Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
October 17, 2023

Ukraine Open Thread 2023-241

Only for news & views directly related to the Ukraine conflict.

The current open thread for other issues is here.

It seems that the U.S., despite denial, had already delivered long range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine. It was promptly used to destroy a Russia helicopter base:

ayden @squatsons - 12:09 UTC · Oct 17, 2023

The AFU used the MGM-140B ATACMS Block 1A (M39A1) ballistic cluster missile to strike the Berdyansk airfield earlier today.

This missile contains 275-300 M74 submunitions and is capable of hitting targets at a range of up to 300 kilometers. The very submunition was found at the airfield.

Please stick to the topic. Contribute facts. Do not attack other commentators.

Posted by b on October 17, 2023 at 12:44 UTC | Permalink

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Yesterday seems to have been quite bloody.

The Daily Report mentions 1175 wounded and killed Ukrainians, some 8 tanks and 25 armored vehicles destroyed. Way more than usual these days. Looks like the Ukrainian military tried another 'combined arms' attack that eventually failed.

Posted by: b | Oct 17 2023 13:08 utc | 1

While submunitions can have a good effect on helos parked on the ground, the pilots and maintenance crews probably had few casualties. Some of the helos can be repaired. Russia has many more in reserve, and will spread them out (when on the ground) now to make any further attacks less productive.

Weather is getting more rainy, meaning FVP quadcopters will be less effective for both sides. Russian Lancet can fly better in the rain, so advantage there.

At what point does Ukraine artillery become a non-factor? Russia has taken out a LOT of old Soviet and NATO artillery pieces, there has to be a tipping point where it no longer has a large influence.

Posted by: BroncoBilly | Oct 17 2023 13:25 utc | 2

@ Tesla, #239,§264:
Fico, the new PM of Slovakia, will hopefully put an end to the EU shenanigans in Mihalovce.

Posted by: John Marks | Oct 17 2023 13:38 utc | 3

40 kilometres from Saigon, around an area known as the Iron Triangle in the Cu Chi district, were the most complex Viet Cong underground fortifications.
During the Vietnam War, the US Air Force heavily bombed Cu Chi actually almost day and nights 24/7 with bunker busters.
Many reports from vietkong fighters available
They all survived

Serbs had a underground network in Kosovo
US bombed with Bunker Busters
Serbs inside the Bunkers & tunnels survived
They were reporting about the impacts that they could feel the pressure in stomach & breast like a slight punch
The reported how the walls began to crack

Of course today u ve modernized versions of bunker busters but impact is still the same.
But ok lets see what will be the results of Israhell bombing campaign

Posted by: SlowSoft | Oct 17 2023 13:41 utc | 4 1:18 am timestamp am for me

Note: This is a breaking story, we will provide further information as it becomes available

It's not a good morning.
Last night, the khokhols launched a missile strike on one of our airfields, where army aviation was based. One of the most serious blows of the entire SMO, if not the most serious.
There are both human and equipment losses.
There is no point writing about us "needing to draw conclusions so that this doesn’t happen again.” This kind of thing will happen again as long as the war continues. We must be prepared for this.

8:27 am now for me.

Whatever happened the news is the lack of news.

RF has been sparse on news from Adviika, especially geolocated videos. In general, one lengthy in distance series of counterattacks, especially in the area of Adviika. 200s and 300s galore among the UKR forces and who really knows how many have surrendered from the UKR.

The severe diminishment of news, this is not just due to the events in Israel, this is very probably a decision made by RF weeks ago.

All things are connected. My biggest question these days is, will - actually "when" will RF and Turkiye start sending humanitarian aid to Gaza through Gazan ports?

I do believe UKR will muddle along for a couple more months. The 750 KV and 350 KV UKR substations are probably safe until Gaza gets electricity back as long as UKR does not flail too much and/or target successfully civilians in RF.

Posted by: paxmark1 | Oct 17 2023 13:43 utc | 5

Posted by: paxmark1 | Oct 17 2023 13:43 utc | 5

The info blackout from Avdeevka is most likely a deliberate decision made even beforehand it began. Consequentially, only AFU reports or videos are available, which usually are cut in a neat way or represented in a way to hyperbole everything to the tune of 600%. One can notice that nothing from Avdeevka is even included on the clobber list.

My guess is there is no shortcut for those forts, which extend north-west and probably west to Avdeevka. They must be reconned and then hit with large bunker busting bombs to neutralize the ammo depots and firing positions and entrances. Of course, we don't have details how far those structures extend past Avdeevka, but probably far enough to slow things down.

As far as the attack on Berdaynsk air base, it was an ATACMS with some sort of cassette of cluster munitions. Since aircraft are usually thin metal they probably are rendered useless.

Posted by: unimperator | Oct 17 2023 13:50 utc | 6

#6 much obliged. mange tusen takk, many thousand thank you's.

Posted by: paxmark1 | Oct 17 2023 13:54 utc | 7


I believe the current Ukrainian offensive was already in a preparation stagw fifteen days ago. I saw a brief statement on Rybar or some other Telegram channel and I posred a brief note here back then. It seems to me the UAF will use the ATACMS in future combined arms operations. This was a practice run.

I view this development as a sign that the US armed forces are becoming more deeply involved in the Ukrainian conflict.

Posted by: Richard L | Oct 17 2023 14:25 utc | 8

Posted by: b | Oct 17 2023 13:08 utc | 1
Love the way you just swallow RF propaganda whole, while accusing others of propaganda. Quite the cognitive dissonace you got going on there sport.
Posted by: Get Some | Oct 17 2023 14:17 utc | 10

My take on the situation is that Russia puts put news that favors Russia, and Ukraine puts out news that so favors Ukraine that it is disconnected from reality. Thus it doesn't rise to the level of being useful information.

I am old enough that as a child I can remember the debate that went on between Nikita Khrushchev and President Nixon. Back then it was the Russians that lived in their mental never-never land. Now it is us.

Posted by: Jmaas | Oct 17 2023 14:33 utc | 9

John Marks @ 3

Fico, the new PM of Slovakia, will hopefully put an end to the EU shenanigans in Mihalovce.

More likely he'll turn out like Meloni in Italy, or Tusk in Poland, total con job on the electorate.

Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Oct 17 2023 14:38 utc | 10

Posted by: zorge | Oct 17 2023 14:37 utc | 13

the population is so enthusiastic that many (most?) of them have left, and they are using old men and teens to fight.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 17 2023 14:38 utc | 11

Posted by: Jmaas | Oct 17 2023 14:33 utc | 12

Nixon wasn't president till 1968. Kruschev was out of power then.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 17 2023 14:42 utc | 12

@ pretzelattack | Oct 17 2023 14:42 utc | 16

IIRC it was an exchange (hardly a debate) between Khrushchov and VICE President Nixon. Nixon was VP from January 1953 to January 1961.

