Palestine Open Thread 2023-278
Only for news & views directly related to the war in Palestine.
The current open thread for other issues is here.
Please stick to the topic. Contribute facts. Do not attack other commentators.
Posted by b on November 19, 2023 at 13:58 UTC | Permalink
next page »Apologize if this session has already been posted:
Max B on fire here; on RT going underground Nov 18
"systematic campaign of lying"
Posted by: botete | Nov 19 2023 14:07 utc | 2
How many of the Ten Commandments are they (Israel and their Christian supporters) are breaking? Here's a list:
Thou shall not kill,
Thou shall not steal,
Thou shall not covet thy neighbour's house
Observe the Sabbath Day and keep it holy (i.e. no fighting on Saturdays)
Please do not hide behind your mask of ignorance. Be true to yourself, and to your religion. How can you expect to live in peace when you are breaking so many of your Lord's Commandments?
Posted by: khatroam | Nov 19 2023 14:14 utc | 3
A smart move by Erdogan, if he can pull it off. Heaven knows, the Arab/Muslim community looks pretty impotent on Gaza.
Posted by: Eighthman | Nov 19 2023 14:19 utc | 4
I think it is becoming clear that the Western governments (that is criminals) are mentioning the two-state solution more frequently because they want to design that 'solution' to ensure Israel's continued dominance and their own interests that Israel represents, enforces and safeguards.
The two-state solution the Western mobster officials are now pushing has nothing to do with the interests of Palestine, the Palestinians or, in fact, the sane part of the population of Israel, nor with a fair and just way forward to a a fair and just solution for Palestine. Their two-state solution does not include Palestinians deciding about their future, but the US/Israel and comp. deciding where, and what shape Palestine should have and who and how should govern there.
The haste with which the Western mob wants to impose 'a two-state solution' is also indicative of their fever to ensure their interests, while for the majority of the world the absolute priority now is to stop the US/Israely mass murder operation, and provide for the devastated Palestinian population. The murderers are in a hurry and they are impatient.
The conditions and time for a solution have yet to come. The murderers should not play any part in the solution. They have forfeited any right to be involved.
Posted by: JB | Nov 19 2023 14:23 utc | 5
Yemeni forces seized the Galacy Leader, an Israeli ship carrying vehicles, in the Gulf of Adwn, Saudi news reports. No Israelis are aboard.
Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Nov 19 2023 14:26 utc | 6
Posted by: Gengar | Nov 19 2023 14:05 utc | 1
Looking at that map it's so blindingly clear that the Houthi have the final say on what goes in and out of the Suez canal.
If they so desired they could put a hole in the global shipping traffic through the Red Sea-Suez canal route.
We really haven't seen the tip of the iceberg as to how bad things could get GLOBALLY if the Arabs decide they've had enough and to hell with the consequences ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2023 14:27 utc | 7
The Houthis captured a zionazi owned ship partly crewed by Ukranazistanis off Yemen. The zionazis accused Iran of piracy. Kind of rich coming from the zioscum that bombed the Amerikastani USS Liverty and attacked the Gaza flotilla.
Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Nov 19 2023 14:31 utc | 8
Press TV says 52 crew were on board Israeli-flagged ship seized by Yemeni navy
Posted by: Mary | Nov 19 2023 14:32 utc | 9
Posted by: khatroam | Nov 19 2023 14:14 utc | 3
I think those rules are only intended to be applied when dealing with other Jews.
Posted by: JMW | Nov 19 2023 14:44 utc | 10
Tech on Freighter captured by Houthi’s
It’s a Bahamian registered Car Carrier . Likely full of new cars manufactured in Turkey for the Indian market. Turkey has a vibrant automobile -truck manufacturing sector producing around 1.3 million motor vehicles annually.
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 14:54 utc | 11
Sounds like a blockade declared:
the Yemeni Armed Forces declare their intention to target all types of ships as follows:1. Ships carrying the flag of the Zionist entity.
2. Ships operated by Israeli companies.
3. Ships owned by Israeli companies.According to the statement, the Yemeni Armed Forces also call upon all countries of the world to:
Leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement Abdul Malik Badreddine Al-Houthi on Tuesday announced that Yemeni forces would intensify attacks on Israeli targets in occupied Palestine, stating intention to target Israeli ships in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandeb Strait.
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 15:05 utc | 12
Double dog dare you to try and last 3 days on this site without getting banned :)*/index
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 15:23 utc | 13
Posted by: khatroam | Nov 19 2023 14:14 utc | 3
and don't forget:
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
(I'm looking at you, IDF and Israeli govt. spokespeople)
Posted by: farm ecologist | Nov 19 2023 15:43 utc | 14
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 15:23 utc | 13
TF is this? The Onion, Premium Edition?
Millennials and Gen-Z women are sharing their conversion to Islam in wake of Israel-Hamas war, with 'leftist queer gremlin' from Boston among those TikToking her journey
19/11/2023, 9:07:54 pm · by Libloather · 19 replies
Daily Mail ^ | 11/19/23 | Bethan Sexton
Millennial and Gen-Z women say they've been inspired to convert to Islam by the Israel-Hamas war - and are sharing their religious awakenings on TikTok. Recent converts say the conflict, which began with the murder of 1,200 Israelis on October 7, become a driving factor for their decision to join the Muslim faith. Experts suggested for many, the choice is the 'ultimate rebellion against the West'. Among those sharing their journey is a self-described 'leftist queer gremlin' named Alex, who recently purchased a copy of the Quran - even though most interpretations of Islam take a dim view of LGBT...
Aside: As someone who has been permanently banned from the ZH forums I wouldn't even bother with this one.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2023 15:48 utc | 15
We really haven't seen the tip of the iceberg as to how bad things could get GLOBALLY if the Arabs decide they've had enough and to hell with the consequences ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2023 14:27 utc | 7
Blocking the Straight of Hormuz and/or greatly reducing oil output are two things that spring to mind...
Posted by: farm ecologist | Nov 19 2023 15:51 utc | 16
Freerepublic is favored by military ur-conservatives who slavishly worship Sean Hannity. See if you can last 3 days.
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 15:51 utc | 17
1. Ships carrying the flag of the Zionist entity.
2. Ships operated by Israeli companies.
3. Ships owned by Israeli companies.
According to the statement, the Yemeni Armed Forces also call upon all countries of the world to:
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 15:05 utc | 12
If find their lack of inclusiveness disturbing. Frankly, this obsessive focus on targeting _exclusively_ 'Israeli' shipping reeks of Anti-Semitism!
