U.S. Deploys Large Force - Eyes On Syria
The U.S. has recently moved way too many troops to the Middle East to be of peaceful purpose or to simply deter others from action.
Who does it intend to fight?
Arms Airlift to Israel, Bombers in Jordan, Two Carriers: U.S. Deploying More Forces to Mideast - Haaretz
Last week, the United States deployed the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford and its strike group to the eastern Mediterranean. The USS Ford carries about 80 combat aircraft, electronic warfare and intelligence planes. It is accompanied by five advanced missile-guided ships, armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles capable of hitting targets inside Iran. According to satellite images, the USS Ford is about 180 kilometers south-west of Cyprus. P-8 maritime reconnaissance aircraft with anti-submarine, anti-ship capabilities are patrolling around the group.
Over the weekend, a second carrier strike group, led by the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, was dispatched to the Eastern Mediterranean and is due to arrive later this month.
Each carrier strike group also includes one or two submarines. Next to various support planes each carrier has a 'wing' of fighter planes consisting of four squadrons with 12 fighter jets each.
There is more ...
Since the Hamas attack on October 7, the U.S. has dispatched a large number of jets to the Middle East in order to “bolster the U.S. defense posture,” as the U.S Central Command has put it.A squadron of U.S. F-15E Strike Eagle bombers based in Britain was deployed over the weekend at the Muwaffaq Salti Air Base east of the Jordanian capital of Amman. Another squadron of A-10 attack aircraft has also been deployed there.
An impressive airlift to Israel should be added to this list. According to online aviation tracking websites, at least 11 U.S. C-17 heavy-transport aircraft landed over the past 10 days at Israel's Ben Gurion airport and Israeli Air Force’s Nevatim base.
In addition to fighter and transport aircraft, two Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft belonging to the U.S. and British air forces have been operating off the coast of Israel in recent days.
Each regular Air-Force squadron has 24 fighter planes.
That's not all yet ...
Amichai Stein @AmichaiStein1 - 15:39 UTC · Oct 16, 2023WSJ: US military has selected roughly 2,000 troops to prepare for a potential deployment to support Israel in missions like advising and medical support. They aren't intended to serve in a combat role and no infantry have been put on prepare-to-deploy order.
The above troops are probably not really relevant unless they come under fire and get killed. But the following ones are real combat ground forces and not just support:
OSINTdefender @sentdefender - 15:59 UTC · Oct 16, 2023
According to multiple U.S. Defense Officials, the the Bataan Amphibious-Ready Group consisting of the USS Bataan (LHD-5) and USS Carter Hall (LSD-50) as well as roughly 2,500 Marines with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit are now en-route towards the Eastern Mediterranean from the Arabian Sea, where she will link back up with the USS Mesa Verde (LPD-19) who has Finished her “Mid-Deployment Repair Period” in Spain early and is already steaming across the Mediterranean.
There are also several thousand U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria and on several bases in Turkey and in various Gulf countries.
I agree with Will Schryver:
Will Schryver @imetatronink - 17:10 UTC · Oct 16, 2023So ... a large amphibious assault flotilla will join the two carrier battle groups assembling in the eastern Mediterranean. Many believe this is just "power-projection posturing". I find that explanation deficient.
This is a war fleet. And Hamas is NOT its target.
Hamas isn't the target.
On Sunday, in a stilted 60 Minutes interview, President Joe Biden pointed north:
Scott Pelley: Would you support Israeli occupation of Gaza at this point?President Biden: I think it'd be a big mistake. Look, what happened in Gaza, in my view, is Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas don't represent all the Palestinian people. And I think that...It would be a mistake to...for Israel to occupy...Gaza again. We...but going in but taking out the extremists the Hezbollah is up north but Hamas down south. Is a necessary requirement.
Scott Pelley: And you believe Israel would pursue [the two state solution] that after what's occurred--President Biden: Not now. Not now. Not now, but-- but I think Israel understands that a significant portion of Palestinian people do not share the views of Hamas and Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a powerful Islamist militia to Israel's north which is armed and trained by Iran. Iran also supports Hamas.
Scott Pelley: There's limited fighting already on the northern Israeli border, and I wonder what is your message to Hezbollah and its backer, Iran?
President Biden: Don't. Don't, don't, don't.
Scott Pelley: Don't come across the border? Don't escalate this war?
President Biden: That's right.
If attacked Hizbullah, with 100,000 missiles, would destroy Israel. I therefore do not believe that Hizbullah in Lebanon is the real operational target Biden has in mind.
Hizbullah can not be deterred from attacking Israel. If it wants and needs to it will inevitably do so, and do so successfully. It has hidden its forces and weapons either underground or within the population of Beirut and southern Lebanon. Bombing them does not make sense. There is also the fact that the last U.S. intervention in Lebanon infamously ended with lots of dead Marines and an embarrassing retreat from the country. I do not think that the U.S. wants to repeat that experience.
Iran, another potential target, is too difficult to attack. It can effectively retaliate over a large area causing huge damage to any U.S. installation in the Middle East. It could also hike oil prices at a time when the Biden administration is urgently trying to lower them.
That is why I believe that the real aim of this build-up is to finally 'regime change' Syria and to kick out the Russian forces who are there to support its government.
Israel Radar @IsraelRadar_com - 17:39 UTC · Oct 9, 2023Israeli warning to Hezbollah: IDF will destroy Damascus, target Syrian President Assad if Hezbollah joins war; US warships will support Israel in war. Message relayed via France (@ynetalerts)
Israel Radar @IsraelRadar_com - Oct 9
IDF instructs Israelis to prepare for 3-day stay in bomb shelters/secure rooms, ensure supply of food, water, battery-run devices in case power is down. This is a clear indication of imminent escalation into larger war.
The recent Israeli bombing attacks on the airports of Aleppo and Damascus, disabling both of them, point into this direction.
The neo-conservative lunatics in the White House may well think that they now have a chance to eliminate Russia's presence in the Middle East.
They will think of this as a revenge for their loss of the the war in Ukraine. They also believe that it will prevent, or compensate for, their geopolitical defeat in Gaza.
Russia is undoubtedly prepared for that. Still, its contingent in Syria is too small. A combined attack by all U.S. forces in the area, more than 150 airplanes, would certainly defeat it.
The question then will be: "What's next?"
But I for one do not dare to answer it.
Posted by b on October 17, 2023 at 9:31 UTC | Permalink
next page »Well Syria has much to thank Russia for crippling Syria's air defense.
Posted by: Surferket | Oct 17 2023 9:47 utc | 2
This false flag event (the Hamas attack on Israel) is very obvious!
But no one seems to want to talk about just how obvious it is.
Everyone wants to say that Hamas organized the attack on Israel, but did they?
