A Few Notes On The War On Palestine
Having been lightly prodded by the Biden administration the Netanyahoo regime in Palestine agreed to split its days into a 20 hours block dedicated to genociding Palestinians and a 4 hours block for ethnic cleansing.
Israel agrees to 4-hour daily pauses in Gaza fighting to allow civilians to flee, White House says - Chicago Tribune, Nov 9 2023
Neighbor countries have rejected to accept ethic cleansed Palestinians from Gaza. This leaves Netanyahoo with no real plan for what is to happen with Gaza. He is changing his war aims by the minute.
Netanyahu says not seeking to ‘occupy’ Gaza but ‘demilitarise’ it - AlJazeera, Nov 10 2023
> Netanyahu’s comments come days after he said Israel would take responsibility for Gaza’s security for an “indefinite period” after the end of its war with Hamas, prompting pushback from the United States. <
Meanwhile it has become obvious that many of the casualties of the Palestinian Al-Aqsa flood were killed by indiscriminate fire from Israeli Apache helicopters as well as its ground troops.
Israeli Apache helicopters killed own soldiers, civilians on 7 October: Report - The Cradle, Nov 9 2023
Craig Murray's Twitter account has been hacked to discredit him.
The Curious Hacking of @craigmurrayorg - Craig Murray, Nov 10 2023
Day by day the members of the resistance axis in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen are taking steps up the escalation ladder.
Ibn Riad - ابن رياض @IbnRiad - 20:48 UTC · Nov 9, 2023In the context of this equation, we need to understand that every single faction of the wider Resistance Axis is holding back an significant amount of their capabilities and firepower, to be brought to bear in further stages of escalation, and especially in the case of total war.
Escalation of Gaza aggression makes battle expansion inevitable: Iran - Al Mayadeen, Nov 10, 2023
The message to the U.S. and Israel is 'bring it on'.
Posted by b on November 10, 2023 at 14:27 UTC | Permalink
next page »Nazis terrorising those who do not distance themselves from... Antisemitism? You can't make this shit up...
Posted by: Giovanni Dall'Orto | Nov 10 2023 14:38 utc | 2
Hamas and Hezbollah claim 76 Merkavas knocked out so far. That’s 15% of the IDFs active MBT force
Posted by: Exile | Nov 10 2023 14:39 utc | 3
Brian Berletic believes that the other Arb countries and groups won't intervene because they do not want to help Hamas. Yet, this article seems to say that they might intervene. Very confusing.
Posted by: Janet | Nov 10 2023 14:46 utc | 4
I suppose that the Axis of Resistance needs to realize it is time to put up or shut up.
Obviously, the IDF did not bomb the Episcopal hospital…they would never go for hospitals…
The stupid CIA whores on Chicks on the Right(of fellating Jews) claims the hospital bombing by IDF, was “thoroughly debunked”.
I watched the damn time stamped video of the hospital attack…no misfired pipe bomb rocket did that.
Posted by: ICPtasking | Nov 10 2023 14:46 utc | 5
Unfortunately you no longer have to make it up: the zionist media has gone mad as it begins to realise how vulnerable they are.
Ibn Raid's 'escalation ladder' tweets demonstrate that Israeli flailings have become predictable, which is what The Cradle article tells us.
Israel has lost control of the narrative by going too far too often.
The case of the 'biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust" is one example: counting very roughly, the very rough figure of 1400 'murders' by Hamas now seems to have dissolved completely:
not 1400 but 900 killed; half of them combatants; leaving less than 500 most of whom appear to have been killed by IDF strikes. As to actual killings of civilians- who seem to have been few and far between outside of the Rave festival- it is not clear whether there were any at all.
Posted by: bevin | Nov 10 2023 14:49 utc | 6
What astounds me the most is the lockstep narrative regarding the notion that all Palestinian supporters are terrorists and that isreal has the right to self defense, and that those are the only two sides. Of course this is more of the same: you are either with us or you are against us, and the BiPolar Vortex etc. which are fixtures in Western culture. As with the global covid gaslighting, this narrative is being lofted by the MSM and they area using full spectrum dominance to virtually eliminate any other voices. Of course I reliable there is more to it than that, but massive swarming effect I see happening is truly impressive.
All the sayanim ,unit 8200 (or whatever) and every troll farm on line is on full throttle.
At the risk of sounding like a doomer, this conflict viewed more broadly seems like it is for most if not all the marbles. At least everyone with some skin in the game appears to have showed up for the party… Assuming it does kick off and escalate, there is going to be a metric shit’ton of pent up and highly pressurized intent released. So many groups have been waiting for this moment, and now they are prepared. I suppose what i am saying is that there will be a drive to beat the opponent down such that they will not be able to get back up again. I think is is clear to most that the USA is on it’s denouement, and that it’s status as a fatted calf will be used to it’s utmost in a final orgy of destruction.
Nations that have been threatened, wrecked and throttled by the USA are likely aware of this and if the must go all in I’ll bet they will make it count as it is a fight for existence. There is also the factor that it is clear that the USA (or is the handlers?) will not stop until they are physically unable to continue. “7 countries in 5 years” may not have played out exactly but the blueprint is still very much on the sand table.
Posted by: Chevrus | Nov 10 2023 14:56 utc | 7
At this point we're going to have to revisit the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to ask whether it was a hoax from the Tzar or minutes from a meeting. Because it should be quite clear who runs 'the west' system of sham 'democracies.'
Posted by: gottlieb | Nov 10 2023 14:57 utc | 8
Spend 27 minutes watching this interview….
In a rare, candid conversation, Abby Martin interviews a former Israeli Army combat soldier who served as an occupier in Palestine’s Hebron City. Eran Efrati spent years as a sergeant and combat soldier in the Israeli military, but has since become an outspoken critic of the occupation of Palestine and Israeli apartheid.
Efrati gives explosive testimony on the reality of his service and explains how war crimes are institutionalized,
Posted by: Exile | Nov 10 2023 14:58 utc | 9
Here's a poem I created using quotes from the Balfour Declaration and the Declaration of Independence
I guess it all started with Balfour Declaration
England would support a new Jewish nation
but we forget they included the condition
"nothing shall be done which may
prejudice the civil and religious rights of
existing non-Jewish" Palestinian population"
PREJUDICE was all the Palestinians got
driven out of their homes in the Nakba
dispossessed, attacked, made to run to run away
750.000 dispossessed by Plan Dalet
Sderot and Askelon on ashes of Palestinian towns
Fenced in Gaza forced to watch you play around
springs, fields and reap from trees you took away
for seventy five years you prayed we'd go away
We call them evil terrorists,
when we did the same over a tax on tea
America, thy name is spelled
"it's self-evident, all men are equal,
endowed by our Creator
with unalienable Rights,
Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness
to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted
among Men; (ahem and women)
Deriving their powers from the
consent of the governed,
when any Form of Government becomes destructive
it is the Right of the People to alter,
or to abolish it,
and to institute new Government"
When a long train of abuses
reduces to absolute Despotism
it is their right, it is their duty,
to throw off such Government,
and provide new Guards for their security
Such has been the sufferance of these Colonies;"
If that works for you then you know it works for me
Everyone needs equal rights from the river to the sea.
