Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
November 30, 2023

Good Riddance

The ghoul is finally dead:

May he grill in hell ...

Posted by b on November 30, 2023 at 12:51 UTC | Permalink

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It is too late for him to be flayed alive, but grilled forever in hell Will have to do.

Posted by: c | Nov 30 2023 13:10 utc | 1

I think the question is can the alleged murders be organized and listed according to MO?

Posted by: snake | Nov 30 2023 13:10 utc | 2

He's had a free ride up to now. My guess is that (if/when) the lies are exposed, he will become known as the devil himself.
Maybe he never guessed what he unleashed, but he should've known.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Posted by: Steve griffin | Nov 30 2023 13:11 utc | 3

The only overweight 100 year old I have ever seen.

Posted by: SwissArmyMan | Nov 30 2023 13:11 utc | 4

"Kissinger died without being tried and convicted of crimes against humanity. How unfortunate. Now the stain of his crimes is indelibly part of America."

Posted by: William Gruff | Nov 30 2023 12:02 utc | 102

Kissinger was/is indeed a war criminal yet was also a 'diplomatic/geopolitical genius'.

In 1971 when Nixon was considering a rapprochement with China Kissinger, then NSC advisor , advised Nixon to do the rapprochement with the USSR as China was the long term threat. Nixon refused. Kissinger was correct.

In 1973 during the oil embargo Kissinger, now Secretary of State , cemented a deal with Saudi Arabia where they would buy American US treasuries creating the petrodollar.

Without the petrodollar or a rapprochement with the USSR US hegemony would have decreased and I would suspect the world would be a better place today.

Today the US has no diplomats worthy to carry Kissinger's jockstrap.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 12:21 utc | 104

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 13:16 utc | 5

Next up: an epic spectacle of state-sponsored media madness, as reflexive hagiography is layered over an incomparable genocidaire. Quite a silk-purse-from-sow's-ear procedure! Imagine if it were your job to write this eulogy, without breaking any rules of the rules-based order... There are times I'm mighty glad I did not chose such a career path.

Posted by: Aleph_Null | Nov 30 2023 13:17 utc | 6

At a retreat once where we had skits. I got to be Dante and Jeremy Berrigan was Virgil as we were in the 9th circle. Several of the more sociopathic popes of yore were pointed out as being people who stopped by Hell's Catholic Worker for a free bite or a bit of water, but then we were shown the most abject of all evildom, Madeline Allbright. Well, maybe Henry will be able to take over her place there.

Posted by: paxmark1 | Nov 30 2023 13:21 utc | 7

"Never forget September 11th"

I luv that one (snark).
How the heck can you remember
when you don't know what the F happened?

Never forget that after September 11th
the guilty party fought tooth and nail to have no investigation whatsoever.
No investigation - remember that!

The 9/11 Families raised hell and finally the Cheney/Bush administration relented.
And what did they do?
They formed an investigation committee with
Henry Kissinger as the chairman.
Remember that!

The 9/11 Families knew Henry was doing business with the Saudis
so they smelled a rat
and raised hell again.

The Cheney/Bush admin found another rat to lead the investigation
one without a clear known history of being scum.

"Never forget September 11th
and Henry Kissinger"

Posted by: librul | Nov 30 2023 13:22 utc | 8

4 - He must have had a good doctor.

Posted by: Waldorf | Nov 30 2023 13:24 utc | 9


Luckily he and Nix-on skipped India for their pre-WEF project and found money starved dictator Mao ready to offer Chinese slave labor plus law bending to establish thousands of new factories. No unions allowed at all, no pensions to be paid etc: super profits.

By the way, China also has its protected sexual predator celebraties like Jeffrey Epstein:

There was a difference: Epstein's victims were under-aged city girls while Song Chang Mu went for young countryside women. Another difference: abused women are taken serious the West, India and Russia, not at all in China.

Posted by: Antonym | Nov 30 2023 13:36 utc | 10

Joseph Massad

I agree with Heinz that moral indeterminacy is part of the human condition. That's why we have religions, society, rules, laws, opinion forums and institutions from family to international.

To through 100 years of life and not acknowledge the constraints of human existence is to really take the piss.

Posted by: Giyane | Nov 30 2023 13:47 utc | 11

Extract from one Lyndon Larouche Editorial december 1 2006

"there is little of the evil in U.S. foreign policy which cannot be traced back to the influence of Kissinger, as a leading representative of the Anglo-Dutch imperial outlook, on the American body-politic.

In addition to his Middle East policy, which was dedicated to maintaining a permanent state of warfare between various groups in the region, Kissinger in 1974 put in place the infamous National Security Study Memorandum 200, which declared that it was in the U.S. "strategic interest" to contain the population growth of states which controlled raw materials to which the West wanted unrestricted access—a policy that has amounted to outright genocide against minerals-rich African nations, among others.

This policy is still in effect today!

Perhaps most notable in summarizing the intent of Kissinger's policy was his May 10, 1982 speech at Chatham House, London, where he took direct aim at the American "idealism" of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and declared himself in favor of the Churchillian approach—that of a Hobbesian (each against all) imperial balance of power."

Posted by: petergrfstrm | Nov 30 2023 13:48 utc | 12

US State Dept of last couple of decades would ask him to hold the beer I think.

Posted by: Tim | Nov 30 2023 14:13 utc | 13

From the Ukraine open thread, William Gruff | Nov 30 2023 12:02 utc | 102

Kissinger died without being tried and convicted of crimes against humanity. How unfortunate. Now the stain of his crimes is indelibly part of America

Yeah, bad enough that the nobel committee awarded Henry the peace prize after he carpet bombed Cambodia, they awarded Obama the prize before he expanded imperial aggression. Before he dressed his disposition matrix in legal jargon, thus granting the commander-in-chief the power of life and death.

And apparently the whole sordid affair has been rechristened under Joe as the PPM Process. A sort of minority report where foreknowledge is provided by psychotics.

Posted by: john | Nov 30 2023 14:15 utc | 14

This would be a good place to compile his villainy lest it be forgotten. I never enjoyed the fawning hagiographic piety over dead monsters. The bought & sold MSM already will cover his accolades, so we should flesh out the true story on the other side of the scales.