Hamas stocked up on long range missiles, and anti-tank weapons, but somehow forgot to stock up on anti-aircraft missiles (manpads) for the INEVITABLE bombing of Gaza.
Those that provided Hamas with their weapons simply forgot to provide them with anti-aircraft missiles. Not a single SAM seen.
Something not quite right here.
Those who provided Hamas with their weapons did not want any Israeli jets shot down,... wonder who that could have been? Most agree that this was a very carefully calculated operation. But planned by whom? Who forgot the anti-aircraft missiles? How was this careful planning on the part of Hamas?
Something not quite right here.
Hamas has fired thousands of missiles into Israel. But never targeted military airfields.
Something not quite right here.
And what about a few cheap drones to attack military aircraft before they get into the air? This may not have been so easy as the military airports are not so close. But this was never tried.
Something not quite right here.
No western intelligence services saw this attack coming.
Something not quite right here.
Hamas was created by Israel. Whether created by Israel, or not, some of the top Hamas people would have been Israeli sleepers. How come the sleepers never raised the alarm.
Something not quite right here.
There was no immediate reaction to the Hamas incursion. Everyone was asleep (or stood down) for a significant (and suspicious) period.
Something not quite right here.
Egypt claims to have warned Israel of a pending Hamas attack ten days before it happened, etc...
The attack by Hamas was allowed, perhaps encouraged, to happen by the Israeli's.
I would not be surprised to find that the attack by Hamas was actually planned by Israel (to deal with the Palestinian question, and, if they got lucky, to draw the US into a war against Iran/Hezbollah). At this point, I would be surprised if Hamas' attack was not, in reality, planned by some Israeli/Jewish group, and organized through their assets in Hamas.
This false flag event is really quite obvious!
How are they able to keep nearly all from seeing the obvious?
Posted by: Pearl Harbor, 9/11 | Oct 17 2023 9:51 utc | 4
Compare the images out of Gaza with the images out of Ukraine, and it is obvious many of the Ukrainian images were staged.
Posted by: Passerby | Oct 17 2023 9:51 utc | 5
Little mentioned so far is, of course, the added influence an increased USA fleet presence in the eastern Med brings over the southern gateway of the Dardanelles.
Posted by: petra | Oct 17 2023 9:54 utc | 6
I think this is all posturing in response to real threats to Israel from Russia, China and Iran if the current , extremist Zionist right wing nutters in the Israeli government try to enact their genocidal fantasies in Gaza.
The US wants to make a show of global unity against Muslim insurrection and most of the Christian world has been brainwashed into hating Islam for the last 50 years, by selective sponsoring of Islamist , false flag terrorism like Obama's Islamic State.
Imho this makes a small percentage of the world chime with the Tabloid Islamophobia, at a time when the Empire feels naked and threatened. Best thing for Empire to do right now is stay at home and put on some clothes.
Posted by: Giyane | Oct 17 2023 10:00 utc | 7
I disagree with the idea that the US has sent over too large of a force. The US is clearly withtholding fresh ground troops from the Middle East. There was a false report of the 101st Airborne being moved from Romania to Jordan. The only real news related to ground troops is Marines in Kuwait (how many are there?) are put on higher alert and 2,000 specialist troops (including medical) will be assembled from various units across the US military to be ready to deploy. I think the US is sending a signal to Israel to not invade Gaza in the next 13 months because it will start a regional war and that is bad for Biden. However, if Israel goes ahead anyway it means the 100-200 US troops at a key point along the Iran-Lebanon road will come under attack. The casualties there will force Biden to deploy a large number of US troops in Syria and Iraq and participate in the regional war. It seems like the US is risking the lives of the small contingent of troops at the small Al-Tanf base because there aren't enough troops in the region to come to the rescue during an attack. Al-Tanf is possibly surrounded by thousands of moderate terrorists who work with the US but I wonder if those guys will stay loyal if the war has changed direction from fighting the Syrian government to laying waste to Gaza. Also I think the US is miscalculating with regard to Israel. Netanyahu might launch the Gaza ground offensive even without US troops in the region. Although that is ill advised he doesn't want growing questions about the missed warnings days before October 7. The Gaza offensive and regional war will change the subject.
Posted by: thrownoutofwindow | Oct 17 2023 10:02 utc | 8
How would the USA justify an attack on Syria?
It seems more likely that American forces are in the Middle East to deter any Muslim Countries from impeding Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians.
Iran will block the Straits of Hormuz in response.
Posted by: CitizenSmith | Oct 17 2023 10:03 utc | 9
If they attack Hamas in a ground operation, the resistance will act
If they attack Hezbollah, the resistance will act.
If they attack Syria, not just the resistance but Russia too will act.
If the attack Iran etc.
I can’t see the U.S. attacking any significant player in the Middle East with it resulting in an all out escalation.
Posted by: Down South | Oct 17 2023 10:03 utc | 10
I need to stop reading this website.
Another worry to add to my long list of worries!
1. The start of a planetary bed bug invasion
2. Will Harry & Meghan separate?
3. And now is this is another front opening up for world war 3?
Posted by: Jl555 | Oct 17 2023 10:04 utc | 11
The question then will be: "What's next?"But I for one do not dare to answer it.
The answer is World War III, if the US is crazy enough to actually attack Syria directly in order to remove Assad from power. Russia cannot standby and let their only meaningful ally in the Mediterranean region be squashed with impunity. And, the US is crazy enough to do something like that.
The US government is bankrupt to the tune of thirty-trillion dollars and counting, it will be insolvent within the very near future if the Federal Reserve does not reduce interest rates back to zero. Its economy is imploding under the weight of crippling inflation and sanctions blowback. The leadership in the halls of power is senile and corrupt. Its military power is but a shadow of its former self. America finds itself outmaneuvered on the world stage by more capable powers that seek to replace its failing hegemony with their own in virtually every domain: military, political, economic, social, and cultural.
In short, America has fallen into the Thucydidean Trap of endless escalation in the face of rising powers that it cannot coerce or impede. The American empire is dying, and the American elites are desperate to arrest that decline. But, the difference this time is that America is the first declining empire that has access to nuclear WMDs. The Americans can take the whole world out with them should they choose to do so.
Posted by: Monos | Oct 17 2023 10:05 utc | 12
Posted by: Down South | Oct 17 2023 10:03 utc | 10'
from appearances, the US wants escalation. i know it's fucking insane.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 17 2023 10:06 utc | 13
Armageddon supposedly starts in Megido, which is a location in the Golan Heights. I would really prefer if elite crazies would not read dystopias and eschatologies as instruction manuals. They are cautionary tales and prophetic warnings, not a to-do list.
