Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
November 22, 2023

U.S. Is Helping Israel To Commit And Hide War Crimes

Some headlines are just weird:

US has sent Israel data on aid group locations to try to prevent strikes - Politico

Anyone who has over the years watched the regular massacres committed by the Israeli Occupation Forces will immediately understand that the headline really means this:

U.S. is providing Israel targeting data for bombing aid groups in PalestineReal Politico Headline Meaning

And indeed:

The Biden administration has been providing Israel with the location of humanitarian groups in Gaza for weeks to prevent strikes against their facilities. But Israel has continued to hit such sites.

The information included GPS coordinates of a number of medical facilities and information on movements of aid groups in Gaza to the Israeli government for at least a month, according to three people familiar with the communications. All were granted anonymity because they feared speaking publicly would make it more difficult for aid groups to operate in Gaza.

Still, Israel has launched operations against Hamas in or near aid sites, including hospitals, leading to the destruction of buildings and the blocking of fuel and other critical supplies.

This isn't a war against Hamas, but a war against the people of Palestine. The U.S. government knows that it is complicit in the day by day war crimes perpetrated by the IOF. Its defensive instinct is do try its best to hide all evidence that such crimes were committed.

Biden admin officials see proof their strategy is working in hostage deal - Politico

There was no sense that the pause would turn into a lengthier cease-fire, a senior administration official said. And there was some concern in the administration about an unintended consequence of the pause: that it would allow journalists broader access to Gaza and the opportunity to further illuminate the devastation there and turn public opinion on Israel.

"Don't let anyone know that we are doing this!"

A note on the hostage deal:

In the hours before any onset of temporary truces or longer lasting ceasefires Israel will always increase its level of bombing and slaughter.

Today will likely be the worst day the people in Gaza have ever experienced.

Posted by b on November 22, 2023 at 10:10 UTC | Permalink

next page »

The US and the "collective West" are losing prestige, it will take decades to recover. Portugal and Spain built multiethnic empires and basically depend on the countries in the Global South, so they need to distance from the PR disaster. That is why Guterres joined the videocall yesterday, and why Sanchez is travelling to Israel and Palestine.

Posted by: biochar | Nov 22 2023 10:26 utc | 1

By fighting weaker enemies one becomes weaker.

US, 30 years ago, stopped being superpower when embarked on asymmetrical colonial warfare with sandal wearing goat herders (no disrespect here) thinking there are no real enemies left after CCCP collapsed.

Israel has been mostly doing genocide against lightly armed civilians for decades now, not waging war. Lebanon 2006 should have waken them up, but nothing changed. They degenerated even more into weaklings.

Posted by: Abe | Nov 22 2023 10:53 utc | 2

Outrage grows after ‘chilling call for genocide’ by Florida Republican
Calls to censure Michelle Salzman, who said, ‘All of them’ when Democrat asked: ‘How many [dead Palestinians] will be enough?

Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 22 2023 10:58 utc | 3

Reccomend all Barflies familiarize themselves with the concept of Command Resposibilty as it applies to War Crimes. Basically - a military commander or politician or journalist must exercise active control over troops to actively prevent his troops from committing war crimes.

The concept of Command Responsibility has been greatly expanded since its first application in the Tokyo Trials against Gen. Yamashita in 1946.

Some quotes from Wikipedia

The judgement against Jean-Paul Akayesu established rape as a war crime. Rape was placed in line with "other acts of serious bodily and mental harm"[44] rather than the historical view of rape as "a trophy of war".[45] Akayesu was held responsible for his actions and non-actions as mayor and police commander of a commune in which many Tutsis were killed, raped, tortured, and otherwise persecuted……

…..Another case prosecuted persons in charge of a radio station and a newspaper that incited and then encouraged the Rwandan genocide. The defendants were charged with genocide, incitement to genocide, and crimes against humanity for their positions of control and command in the "hate media", although they physically had not committed the acts……

……The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, announced on July 14, 2008, ten criminal charges against President Omar al-Bashir, accusing him of sponsoring war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity.[51] The ICC's prosecutors have charged al-Bashir with genocide because he "masterminded and implemented a plan to destroy in substantial part" three tribal groups in Darfur because of their ethnicity.[51]

Note how the Command Reaponsibility concept could be applied to numerous civilian, journalist, and military officials in Washington and Brussels.

Posted by: Exile | Nov 22 2023 11:05 utc | 4

All eyes on Sisi. For the Zionist faithful, nothing less than a Nakba will do. Europe will be unwilling to host more immigrants, especially after the waves from Syria and Ukraine. It would play into the hands of AFD in Germany and Marie Le Pen in France. US has an election coming up, Biden cannot agree to influx of Gazan refugees, so Sisi's Sinai Peninsula is the obvious spot to build new cities. Will he crack under the pressure that will no doubt increase in the coming weeks ? What is Sisi really made of ? He might be promised unlimited funds to help Egyptian economy for years to come, but surely he knows that his name would be dirt for years to come in the Arab world.

Posted by: aniteleya | Nov 22 2023 11:08 utc | 5

Unfortunately there is some evidence for what b said about worst day.

There are about 19,000-20,000 between dead and missing. 30,000 to 33,000 injured. The healthcare system has broken down with EVERY hospital in Northern Gaza destroyed or under siege. That means 1% of the population is dead or missing and over 2% is dead, missing or injured.Authorities are not able to keep track properly.

Israel's primary MILITARY strategy has been to decimate healthcare to speed up death rates both through direct bombing of places of shelter and increasing indirect death rate with no treatment for injuries. Israel's military strategies have always been about creating terror in civilian populations since before it even existed. It's soldies have trained on terrorizng kids and adult civilians in the West Bank.

To be clear, the following are the implications of the pending Israeli Government - Palestinan Resistance prisoners swap deal. (Keep in mind that this deal was offered by Hamas over a month ago, but was summarily dismissed by Israel.)

1) The defeat and bending of the will of Netanyahu's war cabinet, which pledged to never give in to any prisoners' deal with Hamas, but to "liberate" the captives by military force.

2) The failure of Israel's war campaign to achieve any of its military objectives as demonstrated by several dejected cabinet members.

3) To force a temporary ceasefire despite the Israeli government's repeated refusals not to stop its indiscriminate war until the Palestinian resistance is crushed.

4) Despite the heavy sacrifices paid by the people of Gaza including the loss of over 19,000 dead and missing, and over 30,000 injured, the faith, resilience, and steadfastness shown by Gazans have prevailed over the objectives of Israel's war, which tried to create another Nakba (exile), force the resistance to surrender, or pressure the Palestinian people to abandon their struggle against the occupation.

5) The loss of Israel's standing in the world because of its aggressive and inhumane behavior, which was in full display as every justification for the war was exposed to be a blatant lie.

Posted by: pq | Nov 22 2023 11:09 utc | 6

From the first link:

"But last month, as aerial bombardments ratcheted up in Gaza, aid groups searched for additional communication channels to share their GPS coordinates and information about their work, including calling senior U.S. officials and members of Congress — hoping that Washington could help protect their workers, two of the people familiar with the matter said.