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2023 15:51 utc | 18
The future:
Posted by: Itsmeagain | Nov 19 2023 16:04 utc | 19
The future:
Interview with fmr ambassador Paul Craig Jones
Posted by: I | Nov 19 2023 16:06 utc | 20
@JB number 5 on "sane" and the "two-state solution"
Yes on the real nature of "the solution" but I want to comment on your saying "the sane part of the Israeli population," which does exist, as also with Jews world-wide calling out the insanity of what's going on. As you indicate we ARE looking at insanity vs. sanity.
Biden's administration is now saying re the upcoming cease fire: “Any type of hostage deal would likely result in an increase of humanitarian aid,” the official said. The United States, the official noted, has continuously pushed for an increase of humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza.”
This "humanitarian assistance" has included supplying bombs to drop on Gaza (with the added generosity of suggesting "smaller bombs").
Today also the Biden admin has been talking with severe face that settlers in the West Bank must refrain from violence against Palestinians there or risk "sanctions," such as not getting visas, whatever that means. Plus, Biden full-on to the "two-state solution" which as you say means as decided by the US and Israel.
I believe the mental disease involved in all this is called schizophrenia:
“Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling.”
Simply put, talking out both sides of your mouth simultaneously with contradictory messages is testimony to serious mental disease as we have plentifully on exhibit at this time, exhibit A blowing infants apart in Gaza as "right to defense" and "humanitarian assistance" to Gaza.
Most of the world sees this and the roar of awakening and outrage is increasing. What to do if the globe falls into the hands of maniacs is now no longer a TV drama.
Posted by: botete | Nov 19 2023 16:27 utc | 21
Methinks somebody has a burr up his ass about all things anti-semitic- whatever the fuck that means! This ridiculous term was invented by the ADL or the Zionist League to cock-block all goyim cattle. Read up bro! Your ignorance is embarrassing!!
Posted by: bisfugged | Nov 19 2023 16:50 utc | 22
Daily update from Southern Front plus Video.
Video shows that Gaza is very much the IDFs Stalingrad - any Armour draws ATGMs like flies.
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 16:50 utc | 23
Freerepublic is favored by military ur-conservatives who slavishly worship Sean Hannity. See if you can last 3 days.
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 15:51 utc | 17
What's the point of this? It's a shitty right wing site that restricts political speech. Everyone arrived at the bar precisely because such sites proliferate. Why go on to get banned?
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 19 2023 16:51 utc | 24
You are further going ahead to eliminate all every-found Arab people, ..
but You (Mossad) are just going to the fault direction!
Your direction should not be the Arabian people, like IRAN, IRAQ, Quatar + Saudi-like guys ... Think!
Your (Jewish Zion like= target will then be the USA itself after having missed support on You at an all declaration.
Think about ISR/Mossad - pls. don't laugh about Your GENOCIDE in GAZA.
Tomahawk (Bumm-a rang) will return asap. unexpected - ok? ..
Posted by: spare_truth2 | Nov 19 2023 16:43 utc | 15
Posted by: spare_truth2 | Nov 19 2023 17:07 utc | 25
This may be of interest. The proud owners of Galaxy Leader...
Posted by: dh | Nov 19 2023 17:09 utc | 26
Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Nov 19 2023 14:31 utc | 8
Here's an article on the real incident, with the names actually written correctly with no conspiracy theories.
Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Nov 19 2023 14:31 utc | 8
Posted by: Inkan1969 | Nov 19 2023 17:21 utc | 27
Posted by: Inkan1969 | Nov 19 2023 17:21 utc | 28
Two pieces from today's Daily Telegraph:
1) Herzi Halevi, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) chief of general staff, told forces in the enclave there “remains work to be completed” but praised them for “approaching it successfully.”
2) Sacha Baron Cohen accuses TikTok of ‘creating biggest anti-Semitic movement since Nazis’
Sacha Baron Cohen, the actor, has accused TikTok of “creating the biggest anti-Semitic movement since the Nazis” as the video app battles allegations it is fostering a flood of abuse against Jewish people.
Baron Cohen said TikTok was feeding images to young users encouraging hate, telling TikTok executives: “Shame on you.”
Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 19 2023 17:25 utc | 29
Sacha Baron Cohen Is a extraordinarily racist comedian -
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 17:30 utc | 30
Elijah M. has some info on the ship seized by the Houthis, and its meaning. I consider him a reliable source of info & commentary and with many contacts after 35+ years....
axis of Resistance strategy includes not only military aspects, but putting enormous economic pressure and costs onto the zionist state. I believe it was Business Insider recently est. the war is costing losses of around $260 Million per day to their economy
see this thread by Eligah Magnier:
For the support of #Gaza, #Yemen, Ansar Allah #Houthis have intercepted an #Israel shipping vessel, the “Galaxy Leader” and have arrested many Israelis onboard. More details soon
The "Axis of the Resistance has decided that #Israel won't rest as long as it is indiscriminately killing civilians in #Gaza and no country can stop it
What the Ship was carrying is totally irrelevant.
It is a message for #Israel, the #US and all those closing eyes and ears on the genocide taking place in Palestine.
There will be No safe place for Red Sea maritime navigation if there is no safe place in #Gaza.
Imagine the #US attacks Ansar Allah to protect #Israel's interests; what could happen next?
Bab el-Mandeb will be interrupted and insecure, insurance would go through the roof, and world trade would be damaged.
The Ansar Allah #Houthis have taken custody of a Ship owned by Abraham Ungar, 74, who goes by "Rami," the founder of Ray Shipping Ltd., and is known as one of the wealthiest men in Israel. Ungar owns 12-14 vehicle cargo ships through overseas registered companies.....
Posted by: michaelj72 | Nov 19 2023 17:48 utc | 31
Natanyahu reacts to international pressure, including talk of Israeli “war crimes” by putative allies, by reminding everyone there is an accomplice:
Netanyahu also greatly appreciated "the support of the US” and that it is sending constant shipments of crucial weaponry and defence equipment, while noting bipartisan support for the Jewish state in Congress.
“I greatly appreciate the US, under the leadership of our friend President Biden, who sees eye-to-eye the common interest with Israel. The US has sent to the Middle East aircraft carriers and support vessels, and a special submarine, and is constantly sending us vital munitions,” he said.
