Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
December 02, 2023

Israel Plans For Long War And The Expulsion Of People From Gaza

There are several new report on how the Zionist want to continue their killing spree in Gaza (and beyond it).

Israel Planning for Gaza War To Last Over a Year - Antiwar

The Financial Times reported speaking with sources who said that Israel plans to wage war on Gaza for over a year. In a little less than two months, Israel has killed at least 15,000 people, damaged 100,000 buildings, displaced 1.7 million Palestinians, and destroyed most of Gaza’s medical facilities.

On Friday, FT reported sources said Israel was preparing for a multi-phase conflict in Gaza that will last at least a year. “This will be a very long war…We’re currently not near halfway to achieving our objectives,” said one person familiar with the Israeli war plans.

According to the sources, Israel’s goals include “killing the three top Hamas leaders — Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif, and Marwan Issa — while securing a decisive military victory against the group’s 24 battalions and underground tunnel network and destroying its governing capability in Gaza.”
The first phase of the war, an intense bombing campaign and ground invasion, is expected to last well into 2024. One source said the first phase of the war is about 40% complete. “Gaza City isn’t finished yet, nor fully conquered. It’s probably 40% done,” the person explained. “For the north as a whole, it will probably require another two weeks to a month.”

The second phase will be an operation with fewer military operations aimed at stabilizing Gaza. While the sources told FT that the second phase is projected to continue until late 2024, Israeli officials say they cannot predict a firm endpoint to the conflict.

A long war means that Israel will lose more and more international support.

The trend will become even stronger when Israel starts to kill all 'Hamas people' across the world.

The Biden administration claims to have pressured Israel to murder less people. But it then turns around and delivers more and bigger weapons.

U.S. Sends Israel 2,000-Pound Bunker Buster Bombs for Gaza War (archived) - WSJ

The surge of arms, including roughly 15,000 bombs and 57,000 artillery shells, began shortly after the Oct. 7 attack and has continued in recent days, the officials said. The U.S. hasn’t previously disclosed the total number of weapons it sent to Israel nor the transfer of 100 BLU-109, 2,000-pound bunker buster bombs.
Among the munitions the U.S. has transferred to Israel are more than 5,000 Mk82 unguided or “dumb” bombs, more than 5,400 Mk84 2,000 pound warhead bombs, around 1,000 GBU-39 small diameter bombs, and approximately 3,000 JDAMs, which turn unguided bombs into guided “smart” bombs, according to an internal U.S. government list of the weapons described to The Wall Street Journal by U.S. officials.
The U.S. has also sent Israel roughly 57,000 155mm artillery shells – a key munition the U.S. has also provided Ukraine since the 2022 Russian invasion – along with thousands of other artillery shells and various small arms.
The U.N., humanitarian agencies, and Arab countries mediating negotiations between the two sides have called for a permanent cease-fire. The Biden administration has rejected calls for a long-term cease-fire and expressed support for Israel’s fight to ultimately uproot Hamas from power in Gaza.

Dropping 'bunker busters' (which can not bust Hamas' real command bunkers) onto the densely populated Gaza strip is mass murder. Moreover doing so based on faulty 'artificial intelligence' decisions is dumb.

A Hebrew paper says there are new plans to push Gazans out but that these are controversial even within the war cabinet.

The Prime Minister's Plan for Gaza Citizens: The Direction-Out - Israel Hayom (slightly edited machine translation)

The emergency government is broadcasting uniformly about the resumption of fighting, but as for the day after - the story is different • Besides the issue of control of the Gaza Strip, there is also expected to be controversy over a plan formulated by Ron Dermer at Netanyahu's request, examining ways to dilute the population of Gaza to a minimum • For the prime minister, this is a strategic goal, the top security official sees it as an unrealistic fantasy

The issue of the day after is one of the most sensitive today, and the issue is not dealt with in any official forum but only in internal consultations. If there is a significant point of contention with the Biden administration on the Gaza issue, it is this one. Other things can be manipulated. Bring in humanitarian aid at the request of the American president, and even fuel. Even the new demand not to cause harm to the displaced people in the southern Gaza Strip when the IDF starts operating there can be met with a non-binding statement that "we will try".

But getting Abu Mazen into Gaza to replace the IDF forces in the territory is a different story altogether. Benny Gantz and Gadi Eizenkot would have happily do so. Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Galant less so. The commonality is that they all send a message that Israel has no intention of controlling the territory itself from a civilian standpoint. Gallant means it in all seriousness. As for Netanyahu, I'm not sure. His clear statements that a terrorist-supporting authority that transfers salaries to terrorists and educates its children to incitement against Jews will not rule Gaza will not allow the Ramallah gang to enter Gaza. There is no other replacement. Hence, the IDF will continue to control Gaza, military and civilian, at least for the foreseeable future.

This is followed by another plan. Most cabinet ministers don't know about it. Nor are War cabinet ministers. It was not discussed in these forums because of its obvious explosive effect: diluting Gaza's population to the bare minimum. Biden is strongly opposed, as is the entire international community. Galant, the Chief of staff and the IDF Chief of Staff claim that there is no such possibility. But Netanyahu sees it as a strategic goal. He even tasked his War Cabinet trustee, Minister Ron Dermer, to formulate a staff paper on the matter.

This is a plan that will bypass the American resistance without confrontation, the resolute resistance of the Egyptians without starting to shoot the refugees entering their territory through the Philadelphia axis, and the general global resistance that will arise when the first Gazans leave their homes and migrate elsewhere.

Refugees in war zones are common. Tens of millions of refugees have left war zones across the globe in the past decade alone. From Syria to Ukraine. All had addresses in countries that agreed to accept them as a humanitarian gesture. So why should Gaza be any different?

This is not about the transfer, but the release of the chokehold within Gaza's borders. While the crossings to Israel remain sealed, there are other options. Rafah is one of them, despite Egypt's fierce opposition. This transition, at times, has been open and open. Today, there is also an underground crossing between Rafah in Gaza and the Egyptian one with the dimensions of a highway. The sea is also open to the Gazans. In its will, Israel opens the sea passage and allows mass escape to European and African countries.

In the context of Gaza emigration, the gaps between members of the government are vast. While Smotrich, Ben Gvir and quite a few Likud ministers see this as a necessity, others like Galant, Gantz and Eisenkot see it as something between an unrealistic fantasy and a despicable and immoral plan.

With every new daily report about blocked aid and more death in Gaza more U.S. voters will reject such brutal policies. Few outside of Israel support such plans. Most Biden voter wont. If Biden does not pressure Netanyhoo to end the slaughter he will very likely lose the election.

So if Joe Biden really wants to have another presidency he will have to stop Netanyahoo from pursuing a long war in Gaza and from pushing the Palestinian population out of the strip. Netanyahoo does not care if Biden stays in office. He can live well with Donald Trump replacing him. The only way Biden can really stop Netanyahoo is by denying him weapons, ammunition and financial support.

How long will it take him to do so?

Posted by b on December 2, 2023 at 14:16 UTC | Permalink

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In the 21st century that the West is allowing-no scratch that- is 'arming and allowing' an ally of theirs to commit genocide.

Its sickening.

And, paradoxically, by these obscene actions Israel has planted the seeds of its own destruction.

Posted by: canuck | Dec 2 2023 14:26 utc | 1

Hamas daily military SITREP;

Takeaway - IDF conscripts getting pummeled.

Posted by: Exile | Dec 2 2023 14:26 utc | 2

As the occupying power, it’s the Likud’s responsibility to take in and care for Gaza refugees. International Law.