However, as Washington engaged with the Israeli government about the locations of aid groups’ offices, guest houses and medical facilities, attacks on aid workers continued."

Israel is a surveillance state, Gaza is a manageable ghetto.
The aid organisations working in Gaza, their workplaces, places of residence etc. are "probably" known to the Israelis. The fact that they are still bombing speaks for itself. Consumers of mainstream news may not be aware of this.
Apparently, the aid organisations thought it would be expedient to publicise their positions internationally in order to show that the IDF bombings cannot be an accident. At least they have also realised that the USA does not care in principle, except for its own reputation, which can be straightened out with the media monopoly.

Posted by: 600w | Nov 22 2023 11:11 utc | 7

Posted by: pq | Nov 22 2023 11:09 utc | 6

And the bottomline: in Zionist lexicon this is called success.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 22 2023 11:13 utc | 8

I wouldn't take too much notice of this so called ceasefire.
Israel has broken every ceasefire agreement it has ever made.

The Zionazis seem to be deliberately murdering people like doctors, journalists, other prominent people. This is probably part pf a deliberate genocide policy to get rid of qualified people/ professional people. The same thing happened in Poland under the Nazi occupation.

Posted by: anon | Nov 22 2023 11:14 utc | 9

To kill half a million AFU soldiers, RF unfortunately killed 7.500 civilians

If we take the 12.500 killed by the IDF (at a given moment) and see the numbers for women and children (as sub 18), they almost align. I would say 500 MEN (not necessarily hamas, but i'm letting that one slide) were specifically targeted, while 12.000 men women and children were indiscriminately bombed. So 500 KIA to 12.000 civilians

0,015 vs 24

RF 1.600 times more civilian friendly than IDF

3 magnitudes...

If Jus in belo still means something, someone has to answer, and amends should be made.

Posted by: newbie | Nov 22 2023 11:23 utc | 10

It's not the IDF or the IOF. It's the IGF. The Israeli Genocide Forces.
1% dead in 45 days and 2.5% dead / missing / injured.

Survival rate is higher in the beginning because people still had food and energy supplies and there were fewer bombed buildings.

I can't even follow the West Bank ethnic cleansing in detail. It's too overwhelming.

Posted by: pq | Nov 22 2023 11:27 utc | 11

Given the constant Israeli surveillance of ALL aid groups, "Israel" knows already where these groups are. The information sent by the U.S. is merely an updated confirmation of the locations, to better target them.

Posted by: RJPJR | Nov 22 2023 11:31 utc | 12

for MoA readers no news but I post the piece nonetheless (you never know who can use it):

fb wouln´t take down Ads calling for genocide & assassinations of Palestinians:

"Facebook Approved an Israeli Ad Calling for Assassination of Pro-Palestine Activist

After the ad was discovered, digital rights advocates ran an experiment testing the limits of Facebook’s machine-learning moderation. " - this was a test by NGOs

"A series of advertisements dehumanizing and calling for violence against Palestinians, intended to test Facebook’s content moderation standards, were all approved by the social network, according to materials shared with The Intercept.

The submitted ads, in both Hebrew and Arabic, included flagrant violations of policies for Facebook and its parent company Meta. Some contained violent content directly calling for the murder of Palestinian civilians, like ads demanding a “holocaust for the Palestinians” and to wipe out “Gazan women and children and the elderly.” Other posts, like those describing kids from Gaza as “future terrorists” and a reference to “Arab pigs,” contained dehumanizing language.

When compared to Arabic posts this is most likely no concidence.

"The approval of the Arabic versions of the ads come as a particular surprise following a recent report by the Wall Street Journal that Meta had lowered the level of certainty its algorithmic censorship system needed to remove Arabic posts — from 80 percent confidence that the post broke the rules, to just 25 percent. In other words, Meta was less sure that the Arabic posts it was suppressing or deleting actually contained policy violations.

Nashif said, “There have been sustained actions resulting in the silencing of Palestinian voices.”

Posted by: AG | Nov 22 2023 11:34 utc | 13

Exile #4

It is a good explanation yet ignored by the Western leadership. International law including the Law on Genocide requires some kind of enforcement. That enforcement originates from the authority of the UNSC. The US has been, and will continue to in the future, vetoed any actions by the UN against Israel. I have lost count of the UNSC resolutions that Israel has flagrantly ignored without consequences.

So, despite the good wishes of the memberships of the UN, only direct military action against Israel AND its sponsor the US (and possibly even the EU) is necessary to bring the criminals to justice. I understand no one in the MIddle East wants to bring this on, but at some point, Israel will need to be defeated militarily and it is going to need the support of the 185 nations in the ROW (outside NATO) to do it. Sadly this is what the US hegemonic emire has brought us to. Luckily, the US, just like Israel, can't fight worth a damn against any peer nations.

Posted by: Old Microbiologist | Nov 22 2023 11:37 utc | 14

US, 30 years ago, stopped being superpower when embarked on asymmetrical colonial warfare with sandal wearing goat herders (no disrespect here) thinking there are no real enemies left after CCCP collapsed.

Posted by: Abe | Nov 22 2023 10:53 utc | 2

On the other hand genocidal warfare offers a simple solution to the asymmetrical warfare conudrum that has plagued western expeditionary warfare in the last decades.
By exterminating the civilian population with overwhelming firepower you can deprive the resistance of its support base and terrorize most other actors into submission. The USA will be hated but also feared

Posted by: Satepestage | Nov 22 2023 11:38 utc | 15

What makes this genocide different to Syria, Donbass, Yemen is the number of aid workers killed.
About a week ago I think the number was around 110 UN staff alone plus many other medical and civil aid groups. This is sinking in to much of the western public whereas the other three genocides did not. For those thinking Russia China ect should be doing this or that, there is much going on in the background.

⚡️Israel borrowing increased sharply, as well as the rates

Israel has borrowed billions of dollars in recent weeks in privately negotiated deals to help finance its war against Hamas. However, the service costs of these loans are sky-high.

According to FT, since October 7, Israel has raised more than $6 billion from international investors. This includes three new bond issues worth $5.1 billion and six additional issues of existing dollar- and euro-denominated bonds, as well as more than $1 billion in fundraising through a unnamed US-based organization.

Israel's two public dollar bond issues pay coupons of 6.25% and 6.5% on the bonds, maturing in four and eight years. This is much higher than the benchmark US Treasury bond yield, which hovered between 4.5% and 4.7% when the bonds were issued.

Israel's economic outlook is deteriorating rapidly. JPMorgan said this week it expects Israel's budget deficit to rise to 4.5% next year, up from a previous forecast of 2.9%. That could push the ratio of public debt to GDP to about 63% by the end of next year, up from 57.4% before the war, the bank said.
Manooch Kargar منوچ کارگر

End of zionist filth is near

Activists in Djibouti set fire to an Israeli ship loaded with weapons today, 11/21/2023,

It seems that the Yemenis have opened the door to the race for all resistance fighters in the world to take action against the Zionist entity!!
📊🇮🇱At least 350,000 people from Israel's population of 8 million fled the country in one month.