Posted by: titmouse | Nov 30 2023 14:23 utc | 15

“If there is a hell, it waits for them not us”
——Frank Zappa

Posted by: Chevrus | Nov 30 2023 14:30 utc | 16

One of the best indictments of HK was indeed Christopher Hitchens.

Posted by: hedlykarok | Nov 30 2023 14:31 utc | 17

On the other hand Kissinger was among the first to realize an off-ramp was going to be necessary in Ukraine. He was attacked by Zelensky suggesting it.

Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 30 2023 14:37 utc | 18

May he boils in his own excrement for eternity.

Posted by: Pike | Nov 30 2023 14:37 utc | 19

Should Henry Kissinger be reviled, hated and loathed for what he was, or what he did?
Necessity is the mother of invention, and if HK did not exist, it would have been necessary to invent him.
Given especially that Washington was in a perceived existential struggle with the Red bloc then.
Kissinger exceeded the brief with the most horrific campaigns, notably in South East Asia; part of the job but likely also his own ruthless persona.
On a light note, Arnaud Bertrand posted a short video of Mao absolutely rocked by statuesque Nancy Kissinger beside her hubby.
Recalls the joke about ex wife of short billionaire who replies to friend's observation about her former Napoleon as he struts by with new squeeze.
' Oh, he is very tall when he stands on his WALLET'.
Power and money tower over everything in this world.

Posted by: LittleWhiteCabbage | Nov 30 2023 14:49 utc | 20

Seems Putin lived Kissinger. Sent a letter of condolences to his wife and mentioned Kissinger was outstanding at defusing world tensions and will always have a warm place in Putins heart.


Posted by: Comandante | Nov 30 2023 14:51 utc | 21

Concerning Kissingers mentors within the British Round Table context

In 1943, Kissinger's plans to become an accountant were interrupted by the draft, and he was assigned, due to his German-language skills, to the AIp1y Specialized Training Program that was designed to creat(1 a core of military personnel for occupied Germany.
Eventually, the program was disbanded, and he was transferred to the 84th Infantry Division at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, where he met the first of several mentors: Fritz Kraemer.

Kraemer was in the Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) at Camp Claiborne, and although of low rank, he was actually in an important position to recruit future intelligence operatives.
He could get Kissinger safe jobs, all the while lecturing him in history, particularly that of the Holy Alliance.
Kraemer himself had studied at the London School of Economics,and, upon his return to Germany, he had joined the same German National Party out of which came Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler's economics minister, the man who designed the concentration camps as a slave labor system.
Kraemer referred to Henry affectionately as "my little Jew".

By outlook and training, Kraemer was an Anglophile to
the core. Thus was Kissinger drawn into the orbit of British intelligence, via Kraemer, before the end of World War II.

On Kraemer's insistence, Kissinger applied to Harvard and was accepted.

There he met his second mentor, William Yandell Elliott, the head of Harvard's Government Department and a deep-dyed British agent.
Elliott tutored him, Pierre Trudeau, and McGeorge Bundy as "adopted sons".
For Kissinger, Elliott set up the International Summer Seminars to which aspiring leaders from around the world were brought for recruitment and training.

Read the document to gain an appreciation of the extent to which the British elites were aspiring to change the US constitution.

A British agent since his youth by Scott Thompson

Posted by: petergrfstrm | Nov 30 2023 14:52 utc | 22

[email protected] Russia closed down the 404 supply line, andrenocrome has been in short supply.....only selected ghouls get it now.

Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Nov 30 2023 14:54 utc | 23

I was initially surprised by Rolling Stone's having a piece that's highly critical of HK, given that I recall the publication's being a cheerleader for policies of the World Economic Forum and other entities that intend harm to most of humanity. Then I recognized its familiar tactic of drawing attention to the government's sins of decades ago, in order to distract the reader from what the present administration is doing.

Posted by: David Levin | Nov 30 2023 14:55 utc | 24

There are days when the world wakes up a little bit better, despite the tragic events we know.
So, Champagne, ... or a little beer or glass of wine.
Whos's next? Long list.
Maybe Soros?

Posted by: FromFrance | Nov 30 2023 15:00 utc | 25

As I told my son when Madeline Albright died,

“Don’t worry Massimo, she’s with Adolf Hitler now.”

Posted by: GuardYourHumanity | Nov 30 2023 15:01 utc | 26

@Posted by: Honzo | Nov 30 2023 14:54 utc | 26

Use the Preview feature
the Post feature

Posted by: librul | Nov 30 2023 15:09 utc | 27

One notes that when the ruling class was pushing to subsidize (no taxes, below-market political risk insurance, etc) the export of America's industrial base to communist China, Kissinger was vigorously writing Op-eds in the New York Times etc. saying we HAD to do this. Never mind that the United States strength as an industrial power was based on protectionism, never mind that 'free' trade has only ever brought ruin to industrialized economies, and never mind that Kissinger was paid millions by communist China via "Kissinger Associates."

I mean, a retired high government official being paid by a foreign power for his 'expertise' (secret knowledge?) and to flack for them, in less progressive eras we would have called that treason. But now it's just business.

Posted by: TG | Nov 30 2023 15:10 utc | 28

Pogues-frontman Shane MacGowan also passed away today.

Unlike Kissinger's passing, this is a loss:

Posted by: Apollyon | Nov 30 2023 15:10 utc | 29

Villain that he was, Kissinger's actions were at least tempered by considerations of reality. Some years ago when Trump derangement syndrome was in full bloom he said (quoting from memory here) that 'a foreign policy that consists solely of vilification of Russia isn't much of a policy.' Nowadays the people running Western foreign policy are both genocidal AND delusional.

Posted by: Mike R | Nov 30 2023 15:13 utc | 30

Canuck (#5) “In 1971 when Nixon was considering a rapprochement with China Kissinger, then NSC advisor , advised Nixon to do the rapprochement with the USSR as China was the long term threat. Nixon refused. Kissinger was correct.”

Yes, perhaps Kissinger was correct to pursue rapprochement with China. However, his method was intrinsically evil in that the quid pro quo was China’s population reduction through their one child policy and the forced abortion of millions of Chinese in utero. Kissinger’s man on the ground to plan and implement was the future Director of CIA and POTUS George H. W. Bush.
Even those who advocate for optional abortion, which I do not, can agree that forced abortion is a violation of human autonomy. It also has resulted in China’s current demographic challenge of disproportionately high older persons and disproportionately low working age persons.
The three to four million deaths that Rolling Stone correctly attributes to Kissinger pale in comparison to the tens of millions of Chinese forced abortions resulting from the Kissinger/Bush plan over several decades.