Posted by: malenkov | Oct 17 2023 14:48 utc | 13

Posted by: malenkov | Oct 17 2023 14:48 utc | 17
yeah, i just don't think the US had any more of a clue back then than they do now.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 17 2023 14:55 utc | 14

18 missiles to destroy 9 helicopters, one AD unit and some ammo and ‘special equipment’, and that’s the Ukrainian version so perhaps a 20-30% haircut on those figures. Hardly a wunderwaffen, and why not deployed to support the offensive, given the effectiveness of Russian Frontal Aviation at blunting the armoured attacks. This seems more like a variant of the Gorbachev gambit in Afghanistan being played before the West leaves and ‘switches off the lights’.

Using these new systems piecemeal, without supporting any operation is the hallmark of desperation. Striking numerous forward airfields, especially ground personnel and flight crews, whilst launching large armoured thrusts makes sense, dribbling in a few, when the offensive is over and the armour already destroyed suggests straw clutching. Russian strike platforms are robust and grass field capable, so damaging runways is irrelevant, they’ll just disperse more and the AD systems will have their algorithms tweaked after analysis of data from this attack.

Fitting they called it ‘Operation Dragonfly’ as that insect has a lifespan of between 1-8 weeks, which is probably the time the Ukrainians have left, before collapse, either internally or from external forces.

Posted by: Milites | Oct 17 2023 14:55 utc | 15

Well, who cares? It's not as if people of quality will suffer from the deployment of such assets against RF, only the worthless plebs. That is their role after all, right?

On the other hand, all the fabulous folks that spat on Russia to travel elsewhere and even returned when the reception wasn't as warm as expected, well now, we can't be too harsh on them, can we? We couldn't nationalize the shit out of these people to strengthen the country ans invigorate the war effort, because that would be Bolshevism or something and would have broken good ol' Yeltsin's heart.

Now, some might suggest that at some point the globalist scum and the Anglo-American empire should feel the heat for playing with fire, but that would be too radical and might hurt the feelings of those who want to continue full Dolce Vita in Russia. So the show will continue with more losses for the chumps, I mean the patriotic folks who brave the missiles, DU ordnance and all such assets that would never come close to harming the elites.

Somehow, I seriously doubt that, should push come to shove, the Chinese would put up with this type of phoney tough crap coming from the Anglo-Americans and their vassals...

Posted by: Constantine | Oct 17 2023 15:03 utc | 16

Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 17 2023 14:38 utc | 15

The most brutal and lethal blows against the Russians come directly from NATO personnel. This is either professional units on the ground or specialists operating high-tech assets that Russia thinks it's okay to be used against its forces.

Posted by: Constantine | Oct 17 2023 15:15 utc | 17

Russia is supposed to have eased up on Advika assault and wait for winter in December, according to British spy agency. Not surprise. Putin has no guts and is Expert in making winnable war into a frozen conflict. Putin has no guts that is why 3rdrate country like england openly wages war on Russia with no consequence on England. Shameful Russia. It relies on initiative of enemies with no initiative of its own. Putin must not be allowed another term. Sergei lavrov and pesko are British spies. Russia is under grave danger.

Posted by: Sam | Oct 17 2023 15:17 utc | 18

July 2006 warning about Russian treachery.

Iran and Russia







iran and russia.


If russia foolishly stop busher plant work or does not support iran a=verses the west then russia will be doomed as well because then resurgent west ,which has ben plotting against russia too,will have encircled and weakened russia.and russia will have no friend to look to when it is under pressure from the west.

therefore russia must support all the countries who have stood against angloamerican evil -only by this method russia and other countries can maintain their independence.

Written in 2006.
Russia wS wasting time and duping iran with no intention to supply paid for s300 to iran.

Posted by: Sam | Oct 17 2023 15:20 utc | 19

The English version of the Daily Report is now out.

The attack, as claimed by Ukraine, was with 18 ATAMCS. But, according to the Russians, GLSBD, ground launched small diameter bombs, were also involved.

The Daily Report says:

Five tactical missiles and four U.S.-manufactured guided GLSDB bombs have been intercepted.

I have seen pictures of two downed ATAMSC tactical missiles.

Again - no wunderwaffe but an extension of artillery reach.

Posted by: b | Oct 17 2023 15:27 utc | 20

Posted by: Constantine | Oct 17 2023 15:15 utc | 19

NATO is still losing the war. which means the US is losing the war. The US was already embarked on the course of failure in 1960, it's all playing out now.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 17 2023 15:32 utc | 21

Posted by: b | Oct 17 2023 15:27 utc | 22

I do not think anyone seriously considers the possibility of wunderwaffen weapons showing up and changing the course of the war decisively. However, the cost inflicted of the Russians by accumulation isn't trivial. For this the Russian government should have stuck to its promise to bring about consequences to those who would cross its"redlines". That didn't happen and the result was a prolonging of the conflict with far greater losses on the Russians and the Ukrainians - I leave out Ukro-Nazis and NATO swine, they should be put down without pity - while undermining the credibility of the Russian government. This just didn't need to happen. And no, that doesn't mean that the RF should go immediately into nuclear mode.

I mean, there were so many serious western analysts who warned about the dangers of NATO doing far less than it has done and they have been proven wrong so till now precisely because there seem to be no meaningful consequences for the Anglo-American empire. I sincerely hope to be proven wrong too, but the bastards do not seem to back down at all. If anything, they appear to consider any attempts for de-escalation as a sign of weakness.

Posted by: Constantine | Oct 17 2023 15:40 utc | 22

Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 17 2023 15:32 utc | 23

Yet the problem is that the overlords of the Anglo-American empire do not appear to be defeated right now. At all. And don't take it wrong, I would love to see them hang, but they just double down, inflicting real harm to countless people directly and indirectly, including their own.

It owuld seem to me that that video in the UNSC, when Vasily Nebenzia pulling effectively anyone against the wishes of their masters to stand up in silence for ALL victims of the conflict in Ukraine is very representative of the state of affairs today. It would require some reassurance, motivation, even pressure for all those beaten down by the globalist regime to stand up and see the scum back down in defeat.

Posted by: Constantine | Oct 17 2023 15:48 utc | 23

Shаlom, sweetie)

You know that we are not our favorite fried news, but the panic and hysteria in the morning on the AA site in Berdyansk, so we had to bother people who are running and flying there. Honestly, I don't know what and how much was flown - honestly, I don't know, there are some photos with M74 elements from ATACMS, but we won't vouch for their reliability, based on the source.

Preliminary from what is known: no killed, wounded from the technical staff. On boards - 2 to scrap and 7 damaged, most likely, under restoration, but it will be clear later. For such a massive strike, the funds that were saved for something, but were given as retaliation for the strike on the Odessa airfield - in essence, a pittance.

Health to the wounded, and the iron factories of our world-conspirators have plenty of iron.

A special salute to "our" military bloggers who virtually killed a whole regiment.

Observe information hygiene and wash your hands after the Internet.

Posted by: Fernando Boeing | Oct 17 2023 15:56 utc | 24

Posted by: Constantine | Oct 17 2023 15:48 utc | 25

people are standing up right now, some get beaten down, but more arise. sure the US can always commit suicide, but that isn't "winning' altho it is a possibility because there are some maniacs in Washington. The UN is rigged in favor of the US (they set it up), but the rest of the world has an advantage in population and increasingly even in wealth. meanwhile the US itself is on the downward spiral. there are already a lot of dissatisfied americans, and for that matter europeans. those are costs. there is no question the US and NATO can do a lot of harm before they finally. one way or another, end as THE world power.

Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 17 2023 16:02 utc | 25

I tend to agree with some aspects that Constantine mentions above. It's clear that the West doesn't care about any red lines and hopefully Russia finally stops using this phrase, it's pointless considering the amount of weapons already in the hands of ukes.
However, this is an unsual war meaning it's fully funded by a side which is technically not part of the actual fighting which sadly seem to have unlimited amount of money to give.
I (for one) was expecting some sort of financial issues for the US but it seems that due to the "generosity" of the EU which basically sent their industry in US and buys expensive LNG, it managed to keep their economy going and by doing it, continue to fund and produce weapons for Ukraine.
While some weapons are given in high quantities, some are also used for testing ground and Ukraine is the best place to do it. Cheap for them but expensive for Ukr/Ru soldiers.
It's very annoying to see those neocon pigs gloating about the cheapness of this war, but in a way .. they are sadly right.

Posted by: JamesBond | Oct 17 2023 16:10 utc | 26

„… ISIS..“
Hahaha 😁
With somebody like Netanyahoo in Kremlin u would get ur Millions of death ukronazis
Same Like Germans the Ukronazi civilians must be denazified the painful way. Otherwise they will never learn it. Once they smell their own blood the nazi settings in their brains will disappear
After ur million desth ukronazis we can discuss again about ukro isis terminator 😆
Ukronazis re just in a beneficial position because of of small brothers lovers in Kremlin
Don’t understand he love for Ukraine
Another chess move nobody understands?
Or maybe chessmaster has Ukraine blood in his venes?
Like the Ukrobastard Blinken or Nuland or Freeland…..
So many ukrobastards on powerful political positions

Posted by: SlowSoft | Oct 17 2023 16:28 utc | 27

1. It's a great way to attack grounded aircraft. It requires less precision and I bet repairing the damage is a pain in the rear end.

2. Ukrophiles have been talking up how they devastated Russian at Avdeevka by using minefields and drone spotted artillery. Anyone know if this is true? Both Russian and Ukraine claim to thwart attacks using this method. How will tactics change as a result of this war. It looks like mine clearing technology is a must.

Posted by: Christian J Chuba | Oct 17 2023 16:36 utc | 28

Constantine | Oct 17 2023 15:40 utc | 24

"I do not think anyone seriously considers the possibility of wunderwaffen weapons showing up and changing the course of the war decisively."

Short of a change in the Russian leadership to a team that is willing to fight an actual war against an enemy fully committed, there sure won't be any "Wunderwaffen".

Posted by: Flying Dutchman | Oct 17 2023 16:51 utc | 29

It's pretty much a cluster f*** at the moment. Both sides basically have everything they need. Drones, mines, satellite imagery (Uks from NATO), lots of artillery. We won't see any big advances anytime soon.
What I hope is indeed that Ru inflicts as much damage to uke manpower as possible. It might be their only relevant option to break the deadlock.

Posted by: JamesBond | Oct 17 2023 16:57 utc | 30

Blast from the past.

The Kitchen Debate

Nixon and Khruschev debated in a model American home built for an international exhibition in Moscow in 1959.

Wikipedia: The Kitchen Debate

Note that the Americans and the Soviets of the period were far more accommodating of each other, even cold warriors like Nixon, than the Americans are today.

Posted by: karel.v.praze | Oct 17 2023 17:00 utc | 31

Posted by: pretzelattack | Oct 17 2023 14:42 utc | 13

Nixon wasn't president till 1968. Kruschev was out of power then.


The debate happened while Nixon was Eisenhower's VP. It was the famous "kitchen" debate.

Posted by: john brewster | Oct 17 2023 17:07 utc | 32

Posted by: Fernando Boeing | Oct 17 2023 15:56 utc | 27

A voice of sanity finally, those damaged would need to be hit directly or near missed because those airframes are designed to be proof against 12.7-23mm rounds. The key statistic, if correct, is no technical personnel were injured, the British lost nearly 300 tanks in a day in Normandy, but the only thing that concerned them was crew casualties as they had two tanks spare for each bailed crew. Ditto the reason why the USAAF postponed daylight bombing in ‘43, the airframes lost were easily replaceable the aircrews were not. Stop fixating on platforms and start focusing on trained personnel, and here Ukraine have taken devastating loses in key technicians and NCO’s.

Posted by: Milites | Oct 17 2023 17:09 utc | 33

The attack with the ATACMS today is also a new escalation from a different point of view: the transfer was not announced beforehand. This means that NATO has escalated in the direction of unpredictability which is a new level on the hostility ladder.

Posted by: alek_a | Oct 17 2023 17:11 utc | 34

Again - no wunderwaffe but an extension of artillery reach.

Posted by: b | Oct 17 2023 15:27 utc | 22
Thanks, b.

It looks like angry outbursts from a cornered beast. Andiivka is slowly going down in carefully planned slow motion that is unstoppable. There is no magic for the Ukies anywhere. I can see NATO stepping up to the plate more, facing a certain loss, and likely angry as all can be for the position they are in. The do not have the option to leave unless their respective governments pull the plug.

Posted by: Acco Hengst | Oct 17 2023 17:12 utc | 35

The Ukrainians killed their own prisoners who were being transported by the Russians. Damn, ukrainians are just crazy.

And cheap Ukrainians continue to disappear for the sake of the United States and NATO.

Posted by: Psycho | Oct 17 2023 17:23 utc | 36

Some call for ruaf to start hitting lwow and other border areas. That wont solve the issue, as nato, i mean “ukraine“, would only further escalate. As bad as it may sound, but they have russia in a bind there.

What if russia starts supplying weapons of equal measure to partners in other countries to attack illigal nato bases there, for example syria or iran? Nato would escalate again. Theyd either then attack the countries in “self-defense“, and russia coulndt realistically help their mich weaker partners, or they simply send more sophisticated weapons to “ukraine“. Bad on both ends.

Personally i was hoping and dreaming that putin gets permission from orban to use hungarian airspace to bomb the living hell out of camp bondsteele in kosovo. That would help serbia, as they had nothing to do with it, and would send a good messege to nato. But then hungary would get maybe some big problems...

Regardless, those attacks on ruaf airfields and harbours will continiue, as nato and the west wont back down and lose face in front of the whole world. Not against russia. The hate is to ingrained for that to happen.

Posted by: Justpassinby | Oct 17 2023 17:34 utc | 37

In the same time, the war is very cheap for The West.

Where do you get this idea? This naked assertion is ridiculous on its face. All evidence shows the opposite, this war is accelerating the end of the mighty dollar.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Oct 17 2023 17:37 utc | 38

[ Album ] Update for Avdeevka .

Tactical successes were reported in the southern direction of the offensive operation; it was possible to advance from Vodyanoy and Opytny to half-cover the quarry , which is an important defensive position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

It was not possible to take the waste heap in the northern direction, but there are reports of access to houses near the railway in the direction from Krasnogorovka to Stepovoy .