I guess it all started with Balfour Declaration
England would support a new Jewish nation
but we forget they included the condition
"nothing shall be done which may
prejudice the civil and religious rights of
existing non-Jewish" Palestinian population"
Posted by: scottindallas | Nov 10 2023 14:58 utc | 10
There will be no escalation and no expansion of the conflict. This was made clear enough by the Hizbollah guy last Friday. Berletic was so depressed that his video was sad to see (not really, I had fun). Pity him, also because I seem to remember he had forecast a huge conflict if Israel dares to enter Gaza. Iran clearly told his Rottweiler that he is requested to stay chained, and bark on command.
What there will be instead is face-saving diplomatic measures and military skirmishes, here and there, meant to show that the Arab countries really care for the Palestinians, which we all know is rubbish.
Iran clearly has no appetite for the Big Fight. Smart guys, if you ask me.
How will it end? As I have already told it would: Israeli will go on giving Hamas a new ass for as long as the US allow them. Which will be late enough to leave Hamas very gravely damaged and wondering (the survivors) what the heck has happened as all their allies have given them only words instead of deeds.
The US can be militarily humiliated by Russia every day of the week; but they are still strong enough to give Iran quite a punishment.
Posted by: Augusto Pi | Nov 10 2023 14:59 utc | 11
All on the Arab side understand that intevention now is exactly what the US wants. And has been aiming at. In a sense the genocide is aimed at provoking a reaction that would allow Israel to expand it and complete it.
Is this sensible? No.
Everyone assumes that the US is being guided by a cabal of advisors doing wwhat Biden cannot any longer do himself. But they assume that the said cabal adds up to something more than the original Joe. It doesn't. It adds up to a Frankenstein presidency lacking even the most corrupted, debauched, shredded remnants of humanity.
The US is being run by a committee of careerists without consciences, people who would kill, cook and eat their own grandmothers to promote themselves.
It amounts to the fact that the White House is the only place on earth where the urgent need for a Ceasefire is not glaringly obvious.
Posted by: bevin | Nov 10 2023 14:59 utc | 12
Having been lightly prodded by the Biden administration the Netanyahoo regime in Palestine agreed to split its days into a 20 hours block dedicated to genociding Palestinians and a 4 hours block for ethnic cleansing.
Wow, killer joke, b.! Thanks for that one!
Posted by: Moses | Nov 10 2023 15:03 utc | 13
bevin @ 6
That has been clear since October 7. First hours of atrocity claims in any conflict, any conflict at all, may be assumed to be 100% false. Only fools believe such claims. Those who continue to act on such claims a minths later, are not fools, they are complicit.
I would have guessed perhaps 14 out of 1400 might have occurred.Merely for verisimiltude some genuine casualties should have been made to happen. If you say "it si not clear whether there were any at all" I will believe that.
Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 10 2023 15:04 utc | 15
On the bright side for the global South and Russia We in the US have voted in the most stupid president since Trump, and before Trump Obama and Bush. Clinton stands as the man who set the stage for oligarch take over and the following stupid train of greed. Biden let the world see the west in all its greed and blood lust, while also showing how greed has hollowed out the western countries. Militarily, Economically, educationally, and socially.
Posted by: Susan | Nov 10 2023 15:10 utc | 16
Re: Hezbollah Active ?
Very much so
Live News Feed from Lebanon TV
Posted by: Exile | Nov 10 2023 15:15 utc | 17
I don't give a damn if the following is considered too long... She rambles, wending her way..
to her point... So quoting her... means lots of paragraphs..
Nemesis Respecter 40K 🇰🇵🤝🇵🇸🇱🇧
Secretary-General of the Al-Quds Revolutionary Happening Brigade.
But I give a damn ...
Waaayy tooo loooong quote deleted.
You are now blocked
Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Nov 10 2023 15:19 utc | 18
Below the World Socialist Website reports on the key nodes of production for American-made armaments being used in Israel’s war against Gaza, and for US imperialism more broadly.
Some useful information here.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 10 2023 15:20 utc | 19
World war 3
Are we nearly their yet ?
Are we nearly their yet ?
Are we nearly their yet ?
Get out in the street tomorow and march your socks of.
Its our best option.
Posted by: Mark2 | Nov 10 2023 15:22 utc | 20
Craig Murray is a hero and deserves our support, barflies.
Posted by: Winston, journalist | Nov 10 2023 15:24 utc | 21
The forces opposing Israel will try to slow this down and draw it out. Israel/US want a short decisive operation. Anything that drags on benefits the pro-Palestinian cause.
Posted by: Pym of Nantucket | Nov 10 2023 15:29 utc | 22
Posted by: Augusto Pi | Nov 10 2023 14:59 utc | 11
With the U.S. clearly siding with Israel and telling the rest of the Arab/Turk/Persian/Egyptian people to sit and do nothing, the result is another plank stripped from the sinking ship of USS Hegemon, and an acceleration of the end of the State of Israel.
Israel requires Peace in the neighborhood, and the backing of the World Hegemon, both with self-inflicted Terminal Cancer.
Posted by: kupkee | Nov 10 2023 15:30 utc | 23
Excellent summary for today-the best that I have seen and have been fucking around on the web for 7 hours this morning.
In a sense the genocide is aimed at provoking a reaction that would allow Israel to expand it and complete it.
Transparently obvious from the beginning with the carrier groups. Maerican strategists must think they're clever but they have all the nuance of a wrecking ball. If I can divine their intent without any special intelligence access from day 1 imagine what people who do this for a living can determine.
Its for this reason Genocide Joe and the rest of the war criminals are against any ceasefire. They are planning to escalate atrocities until someone intervenes. Its not going to happen. They will drown in the blood of Palestinians. Israel has forever assumed the mantle of the inheritors of the Nazis.
So next step is Gulf of Tonkin replay.. these people are nothing if not predictable.. but that carries a big risk of getting caught in such a highly surveilled region.
Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Nov 10 2023 15:34 utc | 25
Naledi Pandor articulates South Africa's official position on Isreal's actions;
South Africa Takes Bold Stand! | Calls ICC to Arrest Netanyahu
It is a powerful speech because it is something one would have hoped to here from a Western leader, perhaps at some point in the past it might have been delivered by a Western leader:
It projects a moral framework which would once have epitomized the "Western System of Values".
That system of values is absent from the West and seems to have migrated to the South of Africa and embedded itself in the person of Naledi Pandor.
At some points an Afrikaner member of parliament, clearly still marinated in the soup of Afrikaner Supremacy yet allowed to haunt the halls of South African power, challenges her debunk of the beheaded babies lie at which point she consigns his attempted challenge to the bin with unmatched sophistication.
I hope the future Palestinian State,having achieved it's primacy over the occupation, like South Africa, will keep a few right wing Jews around in their parliament to represent the remaining poor, penniless zionists that don't manage to flee.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 10 2023 15:36 utc | 26
Matthias | Nov 10 2023 15:03 utc | 14--
Thanks for your well reasoned comment. Zionism is one of several forms of extremism that builds on what appears to be nationalism but isn't. We see the same tenets in Nazism and the extremism that emboldened Daesh--all promote their believers to be Chosen and Exceptional. In the same manner we can include American Exceptionalism and Hindu Exceptionalism. Those are the extremist beliefs that Russia spoke at length about well prior to its SMO; when you look back at what was said during the Syrian intervention about the terrorists, you'll find very similar descriptions. Indeed, many of us at the time saw the equivalence between the extremism of Daesh and that of Zionism and said so.