He describes Israel’s reliance on a “diplomatic Iron Dome”, that allows the IDF “to continue fighting until victory.” This “diplomatic Iron Dome” has probably been employed to delay or prevent the imposition of a cease-fire (whether 5 days or 3 days). This negotiated “pause” has been attributed to a U.S. initiative, but there is also the UNSC resolution pushing the process as well. The leak last night to Washington Post that deal had been reached was probably an attempt within a faction of Biden administration to overwhelm the diplomatic “Iron Dome”.
Posted by: jayc | Nov 19 2023 17:52 utc | 32
michaelj72 | Nov 19 2023 17:48 utc | 31 "Imagine the #US attacks Ansar Allah to protect #Israel's interests; what could happen next?
Bab el-Mandeb will be interrupted and insecure, insurance would go through the roof, and world trade would be damaged."
East west Empire traffic would then have to take the long road round the horn. Non empire shipping could take Russia's northern route....
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 19 2023 18:03 utc | 33
I recall from decades ago that Zionists feared moderate Palestinians above all else.
A protest by moderates was met with fire hoses and worse, much much worse.
The militants could be dealt with with an excessive deadly counter punch ... and more theft.
Militants offered an opportunity; 1) oppress 2) keep the lid on until 3) a volcanic reaction by Palestinians
followed by 4) murder and more theft by Zionists 5) repeat the cycle
But moderates? Zionists didn't want moderation, what opportunity did they offer for the thieving, murderous Zionists?
I have done some searches for decades old historical articles about attacks upon moderate protestors but
am not having any luck.
Here is a more recent article, from 2021. It gives a glimpse into the oppression by Zionists.
Why are Palestinians protesting? Because we want to live
Posted by: librul | Nov 19 2023 18:05 utc | 34
Posted by: JB | Nov 19 2023 14:23 utc | 5
Posted by: botete | Nov 19 2023 16:27 utc | 21
all one has to do to show that there never was any Zionist intention to ever allow any viable "two state solution" to even become a possibility, is to look at the following map showing the proposed 1947 UN Israel/Palestinian border plan and the "facts on the ground" deliberately created a mere 2 years later by the Zionists
all talk of "2 state solution" emanating from the Israeli side is simply a lie. Every move they have made since 1947 proves that they have consistently tried at every opportunity to kill any possibility of a 2 state solution while pretending that it is their desired outcome.
Posted by: UpToEleven | Nov 19 2023 18:11 utc | 35
34 - What they did with "moderates" was co-opt them into being collaborators, which is basically what the Palestinian Authority is.
Posted by: Waldorf | Nov 19 2023 18:14 utc | 36
Sacha Baron Cohen Is a extraordinarily racist comedian -
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 17:30 utc | 30
That is so true and goes totally without comment in the west. No cancelation not even a critique.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 19 2023 18:17 utc | 37
@JB number 5 on "sane" and the "two-state solution"
Agreed that the classical 2 state solution is probably not going to suffice. But who am I?
HOWEVER, what I do know is that in any negotiation the first necessary step is to prove that those involved can keep their promises. Genocide Joe is spouting off about the 2 state solution in full expectation that US and Israel will torpedo it again. Still, it is the UN approved solution from long ago and it would make a credible first step to peace if only because it proves promises can be kept.
I'd not recommend holding one's breath. The US can be trusted only to deceive and break any agreements; the US must be kicked out of the area. Even that is not enough; the US must be shut down and forbidden from trying again - in the ME and elsewhere across the world. This is what Russia, China and ROW must wrestle with; there can be no negotiated agreement with US; it will have to be forced to accept the new order. Not pretty, esp where PTBs in US are likely just fine with crashing everything if they don't get their way.
Posted by: oracle | Nov 19 2023 18:20 utc | 38
2) Sacha Baron Cohen accuses TikTok of ‘creating biggest anti-Semitic movement since Nazis’
Sacha Baron Cohen, the actor, has accused TikTok of “creating the biggest anti-Semitic movement since the Nazis” as the video app battles allegations it is fostering a flood of abuse against Jewish people.
Baron Cohen said TikTok was feeding images to young users encouraging hate, telling TikTok executives: “Shame on you.”
Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 19 2023 17:25 utc | 29
Classic zionazi. The guy freely and lucratively promotes racist stereotypes of everyone on the planet, then someone expresses a concern with the genocide of thousands of innocents and he's apoplectic. Fuck SBC and his supremacist ilk.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 19 2023 18:21 utc | 39
How many of the Ten Commandments are they (Israel and their Christian supporters) are breaking? Here's a list:Thou shall not kill,
Thou shall not steal,
Thou shall not covet thy neighbour's house
Observe the Sabbath Day and keep it holy (i.e. no fighting on Saturdays)Please do not hide behind your mask of ignorance. Be true to yourself, and to your religion. How can you expect to live in peace when you are breaking so many of your Lord's Commandments?
I'm afraid the Ten Commandments are only supposed to tell Judaists how to treat other Judaists, not Gentiles.
Posted by: Observer | Nov 19 2023 18:29 utc | 40
Sink one freighter in the Suez canal and one in the Strait of Hormuz and the world economy is in the tank. That's how vulnerable the mighty western Empire is.
Posted by: Bob | Nov 19 2023 18:32 utc | 41
@Posted by: Waldorf | Nov 19 2023 18:14 utc | 36
Perhaps that, and/or co-opt them ***with*** collaborators. That is, the only moderates allowed by the Zionists
were those that were collaborators.
Posted by: librul | Nov 19 2023 18:35 utc | 42
42 - Che Guevara once said that "moderates" were people who were either timid or were contemplating some kind of treachery. Perhaps he was an "extremist" but his definition has often proved to be correct.
Posted by: Waldorf | Nov 19 2023 18:39 utc | 43
Someone at the bar linked this recently and I think it needs to be a "sticky" while all this goes on. Not sure how this person is. He reminds me a bit of Malcolm X. Anyway, this is really the true lens with which to look through, it explains everything (why you could not get from "here" to "there").
Posted by: Seer | Nov 19 2023 18:40 utc | 44
Problem defined: Clearly, EVERYONE supporting Netanyahu, IS supporting sinister genocide, a massive Crime Against Humanity.
(obvious to most who haven't been brainwashed, and for whatever reasons is either unable to support or is tiring of supporting the politicians who live in their $hitpools of decadent corruption).
Solution: Netanyahu should be locked up ASAP & put on trial, before he kills any more children and civilians. Biden should be Impeached & put on trial for supporting Netanyahu.