Attempts to develop an offensive in the northwest in the direction of the city blocks of Avdeevka itself are stopped by the enemy with fire from their fortified positions in the area of ​​the Tsarskaya Okhota hotel.

There are heavy battles with advances ranging from several tens of meters to a couple of landings.

#Source (


Posted by: unimperator | Oct 17 2023 17:40 utc | 39

the Russian government should have stuck to its promise to bring about consequences to those who would cross its"redlines"

I dont recall a timeline for said consequences. So, escalation then, is indicated in your view. I don't disagree.. but its all about time. There is a Goldilocks time. Until then any overt response just gets you a larger war. At the right time I'm sure debts will be paid.

Doubt over Ukraine grows in the nation most responsible for this bloody fiasco as well as its many vassals.

Now in undeniably marked decline, I very much disagree that Maerica is weathering the economic headwinds caused by their war of choice. Their economy is like a junky with a fresh dose of their favorite opioid. It's all good until it isn't. And never will be again.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Oct 17 2023 17:47 utc | 40

So what does Russia propose to do about it?

Posted by: Feral Finster | Oct 17 2023 18:05 utc | 41

You know, some of the commentators here remind me of Welsh rugby journalists. Either the Welsh team are world-beaters or they're rubbish - there's no sense of balance or proportion.

Russia is fighting NATO - the Ukrainians are just the poor bloody infantry. There will be bad days like last night, there will inshallah be good days and more of them.

Posted by: YetAnotherAnon | Oct 17 2023 18:08 utc | 42

[email protected] might wonder how many rungs the escalation ladder has.

Red line here
Red line there

I'm thinking once the nuke capable F16s show up, well if they show up show up unannounced......oops.

Cheers M

Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Oct 17 2023 18:09 utc | 43

The empire wouldn't have been able to go along with this provocation in Gaza if Russia had really been fighting a war in Europe.

Posted by: Flying Dutchman | Oct 17 2023 18:10 utc | 44

Posted by: Feral Finster | Oct 17 2023 18:05 utc | 44

Ukraine is basically dead already, it's just a body tied to very strong strings attached to Nato. Nato can keep the Ukrainian body keep doing half-hearted moves and punches.

The mobilization procedures, and depth in Ukraine is the single most important hint. Mobilization is run through kidnapping on the street, the accepted age is raised to 70 and lowered to 16, and women's participation and total proportion is increasing.

Russia should think about how to cut those strings between the Ukraine puppet and Nato, but it seems pretty much impossible to do. So they just keep up with their active defense tactics waiting for things to deteriorate further for Ukraine and Nato. Occasionally, we get these sort of lashing out we saw at Berdyansk.

Maybe they should start hitting energy facilities in Ukraine, since it's now open season vs. Israel.

Posted by: unimperator | Oct 17 2023 18:13 utc | 45

@ Acco Hengst, §38:
"They [EU-NATO]do not have the option to leave unless their respective governments pull the plug."
Their respective governments are having the plug pulled from them, by their respective electorates.

Posted by: John Marks | Oct 17 2023 18:19 utc | 46

18 missiles to destroy 9 helicopters, one AD unit and some ammo and ‘special equipment’, and that’s the Ukrainian version so perhaps a 20-30% haircut on those figures. Hardly a wunderwaffen, and why not deployed to support the offensive, given the effectiveness of Russian Frontal Aviation at blunting the armoured attacks. This seems more like a variant of the Gorbachev gambit in Afghanistan being played before the West leaves and ‘switches off the lights’.

To which Andrei Martynov says....
Now report from real people on the ground:

1. No ATACMS have been used, the attack was by HIMARS;

2. All munitions have been intercepted by AD;

3. The fragments of one intercepted HIMARS munition fell on the airfield in Berdyansk where the Korenovsky Air Regiment is based currently;

4. "Losses" amounted to some damage to two Ural fueling trucks. NO damage or losses to personnel and air assets.

Next in line: Zelensky farts, Politico reports regime change in Moscow. Per all those "voenkors"--you know my opinion, most of them are human trash monetizing their BS. Simple as that.

In related news:

Israel's military leadership has vowed to learn from the mistakes made by Russia's commanders as it gears up to send tanks into war, the commander of its Armored Corps said in a recent interview.
LOL, yeah, sure. How about Israeli tankers learn how to fight real war and recall 2006. I am sure, shooting at defenseless civilians is what makes IDF great.

It Is A Party.
Mr. Putin (also increasingly known as the leader of the free world) arrives to Beijing. They will discuss among those representatives of 140 nations how to form unified Eurasian and global markets at Belt and Road Forum.

I saw the video of Putin and Xi entering the hall together BEFORE the remaining delegates....


Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Oct 17 2023 18:19 utc | 47

More excuses as usual. The wisest comment has been Russia has no red lines. Everything added up (minus "Russia will never run out of missles") Russia is the David not the Goliath. Z is snacking on hors d'deuvres this very day.

Posted by: Elmagnostic | Oct 17 2023 18:34 utc | 48

Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Oct 17 2023 18:19 utc | 50

Ukraine begins to sound like the "Tokyo Rose" in WW2 who proclaimed that: "Today, the Imperial Japanese navy announced the sinking of 2 carriers, 2 battleships, numerous cruisers and destroyers" while they sunk 2 destroyers. All PR.

I give a 60% discount for AFU claims.

Posted by: unimperator | Oct 17 2023 18:35 utc | 49

It was clear, that ucraine will receive atacms.

Somebody was caught off-guard.
Maybe distracted by gaza conflict...
The "Black Knight" can still kick.

Posted by: 600w | Oct 17 2023 18:41 utc | 50

Why everybody is always excusing such attacks with „not wunderwaffe“?
Wunderwaffel or not wunderwaffel
Fact is that the attack was successful with a new Nato toy in the hands of ukropsychos

Posted by: tesla | Oct 17 2023 18:41 utc | 51

Although I don't look at the situation in US backed and led former state of Ukraine with the same granularity I did earlier, the impression I'm getting at this stage is that the Russian military is simply using this as an opportunity for batting practice against any new western weapons that expose themselves. So in the event of direct NATO/US involvement they'll be prepared.

In my opinion the "western countries" don't have the stomach for that.

Posted by: chunga | Oct 17 2023 18:42 utc | 52



Could it be the chessmaster is colorblind?
Maybe when he says red lines he means green lines?

Btw is anybody reading the daily reports
from russian MoD?
Reading this reports is better than 10 sleeping tablets

Posted by: SlowSoft | Oct 17 2023 18:51 utc | 53

Every time the Russians have a winning strategy, the US does something outrageous in an attempt to get Russia to change strategy.
It never works.
Russia is going to continue grinding down the Ukrainian army.
And when Ukraine is over and done with, and only then, are US and EU going to get the attention they have been seeking.

Posted by: Passerby | Oct 17 2023 18:53 utc | 54

❗️Video of the launch of three MGM-140A ATACMS Block 1 cluster missiles from M142 HIMARS launchers of the Ukrainian army at the airfield in Berdyansk on the night of October 16-17.

