is correct, the whole notion of a "War on Terror" was initially conceived and coined by the Zionist Likud party in Israel. Some time in the mid-90s
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 20:25
Yes. I have read that too. It goes back even earlier to the Oded Yinon Plan 1982. I had posted a link once, it's on
Much of War of Terror is Oded Yinon implementation. Scott Ritter has done at least two podcasts where he has finally opened up about how Israel was really pushing the decimation of Iraq.
Through AIPAC and other organizations, Israel controls all the five eyes. It sets the foreign policy of UK / US / EU.
UK / US taxpayers have slept through 32 years of bombing West Asia and North Africa, while their economies have gone broke with this spending. Then they whine about refugees.
Nobody ever talks root cause.
Posted by: Pq | Dec 11 2023 21:22 utc | 80
Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 20:22 utc | 71
"if the US was drawn into a major regional conflict and forced out of Iraq and Syria once and for all"
I am thinking this is the real reason the two carrier groups are there; evacuate the usurpers.
Posted by: George | Dec 11 2023 21:23 utc | 81
@Tom Q Collins 72
I think the web of Israel - UK - US is quite tangled.
Israel has been a driver of some wars but then you also have some side projects such as Nuland's Ukraine thing and Hillary's Libyan thing. Taking on China is not an Israeli project as far as I know. But Israel's influence is undeniable considering it never fights and never pays. Just gets others to do the work.
Posted by: Pq | Dec 11 2023 21:28 utc | 82
Haven't posted here for ages, but b's post reminded me of something I was told over 40 years ago that might have some relevance here.
The first few lines... "the military is amazed at the scale of Hamas' strength..." And "The resistance is stubborn..."
I was told that the North Vietnamese, or more specifically Ho Chi Minh, were great readers and admirers of the American revolutionary Thomas Paine. The basic idea they took from Paine (and this is probably an oversimplification) was that you can lose many (most?) of the battles and still win the war. Not for a second saying it's easy or simple, but if you can outlast your invader - having the means and determination to do so - they will at some point give up.
Does IDF really understand who and what they are dealing with? Has Hamas prepared and learned how to apply this particular lesson from history?
Posted by: NotBob | Dec 11 2023 21:30 utc | 83
Does IDF really understand who and what they are dealing with? Has Hamas prepared and learned how to apply this particular lesson from history?
NotBob | Dec 11 2023 21:30 utc | 83
That is what I am seeing though I don't put a question mark on Hamas. For those that have read history, history repeats. For those that haven't read history, which is the majority here in the west, the mistakes of history are repeated.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Dec 11 2023 21:42 utc | 84
In 1944, Allied forces claimed that the ancient monastery of Monte Cassino was being used by the Germans as an observation post to direct artillery fire (it wasn't - the German commander, a devout Catholic, respected the sanctity of the site.)
Allied air forces blasted the monastery to smithereens, reducing it to a heap of rubble.
German forces then moved into the jumble of ruins and fought successfully from the rubble. Because it was no longer a religious site - just a pile of rubble. The German 1st Parachute Division, the very best troops in the German Army, defended their positions for months against everything that was thrown against them, until they were eventually outflanked and forced to withdraw.
We now hear much hasbara about how Hamas fighters emerged from a hospital/ mosque/ school/ whatever, to attack Zionist forces. But there are now no such buildings left in Gaza - they have all been destroyed by Zionist carpet bombing and are indistinguishable from the rest of the moonscape created by our bloodthirsty Zionist chums. So they are not violating the status of such sites, hospitals, mosques etc. They are just fighting from the rubble. Israel has destroyed those buildings and Hamas is now perfectly entitled to launch its attacks from whatever piece of rubble they find convenient.
Posted by: anon | Dec 11 2023 21:43 utc | 85
Posted by: Pq | Dec 11 2023 21:28 utc | 82
Libya wasn't really that far removed from the zionist agenda. Their big mistake was giving up WMD and then trying to unite the Arab and African worlds under a gold-backed currency. They were one of the '7 countries' on the hit list for the neocons/MIC/banksters to pave the way for 'greater israel' project.