Posted by: Ciaran | Nov 30 2023 15:14 utc | 31

“Don’t worry Massimo, she’s with Adolf Hitler now.”

Posted by: GuardYourHumanity | Nov 30 2023 15:01 utc | 29

There's another way of looking at that, lol.

Posted by: jeffry | Nov 30 2023 15:16 utc | 32

What a shame to leave such a horrid mark on the world that normal people celebrate when you pass on... He may have been the benevolent statesman like the MSM will undoubtedly wail endlessly, but personally I think someone should drive a stake through his chest. Don't need this monster coming out of his crypt...

Posted by: Ozark Grandpa | Nov 30 2023 15:17 utc | 33

"On the other hand Kissinger was among the first to realize an off-ramp was going to be necessary in Ukraine. He was attacked by Zelensky suggesting it."

Posted by: Jonathan W | Nov 30 2023 14:37 utc | 19

The old Demon knew his geopolitics.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 15:27 utc | 34

this souless evil POS joins Madeleine Albright in the Lake of Fire

His harm to humanity can never be tallied

I shall smoke a fattie here in my 15 minute city and write a poem to mark the occassion

Posted by: ld | Nov 30 2023 15:29 utc | 35

It's a great disgrace for the Western world that Kissinger wasn't dragged into an international court and subjected to the humiliation of a trial, conviction and a lifetime of imprisonment at hard labour. However, we can take some small comfort in that he lived long enough to see the goal of his life's work, the US Empire begin to collapse under the idiotic leadership of these inferior inheritors. Kissinger make a completely reasonable suggestion at the start of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine/NATO and then watching all the political parasites in the West heap scorn and loathing on him until he did a complete 180 and pledged his enteral loyalty to project Ukraine, watching him squirm while giving interviews after that was so satisfying, he knew what he was now recommending was stupid, disastrous and would torch his reputation for strategic brilliance in the long term. But he was too weak willed to resist the pressure to conform, compare Kissinger's actions to his hero Otto Von Bismarck's who always stood up against stupid plans by an incompetent Wilhelm II and ultimately resigned rather than confirm to stupidity. But then, Kissinger always was a poor man's Bismarck and his final actions show why he will never emerged from Bismarch's great looming shadow

Posted by: Kadath | Nov 30 2023 15:30 utc | 36

Posted by: Ciaran | Nov 30 2023 15:14 utc | 34

you misread the comment. Kissinger didn't want a rapprochement with China. not that i agreed with the comment, especially its whitewashing of Kissinger. and good riddance to this vile dirtbag. but he's not ever going to pay for his crimes now.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Nov 30 2023 15:31 utc | 37

Sean the leprechaun @14:54
You nailed it. Adrenochrome. Being a tad higher up the scrotumpole, Devious David Rottenfeller kicked the bucket at the ripe old age of 101. Betcha $oro$ gets his daily dose.

Posted by: aristodemos | Nov 30 2023 15:31 utc | 38

"Should Henry Kissinger be reviled, hated and loathed for what he was, or what he did?
Necessity is the mother of invention, and if HK did not exist, it would have been necessary to invent him."

Posted by: LittleWhiteCabbage | Nov 30 2023 14:49 utc | 21

Quite right! Tolstoy, in War and Peace, said "If Napoleon would not have existed , France would have had to invent him"

Leaders don't make their own soil; they grow in the soil that is provided-if the soil is noxious as it is in Western countries today -with the possible exceptions of Hungary and Serbia-noxious leaders will emerge.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 15:32 utc | 39

@Posted by: librul | Nov 30 2023 13:22 utc | 8

Curious nexus found.

I wrote of Henry Kissinger and the 9/11 Commission.
After the protests of the 9/11 Families had Henry Kissinger removed from the Commission
Henry was replaced by Philip Zelikow.

Nexus: We, at the bar, have been discussing the 60th anni of the JFK assassination.
Zelikow had been involved in a very public dispute over the JFK tapes.
Their transcription by Zelikow really messed with history.

And of course historical accuracy of the 9/11 Commission is a well known stain upon Washington.

Shenon ignores this nuance, perhaps because it clashes with his major theme, which is a very dramatic one: that the commission’s ability to report the truth was neutered and neutralized by an executive director, Philip Zelikow, who was allowed to serve despite deep conflicts-of-interest, as well as surreptitious ties to the White House, including with then-national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. Although there are other revelations, the book’s axis of criticism is almost entirely about Zelikow, a University of Virginia professor and former director of the Miller Center of Public Affairs. Shenon’s book is a blistering critique of Zelikow’s performance, and a not-very-veiled criticism of the commission co-chairmen (Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton) who hired him in the first place, and then allowed Zelikow to stay on even after his multi-faceted conflicts-of-interest were fully revealed under oath.

There is another curious smaller nexus. In 1999 Philip Zelikow had written (***who commissioned him?!***) a lengthy Review Essay
about Henry Kissinger's latest book.

Posted by: librul | Nov 30 2023 15:32 utc | 40

Posted by: GuardYourHumanity | Nov 30 2023 15:01 utc | 29
As I told my son when Madeline Albright died,
“Don’t worry Massimo, she’s with Adolf Hitler now.”

Good one!

Posted by: Clever Dog | Nov 30 2023 15:34 utc | 41

@Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 15:32 utc | 43

I'll second that (or is it third?), that the US was fertile ground
for producing a Henry Kissinger.
"A Henry Kissinger
by any other name
would smell as sweet."

"The Devil keeps a spare"
- unknown

If Hitler had died in WWI
there was a known spare -
Julius Streicher.

Posted by: librul | Nov 30 2023 15:41 utc | 42

"Soviet Russia could not possibly have provided any of this relief to the financial class. They were not available for foreign exploitation, which is why the west worked so hard to destroy the Soviet state, and now seeks to destroy the Russian state altogether. China's underdeveloped economy made them excellent fodder for exploitation- Nixon's mistake was in not anticipating that China would use this exploitation to develop their own industrial base and become the dominant industrial hub of the world. There's no evidence that Kissinger saw that coming either. Nor is there any evidence that Kissinger desired a rapprochement with Russia- he was a realist who understood that Russia was a nut that could not be cracked militarily, and wanted to reduce the probability of open, direct conflict, possibly leading to a nuclear war. If he had wanted a rapprochement, his first move would have been to defund the CIA and clean out the nazis from State. No sign that he ever even considered this."