Chapter 6

Posted by: Exile | Dec 2 2023 14:29 utc | 3

Didn't Hamas break the ceasefire?

Posted by: Jonathan W | Dec 2 2023 14:31 utc | 4

The extremists in the Israeli government and the settlers that back them are the country's own greatest threat. They have no boundaries and will push Israel into ruin. I think the Palestinians know this too. Oct 7 was probably a deliberate decision to goad the Zionists into over-stepping the mark.

Posted by: hidflect | Dec 2 2023 14:33 utc | 5

There has been talk of Re-establishing Jewish Settlements in Gaza Strip for a while. The West Bank solution: Appoint some Tel Aviv - Stooge as "Palestian President" "in charge" of "security", set up a massive fund and army support to establish "settlements", then blast away anything Palestinian miles around to "protect the safety of Israel citizens".

Takes a bit longer than blasting away 2.2 million bumans, but, as we have seen for the last decade, killing palestians a few dozens at a time, and confiscating their property via the israeli bureaucy is perfectly acceptable to the international community, the United Nations and even the arab countries who are supposedly on the side of the palestinians.

Israel is going to continue to blast away whatever in can, then change over to eradicting any Palestinians left with its bureaucracy.

PS: Any information how many people died as a result of Israel cutting the supply of drinking water, food, medical supplies and access to doctors?

Posted by: Marvin | Dec 2 2023 14:35 utc | 6

Because they really hate Trump and want to back the best Repub bet, the "influential Koch network" just chose Nicki "finish them" Haley as their presidential standard-bearer. A thought experiment: imagine Biden & Trump both wander in front of buses, so we wind up with Ro Khanna (say) versus Nicki Haley. Those two would focus on which can hate Hamas most fiercely.

People outside USA might underestimate the degree to which there is profound solidarity with genocidal goals among the polity, not merely among our so-called leaders. How the West was won, and all that. It's a spiritual infection suffusing USA's most important artistic expressions, the Western genre in novels and movies. Let's play Cowboys and Indians. Star Wars in every sense.

Could a vigorous, electorally relevant peace movement emerge here in USA? I don't see it.

Posted by: Aleph_Null | Dec 2 2023 14:39 utc | 7

Just as with the proxy war in Ukraine, the more weapons and sanctions on Russia the faster Empire raced towards its own collapse, the harder and longer Israel goes at Gaza, the sooner Israel itself will cease to exist as an apartheid state or at all.

Posted by: Moses22 | Dec 2 2023 14:39 utc | 8

Whatever Israel says or does, the correct response is: Sounds like a plan!

Posted by: Jonathan W | Dec 2 2023 14:40 utc | 9

How long will it take him to do so?

Posted by b on December 2, 2023 at 14:16 UTC | Permalink

What if he and the democrats are willing to take one of the team on this one?

Posted by: Satepestage | Dec 2 2023 14:45 utc | 10

Two interesting videos:

Gideon Levy at the Oxford debates a few years back

This fellow from Middle Nation, who speaks like Malcom X and whose name escapes me, talking about the changing attitudes of people in the West to Empire because they themselves are being turned inThird World citizens by Empire:

Posted by: Moses22 | Dec 2 2023 14:50 utc | 11

the ROW does not deserve to breathe if they look away from this and do nothing

a world where everyone is afraid to kill the rat that is shitting in the flour

I do not want to live here anymore

Posted by: ld | Dec 2 2023 14:52 utc | 12

Russia is also gearing up for a long war as the US is losing its resource grabs in Ukraine, Gaza and the Golan Heights.

Posted by: financial matters | Dec 2 2023 14:52 utc | 13

The US needs to replace the slogan on its Dollar bills from "In God we Trust" to "War is Business and Business is Good". To more closely reflect its actions. Thugs, every last one of US "leaders".

Posted by: NewJerseyJoe | Dec 2 2023 14:52 utc | 14

Jonathan W | Dec 2 2023 14:31 utc | 4
No. There were several reported Israeli violations of the truce. Whether or not 'Hamas' was behind the attack in Jerusalem is not relevant: it was part of the West Bank hostilities where Israeli killings, since October 7, have been increasing daily.

My own view is that the Gaza business acts as a perfect diversion- there is no militsary point inthe bombing, there being virtually nothing left to demolish- to the ethnic cleansing by terrorist settler militias in the West Bank which includes Jerusalem.
It is there that the actual Second Nakba is under way.

Posted by: bevin | Dec 2 2023 14:58 utc | 15

The US needs to replace the slogan on its Dollar bills from "In God we Trust" to "War is Business and Business is Good".

Posted by: NewJerseyJoe | Dec 2 2023 14:52 utc | 14

Or: "We came, we saw, they died haha"

Posted by: Jonathan W | Dec 2 2023 14:59 utc | 16

Jonathan [email protected], the squatters did.

Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Dec 2 2023 15:05 utc | 17

One of the more hilarious current trends is that Israel now is burning through all US support too quickly. There is a significant chance that we are already seeing the last major arms deliveries to the IDF.

Using all the ammo on Gaza to negligible effect will strengthen Hamas medium to long term. Surrounding countries can now just wait until US can't keep supply up in the face of global condemnation.

They can outlast support as Israel doesn't seem to understand the attrition in asymmetric conflict. No Arab state needs to expose itself right now as time is playing for them. I would agree with Scott Ritter's assessment that Hamas already won this.

The may be deeper layers here if one assumes that Israeli influence also caused resentment in US deep state circles or just as a power fight. The best way US politics can reduce Israeli influence is letting the Zionists burn up the economic and political structure in Israel. Isolationist groups also would not be unhappy if a few bases had to be sacrificed. There will also be an Anti-China camp that will not want focus on Ukraine or the Middle East.
Even in Israael there will be factions that oppose Likud/Zionist power.

This would fit in with a lot of observations. US leadership publicly supports Israel so no direct repercussions. At the same time Netanyahu gets the rope to hang himself.. Along with Israels failing economy and failing IDF morale we could be looking at a political safety valve blowing off. Of course along the way EU, Arabs and Israel get damaged.

Divide et impera!

Posted by: SOS | Dec 2 2023 15:06 utc | 18

It's as though Oct. 6th never happened here. Very cool!

Posted by: BlockMan | Dec 2 2023 15:09 utc | 19

Suspended Knesset Member Dr. Ofer Cassif argues the Jewish civil war of Zionists against secular Jews will soon be in full bloom.

Civil War And More Slaughter: Israel's Dark Future ==>

Posted by: too scents | Dec 2 2023 15:10 utc | 20

Remember, it is not the "Israelis", not the "Jews" and not even those currently in a "Zionist frame of mind" who are the bad folks. It is the "ASHKANAZI" European self styled Juice who invaded Palestine from Europe that are the bad guys. AND A SIMPLE BLOOD TEST can identify these usurpers of Biblical legends. Just give everyone a blood test, and send away those not indigenous to the area. Problem solved.

Posted by: Hot Carl | Dec 2 2023 15:15 utc | 21

Once again b recognizes the absolute importance of the Empire and more importantly Biden. The Axis of Resistance is impotent in stopping the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. A President Trump (moved the US embassy to Jerusalem among other pro-Zionist actions as President) would do nothing to help the Palestinians. The “multi-polar” world will wring its hands, and refuse entry of refugees to their countries (Brazil being a possible exception).

B correctly sees that only Biden and the Democrats can stop Israel or modify its behavior.

Posted by: Zargo | Dec 2 2023 15:24 utc | 22

Great read thanks b,

As the ‘final solution of the problem the Natives in the Levant’ how …ironic? Apt?