Of course, Zionism needed some form of nation to become an extreme nationalism, and that's what's occurred--Occupied Palestine was born via extremism and has been perpetuated by extremism. As noted here by many over the years, the Narrative has always sought to overturn the Truth about who/what is the Terrorist by targeting the Palestinians while absolving the Zionists to the point of saying the Zionists have the right to commit Genocide in "self-defense" while the Palestinians must accept their fate and lambs of sacrifice.
As for the Arc of Resistance bidding their time, that's been declared the proper approach by many--to slowly boil the "occupation frog" as Crooke put it yesterday. Words no longer work to appease the Global Majority demanding an end to this Genocide, and for every hour it continues, global opinion further darkens, and the distinction between Zionists and Jews and Americans will further narrow until they are all considered to be the same monstrous creatures to be ostracized. That political reality has yet to be made clear but is rapidly coalescing as we're beginning to see via actions/attacks globally.
Because it should be quite clear who runs 'the west' system of sham 'democracies.'
Posted by: gottlieb | Nov 10 2023 14:57 utc | 8
I read it every morning to gain a better perspective on things.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 10 2023 15:39 utc | 28
I don't give a damn if the following is considered too long...
Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Nov 10 2023 15:19 utc | 19
If you can’t even respect our host’s rules then there should be no place here for you. Real bars have bouncers for asocial people like you…
Posted by: Zet | Nov 10 2023 15:42 utc | 29
Israel’s central bank has announced that genocide is expensive! NATOstan taxpayers please help out.
Listening to latest Ritter on Kim Iversen’s Rumble (32-59 min), I got the impression that 2003 invasion of Iraq was planned as soon as GWar1 …ended and that UN mechanisms (with or without participants’ knowledge) are used even more cynically than I’d imagined to ensure success. The UN’s only goal is maintaining Empire.
When UN weapons inspectors go in they probably don’t think “my job is to prepare Iraq to be invaded”.
In GWar 1, Ritter was fired from Battle Damage Assessment for asserting that attacks on “Scud launchers” were in fact attacks on civilian fuel tankers. Proved right, reinstated. Harassed again for refusing to falsify info but now has acquired reputation as straight shooter.
Early 90s invited by the people that hated him to do UN weapons inspection in Iraq. Works hard. Gives clean bill of health. (meanwhile unknown to him CIA tries failed assassination attempt on Saddam using Weapons Inspection as cover).
So UN Weapons Inspection first used to render Iraq militarily incapable. Knowing this "WMD" war propaganda is launched with CIA etc. briefing CNN etc. through Operation Mass Appeal before 2003 war.
Netanyahu screamed for Iraq invasion in 2002. Now he’s trying to provoke Iran with the genocide.
Crooke’s podcasts are important because of what he does NOT say: that an occupying power has NO right to self defense + indigenous people DO have the right to armed resistance under international law.
His foreign policy publications and books over the last 15 demonstrate that high level Empire strategy insiders are trying hard to rescue failing colonial projects through creating fear around “clashing values” with the people that happen to sit on oil and gas and are fed up of Empire but not that well armed.
What I hear from UN, WHO, etc, and insiders like Crooke is: “gloves are off”, it’s do or die for Empire. So sorry about the kids. Several hospitals attacked again today. Every war convention torn up.
Someone tell me I’m wrong!!!
Posted by: pq | Nov 10 2023 15:49 utc | 30
"Having been lightly prodded by the Biden administration the Netanyahoo regime in Palestine agreed to split its days into a 20 hours block dedicated to genociding Palestinians and a 4 hours block for ethnic cleansing."
A short and devastatingly accurate summary of the situation. You have to laugh and cry as you see the MSM try to wiggle their way across this minefield of narrative destroyers ...
Posted by: Caliman | Nov 10 2023 15:52 utc | 31
I never thought I'd post this....
Lindsey Graham
I will not vote for one dime for any country, including Israel, until we secure our own border.
Guess this means both Israel and Ukraine and Taiwan...
What caused him to change his mind???
Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Nov 10 2023 15:53 utc | 32
What caused him to change his mind???
Someone showed him the three year Maerican fiscal outlook. You can't expect that fat fascist fuck to read.
Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Nov 10 2023 15:54 utc | 33
Summary from the "Hezbollah Front" for the past two days (Al Manar):
(It's getting much hotter all of a sudden)
16:53 Hezbollah wages a three-drone attack on Israeli occupation forces near Lebanon border, inflicting heavy losses
16:46 Hezbollah Attacks Squeezing IOF on Lebanon Border: Video More..
16:18 Islamic Resistance announces in a statement targeting a group of Israeli infantry troops in Shtula with guided missiles and inflicting confirmed losses
16:03 Islamic Resistance strikes the Israeli occupation site of Ramim, inflicting heavy losses upon it
15:49 Islamic Resistance fighters strike two military gatherings for the Israeli enemy in Dhaira and Burket Risha – Hadab Al-Bustan, inflicting confirmed casualties: statement
15:16 Israeli media reports drone infiltration into Upper Galilee
15:15 Israeli media says three guided missiles were fired at Margaliot near Lebanon border
14:46 Israeli enemy’s artillery targets the outskirts of the Lebanese towns of Blida, Ramya, Murwaheen, Al-Bustan, and Yareen
13:27 Hezbollah mourns its fighter Qassem Mohammad Awada who embraced martyrdom on the pathway to Al-Quds
13:26 Hezbollah mourns its fighter Jaafar Ali Serhan who embraced martyrdom on the pathway to Al-Quds
13:25 Hezbollah mourns its fighter Jawad Mahdi Hashem who embraced martyrdom on the pathway to Al-Quds
13:24 Hezbollah mourns its martyr Mohammad Qassem Tleis who embraced martyrdom on the pathway to Al-Quds
13:22 Hezbollah mourns its martyr Abdul Latif Hasan Sweidan who embraced martyrdom on the pathway to Al-Quds
13:21 Hezbollah mourns its martyr Mohammad Ali Abbas Assaf who embraced martyrdom on the pathway to Al-Quds
13:20 Hezbollah mourns its martyr Ali Khalil Al-Ali who embraced martyrdom on the pathway to Al-Quds
00:28 IOF: An anti-armor missile was launched from Lebanon towards the `Admit` area
21:53 Israeli media: A new explosion sounded in `Eilat`
21:47 Al-Manar correspondent: IOF launch raids and artillery shelling on the outskirts of the towns of Labouneh, Ramia, Beit Lif, Blida, and Aitaroun in southern Lebanon
21:14 The Islamic Resistance of Hezbollah publishes footage of the operation targeting IOF soldiers stationed near the Doviev Barracks
20:52 Al-Manar correspondent: IOF fired shells towards the outskirts of the towns of Ramia and Beit Lif as flare bombs were fired in the airspace of the town of Mays Al-Jabal
20:35 Israeli media: Sirens sounded in Eilat as 3 explosions were heard
17:26 The Islamic Resistance confirms that two Merkava tanks were hit and their crews were killed or wounded during the missile attack on the Israeli site of Metulla
17:09 Islamic Resistance announces it successfully targeted an Israeli mechanized infantry force in the occupied Lebanese village of Tarbikha (Shomera), achieving direct hits
16:23 Al-Manar correspondent: Israeli artillery bombed the Kafr Kila meadow, the outskirts of the town of Burj al-Muluk, the Hamames area in Khiam, the Marjayoun plain, and Abel al-Qamh
16:13 Ministry of Health in Gaza: The death toll since the beginning of the Zionist aggression on Gaza reached 10,812 martyrs, including 4,412 children
15:43 Islamic Resistance: Our fighters attacked the Metula site with guided missiles and caused direct hits in support of Palestinian people, resistance in Gaza
15:42 Israeli Channel 14: The explosion in Eilat was caused by a suicide drone that exploded in the city
15:33 Infographic| Daily Military Developments in South Lebanon in the last 24 Hours More..