Military Informant

Posted by: SlowSoft | Oct 17 2023 18:53 utc | 55

Posted by: Milites | Oct 17 2023 14:55 utc | 16

Exactly. Using these systems piecemeal is a telltale sign of desperation. And I'll add a domestic US political angle to this (and other similar) attack and future attacks to come: On some very real level, this is the tail wagging the dog. I don't know exactly how the connections work, but Ukraine still has many patrons in the US "defense" complex, probably including high ranking employees of Raytheon and the like, lobbyists, politicians and deep-staters. They aren't happy that all the attention has been shifted to Israel/Palestine and the US populace is a fickle bunch. There has been a dearth of reportage coming out of Ukraine even prior to the flare up in the ME, so it's not completely due to the Hamas attacks and Israel's massively asymmetrical "response." Point being, "victories" like the strike on the Russian airfield will be leveraged to convince TPTB to keep sending the lucre. And there's also a tail-wags-the-dog aspect. Ukraine will seek to grab back some of the US domestic attention. This also distracts slightly from Israel's ongoing war crimes, supported at the highest levels of government. The more shit happening, the less attention paid to Biden's rapidly deteriorating chances of winning re-election (and of course his cognitive state). Someone - one or more of these Ukraine patrons among US/UK/NATO - is aiding them in carrying out these strikes.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Oct 17 2023 19:01 utc | 56

Posted by: SlowSoft | Oct 17 2023 18:53 utc | 58

One hopes that the Russians have identified this launch site and setup techniques and a Kinzal or four smashes the next one before they can get off.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Oct 17 2023 19:03 utc | 57

Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Oct 17 2023 18:19 utc | 50

Very interesting; thanks for the other angle on this. Then what of reports that ATACMS submunitions have been positively identified? Do HIMARS have submunitions?

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Oct 17 2023 19:06 utc | 58

@JamesBond | 33

It's pretty much a cluster f*** at the moment. Both sides basically have everything they need. Drones, mines, satellite imagery (Uks from NATO), lots of artillery. We won't see any big advances anytime soon.
What I hope is indeed that Ru inflicts as much damage to uke manpower as possible. It might be their only relevant option to break the deadlock.

I think your post comes closest to summing up the current state in Ukraine. The difference between Russia achieving maximalist goals and sufficient goals will be the ability of the Russian Army to conduct offensives. Still remains to be seen.

Posted by: danf51 | Oct 17 2023 19:15 utc | 59

Winter is coming. Ukraine better hope that it's not a very cold one. Could be quite dark in Kiev and other cities in the west. I doubt they survive another winter with any morale intact. Which, to me, says there may be one or two major desperation attacks or even a falseflag.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Oct 17 2023 19:17 utc | 60

Do HIMARS have submunitions?

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Oct 17 2023 19:06 utc | 61
Army tactical missile system (ATACMS)
HIMARS is capable of firing the long-range ATACMS (army tactical missile system) guided missile. The ATACMS family includes the Block I, Block IA and Block IA Unitary missiles. The Block I missile delivers 950 anti-personnel anti-material (AP/AM) baseball-sized M74 submunitions to ranges exceeding 165km.

The Block IA missile range exceeds 300km by reducing the submunition payload to 300 bomblets and adding GPS guidance. "

Posted by: 600w | Oct 17 2023 19:18 utc | 61

Invitation for attacks
Strange russian Movement

👉👉Ukrainian post
Defeat of Russian armoured column apparently near Novomikhailivka

Posted by: SlowSoft | Oct 17 2023 19:21 utc | 62

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Oct 17 2023 19:03 utc | 60

The danger for Ukraine is that it’s one ATACMS per Himars, so three together, or they may have a remote firing capability, using deployable canisters.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Oct 17 2023 19:01 utc | 59

A possible scenario, but it could also be a tacit admission that the war is ending, with manufacturers desperate to ‘test’ their systems against top-tier Russian equipment (previously they’d been used against second/third rate opponents). The Iskander is their main export rival and it’s bested the tier one Western AD systems, so perhaps this was a sales literature boost combat deployment.

Posted by: tesla | Oct 17 2023 18:41 utc | 54

That achieved what precisely, apart from, as one poster said, provide ‘batting practice’ for Russian operators and technicians. Weapons such as the ATACMS are classified by some as strategic missiles, their use is to be supporting wider operation, providing it with numerous force multipliers. Using it to strike individual targets with no operational context wastes 90% of its capability and therefore effectiveness, rather like using a chainsaw to split logs for firewood.

Posted by: Milites | Oct 17 2023 19:42 utc | 63

Using it to strike individual targets with no operational context wastes 90% of its capability and therefore effectiveness, rather like using a chainsaw to split logs for firewood.
Posted by: Milites | Oct 17 2023 19:42 utc | 66

For the small army Russia has there with limited resources and dumb generals it's not a mistake. Also they have so many they can use them on any target, big or small, like they use regular himars. I've said in another thread, be happy this time they didn't hit a city, an npp or a hospital using Gaza methods.

Posted by: rk | Oct 17 2023 19:54 utc | 64

Military summary was very insightful today.

-AFU landed marine troops across the Dniepr and made some drone strikes on the other side. No artillery strikes, possibly due to AFU having no more artillery across Dniepr in that area
-AFU launched attack on recently RUAF captured trenches west of Verbove and lost 7 tanks. It's not known whether they regained any of the trenches
-RUAF is trying to exploit lack of AFU forces around Urozhaine area
-In Avdeevka, the assault has turned into a contest of staying power. RUAF gradually captures AFU edge areas and pounds their fortified structures
-NW of Avdeevka, RUAF has captured Dubovo-Vasylivka area, speculated 2 weeks ago but finally confirmed
-In Kupyansk the eastern most edge of that flank (Ivanivka) sees heavier clashes.

Now here's the interesting part. Putin was not in China only for the Belt and road initiative and other multipolar projects. He was actually delivering a shopping list to China from the muslim world, with all the bits and pieces required to produce missiles and other weapons. Maybe they are starting to get finally serious of arming Israel's neighbors.

Posted by: unimperator | Oct 17 2023 20:06 utc | 65

It is laughable to call this attack "desperation" or "straw clutching". The reality is this:

This is a conflict between Russia and Ukraine that is tightly moderated by the collective West and the United States in particular. It would be a big mistake to think than any actor in the US wishes to defeat (or even, seriously hurt) Russia. I think any critical observer completely understands by now that in a hypothetical scenario, the NATO is capable to defeat most of the Russian military in a matter of weeks without using WMDs and with acceptable collateral damage, because the performance of Russia in this war has shown how massive the gap between Russia and the collective NATO in all aspects - in technology, production capabilities and sheer manpower. But nobody needs this. Rather, actors in the US are more interested in ensuring that the war will continue for as long as it can, because it allows the American defence industry to earn considerably more profits, employ more people and test more innovative products. In order to ensure this, not only Russia is limited in using WMDs and causing significant civilian or infrastructure losses in Ukraine by promises of swift economical suffocation, Ukraine is also limited by the promise the Ukrainian government has made to not use the provided long-range weapons on the internationally recognized territory of Russia. The WW1-style "deadlock" we see on the front lines is completely artificial, and stems from the fact that Ukraine has no long-range weaponry of its own that is capable to hurt Russia's logistics in any meaningful way. The effect the potential destruction of Russian logistics has been already observed in summer of 2022, when giving to Ukraine just 17 HIMARS systems with rockets with just 57 miles range, caused Russia to retreat from Kharkiv oblast and Kherson city. This disturbance of the equilibrium was not expected or desired by anyone in NATO. Now, this won't happen again. Russian generals will eventually understand that expensive aircraft should be deployed in the operative range of Western long-range rockets, all main Russian logistic lines will be moved to internationally recognized territory of Russia that Ukraine is not capable to hit because of the promise, everything will stay the same for several years at least, the front line will be static, the men will get maimed and killed on both sides in the Ukrainian villages of the same names, and the American defence industry will continue to earn superprofits.