So the Illegal Apartheid Entity’s elected representatives don’t all get to agree on it? The citizens are made as complicit in this holocaust of Palestinians as the Germans were by the naztzios overlords in that engined calamity as the War was lost, to encourage the emigration of the khazars to takeover the Levant as a white tribe fantasy state.

If there are any ‘good German’ types left in that abortion of a country - they need to vote with their feet. Run while you can carry and safely transport your belongings. Because there is only one other way it ends for fool proxy Nazis. Rubble and what you can carry in one bag!
The Exodus will happen.
On a strategic note - this doubling down , in fact throwing the kitchen sink at taking all of the Levant is to me at least, obviously a restrategising. after the failure of the strategic goal of taking the Black Sea and Crimea and control over the borderlands and crossroads of EurAsia.

After all we know that the illegal Apartheid State didn’t actually progress until long after some supposed legal document ‘giving’ the lands for a new Zion the last imperial colony of the C20th. That Balfour piece of paper. Which really should be withdrawn by the British Government as having been totally unenforceable and illegal anyway!

It only progressed because Stalin and Russia not only survived but they marched all the way to Brandenburg Gate! And was the consolation prize then as well.

That’s how history rhymes its repetitions. My last post on the Ukraine thread also clearly identifies the links between the natzios two current fuck-ups and collapse of the imperial fronts as the Zombie Empire lurches with ever more desperate Narratives.
Here Posted by: DunGroanin | Dec 2 2023 13:27 utc | 193

Posted by: DunGroanin | Dec 2 2023 15:24 utc | 23

I'm sorry but as long as they are backed by the US, there's nothing the Palestinians can do except submit, flee, or die. The Arab countries are not coming to their aid and even Iran is cowed by American power despite all their talk.

Posted by: bored | Dec 2 2023 15:24 utc | 24

"Biden" will not be the Democrat party candidate in 2024 because of his liabilities. The way it works is that the incumbent president is supported 200% until about March or April of 2024, and then very quickly the ground is pulled out from under the incumbent and the replacement is quickly ushered in with unanimity. The Democrat National Committee (DNC) has probably already picked the replacement. So it's faulty analysis to assume that "Biden"'s election prospects determine US policies in the Middle East. It's probably going to be Newsom, the California governor who has made some outstandingly odious statements about Palestine. Those statements help ensure Zionist backing for his supposed non-campaign. Or maybe California's dysfunctions doom Newsom and it will be someone else. I'd guess some "dark horse" governor, since Senators have low public standing.

Posted by: JessDTruth | Dec 2 2023 15:25 utc | 25

The USA has always been amoral while claiming that they are concerned.
There is no reason why they would become suddenly moral about Palestinians especially that the US Congress is packed with Israel worshippers as well as money worshippers. The pollution of the Congress is overwhelming and there is little chance any president could change anything. The horrors of the Israeli assaults of Gaza will nullify the horrors of the Holocaust because the leaders of Israel will never been held responsible. The only wish is that they be hunted and eliminated over time. If the USA is the one making the rules of what justice and morals are is then we are all damned

Posted by: Virgile | Dec 2 2023 15:27 utc | 26

Remember, it is not the "Israelis", not the "Jews" and not even those currently in a "Zionist frame of mind" who are the bad folks. It is the "ASHKANAZI" European self styled Juice who invaded Palestine from Europe that are the bad guys. AND A SIMPLE BLOOD TEST can identify these usurpers of Biblical legends. Just give everyone a blood test, and send away those not indigenous to the area. Problem solved.

if only so many of 'the good guise' didn't support Israel.

Posted by: ld | Dec 2 2023 15:28 utc | 27

From Norman Finkelstein’s Substack:

Mouin Rabbani: A Post-Ceasefire Analysis

Posted by: tawharanui | Dec 2 2023 15:30 utc | 28

sorry my comment was directed at Hot Karl who has solved the problem of zionism with a blood test

Posted by: Hot Carl | Dec 2 2023 15:15 utc | 21
"Remember, it is not the "Israelis", not the "Jews" and not even those currently in a "Zionist frame of mind" who are the bad folks. It is the "ASHKANAZI" European self styled Juice who invaded Palestine from Europe that are the bad guys. AND A SIMPLE BLOOD TEST can identify these usurpers of Biblical legends. Just give everyone a blood test, and send away those not indigenous to the area. Problem solved."


Posted by: ld | Dec 2 2023 15:32 utc | 29

Posted by: bored | Dec 2 2023 15:24 utc | 24


You're confusing inaction for inability and assuming that all conflict must be kinetic.

And I would argue that Hezbollah has been "fixing" Israeli military assets in the North, as Yemeni forces are harassing Israel by sea.

Sure, it's not Yankee-style "shock and awe" but it is effective relative to cost and sustainable.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 2 2023 15:46 utc | 30

As if Biden has the power to stop Israel from doing anything.

Posted by: Andrew A. | Dec 2 2023 15:46 utc | 31

Another year of Gazacide, and the USAF C-17 will be worn other delivering just in time high tech murder machines

While worn out IDF F-16s will be replaced by lent USAF F-16

Posted by: paddy | Dec 2 2023 15:49 utc | 32

Posted by: Andrew A. | Dec 2 2023 15:46 utc | 31


The mythology that America has all sorts of power and capability is so deeply rooted.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 2 2023 15:49 utc | 33

The longer this runs the longer Iran, Hezbollah, Hashd Al Shaabi and Ansar Allah will have to get their response to isreal consolidated.

A lot will happen over that long a period of time.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 2 2023 15:55 utc | 34

Those Israeli government guys sound as delusional as Zelensky babbling on about taking back Ukraine a year ago.

They are going to destroy Israel just like Ze has destroyed Ukraine. It's not going to take a year either.

Hubris and butthurt anger are not a plan.

Posted by: Bemildred | Dec 2 2023 15:55 utc | 35

Posted by: Virgile | Dec 2 2023 15:27 utc | 26


In my observation, it is difficult to be moral if you think that you're the highest power you're aware of.

IMO, morality requires some degree of humility.

Those who tell themselves that they are "exceptional" people, or the master race, or the "chosen ones" are setting themselves up for the mistakes of hubris.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 2 2023 15:58 utc | 36

The main long term result of the current Zionist bloodbath in Gaza will be to delegitimise not just the Zionist Regime itself, but all its sponsors, accomplices, enablers and apologists in the US/ EU/ UK/ Canada/ Australia. Not the general populations of those countries, but the bought and paid for corrupt political whores running them. The consequences of this will be far reaching over a prolonged period of time and cannot yet be accurately predicted. The world is changing, and the immiseration of the rest of the planet by these gangsters is coming to an end - in no small measure because of the events now unfolding in Gaza.

Posted by: anon | Dec 2 2023 15:58 utc | 37

AND A SIMPLE BLOOD TEST can identify these usurpers of Biblical legends. Just give everyone a blood test, and send away those not indigenous to the area. Problem solved."

Posted by: ld | Dec 2 2023 15:32 utc | 29

Blood (DNA) tests are illegal in isreal without court permission.

The only democracy in to middle east won't let you test your DNA without the state getting involved.

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 2 2023 15:58 utc | 38

Or maybe they are having another smaller round to show they are still strong and to have the international pressure builds up again on them, and by this they are preparing the Israeli people to go for the bigger prisoners exchange that would look as losing the war if they went for in the first round. Let’s give them three four days.