Are metaphors, allegories, and symbolism no longer being taught in schools, even the expensive elite ones? Are we all to die at the hands of 'Gentlemen C' students trying to outdo each other? I was hoping "The Stupid, it burns!" would remain a funny meme and not an ironic literal consequence of nepotism babies throwing a tantrum.
Posted by: titmouse | Oct 17 2023 10:07 utc | 14
Much depends on whether Russia thinks war can be avoided. We may see US launch a few strikes into Syria and nothing more.
Some years back when US was launch missile strikes on Syria, Putin publicly ordered the commander in Syria to destroy anything that launched an attack on Russian forces. After that, Trump had to check with Russia first before launching strikes.
If a fight is inevitable, The two carriers plus many of the missile ships have a life span equivalent to the flight time of a Kinzal missile.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 10:15 utc | 15
Interesting speculation.
Not really clear to me how 4000? 5000? American troops are going to regime change Assad unless Turkey joins in.
I also greatly question the implicit assumption that Iran would stand by should this occur.
And then there's the casus belli. Syria is not implicated, in any way, with either Ukraine or Israel/Gaza.
If these US troops are there for a color revolution/regime change operation, it is as likely to be support for an attempt in Saudi Arabia than Syria. The Saudis are far more vulnerable given their heavy dependence on Western military support and air power via Western equipment.
A look at relative military sizes also shows Saudi Arabia to be a softer target than Syria:
Syria military according to armedforces.eu
Saudi Arabia military according to armedforces.eu
The Saudis also don't have nearly the level of air defense that Syria has. The Syrian military has also successfully beaten down their color revolution while Saudi Arabia has been fought to a standstill by Yemen.
But of course nothing can be ruled out with the stupidity and arrogance of the Biden administration.
Posted by: c1ue | Oct 17 2023 10:15 utc | 16
This is all being done to get a Carrier sunk. It is interesting that the Ike is being sent, seeing as that carrier is reaching the end of its service life anyways. All these assets being sent there makes for a "target rich" situation. It is had sometimes to fathom the arrogance coupled with insanity of the elites running foreign policy in the USA!USA!USA!USA!USA!
Putin still has a surprise or two. Medoubts that he has revealed all his wunderwaffen either. Those battle groups are easy pickings just 50 km off the coast. They are too close in fact for a reason.
Posted by: RiNS | Oct 17 2023 10:18 utc | 17
@PH #4
You are clearly poorly informed - there are well documented reasons for pretty much everything you attempt to portray as suspicious.
Among the more egregious:
Israel had 7 of 8 regiments of its Southern Israel response force protecting a new settlement's celebration of Sukkot in the West Bank.
Israel doesn't base its air force in the least settled, most difficult to secure areas like the Southern Israel kibbutz settlements.
I recommend listening to Scott Ritter, Alastair Crooke, Elijah Magnier and others to learn facts on the ground instead of conducting poorly based speculation.
Posted by: c1ue | Oct 17 2023 10:20 utc | 18
"roughly 2,500 Marines" is far too small a force to defeat Syria and unseat Assad.
It is, however, enough Marines to secure all the US Embassies while the diplomats are evacuated.
Heck, it's even enough to secure the US Embassy in Jerusalem (or is it still in Tel Aviv?) even against the IDF if, indeed, it proves necessary to cut and run.
There will be no more Benghazis under Joe Biden's watch!!!
Posted by: Yeah, Right | Oct 17 2023 10:23 utc | 19
Can a Russian fleet stop a U.S. attack?
At the end of 2012 Russia started gathering a large naval force in the Eastern Mediterranean. This force went unnoticed in the Western media, but I started collecting sources on my research wiki. The missile cruiser Moskva and her sister ships from the Northern and Pacific fleets all took turns patrolling the Mediterranean. See:
Russian fleet in the Mediterranean
In August 2013 FUKUS and Israel sponsored terrorists launched a false-flag sarin attack on Ghouta, i.e. the suburbs of Damascus that were then under rebel control. A dozen sarin-filled rockets were fired at largely uninhabited areas near the contact line, while up to 2000 shia and pro-Assad hostages were executed in cellars and displayed for cameras. See:
Alleged Chemical Attack, August 21, 2013
The aim of the chemical weapons attack was to use it as an excuse for a NATO air campaign on Syria. This missile and bombing attack was to be coordinated with rebels on the ground, with the aim of capturing Damascus. The order for the NATO attack had already been given, and French planes were said to be in the air, when the attack was abruptly cancelled. The reason for the cancellation was never made public, but informed Russian sources believe it was because of the actions of the Russian fleet. See Israel Shamir:
The Cape of Good Hope - Israel Shamir, October 5, 2013The most dramatic event of September 2013 was the high-noon stand-off near the Levantine shore, with five US destroyers pointing their Tomahawks towards Damascus and facing them - the Russian flotilla of eleven ships led by the carrier-killer Missile Cruiser Moskva and supported by Chinese warships.
These events in the Mediterranean are also key in understanding the destabilization of Ukraine by the West starting in late 2013. The United State may have had the aim of taking over Russian bases in Sevastopol. Today, Russia controls Crimea, but because of the "Special Military Operation" in the Ukraine, the Russian Black Sea Fleet is out of action. Currently there are only two Russian warships and one diesel submarine in the Mediterranean, operating from the Russian base in Tartus. This force is not large enough to deter the American carrier battle groups.
Posted by: Petri Krohn | Oct 17 2023 10:27 utc | 20
China, celebrating a decade of Belt and Road. A decade of massive growth, peaceful development and soft power. America, bankrupt and militarist. Assisting its Israeli client in war crimes and genocide of the Palestinian people and enraging 2 billion Muslims. Embarking on another disastrous Middle Eastern war while mired in a losing one in Ukraine.
Yet President Biden saying in the 60 Minutes interview that America is the greatest country in history!
Okay, Joe. lol
Posted by: Bakunin17 | Oct 17 2023 10:29 utc | 21
b, you make a very valid point. I reached the same conclusion as yours long before the 7th of October when Israel was pounding the Syrian space more than usual and was reported in the Russian news almost daily.
Posted by: AI | Oct 17 2023 10:31 utc | 22
let me explain the irony of the Jewish war on Palestinians.
Most of the Jewish Israeli population is of Ashkenazi Jews that came from the Black Sea or Caspian sea area that were Scythians , then Kharzarains who had a small empire in the 9th century in what is now Southern Russia which converted to Judaism as it was the only religion at the time (Christianity and Muslim religion outlawed usury at that time)as the Kharzarians were land pirates stealing goods and money o the old Silk road.
The percentage of Jewish Israelis that are ME Semitic is around 5-6% I believe.
Vespasian (79 AD), and then finally Hadrian (125 AD) exiled all the Jewish elite and revolutionaries from Israel in the the 2nd century AD.