The budget deficit has grown to 400%.

The shekel fell by 15%.

Shares of the five largest Israeli banks fell by more than 20%.

Fifty thousand foreign workers left the country. Tourism also stopped altogether.

After mobilization, the labor shortage increased.

Another 1 million Israelis have fled their homes or are forced to stay near shelters and away from economic activity because of the risk of conflict.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 22 2023 11:44 utc | 16

Parts of the German government want to relegate a discussion about war criminals in Gaza to the "River-Sea" sideshow and criminalize a well known pro-Palestinian statement.
Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) imposed a ban on associations against the radical Islamic group Hamas on 2.11.2023. The prohibition order, which was published in the Federal Gazette under BAnz AT 02.11.2023 B10 ( ), lists "distinctive signs" of Hamas such as logos and lettering, the public use of which is prohibited from now on. At the very end of this list is also: "The slogan 'From the river to the sea' (in German or other languages)."
Has the Department of Foreign Affairs in the States of America already changed the travel warnings for Germany? Do foreign tourists know that they will now be treated like terrorists by the police in Germany if they wear a T-shirt with the slogan "from the river to the sea", for example?
German law imposes prison sentences of up to three years for the use of terrorist symbols.

Translated with (free version)

Posted by: Situationixmus | Nov 22 2023 11:51 utc | 17

Thank you b,

The average age of those 10’000 killed in Gaza is 5 years old.

Art and Music to salve our horrors for a minute or two.

Listen to this -

Elyanna - Olive Branch

Watch this -

Johann Spischak
The Children of Gaza

We are not alone. Gather and support the Palestinians however and wherever - it’s not about hating Judaism or all these in the Apartheid Illegal state founded for the purposes of Empire. Many have left and are leaving - iin their hundreds of thousands, their tourism industry will never recover, the currency is dropping and they are about to receive sanctions- let the Zionists who remain sleep in the bed they made.

It is about supporting and caring about the Peoples displaced and put in camps for generations.The average age of those 10’000 killed in Gaza is 5 years old.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Nov 22 2023 11:52 utc | 18


Good point - my guess the forthcoming War Crimes tribunal will be a BRICs created court.

Posted by: Exile | Nov 22 2023 11:53 utc | 19

Note that virtually all of these casualties are from aerial bombardment.
And no one even mentions the necessity of 1/ closing air space over Gaza, 2/ delivering air defense systems to Gaza fighters. All these BRICS countries are a joke, there's nothing that binds them and guide toward common goals.

These talks about "isolation" of Israel or US are just copism. Everyone wants western money. Saudis just send a large shipment of oil to Israel, some of this oil will be used by IDF as fuel in their operation in Gaza.

Posted by: messer | Nov 22 2023 11:56 utc | 20

Thinking about the quotes I posted and other factors -
There have been protests that hinder loading of Israeli ships at a few different places recently. It is like no Israeli ship or Ships with goods to or from Israel can safely dock at any port in any muslim country.. There are the financials as in my quotes above which means a large financial cost to the US to keep its unsinkable aircraft carrier afloat. People leaving Israel, IDF casualties will keep rolling in.

Much of the world is now putting Israel into a slow squeeze, giving Israel/US nothing to strike back at other than a few desultory strikes on 'militants' in Syria and Iraq.
Nutty has steered Israel into the perfect storm.

Palestinians are going through great hardship/tragedy now but will achieve a lasting victory jut as the Houthi did.
We can do little more than just watch this play out, but Russia China are after something that will last and that is occurring.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 22 2023 11:58 utc | 21

Luckily, the US, just like Israel, can't fight worth a damn against any peer nations.

Posted by: Old Microbiologist | Nov 22 2023 11:37 utc | 14

Not so fast, full on war and no nukes the US is still probably the strongest force and with a worldwide projection capability bar none.

What you currently have is, specially with A2/AD in the RF/China side, a very strong limitation on projection in certain theaters and increased logistic problems and huge casualties.

Furthermore, any such victory would be pyrrhic. Force enough to win one such war and the US would be depleted and no longer capable of threatening all the others.

Even a perfect storm, of all wars at the same time (russia, China, Korea, Iran) would probably mean localized losses (but who are we kidding, nukes would be flying even at a 1 near peer + 1 great power direct conflict, that's one of the reasons why the SMO has been particularly gentle as not to allow excuses for direct US intervention)

It is a lot like the dollar issue, yes the roots for the crisis are there, but I only see the first big fail near 2050 and it will endure sharing that space with other(s) until the 2070's.

The US will probably start letting things slide in the 2030's or risk losing face, but it should still hold strong enough not to be directly challenged for the crown for another twenty years+.

Take a look at history, GB started its hegemonic decay in the 1850's, but a century would pass before the empire crumbled.

my two cents

Posted by: newbie | Nov 22 2023 11:58 utc | 22

@ Peter AU1
On paper, those economic figures you sited would put the fear of God (no pun intended) into any nation going through them. But Israel is wholly backed by America. The American dollar is still the world currency, and this allows America to just print any amount of money to cover whatever expense. People on here and the internet keep saying that this behavior can't last but what are the alternatives? The BRICS coalition still has a ways to go before it can unseat the AMerican dollar, till then, the US will inflict its misery on the planet.

Posted by: bored | Nov 22 2023 11:59 utc | 23

By fighting weaker enemies one becomes weaker.

US, 30 years ago, stopped being superpower when embarked on asymmetrical colonial warfare with sandal wearing goat herders (no disrespect here) thinking there are no real enemies left after CCCP collapsed.

Israel has been mostly doing genocide against lightly armed civilians for decades now, not waging war. Lebanon 2006 should have waken them up, but nothing changed. They degenerated even more into weaklings.

Posted by: Abe | Nov 22 2023 10:53 utc | 2

As the Brits did from 1850's onward. 1990 is the repeat of 1855.

But as I mentioned above, from the start of decay to crumbling it took just shy of a century.

Posted by: newbie | Nov 22 2023 12:06 utc | 24

newbie | Nov 22 2023 11:58 utc | 22

US can still project a small amount of force but it is far from being a major conventional force.
Low numbers of combat forces spread around the globe but US military is far smaller and weaker than it was for the two Iraq wars. That is why Trump brought in a policy of tactical nuclear weapons.
Rand corp in 2018 worked out a strategy of over reach to use against Russia. It the US itself that is well and truly overstreched and that will only increase iuts ability to project force continue to decrease.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 22 2023 12:06 utc | 25

Well, it looks like all wetern media has forgotten that the purpose of the Hamas hostage-taking was to exchange them for the 5000 illigal prisoners/hostages of Israel.

Seems like Hamas has struck a very bad deal. 3 Palestinians for 1 Israeli.

And how and where are the meager number of palestinian hostages to be leleased. Into Gaza or the West Bank where they will be killed?

Or to Jordan, Egypt or Lebanon where they be driven out of their family's homelands?