12:33 Al-Manar correspondent in south Lebanon: Israeli artillery shells border town of Qatmoun, area between Ramieh and Beit Lif
12:01 Al-Manar correspondent in south Lebanon: Israeli artillery shells outskirts of Rmeish border town
11:33 Internal Disagreements Emerge within ‘Israel’ over Gaza War Management More..
The Merkava: God's Pressure Cooker
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 10 2023 15:54 utc | 34
The narrative of the events of October 7, as conveyed by the Western press/intelligence services (they are one and the same), was one of the most successful instances of gaslighting in 2023. "Such a shame" it had such a short shelf life. Blowback is coming to the political West and its tentacled fascist apparatus, and it's going to be apocalyptic to a degree not seen in hundreds of years.
Posted by: Matthew | Nov 10 2023 15:55 utc | 35
If you can’t even respect our host’s rules then there should be no place here for you. Real bars have bouncers for asocial people like you…
Posted by: Zet | Nov 10 2023 15:42 utc | 30
Did you read what she had to say????
I summarize... USAF aircraft are sitting ducks... USN aircraft are EOL... US Air Bases are sitting ducks...
US DOD is scared shitless..
Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Nov 10 2023 15:56 utc | 36
Posted by: Matthias | Nov 10 2023 15:03 utc | 14
I strongly disagree with point 1. Hitler rushing to defend a synagogue? Come on. Then the old canard that the fire was set by Communists. Again, long ago correctly debunked.
However, that wsws article is a ridiculous muddle. It's like they are trying to oppose the "antisemitism" of a hundred years ago, which is an odd position when Jewish Zionists are currently carrying out something much worse than a pogrom in gaza and the ruling class of every western nation seemingly holds Zionists to be of greater value than their own citizens and really the whole world. It's a joke.
It's the same centrist line they adopted at the outset of the war on Russia in Ukraine. Half their articles were a denunciation of Putin's aggression! The rest of the time and even still as the Ukronazis fold, the articles warn Russia that the US is really going to take off the gloves now. You couldn't blame anyone reading their coverage of Russia for thinking wsws were rooting for Russia's defeat at the hands of imperialism.
In the end they have some good writers and articles, they understand Marxism, etc, but I'm convinced elements of the leadership are compromised and screw the political line to alienate just about everyone, remain an impotent sect and ensure no revolutionary development in the west.
Reality: Anti semitism is not a significant problem in the west today. What the RC is concerned with is anti Zionism which is the only righteous position for any wage slave of the west at this point. Anti Zionism will quickly turn into anti western imperialism and they can't have that, so if Western anti semitisim doesn't exist, they must invent it.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 10 2023 16:04 utc | 37
The forces opposing Israel will try to slow this down and draw it out. Israel/US want a short decisive operation. Anything that drags on benefits the pro-Palestinian cause.
Posted by: Pym of Nantucket | Nov 10 2023 15:29 utc | 23
Yes, slow cooking is the way, like the SMO in Ukraine.
Posted by: Bemildred | Nov 10 2023 16:07 utc | 38
Anything Brian Berletic, if that is indeed his real name, should be taken with a huge grain of salt. He has reinvented himself a number of times and under a number of different names and sites. The source of his income, backers, and real identity have always shrouded in mystery.
Posted by: Gigo | Nov 10 2023 16:09 utc | 39
THANK YOU !!! Arch Bungle
i want to thank people, especially for providing LINKS
Posted by: Kim Sky | Nov 10 2023 16:10 utc | 40
Speaking of fronts, there may be another front on the West Bank soon and it is being opened by Israel itself (settlers).
Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 10 2023 16:17 utc | 41
Anything Brian Berletic, if that is indeed his real name, should be taken with a huge grain of salt. He has reinvented himself a number of times and under a number of different names and sites. The source of his income, backers, and real identity have always shrouded in mystery.
Posted by: Gigo | Nov 10 2023 16:09 utc | 41
I look at the content first, the concerns you mention should be investigated only if the line seems to apologize for imperialism or edit the truth to the advantage of imperialism.
I've read him recently and he seems to have a very clear accurate line on the collapse of western imperialism. Thus, I couldn't care less what his real name is or who his "backers" may be.
The fact you're slandering him, actually makes me wonder about your backers, Gigo.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 10 2023 16:19 utc | 42
Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 10 2023 16:17 utc | 43
Yes, the IOF seems to be doing it's damnedest to provoke an intifada there.
My only question to the Palestinians: What's taking you so long?
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 10 2023 16:20 utc | 43
B is right to point out that Israel's problems have to do with the refusal of the neighbouring countries to accept the ethnically cleansed Palestinians. Hence the slow pace, to take time to consult, according to NYT, with the allies and a desperate search for a workable strategy.
Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 10 2023 16:21 utc | 44
How can the hippy dippy German environmental freaks and well meaning morons.
Vote for those evil fascist authoritarian fuckers?
It's beyond comprehension.
Green Party Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck threatened that “Muslims living here” would lose their “right to protection from right-wing extremist violence” if they did not “clearly distance themselves from anti-Semitism” – an open invitation for neo-Nazis to terrorise migrants.
FOR FULL ARTICLE: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/11/10/kris-n10.html
Posted by: Kim Sky | Nov 10 2023 14:34 utc |
Posted by: jpc | Nov 10 2023 16:22 utc | 45
Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Nov 10 2023 15:56 utc | 37
Thank you for posting that, it was a good interesting read. Like her style of writing...
Posted by: ctiger | Nov 10 2023 16:23 utc | 46
Having been lightly prodded by the Biden administration the Netanyahoo regime in Palestine agreed to split its days into a 20 hours block dedicated to genociding Palestinians and a 4 hours block for ethnic cleansing.That is another way of saying what I thought: Continuous murder with lunch breaks. It is truly insane.
Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 10 2023 16:24 utc | 47
THANK YOU !!! Arch Bungle
i want to thank people, especially for providing LINKS
Posted by: Kim Sky | Nov 10 2023 16:10 utc | 42
So, I read wsws a lot, Kim, and as I said there is some value there. However, do you really think antisemitism is a significant problem in the west today?
I thought that article was muddled centrist crap personally, although I like the author.
There are elements of the SEP leadership that are sort of cryptozionist and it shows through sometimes like when they go off about antisemitism in the midst of a Zionist genocide of Palestinians. Sort of like running articles against anti germanism while the Nazis were killing everyone in the Warsaw ghetto.
Seems odd, doesn't it?
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 10 2023 16:26 utc | 48
What caused him [Lindsey Graham] to change his mind???
It's called getting re elected.
"South Carolina’s senior U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham reportedly may face a Republican challenger when he’s next up for reelection, and at a time some Republicans believe Graham’s position in the party is vulnerable."
Read more at: https://www.thestate.com/news/politics-government/article277493328.html#storylink=cpy
Posted by: Johnny Dollar | Nov 10 2023 16:29 utc | 49
A paragraph and a link will garner more readers. Your long cut and pastes lose readers
Posted by: Exile | Nov 10 2023 16:01 utc | 38
No, it loses non-readers. And we have enough of those already.