But of the ordinary Jews many of them stayed under the rule of the Romans, then the Byzantines and in the 7th century when the Arabs conquered the area the remaining Jews lived under Muslim rulers.
Over time many Jews converted to the Muslim faith.
Fast forward 1000 years or so and in 1948 came the Nakba-many of the exiled Semites sought refuge in Gaza..
75 years later the converted Ashkenazi Jews are bombing and annihilating the exact race that God had "chosen"
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
A big piece of the puzzle is Iran's anti-ship missile capabilities and how much of that nut is in place in southern Lebanon and usable against the Gerald Ford armada. Google "400 seconds to Tell Aviv" in Images for pics of the Fateh hypersonic missile. That caption can as easily read "401 seconds to the Gerald Ford's control tower", after which the hypersonic Noor missiles that I know for a fact Hezbowler has can be used to take out the other warships of the armada one by one; if that's what they'd want to do.
Posted by: Nuff Sed | Oct 17 2023 10:36 utc | 24
In 1999 a senate hearing heard that it would require another pearl harbor to take Americans to war. I have read the official transcript at US gov website of that section of the hearing. Less than two years later 9/11 occurs and Americans volunteer to join up specifically to go to war.
The Israelis described the Hamas attack as a pearl harbor. Not enough. Pro Palestine protests in the US and west in general larger than pro Israel. Putting two carriers in the med to launch a war? Knowing they have no defence against Kinzals with 2000km range? Two carriers - 10 to 12,000 personnel aboard....
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 10:37 utc | 25
It coincides with NATO Nuke “exercise” started 10-16 to run through 10-26 in Mediterranean.
And isn’t “Cook” already in Persian Gulf from last month?
I agree with you, it’s just the “fantasy” of the idea of success blows my mind.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 10:40 utc | 26
Sorry, that should have read Fattah, not Fateh. Looks pretty badass. Nuff Sed.
Posted by: Nuff Sed | Oct 17 2023 10:42 utc | 27
Love Comment 14!
The Biden administration reminds me of Hitler in the bunker, April ‘45. Truly mentally ill.
That being said, for those interested in the following, I pose a question: what will happen to American fundamentalist Protestantism if the State of Israel ceases to exist? What will heretics like John Hagee of San Antonio and his “Christian Zionist” pals do when it’s proved that their views of God’s plan are Wrong? What about those “Gospel of Prosperity” heretics like Joel Osteen? What about all those self-styled ministers who pump their congregations full of Old Testament nonsense while neglecting the words of Christ?
Surely, they will fall into Hell and be consumed by unquenchable fire. To quote Jonathan Edwards from his capstone sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, “Yea, their foot shall slide in due time”.
That time is at hand.
Posted by: OldFart | Oct 17 2023 10:45 utc | 28
what will happen to American fundamentalist Protestantism if the State of Israel ceases to exist?
Posted by: OldFart | Oct 17 2023 10:45 utc | 28
Take a spin on Chance.
Posted by: too scents | Oct 17 2023 10:49 utc | 29
Yeah, Right | Oct 17 2023 10:23 said THIS:
"It is, however, enough Marines to secure all the US Embassies while the diplomats are evacuated."(All boldened, italicized and [bracketed] text in citations are by LongCovid.)
Seconded! Thanks Yeah, Right.
Posted by: LongCovid | Oct 17 2023 10:49 utc | 30
Peter; to your question:
Yes, but your question relies on the false premise that the Neocon crazies "in the basement" (of the West Wing) are rational actors, which they clearly aren't.
Dr. Strangelove teaches us that they'd rather go out with a Bhang than a whimper, empire-wise.
Posted by: Nuff Sed | Oct 17 2023 10:50 utc | 31
RE: Surferket | Oct 17 2023 9:47 utc | 2
Strategic patience is difficult. I saw on Judge show someone mentioned the recent Syrian bombing by Israel, and I think it was Phil Girahdi that said they were “probing” attacks regarding Syrian AD systems, whether Russia had turned them on or not. I doubt they have a fixed idea yet where they are to target, and that would have to be taken out immediately or the air campaign planned can be severely jeopardized.
Russia has no intent on turning them on until full on incursion.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 10:51 utc | 32
What is dangerous now in not what Biden may do, but what can be done in his name. He cannot navigate his way along a red carpet let alone read or understand the implications of documents he is asked to sign.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 10:54 utc | 33
b, your link to "geopolitical defeat in Gaza" is broken.
It appears that you have a string of words appended to the end of the correct link.
Posted by: librul | Oct 17 2023 10:56 utc | 34
It looks to me like Biden, who can’t walk a straight line, trips while walking up stairs, and slurs words, has successfully passed the Israeli football, along with the Israel-firsters and Neocons, to VVP and his team. I would speculate that recent events in Morocco, those IMF and World Bank annual meetings, are likely the prize here. So what is the USA defending in the Middle East? Reminder that some kind of quasi-peace with Russia is essential to defend the homeland. The two countries are just not that far away from each other, and Putin’s made promises (US will not be spared if there’s war in Europe, so on and so forth)
Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Oct 17 2023 11:03 utc | 35
-b- In agreement.
https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2023-10-12/nato-will-hold-a-major-nuclear-exercise-next-week-as-russia-plans-to-pull-out-of-a-test-ban-treatyCoincides with “Steadfast Noon” running from the 16-26
Remember “Cook” group already in Gulf from last month.
I remain dumbfounded as to what “success” US/NATO believes it will have.
Seems like a “scorched earth” but we’re over here nestled safely on our continent-untouchable” oh, except for those few “lone rangers” the media/Kirby yaps on about.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 11:08 utc | 36
@Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 10:54 utc | 33
I can see a possible next false flag scenario... they are looking for ways to get rid of him.
Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 17 2023 11:13 utc | 37
Events in Palestine appear to have gone into longwait mode. To give time for US forces to position themselves before restarting the Israeli operation to terminate Gaza?
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 11:14 utc | 38
Ursula ❤️ World War 3
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen is guilty of a criminal level of stupidity and incompetence. By "standing with Israel" 🇮🇱 von der Leyen is not only supporting genocide in Gaza, but also cheering for World War 3.
One of the signs of an imminent world war is bipolarization, i.e. the polarization of world powers into two opposing blocks. The role of Europe in this conflict should be moderation. Instead, Ursula has single-handedly turned Europe into an engine of nuclear holocaust.
Posted by: Petri Krohn | Oct 17 2023 11:15 utc | 39
b, thanks for that article. Compelling (and terrifying) logic.
A video Russia aired yesterday makes a lot of sense in this context: it shows precise and complete destruction of every structure visible in the frame of some militant "warehouse" compound in Idlib.