Eigther way, this is Naqba 2.0.

Look out for Al-Asqa demolition- why not go all in.
And why not end Gaza city with a real bomb, claiming that the ammo- depos of Hamas caused it? Like the firecrackers in Beirut.

Many opportunities for the Zionist regime.

Posted by: Paul from Norway | Nov 22 2023 12:09 utc | 26

5) The loss of Israel's standing in the world because of its aggressive and inhumane behavior, which was in full display as every justification for the war was exposed to be a blatant lie.

Posted by: pq | Nov 22 2023 11:09 utc | 6

Despite the postings here, IDF is composed of human beings who have been driven utterly berserk by videos of the happenings of October the 7th, and it is clear that a berserk response was Hamas' desired result to acquire world sympathy. Now they are living with their desired outcome.

How long for a berserk army to regain its senses and worry about incubators? Maybe the Warsaw uprising is a clue?

Posted by: william paul | Nov 22 2023 12:14 utc | 27

US can still project a small amount of force but it is far from being a major conventional force.
Low numbers of combat forces spread around the globe but US military is far smaller and weaker than it was for the two Iraq wars. That is why Trump brought in a policy of tactical nuclear weapons.
Rand corp in 2018 worked out a strategy of over reach to use against Russia. It the US itself that is well and truly overstreched and that will only increase iuts ability to project force continue to decrease.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 22 2023 12:06 utc | 25

Their active duty personnel is 480k, almost the same from 30 years ago and just 15% shy of the top 560k in the early 200's.

But yes, it is much more overstretched and mixed in confusions and based all over the place. A bit like GB in the second half othe XIXth century.

But still enough to threaten anyone and everyone as long as they don't have to fight any serious war (that they'd still win if willing to lose the rest)

The old lion is no longer as fit, but pity the first young lion that tries to take him out too soon or alone.

Yes we are already 30 years into the decline, but it takes double that for losing hegemony and 3 times that for full failure. Check your history,

Posted by: newbie | Nov 22 2023 12:18 utc | 28

Paul from Norway | Nov 22 2023 12:09 utc | 26

A long time since anyone tried linking or quoting that clown her. He is a fiction writer and admits it.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 22 2023 12:19 utc | 29

Israel is trying to persuade UN that south Lebanon must be cleared of Hezbollah

via rt

Reporting on Tuesday, Channel 12 claimed that Cohen had directed his warning to the UN Security Council, urging it to enforce Resolution 1701, which brought an end to the 2006 conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. The resolution also called for the disarmament and withdrawal of all irregular Lebanese armed groups, including Hezbollah, from south of the Litani River near the Israeli border.

so..if UN will not...IDF will complete??? Further military action up to the Litani river is being "justified"....for the greater land and all that implies....clearance and occupation.Already IDF has action 40k inside the border.

Posted by: Jo | Nov 22 2023 12:22 utc | 30

What do barflies think of this?

After the article below was published, on the morning of November 22 in Iraq, USCENTCOM forces conducted strikes against two facilities in Iraq. The strikes were in direct response to the attacks against U.S. and Coalition forces by Iran and Iran-backed groups, including the one in Iraq on November 21, which involved use of close-range ballistic missiles.

For more than three weeks of its ground offensive, the occupation army has been operating in areas close to the shoreline, in places where tunnels cannot be dug, and, therefore, areas where the Palestinian resistance does not have significant defensive capabilities.

But now, the occupation army is moving eastward from the Gaza coast...In short, the ground battle in northern Gaza has only just begun, and is gearing up to get even hotter in the weeks ahead.

The increased pace of clashes across West Asia is, however, being widely ignored by many of Tel Aviv’s western allies, whose attention has been diverted by ongoing prisoner exchange talks...

Axis officials believe that conciliatory-sounding US statements, which sometimes suggest that a de-escalation phase is imminent, are nothing but an American "public relations party"

The Resistance Axis’ current assessment of the Gaza war is that both the US and Israel seek a protracted conflict - possibly even an endless war that transforms the Gaza Strip into a permanent battlefield to ensure that Israel no longer faces Palestinian deterrence capabilities.

Posted by: pq | Nov 22 2023 12:23 utc | 31

newbie | Nov 22 2023 12:18 utc | 28

And how much of that 480 is combat troops? US forces are massively top heavy. Those that actualy man weapons systems a a relatively small percentage.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 22 2023 12:23 utc | 32

USA and Israel: Evil Dee and Evil Dum.

Posted by: Nonothing | Nov 22 2023 12:28 utc | 33

..........Who today cares anything about what pol pot did or what the turks did to armenians and assyrians?

Posted by: homer d | Nov 22 2023 12:28 utc | 33


Finally an oasis of sanity at the bar- Thank you

Posted by: william paul | Nov 22 2023 12:32 utc | 34

Posted by: william paul | Nov 22 2023 12:14 utc | 27
Despite the postings here, IDF is composed of human beings who have been driven utterly berserk by videos of the happenings of October the 7th, and it is clear that a berserk response was Hamas' desired result to acquire world sympathy. Now they are living with their desired outcome.

Israel is not going berserk becauce of Oct 7. They have been going beserk since May. 15 1947.

Look at the cute kids singing:

not because they are semite but becouce of the Israeli propaganda/ educational system. Look's like the millions that raised their arm in Berlin 85 years ago.This is a decease.

Posted by: Paul from Norway | Nov 22 2023 12:47 utc | 35

@Exile: the full interview with Raz Segal is here:

Posted by: robinthehood | Nov 22 2023 12:57 utc | 36

Swedish prime minister:

"Israel has right to commit genoci... umm... right to commit self defense."

Posted by: unimperator | Nov 22 2023 13:03 utc | 37

"By fighting weaker enemies one becomes weaker."

Posted by: Abe | Nov 22 2023 10:53 utc | 2

As the Brits did from 1850's onward. 1990 is the repeat of 1855.

But as I mentioned above, from the start of decay to crumbling it took just shy of a century.

Posted by: newbie | Nov 22 2023 12:06 utc | 24

No, not quite. In 1850's UK won over Russia, hardly a weaker enemy.

The Crimean War[c] was fought from October 1853 to February 1856[4] between Russia and an ultimately victorious alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, the United Kingdom and Sardinia-Piedmont.

The biggest problem the UK has was 1. Two world wars that bankrupted them.

2. The loss of India's 'sepoys' who were UK cannon fodder in all conflicts as well as losing the economic exploitation of India.

From the time of the Battle of Plassey won by the Brits under Robert Clive in 1757 and Indian independence in 1948 the Indian GDP did not grow for 200 years because of English economic exploitation.

Hate to say it if the UK had joined with their traditional ally Germany-the English monarchs have been German since 1714- in WW2 they would still have an Empire.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 22 2023 13:06 utc | 38


The figures you are posting don't mean much. The US has its power in the navy and the air. Hypersonic missiles do for aircraft carriers what 1500 dollar drones do for 5 million dollar tanks.
Russia, China and Iran all have very impressive Air Defence systems. Particularly Russia.
The US lead on nuclear submarines, but not much else. Knowledgeable insiders like Col Macgregor consider the current cohort of personnel to be a shadow of the previous generation.
The only thing we really know about the US, is their talent for losing wars.