Posted by: Man | Dec 2 2023 16:06 utc | 39

Another suggestion for a slogan on the US dollar bill:

"Israel has the right to defend itself."

Posted by: Jonathan W | Dec 2 2023 16:08 utc | 40

Only a depraved nation writes the words “God” and “trust” on its currency.

The dollar is their god. And, the dollar also requires trust because it is ultimately just paper.

Posted by: Moses22 | Dec 2 2023 16:20 utc | 41

Afro-Americans in black and white - when they weren’t afraid to call a spade a spade
Short clip.
‘gamal @gmalsalah0
Nov 17
You should watch and share it
#IsraelIsATerrorist ‘

Posted by: DunGroanin | Dec 2 2023 16:20 utc | 42

It's time to understand that the blackmail Israel holds over the USA goes way beyond Epstein. There is nuclear blackmail going on. The enemy has nukes in the USA and is happy to false-flag them if the USA withdraws support of the Satanists.

Posted by: gottlieb | Dec 2 2023 16:21 utc | 43

Frustrating to have to witness this, and impatiently waiting for someone/anyone to do pretty much anything in order to increase the pressure on the zionists or simply stop them from committing further genocide.

1. Destroying the Israeli air force bases would do a lot.
2. Egypt taking control over their border to Gaza would do a lot (add counter-artillery activity as needed).

Do those two things and one can push in as much help as one wants. It would be 100% legal under UN "right to protect".

3. Establish maritime control and protection over the Gaza coast and part of the Mediterranean and construct ports for Gaza.

That's the sort of plans I would hope would have already been discussed and prepared if there's anyone with power out there who are actually interested.

I'm not looking forward to continue being disappointed.

I'm all in favor of the economic stuff but what is needed right now is short term immediate rescue of Gaza.

"We"/humanity are failing this and thus condemning ourselves.

· · · ·

Please don't give up if you're one of those who do understand that what is happening is wrong. The world needs you and us more than ever even if we can't make it stop or even if it all seems hopeless and despite how everything looks we do not know what might happen and maybe something will change or we can help make something change for the better despite how unlikely it may seem.

Yes, it is a cry of frustration.

Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Dec 2 2023 16:21 utc | 44

I was at a family reunion this past week and my nephew was saying how I had really changed his thinking about the US, my niece stepped in and said so when are you moving out of the country? I thought for a minute and said well I keep Zillow on my phone at all times. I then said “seriously I love the United States, I think it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. With the Grand Canyon, the sawtooth mountains, Yellowstone, the Olympic national park, and many beautiful wild life refuges spread all over. Once upon a time there were people here who actually cared. I hate my government it has committed genocide from the very beginning and has pretended that it is a Democracy”
Israel is the epitome of what the US government is. It does not matter one bit who is president Chevron, Lockheed, Goldman sacs. Blackrock. General dynamics big agg run this country and they will not be stopped. Regan put this in motion and Clinton followed it through. The same players work for both parties. They want the Gas fields in Gaza and they will slaughter everyone if necessary to secure them. Rand Paul is trying to bring our soldiers home from Syria sadly it will be voted down and we will have more soldiers living on the streets with brain damage. This is the ugly America.

Posted by: Susan | Dec 2 2023 16:25 utc | 45

The main long term result of the current Zionist bloodbath in Gaza will be to delegitimise not just the Zionist Regime itself, but all its sponsors, accomplices, enablers and apologists in the US/ EU/ UK/ Canada/ Australia.
anon | Dec 2 2023 15:58 utc | 37

I wish that were true.... I hope it's true
Most people do not have a clue what is going on.
They think what the zionist media tells them to think and look no further.

So emboldened by their knowledge of power they take no pains to hide their ability to destroy anyone who tries to speak out They can kill the most powerful people on the planet and all their family members with impunity.

just ask Assange/ Corbyn/ Seth Rich/ Mr. President and several Kennedy's.

Without The Many... who can hold them to account?

Posted by: ld | Dec 2 2023 16:34 utc | 46

Posted by: bored | Dec 2 2023 15:24 utc | 24


You're confusing inaction for inability and assuming that all conflict must be kinetic.

And I would argue that Hezbollah has been "fixing" Israeli military assets in the North, as Yemeni forces are harassing Israel by sea.

Sure, it's not Yankee-style "shock and awe" but it is effective relative to cost and sustainable.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 2 2023 15:46 utc | 30

Two front wars are anathema; even if one front is just being 'pinned'.

Posted by: canuck | Dec 2 2023 16:42 utc | 47

"If Biden does not pressure Netanyhoo to end the slaughter he will very likely lose the election."

This assumes that the US is a democratic country with free and fair elections. Big assumption at this point.

The propaganda arm of western imperialism certainly, desperately wants us to believe there is some semblance of democracy in the US. However, since 2017 it seems that in addition to an electoral laws which de facto prevent the rise of any new parties and allow unlimited billionaire intervention in politics, elections are also carefully managed by the intelligence agencies with the support of most judges, who are loyal to one of the two imperialist parties. Not to mention the speech/thought control via the alliance bw intelligence and tech companies.

The reality is that there is no longer any shred of democracy left in the US government and it will likely generate the outcome of the next election in line with it's ambitious foreign policy agenda: WW3. If Biden is defeated it will only be to install a republican who is even more keen on war abroad and domestic repression.

The wage slaves of the US are on their own now. They have no government. They can rely only on their political unity and their critical role in the economy to bring about any real change to their country and the world.

Democracy does still exist in the US, but only in the heart of the working class voter.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Dec 2 2023 16:48 utc | 48

With every new daily report about blocked aid and more death in Gaza more U.S. voters will reject such brutal policies. Few outside of Israel support such plan…

You are far more optimistic than I, in your estimation.

But perhaps you know better than I what the local American ideas are.

From my perspective, the US populace will only worry if taxes are increased or benefits (Social Security/Medicaid) are cut.

There is no—none, zilch, zero—awareness amongst the individuals of the US population about how foreign policy affects their collective future.

Call it what you want, but it is a byproduct solely derived from geography and imperialist succes.

Posted by: Pacifica Advocate | Dec 2 2023 16:56 utc | 49

"So if Joe Biden really wants to have another presidency he will have to stop Netanyahoo from pursuing a long war in Gaza and from pushing the Palestinian population out of the strip. Netanyahoo does not care if Biden stays in office. He can live well with Donald Trump replacing him. The only way Biden can really stop Netanyahoo is by denying him weapons, ammunition and financial support.

Like Zelensky, Biden is a consumable. His re-election does not matter. He will simply be replaced by another consumable preaching hope and change or whatever. US presidency is now no more than a puppet, a mascot to bedazzle the peasants. The deep state will ensure no more Trump's/outsiders gain the throne in the Empire of Lies.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Dec 2 2023 16:58 utc | 50

People outside USA might underestimate the degree to which there is profound solidarity with genocidal goals among the polity, not merely among our so-called leaders. How the West was won, and all that. It's a spiritual infection suffusing USA's most important artistic expressions, the Western genre in novels and movies. Let's play Cowboys and Indians. Star Wars in every sense.

Could a vigorous, electorally relevant peace movement emerge here in USA? I don't see it.

Posted by: Aleph_Null | Dec 2 2023 14:39 utc | 7

False. Save your misanthropic attitude for other crypto Dems.

Your unique, beautiful soul was identified by Hegel hundreds of years ago. ADL, zionazi manager of propaganda in the US, was tearing it's hair out on discovery that most under 30 are hostile to Israel and it's genocidal campaign.