Posted by: Leser | Oct 17 2023 11:20 utc | 41
A good indication of who is playing with an ace up their is which carrier sinks in event of a war.
If the Ike sinks then the MIC of west is behind it.
If the Ford sinks then its Russia, China and Iran Behind it.
Posted by: RiNS | Oct 17 2023 11:20 utc | 42
Relax . Russia is a greater friend of Israel than America ever was or is . And you all know it . Remember the Butcher of LYON , great Nazi, turned operative … , in the war against the CUBA - Kibbutz or JESUS SOCIAL CO- op / Commune / yes hippy socialist types . So Butcher , unemployable due to social media in Europe , worked for the American’s - , the new Saviour of humanity , getting , Jew Killer , Butcher to chase , Jesus , Moses , Aladdin , Che , Hero of the Cool Beret , necked , before he even begot , his , regime changed nappy in a hail of CIA NAZI COLLABORATION GUN FIRE . Nazi hunters of the struggle . Oh dear me . Such guilt trips because certain types weren’t allowed into Gentleman’s Golf Clubs . If Moslems threaten to turn oil taps off , in sympathy ,to Temple Mount Death Cult Builders , it won’t need a carrier fleet to save the meek . It will need Jesus Bonds to sell the , meltdown script ! Shorts , die Long ! Speculation in Patmos as I speak , he has arisen ! The saviour is here ! Buy canned food . He had arisen hungry for fools ! There is a supply and demand crises in armaments! Buy the dip ! Rapture Song .
Posted by: George Gemistos Plet | Oct 17 2023 11:23 utc | 43
I saw the bombing of Damascus and Aleppo airports as an attempt by the Zionists to prevent airborne assistance from Iran to Palestine.
To me, the conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine are linked and cannot be viewed in isolation.
Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 17 2023 11:24 utc | 44
RE: Bruised Northerner | Oct 17 2023 11:03 utc | 35
“I would speculate that recent events in Morocco, those IMF and World Bank annual meetings, are likely the prize here. ”
I agree, definitely an oil vs banker war.
Maybe decided to move Russian war to ME instead of EU theatre? Sounds dumb, even to me. Not sure it makes a difference where you take Russia on from.
It’s a bad time to want to redraw geopolitical maps. West is pretty stupid all in all.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 11:25 utc | 45
Never in the history of warfare has a air force by itself won a war. So unless the US has 100k combat soldiers any move will be suicide.
Posted by: Col from OZ | Oct 17 2023 11:28 utc | 46
“The alliance’s Steadfast Noon exercise is held each year and involves nuclear-capable aircraft, conventional jets, surveillance and refueling aircraft, and will involve over a dozen NATO allies.
The drills are scheduled for next Monday and are expected to continue until Oct. 26. Steadfast Noon will enhance the “credibility, effectiveness and security of our nuclear deterrent, and it sends a clear message that NATO will protect and defend all allies,” said Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during an alliance conference.”
10-16 thru 10-26 Mediterranean
Posted by: Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 11:35 utc | 47
@Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 10:54 utc | 33
What is dangerous now in not what Biden may do, but what can be done in his name. He cannot navigate his way along a red carpet let alone read or understand the implications of documents he is asked to sign.Biden is not the only western leader incapable of navigating his way of a red carpet. Olaf Scholz has the same problem.
Biden's lost twin?
Or maybe he just crossed another red line?
Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 17 2023 11:42 utc | 48
Norwegian | Oct 17 2023 11:13 utc | 37
Many possibilities at the moment, but what I do see is Biden being kept in place as the fall guy. As US president and CIC of the military, Biden bears ultimate responsibility for anything that occurs.
US modus operandi is known so what their plans are fall into a narrow range of possibilities.
Modern Russia, to me, their modus operandi is to do the totally unexpected, move in such a way nobody has predicted.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 11:43 utc | 49
Israel had 7 of 8 regiments of its Southern Israel response force protecting a new settlement's celebration of Sukkot in the West Bank.
Posted by: c1ue | Oct 17 2023 10:20 utc | 18
FWIW, I think, it's a mistake to take the words of liars at face value. Let's revisit the "surprise attack" from the bottom of Netanyahu's IDF "intelligence" approval poll.
Dramatic video shows Israeli navy unit shooting Hamas terrorists at sea (16.10.23)
Newly released video shows the moment members of an Israeli navy unit gunned down Hamas terrorists trying to infiltrate the country by sea on the morning of the attack [07.10.23].The dramatic footage captured sailors from the Snapir unit aboard Defender-class vessels firing machine guns and lobbing depth charges at the terrorists after their speedboats were sunk by Dvora-class patrol boats, the Times of Israel reported [14.10.23]....
Posted by: sln2002 | Oct 17 2023 11:45 utc | 50
So what is Russia doing to counter this move by the US/UK/Israel etc against their ally Syria?
Are they prepared to lose their Mediterranean port/base at Tartus in Syria?
If this is true.
They will think of this as a revenge for their loss of the the war in Ukraine.
Then Russia should immediately be moving several divisions to Syria immediately to counter this move.
If they can't. Why not?
And don't mention Ukraine - Russia has already won the war in Ukraine (apparently).
If the war is already won, there should be no problem moving Divisions to Syria to counter this move.
If this can't be done (because Ukraine) - then the war is NOT already won.
Winning a War allows operational independence, it does not impact ongoing operations in other countries - that is still an active war.
Posted by: Julian | Oct 17 2023 11:49 utc | 51
There are rumours that claim presence of US soldiers already on the ground and possibly CIA/MI6 operatives. Does anyone have any source about that and how reliable they are?
Posted by: AI | Oct 17 2023 11:50 utc | 52
Norwegian | Oct 17 2023 11:42 utc | 48
I guess the leaders of the actual free world would be sitting back laughing if it wasn't for the fact the puppet strings controlling the so called western leaders are held by nuclear armed crazies.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 11:51 utc | 53
And if the USA attacks Russia in Syria and gets a carrier or two sunk? Seems like a Khinzal ends that attack right proper.
Posted by: Fudge Cracker | Oct 17 2023 11:54 utc | 54
I've been wondering whether we may see a repeat in some form of the 1973 events along the lines of Oil/Gas boycott by Muslim nations. Does anyone here have any thoughts on that?
It seems to me that at least some kind attempt to impede energy shipments (e.g. in the straits of Hormuz) would be a near certainty.
All this relates to whether the chaos such US moves could likely cause in the energy market, ensuing inflation, etc. could be a moderating factor.
Posted by: expat | Oct 17 2023 11:55 utc | 55
Dear b,
I agree with all you said, except the bit about toppling Assad in Syria. This does not take into consideration that Resistance Axis will act in unison in any major war.