Along with such knowledge/realization/view - for all adults, comes responsibility for ACTION. Everyone is urged to do whatever they can to resist barbarism & to support sanity/the Rule of Law.
We Americans presently live in a part of the world that is ruled by madmen, who love to lie, cheat & steal. They have indicated that they support endless wars, Big Lies (1) & dirty tricks. They & their minions ie MSM & information warfare department work very hard to keeps us dumbed down & doped up. Millions of good but very gullible Americans with good intentions repeat the big lies they're hearing daily. Apparently our pols & their rich supporters, feel that the amount of$$$ a person has accumulated, is a indication of both their intelligence & their right to rule.
The people supporting the ongoing barbarism flowing thru Netanyahu, Biden, and many others - whether for a paycheck or not, should be warned & reminded, that many good, patriotic German soldiers fell under the spell of Hitler & his associate's Big Lies only a few decades ago, and are still suffering painful consequences from that. As we sow, so will we reap. There is no amount of money that can make supporting genocide & endless wars worthwhile. That is reality. Reality is not affected by what we believe, by lies or ignorance.
The smartest, sanest people involved (ie: intel & information warfare workers and everyone worth their salt, who care about the future of their nation, & human civilization) will find ways to spread Truth, to expose the corruption (LEAK), shame the bastards & end this madness.
Everyone who took an oath, should remember it & honor it: defend the constitution & your country from enemies both foreign & domestic. Those in power who have supported the insane, slaughters in both Palestine & Ukraine ARE pissing on our constitution, and ARE enemies of the people, who must be stopped, one way or another b4 they get us all killed. Julian Assange had some very relevant, interesting things to say regarding all that:
"The more secretive or unjust an organization is, the more leaks induce fear and paranoia in its leadership and planning coterie. This must result in minimization of efficient internal communications mechanisms (an increase in cognitive "secrecy tax") and consequent system-wide cognitive decline resulting in decreased ability to hold onto power as the environment demands adaption.
"Hence in a world where leaking is easy, secretive or unjust systems are nonlinearly hit relative to open, just systems. Since unjust systems, by their nature induce opponents, and in many places barely have the upper hand, mass leaking leaves them exquisitely vulnerable to those who seek to replace them with more open forms of governance.
"Only revealed injustice can be answered; for man to do anything intelligent he has to know what's actually going on"
Julian Assange: Sun 31 Dec 2006 : The non linear effects of leaks on unjust systems of governance
"Power is mostly the illusion of power. The Pentagon demanded we destroy our publications. We kept publishing. Clinton denounced us and said we were an attack on the entire "international community". We kept publishing. I was put in prison and under house arrest. We kept publishing. We went head to head with the NSA getting Edward Snowden out of Hong Kong, we won and got him asylum. Clinton tried to destroy us and was herself destroyed. Elephants, it seems, can be brought down with string. Perhaps there are no elephants..."Most power structures are deeply incompetent, staffed by people who don't really believe in their institutions and that most power is the projection of the perception of power. And the more secretively it works, the more incompetent it is, because secrecy breeds incompetence, while openness breeds competence, because one can see and can compare actions and see which one is more competent. To keep up these appearances, institutional heads or political heads such as presidents spend most of the time trying to walk in front of the train and pretending that it is following them, but the direction is set by the tracks and by the engine of the train. Understanding that means that small and committed organisations can outmanoeuvre these institutional dinosaurs, like the State Department, the NSA or the CIA.
<> Julian Assange (the page before it was censored)
2) (the page before it was censored)
Posted by: Toby C | Nov 19 2023 18:46 utc | 45
In case it hasn't already been shared here:
Scott Ritter eloquently shared his deeply held,logical, humane views yesterday (11/19/2023)
Posted by: Toby C | Nov 19 2023 18:53 utc | 46
Todays weapon systems exhibition in Tehran included new game changer utility like Hypersonic missile Fatah2, Mehran mobile Airdef system and Shahed 147 drones.
"Mehran" mobile defense system can engage with all kinds of air targets and its range is 320 km. The radar, missile and command post of this system are located on one vehicle and each system is equipped with 4 Mehran-1 missiles with a range of 320 km. (persian text with photos)
Posted by: Framarz | Nov 19 2023 18:58 utc | 47
Very smart, humane, political analyst, long time Peace Activist & opponent of Israeli terrorism inflicted on Palestine, George Galloway is on live right now with his Sunday presentation & well worth listening to. His programs on the "Mother of all Talk Shows" are all recorded & available upon demand.
Posted by: Toby C | Nov 19 2023 19:12 utc | 48
Reuters has a posting up that says
Israel says Houthis seize ship in Red Sea, no Israelis among owners or crew
It seems other commenters here would disagree with the "owners" part but Reuters wouldn't lie, would they?..../s
Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 19 2023 19:13 utc | 49
The Irish PM (surprisingly) highlighting the perversity of western leaders response to the Russian SMO and the Israeli SMO/genocide.
Not a man or his party I'd ever vote for, but his and our government's serious condemnation of Israel since oct 8 leads me to think that our European friends are being led by insane imperialist sadists. Hopefully, Ireland will withdraw from the fourth reich in light of this and be the first western country to join BRICS.
In relation to arms supplies' flights to Israel from the US stopping off in Ireland to refuel, I'm sure the US will find eager aviation fuel sellers in Great Britain.
It's hard to play the antisemitism card in Ireland when there's only a couple of Irish jewish families in the country who have absolutely zero political influence.
Posted by: Eoin Clancy | Nov 19 2023 19:18 utc | 50
michaelj72 | Nov 19 2023 17:48 utc | 31
I believe it was Business Insider recently est. the war is costing losses of around $260 Million per day to their economy
That means the US Congress is going to pour a trillion dollars into the Israel economy next year. This is Zionisms all in to clear out the Palestinians and it will take years and trillions of US dollars.
After that mission is completed they will go after Hamas and take what they consider is theirs of Lebanon. Of course, that does not include the rebuilding costs. The US will call it an investment. The Arab leaders will call it good business. What the Iranians and Turks will do is anybodys guess.
Posted by: circumspect | Nov 19 2023 19:21 utc | 51
michaelj72 | Nov 19 2023 17:48 utc | 31
I believe it was Business Insider recently est. the war is costing losses of around $260 Million per day to their economy
That means the US Congress is going to pour a trillion dollars into the Israel economy next year. This is Zionisms all in to clear out the Palestinians and it will take years and trillions of US dollars.