God bless America.

The attack in question was just a gentle push of the equilibrium in another direction.

Posted by: AI_Avenger | Oct 17 2023 20:07 utc | 66

Posted by: AI_Avenger | Oct 17 2023 20:07 utc | 70

Bless your heart, if you really believe what you wrote the conclusion to the SMO is going to really confusticate you.

Posted by: rk | Oct 17 2023 19:54 utc | 68

If they have to use 18 to KO 2 helicopters they’ll run out pretty quick, (check out the numbers used in previous conflicts) I think total production ceased at just under 600 units total btw. Those stupid generals have destroyed the Ukrainian Army 2.5 times now, and if you think Himars is being used on infantry formations because they have an abundance, perhaps the epithet you directed toward the General staff fits closer to home.

Posted by: Milites | Oct 17 2023 20:23 utc | 67

Poor Zelensky. He would have gotten some press for the wonder weapon attack, maybe even an editorial about turning the tide. And then Bibi had to go and bomb a hospital. So nobody cares at all about how he destroyed 3-5 helicopters.

Posted by: Lex | Oct 17 2023 20:25 utc | 68

Posted by: AI_Avenger | Oct 17 2023 20:07 utc | 70

I doubt the US army, or the collective Nato for that matter could have defeated Ukraine from Russian position in February 2022. They would have gotten frustrated in the first months and turned Kiev into a parking lot like Israel, "the best spearhead of the west" is doing now, and they haven't yet set foot in Gaza against inferior sub-human sandal men as they call it.

I think the US doctrine would have definitely led to the US air force getting slaughtered over Ukraine, and they would have impaled themselves on Avdeevka from the beginning.

Fortifications are a force multiplier, but only if you have troops to occupy them.

If Russia built 10 Avdeevka's on, say, the Belarus border with Lithuania and Poland, and the border with Estonia, and the border with Finland, it would lead to Nato troops getting impaled.

Nato is only powerful through its air power, which in the case of Ukraine have been used more stand-off role. Of course, modern air defense reduces the opportunity to use aircraft WW2 style. Who has better and longer range stand-off weapons and gliding bombs, wins in this category. Also who has better air defense. Nato air force would not manage to do what their doctrine says against Russia.

Russia lost AD systems too, but they will eventually saturate all the important fronts, and learn from Ukraine against Nato.

I can't agree with the notion that US army could beat the Russian army, at all. Send them to any front in Ukraine and see what happens. Not to say, US isn't powerful, just they aren't any sort of supermen. Russia has more than enough mobilization potential if Nato decides to attack it (they probably won't, but you never know with ziocons).

Ukrainian logistic node is in Lwow and Rzeszow and trains still seem to run to Kiev shipping even heads of state. The truth is you can't stop or hinder supplies to eastern Ukraine without cutting those rails and bridges (maybe even moot), but Ukraine has the most redundant rail system in the world due to generous Soviet infrastructure building, where everything was built with a safety multiplier of 10x. If US destroys one line, here are 9 others.

So your comparison is apples and oranges. Ukraine is just being used with no regard for its future as a state, and Russia doesn't want to mindlessly take territory just for the heck of it, because then you need to feed and fund it.

US would probably have used a nuke against Kiev by now. Even in WW2 when they were at their strongest, they were very close to nuking Berlin, despite Red Army doing already 85% of the work.

Posted by: unimperator | Oct 17 2023 20:29 utc | 69

Posted by: Dr. George W Oprisko | Oct 17 2023 18:19 utc | 50

18 missiles to destroy 9 helicopters,...

300 km from the border, how far to the battle line? Maybe 400km. Outbound flight and return flight 800 km. These are unimportant helicopters(80% unimportant), this are no combat helicopters.

But they could also be Mi 26 transport helicopters(20%).
9 Mi 26 helicopters, offline some weeks, would not be so good.

Posted by: theo | Oct 17 2023 20:39 utc | 70

Russia must also use cluster munitions against Ukrainian targets. So far Russian use of cluster munitions has been quite insignificant.

By disabling Russian aviation in attacked areas Ukraine seems to be trying a ground offensive in the east. Recent Russian air strikes crippled Ukie troops.

Posted by: Jason | Oct 17 2023 20:42 utc | 71

@ unimperator, §73:
The US couldn´t have nuked Berlin. Germany surrendered on May 8th 1945.
The US didn´t even know the A-bomb would work until the ´Trinity´ test at Alamogordo on July 16th 1945.
Hiroshima got the real thing on August 6th 1945 and Nagasaki on August 9th 1945.

Posted by: John Marks | Oct 17 2023 20:49 utc | 72

Posted by: AI_Avenger | Oct 17 2023 20:07 utc | 70

I always like a nice conspiracy theory but this story of yours is almost funny in how stereotypical it is of the well known american exceptionalism farce.

One thing you forgot: you will be breathing radioactive dust if NATO dared intervene directly, let alone “defeat” the RF in few weeks.

Posted by: alek_a | Oct 17 2023 20:54 utc | 73

Posted by: John Marks | Oct 17 2023 20:49 utc | 76

I agree other wise.

Let's make a scenario where the D-Day landings failed miserably - say - due to the front in the east frozen for one or the other reason, leading to the bulk of Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe transferred to France. US/UK landings would get demolished and 3 years of preparations down the drain.

Now fast forward one and a half years to late 1945 - US has The Bomb and they are so frustrated that their Germany First strategy isn't working out, and they see no prospect of making a new landing anytime soon. They bomb Berlin instead, that's what would inevitably happen.

Posted by: unimperator | Oct 17 2023 20:55 utc | 74

It's a shame the Russian government has muzzled Strelkov because his TG posts would have been highly entertaining over the past week. I'm not even thinking of the supposed ATACMS strikes (which we knew we'd see sooner or later) though I'm sure he'd have something to say about those as well. I'm primarily thinking of how he'd rip into the decision to headbutt against the Avdeevka area again.

Posted by: Mike314159 | Oct 17 2023 21:01 utc | 75

Posted by: theo | Oct 17 2023 20:39 utc | 74

300 km from the border, ...