An attack on Syria, Lebanon or Iran will bring an end to colonialist presence in Southwest Asia, this would include ending US presence and the Israel Project.
Alastair Crooke who has in depth information of this region has been hinting about this for several years now.
The situation today is very similar Ukraine end of March 2022.
Best for US & Israel is to accept current Hamas conditions.
Posted by: Fadi | Oct 17 2023 11:56 utc | 56
Iran and Syria may stock up on chemical and biological weapons. Just in case. Their enemies are fragmentated and isolated in pockets.
Posted by: Jason | Oct 17 2023 11:59 utc | 57
Sure Syria is in play but those marines will have their hands full with Hezbollah and even Hamas in Gaza. I think its more of a panic move as seems Israel is unprepared for this war.
Sure Syria gets bombed but no way 2,000 marines can do anything on the ground there.
Posted by: Comandante | Oct 17 2023 12:00 utc | 58
expat | Oct 17 2023 11:55 utc | 55
As to a moderating factor, that would be dependent on how it would affect prices in the US. The oil crisis in the seventies was due to the fact the US needed to push through laws to allow the Alaska pipeline to be built. Once that was accomplished the oil crisis ended. The Iran revolution was timed to coincide with the completion of the Alaska pipeline and with that the US was not dependent on imported oil.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 12:01 utc | 59
Jason | Oct 17 2023 11:59 utc | 57
You must work for this bloke?
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 12:04 utc | 60
Me thinks the purpose is as stated: to deter Hizbullah from attacking Israel if and when Israel proceeds with the ground invasion to complete the ethnic cleansing in northern Gaza. Their thinking is simple, even simplistic: Hizbullah threathens Israel, we then threaten Hizbullah. They didn't have time to plan the elimination of Russia from the Middle East or the revenge for their loss of the the war in Ukraine.
Posted by: Johan Kaspar | Oct 17 2023 12:06 utc | 61
Canuck, actually, my understanding, is that the Ashkenazi, though dominant in Israel, actually only constitute 30% of the population there.
Posted by: Ludo | Oct 17 2023 12:06 utc | 62
Russia is undoubtedly prepared for that. Still, its contingent in Syria is too small. A combined attack by all U.S. forces in the area, more than 150 airplanes, would certainly defeat it.
They won't do that.
Kiev and Odessa showed us, the patriot system (prim.Sytem US Airdefence) immediately goes into offline mode - service mode - when Kinzahls fly. If Gerasimov, after an attack of the Russian base, does not let any Kinzahls or a better equivalent fly, the Russian government will have a massive problem with its Muslims and its nationalists, the rest will be only little angry. Next year there will be elections in Russia, the little overweight, red-line assistant would not need to appear there and Putin would also have big problems after such an event.
We will see attacks on Syria and Lebanon (gas fields), perhaps with a ground operation in Lebanon.
The Americans are not crazy
Posted by: theo | Oct 17 2023 12:07 utc | 63
The answer is World War III
Posted by: Monos | Oct 17 2023 10:05 utc | 12
The answer is always "World War III", IF and only if, European-Americans have a "national interest" in preserving control of "foreign assets." And as you all know, somewhere deep, deep in the recesses of popular fiction such as the end of the Allies' Cold War, European-American history is littered with "world wars" from the dawn of child crusaders sent to Jerusalem in 1095 to...lemme tink... oh, right, Operation Desert Storm. Which never ended. For everyone else on the planet, designated "despots" and "terrorists" by Laws of the Sea Over There—the Third World.
Alrighty then. You can return to regularly scheduled domestic conflicts over how to distribute 1 percent of the booty, yanno, like pirates of the Caribbean.
Posted by: sln2002 | Oct 17 2023 12:07 utc | 64
This could be very serious
Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei: The usurper Zionist government must be brought to justice. According to our numerous data, the current politics within the Zionist regime are regulated by the Americans. America bears responsibility for recent crimes. The bombing must stop immediately. We must respond, we must react to what is happening in Gaza. Civilians in the Palestinian enclave are starving and dying in the hundreds every day, so we must respond.🔴 Deputy Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC, the elite units of the Iranian Armed Forces), General Ali Fadavi, said that Israel will face “another shock” if it does not stop striking the Gaza Strip.
Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 17 2023 12:08 utc | 65
RE: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 12:01 utc | 59
“The oil crisis in the seventies was due to the fact the US needed to push through laws to allow the Alaska pipeline to be built. ”
I had forgotten that pipeline kurfukle. In addition, was it the year before or the year after that we left Gold Standard and switched to the Filthy Fiat Pyramid Dollar scheme?
Posted by: Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 12:08 utc | 66
Re: Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 10:15 utc | 15
If a fight is inevitable, The two carriers plus many of the missile ships have a life span equivalent to the flight time of a Kinzal missile.
I see no evidence for this. What you are calling for what take a lot of missiles. A lot. Where are they all going to come from exactly Peter?
Russia certainly doesn't have enough Kinzhal missiles in Syria to accomplish this.
Posted by: Julian | Oct 17 2023 12:11 utc | 67
The Russians have to be aware of the possibility that the two US carrier groups intend to force an entry to the Black Sea to attack Crimea.
Israel could be a deliberate distraction.
Turkey is a NATO member.
Posted by: CitizenSmith | Oct 17 2023 12:14 utc | 68
Julian, you are uninformed about the abilities of the Kinzhal.
Posted by: Perimetr | Oct 17 2023 12:16 utc | 69
seems we should take them at their words and look not to Syria but Iran. Of course the deterrence is directed at all the local actors, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Iran and the Saudis
Posted by: scottindallas | Oct 17 2023 12:18 utc | 70
Tom_Q_Collins | Oct 17 2023 11:19 said THIS:
(All boldened, italicized and [bracketed] text in citations are by LongCovid.)
Posted by: LongCovid | Oct 17 2023 12:19 utc | 71
Re: Posted by: Petri Krohn | Oct 17 2023 10:27 utc | 21
These events in the Mediterranean are also key in understanding the destabilization of Ukraine by the West starting in late 2013. The United State may have had the aim of taking over Russian bases in Sevastopol. Today, Russia controls Crimea, but because of the "Special Military Operation" in the Ukraine, the Russian Black Sea Fleet is out of action. Currently there are only two Russian warships and one diesel submarine in the Mediterranean, operating from the Russian base in Tartus. This force is not large enough to deter the American carrier battle groups.
Yes, this is an obvious maneuver to play off the Russians in Syria, Ukraine, Armenia and elsewhere.
It would help if some of these conflicts from the 1990s (like Armenia) were resolved rather than frozen (and continued in place) for decades.
The Russian love for frozen conflicts rather than decisive victories has always mystified me.