Posted by: Honzo | Nov 30 2023 14:53 utc | 24

I agree with you that Russia would not give the relief to the Soviet 'financial class' but China could and did for the short term allow for the Oligarch exploitation-agreed. But that just confirms my point- if the US would have had rapprochement with the USSR rather than China it would have hurt the 'financial class' helped the middle class which is a good thing in the long run and between US/Europe/USSR versus China in the long term China would have been contained.

As far as Kissinger privately advising Nixon to have rapprochement with Russia I have an anecdote. I was travelling on business in Europe 15 years ago. I was a member of The Lansdowne Club in Berkeley Square in London at the time so I stayed there. . I starting dining with an charming old American ex pat, ex diplomat who served on Kissinger's staff way back when and he related the story to me.

I have also read it somewhere else since but I can't find the source.

Anyways, you are right if he really wanted to do it he would have thrown out the CIA etc-but Kissinger like them all, inevitably answer to the City and so there was only one real choice for the Anglo/Zionists: short term pillaging.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 15:52 utc | 43

Sorry, screwed up the blockquote mechanism again.

Posted by: Honzo | Nov 30 2023 14:54 utc | 26

No probs; for once huge block letters were accompanied by huge thoughts; usually the louder the print the weaker the voice.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 15:57 utc | 44

Errand boy for the Rockefellers. Never had any other job.

Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 30 2023 15:58 utc | 45

To paraphrase an expression from a video game I'm keen on, "May his corpse rot where it fell forever."
Yes b, a true ghoul; literally steeped in the blood of millions.

Posted by: robjira | Nov 30 2023 16:07 utc | 46

@Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 15:32 utc | 43

I'll second that (or is it third?), that the US was fertile ground
for producing a Henry Kissinger.
"A Henry Kissinger
by any other name
would smell as sweet."

"The Devil keeps a spare"
- unknown

If Hitler had died in WWI
there was a known spare -
Julius Streicher.
Posted by: librul | Nov 30 2023 15:41 utc | 42

I believe you are the third-we look around and we see intelligent, successful people not wanting to know that kids are being slaughtered in Gaza by carpet bombing; a totally avoidable war in the Ukraine killing hundreds of thousands; these 'professional' people are more interested in their lifestyle, their opulence, their social standing rather than their character, their spirit..

And these same people wonder how we have a senile, moronic grifter leading the Free World.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 16:10 utc | 47

Today the US has no diplomats worthy to carry Kissinger's jockstrap.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 13:16 utc | 5
You have a point there canuck, Dr. Killinger, jockstrap, petrodollars, and all. Sure, he was always a diplomat when it came to right-wing dictators, war criminals, and rogue Presidents, perhaps he just respected their preferred methods of dealing with the unruly working-class and peasants; just kill them all. If you see something charming about that, then perhaps you should reevaluate your own ideas. As for me, I spit on his grave.

You admit that Dr. Killinger is a war criminal, a person who was responsible for the deaths of about a million and a half men, women, and children; largely workers and peasants in countries all around the world: Why not just stop there?

Posted by: Ed | Nov 30 2023 16:12 utc | 48

Posted by: Ed | Nov 30 2023 16:12 utc | 48

Agree, but I would not take the time to spit on him.

Posted by: Bemildred | Nov 30 2023 16:16 utc | 49

His character came through, when I saw him eat his own boogers.

Posted by: Sakineh Bagoom | Nov 30 2023 16:27 utc | 50

Posted by: Ed | Nov 30 2023 16:12 utc | 48

Ed, think you need to separate your emotion from your reason.

Was Kissinger an evil man; yes, I said that already.

Was Kissinger a genius at his job? Well using your emotional bias you would cry out emphatically, "No, no he's evil, evil damn him. " while stamping your feet, while spitting at the same time.

But you would be incorrect because your emotions are bigger than your mind.

I would think that you, like myself, would like to rid the world all of the Kissinger's out there; now how are we going to accomplish that feat without intensely studying leaders like Kissinger? Without figuring out how these Powers that Be work?

Rather than primitively 'spitting on his grave' I am more interested in revised histories being written about the man ; that has to be done with a cool mind.

Pete Rose was a cheater, that's a fact. But was he a bad ballplayer?

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 16:33 utc | 51

Posted by: Ed | Nov 30 2023 16:12 utc | 48

Agree, but I would not take the time to spit on him.

Posted by: Bemildred | Nov 30 2023 16:16 utc | 49

But you obviously have enough time to comment about, "not taking the time to spit on him."

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 16:38 utc | 52

I am of two minds about Kissinger.

On one hand, he clearly was a criminal who was responsible for some truly awful things. And he probably is getting justice now.

On the other hand, he was "our bastard". Kissinger may have been many things, but one of them was not stupid or incompetent. The petrodollar move was sheer genius.

IOW, he was not likely to blow up the world. The clowns, freaks and fools that are running the show today, I do not have the same confidence in...

Posted by: Johnny | Nov 30 2023 16:40 utc | 53

if the US would have had rapprochement with the USSR rather than China it would have hurt the 'financial class' helped the middle class which is a good thing in the long run and between US/Europe/USSR versus China in the long-term China would have been contained.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 15:52 utc | 43

Tell me exactly why you want to "contain" China? You mentioned it in at least two comments on this string? As I understand it, the US beef with China is that it is a near pier economic competitor with the US on the international market: Isn't competition the very essence of capitalism? Perhaps global monopolies, like the MIC don't really compete because they own both parties in Congress, but their workers sure as hell do, because under capitalism workers must compete to make a living and therefore every worker's hand must be on every other worker's throat.

Posted by: Ed | Nov 30 2023 16:41 utc | 54

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 16:38 utc | 52

Yeah, it is not the lack of time.