Posted by: hedlykarok | Dec 11 2023 21:45 utc | 86
Posted by: NotBob | Dec 11 2023 21:30 utc | 83
«Not for a second saying it's easy or simple, but if you can outlast your invader - having the means and determination to do so - they will at some point give up.»
That often fails. The New England rebels had the advantage of being funded and supported by the French Empire and of having much shorter supply lines than the royalists, for example. The USA strategy in Vietnam was not about defeating North Vietnam, for example. Iraq and Afghanistan were also great USA victories, contrarily to appearances, at least as the usual delusionalists see them.
«Does IDF really understand who and what they are dealing with? Has Hamas prepared and learned how to apply this particular lesson from history?»
Many palestinians fantasize the parallel with the crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, that lasted only 120-200 years, and are simply waiting for the second Saladdin to come and do them the favour of throwing the stardaviders back into the sea. Guess what's the name of the main road through Gaza...
But several millions of fanatical nuclear armed zionists are not the same thing as a bunch of looting feudal lords. The IDF I guess have a mix of the Masada fantasy and the Bar Kokhba fantasy instead.
Posted by: Blissex | Dec 11 2023 21:51 utc | 87
Posted by: Pq | Dec 11 2023 21:22 utc | 80
Do you remember roughly when those Ritter episodes came out? I would be very interested to listen, but don't necessarily have time to scan through all of his content. Any guidance appreciated,.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 21:54 utc | 88
How long will the Jewish crusade to seize Outremer last?
Nit much longer.
Posted by: kerdasi amaq | Dec 11 2023 21:55 utc | 89
Posted by: Pq | Dec 11 2023 21:28 utc | 82
I read the other day that Israel (and France of course) was also pushing for Libya.
For a brief start.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 22:05 utc | 90
This is pure irony, almost hilarious, that Israel is referencing a UN security council resolution....
Posted by: ctiger | Dec 11 2023 17:05 utc | 11
Rather, it is pure cynicism.
Posted by: RJPJR | Dec 11 2023 22:09 utc | 91
Thought provoking article below: Israel is Losing this War by Tony Karon and Daniel Levy
Posted by: Bakunin17 | Dec 11 2023 22:20 utc | 92
Posted by: hedlykarok | Dec 11 2023 21:45 utc | 86
There is also the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer.
It may seem hard to believe today, but back in 2011 Libya’s water resources were described as sufficient to start an agribusiness sector similar in scale to that of California’s San Joaquin Valley. Israel and Egypt would represent the only agri-business competitors in the southern Mediterranean region but Libya could surpass both if its extensive water resources were managed correctly.
I've read that Gaddafi was also openly questioning Israel's nuclear arsenal. That certainly didn't help JFK.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 22:26 utc | 93
“Americans are good people. They have no aggressions against us and they like us, as we like them. They must know I don’t hate them. I love them. I hear it is a complex society inside. Many Americans don’t know about the outside world. The majority have no concern and no information about other people. They could not even find Africa on a map. I think Americans are good, but America will be taken over and destroyed from the inside by the Zionist lobby. The Americans do not see this. They are getting decadent. Zionists will use this to destroy them.”
— Muammar al-Gaddafi
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 22:28 utc | 94
I got email from the United States Campaign for Palestinian Rights - USCPR - that around 50 protesters got arrested this morning for taking the protest to the senate atrium. So I sent them another donation of $50. They do great work and I just thought anyone else here at MOA feeling helpless because of being physically unable to go protest yourself might like to contribute, too.
Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Dec 11 2023 22:28 utc | 95
More Gaddafi statements on Israel:
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 22:31 utc | 96
According to the IOF website, since the end of the truce 33 Israeli soldiers have been killed in action in the Gaza Strip between 1st and 10 December. If things continue at this rate (around a hundred soldiers killed every month), the long war planned by the Israeli government to "totally eliminate" Hamas will be VERY costly.