Posted by: Lev Davidovich | Nov 10 2023 16:30 utc | 50
Maybe I misread it, but I thought that I saw that Russia had opened the door to refuges from Gaza.
Is that correct?
Posted by: jared | Nov 10 2023 16:33 utc | 51
The sad reality is that the only thing that can stop this is the Arab street threatening their own governments, and hence threatening the US position in the Middle East. Until that happens, Israel has a basically free hand to commit as much slaughter as it can, despite not having an actual plan. Sadly, we are still seeing very little sign of this happening.
Posted by: Bob | Nov 10 2023 16:36 utc | 52
Norwegian | Nov 10 2023 16:24 utc | 49
Continuous murder with lunch breaks
I watched a video last evening on Italian TV...the photographer went to the beach somewhere in Gaza, a lovely beach drenched in late afternoon sun. Folks were washing themselves, their stuff, their donkeys. Kids were even frolicking in a serene sea.
I was overwhelmed by the realization of what an essential respite this angle of their land must offer them...you know, the sealed borders, the blood in meatspace, the dismal images, the rubble. There was an air of something like tranquility. Like the sea had absorbed all their pain.
Posted by: john | Nov 10 2023 16:36 utc | 53
The stuff being said here about Brian Berletic are absolute falsehoods. He hasn't changed his name, and he's open about himself: he's from upstate NY, joined the US military, was stationed in the Pacific, wised up about the true nature of US foreign policy, and settled in Thailand, not as an expat, but fitting into their society. And he wasn't sad about Nasrallah's speech: he was praising it! He thinks Hamas's tactics are self-destructive to their own people, and thinks they're nurtured by the West, like al Qaeda and ISIS.
Apparently there's an active disinformation campaign against him. You should check out his YouTube channel for yourself. It's called The New Atlas.
Posted by: Antiwar7 | Nov 10 2023 16:38 utc | 54
Brian Berletic does not hide his original name and in fact briefly discussed it on one of his videos, which he also noted are sometimes deleted should the powers that be not like his message is is relentless in showing the US fostering conflict. He was a marine, became dissalusioned by seeing what the US military really does, and supports his analysis with copious amounts of supporting info.
Posted by: timbers | Nov 10 2023 16:39 utc | 55
I've just integrated today's Global Times editorial into my latest substack, "China: US & G7 Refusal to Cease Genocide Inhuman". It says well most of what must be said.
>> Craig Murray's Twitter account has been hacked to discredit him.
The Curious Hacking of @craigmurrayorg - Craig Murray, Nov 10 2023
Nothing curious here: the British government forced him to hand over his login data and his phone. Looks like they did a lot more than look for for evidence.
Posted by: Marvin | Nov 10 2023 16:53 utc | 57
I must say, although sometimes long, I really enjoy Dr. Oprisko's INDY posts. His insight and citations are just fantastic. Almost never read a bad one.
Same thing with Down South's contributions, they make this comment section invaluable, even when very long. I do not have the time to search telegram.
I've always enjoyed Brian Berletic, btw, not sure of his back story but his analysis seems very sound.
And finally, for LINDSEY GRAHAM to be making that statement, makes me think something very serious is afoot indeed.
If that isn't sounding alarm bells, I don't know what would. That perverted psychopath WOULD NEVER not fund a warzone, and especially Israel, even if he was on fire. Have NO IDEA what has caused him to make that statement publicly. I mean, I think B should almost do a post on that. Lindsey is all empire, all bombing, all war, all Zionist, all the damn time. That shocks the hell out of me.
Posted by: Johnny | Nov 10 2023 16:53 utc | 58
It seems that Captain Kirk commanded Scotty to take us to Warp Factor 11.
But rather the lights went dim.
US now running routine deficits of 2T and rising just to keep the heat on.
This works to some extent for purpose of monetizing the debt, but is also exporting inflation I believe. It's getting pretty bad.
What will happen when they shift to War Footing?
The MIC excels in destruction of money.
Posted by: jared | Nov 10 2023 16:55 utc | 59
Posted by: Matthias | Nov 10 2023 15:03 utc | 14
Thank you b and thank you Matthias for making these distinctions. And I am thanking two Orthodox saints, one from France during the German occupation, Mother Mary Sabota (? not sure of last name), a Russian Orthodox nun, and Matushka Olga of Alaska,who has only just been officially recognized but long known to be a saint - her day is now Nov. 10, today. These two brave women deserve remembrance together. Mother Mary, the first mentioned helped save Jewish persons during the second World War, and along with her son was put in a concentration camp when her 'crime' was discovered. The war was nearly over when she stepped forward and deliberately took the place of a Jewish woman in the gas chamber.
In one of my monastic correspondences, these two women were specifically assigned to me by the monastic brothers at New Skete Monastery in New York. In honor of them I now will pay most attention to my own faith, but will still privately be following Buber's and Moses' trail almost (but not quite) to the promised land. (It's all about the journey.)
PS: There is no requirement for Orthodox saints to have documented proof of miracles performed. What usually happens, as in the case of Matushka Olga is that after death reverence is paid her by her community, icons are painted, stories are told. And finally recognition becomes official.
Matushka Olga was particularly loved for her compassion and care for women in pain, as so many are in Palestine today. God bless them all.
Posted by: juliania | Nov 10 2023 16:57 utc | 60
Anything Brian Berletic, if that is indeed his real name, should be taken with a huge grain of salt. He has reinvented himself a number of times and under a number of different names and sites. The source of his income, backers, and real identity have always shrouded in mystery.
Posted by: Gigo | Nov 10 2023 16:09 utc | 41
I look at the content first, the concerns you mention should be investigated only if the line seems to apologize for imperialism or edit the truth to the advantage of imperialism.
I've read him recently and he seems to have a very clear accurate line on the collapse of western imperialism. Thus, I couldn't care less what his real name is or who his "backers" may be.
The fact you're slandering him, actually makes me wonder about your backers, Gigo.
Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 10 2023 16:19 utc | 44
Ahenobarbus is correct; you are slandering Mr. Berletic with vague accusations.
Kindly please desist from such unbecoming behaviour.
@Antiwar7 | Nov 10 2023 16:38 utc | 55
The stuff being said here about Brian Berletic are absolute falsehoods. He hasn't changed his name,A few years back, he used to write under the pseudonym 'Tony Cartalucci'. But I agree the accusations now are falsehoods. He is attacked for speaking the truth, it is usually that way.
Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 10 2023 17:00 utc | 62
Thank you b for staying on top of things.
You know it’s all broken when they trot out that corporatist shill warmonger ‘we came, we saw, he died, ha ha ha’ hrc to spout: No, it’s not the right time for ceasefire. To her mind not enough people have died.
If you don’t see the tears in my writing, I don’t know how to convey them.
Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Nov 10 2023 17:01 utc | 63
And finally, for LINDSEY GRAHAM to be making that statement, makes me think something very serious is afoot indeed.
Posted by: Johnny | Nov 10 2023 16:53 utc | 59
Graham knows something that the barflies have known for a long time. These wars are not going well.
Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 10 2023 17:02 utc | 64
Craig Murray was hacked not long after posting an informative piece on international law, self defence, and Israel's related poor track record.