Posted by: Julian | Oct 17 2023 12:20 utc | 72
RE: “We will see attacks on Syria and Lebanon (gas fields), perhaps with a ground operation in Lebanon.
The Americans are not crazy”
Posted by: theo | Oct 17 2023 12:07 utc | 63
Honestly yes the Americans are crazy. The counter attacks on Iraqi fields, the Tamar & Leviathan as well as Kuwait & Jordan assets are already in target scope. A ground invasion last time included SA and Turkey. They’ll have no such “help” this time. The only thing Turkey might do is join in killing Kurds. They’re not about to head on with Russia again.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 12:20 utc | 73
Armageddon supposedly starts in Megido, which is a location in the Golan Heights.
Posted by: titmouse | Oct 17 2023 10:07 utc | 14
Nah, Megiddo is in the Jezreel Valley, southeast of Haifa.
Posted by: laguerre | Oct 17 2023 12:20 utc | 74
Re: Posted by: Perimetr | Oct 17 2023 12:16 utc | 69
Julian, you are uninformed about the abilities of the Kinzhal.
No, I am sure a volley of Kinzhals can sink a US Aircraft Carrier.
2 Questions.
How many Kinzhals will it take to sink a US Carrier Battle group - there are 2 in the Eastern Mediterranean?
Where are these Kinzhals based exactly - they are not in Syria for instance - that is for sure.
Posted by: Julian | Oct 17 2023 12:22 utc | 75
two US carrier groups intend to force an entry to the Black Sea to attack Crimea.
Posted by: CitizenSmith | Oct 17 2023 12:14 utc | 68
Sure. Call me when the USS Ford is in the Sea of Azov, steaming towards Rostov-on-Don.
Posted by: Passerby | Oct 17 2023 12:24 utc | 76
Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 12:08 utc | 66
It was all around that time. I assume the US had already made deals with the Saudi's as part of the planning to move from gold to the petro-dollar credit card.
The Alaska pipeline and Iran revolution brought that credit card into being. With oil prices skyrocketing, every country needed large amounts of US dollars. Part of the reason for the Embassy hostage thing lasting so long.
Just a matter of looking at a graph of US government debt and its timeline. Without the petro dollar credit card, US would have collapsed economically or at the very least its power over the world greatly reduced at around the same time as the soviet union collapsed.
I think what is occurring now is the Petro credit card has run its course and the US has nothing to replace it with.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 12:25 utc | 77
RE: “The Russian love for frozen conflicts rather than decisive victories has always mystified me.”
Posted by: Julian | Oct 17 2023 12:20 utc | 73
It doesn’t mystify me. You lose 27 million in a major conflated war, and results in a recasted economy, then a frozen conflict looks pretty good.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 12:25 utc | 78
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 12:01 utc | 59
Thank you for your response. If it's true that a spike in oil prices would not unduly affect the US homeland, what about the instability it would cause to Europe?
Oh sorry, I forgot that Europe is now dedicated to hollowing out its economy and committing industrial suicide.
Or at least its leaders are...
Posted by: expat | Oct 17 2023 12:25 utc | 79
This false flag event (the Hamas attack on Israel) is very obvious!But no one seems to want to talk about just how obvious it is.
If Hamas and Israel agree to trap Iran and Syria, why are all Hamas leaders dying under Israeli bombs from 2015 to today? Yesterday another leader died.
Posted by: Carlo | Oct 17 2023 12:26 utc | 80
RE: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 12:25 utc | 78
Completely agree. I thought the Global CBDCS, controlled of course by the West was the grand reset plan. But that appears with BRICS and all to be blown out of the water.
All I can figure is the West believes they can remove Russia (ally’s would be “trickle down” effect) then they got China by the balls & then can set up their global digital currency.
I just can’t figure out how it’s not absolutely clear that’s not going to happen. What, do they think they can “Nuke” Syria & other countries will scamper off and fall in line in fear?
Posted by: Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 12:37 utc | 81
1984 2023
Former ambassador and Assange advocate Craig Murray detained under UK terror laws
Posted by: librul | Oct 17 2023 12:39 utc | 82
@librul - link corrected
Doug Macgregor:
Avoiding Armageddon
The U.S. must consider encouraging a ceasefire before stumbling into another complicated large-scale conflict.
In Ukraine, Washington underestimated Russian resolve and military power. Washington should not repeat this mistake by underestimating the potential for a regional Muslim alliance that could threaten Israel’s existence. The possibility that Israel could end up like Ukraine should not be discounted.
There is increasing chatter among Arabs that Israel will blow up one of the US carriers.
Also, these air bases in the Middle East US and UK are using should be priority targets for Hamas and Iran's missiles, rockets and drones. Nato is pretty much impotent without air power.
Posted by: unimperator | Oct 17 2023 12:40 utc | 84
Question: I always thought that land based Aircraft and missiles are more potent than sea based. True ?
Posted by: Exile | Oct 17 2023 12:41 utc | 85
Posted by: Julian | Oct 17 2023 12:22 utc | 76
How many I can't tell, but where are they based? They are fired from MIG's 31BM, at a distance beyond reach of the carriers battle groups.
Posted by: scc | Oct 17 2023 12:45 utc | 86
I think what is occurring now is the Petro credit card has run its course and the US has nothing to replace it with.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 12:25 utc | 78
How about the vaccine dollar?
Just kidding. :)
Posted by: Nobody | Oct 17 2023 12:47 utc | 87
Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 12:25 utc | 79
"You lose 27 million in a major conflated war, and results in a recasted economy, then a frozen conflict looks pretty good."
Stalin never wanted a "frozen conflict", and Zhukov and Vasilevsky usually had to argue in order to attain time to prepare for offensives.
At any rate, you can't cite WWII for evidence of Saker-style alleged-inherent Russian reluctance to attack. On the contrary, supposedly they're now understanding that they didn't counterattack hard enough in 1945 and now need to finish the job for all of Europe which they left so unfinished at the end of WWII.
Posted by: Flying Dutchman | Oct 17 2023 12:47 utc | 88
Exile | Oct 17 2023 12:41 utc | 86
With missiles, there is only surface launched and air launched. Air launch have altitude and/or velocity when launched.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 12:50 utc | 89
“It seems to me that at least some kind attempt to impede energy shipments (e.g. in the straits of Hormuz) would be a near certainty.
Posted by: expat | Oct 17 2023 11:55 utc | 55
Day 1 of present the debacle saw a major spike to the Blue Gas; Austria, Finland, Egypt and then threat to Hungary. So, a campaign of economic interruptions is possibly to follow; hidden beneath the pall of chaos-ing.