I'd could tell you you're not alone and millions of Americans want the wars to end, but you wouldn't believe me.

You're from the San Francisco Bay Area aren't you? If not, you should come. You'll find many other beautiful souls blaming slaves for the crimes of their masters.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Dec 2 2023 16:59 utc | 51

Biden couldn't stop the armaments flow to the Zionazis even if he were intelligent enough to figure out that is the only sane way forward. His regime is far too riddled with Israeli double agents.

Posted by: AllSeeingEye | Dec 2 2023 17:01 utc | 52

@ Moses22 | 41

What about "In Mammon we Trust” on the Greenback ?

Posted by: Shahmaran | Dec 2 2023 17:02 utc | 53

"In Israel we trust"

Posted by: Jonathan W | Dec 2 2023 17:03 utc | 54

No need for blood tests when a simple question will do: "Do you believe you have a right to occupy another's land, and kill them to maintain this state?" Zionism is just one in a long line of colonization horror movements.

Curious what happens when 2024 rolls around and UK loses any pretense to coastal mineral rights off Gaza, and by extension Israel 1968 "borders." It is not like Israel can finish killing 2.3 million people in a month when it took 50+ days to kill almost 20k. So it is a matter of time and the Rest of the World pressing for a state solution -- one which will have oil off one coast, and river water control by its other area -- that will lead to progressive pants shitting of the Imperial West as it watches its nightmarish colonial dream slip away.

Posted by: titmouse | Dec 2 2023 17:07 utc | 55

I was at a family reunion this past week and my nephew was saying how I had really changed his thinking about the US, my niece stepped in and said so when are you moving out of the country? I thought for a minute and said well I keep Zillow on my phone at all times. I then said “seriously I love the United States, I think it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. With the Grand Canyon, the sawtooth mountains, Yellowstone, the Olympic national park, and many beautiful wild life refuges spread all over. Once upon a time there were people here who actually cared. I hate my government it has committed genocide from the very beginning and has pretended that it is a Democracy”

Posted by: Susan | Dec 2 2023 16:25 utc | 45

This I think captures the reality. The country is filled with good, down trodden people that love their country but despise their government.

The political problem is seen here too. Many think of leaving it (to go where!?) before they consider organizing themselves as a class and fighting the bastards.

The working class in the US has been radicalized and it's domestic resistance to imperialist war is critical for the progress of the entire world. What's lacking is leadership and some basic class education about where they stand, who is the enemy, how he has been defeated before and how to do that again.

Again, the program is very simple: end the imperialist wars with a class war in the US.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Dec 2 2023 17:08 utc | 56

"A number of discrepant versions of Biblical borders of the Land of Israel, which rabbinical authorities interpret as ideally belonging to the Jewish state, are in circulation. The most far-reaching among them include the following areas within these borders: in the south, all of Sinai and a part of nothern Egypt up to the environs of Cairo; in the east, all of Jordan and a large chunk of Saudi Arabia, all of Kuwait and a part of Iraq south of the Euphrates; in the north, all of Lebanon and all of Syria together with a huge part of Turkey (up to lake Van); and in the west, Cyprus. An enormous body of research and learned discussion based on these borders, embodied in atlases, books, articles and more popular forms of propaganda is being published in Israel, often with state subsidies, or other forms of support. Certainly the late Kahane and his followers, as will as influential bodies such as Gush Emunim, not only desire the conquest of those territories by Israel, but regard it as a divinely commanded act, sure to be successful since it will be aided by God."

Jewish History, Jewish Religion
The Weight of Three Thousand Years
by Israel Shahak

Posted by: AllSeeingEye | Dec 2 2023 17:14 utc | 57

"all of Kuwait"

Posted by: AllSeeingEye | Dec 2 2023 17:14 utc | 57

"In genocide we trust"

Posted by: Jonathan W | Dec 2 2023 17:18 utc | 58

bored | Dec 2 2023 15:24 utc | 24

I'm sorry but as long as they are backed by the US, there's nothing the Palestinians can do except submit, flee, or die. The Arab countries are not coming to their aid and even Iran is cowed by American power despite all their talk.

Are you sorry? Sorry for what?

As long as the Ukrainians are backed by the US, there is nothing the people of the Donbass can do except submit, flee or die.

I'd posted in the previous thread, Russia and China are working things out with Israel's neighbors (and other ME countries). One ought not risk nuclear war with no clear objectives in mind.

As to MY forecast, Russia is going to put pressure via Syria. Back when the SMO started I figured that once it was mostly done that Russia would move on to dealing with the improprieties in the ME: kick Israel, US, Turkey and ISIS out of Syria- actions that will of course really kick up the dust. I suspect all the discussions occurring now also include such "directions" from Russia and that Turkey, which is key, will have to make concessions. Russia is IN this and thank god for that.

Posted by: Seer | Dec 2 2023 17:20 utc | 59

@ Ahenobarbus | Dec 2 2023 16:59 utc | 51

Quite strange dialectic technique on your part: quoting my entire post, followed by:

False. Save your misanthropic attitude for other crypto Dems.

What? Entirely false? There's no such thing as cowboys and indians? It's as if you're really mad at someone else besides me. I have no idea what bone you're picking, but if you think I'm misanthropic, you're probably right. I don't see the point of your pointless attack on me, however. Save your own misanthropy, buster.

My point is that no electoral movement to stop the genocide in Gaza could possibly arise out of USA's polity, as b seems to hope -- not imho. Out here in the relatively cosmopolitan Bay Area, ordinary folks are oblivious or ignorant enough to not give a goddam. You're telling me I'm wrong about that?

Outside of my fair town of Richmond -- first in the nation to call for a ceasefire -- people here are just as inherently, ignorantly imperialistic as other US Americans.

Posted by: Aleph_Null | Dec 2 2023 17:22 utc | 60

- The US Empire is losing its influence over the Middle East and Israel is doing its best to hasten that development. But make no mistake: the Middle East and North Africa are sitting on a demographic timebomb. And I am not so sure US influence in the Middle East is able to survive that when that bomb is exploding.

Posted by: Mr. Market | Dec 2 2023 17:23 utc | 61

People and Nations are beginning to realize that to have the Zionist entity exist on the planet is downright dangerous for the rest of the world.

Posted by: Gee Eye Joe | Dec 2 2023 17:24 utc | 62

It's time to understand that the blackmail Israel holds over the USA goes way beyond Epstein. There is nuclear blackmail going on. The enemy has nukes in the USA and is happy to false-flag them if the USA withdraws support of the Satanists.

Posted by: gottlieb | Dec 2 2023 16:21 utc | 43

And that is not all. They have infiltrated the western world and by corruption 'own' many politicians, international organisations, NGO's .world wide oligarchs etc.and they probably are busy mopping the rest of the world influence. Much is demonstrated by the reactions and support for Isreal and corrupt Ukr. Chaos and endless wars fits the NWO aims and the Bankers/economics and israel seem to be in charge.

Posted by: cadac | Dec 2 2023 17:30 utc | 63

Didn't Hamas break the ceasefire?

Posted by: Jonathan W | Dec 2 2023 14:31 utc | 4

Nobody broke the ceasefire (except for Israel continuing to kill, arrest and torture people in the West Bank) as well as killing a few people and injuring others in the first days of the pause).

Hamas said that Israel did not want to negotiate further after the pause ended and broke off the negotiations. It's worth noting that Israel killed dozens minutes after 7am when the pause ended and no new agreement had been reached.

The Ziostan media of course reported it differently.