Posted by: Glasshopper | Nov 22 2023 13:18 utc | 39

The right for Israel to commit a genocide in Canaan has no statute of limitation.
It started with Joshua it will last forever.

Look elsewhere that's all, it'll be quick supposedly.

Posted by: Greg Galloway | Nov 22 2023 13:19 utc | 40

Hate to say it if the UK had joined with their traditional ally Germany-the English monarchs have been German since 1714- in WW2 they would still have an Empire.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 22 2023 13:06 utc | 39

Most disgusting and racially burning comment. Speaks volumes of your mind! Empire eh?
Tell that to the descendants of the victims of the Bengal Famine. 4 million perished. Thanks to the British. And the lesser published British Atrocities that the Westerners are ignorant about. Most colonized nations are happy that it came to an end.

Posted by: sal | Nov 22 2023 13:26 utc | 41

Swedish prime minister:

"Israel has right to commit genoci... umm... right to commit self defense."

Posted by: unimperator | Nov 22 2023 13:03 utc | 38


For one fleeting moment a sincere word from a Western puppet.

Posted by: malenkov | Nov 22 2023 13:42 utc | 42

@ sal | Nov 22 2023 13:26 utc | 41

I don’t think user canuck was implying that the perpetuation of the British empire would have been a good thing.

Posted by: malenkov | Nov 22 2023 13:44 utc | 43

In addition to militias, Syrian Arab Army now fighting US occupying forces in Syria.

Posted by: Lavieja | Nov 22 2023 13:55 utc | 44

The only thing we really know about the US, is their talent for losing wars.

Posted by: Glasshopper | Nov 22 2023 13:18 utc | 39

The MIC doesn't want to win wars, they just want long, continual wars to keep 'the spice flowing'.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 22 2023 13:58 utc | 45

Hate to say it if the UK had joined with their traditional ally Germany-the English monarchs have been German since 1714- in WW2 they would still have an Empire.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 22 2023 13:06 utc | 39

Most disgusting and racially burning comment. Speaks volumes of your mind! Empire eh?
Tell that to the descendants of the victims of the Bengal Famine. 4 million perished. Thanks to the British. And the lesser published British Atrocities that the Westerners are ignorant about. Most colonized nations are happy that it came to an end.

Posted by: sal | Nov 22 2023 13:26 utc | 41

Your personal vitriol is unwarranted and ill considered.

From a geopolitical 'blood and iron' analysis: if the UK had allied with Germany in 1940 or so they would have kept their Empire. Period.

That an endorsement of the British Empire, in fact if you had read any of my other posts you would have understood that I don't like the British Empire and am glad of its' demise.

Think carefully , control your emotions properly before you scribble fatuous statements.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 22 2023 14:05 utc | 46

Posted by: Greg Galloway | Nov 22 2023 13:19 utc | 40

No, it started with Ham. For his indiscretion, his son Canaan was cursed to serve Shem. See Genesis 9:26. Of course, Canaan wasn't even born at this point. An ex post facto curse?


Posted by: TheBAG | Nov 22 2023 14:08 utc | 47

Massacre after massacre, land theft after land theft, they love those electronic trance rituals of genocide. This zionist are really insane, they have no morality. I mean their tribal joy at killing or stealing their neighbours. It is even worse than religious fanatism or extremism, their whole settler state is so fake and so bloodthirsty. They are a threat to all of us, specially in the global south. See who they imposed on pathetic Argentina. This is a global war of liberation now. And citizens of Yankee land will pay the bills for those freeloaders... Aquí no pasa nada...

"A Hasidic Jew and a bunch of IOF terrorists fresh off massacring Gentiles across the Strip... have a rave in a tent on the Gaza periphery"

Posted by: Repugnado | Nov 22 2023 14:11 utc | 48

... embarked on asymmetrical colonial warfare with sandal wearing goat herders (no disrespect here) thinking there are no real enemies left after CCCP collapsed.

Posted by: Abe | Nov 22 2023 10:53 utc | 2


The irony is that the average goat herder from the Middle East makes a much better soldier than an obese Westerner confused about their gender who sputters about their "rights" whenever push comes to shove. Praying 5 times a day, every day, fasting for a month makes hard and disciplined men.

Punching down is a real thing, it's easy, and we're psychologically wired to pursue ease.

Heaven forbid we find the ease we seek because a too-comfortable life is often ruinous.

Success has poison built in. Persistent success is fatal in the long run.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Nov 22 2023 14:15 utc | 49

The figures you are posting don't mean much. The US has its power in the navy and the air. Hypersonic missiles do for aircraft carriers what 1500 dollar drones do for 5 million dollar tanks.
Russia, China and Iran all have very impressive Air Defence systems. Particularly Russia.
The US lead on nuclear submarines, but not much else. Knowledgeable insiders like Col Macgregor consider the current cohort of personnel to be a shadow of the previous generation.

Posted by: Glasshopper | Nov 22 2023 13:18 utc | 40

For what is worth China is still investing in aircraft carriers and Russia in tanks so they do not consider them wholly obsolete, even if they are easier to kill.
In any case american carriers are meant to pound the likes of Lebanon into rubble. American lead in submarine is indeed there but not as good as it used to be in let's say, the 70s.
Personnel...possibly but if the problem is cut down to applying firepower to defenseless civilians then even mediocre will do.

Posted by: Satepestage | Nov 22 2023 14:16 utc | 50

And when I say praying, I mean making ablution and prostrating.

A full body act for a few minutes, before sun up, after sundown, and 3 more times during the day.

Every day.

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Nov 22 2023 14:17 utc | 51

It is clear that no Arab or Mislim syate would dare to help Palestinians. In the end thy would have to leave Gaza.
This is unfortunatelly a huge victory of Israel and the colonial West.

Posted by: zorge | Nov 22 2023 14:21 utc | 52

Mental editing in real time.

"Q: Is the DOD currently active in conversation with the Israelis about this potential operation? And do you think escalating the land or -- the incursion will have major risks on civilian -- Palestinian civilians in the southern parts of Gaza?

MS. SINGH: Well, we know, as you mentioned, the south is where civilians were told to go to flee the -- or -- and move -- I should say relocate from the north. So of course it's something that we are in conversations about with the Israelis."

Posted by: daffyDuct | Nov 22 2023 14:27 utc | 53

Not so fast Zorge - what makes you think the IDF is prevailing militarily ?

Posted by: Exile | Nov 22 2023 14:28 utc | 54

“If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, it wasn't enough..."
"I Know the guy who owns all of this..." "You are a terrorist..."

- Former deputy director/senior political officer in the US State Department’s Office, Stuart Seldowitz.
Murica is owned by these "chosen" people, they own the sidewalks, the prairie, the gov, the media, the opposition, the banks. They hate the land, they despise the ordinary folks, the culture. But they lie, sow divisions, promote hatred and terror. They are a threat to us all, as said Maduro recently. This one was carried away by his tribal Chutzpah and said too much, too openly.