10 December 2023
• Master Sgt, (res.) Ari Yehiel Zenilman, 32, of Jerusalem - Battalion 8111, 5th Infantry Brigade. Fell in combat in the Gaza Strip.
• Cpt. (res.) Eliya Yanovsky, 24, of Jerusalem – Platoon Commander, Battalion 8111, 5th Infantry Brigade. Fell in combat in the Gaza Strip.
• Maj. (res.) Roman Bronshtein, 46, of Bat Yam - Training Officer, Battalion 8111, 5th Infantry Brigade. Fell in combat in the Gaza Strip.
• Maj. (res.) Evyatar Cohen, 42, of Kfar Saba - Battalion 8111, 5th Infantry Brigade. Fell in combat in the Gaza Strip.
• Sgt. Maj. (res.) Etay Perry, 36, of Modi’in – Battalion 8111, 5th Infantry Brigade. Fell in combat in the Gaza Strip.
• Sgt. Maj. (res.) Gideon Ilani, 35, of Asa'el – Battalion 2855, 55th (Tip of the Spear) Paratroopers Brigade. Fell in combat in the Gaza Strip.
• Lt. Nethanel Menachem Eitan, 22, of Jerusalem – Officer cadet, Geffen Battalion, IDF Officer Training School. Previously served in Special Tactics Rescue Unit 669 of the Israel Air Force. He succumbed today to severe injuries sustained in combat in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday, 8 December.8 December 2023
• Staff Sgt. Jonatan Dean Jr Haim – 603rd (Lahav/Blade) Armored Engineer Battalion, 7th (Storm from the Golan) Armored Brigade. Fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip.
• Master Sgt. (res.) Naftali Yonah Gordon, 32, of Jerusalem - 53rd Battalion, 188th (Barak) Armored Brigade. Fell in battle in the Gaza Strip.
• Master Sgt. (res.) Liav Atiya, 25, of beer Sheva - 6623 Reconnaissance Battalion, 55th (Tip of the Spear) Paratroopers Brigade. Fell in combat in the southern Gaza Strip.
• Master Sgt. (res.) Omri Ben Shachar, 25, of Givatayim - 6623 Reconnaissance Battalion, 55th (Tip of the Spear) Paratroopers Brigade. Fell in combat in the southern Gaza Strip.
• Sgt. Maor Cohen Eisenkot, 19, of Eilat - 12th Battalion, Golani Infantry Brigade. Fell in battle in the Gaza Strip7 December 2023
• Master Sgt. (res.) Eyal Meir Berkowitz, 28, of Jerusalem - Battalion 699, 551st (Hetzei Ha-Esh/Arrows of Fire) Paratroopers Brigade. Fell in combat in the northern Gaza Strip.
• Sgt. 1st Class (res.) Omri Rot, 25, of Katzrin - 53rd Battalion, 188th (Barak) Armored Brigade. Fell in battle in the Gaza Strip.
• Sgt. Maj. (res.) Jonathan David Deitch, 34, of Harish – 6623 Reconnaissance Battalion, 55th (Tip of the Spear) Paratroopers Brigade. Fell in combat in the southern Gaza Strip.
• Sgt. Maj. (res.) Kobi Dvash, 41, of Tiberias – 271st Combat Engineer Battalion, 14th (Machatz) Armored Brigade. Fell in combat in the southern Gaza Strip.
• Master Sgt. (res.) Gal Meir Eisenkot, 25, of Herzliya - Battalion 699, 551st (Hetzei Ha-Esh/Arrows of Fire) Paratroopers Brigade. Fell in combat in the northern Gaza Strip.6 December 2023
• Sgt. 1st Class (res.) Maor Gershoni, 24, of Yokneam Illit – 8173 Combat Engineer Battalion, Etzioni Infantry Brigade. Fell in combat in the Gaza Strip.
• Staff Sgt. Alemnew Emanuel Feleke, 22, of Kiriat Gat - Unit 217 (Duvdevan), Commando Brigade. Succumbed to wounds sustained in combat in the southern Gaza Strip on 5 December 2023
• Staff Sgt. Amit Bonzel, 22, of Shoham - 5135th (Flying Serpent) Patrol Battalion, 35th Paratroopers Brigade. Fell in combat in the central Gaza Strip.