After that mission is completed they will go after Hamas and take what they consider is theirs of Lebanon. Of course, that does not include the rebuilding costs. The US will call it an investment. The Arab leaders will call it good business. What the Iranians and Turks will do is anybodys guess.
Posted by: circumspect | Nov 19 2023 19:23 utc | 52
While Jews were provided with a number of commandments, these are interpreted by some to be exclusive or inclusive to the Jewish Tribe only.
For example, Thou shalt not kill (other Jews).
As we read the Old Testament, we see much killing and war against non Jewish tribes as commanded by Yahweh himself.
Even as Moses issued Yahweh's commandments, Yahweh ordered the slaughter of Men, women and Children and animals by his tribe. No one spared.
So maybe you're barking up the wrong tree.
The Chosen ones "don't need no stinkin' badges".
Posted by: Chaka Khagan | Nov 19 2023 19:24 utc | 53
"It seems other commenters here would disagree with the "owners" part but Reuters wouldn't lie, would they?"
Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 19 2023 19:13 utc | 49
The Washington Post has another version. Take your pick..
"Israeli officials insisted the ship was British-owned and Japanese-operated. However, ownership details in public shipping databases associated the ship’s owners with Ray Car Carriers, which was founded by Abraham “Rami” Ungar, who is known as one of the richest men in Israel."
Posted by: dh | Nov 19 2023 19:25 utc | 54
Reuters has a posting up that says
Israel says Houthis seize ship in Red Sea, no Israelis among owners or crew
It seems other commenters here would disagree with the "owners" part but Reuters wouldn't lie, would they?..../s
Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 19 2023 19:13 utc | 49
Outlets including Times of Israel stated that the British company managing the ship is owned in part by Israeli billionaire Abraham Ungar. They can fly the Bahamanian flag for those tax breaks all they want but the Resistance knows
Posted by: Gengar | Nov 19 2023 19:28 utc | 55
Sacha Baron Cohen Is a extraordinarily racist comedian -
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 17:30 utc | 30
It is rather funny seeming his entire comedic career was formed around punching down on minority groups.
Maybe he'll wake up to himself with a little more education, but I wouldn't be betting on it.
Posted by: Jon_in_AU | Nov 19 2023 19:51 utc | 56
Sasha B Cohen did a dramatic film about a famous Isreali spy working undercover in Palestine.
Of course, the film was entirely sympathetic to Isreal.
In the end, he was discovered and executed with all the sadness you'd expect.
SBC is not going to change his stripes.
Posted by: Chaka Khagan | Nov 19 2023 19:56 utc | 57
Sacha Baron Cohen Is a extraordinarily racist comedian -
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 17:30 utc | 30
It is rather funny seeming his entire comedic career was formed around punching down on minority groups.
Maybe he'll wake up to himself with a little more education, but I wouldn't be betting on it.
Posted by: Jon_in_AU | Nov 19 2023 19:51 utc | 55
And in his “Who Is America” he plays a Mossad agent where the entire role is lampooning the bloodthirstyness of the Israeli regime and IOF. He clearly knows what a violent, apartheid regime Israel is, guess he just doesn’t like it when other folks point out the truth. What a coward.
Posted by: Gengar | Nov 19 2023 19:57 utc | 58
Title: "The Spy"
In the 1960s, Israeli clerk-turned-secret agent Eli Cohen goes deep undercover inside Syria on a perilous, years-long mission to spy for Mossad. Watch all you want. Sacha Baron Cohen ("Borat," "Da Ali G Show") takes a dramatic turn as real-life spy Eli Cohen in this thriller inspired by true events.
Free on Netflix
Posted by: Chaka Khagan | Nov 19 2023 19:59 utc | 59
Israeli propaganda outlets are now putting out pictures and stories about Hamas underground tunnels under Al-shifa hospital as "proof" of Hamas using it as a military asset. If one thinks about it, even if it there were tunnels underneath the hospital that were used by Hamas, unless weapons fire was coming out of the hospital, which there certainly was not, there is no reason to attack the hospital as was done. Now what about all those other hospitals, schools, mosques, and private homes being bombed to rubble? Can't tell me that they are all military targets.....
Israel is putting out pure bull doo doo. Who in the heck do they think actually believes any of it.
Posted by: Gee Eye Joe | Nov 19 2023 20:24 utc | 60
Israeli media have finally admitted what Mondoweiss, Robert Inlakesh at the Cradle and then Max Blumenthal at the Grayzone have been saying since late Oct:
Israel killed hundreds of its own citizens on Oct 7, and probably most civilians killed that day were killed by Israel.
But the headline everyone runs with, "Mickey Mouse had not planned to attack music festival, Israeli report says".
Even AJ is running with this stupid headline. I hadn't planned to attack the festival either. Nor did I.
Two state solution
Posted by: JB | Nov 19 2023 14:23 utc | 5
Well said. I note that all the various plans put forward by Empire be it Borrell, Biden, or Jeffrey Sachs involve
a) "disarminng Hamas etc" but NOT disarming the number one terrorist regime in the world.
b) making sure anyone who stands up for Palestinians is sidelined
c) making vague promises
Highly recommend the Paul Craig Roberts interview which someone linked above. I have wondered if anyone is actually in charge in DC. Austin and Blinken's body language suggests they are just order followers. Nuland is busy baking cookies for her next project. Anyway PCR says Netanyahoo is fully in control as he has been at least since 2015 when he addressed the US Congress.
On that same channel Dialogue Works is another interview with Larry Wilkerson. Down to earth guy with a lot of insight into how the US government works. I don't know who this guy is but he asks simple and good questions like Judge Nap, even better perhaps.
Posted by: pq | Nov 19 2023 20:42 utc | 61
Salaam,What two states is the western countries talking about here? JB@5- Not only is that solution dead and buried,it has also rotted away and returned to the cosmos.The world needs the truth in order to have a sustainable and sincere universal peace.Who,what when negotiate/guarantees this solution? USA/France,Germany,Norway,Finland,UN!The west has lied enough, destruction,pain,suffering and death-all by these civilized western states-enough, no mas.No credibility.
Posted by: 4q8 | Nov 19 2023 20:45 utc | 62
Israeli military cemeteries: We receive a dead soldier every hour
... He noted that in the past 48 hours, a huge number of graves have been opened, and "only on Mount Herzl, we have buried about 50 dead." ...