Posted by: Resistance | Nov 22 2023 14:28 utc | 55

On May 7, 1999, US attacked Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, with five cruise missiles. The excuse was that CIA had used an old Yugoslavia map. Unfortunately, at lease one of the missiles failed to detonate, which became lab mice for China.

You see, with the Americans, they shamelessly set their own rules, my rule or no rules. Their Judgement Day is nigh.

Posted by: KitaySupporter | Nov 22 2023 14:29 utc | 56

This is unfortunatelly a huge victory of Israel and the colonial West.

Huh? A victory? By murdering cilviials? What did they gain? Nothing. Their reputation and diplomacy is in utter tatters. The reason noone is intervening is because geopolitically the Gazans don't matter. The Maericans will have an even harder time with internal unity and noone is going to listen to their specious arguments about rights and freedom. Yes, in the sunset of Maerican power Israel gets to expel and murder millions of people. Bravo. It doesn't save Israelis from the future or the repercussions of their actions, instead it has sealed the fate of that fascist theocracy.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Nov 22 2023 14:31 utc | 57

45 - Although people by and large welcomed the end of the Thirty Years' War, there were quite a few who made a living off the back of the war (soldiers, but also camp followers such as sutlers etc.). The peace treaty left many of them wondering how they would make a living. Mother Courage as in Bertolt Brecht's play represented a certain social type.
But nowadays it is certain corporations that are into "forever wars".

Posted by: Waldorf | Nov 22 2023 14:32 utc | 58

BRICS statement about Gaza
Statements in photos, can't easily quote the text

Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 21 2023 17:34 utc | 43

President Ramaphosa was chairing what Mohandas K Gandhi would say, a confluence of apartheid and genocide. India's EAM missed it completely.

Posted by: SailorsWife | Nov 22 2023 14:38 utc | 59

Despite the postings here, IDF is composed of human beings

The bedwetting IDF are, top to bottom and with no exceptions, war criminals. While I'm sure they are not all psychopathic, 'just following orders' isn't an excuse. I'm looking forward to the war crimes tribunals we all believe to be so unlikely. Life is a long time to be looking over one's shoulder for the retribution of your atrocities.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Nov 22 2023 14:44 utc | 60

Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 22 2023 10:58 utc | 3

To truly understand what is happening, people must understand that according to the jewish religion they MUST completely kill their enemies. They are "sinning" if they dont.

Its not about money and the military industrial complex, as many like to claim.

Posted by: ryanggg | Nov 22 2023 14:48 utc | 61

Your personal vitriol is unwarranted and ill considered.
Think carefully , control your emotions properly before you scribble fatuous statements.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 22 2023 14:05 utc | 46

Same applies to you Canuck. Calm down. Control your emotions and venom. Bad for your CV system. Your are just too opinionated without depth of knowledge.

Posted by: sal | Nov 22 2023 14:53 utc | 62

New Development Bank — the BRICS bank that rivals the World Bank/IMF. That’s what Jeffrey Sachs was actually speaking to during his address to the UN Security Council the other day. Judge Napolitano didn’t understand this during his interview with Sachs yesterday, and so he wasted time. As to what this has to do with the four wars Sachs outlined during the address — everything. (Gaza, Syria, Ukraine, Sahel).

Suggest b learn everything he can about the NDB. The new day has been dawning slowly but inexorably. China got tired of plugging excess billions into US Treasuries; now it’s “Sustainable Development.”

Wait and see.

Posted by: Pundita | Nov 22 2023 14:59 utc | 63

[email protected] a Nazi always a Nazi......just shows the Germans Nazis and the Nazi Occupiers of Palestine are the same.

They really put the Apple Pie in Nazi, a pox on both their houses.

Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Nov 22 2023 15:01 utc | 64

@canuck | Nov 22 2023 14:05 utc | 46
Concerning a more advantageous contrafactual role for Britain in WW2 by betting on open partnership with the nazis.
Britain played both sides and succeeded in securing the angloamerican empire, that they had aimed for already in the 19th century.

It would have been a significant setback for Britain's aims if Germany controlled the resources in a defeated USSR.
The type of control the angloamericans have of banking means there is no room for any additional western type empire.
Hitler was positively inclined at the outset but he had been conditioned by the British together with most of the nazi movement.
But had Hitler succeeded in the eastern war, Britain was prepared to make a rockade bringing in exiled Edward VIII to be a nazi monarch. He and Hitler made a deal about that Hitler telling Edward's wife you will make a good queen.
Thus Britain was prepared for both outcomes.
It is possible or maybe even plausible that Hitler would have attacked the US next thing. Then what? Well knowing the british elites mindset they might have attempted to become the last man standing playing both sides there too.
Since Britain had excerted significant influence in Nazi Germany as well as inside the US, Britain did have opportunities for pulling some strings.

Posted by: petergrfstrm | Nov 22 2023 15:04 utc | 65

Are we talking about the British Empire because of the obvious love that Anglos have for apartheid, war crimes, and genocide or is this the daily descent into a Godwin's law diversion from a slightly different angle?

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Nov 22 2023 15:13 utc | 66

Posted by: Resistance | Nov 22 2023 14:28 utc | 54

This one was carried away by his tribal Chutzpah and said too much, too openly.

And this is the kind of diplomat the holy St Obama chose for the US' Israel/Palestine affairs.

Posted by: Observer | Nov 22 2023 15:22 utc | 67

To the Israelis:

First, rebuild GAZA. You have no claim to it. Israelis want to return to their past? Return to being builders, but in GAZA. Return to live in tent cities. That means YOU not Gazans. Give your homes to the Palestinians. After you have made reparation, provided new homes for the Palestinians, you may return to your homes.

Or leave.

And meanwhile there will be supervised voting for a new, unified government that excludes all participating zionists awaiting prosecution in detention centers.

Posted by: juliania | Nov 22 2023 15:26 utc | 68

Same applies to you Canuck. Calm down.

Thats rich. I'm afraid maybe you could share something worthwhile like canuck does, maybe then people might take you seriously. As it is I've yet to see any knowledge at all from you, let alone 'deep'. Have some humility..or don't.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Nov 22 2023 15:27 utc | 69

Posted by: aniteleya | Nov 22 2023 11:08 utc | 5

He might be promised unlimited funds to help Egyptian economy for years to come, but surely he knows that his name would be dirt for years to come in the Arab world.

I'm astonished you think Sisi cares more about that than staying in power... we all saw what happened to the less pro-Zionist Morsi.