Posted by: Bemildred | Nov 30 2023 16:41 utc | 55

“Empires have no interest in operating within an international system; they aspire to be the international system” - H. Kissinger

That's the crux of the current global crisis. Kissinger was one of the architects of the American Empire, and everything he did was justified in terms of enhancing American geopolitical power. Anyone believing in a morality separate from "Is it good for us?" gets nowhere near senior positions in the American foreign policy establishment. You wonder how neocons can survive one abysmal failure after another, well there's the reason. If you're not willing to kill innocent people wholesale for Uncle Sam, you're not qualified for the job.

Of course, other countries don't see things the way America sees them. So, American Empire implies constant war against the rest of the world. During the Cold War, there was an equilibrium of sorts. In 2023, things are much more dynamic. Sad to say, but I still think WW3 is in our future. Jesus blessed the peacemakers, but the people that run American foreign policy are not fans of him.

Posted by: Olly Garch | Nov 30 2023 16:43 utc | 56

I’m pretty sure the 9/11 reference re our ghoul today is regarding the one that took place in Chile in the early 70’s.

Posted by: Peter Fenton | Nov 30 2023 16:47 utc | 57

Kissinger leading the opening to China was a follow on to the ending of the Reserve Currency gold standard in 1971.

Kissinger was one of the tools in The Great Game society is playing. The God Of Mammon elite made a bet that China could be corrupted by the West, at least the core finance part, and they are losing that bet after 50+ years.

When you think about Kissinger, think about the one China policy that the West agreed to and is still being forced to adhere to. Kissinger and the evil he projected from his life represents the "best" the West could throw at the rising China/Russia axis.

Kissinger represents the failure of the evil he projected of empire in his lifetime. It is that failure of acting as a bully in a sharing world that he will be remembered for....the end of barbaric empire.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 30 2023 16:53 utc | 58

I'd like to pass some nice tequila through my kidneys on his vile crypt.

Posted by: Immaculate deception | Nov 30 2023 16:54 utc | 59

Ed, think you need to separate your emotion from your reason.

Was Kissinger an evil man; yes, I said that already.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 16:33 utc | 51
My emotions are exactly as they should be. I suggest you go on You-Tube and find a video called "IN THE YEAR OF THE PIG."

I disagree with you about how great of a diplomat Dr. Killinger was, I think he and Nixon were a fucking disaster for the US, the World, and the international working class (including the US working class). So I will dance on his grave just before I piss on it.

Posted by: Ed | Nov 30 2023 16:56 utc | 60

Posted by error at other thread, sorry.

Western system policies like abortion and depopulation are a Kissinger work, he promoted the one child policy ion China and abortion laws.
Both are not the work of the "woke" people, they just embraced them by pushing for bad understood irrational ecologism.

Contrary to what most of the people think, the WEF was not founded by Klaus Schwab, but by Kissinger.

He was the architect of the antihuman and globalist UN 2030 Agenda through which we are sleep walking towards a dsytopian regressieve world, which no country in the wordl oppose, not even Russia....

I hade never taken the trouble to look for how Kissinger´s wife looks like, but some guys in TG posted some photographs pointing at that "she" is highly likely a man...

Now, how all this fits with all what Putin has declared in the "All Russian Peoples Congress" is his aim to pursue, that is, to promote traditional family and families with numerous children, forbid LGTBQ+ promotion in Russia, denounce genocide and intromission in other countries´internal affairs...( of which his so admired Kissinger was the world champion...)?

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Nov 30 2023 17:01 utc | 61

One many more to go!

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 30 2023 17:04 utc | 62

4 - He must have had a good doctor.

Posted by: Waldorf | Nov 30 2023 13:24 utc | 9

They all do. One of the perks of being a member of the RC. The political elite in the US is rich in walking talking corpses like this POS.

Meanwhile, our bar is filled with righteous, intelligent, interesting elders who don't get anything close to real healthcare.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 30 2023 17:13 utc | 63

For those who missed it and are now catching up with history, Christopher Hitchens, The Trial of Henry Kissinger, Verso ©2001 ISBN 1-85984-398-0, has the bulk of the late's crimes against humanity, peace and prosperity (except for som); not a lot of love lost between author and subject but no suites for defamation either. Engrossing reading yet. Should have been used as basis for ICC warrant for arrest but the bird has flown the cage.

Posted by: Formerly T-Bear | Nov 30 2023 17:15 utc | 64

There was a difference: Epstein's victims were under-aged city girls while Song Chang Mu went for young countryside women. Another difference: abused women are taken serious the West, India and Russia, not at all in China.

Posted by: Antonym | Nov 30 2023 13:36 utc | 10

Oh right. Imperialism ruins the lives of millions of innocent men and political rivals based on the whisper of any anonymous Hollywood slut. I'll take the more traditional system requiring proof beyond a reasonable doubt in open court where the alleged victim is named and must appear and testify.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 30 2023 17:17 utc | 65

I am inconsolable that he died a peaceful death. He's always made me wish hell was for real.

Posted by: DuchessAndBob | Nov 30 2023 17:19 utc | 66

This ghoul was a favorite of Xi Jinping, who had him as a guest for his 100th birthday. Kissinger's realpolitik reasoning that allowed him to back dictators like Pinochet was the same mindset Trump used to embrace Xi, Kim Jong-Un and Putin, which this website praised.

Posted by: Inkan1969 | Nov 30 2023 17:22 utc | 67

I will always think of him as Dr Strangelove....

Posted by: Gerry Bell | Nov 30 2023 17:23 utc | 68

One of his pals is in trouble too:

"On Thursday, former Chilean officer Pedro Barrientos, convicted of the murder and torture of singer Victor Jara, will be extradited from the United States to Chile.

"The ex-lieutenant of the Armed Forces will arrive on Friday morning at Santiago Airport, escorted by agents of the Police of Investigations (PDI) on a flight from Miami, where he is currently held by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

"He will then be transported by helicopter to the Peñalolen Military Police Battalion, where he will be detained as a suspect...."


Posted by: bevin | Nov 30 2023 17:27 utc | 69

This ghoul was a favorite of Xi Jinping, who had him as a guest for his 100th birthday. Kissinger's realpolitik reasoning that allowed him to back dictators like Pinochet was the same mindset Trump used to embrace Xi, Kim Jong-Un and Putin, which this website praised.