Posted by: Framarz | Nov 19 2023 20:57 utc | 63
I am so disgusted about how they keep talking about the 31 babies being rescued and taken to Egypt (that's good of course) and meanwhile there are tens of thousands of injured children. I don't know how many have been permanently disabled but nobody talks about them. Kids who have endured brutal treatment without anasthesia.
And the human rights loving EU UK US continue to deny aid to these kids. While IOF destroy their schools.
60 journalists have been killed. 3 killed yesterday in Central Gaza. Not a single non Arab or non Muslim has had the guts to go and report from within Gaza (except the embedded stenographers that go with the IOF).
Nobody in the NATOstan MSM even comments on this.
Meanwhile Ben Gvir is putting a draft of a law before the Knesset that would see Palestinians in Israeli jails legally executed but hopefully it is Ben Gvir's position that will be killed off.
Yet another Israeli lawmaker has posted an op ed in JP saying: we have a great idea. Palestinians can be sent to various countries of the world. Any takers?
Posted by: pq | Nov 19 2023 21:02 utc | 64
Sorry , off topic....
It’s getting to the point where I have to scroll through MOST of the posts on the daily blog comments. In doing so I notice a pattern where a cluster of 6 or so of the same posters , that I habitually skip , show up at the same time , over and over again.
I am thankful that many of the original posters who I have read for years now have not given up sharing their thoughts in spite of the onslaught of [I suspect] funded teams who try to degrade MOA.
Posted by: Bartholomew Cubbins | Nov 19 2023 21:07 utc | 65
The delicious irony of the houthis. Israel armed funded and trained them back in the 60s to help the first civil war and defeat the socialist leaning ruler . I haven't heard the houthis invaded one of the islands Israel took over and put military bases on, socotra Island. I will always know it for its dragons blood trees that are unique to the world only growing there.
Posted by: Hankster | Nov 19 2023 21:08 utc | 66
Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Nov 19 2023 14:31 utc | 8
The Houthis continue to punch above their weight class.
And, they figured out that going after markets is smarter than military targets.
Russia should take note, a torpedo to the hull of an LNG tanker would send a message more effectively than a thousand dead UAF soldiers.
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Nov 19 2023 21:11 utc | 67
Posted by: Chaka Khagan | Nov 19 2023 19:24 utc | 52
The interesting part of that is where bored waiting for the rules to be handed out, the people reverted to the gods of old. Ie Baal the golden calf. So it basically says they were a tribe that worshipped this before being special. So angered was God Moses had to go back and beg for another copy and their loving God swallowed lots of his flock up into the earth in a omnipotent loving rage. As Carlin would say Joe pesci , he got things done in the movie "casino"
Posted by: Hankster | Nov 19 2023 21:19 utc | 68
@Posted by: pq | Nov 19 2023 21:02 utc | 63
"Yet another Israeli lawmaker has posted an op ed in JP saying: we have a great idea. Palestinians can be sent to various countries of the world. Any takers?"
I had posted about something similar the other day.
Two members of the Zionist Knesset penned an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
The two schemers are asking, with the WSJ assist, that other countries play a role in ethnically cleansing Palestine.
It is such low life, snake hissing, hypocrisy on their part.
Article is behind a paywall but someone offered snipits and here is how the article seems to end:
The international community has a moral imperative—and an opportunity—to demonstrate compassion, help the people of Gaza move toward a more prosperous future and work together to achieve greater peace and stability in the Middle East.
The two authors are well known in Zioland. One has been Zionland's Ambassador to the UN
and a very high ranking member of Likud.
The other had been deputy director of Mossad.
The WSJ has enabled these two snakes - members of Likud and Mossad -
to ask for help in ethnically cleansing Palestine
based on a "moral" and "compassion" appeal.
Posted by: librul | Nov 19 2023 21:26 utc | 69
I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt khatroam, that you are speaking from a place of ignorance because no one has taught you the truth.
The original Hebrew is thou shall not murder. Hamas committed murder. Dropping leaflets and deliberately avoiding civilians is not murder. Placing civilians in harm’s way and shooting them as they attempt to leave, as Hamas has, is in fact murder.
The next 2 you list are not relevant. Perhaps Hamas violated both but that is not relevant. Wanting to recover hostages is not theft.
Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife is something Hamas is guilty of due to how many women they raped and may still be raping.
It is permitted to violate the Sabbath to save a life. Fighting a defensive war that was unprovoked against a genocidal enemy is in fact a defensive war.
You leave out the most important of all, and one both Muslims and Christians violate. I am the Lord thy god and you shall have no other gods before me. Hamas worships jihad and genocide and makes an idol of both. Christianity is in fact institutional idolatry.
All humans are descended from Noah and should follow the 7 Noahide laws. Don’t worship idols, Don’t take God’s name in vain. Don’t commit murder. Don’t engage in adultery. Don’t commit sexual immorality. Don’t steal. Don’t eat flesh torn from a living animal. Establish courts of justice. Then 613 commandments apply to Jews, which include the 10 Commandments.
Additionally, there is 1 law for both the Jew and non-Jew because all humans are equal. All of us have souls from God and are created in God’s image. The 5 Books of Moses are both the story of the Jewish people and a guidebook for life. In the Jewish tradition is was given directly from God to Moses on Mt Sinai. For references on how the Jews are instructed repeatedly to treat all humans as equal please see the following.
Exodus 22:20-22
Deuteronomy 10:17-19
Deuteronomy 24:14
Deuteronomy 1:16
Numbers 35:15
Leviticus 24:22
Leviticus 19:34
Deuteronomy 10:19
If you are going to hate an entire group of people you should at least be informed. Most of what I see seems to be that people simply don’t know what they don’t know.
For pq, you do realize that the videos of October 7 were shot by Hamas and spread by them on social media right? There are ways to find them. I suggest you do so.
If you wish to engage in hatred at least be informed.
In prayer for peace and the protection for all innocents because all humans are equal.
Posted by: amic | Nov 19 2023 21:26 utc | 70
[email protected], a Rules based Bible.....I see.
Cheers M
Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Nov 19 2023 21:34 utc | 71
@Posted by: amic | Nov 19 2023 21:26 utc | 69
A supporter of genocide is lecturing people about the Bible...Jeesh!