I suspect he's just been holding out for:

i) more dead Gazans, so "the Arab Street" in Egypt feels less able to deny Palestinians refuge
ii) more dead Gazans, so Gazans are a) more inclined to leave, and b) more grateful to Egypt for accepting them
iii) a bigger bribe from the West so he can a) personally profit more, and b) bribe his citizenry

Posted by: Observer | Nov 22 2023 15:33 utc | 70

A large percentage of Americans do not believe in their own source of authority or that their government represents them. Americans where bible thumping liberal order extremist at the start of the war on terror, with all kinds of theories about how people with shoes have the right to torture people without shoes. However much to the dismay of the elite, common Americans as a culture are not natural imperialist and begin to empathize with and humanize the occupied over time. When that happens the only innovation that happens is around how do we get home. They tried to overcome this tendency with special forces with limited success and limited numbers. Anyway it turns out that a lead in technology does not guarantee success when your people stop believing in the mission and the further you are from your own borders the faster people stop believing. For example it is not hard for the Israeli or Russians on their own border to convince their troops that their job is existential even if the methods are immoral. How do you convince an American to perform immoral acts 4000 miles from his border, who is not convinced that his government even cares about him, that a war has anything to do with the protection of his family and town? Well it worked for a while with fake wmd claims, but you have to tell more and more lies and use more and more force as you lose moral authority.

Posted by: ATM | Nov 22 2023 15:47 utc | 71

Posted by: Old Microbiologist | Nov 22 2023 11:37 utc | 14

If there is not a process whereby the general assembly of the UN can override security council decisions in a situation such as this, there should be.

Overwhelming world opinion in the case of a recognized holocaust supported by the veto of one or more security council vetoes MUST be a special case in which the majority rules. And there ought to be no delay in implementing it, so that extreme violations can be expeditely addressed, just as a healthy nation would do for its own terrorists. Otherwise, why have a UN at all? It's about the UNITED nations, for the sake of the people! Not some rules based order that gives special treatment to the few big 'super nations'!

Extend multipolarity to the UN. It's time; it's more than time!

Posted by: juliania | Nov 22 2023 15:50 utc | 72

Background: Netanyahu's brother Yonatan was the sole fatality in Operation Entebbe in Uganda in the 187ps

Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 22 2023 15:52 utc | 73


Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 22 2023 15:53 utc | 74


I would add that the pool from which the US military (a prerequisite for prolonged warfare) can draw troops is seriously problematic with with 77% of young Americans being too fat, mentally ill, on drugs and more to join military, as per a Pentagon study.

Wargames indicate that the US may not even be able to deter China from winning over Taiwan: realistic wargames that we have been a part of, when current and programmed U.S. forces face those of China — America’s most capable state adversary — “Blue” teams playing the United States often fail in their assigned mission to prevent “Red” from overrunning Taiwan’s defense forces. And U.S. forces pay a high price for that failure, losing scores of modern aircraft and ships and incurring thousands of casualties in the opening days of the war.

Let alone taking over at the same time China, Russia and Iran:

The forces of adversaries less capable than China, including Russia, North Korea, and Iran, are also fielding capabilities that can significantly increase the costs and risks of military intervention, compared to the operations undertaken by U.S. forces since the end of the Cold War.

Of course, the US military retains the capacity to inflict huge damage, even without the nuclear option - it would be dangerous and unwise to underestimate its power, a mistake US policy makers frequently make against their adversaries, and pay for it. But its deterrent is over:

This does not necessarily mean that the United States will lose the wars that it may have to fight in the future, but it does mean that the ability to deter those wars has seriously eroded.

Posted by: Lathe Biosas | Nov 22 2023 15:54 utc | 75

Looks like Russia has managed to find a way "in":

Putin names Russia’s ‘sacred duty’ in Gaza

Enough Russians in Gaza and Israel messes up and then the show starts. Not saying this is the underlyng aim or that it's like to happen, it's possible. In my mind I'd thought that Russia would find a way.

Posted by: Seer | Nov 22 2023 16:00 utc | 76

@ Posted by: newbie | Nov 22 2023 11:58 utc | 22
@ Posted by: canuck | Nov 22 2023 13:06 utc | 38
Et al.

British ‘Empire’ didn’t technically exist until 1877! That was when the leader of the government, ‘D-Israel-i’ suggested to Queen Victoria that she take the title of Empress of India. There were objections by the opposition party who were not consulted. India was mostly controlled by the East India Company until the late 1850’s , when they had pretty much cleared it out of most of its ancient wealth. ( guess who owned and funded the EIC? And it’s Dutch sister company?)

There was no victory over the Russian Empire in the Crimea, it was a settlement.
Had there been we wouldn’t have needed the last century and half of wars to keep trying to regain the old khazar kingdom. The future of Europeans and the continued world domination was decided by the treaty of Berlin where Bismarck demurred to the plans of Disraeli on behalf of their collective khazar masters.

So it wasn’t really until the mid to late C19th that Britain became an Empire and it ended with the independence of India in 1947. Which ‘coincidentally’ is when Israel got some kind of legitimacy by a newfound UN vote - how many?- to exist as a tribe where no such central European peoples had ever lived.

That is also what connects Ukraine and Palestine and their peoples daily plight.
Ps The City in all its old capitals has always been the forever empires bankers.
Ps 2 I’m leaving it at that as don’t want to veer the thread off topic. Happy to take it up elsewhere.

Posted by: DunGroanin | Nov 22 2023 16:00 utc | 77

Thank you for your posts, Peter AU1 | Nov 22 2023 11:58 utc | 21, (and congratulations for your cricket world cup win!)

I am so glad you have come back here to help steady our ship as she goes. Rough seas ahead, but the crew is doughty.

Posted by: juliania | Nov 22 2023 16:03 utc | 78

Today is the real Black Friday and 60 years ago today, the U.S. became a non-sovereign state. The government has been hollowed out and then refilled with persons of dual-loyalty...first to Zionism, second to the U.S. We are owned by them still. If you've doubts about this state of affairs, watch our presidential candidates for the next 11 months and see what is important to us in their minds.

Posted by: Cocoliso | Nov 22 2023 16:09 utc | 79

Turns out Stuart Seldowitz - ex-state department bigwig and now infamous hate crimer „we just killed 4,000 children and that wasn’t enough“ was hauled before Federal Court for cheating on his expense reports……

Background article

Posted by: Exile | Nov 22 2023 16:09 utc | 80

@ PQ no. 31 on what do barflies think of this?

Pepe Escobar brings in an additional factor to the war's escalating and why:

And yet, as both Riyadh and Abu Dhabi become members of BRICS 10, they certainly see that the Hegemon’s new gambit is to set back the advances of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in West Asia by setting the region on fire.

Yes, this is the War against China morphing from Hybrid to Hot, side by side with the Final Solution for the “Palestinian problem”.

Posted by: botete | Nov 22 2023 16:13 utc | 81

Posted by: DunGroanin | Nov 22 2023 16:00 utc | 76

Don't forget the East India Company flag - search Google for East India Company.

Posted by: SailorsWife | Nov 22 2023 16:14 utc | 82

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Nov 22 2023 14:17 utc | 50

My advice, LD, is keep it simple. Presently I am saying "Lord, have mercy on us" (Kyrie eleison,) 12 times, sung, every morning. It is an inclusive prayer for forgiveness. And tomorrow is Thanksgiving; evenings I do that.