Posted by: pq | Dec 2 2023 17:37 utc | 64

“They have infiltrated the western world”
Cadac- 63

Which them bring (or try to bring) Elon Musk down. The oligarchs who own Walmart are now boycotting TwitterX.

Posted by: Moses22 | Dec 2 2023 17:41 utc | 65

In the 21st century that the West is allowing-no scratch that- is 'arming and allowing' an ally of theirs to commit genocide.

Its sickening.

And, paradoxically, by these obscene actions Israel has planted the seeds of its own destruction.

Posted by: canuck | Dec 2 2023 14:26 utc | 1

These events have reached a new level of violence with the siege, the bombing of hospitals, medics, journalists and all infrastructure. Let's remember for YEARS Israel has been kidnapping kids off the street and from their homes in West Bank, detaining them without charge, trying them in military court, beating them up and torturing them in jail. Deliberately breaking their bones and denying medical treatment so the bones don't reset properly. A policy of Nobel Death Prize winner Yitzhak "break their bones" Rabin.

But let's remember that the West has carried out horrific atrocities practically every single day of the 21st century so far: Afghanistan, Iraq (ongoing starting from Jan 1991, 2003, 2007 + sanctions), Syria, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Libya. Plus assassinations of Iranians. Guantanamo, the thousands of war crimes.
The only difference is that Israel is doing it faster, more intensely, more brutally, more openly: with the diplomatic, political, economic, (im)moral support of the West.

Cancers from depleted uranium in Fallujah. You could argue charges of genocide by NATO in Iraq.

Posted by: pq | Dec 2 2023 17:50 utc | 66

"This fellow from Middle Nation, who speaks like Malcom X and whose name escapes me, talking about the changing attitudes of people in the West to Empire because they themselves are being turned into Third World citizens by Empire..."

These Third World governments that are manipulated by the US are bad governments. And when they have independence, they are also bad governments.

Economic development generally requires a functioning market economy and intelligence. As recently as 2010, people age 15 or older in China had (on average) fewer years of formal education than their counterparts in sub-Saharan Africa, yet they had cognitive ability levels (on average) that were more than two standard deviations higher. Intelligence tests are sometimes criticized as "biased" because "people in Africa can't be that dumb," but the average scores on standardized math tests show an even bigger discrepancy in cognitive ability levels between Chinese and sub-Saharan Africans. Even rural Chinese have an average level of cognitive ability that is comparable to southern Europeans.

The above remarks apply to Latin America to a lesser extent. Chile did develop enough to become the richest country in Latin America, but its average living standards still lag behind most of the countries of Eastern Europe.

Posted by: greg | Dec 2 2023 17:55 utc | 67

Did not the whole world (basicly) state something along the lines of Never Again, after they found out about the scope of the final solution? So, why are they now letting a "final solution v.2" go on?

Posted by: Axxis34 | Dec 2 2023 17:57 utc | 68

They can outlast support as Israel doesn't seem to understand the attrition in asymmetric conflict. No Arab state needs to expose itself right now as time is playing for them. I would agree with Scott Ritter's assessment that Hamas already won this.

Posted by: SOS | Dec 2 2023 15:06 utc | 18

What I see I conceptualize as a siege operation where the attacker has numerical superiority in terms of active combatants, orders of magnitude more firepower as well as access to essentially unlimited economic support and massive amounts of military supplies from allies that can crush any relief attempt.
That cannot end well for any defender even if it can inflict some losses in the process.

American leaders will provide Israel with everything necessary for the operation even at the expense of their own population.

Posted by: Satepestage | Dec 2 2023 17:57 utc | 69

@ Susan | Dec 2 2023 16:25 utc | 45

nice post susan.. thanks.. stand up for what you believe in... i echo @ Ahenobarbus | Dec 2 2023 17:08 utc | 56 viewpoint as well... here in canada, it is much the same, the only difference is canada doesn't have the power the usa does, but instead is an appendage of the usa at this point..

maybe others see it as you.. your nephew has some growing up to do.. he might be the one to leave the usa if he truly appreciates where you are coming from..

Posted by: james | Dec 2 2023 18:02 utc | 70

it won't last that long. if they even tried they'd burn through "troops" so fast people will call them "jewkraine".

and US voters won't do shit. they never do shit. they're stupid slaves. non-voters are the only ones with a brain stem and unless they start portesting/rioting en masse no one in DC will give a damn. sadly most of them only hit the streets to whine about a pandemic closing their store for a week.

the only meaningful ressistance will come from lebanon, yemen and iran. china will abstain from everything because they didn't make this mess. russia will probably do nothing since putin loves the taste of bibi's (and kissinger's) saggy ass too much.

Posted by: kahaneistan | Dec 2 2023 18:05 utc | 71

Posted by: Moses22 | Dec 2 2023 17:41 utc | 65


I have a suspicion that the boycotts of Musk may yield a similar outcome to the sanctions against Russia.

It's a lot of pomp and show but I believe Musk's creativity, like Russia's tenacity can exhaust the energy of this obvious propaganda exercise.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Dec 2 2023 18:06 utc | 72

Turkey should send ships with aid to Gaza. If they are attacked, it should invoke NATO Articles 4 and 5 against Israel.

That would be interesting.

Posted by: Moses22 | Dec 2 2023 18:07 utc | 73


Israel 'will look to kill Hamas's leaders around world when war ends' ©Twitter/idfonline
Israel has plans to eliminate Hamas and will take out its leaders abroad when the war ends, it has been reported. Hamas leaders around the world could be the target for assassination, Israeli officials told WSJ. According to the report, Israel has already started the preparation for targeted killings abroad.

Posted by: librul | Dec 2 2023 18:11 utc | 74

"As recently as 2010, people age 15 or older in China had (on average) fewer years of formal education than their counterparts in sub-Saharan Africa.."

Correction: Chinese had (on average) less formal education than South Africans. They did have more formal education, on average, than other sub-Saharan Africans. Yet, there was, and is, a huge gap in average cognitive ability between Chinese and South Africans, especially if standardized math tests are used to measure cognitive ability. Intelligence tests actually show a somewhat smaller, but still very large, gap.

Posted by: greg | Dec 2 2023 18:16 utc | 75

US will bankroll the Israeli economy. No worries there folks. And the global south will end up paying for it. All figured out.
Afterall US and their colonies in the Garden have given US$150 billion to Ukraine. Surely defending Israel is worth at least US$500 billion. Even US$1 trillion is worth keeping the battleship of the West in the Middle East afloat.

Posted by: Surferket | Dec 2 2023 18:20 utc | 76

Dems have their voters by the balls if the issue is Israel Palestine. They both know Trump or Haley or Desantis are all much worse than Biden on that particular thing.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Dec 2 2023 18:21 utc | 77

American leaders will provide Israel with everything necessary for the operation even at the expense of their own population.

Posted by: Satepestage | Dec 2 2023 17:57 utc | 69

American leaders and their sock-puppets in Europe have already demonstrated quite amply what they can and cannot do in Ukraine; there is no reason to think they can now do better for the Israelis, who seem similarly incompetent, hubristic, and enraged, and who seem similarly intent on using everything up as fast as possible.

You are quite right that how our "elites" mistreat their own citizens has nothing to do with it, although it doesn't help their cause that they have corrupted and degraded their own social and economic base, and that makes the "unlimited support" harder to come up with on short notice.

Posted by: Bemildred | Dec 2 2023 18:24 utc | 78

Posted by: Susan | Dec 2 2023 16:25 utc | 45

Blackrock. General dynamics big agg run this country and they will not be stopped. Regan put this in motion and Clinton followed it through.