Posted by: Inkan1969 | Nov 30 2023 17:22 utc | 67

Nice try, Inky. The Chinese hold their feeling in check and continue diplomacy for all imperialist scum so as to more efficiently defeat them, which they will.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 30 2023 17:33 utc | 70

This ghoul was a favorite of Xi Jinping, who had him as a guest for his 100th birthday. Kissinger's realpolitik reasoning that allowed him to back dictators like Pinochet was the same mindset Trump used to embrace Xi, Kim Jong-Un and Putin, which this website praised.

There is a considerable difference: Pinochet was put into power by Kissinger, who through the CIA etc planned his coup and enabled Pinochet to carry it through.
Pinochet was his creation.

Trump did not put either Putin or Xi in power, he simply set out to negotiate with them, as he was bound to do unless, like Biden, he wanted to re-inaugurate a Cold War.
It is a characteristic of the neo-con mindset to believe that Presidents and their representatives should only talk to people guaranteed not to question what they they are told.
Hardly surprising then that you take the position that the warhawks take.

Posted by: bevin | Nov 30 2023 17:35 utc | 71

I disagree with you about how great of a diplomat Dr. Killinger was, I think he and Nixon were a fucking disaster for the US, the World, and the international working class (including the US working class). So I will dance on his grave just before I piss on it.
Posted by: Ed | Nov 30 2023 16:56 utc | 60

Hear, hear! And really, you're a diplomat in the US post WW2, you've got tremendous wealth and military strength. He obviously wasn't an absolute idiot, but that's as far as I'd go.

There is a huge industry that dresses up these imperial mediocrities as geniuses and saints. So take what you've read with a grain of salt and remember the big picture.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 30 2023 17:38 utc | 72

Was Kissinger a genius?

I seem to remember him always at the tail and middle end of America's numerous foreign policy fuckups.

His most touted achievement was the express teleportation of America's productive capabilities to China.

If that's genius, you'd have to ask which side he was being a genius for ...

Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 30 2023 17:43 utc | 73

Continuing the depopulation effort started by his late husband, Nancy Kissinger has asked in a statement that instead of flowers, people who want to say goodbye to the most famous diplomat of recent decades send donations to the Animal Medical Center veterinary hospital in New York. ( source Vanity Fair )

Bold mine....

Not a single penny for the Gaza hospitals or genocided Palestinians, ruined Argentinians, nor any other seriously damnified people by his husband´s criminal policies...

This couple, married for 50 years, had no children, instead, as it seems, they had dogs...

Is it of any surprise that this kind of "people" treat and kill children around the world in mass as if they were stray dogs?

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Nov 30 2023 17:46 utc | 74


Agree totally that Heinrich the K. was naught but an errand boy for the Rottenfellers.

Similarly, $oro$, if you do a bit of research, was/is a "made man".

He's a water-carrier for that privately owned bank in The City. Proof: When he ascended from London to Wall $treet, it did not take him long to establish his creds. Somehow...he had this amazing prescience about the twists and turns of the market. Wondering if there was a little birdie whispering in his ears Bit of icing on the cake: How was it that he knew when and how to short the British Pound and make off with a cozy 2 Billion...Most probably a reward for services rendered.

Posted by: aristodemos | Nov 30 2023 17:47 utc | 75

Meanwhile, our bar is filled with righteous, intelligent, interesting elders who don't get anything close to real healthcare.

Posted by: Ahenobarbus | Nov 30 2023 17:13 utc | 63
more like Death Care. Who wants that.
If people would take care of their health. They would not need expensive healthcare. Somebody once said said "Your body is a temple". Instead of treating it as such. People destroy their temples in every way possible then cry out for expensive pills and procedures to repair.
Big Pharma and big AG are joined at the hip. One produces food that makes you sick, and the other jumps up and says "We got a pill for that" Eat hearty!

Posted by: Golddigger | Nov 30 2023 17:47 utc | 76

I won't miss Kissinger a bit, but he's not the only US war criminal. Every president of my lifetime deserved to hang for war crimes, crimes against humanity, along with all their cabinet secretaries and advisers. It's still not too late, for example, to hang George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Condoleeza Rice. It won't happen, of course. All top level politicians in the US have an implicit agreement to let each other off.

I suppose exile to Texas could be considered a punishment, but in GWB's case, it's a pretty comfortable exile. :-(

Posted by: lester | Nov 30 2023 17:54 utc | 77

Ghost of Mosgovy @17:01

Thanks for citing Kissinger's role in the WEF. Klaus Schwab was to Killinger, a schoolboy on his lap...his creature. Now, though, it is time to celebrate the final reward for his services by unseen forces of dire intent. Yes, the Evil Dwarf is no longer haunting the halls of power...except, perhaps from the 4th Dimension as a spectre.

Posted by: aristodemos | Nov 30 2023 17:58 utc | 78

No Comment. The world must finish climbing out of the hole the dead one and his employers dug.

Posted by: karlof1 | Nov 30 2023 18:01 utc | 79

His late wife was working for the Rockefellers when she met her...

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Nov 30 2023 18:03 utc | 80

Thank you, Ciaran | Nov 30 2023 15:14 utc | 31

Re: "his [Kissinger] method was intrinsically evil in that the quid pro quo was China’s population reduction through their one child policy and the forced abortion of millions of Chinese in utero. Kissinger’s man on the ground to plan and implement was the future Director of CIA and POTUS George H. W. Bush."

I appreciate you bringing this up. There is no more horrific crime - sin - than murdering totally innocent, helpless, preborn babies. One only has to see the bloodied, broken corpses of the children bombed in Gaza to be sickened at the sight. Just imagine the silent screams of tiny bodies being dismembered in the womb! Yes, there is a hell because God also metes out justice!

Posted by: hispanidad | Nov 30 2023 18:09 utc | 81

How Kissinger sahped "democracy" in Spain...


López Rodo gave Kissinger a document that established the new rules of Spain's relationship with the United States, which made clear Carrero Blanco's intention for Spain to be a nuclear power and his frontal opposition to the renegotiation of the agreement on the North American military bases in our country.

Kissinger told López Rodo: "Spain's threats are always important."

The next day, D. Luis was assassinated in Madrid and the following year Juan Carlos de Borbón signed the renewal and expansion of the US bases.