Posted by: librul | Nov 19 2023 21:47 utc | 72
pq | Nov 19 2023 20:42 utc | 60
Larry Wilkerson was up high. Some team working up near Powel who, Ithink he said, he met three times while in that job. Seems ok. A few biases show up now and then but I have become acostomed to that in US ex types now. He does have a good perspective on how things work at the top end in the US and is worth watching on the Judging freedom show.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 19 2023 21:54 utc | 73
Not sure if this link is allowed .
Posted by: Bartholomew Cubbins | Nov 19 2023 22:01 utc | 74
Posted by: librul | Nov 19 2023 21:47 utc | 71
it's how some of them justify it.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 19 2023 22:09 utc | 75
Additionally, there is 1 law for both the Jew and non-Jew because all humans are equal. All of us have souls from God and are created in God’s image. The 5 Books of Moses are both the story of the Jewish people and a guidebook for life. In the Jewish tradition is was given directly from God to Moses on Mt Sinai. For references on how the Jews are instructed repeatedly to treat all humans as equal please see the following.
Exodus 22:20-22
Deuteronomy 10:17-19
Deuteronomy 24:14
Deuteronomy 1:16
Numbers 35:15
Leviticus 24:22
Leviticus 19:34
Deuteronomy 10:19
Posted by: amic | Nov 19 2023 21:26 utc | 69
Apparently Talmudic Jews interpret those passages as applying only to fellow Jews.
For them nonJews are not fully human, ergo not worthy of equal treatment, as one might a fellow Jew
Posted by: UpToEleven | Nov 19 2023 22:32 utc | 76
It is true that Israel supported the "Royalist" side iin the Yemen Civil War. In fact the sx day war of 1967 was designed to take advantage of the large Egyptian army which was fighting in Yemen and unable to resist the Israeli attack on Egypt.
The primary supporter, however, was the UK which ruled South Yemen through its protectorate and had large forces in Aden. The British, supported by the US, sent SAS and other troops to support the attempt by the followers of the Imam to reverse the revolution, supported by Egypt, which had displaced them. Britain also financed and transported mercenaries and Saudi forces, the precursors of those which fought in Afghanistan and, later, in Al Qaeda and the vsarious wahhabi financed militias turned out against socialism in any form.
Israel's role in Yemen was not such that it can be claimed that it founded the Houthis, who were partisans pf a governing clan which ruled Yemen for centuries.
Posted by: bevin | Nov 19 2023 22:34 utc | 77
If you are going to hate an entire group of people you should at least be informed. Most of what I see seems to be that people simply don’t know what they don’t know.
For pq, you do realize that the videos of October 7 were shot by Hamas and spread by them on social media right? There are ways to find them. I suggest you do
Posted by: amic | Nov 19 2023 21:26 utc | 69
We don't hate any people for the way they were born, Amic. We hate those that have chosen to be Zionazis. It's a choice, not a birth right, comrade.
Free your mind and join humanity!
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 19 2023 22:46 utc | 78
amic 69
Your words " are instructed " tells us everything. Civilised people don't need to be instructed not to do heinous crimes. Israeli Jews live in a permanent state of mental superiority over Palestinians.
Under these conditions murder is not accidental or unintentional. It is intentional, as a logical consequence of Jewish feelings of superiority.
On a normal day in Israel crimes against Palestinians are as routine as eating food or sleeping.
Your hated Jesus Messiah , son of Mary peace be upon them both, explained that actions stem from what is in the heart. Hating the people who legally own Palestine leads to persecuting them.
The destruction of the Jews by Rome in AD 73 was foretold by the Messiah and confirmed as God's Will in the Qur'an.
Posted by: Giyane | Nov 19 2023 22:53 utc | 79
Posted by: amic | Nov 19 2023 21:26 utc | 69
Glad I'm a Buddhist and can just toss all that kooky nonsense in the dustbin.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2023 23:11 utc | 80
Israeli propaganda outlets are now putting out pictures and stories about Hamas underground tunnels under Al-shifa hospital as "proof" of Hamas using it as a military asset ...
Posted by: Gee Eye Joe | Nov 19 2023 20:24 utc | 59
By the time the IDF gets done digging for proof there will be a military HQ there even if there wasn't one before ...
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2023 23:16 utc | 81
Western outlets have been touting an impending hostage deal all day, though it seems just the deal which was just around the corner a couple of days ago. For instance, today's Guardian says "Senior US and Israeli officials, as well as the Qatari prime minister, all suggested an agreement was close on Sunday..."
This hope yoyo goes up and down enough times, you have to wonder what it's really about; if anything at all, other than sheer distraction. Give it up: there's very close to zero hope for any of the hostages, because Israel prefers them dead. (They've already bombed 50 of 'em to death.) Max Blumenthal agrees with me about that:
So I don’t think they’ll make it out alive. It would be a miracle if they made it out alive. Everyone wants them to make it out alive, whether they’re on the anti-Zionist side, or … Well, I shouldn’t say everyone wants to make it out alive. It appears that those who want them to make it out are those who are protesting Netanyahu outside his office and outside the military headquarters who tend to be leftists or anti-Zionists in Israel. And those who could care less about them getting out are Netanyahu’s supporters the military supporters and the military commanders themselves. Because what about this operation suggests that they’re actually trying to rescue hostages? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And the political dynamics that have been put in play by assaulting everyone in the Gaza Strip, are sending the message that no negotiations are possible whatsoever.
Posted by: Aleph_Null | Nov 19 2023 23:30 utc | 82
That is so true and goes totally without comment in the west. No cancelation not even a critique.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 19 2023 18:17 utc | 37
That's because they're terrified of being branded anti-Semitic.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2023 23:30 utc | 83
"By the time the IDF gets done digging for proof there will be a military HQ there even if there wasn't one before ..."
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2023 23:16 utc | 81
To my understanding, there IDF actually already have put a military HQ in place at Al-Shifa. The IDF is using it as their command and control center.
Posted by: Gee Eye Joe | Nov 19 2023 23:31 utc | 84
This ridiculous term was invented by the ADL or the Zionist League to cock-block all goyim cattle. Read up bro! Your ignorance is embarrassing!!
Posted by: bisfugged | Nov 19 2023 16:50 utc | 22
Only white goyim cattle. The rest of them just laugh or look puzzled when called anti semitic.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2023 23:32 utc | 85
A picture of the cargo of the Israeli civilian vessel captured by Houthis.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 19 2023 23:35 utc | 86
East west Empire traffic would then have to take the long road round the horn. Non empire shipping could take Russia's northern route....
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 19 2023 18:03 utc | 33
The crucial energy related ships, oil/gas, and much else, would go via the Cape not the Horn.