• Sgt. Maj. (res.) Adi Shani, 39, of Tzur Yitzhak – Reconnaissance Company, Division Logistics Brigade, 36th (Ga'ash/Rage) Division. Fell in combat in the Gaza Strip5 December 2023
• Sgt. 1st Class (res.) Yehonatan Malka, 23, of Beer Sheva – 82nd Battalion, 7th Armored Brigade. Fell in battle in the central Gaza Strip.
• Master Sgt. (res.) Ilay Eliyahu Cohen, 23, of Moshav Beit Nehemia, Battalion 7008, 551st (Hetzei Ha-Esh/Arrows of Fire) Paratroopers Brigade. Fell in battle in the Gaza Strip.
• Master Sgt. (res.) Matan Damari, 31, of Dimona – Reconnaissance Company, 215th Brigade, Artillery Corps. Fell in battle in the Gaza Strip4 December 2023
• Cpt. Yahel Gazit, 21, pf Rakefet – Deputy Company Commander, 53rd Battalion, 188th Armored Brigade. Fell in battle in the Gaza Strip.
• Master Sgt. (res.) Gil Daniels, 34, of Ashdod – Battalion.6261, Brigade 261. Fell in battle in the Gaza Strip.
• Cpt. Eitan Fisch, 23, of Pedu’el - 53rd Battalion, 188th Armored Brigade. Fell in battle in the Gaza Strip.
• Sgt. Yakir Yedidya Schenkolewski, 21, of Migdal Oz - 53rd Battalion, 188th Armored Brigade. Fell in battle in the Gaza Strip.
• Staff Sgt. Tuval Yaakov Tsanani, 20, of Kiriat Gat – 53rd Battalion, 188th Armored Brigade. Fell in battle in the Gaza Strip3 December 2023
• Sgt. Binyamin Yehoshua Needham, 19, of Zikhron Ya’akov - Combat Engineer, 401st (Iron Tracks) Armored Brigade. Fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.
• Sgt. Maj. (res.) Neriya Shaer, 36, of Yavne – Battalion 6655, 55th (Tip of the Spear) Paratroopers Brigade. Fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.
• Sgt. 1st Class (res.) Ben Zussman, 22, of Jerusalem - Combat Engineer, 401st (Iron Tracks) Armored Brigade. Fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.2 December 2023
• Sgt. 1st Class (res.) Or Brandes, 25, of Shoham – 82nd Battalion, 7th Armored Brigade. Fell in battle in the central Gaza Strip
Posted by: Leuk | Dec 11 2023 22:34 utc | 97
Does IDF really understand who and what they are dealing with? Has Hamas prepared and learned how to apply this particular lesson from history?
Posted by: NotBob | Dec 11 2023 21:30 utc | 83
Not to mention, every Palestinian who dies, Hamas or not, is regarded as a martyr among 2 billion Muslims.
I don't like senseless death, but if one believes in an afterlife (and I do) then being a martyr is a heroic way to go out.
That's what has terrified the West about Muslims for a long time. It was easy to get Christians hooked on secular materialism, Santa Claus, Easter Bunnies, and Boxing Day sales since most Occidental Christianity is rooted in Paganism and Polytheism.
People who fast 1 month every year and pray five times every day, people who place a high value on every generation memorizing the holy book, and are ready to die for what they believe?
That's an implacable enemy and very difficult to defeat.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 11 2023 22:34 utc | 98
Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Dec 11 2023 22:28 utc | 95
Just donated.
Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 11 2023 22:39 utc | 99
Posted by: Leuk | Dec 11 2023 22:34 utc | 97
I am no military expert but it seems like the IDF is made up of a lot of Master Sargeants, Majors, and Sargeant Majors.
Where are the Corporals and Privates?
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 11 2023 22:39 utc | 100
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See the first video embedded in this article.
Posted by: tawharanui | Dec 11 2023 16:35 utc | 1