Through so called "Islero Project", Spain, in joint cooperation with De Gaulle´s successor in France, related to nuclear technology, aimed at using production of Plutonio at nuclear facility "Vandellós I" ( which later curiously suffered an accident and whose reactor was sealed since then...) to try to produce a nuclear weapon with whcih the sovereignty of Spain would have been secured and would had never ended as it is today, being as it has been an imperial power, as vasal and de facto anglosaxon colony...

Those were the terms shown by the Spabish envoy to Kissinger and which took next day with the life of then PM of Spain Admiral Carrero Blanco.

This is how Spain, and the rest of Europe, lost their sovereignty, by state terrorism and installing spies and foreign agents at the helms of European governments once sovereignists of any fur eliminated through the past years.

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Nov 30 2023 18:23 utc | 82

Here is the obituary from the Ntional Security Archive:

"Washington, D.C., November 29, 2023 - Henry Kissinger’s death today brings new global attention to the long paper trail of secret documents recording his policy deliberations, conversations, and directives on many initiatives for which he became famous—détente with the USSR, the opening to China, and Middle East shuttle diplomacy, among them.

"This historical record also documents the darker side of Kissinger’s controversial tenure in power: his role in the overthrow of democracy and the rise of dictatorship in Chile; disdain for human rights and support for dirty, and even genocidal, wars abroad; secret bombing campaigns in Southeast Asia; and involvement in the Nixon administration’s criminal abuses, among them the secret wiretaps of his own top aides.

"To contribute to a balanced and more comprehensive evaluation of Kissinger’s legacy, the National Security Archive has compiled a small, select dossier of declassified records—memos, memcons, and “telcons” that Kissinger wrote, said and/or read—documenting TOP SECRET deliberations, operations and policies during Kissinger’s time in the White House and Department of State.

"The revealing “telcons”—over 30,000 pages of daily transcripts of Kissinger’s phone conversations which he secretly recorded and had his secretaries transcribe—were taken by Kissinger as “personal papers” when he left office in 1977 and used, selectively, to write his best-selling memoirs...."

Posted by: bevin | Nov 30 2023 18:31 utc | 83


Should we put a stake through his heart
you know
just to be sure?

Posted by: michaelj72 | Nov 30 2023 18:32 utc | 84

Mr b,

It is a mortal sin to wish someone hell.

You may not care, but Christ does.

If you yourself show such an attitude, it is no surprise that this once intelligent site is becoming indecent.

Posted by: Augusto Pi | Nov 30 2023 18:36 utc | 85

@Posted by: aristodemos | Nov 30 2023 17:58 utc | 78

Yeah, is of little comfort that a 100 year old dies, the mnore evil he could be.

What is more important is what those who remain alive do, and more important even, why nobody answers my question possed to William Gruff at other thread when he mentioned Kissinger´s death ( which I tried to repost here, but was deleted, I fear, because of reposting? I ignorewhether this is a rule here...Thought it was more relevant here than in that thread on Gaza...) related to "why the alleged leader of the opossition to the NWO of Western globalists so much praise Kissinger?

Is it because it was thanks to him that the Liberal Burgueois Order arrived in Russia and the Yeltsyn family, to which Putin belonged, could take over the overwhelming riches which belonged to all the Russian people?

That was at the price of arpound 12 million Russians dead by misery, drugs and desperation...

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Nov 30 2023 18:37 utc | 86

Yet another war criminal escapes justice.

It is not about Kissinger. It is about the people he committed his crimes in the name of. If he escapes to the grave without facing justice, he does not take the stain from those crimes with him. Rather, that stain becomes indelible on the people in whose name he committed those crimes and who failed to bring him to justice.

It is a great tragedy for the American people whenever one of these war criminals dies unpunished.

Posted by: William Gruff | Nov 30 2023 18:55 utc | 87

From the right wing (aka Zionist) press:

“In his message, Xi said Kissinger was a world-renowned strategist and an old friend and good friend of the Chinese people,” Xinhua reported. “Half a century ago, with an outstanding strategic vision, Kissinger made historic contributions to the normalization of China-U.S. relations, which has not only benefited the two countries, but also changed the world, Xi said.”

Xi added that Kissinger would “always be remembered and missed by the Chinese people” and that Xi was “ready to work with the United States to carry forward the cause of friendly” that Kissinger represented.

At the Chinese Foreign Ministry, spokesman Wang Wenbin echoed the mourning and respect for Kissinger reflected in Xi’s letter.

“Dr. Henry Kissinger was a dear old friend of the Chinese people and a trail-blazer and contributor to China-US relations,” Wang told reporters, according to the English-language transcript of Thursday’s regular briefing. “Dr. Kissinger, who has long been showing care and support for the growth of China-US relations, visited China more than 100 times and has made historical contribution to the normalization of China-US relations. He will be greatly missed and fondly remembered by the people of China for his personal commitment and extraordinary contribution to China-US relations.”

Wang added that “both sides in China and the US need to carry forward Dr. Kissinger’s strategic vision, political courage and diplomatic wisdom.”

Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 30 2023 18:55 utc | 88

This ghoul was a favorite of Xi Jinping, who had him as a guest for his 100th birthday. Kissinger's realpolitik reasoning that allowed him to back dictators like Pinochet was the same mindset Trump used to embrace Xi, Kim Jong-Un and Putin, which this website praised.

Posted by: Inkan1969 | Nov 30 2023 17:22 utc | 67
Besides Xi Jinping, who else did Dr, Killinger visit? Who are the real dictators, Xi, Kim, Putin, or every President since WWII?

A nation can hardly advance to a "democratic" form if it is under attack by enemies internal, external, or both. Yet Russia does maintain a democratic form similar to the US, and China maintains a socialist democratic form. North Korea maintains a socialist monarchy; many of the US allies' rule as a monarchy.

Is it your proposition that all nations must look like the US, which is a "democracy" only in form but not in content. The content of the US has remained the capitalist Ruling Class for 200 years. Why do you point your fingers at Xi, Kim Jong-Un and Putin?

Why not chastise all the dictators that Dr. Killinger visited during his career as a diplomate on behalf of the biggest international war criminal in the US: Nixon.

Is it because you are a troll?

Posted by: Ed | Nov 30 2023 19:01 utc | 89

use to observe with attention people´s photographs and read about their life, since sometimes they offer interesting data on who those people really were, who they joined during their life, which were their hobbies, and so on...

In that aim, so that you can observe this "woman", I post the link to the Vanity Fair article on Kissinger´s widow...