I have think Briansk
my post#74 is trash :-)

Posted by: theo | Oct 17 2023 21:06 utc | 76

Is it possible to think that Isreal is being used as a proxy also like ukraine. I no way as educated in depth like the true thinkers here but my 20 years of military service tells me I am smelling bullshit. Isreal is doing this "look at poor me I'm.being bullied" cry cry cry. Yet the US as we suspect needs an off ramp but also gains if the Arabs fight each other to stop the BRICS multipolar scenario. I am just so confused to the evil going on today

Posted by: Scot1and | Oct 17 2023 21:07 utc | 77

I think any critical observer completely understands by now that in a hypothetical scenario, the NATO is capable to defeat most of the Russian military in a matter of weeks

No serious observer would say that. At least, noone who didn't want to be laughed out of the room.

This war has shown Maerican military technologies are not fit for purpose, her doctrines outdated, her officers inexperinced. Her weaponry is at least a decade behind her competitors. It's no wonder since she has spent the last several decades fighting counterinsurgencies (poorly one might add) against poorly armed militias with no air force.

Maerica and her propgandized, mesmerized populace has a bloated sense of her own might which any astute observers can see has been utterly devastated by her performance in Ukraine, as she hides behind her mutilated proxy.

I expect your analysis originates more from the patriotism you clearly still feel towards your Alma mater instead of any sober and realistic assessment of Maerican power. Maerica couldn't win a war against Russia or China on their own ... and certainly not against both.

Wake me up when Maerica gets planes that can fly more than 60% of the time. Or hypersonics. Or air defense worth the name. Or anything really other than a bloated defense industry high on its own supply of bullshit.

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Oct 17 2023 21:21 utc | 78

Posted by: Jmaas | Oct 17 2023 14:33 utc | 9

Bold of you to assume the US was not also delusional, given that DC was convinced that every anti-colonial rebellion was swarming with russian spies and communists were hiding under their beds. Hell, the Soviet-Afghan war was, in America's mind, "revenge for Vietnam" because Americans are so fucking insane they actually think the Vietnamese had zero reason to fight unless they were thralls to the Soviets.

Posted by: fsd | Oct 17 2023 21:23 utc | 79

God bless America.

Posted by: AI_Avenger | Oct 17 2023 20:07 utc | 70

Just not it's public school system which apparently failed to teach you the value of using paragraphs while composing ones literary offering. Among the benefits of said usage is that the targeted audience is far more likely to read what you write, screed or otherwise

Posted by: bubbles | Oct 17 2023 21:23 utc | 80

@ Posted by: John Marks | Oct 17 2023 20:49 utc | 76

Don't confuse the revisionist history buffs with actual facts. I have tried, they just don't listen.

Posted by: BroncoBilly | Oct 17 2023 21:32 utc | 81

I think missing from this thread are warnings from Russian officials about commercial space assets being designated as targets.

O/T, but has anyone contemplated a false flag attack (blamed on Hezbollah) on the juicy targets the 2 US carrier groups have provided for Israel to drag the US into the ME conflict?

Won't be the first time Israel attacked a US warship or the US...

Posted by: Suresh | Oct 17 2023 21:45 utc | 82

I am just so confused to the evil going on today

Posted by: Scot1and | Oct 17 2023 21:07 utc | 81

If it's any consolation, you're not alone. One might see current events in a prism of 'good vs. evil', a much discussed topic in religious circles. Unfortunately even in that realm they rarely agree as to who is good, and who is evil. Curious that a core problem the world faces now, once again involves the Abrahamic religions, or versions thereof.

Especially difficult for those with significant military background to grasp imho.

Their's not to reason why
Their's but to do and die

I remember the words of Rodney King after he was savagely beaten by LA police for no good reason.

"Can't we all just get along?"

Apparently not, the messianic, the greedy and psychopaths won't allow it.

So we fight because the TV tells us those folks are bad folks, and we are good folks..

Tune in at 6 for the latest booster shot of conviction.

Posted by: bubbles | Oct 17 2023 21:54 utc | 83

From RWA Twitter

“When some of our hotheads demanded: ‘...wipe out entire city blocks, show no mercy, bomb them with huge bombs...’ - keep in mind that the world would have looked at us just as it looks at Israel now.

Some will say: they look at us like that anyway.


They don't look at us like that.

And, by the way, today's spectacular photos of Vladimir Putin in the midst of real world leaders confirm this.

We managed to fight for almost two years, take cities, hit the most complex targets, and not deliver a single blow like that.

Glory to Mother Russia. Glory to her sensible rulers. Glory to her kind people. Thank you, Lord, that we didn't become savages.”

-Zakhar Prilepin

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 17 2023 21:58 utc | 84

"What the Zionist criminal forces carried out in the 🇵🇸 Baptist Hospital [Al Ahli Arab Hospital] constitutes one of the most heinous massacres against humanity....

This heinous crime only reminds us of the crimes of this entity that was established and founded on massacres."

-The Lion of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 17 2023 22:00 utc | 85

Apologies for posting in the wrong thread. 🫢

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 17 2023 22:04 utc | 86

Apologies for posting in the wrong thread. 🫢

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 17 2023 22:04 utc | 90

It was worth repeating. 😀

Posted by: malenkov | Oct 17 2023 22:08 utc | 87

Ukrainian forces have a breakthrough in the Kherson direction

Kherson direction: breakthrough of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to Peschanivka,
situation to the end on October 17, 2023

🔻In the afternoon, two assault groups of the 35th and 36th Marine Brigades of the Ukrainian Navy, after regrouping, continued the attack along the railway bridge. As a result of the breakthrough, with the support of artillery and FPV drones, the Marines were able to occupy the village of Poyma .

▪️There, enemy units took up a perimeter defense, and after reinforcements arrived, they reached the northern outskirts of Peschanivka . According to some reports, several houses on the northern outskirts were occupied by Ukrainian formations.

▪️Artillery was intensively used in the areas where the Ukrainian Armed Forces were located, which is why the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered losses. Some of the seriously wounded were evacuated to the northern part of the island. But nevertheless, the situation in Poyma and Peschanivka now remains a mystery due to the “fog of war.”

🔻At the same time, on the opposite side, near Sadovoy and Pridneprovsky , the 501st and 1st battalions of the 36th infantry brigade (up to 300 people) are preparing to cross the Dnieper , whose task is to capture Peschanivka and reach Podstepnoye .

▪️At the same time, to the north of the Kozatsky and Melky islands, several more assault groups of the Ukrainian Navy are preparing to attack the Cossack Camps - Krynki line . All day on October 17, weapons and ammunition were transferred from the Ingulets area .

❗️The tactical success of the assault detachments of the 36th brigade creates the preconditions for a more active entry of the Katran strike group into battles in the Kherson direction .

This is indirectly confirmed by the movement of counter-battery weapons to the contact line, such as the Cobra and AN/TPQ-36 radars, as well as Bukovel electronic warfare stations, which, as a rule, are kept at a distance because of their value.

And the question arises: how was such a breakthrough allowed to reach two populated areas? We wrote for several months that there is a bridgehead of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the island zone and in some areas of the left bank of the Dnieper, but no measures were taken. I would like to believe that the threat will now be taken more seriously.