Was with you until that line.

Think 1913 sneaking through the Federal Reserve and Income Tax.
Think Civil War which ruined forevermore the federal arrangement originally set up and rather emphasized the primacy of a central government.
Think the Constitutional convention behind closed doors for weeks and the compromise they finally had to settle for.
Think the busted treaties with the natives, many of whom had sophisticated federations of states themselves, moreover managed livestock and forests masterfully, though to this day much of what they did has been taken for granted.

So, respectfully, cannot get behind the implication that America was Beautiful until Reagan came along. Maybe that was when you began to sense corruption, but it was there all along.

The nature of the seed is revealed by the nature of the fruit. The pervasive, seemingly irreparable levels of systemic corruption in the US are the fruition of what was there before, not extraneous, unrelated additions. Karma ripens, moment by moment, and America's karma is surely ripening, the seeds now flowering and fruiting based on their elemental composition.

It is not all hopeless, but it is time for substantive, authentic change.

I have lost the source reference but here is a quote from Tolkien written I believe before WW II. Yes, he was English, but the system he describes was certainly in place in the US as well as UK and Europe, and for well over a century if not many more:

The true equation is ‘democracy’ equals government by world financiers. The main mark of modern governments is that we do not know who governs, de facto any more than de jure. We see the politician and not his backer; still less the backer of the backer; or what is most important of all, the banker of the backer. Enthroned above all, in a manner without parallel in all past, is the veiled prophet of finance, swaying all men living by a sort of magic, and delivering oracles in a language not understood of the people.

These hidden autocrats set America up from the get-go having first torn down feudal and aristocratic Europe, then later on Russia and China, just as they are now tearing down the United States and the West in general. Reagan, like Trump, was a successful screen performer; neither was or is a civilization-level statesman.

Posted by: Scorpion | Dec 2 2023 18:25 utc | 79

Economic development generally requires a functioning market economy and intelligence. As recently as 2010, people age 15 or older in China had (on average) fewer years of formal education than their counterparts in sub-Saharan Africa, yet they had cognitive ability levels (on average) that were more than two standard deviations higher. Intelligence tests are sometimes criticized as "biased" because "people in Africa can't be that dumb," but the average scores on standardized math tests show an even bigger discrepancy in cognitive ability levels between Chinese and sub-Saharan Africans. Even rural Chinese have an average level of cognitive ability that is comparable to southern Europeans.
Posted by: greg | Dec 2 2023 17:55 utc | 67

Where do you quote that crap from?
For a long time, China has had nine years of compulsory education. For comparison, Australia has ten, but much depends on teaching methods and social attitude as to how much children learn in that time.
Soviet education system was best in the world for imparting knowledge to the students and the Russian Federation has recently gone back to that system. I am not sure what system China uses but it is definitely better than anything currently in the west.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Dec 2 2023 18:27 utc | 80

American leaders will provide Israel with everything necessary for the operation even at the expense of their own population.

Posted by: Satepestage | Dec 2 2023 17:57 utc | 69


The most necessary thing is time and the ability to control the clock.

The Western future is an unplanned fantasy.

Posted by: too scents | Dec 2 2023 18:32 utc | 81

Where do you quote that crap from?
For a long time, China has had nine years of compulsory education. For comparison, Australia has ten, but much depends on teaching methods and social attitude as to how much children learn in that time.

Soviet education system was best in the world for imparting knowledge to the students and the Russian Federation has recently gone back to that system. I am not sure what system China uses but it is definitely better than anything currently in the west.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Dec 2 2023 18:27 utc | 80

Good nutrition and social support are what do the job, anywhere you go, skin color has nothing to do with it. This country started going downhill when it started degrading its education system. Spent all that time and money back in the late 19th and early 20th, building it up, and then freaked out at the disobedient proles and crapped it all up again, along with the industrial base they built it to support..

Posted by: Bemildred | Dec 2 2023 18:40 utc | 82

Finnian Cunningham rips into the duplicity and cowardice of the Arba and Islamic "leaders", "War-Torn Yemen Shuts Red Sea Chokepoint on Israel and Shames the Impotent Arab/Muslim Leaders":

Yemen may be slated as the poorest country in the Arab region, but it is emerging as posing the most potent threat to Israel. In the past week, the Yemenis have detained three Israeli cargo ships as they transit through the Red Sea.

There is poetic justice in this. Yemen doesn’t have much oil reserves. It has been devastated by more than eight years of war and famine, and yet it is showing a strength that puts so-called rich Arab and Muslim nations to shame over their venality and lack of integrity.

While Gulf Arab states like Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates corner vast oil wealth and Muslim leaders like Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan talk tough, it is war-torn, impoverished Yemen that is taking any meaningful stand against Israeli war crimes in Gaza....

Following the Arab-Islamic Summit in Riyadh, the leader of Yemen’s Houthi rebels denounced the cowardice and avarice of other leaders. As quoted by Press TV, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said: “The silence of the Arab and Islamic nations regarding the Gaza tragedy is a major crime and everyone must take action to lift this siege and support the people of Gaza… What is happening in the Gaza Strip reveals the extent of the oppression that the Palestinian people are experiencing, along with a very unfortunate Arab and Islamic failure.”

Of course, first and foremost the Israeli regime and its Western sponsors are culpable for the genocide in Gaza and the historic oppression against the Palestinians. But equally what needs to be addressed is the accountability of Western-backed Arab and Muslim leaders who have long dealt with duplicity and treachery towards the Palestinian plight.

In their joint statement after the OSCE meeting, the heads of delegations of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan said the following:

"[The need to] intensifying the fight against all forms of discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, language, gender and religion, in sports, culture, education and science, as well as against the ideology of superiority of one race, religion or nationality over others and manifestations of anti-Semitism, Christianophobia, Islamophobia and xenophobia, aggressive nationalism and neo-Nazism;" [My Emphasis]

Clearly, the statement is aimed at the Zionists and their Exceptionalist supporters. Someone above commented that the economic costs would cause the Zionists to capitulate, and there's clearly a great deal of truth supporting that analysis. Cunningham is 100% correct to out Erdogan as beyond hypocritical and being an actual Zionist ally.

Posted by: karlof1 | Dec 2 2023 18:45 utc | 83

So is Kissinger getting a state funeral in the illegal apartheid state?
Has it already secretly taken place?
Or is he some unworthy self hating Nazionist? Or maybe he gets to rot with the other butchers in Arlington?

Posted by: DunGroanin | Dec 2 2023 18:47 utc | 84

Posted by: james | Dec 2 2023 18:41 utc | 83

Sad to say, that is what the PA did and see what that got them?
Being the lapdogs of the zionazi regime for a few baubles and roundly hated my most Pals.

Posted by: hedlykarok | Dec 2 2023 18:47 utc | 85

perhaps if palestinians were to abandon terrorism under hamas and embrace fraternal relations with israel the situation would improve

Posted by: james | Dec 2 2023 18:41 utc | 83

The result should become obvious in the coming days.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Dec 2 2023 18:48 utc | 86

The Saudis are too silent. They could exert huge pressure if they wanted too. Could it be that Israel has bribed them with share of the spoils of the gasfield off the Gaza coast? If the Kingdom does nothing while their innocent muslim brethren are slaughtered, what does that say about Mecca, which contains Kaaba in Musjit Al Haram, considered the holiest site of Islam?