Posted by: jayc | Nov 10 2023 17:03 utc | 65
Ahenobarbus | Nov 10 2023 16:04 utc | 39
I missed " the old canard that the fire was set by Communists.." Where was that? Not in the post @14.
The rest I agree with.
The WSWS is very professional- the Healyites always were- but ...
So far as 'anti-semitism' is concerned the concept is anachronistic, anchored in C19th 'scientific' racist half truths, factoids and gobbledigook. The Arabs aren't semites neither are the Jews. There is no such thing as a "Semite". It is all nonsense. At most the term might be useful to describe a cluster of similarly structured languages- I have no idea.
As to anti-zionism-it is the new improved version of calling opposition to Imperialism "anti-american" or sympathy for refugees "anti-white.'
Posted by: bevin | Nov 10 2023 17:04 utc | 66
@Posted by: Matthias | Nov 10 2023 15:03 utc | 14
The German NS-government was not responsible for the 1938 progroms later known as Kristallnacht (Crystal night) but in fact did everything to stop them at once.
I had never even heard that suggested before.
While Zionist treachery knows no bounds I think you have it wrong.
I started to research it myself, but the types of sites that take your point of view I would never consider opening - ever.
I did find one site - one - that I dared open and that was Veterans Today.
I began to read the article and just felt exhausted by the whole thing, so I didn't get very far.
I began to wonder if your revisionist history isn't just some kind of trick. Like those that
pushed the idea the Twin Towers were brought down by mini-nukes or those leading people astray with Qanon.
"Divide, pollute what they know, and discredit the opposition".
Kristallnacht *was* the work of the Nazis.
Posted by: librul | Nov 10 2023 17:11 utc | 68
It is obvious that some Establishment people really hate Murray, with an irrational fervour. And, the way things are in the UK now,and have been since Blair et al, if Secret Service people want to go wild, there is nothing to stop them.
Case in point: J.Corbyn Esq.
It was always predictable- the rough tactics used in the Empire, in this case the Six Counties, was bound to come back home. And it did- we are all Gerry Adams now.
Posted by: bevin | Nov 10 2023 17:12 utc | 69
"I don't give a damn if the following is considered too long..."
Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Nov 10 2023 15:19 utc | 19
That was well worth it. Breaking rules and asocial? I don't believe so.
Posted by: David G Horsman | Nov 10 2023 17:13 utc | 70
“The stuff being said here about Brian Berletic are absolute falsehoods. He hasn't changed his name”
His name has always been Brian Berletic, but he used to call his public persona Tony Cartalucci.
“and settled in Thailand, not as an expat, but fitting into their society.”
This makes no sense. Thai citizenship is almost impossible for foreigners to acquire, and there’s no such thing as permanent residency, which means he’s either on some kind of time-limited visa, or a long-term tourist who does frequent visa runs. In short, an expat.
Posted by: malenkov | Nov 10 2023 17:13 utc | 71
Graham knows something that the barflies have known for a long time. These wars are not going well.
Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 10 2023 17:02 utc | 65
The wars don’t have to go well as long as the “right people” profit from them.
I think Johnny Dollar nailed it: he’s afraid of MAGA competition in the next primary election.
Posted by: malenkov | Nov 10 2023 17:16 utc | 72
@librul | Nov 10 2023 17:11 utc | 69
Like those that pushed the idea the Twin Towers were brought down by mini-nukesThose steel towers became dust after being hit by flying aluminium tubes, we all know that. Well, not all of them were hit, but anyway.
Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 10 2023 17:17 utc | 73
The pawns in this great game towards WW3 are conspicuously residing on a board that looks similarly like the years proceeding the Wehrmacht invading Poland and before this, the English wanting to go to war with Keiser for Belgium.
Granted, the pieces are different colors and different shapes, but the board is the same.
The Gazans are now the ethnic-Germans in Danzig where the Israelis and pushing the envelope further and further knowing that Uncle Sam has its back, not unlike Poland believing they could hastle the ethnic Germans because Germany itself was a paper tiger, according to their false, jingoist self-assessment.
In this way, there is a sacrificial piece that is needed in all of these powder kegs to get the ball rolling.
It is offered up on an altar and it eyes its surroundings to see who will potentially save it, to steal it away from being slayed, or who will strike it first, as in that person who Jesus said should strike first if he is without sin.
At this point, the world will have its way and a war is coming. Whether you save it or not, Israel is now more or less the MAD-doctrine incarnate into an ethno-state. It will Sampson-option the world if acted upon.
Will Russia and Iran, as b says, "bring it" as well?
Posted by: NemesisCalling | Nov 10 2023 17:17 utc | 74
This is going to be a long and painful endeavour:
The Litany of Lies - Palestine Edition
(Verses 1 - 22)
1. That Israel had no idea what Hamas was up to prior to October 7, but ever since October 7 has known about every hospital, mosque, school, refugee camp and water tower that Hamas is hiding in.
2. That the blame for all of the deaths caused by Israeli weapons launched by Israel rests solely on Hamas (The deaths in the West Bank are just accidental).
3. That Hamas is using “human shields” meaning Hamas bases are hidden amidst civilian populations yet Israel is managing to kill thousands of civilians without doing any meaningful damage to Hamas.
4. That it would be perfectly fine to murder children by the thousands even if they were being used as “human shields”- as though resolving a hostage situation by mowing down thousands of child hostages would be regarded as reasonable and acceptable by the public if it happened in our own country.
5. That is is only by pure coincidence that Israel bombing “Hamas targets” in civilian infrastructure and residential buildings just so happens to look exactly the same as what you’d expect to see if Israel was simply bombing civilian infrastructure and residential buildings and lying about its reasons for doing so.
6. That satellite images of entire neighborhoods reduced to rubble in Gaza have been caused by “precision strikes” directed solely at Hamas and have been carried out with the greatest of care for human life, despite Israeli officials openly saying that “the emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy” in this assault and that “Gaza will eventually turn into a city of tents; there will be no buildings.”
7. That this bombing campaign has anything to do with freeing Israeli hostages - as though the bombing campaign itself has not killed dozens of hostages, and as though anyone believes Israel would stop bombing Gaza after the hostages are returned.
8. That the only reason anyone could possibly oppose the detonation of thousands of bombs on an open air prison full of children would be if they had very strong and hateful opinions toward the members of the religion of Judaism.
9. That Hamas attacked Israel entirely out of the blue and completely unprovoked, solely because they are evil and hate Jews.
10. That Washington is powerless to stop this genocide that it is directly funding and supplying.(1 - 10 attributed to the prophetess: Caitlin Johnstone)
11. That HAMAS fighters beheaded 40 babies (of which we have not a single name and identity document compared to the names and IDs of all the Gazan Children the IDF murdered)
12. That HAMAS raped Jewish settler women (A DNA Test is in order - if she survived the IDF strikes)
13. HAMAS has headquarters under hospitals (All the hospitals - every last one of them that the IDF bombed)
14. HAMAS has JDAM-class missiles they fire at their own hospitals but choose to fire bottle rockets fuelled by sugar at israel on any given day.
15. HAMAS killed all the revellers at the Fusion dance party being held outside the walls of the Gaza prison camp. (with tank shells and hellfire missiles!)
16. HAMAS is an alien organisation which travelled from a remote galaxy and inserted itself into the Palestinian population to attack the Jews, it has no connection to the Palestinian population and is not a grassroots resistance movement (Echoes of Xinu in there somewhere).