What about Egypt and the Suez? What if, what if! (First post ever. Peace to all)
Posted by: Nothingburgers | Oct 17 2023 12:51 utc | 90
I think the point the Americans are not properly taking account of is the unified fury in the Muslim world, not only in but across the Muslim world, about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians in Gaza. Not so much among the governments, who can be bribed or blackmailed, but popular fury. The Muslim world has never been so united on a single point. If the US goes to war, on Syria, for example, a large number of governments risk being destabilised. We've already seen the effects in action this last week in Saudi, where we were told MbS was ready to sign with Israel, and now suddenly it's all off. That's public (and princely) sympathy for Palestinians in action, not what MbS wants.
Posted by: laguerre | Oct 17 2023 12:57 utc | 91
Nobody | Oct 17 2023 12:47 utc | 89
A little private enterprise on the side.
On a more serious not though is what we saw coincides with the massive push within the US empire of the mRNA injections. That is gene editing. Why the massive push for gene editing in the western populations? I believe that has to do with US/Pentagon research into and development of biological weapons. Moderna is now building production facilities throughout five-eyes to be ready for production mid 24 I believe.
Moderna is a start up company connected to darpa/pentagon. Covid injection was its first sales.
Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 17 2023 12:58 utc | 92
So the U.S. is slated to fight the most competent army in the entire region, and why do we give Israel $4B a year?
BTW Hezbollah can launch missiles into Israel and can defend Lebanon very well but they are not structured as an offensive army. They might have small infiltration units but would never invade Israel. It's not in their DNA.
Posted by: Christian J Chuba | Oct 17 2023 13:01 utc | 93
A humanitarian mission to rescue a population which has been deprived of food and drinking water has to be extremely quick, or it becomes pointless.
There will be a deadline and it will be very soon.
Will an ultimatum be issued?
Posted by: CitizenSmith | Oct 17 2023 13:01 utc | 94
@CitizenSmith | Oct 17 2023 12:14 utc | 69
Turkey is a NATO member.
❗️🇹🇷🇵🇸 Türkiye is ready to act as a guarantor for Palestine should a peace agreement be reached, the Foreign Minister said.
Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 17 2023 13:02 utc | 95
Posted by: b | Oct 17 2023 12:39 utc | 85
"Avoiding Armageddon.."
Intriguing related detail: Wikipedia's page on 'Armageddon' already has a separate section on the Bahai "faith" - the synthetic One World Religion promoted by UN/WEF as part of the 'Great Reset' and Final Solution to the eternal religious wars in the Old Normal.
Posted by: Leser | Oct 17 2023 13:07 utc | 96
It’s probably the whole Levant or an extraordinary evacuation fleet!
But if it’s Syria …they would prove they have no reverse gear.
They always were pirates that will hang together or go down with their ships. Shame that two carrier groups several submarines, Israel has them too as we know, will soon join the ancient ships at the bottom of the Mediterranean. Causing massive pollution and death of the sea life with their toxic cargoes.
There are plenty of defences and over the horizon weapons awaiting them.
More, there is the RESISTANCE - Solemanis revenge is straining to finally be served - not a single base in the Red Sea old empire route will remain untouched.
A few thousand marines? Nah tens of thousands of the elite troops that have been minding Aden, Saudi, Iraqi etc can not defend against the mass asymmetric assaults that will make the Hamas pantomime with 150 ‘attackers’ pale in comparison. That includes Saudi and Israeli oil fields, refineries and DESALINATION plants.
What is good for the Gaza concentration camp goose is available for the natzios gander and their satraps.
Iran will not standby and watch Syria invaded and its ancient monuments and lands destroyed. I even think Iraq will join them.
China also will not - the signal is as clear as can be from the East - where the silence about the natzo military threat is deafening! Even as Putin has landed there - to talk about the BRI supposedly - That is not just an economic summit going on there. It is the war council.
The PR campaign that was the Assad’s being sold to the Chinese population, because Xi and co knew this was the plan. They have intelligence and satellites too, and weather balloons 🎈
Erdo will like Humpty Dumpty fall off the wall that he has sat on, all the kings men won’t be able to put him back together - because even the Turkish populations will choose the right side. They will not have forgotten last years earthquakes and who their real friends were.
In the final analysis what will India do? Are Modi and Jayshankar equal to Putin and Lavrov or are they going to remain loyal to the Collective Waste because som many of their diaspora have been placed in U.K. and US governments?
(Clue, it hasn’t saved Ukraine).
The frog of WW3 is anpproching boiling point and we in the West have been sleepwalked into it. Again. The old imperial map lines drawn a hundred years ago are about to be erased.
Anyhow- if ever an excuse was needed to explain the massive unraveling of the $600 trillion , derivatives long con, this is it. Time to go to all cash and spread it between multiple banks - many won’t make it. Buy some physical gold , not to spend but to store some value. Try and get remimbi accounts , though most of us can’t in Europe.
The west is rushing to its doom like the Light Brigade once did, only a full surrender to the Chinese and Russian guaranteed multipolar world order can keep us alive and part of the brave new millennium that’s taken a quarter of a century going as the Imperialists ran amok with their decades of domination nvasion , looting and deaths of many millions.
I ain’t going to cry tonight much about the tens of thousands of sacrificial military and the evacuation of the invaded holy lands. Or the secret islands and superyachts and estates and bunkers where the Pirate Lords think they will be safe. Bye to those shits.
Posted by: DunGroanin | Oct 17 2023 13:07 utc | 97
RE: Flying Dutchman | Oct 17 2023 12:47 utc | 90
I agree. There’s hardly any doubt the last 20 years was going to end up where we are now. There was hardly any way around it, the only thing that helped was freezing conflicts enough to buy time. Even I know Russia is much better off militarily & economically than Syria 1.0. They’re also aware Ukraine has to be “finished”.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 13:10 utc | 98
Some information from Gilbert Doctorow:
"the arrival in Berlin of the Qatari emir for talks with Chancellor Scholz on Thursday was indeed mentioned in our media. The content of their talks was not. However, per Russian news the emir told Scholz openly that if the Europeans persist in giving unqualified support to Israel for its pending land invasion of Gaza then the emirate will halt all further deliveries of natural gas to Europe"
Maybe that will shut Scholz and van der Leyen's malicious mouths for a while.
Posted by: Jams O'Donnell | Oct 17 2023 13:12 utc | 99
RE: “Where are these Kinzhals based exactly - they are not in Syria for instance - that is for sure.”
Posted by: Julian | Oct 17 2023 12:22 utc | 77
Hard to know “for sure” anything other than subs are most likely there and Kinzhals are not needed to sink carriers.
Posted by: Trubind1 | Oct 17 2023 13:16 utc | 100
The comments to this entry are closed.
all the Alzheimer's patient understands is doubling down, and if he forgets his maniac neocon advisors no doubt have it written on cue cards. terrifying times.
Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 17 2023 9:43 utc | 1