For being the wife of a man who was born to a teacher and a housewife, and who had to work while studying, she appears like an elitist woman related to the higuest tiers of power...

For him "power was the best afhrodisic"...

Both enjoyed being involved in geopolitics..wondering how deep she was involved and how many of his husband shenanigans in other countries were influenced by this "woman" and her boss

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Nov 30 2023 19:20 utc | 90

Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 30 2023 18:55 utc | 88
Who can argue with what Breitbart wrote, though I disagree with him in most other things. Nixon and Dr. Killinger put China on the road to prosperity. They are a near pier economic competitor with the US because Nixon and Dr. Killinger sold the US working class down the river in order to provide cheap labor for US corporations, from which the US corporations and (eventuality) China benefitted immensely due to their new access to the US and European markets. Why wouldn't the Chinese be grateful?

The question is why are the US criminals in Congress and the White House so unhappy 😒 about it now?

Posted by: Ed | Nov 30 2023 19:26 utc | 91

It's very ironic that the death of Kissinger coincides with the "Fall of the US Empire".

"The Fall of the US Empire" now live on your TV screens".

Posted by: Mr. Market | Nov 30 2023 19:27 utc | 92

Mr b,

It is a mortal sin to wish someone hell.

Posted by: Augusto Pi | Nov 30 2023 18:36 utc | 85


Can you cite the relevant canon in Canon Law?

Posted by: malenkov | Nov 30 2023 19:31 utc | 93

The hey owopeople of Chile celebrating this SOB 's late death. They owe to him 30.000 dead and no one knows how many tortured exiled.
Does this beast have any descendants?

Posted by: augusto | Nov 30 2023 19:31 utc | 94

From Putin to Mrs. Kissinger:

Dear Mrs. Kissinger,

Please accept our deepest condolences on the death of your husband Henry Kissinger.

An outstanding diplomat, a wise and far-sighted statesman, who for many decades enjoyed well-deserved authority throughout the world, has passed away. The name of Henry Kissinger is inextricably linked with a pragmatic foreign policy line, which at one time made it possible to achieve détente in international tensions and reach the most important Soviet-American agreements that contributed to the strengthening of global security.

I had the opportunity to personally communicate with this deep, extraordinary man many times, and I will undoubtedly retain the fondest memory of him.

I wish you, as well as all the relatives and friends of the deceased, mental fortitude in the face of this bereavement.

Posted by: Scorpion | Nov 30 2023 19:38 utc | 95

pretzelattack (#37)
“Posted by: Ciaran | Nov 30 2023 15:14 utc | 34
you misread the comment. Kissinger didn't want a rapprochement with China.”

Not so. It was Kissinger’s rapprochement plan that was implemented. That he did so in accord with Nixon’s preference for China over his own for rapprochement with the Soviet Union is immaterial.

Posted by: Ciaran | Nov 30 2023 19:46 utc | 96

God let him grow old, the US elite loved him, the people of Germany and their media loved him too; the German Jew had fled the Nazis to become a mass murderer on behalf of US democracy. This brought him success and reputation and the Nobel Peace Prize. Did he do something wrong?

Posted by: Oliver Krug | Nov 30 2023 19:52 utc | 97

The corolary from the so friendly obituaries by both China and Russia should be, for those "waiting for Godot" who think that any of those countries will come anytime in our help and rescue from the hands of Davos eugenicists, informing themselves that it will be you, united to your own people, the only ones who could save yourselves and that the multipolar order has few differences with the dying unipolar, instead for the slight difference that anyone out there who is a nuclear power will be able to be considered in the table where the riches and the people of the world will be pieced as tokens in areas of influence, no matter what the peoples of those countries think about it.

Anyone not owning the nuclear option, forget about being at the decissory table and prepare to be vasals to be exploited at will, once disarmed and empoverished enough by your alleged "ally" through "War of Ukraine"

As one intriguing commenter at Larry Johnson´s always states, it must be true the "hope is one of the greatest weaknesses"...

The digital panopticon is being installed in each and every of the multipolar countries, most advanced even in China, which was in fact the model to follow for the rest, out of its economic success, and Russia, where facial digital ID has been already installed in primary schools...

It is obvious that the social credit system at work in China was identified by the resto of the world corporatocracy as inevitably linked to the Chinese economic miracle, which they all look for replicating in their own countries before the somber prospects of capitalism at its last death rales and the debt astonishing pyramid about to explode....

While nobody has put his brains at work to come with a new more balanced and fair model, as Duguin points out ( why should they, if the current so much beneffit them?...) as the disintregation is very fast, the only solution which the leaders of the world have been able to think about is old fascism, this time based on high tech, a whole ferreous control of the population and its assests, and heavy crushing on dissent so that there is no revolt on the misery conditions which inevitably will come with the falling of the capitalist liberal order, off which the elites of all the countries in the world have beneffited and on which they have built obscene fortunes.

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Nov 30 2023 19:57 utc | 98

@Posted by: augusto | Nov 30 2023 19:31 utc | 94

He seems to have had two children and five grandchildren...with his first wife....

Posted by: Ghost of Mozgovoy | Nov 30 2023 20:05 utc | 99

if the US would have had rapprochement with the USSR rather than China it would have hurt the 'financial class' helped the middle class which is a good thing in the long run and between US/Europe/USSR versus China in the long-term China would have been contained.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 15:52 utc | 43

Tell me exactly why you want to "contain" China? You mentioned it in at least two comments on this string? As I understand it, the US beef with China is that it is a near pier economic competitor with the US on the international market: Isn't competition the very essence of capitalism? Perhaps global monopolies, like the MIC don't really compete because they own both parties in Congress, but their workers sure as hell do, because under capitalism workers must compete to make a living and therefore every worker's hand must be on every other worker's throat.

Posted by: Ed | Nov 30 2023 16:41 utc | 54

Your point of view, while valid as far as it goes, is that of an ideologue. But in the real world Great Powers will always strive for more power and more control. War, economic levers (tariffs, sanctions), containment (cold war, now cold war 2) and propaganda are their tools-that's the game.

Its happened like that since history has been recorded.

If I had my druthers I would prefer your idealistic world but, unfortunately, that's not in the cards-at least until human nature changes.

Posted by: canuck | Nov 30 2023 20:18 utc | 100

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