Posted by: MiniMO | Oct 17 2023 22:26 utc | 88

-The Lion of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad

Posted by: LoveDonbass | Oct 17 2023 22:00 utc | 89

Assad appears to be very different to Western leaders. Foremost, he couldn't be bought off. Maduro is similar, but he lacked the extraordinary charisma of Chavez. Maybe the vultures in Washington thought Guido was more charismatic? But above all, they had a score to settle on behalf of their Giant Oil Co's, so that's all that really matters.

See recent news of US lawfare re: Citgo. Final synopsis; We stole it fair and square for our Corporations, the American way.

Posted by: bubbles | Oct 17 2023 22:33 utc | 89

Interview of Serguei Karaganov, October 2023 (In French).
One year ago, msm reported that Karaganov was threatening Europe of a nuclear war.
From the interview, I think that it is not exactly what he says.
For him, European young leaders have a low cultural level and they are no more afraid of nuclear dissuasion.
Russia should change its current doctrine concerning nuclear usage to be more dissuasive.
This is the way to make these young leaders understand and prevent a nuclear war.
For Karaganov, in case of a nuclear war in Europe, USA will not intervene.

Posted by: FromFrance | Oct 17 2023 22:36 utc | 90

@ AI_Avenger | Oct 17 2023 20:07 utc | 70


Your copium is hilarious.

Posted by: Figleaf23 | Oct 17 2023 22:52 utc | 91

I think AI_Avenger is maybe trying to be comical? Feeding NATO prop into one of the chat bots and posting here? God Bless America kind of gave it away for me.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Oct 17 2023 22:57 utc | 92

Posted by: MiniMO | Oct 17 2023 22:26 utc | 92

I guess they’re trying to repeat the success of the 100+ day offensive, this time without any armoured support and most of the artillery stuck on the far bank. Lots of Telegram Chicken Little’s squawking, it’s almost as though someone’s coordinating them.

Just for a bit of historical perspective, river/maritime assaults have always been risky propositions, not only due to the inherent risks involved but also due to the density of the troops in the bridgeheads they create, which is why they need to be quickly reinforced and expanded. Without any mechanised units though, these troops will find that a hard proposition. If the Ukrainians don’t immediately expand their perimeter this move is once again a PR move designed to keep the West engaged.

Posted by: theo | Oct 17 2023 20:39 utc | 74

True, but the Russians knew the Ukrainians had the system so keeping strategically valuable assets within its range (a known quantity) would work against their contingent planning models. I wonder if any were decoys though, I doubt the Russians unlearned the lessons of the Serbian conflict and the dangers of only relying on electro-optical systems for recce and BDA.

Posted by: Milites | Oct 17 2023 23:00 utc | 93

Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Oct 17 2023 17:37 utc | 41

I agree w all you say,yet....

American lives lost vs Russian speaking slav lives lost

This is a win. Dont forget alot of them (westerners) dont see it yet, and the leadership wont suffer consequences just the lowest 90% will

Posted by: Tannenhouser | Oct 17 2023 23:16 utc | 94

2. Ukrophiles have been talking up how they devastated Russian at Avdeevka by using minefields and drone spotted artillery. Anyone know if this is true? Both Russian and Ukraine claim to thwart attacks using this method. How will tactics change as a result of this war. It looks like mine clearing technology is a must.

Posted by: Christian J Chuba | Oct 17 2023 16:36 utc | 31

Echoes of WW1 where reconnaissance and spotting were provided (not in real time) by early string bag flying machines. I guess soon we will soo

2. Ukrophiles have been talking up how they devastated Russian at Avdeevka by using minefields and drone spotted artillery. Anyone know if this is true? Both Russian and Ukraine claim to thwart attacks using this method. How will tactics change as a result of this war. It looks like mine clearing technology is a must.

Posted by: Christian J Chuba | Oct 17 2023 16:36 utc | 31

Echoes of WW1 where reconnaissance and spotting were provided (not in real time) by early string bag flying machines. I guess soon we will soon see drone on drone dogfights.
n see drone on drone dogfights.

Posted by: ChatNPC | Oct 17 2023 23:35 utc | 95

Two things:

1) The casus belli is irrelevant. The battle is for the World Basket, of which Russia, Ukraine and Israel are a part of. It is win or be destroyed; the ultimate rulers of the planet are squaring off.

2) Is it possible that Russia has already been strategically defeated? A sick Europe is on their backs, and the USA can sit back, oceans away, while Russia has to deal it. The destruction of Nordstream shows that the U.S. doesn’t have to run faster than the bear, one just has to shoot Germany in the leg so the bear has to deal with it.

I am no Russophobe, but the reluctance of Russia to close the door means it can’t. It seems that it is capable militarily, so Russia knows its been had and that there will be direct conflict with NATO; Russia is prepping for global war.

Posted by: ICPtasking | Oct 17 2023 23:53 utc | 96

I am no Russophobe, but the reluctance of Russia to close the door means it can’t. It seems that it is capable militarily, so Russia knows its been had and that there will be direct conflict with NATO; Russia is prepping for global war.

Posted by: ICPtasking | Oct 17 2023 23:53 utc | 100

Do you prefer a crystal ball or tarot cards?

Posted by: bubbles | Oct 18 2023 0:15 utc | 97

Milites 17

One War, Ukraine and Gaza, with one adversary, USUKIS . Thank you , Blighty for showing your face. It will be easier now for RoW 87% to focus where, who and why they need to strike.

Posted by: Giyane | Oct 18 2023 0:19 utc | 98

2) Is it possible that Russia has already been strategically defeated? A sick Europe is on their backs, and the USA can sit back, oceans away, while Russia has to deal it. The destruction of Nordstream shows that the U.S. doesn’t have to run faster than the bear, one just has to shoot Germany in the leg so the bear has to deal with it.

I am no Russophobe, but the reluctance of Russia to close the door means it can’t. It seems that it is capable militarily, so Russia knows its been had and that there will be direct conflict with NATO; Russia is prepping for global war.
Posted by: ICPtasking | Oct 17 2023 23:53 utc | 100

There are multiple factors that go into war-making. Remember that Russia wants to absorb these territories eventually, so the more they destroy the more they will have to rebuild. Taking it slow doesn't mean they're losing.

Secondly, how will there be any direct conflict with NATO? NATO had multiple times to bring Ukraine into the alliance, which would create the conditions for direct conflict, but they didn't do that. Now almost two years into the war and NATO support is clearly waning.

Russia has shown restraint and it is paying off. Russia's not going win this war on your timeline, it will win the war on its own timeline. And win it will, and NATO, Europe, and the US will have to accept that new reality.

Posted by: James M. | Oct 18 2023 0:53 utc | 99

I haven't read a single "expert" or pundit offer a simple point about sanctions.

Every year, to qualify as a Federal contractor, you have to swear that you don't do business with Sudan or Iran or get bricks from Burma. It's a long list.

Eventually,the US sanctions so many nations for so many things that they hit a critical mass in which the Sanctioned World doesn't need anything from the US. They can trade among themselves, both resources and finished goods, while an angry Federal gov. isolates itself from the Rest Of The Earth.

The failure of sanctions on Russia happened because of their high degree of autarky. Now, they help Iran and Congress demands (today) more sanctions. And they can't stop.

Posted by: Eighthman | Oct 18 2023 1:15 utc | 100

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