17. The Palestinians are not allowed to defend themselves.
18. "Both Sides" are equally responsible for the conflict and they should just find a room, kiss and make up (The "why can't we all just get along lament").
19. HAMAS leadership are billionaires, almost as rich as Elon Musk or Bill Gates, basking in their deck chairs in Qatar (While Netanyahoo's pauper son works as a busboy in Miami).
20. The Palestinian Authority (Fateh) is the legitimate government of the Palestinans (Palestine?) and should rightly be put in charge of Gaza post-holocaust ("They shall rule over the ashes").
21. The Gazan casualty numbers are false because the Gaza Ministry of Health is Controlled by Hamas (That the UN corroborates these figures is something we sweep under the carpet for now).
22. HAMAS killed israeli civilians (There is no such thing as a settler occupier 'civilian')
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 10 2023 17:19 utc | 75
@malenkov | Nov 10 2023 17:13 utc | 72
I know several who live semi-permanently in Thailand. Not a problem, wonderful country.
Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 10 2023 17:21 utc | 76
The German NS-government was not responsible for the 1938 progroms later known as Kristallnacht (Crystal night) but in fact did everything to stop them at once.
@Posted by: Matthias | Nov 10 2023 15:03 utc | 14
Sounds like something David Irving might have written. You remember Dave, the "discredited" one? Not that the word "discredited" has the same effect today as it once did. He was discredited after a lawsuit that revolved around something he had written about Hitler (a lot). Until then Irving had been something of a darling of the British press until American Jews got fed up with the British press being "antisemitic".
Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 10 2023 17:21 utc | 77
Jewish Historian Ron Unz
Does a deep dive:
Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong
Posted by: Exile | Nov 10 2023 17:27 utc | 79
Posted by: Augusto Pi | Nov 10 2023 14:59 utc | 11
I believe China has made it clear that attacks on Iran are not tolerable.
The problem for the psychopathic Neocons is that as they escalate, they invite more opponents to the battlefield.
And all the US has left now is escalation. The threats haven't intimidated, the sanctions have been tolerated, and the weaponry is subpar.
Posted by: LoveDonbass | Nov 10 2023 17:29 utc | 80
Israeli society seems to be convulsing into a mental and moral paralysis. Not a pretty sight:
"...By Thursday Mohammed Baraka, the head of the committee and a former leader of the leftist Hadash party, who served as a member of the Knesset for 16 years, had been arrested.
"Two more senior political figures, Sami Abu Shehadeh, the leader of the Balad party and a former member of Balad MK, and Haneen Zoabi, another former member, were also arrested.
"Their crime was to call for a small demonstration in Nazareth against the war in Gaza.
"It is certainly now a criminal offence to watch the Hamas channel on Telegram, for which you can spend a year in prison.
"A purge is underway against Palestinian students and lecturers in Israel’s universities and colleges.
"Adalah, the Palestinian-run legal centre and human rights organisation, already has more than 100 cases of students and teachers expelled summarily for what they wrote on social media or even in private WhatsApp groups about Gaza.
"According to Adalah, some of these posts merely quoted verses from the Quran or published lists of journalists on the ground in Gaza.
"Hasan Jabarin, the general director of Adalah, told the committee of one teacher who was summoned for posting that “there is no god but Allah”, a phrase used in bereavement.
"She explained that her aunt had died. The school demanded to see her aunt’s death certificate and was only “pardoned” then...."
"Meir Baruchin, a civics teacher who posts names and pictures of Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli forces in Gaza or the West Bank, was arrested on Thursday on charges of "conspiring to treason".
"An ultra-Orthodox leftist journalist, Israel Frey, who wrote that he was praying for the child victims of the kibbutzim and Gaza alike, is still in hiding, after fleeing his home when a mob gathered outside..."
Posted by: bevin | Nov 10 2023 17:33 utc | 81
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 10 2023 15:36 utc | 26
Thank you, Arch. And I thank the many commenters who early on pointed out the true sequence of events in Palestine. To b most of all who has provided the forum for questions and answers as well, thank you sir. We are all in your debt.
Posted by: juliania | Nov 10 2023 17:37 utc | 82
It may be worth examining the Israeli claims surrounding 7th October.
The official account propagated by Israeli officials, and parroted elsewhere ever since, including on this site, are as follows:-
1,400 Israeli civilians were murdered by Hamas.
40 babies were beheaded.
Many women were raped.
There have been recent further embellishments.
Unborn babies were ripped from the bodies of pregnant women.
A baby (only one baby so far) was cooked in an oven.
Women were divided into two groups, those to be murdered and those to be raped.
Israel drew up a list of those killed.
It listed 681 people - about half of the 1,400 claimed ever since.
307 of those were Israeli troops, and 56 armed police. So 363 of the 681 (53%) were non civilian deaths. That leaves a civilian death toll of 318.
Hamas targeted and overran various military bases. One that it seized contained 20 tanks. They also captured a number of police stations. There was heavy fighting in this initial assault and over the next few days as Israeli forces fought to regain control of these facilities.
Israeli military and police losses indicate the scale of the fighting, over at least 3 days. Hamas losses are unknown but were probably substantial.
Posted by: anon | Nov 10 2023 17:39 utc | 84
The window for the criminal regime in Israel to change course to avoid the destruction of its people is closing. They seem hell-bent on the Masada Option.
Posted by: Figleaf23 | Nov 10 2023 17:45 utc | 85
Number of excellent reports at SouthFront today. See especially ones on Africa reaction to Israel-Palestine situation
Posted by: Pundita | Nov 10 2023 17:50 utc | 86
delenda est israel!!!
Posted by: joe_mars | Nov 10 2023 17:38 utc | 84
DelendUS (masculine)
Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 10 2023 17:52 utc | 87
What Unz says is either untrue or well known.
It is well known that it took a long time before the Final Solution was understood to be proceeding. One of the first reports was a book smuggled out of Poland by a Home Army officer.
What is untrue is that the Holocaust, in its broad outline, was not notorious after the Red Army, accompanied by somne extremely talented journalists, started arriving at places like Auschwitz. I have spoken, when young, to soldiers who actually took part in the liberation of Belsen, one of them a Jewish German Segeant in the Intelligence Corps.
Lord Russell of Liverpool wrote a famous book on the subject that was a best seller in the UK.
The truth is that, then as now, the truth about the Holocaust and its origins in imperialist and capitalist ideology is a key part of the socialist critique of fascism/liberalism.
There will always be attempts, from partisans of capitalism, to deny the existence and meaning of the Concentration Camps in which, with the complicity of the liberal intelligentsia and the ruling class, socialists and eventually untermenschen generally were worked to death for capitalist enterprises and, when they were completely exhausted, murdered and their bodies disposed of.
The point about the Holocaust is that it was the apotheosis of capitalism.
To paraphrase Horkheimer: Nobody can begin to explain fascism without understanding capitalism.
And nobody can understand capitalism without realising that it is, Fukuyama was right, the concrete expression of liberalism.
It might be helpful to recall that in the Soviet Union those responsible for the Holocaust were punished. In the west of Germany they were promoted and rewarded.
Posted by: bevin | Nov 10 2023 18:01 utc | 88
7th October contd.
Israeli forces made extensive use of heavy weapons in targeting locations where Hamas was present. Heavy artillery, tank fire, helicopter gunships, jet aircraft. They appear to have done so with little if any regard for the safety of Israeli civilians. This is borne out by the subsequent accounts of Israeli civilians.