Posted by: Áobh Ó'Sheachnasaigh | Dec 2 2023 18:51 utc | 87

i do not mean to be rude but perhaps if Israelis were to abandon terrorism under the Likud and return Palestian properties in Jaffa, Deir Yassin, and Beersheba the situation would improve

Fixed for you

Posted by: Exile | Dec 2 2023 18:56 utc | 88

"With every new daily report about blocked aid and more death in Gaza more U.S. voters will reject such brutal policies. "

b, could be sweetly naive sometimes. US voters have no say when it comes to Israeli affair. Just as in Western Europe. It is outside the West that Israel's excesses and criminality could checked.

Posted by: Steve | Dec 2 2023 18:59 utc | 89

More on Ansarallah's efforts, "How Yemen is inflating Israel's war cost":

The Yemeni escalation began with an open declaration, transitioning from the stage of mere threats against Washington’s military support in the war on Gaza. It progressed to the launching of missiles and drones towards the city of Um al-Rashrash (Eilat), followed by a strategic shift to naval operations against Israeli-linked vessels, as announced by the Yemeni Armed Forces on 19 November. Notably, this escalation culminated in what is believed to be the first attempt to target a US military ship with missiles.

Since Ansarallah leader Abdulmalik al-Houthi’s warning to the US, Yemen's resistance activities have intensified, spanning from Um al-Rashrash to the Red Sea, the Bab al-Mandab Strait, and the Gulf of Aden.

This new dimension to the Resistance Axis' reach creates regional confusion for the US military, which has unabashedly sided with Israel's assault on Gaza, and works to conceal the genocide employed against 2.3 million civilians in the besieged Strip.

It must be noted that the Outlaw US Empire is directly involved in the Gaza Genocide and thus all its military assets are legitimate targets, just as the USS Cole was back in the 1990s. Soon, Ansarallah will have quite a collection of shipping and cargoes.

Posted by: karlof1 | Dec 2 2023 19:00 utc | 90

In a televised address on 30 Oct PM Netanyahu described the Israeli war as a “holy Mission” and “”you must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible.” This was a reference to the book of Deuteronomy and Yahweh’s instruction to prophet Samuel to destroy their enemy, the Amaleks, including all men, women, children and animals, sparing nothing and no-one. Yahweh criticized Samuel for allowing survivors. The biblical reference would be well understood by Netanyahu’s listeners. It was an open statement of intent to pursue the total genocide of the Palestinian people.

Posted by: Damien | Dec 2 2023 19:03 utc | 91

It is unfair to criticize Saudi Arabia. Look how powerless German businesses have been to look even after their own interests in the face of the "anti-Putin" sanctions!

Posted by: Jonathan W | Dec 2 2023 19:09 utc | 92

This will all go on as long as the VAST riches off the coast of Gaza are in dispute. I wouldn't be surprised if some have been promised a slice in exchange for thumb-twiddling and looking the other way.

Posted by: Patroklos | Dec 2 2023 19:09 utc | 93

i do not mean to be rude but perhaps if palestinians were to abandon terrorism under hamas and embrace fraternal relations with israel the situation would improve

Posted by: james | Dec 2 2023 18:41 utc | 83

Hi Fake James, well, you did succeed in making me laugh out loud.

Posted by: KMRIA | Dec 2 2023 19:10 utc | 94

"...Refugees in war zones are common. Tens of millions of refugees have left war zones across the globe in the past decade alone...." - Israel Hayom

Israel Hayom and all the other zionist propagandists are trying to normalize mass murder, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing

anyone remember this Guardian article below? Some millions were certainly from other war zones/conflict areas, but if we go back and start our count in 2001-2003 with the beginnings of the phony USA War on Terror®, many tens of millions of internally displaced persons and refugees are due exclusively to the actions of the USA, its Nato allies and its monarchist accomplices in the Persian Gulf such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE, which bankrolled all the jihadists

"The threat of violence from new and ongoing conflicts displaced 11 million people inside their own countries in 2014, bringing the total number of internally displaced people (IDPs) worldwide to 38 million, a report has said.

Conflicts in Iraq, South Sudan and Syria forced more than 4.5 million people from their homes last year...

In Syria, at least 7.6 million people have been internally displaced, the highest number in the world, and representing 35% of Syria’s population, the report said....."

In Syria alone, IDPs and refugees are entirely due to USA and Arab monarchist-sponsored and trained terrorists I mean jihadists.

Every single internally displaced person now in Gaza is due to the crimes against humanity being committed by Israel, and its main backers the USA, UK and Germany.

Posted by: michaelj72 | Dec 2 2023 19:12 utc | 95

The obscenity that is Israel undermines all norms of decency and morality. Israelis are vicious, hateful killers who would put even Hitler to shame. The US can never again play the "human rights" card against China or Russia. The world now knows that when you murder thousands of people, there is visible proof -- videos, social messaging, eye witnesses and bodies are the proof of genocide. We have yet to see anything like that for the Uighurs in China whom the US claims are being persecuted. Even if true, the US has no moral standing to complain. And Israel will never again be able to hide its war crimes behind the holocaust. This is what happens when evil is unleashed in a morally bankrupt society.

Posted by: Janet | Dec 2 2023 19:17 utc | 96

@ james | Dec 2 2023 18:41 utc | 83

"i do not mean to be rude but perhaps if palestinians were to abandon terrorism under hamas and embrace fraternal relations with israel the situation would improve."

A teenage Palestinian boy was shot a few days ago by Israeli forces for "celebrating" the release of Palestinian prisoners in the hostage negotiations with Hamas. No weapons, no attacks on the IDF, just cheering the release of Hamas hostages.

The deputy mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum is seen defending the shooting by saying “part of the deal is that there would be no celebrations for the release of attempted murderers” (this was actually not a part of the deal, it was just a decree issued by Israel’s national security minister).

Do you get it now, James?

Posted by: Damien | Dec 2 2023 19:18 utc | 97

A couple of threads ago, someone asked barflies to list their heroes. Dear old malenkov responded that grownups don't need heroes. That rings true for me. I have no heroes, only teachers -- the most beloved of whom I call my gurus, nearly all of whom had huge problems in their personal lives, nothing to do with their teachings.

Mature epistemology means an ability to find sources of truth even among teachers who sometimes lead us astray. Palestinian American Edward Said, one of my most esteemed gurus, carried a theme of contrapuntal narrative throughout his critical masterpieces (Orientalism, Culture and Imperialism). That means opening up to hear simultaneous narratives from all sides, like the counterpoint in a Bach fugue.

That distinctly does not mean closing out any narratives for any reason whatever. False narratives, even absurd extremes like Cooper's Natty Bumppo, interact with the psyches of US American troops deployed to scour the plains of buffalo and Indians. Stories don't sit aside in a sterile cabinet, immune from history. Our formative narratives comprise us, how we think of ourselves, who we are. This is my understanding of Edward Said's most basic teaching.

On the level of mythological, formative narrative, I see no daylight between Israeli and US American cowboys. This level of cultural awareness only changes at a glacial pace. Just as Israelis, when it comes right down to it, see genocide as a sad necessity, so do US Americans, by and large. There are libraries full of literary evidence for this.

Posted by: Aleph_Null | Dec 2 2023 19:20 utc | 98

fake james alert.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Dec 2 2023 19:22 utc | 99


Get outta here, rabbi! You might as well be telling that to Polish Jews under Nazi occupation!

Israel is not interested in a two state solution. Israel is only interested in the "final solution" to their "Palestinian problem". If Palestinians were to "abandon resistance" then it would make it easier for Israel to genocide them.

Posted by: ABOBA | Dec 2 2023 19:30 utc | 100

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