During the day I thank b, and commenters here.


Posted by: juliania | Nov 22 2023 16:21 utc | 83

"Here’s what the mass violence in Gaza looks like to a scholar of genocide" A GOOD PIECE --IROICALLY IN A MAINSTREAM PUBLICATION..

Posted by: Dennis | Nov 22 2023 16:22 utc | 84

Posted an RT link and my post was nixed. Anyway, check out the article. I think that this is the way IN for Russia.

Putin names Russia’s ‘sacred duty’ in Gaza

Posted by: Seer | Nov 22 2023 16:25 utc | 85

People get ready

For the train to Jordan

Picking up passengers

From coast to coast

Faith is the key

Open the doors and board them

There's room for all

Among the loved and lost

Now there ain't no room

For the hopeless sinner

Who's hard on mankind

Just to save his own

Have pity on those

Whose chances are thinner

Cause there's no hiding place

From the Kingdom's Throne

Posted by: Apollyon | Nov 22 2023 16:28 utc | 86

Abe | Nov 22 2023 10:53 utc | 2
"By fighting weaker enemies one becomes weaker...."

By fighting weaker enemies one becomes fighting stronger enemies, one gets obliterated!

Posted by: nudge | Nov 22 2023 16:32 utc | 87

"by fighting stronger enemies, one gets obliterated!"

So the Afghans got obliterated?

The Vietcong got obliterated?

The Germanic tribes who fought the Romans in the Teutoburger forest got obliterated?

Posted by: Apollyon | Nov 22 2023 16:35 utc | 88

Background: Netanyahu's brother Yonatan was the sole fatality in Operation Entebbe in Uganda in the 187ps
Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 22 2023 15:52 utc | 73

Madeleine Allbright deemed 300k kids dead an acceptable outcome
... just she couldnt have her piano lessons as a kid ...

we should read more Joseph Conrad

Posted by: MAKK | Nov 22 2023 16:36 utc | 89

Repeat of 1855.

But as I mentioned above, from the start of decay to crumbling it took just shy of a century.

Posted by: newbie | Nov 22 2023 12:06 utc | 24

No, not quite. In 1850's UK won over Russia, hardly a weaker enemy.

The Crimean War[c] was fought from October 1853 to February 1856[4] between Russia and an ultimately victorious alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, the United Kingdom and Sardinia-Piedmont.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 22 2023 13:06 utc | 38

As I mentioned 1855 (or 1856) was the apex. That was the last one.

Posted by: Newbie | Nov 22 2023 16:37 utc | 90

"This isn't a war against Hamas, but a war against the people of Palestine."

That is certainly true and I'd add that it's not even really a war. A war implies two roughly equal sides going back and forth. In this case they are pretty much just slaughtering defenseless people with impunity by the tens of thousands for over a month before the whole world and being lauded for it by the entire western press.

So, really it should be referred to as Israel's mass "slaughter" (or attempt at genocide) of Palestinians. Actually, because of the uncanny similarities with the Nazis and their efforts to erase entire ethnic groups, the most scientific statement of the situation would have to be the Zionazi's mass slaughter of defenseless Palestinian civilians.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 22 2023 16:39 utc | 91


The figures you are posting don't mean much. The US has its power in the navy and the air. Hypersonic missiles do for aircraft carriers what 1500 dollar drones do for 5 million dollar tanks.
Russia, China and Iran all have very impressive Air Defence systems. Particularly Russia.

Posted by: Glasshopper | Nov 22 2023 13:18 utc | 39

I mentioned A2/AD and huge losses to overcome it.

But that is at the others stadium. As attacking directly, elsewhere there is no force projection comparison.

In a couple of years even wining at extreme cost will no longer be possible, but so far it still is. Sorry

Posted by: Newbie | Nov 22 2023 16:42 utc | 92

Same applies to you Canuck. Calm down.
Thats rich. I'm afraid maybe you could share something worthwhile like canuck does, maybe then people might take you seriously. As it is I've yet to see any knowledge at all from you, let alone 'deep'. Have some humility..or don't.
Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Nov 22 2023 15:27 utc | 69

See that is the problem- everything needs to be served on a platter. The system seems to have extracted initiative from many. It is up to you what and whom your views permit to be taken seriously. You type a lot on the keyboard. You are able to do a search and find out for yourself. Maybe that may not be 'worthwhile' for you.
Something like- if they had done such and such they would still have an empire. Is that information or your subconscious leaning? What we are witnessing today was a direct result of the actions of the B Empire. Not only the ongoing genocide but the impoverishment of the colonized nations.
In any case, they still have their claws in almost every conflict today.

Posted by: sal | Nov 22 2023 16:43 utc | 93

Sadly, this is nothing new.

Posted by: Alaric | Nov 22 2023 16:45 utc | 94

@ 2

"Take a look at history, GB started its hegemonic decay in the 1850's, but a century would pass before the empire crumbled."

In the age of computers and microsecond financial transactions, the timelines are a whole lot shorter today.

Posted by: Foreigner | Nov 22 2023 16:51 utc | 95

Your personal vitriol is unwarranted and ill considered.
Think carefully , control your emotions properly before you scribble fatuous statements.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 22 2023 14:05 utc | 46

Same applies to you Canuck. Calm down. Control your emotions and venom. Bad for your CV system. Your are just too opinionated without depth of knowledge.

Posted by: sal | Nov 22 2023 14:53 utc | 61

I thought you would have some up with an original rebuttal rather than the above tawdry rejoinder that just mirrored my thoughts; I was hoping for some witty banter but alas...

Anyways, Grasshopper, have a good day.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 22 2023 16:51 utc | 96

Madeleine Allbright deemed 300k kids dead an acceptable outcome
... just she couldnt have her piano lessons as a kid ...

we should read more Joseph Conrad
Posted by: MAKK | Nov 22 2023 16:36 utc | 88

Albright answered the interviewer's question if the death of half a million children was worth it: it is a very hard choice but "we" think the price is worth it.


Yes, just think of all those babies in Kuwait who killed in incubators by Iraqi soldiers. So it was said. This brings "overkill" back to its literal meaning if there ever was one.

Agreed on Joseph Conrad.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 22 2023 17:05 utc | 97

@unimperator | Nov 22 2023 13:03 utc | 37

"Israel has right to commit genoci... umm... right to commit self defense."

I understand Swedish. The translation is correct.

Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 22 2023 17:07 utc | 98

One could argue Peak USA occurred sometime around 1971…..

There‘s a amusing website for that

So we are already 50 some years into decline 😀

Posted by: Exile | Nov 22 2023 17:10 utc | 99

"X Corp will be donating all revenue from advertising & subscriptions associated with the war in Gaza to hospitals in Israel and the Red Cross/Crescent in Gaza," Musk wrote Wednesday on X.

His pledged support for the state of Israel comes after Democrats in Congress wrote him Tuesday alleging X is profiting from premium accounts that glorify violence against Israelis.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 22 2023 17:10 utc | 100

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