Posted by: JohninMK | Nov 19 2023 23:37 utc | 87
Arguing about the bible and it's interpretation is absolutely a diversion and an utterly futile approach to resolving anything.
Forget it.
In the words of Caitlin Johnstone which still ring true after a whole bunch of her articles long ago...
Regarding the moral complexities of bombing a concentration camp full of children - THERE ARE NO MORAL COMPLEXITIES.
"No matter how much you talk about October 7, it will still be a fact that Israel is raining military explosives upon a concentration camp full of children, and that it urgently needs to stop.
No matter how much you talk about how evil and bad Hamas are, it will still be a fact that Israel is raining military explosives upon a concentration camp full of children, and that it urgently needs to stop.
No matter how much you say the words “human shields”, it will still be a fact that Israel is raining military explosives upon a concentration camp full of children, and that it urgently needs to stop.
No matter how much you accuse Israel’s critics of loving terrorists, it will still be a fact that Israel is raining military explosives upon a concentration camp full of children, and that it urgently needs to stop.
No matter how much you accuse Israel’s critics of hating Jews, it will still be a fact that Israel is raining military explosives upon a concentration camp full of children, and that it urgently needs to stop.
No matter how many words you use or how much narrative spin you try to put on it or how many ad hominems you throw at the people criticising what Israel is doing, it will still be a fact that Israel is raining military explosives upon a concentration camp full of children, and that it urgently needs to stop."
Posted by: Saul Goode | Nov 19 2023 23:43 utc | 88
karlof1 | Nov 20 2023 0:02 utc | 89
I guess if they where Christians, they would think santa arrived early though I guess as Muslims they would also have a time for handing out presents.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 20 2023 0:07 utc | 90
JohninMK | Nov 19 2023 23:37 utc | 87
You're right. Lucky I am not a sailor.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 20 2023 0:08 utc | 91
Aside: As someone who has been permanently banned from the ZH forums I wouldn't even bother with this one.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2023 15:48 utc | 15
I joined ZH fight club in 2009. But it evolved from a debating fight club to a Goldman Sachs/Gooble ally. No fight left, to the line and absolutely no potty mouth.
Killing for Biblical Verses still OK. Printing money for the Chosen worshipped. "Too Big To Fail" with American and European Taxpayers/Poor Folk being volunteered at gun point to contribute to the Chosen's Gambling Losses vigorously approved/promoted.
The smell or rotten butt on Tyler's nose comes straight through the pages. So got "banned" and all the better for it. What a bunch of suckbutts.
Posted by: kupkee | Nov 20 2023 0:13 utc | 92
Lucky I am not a sailor.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 20 2023 0:08 utc | 91
Posted by: Nobody | Nov 20 2023 0:14 utc | 93
At the BBC they are evolving this propaganda
Israel says CCTV footage shows hostages at Gaza hospital
Israel says CCTV footage shows hostages were taken to Gaza hospital on October 7.
How many people will jump to the first reported conclusion that hostages have been found at the Gaza hospital? ....... and stop thinking beyond that because of the fire hose of shit coming at them.
The pictures show that Hamas was taking care of its hostages that it took on that day.
Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 20 2023 0:19 utc | 94
A picture of the cargo of the Israeli civilian vessel captured by Houthis.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 19 2023 23:35 utc | 86
I wonder if we'll be seeing that picture on the BBC tomorrow?
Posted by: dh | Nov 20 2023 0:23 utc | 95
"Israel" is going apeshit because Hamas has arrested and locked up ~230 jewish hostages.
On the other hand "Israel" has arrested and locked up ~10,000 Palestinians on delightfully vague charges AND is confining 2.3 million Palestinians in a large, fenced, prison camp with armed guards, checkpoints and turnstiles at every entry and exit.
The 2.3 million + 10,000 Palestinian prisoners of "Israel" are not being discussed during the negotiations about the Jewish hostages in Hamas custody.
Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 20 2023 0:45 utc | 96
Saul Goode 88
There are no moral complexities.
Unfortunately , for those whose morality predates the teachings of Christ and the Last Prophet, peace be upon them both, the man-made complexities are horrendous.
It's like a house that has been extended twice but never been re-wired . Cables have been adapted to serve loads they were not originally designed to carry. In the same way the bronze age scriptures are no longer fit for purpose.
That is what Jesus meant went he told the Chikdren of Israel New bottles for New wine. New cloth to repair New cloth. He, pbuh, didn't cancel or change the scriptures. He said they were no longer fit for purpose , dealing with the Roman Superpower instead of tribal rivalry.
Now, the Gospels are no.longer fit for purpose.
Would it be moral for the owners of the current manual for human life on earth to surrender to followers of the Bronze Age scriptures which is irrelevant to modern life?
Quite apart from anything else there isn't enough physical space for humanity to live in villages or kibbutses. Palestinian cities cannot be built without land security, and also without food and water security.
The smallness of Gaza , without free movement , is a crime in itself.
Posted by: Giyane | Nov 20 2023 0:54 utc | 97
dh | Nov 20 2023 0:23 utc | 95
The old saying about pigs flying comes to mind.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 20 2023 1:00 utc | 98
Double dog dare you to try and last 3 days on this site without getting banned :)*/index
Posted by: Exile | Nov 19 2023 15:23 utc | 13
That site sucks donkey d**ks anyway.
Posted by: Ed | Nov 20 2023 1:08 utc | 99
war correspondent Elijah Magnier sums things up nicely, dont ya think?
"....Contrary to the initial objectives of neutralising Hamas, destroying its capabilities and freeing prisoners, the focus seems to have shifted to breaking the will of the Palestinian resistance. This shift is evident in the tactics used: the targeting of families, children and relatives of resistance members and the destruction of essential civilian infrastructure such as schools, places of worship, hospitals and utilities such as water, electricity and fuel supplies. The intention seems to be to force a surrender and turn public opinion in Gaza against Hamas.
However the Palestinian resistance remains steadfast, claiming that this systematic indiscriminate killing of civilians only strengthens their resolve to resist what they describe as an unaccountable racist entity committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.....
The Israeli military’s strategy appears to be a scorched earth policy, recognising that Hamas is unlikely to be defeated by simply occupying northern Gaza....."
Posted by: michaelj72 | Nov 20 2023 1:10 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
Unconfirmed but would represent a significant escalation on the Yemenite part
Posted by: Gengar | Nov 19 2023 14:05 utc | 1