It appears likely that many, and probably most, of the 318 known civilian fatalities were killed by Israeli forces. Footage of the area in the aftermath of the fighting showed extensive devastation, with a very large number of burnt out and destroyed civilian cars completely blocking the roads. The damage looks very much like that inflicted by Hellfire missiles and 30mm cannon fire from helicopter gunships.
The "40 beheaded babies" claims. The source for this was a single individual, a settler extremist involved in organising attacks on Arab villages. No evidence of this has since been forthcoming. No photographic evidence, no names of infant victims, no eye witness accounts.
It is quite possible that victims of the fighting would be decapitated by fire from heavy weapons used by Israeli forces.
The rape claims. Likewise, no individual accounts of rapes from eye witnesses have come forward. The only basis for these claims seems to be footage of an Israeli woman hostage in a state of undress being placed in the rear of a Hamas pick up truck. But it transpires that she was attending the desert music event and was dressed only in a bikini.
Claims that a baby was baked in an oven appear so outlandish that they can be discounted out of hand. That Hamas members would take time off to do this in the midst of ferocious firefights with Israeli forces, stretches belief beyond credulity.
Israeli accounts have much in common with previous propaganda fabrications and hoaxes, like the "bayonetted Belgian babies" and "raped Belgian nuns" of WW1, or the notorious "Iraqi Incubator Babies."
Having said that, it is quite likely that victims' bodies may well have been burnt, as well as beheaded, by heavy weapons fire.
Posted by: anon | Nov 10 2023 18:07 utc | 89
Something about Isrealis reminds me of the Vogons:
“This is Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council,” the voice continued. “As you will no doubt be aware, the plans for development of the outlying regions of the Galaxy require the building of a hyperspatial express route through your star system, and regrettably your planet is one of those scheduled for demolition. The process will take slightly less than two of your Earth minutes. Thank you.”― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 10 2023 18:10 utc | 90
The only basis for these claims seems to be footage of an Israeli woman hostage in a state of undress being placed in the rear of a Hamas pick up truck. But it transpires that she was attending the desert music event and was dressed only in a bikini.
Posted by: anon | Nov 10 2023 18:07 utc | 90
Word on instagram was that this particular woman usually dressed like a harlot.
Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 10 2023 18:12 utc | 91
This makes no sense. Thai citizenship is almost impossible for foreigners to acquire, and there’s no such thing as permanent residency, which means he’s either on some kind of time-limited visa, or a long-term tourist who does frequent visa runs. In short, an expat.
Posted by: malenkov | Nov 10 2023 17:13 utc | 72
What if you marry a Thai? He claims he's living there with his family. He also explains why he used to use pseudonyms in his article: it was to try to avoid the blowback for his anti-empire views.
Brian Berletic in his own words.
Posted by: Antiwar7 | Nov 10 2023 18:12 utc | 92
Plus, Brian's current (demonetized) YouTube channel, The New Atlas, has this in its About:
Formerly known as "Land Destroyer," The New Atlas provides geopolitical analysis by Brian Berletic (aka Tony Cartalucci) with a focus on Eurasia, based in Bangkok, Thailand.
That seems pretty upfront to me.
Posted by: Antiwar7 | Nov 10 2023 18:17 utc | 93
What if you marry a Thai? He claims he's living there with his family.
Posted by: Antiwar7 | Nov 10 2023 18:12 utc | 93
Doesn't help much. One year renewable visa is the most you can get.
Posted by: dh | Nov 10 2023 18:22 utc | 94
@Posted by: malenkov | Nov 10 2023 17:13 utc | 72
This makes no sense. Thai citizenship is almost impossible for foreigners to acquire, and there’s no such thing as permanent residency, which means he’s either on some kind of time-limited visa, or a long-term tourist who does frequent visa runs. In short, an expat.
How lazy are you to lie without even doing a google search to check if your lie can be debunked with a single search, that's pathetic! DO BETTER Malenkov, at least make it harder for me to debunk your lies!
Kim Sky 1
"Three women appeared in a British court on Friday and pleaded not guilty to terrorism offences after they were pictured at a pro-Palestinian march in London carrying photos of paragliders."
Heba Alhayek, 29, Pauline Ankunda, 26, and Noimutu Olayinka Taiwo, 27, were charged “with single counts of carrying or displaying an article, namely an image displaying a paraglider, to arouse reasonable suspicion that they are supporters of a proscribed organisation, namely Hamas, on Saturday 14 October 2023”, the Crown Prosecution Service said."
You can't make this shit up either.
Posted by: KingCobra | Nov 10 2023 18:30 utc | 96
the clock is ticking for the UN and the international institutions.
as each day thousands of Palestinians are massacred while the US politicians spend taxpayer money on "right to defend" and right to censure colleagues who dare to question the genocide, the international order is losing legitimacy to the point of no return.
This is basically the death of the UN and other fancy talking shops, like the League of Nations died with the genocide in Ethiopia by Italy.
The global south (the non NATO part of humanity which matters), can see clearly whose veto is causing this.
The consequences for the US/EU/NATO and the center of it all - Israel - are frightening.
Posted by: cafe_con_leche2 | Nov 10 2023 18:31 utc | 97
Doesn't help much. One year renewable visa is the most you can get.
Posted by: dh | Nov 10 2023 18:22 utc | 95
So what is the problem with renewing the visa annually? You still live there. Or ??
Posted by: sal | Nov 10 2023 18:31 utc | 98
anon | Nov 10 2023 18:07 utc | 90
"Claims that a baby was baked in an oven".
This was actually witnessed during the first Nakba. An old zionist atrocity recycled as now supposedly done by Hamas.
"The damage looks very much like that inflicted by Hellfire missiles and 30mm cannon fire from helicopter gunships."
There is a clip with destroyed cars collected together in park, all these have similar damage on the top as they were picked up by a disposal "crane" that grabs the roof from both sides. These do not allow a method to determine the original cause of the burning. Only on other clips from before them being moved, can it be claimed as showing the cause (I have only seen one so far). Large machine gun fire yes, scorch marks on the ground nearby, but I would have thought not conclusive. Probably happened, as there are several green-night clips showing bombing, but as you can imagine, these are now "disputed".
What goes under the radar are 1) a group that was told to come out of a hospital yard by the IDF, nad then shot with live bullets. and 2) Bombing in the south, of those that followed orders and fled, who no longer had shelter.
Odd that Old Blighty is descending into a neofascist Hell at the most rapid pace of any Western state.
What’s in the water there?
In other news, apparently the on again off again Xi-Biden conversation is on again. Odd timing as well. What does China stand to gain from choosing this moment to appear subservient to the hegemon?
Posted by: Ghost of Zanon | Nov 10 2023 18:38 utc | 100
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best coverage: https://electronicintifada.net/blog/electronic-intifada-podcast
November pogroms of 1938, Today, this crime against humanity is being cited by German politicians and the media to justify another war crime: the extermination and expulsion of the Palestinians in Gaza.
Green Party Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck threatened that “Muslims living here” would lose their “right to protection from right-wing extremist violence” if they did not “clearly distance themselves from anti-Semitism” – an open invitation for neo-Nazis to terrorise migrants.
FOR FULL ARTICLE: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/11/10/kris-n10.html
Posted by: Kim Sky | Nov 10 2023 14:34 utc | 1